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"nota" Definitions
  1. the dorsal surface of a thoracic segment of an insect
"nota" Synonyms

598 Sentences With "nota"

How to use nota in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "nota" and check conjugation/comparative form for "nota". Mastering all the usages of "nota" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Nota bene: Oxygen bleaches perform best when dissolved in hot water.
They were photographed for the "nota roja" ["red news"] magazine Alarma!
Nota: Se recomienda escuchar esta canción mientras se lee este artículo.
La industria de la edición ha tomado buena nota de ello.
Y ojo a la locución de la periodista en la nota.
But nota bene: Democrats lost a bunch of seats in 2014.
Nota del editor: Algunas de estas entrevistas han sido editadas para claridad.
Le prospettive sul rating, si legge in una nota dell'agenzia, sono stabili.
Excellent picture quality, but nota bene: It doesn't come with a TV tuner.
"L'un en est sorti grand vainqueur : Philippe Poutou", nota L'Est Républicain depuis Nancy.
En el mundo de Charlie nadie dice nada, pero toman nota de todo.
Late Wednesday, NOTA secretary general requested Turkey not to further destabilize the region.
OK Intesa BCI, and this is a nota bene you confirm products and business.
"I am very disillusioned this time and may press NOTA" — None of the Above.
La elección de expresiones y términos puede cambiar todo el tono de la nota.
Nota bene: You can do that even if the recipe doesn't come from The Times.
Una nota de Marc Lacey, editor de Nacional Una mañana de hace algunos unos años me desperté extremadamente confundido.
Su acción: remplazar fotos con ilustraciones, contratando a artistas para "mostrar las prendas sin fotografiarlas", según describió en su nota del editor.
"La existencia de estos archivos puede tener un efecto escalofriante", dijo en esta nota [en inglés] la abogada de derechos civiles Esha Bhandari.
A empresa de olheiros de Stival publicou uma nota no Facebook lamentando a morte de três de seus pupilos vítimas do incêndio no Flamengo.
Aquí una nota acerca de uno de los sazonadores más populares en México que ha empezado a conquistar paladares en el resto del mundo.
NOTA BENE, or N. B., is a Latin term that translates to "note well," and is used to draw attention to what follows in written text.
ZTE, que tiene poca presencia en Argentina, no quiso difundir datos sobre sus proyectos de tecnología de vigilancia en América Latina ni comentar para esta nota.
También te recomiendo la curiosa nota de una reportera del Times que se sumó a las labores del censo de ardillas de Central Park en Nueva York.
La cancillería peruana entregó el martes una nota diplomática a Uruguay junto con los argumentos que buscan que Montevideo rechace la solicitud de asilo del expresidente peruano Alan García.
As a lovely argument can make a difficult truthmore clear, if not more sweet, though is there nota sweetness to clarity that can almost make the truth seem worth it?
Por cierto, nuestra edición de hoy incluye una nota [en inglés] que firman Jennifer y Manny Fernández sobre el papel crucial que tendrán los latinos en la contienda de hoy.
Hay una gran distancia entre los errores nacidos de la buena voluntad y los desafíos, ignorantes, cínicos o frívolos de líderes que debieran dar la nota en el tono adecuado.
"I'm confident BMW sales will continue to grow during 2018, while we also maintain our focus on profitability," said new sales chief Pieter Nota, who replaced Ian Robertson on Jan. 1.
Aquí presentamos una nota sobre cómo tomar la mejor decisión y esta es una guía interactiva [en inglés] que te ayudará a calibrar la situación de tu consentido de cuatro patas.
Lo si legge in una nota del ministero dello Sviluppo economico in cui si aggiunge che l'asta per ottenere le frequenze necessarie al lancio dei servizi mobili di quinta generazione continuerà domani.
Anthony Lassman, cofounder of London-based luxury travel and lifestyle management company Nota Bene Global, told Business Insider that he rents out many top-of-the-line luxury villas on the island.
It's nota god,                                                 it's a word we further (a word we once tore downforests to tell)                                                and by "we" I don't mean somethingyou or I have not hada small part in defining.
En su nota, el prisionero describió cómo, después de arrastrarlo y esposarlo de pies y manos, lo dejaron en ropa interior durante dos semanas, a merced de los mosquitos y el frío matutino.
Sensing potential, Anthony Lassman, co-founder of Nota Bene Global, is returning to his property industry roots as he expands his luxury lifestyle management company to offer residential buying services to his upmarket client base.
Esta nota recoge lo que se sabe de las personas que perdieron la vida durante el ataque a dos mezquitas en Nueva Zelanda la semana pasada y ayuda a ponerle un rostro a la tragedia.
About half of the 23,000 registered cars in Imotski, which is close to the border with Bosnia, are Mercedes cars, according to Ivan Topic Nota, the main promoter of the plan to build the Mercedes monument.
Para la mayoría de los artesanos, el vínculo unidireccional con la industria de la moda internacional no es más que una nota al pie, algo que distrae de la verdadera preocupación de cómo ganarse la vida.
Lo dice una nota del gruppo cantieristico triestino spiegando che l'accordo prevede anche l'opzione per altre due navi, oltre a quelle oggetto del contratto, che le parti si sono impegante a finalizzare entro la metà di quest'anno.
Nota bene: WIRED favorite REI is also having a clearance sale through January 21, so if you are planning a trip this winter, now is a good time to stock up on ski socks, helmets, and more.
Y ya que estamos cerca de una conquista legal indiscutible, es también momento de que el resto de la región tome nota de lo que hemos aprendido en las últimas tres décadas de movilización, protesta y debates públicos.
Guidato dalla sua relatrice, una nota professoressa egiziana di Cambridge che aveva scritto in modo critico su al-Sisi, Regeni scelse di studiare i venditori ambulanti — giovani uomini provenienti da paesini lontani che si ingegnavano per sopravvivere sui marciapiedi del Cairo.
"Pensamos que o mercado pode estar a subestimar o risco - especialmente dado que o 'rally' pró-cíclico e de influxos de portfolio do euro, pode perder fôlego se o risco político se mantiver elevado no curto-prazo", diz o ING numa nota.
El crítico sostiene que el narrador se nota desenfocado, la escritura abunda en detalles superfluos, los personajes femeninos no se desarrollan y el libro resulta ser una decepción para los seguidores de un autor que se ha caracterizado por escribir obras mucho mejores.
Althea Gibson fue la primera mujer negra en ganar un Grand Slam, pero había sido tratada por muchos como una nota al pie de página hasta esta semana, cuando los organizadores del US Open inauguraron una estatua en su honor [en inglés].
Althea Gibson fue la primera mujer negra en ganar un Grand Slam, pero había sido tratada por muchos como una nota al pie de página hasta esta semana, cuando los organizadores del US Open inauguraron una estatua en su honor [en inglés].
Photo: NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team STScI/AURA, A. Nota ESA/STScI, and the Westerlund 2 Science TeamSummer is finally upon us, which means it's time to put together a reading list, whether it's for the beach, your cottage, or the hammock in your backyard.
E' quanto fa sapere la società in una nota in cui precisa che i proventi raccolti "andranno a finanziare i fabbisogni previsti per il Gruppo Fs dal Piano industriale 2017-2026", in particolare alla "copertura di investimenti di Trenitalia e di Rete Ferroviaria Italiana per l'infrastruttura AV/AC".
Este año el torneo llega a su medio siglo de existencia y en esta nota recordamos sus grandes momentos históricos; si quieres saber quiénes han ganado más títulos, quién fue la ganadora más joven, cuál fue el partido más largo y muchos otros récords, debes leer este recuento.
La nota incluye imágenes de los paisajes del Oeste estadounidense, así como videos de los participantes leyendo sus versos, dedicados al campo, a las labores agrícolas, al paso del tiempo: "El nuestro es un canto de trabajo / un canto de hacer, con las manos y el corazón", escribe la poeta Amy Hale Auker.
En vez de abundar sobre tales diferencias, la institución prefirió recurrir a un subterfugio legal: "La autorización o no del uso de materiales protegidos por el derecho de autor y la propiedad intelectual es una práctica a la que permanentemente se enfrentan los productores de obras audiovisuales", puntualiza en una nota del 28 de febrero.
The company is planning more stores in city centres in order to make its brand more visible, board member Pieter Nota told Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung Multiple supervisory board members cast dissenting votes at a meeting that reshuffled top management at Deutsche Bank earlier this month, several people with knowledge of the matter said on Friday.
That was the perfect place for a 15-year-old kid who grew up in a city with nota roja all over—a popular form of printed press showing explicit photographs of violence, crime, vendettas, tragic accidents, cops mocking transvestites, narco-Satanism, and then on the very next pages, gossip columns about movie stars and a horoscopes section.
Un editor o director o jefe de redacción publicaban un diario y el diario se vendía más o menos y ellos suponían: quizás era por esa nota sobre el nuevo de Boca o la investigación de esa mentira del ministro o esa foto en la tapa o la serie sobre actrices rubias o el suplemento de cocina y baño.
BARCELONA — En noviembre, tras escuchar Fausto —el primer pódcast original de Spotify sobre crímenes reales en español—, escribí un tuit diciendo que me parecía injusto que tanto en la nota de prensa oficial como en los artículos que la habían copiado y pegado se citara a Spotify y al actor que narra la historia (Damián Alcázar), pero no el nombre del guionista o creador.
" After asking the Polish prime minister whether they had that same problem with the media -- Nota bene: Recent crackdowns on the Polish media have led to the country dropping from 18th in 2015 to 54th in 2017 in the World Press Freedom Index -- Trump offered up another broadside on the American media: "What we want to see in the United States is honest, beautiful, free, but honest press.
As Finanças anunciaram a 21 de Março que os mais de 4.000 milhões de euros (ME) de empréstimos do Tesouro ao Fundo de Resolução (FR) foram estendidos em quase 30 anos para 2046, uma medida que é vista anteceder a venda do Novo Banco pois permite aos bancos manterem as actuais contribuições para o FR. "Este anúncio é positivo para os bancos portugueses porque os protege de uma venda deficitária do Novo Banco", disse ontem a analista da Moody's Pepa Mori, numa nota, em que realça que a medida é benéfica para a avaliação creditícia da banca portuguesa.
1958 Nota Minx Streamliner 1960 Nota Formula Junior 1962 Nota Sportsman Nota Sports and Racing Cars is an automobile manufacturer in Australia. The company was founded by Guy Buckingham in 1952. He was an aircraft engineer and used his expertise to build triangulated spaceframed sportscars. Possibly Australia's first space-framed cars.
The 1988 Amendment of NOTA introduced the Organ Procurement Organizations and Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network explained in detail in Title II of NOTA."Intended Recipient Exchanged, Paired Exchanges and NOTA Sec. 301." Williams Mullen Attorneys, 7 Mar. 2003.
Otra Nota recording took place at the Active Recordings in New York City in 1992.Otra Nota (CD liner notes). RMM. 1993.
There have been discussions to improve on NOTA, and to empower the voter through NOTA. Some of those suggested improvements include: #If NOTA receives the highest number of votes, re-election should be held in that constituency with new and freshers candidate or that constituency should be ruled by the Governor. #If NOTA receives the highest number of votes, re-elections should be held in that constituency #When conducting re- elections, the NOTA button may be disabled to avoid a series of re-elections #Political parties that lose to NOTA to bear the cost of re-election #The candidates who lose to NOTA should not be allowed to contest elections for a defined period of time (for example, 6 years) #Candidates receiving votes less than NOTA to be disqualified to contest any election in future, even in constituencies where NOTA might not have got maximum votes #To conduct re- election, if the votes polled for NOTA is higher than the winning margin of votes. There have been PILs filed to 'strengthen' the impact of NOTA in 2016 and 2017 by providing it the Power to Reject - asking for re-elections if NOTA wins majority, and barring the rejected candidates from contesting.
In many elections, NOTA has won more votes than many of the political parties that contested. In many constituencies, votes received by NOTA have been higher than the margin by which the candidate has won. Observations have been made that NOTA can influence more citizens to participate in voting, though there is a danger that the novelty factor associated with NOTA will gradually erode. A pie chart depicting the scenario where (top) the number of votes polled for the None of the Above (NOTA) option are greater than the Victory Margin in an election where NOTA has no electoral value versus (bottom) two scenarios where the NOTA voters would have chosen one of the winning parties, leading to two different outcomes.
52 – Movitz, mitt hjärta blöder!Epistel no. 52 – Movitz, mitt hjärta blöder! \- 3:16 # Epistel no. 56 – Nota beneEpistel no. 56 – Nota bene \- 1:12 # Epistel no.
Yale Nota Bene Books, 2000, p.106.Rashid, Ahmed. Taliban. Yale Nota Bene Books, 2000, p. 70. Abuses were myriad and violently enforced by the religious police.
NOTA has been described as the maturing of India's democracy. One kind of opinion is that the purpose and advantage of NOTA has been defeated as the winner will be the candidate who receives the second highest number of votes, even if NOTA receives the highest number of votes. Hence, "NOTA is a positive step", while "it does not go far enough". NOTA is considered a "waste of vote", "merely cosmetic", "a symbolic instrument to express resentment", voters expressing their "disenchantment with the existing political system" and possibly "a mere decoration".
The Nota Bene user support group Discussion list for Nota Bene Users has existed since 1986,, quoting: Shalev, Michael, Itamar Even-Zohar, J-P Takala and A.D. Woozley "A novice's guide to the Nota Bene user's group on BITNET." May 1995. and was among the earliest of such groups.
A descendant of XyWrite called Nota Bene (word processor) is still being actively developed. Nota Bene, which runs on the XyWrite engine, is popular among academics. As of January 2020, Nota Bene for Windows is at version 12. NotaBene is supported on native Windows, Mac and on Linux boxes running WINE.
The NOTA Party, in recent years also known as Notavote, was registered as a political party with the UK Electoral Commission on 2 March 2009. It was the intention of the NOTA party to field candidates in every UK parliamentary constituency. The respective NOTA candidates would not have continued in office had they received the most votes, this was merely a mechanism to simulate the recording of a formal NOTA vote. The party was registered as 'NOTA' and not 'None of the Above' as the latter is a prohibited expression regarding registration as a party name.
NOTA UK is a voluntary organisation set up in 2010 to campaign for a formal None Of The Above (NOTA) option to be added to ballot papers for all future UK elections. It has made numerous written evidence submissions to the parliamentary Political & Constitutional Reform Committee (PCRC) making the case for NOTA 'with teeth' i.e.: formalised consequences for the election result in the event of a NOTA 'win' (as opposed to 'faux' NOTA, whereby the next placed candidate takes office anyway as happens in India and elsewhere). As a result of these representations, the PCRC explicitly recommended in its final report on 'voter engagement', published February 2015, that the next UK government should hold a public consultation before May 2016 solely on inclusion of NOTA on UK ballot papers.
Had all the NOTA voters hypothetically voted for Kushwah, he would have won by a huge margin. In the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections, 2G scam accused MP - A Raja (DMK candidate) - lost to the AIADMK candidate, while NOTA emerged with the third largest vote share, possibly as an expression of public anger towards corrupt candidates. In the 2019 Indian general election, about 1.04 percent of the voters chose to vote for None Of The Above (NOTA), with Bihar and Assam leading with 2.08 percent NOTA voters.
Considering this, the Maharashtra SEC decided to consider amending the existing laws on NOTA. In November 2018, the SEC announced that if NOTA gets the maximum votes in an election, re-elections would be held. The order would be applicable to polls and by-polls to all municipal corporations, municipal councils and nagar panchayats with immediate effect. If NOTA gets the highest number of votes in the re-election as well, the candidate with the most votes, excluding NOTA, will be declared the winner.
Július Nôta (3 April 1971 – 20 February 2009) was a Slovak professional footballer. Nota played as a goalkeeper in both Slovakia and Hungary for clubs including Rimavská Sobota, Diósgyőri VTK and Budapest Honvéd. While at Diósgyőri VTK, Nota was involved in match-fixing allegations. Nota died on 20 February 2009 at the age of 37, after being stabbed to death.
Due to being agnostic to transport technology, NoTA can be used for many inter-device use-cases (wireless based L_INdown). There are currently projects running e.g. in Finland (SHOK DIEM) and in Japan to apply NoTA in the ubiquitous world. An excellent outcome revealed in the TronShow2010 is the intelligent house built in Taiwan utilizing both the T-Kernel and NoTA technologies.
Nota accusativi also exists in Armenian, Greek and other languages. In other languages, especially those that indicate case grammatically, there is usually a separate form (for each declension if declensions exist) to indicate the accusative case. The nota accusativi should not be confused with such case forms, as the term nota accusativi denotes a separate particle indicating the accusative case.
However, it seems that the popularity of NOTA is growing with time. NOTA has not yet managed to secure a majority so far, but in many of the elections since its introduction - including the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections as well as several Assembly Elections - the number of NOTA votes polled has been higher than the victory margin in many constituencies. This means that if instead of NOTA, the voters would have opted to go with one of the two top-scoring parties, it could have changed the outcome of the election, as depicted in the pie chart. In the 2017 Gujarat Assembly Elections, the total vote share of NOTA was lesser only than BJP, Congress, and Independent Candidates.
In 2018, the State Election Commission (SEC) of Maharashtra studied local body elections over the previous two years, and found several cases where NOTA had won more votes than the winning candidates. To cite some examples: In the Bori gram panchayat polls in the Pune district, NOTA polled 85.57% votes; in the Mankarwadi gram panchayat polls in same district, 204 of a total 330 valid votes went to NOTA. The sarpanch of Khugaon Khurd in Nanded district got just 120 votes while NOTA had got 627 of the total 849 votes. Similarly, in a local election in the Khavadi village in Lanja tehsil, the winning candidate got 130 votes of 441 valid votes, while NOTA polled 210 votes.
Artes e Letras]. Diário de Notícias, 14-V-1970. 94\. «Nota preliminar».
In 118 constituencies, NOTA polled the third largest vote share after BJP and Congress. In the 2018 Karnataka Assembly Elections, NOTA polled more votes than some parties with a nation-wide presence such as CPI(M) and BSP. In the Madhya Pradesh Assembly Elections conducted in 2018, the difference between the vote share of the (winning) BJP and Congress was just 0.1%, whereas NOTA polled a vote share of 1.4%. To cite an example, in the South Gwalior Constituency, the sitting MLA Narayan Singh Kushwah lost by 121 votes, whereas NOTA got 1550 votes.
Although nota roja journalism is looked upon with disfavor, it is immensely popular and has influence over its readers, as it reflects the state of society in its reporting. Many papers carry at least some element of nota roja as it is necessary for market presence. Nota roja has had influence in Mexican arts and literature. Writer Jorge Ibargüengoitia that he read the nota roja frequently as he felt that they reflected the morality of the times in a most direct way, and featured common people who normally did not appear in the newspaper.
In addition, VTT (Technical Research Center of Finland) has demonstrated their NoTA (and Smart M3) based intelligent Greenhouse. Extending NoTA to the Internet is one of the research topics. So called NoTA Virtual Device (NVD) is expected to provide a solution here. Through the NVD one can build combined service platforms where the services can be running intra-device, inter-device and/or in the Internet.
Nota Lepid. 16 : 286 The larvae feed on Quercus mongolica and Quercus acutissima.
280 .Booth, Stephen, ed. Shakespeare's Sonnets (Rev. ed.). New Haven: Yale Nota Bene.
280 .Booth, Stephen, ed. Shakespeare's Sonnets (Rev. ed.). New Haven: Yale Nota Bene.
Shakespeare's Sonnets (Rev. ed.). New Haven: Yale Nota Bene. (2000) p. 281Hammond, Gerald.
278 .Booth, Stephen, ed. Shakespeare's Sonnets (Rev. ed.). New Haven: Yale Nota Bene.
Nota Bene: News from the Yale Library. Spring 1996. Volume 6, Number 2.
Nota bene: A binomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species was originally described in a genus other than Amphisbaena. Nota bene: A binomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species was originally described in a genus other than Amphisbaena.
A generic or poorly identified thing can be cosa, nota, movida or vulgarly huevada.
Shakespeare's Sonnets (Rev. ed.). New Haven: Yale Nota Bene. . OCLC 2968040. page 179-180Hammond, Gerald.
Nota bene: Franz Werner should not be confused with Israeli herpetologist Yehudah L. Werner (born 1931).
At the same time they were making the Nota Levanti front engine twin cam coupe. In 1975 the supply of Leyland 1275 GT engines started to run out so Nota contacted FIAT and both Marauders and Fangs were made with the 2-litre twin cam FIAT/Lancia engine. Leyland were then approached and the P76 engine was fitted to the Marauders using a Nota made gearbox trans-axle with the gear box next to the driver and the engine behind. In the late 1970s Nota had started on 4WD 351 V8 mid-engined Marauders, but in the 1980s Ford stopped export of the 351 engine to Australia.
Nota Bene calls Orbis a textbase. It is a free-form text-retrieval system accessible from within Nota Bene. Its purpose is to retrieve information from text using simple or complex Boolean searches. The retrieved information can be viewed, saved, or incorporated into existing or new documents.
The NoTA concept and the first implementations were the result of internal Nokia Research Center activities started in 2003. The objective of this work was to develop a novel embedded device architecture that could solve the existing R&D; challenges, as well as prepare the company to face the expected horizontalization and digital convergence. The NoTA basic framework was strongly influenced by Network-on-Chip (NoC) and Web Services research. NoTA Interconnect Release 1 was released in December 2005.
A subsequent attempt to re-register the NOTA party in 2014 was blocked by the Electoral Commission on the grounds that the acronym 'NOTA' is as good as the phrase 'None of the Above', the logic being that it would confuse voters into thinking it is possible to cast a formal vote for 'None of the Above' when they would in fact just be voting for another party, albeit one standing on a single issue NOTA platform.
This in turn has led to increased support for and awareness of NOTA UK's campaign and its founder, recording artist and music producer Jamie Stanley (aka: Mailman), being asked to give a number of media interviews. No public consultation materialised as the incoming Conservative government scrapped the PCRC, effectively disregarding all of its recommendations. Since 2015, in part thanks to NOTA UK's lobbying, it has been a Green Party of England and Wales policy to get a form of NOTA (RON - Re-Open Nominations) on UK ballot papers. In the run-up to the 2017 UK general election, NOTA UK wrote to the Green party suggesting that they should reword the policy so that, instead of RON, it refers specifically to the more self-explanatory NOTA, and that they should also place the policy centre stage in their next manifesto.
However, the rejected candidates are not barred from re-elections. The Haryana SEC followed suit too, declaring in November 2018 that NOTA would be treated as a fictional candidate and re-elections would be conducted if NOTA won the majority vote in the upcoming Municipal Elections in December 2018.
Diego Barros Arana, Historia general de Chile, Tomo primero, Nota 490 and Tomo segundo, Nota 421, pg. 261 He married Catalina de la Cueva in 1557 and had eight children. His mestiza daughter, Leonor Godínez, married Don Juan Hurtado, notary public of Serena and Santiago. He died in 1571.
Nota participated in the first season The Sing-Off, a singing competition broadcast on NBC where they competed against seven other vocal groups. Largely considered the underdog of the competition, Nota's popularity soared after performing "Down" by Jay Sean, on the second episode of the competition. In the final live broadcast on 21 December 2009, Nota won the contest against The Beelzebubs and Voices of Lee. After Nota won the competition, Jay Sean joined the group onstage to perform "Down". .
Nota Lepid. 16 : 282 The forewings are whitish brown, speckled with dark brown scales. The hindwings are grey.
Nota preventiva. Atti dell' Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali, 5th ser.
La Mega Media's print publications La Mega Nota are centrally produced in Cincinnati Ohio, while ads are sold by local staff through out Ohio and Pittsburgh, PA. For the most part, the La Mega Nota publications are written in Spanish, although some sections may be written in English for ESL students.
Nota lepidopterologica. 35 (2): 197-231. Archived from the original August 11, 2014. The wingspan is 20.5–25 mm.
Nota also made a series of specialist monoposto racing cars for the track and hill climbing events. In 1963 the company made a series of Mini powered sports cars. In 1964 they started production of the Nota Sapphire, an alloy bodied sports and coupe designs with Ford Fiat and Coventry Climax engines. In 1965 Nota started producing Formula Vee cars for Warrick Farm race track making 34 in the first year. In the 1960s the company formulated their "Sportsman", a Lotus 7 lookalike, which they still build today and are now building in a mid-engined version for the modern day transverse engines which the major car manufacturers produce. In 1968 came the Nota Fang Chris Buckinghams first real design, a midengined sports car using a Cooper S engine power plant behind the driver but in front of the rear wheels, their most successful model with over 100 being made. Later the Fang was equipped with Lancia engines, then Toyota engines, finally being fitted with Toyota's V6 Quad cam supercharged engines with over 400BHP. In 1973 Nota started with their Marauder range of cars using the same mechanicals as the Nota Fang.
Nota bene: A binomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species was originally described in a genus other than Sceloporus.
Shakespeare's Sonnets (Rev. ed.). New Haven: Yale Nota Bene. (2000) ASIN: B01K0QGSW2Hammond, Gerald. The Reader and the Young Man Sonnets.
Nota bene: A binomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species was originally described in a genus other than Apostolepis.
After a trip to England Chris Buckingham assembled a design team to design a Fang with Fl 3 litre V6 quad cam engine as well as a fully enclosed, similarly specified Chimera. In 2003 Nota developed the Nota Le Mans, powered by either a Suzuki GTi 1300 cc or 1100 cc motor cycle engine. For road use it could also use a Toyota 1800 cc VVTi 6-speed or the 3.5-litre V6 quad cam. By 2012 Nota had decided that due to the lack of front engine rear wheel drive 4 cylinder engine being available they would use an existing front-engined Nota clubman chassis and move the seats forward by 150mm and fit a transverse engine behind the driver.
Gerhard von Graevenitz' father was head of a district council ('Landrat'). As the youngest of four brothers (he had a twin sister), he studied economics at the University of Frankfurt (1955–1956), and at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich (1956–1961). His professor there was Ernst Geitlinger. Together with Jürgen Morschel he edited the magazine nota, which appeared in four numbers (1959–1960) and was dedicated to international art and concrete poetry. Both started the gallery nota in Munich (1960/1961),nota – studentische Zeitschrift für bildende Kunst und Dichtung.
The show ran for 4 episodes, concluding on December 21, 2009 with a live finale. The group Nota won the title.
Riccardo, Gaetano. L'antropologia positivista italiana e il problema del banditismo in Sardegna. Qualche nota di riflessione , in Nel nome della razza.
On 27 September 2013, the Supreme Court of India judged that citizens have the right to a negative vote by exercising a "None of the above" (NOTA) option. This was the result of petitioning from the Electoral Commission and the People's Union for Civil Liberties from 2009. In November 2013, NOTA was introduced in five state elections.
Fer'et Aa Nota (or Fer2et 3a Nota) ( meaning either: "Missed it by a note" or "The note's band") is a Lebanese band that plays fusion between Oriental music, Jazz, Blues and Rock, all rapped up in a genuine Lebanese spirit and lyrics. The band, formed of six members, was founded in 2013 and has one studio album '"حJazz"' (2014).
The Eilema griseola (Hübner, 1803) species group (Arctiidae: Lithosiinae). Nota Lepidopterologica 30 (1): 25—43. Fullarticle: . The wingspan is 28–32 mm.
The Eilema griseola (Hübner, 1803) species group (Arctiidae: Lithosiinae). Nota Lepidopterologica 30 (1): 25—43. Fullarticle: . The wingspan is 37–39 mm.
The Eilema griseola (Hübner, 1803) species group (Arctiidae: Lithosiinae). Nota Lepidopterologica 30 (1): 25—43. Fullarticle: . The wingspan is 17–19 mm.
The Eilema griseola (Hübner, 1803) species group (Arctiidae: Lithosiinae). Nota Lepidopterologica 30 (1): 25—43. Fullarticle: . The wingspan is 33–38 mm.
Genus Acanthodactylus Nota bene: A binomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species was originally described in a genus other than Acanthodactylus.
Nota lepidopterologica. 35 (2): 197–231. Archived from the original 11 August 2014. The length of the forewings is 10–14 mm.
A nota praevia (Latin for "preliminary note") is an illustrative introductory section of a document or book. The best known such nota praevia is the nota explicativa praevia (preliminary note of explanation) of 16 November 1964, which accompanies the text of the Second Vatican Council's dogmatic constitution Lumen gentium. It was issued by Pope Paul VI as a preliminary note that preceded the responses given to certain proposals for amendment of the draft document, but was then included as an appendix at the end of the final text document. On this, see Lumen gentium#Collegiality (chapter III). Other documents of the Holy See that have a nota praevia include the Norms of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on how to proceed when judging alleged apparitions and revelations of 25 February 1978.
Cotula, F. e Sannucci, V., 1989. Nota sulla ricerca storica della Banca d’Italia. Rivista di Storia Economica, n.3 (ottobre), pp.369-375.
The hindwings are light grey., 2005: A review of the genus Metanarsia Staudinger, 1871 (Gelechiidae). Nota Lepidopterologica 27 (4): 273—297. Full Article: .
The hindwings are light grey., 2005: A review of the genus Metanarsia Staudinger, 1871 (Gelechiidae). Nota Lepidopterologica 27 (4): 273—297. Full Article: .
By the 1970s, entire newspapers were devoted to nothing more than nota roja stories, including Alarma and La Prensa, which became extremely popular and even sold in the United States. Modern nota roja stories still focus on blood and gore, but they have also moved into stories related to organized crime, especially drug trafficking. By the 1990s, the nota roja genre had moved into television. The antecedent of this kind of television is a show called Mujer, Caso de la Vida Real, which has been on the air over ten years and mostly deals with domestic issues and violence.
This is a relatively recent, and modern, version of the Lord's Prayer in Colognian, by Jean Jenniches (1894–1979).from page 139 of Jean Jenniches: ', Greven Verlag, Köln, 2009. Nota bene: This is not a literal, but an artistic rendition of the Lord's Prayer. English translation: Nota bene: This is not a literal, but an artistic rendition of the Lord's Prayer.
Contestación del Emir Emin Arslan . La Nota, 163–164.Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, Fallos 122:129 (1915), "Bobrik, Rodolfo, cónsul general de Alemania c/ Arslan, Emir Emin, cónsul general de Turquía". In an article published in June 1916 on La Nota magazine, Arslan wrote about the death sentence in absentia passed against him after he was declared "firārī", i.e. fugitive.
Emilio Berio (13 October 1905 – 28 October 1993, Obitori Note - Nota lepid. 21 (1): 85-86; 08.111.1998 ) was an Italian entomologist and lawyer.
A: Història de la ciutat de Manresa, 1900-1950. vol. II. Manresa: Caixa de Manresa, 1991, p. 6, nota 6 bis 2. ISBN 9788460602798.
Nota Blu or the Blue Note is the title of a piano painted in Park City, Utah, US. It was painted by Sonny Luca.
There are 18 Sibon species: Nota bene: A binomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species was originally described in a genus other than Sibon.
Miguel de Unamuno wrote in a letter to Pedro Jiménez Ilundain on 20 February 1916: "I read quite a lot and write a bit, almost always about the war, especially for Argentina, for La Nación and La Nota (do you know this weekly?)." He considered La Nota "quite an interesting and frankly germanophobe magazine." During 1916 Pablo Rojas Paz headed the literary criticism section of the magazine.
The outer margin is dark grey. The hindwings are grey., 2005: A review of the genus Metanarsia Staudinger, 1871 (Gelechiidae). Nota Lepidopterologica 27 (4): 273—297.
In the 2018 election for mayor of Makassar, the NOTA option received over 300,000 votes, 35,000 more than the sole candidate, forcing a repeat election in 2020.
Each affiliate may nominate candidates for partisan public office to any office, which lies completely within its borders, subject to the provisions of Nevada law. NOTA is considered a candidate and the Convention shall not be able to nominate candidates to any office for which NOTA was nominated at an Affiliate Convention. Each Affiliate must report its list of nominated candidates to the LPN Secretary prior to the Convention. ; VII.
Fast-time-to-market is possible due to multiple reasons. Product vendors can purchase already productized NoTA Sub-systems removing time needed for vendor specific requirements definition, implementation and integration phases. In case there are no ready-made products on the market, NoTA type system-level modularity allows technology vendors to do the implementation and testing without heavy involvement with other Sub-system provides (e.g. the application engine).
They are not taken into account for calculating the total valid votes and will not be considered for determining the forfeiture of deposit. In the 2014 general election, NOTA polled 1.1% of the votes, counting to over 6,000,000. The specific symbol for NOTA, a ballot paper with a black cross across it, was introduced on 18 September 2015. The symbol is designed by National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad.
La Nota had a strongly anti-German posture during World War I. For instance, poem "Apóstrofe", by Almafuerte, a diatribe against German emperor William II, appeared twice: 15 January and 5 February 1916. Alfonsina Storni published some of her first works on La Nota during 1916. She was a permanent contributor from 28 March until 21 November 1919. Her poems “Convalecer” and “Golondrinas” were published in the magazine.
Nota praevia published in Actualité Med. Chir. du Pied, Masson, Paris, 1978, pp. 173-179. The term nota praevia is used also in political documents such as the report presented in 2003 to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe by the Canadian rapporteur of its General Commission for Political and Security Affairs.Report to the French National Assembly by its delegation to the Organization's Parliamentary Assembly of July 2003.
See here above subsection "Later volumes" at Nota Bene. Alexander Demandt, "Introduction" 1–35, at 14–17, in Mommsen, A History of Rome under the Emperors (1992; 1996).
Bernis, F. (1956). Nota preliminar sobre aves de Asturias y Galicia. Ardeola, 3(1), 31-49. Similarly, in southern Poland, they reported occur in spruce-fir dominated forests.
Private festivities were limited to weekend parties and organizers' funds were confiscated.Gott, Richard. Cuba, A New History. Yale Nota Bene; New Ed edition (11 November 2005). p.174.
However, the power of NOTA to express dissent is clearly visible in reports where entire communities decided to democratically protest against governments that have failed to meet their needs. For instance, there have been multiple cases of entire villages deciding to vote for NOTA due to consistent failure of local governments to meet basic requirements like roads, electricity, inaction towards villagers' complaints about water contamination by industries, and even reports of sex workers who have been pushing for legalisation of their profession to get themselves covered under labour laws, but have received no government attention, deciding to go for NOTA. What is unclear is whether so far this protest has translated into compensatory action by the elected Government. However, while passing the NOTA ruling, the Chief Justice of India, P. Sathasivam, was quoted as stating “Giving right to a voter not to vote for any candidate while protecting his right of secrecy is extremely important in a democracy.
It has been observed that some of the highest NOTA votes polled are consistently seen in Reserved Constituencies (Constituencies that, based on their demographic composition, are required to field only candidates from Reserved Categories to contest elections). This could be interpreted as a refusal of general category voters to vote for an SC/ST candidate \- a scenario where NOTA is being misused to uphold caste- based bias. While on the one hand, more votes for NOTA could be interpreted as more expression of the prevailing dissatisfaction in the electorate, there is also the danger that the underlying cause is ignorance about the candidates, uninformed and irresponsible voting, or expression of bias on the basis of caste, as seen in the case of Reserved Constituencies. Thus, while NOTA is definitely providing a voice to dissent, it needs to be accompanied with efforts to raise voter awareness to prevent the misuse of this measure.
Admission to the Spanish university system is determined by the nota de corte (literally, "cutoff grade") that is achieved at the end of the two-year Bachillerato, an optional course that students can take from the age of 16 when the period of obligatory secondary education (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, or ESO) comes to an end. A number between 1 and 10, the nota de corte is a combination of the grade achieved from the Bachillerato exams which the students take at school, and the average grade (nota de media) obtained from the university selection exam (commonly known as la Selectividad but officially named "Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad" or PAU) that the students will take at the local university. The most popular courses at public universities demand the highest nota de corte, while for private universities cost is normally the factor that determines which course a student will follow (that is, the most popular courses are inevitably the most expensive).
Another law, the Lex Clodia de Censoribus ("The Law of Clodius on the Censors"), prescribed certain rules for the Roman Censors in exercising their functions as inspectors of public morals (mores). It also required the concurrence of both Censors to inflict the nota censoria. During the census (conducted once every five years), the Censors could place a nota next to the name of a citizen, usually for offences such as bankruptcy, cowardice, or having been a gladiator. If a citizen had a nota placed besides his name, he was subject to a range of penalties, including fines, exile, assignment to an inferior tribe for voting purposes, or even the loss of his citizenship.
NOTA was not included in the 2015 Kerala panchayat elections. Section 79 (d) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, recognises "electoral right" to also include the right to "refrain from voting at an election". 'The Representation of People Act' is applicable to "...either House of Parliament or in the House or either House of the Legislature of a State..." Recognition of "electoral right" as also the right to "refrain from voting at an election" is not made in the acts pertaining to elections to panchayats in Kerala. Including NOTA in panchayat elections to these states and making improvements to NOTA may require changes or amendments to these acts and rules.
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 2002, p. 250 – 251. From analysis of this materialBiginelli, P. Composizione e costituzione chimica del gas arsenicale delle tappezzerie. Nota I. Atti Reale Accad.
The Eilema griseola (Hübner, 1803) species group (Arctiidae: Lithosiinae). Nota Lepidopterologica 30 (1): 25—43. Fullarticle: . The wingspan is about 36 mm for males and 47 mm for females.
Eupithecia fredi is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in eastern Afghanistan., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
The following 27 species are recognized as being valid: Nota bene: a binomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species was originally described in a genus other than Diploderma.
The hindwings are brown grey.Razowski, J. (1983): Descriptions of New Cnephasia CURTIS (Tortricidae). — Nota lepidopterologica 6 (4): 235-238 Adults have been recorded on wing from May to June.
The locomotive was delivered at 7 July 1919. The scheduled services started only in December 1919 (nota bene one week after the first Ce 6/8II Crocodile was delivered).
The following seven species are recognized as being valid: Nota bene: a binomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species was originally described in a genus other than Japalura.
Gaby Koss (born 25 March 1978 in Munich, Germany) is a German classically trained soprano who has collaborated with metal and rock acts such as Haggard, Nota Profana and Equilibrium. She is the front singer of the bands Nota Profana and Theatre of the Night. She also has her own ensemble of renaissance, baroque and medieval folk music, Cantus Lunaris. In 2014, she started another band that goes by the name of Diskelion.
2005 saw the band playing at InProg again. In 2006 Disen Gage released its second album, Libertage which received Neformat-Boom (Russia), In Rock (Russia), Nota-Bena (Russia), / Рецензии Salon Audio-Video (Russia), Salon Audio Video Muz-Prosvet (Ukraine). While the reviews of the new album (like those of the previous one) were generally positive, this time they came mostly from Russia (its predecessor received many international positive reviews too).
Otra Nota debuted and peaked at No. 2 on the Billboard Tropical Albums chart during the week of April 17, 1993, behind Jerry Rivera's Cuenta Conmigo and remained at this position for eight weeks. During the week of June 11, 1994, the album debuted and peaked at No. 30 on the Billboard Top Latin Albums, where it spent nineteen weeks on the chart. Otra Nota had sold over 300,000 copies as of 2002.
Eupithecia nigrilinea is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan,, 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231. Full article: .
Eupithecia obtinens is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231. Full article: .
Eupithecia costipicta is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan,, 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231. Full article: .
Eupithecia barteli is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan,, 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231. Full article: .
Eupithecia egregiata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan and Pakistan., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia convallata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan and Iran., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia xanthomixta is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231. Full article: .
Dall'Aglio, 'Nota sulla redazione' He also authored a play entitled Aridosia, written around 1535 and successfully presented in Florence, first at the Spedale dei Tessitori and later at Palazzo Medici.
The species epithet, glauconotata is derived from Latin glauco (meaning grey) and nota (meaning spot) and refers to the dark grey marginal spots on the distal third of the forewing.
The song was mentioned in the song "Astrud" by Basia. Rogério Skylab parodied the song as "Samba de uma Nota Só ao Contrário" on his 2009 live album Skylab IX.
The forewings are bright reddish-brown and the hindwings are light grey., 2005: A review of the genus Metanarsia Staudinger, 1871 (Gelechiidae). Nota Lepidopterologica 27 (4): 273—297. Full Article: .
The forewings are light grey, mottled with brown scales. The hindwings are light grey., 2005: A review of the genus Metanarsia Staudinger, 1871 (Gelechiidae). Nota Lepidopterologica 27 (4): 273—297.
Eupithecia infecunda is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan and western Pakistan., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia vetula is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia mirificata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Iran., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia tshimganica is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia repetita is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan and western Pakistan., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Cajastur se hace con el 92% de Telecable tras llegar a un acuerdo para adquirir la participación de HC, nota de prensa de Telecable. In 2011 it was integrated into Liberbank.
Osório, B., 1893 [ref. 20571] Estudos ichthyologicos ácerca de fauna dos dominios portuguezes na Africa. 3a nota.--Peixes maritimos das ilhas de S. Thomé, do Principe e ilhe das Rolas. (contiuaçâo).
Such an option gives the voter the right to express his disapproval of the kind of candidates being put up by the parties. Gradually, there will be a systemic change and the parties will be forced to accept the will of the people and field candidates who are known for their integrity.”. A number of groups and individuals have been conducting voter awareness campaigns about NOTA. Recent year election results have shown an increasing trend of people choosing NOTA.
Front page of La Prensa with story about an accident Nota roja (lit. “red note” or “red news”) is a journalism genre popular in Mexico. While similar to more general sensationalist or yellow journalism, the nota roja focuses almost exclusively on stories related to physical violence related to crime, accidents and natural disasters. The origin of the name is most likely related to the Mexican Inquisition, where a red stamp was placed on orders for execution or other punishments.
Text has been shorted to the minimum and even headlines are constructed to focus on the violence. By the 1960s, the nota roja was generally characterized by the use of enclitic pronouns, which shifted focus onto the verbs. One example of this is from “Alarma”; an archetypical nota roja mazazine “Raptola, violola y matola” (Kidnapped her, raped her and killed her). By the 1970s, most of the reported crimes in these sections are those of passion.
"A new species of Agonopterix feeding on giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) in the Caucasus, with a discussion of the nomenclature of A. heracliana (Linnaeus) (Depressariidae)". Nota lepidopterologica. 28 (3/4): 177-192.
The hindwings are grey brown. Adults are on wing in June.RAZOWSKI, J. (1987): A New Palaearctic Archipini genus (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). — Nota lepidopterologica 10 (1): 87-92 The larvae feed on Salix koreensis.
Eupithecia decipiens is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia nachadira is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan and Iran,, 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231. Full article: .
The Eilema griseola (Hübner, 1803) species group (Arctiidae: Lithosiinae). Nota Lepidopterologica 30 (1): 25—43. Fullarticle: . Records for the Russian Far East and Japan are probably based on misidentifications of Manulea ussurica.
This is also the second single by Marc Anthony to cover a song by Juan Gabriel since his recorded version of "Hasta Que Te Conocí" on his album Otra Nota in 1993.
The forewings are light yellow, the termen with some brown scales. The hindwings are light grey., 2005: A review of the genus Metanarsia Staudinger, 1871 (Gelechiidae). Nota Lepidopterologica 27 (4): 273—297.
Eupithecia assectata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and Kashmir., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia thermosaria is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, Jammu & Kashmir, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Osvaldo Fattori (; 22 June 1922 – 27 December 2017)Morto l'ex centrocampista dell'Inter Osvaldo Fattori, il cordoglio del club in una nota was an Italian association footballer who played as a defender or midfielder.
In April, he was expelled from the party. Yadav denied being involved in anti-party activities and stated that he was victimised for challenging "dictatorial ways" of the party's chief Arvind Kejriwal. Together with Prashant Bhushan, Anand Kumar (sociologist) and Ajit Jha, Yadav has formed a new political organisation called Swaraj Abhiyan. Yogendra Yadav urged Delhi voters to choose NOTA in 2019 Indian general election as no political parties in Delhi have fulfilled their promises. He termed NOTA as “No Till an Alternative”.
A nomination for "None of the above" (NOTA) shall be considered valid. Should NOTA receive a majority of the vote in the balloting for any office or candidacy, the names of all nominees shall be kept on the ballot but the nominations for that office shall be reopened for additional nominees and another ballot taken. In any election held at the State Convention, should NOTA receive a majority on two successive ballots, then no candidate shall be nominated for that office. Section 7. The business session of each State Convention shall be recorded by video device and a copy of the recording shall be provided to the Chair and the Secretary of the LPN along with the approved minutes from the state convention no later than thirty (30) days after the Convention.
Nota lepidopterologica The larvae feed on Leucanthemum vulgare. They mine the leaves of their host plant. The mine starts as a narrow, upper- or lower- surface gallery. Later, the gallery widens, becoming full-depth.
Eupithecia tabestana is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in eastern Afghanistan, northern Pakistan and central Nepal., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia vivida is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, China (Lijiang, Tibet) and northern India., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia ochrovittata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan and the Transcaucasus (Georgia and Armenia)., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia subtilis is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Pakistan., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Nota da Abril - 4 de setembro. Grupo Abril. Retrieved 7 October 2007. In August 2010, the Superior Electoral Court punished Veja for pro-José Serra bias during its coverage of the 2010 presidential election.
Honorary Membership of the Czech Society for Mass Spectrometry; Lifetime Achievement Award in Chromatography by the LC-GC Magazine, Europe; Giorgio Nota Award, Italian Chemical Society; Heyrovsky Medal in Chemical Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
This species was first described in 1941 by Versiani and Gomes.Versiani, V. & Gomes, B. F. 1941 Sobre um novo hematozoario da galinha: Plasmodium juxtanucleare n.sp. (Nota previa). Revista Brasileira de Biologia 1, 231–233.
Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231. Full article: . The wingspan is 18–21 mm. The ground colour of the forewings variously is very variable – brown to fuscous, with a reddish tinge, ochreous, or whitish.
The forewings are bright yellow and the cotal margin and termen are reddish-pink. The hindwings are grey., 2005: A review of the genus Metanarsia Staudinger, 1871 (Gelechiidae). Nota Lepidopterologica 27 (4): 273—297.
This made it clear that the legislation was aware of a growing need and also growing shortage of organs when NOTA was passed."The National Organ Transplant Act." US Legal Healthcare. US Legal, 2010.
Eupithecia nepalata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, northern Pakistan, northern India and Nepal., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia exicterata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan and the western Himalayas (Pakistan and India)., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
There are 56 species in the genus Plethodon. Listed in alphabetical order of specific name: Nota bene: A binomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species was originally described in a genus other than Plethodon.
The following 77 species are recognized as being valid."Gekko". The Reptile Database. Nota bene: A binomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species was originally described in a genus other than Gekko.
Christophe Gamard, Gamar or Gamart, was a 17th-century French architect who died in Paris probably in 1649.Nota: in his book, Bernard Oudin wrote "circa" 1654. His works are apparently all located in Paris.
Nota roja has also provided inspiration to novelists and other writers, such as Nicaraguan Sergio Ramírez, using the stories to explore the human condition in the modern world. (eahernandez) Carlos Monsiváis stated that the nota roja converted “the most notorious crimes into an artistic expression and adult fairy tales are seen in acts of blood.” It has influenced Mexican cinema, especially after 1950, when film making became more commercialized. Evidence of this include the creation of start images of violence, often in areas that indicate human degradation.
In 2014, none of the above or NOTA was also added as an option on the voting machines which is now a mandatory option to be provided in any election. The specific symbol for NOTA, a ballot paper with a black cross across it, was introduced on 18 September 2015. The symbol has been designed by National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. Election Commission organised an open hackathon on 3 June 2017, to attempt hacking of Electronic Voting Machine used by the commission in various Indian elections.
It is hybrid because of two factors: 1) "None of that Above" (NOTA) is always on the ballot, regardless of its percentage, and 2) In the first round, if no majority is reached for any candidate, the lowest candidate (other than NOTA) is eliminated, along with all other candidates who did not earn 5% of the vote. The end result of this is that the first round of voting tends to eliminate the lesser candidates, and there is always the possibility that nobody wins.
In 2015, there was only a 56% turnout with 8,131 voters out of total 14,000 voted. In 2016, NOTA was introduced first time in campus elections and was used by 6 to 9 percent of students.
BJP's mobile app was also released in a view of upcoming state and General Elections on various platforms including Android, iOS, and Symbian. ECI also made people aware of the newly introduced NOTA button on EVMs.
Eupithecia incurvaria is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, northern Pakistan, Jammu & Kashmir, Nepal and India (Sikkim)., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231. Full article: . and Kashmir., 2008, A survey of the Eupithecia fauna (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) of the Western Himalayas: Part 3, Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 59 (3): 201-224.
Today, entire newspapers are devoted to nota roja stories and have infiltrated television as well. The genre has also influenced writing and cinema in Mexico as well as prompted criticisms that it promotes and commercializes violence.
Apatema parodia is a moth of the family Autostichidae. It is found in SpainFauna Europaea and Morocco.Sutter, Reinhard. "Neue Arten der Gattung Oegoconia (Autostichidae)", Nota lepidopterologica 30(1): 189-201, Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica, May 15, 2007.
Fonte da Vila: Notícia necrológica . Later, he served as Minister of the Colonies in Guimarães cabinet from 16 February to 1 July 1925.Governo de Vitorino Guimarães . Henrique was also father of writer Politipédia: Nota biográfica .
Lex Caecilia De Censoria (The Law of Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio Nasica on the Censors) was passed by Metellus Scipio, Roman Consul of 52 BC. It repealed a law passed by the tribune Publius Clodius Pulcher in 58 BC, which had prescribed certain rules for the Censors in exercising their functions as inspectors of public morals (mores). It also required the concurrence of both Censors to inflict the nota censoria. During the census (conducted once every five years), the Censors could place a nota next to the name of a citizen, usually for offenses such as bankruptcy, cowardice, or having been a gladiator. If a citizen had a nota placed besides his name, he was subject to a range of penalties, including fines, exile, assignment to an inferior tribe for voting purposes, or even the loss of his citizenship.
Eupithecia karnaliensis is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, the Great Western Himalaya Mountains (Jammu & Kashmir) and Nepal., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia dalhousiensis is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan and the western Himalayas (northern Pakistan and northern India)., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
ABC 17.02.31, available here Last but not least, he retained his Carlist contacts with the former mellistas,Nota biográfica sobre Jaime Chicharro y Sánchez-Guio (1889-1934), Rios 2008 now headed by the new leader, Victor Pradera.
Scopula agutsaensis is a moth of the family Geometridae. It was described by Vasilenko in 1997. It is found in Russia (Transbaikal)., 1997, Eine neue Scopula art aus Transbaikalien (Geometridae), Nota Lepidopterologica 20 (3/4): 322-325.
Sample of the three languages Arslan wrote and published in. Top: French (La Revue Blanche, 1896). Left bottom: Arabic (introduction to his treatise on International Law). Right bottom: Spanish (an article in La Nota, Buenos Aires, 1916).
Bean and Blackburn, pp. 109–111 Native leadership consisted of the Nota, or clan chief, who conducted community rites and regulated ceremonial life in conjunction with the council of elders (Puuplem), which was made up of lineage heads and ceremonial specialists in their own right. This body decided upon matters of the community, which were then carried out by the Nota and his underlings. While the placement of residential huts in a village was not regulated, the ceremonial enclosure (Vanquech) and the chief's home were most often centrally located.
NoTA 2009 Conference . Based on the data available within a space, a Smart-M3 system allows maintenance of an up-to-date digital representation of an environment covered by a set of devices executing M3-agents. If any information about the surrounding environment is easily available, an unlimited number of mash-up scenarios can be imagined that benefit from this information.Cinotti Tullio Salmon, Bartolini Sara, D’Elia Alfredo, Roffia Luca, Spadini Federico, Trevisan Riccardo, Vergari Fabio, Zamagni Guido (2009). “Approaching the design of interoperable smart environments applications”. NoTA 2009 Conference .
Eupithecia mustangata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, northern Pakistan, Jammu & Kashmir, northern India (Himachal Pradesh) and Nepal., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia mitigata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, southern Kazakhstan, north-western China (Xinjiang), 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231. Full article: .
Eupithecia nephelata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Jammu and Kashmir, western China (Xinjiang) and Mongolia., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Nota is an a cappella group of six male vocalists from San Juan, Puerto Rico. The group met in 1994 and started singing together occasionally. The group won the first season of the musical competition The Sing-Off.
This is an alphabetical list of female poets who were active in the United Kingdom before approximately 1800. Nota bene: Poetry is the focus of this list, though many of these writers worked in more than one genre.
Eupithecia lindti is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, and the mountains of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and northern Pakistan and India., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Headlines are written to grab attention, and often have elements of exaggeration and melodrama, printed simply in bright or contrasting colors. The narration of modern nota roja is simple, brief and without commentary on the meaning of the event.
On December 7, 1962, at the height of his creativity, he suffered a debilitating stroke that left him partially paralyzed.Maria Helena Cardoso, Vida-vida: memória. Nota de Clarice Lispector. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria José Olympio Editora, 1973. p. 81.
Release 3 became the official public release comprising all the essential functionalities. Reference implementation source code packages (user-space) can be downloaded from either or Linux Kernel optimized Debian package is also available through
They are yellow-brown, but browner at the costa and dorsum. The hindwings are pale brownish grey., 2006: Notes on Cochylimorpha Razowski, 1959 with description of one new species from Tibet (Tortricidae). Nota Lepidopterologica 29 (1-2): 121-124.
Morphology and DND barcodes show that Calybites hauderi does not occur in the British Isles (Gracillariidae). Nota lepidopterologica 33(2): 191-197. The wingspan is about 10 mm. Adults are on wing in July and August, overwintering as an adult.
Eupithecia conjunctiva is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, northern Pakistan, Jammu and Kashmir and northern India (Punjab, Sikkim), and Nepal., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia variostrigata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is widespread in the western Palearctic realm, ranging from Spain to the western Pamirs in the east., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
The genus Parvoscincus contains 24 species which are recognized as being valid, many of them described in the 21st century. Nota bene: A binomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species was originally described in a genus other than Parvoscincus.
AMAE, Fond 71/Germania, vol. 75 (Relații cu România, 1936-1937), f. 145-146 and on November 16, 1936.Nota de conversație dintre Gheorghe Brătianu și Cancelarul Germaniei, Adolf Hitler, 16 noiembrie 1936, ora 12.00, Berlin, AMAE, Fond 71/Germania, vol.
Yellow anaconda, Eunectes notaeus Total number of species = 976 Nota bene: In the following list, a binomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species was originally described in a genus other than the genus to which it is currently assigned.
"Nota de Amor" ("Love Note") is a song by Puerto Rican singer Wisin and Colombian singer Carlos Vives featuring Puerto Rican rapper-singer Daddy Yankee. It was the lead single for Wisin's third studio album Los Vaqueros: La Trilogía (2015).
Eupithecia simpliciata, the plain pug, is a moth of the family Geometridae. It is found in the Palearctic realm, from western Europe to north-western China (Xinjiang)., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Even in cases of real crimes, the positive laws frequently punish only the particular offence, while in public opinion the offender, even after he has undergone punishment, is still incapacitated for certain honours and distinctions which are granted only to persons of unblemished character. Hence the Roman censors might brand a man with their "censorial mark" (nota censoria) in case he had been convicted of a crime in an ordinary court of justice, and had already suffered punishment for it. The consequence of such a nota was only ignominia and not infamia.Cicero de Re Publica iv.6.
The third episode had the five remaining groups perform a medley from a classic artist. In the second part of the show, the four remaining groups performed songs that the judges picked specifically to showcase each group's strengths. At the end of the third show, viewers were asked to call or text to vote for one of the remaining groups, Voices of Lee, The Beelzebubs, and Nota. The group with the most votes was revealed in the finale, and in the end Voices of Lee was revealed to come in third place halfway through the finale, with Nota being declared winners.
The album received positive reviews at many web sites, including Dutch Progressive Rock Page, Delusions of Adequacy (USA),DOA – Disen Gage – The Screw-Loose Entertainment In Rock (Russia), Grrove (Sweden), Splendid (USA), Progwereld (Netherlands), Art Rock Pl (Poland), Chaos Vault (Poland),Chaos Vault :: recenzja: Disen Gage – The Screw-Loose Entertainment :: black death doom gothic heavy power thrash metal hardcore rock and Mmusic in Belgium (Belgium), Nota-Bena (Russia), / Рецензии Impakte (Maroc). The album received a 9/10 rating from the Disagreement web site. The success of the debut album prompted the band to resume its normal activity.
This body decided upon matters of the community, which were then carried out by the Nota and his underlings. While the placement of residential huts in a village was not regulated, the ceremonial enclosure () and the chief's home were most often centrally- located.
He founded Dragonfly Software to market it. He first showed Nota Bene at the MLA convention of December 1982. Version 1 is dated 1983, and version 2, 1986. Version 3.0 came out in 1988, version 4.0 in 1992, and version 4.5 in 1995.
Eupithecia praesignata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, north-western China (Xinjiang), Jammu & Kashmir and India (the Ladakh Mountains)., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
David Agassiz 'Prays peregrina sp. n. (Yponomeutidae) a presumed adventive species in Greater London', Nota lepid. 30 (2): 407 – 410 The wingspan is about 14 mm. Leafmining caterpillars of this species were found on Ruta chalpensis in October 2016 in Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire.
Elsa Oseguera (born 1991) is a Honduran journalist.El Tiempo. Elsa Oseguera, la periodista hondureña que “calienta” la nota roja At the age of 18, she began working at Canal 6. Later she shifted to VTV, where she worked as a news reader.
He has directed two movies by now, namely Iru Mugan and Arima Nambi, both of them became blockbusters at the box-office. In 2018, he directed NOTA, starring Vijay Devarkonda in his Tamil debut. The film was released on October 5, 2018.
The head is golden-yellow.Whitebread, S. (1992): The Micropterigidae of Switzerland, with a key to their identification (Lepidoptera); Nota lepid. Supplement No. 4, p. 129 - 143 pdf at Zobodat Adults are on wing from May to June and fly during the day.
Mikhail V. Kozlov Annotated checklist of the European species of Nemophora (Adelidae) Nota Lepidopterologica 26(3/4):115-126 Nemophora congruella is slightly smaller and the forewings markings are bright yellow instead of almost leather-brown. The cross-fascia is more straight.
Zootaxa, 2367: 1–68. Preview The length of the forewings is for males and for females.HUEMER, P. & G. C. LUQUET (1992): De l'identité de Lita repentella CHRÉTIEN, 1908 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). — Nota lepidopterologica 15 (1): 29-40 The larvae feed on Gypsophila repens.
NOTA created a "national registry of voluntary bone marrow donors." Donors on this list have given informed consent and their names are kept confidential. This registry is upheld by the Secretary of Health and Human Services.National Organ Transplantation Act of 1984, Sec. 401.
Eupithecia olgae is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India (Jammu & Kashmir), south-eastern Kazakhstan, China (Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, Shanxi) and Mongolia., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Eupithecia exactata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, northern Iran (Shahkuh Mountains), Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Jammu & Kashmir, south-eastern Kazakhstan, north-western China (Xinjiang) and Mongolia., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Dinis Gregório de Melo Castro e Mendonça (Lisbon, 11 April 1735 -- Angra, 3 December 1793) was a member of high nobility, military and Portuguese colonial administrator, who exercised the role as the Captain-General of the Azores (1771-1793).Nota biográfica na Enciclopédia Açoriana.
Rio de Janeiro. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2: 901-922.Caldas EB, Mussa D, Lima Filho FP & Roesler O., 1989, Nota sobre a ocorrência de uma floresta petrificada de idade permiana em Teresina, Piauí. Bol IG-USP, Publ Esp 7: 69-87.
"Nota quod terra data in maritagium revertitur ad verum dominum donatorem quia nullum puerum habent simul" (Henry de Bracton). See, e.g., J. Biancalana, The Fee Tail and the Common Recovery in Medieval England, 1176-1502 (CUP, 2001), at pp. 6-14, chapters 2 & 3, & p.
2, col. 621b. "CRISMON, Nota quæ in libro ex voluntate uniuscujusque ad aliquid notandum ponitur. Papias in MS. Bituric. Crismon vel Chrismon proprie est Monogramma Christi sic expressum ☧"; 1 chrismon (par les Bénédictins de St. Maur, 1733–1736), in: du Cange, et al.
Nota accusativi is a grammatical term meaning "denoting accusative case". It is generally applied to linguistic indicators of the accusative case. An example is the use of the preposition a in Spanish to indicate an animate direct object (the "personal a"): "Jorge llama a María".
All tracks written by Rogério Skylab, except for "O Mundo Tá Sempre Girando" by Skylab and Maurício Pereira; "Samba de uma Nota Só ao Contrário" by Skylab and Marcelo Birck; and "Dá um Beijo na Boca Dele" by Skylab and Zé Felipe. # "Sem Anestesia" # "A Dança do Corpo e dos Membros" # "Vácuo" # "Jesus" # "Eu Chupo o Meu Pau" # "Derrame" # "Dedo, Língua, Cu e Boceta" # "O Mundo Tá Sempre Girando" (feat. Maurício Pereira) # "Motosserra" # "Convento das Carmelitas" # "Parafuso na Cabeça" # "Lava as Mãos" # "Matadouro de Almas" # "Funérea" # "Carrocinha de Cachorro-Quente" # "Porrada na Cabeça" # "Você Vai Continuar Fazendo Música?" # "Samba de uma Nota Só ao Contrário" (feat.
If a candidate wins an election it is the intention to stay as a Member of Parliament until the change in the law is enacted. Only then will the candidate step down and the party be disbanded. It is the intention of the party that, if a NOTA gains the majority vote, it should cause an automatic by-election, the idea being that the majority will have given a Vote of No Confidence in the candidates. If the same candidates stand under the same policies, then the electorate simply votes NOTA until the candidates change their policies to something that the electorate can vote for.
The Avalon Project, Yale Law School. Retrieved 14 November 2006. 1939 wrzesień 17, Moskwa Nota rządu sowieckiego nie przyjęta przez ambasadora Wacława Grzybowskiego (Note of the Soviet government to the Polish government on 17 September 1939, refused by Polish ambassador Wacław Grzybowski). Retrieved 15 November 2006.
Gypsonoma obraztsovi is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in Iran, Syria,Zlatkov, B. (2013): Remarks on Tortricidae species with unknown and little known females. — Nota lepidopterologica 36 (2): 191–197 Hungary and Romania.Fauna Europaea The wingspan is 10–13 mm.
Hampshire shown in England There are over 9000 Grade I listed buildings in England. This page is a list of the 215 Grade I listed buildings in the county of Hampshire. There are also five Grade I listed parks and gardens which are nota listed here.
The pronotum of the prothorax may be simple in structure and small in comparison with the other nota, but in beetles, mantids, many bugs, and some Orthoptera, the pronotum is expanded, and in cockroaches, it forms a shield that covers part of the head and mesothorax.
He was rescued by a FAB Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk. He was talking during the rescue and he was kept under observation at the Army hospital."Nota Oficial: Acidente com avião da FAB" (in Portuguese.) Brazilian Air Force, 01 March 2011. Retrieved: 28 December 2011.
He has been nominated twice for a Latin Grammy. Rivera was a semifinalist on Latin American Idol (season 2). The newest member of Sonido Tré is Edgar Ríos. Ríos was a member of the a cappella group Nota, winners of the NBC show The Sing-Off.
In entomology, the notum is the dorsal portion of an insect's thoracic segment. The pterothoracic nota (comprising the meso- and metathoracic segments) have two main divisions - the anterior wing-bearing alinotum and the posterior phragma- bearing postnotom.Cranston, P. S, and P. J Gullan. The Insects: An Outline Of Entomology.
27, xlii.3; Suetonius Life of Augustus 27. which was called in the times of the empire cura ("supervision") or praefectura ("command"). The punishment inflicted by the censors in the exercise of this branch of their duties was called nota ("mark, letter") or notatio, or animadversio censoria ("censorial reproach").
At the 1984 Carnival, Imperial became famous for releasing the notes of the jurors in the parades of the samba schools in Rio. Every time a maximum score was awarded he exclaimed loudly "dez, nota dez" ("ten! ten points!"). This sentence appealed to popular taste, gaining him real support.
Loring, D.H. & Nota, D.J.G. 1973. Morphology and sediments of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 182, pp. 1–147. The passage of the Laurentide Ice Sheet formed the streamlined glacial lineations that cut across the southern half of the Corossol structure.
As winners of the competition, they received US$100,000 and a recording contract with Sony Music Entertainment. In 2010, Nota met with Sony Executives to plan a studio album. The album was recorded at Bill Hare Productions in Silicon Valley, California, Produced by Deke Sharon and Bill Hare.
Patterson won the Libertarian primary on March 1, 2014. While he ran unopposed, all Libertarian Party candidates must defeat None of the above (NOTA) in the primary operated by the Libertarian Party of Kentucky. He became an official ballot-listed candidate on August 11 after submitting over 9,100 signatures.
She wrote the music collection “Hit the note” (Dando la nota) published by Pearson Education (27 books and 18 CD in 2010, 2009). This collection, for music students and teachers in Spanish and English, published also in the Catala, and Valencian languages. Another work is “Música. Proyecto Exedra” (Music.
2 This custom was also observed at 1936 marches, during which National Peasantist youths flew a green flag,"Documente. Anexa nr. 10. Nota organului informativ burghez din 2 iunie 1936, priving demonstrația Partidului Național Țărănesc din 31 mai 1936", in Studii și Documente, Vol. 8, 1971, p. 200C.
Since 2009, she has been part of the symphonic metal band Nota Profana, working alongside musicians from the Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra, and now in a more prominent role as part of the beauty-and-the-beast-styled duet alongside male grunts/raw vocals. With them, she recorded the demo track for the song The Lake, which they presented as their 2009 demo after their first album Violent Whispers. In 2013, she recorded the new full-length production of the band, The Devil's Playground, in which she displayed a more ethereal style in the song The Grove. With Gaby being part of Nota Profana, the band has got much more attention and acceptance worldwide.
One notable writer of nota roja is Eduardo Monteverde, who has not only written such stories for newspapers in Mexico, but has also based novels and other writings on it. Since beginning his career in 1969, he has covered more than 500 cases in over twenty five years for La Prensa and El Financiero. Enrique Metinides is a notable photographer of the nota roja, whose career spanned about fifty years, beginning as an unpaid assistant when he was only 13. He began by taking photographs of car crashes in front of his father's business in the San Cosme neighborhood of Mexico City and continued by working most for La Prensa until his retirement.
In 1993, Marc Anthony released his salsa debut Otra Nota which sold over 200,000 copies and earned the singer the Billboard Latin Music Award for "Tropical/Salsa New Artist of the Year" and the Lo Nuestro Award for Tropical New Artist of the Year in 1994. Following the release of Otra Nota, he performed a duet with fellow Puerto Rican American singer La India on the track "Vivir Lo Nuestro" on the RMM live album Combinación Perfecta (1994). For Todo a Su Tiempo, Anthony collaborated with Sergio George who produced his previous album and "Vivir Lo Nuestro". Recording for the album took place at the Sound on Sound Studios and the Quad Recording Studios in New York City.
The party's logo The Above and Beyond Party was founded in 2015 and fielded eight candidates in the 2015 general election, none of whom were elected. Their sole stated policy was to introduce a "none of the above" option on all UK ballot papers. The party's logo is based on the West African Adinkra symbol "Aya", "derived from a fern tree which famously grows in difficult-to-survive places", and a symbol of resilience. Critics pointed out that their website and Facebook page at the time indicated that they had policy ideas and a political agenda beyond the single issue of NOTA and appeared to be jumping on the bandwagon of other NOTA campaigns.
La Mega Media, Inc., also known as La Mega Nota, is a chain of bilingual weekly newspapers, monthly magazines, and Spanish-language radio stations based in Columbus, Ohio, that serves Hispanic communities in several metropolitan areas of the United States such as Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, Pittsburgh and North Kentucky.
Nota Bene for Windows suite retained and refined Ibidem, Orbis, and the XyWrite-based programming language XPL. Version 6.0 appeared in 2002, version 7.0 in 2003, version 8.0 in 2006, and version 9.0 in 2010. Version 10 was released in September 2014 and version 11.5 was released in June 2016.
Ficus nota is a species of flowering plant in the family Moraceae. It is commonly known as tibig or sacking tree, is a species of fig tree found near water in low altitudes. Tibig is native to the Philippines. They are also found in parts of northern Borneo in Malaysia.
Teatro O Bando is a Portuguese professional traveling theatre company active since 1974. According to its official website, it is "[a] collective that elects aesthetic transfiguration has a civic and communitary participation".Nota Biográfica na ESTC It is a Portuguese National Entity of Public Utility and a Certified Actor's Training establishment.
The ancient sources sayCf. Isidore Etymologiae 1.27.29 (ubi litterae consonantes geminabantur, sicilicum superponebant, ut 'cella', 'serra', 'asseres': ueteres enim non duplicabant litteras, sed supra sicilicos adponebant; qua nota admonebatur lector geminandam esse litteram); Nisus fr. 5 Mazzarino in Velius Longus de Orthographia Keil 7.80; Gaius Marius Victorinus Ars Grammatica 4.2 Mariotti.
Cydia succedana is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in Europe and has been introduced to New Zealand.ZLATKOV, B., & BUDASHKIN, Y. (2012). Taxonomic and distributional remarks on some Palaearctic Cydia of the succedana-group with descriptions of two new species (Tortricidae). Nota lepidopterologica, 35(1), 97-107.
Nota preliminar sobre el Loncosaurus argentinus, un representante de la familia Megalosauridae de la República Argentina. Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina 49:61-62. [Spanish]Coria, R.A., and Salgado, L. 1996. Loncosaurus argentinus Ameghino, 1899 (Ornithischia, Ornithopoda): a revised description with comments on its phylogenetic relationships. Ameghiniana 33(4):373-376.
About 300 prisoners died of hypothermia as a result."Zählung im Bohušovicer Kessel", (The Bohušovicer Kessel Census). In February 1944 he was sent to Greece by Eichmann to replace Dieter Wisliceny, with whom Eichmann was dissatisfied.Mazower, M. Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941-1944 (2001); Yale Nota Bene Books; p. 252.
As per orders of the Delimitation Commission, No. 220 Nayagram (Vidhan Sabha constituency) (ST) is composed of the following: Nayagram and Gopiballavpur I community development blocks, and Chorchita, Kuliana and Nota gram panchayats of Gopiballavpur II CD Block. Nayagram (Vidhan Sabha constituency) (ST) is part of No. 33 Jhargram (Lok Sabha constituency) (ST).
76 - 78 Since 2009, he has chaired the board of directors of the Canadian baroque ensemble Nota Bene Baroque in the Waterloo Region of Ontario, Canada. In 2010, McDonald was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 22nd annual Kitchener-Waterloo arts awards."Local artists celebrated". Jun 08, 2010, Waterloo Region Record.
Polache's father is British and his mother is Honduran. "Polache" is the Spanish pronunciation of his name, "Paul H." In 2012, he was deported from the United States because he tried to work with a tourist visa.El periodismo necesita inversión. Para compartir esta nota utiliza los íconos que aparecen en la página.
Release 1 only consisted of Service communication, activation/deactivation, discovery and access. Release 2 added efficient data communication means, with a handle based stream referencing approach. This functionality, called DOA (Direct Object Access), allows direct memory-to-memory streaming between different NoTA subsystems. Release 2 came out during the second half of 2006.
In December, Journalist Maykel González Vivero, director and one of the founders of Tremenda Nota, the Spanish media partner for the Washington Blade, was prohibited from traveling outside the country by the Cuban Interior Ministry. Nelson Julio Álvarez Mairata, an LGBTI Youtuber who had recently worked as a reporter for Tremenda Nota, was similarly prohibited from travel outside of Cuba. A series of hacks in 2019 targeted LGBTI reporters social media pages, with posts referencing their sexual orientation in a negative way and the release of private photos, often having sexual content. In 2020 the state-run Cuban Institute of Radio and Television censored out the kiss scene between the lead male character and another boy in the 2018 U.S. film Love, Simon.
Despite its title, S.W. Rasmussen's Public Portents in Republican Rome (L'Erma, Bretschneider, 2003) does not distinguish among prodigium, omen, portentum and ostentum (p. 15, note 9). Portentum offers an example of an ancient Roman religious term modified for Christian usage; in the Christian theology of miracles, a portentum occurring by the will of the Christian God could not be regarded as contrary to nature (contra naturam), thus Augustine specified that if such a sign appeared to be unnatural, it was only because it was contrary to nature as known (nota) by human beings.Augustine, De civitate Dei 21.8: Portentum ergo fit non contra naturam, sed contra quam est nota natura ("therefore a portent does not occur contrary to nature, but contrary to what is known of nature").
A writ petition was filed by People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL). The Supreme Court of India judgement said, "We direct the Election Commission to provide necessary provision in the ballot papers/EVMs and another button called “None of the Above” (NOTA) may be provided in EVMs so that the voters, who come to the polling booth and decide not to vote for any of the candidates in the fray, are able to exercise their right not to vote while maintaining their right of secrecy." The Supreme Court also observed that it is essential that people of high moral and ethical values are chosen as people's representatives for proper governance of the country, and NOTA button can compel political parties to nominate a sound candidate.
Nota roja sheet with illustration by José Guadalupe Posada By the 19th century, the term “nota roja” came to refer to violent crimes, especially murders by the beginning of the 19th century. According to legend, one Guadalajara newspaper began printing headlines of these stories in red in 1889 in order to indicate that the story was about a murder and provoke horror in potential readers. The development of commercial newspapers in the 19th century gave rise to sections dedicated to violent stories, a common occurrence for Mexico in the midst of various wars and political instability along with crime. These stories developed into long texts with dramatized narration with minute and graphic descriptions along with a psychological profile of the aggressor.
Version 4.5 was the last NB DOS version. Nota Bene 5.0 was the first Windows version. It was shown in pre-release in November 1998, at the annual meetings of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature. Scholar's Workstation 5.0 was formally released in 1999, and Lingua Workstation 5.0 in 2000.
Eupithecia marginata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found from Cyprus through the northern Caucasus (Daghestan), Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan to south-eastern Kazakhstan (the Tien-Shan Mountains) and north-western China (Xinjiang)., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
After the war, some of the survivors returned to Makó. Rabbi Moshe Nota rehabilitated and led the community and the yeshiva. In 1952 Rabbi Lemberger immigrated to Israel. He first settled in Jerusalem and afterwards he was appointed rabbi of the Hasidic community in Kfar Ata (now Kiryat Ata) where he established the "Makova Yeshiva".
Spiniphallellus desertus is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Russia.ŠUMPICH, J. & J. SKYVA (2012): New faunistic records for a number of Microlepidoptera, including description of three new taxa from Agonoxenidae, Depressariidae, and Gelechiidae (Gelechioidea). — Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 161-179 The wingspan is 16–18 mm.
The Communist government accused 'Trotskyists' of being agents of Franco, pp. 160–163, xx-xxiii. About the fighting in Barcelona between rivals on the republican side, "discrepancies" in the Communist press included "pure fabrication" and "quite deliberate lying", pp. 164–165 in Chapter XI (nota bene: a later edition moved two chapters to an appendix).
Nota oficial del Consejo de Administración del Real Sporting; Real Sporting, 24 June 2013 Hugo Fraile was the first sign in the month, fourth of the summer. He came from Getafe in a free transfer. Days later, Sporting de Gijón confirmed an agreement with Celta de Vigo for loaning Cristian Bustos during one more season.
To the Iconians it was known as the Dream Gem. To the Vulcans it was known as Ko N'ya while the Romulans knew it as the Bloodstone. The stone was known as the Master of All Stories to the El-Aurian people. The Andorians knew it as Telev's Bane and the Belnarri knew it as Nota.
Bucculatrix nota is a moth in the family Bucculatricidae. It was described by Svetlana Seksjaeva in 1989. It is found in the Russian Far East (Primorsky Krai)Seksyaeva S.V., 1989: First data on mining moths of the family bucculatricidae lepidoptera from the southern primorski krai russian sfsr ussr with descriptions of 10 new species. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie.
Lincei, 1900, vol. 9, pp. 210–214.Biginelli, P. Composizione e costituzione chimica del gas arsenicale delle tappezzerie. Nota II. Atti Reale Accad. Lincei, 1900, vol. 9, pp. 242–249. and of the gas itself it appeared that the gas was diethylarsine. Later, however, it was found that gas discovered by Gosio and Biginelli was in fact trimethylarsine.
Nota Bene has a large number of built- in keyboard shortcuts. Most commands can be entered in several ways, using a mouse, menus, toolbars, the command line, or keystroke combinations. The keyboard is fully customizable: users can modify virtually all alphanumeric and function keys, using the Ctrl, Alt, and Shift modifiers in over 450 key combinations.
Eupithecia pamirica is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, Tajikistan (the Darvazsky Mountains, Ghissarsky Mountains and south-western Pamirs), Kyrgyzstan (the Tchatkal Nature Reserve) and Pakistan (the Deosai Mountains, the Great Western Himalaya Mountains and the Karakoram Mountains)., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
94, nota n° 5. The composition was a major influence on later treatments of the subject, such as those by Orazio GentileschiKeith Christiansen, Judith W. Mann, Orazio and Artemisia Gentileschi, Yale University Press, 2001, p. 178. and Rembrandt.Eric Jan Sluijter, Rembrandt and the Female Nude (Amsterdam Studies in the Dutch Golden Age), Amsterdam University Press, 2006, pp. 229-230.
These quiet studies were interrupted by a sudden arrest and imprisonment in Turin in May 1935"Registro matricole 1935, n. 1559)", Piero Martinetti, Lettere (1919-1942), Firenze, 2011, p. 142, nota 285. accused by Pitigrilli, (an agent of the Organisation for the Vigilance and Repression of Anti-Fascism) of conniving with the antifascist group G. The accusation was unfounded.
The large lizard genus Anolis contains around 436 accepted anole () species,Anolis. The Reptile Database. which have been considered in a number of subgroups, or clades such as carolinensis and isolepis. Nota bene: In the following list, a binomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species was originally described in a genus other than Anolis.
He is actively engaged in the domain of composition and musicology. In the scope of the latter, he has written over 250 critiques, essays and musical analyses published in various newspapers and magazines. Koci is a member of the editorial board of the music magazines Zvuk, and Nota. Koci also host the podcast Fjala dhe Muzika, an arts programme.
In 1996, Coldünya recorded and released their first album, Nota Bene, and filmed their first video, "Sehrbaz", which was broadcast and promoted by ANS Radio and ANS TV. Their song "Sehrbaz" was broadcast within two weeks in BBC Radio's Top of the Pops show, presented by Mark Goodier, and took 7th place in BBC's foreign hit-list.
Shakespeare's Sonnets (Rev. ed.). New Haven: Yale Nota Bene. . p. 579 One suggestion that has often been made is that Shakespeare's source may be Geoffrey Whitney's 1586 book, A Choice of Emblemes, in which there is an impresa or emblem, on which is the motto Qui me alit me extinguit, along with the image of a down-turned torch.
Kiwaia is a genus of moths in the family Two subgenera are currently recognised, (i) the nominotypical subgenus with 25 species from New Zealand, and (ii) subgenus Empista with 4 species from the Palaearctic Region.Sattler, K. 1987: The systematic status of the genera Ilseopsis Povolný, 1965, and Empista Povolný, 1968 (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae: Gnorimoschemini). Nota lepidopterologica (n.
54; John Gibbon in his Introductio ad Latinam Blasoniam, 1682, comments on the significance of marks of cadency distinguishing brothers: "At nota semper erit accrescens Luna secundi". (Moreover the waxing moon will always be the mark of the second). The Heraldic Visitation of the Co. of Glos. of 1623, on the other hand, shows him as the third son.
Following is an abstract of the original article describing the baby "Selam", which was authored by Zeresenay Alemseged, Fred Spoor, William H. Kimbel, René Bobe, Denis Geraads, Denné Reed and Jonathan G. Wynn. Nota bene: brackets { } added. A life like image of Selam was published on the front page of the November 2006 issue of National Geographic.
Tutanota is derived from Latin and contains the words "tuta" and "nota" which means "secure message". Tutao GmbH was founded in 2011 in Hannover, Germany. The goal of the developers for Tutanota is to fight for email privacy. Their vision gained even more importance, when Edward Snowden revealed NSA's mass surveillance programs like XKeyscore in July 2013.
The generic name combines the Latin nota, "trait", tesserae, "mosaic tiles", and raptor, "predator". It refers to it being a carnivorous species showing a mix of traits of the Dilophosauridae and Coelophysoidea. The specific name refers to a provenance from the municipality of Frick in the Aargau. It represents the first Mesozoic theropod named from Switzerland.
It was destroyed in 217 BCE by the army of Philip V of Macedon,Homero, Ilíada, edición de José García Blanco y Luis M. Macía Aparicio p.85, nota complementaria, Madrid: CSIC, 1991. and its inhabitants were enslaved and the city became a Macedonian colony. The site of Pyrasus is within the limits of Nea Anchialos.
The review's staff organized a banquet in his honor at a restaurant called "Ferrari" after his owner's surname, and published the news under the title "A death sentence celebrated with a banquet." La Nota, Buenos Aires, 10 June 1916, "Reflexiones de un condenado a muerte", nº 44, pp. 862–863 y "Una condena festejada con un banquete".
Though Bala and Nila get to know about each other's love, they're not expressing it. To ask forgiveness Bala and his friends visit the Deyvanai's place, but Pazhani beats them up. And due to sympathy the family forgives them but a nota for the marriage. Nila really feels sorry and both of them confess their love again.
The Law also redefined the reference to the head of municipal government in the Spanish Philippines from Gobernadorcillo to Capitan Municipal, and extended the distinction as principales to citizens paying 50 pesos in land tax."Se entenderá por Principalía la agrupación que en cada pueblo estará formada sin número fijo por los antes llamados Gobernadorcillos, Tenientes de justicia, por los Cabezas de Barangay en ejercicio ó que hubiel sen desempeñado el cargo durante diez años consecutivos sin mala nota alguna, por los Capitanes parados, los Tenientes municipales que hubiesen desempeñado bucargo durante el tiempo legal sin nota desfavorable y los vecinos que paguen 50 pesos por contribución territorial." Maura Law, Art. 7. Prior to the Maura Law, this distinguished upper class included only those exempted from tribute (tax) to the Spanish crown.
In 1983 Mitterrand, who had become President of France, appointed him in 1983 to the Constitutional Council, the French Court that decides all questions of constitutional law. Under the nom de plume, Pierre Debassac [nota bene], he wrote and published several novels, such as Le lion et la demoiselle and La musique de la tante Aurele. He died in 1987.
Nota Schiller (, born 1937) is an Orthodox Jewish rabbi and rosh yeshiva of Yeshivat Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem. He is an influential figure in the baal teshuva movement, having guided generations of students with little or no Jewish background to master the classical rabbinical texts and embrace an Orthodox lifestyle. He is widely regarded as an erudite Torah scholar in his own right.
They said they would mark ballots NOTA (None Of The Above) in protest. In October 2014 Ronald Colaco led a delegation of Christian leaders that met Siddaramaiah, Chief Minister of Karnataka, and thanked him on behalf of the Christian community for rejecting the report by the Somshekar Inquiry Commission concerning the 2008 attacks on Churches, and for directing a fresh inquiry.
Most of the inhabitants of Kiryat Mattersdorf identify with the Litvish style of Haredi Judaism. Many are olim from the United States and United Kingdom. Notable rabbis who live in Kiryat Mattersdorf include Rabbis Zelig Pliskin, Moshe Sacks, Nota Schiller, Chaim Brovender, and Yosef Savitzky. Rabbis Simcha Wasserman, Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, Mendel Weinbach, and Shlomo Lorincz were long-time residents.
One of its most recent performances includes a joint appearance with Armando Manzanero at the Festival Internacional Cervantino . Other artists with whom the band has collaborated include Gualberto Castro, Ana Cirré, Aida and Carlos Cuevas, Miguel Ríos and the Chico O'Farrill Big Band. The band's history was made into a documentary called Resiliencia por una nota, directed by Luis Felipe Ferra.
Eupithecia hilariata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan (the Kugitang Mountains), Uzbekistan (the Karzhan Tau Mountains and Chimgan Mountains), Tajikistan (the Pamirs Mountains), Kyrgyzstan (the Tien-Shan Mountains), the mountains of southern and south- eastern Kazakhstan and north-western China (Xinjiang)., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Fuller left several manuscripts; his 'Dissertatio de nomine יהוה' was published in Adriaan Reland's Decas exercitationum philologicarum (1707). He also compiled a lexicon, which may not have been completed, and was not published. He died in 1626. He is spoken of in high terms of admiration by Buxtorf (Dissertatio de Nominibus Hebrais) and by Edward Pocock (Nota Miscellanea in Portam Mosis).
The radionuclide delivers the actual therapeutic effect, (or photons for imaging). The chelator is the essential link between the radionuclide and peptide. For 177Lu and 90Y this is typically DOTA (tetracarboxylic acid, and its variants) and DTPA (pentetic acid) for 111In. Other chelators known as NOTA (triazacyclononane triacetic acid) and HYNIC (hydrazinonicotinamide) have also been experimented with, albeit more for imaging applications.
Eupithecia relaxata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan (the Kopet-Dagh Mountains), Iran, Tajikistan (the Pamir Mountains), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan (the Tien-Shan Mountains), Pakistan (Baltistan), Jammu & Kashmir, India (the Ladakh Range), north-western China (Xinjiang) and Mongolia (the Mongol Altai Mountains)., 2012: Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 of Afghanistan (Geometridae: Larentiinae). Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 197-231.
Megacraspedus albovenata is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in the southern Urals (the Orenburg area), the Czech Republic and Slovakia.ŠUMPICH, J. & J. SKYVA (2012): New faunistic records for a number of Microlepidoptera, including description of three new taxa from Agonoxenidae, Depressariidae, and Gelechiidae (Gelechioidea). — Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 161-179 The habitat consists of grassy steppe.
The fire broke out in the machine room housing the power generators at approximately 2:00 am (Brasília time) on 25 February 2012. Nota à Imprensa 3 – Incêndio na Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz ("Press Release 3 - Fire at Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Station") Brazilian Navy. Retrieved 26 February 2012. The Brazilian Navy opened an investigation to determine the exact cause of the accident.
House on Zikhron Tuvya Street Courtyard of the Bushrim Synagogue Zikhron Tuvya was founded in 1890. It was the twenty- third Jewish neighborhood established outside the Old City Walls, and the eleventh neighborhood founded by Yosef Rivlin. Other founders included Rabbis Nota Zvi Hamburger, David Boymgarten, Shmuel Zukerman, and Mechel Leib Katz. Moshe Meltzer Kantrowitz purchased the land from the Arabs of Lifta.
In 2014 Sikkim Legislative Assembly election Biraj Adhikari announced that SNPP did not contest this election. He also appealed voters to be politically conscious, points out "None of the Above" (NOTA) option. In January 2018, Biraj Adhikari announced that SNPP will contest the Sikkim Legislative Assembly Election 2019. However, in August 2018 Adhikari resigned from the president and seceded from SNPP.
Conner Rousseau (SP.A) stuurt nota naar voorzitters regeringspartijen, Het Nieuwsblad, 1 July 2020. On Thursday 2 July 2020 the Chamber of Representatives had on the agenda a proposal to further decrease the penalization on abortion, a topic which was very sensitive with government party CD&V.; They, as well as cdH, N-VA, and Vlaams Belang were opposed to the proposition.
Arms attributed to William de Braose by Matthew Paris: Party per pale indented gules and azure. Marginal drawing of an inverted shield referring to his Nota impiam murthram ("impious murder")British Library MS Royal 14 C VII f. 116 William de Braose (c. 1197 – 2 May 1230) was the son of Reginald de Braose by his first wife, Grecia Briwere.
"Kanal D Romania" (18 October 2016) The godmother was former teammate, Simona Amânar. In January 2013, Lavinia gave birth to a boy, Cosmin Mihai,"Hope Growing Along with Milosovici's Baby" International Gymnast 4 April 2004 and in July 2016 Lavinia's second son, Andrei Nicolae, was born.Lavinia Miloșovici este din nou mamă! Fosta campioană olimpică a născut un băiețel de nota 10. libertatea.
Major compositions by Centazzo include the multimedia opera Tina (1996), The Soul in the Mist (2006), Moon in Winter (2011), The Heart of Wax (2012), and the multimedia project Tides of Gravity (2016). This last was produced in association with LIGO, NASA and Caltech to mark the first detection of gravitational waves. Andrea Centazzo nota biografica , ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Università di Bologna.
NOTA specifically states "it shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human organ for valuable consideration for use in human transplantation if the transfer affects interstate commerce." The penalty of breaking this law is a fine of $50,000 or up to five years in prison, or both.National Organ Transplantation Act of 1984, Sec. 301.
Nota Bene (NB) began as a DOS program in 1982, built on the engine of the word processor XyWrite. Its creator, Steven Siebert, then a doctoral student in philosophy and religious studies at Yale, used a PC to take reading notes, but had no easy computer-based mechanism for searching through them, or for finding relationships and connections in the material. He wanted a word processor with an integrated ‘textbase’, to automate finding text with Boolean searches, and an integrated bibliographical database that would automate the process of entering repeat citations correctly, and be easy to change for submission to publishers with different style-manual requirements. Siebert licensed XyWrite code from the XyQuest company, and built his programs on it: the word processor Nota Bene, with its textbase Orbis (then called Textbase), and its bibliographical database Ibidem (then called Ibid).
Symbol used with NOTA option on ballot papers and electronic voting machines in India The Election Commission of India told the Supreme Court in 2009 that it wished to offer the voter a "none of the above" option on ballots, which the government had generally opposed. The People's Union for Civil Liberties, a non- governmental organisation, filed a public-interest litigation statement in support of this. On 27 September 2013, the Supreme Court of India ruled that the right to register a "none of the above" vote in elections should apply, and ordered the Election Commission to provide such a button in the electronic voting machines, noting that it would increase participation. The Election Commission also clarified that even though votes cast as NOTA are counted, they are considered as invalid votes so they will not change the outcome of the election process.
Thus, by requiring concurrence for the placement of a nota, this law placed an additional check on the powers of the Censors. This was typically the only act that required the concurrence of both Censors. Also, when a senator had been already convicted before an ordinary court, this law permitted the Censors to remove him from the senate in a summary way.Dion Cassius XL.57, XXXVIII.
The strengths of the Nota Bene word processor are speed, flexibility, customizability, the ability to handle book-length manuscripts, and integration with the Ibidem bibliographic database and Orbis textbase, using a common interface. However, it has several limitations. It is not well suited to collaborative projects, since it has no group-editing utility. It handles graphics and cellular tables far less transparently than Microsoft Word.
John Howard has returned to Hawks Nest after leaving politics in 2007. The local golf course was formally opened on 12 August 1978. It was designed in 1968 by Matt Lauder,NOTA Myall Lakes (monthly) local newspaper, September 1978, feature front-page article a professional golfer and nephew of Scottish comedian, Sir Harry Lauder.Newcastle Morning Herald 5 January 1937: "Sir Harry Lauder at Merewether Golf Links" article.
Yale Nota Bene; 2003 ed. p. 94-95. Franklin remained in London for three years, and after returning to Philadelphia, did open a printing business two years later in 1728 with a different partner. In 1718, William Penn died and Keith became involved in disputes with Penn's widow regarding the conduct of the colony. He sought favour with the colonists and tried desperately to achieve popularity.
Xenopathia novaki is a moth in the family Blastobasidae. It is found in Croatia,Fauna Europaea GreeceŠUMPICH, J. & J. SKYVA (2012): New faunistic records for a number of Microlepidoptera, including description of three new taxa from Agonoxenidae, Depressariidae, and Gelechiidae (Gelechioidea). — Nota lepidopterologica 35 (2): 161-179 and on Corsica., 2013: Holcocera corsica Gibeaux, 1993 synonyme junior de Xenopathia novaki (Rebel, 1891) (Lepidoptera: Blastobasidae).
Nota roja literally means “red note” or “red news”. It is a type of sensational journalism or yellow journalism, defined by its focus exclusively on stories involving physical violence usually occasioned by robbery, murder, tragic accidents, imprisonment and executions. However, natural disasters can also be covered. News of this type can be found as single sheet announcements, sections of newspapers, entire newspapers and magazines and television.
The surrealist and comedic nature of the characters is often laced with \- as well as (with spaces such as La Nota Verde) references to social and political events in Chile, attracting larger audiences among young adults. Many of the characters are pastiches of real journalists from Chilean television, and the show makes frequent reference to events that characterized Chile in the 1970s and 1980s.
Nota verde (Green Note): Section where Juan Carlos Bodoque deals with environmental issues, (such as recycling, pollution, global warming, etc.), traveling through different parts of Chile. Ranking Top: Policarpo Avendaño presents the 3 best songs of the moment of the program. They are themes created for the program, and cover different styles. Encuesta (Survey): Space in which Mico el Micófono asks questions to passers- by.
The latter won the David prize of poetry of the previous year. Fernandez Fe wrote his first novella, La Falacia, in 1996. “A work of deep anxiety and odd maturity… (…)", according to the Cuban writer and Leonardo Padura."It is an indisputable sign that a new narrator has born in Cuba (…).”.Leonardo Padura Fuentes: “De La Falacia y sus alrededores”, nota a La Falacia, Ediciones UNION, 1999.
This was one of the first five elections in which the Election Commission of India implemented a "None of the above" (NOTA) voting option, allowing the electorate to register a neutral to people any think vote but not to outright reject candidates. In a first, the Election Commission of India also appointed Central Awareness Observers, whose main task was to oversee voter awareness and facilitation.
Fuego began 2016 by teasing his album Fireboy Forever 2, which was scheduled to be released on January 12, 2016. It was preceded in 2015 by the singles "Loca Con La Vaina" and "Se Me Nota"; the third single "Diferente" was premiered with a music video via YouTube on January 7 before the actual audio was available, which was made available with the album.
Karanjia (Sl. No.: 30) is a Vidhan Sabha constituency of Mayurbhanj district, Odisha. Area of this constituency include Karanjia, Karanjia block, Thakurmunda block and 9 GPs (Padmapokhari, Ramachandrapur, Labnyadeipur, Dewanbahali, Ranipokhari, Sarat, Nota, Sardiha and Kalamgadia) of Kaptipada block.Assembly Constituencies and their ExtentSeats of Odisha In 2014 election Biju Janata Dal candidate Bijay Kumar Naik, defeated Bharatiya Janata Party Jyostna Bhansingh by a margin of 13,551 votes.
"Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (National Library of Portugal)—Codices Alcobacenses ( ); [BN: cod. alc. CLI / 64, Page. 330] Translated ("Nota de como has de poer o ramo de natal, scilicet: Em vespera de natal, buscarás huu grande Ramo de loureiro verde, e colherás muitas laranjas vermelhas e poer lhas has metidas pelos ramos que dele procedem specificadamente segundo já viste. E em cada hua laranja, poeras hua candea.
At the same time he was the founder and artistic director of the NOTA Ensemble (1949–1950). For the next four years he was an instructor and composer with the Army Art Ensemble. Beginning in 1954 he devoted himself to freelance composing. He was especially prolific as a film composer, providing music for more than 200 films, including several from the Czech "New Wave" in the 1960s.
The album became the first salsa album to enter the English language Billboard 200 chart. After an ongoing battle with RMM, he severed ties with Ralph Mercado and left the label in 1999. Otra Nota, Todo a Su Tiempo, and Contra La Corriente established him as the top-selling singer in the history of the genre, able to sell out Madison Square Garden and prestigious venues internationally.
Oreophryne notata is a species of frog in the family Microhylidae. It is endemic to Papua New Guinea and known from two localities, Ialibu, its type locality in the Southern Highlands Province, and Tabubil in the Western Province. It might occur more widely. The specific name notata is from Latin nota meaning a "mark" or "letter" and refers to the diagnostic U-like pattern on the lores.
It is assumed that the epithet derives from the town of Ichnae but it has also been suggested that, since the meaning of Ἴχναι is "the one who tracks," a quality which is perfectly applicable for a goddess of justice, it could be that the toponym of Ichnae derives from the epithet.Himnos Homéricos. La Batracomiomaquia, p.78, nota 57 de Alberto Bernabé Pajares, Madrid: Gredos (2001), .
Josefina García-Marruz Badía (2010) Josefina García-Marruz Badía (known artistically as Fina García Marruz Havana, 28 April 1923) is a Cuban poet and literary researcher. She has received numerous awards, including the National Prize for Literature (1990),Nota biográfica de Fina García Marruz en Pablo Neruda Ibero-American Poetry Award (2007), and the Reina Sofía de Poesía Iberoamericana (2011).Javier Rodríguez Marcos.
Party per pale indented gules and azure Matthew Paris (c.1200-1259) in his Historia Anglorum (folio 116) attributed the arms, Party per pale indented gules and azure, to William V de Braose (d.1230). They appear as a marginal drawing of an inverted shield referring to his "impious murder" (Nota impiam murthram).Historia Anglorum, Chronica Majora, Part III; (1250–59) British Library MS Royal 14 C VII f.
In third species counterpoint, four (or three, etc.) notes move against each longer note in the given part. Three special figures are introduced into third species and later added to fifth species, and ultimately outside the restrictions of species writing. There are three figures to consider: The nota cambiata, double neighbor tones, and double passing tones. Double neighbor tones: the figure is prolonged over four beats and allows special dissonances.
He was originally a Lutheran, but in the 1530s he became influenced by Zwingli. Heyden's birthplace Heyden's first publications appeared around 1523–25, theological tracts such as Salve regina, which he gave to the Reichstag in a different Christian context. In 1524 he published Adversus Hypocritas Calumniatores, super falso sibi inustam haereseos nota, also a theological tract. In 1527 he began publishing textbooks such as Formulae puerilium colloquiorum (Nomenclatura).
São Paulo based rock band Every Man Is an Island will support the band during that tour.Guxi Manchuca: Onlypunx: Nota con Naza de DENY: "este es el momento de la música independiente" (Spanisch) On December 8, 2013 the band performed a set in television called Quiero Musica en mi Idioma for the series Q-News. Two weeks before this the band performed a new song called Un Año Más.Sofia Bisignano:
The Puerto Rican group Nota won the title for the inaugural season in 2009. For season 2, Committed from Huntsville, Alabama took the 2010 title, and for season 3, Pentatonix from Arlington, Texas won the 2011 title. The country group Home Free from Minneapolis, Minnesota won the 2013 title for season 4. On May 13, 2012, The Sing-Off was not renewed for another season, presumably cancelled after three seasons.
The terms note, nota and notula (as used by Johannes de Grocheio) appear to have been synonyms for lai. The poetic form of the lai usually has several stanzas, none of which have the same form. As a result, the accompanying music consists of sections which do not repeat. This distinguishes the lai from other common types of musically important verse of the period (for example, the rondeau and the ballade).
On the occasion, Charlie Brown Jr. was contracted and, in the video, questioned a boy who did not agree with the items offered in commercial.Declarações à Revista OI e nota da assessoria de imprensa da banda carioca / julho de 2004 . In 2008, both Bloco do Eu Sozinho and Ventura figured in Rolling Stone magazine's list The Top 100 Brazilian Albums of All Time, placing 42nd and 68th, respectively.
La Scala produced The Witch, Ambar's second album in 1980; the same year he also produced Que Nota for the singer Stella. In 1983, an album written and produced by La Scala, and performed by Arturo Vázquez was released. The theme song for the 1985 soap opera Cristal, "Mi Vida Eres Tú", was written and performed by La Scala. Cristal and the song became very successful in Latin America and Spain.
OONI has confirmed data analyzing the 2019 Internet blackout in Iran. On 24 February 2019, Cuban independent news outlet Tremenda Nota confirmed the blocking of its website a few hours before a referendum in Cuba. A new Constitution was voted in the country for the first time in decades. OONI network measurement data confirmed the blocking of the site along with several other independent media websites during the referendum.
On July 7, 2012, all the members of Los Leones were added on the remix to Yomo's single "En Serio". This was the first time in two years that the artists were reunited on a track. On October 6, 2012: Casa De Leones reunited once again for a track made by members J-King & Maximan, "Que La Nota Le Suba" was remixed with the added vocals of Guelo Star, Jowell & Randy.
President Rousseff issued a statement where she expressed her consternation over the accident and the death of the two Brazilian Navy soldiers and reiterated her "strong commitment to the full reconstruction of the Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Station". Nota à imprensa sobre o acidente na Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz Presidency of Brazil. Retrieved 26 February 2012. The Ministry of Defense announced that reconstruction plans would commence on 27 February 2012.
Todo a Su Tiempo received praise from music critics. Evan Gutierrez of Allmusic gave the album a 4.5 out of 5 stars, praising the album as a step forward over Otra nota. He described Anthony's voice as "soaring" and "luminescent". He cited the album as setting the bar for salsa music and closed the review by it calling the album "without question one of the finest salsa records of the '90s".
The Libertarian Party of Kentucky does not qualify to nominate through the taxpayer-funded primary and will hold its privately-operated primary, open to those who are and remain registered to vote as a Libertarian from January 1 to present in the state of Kentucky, on March 8, 2020. All candidates of the Libertarian Party of Kentucky must defeat None Of The Above (NOTA) to obtain the nomination.
Uma gaita na bossa, also known as Nos caminhos da bossa, is a 1997 album by the Brazilian harmonica player Clayber de Souza. It is collection of the main hits of Bossa nova, Jazz and Blues, such as "Samba de uma nota só" and "Garota de Ipanema". However, all its songs were arranged as a fusion of Samba and Jazz, remembering the period Souza played as bass guitarist, in 1960s.
His next film, released on 5 October, was the Tamil political thriller NOTA, directed by Iru Mugan-fame Anand Shankar. It performed poorly at the box office. His next project was UV Creations' supernatural comedy thriller Taxiwala in which Deverakonda stumbles upon a possessed car opposite Priyanka Jawalkar. In 2019, Deverakonda was seen in Bharat Kamma's Dear Comrade, a romantic action drama, once again alongside Rashmika Mandanna, after Geetha Govindam.
She has also studied at the University of Salamanca and the University of Andes. In radio Raful has worked as radio host and producer in Sin Tacones Ni Corbatas in 95.7FM La Nota and in Voces Propias of Z101. In television she worked as a TV host at NCDN. In the 2010 congressional election Raful was a Dominican Revolutionary Party candidate for deputy of the National District, but lost.
Skylab IX is a live album by the Brazilian musician Rogério Skylab, the ninth in his series of ten eponymous, numbered albums and his second live album overall following Skylab II from 2000. It was self-released on September 2, 2009Tratore - Skylab IX (DVD) and recorded in September the previous year during a gig at the Centro Cultural São Paulo.Rogério Skylab – Biografia The album includes guest appearances by Löis Lancaster of Zumbi do Mato (who previously collaborated with Skylab on Skylab II), Maurício Pereira of Os Mulheres Negras (with whom Skylab wrote "O Mundo Tá Sempre Girando", off his 2007 release Skylab VII) and Marcelo Birck of Graforreia Xilarmônica (who co- wrote the previously unreleased track "Samba de uma Nota Só ao Contrário", whose title parodies Tom Jobim's 1963 hit "Samba de uma Nota Só").Rogério Skylab – Skylab IX at Discogs A live DVD of the performance, the first in Skylab's career, was simultaneously released; it contains more tracks than the CD version.
Toth's unusual death has curious similarities to that of a prison associate of his, career-criminal, child-abuser, and rapist Pinkie Ritter, who died 5 years earlier but whose body only came to light near Nota Lake shortly before Toth was killed. Following up more of Tom's recent phone calls, Kinsey traces local sheriff's department officer Colleen Sellers, who had been in love with Tom, who reluctantly assists with information that Tom was suspicious that someone close to him was responsible for the deaths of both Toth and Ritter. When she also finds out that one of Ritter's daughters, Margaret, worked for Tom at the sheriff's department, Kinsey reluctantly realizes she has to return to Nota Lake to wrap up the case. Now enduring open hostility in the town and a sinister atmosphere of danger and unsure whom she can trust, Kinsey discovers that Rafer's daughter Barrett has had Tom's missing field notes since his death—but they are in code.
He attended the Angelo Braschi School and entered the Pontifical Roman Seminary in 1903 from which he graduated with honours in philosophy and theology.Casula, Nota Biografica IX 21 September 1912 he was ordained a priest. He accepted a call to teach liturgy and theology at the Roman Seminary and the Collegio Urbano of the Propaganda Fide. In 1923, he was nominated by Pope Pius XI to be general assistant of the Catholic Action movement.
Rustichello wrote Devisement du Monde in Franco-Venetian.Maria Bellonci, "Nota introduttiva", Il Milione di Marco Polo, Milano, Oscar Mondadori, 2003, p. XI The idea probably was to create a handbook for merchants, essentially a text on weights, measures and distances.Larner John, Marco Polo and the discovery of the world, Yale University Press, 1999, pp. 68–87. The oldest surviving manuscript is in Old French heavily flavoured with Italian;Bibliothèque Nationale MS. français 1116.
Two significant institutions have been the Aish HaTorah ("fire of Torah") yeshiva headed by Rabbi Noach Weinberg, and the Ohr Somayach yeshiva headed by Rabbi Nota Schiller. Both of these rabbis had degrees from American universities and were able to speak to the modern mind-set. See also Diaspora Yeshiva, Machon Meir. Chabad Hasidism, with many Chabad houses throughout Israel, and yeshiva programs for Israelis, Russians, French, and Americans, reach out to thousands.
Following the first part, FUVEST publishes the Nota de Corte (from Portuguese, meaning "Cutoff Mark" or "Cutoff Score"). The Cutoff Score is the result of a simple expression and its value is different for each major. Every candidate who has obtained a score equal to or higher than the Cutoff Mark automatically qualifies to advance to the second part. Candidates who score less than 22 points or score zero in any subject are automatically disqualified.
The genre has been heavily criticized, especially by politicians who accuse it of making violent crime, especially that related to the drug trade, worse than it is, and newspaper have been asked to tone down such coverage. However, a study done in Puebla that while most read the nota roja out of morbid curiosity, most stated that it primarily invoked feelings of sadness, disgust or anger, rather than a desire to imitate what they saw.
XXVII, pág. 333-34, 1915. 92\. A propósito de la nota del doctor F. Lahille sobre Prospaltella Berlesei How., Anales del Museo Nacional, t. XXVII, pág. 353-358, 1915. 93\. Hyménoptéres parasites de l´Amérique Meridionale, Anales del Museo Nacional, t. XXVII, pág. 401-430, 1915. 94\. El Anopheles albitarsis F Lch. A., La semana médica, XXIII, nº 1151, 1915. 95\. La avispa contra la mosca (Prospalangia platensis), Caras y Caretas, nº 876, 1915. 96\.
Pontisola was founded in 1910 in the town of Ponte San Pietro as Società Sportiva Vita Nota and changed its denomination to Unione Sportiva Ponte San Pietro in 1950. The side spent the 1947–48 season in Serie B. In 2007 the club, after the merger with F.C. Isola (representing the nearby towns of Terno d'Isola and Chignolo d'Isola), was renamed Unione Sportiva Ponte San Pietro Isola and later to the current one.
A censor could reassign a citizen to a different tribe (a civil unit of division), or place a punitive mark (nota) besides a man's name on the register. Later, a law (one of the Leges Clodiae or "Clodian Laws") allowed a citizen to appeal a censorial nota.Lintott, pp. 118-120 Once a census was complete, a purification ceremony (the lustrum) was performed by a censor, which typically involved prayers for the upcoming five years.
The album was well received by critics who complimented George's production and Anthony's youthful voice. Anthony received two awards for "Best New Artists" at the Billboard Latin Music Awards and the Lo Nuestro Awards. The album produced three singles: "Hasta Que Te Conocí", "Palabras del Alma", and "Si Tú No Te Fueras", all of which charted on the Billboard Hot Latin Songs chart. As of 2002, Otra Nota has sold over 300,000 copies.
Nota biográfica sobre Jaime Chicharro y Sánchez-Guio (1889-1934); the organization is also referred to as Asociación católioo-nacional de jóvenes propagandistas, see El Siglo Futuro 09.06.10, available here Also in 1911 Chicharro joined the Madrid Junta Católica, part of a national electoral effort engineered by the Church and intended to produce a grand Catholic political alliance.El Siglo Futuro 07.01.11, available here At that time he was already a Carlist activist recognized nationally.
The class G airspace exists outside the control zones (CTRs – class C airspace) and control areas (CTAs - class A & C airspace), up to FL75. The high level (FL245-FL660) above the area around Donegal Co., is controlled by the Scottish Control (EGPX). The Shannon FIR contains the SOTA (Shannon Oceanic Transition Area) and NOTA (North Oceanic Transition Area), as of the start of 2006. The airspace is class A airspace from FL55 to FL660.
Singles featured on the record included "Gimme Gimme" (2017), "Ruleta" (2017) and "Nirvana" (2017), which attained commercial success in several European countries including Romania and Turkey. "Ruleta" and "Nirvana" peaked at numbers three and two in her native country, respectively. Another pair of top ten singles in Romania, "Nota de plată" and "Pentru că", followed in late 2017 and 2018 with Moldovan group The Motans. Inna released her sixth studio album, Yo, in May 2019.
Ozma also uses the converted monster as a stopper, to stop trends she doesn't approve. The Nota-bells are given quarters in a high tower of Ozma's palace, where they supply pleasant music to the city below. The story ends with a great party and dance. A weak plot and the lack of a compelling villain make The Scalawagons of Oz one of the most random and disorganized of the Oz books.
Delay Namgyal Barfungpa was promoted to the vice president of SNPP at some point from 2009 to 2012. In the Sikkim Legislative Assembly election of 2014 SNPP didn't contest and appealed voters to be politically conscious, pointing out the "None of the Above" (NOTA) option. In January 2018 SNPP announced that it would contest the Sikkim Legislative Assembly Election 2019. However, in August 2018 Adhikari resigned from the president and seceded from SNPP.
Prior to joining Sonido Tré, Rivera was a semifinalist in Latin American Idol 2007. Ríos, with the group Nota won the NBC a cappella show 'The Sing-Off’ in 2009. The trio recorded their album ‘Tré’ in 2014, and 'Tré en Vivo' in 2015. Sonido Tré joined Puerto Rican tenor Fernando Varela in singing a medley of “En Mi Viejo San Juan / Preciosa” for the taping of Varela's PBS Special “Coming Home’.
Police units, local and state emergency vehicles and paramedics quickly responded to the alert and within minutes had the situation under control. That same afternoon, at 2:30, the organizing committee (COMAZ) of the "Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe – Mayagüez 2010" announced at a press conference the postponement of the opening ceremony for the next day, 18 July 2010.ADENDI. (17 July 2010). The group Nota sang the Puerto Rico regional anthem in the opening ceremony.
Violin pedagogical elements were slipped into the screenplay through visits to various places in the Music Land. Géza Szilvay gained international recognition not only as a violin pedagogue and creator of the Colourstrings method but also as an educator and conductor of children’s and youth orchestras. For 10 years, he headed the annual Prima Nota festival in Kuhmo, bringing together young string players from all over Finland and practising and performing age appropriate repertoire with them.
Adrian Gaxha was born on 13 February 1984 into an Albanian family in the city of Skopje, then part of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia, present North Macedonia. Gaxha discovered his passion for music at an early age and started to play the viola. He commenced his early music career in 2001 simultaneously with his participation in Nota Fest. There, he won first prize, the first time a newcomer won both, the jury and the audience votes.
Abhirami Venkatachalam started her career as a model and won the Miss Tamil Nadu title. In 2016, she starred in the web series Ctrl Alt Delete. The following year, she hosted the reality show Star Wars on Sun TV. Abhirami made her acting debut in Anand Shankar's NOTA (2018), portraying the love interest of the characters portrayed by senior actors Nassar and Sathyaraj. She then appeared Kalavu and portrayed one of the leads in the film.
Ronderos began her career in Buenos Aires in 1983, where she covered Argentina's transition to democracy. In 1992, she became the first female political editor of the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo. She worked on the TV news program Buenos Días Colombia and the TV opinion program Testimonio, and was a columnist for El Espectador, a Colombian national newspaper. From 1997 to 1999, she was editorial director, columnist, and editor at the business and financial magazine La Nota Económica.
Heald and considered by the Supreme Court. The court ruled that laws in Michigan and New York that prohibited consumers from buying wine directly from out-of-state wineries were unconstitutional. In 2009, the organization sued to allow donors to be compensated for giving bone marrow. The National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 (NOTA) made it illegal to compensate organ donors, but did not prevent payment for other forms of donations (such as human plasma, sperm, and egg cells).
She defeated Kholisilie Nota and Ngangomhlaba Matanzima to the position, both of whom were male. Her term as Prime Minister did not last long as she was overthrown in a coup by General Bantu Holomisa. This came after Holomisa accused her government of corruption, alleging that Sigcau received bribes in exchange for gambling rights. While she denied these allegations, she conceded to accepting a bursary worth R50 000 from an official in order to pay for her daughter's tuition.
Rav Eybeschütz's father Nosson Nota was the rabbi in Ivančice (, sometimes Eibeschutz), Habsburg Moravia. Rav Eybeschütz was a child prodigy in Talmud; on his father's death, he studied in the yeshiva of Meir Eisenstadt in Prostějov (Prossnitz), and then later in Holešov (Holleschau). He also lived in Vienna for a short time. He married Elkele Spira, daughter of Rabbi Isaac Spira, and they lived in Hamburg for two years with Mordecai ha-Kohen, Elkele's maternal grandfather.
The Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients was also established to conduct ongoing studies into the evaluation and clinical status of organ transplants. In 2000 the Children's Health Act passed and required NOTA to consider special issues around pediatric patients and organ allocation (Services). An example of "line jumping" occurred in 2003 at Duke University when doctors attempted to correct an initially incorrect transplant. An American teenager received a heart-lung donation with the wrong blood type for her.
Nota Bene: Adams starts his memoirs by referring to "a letter from Admiral Rufus Taylor, the agency's otherwise kindly deputy director, who intimated that the CIA would be better off without me." As Adams recalls, "The letter was Admiral Taylor's last official act" at CIA, on January 31, 1969. The letter ends suggesting that Adams "submit [his] resignation." Adams instead reflected on troubles at CIA, and "the damnedest set of misdeeds that U.S. Intelligence had ever strung together," e.g.
The song was in the "Canon" episode of Melrose Place. "Weird Al" Yankovic covered "Down" as part of "Polka Face," the polka medley from his 2011 album Alpocalypse. "Down" has been used and covered in numerous user videos on YouTube, including a breast cancer awareness video by the Providence St. Vincent Medical Center. A cover version of the song was also performed on the episode 2 of The Sing-Off by the a cappella group Nota.
After Nota went on to win the contest during the finale, Sean himself made an appearance, performing "Down" with the group in the show's ending. DJ Bikram Keith and DJ Vix made a "Desi Remix" to "Down". At the Grammy Awards 2010, where Jay Sean was, Taylor Swift stated that "Down" was her favorite song of 2009. In early December 2009, the song appeared at number 20 on the Billboard Year-End Hot 100 singles of 2009.
During the night show, both artists sung also "Hrajme píseň"), a trio recorded in collaboration with Czech actor Josef Laufer. The duet itself was officially released on Gombitová's studio album entitled Ateliér duše (1987), and received a nomination for Zlatá nota, awarded by publicists of the Melodie magazine. Later on, "Neznámy pár" was issued on Gott's compilation Zůstanu svůj: Hity z 80. let, which charted at number #9 on the Czech Top 50 albums chart in 2008.
The library cooperates with similar libraries in the Nordic region: Nota in Denmark, MTM in Sweden, Hljóðbókasafn Íslands in Iceland and Celia in Finland. In the autumn of 2009 the libraries signed an agreement to exchange their materials across borders. The agreement covers both completed productions and access to files needed to produce literature in the desired format. The agreement increases the amount of material available to users and contributes to a reduction of unnecessary duplicate productions.
Kolsky District is bordered on the west by Pechengsky District, on the southwest by Finland, and on the north by the Barents Sea. The terrain is mostly flat forest (taiga) and rocky tundra. The district mostly covers the Tuloma River and the Kola River, which flow north into Kola Bay and the Barents Sea. The Tuloma River flows out of Lake Notozero, which in turn is fed from the southwest by the Nota River and the Lutto (river).
She is the daughter of Italian director Francesco Vicario and the granddaughter of Marco Vicario and Rossana Podestà. She debuted with a minor role in Woody Allen's To Rome with Love (2012) and appeared in several Italian TV series such as I Cesaroni, R.I.S. Roma – Delitti imperfetti, Caccia al Re – La narcotici and Carlo & Malik. As a singer-songwriter, she released her debut single "Nota bene" in 2013. Her first studio album Minimal Musical was released in 2014.
In April 2020, bassist and vocalist Fernanda Lira and drummer Luana Dametto left Nervosa and founded the band Crypta with Burning Witches guitarist Sonia Nusselder, leaving Prika Amaral as the sole remaining original member. The musicians were replaced by vocalist Diva Satanica, bassist Mia Wallace and drummer Eleni Nota. NERVOSA Announces New Lineup,, retrieved on June 02, 2020 With this new lineup, Nervosa recorded their fourth studio album Perpetual Chaos, which will be released on January 22, 2021.
The Tuloma (, , and ) is a river in Murmansk Oblast in Russia. With a drainage basin of and an average discharge at 255 m³/s, the Tuloma is one of the biggest rivers in northern Fennoscandia. The river has its sources in the Saariselkä mountains in the eastern parts of the Lapland region in Finland. The Tuloma itself is formed by the confluence of the rivers Lotta and Nota rivers in the Verkhnetulomskoye Reservoir (formerly Lake Notozero).
Amit Gupta said that they may start their own political party if their demands are ignored. On 28 March 2014, Amit Gupta urged voters across the country to exercise the "None of the above" (NOTA) in the 2014 general elections. According to him, no political party was paying heed to their demands of gender neutral laws and a Ministry of Men's Welfare. In early April 2014, Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF) sent out four queries regarding men's issues to various political leaders.
A live version of the song was included on his album En el Palacio de Bellas Artes (1990) which peaked at number ten on the Hot Latin Songs chart. The song has been recorded by several artists including Roberto del Castillo, Ana Gabriel, Marc Anthony, Raúl di Blasio, and Maná. Anthony covered the song on his debut studio album Otra Nota (1993) after hearing it on the radio during a taxi ride. di Blasio's version features Gabriel performing the vocals on the song.
Cicero de Senectute 12. But the offences which are recorded to have been punished by the censors are of a threefold nature. A person who had been branded with a nota censoria, might, if he considered himself wronged, endeavour to prove his innocence to the censors,causam agere apud censores, Varro de re Rustica i.7. and if he did not succeed, he might try to gain the protection of one of the censors, that he might intercede on his behalf.
The Beelzebubs were one of eight vocal groups featured on the NBC television program The Sing-Off, which aired in December 2009. The Bubs were selected amongst hundreds of groups to compete. Having survived cuts by the judges in each of the first three shows, the Beelzebubs appeared in the finals on December 21, 2009, finishing second to Nota from Puerto Rico. The competition's prize was $100,000 and a recording contract with Epic Records/Sony Music, and was determined by viewer voting.
On 24 December 2014, it was announced that Haller was sent on loan to Dutch Eredivisie side FC Utrecht until the end of the season.FC Utrecht slaat slag: "Een jeugdinternational nota bene van een groot voetballand" (in Dutch). 24 December 2014. Retrieved 24 December 2014 At the end of the season, it was announced that FC Utrecht had signed Haller. The supporters voted for Haller as the winner of the Di Tommaso Trophy 2015, Utrecht’s player of the year award.
Di Bert, Marino Vicende storiche gradiscane, Società Filologica Friulana, Udine, pp. 65–104. To block Austrian supplies from the valley, the Venetians considered occupying Sdraussina and Fogliano (south of Gradisca). Although the occupation was planned in detail by Don Giovanni de' Medici on 25 August 1617, it was not carried on because it was considered too dangerous and relief to the fort from the plateau continued.Caimmi Riccardo, La guerra del Friuli, Altrimenti nota come la guerra di gradisca o degli Uscocchi, ed.
The first photographs appeared newspapers in Mexico around 1900 and changed how nota roja stories were illustrated. Due to its nature, photographic images are more realistic and less interpretive, tending to confront the viewer with the violence of the scene. Before the advent of cameras in cell phone, photography was mostly limited to the aftermath of events, when the reporters could get to the scene. Nonetheless, the graphic nature of the images photographs provide spurred an appetite for such images.
Candidates for partisan offices that wish to run as a Libertarian are nominated at a nomination convention, which can be, and historically has been, held in conjunction with the state party annual convention. A vote of registered Libertarians at convention determines who the candidate will be. All candidates must also defeat NOTA (None of the Above) in order to obtain the ability to run as a Libertarian. The LPKY State Party Executive Committee can vote to add additional candidates after the convention.
Most individual tests consist of 30 multiple-choice questions (not including tie-breakers), A-E, where answer choice "E" is "None of the Above", or "None of These Answers"; abbreviated NOTA. Students are typically allotted 1 hour for the entire test. In most states they are graded on the following scale: +4 points for a correct answer, −1 points for an incorrect answer that was chosen, and 0 points if the question was left blank. This scoring system makes guessing statistically neutral.
The Tillamook language is part of the Salish family, spoken by groups living along the river mouths in the northern Oregon coast, ranging from the Nehalem River to the Siletz River. Edel employed Clara Pearson, who was fluent in the Nehalem language as well as Jane and Lizzie Adams and Jane's daughter, Mrs. Nota Goff. Franz Boas later requested Melville Jacobs to collect information about dialects in the Garibaldi area in Oregon to provide more grammatical material for Edel's doctoral dissertation.
Todo a Su Tiempo (All in Due Time) is the second studio album by American recording artist Marc Anthony, released by RMM Records on May 30, 1995. The album was produced by Sergio George, who was also involved with production of Anthony's debut studio album, Otra Nota. The album comprises five new compositions, three of which were written by Omar Alfanno, and four cover versions. Eight singles were released from the album, all of which topped the Billboard Tropical Songs chart.
In 2006, Cacho reported on the hundreds of female homicides in Ciudad Juárez. In 2020, Cacho was the host and executive producer of a bilingual podcast produced by Imperative Entertainment and Blue Guitar about the femicide in Juárez. The podcast was released in English as The Red Note and in Spanish as La Nota Roja. A documentary on the same topic, entitled "Flowers of the Desert: Stories from the Red Note," is scheduled to be released by Imperative Entertainment in 2021.
From 2007 he consistently announced that he wants to be naturalized to become Korean citizen. On 26 March 2009, Mota signed with Ceará until the end of the season, helping Ceará to be promoted to first division in Brazil. On 28 December 2009, Mota came back to South Korea and joined Pohang After spending a two-year at Pohang, he returned to Brazil for his family, whereas Pohang coaches and many fans persuaded him to stay.
Audio engineer Bill Hare had been pioneering contemporary a cappella recording techniques for a few years, including on albums by the Stanford Mendicants and on Fleet Street's prior release, curious... (1990). But it was Hare's engineering on 50-Minute Fun Break that landed him on the map for good. Hare would go on to work with a cappella's biggest groups, including winners of The Sing-Off such as Nota, Home Free, and Pentatonix, with whom Hare would earn a 2x multi-platinum certification.
NOTA () is a 2018 Indian political thriller film directed by Anand Shankar. Shot simultaneously in Tamil and Telugu, it stars Vijay Deverakonda, making his Tamil debut, playing the lead role along with Mehreen Pirzada. Sathyaraj, Nassar, Karunakaran, Priyadarshi Pullikonda, Yashika Aannand, M. S. Bhaskar, and Rajendran, among others portray supporting roles. Produced by K. E. Gnanavel Raja, under his production house Studio Green, the film was adapted from novel Vettattam by Shan Karuppusamy who is also involved in the film's screenplay.
Nota bene, her guide on birth control was titled: A Talk to Mothers by a Doctor Who is a Mother Herself. She introduced herself here as professionally prepared for counseling in the area of birth control, as well as a woman who shared these experiences with other women. Her status was legitimized by the fact of her having three children and specializing in gynecology and pediatrics.”Kuźma-Markowska, Zdrowe Matki, Chichiane Dzieci, pages 193-194 Dr. Blount also supported the idea of eugenics.
Before NOTA was put in place, there was no clear jurisdiction on what property rights were for a human corpse. Instead, America applied a "quasi-right" to a corpse. This meant that the relatives of a deceased person had a possessory right long enough to decide how to bury or dispose of the corpse. This does not mean a property right which means they do not have a right to transfer, devise, possess, and lease the human organs and tissues.
The photos were made public and attached to the petition to the Prosecutor's office requesting criminal investigation. The Prosecutor's office refused to instigate proceeding due to the lack of corpus delicti in the staff's action. Nota bene - in its Decision on the case “Kaverzin vs. Ukraine” the European Court pointed out that the lack of efficient investigation of the torture by the Prosecutor's office in Ukraine is a systemic violation of Article 3 of the Convention for Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
On 25 February 2012, a blast in the machine room housing the generators at the station caused a fire that, according to the Brazilian navy, destroyed approximately 70% of the building. Nota à Imprensa 3 – Incêndio na Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz ("Press Release 3 - Fire at Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Base") Brazilian Navy. Retrieved 26 February 2012. Two soldiers, originally reported as missing by the Brazilian navy, were found dead in the debris of the station after the fire, while a third one sustained non-life- threatening injuries.
A Legislative Assembly election was held on 25 November 2013 in Madhya Pradesh, India, with the result announced on 8 December. Along with other provincial elections, these were the first five elections in which the Election Commission of India (ECI) implemented a "None of the above" (NOTA) voting option, allowing the electorate to register a neutral vote but not to outright reject candidates. In a first, the Election Commission of India also appointed Central Awareness Observers, whose main task was to oversee voter awareness and facilitation.
Other minor parties included Robert West for the British National Party, who stood as first candidate for the East Midlands Region in the 2009 European Elections, and the Official Monster Raving Loony Party's leader, Howling Laud Hope. Three new parties stood candidates for the first time. The Libertarian Party selected 18-year-old Thomas Burridge as their first parliamentary candidate. NOTA, which stands for "None of the Above", a party set up by former boxer Terry Marsh, announced that Anne Fryatt would stand as their candidate.
On 2 March 2016, Seeman has introduced at a press meeting, that the twin candles is the election symbol of Naam Tamilar Katchi. On 23 March 2016, Naam Tamilar Katchi published its election manifesto 2016. Seeman openly challenged Arunan a CPM party member that he would score more votes than their PWF alliance in the 2016 state assembly elections failing which he vowed to dissolve his party and join the CPM. The party scored less than the alliance overall and even less than NOTA.
Girar is the first studio album released by the Dominican based electronic rock band Tabu Tek. This first production was released on the year 1996 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The released spanned several hits in the local rock scene of Santo Domingo including the songs "Cierra Los Ojos" , "Escena Gastada", and "Girar" who all received significant airplay in local rock stations like X-102 and 95.7 Nota Diferente. Despite this local success, the band enjoyed little recognition outside Santo Domingo, even less outside the Dominican Republic.
The practitioner of > the Ars Notoria gazed at figures or diagrams curiously marked and called > 'notae' whilst reciting magical prayers. He hoped to gain in this way > knowledge, or memory, of all the arts and sciences, a different 'nota' being > provided for each discipline. The Ars Notoria is perhaps a descendant of the > classical art of memory, or of that difficult branch of it which used the > shorthand notae. It was regarded as a particularly black kind of magic and > was severely condemned by Thomas Aquinas.
Deori city has many New and old historic Temples. The famous temples are Khanderao, phota mindir Lord Shiv Temple Near of Nirala cloth making shop NOTA Rode and behind block colony nearest sankatmochan hanuman mandir (old about 100 years)Mahakali Math,Marai Mata mandir, dakshin mukhi hanuman mandir near kachehari ,Kherapati Mandir Baderiya Tiraha, Sai mandir. The Jain temples of Bina Barha is an Atishay Jain tirth, situated in the rural area of Garhpipariya of Deori.Acharya Vidyasagar has visited this temple many times for chaturmas.
In December 2009, a new television competition series called The Sing-Off aired on NBC. The show featured eight a cappella groups from the United States and Puerto Rico vying for the prize of $100,000 and a recording contract with Epic Records/Sony Music. The show was judged by Ben Folds, Shawn Stockman, and Nicole Scherzinger and was won by an all-male group from Puerto Rico called Nota. The show returned for a second, third and fourth season, won by Committed, Pentatonix and Home Free respectively.
Magnette continued talks with the ten parties and consulted the civil society, more specifically the unions and employers' organisations, poverty organisations and organisations committed to climate transition.Informateur Magnette (PS) schrijft nota over 6 prioriteiten: "Kan fundament zijn om volgende regering op te bouwen", VRT Nieuws, 18 November 2019. On 25 November 2019 Magnette reported back to King Phiippe. His assignment was extended again, now until 9 December.Paul Magnette (PS) blijft informateur en doet oproep aan partijvoorzitters: "Wij werken voor álle Belgen", VRT Nieuws, 25 November 2019.
Fer'et Aa Nota started writing and composing original songs since they were first founded in June 2013. After winning the Audience Prize in a bands competition in Beirut, the band started finalising their original songs, and in April 2014, chose eight original songs, recorded and mixed them at Audio Addicts Studios in Hamra, Beirut. The album was mastered at The Soundmasters in London. Their debut album was named "حJazz" and contains eight original tracks all written, composed and arranged by the members of the band.
In 1991, Cappelen had her first solo exhibition of oil paintings, at the Nota Bene Gallery in Oslo. Since then she has had many exhibitions of her paintings and she is still producing paintings. Since 1998, Cappelen has lived in Son.Forfatterkatalogen: Bodil Cappelen. Bodil Cappelen cites Eugène Delacroix's saying as her own motto: “The first merit of a painting is to be a feast for the eye.” Cappelen is a member of the Norwegian Visual Artists Association (, NBK) and the Association of Norwegian Painters (, KNM).
Nosson Tzvi Finkel (1849 in Raseiniai, Russian Empire – 1927 in the British Mandate of Palestine), also known as Nota Hirsch or Natan Tzvi Finkel, was an influential leader of Orthodox Judaism in Eastern Europe and founder of the Slabodka yeshiva, in the town of Vilijampolė (a suburb of Kaunas). He is also known by the Yiddish appellation der Alter ("the Elder") and as the Alter of Slabodka. Many of his pupils were to become major leaders of Orthodox Judaism in the USA and Israel.
He has a degree in law and was a pioneer cavalry officer.A 85 ANNI VOLERÀ IN ASSENZA DI GRAVITÀ CON SPACELAND (Nota: l'articolo è del 2004, il volo è stato poi effettuato l'anno successivo, all'età di 86 anni, non 85) He was an honorary citizen of Costa Rica, where he led a company doing agricultural colonization in the fifties. Among his writings is curating Emigranti alla conquista della foresta (translated=Migrants to the conquest of the forest), which promotes that colonization of Costa Rica.Dalla scheda di SMS.
Scelsi c. 1935 Giacinto Scelsi (; 8 January 1905 9 August 1988) was an Italian composer who also wrote surrealist poetry in French. He is best known for writing music based around only one pitch, altered in all manners through microtonal oscillations, harmonic allusions, and changes in timbre and dynamics, as paradigmatically exemplified in his Quattro pezzi su una nota sola ("Four Pieces on a single note", 1959). This composition remains his most famous work and one of the few performed to significant recognition during his lifetime.
In 1970, Rabbis Noah Weinberg, Mendel Weinbach, Nota Schiller, and Yaakov Rosenberg, founded Shema Yisrael Yeshiva to attract young Jewish men with little or no background in Jewish studies. The founders of the Yeshiva eventually parted ways due to differences in philosophy of teaching with Rabbi Weinberg founding Aish HaTorah in 1974 and Rabbi Rosenberg founding Machon Shlomo in 1982. In 1973, Shema Yisrael changed its name to Ohr Somayach, the title of a commentary on the Mishneh Torah written by Rabbi Meir Simcha of Dvinsk.
In 1914, while at office as Ottoman Consul General in Buenos Aires, he broke with the Young Turks government due to its alliance with the German Empire and its entrance in World War I, which Arslan harshly criticized. He denounced the extermination of Armenians from the review he founded and edited, La Nota, in August 1915. During his stay in Europe he had also condemned the Hamidian massacres from the French press. After the war Arslan initially supported a provisional Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon.
They performed in two concerts with the Colombian singer Carlos Vives, the first in Miami in 2016, and then in Orlando in 2017. They toured Puerto Rico in early to mid 2017, with their ‘Blessing’ tour, a presentation designed to be inspirational and identifiable for their Puerto Rican audience. They returned to Puerto Rico again in late 2018 for their concert ‘Legacy’, performing together with the a cappella group Nota. In November 2017, the group joined Fernando Varela in his Fernando and Friends for Puerto Rico.
To take revenge on him, Ramu kidnapped his daughter Aishwarya (Oviya) and he blackmailed Udayappa to donate a part of his fortune to the slum dwellers. Udayappa first cooperated with them but then changed his mind. When the election starts, Ramu decides to become an independent candidate at the election, but since he is homeless and does not have a voter ID, he cannot contest at the election. Ramu then requests the slum dwellers to vote none of the above, and NOTA gets the majority of votes.
An inscription at Yad Vashem states that Pius XII's record during the Holocaust was controversial, and that he negotiated a concordat with the Nazis, maintained Vatican neutrality during the war and, formerly stated that he took no initiatives to save Jews. In 1985, Pietro Palazzini was honored by the museum, where he protested the repeated criticisms against Pius, on whose instructions Palazzini declared to have acted. Palazzini, a theological advisor to the Pontiff, had taught and written about the moral theology of Pope Pius XII.Pensieri die Pio XII, con una nota del Card.
La Malfa assumed direction of the party newspaper, La Voce Repubblicana, in 1959. In 1962 he was named Minister of the Budget in the first center-left government under Amintore Fanfani, following the socialist abstention. In May he introduced the Nota Aggiuntiva, in which he supplied a general vision of the state of the Italian economy, including the inequalities which characterized it, and delineated the instruments and objects of their regime. Though criticized for his plan by the Confindustria, the Italian employers union, he decided to nationalize the electricity industry.
The career of Alfredo Jiménez Mota' began in newspapers while he was still a student in Culiacán, where he worked for El Sol de Culiacán, El Debate and Noroeste, Sinaloa. and began to report in the genre of the nota roja (tabloid style crime stories). He was also director of social communication at the Attorney General Office of Culiacán, Sinaloa. In late 2004, Jiménez Mota joined El Imparcial, where he often wrote stories dangerous enough that editors did not want to print his byline but Jiménez Mota insisted on the credit.
In 1993, American recording artist Marc Anthony covered "Hasta Que Te Conocí" on his debut studio album Otra Nota. According to Anthony, he originally had no desire to record in Spanish and turned down an offer by RMM manager Ralph Mercado to record an album in salsa. During a taxi ride, Anthony heard Gabriel's "Hasta Que Te Conocí" on the radio and was compelled to perform the song in salsa. This led to an agreement between Mercado and Anthony to record an album in salsa with a cover of "Hasta Que Te Conocí" included.
The Federación Anarquista de Rosario – in English: Anarchist Federation of Rosario – is a regional anarchist political organization from Rosario, Argentina. It was founded in late 2008 as Columna Libertaria Joaquin Penina./ Jóvenes anarquistas revivirán el primer acto del 1º de Mayo , nota en La Capital The federation aligns in the specifism tendency, ideological trend influenced by Mikhail Bakunin, Errico Malatesta, Luigi Fabbri, Camillo Berneri, Ricardo Flores Magon, Ettore Mattei, Carlo Cafiero and others. The organization argues in its written the need to support anarchist organizations then regional federations.
According to Emir Rodríguez Monegal in his April 1968 article "Nota sobre Biorges", when Adolfo Bioy Casares and Jorge Luis Borges collaborated under the pseudonyms H. Bustos Domecq or B. Suárez Lynch, the results seemed written by a new personality, more than the sum of its parts, which he dubbed "Biorges" and considered in his own right as "one of the most important Argentine prose writers of his time", for having influenced writers such as Leopoldo Marechal (an otherwise anti-Borgesian), or Julio Cortázar's use of fictional language and slang in his masterpiece Hopscotch.
The Journal of Sexual Aggression is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes articles about research findings and the development of theory, policy, and practice regarding sexual aggression in all its forms. The scope of the journal as of 2010 extends to the expression of sexual aggression across childhood and adulthood, with regard to abusers, victims, and survivors, irrespective of gender, culture, and sexual preference. It is the official journal of the National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers (NOTA). The editor in chief of the journal as of 2010 is Sarah Brown.
Originally photography of scenes did try to create some dramatization in the use of light, angles etc. (the photography of Enrique Metinides is a good example of this) but from the 1940s to the 1960s, the focus of the photography leaned towards graphic and bloody images. In the latter 20th century, the demand for graphic and savage images and stories have transformed how nota roja stories are presented. Photographs now dominate this kind of news, generally using the images with the most blood and gore with no other emotion to evoke but sensationalism.
Pseudochazara baldiva is a butterfly species belonging to the family Nymphalidae described by Frederic Moore in 1865."Pseudochazara de Lesse, 1951" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life FormsAndrew Wakeham-Dawson et al. (2007) "Description of androconia in the Palaearctic Asian Pseudochazara baldiva (Moore, 1865) butterfly species-group (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) with designation of two lectotypes and reference to type and other material in the Natural History Museum, London" Nota lepidopterologica It can be found in the Himalayas, Kashmir, Tibet and India. The wingspan is 40–55 mm.
275 nota 215, ISBN 978-88-8453- 683-9. He restored the Rocca dei Rossi at San Secondo, rebuilding its bastions and towers, which had been demolished during the war with the Sforza, and expanding the defensive perimeter. He died there in June 1521, leaving the marquisate weak - his heirs were still in their minority and so the Rossi of Corniglio tried to take advantage of the situation with a force led by Filippo Maria and Bernardo, descendants of Guido de' Rossi, the son Pier Maria II had chosen to succeed himself.
Rustichello wrote Devisement du Monde in Franco-Venetian language.Maria Bellonci, "Nota introduttiva", Il Milione di Marco Polo, Milano, Oscar Mondadori, 2003, p. XI Latham also argued that Rustichello may have glamorised Polo's accounts, and added fantastic and romantic elements that made the book a bestseller. The Italian scholar Luigi Foscolo Benedetto had previously demonstrated that the book was written in the same "leisurely, conversational style" that characterised Rustichello's other works, and that some passages in the book were taken verbatim or with minimal modifications from other writings by Rustichello.
These cells all together produce hormones of the anterior pituitary and release them into the blood stream. Nota bene: The terms "basophil" and "acidophil" are used by some books, whereas others prefer not to use these terms. This is due to the possible confusion with white blood cells, where one may also find basophils and acidophils. :; Pars tuberalis: The pars tuberalis (tubular part) forms a part of the sheath extending up from the pars distalis, which joins with the pituitary stalk (also known as the infundibular stalk or infundibulum), arising from the posterior lobe.
Riudoms (present view) José María descended from a bourgeoisie Catalan family; his patriline ancestors for 3 generations exercised as physicians. His great-grandfather, Jaume Sentís Master, a native of Ulldemolins, in the late 18th century settled in Botarell, practicing as a surgeon.Dr. Jordi Sentís Bonet entry, [in:] Testimonios para la historia service, available here His son and José María's grandfather, Bernard Sentís Toldrà (1807–1881),Edelmira Doménech, Jacint Corbella, Nota sobre Bernat Sentís i Toldrá, cirurgiá de Riudoms en el segle XIX, [in:] Gimbernaut 42 (2004), p. 105 moved to Riudoms.
UNOS then allocates organs based on the method considered most fair by the scientific leadership in the field. The allocation methodology varies somewhat by organ, and changes periodically. For example, liver allocation is based partially on MELD score (Model of End-Stage Liver Disease), an empirical score based on lab values indicative of the sickness of the person from liver disease. In 1984, the National Organ Transplant Act (NOTA) was passed which gave way to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network that maintains the organ registry and ensures equitable allocation of organs.
The coat of arms of the city of Gdańsk (Polish: Herb Gdańska, German: Wappen Danzigs), in its current form, dates back to 1410 and Banderia Prutenorum.Banderium alterum comendarie et castri Gdansk, quod ex fratribus cruciferis et mercenariis militibus ducebat vicecomendator Gdanensis, in quo erant septuaginta haste militum nobilium. Nota: hoc banderium continet in longitudine duas ulnas cum media, in latitudine vero duas ulnas minus medio quartali. Cauda autem protrahitur in longitudine duarum ulnarum, in latitudine unius quartalis a superiori parte, et quarto inferius, tanto striccius, in fine stricte.
They were joined by two drummers: Buddy Deppenschmidt and Bill Reichenbach. The album was recorded at All Souls Unitarian Church in Washington, D.C. on February 13, 1962 and released in April of that year.Liner notes to Verve CD 314 521 413-2 Two songs, "Desafinado" (Off Key or Out of Tune) and "Samba de Uma Nota Só" (One Note Samba) were composed by Antonio Carlos Jobim and were released as singles in the U.S. and Europe. Charlie Byrd wrote one song, "Samba Dees Days", while the rest were by Brazilian composers.
In turn, the notum of the prothorax is called the pronotum, the notum for the mesothorax is called the mesonotum and the notum for the metathorax is called the metanotum. Continuing with this logic, there is also the mesopleura and metapleura, as well as the mesosternum and metasternum. The tergal plates of the thorax are simple structures in apterygotes and in many immature insects, but are variously modified in winged adults. The pterothoracic nota each have two main divisions: the anterior, wing-bearing alinotum and the posterior, phragma-bearing postnotum.
From 2002 until 2004, Tetyana is the author and presenter of the TV project "Nota Bené" TET (TV channel). The concept of the program was based on Tatyana's portrait interviews with famous people and on covering large-scale cultural and sporting events in life of the country. Within the framework of the program, in cooperation with the REUTERS agency, the latest news from the world of show business and the world film industry were covered. During 2005 Tetyana was the author and presenter of the TV- project "A special case" (TV-channel Tonis (Ukraine)).
Notatesseraeraptor ("feature mosaic tile thief"; from the Latin "nota", feature; "tesserae", tiles used to make a mosaic, in reference to the mixture of features normally found on dilophosaurids and coelophysoids; and "raptor", thief) is a genus of carnivorous theropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Triassic of what is now Switzerland. It was found in the Gruhalde Member of the Klettgau Formation. It was an early member of Neotheropoda with affinities to Dilophosaurus and Averostra. The new genus and species Notatesseraeraptor frickensis was named by Marion Zahner and colleagues in 2019.
Bangladesh introduced this option ("না ভোট" , "No Vote") in 2008. Pakistan introduced this option on ballot papers for the 2013 Pakistan elections, but the Election Commission of Pakistan later rejected it. Beginning with the 2016 presidential election, Bulgaria introduced a 'none of the above' option, which received 5.59% of the vote in the first round and 4.47% in the run-off. When "None of the Above" is listed on a ballot, there is the possibility of NOTA receiving a majority or plurality of the vote, and so "winning" the election.
That same year, the U.S. Congress passed the Charlie Norwood Act which clarified that paired exchange was legal. Prior to the passage of this law, many in the U.S. transplant community feared that KPD was unlawful due to the prohibition of "valuable consideration" as articulated in the NOTA laws that govern the U.S. transplant industry. With the passage of the Charlie Norwood Act, many more KPD programs were launched in the USA including the UNOS KPD program which was government sponsored with funding from deceased donor registration fees and charitable contributions.
He compared "Lights" to Romanian recording artist Alexandra Stan's "La Fuega" from her third studio album Alesta (2016), writing: "[it] is going to be a Marmite track; some people will love it, some people are going to hate it." Raluca Chirilă from InfoMusic considered the track for a standalone single release. Nirvana ends with tropical pop song "Dream About the Ocean", which "has an oceanic wave style to it" and whose lyrics deal with self confidence, and Romanian language ballads "Nota de plată", "Cum ar fi?" and "Tu și eu".
Note also known as NOTA () is a 2015 Malaysian crime drama mystery psycho thriller film written and directed by Japanese origin Yasu Tanaka. This was also his debut Malay language directorial venture and was produced by his wife Bea Tanaka under the production company 42nd Pictures. The film stars Hans Isaac in the male lead role, Maya Karin in the female lead role while late actor Ramli Hassan and Rin Izumi play supportive roles. The music for the film is scored by Christopher Higgs and editing is handled by Yashiko Tanaka.
Retrieved 10 September 2010. "La Villa del Cine asegura que en cuatro años de existencia ha realizado 26 películas --de ficción y documentales-- y ha apoyado más de 30 películas independientes, al tiempo que proyecta para 2011, un total de 12 producciones propias y otra decena de cintas que se hagan en el sector. Así lo afirma su presidente, José Antonio Varela, en una nota de prensa del organismo colocada en el site del Ministerio de la Cultura." Villa del Cine has filmed in all 24 Venezuelan states.
Dujovne was born to Ukrainian-Jewish parents in the village of Kurilovich, near the small town of Mohyliv-Podilskyi (Vinnytsia Oblast), on the border with Bessarabia (Moldova). At the age of one, his parents emigrated to Argentina; the family settled in Basavilbaso, Entre Ríos, one of the several Jewish colonies founded by Baron Maurice de Hirsch in the province.León Dujovne: La filosofía de la Historia de Sarmiento, publicación póstuma, en homenaje al 20o aniversario de su fallecimiento. Prólogo de Félix Gustavo Schuster y nota biográfica detallada de Celina A. Lértora Mendoza.
NOTA made it illegal to compensate organ donors, but did not prevent payment for other forms of donations (such as human plasma, sperm, and egg cells). Although bone marrow is not an organ or a component of an organ, the act made paying bone marrow donors illegal. At the time the act was passed, donating bone marrow involved a painful and risky medical procedure. In the years after the act was passed, a new procedure (apheresis) made it possible to harvest bone marrow cells through a non- surgical procedure similar to blood donation.
Six monks and six lay brothers were arrested, tortured, and killed by firing squad. A plaque at the entrance of the monastery, dedicated on 20 January 1985, nearly four decades after the event, reads: Among the twelve Carthusians killed were two Germans, one Swiss, one Venezuelan, and one Spaniard. The remaining monks were also from diverse countries. Those killed were Benedetto Lapuente, Bruno D'Amico, Raffaele Cantero, Adriano Compagnon, Adriano Clerc, Michele Nota, Giorgio Maritano, Pio Egger, Martino Binz, Gabriele Maria Costa, Bernardo Montes de Oca, and Aldo Mei.
Schiller was born in 1937 and raised in Brooklyn, New York, where he attended the high school division of Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin He graduated from Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore. The 1960s and 1970s were a time of searching for meaning by Western-educated, college-age men and women. In 1972, Rabbis Noah Weinberg, Mendel Weinbach, Nota Schiller, and Yaakov Rosenberg founded Shma Yisrael Yeshiva to teach young Jewish men with little or no background in Jewish studies. After a few years, Weinberg left the yeshiva over a difference in philosophy and founded Aish HaTorah in 1974.
Pensieri die Pio XII, con una nota del Card. Pietro Palazzini Vicenza, 1984 In a 1992 interview, Palazzini referred to a walk he took with Pius XII in the Vatican Gardens before the imminent Nazi occupation of Rome, during which, it was rumoured, the Pope could be abducted. Behind the bushes, on the walkways, everywhere, there were marching exercises by the soldiers of the Papal Noble Guard. When the Pope asked the meaning of them, he was told that they were exercises in preparation for his defense, in case of a German take-over of the Vatican.
La Scuola di mistica fascista - Una pagina poco nota del Fascismo - PDF The School's object was the training of the future leaders of the National Fascist Party. The School's president was Arnaldo's son Vito Mussolini. Arnaldo Mussolini had an important part in defusing the cooled relations between the Fascist regime and the Catholic Church during the crisis of 1931, especially regarding the education of youth. Mussolini had signed a Concordat with the Catholic Church in 1929, but by 1931, after Fascist authority came into conflict with the superior organizational skills of Catholic groups, Mussolini retracted part of the concessions that he had made.
In 2011, Hazare demanded an amendment to the electoral law to incorporate the option of None of the above in the electronic voting machines during the Indian elections. The "None of the above (NOTA)" is a ballot option that allows an electorate to indicate disapproval of all of the candidates in an electoral system, in case of non-availability of any candidate of his choice, as his Right to Reject. Soon, the Chief Election Commissioner of India Shahabuddin Yaqoob Quraishi supported Hazare's demand for the electoral reforms. On 31 March 2013 Hazare started Jantantra Yatra from the city of Amritsar.
The notum (plural nota) is the dorsal portion of an insect's thoracic segment, or the dorsal surface of the body of nudibranch gastropods. The word "notum" is always applied to dorsal structures; in other words structures that are part of the back of an animal, as opposed to being part of the animal's ventral surface, or underside. This word is used in entomology, the study of insects, and in malacology, the study of mollusks. In malacology the word is used to describe the back of the body of the taxonomic group of marine, shell- less gastropods that are known as nudibranchs.
Spectral music was initially associated with composers of the French Ensemble l'Itinéraire, including Dufourt, Gérard Grisey, Tristan Murail, and Michael Levinas. For these composers, musical sound (or natural sound) is taken as a model for composition, leading to an interest in the exploration of the interior of sounds. Giacinto Scelsi was an important influence on Grisey, Murail and Levinas; his approach with exploring a single sound in his works and a "smooth" conception of time (such as in his Quattro pezzi su una nota sola) greatly influenced these composers to include new instrumental techniques and variations of timbre in their works.
It similarly comprises a large proportion of the European "amateur specialists", whose contributions to the knowledge about this group of insects continues to be of paramount significance. For many SEL members Lepidoptera collecting is a major interest, and the society has a clear stand on this issue. SEL members on Field Congress in South Tyrol The Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica promotes research in lepidopterology and dissemination of the findings primarily through the arrangement of the biennial European Congresses of Lepidopterology and through the publication of the scientific journal Nota Lepidopterologica. A newsletter, SELepidoptera News — Nouvelles — Nachrichten, serves the society.
There is provision for 16 candidates in a single balloting unit and up to a maximum of 4 balloting units with 64 candidate names and the respective party symbols can be connected in parallel to the control unit. If there are more than 64 candidates, the conventional ballot paper/box method of polling is deployed by the Election Commission. After a 2013 upgrade, an Indian EVM can cater to a maximum of 384 candidates plus "None Of The Above" option (NOTA). The current electronic voting machines in India are the M3 version with VVPAT capability, the older versions being M1 and M2.
By the 19th century, the term came to be used for violent crime, especially murder. With the development of the newspaper industry in that century, news of this type developed long, very detailed stories, which might have a graphic image to artistically depict the event. Both were meant to provoke emotion and sensationalism. The need to provoke emotion in the stories continued into the 20th century, but the introduction of photography in journalism changed both the illustration and text of the stories, with photographs, especially gory ones, dominating nota roja pages and text diminishing to bare facts and violent words.
The Dioxin affair was a political crisis that struck in Belgium during the spring of 1999. Contamination of feedstock with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) was detected in animal food products, mainly eggs and chickens. Although health inspectors reported the problem in January, measurements were taken only from May 1999 when the media revealed the case. The then Flemish Liberals and Democrats (VLD) opposition leader Guy Verhofstadt claimed that the government was trying to cover up the so-called "nota Destickere", which proved that several secretaries of state were informed much earlier that the food contained PCBs and dioxins.
"Samba de uma Nota Só" ("One-Note Samba") is a bossa nova and jazz standard song composed by Antônio Carlos Jobim with Portuguese lyrics by Newton Mendonça. The English lyrics were written by Jon Hendricks. It was first recorded by João Gilberto in 1960 for his album O Amor, o Sorriso e a Flor. The song title refers to the main melody line, which at first consists of a long series of notes of a single tone (typically D, as played in the key of G) played over a descending chord progression in a bossa nova rhythm.
Juan Diego Flórez Salom (born January 13, 1973)ECHO Musikpreis (2010). Opera Recording of the Year (17th and 18th century): Juan Diego Flórez is a Peruvian operatic tenor, particularly known for his roles in bel canto operas. On June 4, 2007, he received his country's highest decoration, the Knight Grand Cross in the Order of the Sun of Peru."'Tenor Juan Diego Flórez es ejemplo para la juventud y expresión del orgullo peruano', afirma Jefe de Estado Presidencia de la República del Perú", Presidencia de la República del Perú Nota de Prensa Nº 581, 4 June 2007.
MSJC is home to the Beta Delta Omega (ΒΔΩ) chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society of two-year colleges. An invitation for membership in Phi Theta Kappa is extended to students who meet the requirements; however, students who have not been invited can still apply. Applicants must have a minimum 3.5 GPA and at least 12 semester units of coursework completed. Phi Theta Kappa members have access to a multitude of scholarships, the opportunity to wear PTK regalia at graduation, and the chance to be published in Nota Bene, Phi Theta Kappa's honors anthology.
The genus can be divided into two lineages, which probably represent clades: palluma group :Superciliar scales not imbricate, more than four subocular scales, 3-4 rows of lorilabial scales, mental scale narrower than rostral scale and usually touching the sublabial scales. Tail spines well-developed, two annuli per segment. patagonicus group :Superciliar scales elongate and overlapping, one usually unfragmented subocular scale, tail smooth, Meckel's groove fused and closed. More species which may or may not belong to the aforementioned species groups: Nota bene: A binomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species was originally described in a genus other than Phymaturus.
He enlivened his students with his excitement for learning, and also endeared them with his paternal concern for their needs and his pleasant and humble personality. Schwartzman was one of the fathers of the Israeli baal teshuva movement. In the early 1970s, he co-founded the first yeshiva for baalei teshuva, Shema Yisrael, with Rabbi Mendel Weinbach, Rabbi Nota Schiller, and Rabbi Noach Weinberg. After this yeshiva evolved into Ohr Somayach yeshiva, Schwartzman continued on as a rosh yeshiva, delivering shiurim and guiding the staff in establishing policies for the new and untested field of baal teshuva education.
Prefaces () is a book by Søren Kierkegaard published under the pseudonym Nicolaus Notabene. The meaning of the pseudonym used for Prefaces, Nicholaus Notabene, was best summed up in his work Writing Sampler, where Kierkegaard said twice for emphasis, “Please read the following preface, because it contains things of the utmost importance.”Prefaces/Writing Sampler, by Søren Kierkegaard, Edited and Translated by Todd W. Nichol, Princeton University Press, 1997 P. 73, 90 He was trying to tell his critics to read the preface to his books because they have the key to understanding them. Nota bene is Latin for "note well".
Siegfried Saloman, born Solomon, was the son of the merchant Isaac Solomon (1782-1848) and Veilchen Geskel (1787-1836). He was the brother of the artist and the founder of the Gothenburg Museum of Art, Geskel Saloman (1821-1902), and Nota Saloman (1823–85), who was a chief medical officer for the Danish army. Since his father's business was no longer doing so well, the family moved to Copenhagen in 1829. As early as a 12-year-old Siegfried Saloman already played the violin, so he continued his studies in Copenhagen under the guidance of J. P. E. Hartmann, among others.
Most of the original cast signed autographs at the Federation Trading Post. _William Shatner_ (Capt. James Kirk) promoted his new album “ _William Shatner Live_ ” at the Berkeley store, signing his name to every copy sold that day. _James Doohan_ (Chief Engineer, Montgomery Scott), _George Takei_ (Helmsman, Hikaru Sulu), _Nichelle Nichols_ (Communications Officer, Nota Uhura), _Grace Lee Whitney_ (Yeoman, Janice Randy), Bruce Hyde (Transporter Technician, Kevin Riley), and guest star _Arlene Martel_ (Spock's fiancée, T’Pring), along with _Franz Joseph Schnaubelt_ (creator of the _Enterprise Blueprints_ and author of the " _Starfleet Technical Manual_ ") also made appearances in Berkeley.
In Kabayan, plants were used to preserve and smoke the bodies of the dead, but were usually passed down as folklore rather than scientific research. Guava leaves were used to wash the body. Besudak, or embelia Philippinensis has similar properties to vinegar to help preserve meat, and thus in death embalming was used as an extract form to prevent decay. Patani (Phaseolus Lunatus) and diwdiw (Ficus Nota) are antibacterial plants that are also placed around the body before the smoking period, in which guava leaves are kindled to help stop decay and maggots, as well as dry out the body.
Attorneys admitted to the New York Bar are eligible to apply for and receive an appointment as a notary public in the State of New York. Nota bene: they are not "automatically" appointed as a notary public because they are a member of the New York Bar. An interested attorney is required to follow the same appointment process as a non-attorney; however, the proctored, written state examination requirement is waived by statute for members of the bar in good standing. New York notaries initially must pass a test and then renew their status every 4 years.
Anthony was initially reluctant to become a salsa musician and declined an offer to make a salsa album when Ralph Mercado, president of RMM Records, asked him. Anthony was in a taxi when he heard Juan Gabriel's hit song, "Hasta Que Te Conocí," which influenced him to change his mind and ask Mercado if he could record it as a salsa tune."Marc Anthony's Putting a Real Kick In His Salsa", Los Angeles Times, May 1, 1996. Inspired by the music of Tito Puente, Héctor Lavoe, Rubén Blades, and Juan Gabriel, Anthony released his Spanish-language debut, Otra Nota, in 1993.
He was born in Borda da Mata, October 19, 1910. /Brasil//Falece Dom João Resende Costa, Arcebispo emérito de BH Nota de falecimentoFalece Dom João Resende Costa, Arcebispo emérito de BH 2007 Schooled in Borda da Mata, he entered the Lorena and Lavrinhas seminary after school and attended from 1924–1926. He then undertook studies is philosophy in Lavrinhas (1927–1929). He made his theological studies at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome from 1932–1937, where he obtained the title of doctor and while in Rome he entered the Salesian Congregation in 1928, ordained in the Basilica of St. Ignatius in Rome.
Rajmohan studied engineering before working as a radio jockey for Radio One and Shakthi FM. He hosted a show on Puthiya Thalaimurai TV in which he was able to interact with the public. He joined the Chennai-based comedy YouTube channel "Put Chutney" and discussed several relevant social issues on the channel including the 2015 South India floods. In 2017, he was a part of the channel's Intensive Comedy Unit, a comedy show that featured on Star Vijay. The channel also does film promotions and included a video starring Vijay Devarakonda before the release of NOTA (2018).
In Kannada language, Eshwari has sung so many super hits songs. Her fun-filled songs like "Dooradinda Bandantha", "Rasika Rasika", "Joke Nanu Balliya", "O Geleya", "Yaavurayya E Mukka", "Sityako Sidukyako", "Sumabaleya Premada Siriye", "Bangara Nota", "Kanda Kanmaniye" made her name household in Karnataka. P.Susheela and She sang many popular duets in their times – Unadhu Malar, Chiththira Poovizhi, Ninaithaal Sirippu, Thoodhu Sella etc.. She sang a popular duet "Gudilona Naa Swamy Koluvai Unnadu" with S. Janaki in a Telugu movie Idalokam, music by Chakravarthy, which remains a top hit till date. She rendered several duets with S. Janaki in Kannada movies as well.
The EP also features several live tracks and a remix of "Hell Isn't My Home" by DJ Nota. The band took a trip to perform at The Scala in London, UK, in the World Finals of the GBOB, competing against 18 other countries on April 27, 2010. That summer, October Sky were given the opportunity to perform at the Osheaga Festival in an acoustic tent in association with War Child. Henceforth, in promotion of Green and Beautiful EP, October Sky ventured off to France and Belgium for an 11-day tour in November and December 2010.
The film is divided into eight chapters by eight different directors, each relating to a different Mexican legend or myth. The directors were then given free rein in choosing a subgenre to create a story involving the legend. The varieties of the myths and legends range from real "nota roja" ("red note" news genre) to fantasy folk tales. Five of the directors - Lex Ortega, Isaac Ezban, Aaron Soto, Ulisses Guzman and Jorge Michel Grau \- were established members of the Mexican film industry, while the other three - Laurette Flores, Edgar Nito and Gigi Saul Guerrero - were relative newcomers.
The models were commissioned by Raimondo di Sangro, prince of Sansevero, and realised by Giuseppe Salerno, an anatomist from Palermo, around 1763. Some legends, disproved by modern studies, account for the direct involvement of the prince in the building process, while in fact he only bought them. A contract, found in the notary archive of Naples, states that di Sangro provided to Salerno metal wire and wax for the work. They were described in detail for the first time in the Breve Nota (short note), an 18th-century guide to Palazzo di Sangro and its neigh chapel.
Yeshivas Ohr Somayach. Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem entrance sign In 1972 Weinbach and Rabbis Nota Schiller, Noah Weinberg, and Yaakov Rosenberg established Shema Yisrael Yeshiva to attract young, English- speaking Jewish men with little or no background in Jewish studies. After a few years, Weinberg left the yeshiva over a difference in philosophy and founded Aish HaTorah in 1974. Shema Yisrael subsequently changed its name to Ohr Somayach (after the commentary on the Mishneh Torah written by Rabbi Meir Simcha of Dvinsk), in response to critics who contended that the name Shema Yisrael belonged to the entire Jewish people rather than a single institution.
Version 10 (the latest version is 11.5) is fully 32-bit and has an updated look that includes the option to display customized toolbars and dialog bars that take advantage of the added screen real estate provided by high-resolution screens. Nota Bene's primary clientele is academics in the humanities and social sciences, writers and lawyers—people who write books and articles that depend on scholarly resources and research. They can present documents using a predefined academic style (such as the Chicago Manual of Style or the American Psychological Association), or a customized style. Documents and their entire scholarly apparatus can be quickly changed from one style to another.
The last competitor still in the race was eliminated. Nota stonata (Note out of tune) A series of individual questions of musical culture were asked by the host, to which the five remaining competitors had to answer "yes" or "no", where the two mistakes were eliminated. When there were three competitors (two from February 6, 2004) the Notines were taking place, each affirming something true regarding the music world, only two (then only one) claimed something false. Who among the competitors still in the race identified the false statement (and therefore the Notata stonata) was qualified to the final game, who was booked when the statement was true was eliminated.
John Pitts or Pitseus (1560–1616), an English Roman Catholic exile, founded on Bale's work his Relationum historicarum de rebus anglicis tomus primus (Paris, 1619), better known by its running title of De Illustribus Angliae scriptoribus. This is really the fourth book of a more extensive work. He omits the Wycliffite and Protestant divines mentioned by Bale, and the most valuable section is the lives of the Roman Catholic exiles resident in Douai and other French towns. He asserts (Nota de Joanne Bale) that Bale's Catalogus was a misrepresentation of John Leland's work, though in all likelihood he only knew Leland's work through his reading of Bale.
Lucius Caecilicus Minutianus Appuleius was a writer of ancient Rome whose surviving works are about grammar. He was commonly acknowledged until the 19th century to be the author of a work de Orthographia, of which considerable fragments were first published by Italian Cardinal and philologist Angelo Mai.Angelo Mai, Juris Civilis Ante-Justinianei Reliquiae, &c;, Rome, 1823 They were republished by Friedrich Gotthilf Osann, with two other grammatical works, de Nota Aspirationis and de Diphthongis, which also bear the name of Appuleius.Friedrich Gotthilf Osann, Darmstadt, 1826 Danish philologist Johan Nicolai Madvig showed that the treatise de Orthographia was actually the work of a literary impostor of the fifteenth century.
After returning to Italy, Martinetti worked as a secondary school teacher in Avellino (1899-1900), Correggio (1900-1901), Vigevano (1901-1902), Ivrea (1903-1904) and at the Liceo classico statale Vittorio Alfieri in Turin (1904-1905). In 1904 he published his introduction to metaphysics ('Introduzione alla metafisica. I Teoria della conoscenza') thanks to which he was appointed professor of theoretical and moral philosophy at the Accademia scientifico-letteraria in Milan - which was to become, in 1923, the University of Milan - where he taught from 1906 to 1931. In 1915 he became an honorary fellow of the Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere,Piero Martinetti, Lettere (1919-1942) Firenze, 2011, nota n.
Kumar frequently collaborated with Rajkumar who playback-sung many songs for films that mostly starred himself in the lead roles, and picturised on him. Popular numbers of this combination included "Chinna Baalalli", "Love Me or Hate Me" and "Cheluveya Nota Chenna" from Shankar Guru, "Idhu Rama Mandira" from Ravichandra, "Indu Aananda" from Kaamana Billu, "Lakshmi Baaramma" and "Manavanaagi Huttidamele" from Jeevana Chaitra, "Naliyuthaa" from Hrudaya Haadithu and "Saptapadi Idu Saptapadi" from Saptapadi (1992). Other collaborations included with singers C. Aswath ("Negilahidida" from Kaamana Billu), Manjula Gururaj ("Olage Seridare Gundu" from Nanjundi Kalyana) and S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, who also sang many non-film devotional songs composed by Kumar.
In the latter case, Aguas de Illimani was replaced by the public utility Empresa Pública Social de Agua y Saneamiento (EPSAS), which came under severe criticism in 2008 due to water shortages, accounting errors, tariff increases and poor disaster preparedness. Consequently, representatives of the La Paz neighborhood association announced to create their own service provider. The Bolivian Norm NB 688, an important technical norm for the design and construction of sewage and sanitation, was revised in 2001.WSP-PAS Nota de Campo The revised norm permits the installation of more efficient and of lower cost condominial sewerage systems and helps to increase sanitation coverage with limited funds.
He later went on to obtain roles in other RCTV telenovelas such as La cuaima, Amor a Palos and La trepadora. In 2013, he obtained a co- starring role in the Venevisión telenovela De todas maneras Rosa. The telenovela provided a platform to enhance his singing career as he performed the theme song of the telenovela titled Locura de amor.Gabriel López coloca la nota musical a “De todas maneras Rosa” In 2015,he and his family moved to the United States and he starting working as an actor in Networks such as NBC Telemundo, Nickelodeon and several theatre productions as an actor and producer.
News stories of this type target the lower social classes, mostly in Mexico and other parts of Latin America. Nota roja focuses on the physical and emotional toll of events, combining graphic images and sensationalist narration, with photography far more graphic than what is shown in the media in the U.S. and various other countries. Images in these photos have included severed heads on nightclub dance floors, people run over by cars, bodies floating in rivers and drains, human bones on farms and in ravines and people ritually tortured by Satanists or drug cartels. Text and headlines are crude and show little concern for the privacy of people being depicted.
On December 23, 2011, after a two-day Presidential Nominating Convention which took place online and was open to all BTP members, Tiffany Briscoe of Maryland was chosen as the 2012 BTP presidential nominee on the first round of voting with 13 out of 20 votes. Kimberly Johnson Barrick of Arizona was chosen as the vice presidential nominee on the 2nd round of voting. On March 6, 2012, the party membership removed Briscoe as the BTP presidential nominee, replacing her with NOTA. On March 20, 2012, the party membership passed a motion to hold a new presidential nominating convention, which began on March 30, 2012.
Nowakonski graduated in medicine at Unicamp, specializing in clinical pathology with residency at Hospital das Clínicas, University of São Paulo (USP) and residency in clinical microbiology at the University of Toronto, Canada. Back to Unicamp, she earned the title of Master in Clinical Pathology. From 1987 onwards, she served as head of the Clinical Microbiology Sector, Clinical Pathology Division of the Clinics Hospital at Unicamp, being responsible for medical training in microbiology for residents of Clinical Pathology and Infectology.Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia Clínica: Nota de pesar She had retired from Unicamp and worked in two private clinical analysis laboratories in the city of Campinas.
The oldest surviving Polo manuscript is in Franco-Venetian, which was a variety of Old French heavily flavoured with Venetian dialect, spread in Northern Italy in the 13th centuryMaria Bellonci, "Nota introduttiva", Il Milione di Marco Polo, Milano, Oscar Mondadori, 2003, p. XI [ITALIAN]Repertorio informatizzato dell’antica letteratura franco- italiana;Bibliothèque Nationale MS. français 1116. For details, see, A. C. Moule and Paul Pelliot, Marco Polo: The Description of the World (London, 1938), p.41. for Luigi Foscolo Benedetto, this "F" text is the basic original text, which he corrected by comparing it with the somewhat more detailed Italian of Ramusio, together with a Latin manuscript in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana.
Otra Nota (English: Another Note) is the debut album by American singer Marc Anthony that was released on January 26, 1993, by RMM Records. Produced by Sergio George, it was the first album by Anthony to record in salsa after starting his career as a freestyle musician. Recording of the album began after Anthony asked RMM president Ralph Mercado to record Juan Gabriel's "Hasta Que Te Conocí" in salsa after hearing it on the radio during a taxi ride. Recorded on a low budget, the album peaked at No. 2 on the Billboard Tropical Albums chart and reached No. 30 on the Billboard Top Latin Albums chart.
Nota biográfica sobre Jaime Chicharro y Sánchez-Guio (1889-1934), [in:] CED Borriana, 08.03.2014, available here; the same source claims, probably after Biografia sucinta de D. Jaime Chicharro, that he reached the rank of a general, though it is not clear how and when he could have reached this honor He married Soledad Sánchez-Guió Ruiz-Hidalgo (1860-1912).Soledad Sánchez-Guio Ruiz-Hidalgo entry at Geneanet genealogical service, available here The couple had 4 children, apart from Jaime also three daughters,Biografia sucinta de D. Jaime Chicharro, p. 2; some sources indicate 2 sisters, see Geneanet service available here all raised in a fervently Catholic ambience.
CHICHARRO LAMAMIÉ DE CLAIRAC, Antonio thread at Memoriablau service; other version is that he suffered fatal cardial breakdown having the learnt the fate of his sister Maria Dolores, see Nota biográfica sobre Jaime Chicharro y Sánchez-Guio (1889-1934) Four sons joined División Azul; two of them died in combat in Russia, the two who survived grew to Francoist generals.Juan Chicharro Ortega, La división española de voluntarios en Rusia, [in:] ABC 17.07.10, available herel His second youngest son served as a diplomat and subgobernador in the Spanish Equatorial Guinea.Rios 2008 The youngest son became sort of celebrity as a wrestling champion in the 1950s.
In 1973, the organization held its first international chorus competition in Washington, D.C. The contest presented a new and exciting experience for all competing Sweet Adelines. With 64 members on stage singing Heart of My Heart/That Old Gang of Mine medley and There's a New Gang on the Corner, Racine Chorus from Racine, Wisconsin were the first chorus to receive the "international champion chorus" title. With Racine Chorus' international win, chorus director Jarmela Speta, member of 1955 International Champion The Nota- Belles, became the first of only six Sweet Adelines to win gold medals as both a chorus director and a quartet member.
10 "The Expansion" The Portuguese fleet captained by King John I of Portugal left Tavira in the Algarve and held a Council of war, while anchored off Punta Carnero, Spain before carrying out the conquest of Ceuta.Peter Russell, Prince Henry 'the Navigator' A life, Ed. Yale Nota Bene, 2001, pp. 47–48 On the morning of 21 August 1415, John I of Portugal led his sons and their assembled forces in a surprise assault on Ceuta, landing on Playa San Amaro. The battle itself was almost anti-climactic, because the 45,000 men who traveled on 200 Portuguese ships caught the defenders of Ceuta off guard.
However, when Labour announced they would have a female-only short-list for Basildon, he stood for the Liberal Democrats at the 1997 General Election, but was forced to withdraw from the contest, as he was charged with fraud and deception for allegedly having fraudulently claimed two student grants after going back to the then London Guildhall University at the end of his boxing career. He was later cleared of the offence. In 2009, he set up a new political party, NOTA, which stands for "None of the Above". He had an acting role in the 1989 film Tank Malling, and has since written and published his autobiography, Undefeated.
Posthumus is not remembered by his colleagues and students for being a brilliant scientist; rather, he left his mark through his administrative qualities and achievements. Starting in 1960 he was appointed deputy chairman of the national Board of Education (Dutch: Onderwijsraad). In November 1967 he was appointed government commissioner for higher education by Education minister Veringa; this was also the reason for his stepping down as rector per the following academic year (conflict of interest of these positions), in favor of Ton van Trier. In 1968 Posthumus published a policy brief entitled De universiteit, doelstellingen, functies, structuren (English: The university, goals, functions, structures), which is commonly known as the Nota Posthumus.
Archaeological records were made on the basis of signs and sporadic discoveries. The surveys were ad hoc and based on the criteria of monumentality with a predilection philological epigraphic material. Indeed, the wealth of the territory in terms of ancient epigraphic heritage, discovered in the area remains unexplored and has not been reading organic and territorial. A multidisciplinary review of the entries in a territorial logic related to archaeological traces still exist, would better understand the social and legal status of the area especially with the presence of local names and pre-Roman (nota) which suggests an interaction between fervent local culture and Roman culture.
From this moment, Raimon appeared rarely in public and made few recordings. He released a new album in 1984, Entre la nota i el so, with songs like Lluny de la pedra i de l'aigua and Al meu país la pluja. The following album (Presències i oblit, 1987) marked a brief experimentation with electronic music and with instruments like a drum kit and a synthesizer (with arrangements made by the percussionist Ezequiel Guillén Saki). On this disc are songs of a markedly intimate character: Del blanc i el blau, La mar respira calma (written in the style of Espriu), Primer parlaré de tu, etc.
The perushim began their journey from the city of Shklov, about 300 kilometers southeast of Vilna in Lithuania. The organization they formed was called Chazon Tzion ("Prophecy/Vision [of] Zion"), and was based on three main principles: # Rebuild Jerusalem as the acknowledged Torah center of the world, # Aid and speed the ingathering of the Jewish exile, and # Expand the currently settled areas of the Land of Israel. The perushim migrated in three groups. The first group left in 1808 led by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Shklov, and the following two in 1809, led by Rabbi Sa'adya Ben Rabbi Noson Nota of Vilna, and Rabbi Yisroel ben Shmuel of Shklov.
Emblems of Sleep and Other Poems, by Marco Vitale, Gradiva Publications, 2020. Tra il cielo e la terra/ Between Heaven and Earth: Poesie in cinese classico, inglese e italiano/ Poems in the Classical Chinese, English and Italian, Trilingual Anthology of Classical Chinese Poetry (with Curtis Dean Smith), La Vita Felice, Milano, June 2017, pp. 220\. Second revised edition, June 2019 Reviewed in World Literature Today, Nota Bene, Vol. 91, November, 2017 and in Metamorphoses The Journal of the five college faculty seminar on literary translation, Amherst/Northampton, Massachusetts, Volume 26, Issues 1-2, Spring/Fall 2018: 228-233] November, by Domenico Cipriano with critical introduction, Gradiva Publications, Stony Brook, New York, 2015.
"Tripura to hold panchayat elections in July" The quota for women is a result of a law passed by the Tripura Legislative Assembly in "Tripura Panchayat Election 2014 " Another novelty for Tripura panchayat elections was the introduction of the 'None of the Above' (NOTA) option on the ballot "Panchayat polling percentage over 85 percent, likely to increase, sporadic incidents of violence " Ahead of the polls, the Tripura State Election Commission requested that the government in Delhi would deploy forty paramilitary companies to ensure that the elections could be held peacefully. The Tripura state government pledged to provide more than 12,000 security personnel for the polls. Voting began at 07.00
Thus, by requiring concurrence for the placement of a nota, this law placed an additional check on the powers of the Censors. This was typically the only act that required the concurrence of both Censors. Also, when a senator had been already convicted before an ordinary court, this law permitted the Censors to remove him from the senate in a summary way.Dion Cassius XL.57, XXXVIII.13Cicero pro Sestio, 25; Dig. 50 tit. 16 s203 De Portorio This law was repealed in 52 BC by the Lex Caecilia De Censoria, which was enacted by a political enemy of Clodius, Metellus Scipio. A third law, the Lex Clodia de Civibus Romanis Interemptis, was key to Caesar's support for Clodius.
Starting in December 2009, Folds was featured as a judge on NBC's a cappella competition The Sing-Off alongside Nicole Scherzinger and Shawn Stockman. In the Season 1 finale, Folds showcased his talents and played the piano background on "Why Can't We Be Friends?" sung by the two finalist groups, The Beelzebubs from Tufts University near Boston and Nota, from San Juan, Puerto Rico. He again returned for the show's second season in December 2010, the third season in September 2011 alongside Stockman and Sara Bareilles and a fourth season with Stockman and Jewel in December 2013. Folds has made several appearances, often as a fictionalized version of himself, in both TV and movies.
Under the pseudonym "Los Tranz4Merz", they began working on various urban music albums outside the Christian sphere, with Linares El Elegido, Carnal, Stebani Cruz, Johnny Prez and Obie Bermúdez, while culminating projects by Christian artists, such as Alex Zurdo, Manny Montes, Samitto & Esabdiel and Jaydan. In April 2014, they officially signed a contract with Wisin and La Base Music Group, for the production of the album Los Vaqueros 3: La Trilogía, as announced by their Twitter account. There they changed their name to Los Legendarios. From this album, the song "Nota de amor" emerged, which was attended by Carlos Vives and Daddy Yankee, while its production was carried out by Marc and Rafy.
These replaced the famous camellos ("camels" or "dromedaries", after their "humps") trailer buses that hauled as many as two hundred passengers in a passenger-carrying trailer. After the upgrading of Seville's public bus fleet to CNG-powered vehicles, many of the decommissioned ones were donated to the city of Havana. These bright orange buses still display the name of Transportes Urbanos de Sevilla, S.A.M., their former owner, and Seville's coat of arms as a sign of gratitude.The last lot was delivered in 2006: "Entrega de 16 autobuses de TUSSAM a la Habana como gesto solidario" , nota de prensa del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla Seville In recent years (2016), urban transport in Havana consists entirely of modern Yutong diesel buses.
In 1966, Weinberg decided to enter the field of Orthodox Judaism outreach, and he opened the first yeshiva in this style for Jewish men in Jerusalem. The school was short-lived, as were several other attempts, before he co-founded Yeshivas Shma Yisrael (later renamed Ohr Somayach) in 1970 with Nota Schiller, Mendel Weinbach and Yaakov Rosenberg . After a few years, Weinberg broke away from the partnership over a difference in educational philosophy. He believed that the times called for the call up of "kiruv soldiers" who would be given a few years of basic education training and then sent out to give introductory classes to other young Jews at risk of assimilation and intermarriage.
One of the men from units subordinated to Krüger: SS-Hauptsturmführer (captain) Karl Fritzsch, nota bene the deputy (Schutzhaftlagerführer) Auschwitz commander, once said to a new transport of Polish prisoners: > You came here not on holidays in Zoppot, but to the German concentration > camp, from which the only way out is through the chimney. If you do not > accept that, you can go straight on the wires. If Jews are in the transport, > they have a right to live no longer than two weeks, Catholic priests - a > month, the rest - three months.Danuta Czech, Kalendarz wydarzeń w KL > Auschwitz (...) For us, all of you are not the human beings, but a pile of > dung (...).
Hornblower, S., Spawforth, A. and Eidinow, E. (eds.) (2012)The Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford. They conducted the census of Roman citizens, read out the senatorial register, let out contracts for the maintenance of public infrastructure and performed the lustrum, or purification ceremony.Hoyos (2006), 728 Under the censorship of 204 BC Q. Fabius Maximus was chosen as leader of the Senate for the second time, and seven senators had the nota, or mark of censure placed against their name which meant expulsion from the House. Contracts were put out for the construction of a road from the Forum Boarium to the temple of Venus and for a temple of the Magna Mater on the Palatine.
The German School of San Salvador (; ) is a K-12 private institution in Antiguo Cuscatlán, El Salvador, in the San Salvador metropolitan area."Contactenos." German School of San Salvador. Retrieved on 17 January 2015. "Calle del Mediterráneo Jardines de Guadalupe Antiguo Cuscatlán San Salvador, El Salvador" The school stands out in their PAES scores, being among the top ranked schools in the country "" "Los bilingües, los más destacados en la PAES", El Diario de Hoy, May 2006. Retrieved on 2 Aug 2020" "" "Los 24 colegios que sacaron la mejor nota en la PAES 2017", El Diario de Hoy, October 2018. Retrieved on 2 Aug 2020" "" "Leve aumento en el promedio de la PAES 2015", Verdad Digital, November 2015.
Rustichello wrote it in Franco-Venetian,Library of Congress Subject Headings, Volume 2Maria Bellonci, "Nota introduttiva", Il Milione di Marco Polo, Milano, Oscar Mondadori, 2003, p. XI [ITALIAN]Repertorio informatizzato dell’antica letteratura franco-italiana a cultural language widespread in northern Italy between the subalpine belt and the lower Po between the 13th and 15th centuries.Fragment of Marco Polo's Il Milione in Franco-Venetian language, University of Padua RIAlFrI Project It was originally known as Livre des Merveilles du Monde or Devisement du Monde ("Description of the World"). The book was translated into many European languages in Marco Polo's own lifetime, but the original manuscripts are now lost, and their reconstruction is a matter of textual criticism.
Ferzetti appeared in Marcello Pagliero's comedy drama based on the play by Luigi Pirandello, Vestire gli ignudi (1954), playing the character of Ludovico Nota alongside Pierre Brasseur, Manlio Busoni, and Paolo Ferrara, and in Camilla (also 1954), under the directorship of Luciano Emmer. Ferzetti starred in Michelangelo Antonioni's The Girlfriends (Le Amiche, 1955), as a downbeat, struggling artist named Lorenzo, with Eleonora Rossi Drago, Franco Fabrizi, and Valentina Cortese in the other leading roles. The film, shot on location in Turin, was adapted from Cesare Pavese's novella Tra donne sole (1949). Around the same time, he starred in Un po' di cielo (also from 1955), directed by Giorgio Moser, and Donatella (1956) opposite Elsa Martinelli, under director Mario Monicelli.
In October 2012, Jowell & Randy and Guelo Star were featured on the remix version of "Que La Nota Le Suba" by J King & Maximan, in whose outro was mentioned an upcoming album by the group, scheduled to be released in 2014, but it never did so. In April 2017, J King & Maximan and Guelo Star were featured alongside Puerto Rican rapper Alexio on the second remix version of "Guadalupe" by Jowell & Randy. The quintet's first music video in nine years, "Regreso", was released on November 5, 2016 and was directed and produced by Alejandro Santiago Ciena. Casa de Leones announced a concert tour scheduled to begin during late 2017 at the José Miguel Agrelot Coliseum.
The foundation publishes an eponymous quarterly in Latin. The foundation also published a 15,000-word Italian-Latin Lexicon Recentis Latinitatis (Dictionary of Recent Latin), which provides Latin coinages for modern concepts, such as a bicycle (birota), a cigarette (fistula nicotiana), a computer (instrumentum computatorium), a cowboy (armentarius), a motel (deversorium autocineticum), shampoo (capitilavium), a strike (operistitium), a terrorist (tromocrates), a trademark (ergasterii nota), an unemployed person (invite otiosus), a waltz (chorea Vindobonensis), and even a miniskirt (tunicula minima) and hot pants (brevissimae bracae femineae). Some 600 such terms extracted from the book appear on a page of the Vatican website. The Latinitas Foundation was superseded by the Pontifical Academy for Latin () in 2012.
At the start of the Soviet invasion of Poland (17 September 1939), the Soviets declared that the Polish state, previously invaded by Axis forces on 1 September 1939, no longer existed, effectively breaking off Soviet-Polish relations.See telegrams: No. 317 of September 10 : Schulenburg, the German ambassador in the Soviet Union, to the German Foreign Office. Moscow, September 10, 1939–9:40 p.m.; No. 371 of September 16 ; No. 372 of September 17 Source: The Avalon Project at Yale Law School. Last accessed on 14 November 2006; 1939 wrzesień 17, Moskwa Nota rządu sowieckiego nie przyjęta przez ambasadora Wacława Grzybowskiego (Note of the Soviet government to the Polish government on 17 September 1939 refused by Polish ambassador Wacław Grzybowski).
Domenico Sacchinelli was born in Pizzoni, Calabria (Italy), from Francesco Sacchinelli and Serafina Conciatore,Govanni Pititto, Archivio Storico della Calabria - Nuova Serie - Anno I. Numero 1, Nota n.36. Luigi Pellegrini Editore. Cosenza -2013 who decided to give him a good education; they also wanted him to become a monk. Nonetheless, when he was just 18 years old, he decided to leave his hometown in order to get a job as a scribe in the city of Catanzaro, inside the Cassa sacra; this was an institution founded by king Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies to recover from the earthquake occurred in 1783.Maria Lombardo, L'abate Sacchinelli, con il cardinale Ruffo per la Santa Fede - 14/7/2015.
The story takes place mainly in the small-town mountain community of Nota Lake, California (population 2,356, elevation 4,312), where Kinsey has inherited a client named Selma Newquist from her periodic boyfriend Robert Dietz. He is temporarily out of action back home in Carson City, where Kinsey has been taking care of him following knee surgery. Selma's brief is vague: she fears her husband Tom, a sheriff's officer who died of a heart attack a few weeks before, had something on his mind at the time of his death; and she wants Kinsey to find out what it was. With very little to go on, Kinsey finds the residents of the insular community are not forthcoming.
Guillermo Carrascón, "Modelos de comedia: Lope y Cervantes", Artifara 2 (2002) 'Monographica', nota 7. Lope's luck again served him well, however, and his ship, the San Juan, was one of the vessels to make it home to Spanish harbors in the aftermath of that failed expedition. Back in Spain by December 1588, he settled in the city of Valencia. There he lived with Isabel de Urbina and continued perfecting his dramatic formula participating regularly in the tertulia known as the Academia de los nocturnos, in the company of such accomplished dramatists as the canon Francisco Agustín Tárrega, the secretary to the Duke of Gandía Gaspar de Aguilar, Guillén de Castro, Carlos Boyl, and Ricardo de Turia.
Last accessed on 14 November 2006; 1939 wrzesień 17, Moskwa Nota rządu sowieckiego nie przyjęta przez ambasadora Wacława Grzybowskiego (Note of the Soviet government to the Polish government on 17 September 1939 refused by Polish ambassador Wacław Grzybowski). Last accessed on 15 November 2006. Diplomatic relations were re- established in 1941 after the German invasion of the Soviet Union, when the British government allied itself with the attacked Soviet Union and pressured the Polish government to act accordingly. Consequently, the military agreement of 14 August and the Sikorski–Mayski agreement of 17 August, between the Polish government-in-exile and the Soviet government, were signed; Joseph Stalin agreed to abrogate the Poland-related aspects of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.
Storni in 1916Storni published some of her first works in 1916 in Emin Arslan's literary magazine La Nota, where she was a permanent contributor from 28 March until 21 November 1919. Her poems “Convalecer” and “Golondrinas” were published in the magazine. In spite of economic difficulties, she published La inquietud del rosal in 1916, and later started writing for the magazine Caras y Caretas while working as a cashier in a shop. Even though today Storni's early works of poetry are among her most well known and highly regarded, they received harsh criticism from some of her male contemporaries, including such well known figures as Jorge Luis Borges and Eduardo Gonzalez Lanuza.
Retrieved 6 March 2019. On 21 March 2019, it was revealed that De Barr signed for the 2019–20 season with Spanish club Real Oviedo, being initially assigned to their B-side. The news was confirmed by Europa FC on Twitter later that day.De Barr to join Real Oviedo Europa FC on Twitter. 21 March 2019. Retrieved 21 March 2019. He made his debut as a substitute on 25 August, but was unable to prevent his team losing 4-3 on the opening day of the season against Peña Deportiva.Tjay de Barr, con buena nota, debuta en Oviedo B perdiendo ( 4-3) en Peña Santa Eulalia Al Sol de la Costa (Spanish). 25 August 2019.
Bartyzel 2015, p. 286 In the mid-20th century it also proved incompatible with the official Vatican outlook, and release of Dignitatis Humanae was a major blow to Spanish Traditionalism.Bartyzel 2015, p. 288 Some of its pundits remained at the verge of breaching loyalty to the popescompare Rafael Gambra, La declaración de libertad religiosa y la caida del regimen nacional, [in:] Boletín de la FN.FF 36 (1985), pp. I–IX; he later referred to the Council as Los heraldos del anticristo, see Boletin de Comunion Catolico-Monarquica 11–12 (1985), available here. See also Francisco Elías de Tejada, Nota sobre la libertad religiosa en España [manuscript, Sevilla 1965], referred after Bartyzel 2015, p. 290 and there were even signs of Traditionalist anti-clericalism emerging.e.g.
She died on 28 February 1159 and was buried in the Pantheon of Kings in San Isidoro de León, where her mother, Queen Urraca had been interred. The remains of the Infanta Sancha were deposited in a stone tomb with the following epitaph in Latin: > Hesperiae speculum, decus orbis, gloria Regni, HIC REQUIESCIT REGINA DOMNA > SANCIA, SOROR IMPERATORIS justitia culmen, et pietatis apex Santia pro > ADEFONSI FILIA URRACHAE ET RAIMUNDI, HAEC STATUIT meritis inmensum nota per > orbem, proh dolor¡ exiguo ORDINEM REGULARIUM CANONICORUM IN ECCLESIA ISTA, > ET clauderis in tumulo, Sol bis sexcentos, QUIA DICEBAT BEATUM ISIDORUM > SPONSUM SUUM, demtis tribus, egerat annes, cum pia subcubuit VIRGO OBIIT ERA > M. C. LX VII PRID. KAL. MARTII finis erat Februarii. The Royal Pantheon.
RNZ Concert regularly takes live broadcasts of Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra and Chamber Music New Zealand concerts, and records other ensembles widely across the country. New Zealand String Quartet concerts have featured on RNZ Concert, as well as being broadcast by Deutsche Welle, CBC Radio 2 and ABC Classic FM. Performances by church and private school choirs are often featured, including those of Wellington's Cathedral of St Paul and Christchurch's St Andrews School. Auckland's Musica Sacra chamber choir has had several concerts recorded since 1998, and Wellington's Nota Bene chamber choir has had its concerts regularly recorded since 2004. Winners of the Royal Overseas League Arts International Scholarship for a New Zealand Chamber Ensemble also have their performances recorded for broadcast.
Martorell Pérez 2011, p. 850 Some time late 1936 or early 1937 he became acting president of this body, as its February 1937 documents are already signed by him as "presidente en funciones".Martorell Pérez 2011, p. 852 Arrúe soon became disillusioned by military rule in the Nationalist zone, growing particularly anxious about preponderance of Falange in Gipuzkoa and about centralizing designs of the regime, perceived as a threat to Traditionalism, Basque culture and provincial identity.Martorell Pérez 2011, p. 851 Already in October 1936 the Gipuzkoan Junta Carlista de Guerra, animated by Arrúe, voiced publicly against composition of the provincial comision gestora,the Junta published its statement in La Voz de España, declaring that “con relación a la nota de la F .
From this point, the classic elements of an Andalusian fair began to attach themselves to the Columbian Festivals: booths (casetas: some of these are larger structures than is perhaps suggested by the English-language word "booth"), attractions, raffles, and spaces set aside for dancing. The importance of the festivals in this era can be seen in the descriptions of them in the local press, such as this in 1924: > Every day one notes more animation for these patriotic festivals, that go > far beyond the celebrations in earlier years.This and the following > quotations are from the newspaper La Provincia, 30 July 1924. Cada día se > nota más animación por esos patrióticos festejos, que superarán con creces a > las celebraciones en años anteriores.
Responsibility for aircraft in receipt of a procedural control service falls to the Prestwick Centre, where limited voice communication aspect is shared between the CDOs (clearance delivery officers) based at Prestwick Centre and the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) from Shannon Aeradio, based in Ballygirreen Radio Station. Shanwick Control further delegate oceanic control of traffic in the NOTA (Northern Oceanic Transition Area) and the SOTA (Shannon Oceanic Transition Area) to Shannon Control, and traffic in the Brest Oceanic Transition Area (BOTA) to Brest Control. Shannon Aeradio establishes radio contact with flights within the Shanwick OCA by means of HF radio. HF can provide global coverage due to its ability to reflect (see refraction) off the ionosphere and can span the globe in a series of skips.
On 29 June the initiative takers announced they were working on a substantive note around a recovery plan which would ease the socioeconomic consequences of the Coronacrisis and which would focus on social security, health care, and durability. This note was initially aimed to convince the six parties which would be part of the Arizonacoalition to start negotiating about a new government, as these were also the remaining parties that had not called out a veto against each other. Nevertheless, it was not excluded that other parties could still possibly join the negotiations at a later point.Lachaert (Open VLD), Coens (CD&V;) en Bouchez (MR) willen deze week inhoudelijke nota klaar hebben, VRT Nieuws, 29 June 2020. Two days later, on 1 July, sp.
In 1999 the government adopted a National Water Resources Management Policy, which was followed by the establishment of a Water Resources Development Fund (2002) and a Water Sector Development Program. The latter includes a water supply and sewerage development program (nota bene the focus on sewerage and thus the absence of on-site sanitation from the program). The government’s Plan for Accelerated Sustained Development and to End Poverty (PADEP), covering the period 2005-2010, aimed at increasing access to an improved water source to 84% and access to improved sanitation to 80% by 2010. These ambitious targets go well beyond the water and sanitation targets of the Millennium Development Goals, which aim at halving the share of people without access by 2015.
Geskel Saloman (née Solomon) was the son of merchant Isak Soloman, who later became cantor of the Jewish community in Copenhagen (1782–1848), and Veilchen Geskel (1787–1836). He had two brothers: Siegfried Saloman, a well-known violinist and composer, and Nota Salomon (1823–1885), chief medical officer in the Danish army.Dieter Lohmeier: Saloman, Geskel. in: Biographisches Lexikon für Schleswig-Holstein und Lübeck. Vol 10. Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1994, page 320. When his parents moved to Copenhagen, he entered the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts, where he won the 1846 small silver medal. He was a pupil of Johan Ludwig Lund and has exhibited since 1843, among them the painter Conrad Christian Bøhndel portrait and Thomas Overskou portrait for which he won the Neuhausenske Præmier in 1848.
In the aftermath of the German and Soviet invasion of Poland, which took place in September 1939, the territory of Poland was divided in half between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. The Soviets had ceased to recognise the Polish state at the start of the invasion.Telegrams sent by Schulenburg, German ambassador to the Soviet Union, from Moscow to the German Foreign Office: No. 317 of 10 September 1939, No. 371 of 16 September 1939, No. 372 of 17 September 1939. The Avalon Project, Yale Law School. Retrieved 14 November 2006.1939 wrzesień 17, Moskwa Nota rządu sowieckiego nie przyjęta przez ambasadora Wacława Grzybowskiego (Note of the Soviet government to the Polish government on 17 September 1939, refused by Polish ambassador Wacław Grzybowski).
Born in Piazza Armerina, the son of Giovanni and Angioletta Bocciarelli, he graduated from the Università degli Studi di Genova, earning his laurea degree in 1949 under the direction of Enzo Martinelli.According to , he was his first doctoral student. In 1956 he was in Rome at the INdAM, having been awarded a scholarship for his early research activities.He, Giuseppe Arcidiacono and Dario Del Pasqua, were awarded the scholarship without sustaining the "colloquio" ("colloquium" in English translation), an oral exam where the candidate was asked to answer questions posed by a scientific jury, according to who reports also an excerpt of the motivation given by the commission for the awarding of the scholarship to Rizza: "... perché trattasi di giovani di cui è nota l'attività scientifica...", i.e.
Dutch musicologist Henk de Velde, alluding to Adorno speaking of Alban Berg, called Scelsi "the Master of the yet smaller transition," to which Harry Halbreich added that "in fact, his music is only transition." Scelsi was also an idol of Ennio Morricone's Gruppo di Improvvisazione di Nuova Consonanza, whose sixteen-minute track 'Omaggio a Giacinto Scelsi' features on their live album 'Musica Su Schemi', released in 1976.discogs The music of Scelsi was heard by millions in Martin Scorsese's Shutter Island, in which excerpts of his two works Quattro pezzi su una nota sola and Uaxuctum (3rd movement) were featured alongside the music of his contemporaries György Ligeti, Krzysztof Penderecki, John Cage and Morton Feldman. Scelsi's archives are held at the Isabella Scelsi Foundation.
Village populations ranged from between 35 and 300 inhabitants, consisting of a single lineage in the smaller villages, and of a dominant clan joined with other families in the larger settlements. Each clan had its own resource territory and was "politically" independent; ties to other villages were maintained through economic, religious, and social networks in the immediate region. The elite class (composed chiefly of families, lineage heads, and other ceremonial specialists), a middle class (established and successful families), and people of disconnected or wandering families and captives of war comprised the three hierarchical social classes. Native leadership consisted of the Nota, or clan chief, who conducted community rites and regulated ceremonial life in conjunction with the council of elders (), which was made up of lineage heads and ceremonial specialists in their own right.
The apex is often contrasted with another ancient Latin diacritic, the sicilicus, which is said to have been used above consonants to denote that they should be pronounced double. However, in his article Apex and Sicilicus, Revilo P. Oliver argues that they are one and the same sign, a geminationis nota, which was used over any letter to indicate that the letter should be read twice. The distinction between a sicilicus that was used above consonants and an apex that was applied to vowels is then completely artificial: "There is no example of this mark [the sicilicus] that can be distinguished from an apex by any criterion other than its presence above a letter that is not a long vowel." "No ancient source says explicitly that there were two different signs; ...".
An independent study commissioned by international environmental Non-governmental organization (NGO) Greenpeace showed that the concentration of uranium in some wells located 8 kilometers away from the uranium mine, in the district of Juazeiro, BA, was seven times higher than the limit established by the World Health Organization (WHO).Greenpeace (2008). Ciclo do Perigo: impactos da produção de combustível nuclear no Brasil, São Paulo, p.15. Retrieved 28 June 2013 In April 2010, the Institute for Water and Climate Management (Instituto de Gestão das Águas e Clima – INGA), the agency responsible for water and climate management within the Bahia state government, recommended shutting down the water fountain that served Juazeiro due to the district's high uranium levels.INGÁ - Nota Técnica nº05/2010 INGÁ, de 6 de abril de 2010, quoted in Plataforma Dhesca Brasil (2011).
Former ensembles include: Chamber Singers, Men About Town, Nota Bene, Swing Set, and an unofficial group, Automatic Pilot. These ensembles represent the chorus at outreach events, hold their own concerts, make recordings, and are featured regularly in concerts with the full chorus. Currently, there are three ensembles: The Lollipop Guild, founded in 1979,According to SFGMC's official website, The Lollipop Guild was the first official sub-group of a gay chorus and is the longest-running group of its kind in GALA Choruses. and best known for its a cappella and Barbershop singing; Vocal Minority, founded in 2003, which specializes in vocal jazz and show choir repertoire; and SWAG, founded in 2013, which features a more urban sound and aesthetic and tight harmonies from the jazz and R&B; genres.
For this simple insult, which in the eyes of Paiva Couceiro was without sufficient reason, he drew his Army revolver and fired five shots (three that would actually hit) into the victim. In October, Couceiro responded to the charges of the Council of War to the crimes of attempted murder and the use of a prohibited weapon. In a unanimous decision, the council did not find attempted murder charges had been proven, but yet sentenced him to two years in a military prison, later (on April 7, 1882) to be commuted to six months in addition to time served.Arquivo Histórico Militar, ref AHM/div/3/7/1183, in a document entitled "Nota de assentos que tem no livro de matricula e no registo disciplinar o official abaixo mencionado", Couceiro was jailed attempted murder.
His earliest work is predominantly glossed in Middle English, but later he begins to gloss equally in both Middle English and Latin. Although he is most typically identified by light brown ink, the Tremulous Hand used multiple media types and his glossing evolved throughout his career, showing a considerable range characterized by variable "layers". His hand tremor grew worse with time; also whereas in his earliest glosses he uses contemporary Middle English that reveals a close kinship with the language of the Ancrene Wisse manuscript Nero A.xiv (his handwriting also resembles that scribe's), he later appears to be collecting Old English words in the margin, perhaps in order to compile a glossary. He often indicates that something should be noted (using the Latin word nota or an abbreviation) and sometimes makes a doodle.
On 19 August 1966, he voluntarily retired with the rank of lieutenant in retirement. The reason for his early retirement was his persistence in marrying Nota Iliopoulou, daughter of Stavros Iliopoulos, an MP of the United Democratic Left, successor of the banned Communist Party. Vasilikopoulos had repeatedly been trying to get the service's permission to marry her since October 1963, but in vain. He even brought the case to the Council of State, which found in his favour on 27 November 1965, but his insistence was received with disfavour in the Navy leadership: on 5 January 1966, he was informed that he would not be promoted, as his "feuding with the service" placed his "loyalty to the legitimate authorities" in doubt, and by March he received an unfavourable transfer and was restricted to unimportant duties.
Encarna Sant-Celoni i Verger Encarna Sant-Celoni i Verger (Tavernes de la Valldigna, La Safor, 1959) is a Valencian narrative writer, poet and translator. In 1983 she won the Ciutat de Cullera prize, with Dotze contes i una nota necrològica, and in 1985 she obtained the prestigious Premi Joanot Martorell de Gandia, with her novel Siamangorina. She is a member of AELC and has translated, among other works, Els mil i un quarts d'hora, by Thomas-Simon Gueullette (Editorial Moll, 2008), and has co-translated from Danish the anthology Digte-POEMES, by Tove Ditlevsen (Alfons el Magnànim, 1995), together with Anne Marie Dinesen. And from Arabic she has translated all the cassidas in existence today of the poets of Al Andalus in the work Perles de la nit.
In Grachi, Dos Ramos shares lead roles with his brother Lance Dos Ramos as "José Manuel" Chema "Esquivel ". Dos Ramos also participated in castings for the American adaptation of the Spanish telenovela Física o química, but was not selected. As part of the cast of Grachi Dos Ramos recorded an album of soundtrack for the telenovela, titled Grachi: La vida es maravillosamente mágica. The successful album debuted at number twenty in the ranking of best-selling albums Mexico where he remained for thirteen weeks and at number four in Argentina. Nota: La tabla de posiciones donde se encuentra Grachi en el puesto número cuatro tiene como fecha «07/08/2011» Dos Ramos has participated in several promotional tours with the main cast of the soap opera by several Latin American countries.
Born in the village of León de Mechoacán in Guanajuato, he studied at the Valladolid seminary in Michoacán. He was ordained priest in 1765 and consecrated in the Cathedral of Valladolid de Michoacán in 1766. In 1767 he arrived in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, and on 22 June 1772 he was promoted to bishop of Yucatán During his episcopate, he was commissioned to carry out a census of the province, so in 1772 he published a document entitled "Nota historial sobre los pueblos y villas de la Provincia de Yucatán" (Historical note on the villages and towns of the Province of Yucatán). During a pastoral visit to Tabasco Province, then attached to that of Yucatán, he fell seriously ill in its capital San Juan Bautista (today the city of Villahermosa).
"None of the above", or NOTA for short, also known as "against all" or a "scratch" vote, is a ballot option in some jurisdictions or organizations, designed to allow the voter to indicate disapproval of the candidates in a voting system. It is based on the principle that consent requires the ability to withhold consent in an election, just as they can by voting "No" on ballot questions. Entities that include "None of the Above" on ballots as standard procedure include India ("None of the above"), Greece (λευκό, white), the U.S. state of Nevada (None of These Candidates), Ukraine (Проти всіх, "against all"), Belarus, Spain (voto en blanco, "white vote"), North Korea and Colombia (voto en blanco). Russia had such an option on its ballots (Против всех, "against all") until it was abolished in 2006.
A sample ballot for the uncontested 2018 mayoral elections in thumb The Indonesian Law 10 of 2016 regulates local elections, and includes provisions for elections in which there is only one candidate. In such cases, the candidate contests the election against a NOTA option (commonly referred to as kotak kosong/empty box), and is declared the winner if they manage to secure a majority of the valid votes. Otherwise, the election will be postponed to the next occurrence; the government of Indonesia appoints an acting office holder until the new election, in which the losing candidate is eligible to stand again. There were 3 uncontested seats in the 2015 local elections, nine in the 2017 local elections, and at least 13 in the 2018 local elections (including the mayoral elections for Tangerang and Makassar).
The Ottawa International Writers Festival is a literary festival which takes place twice annually, in spring and fall, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The festival was founded in 1997 by Irish-born Neil Wilson as, according to Wilson, "an excuse to bring over Irish poets and writers," but would expand into a Also linked at Nigel Beale Nota Bene Books The festival began to run twice a year in 2004. Each edition of the festival features speakers and authors from across Canada and around the world, giving talks and readings on topics ranging from poetry and fiction to current events, science, philosophy, politics, music, film, history and biography. There are also stand-alone events held throughout the year, and a children's program that brings children's authors to schools and libraries.
These notes are seen as a predecessor to regular banknotes by some but are mainly thought of as proto bills of exchange and cheques.De Geschiedenis van het Geld (the History of Money), 1992, Teleac, page 96 The term "bank note" comes from the notes of the bank ("nota di banco") and dates from the 14th century; it originally recognized the right of the holder of the note to collect the precious metal (usually gold or silver) deposited with a banker (via a currency account). In the 14th century, it was used in every part of Europe and in Italian city-state merchants colonies outside of Europe. For international payments, the more efficient and sophisticated bill of exchange ("lettera di cambio"), that is, a promissory note based on a virtual currency account (usually a coin no longer physically existing), was used more often.
Its use is recommended by the best grammarians, like Quintilian, who says that writing the apex is necessary when a difference of quantity in a vowel can produce a different meaning in a word, as in malus and málus or liber and líber or rosa and rosá.Inst. 1,7,2s: adponere apicem ... interim necessarium, cum eadem littera alium atque alium intellectum, prout correpta vel producta est, facit: ut 'malus' arborem significet an hominem non bonum apice distinguitur, 'palus' aliud priore syllaba longa, aliud sequenti significat, et cum eadem littera nominativo casu brevis, ablativo longa est, utrum sequamur plerumque hac nota monendi sumus. Pilate stone (1st century AD?) with a large apex mark. In modern Latin orthography, long vowels are sometimes marked by a macron, a sign that had always been used, and still is, to mark metrically long syllables (more recently called heavy syllables).
In its judgement of 27 September, 2013, the Supreme Court directed that the Election Commission should make necessary provision in the ballot papers/EVMs for “None of the Above (NOTA)” option so that the electors who do not wish to vote for any of the candidates can exercise their right not to vote for any candidate without violation of the secrecy of their decision. Rules 41 (2), 41(3) and 49-O of the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961, were held to be ultra vires Section 128 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 and Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution.. On 11 October 2013, the Election Commission released a notification declaring that the None of the above option would be provided on voting machines and the option under rule 49-O would not be available any longer.
These traces of editing were the work of the camera operator during the capturing of the event, or of the manufacturer when the film was being prepared in the laboratory, or of the exhibitor, who could cut the film at will.André Gaudreault and Pierre Chemartin, "Les consignes de l’éditeur pour l’assemblage des vues dans les catalogues de distribution," in Frank Kessler and Nanna Verhoeff (eds.), Networks of Entertainment : Early Film Distribution 1895-1915, Eastleigh, John Libbey, 2007, pp. 193-202. In cinema's early years, editing techniques were often inherited from other contemporary cultural practices, in particular photography, prestidigitation and the magic lantern. André Gaudreault's work has underscored the fact that these practices privilege, in the first place, a kind of presentation described as ministrative,See André Gaudreault's Du littéraire au filmique, Paris, Nota Bene/Armand Colin, 1999, particularly p.
Cambiata, or nota cambiata (Italian for changed note), has a number of different and related meanings in music. Generally it refers to a pattern in a homophonic or polyphonic (and usually contrapuntal) setting of a melody where a note is skipped from (typically by an interval of a third) in one direction (either going up in pitch or going down in pitch) and this is followed by the note, and then by motion in the opposite direction (in pitch), and where either the note skipped from is distinguished as a dissonance or the note skipped to is distinguished as a non-harmonic or non-chordal tone. With regards to music pedagogical activities and species counterpoint, it refers to a more specific set of patterns. The cambiata is also called changing note in English, though the literal meaning of the Italian is changed note.
An Introduction to the Study of Medieval Latin Versification, translated by Grant C. Roti and Jacqueline de la Chapelle Skubly, ed. Jan Ziolkowski. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2004. Ziolkowski's first major involvement in the study of the Roman poet Virgil came in 2008, when he brought out with Michael C. J. Putnam, emeritus of Brown University, a stout anthology of translations, The Virgilian Tradition: The First Fifteen Hundred Years, published by Yale University Press. In 2014 he expanded upon that resource with the three volumes of The Virgil Encyclopedia, co-edited with his colleague Richard F. Thomas of Harvard University, published by Wiley- Blackwell. He took his initial step into the classical tradition in 2007, when his Nota Bene: Reading Classics and Writing Songs in the Early Middle Ages was released in Publications of The Journal of Medieval Latin.
While reasonably faithful to the original Dororo (1967–69) manga, the network was originally concerned that the series was too dark because of the bloody battles, vistas of carnage and burning villages, so the cute dog Nota was added to the cast. In addition, the original grim music was replaced with a new and catchy piece, and the original animation of Dororo marching through fields of corpses was replaced with scenes of Dororo skipping playfully across village roofs. Because the original manga series was cancelled before Tezuka had a chance to shift the focus towards Dororo's "coming-of-age" story as he had originally planned, most of the plots revolved around Hyakkimaru's battles with supernatural monsters. This caused viewers to consider Hyakkimaru as the main character and from episode 14 onward, the series was re-titled .
Anil Kumar of SIFF said that they would decide which party to vote for in the 2014 election based on the responses. He added that a survey of SIFF members had indicated a lack of support for the Congress party and the Communist Party of India. The four questions that were posed are whether the party would introduce a bill to protect men against domestic violence, whether biological fathers should be given partial custody in a shared parenting arrangement in divorces, whether consensual sex with the false promise of marriage should be considered rape and if a man should be considered a rapist for breaking up with his girlfriend, and whether the party would introduce men studies courses in universities similar to other gender studies courses. On 16 April 2014, men's right groups asked supporters to vote for Samajwadi Party or use "None of the above" (NOTA).
The "Magnus inscription", a Latin inscription on 15 voussoirs arranged as a semi-circular arch, rescued by a local antiquarian from the rubble when the chancel of the old church was demolished in 1587 and erected in the wall of the nave in 1635, was reset, also surrounding a grave-slab, in the east exterior wall of the new church. The original stones, dating from around 1200, are in a medieval Lombardic script, but several have been re-carved. The inscription reads "Clauditur hic miles Danorum regia proles Mangnus nomen ei mangne nota progeniei; deponens mangnum se moribus induit agnum, prepete pro vita fit parvulus anachorita", which translates as "There enters this cell a warrior of Denmark's royal race; Magnus his name, mark of mighty lineage. Casting off his Mightiness he takes the Lamb's mildness, and to gain everlasting life becomes a lowly anchorite".
Ultimately, however, Fehratović accepted his list's defeat and agreed to serve in opposition; in so doing, he said that Ugljanin would need to break his connections to Adem Zilkić, one of Zukorlić's rivals in the Islamic Community in Serbia, if Ugljanin's group wanted to cooperate with his own."Serbia's new ethnic council to resolve disputes among Bosniaks - chairman," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European, 2 December 2014 (Source: Politika website, Belgrade, in Serbian 27 Nov 14). Fehratović condemned the physical threats against Serbian prime minister Aleksandar Vučić at a 2015 commemoration for the victims of the Srebrenica massacre, saying that those who threatened Serbia's prime minister did a disservice to the Bosniak community. He also urged a full and lasting reconciliation between the Serbian and Bosniak communities.Reagovanja na napad na premijera, protestna nota BiH, Radio Television of Serbia, 11 July 2015, accessed 21 April 2017.
Bronze plaque at Villa Giustiniani Cambiaso of Genoa Brindisi, 12 novembre 1918 Comando in Capo delle Forze Navali mobilitate, Ordine del giorno n. 38 La guerra marittima condotta in Adriatico in unione a reparti degli Alleati e degli Stati Uniti col più costante e sagace ardimento nella ricerca dell'avversario in mare aperto e dentro i muniti porti è finita entro Pola con uno dei più luminosi esempi dell'eroismo italiano. Dal primo all'ultimo giorno, Voi avete perseverato in una lotta senza tregua supplendo al difetto dei mezzi ed alla gravità dei molteplici compiti, con una vigoria, con una audacia sempre più pronte e ferme. Tutti gli italiani conoscono i nomi dei singoli eroi e delle vittorie fulminee, ma non a tutti è nota l'opera silenziosa, aspra, generosa, compiuta in ogni ora, in ogni evento, in ogni fortuna, quando solamente una assoluta dedizione al dovere poteva superare l'imparità delle condizioni e la durezza degli ostacoli.
In the first half of 2011, the supercomputer was fully upgraded replacing all computer nodes and interconnexion networks with the latest technologies in only one month (a record time)Nota de prensa de la UPM: Technical University of Madrid installs the most powerful supercomputer in Spain This configuration reached the 136th position in the TOP500 list and the 18th position in the related Green500 list (both widely used as the supercomputer reference ranking) becoming the most powerful supercomputer and ecological supercomputer in Spain The new distribution of use is 80% managed by CeSViMa-UPM access committee and 20% managed by Spanish Supercomputing Network. Despite of the fact that the RES managed percent is lower, the resources doned to the network increased 4–5 times. The upgrade does not include the storage subsystem (maintain the storage upgraded in 2008). There is a small upgrade planned in next few years to adapt the storage system to the new requirements.
According to band leader Marcelo Calderazzo, the new project has the objective to demystify the Ska music. "Our plan is to bring lightness, informality and celebration without losing the attitude and magnificence of the instrumental music," he says. In addition to the CD songs, the show playlist counts on other band members compositions as "São Paulo" and "Alta Frequência" (Renato Guizelini), "220", "Sombrinha" and "Periferia" (Marcelo Calderazzo), and reinterpretations of "Samba de Uma Nota Só" (Tom Jobim/Newton Mendonça), "Smells Like Teen Spirit" (Nirvana), "Wrapped Around Your Finger" (The Police), "Summertime" (George Gershwin), "I Shot the Sheriff" (Bob Marley) and "Rehab" (Amy Winehouse), besides movies soundtracks as The Godfather (Francis Ford Coppola) and Amarcord (Nino Rota). São Paulo Ska Jazz is composed of Marcelo Calderazzo (electric bass and acoustic), Manu Falleiros (soprano and tenor saxophone), Marcelo Pereira (baritone sax, flute), Douglas Freitas (trombone), Reynaldo Izeppi (trumpet and fluegel horn), Ramon Montagner (drums and electronic programming), Sidney Ferraz (keyboard and piano) and Aquiles Faneco (guitar).
Elected State Deputy in 2006 with 122,312 votes, was considered by Movement Aware Vote the most active deputy of the 16th Legislature (2007/2010). He was president of the Committee of Finances and Budget of the first biennium (2007/2008) and rapporteur of the State Budget for two consecutive years (2009–2010). Covas also was part of the Committees of Human Rights and Defense of Consumer Rights and was president of the Parliamentary Front of the Luso- Brazilian Community and Coordinator of the Front DST-Aids. Covas was rapporteur of more than 180 bills, such as the Nota Fiscal Paulista, that decreased the tax burden and gave back taxes directly to citizens, and was president of the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry (CPI) of ECAD (Central Office of Collection and Distribution), rapporteur of the CPI of CDHU (Urban and Housing Development Company) and member of the CPI of BANCOOP (Housing Cooperative of Bank Officers of São Paulo).
Katz has been awarded four Fulbright grants for research and teaching in India and Sri Lanka, and was able to accept two. His book, Who Are the Jews of India?, was a Finalist for the 2000 National Jewish Book Award and won the 2004 Vak Devi Saraswati Saman Award from India. His co-authored book, The Last Jews of Cochin (1993), was a Nota Bene selection of the Chronicle of Higher Education. He won the President’s Award for Achievement and Excellence, FIU’s highest internal honor, in 2001, as well as FIU Faculty Senate Awards for Research (2005) and Service (2001). He was also named “Scholar of the Year” by the University of South Florida in 1990. He won a statewide award for teaching excellence in 1994, and has been named a “Master Teacher” an unprecedented thirteen times by the Florida Center for Teachers of the Florida Humanities Council. He was appointed Kauffman Professor in Global Entrepreneurship at FIU for the 2009–10 academic year.
Dods, emphasis added Augustine argues that there can be no true transgression of the laws of nature, because everything that happens according to God's will happens by nature, and a transgression of the laws of nature would therefore happen contrary to God's will. A miracle therefore is not contrary to nature as it really is, but only contrary to nature as our current understanding supposes it to be (Portentum ergo fit non contra naturam, sed contra quam est nota natura). For example, if we were to see a man walking on water, and the man really were walking on water, that would not be possible given the laws of nature as we understand them. (The surface tension of water is not great enough to support a man's weight.) But it is logically possible that our understanding of the laws of nature is incomplete, and that under certain circumstances it is possible for a man to walk on water.
Although conciliarist strains of thought remain within the Church, particularly in the United States, Rome and the teaching of the Catholic Church maintains that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ on earth, and has the authority to issue infallible statements. This Papal Infallibility was invoked in Pope Pius IX's 1854 definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, and Pope Pius XII's 1950 definition of the dogma of the Assumption of Mary. The teaching of the Second Vatican Council on the College of Bishops contained within the decree Lumen gentium has sometimes been interpreted as conciliarism, or at least conducive to it, by liberal and conservative Catholics alike; however, the text of the document as well as an explanatory note (Nota Praevia) by Paul VI makes the distinction clear. There are Christians, especially of the Anglo- Catholic, Old Catholic and Eastern Orthodox communions, who maintain the absolute supremacy of an ecumenical council.
In November 2011, despite her urbanised and modern figure, Maya surprised her fans and movie-goers with her moving performance as a young women from a rural village struggling with life and love, in her biggest commercial success Ombak Rindu, which gained her the Best Actress Award at both the Anugerah Skrin and Malaysia Film Festival in 2012 and her third Most Popular Actress (Film) Award at the Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian 2011. Afterwards, Maya portrayed two roles she never played before in Lagenda Budak Setan 2 and Sejoli, and managed to stand out despite acting alongside other fellow established actors. Her genuine tickling portrayal of a girl looking for her true love in the latter film gained her the award of Best Actress in Comedy Role in the second Anugerah Lawak Warna in 2014. Waiting to be released are her two thriller/suspense movies of Jwanita and Nota, with the latter film directed and produced with collaboration between local and Japanese film producers and crews.
Born in Córdoba, Andalusia, Serrano was a youth product of local Córdoba CF.Fran Serrano, el central que no fue sevillista por la nota media (Fran Serrano, the center who was not sevillista due to the medium grade); Cuenta con la Cantera, 19 January 2014 He made his debuts as a senior with the reserves, representing the side in both Segunda División B and Tercera División. Serrano made his first team – and La Liga – debut on 17 May 2015, coming on as a late substitute for Rene Krhin in a 1–2 home loss against Rayo Vallecano.El Rayo cumple en El Arcángel (Rayo fulfills at El Arcángel); Marca, 17 May 2015 He was handed his first start six days later, playing the full 90 minutes in a 0–3 away loss against SD Eibar.La victoria más triste del Eibar (Eibar's saddest victory); Marca, 23 May 2015 On 10 July 2017 Serrano moved to another reserve team, Granada CF B in the third division.
E. de las JONS aparecida en Unidad, la Junta Carlista de Guerra de Guipúzcoa desea hacer público que lamenta no poder adoptar actitud análoga a la que se expresa en dicha nota, por no haber recibido invitación alguna del Excmo. Sr. Gobernador Civil para participar en la nueva Gestora Provincial . Por consiguiente esta Junta no ha facilitado ningún nombre para la provisión de puestos en el referido organismo”, quoted after Félix Luengo Teixedor, La formación del poder franquista en Guipúzcoa (1937-1945), [in:] Geronimo de Uztariz 4 (1990), p. 86 bluntly stating that there are two wars: one in the trenches, and one in the corridors of power.“Hay dos guerras, la de las trincheras, donde se expone la vida y se juega con la muerte, y la de las ciudades, donde se exponen cargos y se juega con los nombres (. . .) En la retaguardia hay una guerra sórdida y miserable, en la que empuja y se trabaja arteramente por medrar y subir, por colocarse y brillar”, quoted after Teixedor 1990, p.
At the same time, conservative sectors of the Catholic Church accused them of threatening the family and Christian morality, as seen in the Chilean newspapers of the time.Véase artículo citado, párrafo 32 Revolución y liberación del ser. According to Siloists this campaign was a reaction to the growing influence of Silo with the young and the proposal of a new left humanist, non-Marxist, ideology. The notoriety of his influence was reflected in obituaries in the newspapers Página/12 in ArgentinaPágina 12, periódico argentino and El País in Spain. The latter refers to Silo as the «founder of a philosophy that came to gather a million followers in over 100 countries» and «a strange character for the West, one who could have been born in the East. He trumpeted a spiritual and social change as the foundation of the “human nation”».«Silo, fundador del movimiento humanista», nota necrológica en el diario El País, miércoles 22 de septiembre de 2010. Two months after his death, he was honoured at the Book Fair in Mar del Plata, Argentina.
As holder of the later position, he signed on 26 November 1918 the official recognition of the Latvian Provisional Government by the German Empire that ended German claim over the region, what is known by the Latvians as the Vinniga nota ("Winnig's note"). In order to comply with the demands of the Baltic Germans for a broader representation in the new institutions, Winnig delayed the withdrawal of German troops from Latvia and supported the formation of Freikorps in the region, with promises of land and settlement. In January 1919, after being appointed Oberpräsident of East Prussia by the Weimar Republic, Winnig devised a plan for the creation of an autonomous State in the Baltics that would include Livonia, Kurland, Lithuania and East and West Prussia, with the false assumption that the victorious powers of WWI would concentrate their demands on Germany itself and let alone a separatist eastern State. He wrote that "the East Prussian separatism was a special form of expression of national indignation", with the intention of entering into war against Poland to achieve statehood.
As visual artist he collaborated with albrecht/d., Reed Altemus, Vittore Baroni, Geert Baas, Dmitry Babenko, Wolfgang Peter Brunner, Keith A. Buchholz, Jonathan Dilas, Ad Breedveld, Jean-Louis Costes, Jonathan Caldwell, Daniela Floersheim, Dadanautik, Catherine Drury, Daniel Eltinger, Angela Ferrara, Ace Farren Ford, Kollektiv G.R.A.M./Martin Behr, danma vs. v2r2/Dan Ma & Veronica Reeves, Clayton Patterson, Jaroslav Divis, Bert Feddema, Jean Kiboi, Norbert Futscherndorf, Phillip Graffham, Rachel Heinold, Peter Trautner, Barbara Rapp, Jean Lessenich, Jan van Hasselt, Karen Houser, Katrien De Blauwer, Stefan Heuer, Veronika Olma, Minouche Marie-Dit-Beaufils, Linus Malmqvist, Vlado Ketch, Jürgen O. Olbrich, Reiner Maria Matysik, Alex Mazzitelli, Ulrike Oppel, Massimo Nota, Jessica Molnar, Yukiko Nasu, Eva Moll, Jose Ney Mila, Armando Ramos, Klaus Rudolf, Kong Wee Pang, M. P. Landis, Odette Picaud, Cornelius P. Rinne, Darija S. Radakovic, Fabio Py, Dorota-Katarzyna Samborski, Gail Scheuring, Gianni-Emilio Simonetti, Inge van Kann, Valerie Savarie, Nada Vitz, Ruud Janssen, Litsa Spathi Cecil Touchon, Topp & Dubio, Reid Wood, Clemens Stecher, Picasso Galinone, Yuko Ueno, John Welson, Pieter Zandvliet, Andrey Zhelkovsky, and others, especially for a project called BROTKATZE Collaborations.
ABC 14.01.34, Biografia sucinta de D. Jaime Chicharro, p. 2 Holding two diplomas he settled in Madrid and assumed the chair of History in same Jesuit college he had attended earlier.Nota biográfica sobre Jaime Chicharro y Sánchez-Guio (1889-1934) In 1912 Chicharro married Dolores Lamamié de Clairac Romero y Bermúdez de Castro (1890-1974),Dolores Lamamie de Clairac Romero entry at Geni genealogical service, available here related to the Salamanca landowner and later a well- known Carlist politician, José María Lamamié de Clairac y de la Colina.Dolores was the daughter of Lamamie's paternal cousin As she inherited some 300 hectaresBiografia sucinta de D. Jaime Chicharro, p. 2 around Villarreal and Nules, the family moved to the spouse's La Salmantina estate, now located in the municipality of Les Alqueries (Castellón province).Nota biográfica sobre Jaime Chicharro y Sánchez-Guio (1889-1934), Biografia sucinta de D. Jaime Chicharro, p. 2 The couple had 13 children,CHICHARRO LAMAMIÉ DE CLAIRAC, Antonio thread at Memoriablau service, available here born between 1914 and 1932.
This emergency government would consist of the parties of the outgoing Wilmès I Government (MR, CD&V;, Open Vld), completed with the socialist and green parties, corresponding to the so- called Vivaldi-coalition. During the weekend of 7 and 8 March the assignment holders were planning to bring all parties around the table to discuss a so- called framework note, describing topics as budget, socio-economic reforms, ethical topics and an agenda for a state reform.Koninklijke opdrachthouders Dewael en Laruelle willen praten over brede inhoudelijke nota, VRT Nieuws, 6 March 2020. This was cancelled however, as not all parties needed for the Vivaldi-coalition were ready to step into such a coalition. On 7 March, CD&V; sent out an online inquiry to its members, asking to give their opinion on the course that CD&V; had been taken during the negotiations thus far, namely to stress the need for a majority on the Flemish side, which would only be possible by having N-VA part of the government.
She finds Tom was held in high respect, while reactions to Selma range from tolerance for Tom's sake to downright dislike. Tom's colleagues in the sheriff's department, including Tom's partner Rafer LaMott and brother Macon Newquist, close ranks around his memory, though their respective wives, as well as Selma's 25-year- old son by her first marriage, Brant, are slightly more friendly and helpful to Millhone, as is CHP officer James Tennyson, who found Tom's body. A frustrating search of Tom's home office reveals nothing more than some doodling and a list of phone numbers; but it seems someone is worried about what Kinsey might find when she is first threatened by a masked driver, then attacked in her temporary accommodation, the dismal Nota Lake Cabins run by Tom's elder sister Cecilia Boden. Retreating to Santa Teresa to lick her wounds (two dislocated fingers and a beaten-up jaw), Kinsey follows up leads from the phone numbers she found in Tom's office, from which she finds Tom was interested in the case of a petty criminal, Alfie Toth, whom he had traced to a hotel in Santa Teresa before Toth died in what might have been a murder or a bizarre suicide.
Giovanni Battista Rizza (born 7 February 1924) (at the registry office Giambattista Rizza)See the list of the recipients of the medal "Benemeriti della Scuola, della Cultura, dell'Arte" and the Decreto ministeriale 17 febbraio 1999 conferring him the title of "Professor Emeritus". is an Italian mathematician, working in the fields of complex analysis of several variables and in differential geometry: he is known for his contribution to hypercomplex analysis, notably for extending Cauchy's integral theorem and Cauchy's integral formula to complex functions of a hypercomplex variable,According to the motivation for the award of the "Premio Ottorino Pomini", reported on the , "Sono particolarmente degni di nota i risultati sui teoremi integrali per le funzioni regolari, sulle estensioni della formula integrale di Cauchy alle funzioni monogene sulle algebre complesse dotate di modulo commutative e sul conseguente sviluppo della relativa teoria, ed infine sulla struttura delle algebre di Clifford" ("Particularly notable results are the ones on the integral theorems for regular functions, the ones on the extension of Cauchy integral formula to complex commutative algebras with modulus, and lastly the ones on the structure of Clifford algebras"). the theory of pluriharmonic functions and for the introduction of the now called Rizza manifolds.

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