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235 Sentences With "not professional"

How to use not professional in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "not professional" and check conjugation/comparative form for "not professional". Mastering all the usages of "not professional" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The point is it's not professional — it's just entertaining.
Believe it or not, professional dancers have the same problem.
It's all unrehearsed, and the kids are not professional actors.
"I don't know how not-professional cooks do this," Flay says.
They are very sweet women, however they are not professional cooks.
Still, these kids are not professional actors or slick video editors.
Managers are not professional counselors and should not act as such.
They were not professional musicians, but they loved art and sports.
"That was not professional," he told The Associated Press after Tuesday's game.
That requires considered adult judgment, not professional defenestration via a bad Twitter ratio.
And the people calling the shots are not professional chefs; they are grandmothers.
Tyrese Gibson says it was "not professional" to go public with Dwayne Johnson feud.
But you know, so far it's not professional issue, is just a political issue.
The bar is much lower for so many people because they're not professional photographers.
Dark coatings may mitigate the issue, but mostly for stargazers and not professional astronomers.
"I think Trump is not professional; he doesn't understand the global situation," he said.
It's not professional — especially if you're writing to someone you've never met, Pachter said.
My burnout is not professional, but comes from repetitive negativity in my personal life.
"It could have happened because of young officers who are not professional," he said.
I love dancing – closet dancing, totally not professional – but have never couple danced until DWTS!
Unskilled volunteers should do unskilled labor, not professional work that, done wrong, could cause harm.
There have been many women who are not professional models on the runways this season.
The girls I came up with were not professional women, let's put it that way.
What I'm telling you is that what was written on that board was not professional.
We do not condone our employees behaving in a manner which is not professional and courteous.
Sometimes a story that's not Professional-grade might be really good on the user-acquisition side.
I had a lot of people in my family, not professional artists, but they all made things.
It doesn't speak to someone who only attends AA meetings, which by themselves are not professional treatment.
The purpose was "not professional, it's just a political issue," one of the men told the Russians.
But, his skill set is in stoking sensationalism, not professional acting, creating controversy rather than solving problems.
In addition, the $1 million minimum seemingly unfairly knocks out small shareholders but not professional hedge funds.
Further, it's critically important to make sure this is true recurring software revenue and not professional services.
To be sure, Brazilians are nothing if not professional sports fans, and they rarely if ever hold back.
They&aposre not professional, and you always have to look at it from a different point of view.
Other reminders of fevers past: Most of these Asians buying bitcoin are the general public, not professional traders.
About 21 percent of the investors in short-volatility products are considered non-institutional, meaning not professional traders.
Which is sort of interesting (and it also seemed pretty clear in the trailer that they're not professional actors).
Indeed, her response — that the betrayal was "personal, not professional" — tends to confirm that you hadn't violated any professional norms.
Many in the cast are not professional actors but friends of Fails and Talbot, who both still live in the city.
Mr. Grant says he resents the term because it implies — incorrectly, he says — that the independent websites are somehow not professional.
That's not professional ... this is a professional tournament, we have to act professional and play with your best effort the whole time.
What are some steps you think those of us who are not professional race car drivers can take to live more sustainably?
Politicians are far more likely to be everyday working people, not professional politicians — not because they're conservative, but because of local rules.
In a statement, Jayawijaya police chief Tonny Ananda Swadaya issued an apology, saying, "The investigator was not professional in doing his job".
While many drone accidents have been blamed on hobbyist, not professional operators, these still represent the risk of using drones over populated areas.
For me, I've been running into this when promoting my book, especially on Facebook where it's mostly friends and family and not professional.
Bishops of the Mormon Church — or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as it's formally called — are laymen, not professional clerics.
If you're not professional enough to handle both things, then just step aside and let the people who live this life continue with it.
The jury is instructed to provide the Pulitzers' administrative board — which includes journalists, editors and academics, but not professional musicians — with three unranked nominations.
He had the models — many of who were not professional — meander about the room and interact with one another; at times they even embraced.
They are not professional writers choosing to make beautiful sentences out of the darkness as their vocation—as Jesmyn Ward does brilliantly in her memoir.
"Even if Sony is completely right and has the best idea for a Spider-Man movie, you don't say that, it's not professional," Robbins said.
Like it or not, professional sports often frame the national conversation when it comes to issues like violence against women, substance abuse, and racial equality.
Hunter is charged with campaign finance violations and prosecutors say the affairs are supporting evidence of his use of the funds for personal -- not professional -- gain.
Moore revealed that it wasn't until she was in her early 30s that she realized she needed to make her personal — not professional — life a priority.
Because they are based online and allow trading from smartphones or tablets, the industry has attracted a vast number of users who are not professional dealers.
Most dads are not professional WWE wrestlers, but all dads imagine themselves doing this to a guy who comes with a 10-foot perimeter of their daughters.
I don't know why a lot of women don't go into the industry; maybe because we're already looked at as cooks at home so it's not professional.
That is a huge task, particularly given that the overwhelming majority of content on Toutiao is produced by individual bloggers, not professional news organizations or other institutions.
I'm just going to go for it now and do what my emotions want me to do and not do the 'professional thing', because maybe that's not professional.
After all, the people trying out for the film are not professional Hollywood actors by any means, but largely blue-collar workers like grocery store managers or cops.
It had the air of a foregone conclusion after the feedback they'd received about the difficulty of groups, though they insisted the issue had been personal, not professional.
YouTube and Instagram influencers — bloggers who are typically not professional artists — may share paid posts with their audiences with little or no notice that the content is sponsored.
Almost uniformly, though, these movies have one element in common: The women protagonists are not professional criminals, but regular people pushed to criminality by dire — though not exceptional — circumstances.
And last but not least, Hudson pulls through with the "job interview" outfit: A royal blue bodycon dress, which Jenner deemed "not professional", but of which she approves nonetheless.
Personal blogs used to be seen as not "professional enough" for resumes, but these outlets can be an excellent way to showcase your individual voice and self-starting tendencies.
I could totally change my profile to a super watered down version of my full-spectrum (not professional) self, which my dream man would most likely swipe right by.
One founder wrote on her Facebook page that there is rampant "predatory behavior" at the firm, yet this person has also said the two had a personal, not professional, relationship.
More often than not, professional decks require an actual designer to come in and work on layout, or force the laymen to spend extra time tweaking fonts, colors, alignment, etc.
School was still fun, summers lasted forever, while playgrounds and parks echoed with the sound of kids debating whether or not professional wrestling was, as our parents claimed, fake as shit.
The following day, I approached the correct side of the press pit to take some shots of Radiohead, and was told that my camera equipment was not professional enough to enter.
"The conversations were often about inappropriate things that he would say, whether it was sexual humor or really abusive in terms of shouting and overall anger that's not professional," the friend said.
"It's not professional for us to park up and find a toilet when we have diarrhea and a customer sitting in the car," says Mr. Li between mouthfuls of pork and rice.
In late June, according to the email, Salazar took a pre-run urine sample from each of his two adult sons, who are not professional athletes, to determine their baseline testosterone levels.
Its stars are not professional actors or climate scientists; they're women working on the frontlines of our exploration into space, building the engines and rocket parts that will soon depart Earth for other atmospheres.
Maybe it's not professional for journalists to react to the candidates; it's only when Wolf says "f-ing wall," quoting the president of Mexico, that I notice a chuckle or two in the room.
Of course, there's one big caveat to the Local Guides program in terms of using it as a good source for business information: it's crowdsourced info from regular people, not professional critics or reviewers.
But the people who put together the AWB's feature lists not only were not professional gun designers, but they didn't even appear to know anything at all about the guns they were designing for the public's use.
I don't know many companies where an incendiary Facebook post about the boss wouldn't filter back to the boss  It's a needless provocation, an unforced error, and if not professional suicide then at least professional self-harm.
He compared Skillz to programs at schools, intra-office leagues and even venues and rec centers that make traditional sports like baseball, basketball or football accessible to players who are not professional but would want to be if they could.
Last month a former girlfriend of Jurvetson's (yes, he was married) hinted at misconduct via a Facebook post, but declined to elaborate when contacted by reporters (same went for her attorney, except for confirming that her allegations were personal in nature, not professional).
Ezra Pound didn't know Chinese and his Latin was not professional, but his versions of Chinese poetry and of Sextus Propertius are still read because they convey something important about the original and open up new ways of conceiving of this material.
Of course, the Ninja we're talking about is the ultra-famous professional gamer ... and he tried his hand last night at being the new Lil Nas X, performing "Old Town Road," and we're not professional judges, but the whole thing looked pretty awesome to us.
The resulting fray was deeply confusing to many readers who are not professional journalists — and even to many journalists under the age of 30 — who couldn't quite understand why management turmoil at a single low-circulation publication could possibly be worthy of so many pixels and takes.
The majority of its fiction reviewers are novelists, not professional critics, and they tend to review books with professional restraint—partly out of the sympathy that comes from toiling in the same industry and partly out of the knowledge that the situation could someday be reversed.
In a 2009 study of the biomechanics of elite (but not professional) male and female pitchers that he conducted with colleagues, the female pitchers produced slightly less force throughout their fastball pitching motion, from the cocking of the arm behind the back, to the stride forward, and through to the release of the ball itself, than did the male pitchers.
Most athletes who are not professional runners and who are trying the New York City Marathon for the first time run with the general field, like the tennis player Caroline Wozniacki last year (3 hours 26 minutes), the Olympic gymnast Kerri Strug in 2008 (3:56), and the former cycling champion Lance Armstrong in 2007 (a speedy 2:46, but his time was later thrown out because of his doping).
It had 4 teams in 2017. The league was not professional, with all the players being domestic ones. Average attendance at league matches was 30 people in 2017.
Risks also include, losing the interest of the people on social media because there is a lack of activity, the content is not interesting, or it is not professional or honest.
They strived to make paintings appear 'as good as' colour photographs. Rasa art is inspired by real-life muses. They are not professional models. They are from an entirely different milieu.
Citizen media is content produced by private citizens who are not professional journalists. Citizen journalism, participatory media and democratic media are related principles. Ana Maria Brambilla, citizen journalist for OhmyNews in Brazil.
" Actor Bruce Vilanch said, "What purpose does it serve? These [people like Perez] are professional homosexuals. They are gay people for a living. They have to respect the rights of homosexuals who are not professional.
The four main characters rob a stadium ticket booth during a football match, afterwards dividing the spoils and splitting. The film follows their efforts to evade the police, complicated by the fact they are not professional criminals.
The league is supported by the Liechtenstein Football Association. It had 4 teams in 2017. The league was not professional, with all the players being domestic ones. Average attendance at league matches was 30 people in 2017.
Today, the Association is the professional body for Medical Artists in the UK with its members possessing specialist skills in art and a deep, if not professional, understanding of medical procedures specifically, but not exclusively, in the area of surgery.
It designates activities or techniques in which people who are not professional developers create automated behavior and complex data objects without significant knowledge of a programming language. Systems whose actor is another system or a software agent have no direct end users.
The teachers teach in the school are not professional nor highly qualified. Students are gathered in gardens for learning. The school has its own building but is nearby a US base. Students and teachers left their school building because of a possible Taliban mortar missile.
In the 1960s Ohio law allowed limited partnerships but not professional corporations. Taxation and malpractice insurance led the group to challenge the IRS and file for incorporation. In 1971 Mayfield, Lotspeich, Hunter and Budde, Ltd. became the first physician group in Ohio to incorporate.
This is a list of people who compete professionally in long-distance running, or if not professional have won top level international medals or other such notable feats. It includes people covering distances from 3000 metres upwards and includes track, cross country and road running variants.
End-user development (EUD) or end-user programming (EUP) refers to activities and tools that allow end-users – people who are not professional software developers – to program computers. People who are not professional developers can use EUD tools to create or modify software artifacts (descriptions of automated behavior) and complex data objects without significant knowledge of a programming language. In 2005 it was estimated (using statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) that by 2012 there would be more than 55 million end-user developers in the United States, compared with fewer than 3 million professional programmers. Various EUD approaches exist, and it is an active research topic within the field of computer science and human-computer interaction.
The British Veterinary Association (BVA) is the national body for veterinary surgeons in the United Kingdom and is a not-for-profit organisation. Its purpose is that of knowledge dissemination, and not professional validation or academic competence. Knowledge dissemination is important in the veterinary profession to prevent a knowledge divide.
Most hoplites were not professional soldiers and often lacked sufficient military training. Some states maintained a small elite professional unit, known as the epilektoi ("chosen") since they were picked from the regular citizen infantry. These existed at times in Athens, Argos, Thebes, and Syracuse, among others. Hoplite soldiers made up the bulk of ancient Greek armies.
Therefore, the Sehit Sefkan Culture and Arts School was founded of which he became a member. He began filming movies. In his movies the actors were not professional actors but PKK fighters who often acted for the first time in a movie. In total he made 6 movies with durations between 29 minutes and 162 minutes.
Early Lingbao ritual was mostly done on an individual basis, either in a meditation chamber, or the courtyard of a house. Early practitioners were not professional priests, but rather 'students of the Dao'. Later on, as the Lingbao movement developed religious institutions and an established clergy, ritual practice became more of a communal rite.Bokenkamp (1997), 389.
Maya the Bee also served as the basis for a children's opera written by the Croatian composer Bruno Bjelinski in 1963. In 2008 it was staged in Villach, Austria as part of their Carinthian Summer Music Festival. This performance was distinguished by having the "bees" played by children and not professional opera singers as it is usually the case.
Brandon wrote a proposal document and sent it to the two leading shareware game publishers of the time, Epic MegaGames and Apogee. However, the game lacked any sound or music, and the graphics were "definitely not professional". As such, "neither got overly excited", but both showed interest. The two developers thought they would never find a publisher.
There are many restrictions on leaving the country. The country's first ever transgender municipal delegate was elected in the province of Villa Clara in early 2013. Adela Hernández is a resident of the town of Caibarién and works as a nurse electrocardiogram specialist. In Cuba, delegates are not professional politicians and, therefore, do not receive a government salary.
The Lord High Admiral (of England, Great Britain and then the United Kingdom, beginning in the 14th century) is the titular head of the Royal Navy. Most have been courtiers or members of the Royal Family, and not professional naval officers. The office of Lord High Admiral is one of the nine English Great Officers of State.
V. Krishnasamy (13 January 1948 - 2 August 2020) was a Malaysian footballer. A prison officer by profession (as Malaysia football is not professional at his time), Krishnasamy represented Prison Department, Penang FA and Perak FA during his football career. He also played for Malaysia national team, and competed in the men's tournament at the 1972 Summer Olympics.
Ji Liu was born in China. His mother played the guitar and his father played the trumpet, although both parents were not professional musicians. Liu expressed an interest in learning the piano at the of age 3. He subsequently began piano lessons, and undertook formal studies in piano and conducting at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.
She said that the producer, Quincy Jones, did not meet her conditions and the team supervising and overlooking the project is not professional. Majida already put her voice on the operate, but when they asked her to record again in Qatar, she announced her withdrawal and waived her authorship rights when she backed out of the project.
Days of Marigold is a silent short film directed by Mainak Misra. The film revolves around subject of cycle of dreams, reflections, hope, longing and nostalgia with a silhouette-like sepia tone. The film was shot at the banks of Pochampally village lake, located approximately 30 km away from Hyderabad, Telangana. The film has common people cast and not professional actors.
Affiliated groups are subordinate to another group, a regional or national level of their own organization. Local groups conform to the guidelines of the regional/national groups. Leaders are self- helpers not professional caregivers, and meetings included educational activities and sharing, supplemented by research and professionals. Examples of an affiliated self-help group would be the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).
Its army was unorganized. The troops used in the interventions in Uruguay were composed merely of the armed contingents of gaucho politicians and some of the staff of the National Guard. The Brazilian infantry who fought in the War of the Triple Alliance were not professional soldiers but volunteers, the so-called Voluntários da Pátria. Many were slaves sent by farmers.
I want to know why you think that American men and women in uniform are not professional enough to serve with gays and lesbians. #Hi, my name is David Cercone. I'd like to ask all the candidates if they accept the support of the Log Cabin Republicans, and why should the Log Cabin Republicans support their candidacy? #This is Adam Florzak of Illinois.
The target audience of the magazine is both housewives and working women. Andreas Lebert and Brigitte Huber served as co-editors of Brigitte.BRIGITTE führt Chefredaktionen zusammen Birgitte Lebert, after serving in the post from 2002 to 2012, left the magazine to become editor-in-chief of Zeit Wissen magazine. In 2010 the magazine began to employ women who were not professional models.
Travellers and Magicians is a 2003 Bhutanese Dzongkha-language film written and directed by Khyentse Norbu, writer and director of the arthouse film The Cup. The movie is the first feature film shot entirely in the Kingdom of Bhutan. The majority of the cast are not professional actors; Tshewang Dendup, a well-known Bhutanese radio actor and producer, is the exception.
Günther was one of the first sons to be born to a couple in The Christian Community church in Stuttgart that was inspired by Rudolf Steiner. Although not professional musicians, both his parents were musicians. His mother played the piano and his father played the cello. He had an older sister, Irmgard Elisabeth Paetsch (1925–1998), a pianist who taught in Stuttgart.
When Nikolai Bulganin became premier in 1955, he appointed Zhukov as Defence Minister. Zhukov participated in many political activities. He successfully opposed the re-establishment of the Commissar system, because the Party and political leaders were not professional military, and thus the highest power should fall to the army commanders. Until 1955, Zhukov had both sent and received letters from Eisenhower.
An 1862 lithograph depicting skating in the 19th century The term "professional" in skating refers not to skill level but competitive status. Figure skaters competing at the highest levels of international competition are not "professional" skaters. They are sometimes referred to as amateurs, though some earn money. Professional skaters include those who have lost their ISU eligibility and those who perform only in shows.
He was a cultured man, with accomplishments not professional. He was an amateur artist, and a connoisseur in engraved gems and coins, and similar objects. On this area he published The Science of Gems, Jewels, Coins, and Medals, Ancient and Modern, 1867, which contained a fragmentary autobiography of Benedetto Pistrucci, translated by Billing's wife. An elaborate text-book, illustrated with photographs, it reached a second edition.
Including the works of numerous artists, these exhibitions were one night events that included a public discussion. These exhibitions were generally organized by artists and not professional curators. These exhibitions had themes that were often reflexive of the process of art making. For example, the exhibition entitled ‘The Naked Paint Show’ in 1985 with James Bohary, Geoffrey Dorfman, Tracy Jones, Andy Miller and Pat Passlof.
Voluntary Fire Service of Zbludowice In Poland local inhabitants may create not professional a Voluntary Fire Service (Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna, OSP) under proper law. Such volunteer fire service may receive a financial help from the government for the equipment and staff training. In certain areas of Poland almost every town and village has a volunteer fire service. Volunteer fire service is fully integrated with the emergency system.
The graffiti artist Banksy painted a Pulp Fiction mural near Old Street station in 2002. It was based on Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield from the film of the same name, except the characters held bananas in place of guns. It was accidentally painted over in 2007. A Transport for London representative said "Our graffiti removal teams are staffed by professional cleaners, not professional art critics".
Although some performers who, at the time, were not professional later became so, one of the professional actors, Vladimír Pucholt, who played a major role, Milda the pianist, soon gave up acting, relocated to Canada and became a pediatrician. In April 2019, a restored version of the film was selected to be shown in the Cannes Classics section at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival.
He proves this to the reporter by using his original, not professional name, which was Kit Fergus (a.k.a. "Chris F." in Howell's previous novel The Late Projectionist). Jude claims he found a smartphone loaded with a game called The Knights of Skeldaria. An Easter egg in the app sent him to Howell's universe where no records of his existence can be found to the consternation of Detective Shane, Howell's wary friend.
Bakchha is a 2007 film by Tshering Wangyel. It is the first horror film produced in Bhutan, where most movies are musicals that portray an imagined perfect society.Is That a Lama Behind the Camera? - New York Times Most of the actors in the film are not professional actors but are hired locally; Rinzin Choden, one of the leading actresses, is one of the few professional actors in the film.
The Air Staff and he determined that "…the job should be entrusted only to professionally qualified personnel [who would] have full access to all [Army Air Forces] records necessary…".Craven and Cate "Plans..." p. xiii Most were not professional military men but academics who were already serving in the Air Forces. Of necessity, their focus during the war was "selection and collection of materials"Craven and Cate "Plans..." p.
The Chicago Literary Club is a society founded in 1874 at which members orally deliver essays they have written, and listen to the essays of other members. All members must be skilled in English, though most are not professional writers. The Chicago Literary Club is one of Chicago's two oldest surviving literary clubs (the other being the Fortnightly Club). The club was originally for men only, but today accepts both women and men.
The children in the movie were not professional actors; they actually were poor children cast at the shooting locale. Photographer Jack Delano directed the film for the Puerto Rican government's Division of Community Education. Some consider Los Peloteros to be the best Puerto Rican film ever made. Several films were shot in Puerto Rico in the 1950s. Two were Puerto Rican, the musical drama El Otro Camino (1955), and the drama/romance Maruja (1958).
The information gathered is used to help studies and interactions between amateur astronomers in yearly gatherings. Although not professional information or credible, it is a way for the hobby lovers to share their new sightings and experiences. The popularity of imaging among amateurs has led to large numbers of web sites being written by individuals about their images and equipment. Much of the social interaction of amateur astronomy occurs on mailing lists or discussion groups.
Among the past-tie Aleuts were both shamans and shamanism. They were considered to be the intermediaries between the visible and invisible worlds, between men and spirits, and the Aleuts believed they were acquainted with demonology and could foretell the future and aid sufferers. And though they were not professional obstetricians, yet as magicians their services were in request in cases of difficult childbirth. Shamans were the aboriginal specialists in dealing with the supernatural.
The group theatre of Kolkata refers to a tradition in theatres in the Indian city Kolkata, which developed in the 1940s as an alternative to entertainment- oriented theatres. As opposed to commercial theatres, group theatre is "a theatre that is not professional or commercial", characterized by its tendency for experimentation in theme, content and production, and its aim of using the proscenium stage to highlight social messages, rather than having primarily making-money objectives.
Salleh Ibrahim (1 November 1947 - 8 March 2020) was a Malaysian footballer. A prison officer by profession (as Malaysian football was not professional in his time), Salleh represented Prison Department, Kelantan FA, Perak FA and Singapore FA during his football career. He also played for Malaysian national team, and competed in the men’s tournament at the 1972 Summer Olympics, scoring in the 3-0 win against the United States in the group stage.
Wan Zawawi Wan Yusof (11 April 1949 - 17 November 2017) was a Malaysian footballer. A prison officer by profession (as Malaysia football is not professional at his time), Zawawi represented Prison Department, Kelantan FA and Pahang FA during his football career. He also played for Malaysia national team, and competed in the men's tournament at the 1972 Summer Olympics, scoring in the 3-0 win against United States in the group stage.
The guidelines were set up around two important ideas. The first guideline is that "whoever enjoys a special measure of freedom, like a professional journalist, has an obligation to society to use their freedoms and powers responsibly." (Straubhaar, LaRose & Davenport, Pg 477) This guideline is useful so that people in power are able to be held liable in case their actions are not professional. People that have high media attention should not abuse the power.
Gerber (1975), pp. 40-42, 46 Downey (1967) argues Greeley was nominated as a result of a crass political bargain imposed against the will of a convention that really wanted Charles Francis Adams. Men like Schurz supported Adams, but were inexperienced political idealists and not professional politicians. They neither acted nor voted as a bloc, particularly after the collapse of a boom for David Davis, a collapse engineered by a group of leading reformist Republican editors.
She later apologized, acknowledging that her use of the official account was "not professional". She told Vice that she had never tweeted "#KillAllWhiteMen", but defended those who did, saying that it "is something that a lot of people in the feminist community use to express frustration" and that it is not a literal command for androcide. She also stated that she had received rape and death threats following the media coverage. A petition was established on Change.
Umar sent orders to him to halt at al-Qadisiyyah, a small town 30 miles from Kufah. Umar continued to remotely issue strategic orders and commands to his army throughout the campaign. Due to a shortage of manpower, Umar decided to lift the ban on the ex-apostate tribes of Arabia from participating in state affairs. The army raised was not professional but was a volunteer force composed of newly recruited contingents from all over Arabia.
The policy-making body of the Federation is its Council, which meets monthly except in August. Members of Council are mostly the heads of intellectual property of its member companies, all of which are industrial companies, not professional private practices. The Federation produces policy papers (typically 10 per year) in response to consultations by the UK government, the European Commission, the European Patent Office, and others.IP Federation web site, Policy papers. Consulted on March 22, 2018.
News of the auction was reported throughout the world, and Henry was the subject of a number of these articles. The auction was run by the new government, not professional auctioneers, which resulted in unusual circumstances. During the auction, Henry protested that she could not see and left the salesroom; the supervisors followed her to make amends. Two days earlier, Henry insisted that they conduct the auction in English as well as French and Egyptian, and they complied.
The FIM made a significant change in 1995. They recognized that they could not grow the sport having only a single-competition class structure, given that most entrants were not professional trials riders. The FIM added a second, class called the “B” class, or "International", with the “A” class being intended for the top teams of the world. There are typically 5 countries entered in the prestigious “A” class, and about 15 countries in the “B” class.
The concept of TGC was an event displaying the wish and prayer for continued growth, prosperity and developments in Asia, mainly in Japan after the world war. The first show was produced by Ohama. In the later show, Ohama collaborated with Takashi Murakami, the contemporary artists, to bring fashion and art together in the show. Most of those who walk in the TGC runway are muses for fashion brands, and many of them are not professional fashion models.
He loved the patients and colleagues, but was often frustrated by the lack of respect for art therapy. He was never allowed to even have a business card until a secretary forged an order for a set. They had been judged not professional enough to deserve cards, although Ault carried a full case load and charged full fees for services . This frustration caused Ault to look for ways to cut ties with Menninger’s. In 1978, Ault established Ault’s Academy of Art in Topeka.
In May 2017, Lum was called up to the Fiji to play New Caledonia. However, there remained some doubt at the time as to whether he was eligible to play on the basis of his Fijian ancestry. In a later interview, Lum revealed that he was not interested in playing for Fiji as he thought that the football in Fiji was not professional enough. In March 2020, Lum said in an interview that one of his goals was to represent Hong Kong.
Because of the racial discrimination, the selection of school leaders tends to not fair enough, which could cause the elected principals are not professional. This can often be translated into the fact that schooling cannot be effectively managed under the ineffective leadership. In terms of management, the school might treat different teachers and students differently because of ethnic issues. This is to say, the education management has not achieved fairness, which is also unfavourable to the development of education management.
The rehearsal process for this play was not consistent; the time participants spent sharing stories and making memories was the most important aspect of putting on these shows.Flores 24 The final product of the production was not seen as having great importance in this community. These are not professional productions, and the main focus is to simply have the Hispanic community come together to tell the story of Jesus. The script of the play is often improvised by the actors and varies immensely.
Unlike rodeos, most charreadas do not award money to the winners as charreadas are considered an amateur sport, not professional. Under Mexican laws it would be illegal to receive a monetary reward for participating in a charreada. At times there are such prizes as saddles or horse trailers. 1. Cala de Caballo (Reining); Literally the demonstration of the horse rein, the horse is required to show its talents in the canter, gallop, slide stop, spins on its hind legs as well as backing.
Bird has 356 recorded fights, but has been rumored to have even more fights during his career which were not professional matches. Bird currently holds the knockout world record at 138; the second closest is Archie Moore with 131 knockouts. Ian Palmer of Goliath listed Bird's achievement as "10 Boxing Records That Will (Probably) Never Be Broken". Robert Aaron Contreras of Bleacher Report believes this record will "never be repeated" as the current active boxer has a knockout record of 51.
Roma was born on February 29, 1892, in Philadelphia to "well-to-do, musical — but not professional — parents." In 1917 her mother and father died, three months apart, leaving Lisa and six siblings. She became an accountant and found time to study music, tennis, fencing and dancing, all of which she taught to others. Eventually she became a soloist for the Philadelphia Choral Society, then was a student of David Bispham, the first American operatic tenor to win an international reputation.
An earlier incarnation of the package, Soundtrack, was first sold as part of Apple's Final Cut Pro 4 video editor, released in April 2003. It was then released as a stand-alone product, but due to low demand it was discontinued. The main concept of Soundtrack was to allow people who are not professional composers to produce original music for their videos or DVDs, royalty-free. The music could be easily scored to QuickTime movies and Final Cut Pro projects.
From 1962 to 1965, Fulton was chairman of both the BBC and ITA committees on adult education. He served as a BBC governor from 1966 to 1971, serving twice as Vice-Chairman (1966–1967 and 1968–1971). Wilson invited him to chair the Committee on the Civil Service in 1964. Reporting in 1968, it found that administrators were not professional enough, and in particular lacked management skills, and included the creation of a Civil Service College as one of its 158 recommendations.
At the time, the tracks by Fairport Convention attracted the most attention. Since 1993, most of these rarities have become available as bonus tracks on Fairport albums, or in the boxed set called "The Boxful of Treasures" (Sandy Denny rarities - 5 CDs). The two Steeleye Span rarities have not become available elsewhere, but these recordings are of such poor fidelity that they must have been made on domestic, not professional equipment. Tracks 4, 6, and 16 were written by Bob Dylan.
Louka is a village and municipality (obec) in Hodonín District in the South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic. The municipality covers an area of , and has a population of 1,015 (as at 1 January 2008). Louka, a part of traditional ethnographic region Horňácko, lies approximately east of Hodonín, south-east of Brno, and south-east of Prague. In this village few independent villager not professional artists started to decorate the houses of the village with a blue paint on the white walls.
No formal system had emerged to organize manufacturing in medieval Anatolia. The closest such organization that can be identified is the Ahi Brotherhood, a religious organization that followed the Sufi tradition of Islam during the 13th and 14th centuries. Most of the members were merchants and craftsmen and viewed taking pride in their work as part and parcel of their adherence to Islam. However, the organization was not professional and should not be confused with the professional guilds that emerge later.
They were not allowed to make a living from the game – they were not 'professional.' A new club was re-formed and named Huddersfield Old Boys in 1909. The club's first ground was at the United Cricket Club in Luck Lane with changing facilities at the Croppers Arms. World War I blew the whistle on the sport and games were not restarted until 1919 on a ground at Salendine Nook initially before the club took a lease on land at Waterloo.
Unlike the usual concepts of exhibitions, the goal of the FBK was for the artists themselves, not professional gallery owners or curators, to take over management and organization of the exhibition, as well as the hanging of the art works. A jury did not exist. Organizer of the exhibitions was the registered association of the FBK. The management of the exhibitions was led by the respective chairperson of the association, while the organizational aspects were handled by a group of seven members.
Jose Prakash started his early career as a singer who lend his voice for Prem Nazir, Sathyaneshan Nadar etc. Malayalam industry was not professional at early 1950s usually actors sing for themselves. Thikkurissy Sukumaran Nair introduced him to V. Dakshinamoorthy who liked his voice and lend his voice for the film Sheriyo Thetto in 1953 directed by Thikkurissy Sukumaran Nair.Mathrubhumi, Jose Prakash laid to rest In this film philosophical number "Paadu pettu paadangalil" sung by Jose Prakash introduced a new trend in Malayan cinema.
Alice Frost and Joseph Curtin as Mr. and Mrs. North (1950) Mr. and Mrs. North was a radio mystery series that aired on NBC and CBS from 1942 to 1954. Alice Frost and Joseph Curtin had the title roles when the series began in 1942. The characters, publisher Jerry North and his wife Pam, lived in Greenwich Village at 24 St. Anne's Flat. They were not professional detectives but simply an ordinary couple who stumbled across a murder or two every week for 12 years.
In 1997, Ivan Duran set out to capture the stories of the Garifuna women. He began by connecting with many of the women in the various villages that he visited. After deciding the types of voices that he wanted to have on the album, Duran began setting up small recording studios in shacks by the water. The majority of the women on the album are not professional musicians, so part of Duran's task was to persuade them away from their daily tasks to record.
The questioner, former Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr introduced himself as a homosexual and asked "...why you [Republican candidates] think that American men and women in uniform are not professional enough to serve with gays and lesbians?" Hunter thanked the general for his service and then argued that the sole issue was "unit cohesion," mirroring a statement from former Secretary of State Colin Powell. After the debate, Kerr was found to be a member of Hillary Clinton's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual Americans For Hillary Steering Committee.
It is considered a great honor to be selected for the writing of one of the last letters. Since most people are not professional scribes, many scribes outline the final letters beforehand for the honorees to fill in. In Ashkenazi communities, the Torah scroll is then dressed in its mantle and sash, and adorned with its crown and a yad (pointer); in Sephardi communities, the scroll is placed in an ornamental wooden or silver case. Following the responsive reading of several verses, the procession begins.
Accessed 26 May 2008. The first academic degrees may have been doctorates in civil law (doctores legum) followed by canon law (doctores decretorum); these were not professional degrees but rather indicated that their holders had been approved to teach at the universities. While Bologna granted only doctorates, preparatory degrees (bachelor's and licences) were introduced in Paris and then in the English Ridder-Symoens, Hilde: A History of the University in Europe: Volume 1, Universities in the Middle Ages, Cambridge University Press, 1992, Herbermann, et al. (1915).
Jun Yang was born in 1975, in Qingtian, China. When he was four years old, his family immigrated to Europe, intending to reach Belgium but instead settling in Vienna, Austria. Although his mother and father were not professional chefs, they found work in a Chinese restaurant, and later went into the restaurant business for themselves. Yang was continually aware of his outsider status while growing up, first as an immigrant in Austria, then as an Austrian in Europe, and later as a foreign passport-holder in China.
And also, there are all kinds of pieces; everybody can use, play with. It's not professional… There are no 70s, no 60s—it's more of a Mod de Viv than mod." W Magazine's Editor-in-Chief Stefano Tonchi said of the presentation, "Karl is such a great social commentator. It's true that fashion is supposed to be the mirror of society, but he really put the mirror on our faces and he reflects the feeling and the mood and the ideas that people have in their mind.
The show's producers reach out to celebrities via agents or vice versa. Wade said producers' goal is to cast celebrities of varying ages, genders, and backgrounds to appeal to as broad an audience as possible. They favor lesser-known celebrities the same as "super big names" because it is harder to guess them. To surprise viewers with an unknown talent when unmasked, those who are not professional singers are also desired, though some must send producers recordings of them singing as a quasi-audition.
Special operators, as well trained as they may be in community health, are not professional epidemiologists. A number of infectious diseases are increasing (see CIA transnational health and economic activities for projections), and, without aggressive prevention, may destroy developing economies. A critical FID role may be to bring the appropriate specialists where they are needed, and to give them physical security. A major worldwide goal of public health is eradication of infectious diseases, eradication being a technical term meaning that the disease is extinct in the wild, and may or may not exist in laboratories.
Rajkovačić divided his units into four platoons and a company commanded by Nikola Šanjić, who also joined him. The local volunteers that were under Rajkovačić's command, joined the Calušić's unit, as Rajkovačić expected full discipline and readiness, which they did n't have as they were not professional soldiers. Rajkovačić also formed the storm units which would execute counterattacks, while a smaller unit, which he commanded would be in the center of a counterattack. Those in the last line of defence, positioned in the very village, were assigned to break the partisan defence lines.
Bill, his good friend and teacher, tells Tootle that trains are not professional unless they get 100 A+ on staying on the rails, no matter what. One day, when Tootle is practicing this lesson, a horse challenges him to a race to the river. Tootle is faster than the horse, but loses his lead when he turns a curve, so he gets off the tracks to tie with the horse. In the days that follow, Tootle becomes fond of playing in the meadow and not staying on the rails.
A first attempt on 10 June failed to find any hitchhikers. There was no intention to release the boys: from the outset the plan, considered amateurish and not professional, envisaged murdering the captives. The plot of land where they were buried had been purchased to that end some time earlier, and a refuge to escape detection had been prepared in an old house near Tufah where the two suspects hid in a disused cesspit for five days.Chaim Levinson, 'Israeli teens’ kidnappers evaded army, hid in cesspool after murders,' Haaretz 23 August 2014.
Masciarelli was the mother of Mario Masciarelli, whose 2013 murder Akshar had helped to investigate; Akshar also testified at a pretrial hearing in the case. Masciarelli described Akshar as a "predator" who "'interjected himself into [her] life in a way that...was not professional as a captain in the Broome County Sheriff's Office'" and took advantage of her grief over the loss of her son. Akshar denied any wrongdoing and accused Masciarelli of engaging in an "attempted smear campaign". As of January 2019, Akshar resides in Endwell, New York.
The death of British General James Wolfe at the 1759 Battle of Quebec during the French and Indian War The first major colonial wars in North America were fought by Spanish conquistadors. Up until the American Revolutionary War, most of the colonial conflicts in North America, if they were not amphibious operations, took place in the wilderness. Most of the first British colonists in the region were farmers and merchants, not professional soldiers. At the onset of the Colony of Virginia they underwent military drilling and fortified their settlements.
Henry (Lorenz) Loftus (born 1915) and Harry (Dwyer) Donaldson (born 1910) were two young men who made national headlines for their unsuccessful attempt to rob the Southern Pacific Railroad's Apache Limited in 1937. The last major train robbery in the United States, the two have been referred to as "the last of America's classic train robbers". Though they were not professional criminals, their unhealthy fixation with the American Wild West prompted them to rob the train which resulted in the intentional wounding of one passenger and the accidental death of another.
Micro lathes are not commonly used to cut wood. Though accessories for woodcutting are available, a reduced work envelope limits the machine to small projects and increases difficulty. A majority of micro lathes utilize a variable speed electric motor and are usually employed to turn metals such as iron, aluminum, copper, and titanium. Delrin and other free-machining plastics can be effectively cut, but others (such as Acetate and PVC) require experience and specialized knowledge of machining, and are commonly found to be difficult to machine by micro lathe users who are not professional machinists.
With no one in Langan's life and nothing in his background to help him take advantage of his exceptional gifts, he had to find success by himself. "No one—not rock stars, not professional athletes, not software billionaires, and not even geniuses—ever makes it alone", writes Gladwell. Later, Gladwell compares Langan with Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb. Noting that they typify innate natural abilities that should have helped them both succeed in life, Gladwell argues that Oppenheimer's upbringing made a pivotal difference in his life.
The social worker should be constantly reflexive, work to raise the consciousness, empower, and understand the lived subjective realities of individuals living in a fast-paced world, where fear and insecurity constantly subjugate the individual from the collective whole, perpetuating the dominant forces, while silencing the oppressed. Some individuals and groups who are not professional social workers build relationships with marginalized persons by providing relational care and support, for example, through homeless ministry. These relationships validate the individuals who are marginalized and provide them a meaningful contact with the mainstream.
He was born Charles Edmund Rubbra at 21 Arnold Road, Semilong, Northampton. His parents encouraged him in his music, but they were not professional musicians, though his mother had a good voice and sang in the church choir, and his father played the piano a little, by ear. Rubbra's artistic and sensitive nature was apparent from early on. He remembered waking one winter's morning when he was about three or four years old, and noticing something different about the light in his bedroom; there was light where there was usually shadow, and vice versa.
Unlike Joint Honours, a second degree is undertaken separately, within the prescribed timeframe. Rarely, the double degree principle is found in reverse; just as an arts or science degree can provide exemption from the full academic (not professional) requirements of a subsequent law degree, similarly a law degree can provide exemption from the full academic requirements of a subsequent arts or science degree. In this case, it is more likely that the second degree will be taken as a self-funding mature student, possibly on a part-time basis.
Hopak (a late, unfinished painting by Ilya Repin) These celebratory hopaky were performed only by male participants, as they took place in an all-male environment. The performers were young, boisterous mercenaries, and not professional dancers; as such, the dance steps performed were predominantly improvisational, reflecting the performers' sense of manliness, heroism, speed and strength. The steps exhibited included many acrobatic jumps (, translit. strybky). Often fights from the battlefield would be re-enacted in pantomime, with real swords, lances or other weaponry, as the performer lashed out at invisible enemies.
However, the Arimaa community disputes this argument point by point. To the first point, Arimaa is a new game, so the playing community is still small and even the best players are not professional players and have only been playing the game for a few years. Thus the human players in the Arimaa Challenge are much weaker than the human players in the chess challenge. The weakness of human players should make the Arimaa Challenge easier to conquer than chess, which compensates developers for having studied the problem for a shorter time.
An early cut of the film was screened in April 2005 in sold-out one-day-only showings in Little Saigon, Washington, D.C., and San Jose to commemorate the 30 year anniversary of the Fall of Saigon. The film was highly praised by the Vietnamese diaspora as an accurate presentation of the experiences that many Vietnamese people had to go through. In the process of making the film, the director interviewed more than 400 former boat people, some of whom are cast in the film even though they are not professional actors.
Videos were featured on as well as pornography aggregate websites such as Pornhub, where the channel reached the top 20 most viewed, with approximately 680 million views. Pornography produced by the company—which was based in San Diego, California—was in the style of a "casting couch", featuring women who were not professional pornographic actors. A lawsuit filed in 2016 involving 22 plaintiffs alleged "intentional misrepresentation, fraudulent concealment, unlawful and fraudulent business practices, and the intentional infliction of emotional distress" on the parts of Michael Pratt (co-owner), Matthew Wolfe (co-owner and cameraman), and Andre Garcia (pornographic actor).
The faculty ignored the casebook method of instruction that was being developed at Harvard Law School at the time, instead encouraging students to visit local courts and offering optional mock court sessions. The "school literature even boasted that the faculty consisted of 'practical lawyers' and not professional educators." As a result, prominent faculty members such as James Speed and Peter B. Muir often eschewed their part-time positions in favor of politics or private practice. The Louis D. Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville opened in 1846 and was named for Justice Brandeis in 1997.
Constituency tournaments were introduced by the government in 2008 to combat social ills through sport. The BFA appealed to the government to terminate the tournaments as many First Division players were deserting their clubs to take part in the tournaments for a quick and slightly higher payout, violating BFA regulations. BFA also had a problem with the tournament being under government control and not their own as the Botswana football governing body. However, the government refused as constituency tournaments were seen as amateur competitions and not professional, and BFA appealed to FIFA to resolve the issue.
Spaceflight participant () is the term used by the NASA, document ID no. 19860031168. Roscosmos, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)FAA regulations, Commercial Space Transportation, § 401.5 for people who travel into space, but who are not professional astronauts. While the term gained new prominence with the rise of space tourism, it has also been used for participants in programs like NASA's Teacher in Space and astronauts designated by inter-government agreements like the Angkasawan program and the Korean Astronaut Program. Other terms used for space travelers who are not career astronauts include NASA's Payload Specialist and the RKA's Researcher- Cosmonaut.
Citizen media refers to forms of content produced by private citizens who are otherwise not professional journalists and/or not associated with formal institutions. Mass amateurization is considered to be "the principal threat" to all newspapers, as opposed to other, institutionalized newspapers. Other media industries in general have suffered from the fall of transactional costs and the advent of "communication tools that are flexible enough to match our social capabilities." In particular, the mass amateurization has led to an increase in international news reporting that would not be financially justifiable in the professional model of publishing.
Whereas Bachelor of Pharmacy takes a minimum of 4 years, the Pharmacist-Biochemist degree is completed by 4 and 1/2 years of full-time studies with at least 720 hours of internship. The student can opt to get the degree during evening and it takes 6 years with Saturday classes (full day) and also at least 720 hrs of internship. Although many universities grant a degree of Doctor in Pharmaceutical Sciences or Doctor in Pharmacy after completion of original research dissertation, those are not professional but a post-graduate course and do not grant permission to work as a pharmacist.
Caregiver burden is the stress which is perceived by caregivers due to the home care situation. This subjective burden is one of the most important predictors for negative outcomes of the care situation – for the caregivers themselves as well as for the one who requires care. Caregivers are all persons who support and help a person in need of care regularly because of personal – not professional – reasons. That means every kind of help and support. It doesn’t need to be health care in the narrow sense. The caregiver doesn’t need to be akin with the person they support.
I want to know why you think that American men and women in uniform are not professional enough to serve with gays and lesbians.Transcript - Republican Debate - New York Times - November 28, 2007 After the candidates responded Anderson Cooper asked him if he got an answer to his question to which he replied, "With all due respect, I did not get an answer from the candidates." Kerr's question generated criticism of CNN for not disclosing Kerr's Clinton ties. CNN had paid Kerr's traveling expenses to the debate but stated that it was unaware of the connection with the Clinton campaign at the time.
Constituency tournaments were introduced by the government in 2008 to combat social ills through sport. The BFA appealed to the government to terminate the tournaments as many First Division players were deserting their clubs to take part in the tournaments for a quick and slightly higher payout, violating BFA regulations. BFA also had a problem with the tournament being under government control and not their own as the Botswana football governing body. However, the government refused as constituency tournaments were seen as amateur competitions and not professional, and BFA appealed to FIFA to resolve the issue.
The administration of President George W. Bush opposed it. Speaking to the Associated Press annual meeting in Washington, D.C. on April 14, 2008, Senator John McCain, the 2008 Republican nominee for president, said "Despite concerns I have about the legislation, I have narrowly decided to support it." There are fears, however, that the act may be adopted in such a way as to exclude people who are not "professional" journalists, which would in turn serve to effectively shut down investigative reporting by small and independent media sources.A new media shield law would only shield corporate media, Vice, 22 Aug 2013.
The platform uses video and interactive lessons to teach tangible skills rather than academic education, in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Platzi creates the courses, hires instructors and does the recording of the lessons. Many instructors are not professional teachers, but subject matter experts and professionals in the field they are teaching about, like YC's Sam Altman, Wufoo's Kevin Hale and Moz's co-founder Rand Fishkin. A sampling of courses available as of 2018 were Programming Foundations, Internet Of Things, Mathematics for Programming, Facebook Ads Platform, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud, Interface Design, and Development with Unity.
Keefer hides in the nearby woods until dark, but, also as expected, there are men with guns waiting for him when he tries to leave. They are not professional killers, and Keefer easily tricks them into shooting at each other and takes out the survivors. Their unprofessionalism indicates that they were just a squad of thugs sent in as backup in case the android and the copter failed to kill Keefer. Hoping that this was the last level of redundancy in his enemy's plan, Keefer copies the thugs’ thumbprints, steals their wallets, burns their bodies and heads for the spaceport.
For some economies, those losses exceed the amount received in development aid, according to Together for Safer Roads. Because rapid motorization generally accompanies economic development, a large percentage of occupational automobile crashes occur in low and middle-income countries. Workers in the developing world are becoming increasingly vulnerable to the risk of road traffic crashes. Workers at risk include drivers of commercial trucks and buses; workers who are not professional drivers, but who drive smaller trucks or passenger vehicles provided by their employer; workers who drive personal vehicles for work purposes; pedestrians, particularly roadside workers; and commuters.Background.
According to a 1989, Calgary Herald article, the series was notable at that time, for soliciting programming proposals from people who are not professional broadcasters, and having the successful applicants write and host their own documentaries (aided in production by CBC staff producers). In the 1990s, the series was sometimes temporarily replaced in the summer season by Ideas in the Summer, a companion series by the same producers which specifically explored cultural and entertainment topics such as music, literature and art.Phil Johnson, "In the summer, Ideas takes on new flavors". The Globe and Mail, July 14, 1990.
The office of the Lord High Admiral of England was first established in 1385 with the title High Admiral of England, Ireland and Aquitaine by 1406 the post was now national and permanent the title was re- styled Lord Admiral of England during the sixteenth century before becoming known as the Lord High Admiral from the seventeenth century onward. He is the titular head of the English Navy. Most have been courtiers or members of the Royal Family, and not professional naval officers. The office of Lord High Admiral is one of the nine English Great Officers of State.
At a Christmas party for the Russian nouveau riche at the French Alpine resort of Courchevel in January 2007, he was arrested on suspicion of arranging prostitutes for his guests. After three days, he was released without charge.Russen im Wintersport: Der lustfeindliche Westen, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 23 January 2007 In September 2009, Prokhorov was officially cleared from this charge and the court case was dismissed."France drops prostitution case against Russia's richest man", Sydney Morning Herald, 29 September 2009 According to the French prosecutor, he had paid all expenses for the single women to travel to France, but they were not professional prostitutes or working for a prostitution agency.
Indeed, between 1948 and 1963 only three per cent of the recruits to the administrative class came from the working classes, and in 1966 more than half of the administrators at undersecretary level and above had been privately educated. Lord Fulton's committee reported in 1968. He found that administrators were not professional enough, and in particular lacked management skills; that the position of technical and scientific experts needed to be rationalised and enhanced; and that the service was indeed too remote. His 158 recommendations included the introduction of a unified grading system for all categories of staff, a Civil Service College and a central policy planning unit.
A home built Airbus simulator cockpit While general aviation pits are often put together for real pilots to train on, commercial aircraft pits are often purely for entertainment. Very few people who are not professional pilots ever have the opportunity to pilot a real airliner, but a realistic home simulator will provide a highly immersing experience. Commercial airliner pits offer a greater challenge to builders as there are more systems to model such as the autopilot, CDU/FMS, engine management, etc. Even the throttle quadrant is a complex piece of engineering compared to the simply replicated push / pull throttle used in the GA Cessna.
Go Go Squid! received an average rating of 6.6/10 at Douban, and 7.8/10 at iMDb. After the premiere episode was broadcast, there were still a lot of complaints about the content, including the original book e-sports changed to CTF which is difficult to accept, and the plot of the CTF in the play is not professional; the plot is chaotic, and the actors' voice is too low and his lines are not close, to which Li responded by admitted his lack of voice and lines. Liu Wei of The Beijing News praised the plot setting, which is different from the past youth romance dramas.
Rajendralal Mitra has been widely viewed as the first modern historian of Bengal who applied a rigorous scientific methodology to the study of history. He was preceded by historians including Govind Chandra Sen, Gopal Lal Mitra, Baidyanath Mukhopadhyay, Ramram Basu, Mrityunjaya Vidyalankar and Dwarkanath Vidyabhusan; all of whom, despite being aware of the modern concepts of Western history, depended heavily upon translating and adopting European history texts with their own noble interpretations, and hence were not professional historians. From a pan-Indian perspective, R. G. Bhandarkar, who similarly used scientific historiography, was one of Mitra's contemporaries. Hara Prasad Shastri named Mitra as one of his primary influences.
Catus may have given up other aspects of his public career (he is not mentioned in any military action by Livy) to devote his time to the study of law. The Oxford dictionary believes that he may have been the first professional jurist in the history of Rome. (It is not clear if earlier jurists were not professional, or were part-timers, but a Roman paterfamilias of rank and status, or his grown sons, would be expected to defend his family's clients in legal matters. Perhaps the Punic war meant that too many such patrons were away from Rome, and unable to handle legal matters).
There are controversies regarding who should be permitted to investigate private residential privies and the historical significance of what is found in them. From a conventional academic perspective, it is assumed that all privies contain vital and unique information which cannot be found elsewhere and that a costly forensic approach is required. Privy diggers who are not professional archaeologists are labeled “looters”, even while working on sites which are in the process of being destroyed or have already been examined and worked by archaeologists. While both parties are engaging in similar activities, each is confronted with very different logistics, constraints, and unique opportunities for genuine discovery.
The Irish that went to fight for the Papal States were not professional soldiers but an entirely voluntary force (a few were members of Cork Constabulary) that was raised with a sole purpose, to defend Pope Pius IX. By 1860 the ability of foreign countries to recruit in Ireland and Great Britain was frowned upon but still technically possible. It wouldn't be outlawed for another ten years with the Foreign Enlistment Act. Despite been promised that they would serve in a single brigade they were scattered among other brigades with men from other European Catholic countries. They were poorly clothed and equipped but fought with gallantry.
It is listed as a mural that comes with a house attached. In April 2007, Transport for London painted over Banksy's image of a scene from Quentin Tarantino's film Pulp Fiction (1994), featuring Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta clutching bananas instead of guns. Although the image was very popular, Transport for London claimed that the graffiti created "a general atmosphere of neglect and social decay which in turn encourages crime" and their staff are "professional cleaners not professional art critics". Banksy painted the same site again and, initially, the actors were portrayed as holding real guns instead of bananas, but they were adorned with banana costumes.
Weird Twitter is a loose genre of Internet humour dedicated to publication of humorous material on Twitter that is disorganised and hard to explain. Related to anti-humour and created primarily by Twitter users who are not professional humourists, Weird Twitter-style jokes may be presented as disorganised thoughts, rather than in a conventional joke format or punctuated sentence structure. The genre is based around the restriction of Twitter's 280-character (previously 140) message length, requiring jokes to be quite short. The genre may also include repurposing of overlooked material on the internet, such as parodying posts made by spambots or deliberately amateurish images created in Paint.
Only one thing the Secretary recommended to the three; swear allegiance and never betray him. Their ineptitude, their meanness of character and habits, and particularly their ideals will only create trouble for the government buildings. In fact, the Secretary has made a mistake because he chose not professional "Art of Swindle" and fend for themselves, but of the provincial administrators who think only to their directives. Cetto La Qualunque does not appear even once to the House to vote in Parliament and has not abandoned the sake of having sex with beautiful girls, but a haunting happens to him when he has a brief affair with a transsexual.
The second type would form the basis for the Renault ZB, a lengthened export version, destined for China. After continuing reports regarding the unreliability of the matériel – often ascribed to the fact that not professional drivers but half-trained conscripts were the most frequent users – it was decided to investigate whether structural changes had to be made. Accordingly, the type was again tested by the Commission de Vincennes between 8 September 1936 and 5 May 1937. The commission concluded on 17 February 1938 that the suspension was fundamentally unsuited for cross-country driving and advised that all existing vehicles be fitted with a new system.
Sándor Végh was born in 1912 in Kolozsvár, Transylvania, Austria-Hungary, (since 1920 Cluj-Napoca, Romania). His parents were not professional musicians but folk music especially was an important part of family life. At the age of six he was given a violin, “Because”, he says, “that was cheaper than a piano. My parents had no idea how much money I had to save later to be able to buy a Stradivari.” He entered the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music in 1924, taking violin studies with Jenő Hubay and composition with Zoltán Kodály. He began a career as a solo violinist and in 1927, when he played a Richard Strauss composition under the composer’s baton.
The first season only existing clubs (with male teams) could enrol a female team in the league. As popularity of women's football grew and more and more teams wanted to play in the league, the Belgian FA dropped the above rule and accepted new clubs to affiliate who only focussed on ladies' football. These clubs are assigned matricule numbers just like any other club, and meanwhile women's football is fully integrated in the Belgian football structure. However, the league is not professional as yet (only a few female players have been full- time professionals) and the national team is amongst the weaker teams in Europe due to other countries such as Germany, Norway, Sweden having fully professional women's leagues.
Jay Rosen offers a simpler definition: "When the people formerly known as the audience employ the press tools they have in their possession to inform one another." The underlying principle of citizen journalism is that ordinary people, not professional journalists, can be the main creators and distributors or news. Citizen journalism should not be confused with: community journalism or civic journalism, both of which are practiced by professional journalists; collaborative journalism, which is the practice of professional and non-professional journalists working together; and social journalism, which denotes a digital publication with a hybrid of professional and non-professional journalism. Citizen journalism is a specific form of both citizen media and user-generated content (UGC).
Millonarios would start a global tour and spearheaded by Di Stéfano, they would beat Hungary and world champions Uruguay. Soon after Millonarios' return to Colombia, the Barcelona directors visited Buenos Aires and agreed with River Plate, the last FIFA-affiliated team to have held Di Stéfano's rights, for his transfer in 1954 for the equivalent of 150 million Italian lira (according to other sources 200,000 dollars). This started a battle between the two Spanish rivals for his rights. In Christmas 1952, Di Stéfano, still contracted with Millonarios, returned briefly to Buenos Aires, where he was even making plans to abandon football and start a business as the Argentine league was still not professional.
To keep costs low, they made their own tap to punch holes in the B5 animation paper used in the production. The work was carried out in an empty room of Okada's house where their business was also operated. While other people were present, the work was shared and Anno, Akai and Yamaga worked full-time on the production, the direction was not professional, but Takeada attributed Okada as the producer, with Yamaga directing, Akai doing character animation and Anno as the mecha animator. Takeada also said other individuals were involved and were used to trace cels or paint cels as needed, but still credits Yamaga, Akai and Anno with the production itself.
We then learned that a brigade is made up of four guards and four sub-custodians who are responsible for maintaining the material deposited in each district. What became three years later the Society of King's Guards Pumps were not at that time that 41 people, 17 pumps distributed in groups of 8 men and 4 or 3 pumps in the City Hall, the convent of the Grands Augustins The Carmelite convent in the Place Maubert, Convent of Mercy, and the Fathers of Little Place des Victoires, in addition to a pump at the Director General of the pumps, Rue Mazarine. Except Dumouriez guards pumps are not professional fire but shoemakers, carpenters, locksmiths, etc..
Osuwa Daiko was founded by Daihachi Oguchi in 1951 in Nagano Prefecture, who was inspired by his background as a jazz drummer and was interested in expanding the scope of percussion traditions in Japan. Although taiko drums had existed for several centuries beforehand, Osuwa Daiko was the first to use several, differently-sized drums in an ensemble format. This was in contrast to taiko performances that often accompanied theatrical performances such as gagaku or Buddhist ceremonies like Obon, though these styles influenced Osuwa Daiko's performance work. Many of the initial performers in Osuwa Daiko were not professional musicians, and so parts were partitioned out across different drums into simpler rhythms for individuals to play.
Although Zacharia's parents were not professional musicians, their children remembered their mother's singing.Dzigua, p. 9 In his autobiographical notes Zacharia Paliashvili writes: " our big family, my brothers and sisters displayed a natural gift of music even in their early age. To my mind the explanation of this should be sought in the fact that we, being catholics attended the church where the sweet sounds of organ music are not only enjoyable but help develop a good ear... we spend much time in the church and gradually developed a good ear.." Zacharia (far right) with his brothers Ivane (center) and Polycarp (far left) The first to display considerable musical abilities was the eldest son Ivane (Vano) Paliashvili (1868–1934) who subsequently became an outstanding conductor.
Later he was aided by Grenville M. Dodge, the president of the railroad, who brought the matter of Ransom's dismissal to the attention of Congress. In 1892 a Congressional investigation determined that Ransom had not been deceitful, that his Army pay had been delayed for more than a year because of his travel between posts at the time of the loan, and that he had not intentionally avoided repaying the debt. Further, Congress determined that even if Ransom had intentionally tried to avoid repaying the debt, that would have been a private matter and not professional conduct unbecoming an officer. In 1894 Congress restored Ransom to the Army's rolls and transferred him to the retired list, enabling him to qualify for a pension.
The episode premiered on ABC on 27 May 1961. Anthony Aldgate described the episode as a "tantalising glimpse into the content and style of the first season and suggests that, at least to begin with, the series was a low-key crime drama which bore little relation to the fantasy and stylistic excess that was to follow in later years... It is essentially a thick-ear melodrama, featuring seedy underworld locations and villains with a nice line in slang dialogue ("I'm out on ticket, see? One lumber on me present form an' I'll be eatin' porridge till it's comin' out of me flippin' ears")." Aldgate also highlights that the episode does much to inform the viewers that Steed and Dr. Keel are still not professional detectives.
They studied magic in 'primitive' societies and how it has manifested into our thoughts and social actions. They argue that social facts are subjective and therefore should be considered magic, but society is not open to accepting this. In the book, Mauss and Hubert state: > In magic, we have officers, actions, and representations: we call a person > who accomplishes magical actions a magician, even if he is not professional; > magical representations are those ideas and beliefs which correspond to > magical actions; as for these actions, with regard to which we have defined > the other elements of magic, we shall call them magical rites. At this stage > it is important to distinguish between these activities and other social > practices with which they might be confused.
Bishop Pican himself received a suspended three-month jail sentence for not denouncing the priest. In the letter Castrillón described the relationship between a bishop and his priests as "not professional but a sacramental relationship which forges very special bonds of spiritual paternity" and continued "The bishop has other means of acting ... but a bishop cannot be required to make the denunciation himself. In all civilised legal systems it is acknowledged that close relations have the possibility of not testifying against a direct relative." When Castrillón's letter to Pican became public in 2010, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said it showed how important it was to centralize handling of Catholic sex abuse cases by clerics under the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
He switched to rugby league in 1992, as union was not professional at that time. He played for the Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs (1992–3), Featherstone Rovers (1993), Waikato Cougars (1994), Auckland Warriors (1995–6) and for the New Zealand Kiwis (1992–96) national side. He also represented New Zealand national rugby league team in the 1996 World Champion nines side in Fiji, the New Zealand Residents in 1994 and the New Zealand Māori league team notable for defeating the British Lions team and Papua New Guinea teams in 1996. After Hill finished with the Auckland Warriors, he played a season in the domestic club competition in Auckland with the Northcote Tigers before he moved to Wellington and returned to rugby union successfully.
Allen was back in America by 1878, and in New York issued a challenge to fight the great John L. Sullivan, though the fight never took place. When he returned to the United States, his lawyer successfully argued for his release from the bond posted as a result of his arrest after his fight in Kentucky. Between 1881-1886, Allen fought several exhibition fights which helped earn him income, but were not professional bouts. By around 1886, he had retired from all forms of boxing. By 1899, Allen operated "Champion's Rest", a Saloon on Market Street, in St. Louis. He was in custody on 27 February 1899 for the murder of a Tom Coupry four days earlier at his Saloon.
In France, the Social security tribunalOrdinary courts - France (in French: tribunal des affaires de la sécurité sociale) rules on disputes between social security funds (caisses de sécurité sociale) and users, for example regarding membership of a fund or the award and payment of benefits. A social security tribunal is made up of a president, who is a judge of the regional court, and assessors, who are not professional judges, appointed for three years by the first president of the Court of Appeal from a list drawn up for the area within the jurisdiction of the particular tribunal by the regional director for young people, sport and social cohesion, following nominations by the most representative trade and professional organisations. The president of the social security tribunal also gives his opinion. There are 115 social security tribunals.
These officers were not professional soldiers; their experience and skill at warfare varied. More significantly, a faction of them avoided engagements with the Cavalier forces, hoping that reconciliation with King Charles I was still possible. The Earl of Manchester, perhaps the most prominent of these, expressed his pessimism for the war as follows: "If we beat the King ninety and nine times yet he is king still, and so will his posterity be after him; but if the King beat us once, we shall be all hanged, and our posterity be made slaves". As the war proceeded, it was clear that Essex and Manchester were at best half-hearted in pursuing the fight against the royalists, an attitude that became ever more apparent as the struggle became more radical.
Technoethical inquiry in the field of education examines how technology impacts the roles and values of education in society. This field considers changes in student values and behavior related to technology, including access to inappropriate material in schools, online plagiarism using material copied directly from the internet, or purchasing papers from online resources and passing them off as the student's own work. Educational technoethics also examines the digital divide that exists between educational institutions in developed and developing countries or between unequally-funded institutions within the same country: for instance, some schools offer students access to online material, while others do not. Professional technoethics focuses on the issue of ethical responsibility for those who work with technology within a professional setting, including engineers, medical professionals, and so on.
While the function may seem obvious to a modern observer (fortifications are usually for defensive purposes), at the time these fortifications were constructed they were relatively rare. Most walls were not built to defend against protracted sieges, like "modern" walls (such as Medieval castles) but instead to simply keep out bandits and keep in the animals. Such massive fortifications as seen at Smyrna were rare, and the sheer size of the walls (15 meters thick is extremely large) and the presence of bastions by one of the gates in the second phase of fortifications shows that these were more than just for show. As most armies at the time were not professional standing armies, the existence of such substantial fortifications demonstrates that the rulers of Smyrna expected a fight, and spent their resources in anticipation of that fight.
The 300-page Turkel Committee report found the actions of the Israeli Navy in the raid and Israel's naval blockade of Gaza were both legal under international law, and accused a group of "IHH activists" of having armed themselves and conducting hostilities "in an organized manner". Turkey and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas dismissed the Israeli investigation, and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon repeated the demand for an independent investigation, stating that the Israeli investigation will not have international credibility. According to Haaretz journalist Barak Ravid, UN Report of the Secretary-General's Panel of Inquiry on 31 May 2010, found that Israel's Turkel commission that investigated the events was professional, independent and unbiased. It also criticized the Turkish government's behavior in its dealings with the committee, concluding that the Turkish investigation was politically influenced and its work was not professional or independent.
The influence of the Quito school is noticeable, it shows the abnormal distribution of forms and the artist's lack of knowledge of perspective. This is partly because most of the painters of the time were not professional but amateur. In the opinion of Álvarez Urquieta, technical skill was somewhat neglected in early colonial painting, with more importance given to the objects being painted and their educational use. Most American colonial painting shows a lack of study of light and shade and poor use of perspective and proportion, though it has been praised for its liveliness and use of colour, as well as its documentary value in representing the social integration of the Spanish and American peoples. Art historians Ivelíc and Galaz “La Pintura en Chile Desde la Colonia hasta 1981” Gaspar Galaz and Milan Ivelić www.memoriachilena.
Most French TV comedies do not incorporate laugh track. One noticeable try was on AB Productions TV series, produced by Jean-Luc Azoulay, such as Hélène et les Garçons and the following TV series, each one being a spin-off of the previous one - which could help using the same stages or actors. Each serie copied the use of the sitcom format, such as 20 minutes duration, almost single camera, but no studio audience, since the editing was very poor and very short principal photography (somehow, many in-camera editing episodes could be shot during the same day), which makes actual audience laugh impossible. Many critics were made of the poor quality of the realisation, actor play, many of them were not professional actors, and also the attempt to copy american serie format - mix-up of sitcom, soap-opera and teen drama - in which laughter was the main complaint.
Among the Mayas, priestly functions were often fulfilled by dignitaries who were not professional priests, but this fact cannot be used to argue the nonexistence of a separate priesthood. The Popol Vuh stereotypically describes the first ancestors as "bloodletters and sacrificers" and as the carriers of their deities, a priestly function.Christenson 2003: 236; 211, 223 To the Kʼicheʼ kings and highest dignitaries coming after them, the kingship was a sacred institution and the temple service a duty: during certain intervals, they abstained from intercourse, fasted, prayed, and burnt offerings, "pleading for the light and the life of their vassals and servants."Christenson 2003: 287-288 Although the text describes the three temples dedicated to the first ancestors' patron deities and names what appear to be the two high priests of the main deities (the Lords Ah Tohil and Ah Cucumatz), it does not discuss, or even mention, local priests.
Rimini Protokoll are often described as the inventors of a new form of documentary theatre, using performers who are not professional actors but rather experts or specialists in their particular spheres of life — professionals of a theatre of the real world. So, instead of presenting actors performing characters as parts of drama texts, they present people whom they find through elaborate research and casting procedures and with whom they develop theatre performances according to their abilities and skills in order to convincingly and strongly present themselves in front of national theatre crowds. Call Cutta, one of their earlier works, was based on outsourcing: The performers or 'experts', who were employees of a call center, were located in Salt Lake City, Kolkata, India, providing the audience in Berlin with individual cellphone performances, with each call center agent guiding just one spectator solely through the remote maze of lanes of Kreuzberg, Berlin, narrating the story of Subhas Chandra Bose, an Indian revolutionarist freedom fighter.
However, a maximum salary cap of twelve pounds a week for a player with outside employment and fifteen pounds a week for a player with no outside employment lingered until the 1960s even as transfer fees reached over a hundred thousand pounds; again, "boot money" was seen as a way of topping up pay. Today the most prominent English football clubs that are not professional are semi-professional (paying part-time players more than the old maximum for top professionals; this includes all the major existing women's clubs, in which full professionalism has not taken root yet) and the most prominent true amateur men's club is probably Queen's Park, the oldest football club in Scotland, founded in 1867 and with a home ground (Hampden Park) which is one of UEFA's five-star stadia. They have also won the Scottish Cup more times than any club outside the Old Firm. Queen's Park abandoned amateur status in 2019.
Levy is often thought of as prefiguring or representing an early version of the New Woman, a stereotypical image of an independent woman who often worked rather than relying on her menfolk, and was associated with gender bending and deviance. Historically, the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century was an era of surplus women, who had to work to survive: by 1911, 77 per cent of women workers in the UK were single. Alongside the struggle of suffragettes campaigning for votes for women, many British feminist poets sought to emulate the example of Victorian women writers, often expressing their radical political beliefs through poetry. Often the writers were not professional poets, but wrote out of necessity, including satirical portraits of politicians, or writings from prison, as in Holloway Jingles, a collection of writing from imprisoned women collated by the Glasgow Branch of the Women's Social and Political Union.
Target One, also called T1, is an ancient Mesoamerican city described by author Douglas Preston as located in the mountains of the Mosquitia region in the easternmost part of the modern state of Honduras (this despite the fact that there are no mountains in this part of the country). T1 is of particular archaeological significance because unlike any other Mesoamerican city ever recorded, T1, once abandoned, was not rediscovered by either local inhabitants nor expeditionary European explorers/ conquistadors until 2013 when it was finally revealed using LIDAR technology under purely speculative premises. The fact that some of those involved in the so-called "discovery" of the site are not professional archaeologists has led to criticism as to whether or not the site is in fact the mythical Ciudad Blanca, also called The City of the Monkey God, a human settlement reported to have been located in the region. Whatever its name or significance, the T1 site was almost certainly abandoned following an influx of European diseases (particularly small pox and measles) which began devastating Central and South America in the 16th century.

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