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453 Sentences With "not outright"

How to use not outright in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "not outright" and check conjugation/comparative form for "not outright". Mastering all the usages of "not outright" from sentence examples published by news publications.

That indicates markets are turning cautious if not outright bearish.
Apple is not outright condemning the bill in this instance.
Surely many people who support Trump's policies are not outright racists.
This rationale was largely greeted with skepticism, if not outright disbelief.
At best, it seems almost too ambitious, if not outright impossible.
Yet her legacy has often been obscured, if not outright besmirched.
It's a straightforward recipe for disruptive, if not outright dangerous, classrooms.
Still, Trump's former primary rival did not outright condemn his comments.
Elected officials themselves say that government is crooked, if not outright criminal.
Plus, it's not outright copying, which is where Engman draws the line.
It is not outright banning the advertising of these kinds of items.
Mr. Trump has criticized the findings but has not outright denied them.
These might seem like a conflict of interest, if not outright corruption.
A few of her novels, if not outright duds, are dud-like.
Any perceived hiccup is likely to produce panic, if not outright chaos.
He says he only seeks autonomy for his homeland, not outright independence.
Other items' connotations are, if not outright negative, a little more pointed.
Many of those criticizing Shelby's course have not outright dismissed the training.
" Tepper said he is "pretty cautious" on the market and "not outright bearish.
Money may not outright buy the seats, but it is buying the votes.
This one has always just been a "bleh" song, though, not outright awful.
The accounts are condescending at best, if not outright racist and downright offensive.
Instead of reestablishing deterrence, it has invited more attacks, if not outright war.
But there are three main reasons for optimism (or just not outright pessimism).
Trump ran on a campaign that embraced distrust, if not outright disassociation, with Muslims.
On the surface, this looks like an act of confidence — if not outright complacency.
This mysterious woman is a little Dream Girl-ish, if not outright Manic Pixie.
In most cases, regional acrimony is causing diplomatic difficulties but probably not outright conflict.
Reading a novel requires, if not outright belief, the willing suspension of its opposite.
In recent decades, many have been discouraged, if not outright banned, from doing so.
Too many of these men's motivations are suspicious as best, if not outright hostile.
But these recommendations have recently faced a lack of political will, if not outright hostility.
Its defining moment was a rain check for post-election malaise, if not outright violence.
Knowing what they knew, the literary crowd found Seeger's poems antiquated, if not outright dishonest.
In the TVP universe, Germany and France are treated with suspicion if not outright hostility.
Still, a controller wasn't enough to save Shinsekai, which seems boring, if not outright bad.
Much of that progress will be jeopardized, if not outright erased, by the repeal of DACA.
Prosecutors said they would not oppose such an order, but did not outright push for one.
Italy might inspire copycats, leading to dangerous instability, if not outright disintegration of the currency union.
If he's not outright lying, then he's not telling anything close to the full truth either.
The band found a following even though its work could be difficult, if not outright annoying.
The EU has yet to fully embrace that concept, but has not outright rejected it either.
Each short-circuits the other, and the result is too often bathos if not outright confusion.
Most conservatives have reacted with calm -- if not outright approval -- to New York's dramatic decision. Why?
But the system for dealing with unaccompanied immigrant children was already overwhelmed, if not outright broken.
To anyone who doesn't find this to their taste, this can be weird, if not outright alienating.
But a simple review of Curiel's public record quickly undermines -- if not outright debunks -- Trump's repeated allegations.
Some leading conservatives may not outright support Trump's ideas, but they will defend them against liberal attacks.
American patriotism is problematic if not outright dangerous, but I think we can afford baseball more credit.
A number of municipalities and states, including New York, have moved toward decriminalization, if not outright legalization.
The report is a thoughtful document that is likely to attract significant attention — if not outright adoption.
Travelers are postponing if not outright canceling plans, meaning airlines have to scramble to fill those seats.
That competence, not outright excellence, has been enough for teams to maintain their presence at the top.
The regime has instead pushed citizens toward internet services that have its approval, if not outright backing.
Contemporary art features plenty of artist couples whose works are somehow formally resonant if not outright collaborative.
DHS did not outright refuse to comply with court orders; its response was a confusing contradiction in terms.
In many places, rules are being imposed to make abortion more difficult to obtain, if not outright impossible.
But for anyone hoping the settlement might change Facebook's behavior, the settlement was frustrating, if not outright maddening.
It justifies what plays as a rather rushed, if not outright problematic, love story in the original movie.
The conservative movement and its core institutions need to be radically reformed, if not outright abolished and rebuilt.
The difference is in tone; Sanders views the vast majority of Republicans with skepticism -- if not outright contempt.
That's because Jean-Marie Le Pen, by contrast, is seen as a Holocaust minimizer if not outright denier.
It showed a shocking lack of compassion, if not outright heartlessness toward the Americans suffering on the island.
The inability of lumbering establishment firms to see opportunity sparked frustration, if not outright revolt, among some employees.
More often, though, the music provokes not outright laughter but a wistful smile—humanization in a different mode.
Still, Pelosi has not outright opposed Medicare for All, saying that different ideas should be on the table.
"I've got to make sure they are true inconsistencies and not outright lies," the Democratic chair told CNN.
Tales like this tend to be cautionary, if not outright sinister, positioning monster sex as an existential threat.
All of them came to KBO before they turned 30 and became solid regulars, if not outright stars.
But in open-ended conversations about complex issues, such hedges will eventually get irritating, if not outright baffling.
Louisiana law implies, but does not outright state, nurse practitioners can be officially listed as primary care providers.
Mr. Tashi argued only for what the Chinese government supposedly already guarantees — autonomy for Tibetans, not outright independence.
Much of the modern independent movement is influenced by, if not outright referencing, these grotesque, gimmicky time-wasters.
"Monthly job growth weakened in the wakes of Katrina and Sandy, but did not outright decline," he said.
And two moderates—Maine's Susan Collins and Alaska's Lisa Murkowski—have already signaled their skepticism, if not outright opposition.
Mr. Marthaler, an acclaimed Swiss theater director, brings a markedly musical, if not outright operatic, sensibility, to the project.
They look to it to remove their rivals, accusing one another of being security threats, if not outright traitors.
It is practically encoded in my DNA to put up with inordinate amounts of microagression, if not outright aggression.
Throughout treatment, participants are actively discouraged, if not outright banned, from using opioid agonists that could aid their recovery.
People are not outright condemning the president, community members say, but they are not jumping to his defense either.
Reporting on criminal justice in rural areas can bring with it a sense of foreboding, if not outright fear.
The U.S. has not outright accused Cuba of the attacks and Havana has denied any involvement in the injuries.
Where Harris has called for Kavanaugh's impeachment, Klobuchar -- while not ruling it out -- did not outright call for it.
Doug Wilder all condemned the photo in respective statements but did not outright call on Northam to step aside.
Overall, Game of Thrones primarily characterizes sex as rough, quick, and utilitarian — when it's not outright assault, that is.
But Aloy's peers can rarely get their heads around it, and treat it with great suspicion, if not outright fear.
The vast majority of automation technology will not outright replace humans; instead, it will simply make their work more efficient.
Rieff extends his indictment by dwelling repeatedly on the distortions—if not outright falsehoods—of memory, contrasting it with history.
Although laws differ from state to state, there's a reason teacher-student relationships are frowned upon, if not outright illegal.
Tax rates and health policy and even abortion were up for debate in American politics, but not outright religious discrimination.
The procedure is costly, at up to $10,000 a patient — and it's also usually a waste, if not outright harmful.
The book can read like a love letter to his doctors at times, if not outright advocacy for their research.
In his apology statement, Caldbeck did not outright admit nor deny the allegations of the female founders who came forward.
Experts have speculated that the hacker in question is in fact allied with — if not outright controlled by — Russian intelligence.
Like many Republicans, Stefanik criticizes the process of the inquiry but does not outright defend the behavior of the president.
For most of 85033, the idea of bipartisan health care reform coming to Washington seemed fanciful if not outright crazy.
The boss's absence was not outright unexpected, an industry analyst told me, as WeChat shifts to focus more on monetization.
His daughter was being served strange, if not outright disturbing, videos on the platform, so now she uses his account.
Real estate was affordable—if not outright cheap—after white flight had sent the middle class out to the suburbs.
This dynamic influences, if it does not outright determine, how their fellow citizens perceive and regard them — at least initially.
But Twitter's new official policy means a tweet like that should encounter some new regulations, even if not outright removal.
These elements became fundamental to the character and were always alluded to, if not outright depicted, in the X-Men films.
My answers are never enough to satisfy the question-askers and a lot of times, they're disappointed, if not outright disapproving.
However, by taking various legal liberties and shortcuts, the commission may have left itself vulnerable to remand (if not outright reversal).
But corporate history is full of cases where claims to be environmentally responsible proved to be exaggerated if not outright fraudulent.
Half the investor introductions during a fundraise are often a complete waste of time if not outright damaging, psychologically or materially.
"The mismash of default apps preinstalled on the phone I was given are horribly insecure (if not outright malware)," Evans said.
It's an awkward – if not outright uncomfortable – reality to consider that, even at the end, Kobe Bryant is manipulating his audience.
While Farage did not outright endorse Trump for president, he did say he would never vote for Democrat nominee Hilary Clinton.
So it goes with a president whose foreign policy watchword is "incoherence," when it's not outright indecency of the "shithole" variety.
And his gaffes are not outright lies; they're likely the result of a faulty memory or some confusion about the facts.
Poll after poll after poll shows that a strong majority of ordinary Americans view "socialism" with suspicion, if not outright disdain.
The U.S. bond market is almost always more stable — if not outright boring — compared to the dramatic and volatile stock market.
They have both proved a lot of people wrong and were both aggressively underestimated along the way, if not outright dismissed.
Mr. Netanyahu is the toast of the new wave of right-wing, populist and autocrat-like (if not outright autocratic) leaders.
Biden had issued several blistering critiques of Trump's actions in Ukraine but did not outright call for his impeachment until Wednesday.
But it remained unclear how they might compel customers to comply, and the policies were framed as requests, not outright bans.
If Buttigieg is going to get into the "finals" against Warren, he must start winning in his bracket, if not outright.
David Raposa: I don't think he's done done, but the sudden downshift into sub-stardom is disappointing, if not outright shocking.
This wasn't something Roddy had paid for—at least, not outright—and neither was he a professional arriving for a shoot.
Getting to say "I told you so" is little reward for what can be decades of ignominy, if not outright ridicule.
Trump has not outright committed to removing those sanctions, but has said he wants a better relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Which is part of why so many of the stores near the Silos have embraced the look, if not outright duplicated it.
It's not all that different from life on Earth, where mental illness remains stigmatized, if not outright punishable, and it forking sucks.
We need to be willing to openly discuss the conservative movement's dark past of cooperation with, if not outright support for, segregation.
On Wednesday he will visit both El Paso and Dayton, where he's likely to receive a chilly, if not outright hostile, reception.
What Really Happened: The Trump administration has, since its start, treated Iran with no small level of suspicion, if not outright disdain.
The day will come when not handing over the steering wheel to a machine will be considered careless, if not outright irresponsible.
Perhaps that's why both men seem happy to distort, if not outright lie about, crime statistics that no longer support their narrative.
It was not outright panic that New York Times journalists observed inside airports and airplanes in recent days, but something more subtle.
He's not outright saying Clinton was closer to Epstein than people think or that Clinton had anything to do with Epstein's demise.
And the bread, from an Italian baker in the neighborhood, has a respectable inner loft and outer crispness, if not outright crackle.
The updated travel ban will be tailored and not outright bar all travelers from the countries, according to the two DHS officials.
Casper and One Medical, just filed for IPOs to general criticism if not outright derision of the numbers in their S-1s.
To me, the Republican party has done everything in its power to limit, if not outright destroy, gay rights in this country.
In any event, Trump's flirtation with, if not outright support for, nuclear proliferation is one of the scariest things about his candidacy.
When my colleagues and I have visited our Republican representatives and senators, we have been brushed off, if not outright lied to.
It means major mergers going through without restrictions, net neutrality being chipped away — if not outright removed — and less concern for consumer privacy.
MEXICO CITY — For more than a century, the Mexican government has treated the Catholic Church with a deep suspicion, if not outright hostility.
Since the umbrella protests, calls have been growing for Hong Kong to be granted far greater autonomy from China, if not outright independence.
Women are supposed to be thin, polite, hot, and, most importantly, deferential to men in all aspects of life, if not outright subservient.
The elite in such a system increasingly consists of individuals who are willing to do anything not outright illegal that increases their wealth.
But he has not outright denied the chatter after winning reelection in 2016 by 4 points as Donald Trump won Montana by 21.
So, how do you make heroines out of characters that some in the audience will see as deeply compromised if not outright villainous?
First are the threats of withdrawal, followed by bluster, followed by a host of demands bordering on the demented if not outright impossible.
Add to that the skepticism, if not outright hostility, much of our society shows toward the notions of expertise and hard-won knowledge.
The specter of these failures hangs over Algeria, where the military is expected to exert influence, if not outright control, over any transition.
And she'll be advocating for an administration that views multilateral institutions — the UN included — with a strong degree of suspicion, if not outright disdain.
Overall, it's clear that at the very least that impeachment would start off as highly polarizing on a national level if not outright unpopular.
The hackers-versus-suits mythos transcends any specific story: it's as universally recognized as (when it's not outright crossed with) Tolkien's orcs and elves.
Although most US teens are not outright anti-gun, many think stricter gun control laws would reduce mass shootings, according to a new survey.
This would effectively return Washington and Beijing to a war footing on the peninsula, if not outright armed conflict itself if not handled carefully.
Although the billionaire has not outright said Cruz is ineligible to be president, he intensified his criticism at two Iowa campaign rallies on Saturday.
Note that someone clearly told him before the interview that the "hoax" thing is a trap and he should not outright deny climate change.
Other counties have begun to limit — but not outright suspend — family visits, or to require virtual visits in place of face-to-face contact.
" Before Mr. Trump's comments on immigration, Mr. Levitz admits, he "endorsed a series of vague, but nonetheless bipartisan — if not outright Democratic — policy proposals.
Imagine a world that would make it even harder, if not outright impossible, for the next generation of black scholars to share their intellect.
Elsewhere, from Denmark to Slovenia to the Czech Republic, anti-immigrant feelings have swept the right to rapidly growing influence, if not outright rule.
Jacobs would have advised caution, if not outright terror, because she feared the collusion and self-dealing that can accompany these kinds of projects.
Many contemporary conservatives regard this slow process of regulation with alarm, if not outright horror, and their outrage boiled over in the Obama era.
This was widely interpreted as a cleanup statement attempting to address some omissions, if not outright falsehoods, in Sondland's earlier testimony from October 17.
And, one by one, many of the companies they started have proved to be — well, if not outright evil, then less than entirely good.
Because of MBS's authority in the kingdom, many believe he at least knew of — if not outright ordered — the Saudi plan to kill Khashoggi.
Instead, Madonna made Franklin's "tribute" primarily about Madonna, in an awkward, overlong speech that seemed to leave the audience slightly baffled, if not outright offended.
Given how central the US and China are to each other's economies, a trade war would lead to much slower growth, if not outright recessions.
According to one senior source, Facebook will continue to view Holocaust denial as misinformation, which is allowed on the platform, and not outright hate speech.
In the 1990s and early 2000s, many universities, including Columbia, had policies "discouraging," but not outright forbidding, professors from having sexual relationships with their students.
It comes just days after Germany's federal cybersecurity agency announced its 5G security requirements, but did not outright ban Huawei from the contract-bidding process.
Machado has no evidence that Trump made those insults, and Trump indicated he had no familiarity with it -- though he did not outright deny it.
But during the campaign, and in years prior, Trump also displayed skepticism if not outright opposition to the US' military presence in the Middle East.
And even if superheroes are not outright killing people, if you take a realistic view of their powers, they've probably caused some life-altering injuries.
It's a tough sell on Wall Street for Cruz, who is distrusted if not outright disliked by many in high finance and across corporate America.
A whirlwind romance ensues, despite the skepticism -- when not outright hostility -- of her friends and family, understandably concerned that it's all too soon, too fast.
It could prove an easy target for tinkering by future sessions of Congress, if not outright abandonment should the political makeup of either chamber change.
"We spoke with the company, who simply stated that it does not comment on rumors; however it did not outright deny the report," they said.
Amazon would want HQ2 to be in a location that is supportive of a Day 1 company, if not outright still in Day 13 itself.
Instead, the list includes increasing the tobacco tax, clean indoor air laws, restrictions on ads and promotion if not outright bans, and graphic warning labels.
Science reports Ambrosia is charging participants $8,000 each to participate — a setup that's ethically dicey but not outright forbidden by the Food and Drug Administration.
Democratic leaders including Representative Nancy Pelosi of California and Senator Chuck Schumer of New York have called for overhauling ICE, but not outright eradicating it.
Staking a claim against impeachment also seemed like a safe bet, and confident prognostication is highly valued, if not outright required, in today's political media.
Holding them up as villains in some grand morality play began to feel like a misguided, if not outright foolish, use of collective mental energy.
On the other hand, global investment trends are ossifying around a long-term multi-year horizon of slow growth and low inflation but not outright recession.
But now progressive activists are accusing Maryland Democrats of ignoring, if not outright sabotaging, his campaign and the state's chances of flipping a Republican governor's seat.
"In a lot of comics, it felt like the message was to respect, if not outright revere, authority figures, especially your parents," says Brian K. Vaughan.
Its scenes are sensational, wallowing in squalor and foolishness; its dominant images are physical and deflating; its shrill theme is 'failed promise' if not outright 'tragedy.
Praising counter-jihadist work, courting their support, but not outright endorsing their most radical claims: Those are the hallmarks of the Bolton approach to the movement.
They also wear masks because they fear retribution from the far right and the cops, whom they believe are sympathetic if not outright supportive to fascists.
Sarcasm became a way to nudge audiences into seeing how laughable the world around them was, where sincerity and naivete were implausible if not outright obsolete.
"That damage can be mitigated, if not outright eliminated, if the American people choose to elect someone who is serious about advancing American values," Earnest said.
That's because flying cars, while hitting that retro-futuristic sweet spot, are widely considered to be hugely difficult, if not outright unworkable, from a mobility perspective.
Sadly, this is a classic case of scientists doing reasonably good work, but then having their results spun (if not outright misrepresented) in the press packaging.
The company does not outright confirm the work's authenticity, but does black out the bottom right corner of the photo (where the edition number would be).
Analyzing data for very lengthy periods of time, even if you're only looking at a handful of attributes causes serious performance issues, if not outright failures.
Almost nightly, we gain access to a fresh set of low-stakes facts over which to tussle, in replacement, if not outright avoidance, of weightier matters.
Although it's not outright stated, the move almost certainly stems from troubles Apple has faced over a new keyboard design that was first introduced in 23.
While it's often dismissed as a sleepy Toronto suburb, if not outright forgotten about altogether, Mississauga, Ontario is not as benign as many think it is.
ES&S says the software was configured to not allow incoming connections, which significantly reduces the risk of an attack but does not outright eliminate it.
The survey results are clear: Most crime survivors find the Trump administration's approach to safety and justice at the very least misguided, if not outright manipulative.
The film is alternately funny and heartwarming, but more than anything, eye opening, covering a chapter at best underreported in history books, if not outright overlooked.
It's more like "debatably collusion, almost-if-not-outright obstruction" — and that's a very bad look for the holder of the highest office in the land.
In any case, whether they're canceling now or later ... STS says none of these young bucks are automatically entitled to cash refunds, at least not outright.
Russo does not outright reverse Roe v Wade, it renders it less meaningful by not affording all women equitable access to the rights that Roe v.
Indeed, it certainly seems plausible based on how Trump operates that the president was being regularly updated on, if not outright directing, Giuliani's actions in Ukraine.
Pebble's Harrington emailed Huber that same day with talking points targeted at the White House that protested that the EPA had not outright lifted the restriction.
In accepting the Vince Lombardi Trophy from Commissioner Roger Goodell, who meted out the punishment, the owner Robert K. Kraft did not outright address the scandal.
It allows students who were not outright champions - those who won a school spelling bee, those who were a former national finalist and others - to apply.
While the game does not outright encourage any specific kind of behavior, it does come with a morality system that penalizes the player for breaking the law.
Even if a business has the funds and capability to add videos to its service, there's the concern of bad behavior, if not outright harassment by users.
On Sunday, thousands of protesters marched in Rabat waving Palestinian flags and criticizing government officials who did not outright condemn Trump's plan after its release last month.
As videos of Nazaré spread and records were said to be smashed, many in the surfing community were skeptical, if not outright dismissive of the wave itself.
Again, stocks are not outright cheap, especially with liquidity and credit conditions likely having peaked for now and policy risks higher along several fronts (Fed, regulation, trade).
Ryan did not outright say the House would back such a measure, but he noted that his members have voted to repeal the mandate in the past.
By an interesting choice, much of the story is seen through the eyes of the nurses, who are not outright villains — some truly care for the children.
Unfortunately, this plan doesn't sit well with competing energy sources — the wind and solar producers who claim Perry's proposal is unjustified "market intervention," if not outright favoritism.
When you order a pizza online, the special requests section is practically begging—if not outright daring you—to fill its entire character limit with something ridiculous.
The market for human resrouces management software, which is worth $150 billion, is bound to face slower growth if not "outright shrinkage," a Wall Street analyst aid.
Specific actions to try and fold into the batter of our lives in the hopes that they bring us some sense of accomplishment if not outright joy.
And a vast majority of the Republican Party — its voters, its officials and its apparatus — has chosen the path of accommodation, if not outright cheering, of Trumpism.
This etiquette makes the more turbulent emotions in Topics feel contained, if not outright sedated (alcohol, it should be said, maintains a constant presence throughout the novel).
Vox Media — the parent company of Vox, Recode, and Open Sourced — does not outright sell data about you for money, but we do sell access to you.
I'd also pointed to some of its flaws, and noted that its biggest problem is its valorization of Turner, which approaches, if not outright hurdles, the hagiographic.
Now Luminous Landscape has reported, and multiple industry insiders have told TechCrunch, that DJI has acquired Hasselblad, not outright, but taking a majority stake in the camera company.
Despite its thin evidence, the Daily Mail story may find a friendly audience in the Trump administration, which views mainstream climate science with suspicion, if not outright denial.
Muddied motives Even if there is not outright corruption, there will be constant instances where the motivations of different players in political negotiations are simply unclear and untrustworthy.
Still, it's incredibly difficult, if not outright impossible, to move along without insight, support, and collaboration from others in your industry: Your career can't grow in a vacuum.
When I visited Cuba in January, I did not meet a single person who failed to express some kind of affection, if not outright love, for Barack Obama.
Those of us who are hipster types (though we hate to admit it) tend to see this kind of hybridization as worthy of mockery, if not outright scorn.
Many ads that mention social issues (like marketing for "eco-friendliness") get caught in Facebook's digital net, even if they're not outright advocating for a cause, advertisers said.
A 2017 recession is not outright impossible, but with consumer confidence, 10-year yields and earnings growth all steadily improving, it is unlikely, economist Anthony Chan said Monday.
China sees the Dalai Lama as a dangerous separatist in a monk's robes, even though the Dalai Lama says he wants autonomy for his homeland, not outright independence.
In its response, Facebook did not outright deny the assertion that Zuckerberg told employees to use Android phones over Apple's iPhone and explained with a dig at Cook.
That unfashionable formation has no doubt got Roy flummoxed, if not outright repulsed, like an Englishman served up a feast of fermented hákarl after not Googling the stuff.
Not only is the Chinese government looking the other way, they are facilitating — if not outright sponsoring — cyber-enabled theft of U.S. intellectual property and sensitive commercial information.
And all the buzz over the e-commerce behemoth transforming Long Island City into a gleaming new-economy tech hub was met with skepticism, if not outright hostility.
Thousands of Iranians had gathered in Tehran, furious at the country's leaders for what they saw as obfuscation if not outright lying about the events surrounding the tragedy.
Indeed, the MCA famously applauded, if not outright contributed to, the repeal of the mining tax, the carbon tax, and the Prime Ministership of Kevin Rudd in 2010.
We've got some good news for you though: You can find plenty of free apps to help at least ameliorate some of the problems, if not outright fix them.
This week's Twitter war over Clinton's supposed lack of liberal credibility has signified that the political revolution Sanders promises will be an uncompromisingly strict one, if not outright absolutist.
Sarah Colangelo directs this American adaptation of Israeli filmmaker Nadav Lapid's 2014 drama by the same name, and she masterfully creates an atmosphere of discomfort, if not outright horror.
But with an abundance of options to choose from, it can be difficult, if not outright daunting, to figure out where to start when shopping for a new suit.
By contrast, the former is "not outright hatred, but negative views about blacks justified by a belief that other races don't share the values of my group," Nteta says.
On Thin Black Duke, their seventh album in a 30-year career, the gentlemen of Oxbow offer up some of their most elegantly crafted, if not outright refined, chaos.
This is the necessary safeguard put in place to minimize (if not outright prevent) the politicization of the unmasking process, and there is no indication that safeguard failed here.
Mexico's schools have suffered from wasteful spending and a bloated bureaucracy that for years was heavily influenced, if not outright controlled in places, by the powerful national teachers' union.
The Republicans ignored not only his extreme views on issues such as executive power, gun control, and reproductive rights but his obfuscations, if not outright lies, to the committee.
Pressure is intense in not only matters of sexual harassment but other things to "go along to get along" for things if not outright illegal on the shady side.
The spots he likes to skate are, if not outright sketchy, then at least eminently recognizable: a crusty rail behind a warehouse, the brick plaza of a municipal building.
He's tweeted at and retweeted some fairly well-known alt-right trolls, including Mike Cernovich and Alex Jones, and found many of their claims compelling if not outright true.
For a photographer so gifted at winning the trust of her subjects, Ms. Greenfield rarely uses that confidence to illuminate their lives, preferring easy satire if not outright mockery.
Alejandro also possesses nearly superhuman — if not outright supernatural — survival skills, and "Day of the Sodaldo," for all its lean macho bluster, flirts with silliness as well as sentimentality.
While the claim of a Hatch Act violation is a stretch, the appointment of an independent prosecutor and the replacement of Comey are nonetheless urgently required, if not outright overdue.
On disputes over trade, currency practices, and the South China Sea, Trump has consistently been gentle in his handling of US-China affairs, if not outright capitulating to Chinese interests.
If we're not outright liars then we shield parts of our personalities, erect protective walls around ourselves, present certain, more palatable aspects of ourselves through our chosen social media channels.
Understandably then, long snappers are often overwhelmingly self-critical — "I get really upset if I even forget to use a turn signal one time," Fletcher said — if not outright perfectionists.
While reasonable people can disagree on how bad the conduct of Trump on the Ukraine matter was, it is hard to deny it was seriously concerning if not outright impeachable.
"We want to ensure fair consideration of all the nominees," he told Vox, noting that people who have previously served on the panel are not outright excluded from the process.
Instead, they kept coming up to the microphone to argue about the validity of mmDust's approach, if not outright challenging him to do things like naming community members of his stream.
Over the past few days, Clinton has looked to boost Democratic candidates in part by condemning their Republican opponents who have either stood by Trump or have not outright disavowed him.
While not outright signaling a cut was ahead this year, the Fed did drop the word "patient " from its statement and said it would "act as appropriate" to sustain the economy.
With the no-throttling rule, we ban conduct that is not outright blocking, but inhibits the delivery of particular content, applications, or services, or particular classes of content, applications, or services.
The trade group Internet Association, which represents Google, Facebook and others, supported both the House and Senate language separately but did not outright endorse the combined measure that passed on Tuesday.
But this is something we could do today to immediately mitigate, if not outright eliminate, a huge swathe of an ongoing disaster, while waiting for an even better long-term solution.
Lawmakers in both parties accused the Obama administration on Wednesday of bending — if not outright breaking — a new anti-terrorism law, and of violating the separation of powers in the process.
American officials retort that it was Turkey's tolerance for — if not outright collusion with — thousands of jihadist fighters who flowed into Syria through Turkey that forced them to embrace the militia.
Instead, in a tone of frustration if not outright agitation, he tried to turn the question on the moderators, saying Mr. Baier and Ms. MacCallum surely made more than he did.
In effect, Bezos suggested — though he did not outright say — that the Saudis or Trump, or perhaps both, had possibly played a role in exposing his relationship to the National Enquirer.
In many respects, "Holy Chicken!" is more about media literacy than anything else, and the extent to which consumers willingly allow themselves to be misled, if not outright deceived, by advertising.
If the number of customs declarations surges to the 257 million estimated by the National Audit Office, from 236 million, the volume of work will be daunting, if not outright frightening.
For years, Silicon Valley has enabled, if not outright encouraged, startups to seek stratospheric valuations, bleed eye-popping amounts of money and institute little to no checks on a founder's power.
For years, Silicon Valley has enabled, if not outright encouraged, startups to seek stratospheric valuations, bleed eye-popping amounts of money and institute little to no checks on a founder's power.
"Dreiband's nomination, however, continues the Trump administration's disturbing trend of retreating from — if not outright undermining — fundamental civil rights priorities," the NAACP Legal Defense Fund said in a statement on Medium.
While the government has the authority to appointment members of those bodies, it is generally discouraged — if not outright forbidden — from becoming directly involved in their work, or interfering in staffing.
While Pyongyang has not outright said it will not pay for its own delegation's lodging at the summit, the regime has a history of being stingy when it comes time to pay.
"It is dangerous to run the same play on Iran on the mistaken belief that it worked with North Korea, when the evidence is certainly mixed, if not outright contradictory," added Narang.
The 372-page BLM proposal, if implemented, "would forever negatively change the fabric of the Burning Man event, if not outright kill it," the Burning Man Project wrote in response last week.
"It's going to be run-off, not outright sales, so that in and of itself is a very gradual process," said Art Hogan, chief market strategist at Wunderlich Securities in New York.
Until those two developments, many Evangelicals and other Christians were actually open to (if not outright supportive of) de-criminalizing abortion, since they wanted to prevent babies being born out of wedlock.
Alderson did not outright say the injury was caused by Lugo's appearance in the World Baseball Classic, but doctors told him the tear was "recent" based on fluid discovered in the elbow.
Youth Arts and Awareness was founded by Natasha Thomas-Jackson and Lyndava Williams to expand the horizons of Flint's young people, many of whom live in constrained circumstances, if not outright poverty.
It highlights the fact that in conversations about Yianopoulos specifically and free speech online more broadly, the very real consequences for very real people have often been downplayed, if not outright ignored.
But once people figured out that pathogens like bacteria and viruses cause disease, other interventions came to supercede if not outright replace quarantine, or what public health experts today call social distancing.
To almost any Western reader, the notion that North Korea might actually be planning to stare down the USA in some future nuclear face-off will sound preposterous, if not outright insane.
American presidents used to speak a lot about peace, or at the very least pay lip service to it; now the rhetoric from the White House is aggressive, if not outright incendiary.
Still, important questions remain, not least how effectively Tillerson can operate in an administration that prides itself on disruption and bending -- if not outright breaking -- the conventional laws of diplomacy and diplomatic practice.
The extremists have been ignored, if not outright condoned, by the country's prime minister, Narendra Modi, and ruling party, the Indian People's Party, which both came to power amid the rising nationalist tide.
In the luxury real estate market this year, the headlines have been dour if not outright grim, with the message unmistakable: High end homes prices are clearly losing altitude all around the country.
As was the case with other territorial conquests of Judeo-Christian/Western colonization, countries like China, Japan, and Korea once had societies that, if not outright accepting of homosexual relationships, didn't persecute them.
Stewart has waged a campaign to protect Confederate monuments around the state and was the only candidate to not outright reject an alt-right rally in Charlottesville organized by white nationalist Richard Spencer.
Over the past several months, Trump has been agitated -- but not outright furious -- at the distance Tillerson has put between himself and the White House on issues like Qatar, Charlottesville and North Korea.
But they have another, more unusual common ­denominator: Each makes use of a narrative in reverse motion, a tricky maneuver that runs a considerable risk of irritating, if not outright alienating, the reader.
And it's hard not to draw a link between the aggravated pettiness—if not outright Trump-esque trolling—of Tarantino's recent comments on race, and the vitriolic provocation that characterizes The Hateful Eight.
In January, when news broke of this alleged affair, its CEO Corie Barry said that the board has her "full corporation and support," but did not outright deny that these claims were false.
Boston Celtics guard Isaiah Thomas will miss the rest of the playoffs because of a hip injury, further damaging — if not outright dooming — the team's chances in the Eastern Conference finals against Cleveland.
Specifically, the pact is said to address concerns of U.S. executives who have long complained that they are routinely pressured, if not outright forced, to share key technologies in exchange for market access.
Republican lawmakers have been outspoken in trying to convince Trump that he should narrow the tariffs if not outright scrap them over broader concerns that moving forward could spark a global trade war.
No Democrat in either chamber voted for the law, making it extremely vulnerable to extensive change, if not outright repeal, should Democrats gain complete control of the legislative and executive branches in Washington.
Yet the show is also somewhat victimized by bad timing, chronicling an epic battle between a billionaire investor and government watchdog at a moment when financial regulations are being diluted, if not outright dismantled.
The restrictions would almost certainly diminish the number of properties listed on Airbnb — but would not outright ban homeowners from being able to rent out portions of their properties for short periods of time.
John Cornyn of Texas, who is also running for reelection, refused to defend the President's use of the word "lynching" to describe the impeachment inquiry on, but did not outright condemn the language either.
There are companies that are burning cash, surviving from financing to financing based on hype and yet, to prove out a scalable business model, will face brutal down rounds, if not outright existential danger.
But week after week, hedge funds keep piling up bets that the dollar's surge has further to run as the world appears headed toward a trade-induced pause in growth if not outright recession.
And the practice has long been associated with a sense of gentle satire, as with Oldenberg, if not outright condescension, which many observers, myself included, have attributed to Koons, though he would deny it.
But that call has been viewed with suspicion, if not outright hostility, by his critics, who see it as a way for the embattled president to solidify his rule and do away sidestep elections.
Ever since the media lavished praise on the president for lobbing 59 Tomahawk missiles into Syria last week, the administration has apparently decided that war is the key to respectability, if not outright popularity.
One need only surf through the dozens of Reddit forums devoted to Mr. Sanders, or the comments on his Facebook page, to find countless examples of ambivalence, if not outright hostility, toward Mrs. Clinton.
Strict data retention policies for all facial recognition imagery garnered and saved within these more robust guidelines would also assist in trust-building efforts while not outright preventing the government from using these algorithms.
Democrats complained that the Treasury secretary would have too much discretion on how to allocate the industry-specific funds loans, and that it would not outright require that recipients hang on to their employees.
EU officials have warned that striking a deal in an 11-month timeframe is ambitious, if not outright impossible, given the most conventional free trade agreement negotiations tend to take a couple of years.
Clearly, the court recognized that leaks lead to the intimidation — if not outright coercion  — of both witnesses and defendants thereby stymying the prospects of a fair trial or even proceeding to trial at all.
Trump's meeting with Lavrov came as the president's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, returned from an amateur sleuthing trip to Kyiv, touting dubious if not outright fantastical claims about Joe Biden, the president's leading 2020 rival.
Jereon Brown, spokesman for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, told CNN Thursday he had not seen a budget that cut HUD spending by $6 billion but he did not outright refute the report.
Has praised the "Green New Deal," saying it is "raising people's ambitions" and "making what might seem impossible within the realm of the possible," but has not outright said he would support the entire package.
His longstanding courtship of conservatives seems to be paying off; instead of griping that Facebook is censoring right-wing speech, they attack Democrats criticizing Libra as regulation-happy enemies of innovation, if not outright Socialists.
GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky called the actions "a good initial step" and while he did not outright say he sought tougher sanctions, he appeared to leave the door open for them.
Having made a habit of emulating (if not outright imitating) Apple's MacBook and MacBook Air lines in recent years, HP believes its latest laptops are going to propel it to a position of design leadership.
Ironically, those that were the loudest critics of Noonan during the rise of Obama are in danger of facing the same fate in this election cycle with their tacit, if not outright, support of Trump.
But American officials said the new offer to negotiate is intended to signal that the administration does not outright reject the idea of a deal with Iran, just not the one struck by Mr. Obama.
First, people in many other countries indulge in violent video games without mass shootings being regular occurrences, so the suggestion that gaming is to blame is, at the very least, insufficient if not outright mistaken.
To be politically feasible, any cuts in the purchasing power of doctors and other service providers would have to be gradual and take the form of lower rates of salary growth, not outright salary reductions.
It faces wary, if not outright skeptical, treatment by Wall Street utility analysts and energy experts, who say the technology AES is peddling on such a large scale in California remains untested and financially risky.
On March 3, she will be looking to rack up strong showings, if not outright victories, in California, Texas and some of the day's other delegate-rich contests, including in her home state of Massachusetts.
The bill now moves to the Senate for its approval; if it becomes law, it would further strain already tenuous US-Iran relations but not outright violate the terms of the nuclear deal with Iran.
But critics say the secretive operations are likely to involve coercion and threats, if not outright force, and they point to the far-fetched accounts that detainees have given in the Chinese state-run news media.
While the removal of review bombs might not outright stop groups from trying again, by making such activities part of the historical record, it adds legitimacy that's otherwise robbed by erasing toxic attempts to muddy history.
Yet as China celebrates 70 years of Communist rule today, a more dangerous page in history may be about to turn: The US and China are increasingly geopolitical, military and economic rivals, if not outright foes.
And the same month that Zak released his findings, the journal PLOS Biology published a paper arguing that some exciting conclusions from aging research are caused by statistical error (from bad data if not outright fraud).
This is partly because they are divided: between fundamentalists, who dismiss criticisms of the old model as manifestations of closed-mindedness, if not outright racism; and reformers, who recognise the need to fix the model's weaknesses.
Notably, Republicans on the Hill and many top White House officials are not outright demanding that a down payment on the border wall -- which could cost tens of billions of dollars over time -- be made now.
Both men created considerable wealth in legitimate business — Burr as a star attorney and Trump as a real estate developer — but also engaged in dodgy business deals that reeked of deceptive practices if not outright fraud.
Though they may not outright kill cells, "They change the activity pattern of brain cells and your brain becomes dependent on that activity," says James Giordano, professor of neurology and biochemistry at Georgetown University Medical Center.
It is no secret that many Republicans are hesitant, if not outright, unwilling to work in this White House, either for policy reasons or because of how badly the President treats those who work for him.
Along with the EMI catalog, the arrangement gave Sony effective control — but not outright ownership — of more than three million songs, among them the Motown collection and hits by Drake, Lady Gaga, Pink and Taylor Swift.
The norm is, if not outright murder (though there is a fair amount of that) then at least a serious sense of darkness, a sinister, cynical shadow falling over the general atmosphere of half-naked hedonism.
I suggest that responsible Republicans, who have voiced serious concerns if not outright opposition to this president-elect, form an Independent Republican Conference and join with Senate Democrats in denying approval of the most objectionable appointees.
In a call with reporters about his move, Becerra framed much of his new job in terms of standing up to the Trump administration, if necessary, though he did not outright state it in terms of Trump.
But they're also not meant to be taken so seriously, as even the BMJ admits, noting that it welcomes submissions to their Christmas issue that are "light-hearted fare and satire," but not outright spoofs or fabrications.
"What I've learned is that it's virtually impossible to have any discussion about fat acceptance with the general public, because any such discussion is derailed instantly by alleged concerns about health, if not outright abuse," she says.
"You know they wanted to make a point out of me that anybody that works outside of their agenda, they're going to stop supporting, if not outright oppose them," Rigell said of the NRA and the NGRA.
"I think some of the innuendoes and assertions have been unfortunate, if not outright false, and hopefully these will be corrected by the IOC and WADA in due course," Jamaica Olympic Association president Mike Fennell told Reuters.
Middle East funds have become more wary, though not outright bearish, towards Saudi Arabia's stock market because of concerns over the fallout from the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a monthly Reuters poll showed on Wednesday.
By tipping the scales in favor of ISPs that want a carte blanche to create all sorts of paid prioritization arrangements, it would inevitably impact, if not outright harm, individuals who rely on telemedicine for health services.
That happened in 2018, but policymakers and Wall Street pros are growing increasingly fearful that a slowdown if not outright recession is on the horizon, and the Fed is being asked again to ride to the rescue.
Twitter on Friday announced that it is going to restrict, but not outright ban, advertisements that raise awareness about particular issues like climate change and abortion as part of a broader effort to rein in political advertisements.
"Every one who normalizes Mr. Trump now, or has in the past, will have to answer to future generations for their acquiescence, silence or sophistry – if, indeed, not outright cowardice," the former "CBS Evening News" anchor added.
In an effort to help with the second step of the process, we asked authors, therapists, and podcasters about what tactics people can use to minimize––if not outright banish––those pesky, destructive voices in your head.
Ed Guerrero, a film historian, noted that the film's "thematic emphasis on black confrontation with, or victory over, white oppression," departed significantly from stereotypes that emphasized white benevolence and black weakness or pathology, if not outright invisibility.
Licensing the use of a service branch's symbol on replica dog tags along with Christian bible verses does nothing to dispel the perception among troops that this type of intolerance is tacitly allowed — if not outright encouraged.
Obama-era policies such as the Affordable Care Act, joint-employer liability, aggressive overtime rules, significant minimum wage increases and, of course high taxes, made it difficult — if not outright impossible — for many small businesses to survive.
Biden does not outright support the Green New Deal, but his plan does tout the former vice president's support of elements of the plan that has been near universally endorsed by the left of the Democratic Party.
Given the outsized political influence of the 1 percent — and in the case of the Trump the large role the demographic specifically plays in the administration — there's a high risk of conflicts of interest, if not outright corruption.
It's a possible explanation for why Marco Rubio hasn't actually endorsed Cruz yet, and why Mitt Romney has endorsed him only as the best #NeverTrump choice, not outright; both men may still imagine themselves as seventh-ballot nominees.
My analysis is that the Trump administration is going to attempt to maintain jurisdiction over the merger regardless of Broadcom's redomicile process, and will likely end up negative on the deal although it may not outright block it.
But the many Facebook pages and websites devoted to tiny-house culture are obsessed with it: Online discussions are dominated by requests, if not outright pleas, for tips on how and where to find tiny-house-friendly locations.
"There has been a noticeable change since the administration took over of greater reluctance, if not outright unwillingness, by ICE to entertain or grant bond," said Greg Chen, director of government relations at the American Immigration Lawyers Association.
For the rest of the party, many of whom fear that Mr. Sanders is so far outside the mainstream that he would damage down-ballot candidates in the general elections, this development is unsettling if not outright terrifying.
Despite political gridlock, if not outright dysfunction, in Washington and a pervasive sense of unease, maybe even dread, on Main Street, the stock market appears immune to the risks that used to affect it on a regular basis.
And while sanctions are certainly one of the tools Bolton would likely to use to achieve that, he has never been shy about his willingness (if not outright desire) to use military force to bring down the regime.
Taobao has spent more than a decade trying to revive its old image of an online bazaar teeming with fakes and "shanzhai" items, which are not outright pirated goods but whose names or designs intimate those of legitimate brands.
But despite the almost uniformly bullish speeches at the show's media preview Wednesday, there's a sense of growing concern, if not outright pessimism, that came across during interviews and private conversations with industry leaders and analysts at the show.
Moreover, an Associated Press analysis from 2016 focused exclusively on unaccompanied minors from Central America found that at least 35 school districts in 14 states have discouraged immigrant students from attending traditional public schools — if not outright rejecting them.
These relationships can be enjoyable and real in certain ways that count — investing time in people is good for you and investing time in someone who will not outright hurt you, ever, is a rare experience for any person.
The insurgents have won new zones of influence - if not outright control - from Afghan security forces since the United States and its allies pulled most combat troops from Afghanistan at the end of 2014, Afghan and Western officials acknowledge.
What was once starry-eyed enthusiasm for America among many Chinese has given way to sober admiration, if not outright disillusionment, as people have gotten to know the United States better and its problems have come into clearer view.
They are part of a group of people surrounding Mr. Trump — including some White House and cabinet officials — who contribute to a culture of bending, if not outright breaking, the truth, and whose leading exemplar is Mr. Trump himself.
Though often impressive in their own right, his heaps of facts, dates and details spin off so many potential interpretations — some mutually incongruous, if not outright contradictory — that history comes to seem more like the blizzard than the path.
Put another way, the white working class — the segment of the population with the weakest ties to, if not outright animosity toward, liberalism, feminism and other liberation movements — has, in recent years, experienced the strongest trends toward social decay.
Moore has forcefully denied the allegation that he initiated a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old girl, though he has not outright denied claims that he dated girls in their late teens when he was in his 30s.
Donald Trump won the White House by campaigning as a different kind of Republican, one who espoused a neo-isolationist foreign policy paired with harsh anti-immigrant rhetoric and skepticism of — if not outright opposition to — free trade deals.
Although many believed Macri's currency policies would negatively affect bitcoin adoption, his presidency actually brought a sigh of relief from bitcoin users who felt Fernandez de Kirchner was not friendly to the currency, if not outright hostile towards its use.
Put another way, given the number of possible health hazards the defectors experienced while living in North Korea and that government's total lack of transparency, it's difficult if not outright impossible to nail down what could have made them sick.
Yahoo issued a statement this morning on Tuesday's report that the company built a custom software tool to allow U.S. intelligence agencies to scan incoming email for all Yahoo users for certain selectors, calling the report "misleading" but not outright false.
It was crafted in response to two Iraqi refugees implicated in a bomb making scheme and while it did not outright ban refugees from coming to the United States, it did increase the amount of vetting each Iraqi refugee received.
But the argument is extremely misleading, if not outright wrong: Google and Facebook can't see your web browsing history, they can only see what you click on while you're on their own websites or on websites connected to their ad networks.
We get some glimpses of his ethically complex (if not outright sinister) methods throughout the film: his use of guerrilla attacks against Imperial forces in Jedha City, his use of a Bor gullet to torture Bodhi Rook, an Imperial defector.
Those are inconvenient facts for those mired in despair and disgust -- much of which is built upon exaggerations, if not outright lies, about the two headliners at the Charlotte Convention Center Tuesday -- that they can't allow themselves to see anything else.
But I&aposve got to tell you if these graphic allegations as documented by Ronan Farrell of the New Yorker were made against anybody below Moonves&apos level, that person would at least have been suspended if not outright fired.
Iman says he's never asked ... not outright at least ... however we did find a recent freestyle he dropped over Kanye's "Grammy Family" beat (and he killed it), so we gotta ask ... Is it time for an addition to the G.O.O.D. family?
But as with many parents of transgender children, they were also overwhelmed by fear: The future they saw for their then 21-year-old, whom they had named Amanda, would be pockmarked with discrimination and bullying, if not outright violence.
Burning Man organizers quickly fought against BLM's suggestions, who said the proposed changes were in "direct conflict with our community's core principles," and threatened to "forever negatively change the fabric of the Burning Man event, if not outright kill it."
The bill would also not outright prohibit the prosecution of parents who cross the border illegally with children, which is the Trump administration policy that is resulting in family separations, as children cannot follow their parents into the criminal justice system.
For one, it generates a ton of not-completely-negative (if not outright rosy) headlines about a company that's reeling from a year of bad press, and which is bleeding top executives almost as quickly as it's spending other people's money.
This may be helpful for those who are doing family planning, though Fitbit does not outright say it can accurately predict those fertile windows, so this information should only be used as a guideline and not as a definitive planning tool.
That could mean it will, at some point, not outright ban a device that includes Kodi software, but focus more on other terms used in the sale, like "fully loaded" or some sort of description of the illegal access the box provides, perhaps.
This particular tool is not outright nefarious in an obvious way, but it does highlight Google's struggle to transparently communicate its privacy policies and ad-tracking methods as Silicon Valley at large grapples with a more sensitive atmosphere around data privacy and security.
But one of its most salient oddities was that the establishment elite considered it crass (if not outright slanderous) to suggest, in ideologically mixed company, that only one of the two major parties drew upon the support of bigots for political power.
When you kill and steal, it is perhaps momentarily regrettable, but eventually justified as part of what you must do in order to keep going—under the simple rubric of survival, the most selfish actions are, if not outright exonerated, at least mitigated.
But on one of the biggest days of his political career, when House Republicans released their much-anticipated Obamacare replacement, many of Ryan's closest friends in the conservative intelligentsia expressed disappointment -- if not outright dismay -- with the legislation bearing the speaker's imprimatur.
Here's a strange one: People usually respond to news of a remake of a beloved film with suspicion if not outright anger, but the 713 remake of Footloose is actually better-reviewed than the first, at least according to the Rotten Tomatoes algorithm.
Teachers unions have long been skeptical, if not outright opposed, to annual testing, especially as those tests have been used in many states to grade the teachers themselves, which they say unfairly punishes teachers for circumstances, like student poverty, outside their control.
Raskin, a former law professor, argued that even if the House did not outright impeach Trump, an impeachment inquiry could allow the party to both make the case for removing Trump and pursue its legislative agenda at the same time, according to Politico.
But in the bankruptcy cases, West Virginia has been pressuring the industry's lenders to share more of the responsibility for mine reclamation and water remediation, arguing that they exert great influence, if not outright control in some cases, over the bankrupt mining companies.
Republicans are not outright dismissing the $2 trillion package, even though many of them mocked the $1.5 trillion package that was light on details in his 6900 State of the Union address, but they are curious how everything will be paid for.
The bill makes it much more difficult, if not outright impossible, for Planned Parenthood to access new multi-billion dollar funds aimed at stabilizing the U.S. economy in the midst of the historic downturn, according to experts who spoke with VICE News.
Some examples of Sanders criticism on U.S. Cold War policy (foreign and domestic) can be seen here, here, and here Verdict: Sanders is critical of U.S. policy, but does not outright blame the United States for the Cold War in this clip.
While the Senate GOP mantra isn't surprising — numerous Republican senators have already expressed deep distrust of, if not outright opposition to, Democratic efforts to oust Trump — it shows the difficulty Democrats will face when they push for additional witnesses and evidence next week.
Sanders stopped short of saying Trump would offer financial support to a candidate mounting a primary challenge against Flake (R-Ariz.), one of the president's most vocal Republican critics, but also did not outright deny any possibility that the president would do so.
Story lines in the '90s about the perils of caffeine pills in "Saved by the Bell," speed in "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" and weed in "The Wayans Bros." offered all-too quaint — if not outright conservative — presentations of complex subjects.
Unlike other high profile denials from men accused of wrongdoing, Simmons has been careful to not outright accuse any of the women of lying, which, as in the case of Cosby, could open himself up to defamation and slander claims filed by his alleged victims.
Seeing parts of myself — an experience I so rarely get in media, as a queer woman of color — in characters like Moira or Emily is a painful experience when they live in a world constructed to grind them down, if not outright destroy them.
"Several of the statements in the 'Woman's Right to Know' booklet seem designed to confuse women, if not outright trick them," wrote Dr. Daniel Grossman, an investigator at the Texas Policy Evaluation Project, in an op-ed criticizing the updated informed consent materials in August.
" Although Tribe has weighed in on Cruz's eligibility, he has not outright questioned whether Cruz -- who was born in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban father -- would be considered a "natural born citizen," the definition of which Tribe says is "completely unsettled.
In the past year, our political and business leaders have been exposed as both out of touch, unable to act on major issues like global warming and drug addiction, and, too often, acting badly if not outright bizarrely in support of their own self interests.
Democrats have moved quickly to paint Mr. Ryan as spineless and calculating for not outright rescinding his endorsement of Mr. Trump, while the right flank in his own party has taken a polar opposite view, saying Mr. Ryan should not publicly criticize the nominee.
As Hurricane Florence headed toward the East Coast on Tuesday, Mr. Trump praised the statements given by two former aides that offered objections to the way Mr. Woodward characterized life in the White House — but not outright denials that they had spoken to him.
It's basically assured that the second Clinton took office, she would be beset by Republican opposition that would keep her from achieving the more progressive parts of her speech, thus further rankling a left already suspicious of her, if not outright hostile toward her.
This week on Waypoints, Austin brings us an article on how the final seasons of Game of Thrones shifted storytelling styles, and we discuss how those changes manifested in a season that has a lot of people scratching their heads if they're not outright disappointed.
Cars can each hold up to three items at a time—one more than any Mario Kart's ever offered—and how and when to use them becomes an invaluable tactic, if you ever want to finish third or higher and therefore not outright fail a race event.
Its founder, James Jebbia, who owned a shop called Union before working for Stüssy, had a deep appreciation for the aesthetics and general vibe of skateboarding, but he didn't know the ins and outs of an industry notoriously suspicious of, if not outright hostile to, outsiders.
"They are willfully ignoring what appear to be false statements, if not outright lies, and it's intolerable for the Police Department to be doing that," Christopher T. Dunn, the associate legal director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, said when informed of The Times's findings.
As for the role of the secretary of state, it's more than a little awkward if not outright embarrassing that Rex Tillerson, who's traveling in the region, talked to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday, yet seems to have no plans to stop in Israel.
By coming to better understand Cantú's fixation with the border, readers of his book are brought into that suspension, prompted -- if not outright required -- to experience what it's like to exist in-between, knowing no amount of politics or prayer can give a hard question easy answers.
I looked to Eileen Myles for this as well, and Laurie Weeks, but there weren't/aren't a lot of women/non-binary writers living in writing in this kind of space, largely because of how hostile, if not outright dangerous, it is to exist in these ways.
Parents worry that the social media site feeds kids disturbing garbage, the system perpetually recommends extremist right-wing content, conspiracy theories proliferate faster than real news, and the most visible stars on the platform keep performing morally questionable (if not outright dangerous) stunts in the name of views.
"Given the strong relation between raw materials PPI and import prices (available later this month), the dip in raw materials PPI indicates the reflation trade is at least stalling, if not outright dying for Asia (and the world)," Vaninder Singh, Asia economist at NatWest Markets, wrote in a note.
" On Tuesday, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci did not outright rule out the Easter target date but said, "You can look at a date but you've got to be very flexible and on a literally day-by-day and week-by-week basis.
And cherry-picking issues that fit into a curatorial frame without giving much afterthought to how platforming alt-right sympathizers may be detrimental, if not outright dangerous to marginalized communities in the long run, is a serious concern with exhibitions that employ the strategies of overidentification and accelerationism.
This being a Nichols movie (as opposed to a Marvel production, say), the pursuers are not outright villains, or credulous dolts, but plausible souls in extremis, and I liked the uncritical tone with which Sevier, interviewing cult members, asks what they saw in the blaze that emanates from Alton.
So for Comcast to say that its streaming box "is now included with an Xfinity Internet-only subscription," that it is "available to internet-only customers for free" and that it is included "at no additional cost as part of an Xfinity Internet-only subscription" is misleading if not outright wrong.
Most of us would find it disconcerting, if not outright nerve wracking, to be the subject of an open investigation backed by the full resources of the federal government, but Trump has acted with admirable restraint, declining to use his authority to rein in or shut down the special counsel investigation.
Before I delve into my experiment, I trawl the web for information and quickly find out that eating cat food is at least not outright harmful, something that hardly can be claimed about a number of other things I put in my body, so we're off to a good start.
After all, Goodell would earn this spectacular paycheck despite the fact that, of late, he always seemed to be presiding over some self-inflicted fiasco, and despite the creeping notion that the once-mighty N.F.L. had been operating in a baseline state of turmoil in recent years, if not outright decline.
But that won't change the fact that for weeks now, the attitude toward the coronavirus outbreak in the United States and much of Europe has been bizarrely reactive, if not outright passive — or that the governments in those regions have let pass their best chance to contain the virus's spread.
The company said in a statement that it takes "all fraudulent activity on our service extremely seriously" and recommended that its users protect themselves by refraining from using the same user names and passwords across various accounts.) These digital incursions can be unsettling (when not outright upsetting), but they're often impersonal.
Lawmakers from across the House Democratic caucus left a closed-door meeting with top Trump administration officials in a secure room in the Capitol on Wednesday frustrated — if not outright angry — at what they described as a vague justification for last week's deadly drone strike that killed Iranian Maj. Gen.
At a time when Mr. de Blasio is battling neighborhood resistance to his plan for 90 new homeless shelters, City Council members from Staten Island to the Bronx — who have veto power over such projects — have expressed reservations if not outright hostility to the idea of constructing jails in their backyards.
It would also require the military to cooperate and, despite the fact that some of our troops are enjoying themselves some war crimes these days, there's plenty of evidence suggesting that the bulk of our armed forces are at the brink of total disillusionment with their superiors, if not outright contempt.
Mr. Cuomo has said he remained "dubious" of any plan to open new casinos before 2023, but he did not outright reject the possibility of expanding casino gambling, giving hope to plans like those backed by Las Vegas Sands, owned by Sheldon Adelson, a prominent supporter of Republican politicians and President Trump.
The act would create a housing program that would offer special financial aid to first-time homebuyers in communities affected by redlining, a form of housing discrimination that classified predominantly black communities and homebuyers as "hazardous" and undesirable, a designation that led to extremely high — if not outright prohibitive — costs of loans to black homebuyers.
Thomas Reed, a researcher that studies Mac malware at the security firm MalwareBytes said that Adware Doctor is not "outright malicious" since it doesn't steal more sensitive data such as passwords—though it could in theory because of the permissions it has—but it's "not legit" given that it actively gets around Apple's restrictions.
Counter-intuitive as such a move may be, by ruthlessly simple logic, threatening the South with implicit downgrading of the alliance, if not outright abandonment, may be presumed to achieve the following: Such a message, even if conveyed with the utmost sincerity, in reality is far more likely to achieve something quite to the contrary.
In doing so, it protected a range of domestic programs the president had targeted for huge reductions, if not outright elimination, and sent an infuriated Mr. Trump scuttling off to Mar-a-Lago with yet another problem to worry about: a mediocre Congress making a lazy president look even worse by actually accomplishing something.
Reports are rampant of agents detaining people trying to enter the US, depriving them of food and medicine; ignoring (if not outright resisting) federal court orders to release detainees or at least grant them access to lawyers; and asking green card holders intrusive questions about their politics that could be seen as a loyalty test.
Some GOP senators have publicly expressed distaste with the potential nominee, if not outright opposition — Iowa Republican Joni Ernst told Vox earlier this month that she was "not very enthused" with the choice — and Mitt Romney, who was one of the four Republicans to sink Cain's nomination, has expressed concerns about Moore's political background and the Fed's independence.
The film attacks the choleric nature of public aid that has been intentionally designed by conservatives to be humiliating to access at nearly every turn; while not outright villainous, it paints a portrait of understaffed offices with long waits and dour attendants, ones who will use every means to disqualify honest, imperiled individuals looking for a leg up.
Some in the United States have said that Mr. Kerrey is also a victim — of an unjust war and disastrous leadership — but such a claim seems ironic, if not outright ludicrous, when one compares Mr. Kerrey's prominence to the obscurity in which the survivors of the attack he led and the relatives of those killed now live.
The book is a Chicago coming-of-age story; a love story of a pair of opposites; and a political saga by a woman who was skeptical, if not outright disdainful, of politics, who tried to apply the brakes where she could, and who ultimately transcended her worries to become one of the most popular first ladies in history.
" The book explored the frequent incompatibility, if not outright conflict, between the institutional values and needs of government and those of science, encapsulating the tension by quoting President John F. Kennedy in 19793, when he said, "Scientists alone can establish the objectives of their research, but society, in extending support to science, must take into account its own needs.
If you've ever wandered onto the social media feed of a conservative friend, or even a conservative publisher, you'll know that the conservative viral media world takes as a given that the country is in the dumps, that Barack Obama is the reason why, and that Hillary Clinton is a dangerous, if not outright evil, person.
Yet he also gave a thinly veiled nod to the widespread skepticism — if not outright anger — that many in Argentina have toward the I.M.F. "What we do have to keep in mind is that we are talking about an International Monetary Fund that is very different from what we knew 20 years ago," Mr. Dujovne said.
On top of these barriers to forming a union is the fact that current labor law makes it difficult, if not outright impossible, for unions to provide the services that workers say are most important, like having a voice when it comes to management decisions or health and retirement coverage they can take with them between jobs.
I say that because Pompeo has just violated one of the cardinal rules of American military ethics and command: You look out for your soldiers, you don't leave your wounded on the battlefield and you certainly don't stand mute when you know a junior officer is being railroaded by a more senior commander, if not outright shot in her back.
But while the Saudis have faced some fallout for the apparent disappearing, if not outright murdering, of one of their citizens in a foreign country -- some investors and media figures have pulled out of deals and conferences in the Kingdom -- the wealth and power of the regime is such that even if Khashoggi's assassination is confirmed, repercussions will likely be short lived.
In his recent book "Fire and Fury," Michael Wolff wrote that Trump "invariably thought people found him irresistible," and felt sure, early on, that "he could woo and flatter the F.B.I. director into positive feeling for him, if not outright submission" (in what the reader takes as yet another instance of the president's inability to process reality or step beyond his own narcissistic delusions).
Indeed, it is a bit ironic (if not outright hypocritical) that while the FCC is doing everything it can to prevent meaningful comments about a highly complex topic, the Obama administration is doing everything in its power to create a culture which encourages robo-comments which offer up nothing substantive to the debate other than to promote ideological sophistry from both sides of the political spectrum.
Ted CruzRafael (Ted) Edward Cruz3 real problems Republicans need to address to win in 2020 The Hill's Morning Report - Trump on defense over economic jitters Democrats keen to take on Cornyn despite formidable challenges MORE (R-Texas) did not outright criticize the White House request, but said he would review it to make sure his state received the funding it needs to recover from Harvey.
While the U.S. does not outright require proof of sterility from trans people hoping to legally transition, 16 states demand proof of genital surgery in order to change the gender marker on one's birth certificate, according to the Movement Advancement Project, and nine states require proof of such procedures, a court order, or an amended birth certificate in order to update a driver's license.
Witness the latest tempest surrounding Joe BidenJoe BidenHarry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Warren offers plan to repeal 22019 crime law authored by Biden Panel: Jill Biden's campaign message MORE, whom 22 fellow Democratic candidates piled on top of, accusing him of being, if not outright racist, then at least insensitive, unprincipled, old-fashioned, or just plain old.
Yet based on some of its release coverage, it would be understandable if someone unfamiliar with Style Savvy got the impression the latest game in the series was socially regressive, if not outright sexist—a gum-popping mall princess sim spitting in the face of Lara Croft and Emily Kaldwin and Evie Frye and the all the badass lady characters we've been fighting tooth and nail to see more of in our games.
Bernie SandersBernie SandersHarry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' The exhaustion of Democrats' anti-Trump delusions Warren offers plan to repeal 1994 crime law authored by Biden MORE (I-Vt.) broke with Democratic Party orthodoxy and appeared at a Fox News town hall, the results were record ratings and an audience in the auditorium that seemed open to — if not outright supportive of — some of his proposals.
But MacArthur's amendment dangles in front of Republicans two things they've longed for: the flexibility of states to raise costs for people with pre-existing conditions (while not outright denying them coverage so as to preserve their golly gee whaddya mean deniability) and the ability for states to skimp or totally gut the ten essential health benefits, which include prescription drugs and emergency services, that Obamacare (or the Affordable Care Act) requires insurers in the marketplace and small employers to cover.
But MacArthur's amendment dangles in front of Republicans two things they've longed for: the flexibility of states to raise costs for people with pre-existing conditions (while not outright denying them coverage so as to preserve their golly gee whaddya mean deniability) and the ability for states to skimp or totally gut the ten essential health benefits, which include prescription drugs and emergency services, that Obamacare (or the Affordable Care Act) requires insurers in the marketplace and small employers to cover.
The Infowars host is the most famous far-right conspiracy theorist in America, and generally seems to get away with making head-scratching if not outright offensive assertions, such as that the US government can create and control tornadoes as a "weather" weapon, that the Sandy Hook massacre was staged, and of course, the Pizzagate maelstrom, which propagated a baseless claim that Hillary Clinton and other high-ranking Democrats were running a child sex ring out of a Washington, DC pizzeria.

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