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454 Sentences With "nostrils"

How to use nostrils in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "nostrils" and check conjugation/comparative form for "nostrils". Mastering all the usages of "nostrils" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Shriver and his team looked at 3-D photos of each individual and examined the width of the nostrils, the distance between nostrils, the height of the nose, nose ridge length, nose protrusion, external area of the nose and area of the nostrils.
Simply stick the two prongs into your nostrils — they're shaped like your nostrils to ensure the perfect fit — and allow yourself to fall asleep.
Since narrower nostrils allow the nose to humidify and warm the air more efficiently, this was probably essential in cold, dry climates; people with narrower nostrils probably fared better and had more offspring than people with wider nostrils in locations farther from the equator.
"Whoa, that goes right up the nostrils," my fiancée said.
In the flickering warmth, she flared her nostrils and snorted.
I wasn't looking up at nostrils or looking at navels.
Smoke seeped into nostrils and burned the back of throats.
Finally, a maggot falls out of one of Enkidu's nostrils.
Nose scrunched up, nostrils flared, smile playing on her lips.
It deals in facts, and Jackson Five nostrils are facts.
She has the confidence to stick some Tampax in her nostrils.
Her nostrils assaulted (how could she be faulted?)Pass up pastrami?
It shows Lawrence smiling — without football or flaring nostrils in sight.
When I get back, the most glorious smell invades my nostrils.
Herrine: But the heat, the acidity, it just hits your nostrils.
Notice the sensation of air temperature and movement through your nostrils.
He yanks right, wet black nostrils burrowing in loamy leaf piles.
My grandfather hooked his index and middle fingers into Lemberger's nostrils.
Then I was overtaken by a smell that tickled my nostrils.
I administered diuretics and fitted an oxygen tube to his nostrils.
They used hooked instruments to extract the brain through the nostrils.
His nostrils stung with the pale smell of humanity in transit.
It's almost like a gas mask, but hooked directly into their nostrils.
Or this boy who comes very close to having his nostrils merge.
Acrid smoke does not flood our nostrils and make our eyes water.
At times, he blinked rapidly, his lips pursed and his nostrils flared.
Hiro made a pair of nose plugs to make Theron's nostrils look bigger.
The biggest difference between Theron's and Kelly's noses were the nostrils and tips.
Holes are cut for eyes, nostrils, mouth and, in some cases, pony tails.
And a newborn with both nostrils blocked is unable to breathe at all.
" Then he brought yet another swatch to his nostrils, nodded and said, "Oh.
Fear, for example, tends to be expressed through widened eyes and dilated nostrils.
Then I stuffed some plastic nasal dilators from Mute Snore up my nostrils.
Picaridin isn't half as offensive to the nostrils as products containing DEET, either.
We found their scents to be too strong and overpowering for our nostrils.
He grabbed it by the teeth, sank his fingers into its flared nostrils.
Then he notices the wads of tissue paper stuffed into the doctor's nostrils.
Ms. Wall's DNA was also found on Mr. Madsen's hand, nostrils and neck.
Make sure nothing is obstructing the nostrils (horses can't breathe through their mouths).
We climb on top of one another's bodies and scrub Tolstoy's nostrils, ears.
Reardon first placed two magnets on his nose and two inside his nostrils.
Scully's nostrils pinch in Olympian contempt; he is ashen-faced yet triumphant, too.
There are the requisite partyers snarfing coke up their nostrils (and other orifices).
As Wong took in the response, I noticed a darkening by her nostrils.
Glendening returned to action a few minutes later with plugs in both his nostrils.
We've gathered 14 products that will get you through sniffles, fevers, and red nostrils.
During the day, only their ears, eyes, and nostrils can be seen above water.
To achieve a close look, Ballesteros says he draws in bigger or smaller nostrils.
Her DNA was found on Mr. Madsen's hand, nostrils and neck, the report said.
One senior provincial party official did wear a mask, but left his nostrils exposed.
A breathing tube, now detached from an oxygen machine, was laced through her nostrils.
"Halting sneeze via blocking nostrils and mouth is a dangerous maneuver," the report recommended.
Her entire face is under—save her nostrils: a single hole left clear for breathing.
Martinez' head, including his mouth and nostrils, were covered in tape, Lt. Thomas Antonetti said.
One female had a cleft lip and some baboons had extra openings near their nostrils.
Tubes run around Naylor's ears and across his face and curl up into his nostrils.
The odor of mustard is omnipresent—so strong it pricks my nostrils like pepper spray.
On it, I believe, are great glowing yellow big-lashed eyes, and nostrils as paintings.
Elementary eyes, orifices indicating nostrils, and mouths are manifested in the looping whorls of paint.
You know that every word is being heard and they can look up your nostrils.
The nose is broken, reset; the nasal bridge lengthened, nostrils rotated to a respectable elevation.
Widening the nostrils of snub-nosed dogs (like the genetically challenged pug) can improve respiration.
Long creases run from his nostrils to his jowls, which sink into a starched collar.
After mistakes, Crupi turned away in genuine disgust, her nostrils flared and her mouth twisted.
Then the real test: The scientists sprayed flu viruses into the nostrils of the mice.
This airborne filth can drift for miles and miles, stinging nostrils and killing plant life.
There is a whiff of stock which hits your nostrils; the sweet scent of braised cabbage.
The next time you're eating a well-seasoned dish, try pinching both of your nostrils shut.
Along with flat noses and abnormally small nostrils, a number of primates were also missing fingers.
"I only had my nostrils taken in on the side the very first time," she said.
Seconds later, the stomach-turning smell of burning flesh had made its way to my nostrils.
When I smell you, the first thing to hit my nostrils is the whiff of plastic.
In Jason Wise's 2013 documentary, four intrepid sommeliers try their nostrils and taste buds at glory.
Paramount's first take gave Sonic wide nostrils and a nose that blended in with his snout.
The facial profile is blunt, the eyes small, and the nose pad broad with large nostrils.
Even when parked, its flared fenders and angry nostrils project aggression and insanity like nothing else.
And we both use masks that cover only our nostrils, though others need full face masks.
There are hazy memories from the night before and the stench of regret stings the nostrils.
Police say that the child also had facial swelling as well as dried blood round his nostrils.
Then I moved to London, where my nostrils immediately began to tickle from the stench of diesel.
And inside your nostrils, behind your ears, around each hair follicle, between every fold of your suitcase.
You know, that face when you arch your nostrils, wrinkle your nose and expose your upper teeth.
THE stench hanging over Volokolamsk, a sleepy town west of Moscow, stings the nostrils like tiny needles.
Warm up a piece of cloth with warm water and stick it gently, shallowly in both nostrils.
To figure that out, the researchers swabbed the nostrils of 90 study participants and analyzed their microbiome.
When I try to wipe it off, it gets up my nostrils and makes my nose itch.
Most bats produce echolocation sounds through their larynx, but some click their tongues or use their nostrils.
But like a snap of ammonia under the nostrils, a new case makes him practically bolt upright.
Periodically, the stench of death wafted through the tropical air, filling nostrils with a choking, rotten smell.
When she yelled in his face, her nostrils flared, and the little hairs haloing her temples quivered.
Occasionally, I have to fend off a chubby finger or two trying to explore my flaring nostrils.
Come to the sensations of your own breathing, feeling the breath in the belly or the nostrils.
"They're just above a handlebar" refers to a mustache today, so the answer happens to be NOSTRILS.
Blowing also irritates the skin around the nostrils, which can be another uncomfortable thing keeping you awake.
Some of us are already waking up with swollen under-eyes and leaky nostrils, and it's terrible.
Start by taking a full breath: Feel the air go through your nostrils and into your lungs.
NEW YORK, March 8 (Reuters) - Its nostrils flare as its eyes follow you malevolently around the room.
As he spoke, the boar pressed itself up against the fence and sniffed loudly through its wet nostrils.
She shotgunned a joint, meaning she lit it and blew cannabis smoke into his nostrils as he inhaled.
Though breezes blow through the building, the chickens' droppings emit an ammoniac reek that clings to the nostrils.
It gets in your eyes, under your nails, up your nostrils and on the back of your tongue.
Well there's more holes if you include nostrils, but I've never put my penis in a woman's nostril.
But instead of holding his hand, Chien is seen dragging Lu around by the nostrils, hair and ear.
Many think that they breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide through their nostrils like a filter.
And the sweet, umami-pungent smell that hits your nostrils is nothing like anything you've come across before.
There wafts to your unwilling nostrils the thick coarse smell of a male body, clothes not recently washed.
Its eyes glow electric-red, and the vacuum's exhaust has been channeled through its nostrils, so they snort.
Set alarms on your phone throughout the day to check in and remind yourself to use your nostrils.
You often see just his skin or nostrils or lips, and there is often white contrasting against blackness.
A second nurse swabs both nostrils and places the swabs in a test tube inside a biohazard bag.
"A Tokyo Romance" is about Buruma's desire to live life up to his nostrils, and clearly he has.
A head no bigger than a walnut, two black pips for eyes, and the tiniest nostrils — mere pinpricks.
Either Fring knows about Lalo's super discriminating nostrils or there is a spy in the House of Salamanca.
Or the deodorant of the subway passenger holding the pole above you, armpit pressed conveniently into your nostrils.
This is basically a pair of tiny silicone funnels that sit inside your nose to dilate your nostrils.
Its nostrils act as seats for people to look out through distorting glass, altering their sense of the world.
Mr. Rawlence's passages about Kenyan corruption fill the nostrils with a smell so rank that you can hardly breathe.
These are features like the corners of your eyes and mouth, your nostrils, and the contour of your jawline.
People can harbour superbugs on the skin, around the nostrils or in the gut, where they are usually harmless.
Glasses were tilted, nostrils were flared, and remarks were exchanged in a mix of Arabic, French, Dutch, and English.
Like Dell's XPS 2910, a bottom-positioned camera seems custom designed to showcase your nostrils instead of your face.
It may have been discontinued over a decade ago, but the memory of its glory still stings the nostrils.
That being said, this episode doesn't really push the boundaries of the grotesque — unless you're squeamish about your nostrils.
"The stitches aren't even out, and I'm not supposed to travel," he said, showing me bruising between his nostrils.
Yet, most people are not fans of neti pots, which involve pouring liquid directly into each of your nostrils.
When God created man, God left his breath in the nostrils of man and man became a living soul.
Frantically her hands jerk up to cover her nostrils, but a little gray head peeps out between her fingers.
It also comes with a handy nose picker just incase all that red candle wax gets stuck in the nostrils.
The heads were completely formed—each one had its own brain, its own mouth, its own nostrils, its own tongue.
Here, an array of loose-leaf samples, from smoky Lapsang Souchong to perfumed jasmine and fragrant Darjeeling, tantalise the nostrils.
Caracas, Venezuela (CNN)Within 30 feet of the front door, the wretched smell reaches your nostrils and seizes your stomach.
On being informed that a biography was in the works, "Chanel's famous nostrils flared," Ms. Charles-Roux told The Times.
A heavier application works well for areas of thicker skin, such as the cheeks, nostrils, chin, jaw, and upper lip.
Magny spent the next minute or so underneath an angry Hector Lombard with the smell of blood in his nostrils.
Why, when we imagine a new existence, do we so often begin with the scent of blood in our nostrils?
Outside the school building, the burning smell instantly stung our eyes, our nostrils, as the buildings vomited paper and people.
The smell, either interestingly pungent or rank depending on the sensitivity of your nostrils, seemed to offer a few clues.
Perhaps he wants to speak, or simply abhors the persistent pressure of the oxygen piped into his mouth and nostrils.
About a year and a half ago, I spotted a small cluster of red bumps around my nostrils and chin.
Sticky floors, the stench of other people's excretions filling your nostrils and mouth—you tolerate it because you have to.
Mucus drips from their eyes and nostrils, and they're prone to seizures that can prevent them from diving or swimming.
I felt as if my nostrils were blocked as well, I couldn't feel any air come in through my nose.
Downstairs, Gillian was making breakfast, the buttery smells threading through his nostrils like an ox ring, tugging him toward them.
That might not sound like a long time, until you count to 30 while imagining someone pouring water into your nostrils.
She developed a rash on the bridge of her nose and raw skin near her nostrils, which she thought was rosacea.
It oozes an electric blue fizz that doesn't overwhelm your nostrils with happiness and joy, but does smell mildly like berries.
Barbour instructs them to lift the garments out of the bags, raise them to their nostrils, and take a big whiff.
It goes from new age breathing meditations to nostrils being gruesomely stretched to people melting into putty from psychedelic vision quests.
The lion's broken nose had been placed in front of a pile of ancient rubble, its two large nostrils pointing upward.
And I could see his nostrils like very up close, because he was holding the FaceTime so close to his nose.
But try not to overdo it, since too much suctioning or going too deep into the nostrils can cause more irritation.
It's also frequently manufactured synthetically for use in perfumes, which is how it made its way to zoo animals' adoring nostrils.
Peering over his shoulder, like a shy sidekick, was Jefferson, his big nose held high, showing his nostrils to the world.
Steam broils out of their nostrils into the 22-degree morning air, and they adjust their bathing suits and brace themselves.
It occurs when you breathe in an irritating substance or particle, which passes through your nostrils into the lining of your nose.
Just like you would use lukewarm water to open pores before you shave, you can do so with your nostrils as well.
Made of an FDA-approved plastic, this accessory fits comfortably in your nostrils and helps air move through the nose and throat.
But today's study is the first one to zero in on a particular bacterium that lives inside people's nostrils, called Staphylococcus lugdunensis.
She showed me a video of herself cradling him in the back of an ambulance, as blood bubbled out of his nostrils.
Nose blockages could also hamper the seals' ability to dive, as the mammals typically need to close their nostrils when under water.
She had been using filtered tap water and had been clearing out her nostrils semiregularly for a month before she developed complications.
Robinhood's VCs must now fund a company whose $7.6 billion valuation (see above: white powder around nostrils) was cut in half yesterday.
Alligators have been known to surface before the water freezes, presumably to keep their nostrils above the ice so they can breathe.
But people also need a comfort level with them in order to feel safe -- especially if one is swabbing inside their nostrils.
Runners are cutting back their routines, scared off by clumps of black dust they blow out of their nostrils in the shower.
Plastic tubes dangled from her nostrils, and the gown revealed bandaging taped to her stomach and electrode stickers glued to her chest.
Yes, you read that right: The cheese was created with bacteria harvested from the armpits, toes, bellybuttons, and nostrils of famous people.
The Ivory Mirror objects can be quite grim, with their snakes slithering through skeletal nostrils and lizards creeping on the bare crania.
The latest model has the webcam on the top, thankfully, so the camera captures you face-on rather than up your nostrils.
The salt room treatment lasts only 10 minutes, and I soon emerged from the chamber with itching nostrils and a mild cough.
Kljestan played the rest of the match with a noticeably bent nose and nostrils filled with bloody cotton, hardly an ideal situation.
"The nostrils of the animals were way in the gas lake," he says, whereas the priests stood taller, above the gas lake.
Focus your awareness on the movement of your rib cage and the path of the air in and out of your nostrils.
That's why I apply lip balm before and after I go out the door — and on super cold days, around my nostrils.
From experience, I can say that the smell in the air is dizzying, and sticks in your nostrils and throat for days.
Deeper, apparently: The latest strips on the market boast deep-cleaning claims that make them sound like a Roto-Rooter for your nostrils.
When we emergency stopped, it splashed up my white knee-high socks and stained them pink, making me puke harder through burning nostrils.
Having feathered ear-flaps, eyelids, and nostrils, they wear the avian equivalent of a parka, so they have no problem surviving frigid winters.
I lay back on a bed and gaze into her shapely nostrils as she starts the large machine that's fed with liquid nitrogen.
Chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten put another perfume blotter to his discerning nostrils — the eighth of 26 he would sniff on a recent afternoon.
The salty sea air enters my nostrils as soon as I enter the small Zeeland town of Kats, where the farm is located.
The swelling and pain subsided, and after seven days he was discharged with instructions not to block his nostrils next time he sneezes.
The shots are uncomfortably close: nostrils flare, and saliva glistens on their tongues, everything captured in the cold glow of the camera flash.
Repeat until you're no longer clenching your jaw, until you can let go of your nostrils and allow them to fill with water.
The local medicine man couldn't make butter, which he would heat up and pour into people's nostrils as a remedy for common ailments.
You can smell and taste it: The exhaust fumes tickle your nostrils and coat your mouth, leaving an acrid taste on your tongue.
Much like "Blueberry Maple Pancakes," it was just too sweet for our nostrils — particularly because of how much vanilla was in the product.
Cocaine constricts blood flow to the septum, the part of the nose that separates your right and left airways and divides your nostrils.
The Checkup This flu season, many children who were expecting drops in their nostrils are going to get needles in their arms instead.
Dogs inhale and exhale about five times every second, through nostrils that route the intake and outward flow of breath through different channels.
The gun was freshly cleaned, regulation, and the familiar odors of oil and leather polish rose up to his nostrils like prying fingers.
Dogs exhale through the side slits of their nostrils, so they keep a continuous flow of inhaled air in their snout for smelling.
Think about it until your brain starts to slide out of your nostrils and your eyeballs are set upon by maggot after maggot.
The scent of their waste fills his nostrils; the circusgoers ignore him and his scrupulous art, leaving him to starve to death, forgotten.
It's hard to imagine being furious without the physical accoutrements that come with it: a flushed face, a racing heart, clenched teeth, flared nostrils.
Various people in the video were wearing face masks, including some of the musicians who had tied bandanas to cover their nostrils and mouths.
While your nostrils are designed to adapt to scents quickly, that doesn't give you the excuse to slack on tending to your home's odor.
Plus, that's what the New Yorker speed-walking is all about: speeding past a big pile of poop before the smell hits your nostrils.
That's why one spritz of nose spray in your nostrils can take you from stuffed and mouth-breathing to completely clear in seconds. Ahhhh.
Enter the Nose Warmer Company, a U.K. brand that produces knit nose caps so people can keep their nostrils from freezing in the cold.
H. Auden Because hypocrisy stinks in the nostrils one is likely to rate it as a more powerful agent for destruction than it is.
Rob had to sleep with toilet paper in both nostrils, which, combined with the unusually high pillows, made it impossible to get any rest.
When I told people that I wanted to make blood sausage using my own blood, their nostrils flared as though they'd smelled something awful.
They've designed a concept for smelling digital content—like restaurant menu items or a florist's rose bouquet—using electrical stimulation directly up your nostrils.
Its scent penetrates your nostrils like the blade of a sword, and in the morning our receptors are even more sensitive to external provocations.
Fallon clearly needs to work on flaring his nostrils, but the former Hannah Montana star had little trouble pulling one awkward face after another.
Beard hair is coarser and more curly so traps dirt more easily, with hair around the nostrils and mouth the prime hotbed for bacteria.
The eyes are made of lower-case e's (e for eye), the nostrils are o's, the mouth a line of m's (m for mouth).
Mostly, though, he stood still and made his serious singer-at-work face: lips pursed, nostrils flaring slightly, eyes trained on the middle distance.
He also made a nose plug to widen her nostrils and she has a nose tip because Kelly has more of an upturned nose.
Fried chili powder is like fairy dust — it lifts you up by the nostrils and floats you gently to the source of the scent.
One moment, she was looking through a tiny window, the next, she saw her own face peering in: huge, piggy nostrils, open-pored, grotesque.
In the study, researchers visited each home five times during a one-year period to obtain swab samples from people's nostrils, armpits and groins.
Then one morning, I felt the difference, literally: a mixture of piss, cigarette smoke, and exhaust pipes savagely attacked my nostrils on the rue Marcadet.
Some immediate signs that a newborn has a CHD include having blueish-grey skin, difficulty breathing, grunting, or flared nostrils, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Scientists swabbed the nostrils of 187 hospitalized patients to look for both S. aureus — the human-threatening bug — and S. lugdunensis, the antibiotic-generating one.
Some of this is camera angle, I think: On "The Sopranos" we're always gazing up, awe-struck, into the twin orchestra pits of his nostrils.
The downside: I fear the smell of peppermint is just a permanent part of my life now, and that it will never leave my nostrils.
By securing a semirigid adhesive patch across the bridge of the nose, Breathe Right pulls open the nostrils as the strip tries to straighten out.
My colleague, Bettina Makalintal, analyzed a video of a woman playing two recorders with her nostrils, and after much consideration, came to a resolute conclusion.
As he poured the wine into my glass, I heard the faint whistling of breath in his nostrils and caught a whiff of his aftershave.
The papaya, pineapple, and pumpkin extract was never overwhelming, but also made a chemical exfoliant actually enjoyable to have on your face, and near your nostrils.
In the biblical account of the creation of Adam, God does not bring him to life with a magic touch, but by breathing into his nostrils.
Presumably, the business of surviving by eating what the forest has to offer requires a more discriminating use of the nostrils than is needed for farming.
And to make things even better, upon opening the package, my nostrils were not immediately offended by the pungent stench of meat and sodium (big plus).
It's like you have a right-before-last-call buzz going, only blood is spurting from the bridge of your nose and flowing from your nostrils.
Adults, on the other hand, are better at self-cleaning, thanks to our fully developed nostrils and throats that trap particles before they reach the lungs.
That, too, didn't get the job done, at which point they shoved a cloth down his throat before squeezing his nostrils shut, according to the sheriff.
We will not affront the nostrils of fellow passengers Don't be the smelly passenger, and don't be the passenger who brings smelly food on the plane.
We could probably get some good freeze-frames of the inside of some famous people's nostrils with it, though, so maybe things aren't a total loss.
The sour odor is omnipresent, infiltrating your nostrils (and clothes) the moment you approach the shore and, while it may occasionally fade, it never completely disappears.
When the compensatory mechanism is a little too overactive, moisture in excess of that needed to humidify this cold, dry air will drip from the nostrils.
In an interview with ABC News, one Bangkok resident described a harrowing scene of residents walking into work coughing violently, with blood running from their nostrils.
I've always thought that's when I've really liked someone: When I've purposefully face planted their dirty laundry and put my nostrils to work like a Dyson.
Bey can sing about liking her "negro nose with Jackson 5 nostrils" because she has them, and bears the cultural and historic weight of this identity.
In other words, 20053 degrees Celsius is close to a body's core temperature, and 33 degrees is closer to what it might be in your nostrils.
He remembers his father's body wrapped in white gauze, balls of cotton wool in his nostrils and ears, and strangers crowding around him, carrying him away.
That acid, produced when certain bacteria metabolize alcohol, is what broadly defines vinegar and its flavor — the sharpness on your tongue, the prickling in your nostrils.
Glands located just above the birds' eyes remove excess salt from their blood, which the bird exudes as a highly concentrated, salty solution from its nostrils.
But the 27-year-old's plans took quite an unexpected twist when he ended up hospitalized with four magnets jammed up his nostrils, the Guardian reported.
Bell shared that they tried to keep the conversation calm but admitted that she knew the disagreement had escalated when she saw Shepard&aposs nostrils flair.
An image of Caruso scowling merited two hysterical laughter emojis, one prayer hands emoji, one flexed biceps emoji, one shouting emoji and one steaming nostrils emoji.
Indeed, we don't ever know what animals are truly thinking, what they understand, and how they view the world through their lively eyes and large nostrils.
" Facebook said that it doesn't allow users to promote close-ups of ears, nostrils, and feet or "excessive or grotesque food consumption" like "eating live animals.
Hope the thought of your arteries shriveling and stiffening as you shovel cattle de-worming agent into your nostrils isn't too much of a bum out.
Unlike January's Tide Pod Challenge, there was no critical mass of teenagers talking about flossing their nostrils with contraceptives—but that didn't stop people from claiming otherwise.
Also, according to the Prose Edda his mouth will take up all the space between heaven and earth, and fire will shoot from his eyes and nostrils.
A septoplasty "is a surgical procedure to correct a deviated septum — a displacement of the bone and cartilage that divides your two nostrils," according to Mayo Clinic.
Ahead, eight options for getting rid of your peach fuzz, mustache, chin hairs, even the spiky things sticking out of your nostrils — only if you want to.
On May 4, Cunanan kills the 72-year-old Miglin in a brutal fashion: Miglin's corpse had been taped up, with only the nostrils exposed for air.
If you need to bring a little more power to the problem, the best thing you can do is pinch your nostrils and swallow, Dr. Voigt says.
Cotton scarves are wrapped around our faces, but the sand finds its way into our mouths and up our nostrils, sticking to every part of our body.
In terms of recognizing faces, this could mean measuring the distance between an individual's pupils, for example, or looking at the slant of their eyebrows or nostrils.
On my last visit, there was not a misstep with any of the meats, which tickled my nostrils with wood smoke before I took a single bite.
You can dress your house with all the tinsel in the world, but it's not really Christmas without some festive smells filling up your nostrils with nostalgia.
Ponds and creeks also make good hiding places: Capybaras are semiaquatic and can remain submerged for long periods with only their nostrils poking above the water's surface.
She'd had a boyfriend in high school, or maybe it was Chloe's boyfriend, a rangy kid with a dark bowl cut, a sharp nose, raw, red nostrils.
Seabirds, on the other hand, have special organs called salt glands above their eyes that extract excess salt from the bloodstream and excrete it through the nostrils.
The alligators sit submerged in the river with just their nostrils above the surface, unwilling to let any other parts of their bodies touch the hot air.
Rather, it is a respiratory illness spread through droplets — from a person's sneeze, for example — that are then transmitted through the nostrils or eyes of someone else.
He chose eucalyptus as his scent and an attendant in a white lab coat fitted his nostrils with tubes attached to a beaker containing a green liquid.
Then you will wake up leaning against your office building, thick Nuts 4 Nuts smoke from a street vender filling your nostrils and making your eyes water.
This consists of cartoon eyes with sunbeam lashes, bow-tie lips pushed to the painting's edges and an inch-worm-like curl of nostrils floating free midfield.
It stars behemoth evolutions of how I recall Zoids—great, hulking creations, crashing through the thick dust, tromping down the mountain, flames spewing out of their nostrils.
She closes her most recent album, ''Lemonade,'' with ''Formation,'' in which she extols her Southern roots, then proclaims a preference for how her family looks: My daddy Alabama, momma Louisiana You mix that Negro with that Creole, make a Texas bama I like my baby heir with baby hair and Afros I like my Negro nose with Jackson Five nostrils She's not merely proud of natural hair and wide nostrils.
Before his recent surgery, his nose sat at a 45-degree angle, and both of his nostrils were collapsed, meaning he could only breathe out of his mouth.
There are giant tortoises, marine iguanas that shoot salt snot from their nostrils, and waved albatrosses that glide on 8-foot-wide wings, eyes like black tapioca balls.
These molecules trigger smell receptors in the cells of our nostrils and retronasal passage that are caught by a small patch of tissue known as the olfactory epithelium.
Indignant and defiant, nostrils flaring, the judge unleashed a torrent of pain and grievance, at times unable to speak as he cried in front of a national audience.
With my eyes closed to maximize nasal cognition, I was inhaling so deeply that I was sure those around me could hear the air rush through my nostrils.
But even if moral disgust is special, it is no accident that our facial expression also blocks wafts of foul air from getting into our eyes and nostrils.
Keeping your mucous membranes moist, along with the hair inside your nostrils, by drinking more fluids and using saline spray also helps to protect you from viral invasion.
Standing over six feet tall with flared nostrils and mouth agape, this rare and captivating figure was carved by an unknown Hawaiian artist more than two centuries ago.
Anti-Snoring Device: 2-Pack Made of an FDA-approved plastic, this gadget fits comfortably in a snorer's nostrils and helps air move through the nose and throat.
One was of Mama, dead on her hospital bed, wearing a flowery nightdress and draped in a second flowery cloth, the oxygen tube still taped to her nostrils.
Or will a hero, perhaps even a poet turned screenwriter with a torrented copy of Final Draft, rise up and destroy the microwave on behalf of nostrils everywhere?
Over all, people whose parents and ancestors came from warm, humid climates tended to have wider nostrils, whereas those from cold, dry climates tended to have narrower ones.
Correlations between nostril width and climate were strongest for Northern Europeans, the researchers found, suggesting that cold, dry climates in particular may have favored people with narrower nostrils.
As Irvine kneads this handful of gently rotting grass, leaves, and old vegetables below my nostrils, his dog Ulig rubs a curly-haired flank against my bare leg.
My proof: Bob encourages Will to stand up to the "monsters" here, and when Will does this, the shadow monster consumes Will, puncturing his nostrils and entering his body.
In the Old Testament the Book of Genesis says that God formed man out of dust from the ground when He blew into his nostrils the breath of life.
"I kind of have the tendency to caricature myself with this bean face, with little hippo nostrils and small eyes and a small mouth," she said with a laugh.
He said North Korean youths call the commonly used SD memory cards "nose cards" because they can insert them in their nostrils to escape detection during a body search.
Their compact skull, however, can oftentimes result in body parts like the palate (the soft part of the roof of the mouth) or nostrils being too big or small.
It's 2016, so I assumed that the variety of available scents, as well as the smoothness with which they could be delivered to my nostrils, would have improved significantly.
Parents find themselves reasoning that surely anything that'd have Shergar snoring isn't the kind of thing my son or daughter is bunging up their nostrils on a Friday night.
They used scans to figure out the creature's teeth were made of keratin, and that it had crescent-shaped nostrils on the sides of its body, National Geographic reported.
The air draws violently through your nostrils, carrying with it a noxious vapor of salty moisture lifting up from your skin, mixed with dirt kicked up from your shoes.
A nice breathing technique to get you in the right headspace: Close your eyes and gently breathe five counts in through your nostrils, then seven or eight counts out.
Subsequent videos show dozens of men, women and children lying lifeless on the ground with foam coming from their mouths and nostrils and what appear to be burned corneas.
Teenage boys have long harnessed the destructive power of Axe body spray, going beyond just assaulting people's nostrils with the stuff and turning the little cans into actual weapons.
They then attached dog-like 3D printed nostrils to commercially-available vapor detectors, which typically use a continuous "inhale" of air to detect vapors instead of the sniffing action.
The night before, Macdonald taped an episode of his new Netflix talk show, and he still had makeup in the crevices around his nostrils when he arrived for brunch.
The cowl has a tiny hole at the nose, but sweat collects there, so if you try and breathe through your nostrils, it feels like you're constantly inhaling water.
I don't know what she will say or whether she will draw a self-portrait with impressive details like nostrils — which are said to increase her chances of admission.
He has also said that since he was unable to produce enough blood through force, he squirted his nostrils with pig's blood that he got at a butcher shop.
When we finally see Billy totally alone, he gasses himself up in the mirror while blasting rock, exhaling cigarette smoke out of his nostrils like some sort of water dragon.
Moments later, when I stood on a skiff approaching the Imperial facility, I felt the heat from the lava below, while the smoky smell of Mustafar's atmosphere filled my nostrils.
To avoid it, the study authors say, use a nose clip to keep your nostrils shut and don't dunk your head underwater while swimming in warm freshwater and hot springs.
Obvious choice, sure, but the "reveal" photo Kylie shared isn't exactly a close-up, meaning, technically, she could be hiding a sweet little diamond stone on one of her nostrils.
That felt good, because I'm a woman who lives in Hollywood and was worried I'd end up an "extra large" and then I'd develop a complex about having fat nostrils.
A man of my word, I took the bottle he sent to a park and gave both nostrils a spritz before sitting down on the grass for a meditation session.
Furthermore, by reading his face -- his eyes show that he's not enjoying a lot of support from the people, and his big nostrils symbolize he's not good at holding onto money.
"Formation" is an empowerment anthem for Black women, specifically, a mantra to reinforce for them the fact that their lives — right down to their "negro noses and Jackson Five nostrils" — matter.
By the final round, everyone was firmly on their feet, Logan Paul was sporadically huffing out a mist of blood from his nostrils, and KSI's face was starting to swell up.
Now, athletes are complaining that officials are now using so much chlorine in their attempts to fix the problem that the chemicals are burning their eyes and nostrils as they compete.
Instead of being at somewhere close to eye level, the lower cam sits right near the keyboard and thus is more or less looking up your nostrils as you use it.
After Deschamps-Braly made an incision between Abby's nostrils and peeled back her skin to reveal the structure of her nose, Byalaya handed him a small hammer, and he chipped away.
At some point young people are going to demand more than funneling powder into their nostrils and submitting grainy clips of whities to the "Oot Yer Nut at T" Twitter account.
Clive Owen plays a bad guy, Ethan Hawke a space-age brothel owner, Herbie Hancock the minister of defense, and John Goodman does the voice for a creature with six nostrils.
When she says, "I like my negro nose with Jackson 5 nostrils," it's basically "my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hon" but for the face — the black, male face.
In extremely disturbing and graphic videos of the scene posted on social media, the dead bore no visible signs of trauma but some had white foam coming from their mouths and nostrils.
I headed home with the smell of horse shit, lager and fried onions in my nostrils, and was more than a little relieved when I finally got clear of the Barking Road.
Durian, the pungent (and highly polarising) fruit has often caused people to dry-retch when its odour hits their nostrils, but over the weekend, the fruit caused an entire police-assisted evacuation.
In "Light/Dark," they slapped each other repeatedly, and in "Breathing In/Breathing Out," they blocked their nostrils with cigarette filters, then locked mouths, sharing each other's breath until they passed out.
"The inhalation brought the damp cloths tight against my nostrils, as if a huge, wet paw had been suddenly and annihilatingly clamped over my face," he recalled in a Vanity Fair essay.
Benn seemed ruthless yet professional; Eubank flounced into the ring and strutted about with his nostrils flared, glaring stony-faced into the baying crowd, seemingly at odds with everything about the sport.
The Chinese and the Ottomans had been using "variolation" for centuries, a procedure in which people were deliberately infected with material from smallpox scabs applied inside the nostrils or under the skin.
Flared nostrils for focus, a clenched jaw for revenge or schemed patience, or for spelling out T-W-A-T with her fork and plate of peas (the 2010 classic, "Easy A").
Toward the end of "Don't Let the Good Life Pass You By," once the thrill of the bar fight has calmed, our trusty gang of wasp nostrils sits down to interrogate Sean.
The result is that there's no balance between getting a good view of your screen and saving people on the other end of a video chat from having to look up your nostrils.
People can create quite a lot of force within their nostrils when blowing their noses, Myers said, but it&aposs very rare for this to create enough force to fracture an eye socket.
You can buy a traditional wooden otoshibuta, or a cute silicone one with a pig face on it (the steam rises out of the pig's nostrils, much to the amusement of small children).
"For an adult, a significant portion of the biological particles are removed in the upper respiratory system, in the nostrils and throat," says lead researcher Brandon Boor in a statement earlier this month.
We still have to take the time to appreciate the smell of a beautiful rose, to be somewhere where the smell of fresh grass tingles your nostrils and makes you dream, relax, chill.
Balls of hair (or "tumbleweave," as my friend calls them) blow across pavements, while kids scoot outside nail bars and the smell of raw fish swims up your nostrils from nearby seafood stalls.
Today, most people believe that Picasso meant for the figure — with its knob-shaped face, eyes and nostrils like donuts, core of radiating lines, and gradually widening stem — to represent an abstracted woman.
I used a Lush massage bar on my bare skin, which not only made touching my body feel lovely but filled my nostrils with the smell of calming lavender as I inhaled deeply.
Throughout this mayhem, the blond main character stood at the corner of the stage, frequently sticking his hand into a Ziploc bag to insinuate he was ingesting drugs via his mouth and nostrils.
In the night, I like to think, they put those shaggy heads together to ruminate on the weird politics of the American West and blast clouds of exhausted air out their shiny nostrils.
Residents of a slum next to the river, their nostrils by now immune to the foul stench, say they are not bothered by it but can understand the government's logic in hiding it.
Opinion In 1997, a few hundred people who responded to a job posting in a Pittsburgh newspaper agreed to let researchers spray their nostrils with a rhinovirus known to cause the common cold.
People also forget that sharing a rolled-up note that everyone is sticking into bloody nostrils can transmit Hepatitis C, which is a hardy little virus that lives outside the body for weeks.
The Golden Globe Award-winning actress decided to get the inside of her nostrils waxed and left nothing to the imagination when she shared the painful process she endured with her fans on Instagram.
Through complex analysis of the data, the researchers learned that the width of the nostrils and the base of the nose measurements differed across populations more than could be accounted for by genetic drift.
The city's ruling to let the bronze depiction of a defiant girl remain until February 2018 just feet from the bull's flaring nostrils should be reviewed, said a lawyer for sculptor Arturo Di Modica.
The stench doesn't wash over you like a wave, standing outside of the compact Swine Research Unit on the farm at North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University—instead it builds steadily in your nostrils.
Then Zayner would try to rid himself of the bacteria on his body by cleaning his skin with powdered tetracycline, an antibiotic he would also dissolve and use to clean his nostrils and mouth.
That means that, even had this batch of Messi-branded bizzo escaped the clutches of the Peruvian authorities, much of the effort that went into marketing it would have been lost on unappreciative nostrils.
From edgy-but-feminine anti-tragus hoops to L.A.'s latest obsession, constellation piercings, we're here for anything that'll bling out our lobes or nostrils — and make us feel a little more like Rihanna.
For example, there is a Jew here, known to me personally, who used to wake up each morning with the smell of burning flesh in his nostrils, long after that personal horror was over.
In his excitement, he can't help but let out a stream of fire from his nostrils, leading to chaos in the form of a melting snowman and ice rink — and that's just for starters.
When you look at the picture of them, you see the way their eyes and nostrils and ears are all at the top of their head, so they can be completely submerged under water.
That actually all we care about is crushing up pills and turning our nostrils blue, staring into the middle distance until its Sunday afternoon and we can sleep through til work starts on Monday.
One generous spoonful of this spicy soup is all it takes to feel a sharp tingling in your nostrils and that sensation of a sweat coming over you, like the humidity of noontime Lagos.
"Whenever you notice your mind creating worst case scenarios or if you feel anxious, pause for a moment, place one hand on your belly and take a deep inhalation through your nostrils," she said.
The latter rank were excluded from the fitness classes, leaving them with many idle moments to have their faces kneaded, their nails manicured, their nostrils tickled by herbal concoctions — and their credit cards swiped.
Removing a foreign body from a child's nose or ear is a fairly common procedure in emergency rooms, with the variety of objects removed from noses limited only by the size of the nostrils.
After 45 minutes of chanting and breathing in and out of alternating nostrils, I left the class in a rage when the teacher said that the breathing we had just done could cure eating disorders.
I'll admit they are pretty funny and lovable looking with their eyes situated are on top of their bodies, and their mouth, gills and nostrils are on the underside, but still I wasn't completely convinced.
The app used words like zygote and blastocyst, which were not Pokémon names but developmental stages where brain stems or cell clusters form what would eventually become ears, kneecaps, nostrils, toes, lips and everything else.
It started with viral videos of marine life with straws wedged in their nostrils, pushed by groups like Stop Sucking and the Ocean Conservancy, and picked up by sites like Treehugger, BuzzFeed, and the Dodo.
He had infuriated her that morning by snapping a close-up picture of her nostrils with his phone, but had quickly redeemed himself by directing her to the sole empty seat on the crowded train.
Smith's team notes that while smugglers generally swallow drug packages for later recovery, the new case "demonstrates a likely underreported pathology of a rhinolith" for the rare few who opt to carry substances in their nostrils.
On most days, I'll slick a few lines in the center of my forehead, down the bridge of my nose, around my nostrils, under my eyes, and on my chin before blending with a foundation brush.
A common African phenotype is a wide nose with large nostrils — similar to that of Beyoncé's husband, Jay Z — and Beyoncé herself has even been rumored to have gotten nose surgery by disreputable sources for years.
President Trump's advisers found it difficult to focus his attention on the enormity of the act, until his daughter Ivanka, after seeing pictures of dead children with foam around their lips and nostrils, spoke to him.
And yet sometimes a detail will emerge, like a nose pressed up against the aquarium glass, the jellyfish trying to make sense of the nostrils, the dim lighting, how it came to be, and be here.
Screw holes and toggles have been incorporated into the designs in witty ways, so that the indentations and protrusions are used to represent human and animal body parts such as eyes, nostrils, horns, tongues and penises.
For the most part, staph tends to live harmlessly on skin and inside nostrils (or it causes minor infections), but on rare occasions it can be fatal if it gets into the bloodstream via a cut.
Holding reins one-handed, hearing the sharp splat of a smacked ball, seeing the pony's nostrils flaring as I charged forward with steely intent — surely, I felt, I was only several lessons away from going pro.
Meanwhile, the woman's other arm is a truncated stub culminating in a bodiless head with an open mouth, two dots for nostrils, and an outline for eyes, one of which is cropped by the painting's right edge.
The current version allows these to be warped into the crying-laugh emoji, the kissy-face emoji, the devil emoji, happy and sad emojis, a nauseous emoji, heart-eyes, sunglasses, smoking nostrils, and that unicorn we mentioned.
Oxygen was being delivered to them, through a face mask or via tubes placed near their nostrils, using what is called a basic "low-flow" technique which followed World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for low-income countries.
Put all of these features together, the forehead, the hair, the chin, the tip of the nose, the nostrils, the eyelids, the eyes, and the makeup that went on top of it, and you have Megyn Kelly.
Well, there are 22018,185 grams in a US ton, meaning—thanks to this seizure—10,886,220 grams won't be leaving Colombian soil, bound for the cisterns of Miami's dive bars and the nostrils of one in 25 Brits.
"Because out of the gunshot, normally all the air would be breathed through the nostrils but he couldn't because all the air was coming through that gunshot hole and we had to keep that clean," Zajac said.
Take the FeverFrida ($69.99), part of an ever-growing line of Frida products that includes a NoseFrida (which allows devoted parents to suck snot out of tiny nostrils) and Windi the Gas Passer (I'll let you extrapolate).
Sheila Morovati, a Los Angeles-area resident and environmental activist who fought for the Malibu ban, said plastic waste such as straws has showed up in dead whales as well as in the nostrils of sea turtles.
Nothing at Ferris makes heads swivel and nostrils twitch in quite the same way, but if it's a table-annexing feast you want, then the côte de boeuf with "all the fixings" is the dish for you.
Though I enjoyed the vibes and the people at Vaper Expo 2016, I couldn't really deal with my nostrils becoming moistened each time I exhaled through them, and the lack of variety in the more adult flavors.
After using the unsterilized water to rinse her sinuses for a month, she reportedly developed a rash on the bridge of her nose and raw skin near her nostrils, originally believed to be a skin condition called rosacea.
It's also important to understand whether the brain plasticity observed in this study goes beyond eyes and applies to other senses, so Levin is now working on tadpoles with out-of-place nostrils and frogs with extra legs.
I arranged them like little potato puzzle pieces over my nostrils, around my eyes, and under my bangs, each one chilling my skin and reducing my chances of having sex with my boyfriend by about a billion percent.
But as my nostrils filled with the sickly-sweet pong of the durian chunks placed in front of me, I knew that these prior offerings were bat-sized pet devils compared to this hellish monstrosity of Satan food.
We emerged on the fringes of a traffic circle, into a thick, hazy smog that clung to our skin and throat and nostrils, and formed a film that for the next three weeks, would never really go away.
They also sewed snakes' mouths shut, pierced bears' nostrils so they could thread ropes through them, and captured and trained infant elephants by tying them down and beating them bloody — all atrocities, some that continue in modern times.
He then sat down and while the camera cut away from him, I am certain that he farted into the palm of his hand, wafted it into his nostrils and sighed in ecstasy at a job well done.
When you buy one of these phones, you should expect small plumes of perfume to waft up at your nostrils, a tiny trumpet band to start playing, and a handwritten note of thanks from Samsung Mobile chief JK Shin.
"His nostrils are so small, and after what he's gone through with the MRSA, this is probably one of the worst results and complications that I've seen in my entire career," Dr. Paul Nassif says in this exclusive clip.
It starts at the T-zone, which sets up the ski-slope like bridge — straight and narrow all the way down — gaining momentum toward a prominent point, fanning out to a pair of bookend nostrils to complete the sculpture.
From 7:00 pm till dawn, workers at the slaughterhouse would slowly pump water into cattle through tubes inserted into their nostrils before they were slaughtered for the market in nearby Nanjing, a provincial state-controlled TV broadcaster reported.
Yes, a story about a random crew attempting to solve movie-earth-energy-crisis #1042 through multidimensional foolery seemed interesting, but this movie so wanted to be the bag of shit that wasn't the affront to my exposed nostrils.
"The geometry of the nose and nostrils, coupled with the directionality of air when the dog exhales, allows the dog to 'reach out' and grab odors from fairly large distances," lead author Matthew Staymates said in a ResearchGate interview.
Before Ross could catch her breath, her waxer squeezed her two nostrils together, grabbed the end of the Q-tip not lodged inside her nose and pulled it out as the star screamed in a mixture of fear and pain.
If you've just been drinking expect to spend the night trying to cushion the heavy breathing of your significant other who fell straight to sleep and now sounds like a dying dog sneezing its lungs up through thin black nostrils.
With the rest of the world hell-bent on helping sea turtles not get straws jammed up their nostrils, our society's approach to slurping is about to change, and there's no better time to look for sipping alternatives than now.
Deposits are made by sticking your coins or folded cash in the pig's nostrils, and like other piggy banks, it's unfortunately only good at keeping your savings secure until you decide to break it, or in this case, melt it, open.
Footage shared on YouTube by the Associated Press shows the focused seals intently listening to sounds, flexing their nostrils, and repeating the noises via a hum that sounds a bit like if a human baby were to whine into a kazoo.
Some on the right argue that Mr Trump is merely playing a role, blowing chilli powder up the nostrils of the politically correct, and that in essence he is a pragmatic New York property developer who likes to cut deals.
Rightly or wrongly, drug taking is an integral part of the social experience many students have at university, so it isn't the taking itself that worries, it's what they're whacking up their nostrils and where that is cause for concern.
The new fossils showed key features that classify Razana as a crocodile relative, such as nostrils facing to the front of the snout, lower jaw formation and a bony palate, as well as teeth and teeth sockets that expanded sideways.
The bacchanalian overture that was his Big Night Out has ended in a dismal whimper, the stench of piss and urinal cakes coagulating in his nostrils, creating what must be some kind of olfactory nightmare you'd never truly wake from.
Marise led the way past a glass dome as tall as a man, filled with stuffed, faded hummingbirds and a staring, dappled fairground horse, its flaring nostrils painted crimson; Robyn flinched from the horse as if from an old enemy.
But many scientists are starting to think more about dinosaurs' "soft tissues," including where their nostrils might have gone, he said, questions that were long ignored—or hard to tackle, anyway, based on the dino bones these creatures left behind.
Here comes the keyboard and the bass guitar, and there goes Al. He speaks with his eyebrows, with the wrinkles in his forehead, spread-wide nostrils, too-big, too-white teeth that look sometimes like a mouth full of seashells.
Japanese researchers obstructed the nostrils of young rats, forcing them to breathe through their mouths, and two weeks later found that the rodents needed twice as long to navigate a maze and had developed fewer brain cells than their unobstructed counterparts.
As the damp, insistent cold struck up from the road, two thin jets of steam drifted out of his nostrils, by nature much distended, and all at once he seemed to possess a painful solidarity that talk about him never conveyed.
Yes, some kinds of mouthwash can kill microbes in your mouth, and rinsing your nostrils out (like with a neti pot) can feel very good if you have a stuffed up nose, but neither will prevent the spread of coronaviruses either. 
But that quality of being grounded in parts of the country — places where there's a specificity to the way the light hits your eyes and the air hits your nostrils — is one of the things that make Kleinzahler's poetry so appealing.
Black discharge is sometimes related to a "foam cone" that comes out of the mouth and nostrils after an opioid OD. The medical examiner will conduct an autopsy -- possibly Thursday -- and the toxicology results should be available in about 3 weeks.
When one of the guards, who was blindfolded and tied to a chair, hesitated to reveal the vault's combination, the gang put lighter fluid under his nostrils and threatened to light a match, one of the thieves, Freddie Foreman, recalled recently.
The image is oddly beguiling: a cartoonish, rosy-cheeked head of a white man, with a balding pate, straggly strands of hair draping his ears, shiny blue eyes, an enormous nose, caterpillar-like nostrils, and buck teeth overlapping puffy pink lips.
Exploring how local climate might have contributed to differences in nose shape, the researchers looked at the distribution of nasal traits in relation to local temperatures and humidity and found that the width of the nostrils strongly correlated with temperature and absolute humidity.
By the time you read this, you will be neck deep in swag, your nostrils filled with the smell of slow-smoking beef brisket, and your belly full of Texas craft beer (or Shiner Bock and Lone Star, if you roll old-school).
Dick, in turn, is portrayed by Kevin Bacon, who is skinny in a masculine way that makes him seem rugged, and spends a lot of his screen time throwing smoldering stares at the camera and exhaling through his nostrils with pointed, misogynist disdain.
I waited to be either upbraided by him or taken from the scene the way he'd removed an enforcer whom he'd found sitting on son Marty's back during an Houston Aeros melee: two fingers up both nostrils, pulled screaming from the ice.
Which means that, somewhere out there, there exists a butthole cut of Cats The cats in Cats have numerous human features — fingered hands, toed feet, flaring nostrils — but one thing they do not have is clothing (save for Judi Dench's cat-fur coat).
"The more fight a person puts up, it's more likely that animals are not going to press the attack," he said, adding that no part of a gator's body is particularly vulnerable, despite conventional wisdom about aiming for the eyes and nostrils.
And not only did cocaine influence psychoanalysis—from the discovery of the "royal road to the unconscious" in dreams, and the therapy based on that, to the intellectual discipline itself—but Freud influenced the number of nostrils into which cocaine found its way.
In it, basketball star Cam Calloway (Jessie T. Usher) mentions on a radio show hosted by an old friend that he wants to help kids with the (fictional) disorder "Frozen Nostril Syndrome," which purportedly fuses nostrils together, as if they've been frozen shut.
As good as watching a live show can be, there are some downsides: the collective sweat of humanity perforating your nostrils, the loss of a good pair of trainers, the biological laws that have deemed some people to be taller than others.
The medical examiner, Dr. Nicholas Stanzione, reported that her head was above water and did not show signs of trauma, but "drowning cannot be excluded" as a cause of death, as she had "abundant" amounts of edema — swelling due to excess fluid — in her nostrils.
Inside, I found my designated block of lockers (there were five or six different rows, each comprised of different-sized compartments stacked together like Tetris blocks) and punched in the drop-off code into a waiting touchscreen, while an embedded camera peered up my nostrils.
Powered by a pair of AA batteries, the irrigator inside this contraption pulls a saline rinse from its upper tank through one of your nostrils, out the other, and then into its lower collection tank which after a couple of treatments must look absolutely horrific.
Rescue workers in Syria reported finding at least 42 people dead in their homes from apparent suffocation, and antigovernment activists circulated videos of lifeless men, women and children sprawled out on floors and in stairwells, many with white foam coming from their mouths and nostrils.
Contrary to the belief of many patients and even some doctors, Hurt says, the color of the stuff oozing from your nostrils and clogging up your coughs has more to do with where you are in the course of your illness than what's causing it.
And while my 9-year-old son would often be distracted by a mere audio call and quickly pass the phone to my husband, with FaceTime he can make faces, or pull the camera so close that I have an intimate view of his nostrils.
Washington's best work, as on "Scandal," happens in the oddly expressive space between her nostrils and her upper lip—some item of frustration or bad news arrives, and a ripple of pain makes the skin there scrunch, pushing her teeth, bare and vulnerable, into view.
While covering riots, he could not take pictures if he was wearing a gas mask, so he carried a small bottle of vinegar and a piece of cotton, which he would soak in the vinegar and put up his nostrils when tear gas was sprayed.
Just as humans rely on their sense of smell to detect suitable food and habitats, avoid danger, and find potential mates, so do fish — only instead of sniffing scent molecules floating through the air, they use their nostrils to sense chemicals suspended in water.
By propping open the nostrils, it becomes easier to breathe through the nose, thereby reducing the vacuum and associated tissue vibration that occurs when breathing only through the mouth, said Peter VanZile, principal scientist for GSK, maker of Breathe Right, one such nasal dilator.
As the meal unfolded, Blumenthal discussed his kaleidoscopic array of influences, from quantum physics and mindfulness to the pliable properties of cheese (a Comté made with bacteria from Blumenthal's nostrils and pubic hair was on display at the Victoria & Albert museum earlier this year).
The surface of the eye used to be considered a bacterial wasteland, but every other part of our bodies which comes in contact with the outside world, from our skin to our stomachs to the insides of our nostrils, is home to a diverse microbial flora.
"He did do one on me where he said he was going to get a nose job to make his nostrils smaller because his acting coach told him he needed it," Murgatroyd, 29, told PEOPLE at an event at a JCPenney in the Manhattan Mall Thursday.
Today, we will speak about white people attempting to cover both and clumsily (or perhaps, who knows, intentionally) trivializing the distinct blackness of each, through cringe-inducing vocalizations of Bey's "I like my Negro nose and Jackson 5 nostrils" and poor mimicry of Riri's casual patois.
In surgery, Dr. Lee is able to reduce some of the nasal buildup, mainly around the the outside of Pat's nostrils to help with his breathing, but has to stop short of filing down the whole nose because of the bleeding hazard — it's the safe call.
As soon as I opened the package on my way home from Alameda, the unmistakable aroma of fried garlic mixed with the rye's sweetness hit my nostrils and, despite the pre-packaging, was instantly reminiscent of those warm snacks discovered so long ago on the boardwalk.
Heat off, pasta cooked, the whole thing now heavily speckled with freshly ground black pepper (a second kind of spike, this one perfumey and hitting the nostrils, whereas the chile is oily and hits the throat) and a light shower of salty and sharp pecorino cheese.
Walk into the hectic common room of SOAS—London's School of Oriental and African Studies—on a Wednesday lunchtime, and you'll find the familiar sight of Maame Oforiwaa and her friend wheeling plates of fresh roasted carrot or beetroot dip under the nostrils of hungry students.
"It started allowing individuals to use short swabs to collect samples from the front of their nostrils — but only at drive-through testing sites, hospital parking lots and clinics where they are handed the swab by a health-care worker, then hand it back," our colleagues write.
I like my Negro nose with Jackson Five nostrils Earned all this money but they never take the country out me I got hot sauce in my bag (swag) "Lemonade" is an attempt at storytelling, and if the personal sometimes overwhelms the political that's to be expected.
If you had told us 15 years ago that we'd be sticking the equivalent of duct tape to our nostrils, forehead, and chin, then ripping them off and furtively examining the remains, we might have mistaken you for someone who was a little too into The X-Files.
After a scene at a fancy hotel where Zak commits to a lavish bat mitzvah he can no longer afford, we next see him at home, unable to sleep, with bandages over his nose and cotton up his nostrils, and arguing with his unsympathetic wife about auto insurance.
And so when Eubank stood before the crowd, nostrils flared, silently staring into a sea of faces booing him and cheering for the other guy, it wasn't simply bravado: intentional or not, it was a powerful 'fuck you' to anyone who believed a black man should fall into conformity.
The scale will be mind-boggling: an over-all height nearly four times that of the Statue of Liberty; the arm long enough to accommodate a line of semi trucks; the horse's ears the size of school buses, its nostrils carved twenty-five feet around and nine feet deep.
A light and fluffy wild blueberry soufflé is classic Maine, but it was the spruce ice cream served alongside it that has me reliving life as a 12-year-old on the ropes course, hands covered in sticky sap and nostrils filled with the invigorating aroma of pine.
This is who they were here to see: the famous "materialization medium," a woman who could conjure not only the spirits of the dead, but their physical manifestations, formed from the gleaming white ectoplasm that spewed from her mouth and nostrils in the glow of a dim red light.
A world grown numb to the slaughter of civilians in Syria has been roused in the last 48 hours by photographs on social media of lifeless men, women and children in the rebel-held town of Douma, many with white foam coming from their mouths and nostrils, victims of chemical weapons.
Daily, coast to coast, they are landing here and there in small airports and large, in bus depots, unpatrolled spots along interstates, smell of war still in their clothes, in their nostrils, blood dark on hands they furiously, secretly, silently scrub and scrub like Lady Macbeth, wasn't it, I think.
It was rescued, we learn early in this episode, from the ashes of a hotel that this thin-skinned sociopath set ablaze after he tortured and killed the man who owned the place, and who somehow had offended the Don (Mark Margolis, whose acting will henceforth mostly involve nostrils and eyebrows).
Sixty years after the Champs's song of that name went gold, the blue agave-based drink is having a renaissance as a beverage to sip and savor on its own, rather than disguise with Ecto Cooler colored margarita mix or shoot, eyes closed, nostrils pinched, in the back of a bar.
And the way she blew her nose could&aposve also played a role: The woman tended to close off one nostril and then blow forcefully, which almost doubles the pressure in the sinuses as it forces all of the pressure out through the remaining open nostril, instead of both nostrils, he said.
You survive concussive assaults of flying glowsticks, your lungs are barbequed, the inside of your nostrils are laced with dust, you've probably lost your wallet, phone, ID, and sense of self-respect, but then there's that moment that allows you to willfully understand why you'd risk contamination from radioactive neon tank-tops.
For example, the subject of Aneta Kajzer's "I've Got No Brain Baby" (2017) is a humanoid creature with animal traits: large, inflated nostrils without any nasal bone, exposed teeth that are interrupted by a bright red area — like fresh blood in the corner of its mouth — and brush strokes that evoke fur.
A little later in my exploration I happened on a wood panel piece that immediately made me smile — because a goggly set of eyes with two small dots for nostrils set above two wood planks joined together where their gaps correspond so that they create a silly but charming doofus-like grin.
A man claiming to be Nick's brother said Nick died of an apparent OD. The "black stuff" could support that conclusion ... given that black discharge is sometimes related to a foam cone that comes out of the mouth and nostrils after an opioid OD. The 911 call came in as "cardiac respiratory" on New Year's Day.
In a 23 paper, they set out how, after nearly five years of collecting fecal samples from bats in the Yunnan cave, they had found coronaviruses in multiple individuals of four different species of bats, including one called the intermediate horseshoe bat, because of the half-oval flap of skin protruding like a saucer around its nostrils.
Pee-wee's stifled urge to bust out is drama­tized in a wonderfully bizarre opening dream sequence featuring a naked alien with six moist nostrils, and is ignited in his waking life when a motorcycle-riding hunk — the actor Joe Manganiello, from ''True Blood'' and ''Magic Mike''— rolls through town and inspires Pee-wee to embark on a cross-country pilgrimage.
They were banned in France after Marie Antoinette was stormed by such a large audience and she almost died.) An overjoyed Serena also flares her nostrils with happiness as she, similarly clad in white, is encouraged to "give birth" by her fellow Wives while a harpist plays in the background (I don't get the luxury of these ceremonies — the harps!
Words are the enemy here; with their superimposed elements (in addition to the landscapes, there are multiple eyes, nostrils and mouths) and their greater or lesser degrees of physical defacement (from splits and cuts to children's drawings in felt-tip marker), the portraits brim with a powerful aphasic eloquence, a silent articulation grounded in the tension between material and image.
There tended to be a slight flaring of the nostrils at Ford at the way some other people used the term "development," which implied that there was only one way for a country to succeed—and that was to become like the developed world, with its cars and its air-conditioning and its secularism and its nuclear power and its shopping malls.
In the midafternoon, when Fred was at his most alert, I would sit and watch him: his asplike face, his determined, plucky trudge, which made his head bounce a little with every step, his piggy nostrils, each the size and shape of a watermelon seed, the faint, coin-size indentations on the side of his head where his ears lay.
After taking it back to the lab and cleaning it up, Pinheiro and his team knew they'd found something special: The skull of a four-legged lizard that would have measured about 1.5 meters long, with the pointy teeth of a meat-eater, and nostrils that point upwards like a crocodile, suggesting it lived and hunted around the edges of lakes and rivers.

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