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412 Sentences With "nostradamus"

How to use nostradamus in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "nostradamus" and check conjugation/comparative form for "nostradamus". Mastering all the usages of "nostradamus" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He discovered it in his 2009 blog 'Nostradamus and Saffron' and in his 2014 blog 'Nostradamus and 2014' elections.
Dig into the many prophecies Nostradamus made during the height of his making-things-up phase, and it's right there, clear as day: Nostradamus didn't divine the French Revolution or rise of Nazism in Germany.
The Anticipator The visionaries, bootleg-psychics, and Nostradamus' of the group.
His stab at playing Nostradamus could look smart — in another year.
"My pen name could have been Nostradamus," Mr. Israel says now.
Not even Nostradamus could predict how all this turmoil will play out.
I know you&aposre not Nostradamus, but I would be curious to know.
Brooker is a British comedian and TV show host who moonlights as Nostradamus.
But, whatever his flaws, the former senator from Colorado was a political Nostradamus.
I never see plot twists coming, but this one made me feel like Nostradamus.
Washington (CNN)KXNG Crooked says he doesn't want to be the Nostradamus of hip-hop.
Call her Nostradamus ... because back in 2009, Jeanie Buss accurately predicted she'd never marry Phil Jackson.
Many academic historians dismiss the book as about as scientific as astrology or a Nostradamus text.
While not every allegation he's made has been proven yet, every generation gets the Nostradamus it deserves.
"I'm not Nostradamus by any stretch of the imagination, and nobody else that I know is," Vanterpool says.
And hopefully, if this card continues its Nostradamus-esque ways, we are in for a pretty stellar Moonstruck reboot.
The majority of "elites" didn't foresee the fall of Rome, Great Depression or WWII, and they're no Nostradamus now.
He devoured the writings of Nostradamus, the Virginia psychic Edgar Cayce and far-out conspiracy theories about ancient astronauts.
Indeed, the President thinks of himself some kind of latter-day Nostradamus, a seer, who is driven by unfailing instinct.
From the Oracle at Delphi to the prophecies of Nostradamus, there has always been a healthy market for prognostications about the future.
At least in cosmological physics terms it sometimes feels like we live in a world where Nostradamus wrote clearly and in English.
In 1555, Michel de Nostredame, or Nostradamus, published "Les Prophéties," a collection of nearly 1,000 prophetic and poetic quatrains (four-line rhyming verses).
But before you decide to get in touch with your inner Nostradamus, share a kind word rather than a doomsday prediction, he says.
Michael Bisping is channeling his inner-Nostradamus -- and predicting the exact round he plans to end Dan Henderson's career at UFC 204 this weekend.
There's also speculation that Nostradamus, the famous 16th century physician, astrologer, and seer, predicted a "plague" similar to what has been seen with the coronavirus.
While some people avidly believe Nostradamus has correctly predicted events in the past, others say his alleged prediction of the coronavirus is a false claim.
It's not that I'm Nostradamus or any shit like that, it's just that the conservative script for these things has become just that depressingly predictable.
Not even dear old Nostradamus himself could have had that one scrawled on a Post-It, but hey, even the greatest of soothsayers have off-days.
The one semi-bright spot was the six-minute opening track, "Angel of Death," which frontman Phil Lynott wrote after binge-reading a book of Nostradamus' prophecies.
Commecy and his team treat the building's expansive side to the prophetic faces of the French Renaissance, one of which is author, physician, and future-teller, Nostradamus.
"I'd like to say that we are Nostradamus filmmakers and we saw that coming, but none of us did," he said, referring to the election of Donald Trump.
Six months ago—at the exact moment when Smoot made that Nostradamus-like prediction about Washington's 9-7 season—he also dropped this little clue to where his head's at.
LeBron James might just be Nostradamus ... because he predicted Lonzo Ball would run from the wrath of a royal thunder dunk ... and in Thursday night's game, Ball did just that.
Matt was at LAX Monday ... he's no Nostradamus but says the band had a sinking feeling Fyre was bad news ... but it was still painful to watch the festival unravel.
But trenchant satire aside, parallels with the current president are so familiar that some readers have dubbed Mr. Freedland "Nostradamus" while others are begging him to choose their lottery numbers.
"The straight fact is that nobody has ever used Nostradamus' writings to predict a future event in specific terms which later came true," renowned skeptic Brian Dunning said in his podcast.
Call him Romo or Nostradamus, because Brees indeed threw a fade to No. 16, Coleman, for the TD. Romo also brings a sense of freshness and fun to the broadcast booth.
But to go back to Baldwin's work in 1986 or 1991 or 2007 or right now is to experience something akin to reading Nostradamus or finding a message in a bottle.
That being said, Moby's increasingly strange attempts to place himself as some kind of Edward Snowden-meets-Nostradamus figure are entering the DeLonge Area of conspiracy-fiction logic, so they're very entertaining.
With the indices down 9 days in a row, the longest losing streak in nearly 36 years, that note would have elevated my forecasting reputation to a level that would elicit envy from Nostradamus.
He took a mish-mash of Buddhist and Hindu precepts, stirred in a bit of Nostradamus, added a huge dollop of reverence for himself and charged acolytes their life's savings for devotional tapes, books and guidance.
Still, those of us who like to write about culture like to play amateur Nostradamus anyway—to attempt to pin down about why we think seismic shifts happen, and where we think culture will head next.
It is taking on the mantle of a short-term prophet, the Nostradamus of two months (or weeks or days or hours or minutes) from now, and predicting the shape of the world at that instant.
A blog called 'Nostradamus and India' by the French political writer François Gautier has caused a stir in India after it was published by the country's largest-selling English daily, and later found to be inaccurate.
In Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa's relationship with an astrologer soured when the astrologer failed to predict the strongman's surprise defeat in a snap election last year—even Nostradamus made the odd error, he said later, in his defence.
On 4chan, an anonymous user known as Q claims to be a high-ranking member of the government, drops cryptic, Nostradamus-like hints, and fuels the conspiracy, which has at this point spread slightly beyond the fringes of the far right.
You're the Nostradamus of online Vegas, and your competitors would do well not to test your superpowers, lest they lose all the cash in their pot (the amount of money it takes to buy a glass bottle of Coca Cola).
BTW ... Ron -- who predicted the Eagles SB run last year AFTER Wentz went down -- put on his Nostradamus hat again and gave us his prediction for tonight's NFL opener ... and while you probably can guess who he thinks will win, his score might surprise you!!
The Wii's Galaxy, on the other hand, was a far more worthy sequel; if Mario 64 made premonitions about the future of platforming, like a nerdy Nostradamus, then Galaxy was its vision fully realized and actualized, elevating 64's planes of movement and charm into the heavens.
Even Reich minister of propaganda [Joseph] Goebbels, who was supposed to be one of the more sober Nazi leaders, saw the value in all this effort to enlist astrology for political purposes, putting together a team of astrologers to create Nostradamus-based propaganda for use in foreign policy.
It wasn't Reddit user DontMicrowaveCats who unlocked the minds of David Benioff, D. B. Weiss, George R. R. Martin, and God to predict the secrets of the Seven Kingdoms; It was 16th-century French astrologer, physician, dabbler in the occult, and noted seer Michel de Nostredame, otherwise known as Nostradamus.
Play 'Pokémon Red' on Your Nintendo 3DS The Wii's Galaxy, on the other hand, was a far more worthy sequel; if Mario 64 made premonitions about the future of platforming, like a nerdy Nostradamus, then Galaxy was its vision fully realized and actualized, elevating 64's planes of movement and charm into the heavens.
Nostradamus is a 1994 biographical film about Nostradamus, directed by Roger Christian.
Raj blames the Nostradamus for it, breaks into his house, bashes him black and blue and Nostradamus dies. As Nostradamus dies, he predicts his own death. When Nostradamus dies, Kajal, who is already pronounced dead, wakes up. She's alive now.
In the eroge Nostradamus ni Kiite Miro♪, a girl named Stra (a shortened form of Nostradamus) claims to be the writer of Nostradamus' predictions. The prophet Nostradamus appears in the 2003 video game Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader. In Nostradamus: The Last Prophecy, Nostradamus appears as an adviser to his daughter during the game. In Super Ninja Boy for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, there is a prophet named Notruedamus.
Merritt decides to attach Nostradamus' head to Lew's body in an attempt to save them both. Brussard returns again and discovers that Lew has become a monster, with Nostradamus' head encased in what appears to be a shoulder-width box covered with surgical tape. Brussard runs away; Nostradamus wanders off. Merritt calls Dr Alexander (Norman Shelley) and tells him that Nostradamus 'seems demented' and has 'lost the power of speech'.
'A great mind that can see into the future!' declares Brussard. 'Worthy to be Karl Brussard!' When told that he's alive again, Nostradamus says, 'It's against nature' and asks 'Why have you done this?' Brussard answers by yelling at Nostradamus, telling him that he (Nostradamus) is now him (Brussard).
But then the police spot Nostradamus. Merritt and Jean run to a building with a bell tower and find Brussard chasing Nostradamus up a staircase. Brussard becomes dizzy and falls to his death. The bells begin to ring and Lew's body comes crashing down, leaving Nostradamus' head dangling in the bell ropes.
In 2008, the British heavy metal band Judas Priest released a concept album based on the life of Nostradamus. Simply named Nostradamus, the album itself focuses on Nostradamus' life and his prophecies. "Nostradamus said 'I predict that the world will end at half past six' / What he didn't say was exactly when" are the opening lyrics of "Tinderbox", penned by Bernie Taupin and sung by Elton John. Modest Mouse vocalist Isaac Brock seems to take a stab at Nostradamus in a song called "Education" from the band's fifth studio album, We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank.
Early in his career, Gotō published works dealing with issues of the Second World War as well as several books supportive of Sōka Gakkai and its controversial leader, Daisaku Ikeda. In 1969, while working as a freelance writer for various women’s magazines, his interest in Nostradamus was piqued while watching the Apollo moon landing. He recalled having read about such an event in Nostradamus’ quatrains. In 1973, he published a book named "ノストラダムスの大予言" (Nostradamus no daiyogen; "The Prophecies of Nostradamus"), which introduced Nostradamus and his prophecies to a mainstream Japanese audience. A film version was released in 1974. The Prophecies of Nostradamus His writings were described as tapping into Japan’s deep insecurity and vulnerability about living in a troubled world.
The Man Who Saw Tomorrow is a 1981 documentary-style movie about the predictions of French astrologer and physician Michel de Notredame (Nostradamus). The Man Who Saw Tomorrow is narrated (some might say "hosted") by Orson Welles. The film depicts many of Nostradamus' predictions as evidence of Nostradamus' predicting ability, though as with other works, nothing is offered which conclusively proves his accuracy. The last quarter of the film discusses Nostradamus' supposed prediction for the then future of the 1980s, 1990s and beyond.
Western influences include Christianity, the Bible and the writings of Nostradamus.
The television series Alias prominently features the character Milo Rambaldi, a fictional prophet who seems to be an amalgam of Nostradamus and the non-prophetic but visionary inventor, artist, and genius Leonardo da Vinci. In the science fiction series First Wave, the protagonists use a previously unknown book of quatrains of Nostradamus to fight back against an alien invasion. Nostradamus was also a regular character on This Morning With Richard Not Judy, played by Emma Kennedy. Nostradamus appeared semi-regularly on the Warner Bros.
Darkane's Song "July 1999" from Rusted Angel, is all about the Nostradamus dated prophecy. Rapper Nas refers to himself as Nastradamus and released an album titled Nastradamus along with its first single titled the same name in 1999. Bulgarian guitarist Nikolo Kotzev released a rock opera called Nikolo Kotzev's Nostradamus in 2001, based on the life and times of Nostradamus.
In fact, it seems that the survivors of the 2012 invasion used alien technology to send someone to tell Nostradamus as part of a plan to prevent the invasion. Bob Bainborough portrayed Nostradamus in an episode of History Bites, appearing in an infomercial to sell his books, referencing C1Q35, among others, as an example of his prophecy. A two-hour documentary on Nostradamus first aired by the History Channel on 28 October 2007 suggests that a book of paintings in the National Library at Rome is The Lost Book of Nostradamus. In an episode of The Sopranos, Bobby Baccalieri gets Nostradamus mixed up with Quasimodo, saying that Quasimodo predicted 9/11 and the end of the world.
He published his treatise about Nostradamus' letters and works, La clef secrète de Nostradamus (The Secret Key of Nostradamus). In the book, Frontenac professed his belief in Nostradamus as a true prophet, who made correct foretellings, and that the centuries (in French Les Propheties) contained true predictions about future events until the year 3797. But, he contended that those predictions were hidden and mixed, and not made understandable before events occurred. His conclusions were based on a combination of several cryptographic methods, including a systematic alteration in the metrical order of quatrains' texts.
During World War II, leaflets with false Nostradamus quatrains predicting the defeat of France were launched by German planes over European skies. It seems that this operation was mastered by Nazi political secretary Rudolf Hess, and that even Adolf Hitler believed in Nostradamus' quatrains. Certainly his propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels did, under the influence of his wife Magda.See Wilson, I., Nostradamus: The Evidence (Orion, 2002) p.274.
In 2005, Dutch band Kayak released a rock opera called Nostradamus - Fate of Man. German power metal band Helloween's 1996 album The Time of the Oath is based on Nostradamus' supposed prophecy of a world war between 1994 and 2000. In 1997, Finnish metal band Stratovarius recorded a concept album loosely based on the life and prophecies of Nostradamus. The album was called Visions.
This has been taken to be a source for the work of Nostradamus.
Later, a mentally confused Brussard asks Nostradamus what he should do with his oil stocks. Nostradamus, knowing that stock prices are dropping, deliberately tells him to sell. Brussard does and is financially ruined. Odette, meanwhile, has been secretly dating Lew.
Nostradamus – The Fate of Man is the twelfth studio album by the Dutch progressive rock band Kayak. The album charted only for three weeks.Dutch Charts - Kayak albums chart positions This concept-album tells the story of French doctor and seer Nostradamus, but from the viewpoint of a Flemish monk, Yves de Lessines. The (unproven) theory behind this is that Nostradamus was not the writer of his famous "Centuries".
According to Nostradamus, Ahin's astrological knowledge led him to predict the Queen's tragic death.
In Ninja Gaiden, the hero is a nameless ninja on a quest to defeat an evil cult led by a fictional descendant of Nostradamus. In Spy Hunter, the hero, Alec Sects, has to stop an organization called Nostra, led by Daemon Curry, who believes in the prophecies of Nostradamus, thinks he is the figure mentioned in several religions and plans to stop all the world's electricity. In Assassin's Creed Unity, there are Nostradamus riddles hidden in Paris for Arno to solve. In the PopCap game Insaniquarium, there is an obtainable pet with the ability to postpone alien attacks named Nostradamus.
Welles, though he agreed to host the film, was not a believer in the subject matter presented. Welles' main objection to the generally accepted translations of Nostradamus' quatrains (so called because Nostradamus organized all his works into a series of four lined prose, which were then collected into "centuries", or groups of 100 such works) relates in part to the translation efforts. While many skilled linguists have worked on the problem of translating the works of Nostradamus, all have struggled with the format the author used. Nostradamus lived and wrote during a period of political and religious censorship.
This 'movable feast' aspect appears to be characteristic of the genre. Possibly the first of these books to become popular in English was Henry C. Roberts' The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus of 1947, reprinted at least seven times during the next forty years, which contained both transcriptions and translations, with brief commentaries. This was followed in 1961 (reprinted in 1982) by Edgar Leoni's Nostradamus and His Prophecies. After that came Erika Cheetham's The Prophecies of Nostradamus, incorporating a reprint of the posthumous 1568 edition, which was reprinted, revised and republished several times from 1973 onwards, latterly as The Final Prophecies of Nostradamus.
Nostradamus is the sixteenth studio album by English heavy metal band Judas Priest, focusing on the 16th-century writer Nostradamus."Judas Priest Confirmed For Denmark's Roskilde Festival",, 10 March 2008. It is a double album and the band's first concept album.
This served as the basis for the documentary The Man Who Saw Tomorrow and both did indeed mention possible generalised future attacks on New York (via nuclear weapons), though not specifically on the World Trade Center or on any particular date.See, for example, Cheetham, Erika, The Final Prophecies of Nostradamus, Futura, 1990, p. 373 A two-part translation of Jean-Charles de Fontbrune's Nostradamus: historien et prophète was published in 1980, and John Hogue has published a number of books on Nostradamus from about 1987, including Nostradamus and the Millennium: Predictions of the Future, Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies (1999) and Nostradamus: A Life and Myth (2003). In 1992 one commentator who claimed to be able to contact Nostradamus under hypnosis even had him "interpreting" his own verse X.6 (a prediction specifically about floods in southern France around the city of Nîmes and people taking refuge in its collosse, or Colosseum, a Roman amphitheatre now known as the Arènes) as a prediction of an undated attack on the Pentagon, despite the historical seer's clear statement in his dedicatory letter to King Henri II that his prophecies were about Europe, North Africa and part of Asia Minor.
In 2008 he portrayed Nostradamus in the comedy drama film, Before Twilight (Jeszcze nie wieczór).
In the DC Comics Universe, Nostradamus was an ancestor of Zatara and Zatanna. In the Marvel Comics series S.H.I.E.L.D., Nostradamus is held prisoner of Isaac Newton and kept alive for centuries using the Fountain of Youth so he can read the future for him. In Scott Adams's comic strip Dilbert, "Nostradogbert" is a pseudonym of Dogbert. In Mad Magazine's section entitled the "strip club", a comic strip entitled Middle School Nostradamus appears every so often.
She began translating Les Prophéties de M. Nostradamus in 1963, which culminated in the publication of her first book The Prophecies of Nostradamus: The Man Who Saw Tomorrow in 1965. This was the basis for the 1980 Orson Welles film of the same title.
The Mask of Nostradamus: The Prophecies of the World's Most Famous Seer is a 1990 book by magician and skeptic James Randi, published in paperback in 1993. Randi's biography looks past the "mask" of Nostradamus with a critical look at some of his alleged prophecies.
Jean-Aimé de Chavigny (1524?-1604) was an astrologer and an alchemist. He was disciple of Nostradamus.
She renounces her father's ideals and joins the Bottoms, Shylock, and Nostradamus in exile. They arrive in America and tell the audience of the new opportunities in the New World ("Finale"). Nick hears about the opening of Shakespeare's new masterpiece, Hamlet, to which Nostradamus replies "I was this close".
"Hitler's Blood Oath" (2009). Nostradamus Effect. History. 30 September 2009. Clip 1 234 567 Kent State University (2011).
The French developed an OTH radar called NOSTRADAMUS during the 1990sOn Onera web, the French aerospace laboratory, one can find information about Nostradamus and a movie presentation on YouTube. (NOSTRADAMUS stands for New Transhorizon Decametric System Applying Studio Methods (French: nouveau système transhorizon décamétrique appliquant les méthodes utilisées en studio).) In March 1999, the OTH radar NOSTRADAMUS was said to have detected two Northrop B2 Spirit flying to Kosovo. It entered service for the French army in 2005, and is still in development. It is based on a star-shaped antenna field, used for emission and reception (monostatic), and can detect aircraft at a range of more than 2,000 kilometers, in a 360-degree arc.
Nostradamus is featured in the Robot Chicken episode "Petless M in: Cars Are Couches of the Road", voiced by Alfred Molina. Nostradamus was mentioned in Celebrity Deathmatch as the intended opponent for John Edward in one episode. However, he predicted he would lose the fight and refused to show up.
Many of Nostradamus' quatrains are open-ended and have been postdicted over the centuries to fit various contemporary events. ;Recycled: The prediction is reused again and again in order to match the most recent event. Nostradamus' quatrains have been recycled numerous times. ;Catch-all: The prediction covers more than one possible outcome.
Ottavio Cesare Ramotti, The Nostradamus Code, tr. Tami Calliope, Destiny Books, 1998 Nevertheless, the highly speculative Italian writer Ottavio Cesare Ramotti,The Nostradamus Code, tr. Tami Calliope, Destiny Books, 1998 together with the History Channel's The Lost Book of Nostradamus (October 2007), have still made much of the book's supposedly 'Nostradamian' origin. There is a letter by Cèsar de Nostredame (Michel's first son), written to the French scientist Fabri de Peiresc, in which mention is made of several miniatures painted by Cèsar, and of a booklet that was destined as a gift to King Louis XIII in 1629,Daniel Ruzo, page 332, "El Testamento Auténtico de Nostradamus", by Ed. Grijalbo, Mexico City 1997 but there is no evidence whatsoever of any connection between these and the Vaticinia.
After his release he was summoned to the Reich Propaganda ministry, run by Dr Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels had recently taken to poring over Nostradamus, trying to squeeze propaganda from the prophecies. Krafft, he felt, should work on deciphering the cryptic quatrains. In January 1940, Krafft began work on a pro-German evaluation of Nostradamus.
The September 11, 2001 attacks on New York City's World Trade Center led to immediate speculation as to whether Nostradamus had predicted the event. Almost as soon as the event had happened, the relevant Internet sites were deluged with inquiries. In response, Nostradamus enthusiasts started searching for a Nostradamus quatrain that could be said to have done so, coming up with interpretations of Quatrains I.87, VI.97 and X.72. However, the various ways in which the enthusiasts chose to interpret the text were not supported by experts on the subject.
Common themes included oil shock, dollar devaluation, the stock-market collapse, the rise and fall of real- estate prices in Tokyo, a trade war with America, volcanic eruptions and the threat of catastrophic earthquakes. The work became a runaway bestseller and sparked a “Nostradamus boom” in Japanese publishing. On November 5, 1991, Goto published Predictions of Nostradamus: Middle-East Chapter, a description of how Nostradamus’ quatrains pointed to a war in the Middle East. This was his seventh book on the subject, and sold 400,000 copies in 6 months.
As Nigel sleeps, Nick faces the real reason he hates Shakespeare: "the Bard" makes Nick feel self-conscious ("God, I Hate Shakespeare (Reprise)"). He wishes there was a way to top Shakespeare, and steals from the Money Box to see a soothsayer. He finds a soothsayer named Thomas Nostradamus (the nephew of the famous soothsayer Nostradamus). Nick asks him what the next big thing in theatre will be, and Nostradamus says that it will be "a musical", a play where "an actor is saying his lines, and out of nowhere he just starts singing".
In a rage, Nick goes back to Nostradamus with what he has left of the money he stole from the Money Box. He asks Nostradamus what Shakespeare's new hit is going to be. Nostradamus sees Hamlet but misinterprets it as "Omelette", among other mistakes (such as the Prince eating a danish pastry rather than being a Danish prince). Nick gets excited at the possibilities of success and dreams of a future in which crowds cheer for him and Shakespeare bows down to him ("Bottom's Gonna Be on Top").
Most of the quatrains deal with disasters, and Nostradamus gained notoriety for the belief in his ability to predict the future.
Erika Cheetham (7 July 1939 – 3 May 1998) was an English writer, best known for her controversial interpretations of Nostradamus' writings.
His last album, Nostradamus, was released in 2008. The album was a concept album about the predictions of Nostradamus. In 2011, he took part in Les Échos Du Temps the latest album of Danakil, a French roots reggae band, on the track "Media" where both he and his son Matthew were featured.Danakil "Les Échos Du Temps" review, on ReggaeVille.
He's a modern- day Nostradamus. When Kajal asks him about her future, he tells her she'd die two days later. Obviously, Kajal is shattered, she tells Raj who swears if anything happens to her, he would kill the Nostradamus. On the fateful day, Kajal is mistakenly shot by the cops outside a shopping mall and dies.
Le Tombeau de Nostradamus () is a one-act farce by Alain-René Lesage. It was first performed at the Foire de Saint Laurent in 1714. Le Tombeau de Nostradamus is actually the final play in a series that includes La Foire de Guibray and Arlequin Mahomet. Between the three works, Lesage created a comedy in three acts.
Roger Frontenac, as a navy officer, was in charge of military ciphers. After World War II, he began to study the work of Nostradamus, treating it as any other message from an enemy. He searched for any hint about decoding methods. The name of Nostradamus' son Cesar led Frontenac to suspect the use of a Caesar cipher.
The victim is Professor Amos Randi, a Nostradamus scholar. Frank concludes that the perpetrator is targeting victims he considers to be Nostradamus' Three Anti- Christs — and will attack two more authority figures. But Chung does some profiling of his own. He determines that the killer, who was fulfilling self- interpreted prophecies, targeted his ex-girlfriend's teacher.
The judge suggests a competition between the two. Arlequin will perform Arlequin Mahomet, and the Italian will perform Le Tombeau de Nostradamus.
Nostradamus is left behind by his constant chum, who goes on to achieve fame and fortune in the fashion industry. The sketch ends with a school being named after them: "Nostradamus and His Constant Chum Elementary School." On Chappelle's Show, the sketch comedy show hosted by Dave Chappelle, there is a character named Negrodamus (played by comedian Paul Mooney), an African-American version of Nostradamus who makes various predictions in response to questions. In the Nickelodeon cartoon CatDog, the title characters find a prediction in a book by the fictitious prophet "Nostradummy" that they interpret as predicting the imminent end of the world.
These poems were in fact written 200 years earlier by De Lessines, and they were a secret code to find the treasures of the Knights Templar. On one of his journeys, Nostradamus found the book that De Lessines wrote, and interpreted the poems in his own way, turning them into predictions. This theory was launched and motivated by Belgian professor and historian Rudy Cambier in his book "Nostradamus and the lost Templar legacy" (2003). Kayak found this approach much more interesting than the usual Nostradamus-stories, and decided to take this theory as a starting point for their second rock-opera.
For summaries and reviews of The Nostradamus Effect, see here. In Hetalia: Axis Powers, Germany and Japan worry about the end of the World due to one of Nostradamus's prophecies. However, Britain and France ignore this warning, due to having lived through another supposed apocalypse, and instead tell Japan and Germany not to worry. Nostradamus is featured in CW's drama Reign.
Merritt says that the brain will 'change its personality' to the one the monkey formerly had. Brussard decides that he needs a new brain and, during a visit to Madame Tussaud's wax museum, learns of Nostradamus. Brussard hires the drunken Dr Brandon (Tony Quinn) and they go to France, open Nostradamus' crypt and steal his head. Brussard takes it to Merritt's lab.
' When Merritt tries to force him out of the lab, Brussard, in a rage, accuses Merritt of trying to kill him and damages the Omnigizer, a vital piece of medical equipment. After Jean repairs the Omnigizer, the head speaks, identifying itself as Michel de Notre Dame. 'It's Nostradamus!' exclaims Meritt. He, Jean and Lew tell Nostradamus that his predictions have come true.
The soundtrack for the film Farewell to Nostradamus was released on CD by VAP on July 1, 1995. The catalog number is VPCG-84254.
Nostradamus is depicted as a preteen in wizard garb who makes predictions of impending despair for the people he is around at inopportune times.
Nostradamus practised scrying; he would stare into a bowl of water or a "magic mirror" to see the future while he was in trance.
He also appears in various episodes of the MTV animated show Clone High as a teenaged clone of the original Nostradamus. The Doctor Who Past Doctor Adventures novel The King of Terror features the Fifth Doctor and UNIT dealing with a group of terrorists called the Sons of Nostradamus who consider it their duty to ensure that his prophecies-apparently predicting the end of the world in 1999-come true, but the prophecies are eventually revealed to have been part of the efforts of the alien race known as the Canavatchi to retard humanity's development. The History Channel periodically airs a series of films on supposedly apocalyptic prophecies under the general title The Nostradamus Effect, but in his book 2012: It's Not the End of the World, Nostradamus specialist Peter Lemesurier describes them as 'largely fiction' and 'lurid nonsense'.Lemesurier, Derwen Publishing, 2011.
In his book The Essential Nostradamus, Smoley attempts to root Nostradamus in his own context in 16th-century France. He contends, for example, that the mysterious figure Hister mentioned in Nostradamus's prophecies was not, as is often claimed, a prophecy of Adolf Hitler but a metonymy for the Austrian Empire of the time, on the grounds that Ister (modified by Nostradamus to "Hister") is an ancient name for the Danube, the principal river of Austria. Smoley's general attitude toward his subject can be summed up thusly: "I would not base any of my future plans of expectations on anything Nostradamus predicted or is imagined to have predicted." Elsewhere in the book Smoley discusses the larger dilemma faced by those who try to predict the future: > The scientific or quasi-scientific futurologist can base his forecasts only > on the continuation of current trends.
In the early 1980s, he created several magazines such as Hit magazine, Stéphanie, Super Géant, Privé and books on Claude François, Mesrine, Nostradamus and Coluche.
In Japan, Game Machine listed Nostradamus on their November 1, 1993 issue as being the twenty-fifth most- successful table arcade unit of the year.
In addition, she dubbed roles for Columbo and Miss Marple, and narrated Prophecies of Nostradamus. Kishida appeared in commercials for Nestle, TDK, and Asahi Shimbun.
Nikolo Kotzev's Nostradamus is a rock opera in three acts written by Nikolo Kotzev about the life and times of Nostradamus. It was released in a 2-CD set in 2001; it has not been performed live, although it remains an ambition of Kotzev's to have the rock opera performed on stage. Several members of Kotzev's main project, Brazen Abbot, also appear on this album.
Meanwhile, the troupe is rehearsing "Omelette: The Musical" ("It's Eggs!"). Shylock has become their new investor, though they cannot find a title that would make his role legal. When some of the actors become suspicious of Nostradamus and why he is at their theatre, Nick lies and says that Nostradamus is an actor. "Toby Belch" arrives at the theatre and is hired for the company.
The Time of the Oath is a concept album. According to Andi Deris, it is based on the prophecies of Nostradamus, referring to the prophecies made for the years 1994 to 2000. Nostradamus' interpreters believe that he predicted a third World War followed by a millennium of peace if humans made the right choices. The album is meant to reflect the choices of humanity.
Nostradamus centres on the life and times of the seer. The first disc details various forecasts he has about the future and the end of the world.
This album sees the return of Edward Reekers, lead singer with Kayak from 1978 until 1982. His part of "The Monk" was the start of his second life with Kayak, which lasts until the present day. The album is a double CD. There was also a single CD released, under the title Excerpts From Nostradamus. That CD contains 11 songs, plus "The Story Behind Nostradamus" in Dutch and English.
Meanwhile, a man named Rhisley, the head of a cult known as the Nostradamus Sect, speaks to a crowd of followers. He claims to have a book filled with the lost prophecies of Nostradamus and recites one of the verses which predicted the plane's hijacking. In actuality, his book is a fake. The real one is in the safe on the top floor of the Earth Building, which belongs to Douglas.
Nikolo Kotsev () (born June 6, 1961) is a Bulgarian guitarist, violinist, songwriter and producer, perhaps most famous for his 2001 rock opera Nostradamus and his band Brazen Abbot.
"Judas Priest Meets Nostradamus On New CD" , Greg Prato, Billboard, 12 April 2006. It was originally intended to be released in late 2006 before being pushed back to a 2007 release, and was finally released in June 2008 on Epic Records. It is the band's final album to feature K. K. Downing, before his retirement. Judas Priest toured with Motörhead, Heaven & Hell, and Testament on the Metal Masters Tour to promote Nostradamus.
In January 2006, Tarcher/Penguin published The Essential Nostradamus, Smoley's guide to the enigmatic prophet Michel de Nostradamus. The book contains new translations of Nostradamus's key prophecies, as well as an evaluation of his work and of prophecy in general. A second edition of this work appeared in 2011. In 2006, Harper San Francisco (now Harper One) published Smoley's book Forbidden Faith: The Gnostic Legacy from the Gospels to "The Da Vinci Code".
The song tells of Nostradamus' predictions on the French town of Toulouse, with the song acting as a 'goodbye' to the town. Cornwell refers to the song as 'very unpunk'.
Adam de Craponne personally funded the project with the help of private partners such as Nostradamus who, along with his wife Anne Ponsard, acquired a one-thirteenth share in the canal.
He had died by 18 April 1275, when a Genoese document refers to him and his brother Bovarello as dead. Nostradamus dated his death to 1308, but this is certainly wrong.
He also opposed erroneous interpretations of Nostradamus [("Le Pape sera-t-il assassiné à Lyon ?" (Will the Pope be assassinated in Lyon?) in Le Monde inconnu, Paris, No. 75, Sept]. 1986).
Cheetham cited quatrains 1:60 and 8:1 of Nostradamus' Prophéties as a cryptic reference to Napoleon Bonaparte. : : : : : : : : Whilst the uppercase letters (preserved from Nostradamus' original) may suggest a deeper meaning, sceptics will note the mutual proximity of the Aquitainian villages Pau, Nay, and Oloron (in southwestern France), which form a small triangle not about.See also Google Maps Though more esoteric interpretations have pegged this region "more fire than blood" as a future nuclear waste site, Cheetham's observation was that the capitalised letters can be arranged to spell something like "NAYPAULORON", i.e. Napoleon. Singer- songwriter and hist-rock pioneer Al Stewart also favoured this interpretation in his 1974 song "Nostradamus", wherein he deliberately pronounces and spells Bonaparte's name in a similar idiosyncratic manner.
A regular feature in the second series, medieval seer Nostradamus (played by TV's Emma Kennedy with a false beard, a "flighty" horse called David Collins and, for no adequately explored reason, a Welsh accent) would give his predictions for the week ahead, which would often be either completely absurd or extremely vague. The start of the segment would look at the previous week's predictions: if they were not correct, Nostradamus would be punished by a nipple cripple, or something similarly pseudo-sexual, by Richard. During one episode Richard obsessed about cress for a whole show, as a spoof of product placement deals. When Nostradamus only got one out of three predictions correct, a barbecue of cress was burnt with a blowlamp.
She then makes a promise to her dead father to save the Academy and the World. With the arrival of Fumiaki Uchida, she forms a partnership with him in order to find the key of Nostradamus which will cause an alien invasion on July 21, 1999. ; :, Sayuri Yahagi (young) :A time traveler from 2012 who is sent to 1999 to find the key of Nostradamus. He is forced to become #6 after the agent before him, #5, was killed.
Subsequently, the Allies responded in kind, both with air-dropped leaflets and via the American film Nostradamus Says So.Lemesurier, Peter: The Nostradamus Encyclopedia, 1997, pp. 146-147 After Rudolf Hess left Nazi Germany in a mysterious solitary flight to Scotland, probably seeking a peace agreement with the United Kingdom, Hitler issued the Aktion Hess, a mandatory prosecution of any divinator or future-teller in all Nazi-occupied countries.Wulff, Wilhelm Theodor Zodiac and swastika; how astrology guided Hitler's Germany, Pub. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan.
Nostradamus Centuries 1568 Les Prophéties (The Prophecies) is a collection of prophecies by French physician Nostradamus, the first edition of which appeared in 1555 by the publishing house Macé Bonhomme. His most famous work is a collection of poems, quatrains, united in ten sets of verses ("Centuries") of 100 quatrains each. The first edition included three whole Centuries and 53 quatrains. The book begins with a preface, in the form of a message to his son César, followed by the Centuries themselves.
Some effects sequences were re-used from Japan Sinks and The Last War, such as nuclear attack and earthquake scenes. Others, such as depicting cedar-covered mountains turning brown from excessive UV radiation, were done by dispersing diluted sulfuric acid on part of the forest. A proposed sequel was to be called Prophecies of Nostradamus 2: Lord of Terror. The premise was for the audience of a Ben Goto lecture slipping through time to July 1999, witnessing the apocalyptic events of Nostradamus’ quatrains.
Van Gogh's room in Saint Paul de Mausole Saint-Paul-de-Mausole, twelve miles northeast of Arles, lies just outside Saint-Rémy-de-Provence in southern France. Mentioned on several occasions by Nostradamus, who was born nearby and knew it a Franciscan convent,Lemesurier, P.: Nostradamus, Bibliomancer, New Page Books, New Jersey, 2010, p. 10, it was originally an Augustinian priory dating from the 12th century, and has a particularly beautiful cloister.Guide de Tourisme, Provence, Michelin, Clermont-Ferrand, 1990, p.
New Scientist wrote the book was a good biography exploring how people rewrite Nostradamus's predictions to give the illusion of fulfilled predictions. The Skeptic's Dictionary cites Randi as debunking Nostradamus' claimed predictions of Adolf Hitler. John Koontz wrote about the book that "Randi can provide a much more parsimonious explanation than any given by true believers in prophecy". John Blanton explains that in the book Randi described prophecy's believers willingness to bend the meanings of words in favor of their claims about Nostradamus.
Winning a regional essay contest while at the University of New Mexico, he was flown to present his paper at a college town in Utah. He and his colleagues came across a tiny used bookstore where he acquired an old issue of Skeptical Inquirer featuring an article on the prophesies of Nostradamus penned by none other than James Randi. He relates that this was the first article he'd read criticizing Nostradamus and offered "skeptical, logical, and reasonable explanations for the prophecies apparent accuracy".
Louis Serre was a 16th-century Marseille based French physician. Along with Colin Pellenc, in 1540 he was accused of heresy. In 1545 he worked with Nostradamus in fighting a major plague outbreak in Marseille.
Roger Frontenac was a French navy officer and a scholar of Nostradamus' prophecies. He proposed an interpretation system for the text of Les Propheties, based upon a form of cryptography known as the Vigenère table.
More About Nostradamus is a 1941 American short film directed by David Miller. In 1941 it was nominated for an Academy Award at the 13th Academy Awards for Best Live Action Short Film, One-Reel.
Douglas Coupland's 2003 novel Hey Nostradamus! begins at a fictional Delbrook Senior Secondary in 1988 with a Columbine-like massacre at the school, the original having taken place in April 1999 in Jefferson County, Colorado.
This Moses Botarel is not Moses ben Leon Botarel, who lived at Constantinople in the 16th century and wrote the En Mishpat, containing predictions and being a free paraphrase of a Latin work of Michael Nostradamus.
In 1976, Paper Tiger Books published an LP-sized graphic album, Eschatus, featuring Pennington's paintings inspired by the prophecies of Nostradamus. They followed this, in 1991, with a graphic album, Ultraterranium, collecting various private and commercial works.
In 2000, Li Hongzhi claimed that the 1999 prophecy at X.72 was a prediction of the Chinese Falun Gong persecution which began in July 1999, leading to an increased interest in Nostradamus among Falun Gong members.
Man breathes. Humanity, which is a Big Man, also breathes. To know the breaths of History is to hold the keys of the future. This is the sign of true prophets from Daniel to Hugo and Nostradamus.
After a hiatus of nearly two years, the original recording line-up of Black Steel re-united for a support slot with Judas Priest during that band's 2008 'Nostradamus' tour, at Challenge Stadium in Perth, Western Australia.
Nostradamus und die Nazis - A 'Feature' of Deutschlandfunk (German national radio) that was aired on September 16, 2008 However, the Nazis had sympathizing astrologers write favourable interpretations of Nostradamus for psychological warfare, and as late as 1936 Hitler personally sent a greetings telegram to an international astrologer's congress that was taking place in Düsseldorf.Telegram from Hitler to Dr. Korsch, President of the International Astrological Congress. Image obtained by Life magazine. The full focus of the state was not aimed at religious groups until 9 June 1941Bramwell 1985: 178.
Garencières' 1672 translation of Nostradamus Theophilus de Garencières (1610–1680)The Royal College of Physicians suggest 1613 - 1677. was a French apothecary who spent most of his life practising in England. Born in Paris, Garencières studied the prophecies of Nostradamus at an early age, and these had a lasting effect on him. He studied at the University of Caen, which he left with a Doctorate of Medicine in 1636. To avoid religious persecution, he moved to the University of Oxford during the 1640s, which finally granted him the same qualification in 1657.
Esoteric prophecy has been claimed for, but not by, Michel de Nostredame, popularly referred to as Nostradamus, who claimed to be a converted Christian. It is known that he suffered several tragedies in his life, and was persecuted to some degree for his cryptic esoteric writings about the future, reportedly derived through a use of a crystal ball. Nostradamus was a French apothecary and reputed seer who published collections of foreknowledge of future events. He is best known for his book Les Propheties ("The Prophecies"), the first edition of which appeared in 1555.
The follow-up album, Eye of the Storm (1996), featured mostly the same people, with Joe Lynn Turner (ex-Rainbow,ex-Deep Purple) replacing Hughes and John Levén (Europe) replacing Henryson. The same line-up also released Bad Religion (1997). Brazen Abbot was put on hiatus when Kotzev started working on a rock opera about Nostradamus. Due to a string of setbacks, including scheduling conflicts and Kotzev's record company, USG Records, going bankrupt, the album wasn't completed until 2000 and was finally released as Nikolo Kotzev's Nostradamus in 2001 on SPV Records.
After another visit to Italy, Nostradamus began to move away from medicine and toward the "occult", although evidence suggests that he remained a Catholic and was opposed to the Protestant Reformation. But it seems he could have dabbled in horoscopes, necromancy, scrying, and good luck charms such as the hawthorn rod. Following popular trends, he wrote an almanac for 1550, for the first time in print Latinising his name to Nostradamus. He was so encouraged by the almanac's success that he decided to write one or more annually.
Set in the year of 1999, the story revolves around the mysteries of the Waldstein Academy also known as the "Occult Academy" due to its unorthodox researches involving myths, legends and paranormal activity. The main protagonists are Maya Kumashiro, daughter of the late principal of the Academy who assumes his position and Fumiaki Uchida, a time traveler sent from the year 2012 with the mission of finding and destroying the "Nostradamus Key", an unknown item that the Nostradamus Prophecies foretold to be the cause of an alien invasion that will devastate Earth.
The first season is led by Nostradamus, Jack the Ripper, Robin Hood, Princes in the Tower, Rasputin, Billy the Kid, King Arthur, Leonardo da Vinci, Abraham Lincoln, Cleopatra, Man in the Iron Mask, Romanovs and Joan of Arc.
As the series progressed, it became clear that there was sexual tension between Herring and Nostradamus, the latter openly enjoying the physical punishments handed out by the former. Herring believed their love to be forbidden since both were "men".
Hey Nostradamus! is a novel by Douglas Coupland centred on a fictional 1988 school shooting in suburban Vancouver, British Columbia and its aftermath. This is Coupland's most critically acclaimed novel. It was first published by Random House of Canada in 2003.
He edited an apologia of Nostradamus. He was also friends with Father Martin D'Arcy, Oliver Messel and James Lees-Milne. His lifelong companion was Ronald Fleming (1896 - 1968). Geoffrey Houghton-Brown died in Kingston upon Thames on 3 February 1993.
Between 1992 and 1995 Aum Shinrikyo, a controversial Buddhist religious group, also distributed conspiracy theories to attract Japanese readers as part of their recruitment efforts.Shoko Asahara, Nosutoradamusu himitsu no Daiyogen, [The Secret Prophecy of Nostradamus], Tokyo, Aum Shuppan, 1991. Its founder, Shoko Asahara, was influenced by Goto Ben's 1973 book, ノストラダムスの大予言 Nostradamusu no Daiyogen (Prophecies of Nostradamus), a loose translation of the Prophecies which became a bestseller in Japan. It is reported that Hideo Murai, one of the leaders of Aum Shinrikyo, uttered "Yudaya ni yarareta" [Jews got me], when he was stabbed to death.
The first English edition titled The True Prophecies or Prognostications of Michael Nostradamus, Physician to Henry II. Francis II. and Charles IX. Kings of France, was published in London by Thomas Ratcliffe and Nathaniel, in the year 1672. The predictions do not follow chronological coherence and were written combining French, Greek, Latin and Occitan. It is believed that it contains anagrams, mythological and astrological references, in a subjective language that makes comprehension difficult. Some scholars claim that this was a resource used by Nostradamus to evade the Holy Inquisition, for fear of being persecuted for heresy.
The Man Without a Body (also known as Curse of Nostradamus) is a low budget 1957 British horror film, produced by Guido Coen and directed by Charles Saunders and W. Lee Wilder. It stars Robert Hutton, George Coulouris, Julia Arnall and Nadja Regin. The screenplay concerns a wealthy American man with a brain tumour who plans to replace his brain with that of Nostradamus. The film was released theatrically in England in 1957 on a double bill with the Japanese film Half Human (1958) and a year later in the US on a double bill with Fright (1956).
The prophecies retold and expanded by Nostradamus figured largely in popular culture in the 20th and 21st centuries. As well as being the subject of hundreds of books (both fiction and nonfiction), Nostradamus's life has been depicted in several films and videos, and his life and writings continue to be a subject of media interest. There have also been several well- known Internet hoaxes, where quatrains in the style of Nostradamus have been circulated by e-mail as the real thing. The best-known examples concern the collapse of the World Trade Center in the 11 September attacks.
Francis I and his court, Louis XIV. In 1660 Catherine de' Medici came to consult Nostradamus, the famous astrologer would have predicted the throne for her three sons and the accession of her nephew, the future king Henri IV. The castle contains faithful representations of the various army corps from the Napoleonic Wars to the present day in its museum. The museum also contains a copy of a bed belonging to Napoleon I at Saint Helena. Together with the Fontaine moussue and Nostradamus, the castle has become a symbol of the city and attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year.
Image 3 Image 27 The Vaticinia Michaelis Nostradami de Futuri Christi Vicarii ad Cesarem Filium D. I. A. Interprete (The Prophecies of Michel Nostradamus on The Future Vicars of Christ to Cesar His Son, As Expounded by Lord Abbot Joachim), or Vaticinia Nostradami (The Prophecies of Nostradamus) for short, is a collection of eighty watercolor images compiled as an illustrated codex.Vaticinia Michaelis Nostredami de Futuri Christi Vicarii ad Cesarem Filium (Fondo Vittorio Emmanuele 307) A version of the well-known Vaticinia de Summis Pontificibus of the 13th–14th century,Gruber, Dr. E. R., advice to the History Channel's producers, July 2007, republished in the Nostradamus Research Group October 2007, on the basis of a copy in his possession it was discovered in 1994 by the Italian journalists Enza Massa and Roberto Pinotti in the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma (Central National Library) in Rome, Italy.Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma, sezione manoscritti antichi. Registro di consultazione manoscritto V.E. 307.
The video did reach one billion views on December 21, 2012, a popular date for which the world was predicted to end. However, the quatrain could not have been written by Nostradamus in 1503, when he was less than one year old.
Nostradamus is a 1925 Italian silent historical film directed by Mario Roncoroni and starring Cello Bucchi in the title role of Nostradamus.Martinelli p.106 It was one of the final film's released by the Unione Cinematografica Italiana which went bankrupt around this time.
Nostradamus is a vertically scrolling arcade shoot 'em up released by Face in 1993. Players control either Dalas (player one) or Joanna (player two) to shoot down many different enemies and then defeat the level boss to advance through the game's nine stages.
Visions is the sixth studio album by power metal band Stratovarius, released on 28 April 1997 through Noise Records. The album reached No. 4 on the Finnish albums chart and remained on that chart for 23 weeks. It is a concept album about Nostradamus.
Lew goes to the lab and Brussard shoots him in the back, then flees. Merritt examines Lew and says that 'his cranial nerves have been severed'. He tells a police detective (Frank Forsyth) that Lew can't be saved. Brussard returns and shoots Nostradamus' head.
Rena Pagrati (; 13 March 1949 – 25 June 1998) was a Greek cinema, TV and theatre actress. On 25 June 1998 she committed suicide.Ρένα Παγκράτη: το ξανθό λαϊκό κορίτσι που αυτοκτόνησε! Μας άφησαν νωρίς... Rena Pagrati was also a singer in the Greek musical band "Nostradamus".
For example, the postdiction might explain that a famous person has suffered a "spiritual" death to explain why they are still walking around despite a prediction that says otherwise. ;Moving the goalposts: The event must be "shoehorned" to fit the prediction because it differs in some significant way. For example, the prediction predicts an earthquake on one day when in fact it happens on a different day. Once again, Nostradamus supporters occasionally use this technique, as Nostradamus supposedly predicted the founding of the Institut Pasteur in 1888 (it was actually a year later) and the September 11 terrorist attacks on the 45th parallelRex Deux(actually significantly southwards).
Face released an arcade game called Nostradamus. Though the game itself had nothing to do with Nostradamus, the game's title screen showed a resemblance to his son's portrait of him, however he is facing the other direction and looks older. In Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, the prophecy of 1999 was used as the resurrection of Dracula and added that all born of the day of Dracula's demise are "Dark Candidates" meaning that they have the potential to become the next Dark Lord. This prophecy is referenced again in Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin; the Belmonts cannot wield the Vampire Killer whip until 1999, when Dracula is revived.
The verse is as follows: "Good old Nostradamas / he knew the whole damn time / there would always be an east from west / and someone in there fighting". In the bonus track of Dane Cook's "Harmful If Swallowed" he speaks of how a person would wake up and think he is late, then look at his clock to find out that he is in fact late. He would yell "I HATE it when I'm like Nostradamus and I predict that I'm late!" Several songs by The Stranglers contain references to Nostradamus' prophecies: "Goodbye Toulouse" (1977), "Shah Shah a go go" (1979), "Four Horsemen" (1980), "It's a Small World" (1983).
The re-animated head of Nostradamus is cause for scorn, both from actors and critics. Hutton said in an interview that he and the other actors 'felt stupid talking to the head - we would almost break up! The actor was underneath the table, with his head stuck up through a hole in the table top, and you felt like a damn fool talking to him'. Warren writes that 'as Nostradamus, Michael Golden has little to do except poke his head through a hole in the table and talk' and even then 'many of the shots of the prophet's head are of a dummy cranium, obviously not Golden'.
The topics the actors discuss with the head are regarded as dubious, as well, with Hardy saying that 'the highpoint of the film ... is an extended debate between Coulouris and Nostradamus' head in which the pair harangue each other, Nostradamus finding the purpose for which he's been re-animated too petty'. Elsewise, Warren calls the cinematography 'murky ... uninteresting and highly variable'. He says that the sets are 'drab' and that the film 'drags itself from scene to scene'. He calls the acting 'either non-existent or terrible or, in the case of Coulouris, so far over the top as to make it hard to imagine the actor ... took the proceedings seriously'.
Many popular authors have retold apocryphal legends about his life. In the years since the publication of his Les Prophéties, Nostradamus has attracted many supporters, who, along with much of the popular press, credit him with having accurately predicted many major world events. Most academic sources reject the notion that Nostradamus had any genuine supernatural prophetic abilities and maintain that the associations made between world events and Nostradamus's quatrains are the result of misinterpretations or mistranslations (sometimes deliberate). These academics argue that Nostradamus's predictions are characteristically vague, meaning they could be applied to virtually anything, and are useless for determining whether their author had any real prophetic powers.
At the age of 14 Nostradamus entered the University of Avignon to study for his baccalaureate. After little more than a year (when he would have studied the regular trivium of grammar, rhetoric and logic rather than the later quadrivium of geometry, arithmetic, music, and astronomy/astrology), he was forced to leave Avignon when the university closed its doors during an outbreak of the plague. After leaving Avignon, Nostradamus, by his own account, traveled the countryside for eight years from 1521 researching herbal remedies. In 1529, after some years as an apothecary, he entered the University of Montpellier to study for a doctorate in medicine.
Nostradamus also says that he "constantly has this word" Hister on his mind. The film depicts Nostradamus's rise in influence, because of both his success in treating plague and his predictions, culminating in his appointment as court physician to Charles IX of France (son of Henry II).
The Orus Apollo is a manuscript work by Nostradamus written before 1555, and formerly owned by Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Louis XIV's finance minister. It contains two books of 182 verse epigrams. Its full title is ORUS APOLLO FILS DE OSIRIS ROY DE AEGYPTE NILIACQUE. DES NOTES HIEROGLYPHIQUES.
The band released Angel of Retribution in 2005. A world tour accompanied the release and marked the band's 30th anniversary. In 2008, Nostradamus was released. In 2011, Judas Priest embarked upon what was billed as their final world tour as a group, titled the "Epitaph" tour.
The Metal Masters Tour was a concert tour featuring Judas Priest, Motörhead, Heaven & Hell, and Testament. Heaven & Hell, Motörhead, Judas Priest, and Testament took part in the three-week arena tour to support the albums The Rules of Hell, Motörizer, Nostradamus, and The Formation of Damnation respectively.
27 October 2014. Scottish legend makes reference to the grimalkin as a faery cat that dwells in the highlands. Nostradamus, the French prophet and astrologer, 15031566, had a cat named Grimalkin. During the early modern period, the name grimalkinand cats in generalbecame associated with the devil and witchcraft.
Brad Oscar (born September 22, 1964) is an American musical theatre actor, known for his Broadway performances in musicals such as The Producers and Jekyll and Hyde. He has earned two Tony Award nominations; one for The Producers as Franz Liebkind, and one for Something Rotten! as Nostradamus.
Frank follows Smooth onto the rooftop. Smooth convinces himself he can leap onto a neighboring building and escape. But all the positive thoughts in the world cannot save him, and he plummets downward to his death. Meanwhile, the "Nostradamus Nutball" surprises Chung and murders him with a pick axe.
Earlier he had asserted of Nostradamus to have established the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, an Indian Hindu nationalist organisation. Other claims included that Nostradamus had successfully prophesied the chances of a possible nuclear war between India and Pakistan, the construction of Ram Mandir and the Hindu domination of world affairs after 2014. He later said in an interview that this had been a "spoof", but it was taken in earnest by some commentators who accused him of having tampered with the original passages for fulfilling his political agenda. At one case, he used the same passage over his blogs across the course of a few years but changed the name of the subjects to keep up with the political currents.
In his eyes, the reduced number of popes in the future would confirm the next end of humanity. In 1965, he came out with Les Clés de Nostradamus (The Keys of Nostradamus) (magazine Sources Vives, No. 32, Perpignan) in which he announced the departure of General Charles de Gaulle in 1969, four years beforehand. His fascination with prophesies drove him to examine a large number of dark texts like the prophesies of Brother Johannes, Saint Odile (1940), Isaïe (1967), Plaisance (1967), Saint Kosmas de l’Étolie, Padre Pio (Conference in Perpignan, 1979), the secret of Fatima (1977, 1980), etc., of which some commentaries appear in La septième Erreur de l’humanité (The Seventh Error of Humanity) (Ed.
Nuclear attacks on Tokyo, New York, Paris, Moscow and London were done by blowing compressed air upwards at an upside-down miniature. These scenes were reused in films such as Prophecies of Nostradamus. Miniatures such as the Kremlin were made of wafers. Tokyo’s destruction sequence used molten iron and flammable charcoal.
In the fall of 2009 History Channel aired a series "Nostradamus Effect: Da Vinci's Armageddon" - where Vlad plays Leonardo da Vinci. In 2013 he co-produced a popular TV music talent show "Boyuk Sehne" (Böyük Səhnə) aired in Baku, Azerbaijan, where Vlad as Jack Spade was also one of the judges.
His most notable contribution to the field is his 1939 study of Shamanism. As a translator, he is notable for his Swedish version of the Icelandic Edda, of Shakespeare's works and of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, the Qur'an and works by Dante, Nostradamus and others.
He has starred in many television advertisements for various companies including Cinzano, Bird's Eye, Bankers Trust, MBF Health Fund, Sudafed, Uncle Tobys, Qantas, Telstra, MLC, Arnotts and Toyota Hybrid Camry. He has narrated programs such as Mind Games: Real Life Adventures, Nostradamus and Triple Zero Heroes.John Waters. The Harbour Agency.
He also has published articles in the areas of skepticism (e.g. ESP and Nostradamus), psychology (e.g. temporal lobe epilepsy and genius), and technical speculation (e.g. “What if scientists had found a computer in 1900?” and “An informal survey on the scientific and social impact of a soda can-sized super-super computer”).
In 1981, aspiring vocalist Gitane Demone placed an ad in Los Angeles newspaper The Recycler, saying, "female vocalist available." The ad was answered by Kand, who had recently graduated from high school. The pair formed the band Pompeii 99. Kand was fascinated by Nostradamus and took the band's name from a prophecy.
The town was destroyed; only the 12th century keep survives from that period. After the war, the town was ruled by the English until 1475. Houdan is mentioned in the Prophecies of Nostradamus. Houdan was a staging post on the road from Paris to Brittany, and many old inns are still standing.
By 1991, the combined total of his Nostradamus output had sold 5.4 million copies.(4) Quotations “I wanted to warn people. I was afraid humans would become extinct because of radiation or a nuclear winter.” “During my primary school years, it was widely believed that humanity would never make it to the 21st century.
Greene wrote a historical novel in 1980, The Dreamer of the Vine, dealing with the themes of Nostradamus and Jesus bloodline.Transworld Publishers Limited, 1982. . Her remaining books have been on topics applying principles of psychoanalysis to astrology (Psychological astrology). Many are transcripts of her lectures, and many are co-authored, especially with Howard Sasportas.
Histrodamus is Estonian web portal, which aim is to introduce history through interactive means. Portal's name is derived from Nostradamus, the famous French apothecary and seer, and term Historia. Its first goals are to introduce, popularize and explain Estonian history, but also culture and geography. The portal is available in Estonian, English and Russian languages.
Angel of Retribution and Nostradamus followed, before Downing left and was replaced by Richie Faulkner in April 2011. The guitarist's departure was reportedly due to differences with other band members and management. In February 2018, Tipton ceased touring full-time with the band after being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, with Andy Sneap taking his place.
Unlike many writers on esoteric subjects, Smoley shows considerable skepticism toward prophecy, writing that "prophecies of an imminent end have all failed over and over again for the last two millennia, so the soundest conclusion is that there is nothing in them."Smoley, Richard. The Essential Nostradamus, 2d ed. New York: Tarcher/Penguin, 2010, 271.
Benzoic acid was discovered in the sixteenth century. The dry distillation of gum benzoin was first described by Nostradamus (1556), and then by Alexius Pedemontanus (1560) and Blaise de Vigenère (1596). Justus von Liebig and Friedrich Wöhler determined the composition of benzoic acid. These latter also investigated how hippuric acid is related to benzoic acid.
A singular and unique world in the arcades of Cuenca Cathedral: Journal of Feelsynapsis.JoF. ISSN 2254-3651. Number 4. Pages 40-50.247x247px From readings of the Book of Revelation and the "Centuries" in Les Propheties by Nostradamus, the scholar and architect Rodrigo de Luz concluded that the Holy Grail was saved and preserved in this cathedral.
Max Caspar, Kepler, p. 181. He made a prediction that the world would end in 1654 based on the appearance of a new star in 1572.James Randi, The Mask of Nostradamus Page 240. After Roeslin's death at Buchsweiler in 1616, his unpublished astrology, theology and kabbalistic work merged into the manuscript collection of Karl Widemann.
La Foire de Guibray () is a one-act farce by Alain-René Lesage. It was first performed at the Foire de Saint Laurent in 1714. La Foire de Guibray is actually a prologue to two other one-act farces, Arlequin Mahomet and Le Tombeau de Nostradamus. Between the three works, Lesage created a comedy in three acts.
Arlequin Mahomet () is a one act farce by Alain-René Lesage. It was first performed at the Foire de Saint Laurent in 1714. Arlequin Mahomet was performed as the second play in a series consisting of La Foire de Guibray and Le Tombeau de Nostradamus. Between the three works, Lesage created a comedy in three acts.
He and Maya form a team to find the Nostradamus Key and prevent the alien invasion. ; : :Mikaze is a cute teenage girl who works at a local diner. Her cooking skills are extremely outstanding, and Fumiaki Uchida eats at her diner everyday. However, despite her cute and cheerful personality, Mikaze is not a normal teenage girl.
Portrait of Nostradamus after a 17th-century engraving by Jean Boulanger Jean Boulanger (1606–1660) was a French painter active in Italy during the Baroque period. He was born in Troyes, France. He appears to have had some training under Guido Reni in Bologna. One of his more famous works are the frescoes at the Ducal palace of Sassuolo.
"There'll be a lot of symphonic elements. We might orchestrate it, without it being overblown. There may be a massive choir at parts and keyboards will be featured more prominently, whereas they've always been in the background before." The album Nostradamus was released in June 2008; the band began a support tour in that same month.
Roberta Smith wrote in The New York Times: In the early 1990s, LeKay edited an underground magazine entitled Pig,Dannett, Adrian. "John LeKay – Cohen" , Flash Art, November/ December 1993. Retrieved from, 10 December 2007 the name referring to a Nostradamus quatrain about men with pig snouts in flying machines and standing for "Politically Incorrect Geniuses".
Awaking the Centuries is the second full-length album by German symphonic metal band Haggard. It was released on February 7, 2000 by Drakkar Entertainment.Awaking the Centuries The album is based on Michel De Nostredame (Nostradamus) and his experience during The Black Plague in Medieval Europe. The album features several compositions based on Sergei Rachmaninoff's music.
Britton's television credits include two series of My Dad's the Prime Minister, and Brief Encounters: Semi- Detached for the BBC, as well as Highlander: The Series. He appeared in two 2006 TV films: as pirate William Howard in Blackbeard with Mark Umbers and Stacy Keach, and alongside Oliver Dimsdale and Heathcote Williams in as Henry II in Nostradamus.
He shows up with some henchmen and they partake in a short battle. Jigen attempts to kill Chris, but he gets away. After the fight, Lupin contacts Jigen with a device hidden in his tooth. He informs Jigen that the Nostradamus Sect is connected to the kidnapping and that he is being held prisoner by them.
Valerio Evangelisti (born June 20, 1952) is an Italian writer of science fiction, fantasy, historical novels and horror. He is known mainly for his series of novels featuring the inquisitor Nicolas Eymerich and for the Nostradamus trilogy, all bestsellers translated into many languages. Some of his books are seen as part of the body of literary works known as the New Italian Epic.
Burt 2001, p. 192 Randi also wrote a children's book in 1989 titled The Magic World of the Amazing Randi, which introduced children to magic tricks. In addition to his magic books, he has written several educational works about paranormal and pseudoscientific claims. These include biographies of Uri Geller and Nostradamus as well as reference material on other major paranormal figures.
Her Spanish, German, French, Italian and Latin books from her library, a number of works of the Jesuit preacher Georg Scherer, a book of prophecies of the French astrologer Nostradamus written in 1571, and the tragedy of Antigone of the ancient Greek poet Sophocles were left to her brother, Emperor Rudolf II. Her wedding ring was given to another brother Ernest.
The Passing Parade, a.k.a. John Nesbitt's Passing Parade, was an American radio series created, written, and narrated by John Nesbitt which was adapted into an Oscar-winning series of MGM short subjects. In both media, the series usually focused on strange but true historical events, both little known and famous, as well as figures such as Catherine de' Medici and Nostradamus.
Prophecies of Nostradamus was released theatrically in Japan on 3 August 1974 where it was distributed by Toho. Toho released their 90-minute international version in the United States on 13 July 1979. It was later released to television by United Productions of America as The Last Days of Planet Earth with English dubbing. The television print runs 88 minutes in length.
In public libraries, librarians have noticed common themes in what subjects are most frequently stolen. Books on topics such as sex and witchcraft are popular with thieves, as are guides for General Educational Development testing. In a poll taken in 1996, the top three books that went missing were: The Joy of Sex, GED Examination Books, and the Prophecies of Nostradamus.
Demolition (2001) has a more traditional heavy metal sound with nu metal elements. Following the return of Halford for Angel of Retribution and Nostradamus, the band returned to the style of its early albums. The band's popularity and status as one of the exemplary and influential heavy metal bands has earned them the nickname "Metal Gods" from their song of the same name.
Ellis says he presented them with 33 ideas, they chose five and he chose five.Richard Brennan, "Bob Ellis", Cinema Papers, Oct–Nov 1980 pp. 314–316. Ellis also directed several films, including The Nostradamus Kid (1992), Warm Nights on a Slow Moving Train (1988), Unfinished Business (1985) and Run Rabbit, Run (2007).Kerr C The Curse of Bob Ellis (review) at
The word "Vietnam" was coined by 16th century poet Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm (right), a political prognosticator often compared to Nostradamus. Here he is depicted alongside Sun Yat-sen and Victor Hugo as a Cao Đài saint. Throughout history, there were many names used to refer to Vietnam. Besides official names, there are names that are used unofficially to refer to territory of Vietnam.
The song "Darkness Descends" is about the comic book characters known as the Dark Judges from the Judge Dredd comic book series, and even contains their famous statement, "this city is guilty, the crime is life, the sentence is death." "Death Is Certain (Life Is Not)" deals with euthanasia. "Black Prophecies" deals with Nostradamus. "Perish In Flames" deals with a nuclear apocalypse.
Thus, given that Arethusa was the classical nymph of springs and rivers, with a well-known 'spring of Arethusa' still visible today in the Sicilian port of Syracuse, the case for a '9/11' interpretation was evidently unfounded. The Julian Calendar was indeed the calendar system used during Nostradamus' lifetime. In his Almanachs, Nostradamus published at least eleven Julian calendars of his own – but all of them in fact started on January 1, and in all of them the seventh month was consequently July. Lemesurier consequently suggests that X.72 does not predict the 9/11 attacks at all, but refers back to the allegedly 'miraculous' restoration to health of the captive Francis I of France in August 1525 by his then Roy deffraieur ('host-king') Charles V, and then projects it forwards into the future as a prophecy.
The Aachen Memorandum is a 1995 thriller novel by Andrew Roberts. The author has described it as "a dystopian vision of what Britain might turn into if it became a minor satrapy of a vast protectionist, illiberal anti-American, politically correct EU."Roberts, Andrew, "I lay claim to the title 'Nostradamus of the Right'", The Daily Telegraph, 22 April 2004, accessed 4 July 2016.
George V. Grigore is acting coach at the University Spiru Haret, Faculty of Theater. He plays the character Scat Man in "Madhouse" film. In movies he plays the most important characters of the history of being like: Nostradamus, Leonardo da Vinci, Jesus Christ, Rasputin, Pugachov, Hagendorf, John the Apostle and the fiction character like vampire Bruno, Malik The Profet, and many priest and monk characters.
Wilkinson's work for Marillion gained attention and led to him designing Monsters of Rock posters. This in turn brought him to the attention of heavy metal band Judas Priest. He has named "The Four Horsemen" from Judas Priest's 2008 album Nostradamus as the work he is most pleased with. He has designed miscellaneous pieces for Bon Jovi, Jimmy Page, the Who and Kylie Minogue.
Haggard was founded in 1989 and originally played death metal. They changed their musical style after their first demo tape, Introduction in 1992, becoming a band with symphonic melodies and classical instruments but folk themes. The album And Thou Shalt Trust... the Seer marked their breakthrough in 1997. After their second album Awaking the Centuries (the life of the prophet Nostradamus), they toured through Mexico twice.
In 1981, Welles hosted the documentary The Man Who Saw Tomorrow, about Renaissance-era prophet Nostradamus. In 1982, the BBC broadcast The Orson Welles Story in the Arena series. Interviewed by Leslie Megahey, Welles examined his past in great detail, and several people from his professional past were interviewed as well. It was reissued in 1990 as With Orson Welles: Stories of a Life in Film.
Each summer, the Château de l'Empéri hosts a festival of chamber music. Some years the Château is the venue for Nostradamiques - an historical re-enactment of the time of Nostradamus which includes processions and a transformation of the old medieval downtown. One such re-enactment was performed by the television presenter Jean-Pierre Foucault. In 2006 Robert Hossein compered the closing ceremony of the re-enactment.
Kayak (1974) Co-founder Ton Scherpenzeel is the only member who plays on every Kayak album. Apart from keyboards, he also plays accordion, occasional bass guitar (for instance on the entire "Nostradamus" album) and double bass. He also provides backing vocals, and sings lead vocals on the song Love's Aglow on the original "Merlin" album. Singer/drummer Max Werner does lead vocals on the first five albums.
The Prophecy is the fifth novel by New York Times bestselling author Chris Kuzneski. Published in October 2009 by Penguin UK, the action thriller follows the adventures of Jonathon Payne and David "D.J." Jones as they try to decipher a newly discovered manuscript written by Nostradamus. The book peaked at #4 on the British fiction list and stayed on the bestseller list for several weeks.
He does this because Philip was the only person who managed to get inside the vault. During Lupin's stay, Chris and the Nostradamus Sect take Uncle Philip and use a machine to get inside his brain and extract the information on how to get into the vault. However, during the process, Philip dies. Lupin takes Philips body and discovers that one of his eyes is fake.
When Bert Heerink left the band after the Nostradamus- tour, Reekers was the band's male lead singer again. By this time, female singer Cindy Oudshoorn was also in the band. During the "Kayakoustic" tour of 2006/2007, Reekers also played recorder, kazoo and various percussion instruments. Apart from his work with Kayak, Reekers sings backing vocals on many albums from Dutch and Belgian artists.
A famous plague doctor who gave medical advice about preventive measures which could be used against the plague was Nostradamus.Hogue, John,Nostradamus: the new revelations, Barnes & Noble Books, 1995, p. 1884. Nostradamus's advice was the removal of infected corpses, getting fresh air, drinking clean water, and drinking a juice preparation of rose hips.Pickover, Clifford A., Dreaming the Future: the fantastic story of prediction, Prometheus Books, 2001, p. 279.
The Wind Kissed Pictures is an EP by American deathrock band Christian Death, and is the debut release featuring Valor Kand on vocals. It was released in 1985 through Nostradamus Records and has spawned one single, "Believers of the Unpure". On the album, the band's title is made longer, calling themselves For Sin and Sacrifice Must We Die a Christian Death. Allmusic gave the album two stars out of five.
Holey draws from many esoteric and conspiracy theories, many of which originate in the United States of America. His writings encompass such varied themes as Nostradamus, reincarnation, conspiracy theories regarding John F. Kennedy and Uwe Barschel's murders. According to his detractors, Holey's books are largely plagiarized from other sources, many of which are conspiracy theorists of questionable repute. The author believes he is banned as part of a larger conspiracy.
Maya is the daughter of the former Headmaster of Waldstein Academy. In 2012, the world is invaded by aliens, and time travelers like Fumiaki are sent back to the year 1999 to prevent apocalypse by destroying the Nostradamus Key. In 1999, Maya returns to the Academy as headmaster with the intention of destroying it. Her plan is interrupted when she meets Fumiaki and learns of the forthcoming destruction.
This was Toho’s second disaster movie following the previous year’s Japan Sinks. It was based on Ben Goto’s book The Great Prophecy of Nostradamus, released in November 1973. Shinya Nishimaru, general manager of the Food General Office within the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, published a book with Goto presenting a pessimistic view of the future of the food supply and environment. This work inspired part of the film’s development.
The film earned Otto her second Australian Film Institute nomination, this time for the best supporting actress award. In 1993, Otto co-starred with Noah Taylor in the sexually provocative comedy film The Nostradamus Kid, which was based on the memories of author Bob Ellis during the 1960s. Otto was drawn to the film because she was "fascinated by the period and the people who came out of it".Bass, Matthew.
Nostradamus's house at Salon-de-Provence, as reconstructed after the 1909 Provence earthquake In 1531 Nostradamus was invited by Jules- César Scaliger, a leading Renaissance scholar, to come to Agen. There he married a woman of uncertain name (possibly Henriette d'Encausse), who bore him two children. In 1534 his wife and children died, presumably from the plague. After their deaths, he continued to travel, passing through France and possibly Italy.
In 1981, DeMone placed an ad in The Recycler newspaper, reading "female vocalist available". The ad was answered by Australian-born guitarist and singer Valor Kand, who had just left high school, and the two formed Pompeii 99. Kand was fascinated by Nostradamus and took the band name from a prophecy. Kand and DeMone found drummer David Glass through auditions, also working with members Marc Doten and Polly Klemmer.
As a result, he became an expert in the field, writing a book on the prophet Nostradamus. Between 1926 and 1938, James Laver was the Director of Art Classes at the Working Men's College, Camden Town.J. F. C. Harrison A History of the Working Men's College (1854–1954) p.166, Routledge Kegan Paul, 1954; He ran a course on English literature and also re-organised the art class, introducing living models.
But somehow they > never occur in the way they were predicted. In an afterword prepared for the second edition of The Essential Nostradamus, Smoley is also skeptical about the then-current prophecies regarding 2012: "It seems ridiculous to me to single out specific dates." He does, however, add that expectations focused on individual years highlight a belief in, and need for, a collective awakening of the human race.
There is a long poem attributed to him called Sấm Trạng Trình (讖狀程, The Prophecies of Trạng Trình).Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, "Sấm Trạng Trình" (Trạng Trình is one of Khiêm's nicknames.) This is the Vietnamese equivalent of the Nostradamus quatrains. It is suggestive, believed to predict future events, and very mysterious. This poem includes the line, "Vietnam is being created" (), an early use of the word "Vietnam".
During live concerts he played occasional keyboards and electric guitar. He was not involved in the 1999 reunion of the band, but he did make guest appearances at some concerts in 2003. He even replaced Bert Heerink (Kayak's singer at that time) for an entire concert in 2003, when Heerink had other commitments. In 2005, Reekers re-joined Kayak as one of the singers on their "Nostradamus"-project.
A postscript by Carthusian librarians states that the book had been presented by one Brother Beroaldus to cardinal Maffeo Barberini, who would later become Pope Urban VIII (1623–1644). A further covering note suggests that the images were by the French seer Nostradamus (1503–1566), and had been sent to Rome by his son César de Nostredame as a gift. There is, however, absolutely no contemporary evidence that Nostradamus himself was either a painter or the author of the work, whose contents in fact date from several centuries before his time—nor, indeed, that he had ever heard of it, given that it did not finally appear in print until after his death. The postscript is in fact dated '1629', and the covering note (not in Nostradamus's hand) from which the Nostradamian title derives cannot, on the basis of its contents, date from earlier than 1689 – though an internal note does refer to a source dated 1343.
Patrick Wallis, Plagues, Morality and the Place of Medicine in Early Modern England He wrote of his "discovery" in A mite cast into the treasury of the famous city of London, being a brief and methodical discourse of the nature, causes, symptomes, remedies and preservation from the plague, in this calamitous year, 1665, digested into aphorismes. This book proved highly popular, seeing at least three editions inside a year.Lance Library Catalog While considering himself a Catholic, Garencières was a harsh critic of Pope Clement VIII, writing the endword to a work of 1670 entitled The famous conclave: wherein Clement VIII was elected Pope, with the intrigues and cunning devices of that ecclesiastical assembly: faithfully translated out of an Italian manuscript found in one of the cardinals studies after his death. In 1672, Garencières was the first to translate Nostradamus into English, creating the bilingual text The true prophecies or prognostications of Michel Nostradamus.
Nostradamus's claimed birthplace before its recent renovation, Saint-Rémy-de-Provence Municipal plaque on the claimed birthplace of Nostradamus in St-Rémy, France, describing him as an 'astrologer' and giving his birth-date as 14 December 1503 (Julian Calendar) Nostradamus was born on either 14 or 21 December 1503 in Saint-Rémy-de- Provence, Provence, France, where his claimed birthplace still exists, and baptized Michel. He was one of at least nine children of notary Jaume (or Jacques) de Nostredame and Reynière, granddaughter of Pierre de Saint-Rémy who worked as a physician in Saint-Rémy. Jaume's family had originally been Jewish, but his father, Cresquas, a grain and money dealer based in Avignon, had converted to Catholicism around 1459–60, taking the Christian name "Pierre" and the surname "Nostredame" (Our Lady), the saint on whose day his conversion was solemnised. The earliest ancestor who can be identified on the paternal side is Astruge of Carcassonne, who died about 1420.
Skeptics such as James Randi suggest that his reputation as a prophet is largely manufactured by modern-day supporters who fit his words to events that have either already occurred or are so imminent as to be inevitable, a process sometimes known as "retroactive clairvoyance" (postdiction). No Nostradamus quatrain is known to have been interpreted as predicting a specific event before it occurred, other than in vague, general terms that could equally apply to any number of other events. This even applies to quatrains that contain specific dates, such as III.77, which predicts "in 1727, in October, the king of Persia [shall be] captured by those of Egypt"—a prophecy that has, as ever, been interpreted retrospectively in the light of later events, in this case as though it presaged the known peace treaty between the Ottoman Empire and Persia of that year;See, for example, Cheetham, Erika, The Final Prophecies of Nostradamus, Futura, 1990, pp.
I (Millennium Visitors – The Tale of Saint-Germain vol. 1) (1982 ; 1990) La Trinosophie de l'Étoile polaire (The Polar Star Trinosophia) (1984; 1990) Les Secrets kabbalistiques de Victor Hugo (The Kabalistic Secrets of Victor Hugo) (1985) Les Secrets kabbalistiques de la Bible (The Kabalistic Secrets of the Bible) (1987) L’Astrosophie, la science divine des étoiles (Astrophy, the Divine Science of the Stars) (Éditions Dervy-livre, Paris, 1989) La septième Erreur de l’humanité (The Seventh Error of Humanity) (1991) L’Arbre de vie et d’éternité, une nouvelle forme de Kabbale (The Tree of Life and Eternity, a New Form of Kabbalism) (1992) Le Livre des révélations, t. I et II (The Book of Revelations, vol. 1 and 2) (1992) Les Mystères d’Apollon (The Mysteries of Apollo) (1992) La Coupe d’Ogmios (Ogmios’ Cup) (1993) L’Évangile de Philippe de Lyon (The Gospels of Philippe de Lyon) (1994) Par le Soupirail du rêve (Through the Cellar Window of Dreams) (1996) Nostradamus ressuscité [(Nostradamus Resuscitated) book I (vol. 1) (1996), book II (vol.
The film recounts the life and loves of the physician, astrologer, and famed prognosticator; his encounters with medieval science at the University of Montpellier and the Inquisition; and his early struggles with his visions of the future. The film is set in France in the 16th century during one of the periodic plague outbreaks. Nostradmus meets up with Scaliger in Agen. Nostradamus prophecies the death of Henry II of France in a jousting match.
Others saw the text's departure from the earlier work a virtue, and praised the text for being "sincere" instead of purely "ironic". Generally, the text was received by critics very negatively. Throughout the life of the book however, the popularity of the text has dramatically increased in both respectability and popularity. In reviews for texts such as Hey Nostradamus! and Eleanor Rigby, the text has been referenced as one of the best of Coupland’s career.
For now, that's reason enough to celebrate their return." Allmusic's James Christopher Monger noted that the album was the "antithesis" to 2008's Nostradamus. Monger defined "Dragonaut" and "Metalizer" as the album's high points and stated that Redeemer of Souls deserves to stand alongside albums like Sad Wings of Destiny and British Steel. Kory Grow of Rolling Stone added "Above all, Redeemer is proof that Priest can still call themselves metal’s defenders of the faith.
An international best-selling novel, the novel was received well by critics. The novel was released the same week as Gus Van Sant's film Elephant, which also dealt with a Columbine-like situation. Coupland also had an art installation on the same topic, called "Tropical Birds", which featured 3D versions of the kneeling figure from the front cover of Hey Nostradamus!, and other pieces which features scenes from a school shooting tragedy.
Then recipes of white nougat are attested in Arab Andalusia in the 13th century, then in Catalonia in the 14th century, where it is called toron or pinyonada. In Italy, the torrone is the heir to the Catalan nougat. In 1555, Nostradamus gave a recipe for rock pignolate, which came from Italy. Despite its name in reference to pine nuts, it is a recipe similar to the recipes for white nougat with almonds.
Born in 1526 in Salon-de-Provence, between 1557 and 1558, Craponne built the channel bearing his name. The Canal de Craponne enabled irrigation of the Désert de la Crau with water coming from the Durance. Craponne personally funded the project, with the help of private partners, such as Nostradamus who, along with his wife Anne Ponsard, acquired a one-thirteenth share in the canal project. He died of poisoning in Nantes in 1576.
Krafft was convinced that the prophecies of Nostradamus boded well for the Third Reich. Tens of thousands of pamphlets based upon his interpretations of the quatrains were translated and circulated in six languages: French (translated by Krafft himself), Danish, Hungarian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish, Retrieved 2013-5-30. and he soon came to the attention of the Führer. In the spring of 1940 he gave a private horoscope reading for Hitler to an aide.
In 1978, Head wrote the music for children's musical Fun and Games which was staged at the Arts Centre. Head toured nationally as Musical Director for the hit Robyn Archer musical, A Star is Torn. He composed soundtrack music for Bob Ellis' 1992 film, The Nostradamus Kid and for Les Patterson Saves The World. Head had a cameo role as "The Beggar" in Aden Young's 2007 short film The Rose of Ba Ziz.
According to the book The Stranglers-Song by Song, "Sometimes" describes a violent argument with a girlfriend. The same girlfriend is the subject of "Strange Little Girl" which was written earlier by Cornwell and Hans Wärmling. "Goodbye Toulouse" describes the destruction of Toulouse predicted by Nostradamus. "London Lady" is loosely based on a contemporary female journalist, and "Hanging Around" describes the characters found in the London pubs that the band played live at.
Voiced by: Mamiko Noto (Japanese); Carrie Savage (English, Funimation dub) "July 1999. The Queen of Terror descends from the sky and Angolmois awakens."Sgt. Frog Episode 53 Part B: Angol Mois, More More Flower-Viewing Angol Mois is the "Queen of Terror", who is ditzy and insecure as a result of her impact from space. She was sent to planet Earth to arrive in July 1999 for Earth's destruction, as predicted by Nostradamus, under orders from her father.
Tsutomu “Ben” Goto (五島 勉, Gotō Ben), born November 17, 1929, is a Japanese journalist and writer best known for his books on Nostradamus. Early Life and Career Goto was born into a Christian family in Hakodate, Hokkaido. Raised Russian Orthodox, his mother spoke to him often about Biblical prophecy. Stories of Armageddon had been handed down from his grandmother, who was one of the first believers in Japan through the missionary work conducted by Saint Nicholas.
Brian Hamilton (born July 24, 1964) is an American actor and voice actor. He was born at Good Samaritan Hospital in Suffern, New York and raised in nearby Thiells. Hamilton has appeared in scores of television commercials. He has also voiced Nostradamus"Time Squad" If It's Wright, It's Wrong/Recruitment Ad/Killing Time (2001) on the Cartoon Network series Time Squad and appeared in such television shows as Days of Our Lives, Café Americain, and The Edge.
The work is a purported translation of an ancient Greek work on Egyptian hieroglyphs that had been commented on by Marsilio Ficino, Erasmus and François Rabelais. It was known to the artists Albrecht Dürer, Andrea Mantegna and Raphael. Although its title implies a connection to Egyptian gods, the French work is actually Nostradamus' extremely free translation of Horapollon of Manuthis' Hieroglyphica, based on Jean Mercier's Latin-Greek version of 1551. He also added some ten pieces of his own.
During the French Wars of Religion, La Ceppède belonged to a Royalist literary circle which included the son of Nostradamus. During the same period, he began writing the sonnets that appear in the Theorems. Keith Bosley (1983), From the Theorems of Master Jean de La Ceppède: LXX Sonnets, page 5. As France was increasingly reunified by the armies of King Henri IV, La Ceppède published his first collection of poems, which was an imitation of the Seven Penitential Psalms.
In March 1564, the King and his mother set out from Fontainebleau on a grand tour of France. Their tour spanned two years and brought them through Bar, Lyon, Salon-de- Provence (where they visited Nostradamus), Carcassonne, Toulouse (where the King and his younger brother Henry were confirmed), Bayonne, La Rochelle, and Moulins. During this trip, Charles IX issued the Edict of Roussillon, which standardised 1 January as the first day of the year throughout France.
In 1997, he expressed concern that the European Monetary Union would make Germans the most hated people in Europe. Baring was aware of the possibility that the people in Mediterranean countries would regard Germans as economic policemen, predicting that the currency bloc would end up with blackmailing its member countries.This Prediction about the Euro Deserves a ‘Nostradamus Award’ W. Richter, Wolf Street, 16 July 2015. He worked at the Bundespräsidialamt (Office of the German President) from 1976 to 1979.
The music was written by Cornwell and the lyrics were later written by Burnel. Initially, Burnel wanted to sing, but because his bass line was so frenetic that Hugh agreed to sing. At the time, this was an oddity, as the pair usually sang their own individual lyrics. Burnel's lyrics were inspired by Nostradamus' predictions that there was going to be a cataclysmic event on Toulouse, and he wrote the song as a 'goodbye' to the town.
Hace 67 años, el Nostradamus argentino vaticinó que una lluvia de meteoritos caería hoy – Article written on the newspaper "Clarín", on May 5, 2005 (in Spanish). Between 1936 and 1972, Parravicini made more than a thousand "prophetic" drawings, which he described as "psychographies". His supporters credit him with having accurately predicted various major world events, including the arrival of television,"Domestic vision! Through small screen, external happenings will be seen at own home" – 1938 drawing, original in Spanish.
Jakubisko and his wife relocated to Prague following the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1993, and set up a production company, Jakubisko films. Jakubisko's next feature film was An ambiguous report about the end of the world (1997), a satirical comedy based on the prophecies of Nostradamus. The film won four Czech Lion awards. In 1998 Jakubisko joined the European Film Academy, and was also awarded with the Maverick Award by the Taos Talking Pictures Film Festival.
Many strips appear only once. These very often have extremely surreal or bizarre storylines, and often feature celebrities. For example: "Paul Daniels's Jet- Ski Journey to the Centre of Elvis", and "Arse Farm – Young Pete and Jenny Nostradamus were spending the holidays with their Uncle Jed, who farmed arses deep in the heart of the Sussex countryside...". The latter type often follows the style of Enid Blyton and other popular children's adventure stories of the 1950s.
Sutherland has since appeared in the movie Poor Boy's Game with Danny Glover and Flex Alexander and also in the 2009 comedy/drama, High Life, with Timothy Olyphant, Russell Peters, Greg Germann. He appeared with his father Donald in the 2010 Comedy The Con Artist directed by Risa Bramon Garcia. In 2012 he joined the cast of the television show King. Starting the following year, he appeared as Nostradamus on American historical fantasy television series Reign.
The film opens in the year 2023 in the Nostradamus Islands. A librarian named Flux recalls a series of earthquakes that destroyed the continental United States. A totalitarian government took control of the United States following the disaster, but video footage from the pre-earthquake world was lost. Flux is sent by the government back in time to Seattle, Washington, of 1999, to locate video footage of a riot that took place prior to the earthquake.
Each summer, the Château hosts a festival of chamber music, and some years also forms the venue for Nostradamiques - historical re- enactment of the time of Nostradamus together with processions and a transformation of the old medieval downtown. One such re-enactment was performed by the famous television presenter Jean-Pierre Foucault. In 2006, the town of Salon-de-Provence had the honour of hosting Robert Hossein, who lent his voice to the closing ceremony of the re-enactment.
While this is taking place, Julia cuts off a wrist band that Fujiko is wearing and her memories return. Chris then meets with Rhisley as their plan is revealed. As more people join the Nostradamus Sect, and their lies become the only truths, they plan to gain enough power to have the entire world bow down to them. Rhisley tells Chris that since Douglas won't back down, that Julia isn't of any use to them anymore.
During the commotion, Lupin, Jigen, Fujiko, and Goemon make another attempt to break into the vault. However, Chris goes against Rhisley's plan and enter the building to steal the lost prophecies of Nostradamus for himself. Rhisley chases him with a helicopter to stop him. Chris gets to the vault first and uses Julia to get inside, but the inside of the vault has a defense mechanism which creates the illusion that Chris is falling into an endless abyss.
In The Simpsons episode "Thank God, It's Doomsday", Homer Simpson is sarcastically called "Nostradumbass" by Comic Book Guy after his initial prophecy of the end of the world is incorrect. In the Hong Kong ATV series My Date with a Vampire (series 1), Nostradamus (also referred to as the "French Guy") was held to have made a prophecy of the end of world in 1999, with a third of the world's population turning into monsters or vampires and the rest perishing. The antagonist, vampire Yamamoto Kazuo (portrayed by Kenneth Chan) and later Yu Meng Sap Sam or his true identity--Lo Hau (portrayed by Wai Lit), sought to make the prophecy come true and rule the world, but the protagonists Fong Tin Yau (portrayed by Eric Wan) and Ma Siu Ling (portrayed by Joey Meng) were able to stop this from occurring. The anime Occult Academy revolves around an artifact called the Nostradamus Key, an object that will open a dimensional rift on July 21, 1999 that would trigger an alien invasion in the year 2012.
Three other books (#1 The Death Merchant, #9 Laser Mission, #11 Manhattan Wipeout) mention that Camellion is an ex- teacher of history, but this may simply be a cover story. Camellion is very interested in the occult and the prophecies of Nostradamus. Camellion's father was in the hardware business (#13, The Mato Grosso Horror). Camellion donates an unspecified percentage of his fees for each mission to assist struggling college students and also the underprivileged in Texas (#17, "The Zemlya Expedition").
Meanwhile, the child of a Celestial, the Star Child, is picked up by Leonardo from the sun.S.H.I.E.L.D. (vol. 1) #5 Also connected to the story are Renaissance man Michelangelo who as The Forever Man has amazing superhuman powers of time and space manipulation and Nostradamus who was doused with the Infinity formula and tortured for centuries by Newton to tell the future for centuries. It is later discovered that The Night Machine is really Nikola Tesla who received his cybernetic implants from Michelangelo.
'An Astrologer Casting a Horoscope' from Robert Fludd's Utriusque Cosmi Historia, 1617 Renaissance scholars often practised astrology to pay for their research into other subjects.Campion, 1982. p. 47. Gerolamo Cardano cast the horoscope of king Edward VI of England, while John Dee was the personal astrologer to queen Elizabeth I of England. Catherine de Medici paid Michael Nostradamus in 1566 to verify the prediction of the death of her husband, king Henry II of France made by her astrologer Lucus Gauricus.
The publisher was Gutenberg Publishers, a joint project of the famous Soviet Mir Publishing House and an Iranian publisher. Following the success of the translations of the novels of Alexandre Dumas in Iran, many translators sought similar novels to translate. Among these were Zabihollah Mansouri and Manuchehr Motiei, the latter even attempting to write similar novels set in an Iranian environment. Among the novels translated were the Les Pardaillan, Fausta the Female Pope, Nostradamus, Buridan, and many other works of Zevaco.
In 1969, at the age of 21, Inri began his public life as a self-professed prophet and astrologer, introducing himself as "Iuri de Nostradamus". In 1971, he began speaking on television, with TV Morena (an affiliate of Brazilian Rede Globo), and this opportunity introduced him to a wider audience. In 1976, claiming to blaze the trail of spiritual transcendence, Inri became vegetarian. In 1977 he lived for some time in Copacabana Palace hotel, in Rio de Janeiro, a part of high society.
Mang) and Donauwörth. Besides this, bibliophile princes Kraft Ernst (1748–1802) and his son Ludwig (1791–1870) collected medieval manuscripts so avidly that the family fell into debt. The medieval collection includes the 8th-century Echternach Evangeliary, the illustrated bible of Sancho el Fuerte (1190), and a Frankish psalter of the 13th century, fencing and tournament books of the 15th to 16th centuries, and a horoscope by Nostradamus for Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, .Augsburger Allgemeine 25 March 2008, p.
Rugg has worked extensively in the field of animation. His list of credits include writing for, co-producing, and playing the voices of several cartoon characters, first being credited as "Mr. Director" (a Jerry Lewis-esque character) from Steven Spielberg Presents Animaniacs. Afterwards, he voiced the title character in Steven Spielberg Presents Freakazoid and the Histeria portrayal of Nostradamus, as well as the main recurring villain, the Dark Lord Chuckles The Silly Piggy in the Disney series Dave the Barbarian.
Other scientists tended to the theory that the Tollmanns had pushed their interpretation of the data too far, although the evidence of a comet impact at the time they posit has not been thoroughly discredited. Kristan-Tollmann also contributed to a follow-up book with Alexander Tollmann which was not published until after her death, Das Weltenjahr geht zu Ende, in which they predicted that, based on the prophecies of Nostradamus, the world would end at the turn of the millennium.
Garencières' 1672 English translation of the Prophecies, located in The P.I. Nixon Medical History Library of The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. In The Prophecies Nostradamus compiled his collection of major, long-term predictions. The first installment was published in 1555 and contained 353 quatrains. The third edition, with three hundred new quatrains, was reportedly printed in 1558, but now survives as only part of the omnibus edition that was published after his death in 1568.
The first of these is reproduced at the bottom of this article and the second can be seen by visiting the relevant facsimile site (see External Links). In his dedication to King Henry II, Nostradamus describes "emptying my soul, mind and heart of all care, worry and unease through mental calm and tranquility", but his frequent references to the "bronze tripod" of the Delphic rite are usually preceded by the words "as though" (compare, once again, External References to the original texts).
All of this is presented in the context of the supposedly imminent end of the world—even though this is not in fact mentionedNostradamus, M., Les Propheties, 1568 omnibus edition—a conviction that sparked numerous collections of end-time prophecies at the time, including an unpublished collection by Christopher Columbus. Views on Nostradamus have varied widely throughout history. Academic views such as those of Jacques Halbronn regard Nostradamus's Prophecies as antedated forgeries written by later hands with a political axe to grind.
208–209 Egypt was also an important Ottoman territory at this time. Similarly, Nostradamus's notorious "1999" prophecy at X.72 (see Nostradamus in popular culture) describes no event that commentators have succeeded in identifying either before or since, other than by twisting the words to fit whichever of the many contradictory happenings they claim as "hits". Moreover, no quatrain suggests, as is often claimed by books and films on the alleged Mayan Prophecy, that the world would end in December 2012.
At the brink of year 2000, a time when Nostradamus and other prophets predicted doomsday, a cosmic meltdown, Almanach 1999-2000 takes a humorous look at the world of divination. A fascinating trip to the very heart of the strange, this film opens up the spheres of the paranormal, giving us an opportunity to discover an entire gallery of colourful personalities (psychic, astrologist, prophet, sceptic, philosopher, grower, etc.) who manage to cast doubt on our entire relationship with the future.
Great coat of arms, 1605 Astrology and alchemy were regarded as mainstream scientific fields in Renaissance Prague, and Rudolf was a firm devotee of both. His lifelong quest was to find the Philosopher's Stone and Rudolf spared no expense in bringing Europe's best alchemists to court, such as Edward Kelley and John Dee. Rudolf even performed his own experiments in a private alchemy laboratory. When Rudolf was a prince, Nostradamus prepared a horoscope which was dedicated to him as 'Prince and King'.
After that he did two solo albums, and worked as a backing vocalist, doing commercials, and lending his voice to cartoon movies and children's TV-shows. When singer Bert Heerink had other commitments in 2003, Edward replaced him at some "Merlin" concerts. It was the beginning of his comeback, followed by the "Nostradamus" album in 2005 on which Edward plays the part of the monk. After that album, Bert Heerink left the band and Edward was Kayak's only male lead singer again.
In 1978 they took part in the German finals, and their entry, "Charlie Chaplin", was placed third. In 1987 Marc attempted to represent Switzerland with the song "Nostradamus", finishing second behind Carol Rich. In addition to his participations alongside Sue and Marc, Peter Reber also composed, co-wrote, and conducted the 1980 Swiss entry, "Cinéma" performed by Paola di Medico. It also makes him one of a handful of performers to have participated at Eurovision as both a performer and conductor.
Luyben would later make an appearance on The X-Files and played a prominent role on Harsh Realm. The idea behind the character "The Frenchman" came from a prophecy by Nostradamus. According to Carter, "the idea that there is something approaching at the millennium, this series being produced I think four years before the end of the century, that we were headed toward something grave and foreboding". The name of recurring character Bob Bletcher came from an attorney Carter had worked with previously.
The King of Terror is a BBC Books original novel written by Keith Topping and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Fifth Doctor, Tegan, Turlough, The Brigadier, and UNIT. The title may be a reference to a purported prophecy by Nostradamus predicting the arrival of a "King of Terror." Some scholars have argued the phrase is a misinterpretation of one French word for another, but nevertheless it remains in popular use.
Eventually, the sky above the town starts to crumble, and the EMF think they have succeeded. Apolonio's becomes caretaker for the orphaned Baby Nostradamus, his shop is raided by the church, and he is officially excommunicated from the Church. And Merced de Papel is killed in a car accident. In Plascencia's world, Cameroon discovers to her horror that other people already know her because of Plascencia's book, in which she died and was buried in the ocean to be food for the fish.
It was recorded in the Som Livre studios. At the time, much was said about Nostradamus' prophecy about the world ending in 2000 and the coming of the new millennium. Taking a hitch on the subject, were ordered music with these themes and so were recorded: "Profecias (Fim do Mundo)", 2000 and "Aquarius" (discarded). In addition to tracks with the biggest subject of the time, Xuxa realized in part his desire to record more infantile songs, which are the majority in this album.
In December 1983, the band released the "Freewheel Burning" single and performed the song in a short UK/Germany tour in the same month. In January 1984, the band embarked on the Metal Conqueror Tour across Europe, North America and Japan. On this tour, the band played every song from the album live, with the exception of "Eat Me Alive". During the band's 2008 tour in support of Nostradamus, they played many songs which had never been played live before, one of them being "Eat Me Alive".
In an Italian Mickey Mouse story (Topolino E La Piramide Impossible), Mickey and Goofy travel back in time and by accident a young boy followed them back to the present. The boy had to go back to his own time and his memory of the future was erased, but before that he grabbed pieces of books. The boy of course became Nostradamus and the ripped pages from books explained his visions of the future. The story was made by Massimo Marconi and Massimo De Vita.
Redeemer of Souls has been largely praised by critics and has been hailed as a return for the band, following the lackluster response to its previous album Nostradamus. At Metacritic, that assigns a normalized rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream critics, the album received an average score of 73, based on 10 reviews, which indicates "generally favorable reviews". At AnyDecentMusic?, that collates critical reviews from more than 50 media sources, the album scored 6.7 points out of 10, based on nine reviews.
Both of these albums experimented with new sounds that distinguished them from the records with Halford. In 2003, Judas Priest reunited with Rob Halford and toured in celebration of his return in 2004. The band released Angel of Retribution in 2005 and Nostradamus in 2008. In 2010, Judas Priest announced their Epitaph World Tour, which was to be the last major world tour, which was also their first tour without original guitarist K. K. Downing, and the first to feature his replacement, Richie Faulkner.
Anonymous, issued an open letter to Gates. In the letter, Anonymous claimed Gates had advocated for strict measures, including a surveillance system that could track infected people. Anonymous said: "In the midst of a historical pandemic, much of the world is looking to you for solutions, and it seems that this is no mistake, because you have positioned yourself as the Nostradamus of disease." Gates recently suggested implementing a "national tracking system similar to South Korea" during an online Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on Reddit.
Roger Christian (born 25 February 1944) is an English set decorator, production designer and feature film director. He won an Academy Award for his work on the original Star Wars and was Oscar-nominated for his work on Alien. Christian directed the second unit on both Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace as well as feature films including The Sender and Nostradamus. He also directed the 2000 film Battlefield Earth which is regarded as one of the worst films ever made.
It was released on EP VHS in the 1990s by Paramount Home Video. Prophecies of Nostradamus is infamous for its depiction of mutated human beings. After the film was released, a protest group lodged a complaint with the Eirin (the Japanese film ratings board), citing the New Guinea sequence and the post-climactic scene featuring two mutants. Toho publicly apologized, and after briefly pulling the film from theaters, re-issued it in December 1974 with 105 seconds of cuts, including the two offending sequences.
This thus became Japan's entry for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film instead of Akira Kurosawa's Ran, which caused a slight uproar in Western media as many critics thought Ran had a real chance of winning whereas Gray Sunset was not even shortlisted. (Galbraith) In 1995, he directed Lupin III: Farewell to Nostradamus. In 1998, he directed the World War II drama Pride: The Fateful Moment, presenting a humane view of Hideki Tōjō on trial at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East.
Doctors educated at Montpellier advocated against bathing because they claimed bathing opened the body's pores, making one more susceptible to the bubonic plague. In 1529, after some years as an apothecary, Nostradamus entered the University of Montpellier to study for a doctorate in medicine. He was expelled shortly afterwards when it was discovered that he had been an apothecary, a "manual trade" expressly banned by the university statutes.[8] The expulsion document (BIU Montpellier, Register S 2 folio 87) still exists in the faculty library.
Theophilus Dunn was born at the end of the 18th century and lived for many years in Netherton, near Dudley. He achieved some fame as a fortune teller and finder of lost objects, and as someone who could cast healing spells. He supposedly was fairly well educated and could "cast a horoscope with as much facility almost as a Nostradamus". A number of stories are told of his prophesies such as warning the prizefighter, William Perry of his forthcoming defeat at the hands of Tom Sayers.
When Lupin and Jigen arrive, Julia gives them the prophecies of Nostradamus, but Rhisley meets them and threatens to kill them if they don't give him the prophecies. While Chris is still affected by the vault's illusion, he panics and activates the bombs with his watch. The building is severely damaged, but is still able to stand. Jigen, Goemon, and Fujiko are separated from Lupin and Julia, but Douglas gets parachutes to all of them and they plan to meet up at the bottom.
The character draws its inspiration from real-life historical figures including Leonardo da Vinci and Nostradamus. Rambaldi's artistic-looking manuscripts, written in code, are a direct reference to Leonardo's method of recording his work. The Rambaldi subplot, which dominated the first two seasons of the series and was greatly explored in the second half of the third season, was virtually nonexistent in the early episodes of season four. However, it continued to lurk in the background of the series and, as series creator J.J. Abrams promised, resurfaced in full later in the season.
Because of this it is said he disguised his writings not only with somewhat cryptic language, but in four different languages (Latin, French, Italian and Greek). Not content with such obfuscation, Nostradamus is also said to have used anagrams to further confuse potential inquisitors (particularly with respect to names and places). Welles himself completely rejected the central theme of the film after having made it. It is not known if Welles was contractually obligated to narrate the film, or if he simply grew disenchanted with its subject matter and presentation after completing it.
In the 20th century the requiem evolved in several new directions. One offshoot consists of compositions dedicated to the memory of people killed in wartime. These often include extra-liturgical poems of a pacifist or non-liturgical nature; for example, the War Requiem of Benjamin Britten juxtaposes the Latin text with the poetry of Wilfred Owen, Krzysztof Penderecki's Polish Requiem includes a traditional Polish hymn within the sequence, and Robert Steadman's Mass in Black intersperses environmental poetry and prophecies of Nostradamus. Holocaust Requiem may be regarded as a specific subset of this type.
The iconic image of the Man in the Moon At a meeting of the Astronomy Club, its president, Professor Barbenfouillis, proposes an expedition to the Moon. After addressing some dissent, five other brave astronomers—Nostradamus, Alcofrisbas, Omega, Micromegas, and Parafaragaramus—agree to the plan. A space capsule in the shape of a bullet is built, along with a huge cannon to shoot it into space. The astronomers embark and their capsule is fired from the cannon with the help of "marines", most of whom are played by a bevy of young women in sailors' outfits.
Uig is the ancestral seat of the Clan MacAulay (Mac Amhlaigh), who are of Norse descent (Olavsson). The most famous clan chief was Donald Cam MacAulay, and his descendants have included the anti-slavery campaigner Zachary Macaulay and his son Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st Baron Macaulay who wrote A History of England. A later ancestor, T B MacAulay, founded the Sun Life of Canada insurance company. According to Lewis tradition, Uig is the birthplace of Coinneach Odhar, the Brahan Seer, a Nostradamus-type figure of the 16th century.
Black retired from the Federal Bureau of Investigation to move his wife (Gallagher) and daughter (Tiplady) to Seattle, where he began to consult on criminal cases for the Group. After his wife's death, he returned to the FBI to work with new partner Emma Hollis (Scott) to discredit the Group. Millennium genesis stemmed from "Irresistible", a second-season episode of The X-Files penned by Carter.Order in Chaos, 00:03–00:45 Influence was also drawn from the works of Nostradamus, and the increasing popular interest in eschatology ahead of the coming millennium.
It is later revealed that he was actually being controlled by Sonezaki Michio. ; :Dubbed as the 'Modern Nostradamus', he sees the brothers in one of his vision and that they are somehow related to man's destruction. Working as a regular employee in Taito Enterprises, he meets the Kirihara brothers and both he and Naoya saw what exactly will lead to man's demise - Dr Kanako. His boss, Chief Kurokawa, is one of those who did not believe him, especially when Kamiya said that he will die of a heart attack in a park alone.
Travis always used Tama Drums until 2008. On the first leg of the Judas Priest "Nostradamus Tour" he played a Pearl kit and then switched to a DW kit for the second leg. He was also seen using a DW kit at the NAMM show with his band Racer X. His DW setup is: two 23"x24" bass drums, 14"x6.5" snare,8"x8" 10"x9" 12"x9" and 14"x10" rack toms and 16"x14" and 18"x16" floor toms. Travis has played Paiste cymbals since May 1987.
Apparently, some members of that race had precognitive abilities; it is revealed that the being later known as Nostradamus was a member of this race. He journeyed to Earth and used his precognitive abilities to leave behind the prophesies that would help Cade resist the Gua. It has been established that the Gua communicate telepathically and have sensory abilities far more advanced than a human. This is due largely to the fact that from birth the Gua undergo a continuous metamorphosis, making the issue of identifying one individual Gua from another impossible.
After the end of the Rainbow in 1997, he then worked with former Midnight Blue guitarist Alex Dickson with the intention of securing a solo deal. Sessions on several tribute releases were next, the Whitesnake tribute Snakebites (2000), and several tracks included on 666 Number of the Beast (2004) a two-volume tribute to Iron Maiden out on Deadline. White also guested on Nikolo Kotzev's conceptual Nostradamus 2001 release. A contribution to Royal Hunt bassist Steen Morgensen's solo project Arrival (under the moniker Cornerstone) was released in late 2000.
The Nostradamus concept idea originated from manager Bill Curbishley and was pitched to the band while on tour in Estonia in 2005. Guitarist K. K. Downing revealed in a February 2007 interview with Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles that 18 tracks had been recorded with a total length of more than 90 minutes and that there was not much he would like to cut down. Musically, the album contains symphonic orchestrations, including the use of keyboards and choirs, which is unlike anything the band has previously attempted. In November 2007, the band began mixing the album.
In October 1529, while serving as procurator, Rondelet expelled the newly enrolled Nostradamus from the university for being an apothecary and slandering doctors. Rondelet moved to Pertuis in the Vaucluse after gaining his medical degree from Montpellier and tried to supplement his income by teaching local children, but met with little success. He went back to Paris to learn Greek and to study anatomy, again supporting himself through teaching. He practised for a while as a medical doctor at Maringues in the Auvergne before returning to Montpellier in 1537.
This track has been used internationally in many different media and is especially familiar to many millions throughout Europe and South America, and uses range from television commercials to computer games, and even wrestling and martial arts. Cover versions include a highly successful recording by the Red Army Choir of Russia. Guy's voice has also featured as that of a monk singing chant on the film soundtracks of 1492: Conquest of Paradise, Les Visiteurs and Nostradamus – which has led to him being described as ‘the monk without the tonsure’.
The album cover by Mark Wilkinson (who had done the band's cover art from Ram It Down to Nostradamus) combines elements from the band's previous releases. In the foreground are the Hellion from Screaming for Vengeance and the Painkiller from its eponymous 1990 album. Under the Hellion's body is a razor blade, a reference to the album British Steel. The lower left shows the female hand holding a gear shift knob from Turbo and a mannequin wearing sunglasses and a studded leather headband representing Killing Machine/Hell Bent for Leather.
Nostradamos was founded in 1971 by Stelios Fotiadis, Ippokratis Exarchopoulos, and Chris King. It was one of the most popular pop groups in Greece which dominated the Greek pop-rock scene in the early to mid-seventies. The group took its name from French astrologer Nostradamus. Despoina Glezou joined the group in time to perform at the 1972 Music Festival of Thessaloniki where they won the best new group and best new composer and performer prize with the song "Dos Mou to Heri Sou" (Give Me Your Hand) which became a huge success in Greece.
Eilis Kirwan is an Irish film director and screenwriter who was nominated for the Genie Award for Best Original Screenplay for the 2010 film The Whistleblower along with Larysa Kondracki. Born in Dublin, in 1972, Kirwan also won an Ardmore Studios Award at the 2004 Kerry Film Festival and won the 2004 Galway Film Fleadh Short Film Award for Best First Short both for 2004's Nostradamus and Me. She studied English and History at University College Dublin then co-founded Doubletake Theatre Company where she wrote and produced original plays.
He was expelled shortly afterwards by the student procurator, Guillaume Rondelet, when it was discovered that he had been an apothecary, a "manual trade" expressly banned by the university statutes, and had been slandering doctors. The expulsion document, BIU Montpellier, Register S 2 folio 87, still exists in the faculty library. However, some of his publishers and correspondents would later call him "Doctor". After his expulsion, Nostradamus continued working, presumably still as an apothecary, and became famous for creating a "rose pill" that purportedly protected against the plague.
Before Twilight () is a 2008 Polish comedy film drama directed by Jacek Bławut. The film is about a group of old retired theatre actors in a retirement home for actors who aim to regroup and stage Goethe's Faust. The film stars a number of esteemed veteran Polish actors including Irena Kwiatkowska and Roman Kłosowski, who plays Nostradamus. The film, produced in 2008, was featured at the 2008 Polish Feature Film Festival where it won a Silver Lion award for director Jacek Bławut and picked up several other awards.
Salon was a Gallo- Roman oppidum well positioned on the salt trade routes between Adriatic, Atlantic and Mediterranean seas, hence its name. This region was under the Phocaean influence since the sixth century BC, and stretches of the Via Aurelia can still be recognized just outside the town, but the earliest mention of the place under its familiar name is of the ninth century, as Villa Salone. The archbishops of Arles controlled the site. Its principal claim to fame today is as the place where Nostradamus spent his last years and is buried.
His dwelling is maintained as a museum, and for four days every June or July, the city celebrates its history during the time of Nostradamus, attracting tourists. The historic center still lies within its circuit of walls, entered through two seventeenth-century gateways, the Porte de l'Horloge and the Port Bourg Neuf. In 1559 the engineer Adam de Craponne opened the Canal de Craponne to bring fresh water from the river Durance to the town and the surrounding plain of Crau. Inexpensive freight brought commerce to Salon, and the town prospered.
Pompeii 99 gained an audience in the Los Angeles club scene, and in 1981, formed a record label, Nostradamus, to release their debut album Look at Yourself, which was financed in part by their parents. In 1982, they followed this with an EP, Ignorance Is the Control. Pompeii 99 were scheduled to open for Christian Death on a European tour, but when that band's lineup collapsed, lead singer Rozz Williams decided along with Kand, DeMone and Glass to combine the two bands into a new version of Christian Death.The rough guide to rock, p.
Epitaph is a live video released by Judas Priest on DVD and Blu-Ray on 28 May 2013. It was filmed at the Hammersmith Apollo on 26 May 2012, which was the last date of the Epitaph World Tour, where they performed songs from each Halford-era album from Rocka Rolla to Nostradamus. The show was first seen in cinemas in New York City on 14 May and in London on 15 May with special screenings around the world on 16 May. It then premiered on VH1 Classic in the United States on 25 May.
Mooney initially appeared in the sketches "Ask a Black Dude" and "Mooney at the Movies" on Comedy Central's Chappelle's Show. He later appeared as Negrodamus, an African American version of Nostradamus. As Negrodamus, Mooney ad-libbed the "answers to life's most unsolvable mysteries" such as "Why do white people love Wayne Brady?" (Answer: "Because Wayne Brady makes Bryant Gumbel look like Malcolm X.") Mooney was planning to reprise his role as Negrodamus in the third season of the Chappelle's Show, before Dave Chappelle left the show due to stress, and it ended suddenly.
Rugby School Mario G. Reading (1953 - 29 January 2017) was a British author. Reading was born in Bournemouth in 1953, son of Gordon and Lieselotte Reading. He was brought up in England, Germany, and the South of France, and educated at Rugby School and at the University of East Anglia, where he studied Comparative Literature under Malcolm Bradbury and Angus Wilson. His novels include The Music-Makers, and the bestselling Antichrist Trilogy (which has sold more than a million copies in 39 countries), comprising The Nostradamus Prophecies, The Mayan Codex, and The Third Antichrist.
A Praed Street Dossier is a collection of detective fiction short stories, essays and marginalia by author August Derleth. It was released in 1968 by Mycroft & Moran in an edition of 2,904 copies. It was an associational collection to Derleth's Solar Pons series of pastiches of the Sherlock Holmes tales of Arthur Conan Doyle. The two science fiction stories, "The Adventure of the Snitch in Time" and "The Adventure of the Ball of Nostradamus", written with Mack Reynolds, were originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.
He takes it out and keeps it as something to remember him by. After the mishap, Jigen and Goemon arrive in a helicopter and try to help Lupin escape, but Lupin is shot in the arm by Chris and falls into the ocean. The next day, Lupin wakes up on an island and is being nursed back to health by a boy named Sergio and his grandmother. While on the island, he discovers that Fujiko is there as well, but Sergio's grandmother says that she's really a handmaiden of the Nostradamus Sect named Tanya.
He studied other historical figures who he classified amongst the prophets of humanity like Rama, Jesus, Plotin, Ulrich of Mayence, etc. Prophesy, a phenomenon that fascinated Brousse from 1934 after discovering Nostradamus, is widely approached by bringing in archetypes from the "Tarot" (1972), la Grande Pyramide (The Great Pyramid) (1977), books like Asia Mysteriosa (1976), lore such as the prophecies from Roi du Monde (The King of the World) (1978), secret societies like l’Ordre Polaire (The Order of the Polar Star) (1976) and the Esséniens (Essenes) (1977). In 1979 and 1980, Brousse greatly speaks about Philippe of Lyon [L’Évangile de Philippe de Lyon (Philippe of Lyon's Gospel), Ed. La Licorne Ailée, 1994], Nostradamus, and the great prophecies (three lectures on La Prophétie des Papes (The Prophecy of the Popes), Padre Pio, etc.) and in June 1979, he gave his first lecture in Paris on "La communication des sens et de l’esprit," (Communication of the Senses and the Spirit). From 1980 he published and publicly talked about his journeys to Wesak every year during the month of May. From 1982 to 1984, he focused on the Proverbs of Solomon (more than eighteen lectures in Prades) in front of an audience captivated by his psychological finesse.
Past, Present and Future is Al Stewart's fifth studio album, released in October 1973 in the UK and in May 1974 in the US. This album is considered Stewart's first "major album" and it reached #133 on the Billboard Rock Album chart in 1974. He had taken on a different approach from his previous, folkier work, an approach that would stay with him for most of his career. All songs on this record have historical themes, each song representing a decade of the 20th century. The final song, "Nostradamus," is about the famous supposed prophet and his prophecies.
A major plotline of the series is the search for and recovery of artifacts created by Milo Rambaldi, a Renaissance-era character with similarities to both Leonardo da Vinci and Nostradamus. On May 22, 2006 the series completed its run, airing a total of 105 episodes over five seasons. An animated short was included on the DVD release of season 3. In addition to the individual season sets, the complete series was released on DVD with a bonus disc and a book that reveals the deepest secrets of the series, packaged in a "Rambaldi artifact box".
But compare Clébert, Jean-Paul, Prophéties de Nostradamus, 2003 In this case, the first expression may simply be a version of :Cinq[ante minutes] & quarante degrés – which is indeed the latitude of Naples. Another quatrain which came under the scrutiny of enthusiasts was quatrain I.87, which in the original 1555 edition (Albi copy) ran: :Ennosigée feu du centre de terre :Fera trembler au tour de cité neufve: :Deux grands rochiers long temps feront la guerre :Puis Arethusa rougira nouveau fleuve. or, in a possible English translation: :Earth-shaking fires from the world’s centre roar: :Around ‘New City’ is the earth a-quiver.
Detective Conan special is, as the title suggests, a crossover between Lupin III and Detective Conan and as such features characters from both series. Manga Entertainment released the first special on VHS in the United Kingdom and Australia in 1996 as Goodbye Lady Liberty, using an English dub that they had created in London with an American-British cast. Funimation Entertainment purchased the North American distribution rights to specials five through twelve in 2002, in a package that also included the two theatrical films Farewell to Nostradamus and Dead or Alive. They re-titled several of the animations for their release.
The manuscript, apparently in Nostradamus's own hand, still exists in the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, as French manuscript No. 2594. The paper has been analyzed, and found to date from 1535–1539 and to stem from somewhere in the general area of the Comtat Venaissin and Provence. It was dedicated to Jeanne d'Albret, later (from 1555) Queen of Navarre, and is of particular interest to students of Nostradamus' Propheties for its near-total lack of either accents or punctuation (which suggests that their original manuscripts, too, may have lacked both). It is now housed in the Lyon municipal library.
Barozzi was accused of being a sorcerer, a charge that he did not help refute by publishing his Pronostico Universale di tutto il mondo (Bologna, 1566), a collection of the prophecies of Nostradamus for the years 1565–1570. He also published a special edition of Oracula Leonis in 1577, a collection of cryptic prophecies attributed to the Byzantine Emperor Leo VI the Wise and dedicated to the Cretan governor, Giacomo Foscarini. Around 1583, Barozzi was tried by the Inquisition on an unknown charge and found guilty. In 1587, he was charged with apostasy, heresy, and for engaging in the occult.
His novels first published by Fayard and Tallandier were republished several times and adapted for the screen; the latest paperback edition only gives a mutilated version, and is impaired by many cuts. He is remembered as the author of Les Pardaillan, Le Capitan, Le Pont des soupirs (Bridge of Sighs), Borgia, Buridan, L'Héroïne, l'Hôtel Saint Pol and Nostradamus, his most famous historical novels, but also published novels related to his times. Some of his serials have not yet been published. Zevaco's novels, including the Les Pardaillan series, were translated into Persian as part of the great interest in historical novels in Iran.
Glenn Hughes was then supposed to record the remaining songs; however contractual obligations hindered him from recording more than three songs, at which point Kotzev brought in Thomas Vikström to record the remaining songs. Kotzev was so pleased with the result that he decided to keep using multiple singers for future albums. When performing live, however, Joe Lynn Turner is typically the only singer. Several of the band members have also appeared on Nikolo Kotzev's ambitious rock opera Nostradamus (2001); Brazen Abbot was on hiatus during the time Kotzev was working on the rock opera (1998–2001).
In November 2007, singer Rob Halford indicated that it was still undecided whether it would be a double-disc set or not. In April 2008, it was confirmed that the album would be released as a double- CD/triple vinyl LP. "Nostradamus" sold 42,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at position No. 11 on The Billboard 200 chart. This was the band's highest-ever chart position in the US before being surpassed by Redeemer of Souls in 2014, when it took the No. 6 position. According to Billboard.
The premise of the game is a prophecy by Nostradamus that at the end of the 20th century there would be a major world war, beginning somewhere in the Middle East. The game was produced at a time of escalating violence in the Persian Gulf due to the Iran–Iraq War. The year is 1988 and Robin, an 11-year-old boy with unusual psychic powers, has awoken from a long sleep among the ruins of his former home in Southampton, which has been devastated by a nuclear war. The last thing he remembers is falling asleep as normal in his room.
Michel de Nostredame (depending on the source, 14 or 21 December 1503 – 1 or 2 July 1566), usually Latinised as Nostradamus, was a French astrologer, physician and reputed seer, who is best known for his book Les Prophéties, a collection of 942 poetic quatrains allegedly predicting future events. The book was first published in 1555. Nostradamus's family was originally Jewish, but had converted to Catholic Christianity before he was born. He studied at the University of Avignon, but was forced to leave after just over a year when the university closed due to an outbreak of the plague.
British journalist Nick Pope stated that his theory had lack of critical thinking. Meade has been compared to other failed doomsday preachers, such as Harold Camping and Nostradamus, and his September 23 prediction has been compared to other failed dates, such as the 2012 phenomenon and Y2K fulfilling Christian prophecy. After September 23, 2017 passed, a European mind reader and mentalist with the same name received multiple death threats when news websites linked him to the predictions. The man denied being the doomsday predictor and worked with a legal expert to have the false reports removed.
On 28 April, the band released the album's title track "Redeemer of Souls" for streaming on their official website. On 14 May 2014, the band's original guitarist Ernie Chataway died at the age of 62 from cancer, as reported by vocalist Al Atkins. Redeemer of Souls was released on 8 July 2014. It sold around 32,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to land at position No. 6 on The Billboard 200 chart, the band's highest charting position in the US after the double-disc concept album, Nostradamus, debuted at No. 11.
Her first concert with Christian Death took place at the Contemporary Festival, held at the Anfitheatro delle Cascine in Florence, Italy on 12 July 1991. The band released the Sexy Death God album in 1994, the double-live set Amen in 1995, the Nostradamus-themed Prophecies in 1996, and Pornographic Messiah in 1998. In 2000, Christian Death added drummer Will Sarginson and toured Europe with Britain's Cradle of Filth in support of the Born Again Anti Christian album. Kand and Maitri also formed another band, black metal/deathrock act Lover of Sin, releasing the album Christian Death Presents Lover of Sin in 2002.
Angel, Jose, and Cavan flee the apartment when the police arrive on suspicion of Cavan's kidnapping. Angel and Jose frantically drive around town looking for a sign to point Angel in the right direction. Angel first tries to get the information on the birth of the Antichrist out of a man giving a speech about the predictions of Nostradamus, resulting in a chase in which three men dressed as the Three Wise Men are shot by police by mistake. He then tries to find the information at a heavy metal show, but is beaten up by the attendees.
The first work about the prophet Myrddin in a language other than Welsh, the Prophetiae was widely read — and believed — much as the prophecies of Nostradamus were centuries later; John Jay Parry and Robert Caldwell note that the Prophetiae Merlini "were taken most seriously, even by the learned and worldly wise, in many nations", and list examples of this credulity as late as 1445.John Jay Parry and Robert Caldwell. "Geoffrey of Monmouth" in Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages, Roger S. Loomis (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford University, 1959, p. 79 Ordericus Vitalis quoted from the Prophetiae around 1134–5.
Fujiko reveals that she took the job of looking after Julia in order to break into the safe and steal the lost prophecies of Nostradamus. The three travel to the Earth Building and Fujiko meets with Douglas and his wife, Mary, to tell them that Julia has been kidnapped while Lupin and Jigen try to break into the vault. During all of this, Chris makes an appearance on TV and demands that Douglas drop out of the presidential race in exchange for Julia. Douglas refuses, saying that the kidnapping will lead to sympathy for his campaign.
She states that during her first appearance she told Nostradamus to deliver a message to the humans warning them of her arrival. In the anime broadcast she arrives 500 years too early and takes a nap in orbit, waking up several years too late (as the anime was originally broadcast after 1999).Keroro Gunso Season 1, episode 7 "Moa Hajimete no Chikyū Hakai" In the manga, she lands near Fuyuki, while in the anime, she lands on Giroro's tent (and on top of Giroro, who was inside). In both, she is taken into the Hinatas' home, where she is nursed back to health by Natsumi.
He was subject to severe criticism after having objected to the proposed induction of Aamir Khan, a Muslim Bollywood actor over a planned dramatization of Mahabharata, a Hindu epic. He had earlier asked for the boycott of PK, a Bollywood film starring the same actor, due to its depiction of a Hindu-Muslim love affair and accused Ashoka University of teaching an anti-Hindu anti-Brahmin book. In 2017, Gautier claimed over a blog at The Times of India to have come across a hitherto-hidden manuscript of Nostradamus in a trunk, that (successfully) prophesied the statesmanship of Narendra Modi. The claims were reported across multiple news-outlets.
Gardner also began a series of books with a new character, Suzie Mountford, a 1930s police detective. The Globe and Mail crime critic Derrick Murdoch said, "John Gardner is technically a highly competent thriller novelist who never seems to be quite at ease unless he is writing in the same vein as another writer. (He has worked John le Carré and Graham Greene this way, and it's what makes him so well qualified to continue the James Bond saga.)" The Crime Writers' Association short-listed The Liquidator, The Dancing Dodo, The Nostradamus Traitor, and The Garden of Weapons for their annual Gold Dagger award.
In the novels of the series he investigates the mysterious phenomena of Medieval Europe, thus subtly influencing many of the historical events of that epoch; on many occasions the solution of the riddles comes up from stories which are narrated along with the main plot, normally set in the present and in the future. Evangelisti's atmospheres are normally dark, nightmarish, haunting. Another success of 1999, also translated in several languages, is the Magus trilogy, a romanticized biography of the famous Middle Ages prophecies writer Nostradamus. The three novels, Il presagio ("The Omen"), L’inganno ("The Deceit") and L'abisso ("The Abyss") sold 100,000 copies in Italy.
In the 1989 Scrooge McDuck story "The Curse of Nostrildamus" by Don Rosa (AR 143), Scrooge enters the prophet's tomb to take the amulet that was the source of his power. However, whoever wears the amulet also attracts disasters - though Donald Duck ends up as the victim of the disasters instead of Scrooge. In author's commentary in the Finnish album release, Don Rosa says he was inspired to write the story based on the legend that whoever drank from Nostradamus's skull would be given the gift of prophecy. A Phantom story from 1983 by Ulf Granberg and Jaime Vallvé featured an appearance by Nostradamus.
According to one of Nostradamus' supposed prophecies, in July 1999, a great leader would come from the sky to rebirth an old ruler over a lost province on Earth. In the game's story, this prediction comes true in the form of an alien invasion. Originating from Saturn, the alien invasion force quickly attacks many locations on Earth in preparation for an even bigger assault and possible complete global domination. Efforts are put into the design of advanced space fighters and mecha along with the best fighter pilots - in this case, pilots Dalas and Joanna - to combat the Saturnites and dispel any further doom prophecies from materializing on Earth.
Prophéties 10:72 is one of Nostradamus' most infamous quatrains: :L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois, :Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur: :Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois, :Avant que Mars regner par bonheur. Cheetham interpreted Angolmois as a cryptic anagram for "Mongols", predicting the rise (circa mid-1999) of an Antichrist—ostensibly the third such figure (after Napoleon and Hitler)—a tyrant ("king of terror") of Genghis Khan's calibre. However, other scholars have argued that this is merely a variant spelling of Angoumois, a province of western France now known as Charente, and that d'effrayeur was actually supposed to be deffraieur, i.e. one given to appeasement.
Sputnikmusic said that with Nostradamus the band "has cast away both speed metal and hard rock in favour of a more symphonic metal approach", with the album having a "greater emphasis" on synthesizers, but not in the unsatisfying manner of their 1986 album Turbo. The reviewer said he thought it was "painfully obvious" that the band had been struggling to work in an unfamiliar style. Allmusic said that the album represented "epic metal" of the sort previously produced by Iron Maiden in 1988's Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. The album was seen to contain Spinal Tap-style clichés such as "melodramatic spoken interludes".
The Essential Judas Priest is a 2006 2-disc compilation album by British heavy metal band Judas Priest. It contains 34 songs from throughout their career right up to their then-most recent album Angel of Retribution, but excludes the Tim "Ripper" Owens era and material from their debut album Rocka Rolla. It was re-released in 2008 as a limited-edition 3-disc package. It was re- released again in 2010 as a Blu-spec CD. This version has a slightly different track list on the first disc; "Nostradamus" from the 2008 album of that name replaces "Victim of Changes" as the fifth track.
The fame of the relic and of the fire rituals attracted many new devotees, and membership of Agon Shū grew to 500,000, thanks also to the fact that Kiriyama was one of the first religious leaders in Japan to hire a public relations company, Dentsu, to help him spreading his message. Meanwhile, Kiriyama devoted himself to the study of divination, the Lotus Buddhism and Shingon Buddhism, and to writing several books. Agon Shū was among the first religious movements in Japan incorporating in its teachings the prophecies of Nostradamus. In 1989, Agon Shū had 1,358 priests, serving about 580,000 believers, some of them attending the movement's services via the Internet.
Robert Fludd's Utriusque Cosmi Historia, 1617 Renaissance scholars commonly practised astrology. Gerolamo Cardano cast the horoscope of king Edward VI of England, while John Dee was the personal astrologer to queen Elizabeth I of England. Catherine de Medici paid Michael Nostradamus in 1566 to verify the prediction of the death of her husband, king Henry II of France made by her astrologer Lucus Gauricus. Major astronomers who practised as court astrologers included Tycho Brahe in the royal court of Denmark, Johannes Kepler to the Habsburgs, Galileo Galilei to the Medici, and Giordano Bruno who was burnt at the stake for heresy in Rome in 1600.
Collégiale Saint-Laurent in Salon-de-Provence in the south of France, into which his scattered remains were transferred after 1789. Nostradamus statue in Salon-de-Provence By 1566, Nostradamus's gout, which had plagued him painfully for many years and made movement very difficult, turned into edema. In late June he summoned his lawyer to draw up an extensive will bequeathing his property plus 3,444 crowns (around US$300,000 today), minus a few debts, to his wife pending her remarriage, in trust for her sons pending their twenty-fifth birthdays and her daughters pending their marriages. This was followed by a much shorter codicil.
The same book also describes the preparation of cosmetics. A manuscript normally known as the Orus Apollo also exists in the Lyon municipal library, where upwards of 2,000 original documents relating to Nostradamus are stored under the aegis of Michel Chomarat. It is a purported translation of an ancient Greek work on Egyptian hieroglyphs based on later Latin versions, all of them unfortunately ignorant of the true meanings of the ancient Egyptian script, which was not correctly deciphered until Champollion in the 19th century. Since his death, only the Prophecies have continued to be popular, but in this case they have been quite extraordinarily so.
The film being shown is a violent, disturbing horror film about four teenagers who discover an old tomb and dig up the grave of a sixteenth-century fortune teller called Nostradamus. When the teenagers dig up Nostradamus's coffin, they find no body and instead an old book and a mask identical to the strange mask in the lobby. When one of the movie's characters puts the mask on and is scratched by it just like Rosemary was by its doppelganger, he then turns evil and slaughters his friends. Feeling ill, Rosemary goes to the bathroom, where she transforms into a bloodthirsty, red-eyed demon like the one in the film.
A quatrain is a type of stanza, or a complete poem, consisting of four lines. Existing in a variety of forms, the quatrain appears in poems from the poetic traditions of various ancient civilizations including Ancient India, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, and China, and continues into the 21st century, where it is seen in works published in many languages. During Europe's Dark Ages, in the Middle East and especially Iran, polymath poets such as Omar Khayyam continued to popularize this form of poetry, also known as Ruba'i, well beyond their borders and time. Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus) used the quatrain form to deliver his famous prophecies in the 16th century.
Conrad's writing career began when he designed and edited a revised edition of the hemp prohibition classic The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer in 1990. He followed this with the publication of Hemp: Lifeline to the Future (1993), which was subsequently translated into Italian, and Hemp for Health (1997), which was subsequently translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Czech and German. He is also the author of Cannabis Yields and Dosages (2004) and Nostradamus and the Attack on New York. Conrad has co-authored two books with collaborators Virginia Resner and his wife Mikki Norris: Shattered Lives: Portraits From America's Drug War and Human Rights and the US Drug War.
By the time he was two years old, he was already garnering attention. People would run to watch him perform, and throngs of people would follow him out of the ring after his victory pass just to see him trot. By the time Noble Flaire retired from the show ring in 1991, he had won numerous World Championship titles including an unprecedented three Park Harness World Championships. This impressive horse died in 2006, but has left behind numerous progeny to carry on his name including the World Champions HVK Flaire Time, HVK Bell Flaire, Nostradamus, HVK Courageous Flaire, and HVK Vibrance, to name just a few.
Skeptics of premonition use these terms in response to claims made by psychics, astrologers and other paranormalists to have predicted an event, when the original prediction was vague, catch-all, or otherwise non-obvious. Most predictions from such figures as Nostradamus and James Van Praagh express the future with such seemingly deliberate vagueness and ambiguity as to make interpretation nearly impossible before the event, rendering them useless as predictive tools. After the event has occurred, however, the psychics or their supporters shoehorn details into the prediction by using selective thinking—emphasizing the "hits", ignoring the "misses"—in order to lend credence to the prophecy and to give the impression of an accurate "prediction". Inaccurate predictions are omitted.
The plot deals with Alec Sects, an F-15 pilot who was trained by the FBI, as he tries to take down Nostra, an Israeli-based international company that produces food products, bio-chemicals, genetics, e-commerce and children's software. Daemon Curry, a man who believes himself to be the figure mentioned in several religions (for example: the second christ/antichrist and believes in the prophecies of Nostradamus), is the founder and leader. To deal with him, the IES create a team called Spyhunter. Curry has reason to believe that it is the same person who stopped him in 1983 (Spy Hunter), when he was trying to launch his plan, he sends all he has after him.
And in 1999, he set what was thought by some to be Nostradamus's prediction of the end of the world for soprano and chamber ensemble in The Final Prophecy. The 1993 album The Window of Life by Pendragon includes a song entitled "Nostradamus (Stargazing)". Marilyn Manson said that his Antichrist Superstar CD, which came out in 1996, was an answer to the Nostrandamus prophecy in which he said that "The 3rd. Antichrist was going to come to the earth in the year 1996". Haggard produced two albums dealing with the seer Michel de Notredame in the dark days of The Black Plague in Europe: And Thou Shalt Trust... the Seer in 1997 and Awaking the Centuries in 1998.
Some of Riches' defendants are not even persons subject to suit. These include "Adolf Hitler's National Socialist Party" and the "13 tribes of Israel."Emil Steiner, Man of Many Suits, Jonathan Lee Riches Sues Everyone and Everything , Washington Post, August 23, 2007 One lawsuit, in which George W. Bush was the first-named defendant, also includes another 783 defendants that cover 57 pages. They include Plato, Nostradamus, Che Guevara, James Hoffa, "Various Buddhist Monks," all survivors of the Holocaust, the Lincoln Memorial, the Eiffel Tower, the , the book Mein Kampf, the Garden of Eden, the Roman Empire, the Appalachian Trail, Plymouth Rock, the Holy Grail, Nordic gods, the dwarf planet Pluto, and the entire Three Mile Island.
He often published two or three in a year, entitled either Almanachs (detailed predictions), Prognostications or Presages (more generalised predictions). Nostradamus was not only a diviner, but a professional healer. It is known that he wrote at least two books on medical science. One was an extremely free translation (or rather a paraphrase) of The Protreptic of Galen (Paraphrase de C. GALIEN, sus l'Exhortation de Menodote aux estudes des bonnes Artz, mesmement Medicine), and in his so-called Traité des fardemens (basically a medical cookbook containing, once again, materials borrowed mainly from others), he included a description of the methods he used to treat the plague, including bloodletting, none of which apparently worked.
This book had enjoyed considerable success in the 1520s, when it went through half a dozen editions, but did not sustain its influence, perhaps owing to its mostly Latin text, Gothic script and many difficult abbreviations. Nostradamus was one of the first to re-paraphrase these prophecies in French, which may explain why they are credited to him. Modern views of plagiarism did not apply in the 16th century; authors frequently copied and paraphrased passages without acknowledgement, especially from the classics. The latest research suggests that he may in fact have used bibliomancy for this—randomly selecting a book of history or prophecy and taking his cue from whatever page it happened to fall open at.
A classic documentary hosted by Orson Welles about Nostradamus and his predictions for the future, including one concerning World War III, causes Mr. Burns to become alarmed for the future of Springfield. With Smithers' help, he convenes a meeting of the local chapter of Mensa International to ask their advice on constructing a "Doomsday Ark," intended to save the city's most valuable individuals. The Mensa members suggest that everyone be given an IQ test to choose the passengers, but Professor Frink interrupts to recommend an alternative test he has devised that can measure people's "Personal Value Quotient" (PVQ) on a scale of 1 to 500. The test is made mandatory for all residents.
In 1940–1945, his constant focus on Nostradamus led to the discovery of historical cycles that not only confirm his previous conclusions but also specify the year of the war's ending in 1945. Using the pseudonym Charles Amazan, François Brousse put the great prophecy and hope of Victor Hugo into his own words in 1945 concerning the building of Europe, which he supported [L’Avenir des peuples (The Future of Humanity), Perpignan]. Still concerning the subject of cycles his article, "Le secret des tombes royales," appeared in the magazine Destins (Paris, No. 16-27, May 1947 – May 1948). It explains humanity's future throughout the history of the Kings of France with a very critical period around 2015.
Offender profiler Frank Black (Lance Henriksen), a member of the private investigative organisation Millennium Group, retires to Seattle with his family after a breakdown caused him to quit working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Using his incredible profiling skills, Black helps in an effort to catch a vicious murderer who believes he is fulfilling apocalyptic prophecies. "Pilot" was filmed over the course of a month in Vancouver, British Columbia, and was inspired by the writings of Nostradamus and William Butler Yeats. Airing in the timeslot previously occupied by Carter's first series, The X-Files, the episode received a high Nielsen household and syndication rating and was generally positively received by fans and critics alike.
Her father does not find her, but he does explain why he abandoned her when she was a child. The Landins discover that Plascencia has been misusing their money, and they withdraw their support. Plascencia continues to try to contact Liz, who replies that what she did was not as bad as Plascencia has made it; with this, Plascencia starts to let go of his anger and returns his gaze to the town of El Monte. Watching over the townspeople, he eventually comes to Baby Nostradamus, through whom Plascencia sees a future for all the characters, including one in which Liz, still married to the man she left Plascencia for, thinks fondly of Saturn/Plascencia.
Kolarov has also conducted various performances for the Varna National Opera, such as Giacomo Puccini's Gianni Schicchi, Manuel De Falla's El Amor brujo and The Wizard of Oz. Nelko Kolarov focused primarily on composing musicals during 1989 - 1991, composing music for such musicals as The most wonderful wonder, Romantic people and Hey Poltergeist, say, all of which were performed at the Variete theater in Gabrovo. During 1996 and 1997, several songs composed by Nelko received prizes in various pop contests and festivals throughout Bulgaria. In 1999, Kolarov conducted The Sofia Strings for Nikolo Kotzev's rock opera Nostradamus, which was released in 2001. The rock opera also featured Glenn Hughes, Joe Lynn Turner and band members of Europe, among others.
Throughout the next 20 years Masuda helmed a string of major studio productions including the science fiction disaster film Catastrophe 1999: The Prophecies of Nostradamus (aka Last Days of Planet Earth, 1974) and three more big-budget war films for the Toei Company, The Battle of Port Arthur (1980), The Great Japanese Empire (1982) and The Battle of the Sea of Japan: Go to Sea (1983). Masuda became involved in animated films when producer Yoshinobu Nishizaki decided to make his own product. Nishizaki wanted to meld a live action influence into an anime series and was a fan of Nikkatsu Action, including Masuda's films with Yujiro Ishihara. He invited Masuda to direct on Leiji Matsumoto's science fiction television and film series Space Battleship Yamato (aka Star Blazers).
Elizabeth I was treated with similar suspicion—she too entertained questionable characters (such as her advisor, John Dee), and produced no official heir. Essentially, however, there exists no concrete proof that either woman took part in the occult, and it is now believed that Catherine's trouble in providing an heir was in fact due to Henry II's penile deformity. 276x276px Suspicion was fuelled to some degree by her entertainment of questionable characters at court—for example, the reputed seer Nostradamus, who was rumoured to have created a talisman for Catherine, made from a mixture of metals, goat blood and human blood. Catherine also gave patronage to the Ruggeri brothers, who were renowned astrologers, but were also known for their involvement in necromancy and the black arts.
The Legend of the Brahan Seer As with Nostradamus, who wrote in Provençal, most of his prophecies are best known in translation, which can in itself be deceptive. However, there are no contemporary manuscripts or accounts of his predictions, so it is impossible to verify them. He is claimed to have prophesied, or his prophecies have been interpreted as referring to, the Battle of Culloden, the Highland Clearances, the building of the Caledonian Canal, the discovery of North Sea oil, and Margaret Thatcher. Having become famous as a diviner and wit, he was invited to Seaforth territory in the east, to work as a labourer at Brahan Castle near Dingwall, in what is now the county of Easter Ross, where he met his downfall.
The game's first stage, with the advertising sign having been damaged The arcade version of Ninja Gaiden is a side-scrolling beat-'em-up where the player controls a ninja hired to defeat an evil cult led by Bladedamus, a descendant of Nostradamus who seeks to fulfill his end of the world prophecies and flooded the streets of the United States with criminals. The first player controls a ninja dressed in blue, while the second player controls one dressed in orange. Like most beat-'em-ups, the player proceed through stages by defeating enemies scattered through each area. The controls consist of an eight-way joystick with a button installed on top and two additional action buttons for attacking and jumping.
Since Les Propheties was published, Nostradamus has attracted an esoteric following that, along with the popularistic press, credits him with foreseeing world events. His esoteric cryptic foreseeings have in some cases been assimilated to the results of applying the alleged Bible code, as well as to other purported pseudo-prophetic works. Most reliable academic sources maintain that the associations made between world events and Nostradamus's quatrains are largely the result of misinterpretations or mistranslations (sometimes deliberate) or else are so tenuous as to render them useless as evidence of any genuine predictive power. Moreover, none of the sources listed offers any evidence that anyone has ever interpreted any of Nostradamus's pseudo-prophetic works specifically enough to allow a clear identification of any event in advance.
Nottoridamus XI, a descendant of a great prophet, Nottoridamus I, whose name is a pun on nottori (Japanese:taking over someone else's property) and damasu (to deceive) and also a spoof of Nostradamus' predictions. He interprets the ancestor's prophecies and, according to interpretations he orders his henchmen to bring ingredients to his underground laboratory in a mansion he lives, and, by putting them into Monster Cooker, creates miscellaneous monsters to achieve his goal: taking over the world. When he was young the rich old man was so poor that he hardly had money to buy small dried fish and umeboshi. But, by interpreting the ancestor's prophecies, he'd bought and sold shares his way to the top and quickly became the world's richest man surpassing Rockefeller family.
By disguising himself in the clothes of the sailor André (fiancé of Marthe, daughter of Aubriet, an alderman of Calais), de Guise can enter the square and bring in his troops right under the nose of the English governor Lord Tréfort. In a subplot, the Comtesse believes – after a prophecy in Nostradamus - she may become the Duchess de Guise, while André thinks he has been duped by the Duke. Of Messager’s score, contemporary writers particularly noted the quartet "Vous avez dans mon ame", the military finale of the first act, the introduction to the second, the scene of the swearing of allegiance, the couplets "C’est une merveilleuse idée", the third act romance "Je vais errant a l’aventure" and the comic song "L'Anglais, premier people du monde".
Nostradamus's reliance on historical precedent is reflected in the fact that he explicitly rejected the label "prophet" (i.e. a person having prophetic powers of his own) on several occasions: Detail from title-page of the original 1555 (Albi) edition of Nostradamus's Les Prophéties Given this reliance on literary sources, it is unlikely that Nostradamus used any particular methods for entering a trance state, other than contemplation, meditation and incubation. His sole description of this process is contained in letter 41 of his collected Latin correspondence. The popular legend that he attempted the ancient methods of flame gazing, water gazing or both simultaneously is based on a naive reading of his first two verses, which merely liken his efforts to those of the Delphic and Branchidic oracles.
During his stay in Brussels Stadius published his first work, the Ephemerides novae et auctae, first published by the publisher Arnold Birckmann of Cologne in 1554. An ephemeris (plural: ephemerides) (from the Greek word ephemeros, "daily") was, traditionally, a table providing the positions (given in a Cartesian coordinate system, or in right ascension and declination or, for astrologers, in longitude along the zodiacal ecliptic), of the Sun, the Moon, and the planets in the sky at a given moment in time; the astrological positions are usually given for either noon or midnight depending on the particular ephemeris that is used. This work posited a link between mathematics and medicine and was influential on Tycho Brahe and Nostradamus. Stadius had been encouraged to publish the Ephemerides by his old teacher Gemma Frisius.
Exodus is set in southwest United States in the year 2042. The storyline of Exodus encompass an alternative history of 20th century from 1939 to 2012, which is the year of nuclear war's outbreak. In December 2012, on the winter solstice, a date prophesied by the Maya as the end of evolution, a date prophesied by Nostradamus as World's End, man chose to evolve by the process of natural selection through self extermination from nuclear fallout. The decade long War on Terror escalated to a series of short events between many warring nations that ravaged the known world on all sides in 24 short hours forcing man into an Exodus that would last 20 years for the chosen survivors, before they could return to the ruins of civilization and start a new era of man.
Respect God's laws and in case of sin repent, ask for forgiveness, and pay the penance or karma that God imposes in giving a choice when offering incarnation of the spirit in the next life. In the edition published by Merkur, Wisdom of the Occident,New Edition by Merkur Publishing, Inc. Wisdom of the Occident arrangement and under license with Dieter Rüggeberg Verlag, Wuppertal, Germany, Published in January, 2015 Bardon's secretary Votavova wrote an annex, "In Memoriam" where she refers to the characters embodying Bardon's spirit as, among others: Hermes Trismegistos, Nostradamus, Lao Tse, Apollonius of Tyana, Robert Fludd, and Count Saint Germain. In his previous physical life he was a wise man (Mahatma) from the mountains named Mahum Ta-Tah, spelled like Ha-Khu-Ma-Na-Ta-Tah.
Further material was gleaned from the De honesta disciplina of 1504 by Petrus Crinitus, which included extracts from Michael Psellos's De daemonibus, and the De Mysteriis Aegyptiorum (Concerning the mysteries of Egypt), a book on Chaldean and Assyrian magic by Iamblichus, a 4th-century Neo-Platonist. Latin versions of both had recently been published in Lyon, and extracts from both are paraphrased (in the second case almost literally) in his first two verses, the first of which is appended to this article. While it is true that Nostradamus claimed in 1555 to have burned all of the occult works in his library, no one can say exactly what books were destroyed in this fire. Only in the 17th century did people start to notice his reliance on earlier, mainly classical sources.
Many of Nostradamus's supporters believe his prophecies are genuine. Owing to the subjective nature of these interpretations, however, no two of them completely agree on what Nostradamus predicted, whether for the past or for the future. Many supporters, however, do agree, for example, that he predicted the Great Fire of London, the French Revolution, the rises of Napoleon and Adolf Hitler, both world wars, and the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Popular authors frequently claim that he predicted whatever major event had just happened at the time of each book's publication, such as the Apollo moon landings in 1969, the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986, the death of Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997, and the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001.
Shinrikyo Aum is a syncretic belief system that draws upon Asahara's idiosyncratic interpretations of elements of early Indian Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism, as well as Hinduism, taking Shiva as the main image of worship and incorporating millennialist ideas from Christianity, Yoga, and the writings of Nostradamus. Its founder, Chizuo Matsumoto, claimed that he sought to restore "original Buddhism" but employed Christian millenarian rhetoric. In 1992, Matsumoto, who had changed his name to Shoko Asahara, published a foundational book, declaring himself to be "Christ", Japan's only fully enlightened master, as well as identifying himself as the "Lamb of God". Asahara's purported mission was to take upon himself the sins of the world, and he claimed he could transfer spiritual power to his followers and ultimately take away their sins and bad deeds.
Journalist for Paris Match from 1972 to 1983, she writes an article in Le PointFrom Nostradamus to Ubykh language dictionnaire : the universe of Georges Dumézil, in Le Point (Laurence Gilbert), March 19, 1984 in 1984, after joining ELLE magazine, in 1983. She is editor in chief adjunct from 1993 to 2008,Laurence de Cambronne, Livre de Poche and interviews for the magazine : Lionel Jospin, Jean-Pierre Chevènement, Édith Cresson, Georgina Dufoix, Michel Rocard or Françoise Fabius.Biography of Laurence de Cambronne, Evene, Le Figaro in charge of the pages Vie Privée, C’est mon histoire, Une journée avec, inspired by the last page of The Sunday Times Magazine, One day in the life of and the Elle à Paris section of the magazine.Laurence de Cambronne, 2 Seas Foreign Rights Catalog She also participated in 1996 in the launch of the French television channel Téva.
South Korean singer and rapper Psy Towards mid- December 2012, an internet hoax related to South Korean singer and rapper Psy being one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was widely circulated around social media platforms. The hoax text, purportedly written by Nostradamus in 1503, is as follows: :From the calm morning, :the end will come :when of the dancing horse :the number of circles will be nine "Calm morning" is said to be in reference to Psy's birth country – South Korea, nicknamed in English "The Land of Morning Calm". "Dancing horse" refers to Psy's Gangnam Style "dancing horse" routine, whereas the "nine circles" refer to the number of zeroes in one billion (1,000,000,000), which is nine. It was believed that once Psy's Gangnam Style video on YouTube amassed a billion views, the world would end.
Plantard set out to have the Priory of Sion perceived as a prestigious esoteric Christian chivalric order, whose members would be people of influence in the fields of finance, politics and philosophy, devoted to installing the "Great Monarch", prophesied by Nostradamus, on the throne of France. Plantard's choice of the pseudonym "Chyren" was a reference to "Chyren Selin", Nostradamus's anagram for the name for this eschatological figure.Marie-France Etchegoin & Frédéric Lenoir, Code Da Vinci: L'Enquête, p. 61 (Robert Laffont, 2004). Between 1961 and 1984, Plantard contrived a mythical pedigree for the Priory of Sion claiming that it was the offshoot of a real Catholic religious order housed in the Abbey of Our Lady of Mount Zion, which had been founded in the Kingdom of Jerusalem during the First Crusade in 1099 and later absorbed by the Jesuits in 1617.
Notturno veneziano con messa nera e fantasmi d'amore and the nonfiction I dieci examined the Italian scientists who signed the "Racial Manifesto" in 1938 leading to the introduction of racial laws. Among his other works of fiction are I semidei, a spy story set in contemporary Italy with clear references to many of the major figures involved in Tangentopoli inspired by his work as journalist, Il signore degli specchi on the life of Nostradamus, and Scroll on the legend that Shakespeare may not have been English. He is also the author a five-volume series on the origins of Europe, Il romanzo di Carlo Magno, and a biography of Rita da Cascia, Santa Rita degli impossibili. The latter, rejecting a sort of hagiographic stance, instead reconstructs the mystery in which the medieval mystic was involved surrounding the murder of her husband.
Feeling vulnerable to opposition on religious grounds, however, he devised a method of obscuring his meaning by using "Virgilianised" syntax, word games and a mixture of other languages such as Greek, Italian, Latin, and Provençal. For technical reasons connected with their publication in three installments (the publisher of the third and last installment seems to have been unwilling to start it in the middle of a "Century," or book of 100 verses), the last fifty- eight quatrains of the seventh "Century" have not survived in any extant edition. Century I, Quatrain 1 in the 1555 Lyon Bonhomme edition The quatrains, published in a book titled Les Prophéties (The Prophecies), received a mixed reaction when they were published. Some people thought Nostradamus was a servant of evil, a fake, or insane, while many of the elite evidently thought otherwise.
Akutin, "Александр Вельтман и его роман 'Странник'". Martin Zadek is not an invention of Veltman's but a popular Nostradamus-type figure of the day; a book of his predictions was published in Basel in 1770 and translated into Russian the same year (editions continued to be printed right up to the October Revolution), and he was referred to by Pushkin and Zamyatin, among others.W.F. Ryan, The Bathhouse at Midnight: An Historical Survey of Magic and Divination in Russia (Penn State Press, 1999: ), p. 154. In 1834, he published Lunatik: Sluchai (The sleepwalker: an incident), a love story set against the background of Napoleon's invasion; the sleepwalker of the title is a university student who "undergoes a series of hair-raising adventures as he searches for his lady-love, only to discover in the end that she is his sister".Goodliffe, Aleksander Fomich Vel'tman, p. 867.
Born in Oregon in 1936, George Brown Randall adopted the stage name Jack Taylor and began his acting career in small roles in 1950s American TV shows such as The Jack Benny Program and Sheena, Queen of the Jungle. He relocated to Mexico in the late 1950s and starred in a number of films for director Federico Curiel, often vehicles for the Mexican characters Nostradamus the Vampire and the superhero Neutron. Reportedly, he moved to Europe to appear in Elizabeth Taylor's epic Cleopatra (1963), but his small part ended up uncredited. In 1967, Taylor began his prolific collaboration with Jesus Franco in Succubus (1968, his first onscreen lead role) and Eugenie… The Story of Her Journey into Perversion (1970). He went on to play Quincey Morris in the 1970 Franco opus Count Dracula alongside Christopher Lee, Herbert Lom, Soledad Miranda and Klaus Kinski, before appearing in many of Franco's softcore films, most famously Female Vampire (1973) with Lina Romay.
The movie Evil Angels (released as A Cry in the Dark outside of Australia and New Zealand) portrays the events surrounding the death of Azaria Chamberlain, the daughter of Seventh-day Adventist Church pastor Michael Chamberlain and his wife Lindy. Lindy is falsely accused and convicted of killing the nine-week-old baby, and the public's unfamiliarity with of the practices of the religion are shown as one of the causes of public opinion turning against the Chamberlains. Another Australian film, The Nostradamus Kid, depicts a coming-of-age story in which a Seventh-day Adventist young man grows up in the 1950s. 2016 Hollywood film Hacksaw Ridge depicts the story of Desmond Doss, a Seventh-Day Adventist medic who exhibited extraordinary bravery in the Pacific Theatre during World War II, including single-handedly saving the lives of at least 75 wounded American soldiers in one night under heavy enemy fire on Maeda Escarpment Okinawa, for which he was awarded the Medal of Honor.
The arcade version of Ninja Gaiden (released in 1988, in Japan, North America, and Europe) was a Double Dragon-style beat 'em up, in which the player controls a nameless blue ninja (red for a second player) as he travels to various regions of the United States (such as New York City, Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon) to defeat an evil cult led by a fictional descendant of Nostradamus, who is trying to personally fulfill his ancestor's prophecy of the rise of an evil king in 1999. The player has a variety of techniques, such as a flying neck throw and a back-flip. The player can obtain power-ups by throwing characters into background objects, such as street lights and dumpsters. The player fights primarily with his bare hands, although a sword can also be used for a limited time as a power-up; he can also use overhead environmental objects as a prop from which he can deliver more powerful kicking attacks.
Theophilus de Garencières, the first English translator of the Prophecies Nostradamus claimed to base his published predictions on judicial astrology—the astrological 'judgment', or assessment, of the 'quality' (and thus potential) of events such as births, weddings, coronations etc.—but was heavily criticised by professional astrologers of the day such as Laurens Videl for incompetence and for assuming that "comparative horoscopy" (the comparison of future planetary configurations with those accompanying known past events) could actually predict what would happen in the future. Research suggests that much of his prophetic work paraphrases collections of ancient end-of-the-world prophecies (mainly Bible-based), supplemented with references to historical events and anthologies of omen reports, and then projects those into the future in part with the aid of comparative horoscopy. Hence the many predictions involving ancient figures such as Sulla, Gaius Marius, Nero, and others, as well as his descriptions of "battles in the clouds" and "frogs falling from the sky".
From the 1980s onward, however, an academic reaction set in, especially in France. The publication in 1983 of Nostradamus's private correspondence and, during succeeding years, of the original editions of 1555 and 1557 discovered by Chomarat and Benazra, together with the unearthing of much original archival material revealed that much that was claimed about Nostradamus did not fit the documented facts. The academics revealed that not one of the claims just listed was backed up by any known contemporary documentary evidence. Most of them had evidently been based on unsourced rumours relayed as fact by much later commentators, such as Jaubert (1656), Guynaud (1693) and Bareste (1840), on modern misunderstandings of the 16th-century French texts, or on pure invention. Even the often-advanced suggestion that quatrain I.35 had successfully prophesied King Henry II's death did not actually appear in print for the first time until 1614, 55 years after the event.
Ellis was a regular contributor to the Nation Review in the 1970s and subsequently contributed to Fairfax Media newspapers and The National Times.Bob Ellis (opeds by) at The National Times Ellis became a popular playwright, usually working in collaboration. In 1970 he and Michael Boddy (1934–2014) became known for co-writing The Legend of King O'Malley, a musical play based on the life of King O'Malley. From 1975 to 1986 he and his wife also owned the Stables Theatre in Kings Cross, Sydney, during which time it became home to the Griffin Theatre Company. They sold it in 1986 for $200,000. Ellis wrote several film scripts, notably The Nostradamus Kid (1992), Cactus (1986, with Paul Cox), My First Wife (1984, with Paul Cox), Where the Green Ants Dream (Wo die grünen Ameisen träumen) (1984, with Werner Herzog), Man of Flowers (1983, with Paul Cox), Goodbye Paradise (1983), ...Maybe This Time (1981, with Anne Brooksbank), Fatty Finn (1980) and Newsfront (1978).
The third book begins with Saturn briefly silent, but eventually returning to his watching over El Monte. Meanwhile, the EMF members have realized that the lead shielding is making them all sick; with the help of Apolonio the curandero, they regain their health and tear down all the lead. Little Merced learns from Baby Nostradamus the secret of how to block her thoughts from Saturn and, eventually, how to extend that block to everyone else; however, she is killed by citrus poisoning and remains dead for five days, until Apolonio finds a way to resurrect her; revived, she has to relearn how to shield thoughts. Federico de la Fe and Froggy realize that a better way to fight Saturn is not to shield their thoughts but to think and speak openly, thus literally crowding Saturn to the margins with their own words; at this section, the pages become crowded with characters narrating, and Saturn's passages shrink to just a corner of the page.
Taylor's early roles included acting the lead in the critically acclaimed The Year My Voice Broke and Flirting and he gained significant international attention playing the tormented young pianist David Helfgott in the 1996 film Shine. Taylor's résumé includes action movies (Lara Croft: Tomb Raider), comedies (The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou), psychological thrillers (Vanilla Sky and Predestination) and historical dramas (Max, in which he played the young Adolf Hitler.) He also played the role of Adolf Hitler in AMC's smash hit series Preacher. Taylor once commented in an interview that he was sick of acting out the nostalgic reminiscences of other people. He has done this in a number of films including The Nostradamus Kid, which was based, apparently, on the memories of the Australian author Bob Ellis, a young David Helfgott in Shine, the protagonist in John Birmingham's memoir He Died with a Felafel in His Hand, and Almost Famous, based on the memories of the film's writer and director, Cameron Crowe.
The 2012 phenomenon was discussed or referenced in several media. Several TV documentaries, as well as some contemporary fictional references to the year 2012, referred to 21 December as the day of a cataclysmic event. The UFO conspiracy TV series The X-Files cited 22 December 2012 as the date for an alien colonization of the Earth and mentioned the Mayan calendar "stopping" on this date. The History Channel aired a handful of special series on doomsday that included analysis of 2012 theories, such as Decoding the Past (2005–2007), 2012, End of Days (2006), Last Days on Earth (2006), Seven Signs of the Apocalypse (2009), and Nostradamus 2012 (2008). The Discovery Channel also aired 2012 Apocalypse in 2009, suggesting that massive solar storms, magnetic pole reversal, earthquakes, supervolcanoes, and other drastic natural events could occur in 2012. In 2012, the National Geographic Channel launched a show called Doomsday Preppers, a documentary series about survivalists preparing for various cataclysms, including the 2012 doomsday.
In 2001, Turner took part in the role of "The Narrator" in the rock opera, Nikolo Kotzev's Nostradamus. Turner also fronted the band for a majority of their live performances in Bulgaria. As a result, Turner appears on the 2005 documentary style/live performance DVD release entitled, A Decade of Brazen Abbot, as well as the 2015 studio/live compilation release of 20 Years of Brazen Abbot. In 2000, Turner first approached former Trapeze and Deep Purple bassist, Glenn Hughes to perform some live dates in Japan in support of Turner's sixth solo album, Holy Man. In 2001, the pair formed Hughes Turner Project. The collaboration resulted in two studio albums (HTP and HTP2) and a live album (Live in Tokyo) between 2001 and 2003. In 2005, Hughes and Turner collaborated once more on the Russian studio project Michael Men Project's album Made in Moscow. The May 11, 2000, PBS show Between the Lions, featured his vocal on the song "Clobbered" in the Season 1, Episode 29 episode entitled, Giants and Cubs.
Shortly after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, the following spoof text was circulated on the Internet, along with many more elaborate variants (one of them signed 'Nostradamus 1654' – when he would have been 150 years old): : In the City of God there will be a great thunder, : Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, : while the fortress endures, : the great leader will succumb, : The third big war will begin when the big city is burning. As it turns out, the first four lines were indeed written before the attacks, but by a Canadian graduate student named Neil Marshall as part of a research paper in 1997. The research paper included this poem as an illustrative example of how the validity of prophecies is often exaggerated. For example, the phrases "City of God" (New York has never held the title of "City of Angels"), "great thunder" (this could apply to many disasters), "Two brothers" (many things come in pairs), and "the great leader will succumb" are so vague as to be meaningless.
The New London Concert has performed regularly at major festivals and concert halls, in most of Europe, the Americas, the Middle East and China/Hong Kong. These include performances at the Perth International Arts Festival, the Strasbourg Philharmonie, Cité de la Musique in Paris, Sage Gateshead, the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester, Birmingham’s Town Hall, the Beijing Music Festival, Israel Festival Jerusalem, and many appearances at the Palacio de Bellas Artes and the Festival Internacional Cervantino in Mexico. They appear regularly at London’s Southbank, where they were a resident ensemble from 1996 to 2005. Much of its repertoire has been broadcast by BBC Radio 3, and they have appeared the television programmes BBC Music in Time, BBC2 Music in Camera and both of the Westminster Abbey Purcell Centenary concerts in 1995. They have recorded soundtracks for Channel 4’s Tales from the Decameron, BBC TV’s Shakespeare Series, and films such as Lady Jane, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, A Man for all Seasons, Hamlet, Dangerous Beauty, Nostradamus and Elizabeth.
In his preface to the Prophecies, Nostradamus himself stated that his prophecies extend 'from now to the year 3797'—an extraordinary date which, given that the preface was written in 1555, may have more than a little to do with the fact that 2242 (3797–1555) had recently been proposed by his major astrological source Richard Roussat as a possible date for the end of the world.Roussat, R., Livre de l'etat et mutations des temps, Lyon, 1550, p. 95; Brinette, B, Richard Roussat: Livre de l'etat et mutations des temps, introduction et traductions, 1550 (undated dossier) Additionally, scholars have pointed out that almost all English translations of Nostradamus's quatrains are of extremely poor quality, seem to display little or no knowledge of 16th-century French, are tendentious, and are sometimes intentionally altered in order to make them fit whatever events the translator believed they were supposed to refer (or vice versa). None of them were based on the original editions: Roberts had based his writings on that of 1672, Cheetham and Hogue on the posthumous edition of 1568.
At the end of the section, "Saturn was unhinging from its orbit and slowly moving deeper into the solar system, away from the roofs of El Monte, eventually becoming the farthest planet [sic] from the sun...."Harvest-Harcourt edition, 2005; p.96 The section is told mostly from the perspectives of Saturn, Federico de la Fe, and Little Merced, but other EMF characters contribute, such as Froggy El Veterano, Federico de la Fe's right-hand man; Sandra, a subcomandante and a woman who was Froggy's lover until Froggy killed her abusive father; and Julieta, a woman whose town in Mexico had self-destructed and who becomes Froggy's lover after Sandra. Non-EMF characters who get sections to themselves include Rita Hayworth (known as "Margarita"); Merced de Papel, who receives her name from Little Merced; Ignacio, the mechanic who provides the lead shields; Apolonio, a curandero who helps Froggy overcome his sadness at losing Sandra; Santos, a saint who has been hiding from the church by living as a popular luchador; and Baby Nostradamus, an infant whose mother tells fortunes.
Retrieved July 17, 2017. In his book 2012: It's Not the End of the World, Peter Lemesurier describes the channel's Nostradamus series, in which he was invited to participate, as "largely fiction" and "lurid nonsense". He also lists numerous suggestions made in its films on the alleged Mayan "end of the world" and the "rare" galactic alignment that was supposed by John Major Jenkins to accompany it in 2012, while Jenkins himself has described Decoding the Past as "45 minutes of unabashed doomsday hype and the worst kind of inane sensationalism". In December 2011, Politifact gave the History Channel's claim that the United States Congress stayed open on Christmas Day for most of its first 67 years of existence a "pants on fire" rating, the lowest of its ratings, noting that its own research showed that both the Senate and the House had only convened once in those 67 years on a Christmas Day and adding that, since there is a one-in- seven chance of Christmas falling on a Sunday (when Congress did not meet in order to attend church), the claim that they would have convened almost every Christmas is "ridiculous".
The events of the novel take place over the course of one day, set against a background of post-9/11 tension between Christian and Muslim identities in New York. The novel begins with the murder of Paul Feiler, an academic specialist in Abrahamic theology who works at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, by Charles Hogue, a CIA agent, shortly before Feiler is due to give a revelatory lecture at an academic conference in New York. Just before being apprehended by Hogue, Feiler writes a cryptic message, prominently including a verse from the Prophecies of Nostradamus, to his colleague James Donnelly, an Irish academic who is also at the conference; the message is delivered to Donnelly just after Feiler's murder. The novel focuses on Donnelly wringing a convoluted series of clues from Feiler's message: these lead him to discover that Feiler had got hold of the legendary Book of Abraham, supposedly acquired by the CIA shortly after its discovery among the Dead Sea Scrolls, and supposedly providing unusually early and authoritative evidence that the Binding of Isaac was actually, as held in many Islamic traditions, a binding of Ishmael.
The official emblem of the Priory of Sion is partly based on the fleur-de-lis, which was a symbol particularly associated with the French monarchy. The Prieuré de Sion (), translated as Priory of Sion, was a fraternal organisation founded and dissolved in France in 1956 by Pierre Plantard in his failed attempt to create a prestigious neo-chivalric order. In the 1960s, Plantard began claiming that his self-styled order was the latest front for a secret society founded by crusading knight Godfrey of Bouillon, on Mount Zion in the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1099, under the guise of the historical monastic order of the Abbey of Our Lady of Mount Zion. As a framework for his grandiose assertion of being both the Great Monarch prophesied by Nostradamus and a Merovingian pretender, Plantard further claimed the Priory of Sion was engaged in a centuries-long benevolent conspiracy to install a secret bloodline of the Merovingian dynasty on the thrones of France and the rest of Europe.Pierre Plantard, Gisors et son secret..., ORBIS, 1961, abridged version contained in Gérard de Sède, Les Templiers sont parmi nous. 1962.
There she entertained numerous astrologers, among them Nostradamus. When her husband, Henry II, died in 1559 she forced his mistress, Diane de Poitiers, to accept the Château de Chaumont in exchange for the Château de Chenonceau which Henry had given to de Poitiers. Diane de Poitiers only lived at Chaumont for a short while. A staircase within the château In 1594, at the death of Diane's granddaughter Charlotte de la Marck, the château passed to her husband, Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, Duke of Bouillon, who sold it to a tax farmer Largentier, who had grown rich on gathering in the salt tax called the gabelle. Largentier eventually being arrested for peculation, the château and the title of sieur de Chaumont passed into a family originating at Lucca, who possessed it until 1667, when it passed by family connections to the seigneurs de Ruffignac. Paul de Beauvilliers, duc de Beauvilliers and later duc de Saint-Aignan, bought the château in 1699, modernized some of its interiors and decorated it with sufficient grandeur to house the duc d'Anjou on his way to become king of Spain in 1700.

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