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19 Sentences With "non issues"

How to use non issues in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "non issues" and check conjugation/comparative form for "non issues". Mastering all the usages of "non issues" from sentence examples published by news publications.

That may have been a deal-breaker a few years ago, but they're non-issues today.
The opposition is raking up non-issues like JNU and the party needs to debate and contest aggressively.
That the film suggests Jack's name and skin tone would be non-issues in his career trajectory is... almost cute?
Once connected, parents can receive real-time alerts of concerning activity they can then flag as issues or non-issues.
It's possible these initial quibbles will be non-issues in everyday use, but that they exist at all worries me a little.
Yes it did get quite heated, and to be frank there was also more grandstanding, mostly by the Republican lawmakers about ridiculous non issues.
According to the report, people who received the issues-based texts were more than 8% more likely to vote than those who received the non-issues texts.
And to restate, in case it got lost in the usual maze of non-issues surrounding every Trump controversy, the Post Office isn't getting a raw deal from Amazon.
"We need to be cognizant of the fact that opposition parties have been raising a bogey of non-issues, but so far they've failed," said BJP spokesman G.V.L. Narasimha Rao.
In the past, Teigen's been criticized for non-issues such as dining out after her daughter was born or holding her baby in a way that random internet trolls deemed unacceptable.
To give him due credit, Bush has stood out of the pack by constantly criticizing Trump, but he's shown a tendency to focus on trivial non-issues that are easily brushed aside.
"Had the anti-vaccine movement not been successful here, these would have been non-issues," said Peter Hotez, director of the Texas Children's Hospital Center for Vaccine Development at Baylor College of Medicine.
The LS30's aforementioned creaks and so-so construction are non-issues when you actually use the headset, and you can continue doing so for many hours at a time because it's comfortable and unobtrusive.
"While some issues are significant to particular market slices, they may be non-issues for others, and things that may appear easy from the outside, may actually be very challenging," said Larry Tabb, CEO of TABB Group in a press release.
Even in the UK, where these emotional issues would likely be non-issues when dealing with stranger sperm, informed consent is still the most important factor in deciding whether or not a deceased person&aposs sexual material — like eggs or sperm — can be used, according to Caplan.
Things like the timeline theory or the maze become non-issues at this point, just different pieces of Ford watching the same scenarios play out different ways, like a video game programmer who keeps playing the same level over and over again, hoping to find something new to do.
The project began in 1999 when G. B. Hajim and Shelley Doty decided to collaborate on a project using their individual talents and their passion for science fiction, especially that of John Varley and Shinichiro Watanabe. They agreed that some of the protagonists had to be gay, bisexual, transsexual and omnisexual. All had to be of color because they believed that not too long from now everyone would be of color. They also were clear that the issue of race and sex would be non-issues in the setting of the 29th century.
When referring to the emancipatory nature of research, CTS is referring not only to the emancipation of previously marginalized peoples' voices in the field of OTS, but the emancipation of ideas, questions and theories that have been marginalized, overlooked, or seen as non-issues in orthodox studies. A simple way to understand CTS's emancipation is to think of it as a process of creating space and discussion that allows the focus to be on experiences, ideas and questions which have been "neglected in most orthodox accounts of security and terrorism". The emancipation of ideas, dialogue, and experience is a powerful "philosophical anchorage" that allows CTS to separate itself and its motives from that of traditional and orthodox terrorism studies. Traditional terrorism studies theorists understand the value behind the idea of emancipatory nature of CTS's research, but many feel such a claim is overstated.
The "third dimension" therefore adds the capacity to influence expectations about social outcomes by manipulating symbols and ideology so that inequities themselves become "non-issues." Gaventa's articulation and empirical demonstration of the "three-dimensional" approach to the study of power has informed many disciplines and scholars about the nuances of social power and the processes of its legitimization, while also lending support to scholars and social change advocates who would find the sources and the solutions of social problems not in the dictates or preconceived notions held by social scientists, theologians, and philosophers, but in the narratives of the affected alienated populations. Citizen Action and National Policy Reform opens: "How can ordinary citizens - and the organizations and movements which they engage - make changes in national policies which affect their lives, and the lives of others around them?" This question, which is arguably the central question with which Gaventa is concerned, is answered through the theory Gaventa employs.

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