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102 Sentences With "nocturnally"

How to use nocturnally in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "nocturnally" and check conjugation/comparative form for "nocturnally". Mastering all the usages of "nocturnally" from sentence examples published by news publications.

This is the first time scientists have seen evidence that nocturnally migrating insects can sense magnetism.
Under this nocturnally charged solar cycle, you could meet your match on the dance floor or through another nightlife activity.
If you have issues sleeping—like I do—you can block this out by going out, and especially in a nocturnally-friendly city like Berlin.
Whispering to the Soviets that Nixon was, in Augustus fashion, railing nocturnally in the White House halls was effective; but Nixon's shoving an apologetic press secretary Ron Ziegler, for all to see on TV, was a counterproductive tantrum.
It's always been easy, a cop-out maybe, to cast Marshall as a specifically south London musician—one couched in the semantics of Joe Strummer or The Damned and their respective influences, bound together by the aural troposphere of trip-hop and rap and set to the weed-scented scene of roaming nocturnally through SE16 in moonlit autumnal rain.
National Marine Sanctuaries They are usually seen by day in large schools, while they hunt nocturnally.
They hide in this shelter during the day and emerge to feed nocturnally. Pupation takes place inside this shelter.
Although it hunts nocturnally, for moths and flies, it also likes to sun-bask. It displays an aggressive behaviour, baring its open blue mouth and barking if provoked.
In some populations they occasionally return to the nest site throughout the winter. Adult birds reduce the time that they spend flying during the winter and are able to forage nocturnally.
Risso's dolphin off Port San Luis, Harford Pier, at Avila Beach, California. They feed almost exclusively on neritic and oceanic squid, mostly nocturnally. Predation does not appear significant. Mass strandings are infrequent.
They create a shelter by curling leaves of their host and holding them with silk. They hide in this shelter during the day and emerge to feed nocturnally. Pupation takes place inside this shelter.
Freshwater Biology 46: 145-160. They are nocturnal feeders, possibly to avoid predation and/or salmonid competitors.Culp, J.C. 1978. "Nocturnally constrained foraging of a lotic minnow (Rhinichthys catarace)". Canadian Journal of Zoology 67: 2008-2012.
The Chinese giant flying squirrel (Petaurista xanthotis) is a species of rodent in the family Sciuridae. It is endemic to China. This squirrel inhabits high elevation spruce forests in China. It feeds nocturnally on young shoots, leaves, and pine nuts.
"Book review of: Frogfishes of the World, by T. W. Pietsch and D. B. Grobecker" National Geographic Research. ( ).. 5 (3):277-280. Antennatus is also mainly nocturnally active however still catches prey during the day time Ghisotti, A., 1997. Fish Of The Maldives.
For instance, it is a long held belief that the species is not nocturnally active. However, it has recently been shown that C. vicina is indeed active at night under certain experimental conditions.Gennard D, Forensic Entomology: An Introduction, Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated, 2007.
The hobby is a widespread and common hunter that often hunts at dusk,Thomas, R., Thomas, S., Andrew, D. McBride, A. (2011). The complete guide to finding the birds of Australia. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Victoria. diurnally and sometimes nocturnally by artificial light.
The adults fly from May to June depending on the location. The larvae feed nocturnally on the tender shoots of oak (Quercus species) in July and August. It overwinters as a pupa in a tough cocoon of coarsely spun silk, dead leaves and soil.
The species attends its colonies nocturnally, breeding in burrows in wet soil. The burrows usually face away from the prevailing wind. A single egg is laid per breeding season; the egg is unusually round for the family. The egg is incubated by both parents for 49 days.
The swallow-tailed gull is unique among the gulls in feeding exclusively nocturnally, mostly on fish and squid which rise to the surface at night to feed on plankton. It leaves the colony as a flock at dusk, with a great deal of screaming and display.
Her destination was again Okinawa. She safely reached there with her charges on the 13th and took on board another fighter-director team. In company with two or three supporting destroyers, Wickes then returned to the picket lines. Most enemy air activity then took place nocturnally.
Long-tailed voles are active year-round, usually during the day. However, in Alaska, they have been observed nocturnally. The usually are free ranging and do not make well defined runways. The breeding season begins in May and extends through September or October, depending on location.
The white or pale yellow flowers bloom nocturnally, exuding a strong, sweet scent; they are 6–20 cm long and 6–7 cm wide. The fruit, 3–4 cm thick, are ovoid and brownish, greenish or yellowish. The interior of the fruit is reminiscent of kiwifruit, with green pulp and small black seeds.
A marsh rabbit in Everglades. Video clip Marsh rabbits are most active nocturnally; they spend most of the daylight hours resting in hidden areas. Frequent hiding spots include dense thickets, hollow logs, and stands of cattails and grasses. They have also been known to take advantage of the abandoned burrows of other animals.
Phrynobatrachus njiomock occurs in or close to streams in montane forest at elevations of above sea level, as well as near the shores of Lake Oku at 2,219 m a.s.l. It is predominantly crepuscularly and nocturnally active. Breeding might take place in streams. Tadpoles commonly develop in the shallow waters of Lake Oku.
The night smelt spawns nocturnally, in the surf zone, over coarse sand beaches, from Point Arguello in central California to southeast Alaska. Spawning generally occurs from February through August. Night smelt are not to be confused with the California grunion (Leuresthes tenuis), an unrelated silverside that also spawns in the surf at night.
The second segment of the early instars is dark brown and has a golden central bar on the nape. As the caterpillar matures, it develops prominent black-bordered orange markings on the neck. The caterpillar resides in a folded leaf secured from all sides except the entrance. It feeds in the late evenings and nocturnally.
Pachyptila salvini- MHNT This small prion breeds colonially on a number of subantarctic islands in the southern Indian Ocean. The colonies of medium-billed prions are attended nocturnally in order to avoid predation by skuas. The nests are concealed in burrows usually dug into soil. Nests are attended regularly for several months prior to breeding.
The only plant matter found was a freshwater alga. Males reach sexual maturity around 3–4 years and females reach it around 7–8 years. Females have a clutch size of roughly five eggs and can lay three or four clutches in a year. Nesting occurs from May to August, and occurs nocturnally on a sandbank.
Many of the birds that live on Mount Tom are season songbirds common to Vermont. Both seasonal and year-round, it is mostly songbirds that live within the confines of the forest. An example of which is the Hermit thrush, state bird of Vermont. Very common on the mountain are various species of owl that hunt nocturnally.
The larvae of the choastola skipper feed nocturnally on Gahnia species, including Gahnia radula and Gahnia grandis. The butterfly plays a vital role in pollination. Many other insects also feed exclusively on Gahnia species. Cutting grass is dependent for seed dispersal on birds such as the currawong, which eat the fruit then regurgitate the partially-digested hard inner nut.
It also uses unused burrows from auklets. Colonies are attended nocturnally in order to avoid predatory birds such as gulls, hawks and owls. Like most petrels, its walking ability is limited to a short shuffle to the burrow. The female lays a single white egg per breeding season, if the egg is lost then it is replaced only rarely.
Pel's fishing owl (Scotopelia peli) is a large species of owl in the family Strigidae. The species is found in Africa and lives near rivers and lakes. It feeds nocturnally on fish and frogs snatched from the surface of lakes and rivers. The species prefers slow moving rivers with large overhanging trees to roost and forage from.
Floral scent emissions of most flowering plants vary predictably throughout the day, following a circadian rhythm. This variation is controlled by light intensity. Maximal emissions coincide with peaks of highest activity of visiting pollinators. For instance, snapdragon flowers, mostly pollinated by bees, have highest emissions at noon, whereas nocturnally-visited tobacco plants have highest emissions at night.
Nocturnally active, the prickly shark rests during the day in deeper offshore waters and performs a diel migration to shallower inshore waters at dusk. Individual sharks have a small home range and tend to remain within a given local area. This species consumes a variety of bony and cartilaginous fishes, and cephalopods. Since it moves slowly, it may use suction to capture prey.
The young has brownish plumage, a black bill, legs and hazel iris. An Indonesian endemic, the Moluccan megapode is confined to hill and mountain forests on the Maluku Islands of Halmahera, Buru, Seram, Ambon, Ternate, Haruku and Bacan. It also found on Misool Island in West Papua province. The Moluccan megapode is the only megapode known to lay its eggs nocturnally.
MCC moving through New England: August 2, 2006 0600 UTC A mesoscale convective complex (MCC) is a unique kind of mesoscale convective system which is defined by characteristics observed in infrared satellite imagery. They are long- lived, often form nocturnally, and commonly contain heavy rainfall, wind, hail, lightning, and possibly tornadoes.Maddox, R.A., 1980: Mesoscale convective complexes. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol.
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 213-224. The barred owl is normally nocturnally active and sleeps during the day. Like most species of owl in the Strix genus, the barred owl tends to be highly territorial regardless of the time of year. The territories are claimed by singing from different perches, often near the perimeter of its perceived home range.
The standard method for diagnosing active infection is by finding the microfilariae via microscopic examination. This may be difficult, as in most parts of the world, microfilariae only circulate in the blood at night. For this reason, the blood has to be collected nocturnally. The blood sample is typically in the form of a thick smear and stained with Giemsa stain.
Winter flounder Flounder or flatfish live in coastal saltwater areas, and lie at the bottom of the shallow waters waiting for shrimp or minnows to swim nearby. Flounder gigging can be done in daylight, but is often more successful done at night using powerful lights. This method targets nocturnally foraging fish. The light is used to spot the normally camouflaged fish.
The birdlike noctule is insectivorous, though also consumes birds. Along with the greater noctule bat and the Asian great evening bat, this is one of three bat species to prey on small, nocturnally-migrating birds, pursuing them in open air. At least one specific bird, Middendorff’s grasshopper warbler (Locustella ochotensis), has been identified based on faecal DNA in the diet of N. aviator in Japan.
Nebria lacustris, also known as the lacustrine gazelle beetle, is a species of ground beetle in the Nebriinae subfamily that can be found in southern Canada and in the US states such as Tennessee and Wisconsin. One of such species was found in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Approximately 9-12mm long, it is black coloured with orange legs. Adults can move quickly, and are nocturnally active.
To create a similar effect in the Hindi version, the Sanskrit, typical in mantras, has been used for the spells. Some translators have created new words themselves; others have resorted to transliteration. Names that involve wordplay, such as Knockturn Alley and Pensieve are also difficult to translate. The former, an unsavoury area in London's magical market, is semi-homophonous with "nocturnally," suggesting darkness and evil.
While males have larger home ranges in all seasons, the differences between males' and females' territories are most significant during the winter. Their home ranges are slightly larger during the spring because they are more active, not only nocturnally, but in seeking a mate. Because of their increased activity, they require more energy and are more active to acquire the necessary sustenance.Camps, D. and Llobet, L. (2004).
Cotalpa lanigera, also known as the Goldsmith beetle, is a beetle of the family Scarabaeidae. Its adult size ranges from 19-26 mm. Its head and pronotum are yellow-brown, while its elytra are usually paler yellow. Nocturnally active, it may be found in late spring to early summer feeding on the leaves of trees such as poplars, silver maple, sweetgum, pear, hickory, or willow.
The sailfin sculpin is a demersal species, swimming along the bottom with its distinctive dorsal fin held erect and extended forward. N. oculofasciatus inhabits rocky coastal waters to ~110 metres where algae growth is plentiful. Being nocturnally active, it may be found sheltering upside down against crevice roofs during the day. The zoobenthos constitutes the sailfin sculpin's primary prey, especially crab and other crustaceans.
The bats feed nocturnally but the roosting colony, high in trees, is quite active during the day, with mothers feeding their young and the bats moving around and vocalizing. This bat is a reservoir for the Nipah virus, the causal agent of a newly emerged neurological and respiratory disease which was first reported in 1998. The virus is harmless in bats but can cause a fatal disease in pigs and humans.
Taken together, the Verreaux's, the Shelley's and the cape eagle-owls could be seen as nocturnally replacing the eagle species of martial, crowned and Verreaux's eagles in the respective habitats of savanna, forest and rocky areas but their increasingly diminishing size in comparison to the diurnal eagles means that, generally speaking, less large-bodied prey is likely to be attacked.Newton, I. (2010). Population ecology of raptors. A&C; Black.
By the fourth instar the larvae begin to rest diurnally in large conspicuous masses on the lower trunk of larger branches. They adopt a new feeding behavior, called central place foraging. In this behavior, caterpillars rest during the day in large visible groups, then mobilize at dusk to forage nocturnally as solitary larvae in the canopy. At dawn, they return to the original central place using pheromone trails.
Tillandsia paucifolia are angiosperms with flowers that range from a pale pink to a lavender-blue color. Flowers of these epiphytes can be animal-pollinated. Animals such as bees, beetles, and hummingbirds are known to pollinate T. paucifolia diurnally (during the day) while there have been reports of moths and bats that pollinate nocturnally. As a reward to the animals that facilitate the pollination, these angiosperms will sometimes produce nectar.
They are almost all strictly pelagic, coming to land only when breeding. In the case of most petrel species, little is known of their behaviour and distribution at sea, where they can be hard to find and harder to identify. They are colonial nesters, displaying strong philopatry to their natal colonies and nesting sites. Most species nest in crevices or burrows, and all but one species attend the breeding colonies nocturnally.
Broadcast 31 October 1990, this programme explores forms of navigation. Attenborough starts in Africa at dusk, by describing some of the species that don't rely on sight. The spotted hyena uses its acute sense of smell to guide it while it hunts nocturnally, while galagos urinate on their hands so they can completely mark their movements. Some animals use echolocation and these include swiftlets, bats and river dolphins.
Round gobies actively feed both nocturnally and diurnally, and are believed to detect prey only while stationary. The primary diet of round gobies includes mollusks, crustaceans, worms, fish eggs, zebra mussels, small fish, and insect larvae. Adult round gobies feed mainly on mollusks and other small invertebrates (insects and amphipods) living on the bottom of lakes and streams. At spring, the main items in its diet in the Sasyk Lagoon are Hydrobia, Cerastoderma, Abra.
If "cured" of the infection, their ovaries degenerate. Transmission of the infection is vertical through the egg cytoplasm. In contrast, many obligate symbiosis relationships have been described in the literature where transmission of the symbionts is via horizontal transfer. A well-studied example is the nocturnally feeding squid Euprymna scolopes, which camouflages its outline against the moonlit ocean surface by emitting light from its underside with the aid of the symbiotic bacterium Vibrio fischeri.
In larval form Metacarcinus novaezelandieae consumes mostly tiny plankton. Once fully grown though they are primarily carnivorous, hunting nocturnally and preying on a variety of organisms. Molluscs (bivalves, gastropods and cephalopods) make up approximately one third of its diet and are its main food source; followed by crustaceans (amphipods, isopods, crabs and shrimp) which make up about 20% of its diet. Other food sources include small fish, sea anemones, sea sponges and algae.
Stage-one developing tarpons do not forage for food, but instead absorb nutrients from seawater using integumentary absorption. Stage-two and -three juveniles feed primarily on zooplankton, but also feed on insects and small fish. As they progress in juvenile development, especially those developing in freshwater environments, their consumption of insects, fish, crabs, and grass shrimp increases. Adults are strictly carnivorous and feed on midwater prey; they swallow their food whole and hunt nocturnally.
They rarely hunt nocturnally, except on moonlit nights, indicating they greatly rely on sight when hunting. Although not as fast as jackals and foxes, they can chase their prey for many hours. During a pursuit, one or more dholes may take over chasing their prey, while the rest of the pack keeps up at a steadier pace behind, taking over once the other group tires. Most chases are short, lasting only 500 m.
Galaxis vulgaris primarily feed on the nymphs and larvae of invertebrates. It is a predominately bottom dwelling fish, which feeds in both drift and benthos methods. It has been “observed that Galaxias vulgaris is nocturnally active. During the day the fish remained hidden in the substrate of the stream simulator. Immediately following emergence after sunset they took up drift-feeding stations in the water column, and later in the night switched to feeding on benthos”.
Xylocopa tenuiscapa, or Xylocopa (Koptortosoma) tenuiscapa, is a species of carpenter bee. It is found only in South Asian and Southeast Asian countries. Like most bees, X. tenuiscapa has a diurnal activity cycle, but in the Western Ghats of Southern India, the species flies in moonlit nights and has been observed as pollinator of nocturnally flowering trees. Males of the species perch on exposed sites close to nests or in the landscape waiting for occasions to mate.
Future research in this field includes the automatic detection and identification of nocturnally calling migrant birds, which could have broad implications on species conservation and land management. Nocturnal migrants land in the morning and may feed for a few days before resuming their migration. These birds are referred to as passage migrants in the regions where they occur for a short duration between the origin and destination. Nocturnal migrants minimize depredation, avoid overheating, and can feed during the day.
This was then attached to a rope and pulley counterbalance system. The difficulties involved were first actually finding an ideal tree, and then, having settled on one, watching out for passing snakes and primates en route to the top. Big cats that hunt nocturnally, such as lions, leopards and tigers, had never been extensively filmed doing so before. But the latest infrared technology revealed behaviour that had previously been guessed at from evidence discovered the next day.
Like most species in the genus Agave, this species has its flowers pollinated by many possible pollinators, such as bats, butterflies, moths, bumblebees, honeybees, and hummingbirds. Agave schottii produces on average 1.6 μL of nectar per day. This is generally considered a low amount of nectar produced for flowers that are pollinated by birds or insect. The Agave schottii does produce most of its nectar nocturnally, and does not contain much sugar, providing further evidence for pollination by bats.
It burrowed in the mud bottom by day, and nocturnally devoured prey such as horses, cows, donkeys or camels. Philostratus, reporting on the creature of the same river system, said it resembled a white worm, alluding to its color. The worm was reputedly hunted with bait, and a volatile inflammable oil was collected from it. This oil was used in warfare by Indian kings; cities were set ablaze with he oil- filled sealed pots, thrown like grenades.
The Malayan weasel is very poorly known, but assumed to occur at low densities and behave elusively based on low detection rates. It is a ground-living species and its morphology not suited to climbing. Their diet is unknown but assumed to be similar to other small weasels: mostly carnivorous, including small rodents, birds, eggs, and small herptiles. Most records of the species occurred during the day, but more research is needed to determine whether Malayan weasels are also active nocturnally.
It is a marine, subtropical eel which is known from the western and eastern Atlantic Ocean, including Bermuda and southern Florida, USA, Brazil, Lesser Antilles, Senegal, Angola, and the Mediterranean. It dwells at a depth range of , usually at around 50 m, and lives in burrows on a permanent basis. Males can reach a maximum total length of , but more commonly reach a TL of . The Spotted snake eel hunts nocturnally, and feeds primarily on octopuses and finfish, including Haemulon aurolineatum.
Characteristic pattern of holes left on a plant leaf that has been fed on by an insect of the genus Panoploscelis Panoploscelis are terrestrial, predatory insects which dwell in the humid understory of the Amazon rainforest. They are nocturnally active, foraging for food at night. They are mostly herbivorous, although opportunistic carnivory has been observed; their diet includes leaves and small insects. They often leave a characteristic pattern of holes, arranged in a straight line horizontally across leaves upon which they have fed.
Larvae emerge from eggs during the winter, and are thought to remain at a single host plant during this stage of their lives. Early instar larvae hibernate following their eclosion. From June to July, the late instar larvae feed nocturnally on the leaves of their host plants, which are various species of buckwheat, depending on the population under study. During the day, larvae can be found resting in nests made of leaf debris and silk at the base of the plant.
As red-tailed hawks in conflict with other more closely related Buteo hawks rarely (if ever) result in mortality on either side, goshawks and red-tailed hawks do seem to readily kill one another. Adults of both species have been shown to be able to kill adults of the other. A red-tailed hawk is mobbed by a northern mockingbird in the urban environment of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The great horned owl occupies a similar ecological niche nocturnally to the red-tailed hawk.
Eyesight is a particular characteristic of the owl that aids in nocturnal prey capture. Owls are part of a small group of birds that live nocturnally, but do not use echolocation to guide them in flight in low-light situations. Owls are known for their disproportionally large eyes in comparison to their skulls. An apparent consequence of the evolution of an absolutely large eye in a relatively small skull is that the eye of the owl has become tubular in shape.
Typical dew nights are classically considered calm, because the wind transports (nocturnally) warmer air from higher levels to the cold surface. However, if the atmosphere is the major source of moisture (this type is called dewfall), a certain amount of ventilation is needed to replace the vapor that is already condensed. The highest optimum wind speeds could be found on arid islands. If the wet soil beneath is the major source of vapor, however (this type of dew formation is called distillation), wind always seems adverse.
The strīx () was a nocturnally crying creature which positioned its feet upwards and head below, according to a pre-300 BC Greek origin myth. It is probably meant to be (and translated as) an owl, but is highly suggestive of a bat which hangs upside-down. The strix in later folklore was a bird which squirted milk upon the lips of (human) infants. Pliny in his Natural History dismissed this as nonsense and remarked it was impossible to establish what bird was meant by this.
Romanized Isis (c. 100–150 AD, black and white marble) The 12th of August on the Julian calendar corresponds to the 19th of Mesore on the Alexandrian calendar. On or around the 18th of Mesore, the Egyptians held a Nile festival named variously as Wafa El-Nil, Jabr El- Khalig, or Fath El-Khalig ("The Marriage of the Nile" in European scholarship), a nocturnally illuminated celebration when a clay statue called the Bride of the Nile (Arousat El-Nil) was deposited in the river.
In order to capture prey they will lunge at fish or scoop the surface of the water with their bills which are uniquely shaped for this method of capture. Additionally, they have been observed using two different feeding techniques; standing and slowly stalking prey, or disturbing the water and chasing prey. Boat-billed herons will forage nocturnally, and have been seen leaving the roost 30 minutes after sundown to feed. It has been observed that they do not feed when a light source is present such as daylight, moonlight, or artificial light.
Most hunting starts with the owl perched on a branch and scanning the area, then dropping with a quick pounce when prey is located. It preys principally on a wide array of mammals, eating almost anything that is nocturnally active. Various rodents may be primary but virtually any type of small mammal in its habitat is vulnerable. The primary food by far in Oaxaca, Mexico was the Peters's climbing rat (Tylomys nudicaudus) followed by mouse opossums (Marmosa ssp.) of unidentified species.De Silva, H. G., Pérez-Villafaña, M., & Santos-Moreno, J. A. (1997).
This nectar fills the spur up to within from the bottom of the spur. The nectar has been found to contain the sugars fructose, sucrose, glucose, and raffinose. The flowers produce an extremely intense spicy scent that can easily fill a room; this fragrance is only present during the night and is reminiscent of lily and some nocturnally flowering Nicotiana species. The scent has been found to be composed of approximately 39 different chemical constituents with its greatest concentration consisting of isovaleraldoxime, methyl benzoate, benzyl alcohol, isovaleronitrile, benzyl benzoate, phenylethyl alcohol, isovaleraldehyde, and phenylacetaldoxime.
It is active nocturnally, and during the day time lies buried in the mud or sand on the sea bottom, with only the mouth and eyes (and the spine) visible. The egg mass (roe) is usually green, but may also have yellow, red, or brown coloration. Pigment components present in the eggs include bilin and carotenoids such as idoxanthin, crustaxanthin, and vitamin A2 aldehyde (3-dehydroretinal). The bilin and retinal produces the base green color, and the amount of relative idoxanthin content is the key determinant of the color variation.
The light pollution from Tribute in Light has caused confusion for over a million migrating birds, trapping them in the beams. As a result of this effect, the lights are switched off for 20-minute periods to allow the birds to escape. To ensure the lights do not affect migrating birds, the Municipal Art Society works with the New York City Audubon on the illumination. A 2017 study found that the installation "dramatically altered multiple behaviors of nocturnally migrating birds—but these effects disappeared when lights were extinguished".
It can be identified by its long, pointed snout and large, green eyes (when alive), and is dark grayish blue or brown above and white below. Night sharks are quick, nocturnally active, schooling predators that feed mainly on small bony fishes and squid. Reproduction is viviparous as with the other members of its family; females mate during the summer and give birth to litters of usually 12-18 pups after a gestation period of a year. This deepwater species is not known to pose a danger to humans.
The Palau nautilus, Nautilus belauensis, is mainly found in Palau in the Western Carolines as its name suggests. It can be found on fore reef slopes in depths ranging from 95m to 504m but typically prefers to remain within 150-300m where water temperatures range between 16.6 to 9.4ºC. N. belauensis are highly mobile epibenthic scavenging herbalist and opportunistic predators that relies mostly on scent detection. They are active both diurnally and nocturnally within the preferred depth range although most shallow-water- incursions are usually nocturnal events that coincide with greatly diminished fish activities.
The gello eventually came to be regarded as a type of being, rather than an individual. The plural form gelloudes (), not found in Ancient Greek, came into existence in the Byzantine period, and used in the 7th–8th century by the patriarch John of Damascus, in his treatise peri Stryggōn (, "Regarding striges"). The gelloudes were considered synonymous to the stryggai () or "witches" by him, and described as beings that flew nocturnally, slipped unhindered into houses even when windows and doors were barred, and strangled infants.John of Damascus, Peri strygnōn I, p. 143 (), Migne ed.
Knockturn Alley (a play on the word "nocturnally") is a dark and seedy alleyway leading off from Diagon Alley. It is frequently populated by Dark Wizards. Many of the shops in Knockturn Alley are devoted to the Dark Arts; the best known of which is Borgin & Burkes, which sells sinister and dangerous objects. Harry lands in Knockturn Alley in the Chamber of Secrets, when accidentally saying (in the film version) "Diagonally" instead of Diagon Alley (the book does not indicate what he pronounced) while using Floo Powder to get to Diagon Alley.
So far, it is known that nocturnal crickets have wide-field polarization sensors and should be able to use the night-time polarization patterns to orient themselves. It has also been seen that nocturnally migrating birds become disoriented when the polarization pattern at twilight is unclear. The best example is the halicitid bee Megalopta genalis, which inhabits the rainforests in Central America and scavenges before sunrise and after sunset. This bee leaves its nest approximately 1 hour before sunrise, forages for up to 30 minutes, and accurately returns to its nest before sunrise.
The Night Climbers of Oxford is a secret society, dedicated to nocturnally scaling college and town buildings in Oxford, England. The society is noted for its political activism, controversial acts, feats of climbing and parkour, as well as urban exploration. The society was likely inspired by their Cambridge counterparts, The Night Climbers of Cambridge. Activities conducted by the society are forbidden by the University authorities, meaning that acts are completed under the cover of darkness, to avoid detection. An image taken from the ‘Night Climbers’ Facebook page depicting an Oxford Night Climber, standing on the ‘Stepping Stones’.
In order to work within the realm of the abstract and lucid, Joseph lives nocturnally. The meditative quality of Joseph’s work is achieved through working with ephemeral materials and mediums, such as graphite, linen, wood, viscous acrylic paint, paper, and ‘found objects’, that she often combines together with elements of drawing and collage. Her creative process involves sitting for many hours contemplating materials, emotions and potential works, and when she is focused and deeply concentrated she executes each work at great speed. For Joseph the process of making art is synonymous with the instinctual nature of life.
These pebbles are no bigger than shingle at the West Bay end, and gradually increase in size to that of a baked-potato, at its Southernmost end, on the Isle of Portland. This grading is commonly attributed to longshore drift, but is in fact a result of the diligent labours of the Pippos. Living in "pods" of three or more, along its length, they work nocturnally to grade the pebbles, and thus maintain the integrity of the beach. Without their efforts there would most certainly be extensive flooding through the beach, leading to the Isle of Portland being cut off from the mainland.
The MMR heavily affected the crinoids, making the majority of forms extinct. Their sessile nature made them easy prey for durophagous predators since the Triassic. Survivors (such as the comatulids) could swim or crawl, behaved nocturnally or had autotomy (the ability to shed limbs in defence). The shift in the range of sessile stalked crinoids during the late Mesozoic from the shallow shelf to habitats further offshore suggests that they were forced by increased predation pressure in shallow water to migrate to a deep water refuge environment where predation pressure is lower and their mode of life more viable.
Because of this more extensive predation, some biologist have expressed concern that murres are heading for a "conservation collision" due to heavy eagle predation. Eagles have been confirmed to attack nocturnally active, burrow-nesting seabird species such as storm petrels and shearwaters by digging out their burrows and feeding on all animals they find inside. If a bald eagle flies close by, waterbirds will often fly away en masse, though in other cases they may seemingly ignore a perched eagle. If the said birds are on a colony, this exposed their unprotected eggs and nestlings to scavengers such as gulls.
Workers harvesting honeydew from mealybugs sucking on Acacia longifolia sap Workers forage nocturnally and diurnally, and will walk on eucalyptus trees to obtain nectar and honeydew, but they will also hunt for insects to bring back to the colony. The ant tends a variety of species of insects, such as Saisettia oleae and the aphid Aphis hederae, and they also tend to the larvae of several butterfly species, including Jalmenus daemeli, Jalmenus evagoras, Jalmenus icilius and Ogyrus zosine. The ants have been observed foraging on flowings in the genus Leptospermum and although the species is frequently encountered in the homes of Canberra, the ant is not considered a pest.
This improves detection of sound position and distance and the bird does not require sight to hunt. The facial disc plays a part in this process, as is shown by the fact that with the ruff feathers removed, the bird can still locate the source in azimuth but fails to do so in elevation. Hunting nocturnally or crepuscularly, this bird can target its prey and dive to the ground, penetrating its talons through snow, grass or brush to seize small creatures with deadly accuracy. Compared to other owls of similar size, the barn owl has a much higher metabolic rate, requiring relatively more food.
Primary defensive adaptations against nocturnally active acoustically orienting predators such as leaf-nosed bats and other foliage-gleaners include the use of stridulatory signals characterized by a single tone at high frequency and of short duration. Secondary defensive adaptations include acoustical alarm displays, regurgitation of material from the stomach, and the use of their powerful mandibles to inflict a painful bite. Autohaemorrhaging of hemolymph, which contains toxic phytotoxins, is another defensive strategy used by many species of katydids and possibly also the members of genus Panoploscelis. In addition to these adaptations, their massive size and the strength of their heavily armored, thorny legs offers them significant protection.
Like many other geckos, it is very adaptable to its surroundings, although it usually prefers woodlands, rocky areas, and human dwellings. It is also very common on sand beaches in Hawaii, where it is considered an invasive species. The geckos make themselves at home in people's houses, don't seem to mind the humans living beside them; many people don't mind the geckos either, perhaps because, being a nocturnally active species that spends much of its time high up on walls and ceilings; they are quite unobtrusive, and because they helpfully prey on household insects. The species is fairly large for a gecko, reaching up to 12 cm.
Flock sizes are affected by the small numbers of the red- crowned crane, and given their largely carnivorous diet, some feeding dispersal is needed in natural conditions. Wintering cranes have been observed foraging, variously, in family groups, pairs, and singly, although all roosting is in larger groups (up to 80 individuals) with unrelated cranes. By the early spring, pairs begin to spend more time together, with nonbreeding birds and juveniles dispersing separately. Even while not nesting, red-crowned cranes tend to be aggressive towards conspecifics and maintain a minimum distance of to keep out of pecking range of other cranes while roosting nocturnally during winter.
This is a small, uniformly sooty-brown storm petrel with a forked tail, closely resembling the black storm petrel, however it is smaller and has a more fluttering style of flight, with the upstroke only becoming horizontal to the body before beginning the downstroke (other storm-petrels in its range have a higher upstroke). It is a gregarious bird at sea, feeding nocturnally on cephalopods, fish (particularly the deep sea myctophids, which rise to the sea's surface at night) and euphausiid krill such as Thysanoessa spinifera, which also swarm at the surface. They will also attend fishing vessels for the fish oils released when the nets are pulled. Egg (coll.
The greater noctule bat is also one of the few known species of bat that also preys on nocturnally migrating birds. These birds tend to pause for rest during the day in the marshland fields that the greater noctule bat forages for insects in at night. When the birds start to migrate again at dusk, the greater noctule bat is known to prey on them during flight. These changes in habitat based solely on food source suggest that the greater noctule bat is heavily dependent upon areas that can support its food supply regardless of how far it must travel to get to their prey.
The peregrine falcon hunts most often at dawn and dusk, when prey are most active, but also nocturnally in cities, particularly during migration periods when hunting at night may become prevalent. Nocturnal migrants taken by peregrines include species as diverse as yellow-billed cuckoo, black-necked grebe, virginia rail, and common quail. The peregrine requires open space in order to hunt, and therefore often hunts over open water, marshes, valleys, fields, and tundra, searching for prey either from a high perch or from the air. Large congregations of migrants, especially species that gather in the open like shorebirds, can be quite attractive to hunting peregrines.
The fairies could easily be offended by humans. In one story, a man who was not associated with the fairies and was unable to see them developed a painful cramp after hitting one of the fairies who was listening to him play music. Another story involves several people who had disturbed the fairies while they nocturnally travelled from house to house, eating and drinking as they routinely embraced the town's infants. On those occasions, the person in question paid one of the people associated with the fairies to be the host of a dinner at their homes, meeting the fairies while the owners of the house slept.
The plants that the strawberry root weevil feeds on include strawberry, raspberry, rhododendron, grape, and peppermint and they have also been known to feed on grasses. Adults feed nocturnally on leaves and stems, leaving notches and causing slight damage, while the larvae cause significantly more damage by feeding on the roots and crowns of the plant, even as they overwinter, if the temperatures are mild. The plants that are fed upon by the larvae are stunted and have reddish leaves that curl exposing the underside, and the plant wilts as the fruits form, especially in dry weather. Emenegger, D. B. & Berry R. E. 1978. ”Biology of strawberry root weevils on peppermint in Western Oregon.” Environmental Entomology.
Nocturnally active geckos of the genera Thecadactylus and Hemidactylus are common in old and rural buildings on both islands and are commonly referred to as mabouias and wood slaves respectively. There are a number of small colourful diurnal geckos of the genus Gonatodes present. One of them, Gonatodes ocellatus is endemic to forests and edge habitats of northeastern Tobago while another, Gonatodes vittatus or the streak lizard as it is locally known, is very common and can be seen in most suburban and even urban backyards in Trinidad (and is probably relatively recently introduced to some parts Tobago associated with human occupation). The tiny Mole's gecko Sphaerodactylus molei is found on both islands and is among the smallest of lizards in the world.
Front view of the head of Lamia textor The head, having mouthparts projecting forward or sometimes downturned, is usually heavily sclerotized and is sometimes very large. The eyes are compound and may display remarkable adaptability, as in the case of the aquatic whirligig beetles (Gyrinidae), where they are split to allow a view both above and below the waterline. A few Longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae) and weevils as well as some fireflies (Rhagophthalmidae) have divided eyes, while many have eyes that are notched, and a few have ocelli, small, simple eyes usually farther back on the head (on the vertex); these are more common in larvae than in adults. The anatomical organization of the compound eyes may be modified and depends on whether a species is primarily crepuscular, or diurnally or nocturnally active.
Brown treecreeper foraging on a tree Gregarious with a complex social structure between individuals and breeding groups, the species maintains a territory which sometimes overlaps with other brown treecreeper groups. Usually observed in pairs or a small group of up to eight individuals, incursions by other groups of brown treecreeper are often tolerated by residents of the same species. Roosting nocturnally and solitarily, the brown treecreeper forages during the day on the ground and on tree surfaces in small groups or pairs, feeding mainly on ants, beetles and insect larvae. While occasionally feeding on nectar, the brown treecreeper more often probes fissures, cracks and hollows of trees, gleaning and probing as it hops along logs or spirals up rough barked trees, spending more time foraging on the ground if a resident of an arid territory.
Young crocodiles are rather shy and evasive due to the formidable gaunlet of predators that they must face in sub-Saharan Africa, spending little time sunning and moving about nocturnally whenever possible. The two-year-and-younger crocodiles may spend a surprising amount of time on land, as evidenced by the range of terrestrial insects found in their stomachs, and their lifestyle may resemble a semi-aquatic mid-sized lizard more so than the very aquatic lives of older crocodiles. At the end of the two years, the hatchlings will be about long, and will naturally depart the nest area, avoiding the territories of older and larger crocodiles. After this stage, crocodiles may loosely associate with similarly sized crocodiles and many assuredly enter feeding congregations of crocodiles once they attain , at which size predators and cannibal crocodiles become much less of a concern.
Among New Zealand species of geckos and skinks, females will typically mate and begin vitellogenesis in autumn, storing the sperm over winter and ovulating in the spring. The pregnancy usually lasts around three months, although gestation length may reach 14 months as it is temperature dependent. This quality is especially the case for nocturnally foraging species such as the Woodworthia cf. brunnea. Cree & Hare state in ‘New Zealand Lizards’ that “male geckos and skinks exhibit spermiogenesis during summer and/or autumn, with prolonged or continuous spermatocytogenesis and no period of complete testicular regression.” Lizards in cool climates in South America and Tasmania exhibit similar features to the New Zealand species, such as “autumn mating with prolonged vitellogenesis, [the] possibility of a secondary mating season in spring, prolonged pregnancies with sometimes less-than-annual reproduction in females”.
The way in which spider crabs are able to pick up and cover themselves with such organisms is by following a specific routine behavior. Upon picking up the object with the crab’s slender chelipeds, the chelae is used to twist and tear off the organism, such as a worm tube or sponge, from the substrate that it currently resides on. Unlike other species of crab, like the Chilean crab Acanthonyx petiveri, the Japanese spider crab does not specifically look for matching colors to blend into their environment; they simply camouflage in a way that disguises their entire structure. This is most likely because Japanese spider crabs are nocturnally active, so instead of trying to disguise themselves when catching prey, they are actually just trying to avoid predators during the night. Once the material is picked up, it is brought to the crabs’ mouthparts to specifically orient and shape it before it is attached to the exoskeleton.

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