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986 Sentences With "need to be"

How to use need to be in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "need to be" and check conjugation/comparative form for "need to be". Mastering all the usages of "need to be" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They need to be warm, they need to be cozy, and most of all: they need to be fashion forward.
Stairwells and entryways need to be enlarged, flood-prone openings need to be waterproofed, ventilation plants need to be rebuilt.
People need to be transparent, people need to be authentic.
We need to be scrappy, we need to be lean.
EVs need to be more available through inventory, salespeople need to be better trained, and they need to be more prominently displayed.
"We need to be bold, we need to be dynamic and we also need to be radical about it," Foz, 24, said.
Are there policies you think need to be changed, voices that need to be heard or general improvements that need to be made?
Both need to be protected and both need to be understood.
Relationships need to be developed like flowers need to be watered.
Products need to be built and products need to be sold.
You need to be present and you need to be compassionate.
Regulations need to be set, agencies need to be formed and most importantly, the public as well as law enforcement need to be educated.
There's so much to squeeze into a day (jobs need to be worked, dishes need to be cleaned, stories need to be read, etc).
The scooters need to be smarter and they need to be safer.
You need to be a little cautious, you need to be patient.
I don't need to be nice, I don't need to be pretty.
So we need to be patient, and we need to be supportive.
When I need to be aggressive — well, I need to be aggressive.
Suddenly, the formerly lethargic government demands an immediate reaction from the lawyer at all fronts: documents need to be handed in, letters need to be written, dossiers need to be read, appointments need to be met and deadlines kept.
"You need to be sweeping the floors, you need to be sending emails, you need to be responding to customers," says Sethi, who is now 34.
"White saviors don't always need to be these cuddly figures; they don't need to be a friend, they don't need to be a lover," she said.
Say what's need to be said and do what's need to be done.
We need to be realistic, and we need to be prepared to adapt.
These are stories that need to be told and need to be heard.
They need to be heard, and where possible they need to be helped.
"It's that need to be liked, that need to be seen, that need to be validated, in a way, through no one that you know," she said.
"Anywhere decisions need to be made, there need to be more women," she said.
The forces that need to be strengthened today may need to be weakened tomorrow.
"We need to be asking questions and there need to be answers," he added.
Eligibility ages need to be raised; benefits for wealthier recipients need to be trimmed.
Changes need to be made this month, Libra, and things need to be said.
You don't need to be a mass ... sports don't need to be mass anymore.
They still need to be represented and their voices still need to be present.
It doesn't need to be zero and it doesn't need to be six months.
But these are stories that need to be seen and need to be told.
Well, you need to be ... you need to be a cold, emotionless killer. Yeah.
"We need to be not just on the page, on the stage; we need to be in the boardrooms, we need to be in the writing rooms," she said.
We're learning a new language here, and we need to be kind, and we need to be open, and we need to be fair, and we need to listen.
Our babies need to be warm, and our babies need to be dry and safe.
It didn't need to be partisan and it didn't need to be full of conflict.
And that doesn't need to be as expansive—they just need to be sprinkled in.
You need to be on TV, you need to be in front of the camera.
Which, sure; miracles do not need to be—should not need to be—fully explained.
We need to be open to new ideas — and all stakeholders need to be engaged.
"Farm markets need to be liberalized, farming need to be made more competitive," she said.
"Farm markets need to be liberalized, farming need to be made more competitive" she said.
The brains need to be calmed and regulated; experiences and memories need to be consolidated.
"Yes, Democrats need to be bold, but they need to be responsible," the strategist said.
"I just need to be with my dogs, I just need to be alone" she says.
Boundaries need to be set, rules need to be followed, and hierarchy needs to be established.
It's going to need to be the 1960s all over again; there need to be movements.
Many of the current institutions need to be demolished and new ones need to be created.
Which means you need to be on the ground, and you need to be up close.
We all need to be implicated in this, we all need to be involved in this.
"People need to be assured, and they need to be assured over time," Feinstein told Recode.
You don't need to be a lawyer, Yuriy, you just need to be an honest man.
"People need to be uncomfortable and they need to be shook a little bit," she said.
Emails that need to be answered, phone calls that need to be made, things that need to be followed up on—for every one thing you cross off, 10 things are added.
You need to be cautious, but you also need to be ready to pounce on key opportunities.
"They need to be updated and evaluated, and the standards need to be revised accordingly," he said.
"I think the stewards up there need to be people that need to be supported," said Wolff.
In the American imagination, some bodies need to be protected, while others need to be protected from.
"Not only do these women need to be heard, they need to be believed," Hirono said Wednesday.
They need to be looking at the candidates and they need to be looking at the issues.
And we need to be bigger than that, all of us need to be bigger than that.
But these need to be words of empathy and empowerment, and our students need to be listening.
He gets people where they need to be, when they need to be there, no matter the circumstances.
You need to be lucky, you need to play well, you need to be healthy for two weeks.
I need to play that role; I need to be more elegant; I need to be more stylish.
Most employee equity hasn't fully vested, stock options need to be exercised and taxes need to be paid.
I need to play that role; I need to be more elegant; I need to be more stylish.
They need to be seeing and selecting the best companies, and they need to be paying appropriate valuations.
That means cars not only need to be fast, they need to be reliable and durable as well.
Hearings need to be held, amendments need to be considered, the two houses need to reconcile their versions.
You need to be able to threaten to resign, and you need to be able to actually resign.
"We need to be ambitious, we need to be creative and we have to be constructive," Malmström said.
The firm "doesn't need to be a pioneer, doesn't need to be bleeding edge," McDevitt, its CTO, said.
The statement emphasizes that toys don't need to be expensive, any more than they need to be fancy.
They need to be read, and the feelings they elicit (rage, discomfort, chaos) need to be felt sharply.
You need to be able to remove solvent sufficiently, you need to be able to do vacuum insulation.
Large swaths of trees wouldn't need to be cut, whirring metal machines wouldn't need to be brought in, and pesticides that could threaten people, animals, and plants in the region wouldn't need to be used.
The coronavirus can spread so quickly that to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed, the restrictions need to be sweeping, they need to be uniform across jurisdictions and they need to be put in place now.
There are also two columns that need to be written and filed before the end of the day, Solver Stories that need to be edited, and assorted other fires that need to be put out.
"We need to be more nimble, we need to be more creative and we need to take more risks."
And they need to be able to punch each other, and they need to be able to punch faster.
"You don't need to be perfect at managing your money, you just need to be good enough," Cramer said.
Let&aposs be honest, these people need to be dealt with and they need to be dealt with severely.
You don't need to be in a particular frame of mind to paint, you just need to be broke.
Any important conversations that need to be addressed, or contracts that need to be signed, will benefit from this.
Markets ain't perfect; they need to be regulated, and the losers in a market system need to be protected.
"We have obviously looked at which areas need to be reviewed, where controls need to be strengthened," Limaye said.
To advance in your career, you need to be smart and capable, but you also need to be lucky.
Routes need to be studied, technology needs to be validated, and money (lots of it) need to be locked down.
Ballpoint pens need to be convinced to write, need to be pushed into the paper rather than merely touch it.
I think you need to be buttoned up, but you also need to be seen as someone who can lead.
I don't need to be recognized, I don't need to be flattered in that way, I don't need that attention.
The pharmacy would need to be open typical business hours; the owner would need to be available to do that.
I'm only acting out of love — I don't need to be controlled, I just need to be inspired and informed.
You don't need to be a parenting expert—there's no such thing anyway—you just need to be a parent.
"I need to be here, and I trust I'll know when I need to be back home," she told me.
While managers need to be able to control their players, they also need to be able to socialise with them.
So if they need to be somewhere, they need to be somewhere where they're not in charge of foreign policy.
To comply with the rules governing markets, calls need to be recorded, and compliance teams need to be readily accessible.
Social distancing and working from home need to be accommodated, if not mandated, and mass events need to be suspended.
Those are the issues that need to be addressed, and that's the conversation we need to be having about immigration.
"For them (partnerships) to be truly effective, there need to be revenue streams that need to be assured," she added.
But, to do that, the catapults still need to be protected, so they need to be behind your front lines.
The need to be attractive, the need to be the center of attention, the need to be the star, despite the fact that you're supposed to be passing all that onto your children, I can definitely relate.
You need to be willing to get hit for a trans person; you need to be willing to shield their bodies.
"We need to be doing what ISIS does, and we need to be doing what they are but better," Amira insists.
You don't need to be "quiet and demure, graceful, polite, delicate, refined, poised or punctual" ... you just need to be yourself.
There doesn't necessarily need to be a team of expert data scientists — they just need to be able to tune it.
Brunchers need to be confronted by "die-ins;" politically correct social justice warriors need to be bombarded with abuse and memes.
You don't need to be smart to take advantage of this provision of tax law; you just need to be rich.
But you don't need to be religious to think that way, and you don't need to be religious to enjoy 53 Sundays.
"I think there need to be clear policies and they need to be appropriate in the consequences for sexual harassment," she said.
Taxes need to be reduced across-the-board, heavy regulations need to be rolled back, and government spending needs to be restrained.
"European (budget) constraints need to be reviewed, together with our partners, but they need to be reviewed," Di Maio said on Facebook.
She doesn't need to be performing emotional labor for fuckboys, and she definitely doesn't need to be anyone besides her truest self.
A monument company will determine which headstones need to be reset and which need to be replaced, according to the Post-Dispatch.
And in that situation, you need to be sober enough to say no, and they need to be sober enough to stop.
In the final analysis, our tax laws not only need to be reformed, they need to be updated to reflect today's economy.
" Skill: "The football coach doesn't need to be able to throw, and a film director doesn't need to be able to act.
One of the most important things we need to be doing right now is we need to be continuing to do oversight.
Though you don't need to be published to be a member, you do need to be a serious writer and provide references.
To meet this challenge, new trade tools need to be perfected and alliances with like-minded industrial partners need to be strengthened.
There's going to need to be some kind of cultural change, or the UBI's going to need to be bigger, or something.
More space junk means that satellites will need to be moved more often, and they'll need to be better-shielded to survive collisions.
To succeed in this game you need to be sensitive enough to need to be loved but shallow enough to weather the hate.
We need to be reminded that this is still happening, and we still need to be active and proactive about what we're doing.
Children need to be reassured that they are safe, and they need to be reminded that there's good in the world, Costello said.
Many LPs need to be spoon fed the strategy and you may need to be very explicit on the connection between various activities.
This [tick] is something we need to be aware of and continue to monitor, but people don't need to be afraid of this.
I have looked at my peers and said, I need to be skinnier or I need to be thicker—because it always changes.
In order to make urban areas "smart," they need to be walkable, meaning schools and housing need to be reintroduced in downtown areas.
We will need to be on guard against contagion, but we will also need to be on guard against our own human instincts.
The verdict and the prosecution should make clear that women need to be listened to and their accusations need to be taken seriously.
" Then she translated what God had to say: "There's something happening and you need to be grateful and you need to be present.
Electric vehicles would need to be the primary mode of transportation, and the world's power grids would need to be virtually emissions-free.
The definitive duties on e-bikes need to be approved by EU countries and would need to be in place by Jan. 18.
"Implementation will be complex: financial contracts need to be scrutinized, operations need to be evaluated, and technology needs to be updated," he said.
It didn't need to be first to a product category — and it certainly didn't need to be the cheapest or the easiest to repair.
The sneaker world can be intimidating: These days, shoes no longer need to be just functional, they need to be totally outfit-making, too.
They need to be given housing, they need to be given a variety of options much more quickly than how it's happened so far.
There would need to be public support for impeachment Impeachment would probably need to be popular in order for Congress to act on it.
"We want new [jewelry] collections, but they need to be big and they need to be impactful," interim CEO Kowalski added on the call.
Those who don't really need it need to be cut off immediately, and those who do currently need it need to be weaned off.
More nurses will need to be freed to move into intensive care units, meaning others will need to be ready to take their places.
But it points out the absurdity of some rules, and how they need to be changed, or else these camps need to be eliminated.
For many riders, the subway is failing at its fundamental task — getting people where they need to be when they need to be there.
Reality stars need to be prepared for trolling and online harassment, but they also need to be aware of cancel culture, milkshake ducking, doxxing.
The next 1,350 days will carry crises that need to be solved, opportunities that need to be seized, work that needs to be done.
McNairy's cartoonish success with women proves that when you have Axe, "You don't need to be a good talker, you don't need to be the most attractive, you don't need to be wealthy, you don't need to have the perfect job," as Karioris put it.
Wright now tells her clients that they don't need to be on every social platform, but they do need to be where their audience is.
Your host machine will need to be running macOS 10.11 or later, while the secondary Mac will need to be running macOS 10.8 or up.
Consents need to be specific and granular and so the records equally need to be specific and granular to evidence exactly what the consent covers.
Regulations need to be put in place and production licenses would need to be applied for before production can begin, according to United in Compassion.
The internet needs to be browsed, messages need to be sent, updates need to be posted, and any hiccups in the process cannot be tolerated.
"To be a really good speller, all of these things need to be working well, and they need to be working well together," Rapp said.
They all need to be in the cloud and they need to be able to communicate with Google in order to work with Google Home.
"I need to be with my team, but I also need to be by myself to create," she explained of her need for considered isolation.
You don't need to be a Sonic devotee, or a superfan, or an apologist — you just need to be someone interested in playing good games.
This can signal a tipping point of the environment that we need to be prepared for and we need to be looking at right now.
"People need to be informed about what data is collected about them and they need to be given some choices over these processes," Sadeh said.
The larger culture itself needs to be revived in four distinct ways: We need to be more communal in an age that's overly individualistic; we need to be more morally minded in an age that's overly utilitarian; we need to be more spiritually literate in an age that's overly materialistic; and we need to be more emotionally intelligent in an age that is overly cognitive.
"I think defensively, just tonight didn't feel like where we need to be defensively, as good as we need to be," Bucks coach Mike Budenholzer said.
Unlike a dress, they do not need to be tried on for size, and unlike a peach they do not need to be felt for ripeness.
For this first part, manual disassembly, you don't need to be an engineer to do that, though you need to be trained to do it properly.
They don't need to be high-end, but they do need to be comfortable and sturdy (try brands like Cole Haan, Loeffler Randall, or M. Gemi).
"People need to be aware that the data isn't necessarily 100% accurate and not something that you need to be diagnosing yourself from," Cannon reassures me.
So we need to be pragmatic in the sense of we're going to be feeding nine million, we need to be open to the many ways.
"It's not even saying they need to be celebrated, but they need to be celebrated as human beings and as women, not as prostitutes," Owen said.
"Southerners need to be given the power to govern themselves and southerners need to be engaged as an equal partner in the peace process," Alnoud said.
You need to be very thick-skinned to pursue a career in the performing arts—you need to be able to take a lot of knocks.
Not only do the chips need to be proven, but the machines themselves need to be ruggedized for extreme cold, cosmic rays, and even solar flares.
In this day and age, most strategic-level issues aren't resolved around secrets that need to be revealed but around mysteries that need to be solved.
"We need to be recognizing children's mental health needs, and we need to be providing them with clear signposts for how they can be accessing help."
But for Alexa's developer community to continue to thrive, voice apps need to be discoverable, and developers need to be able to make them viable businesses.
"We believe conventional hikes need to be delivered soon, and the communication would need to be unambiguous," analysts at UBS wrote in a note this week.
But as you're digesting that news and information, you just need to be aware, you need to be extra vigilant — what's real, what's not, do research.
It's good that I have a good team around me, holding me back when I need to be held back, telling me I need to be patient.
The local laws need to be enforced, habitats need be protected, and people need to be educated about the key ecological role the bats play, Kingston says.
Capitalism doesn't need to be destroyed but it does need to be reformed, hedge fund titan Ray Dalio said Monday in a blistering critique of the system.
In most cases, there will be expenses that will need to be wrapped up or perhaps a portion of the loan that will need to be repaid.
Rovers need to be sterilized, and extra precautions need to be taken if spacecraft go to Mars' "special regions" — places where organisms may be able to grow.
I don't need to be doing a Broadway show; I just need to be performing songs I believe in, for one person or a bunch of people.
To farm bugs, forests do not need to be cleared, fields do not need to be irrigated, and crops need not be sprayed with toxins and pesticides.
There's an election that's supposed to happen in November, there are voices that need to be heard and we need to be there on the front lines.
"I have great faith that God sends me where I need to be, at whatever point in my life I need to be there," Ms. Marcus said.
Spare parts will also need to be provided within 15 working days, and they need to be replaceable using commonly available tools and without permanently damaging the appliance.
And so, I think men and women need to be able to travel together, they need to be able to go to meetings together, go to meals together.
He has such a clear vision on the films that need to be out there, the female directors that need to be seen and heard and hired more.
"It's not just the number of miles that need to be accumulated, it's more important the number of unique traffic scenarios that need to be validated," Stepper said.
In this time of racial conflict, white people need to be listening, but they also need to be talking to each other, identifying blind spots and examining prejudices.
They need to make enough money to support their family and they need to be treated fairly and they need to be protected against discrimination in the workplace.
Unlike other pre-exposure prophylactics that need to be taken daily, cabotegravir may only need to be taken four times per year to protect the user from HIV.
Unlike medications for chronic illnesses, like diabetes, that need to be taken for life, antibiotics typically only need to be used once to effectively knock out an infection.
"The foods themselves are healthy, but even for weight loss and especially for maintenance, portion sizes need to be increased, or snacks need to be added," she said.
People need to be able to debate it, they need to be able to study it, the same way they did when we passed the Affordable Care Act.
Adults need to be educated about the importance of routine eye exams, while primary-care physicians need to be alert for any signs of sensory or cognitive deficit.
"Injectables don't need to be scary, and they don't need to be done in a secret garage," said Gabrielle Garritano, a physician assistant and a founder of Ject.
"With that kind of infrastructure gap, we need to be working backward, we need to be building courts and working with cities and finding sponsors," Mr. Tagami added.
"The depositions that we took, I believe about seventy people, those need to be published and I think they need to be published before the election," Nunes said.
Although Dr. Slepkov discovered that grapes do not need to be cut in half, why do they need to be touching each other for the experiment to work?
Costly Obama-era regulations will need to be reversed, initiatives like the Keystone Pipeline must be completed, and programs like the Renewable Fuel Standard will need to be extended.
It's like being two things at once when you're making malt whiskey–you need to be a very talented brewer, and you still need to be a great distiller.
Communications, power, and life-saving medical treatment need to be prioritized, she said, and government plans need to be adapted for the real needs of people on the ground.
Players need to be enrolled at a university with a valid email address from that university, and teams need to be registered to accredited institutions with a physical address.
There are many details that need to be taken into account, many feelings that need to be considered and much planning involved, in short, they can be a pain.
So at some points, it's like, I'm being a little more vulnerable than I need to be, or I'm being a little less vulnerable than I need to be.
These fossil fuels emit the lion's share of GHG emissions, so they either need to be eliminated or their emissions need to be captured to reach the progressives' goals.
I think so much of the conversation amongst writers right now is, 'I need to be a strong Black voice, I need to be a strong Black female voice.
It showed us how much we need to be there, we need to be present, we need to visit more often and they need to feel like we're watching.
Trump seems to be so openly and blatantly misogynist, and we need to be the same — we need to be open about supporting our right to be treated equally.
" He added, "I just don't believe you need to be mean, you need to be deceitful, you need to practice the dark arts in order to win elected offices.
But in all seriousness, we need to be pragmatic; Bernie [and a lot of his campaign's supporters] decided that when it comes to Hillary we need to be pragmatic.
So when it comes to foreign manipulation, we need to be strong when it comes to policymaking, I think we need to be slow and deliberate and well-informed.
Instead, under settled principles of administrative law, a new regulation would need to be proposed and the basis for such a regulation would need to be explained in detail.
Microphone in his face, he stammered something about needing more information but also the need to be strong but also a need to be careful, when pressed for comment.
Cars, regardless of what system they're operating, will need to be able to communicate with one another just as people will need to be able to understand the cars' intentions.
You need to build a model of the world; you need to be able use that model for planning; and you need to be able to project forward in time.
We need to be able to get to that place a week from now should that big storm show up, but we don't need to be ready for it today.
Issues like climate change, like the growing and changing economy, where workers need to be trained and our kids need to be educated to take advantage of America's technological revolution.
However, where you'd just need to be a driving enthusiast to enjoy the Miata, you'll need to be both a driving enthusiast and an insane person to enjoy the Alfa.
Not only does the science around pregnancy need to be approached with humility and humanity, but all science — and all social norms — need to be approached with humility and humanity.
Those who relocate and take part in the program need to be full-time employees of a business based outside of Vermont and need to be able to work remotely.
Mr. Macron was harsher, saying that the purchase would need to be explained and that there would need to be common ground on classifying different groups of fighters as terrorists.
While they said 2019 growth forecasts would need to be cut, they left open the question whether the medium term outlook, key for ECB policy, would need to be changed.
"Yes, we need to be fiscally disciplined, we need to be responsible, but we need to be investing in the right kinds of things at the same time, so the arbitrary picking a number and trying to stick with it is exactly what I campaigned against in the last campaign," Trudeau said.
"I think kids and parents need to be engaged in an active dialogue about tech use and need to be realistic that nothing magical happens when someone turns 18," he added.
We need to be asking for economic reparations, but we also need to be asking for energetic reparations, and that means abolishing structures that benefit off of our lack of sleep.
"I don't feel like I need to be successful for others, I feel like I need to be successful for myself," she said, pointing a perfectly manicured finger at her heart.
DOHA (Reuters) - Qatar's foreign minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, said on Saturday that regional alliances need to be reshaped and new governance principles need to be put in place.
If you're going to have a successful expansion application, all of the bases need to be touched and all of them need to be checked off as being appropriate and right.
Since we are not in a crisis, this is a good time to ask which parts of Dodd-Frank really need to be improved and which ones need to be jettisoned.
"I talked to a lot of players who were saying, 'Man, I don't need to be quieter, I need to be louder,'" the Bengals' Eric Winston, the union president, told me.
Nationwide, about 32,000 acres of confirmed minefields need to be cleared, and 88,000 acres of suspected areas need to be verified as safe, according to the Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor.
"The truth is, taxes on the rich don't need to be 'reformed' — they need to be raised, because it's investments in the middle class that make our economy grow," he said.
" He spoke of his "need to be ill equipped.
" USG Corporation: "No need to be in that one.
" So does there need to be more "Gilmore Girls?
" JS: "And thinking that they need to be controlled.
" On reserves: "Reserves need to be multiplied, but slowly.
"These statements ... need to be reconciled," the senators wrote.
We need to be connected … the question is: How?
But that period did leave me really interested in why those guys felt the need to be so tough, to play these alpha male characters, that need to be feared or respected.
This means the premiums would need to be quite low — for 18- to 34-year-olds, for example, they'd need to be $164 per month — and likely provide pretty narrow, catastrophic coverage.
"If we want to be good communicators and want to have meaningful relationships, we need to be aware of the other, and we need to be aware of our relationships with them."
If you want to ditch your bank app, you need to be able to view your balance and your transactions, but you also need to be able to send and receive money.
First by exploring the room — you and your partners will look for secret drawers in the furniture, for locks that need to be opened, for mysterious codes that need to be cracked.
"I think that what we need to be doing is we need to be focusing on the countries that are dumping trash in the ocean — of course that's a metaphor," he said.
The short-term upshot of this, the researchers say, is that these drugs — still on the market — need to be labeled more carefully, and patients need to be better monitored for adverse effects.
Guys need to be trained from their very, very young ages from their mothers and their loved ones that half the world's population are female, and they need to be treated with respect.
By keeping on slower moving and less expensive disks data that doesn't need to be readily available, space is freed up on faster disks for information that does need to be readily available.
"We don't need to be building walls, we need to be building bridges," Clinton said to applause, seemingly referring to the president's proposed plan to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
If the pandemic was very severe, 40 million would need medical care, but 9.6 million would need to be hospitalized and 2.9 million would need to be treated in an intensive care unit.
Millennial parents need to be the first in line, our hands raised high, providing political cover and electoral backup so our elected leaders can make the difficult decisions that need to be made.
Cuts to other federal expenses, he said, would simply need to be swallowed to get American defenses where they need to be to maintain standing vis-à-vis adversaries like Russia and China.
You don't need to be a business traveler to benefit, but you do need to be a frequent-enough traveler to justify the cost: $49 per month ($499 annually) for its "concierge" plan.
The national budget (including the military's) needs to be cut, Pakistanis must pay more for energy, old state-run businesses need to be privatized and taxes — many more taxes — need to be collected.
The buyer will likely need to be deep pocketed, and politically connected however - there's an up to 80% premium on the land, and it'll need to be rezoned to likely make a profit.
Urban denizens need to be wary, need to look around.
Sure, or maybe we need to be auditing the algorithms.
We need to be pinging them every single day. Yeah.
They would need to be removed for, say, an MRI.
He also stressed the need to be a great teammate.
Others think more transformers would need to be taken out.
But you need to be responsible and not an asshole.
Does that mean we need to be "grateful" to him?
Workers aren't the only ones who need to be vigilant.
But I declined, because I don't need to be humiliated.
The Russians will need to be disabused of that idea.
Nightclubs need to be valued more in the cultural conversation.
His constant need to be occupied only makes things trickier.
Their explanations need to be heard by the American people.
At these energies, the detectors would need to be enormous.
"They need to be manually disassembled and separated," Wiens said.
The brothers will need to be placed together, of course.
Criticism, issue with tech, so they need to be fixed.
"I'm suggesting they interfered and they need to be punished."
You just need to be willing to invest the time.
Even Uncle Sam's hackers need to be fit and trim.
The signatures would need to be collected before December 21.
The artist doesn't need to be present on site, physically.
I believe capitalism will need to be much more unfettered.
Because I think these two need to be smashed together.
You just need to be looking in the right channels.
Our laws are just broken and need to be fixed.
We all need to be listening to each other now.
Pop culture doesn't need to be instructive to be good.
Why do Americans need to be aware of this issue?
Everyone feels a need to be touched and to touch.
This is really awful and need to be on guard.
I don't need to be the lead of a film.
Then again, the two don't need to be mutually exclusive.
Cities need to be proactive about collecting their own information.
I don't think you need to be in San Francisco.
But actually, it doesn't even need to be that hard.
"For consumers, they need to be more wary," Rheingold said.
Almost 10% of them need to be repaired or replaced.
We need to be focused defensively a whole lot more.
But we have other challenges that need to be addressed.
In fact, they just need to be shapeless, chunky globs.
The cars also need to be charged after being driven.
You don't need to be queer to identify with that.
But you don't need to be one of the quitters.
These loopholes need to be carefully plugged one by one.
"We need to be studying the same material," she said.
I can be pretty feisty when I need to be.
Ticket prices would need to be higher as a result.
You don't even need to be alone to feel lonely.
We need to be able to count on each other.
Emotional issues could arise that need to be dealt with.
This will need to be approved by the European Commission.
Prostitution doesn't need to be legal for this to happen.
You don't need to be Mexican to get Mexican food.
The savages who need to be civilized aren't Native Americans,
There will be consequences, but we need to be prudent.
Steps need to be taken to keep this relationship sacred.
And we need to be willing to fight for it.
And of course, we need to be so, as well.
Eating out doesn't need to be an occasional treat either.
So, I think all of us need to be vigilant.
But many obstacles need to be overcome before that happens.
Problems are now being heard and need to be addressed.
Does pot really need to be singled out like this?
Its statement said there was no need to be alarmed.
What do many online daters need to be wary of?
But it doesn't necessarily need to be a handheld device.
He's like, we all need to be reckoning with this.
Everywhere else, you need to be in a private residence.
You don't need to be young to feel this way.
We just need to be prepared for what comes next.
So what are the qualities you need to be president?
We are the people who need to be doing that.
The transcripts don't need to be released to the public.
But the thing is that it doesn't need to be.
I had the same human need to be among others.
To win, though, you do need to be politically realistic.
But young people need to be sensitive about managing upwards.
You don't need to be plugged in all the time.
If the photographs need to be changed, the price drops.
The potential side effects would also need to be studied.
The laws, they say, need to be carried out fairly.
It doesn't need to be done by night, through stealth.
This will need to be included in the safety video.
No need to be worried, I will be right back.
Do you need to be touching me with your fingers?
We'll need batteries that will rarely need to be recharged.
Where do you need to be — mentally, physically — to write?
There is no need to be "sizeist", in other words.
Does this need to be on repeat every five minutes?
And their stories need to be heard and addressed, too.
You need to be using all the tools you're given.
AMLG: Your brain doesn't even need to be switched on.
Whatever's trending, you need to be on top of that.
That means they need to be paired with baseload generation.
Do you need to be in 'the mood' to write?
And don't they need to be charged at some point?
They only need to be enjoyable to you, the vacationer.
I need to be able to use my upper body.
And no, the posts do not need to be good.
Your kids don't need to be sheltered from financial matters.
"They do not need to be recognised by any regime."
Are there any debts that would need to be repaid?
In America the entire system may need to be redesigned.
We need to be on the side of working people.
"Sometimes you're right where you need to be," he said.
Pharmacies, doctor's offices and clinics also need to be certified.
He said the $589 million will need to be replaced.
We need to be awakened to that energy in women.
We're going to need to be reminded of the stakes.
Trump's isolationist and trade commentary will need to be clarified.
You still need to be selective with your stock picking.
So we always knew what would need to be done.
Entrepreneurs need to be adaptable to the continuously evolving technology.
"But concerns articulated behind closed doors need to be aired."
I know now that I don't need to be different.
Programs need to be based on evidence of what works.
Why do you need to be put in your place?
Country music fans don't need to be defined by critics.
I need to be able to react and go anywhere.
It's just what I need to be doing right now.
Consumers need to be cautious when eating out, Loerbroks noted.
Some people need to be candidates for going to jail.
"It didn't need to be explained at all," Vogel said.
But he acknowledged there would need to be an adaption.
They need to be locked away forever or put away.
We all need to be humbled from time to time.
Most paratransit rides need to be requested 24 hours ahead.
You need to be right and ahead of everyone else.
And to do that you need to be away sometimes.
"Parents need to be comfortable," CEO Björn Jeffery told Recode.
"You need to be able to afford it," Moraif said.
"They need to be positive," Pitino said of his team.
"I need to be happy on my own," she says.
I need to be set free from those unhealthy mindsets!
But people need to be treated sustainably and with care.
It's just that hiring practices need to be more equitable.
In other words, bio investors also need to be multidisciplinary.
Philosophical exemptions in particular need to be tightened, he added.
"There's no need to be cruel, of course," says Sussman.
We have trillions of dollars that need to be invested.
In other words, bots need to be reliable — within reason.
I think that's what they need to be focused on.
Extra bags need to be ordered directly from the company.
"You need to be warm bodied to fly," Witton said.
There will need to be serious and transparent government involvement.
"We need to be calling out casual racism," she continues.
News. "It doesn't need to be a topic," responds Jordan.
Humans will no longer need to be afraid of death.
You physically need to be online to activate this service.
I don't need to be making stupid throws like that.
Contractors need to be researched and convinced neighborhood by neighborhood.
They need to be founded in fact and good science.
We need to be working with European and Arab partners.
Our voices and community need to be lifted and centered.
Looks good, but so many details need to be right.
I need to be at the office by 7 a.m.
People need to be enticed to study hitherto neglected organisms.
They suggest that women simply need to be more resilient.
I need to be where you are, wherever you are.
But the human need to be promised a good life?
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg agreed that regulations need to be strengthened.
Others think old charts might need to be ripped up.
So we need to be true to who we are.
The algorithms themselves don't actually need to be that complicated.
Do the losers from free trade need to be compensated?
YA: Well I think we need to be more realistic.
Those scenarios need to be laid out, discussed and resolved.
It shouldn't need to be said, but here we are.
There are so many people that need to be pleased.Exactly.
And many of these tests don't need to be done.
They're goofy AF, and they need to be deployed sparingly.
"These things (individual errors) need to be eliminated," Cherchesov said.
We need to be prepared to go on the offense.
States will need to be compelled to get on board.
But I don't need to be the center of attention.
It doesn't need to be sold at Christie's Auction House.
SUBTITLE: Bandages can tell you they need to be changed.
Merchants need to be skilled at navigating difficult, tense conversations.
But there's still some issues that need to be fixed.
It's complicated, and lots of decisions need to be made.
Imagine the specifications that would need to be written, the
That's the issues that we need to be cautious about.
You need to be able to battle through that adversity.
It doesn't need to be free of fat or hairless.
People need to be in full control over their data.
They need to be really good at what they do.
But perhaps it feels these need to be more comprehensive.
These patients and women need to be treated as individuals.
That person would need to be confirmed by the Senate.
"We all need to be in better shape," he said.
This gap may need to be closed from both directions.
I think this is really where we need to be.
She also said remedies don't necessarily need to be tariffs.
And, of course, you'll need to be over 18, kid.
I need to be the best coach I can be.
You also need to be comfortable with a buggy implementation.
All allegations need to be and are being taken seriously.
You don't need to be rich to get started, either.
We just need to be true to our challenger values.
Saving a lot doesn't mean you need to be boring.
While it's secure, it doesn't need to be centrally controlled.
We no longer need to be beholden to cable companies.
You need to be very strategic and understand the terrain.
BOLTEN: They're not where they need to be right now.
And we all need to be kind to each other.
It seems like something that didn't need to be said.
Price: $68.00They'll need to be prepared if things go wrong.
I need to be careful not to beat him up.
For them to stay level, they need to be connected.
Because when she's tired, you need to be the energizer.
And you need to be ready for everything that entails.
But I declined because I don't need to be humiliated.
How can still end up where you need to be?
They need to be stopped before they destroy our country.
We just need to be more professional swinging the bat.
Hospital staff need to be prepared for emergencies, he added.
It doesn't need to be locked away in my house.
Does it need to be this precarious, this poorly paid?
The fact is, something does, indeed, need to be done.
"The currencies need to be able to breathe," he said.
You don't need to be a scientist yourself to participate.
Huge obstacles need to be overcome before that can happen.
On that last point, I didn't need to be convinced.
That is the question we need to be asking ourselves.
We all need to be on guard, resist and fight.
Women and girls need to be strong, outspoken, and funny.
The light and coloring need to be played around with.
Students need to be prepared for a shifting job market.
She thinks better spaces need to be available for creators.
Language will need to be tightened to make that clear.
Ideally, therefore, detectors need to be close to their targets.
"There will need to be additional structural changes," Msall said.
The former need to be programmed in truly binary code.
They need to be on the ice working on things.
But we need to be extremely interpretative of those movements.
Then you need to be ... So fast, tons of money.
So you need to be discrete and avoid the aunts.
People need to be educated on what works for them.
Democrats aren't the only ones who need to be convinced.
Trade needs rules and those rules need to be enforced.
He was far from dominating, but didn't need to be.
"Constituents have stories that need to be heard," she said.
Right now, you need to be that someone for yourself.
Need to be able to have some sot of 'zest.
Look, Infinity War doesn't need to be War and Peace.
Is there appropriate dress you need to be aware of?
They just need to be approached with an open mind.
"I need to be here for the accusers," she said.
Do they need to be in the office every day?
To win over a room, you need to be adaptable.
We need to be better stewards of our fragile environment.
The solutions don't need to be invented; they already exist.
People suffering from heat stroke need to be cooled immediately.
We need to be better with men in scoring position.
We need to be reminding kids to make good choices.
Fundamental questions need to be resolved on the British side.
This is not the place that I need to be.
Of course, all candidates need to be cool under pressure.
"Children don't need to be walking around naked," she said.
But the bot doesn't even need to be that smart.
"We always need to be concerned about earthquakes," said Jackson.
" Then she added, "Maybe the oncologists need to be educated.
But we aren't mechanical objects that need to be fixed.
All the holes showing her skin need to be covered.
"They need to be treated with respect," Mr. Bush said.
Music doesn't need to be factually accurate to be true.
Cops need to be accountable for discharging their weapons. Period.
You don't need to be an expert to see this.
We aren't even close to where we need to be.
Anything Amazon builds would need to be just as smart.
"So many operations need to be done quickly," Roodt said.
Again, you need to be able to back this up.
In many cases, we need to be doing the opposite.
There-- there are homes that need to be-- be rebuilt.
It would then need to be ratified by the states.
Also, that fashion realizes that things need to be rethought.
No, that's not fine, I need to be near them.
She doesn't feel the need to be active on Sunday.
Parents also need to be supportive and understand their children.
You obviously need to be respectful of your partner's feelings.
"Decisions on debt need to be taken now," Stathakis said.
That approach is reactive, but we need to be proactive.
They need to be condemned by all in our party.
Keswin: It would need to be connected to your skills.
You'll need to be extra careful while decorating this tree.
I think changes need to be made by all involved.
This is exactly why Democratic leaders need to be careful.
"You need to be constantly listening and learning," she said.
You need to be actively using the app for navigation.
Airplane tires, on the other hand, need to be reinforced.
Business owners need to be considering what will happen next.
Powell's nomination would need to be confirmed by the Senate.
"I think you need to be very flexible," Johnson said.
Defensively, things are not the way things need to be.
At some point agency heads need to be held accountable.
We are still far from where we need to be.
You need to be steady, and measured, and well informed.
Get what you need to be comfortable, save the extra.
We need to be smart, not simply hard, on crime.
However, telemedicine has important limitations that need to be considered.
"Its balance sheet will need to be discounted," Hong said.
The Pentagon's technological infrastructure does indeed need to be modernized.
I need to be fixed, but I can't be fixed.
I realized I need to be ahead of the game.
I need to be in and out in 60 minutes.
"There will need to be a product," the source said.
If he did, he would certainly need to be treated.
Employees need to be shuffled around and compensation arrangements redone.
" "I'm not saying we need to be in Syria forever.
It feels no need to be clear about its prohibitions.
So when you're onstage, you need to be having fun.
But, she maintains, it doesn't need to be that way.
"We need to be smart, vigilant and tough," he said.
By the end of that, you need to be married.
The need to be liked is a fundamentally human one.
Informal workers need to be absorbed into safe, licensed operations.
And maybe I need to be a little patient here.
Analysts said some of it will need to be replaced.
Americans need to be constantly reminded what could have been.
"It doesn't always need to be balanced," Scott told me.
Your phone's GPS sensors may simply need to be rebooted.
Sign the formYou'll need to be careful about this step.
That means they need to be ready for a correction.
Lessons learned in Watergate might need to be learned again.
Without a doubt, the abducted girls need to be rescued.
So I need to be correct as best I can.
"Go hard" to get yourself where you need to be.
But creamed corn does not need to be fucked with.
"We need to be more focused on results not activities."
They need to be laying in the Wellbutrin right now.
They need to be governed and managed in all things.
And there are several things that need to be addressed.
We need to be much more so to fight them.
Right now, you need to be taking the long view.
So, they need to be kept separate from each other.
But a few major developments do need to be remarked.
"You really need to be quite confident to wear them."
Of course, more details would need to be worked out.
Muslims hate America and need to be barred from it.
I just need to be able to love myself, too.
Why do you need to be everything to your partner?
You need to be touched tenderly: Life is so hard.
Don't feel like you need to be empathetic toward everyone.
"You just need to be matter of fact," she says.
Bread is a riddle that doesn't need to be solved.
First, you'll need to be logged into your Reddit account.
There's a wealth of stories that need to be told.
"There clearly need to be safeguards in place," Strassman says.
Good public sector leaders do not need to be innovative.
You need to be smart to push these progressive issues.
Well, maybe I need to be more specific, I thought.
We need to be the virtuosos of the new instruments.
Men who perpetuate it need to be called on it.
But some things would need to be ironed out first.
Then, people need to be assertive about providing real information.
"We need to be a little more creative," he argues.
Some makeup transformations need to be seen to be believed.
Sometimes chemical imbalances in the brain need to be supplemented.
We need to be doing a lot more of that.
We're right where we need to be and should be.
However, they don't necessarily need to be longtime Twitter users.
And now I need to be running my own place.
We don't want and we don't need to be loved.
To benefit from this exercise, you need to be honest.
You need to be careful, so they don't run away.
People need to be able to make their own decision.
Did they need to be touching for this to happen?
"He don't need to be in Washington DC," Mathis said.
I understand what kind of player I need to be.
Of course, the political obstacles still need to be navigated.
"If they're falsifying records, they need to be fired," Rep.
This was a problem that didn't need to be there.
"There are issues that need to be resolved," said Mnuchin.
The need to be vigilant is even more urgent now.
But if they're illegal here, they need to be worried.
So the odds need to be close to evenly matched.
And there's no need to be concerned about their fates.
Are there other adult children who need to be consulted?
Someone would need to be hired to work on it.
You need to be thinking about when we beat this.
I don't need to be at work until 9 a.m.
We will all need to be patient and hunker down.
Do the local norms of interaction need to be changed?
She understood that the race might need to be canceled.
"But afterward, there's other questions that need to be asked."
Huzayfah: That does not really need to be told, though.
Some believe people need to be scared into staying home.
You don't need to be an asshole to make art.
So now you need to be louder and more explicit.
They need to be experienced and used over and over.
But I also felt a filmmaker's need to be honest.
Negotiators need to be free to back down from demands.
The appointments still need to be cleared by European lawmakers.
"My people said, 'You need to be back,'" he said.
Coke songs are great, but need to be strictly monitored.
You need to be on the same path going forward.
Did Dany need to be there for them to win?
People need to be able to live healthy, well lives.
Wholesale markets need to be made friendlier to load flexibility.
Women don't need to be "sympathetic" to be good characters.
It's to represent people, so you need to be accessible.
"We need to be smart, vigilant and tough," Trump tweeted.
Does the schedule need to be further shortened or restructured?
But owners need to be mindful of signs of stress.
You need to be like a duck in a pond.
"Goals need to be made for the individual," Alpert said.
It doesn't need to be "perfect," just perfect for me.
One didn't need to be rich to have these qualities.
"Forest protection services need to be paid for," he said.
It doesn't need to be that way, Mr. Siebel said.
But that hypothesis will need to be tested, he says.
Transgender rights need to be protected now more than ever.
"We need to be clear," Van Kerkhove said last week.
The constraints of a study need to be better delineated.
Changes don't need to be large to have an impact.
In any case, parents need to be kind to themselves.
And niche is okay; they don't need to be massive.
Some have argued that there's no need to be concerned.
"Those two things need to be done immediately," Watts said.
Schedules would need to be coordinated with Amtrak and CSX.
Two discrete bureaucracies would need to be merged into one.
Familial resolutions need to be made over and over again.
"There doesn't need to be a huge shortage," he said.
Regime officials need to be held accountable for their crimes.
You need to be ready for everything that can happen.
There's issues around drivers that absolutely need to be addressed.
Also, I'd need to be convinced that this was real.
These enforcement mechanisms need to be strengthened, and vastly so.
There need to be consequences for these kinds of attacks.
But its words need to be backed up with actions.
This guitarist doesn't need to be slick to sound commanding.
You need to be ready for when a sale drops.
So an accurate revision would need to be equally vague.
To be effective, cloth masks need to be washed daily.
"We need to be in nine counties," Ms. Olsen said.
"You need to be ready to defend yourself," he said.
Peggy Whitson: "You need to be able to communicate effectively."
Maybe you have small children who need to be entertained.
It doesn't need to be a suit — just not pajamas.
And corporate bigness doesn't need to be a partisan issue.
In times of crisis, interim appointments need to be made.
Her hip bones will also need to be virtually reconstructed.
Health services need to be part of any town's plan.
Opioids need to be dispensed according to properly enforced rules.
The advice does not need to be stock market specific.
Of course, some details would need to be worked out.
We need to be able to do our job fully.
In a modern race, they need to be the best.
There's clearly a need to be entertained, distracted, and connected.
We don't need to be crafting another bill right now.
Unfortunately, we are still behind where we need to be.
We don't need to be cruel to enforce zero tolerance.
"The rights holders need to be very careful," she said.
No matter what their level, employees need to be leaders.
Evidently, he will take you where you need to be.
They need to be part of this conversation, she says.
The Democrats need to be thinking about the midterm elections.
"But you need to be at the table," he says.
But AI computations may not need to be so precise.
Those are the people who need to be more engaged.
First, their operations and giving need to be more transparent.
The elites need to be reintegrated with their own countrymen.
And that I need to be patient with other people.
And other promising candidates need to be developed as well.
Software bugs are inevitable and they need to be fixed.
Art doesn't always need to be hung at eye level.
I don't technically need to be online until 9 a.m.
The entires, of course, also need to be entertaining. 2.
Routine vaccinations and other preventive services need to be preserved.
"They need to be able to smell it," Webb said.
"There's some issues, and they need to be addressed internally."
"We need to be smart, vigilant and tough," Trump said.
"And we need to be on a level playing ground."
Do I need to be teaching with The Times already?
Do I need to be teaching a particular grade level?
And, as people of faith, we need to be careful.
We need to be strong for those who can't be.
We need to be ready for this and we are.
We need to be talking about those types of issues.
Another storm is coming, and we need to be ready.
Swift reiterated the need to be there for her mom.
"There are differences that need to be reconciled," he said.
But for Mr. Sanders, it might not need to be.
But the seeds for reform need to be planted first.
We need to be ready, and even willing, to die.
This means you need to be adapting all the time.
And, again, there's no need to be worrying yourself unduly.
But Salters and her colleagues also need to be concise.
The medallion doesn't need to be charged or turned on.
It does not necessarily need to be delivered in Stockholm.
The tannic tannats of Madiran might need to be decanted.
You don't need to be a programmer to use one.
Most of these will probably need to be bought new.
"There are changes that need to be made," he said.
"We need to be careful with this terminology," she argued.
You don't need to be a part of the story.
They don't need to be calling in and officiating us.
However, he said pockets of weakness need to be addressed.
It would then need to be voted in by Parliament.
"I think Biden's actions need to be investigated," Meadows said.
We need to be sober and healthy to do that.
The thing is, these stories clearly need to be told.
But there are real constraints that need to be overcome.
These partnerships — like conventional projects — need to be paid for.
Austin: Right, you don't need to be invested in this.
We just need to be strong for a little longer.
"I felt the need to be here," he said. Sept.
This is the scale we need to be thinking on.
No credit card will need to be provided to watch.
Children's minds and souls need to be educated as well.
The answer may need to be reviewed as conditions change.
"There are questions that need to be answered," she said.
"We need to be mindful of international issues," he said.
"I need to be careful," Columbus coach John Tortorella said.
Young people need to be confronted with discomfort, Crumpler said.
We as leaders of companies naturally need to be cautious.
After the revision, they'll need to be put into practice.
Let's not over complicate things that don't need to be.
All major decisions need to be approved by the leader.
Seams are unbearable, and tags need to be cut out.
Why does an onstage pool need to be digitally enhanced?
Does more still need to be done on that front?
All of these thoughts need to be challenged, she said.
However, under the terms, he doesn't need to be CEO.
Is there lasting relief from the need to be vigilant?
They acknowledge they're not where where they need to be.
As for light, you don't need to be incredibly picky.
That's the only thing people need to be concerned about.
And to build freeports you need to be a billionaire.
Both countries need to be equal and need to survive.
You need to be incredibly precise with Rampage or Joust.
What these pieces never need to be, however, is ordinary.
Voters need to be registered and, for that matter, organized.
They are not omniscient and they need to be challenged.
"You need to be part of a gang," he said.
Do you need to be paying that much for cable?
Before clearing begins, the animals would need to be resettled.
You need to be able to bend the thing easily.
And I think we need to be prepared for that.
Fine dining doesn't need to be in fine settings anymore.
But it doesn't need to be on its death bed.
The Danish soldiers need to be extremely aware of that.
The Strategic Petroleum Reserve doesn't need to be so large.
You need to be able to look in the mirror.
We need to be having more open conversations about this.
This is where you need to be extra careful, though.
"I think we need to be more assertive," McConnell said.
They need to be treated as allies and not enemies.
And the genomes will need to be securely stored somewhere.
This is exactly the time you need to be there.
"I need to be a billionaire," he told GQ Magazine.
"The rules clearly need to be changed here," said Sen.
We need to be allowed to vote on a budget.
I need to be more effective with the inside strike.
Because really, what else do you need to be doing?
"We need to be prepared for anything," said Ms. Mosso.
"Fuel management efforts need to be substantially increased," Ager agreed.
But you need to be specific and have a plan.
You need to be forthcoming and dealing in good faith.
Our military men need to be prevented from making blunders.
Don't miscalculate what you need to be rich and prosperous.
Those who do these things need to be held accountable.
Eroded policies need to be revived, and new ones enacted.
There are also federal rules that need to be followed.
Colorectal cancer does not need to be a deadly disease.
You need to be told by influencers what to buy?
He does not need to be nice, but he is.
House Democrats need to be strategic in this week's hearing.
Each state's voting systems also need to be further protected.
When it comes to deals, you need to be tactical.
Adjustments need to be made, but the results I'll take.
I need to be loved if I am to win.
They don't need to be educated or made more aware.
To be good at it, you need to be disciplined.
There's going to need to be celestial intervention for him.
"I need to be extraordinary," she confided to her journal.
Who do we need to be paying closest attention to?
These allegations are now public and need to be investigated.
This furthers my resolve that missions need to be reformed.
Most people don't need to be told when to laugh.
They do not need to be persuaded of the truth.
We need to be more unapologetic about doing noble things.
All great art doesn't need to be influenced by Europe!
"It didn't need to be a sophisticated system," Patouraux said.
Patients typically need to be eligible for a clinical trial.
In "Us," the black performers don't need to be symbols.
You didn't need to be part of Apple News+, right?
These are your people; you need to be our president.
But Bannon won't need to be confirmed by the Senate.
There are differences, of course, which need to be noted.
Players need to be aware of the consequences of failure.
You do need to be lucky to win it all.
Two principles need to be exercised during Heavy Metal Halloween.
Thereafter all new city buses would need to be electric.
Thus, not all 100 would not need to be launched.
Thrillers need to be, as Meyer's copywriter knows, tautly plotted.
And within retail, do they need to be a merchant?
Importantly, this doesn't need to be done by the BBC.
Those are worrisome increases, and they need to be explained.
These things are horrifying and need to be stopped immediately.
Maisel need to be anything more than warm and entertaining?
"Most important, there need to be public hearings," he said.
Yeah, and so they need to be in any change.
They are murderers who need to be brought to justice.
Do you think brands need to be political, outdoor brands?
Yes, of course, we all need to be more careful.
First is conversion, or the need to be born again.
I think you need to be American to get it?
On the one hand, there's the need to be transparent.
To achieve this, biometric sensors need to be accurate, which means they need to be placed close to the tragus (the part of the ear that sticks out from the side of your head).
To change people's minds, either the negative emotions ("refugees are dangerous") need to be turned down or more positive emotions ("refugees are human beings like us and need help") need to be turned up.
"Make no mistake, these companies are among the most powerful and valuable in the world and they need to be held to account and their activities need to be more transparent," Frydenberg told reporters.
"The things she said when she was with John — that she didn't need to be a wife, or then that she didn't need to be a mom — that's just not Nikki," the source adds.
There's a universe out there just waiting for you to discover it; there's a billion enemies that need to be killed; there are science fiction tombs on the moon that need to be raided.
And so, the root causes of the issue need to be tackled—the lack of youth centers in lower class areas needs to be rectified, mental health services need to be more readily available.
Griffith is right that we need to be cognizant of the effects that our products have on people, but there are also real costs to this sort of skepticism that need to be recognized.
So you may not need to be the first in market, but you need to be in early enough for the main land grab — or wait for the next paradigm shift to try again.
I try to be the best I can be, but I very much understood Hugo and Jane in terms of Hugo's need to be on the Serengeti and Jane's need to be in Gombe.
Atwood understands that the fascist crimes of Gilead speak for themselves — they do not need to be italicized, just as their relevance to our own times does not need to be put in boldface.
You need to be prepared to recognize them for who they are, and you need to be prepared to do whatever they tell you to do, exactly as they tell you to do it.
By not being attached to a certain gender, I feel more free because we do have that essence in our society that boys need to be this way and girls need to be this way.
"We need to be able to communicate in all directions, and we need to be able to show intention and have a conversation with the other players on the road," says president Carol Reiley. Drive.
"We need to be able to communicate in all directions, and we need to be able to show intention and have a conversation with the other players on the road," says president Carol Reiley. Drive.
I think he cares about some real, legitimate issues that need to be talked about and if nothing else what he's doing has generated more conversation around some topics that need to be talked about.
It reminds me that I need to be thinking about women in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s but that I also need to be paying attention to what the 19-year-olds are doing.
"The total amounts that need to be repaid or compensated in some cases still need to be determined… The aggregate financial impact of current and future litigation could become material," ING said in the report.
If you truly want to eliminate income-inequality in the United States, the benefits for the top one percent need to be eliminated and the taxes need to be slashed for the lowest income earners.
At the policy level at companies you need clear practices, things need to be dealt with quickly, things need to be dealt with fairly, action needs to be taken, there needs to be no retaliation.
As glasses of Bordeaux are poured, Li explains that waiters need to be at least 1.75 meters tall and waitresses need to be at least 1.65 meters in height, reflecting some actual airline staff regulations.
I think he cares about some real, legitimate issues that need to be talked about and, if nothing else, what he's done is generated more conversation about some topics that need to be talked about.
We need more smaller, high quality things, and publishers need to be willing to stop growing at some point, and their business sides need to be good enough to sell that smaller audience to advertisers.
Even after ISIS's Iraqi holdings are retaken, the formerly ISIS controlled areas need to be rebuilt — and the sectarian tensions that gave rise to ISIS in the first place need to be addressed as well.
"We believe that the depositions that we took...those need to be published and they need to be published I think before the election," Nunes said on Fox News's "Sunday Morning Futures" earlier this month.
There need to be jobs to gain, those jobs need to pay a decent amount, the people being pushed need to be capable of working, and none of those prerequisites will take care of itself.
Fakes don't need to be flawless to have an impact either.
And people who want to succeed professionally need to be assertive.
We're saying a lot of things need to be looked at.
An action plan doesn't need to be super complicated, Sethi says.
We recognize no more such risks that need to be disclosed.
The flight doesn't necessarily need to be in the same month.
We need to be able to protect ourselves, because they're coming.
It seems like there was a need to be more explicit.
Teachers would also need to be trained to properly educate students.
Everyone knows you need to be conscious to operate your phone!
Here are five reasons why you need to be there: 3.
You don't need to be a royal to rock this look.
Beyond 49 percent would need to be approved by the government.
Budget, technology, and people all need to be given serious updates.
I need to be exposed and I need to challenge comfort.
Are there genetic factors that need to be taken into account?
The auditors would need to be approved by the central bank.
Apple Pencil doesn't need to be limited to the iPad, either.
Like, you really need to be on top of your game.
Why do they Warriors feel like they need to BE that?
And payments to the IRS also still need to be completed.
To make it, they'll need to be compact, soft and flexible.
And these things are going to need to be worked out.
There are questions about national security that need to be asked.
What do I need to be aware of before doing this?
He will also need to be put on oxygen for awhile.
It's people who need to be convinced they need the Internet.
But to compare theory and experiment we need to be quantitative.
"You need to be greedy when others are fearful," Farr said.
I don't know that they all need to be on camera.
LG: Oh, I need to be on the Kara Swisher schedule.
It would also need to be accessible to the right people.
Most current devices don't need to be attached by a doctor.
Similarly, climate regulations need to be replaced with something, he said.
"Mum, dad, you need to be escorted out immediately," he added.
We need to be talking to -- to all of our adversaries.
To lose fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit.
To gain muscle, you need to be in a calorie surplus.
Whoever Trump selects would need to be confirmed by the Senate.
We need to be vigilant because things can change very quickly.
"She [said], 'I really need to be with her,'" Fisher recalled.
As with kids, adults need to be conscious of staying hydrated.
I think better choices need to be made across the board.
But most of these stories don't need to be that long.
I think people really need to be paying attention to this.
The need to be open and frank, and honest and respectful.
Those non-negotiables need to be scheduled first and vehemently protected.
We don't need to be putting black women against each other!
Instead of building walls, we need to be tearing down barriers.
And you don't need to be living here to do it.
Though those images need to be stored in Google Photos first.
In advanced cases, the eye may need to be removed altogether.
If anything, policy may need to be loosened in some places.
It's almost like we're back to where we need to be.
Because innovation doesn't need to be mind-boggling to be interesting.
But antioxidants aren't something that really need to be shouted about.
Smart assistants need to be more than just content-aggregating hubs.
Here, we'll lay out everything you need to be aware of.
More importantly, why do spoons need to be stored in eggs?
Get on that — you'll need to be to access the deals.
Indeed, some of which probably already need to be mitigated — fast.
And we need to be very careful not to do that.
We need to be supported better in Trenton and in Washington.
Instead, those electronics need to be stored in the cargo hold.
I.: The witness need to be able to answer the question.
"Men need to be engaged to stop the practice," he said.
However, this far into the game, moves need to be played.
We need to be accepting of ourselves in how we are.
Make sure your team has everything they need to be successful.
Do both parties need to be saved into each other's phones?
And we don&apost need to be at war with everybody.
We all need to be aware of where these biases are.
A lot of these issues need to be worked out globally.
And those choices need to be informed by 21st century realities.
"You just need to be white to win," runs the tagline.
"We don't need to be a punchline," the ad's text says.
This messy classic may need to be eaten over a plate.
I think our faith tells us where we need to be.
More importantly: Game Pass titles need to be downloaded and installed.
Nowhere do you find someone who doesn't need to be protected.
This doesn't need to be some sort of distant fantasy though.
"Maybe there does need to be a rematch," Clinton said jokingly.

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