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355 Sentences With "navigators"

How to use navigators in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "navigators" and check conjugation/comparative form for "navigators". Mastering all the usages of "navigators" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Cutting navigators, however, leaves intact the reason that navigators were created in the first place: an artificially complex and extremely expensive system of ObamaCare insurance mandates.
"We're letting 11 navigators go today, which leaves us with five navigators for the entire state," says Brian Burton, director of the Southwest Louisiana Area Health Education Center.
These were the astronomers, navigators, and doctors of the time.
For one thing, they are set by the navigators themselves.
Without navigators to help, fewer people will enroll in ObamaCare.
Not all, but many people, are desperate for trusted navigators.
But they are among the slickest navigators of the labyrinth.
Navigators and other advocates push back on that claim, saying that navigators help enroll some of the people who most need help, such as those who don't speak English well or those in rural areas.
Thursday's flight included two extra navigators and several news media types.
The administration also maintains that navigators have proven to be ineffective.
The administration also maintains that navigators have proven to be ineffective.
By contrast, nonprofit navigators and other "assisters" cannot recommend specific plans.
They're expert navigators, for one, zipping around without crashing into walls.
The price is 8.9 percent above Tuesday's closing price for Navigators.
Health and Human Services encouraged navigators to promote those noncompliant plans.
Navigators of Dune by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson's Dune series rolls on with the latest installment, Navigators of Dune, the finale of their Great Schools of Dune trilogy.
Navigators only signed up a sliver of total enrollees, according to HHS.
That report card affected how much navigators will be getting this season.
Navigators are expected to learn this week how much money they'll receive.
Navigators are expected to learn this week how much money they'll receive.
Ford sold a little shy of 3,19803 Expeditions and 1,300 Navigators in January.
The exact coordinates recorded by a dozen United States navigators didn't matter now.
The Utah navigators have much work to do outside the open enrollment period.
Credit for finding them belongs to my navigators Harry Manning and Fred Noonan.
So instead, the probe's navigators opted to use the second option — a gravity assist.
Navigators had no idea that these numbers would become part of the funding scheme.
In his book Hawaiki Rising, Sam Low tells how navigators would develop new techniques.
Navigators' shares were trading at $70.50, indicating that investors were seeking a higher offer.
Promising practices include employing transgender-identified navigators to assist individuals through the enrollment processes.
The administration is not only cutting grants to navigators, but fundamentally changing their mission.
The complexity that created the need for navigators proves that ObamaCare is poorly designed.
In short, navigators thought they would run out of supplies mid-journey and die. Okay.
Dark and Shepard became friends after the actor wrote 1967's Forensic and the Navigators.
The navigators build a relationship with trainees and help them change their responses to conflict.
Danny McBride of Eastbound & Down and Vice Principals plays Tennessee, one of the ship's navigators.
Below that, there be dragons, as navigators of yore used to say of uncharted waters.
Navigators' shares jumped 8.8 percent to $6.423, just below Hartford's offer of $70 a share.
Also, navigators assist people with enrolling in Medicaid, which is not reflected in the numbers.
The counselors, known as navigators, help people sign up in the annual open enrollment period.
Cleveland, Dallas and large areas of Michigan and other states will also be without navigators.
Hagan argued that the navigators have an important function beyond the in-person sign-ups.
Navigators say the Obama administration repeatedly encouraged them to set high goals as a motivator.
Federal outreach funding, and grants to "navigators" who helped people compare their options, have been slashed.
Also, the mechas are driven more like tanks with full crews, including engineers, munitions, and navigators.
Hartford's offer of $70 per share represents a premium of 9 percent to Navigators' Tuesday close.
This ancient culture of navigators has been choosing among islands and founding new societies for millennia.
This past year, navigators only received $36 million in funding, down from $63 million in 2016.
Current grants expire in September, but navigators say they need funding before open enrollment begins Nov.
Navigators can help consumers fill out applications, complete enrollments and renew coverage online, the administration explained.
Funding aimed at helping people enroll — like money for advertising and health navigators — has been slashed.
But this year, community-based enrollment groups, known as navigators, may be largely on their own.
But other areas, including all of Utah, have no in-person navigators, a Kaiser analysis found.
Eliminating navigators is intended to solve one problem, overspending, while leaving the real problem, mandates, unresolved.
That means serious staffing cuts, especially for Navigators, the people responsible for in-person enrollment assistance.
Navigators say that this year, their work includes convincing the skeptical that they will have benefits.
The eventual intervention the researchers settled on involved contracting with a local nonprofit, the Interim Community Development Association, to offer counseling through two sets of "navigators": family navigators, who worked with Section 2000 families to help in their housing search; and housing navigators, who met with landlords in high-opportunity neighborhoods and sought to dispel any negative impressions they had about the Section 28 program, and about tenants who might have criminal records or poor credit.
This resulted in additional support from patient navigators to help them get the additional tests they needed.
I'm in the market for a new vehicle and recently test drove several used 2017 Lincoln Navigators.
The vast majority of navigators are state and local nonprofits, such as community health groups and hospitals.
She called the program "ineffective" and said navigators will be funded going forward based on their performance.
Reducing the outreach budget has forced local organizations known as navigators to dramatically scale back their operations.
Funding will be proportional to how navigators have fared in hitting their enrollment target the previous year.
And 643 percent of navigators failed to reach their enrollment goals "while spending $50 million," CMS said.
But the three-year journey also contained episodes of violent conflict between the navigators and local people.
Navigators Global, an all-GOP lobbying firm, hired Sarah Rogers as a vice president of legislative affairs.
Finestone comes from the firm Navigators Global, where he served as a vice president of legislative affairs.
The groups, known as navigators, have been worried over their funding for ObamaCare enrollment, outreach and education.
Now, navigators will be analyzing their new budgets ahead of an ObamaCare enrollment season beginning Nov. 1.
He has also slashed funding for advertising and for navigators, who are critical to helping people sign up.
Navigators help you understand what your out-of-pocket expenses might be and what your insurance plan covers.
Where it stands apart from Navigators past: it feels like far more vehicle than a chromed-up Expedition.
Patient navigators, often cancer survivors, explain the disease to patients and help them get to appointments on time.
And they shortened the open enrollment period and slashed budgets for marketing and navigators who support the exchanges.
Navigators are hired to help us find our way through the maze they laughingly call a healthcare system.
The report also includes relevant research on each bank rated by Fitch, accompanied by their respective Rating Navigators.
It also significantly reduced funding for "navigators," given the task by the A.C.A. of linking individuals to insurance.
They're hiring squadrons of care coordinators and navigators (sometimes too many), and redesigning and rewriting pamphlets and forms.
Spacecraft navigators have become adept at using precise flybys as slingshots to steer spacecraft through the solar system.
And on Tuesday, CMS sent a notice telling navigators and enrollment officials that it would shut down HealthCare.
Hartford Financial dropped 4.1 percent after the insurer said it will buy Navigators Group in a $2.1 billion.
If ObamaCare insurance were designed properly, what engineers would call elegantly, there would be no need for navigators.
Here, people living with HIV and those impacted by it serve as companions and navigators for one another.
The Trump administration "has slashed, practically eliminated, funding for the navigators," said Representative Kathy Castor, Democrat of Florida.
"The navigators have no more maneuvers to do," Scott Edgington, the deputy project scientist for Cassini, tells The Verge.
"That looks like a significant obstacle that we'd have to overcome," says Nybakken, "but we have very creative navigators."
Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) who advised the transition on national security, has joined the all-Republican firm Navigators Global.
Trump administration officials said the insurance counselors, known as navigators, did not enroll enough people to justify more spending.
Navigators will now receive funding proportionally to how they fared in hitting their enrollment targets during the previous year.
The new rules cut the funding if navigators are falling short of the goal they had set for themselves.
It also enables "self-driving spacecraft," as Seubert put it, which requires no direction at all from navigators on earth.
The administration also steadily cut funding for so-called navigators, customer service representatives who walk people through the enrollment process.
The navigators support them through this so that at the end of a year, they're prepared for a normal job.
In addition to an established presence at Lloyd's, Navigators also has growing underwriting operations in Europe, Asia and Latin America.
For the first time, the navigators are also required to encourage people to buy garbage insurance (more on that below).
Navigators work with veteran clients by phone, typically every three weeks, during the critical time before, during and after transition.
Mountain Community Hospice, run by the Kentucky agency now known as Bluegrass Care Navigators, also disputed Mills' version of events.
It's worth checking your state exchange's website to see if any of these so-called navigators are in your area.
And it has slashed spending on advertising and on health care navigators who help people sign up for insurance plans.
Officials also said they are cutting funding for "navigators," which are outside organizations that help sign people up for insurance.
That could reduce costs as these navigators can better ensure that Apple employees and their dependents aren't getting unnecessary care.
The pole has been the friend of navigators for millennia, beckoning compass needles from virtually every point on the planet.
Career officials traveled to a conference of navigators in Baltimore in June to coordinate on strategy for signing people up.
It is part of the uphill battle such "navigators" say they face when enrollment for 2426 begins on Nov. 1.
Navigators Group provides insurance services to marine, construction and energy industries, among other things, and has operations in 22 U.S. states.
For neuroscientists, the new work seems to offer important clues about how grid cells in living brains make us better navigators.
My ancestors were exceptional navigators who sailed the 2,400 miles from the islands of the South Pacific to the unknown north.
Navigators across the country had to scramble to craft new plans ahead of the open enrollment period beginning on Nov. 1.
Navigators say they don't get credit for all the consumers they help guide through the process but don't actually sign up.
ObamaCare supporters and local groups tasked with enrolling consumers in the exchanges, known as navigators, are openly frustrated with the administration.
Since they began work in 2013, navigators have helped people enroll in health plans that comply with the Affordable Care Act.
As with all of nature's successful adaptations, there's a reason for this: The matriarchs serve as midwives, babysitters, navigators and teachers.
Across the country, many public libraries held open enrollment events, hoping to fill in the gap where there were fewer navigators.
Navigators – The specialty insurance underwriter agreed to be acquired by Hartford Financial for $2.1 billion in cash, or $70 per share.
"Disturbingly, we have heard reports that some Navigators have already been laid off because of CMS's highly unusual action," they said.
Other groups also have coordinators, or "navigators," who can search databases to help patients find trials that are right for them.
The logbooks were returned to naval authorities or ship owners, who used them to build pilot charts and guide later navigators.
The Trump administration sharply reduced grants to insurance counselors known as navigators and cut spending for advertising to publicize open enrollment.
As was the case last year, the newly announced cuts to Obamacare's navigators won't result in the end of the law.
It was then that I understood those stories of people driving off cliffs while blithely following the instructions of their GPS navigators.
It also employs "navigators" who, like Chicago's violence interrupters, intervene directly after violent incidents to defuse tension and help people find support.
But this resource only works if women know navigators are available and take advantage of the extra help, Kim said by email.
Security staff, social workers and peer navigators — former drug users who help current ones — all learned to administer the overdose-reversal drug.
"When I started flying the HC-130 in 2004 there were no female aircraft commanders or navigators in our squadron," Enfield said.
ObamaCare made the healthcare system so complex and confusing that the law created a whole new class of healthcare bureaucrats called navigators.
The markings would have allowed navigators to measure the height of the sun above the horizon at noon to determine their location.
It would be so helpful if we had financial navigators who could help patients and families with that aspect of their care.
"We try to get in a couple meetings before they get their voucher," Sarah Birkebak, one of the family navigators, told me.
In January, Navigators sold for an average of $5503,2550, thanks to strong sales of the top-of-the-line Black Label edition.
Navigators are supposed to provide year-round in-person assistance, helping consumers compare health plans, sign up for coverage and use it.
Late last month, the Trump administration announced it was slashing the grant money for navigators by nearly 41 percent, or $23 million.
HHS said the navigators would receive funds for this grant year based on how well they met their enrollment goals last year.
Late last month, the Trump administration announced it was slashing the grant money for navigators by nearly 41 percent, or $23 million.
Both men were young and ambitious, and both were shrewd navigators of the internecine schemes and coups plaguing South Vietnam's ruling military.
Multiple navigators told me that they'd asked their contacts at Health and Human Services about this question, and were told not to worry.
The budget for these so-called "navigators" at health clinics and nonprofits is being cut 41 percent from $62.5 million to $123 million.
That's good news for TomTom, a brand I once admired that's eager to break into new markets after the decline of personal navigators.
Anderson noted that they drew from current events for inspiration when it came to the trilogy and its final installment, Navigators of Dune.
The zero22019hundred team found office space and began hiring Peer Navigators — veterans and military family members with graduate-level training in social services.
Navigators also expressed concerns that cuts to the program would lower enrollment in the ObamaCare exchanges ahead of open enrollment starting Nov. 1.
Nationally, "Navigators received $62.5 million in federal grants to enroll 81,426 people — just 0.7 percent of total enrollees" in Obamacare plans, CMS said.
The agency once again defended the decrease by saying that navigators, which usually hail from non-profit and community organizations, are not effective.
It's once again slashing funding for the program that pays "navigators," usually from non-profit and community groups, to help people sign up.
The administration said the navigators are not effective; last year, it broadened the chances for private sector agents and brokers to assist consumers.
These "navigators" guided people through the nuts and bolts of enrollment, but also reached out to their communities, advertising the open enrollment period.
Years ago, the museum saluted the Tuskegee Airmen, the African American pilots, navigators, bombardiers and others who performed vital services to the nation.
Agents may receive commissions from insurance companies — typically modest payments for marketplace plans — but navigators are generally forbidden to accept compensation from insurers.
For now, though, often the primary health literacy navigators for older people are their adult children, most commonly daughters and daughters-in-law.
Cox is a founding principal at Navigators Global and was previously a special assistant for legislative affairs for former President George W. Bush.
My last job was cleaning the stadium of the North Shore Navigators, a collegiate baseball team that's part of a New England league.
Lee said the department has conducted a statewide "elections-specific risk assessment" and has five "cybersecurity navigators" to directly assist county election supervisors.
Funding for consumer helpers called "navigators" will also be cut about 2200 percent, from $2000 million for 13, to $21 million for next year.
The study wasn't designed to determine whether or how reporting barriers to care or working with patient navigators might directly impact breast cancer outcomes.
Mr. Keiser is currently a Principal at Navigators Global and a Senior Advisor to the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress.
These Peer Navigators provide clients one-on-one counseling and referrals to make sure they are getting the precise help and support they need.
Mr. Keiser is currently a principal at Navigators Global and a senior advisor to the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress.
"I'm getting reports from my team, my navigators — we're seeing an increased number of calls and appointments over the last several weeks," Ray said.
Others with accounts include the boutique firm Fritts Group, DS2 Group, Hance Scarborough, Susan Nelson of Navigators Global and Williams Group founder Michael Williams.
Officials also announced they are cutting funding by 41 percent for "navigators," which are outside organizations that help sign people up for ObamaCare exchanges.
She said that Obamacare navigators, who help people sign up for coverage, "started promoting the heck out of" the special enrollment period on Monday.
Like navigators in the dark, we rely on carefully crafted wall labels to explain, but perhaps more importantly to translate, the artworks on display.
As the exchange has grown in visibility and become more familiar to Americans seeking health insurance, the need for federally funded navigators has diminished.
There is some evidence that trial navigators can promote the inclusion of racial and ethnic minorities who have been shockingly underrepresented in clinical trials.
Families traded in their Ford Explorers for Lincoln Navigators, according to Ms. Swierc, the county treasurer, and people bought beach cottages in nearby Rockport.
"As you know, Navigators are essential to the success of Open Enrollment, which begins just a few weeks from now," the House members wrote.
Historians think it's the "sunstone" mentioned in medieval Norse texts—a polarizing crystal that helped Viking navigators find the Sun on a cloudy day.
To help average Americans work their way through the Byzantine maze of ObamaCare insurance, the ACA created a whole new class of bureaucrats: navigators.
Several states, including Iowa and Montana, will have no navigators, while their presence in Texas, New Jersey and several other states will be limited.
They have held webinars for navigators and promised to spend a percentage of the fees that insurers pay to help fund the marketplaces on outreach.
The projection keeps parallels (circles of latitude) and meridians (lines of longitude) straight and perpendicular to each other, which was vital for 16th century navigators.
The agency's presence helped convince navigators and insurance agents to show up, and federal officials would have the best information available on Obamacare open enrollment.
The society had to go all the way to Micronesia where one of the few remaining Polynesian celestial navigators, a man named Mau Piailug, lived.
They also recommend that a child's chosen name and pronoun be recorded in medical records, and that clinics designate patient navigators to help transgender patients.
Navigators work on the ground to help people enroll in ObamaCare, guiding them through what can be a confusing process while conducting broader public outreach.
There are also several changes in store for the navigator program this year, and navigators are worried about how it might impact them and consumers.
There are only 59 navigators working in half of Florida's counties, instead of the typical staffing of 150-plus people who cover the entire state.
One such company is Accolade, in which Comcast is an investor, and which provides independent guides called navigators to help employees use their health benefits.
Consumers can get contact information for agents and brokers, as well as nonprofit groups known as navigators, by clicking on "Find Local Help" on
He is currently a principal at Navigators Global and a visiting fellow at the National Security Institute at George Mason University's Antonin Scalia Law School.
Several Republicans said insurance agents and brokers were enrolling more people at a lower cost than the navigators, so the additional money was not needed.
The agency mostly finished the job this week, announcing that the navigators budget would shrink to just $10 million for the upcoming open enrollment period.
Get America Covered offers a tool that lets Obamacare enrollees search by zip code to see the closest Obamacare navigators and even make online appointments.
Former Obama administration officials dispute the numbers, saying they do not reflect the scope of navigators' work or capture everyone who they helped sign up.
"We're regrouping, we're restructuring, we're wondering if we should go direct to consumer rather than trying to work with the navigators," he said in an interview.
Glasgow's navigators are not assigned to specific localities; instead, they work in accident and emergency departments and approach people who come in after a violent incident.
All of the women spoke to patient navigators who helped assess potential barriers to care, explain treatment options, schedule appointments and provide psychological and social support.
The administration, meanwhile, argues that because the law has been around longer, the need for outside groups to help people enroll — known as navigators — has diminished.
The organization was not alone among Obamacare navigators in falling woefully short of its goals — or in getting a lot of federal money while doing so.
The administration said now that the health law has been around longer, the need for outside groups to help people enroll, known as navigators, has diminished.
In August 2013, the Obama administration announced that they would pay $4003 million to 105 organizations ("navigators") to help educate the public on the new law.
Through his work, Rowland and other navigators like him help match clients with affordable health plans, achieving a plummeting uninsured rate that the administration frequently touts.
But he added that Obamacare advocates, including navigators who help people enroll in individual health plans, are "doubling down on outreach" because of the White House's decision.
The agency also said it will cut funding for so-called navigators, who help people enroll in Obamacare health insurance plans, by 41 percent to $36.8 million.
Funding for the navigators program, which went to groups that helped people sign up for insurance, was reduced by 40 percent and then allowed to lapse entirely.
So NASA's navigators are trying to figure out a way to change Juno's orbit to avoid the eclipse, in case the probe is still operating by then.
An initial proposal by the administration would have cut the funding for the groups, known as "navigators," from $36 million last year to $10 million this year.
Juno traveled within 2,900 miles of Jupiter's cloud tops, passing through almost the exact spot that the navigators had aimed for after its 1.7-billion-mile voyage.
Songwriters like Ms. McKenna are seasoned, skillful navigators of the intersections between the personal and the generalized, the heartfelt and the crafty, the everyday and the idealized.
The navigators do more than simply process sign-ups; they reach out to the community, offer advice to new enrollees, and remind current enrollees to re-enroll.
Federal officials said they were not providing funds for navigators in Iowa, Montana or New Hampshire because no organizations had applied for the money in those states.
In each of the past two years, she said, navigators enrolled less than 1 percent of the people who signed up for coverage in the federal marketplace.
They'd also be assigned "navigators" whose job it was to walk them through the apartment application process, and receive additional financial assistance with down payments if necessary.
Nationwide, the Trump administration slashed spending to advertise open enrollment and sharply reduced grants to insurance counselors known as navigators who help people sign up for coverage.
The Utah organization has reduced the number of navigators by half, to eight from 16, and plans to focus its efforts on the Salt Lake City area.
Young Invincibles will have staff on the ground in Texas, Virginia, Illinois, California and Colorado to help navigators and other local groups sign people up for ObamaCare.
It's fun to ponder a future filled with self-driving cars, a world with breezy commutes where robot navigators have made deadly crashes a thing of the past.
The inspectors were armed with handheld GPS navigators and a few batches of documents that listed the supposed harvest sites and the species of trees on the ship.
It also has cut the advertising budget to $10 million and slashed by 40 percent the budget for support staff, known as navigators, who help people choose policies.
After a half a century, the sprawling Dune novel series is coming to a close with the latest installment, The Navigators of Dune, which arrives in bookstores today.
And the 22016 navigators that received the most federal funds got a total of $2.77 million to sign up just 314 people in Obamacare plans, according to CMS.
She also said navigators were instructed not to enter their ID numbers unless they had assisted a customer from the beginning to the end of their enrollment process.
Before then, navigators tended not to mention those periods, because they were trying to get would-be customers signed up by the better-known deadline of last Friday.
Many include dazzling tech approaches, but also programs like the one at Penn State College of Medicine where students serve as "patient navigators" after discharge from the hospital.
To compensate for malfunctioning pitot tubes, pilots must disengage any autopilot systems that are taking in inaccurate readings, and depend on manual controls and visual cues, navigators said.
Ms. Hagan urged consumers to seek help from those known as health care navigators, who are available by phone and in person to help consumers sort through options.
Since undergoing its most thorough redesign in roughly a decade, Lincoln has sold so many Navigators executives said they had to boost production to keep up with demand.
The Trump administration cut the budget for advertising to promote enrollment and greatly reduced grants to insurance counselors, known as navigators, who help people sign up for coverage.
Many navigators were assured by the current administration that they didn't need to worry about funding for this year — that it would be on par with previous years.
" And in 20163, TIME magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world, labeling him "one of the pre-eminent navigators of the networked world.
Obama joined a call with navigators and volunteers who help people sign up for coverage under the law, his office said, and made an appeal on Twitter and Facebook.
Photograph by Albin Dahlström; courtesy the Moderna Museet, Stockholm She was born in 1862, near Stockholm, into a family with a long male line of naval officers and navigators.
Lodes said that navigators, in addition to helping people sign up in Obamacare plans, are responsible for steering people to other health coverage programs they might be qualified for.
"As the Exchange has grown in visibility and become more familiar to Americans seeking health insurance, the need for federally funded Navigators has diminished," CMS said in a statement.
An RC-135's full crew can total nearly 30 individuals, including the pilots and navigators, intelligence specialists, and repair specialists to fix gear that breaks in the air.
But the budget for the insurance counselors known as navigators has been cut more than 80 percent, and in nearly one-third of the 2,400 counties served by HealthCare.
Meanwhile, the housing navigators worked with landlords to expedite inspections and generally try to cut through red tape that might make landlords not want to deal with Section 276.
Additionally, the administration slashed the grant funding to state and local nonprofits that help people enroll, saying the "navigators" had failed to meet their enrollment targets in previous years.
Although other European navigators may have sighted the Florida peninsula before, Ponce de Leon is credited with the first recorded landing and the first detailed exploration of the Florida coast.
He died thinking that he had been doing all of this in India, never realizing he had set foot on lands that European navigators didn't know existed at the time.
The government says it will hire thousands of "navigators" to find jobs for claimants, but it is unclear who they will be and how they will go about their work.
While American manufacturers cashed in on the considerable profits of gas-guzzling Hummers, Durangos, and Navigators, smaller vehicles like the Toyota RAV4, Honda CR-V, and Subaru Forester made headway.
It occurs simultaneously with the holy day of Our Lady of Navigators, a devotional title for the Virgin Mary, to whom Portuguese seafarers would pray for a safe return home.
Navigators had anticipated the federal government decreasing its own advertising efforts and already were planning to try and make up for the lack of robust marketing coming from the administration.
Clinton said that as president, she would provide $15 million in grants to support "community navigators" who would assist immigrants in pursuing legal opportunities, including seeking temporary relief from deportation.
Only $10 million in funding will be awarded to these groups, called navigators, compared to the $85033 million they received in the last open enrollment period under the Obama administration.
CMS said that besides tribal chairmen's board,21 other Obamacare navigators each had enrolled fewer than 000 people for 2.33 plans — at an average cost of almost $22.3,264 per enrollee.
They also asked Verma and Azar how the agencies expect the groups, knows as navigators, to fulfill all the responsibilities legally required of them with only $10 million in funding.
He and eight other navigators from his company, KinetX, kept the New Horizons operations team apprised about any last-minute changes to navigation, while the operations team controlled the spacecraft.
Republicans were helpful as ever: Florida forbade navigators from working at county public health offices and Tennessee, among others, required, as is so popular in conservative circles, criminal background checks.
And since life on the Red Planet will require the expertise of more than just space navigators, NASA's posters also seek the assistance of intrepid farmers, explorers, teachers, and technicians.
The nonprofit had its federal funding cut by 64 percent, reducing the number of navigators from 21 who spoke six languages between them to 6 who speak English and Spanish.
President Barack Obama used such goals to motivate a small army of counselors, "navigators" and assistants who helped millions of people sign up for insurance in the last four years.
And fewer navigators means fewer appointments for people who want to sign up for Obamacare — especially in these final weeks, when most enrollees tend to get around to applying for coverage.
The Chicago explorers in ADT—anchored by the experimentalist Ben Baker Billington and armed with a hefty helping of electronic abstractions—prove on Insecurity that they're skilled navigators of The Zone.
There aren't many requirements when it comes to scale: How much money must be spent on outreach, how many navigators must be funded, how many calls the centers can handle, etc.
There have been the overt actions: shortening the open enrollment to six weeks, slashing the funding for TV advertising and navigators, sowing doubt about whether Obamacare's individual mandate would be enforced.
"Navigators does have a lot of structural things that make it look attractive to not just one acquirer but a lot of acquirers," said Paul Newsome, analyst at Sandler O'Neill & Partners.
The 1,000 positions will be centered around building Ford Expeditions and Lincoln Navigators, which are expected to be exported to more than 55 markets globally after being completed, the carmaker said.
Democrats have seized on the cuts to navigators as proof of the administration's "sabotage" of ObamaCare and have passed legislation in the House to restore the funding to its original levels.
These navigators have been proven to connect grand families to supports and services in the community to help them succeed, regardless whether they are inside or outside the foster care system.
"I don't understand how they would be releasing such misleading data three weeks before the enrollment deadline if they were not trying to hurt enrollment or morale" among navigators, Lodes said.
Navigators applying for funding will also be encouraged to show how they will educate people about the newly expanded alternatives to Obamacare, such as association health plans and short-term plans.
NBFI Ratings Navigators are available for global NBFIs rated on the international rating scale, excluding those whose ratings are based on sovereign or institutional support considerations, and can be found here.
"Navigators play a vital role in helping consumers prepare applications to establish eligibility and enroll in coverage through the marketplaces," the Department of Health and Human Services says on its website.
Refining their techniques, the Hayabusa2 navigators were able to touch down within 9 feet of their target, firing a projectile into its surface to free material for its sample collection tool.
Lastly, the Trump administration recently announced it would cut advertising for Obamacare open enrollment by 90 percent and funding for navigators who help people sign up for coverage by 40 percent.
The company has also brought on at least a half dozen "care navigators," who don't have medical degrees but do have a background in directing patients to the most appropriate care.
The subcommittee approved a bill that would provide $100 million a year for insurance counselors known as navigators who help consumers enroll in health insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced a 70 percent cut — $26 million — to the "navigators" program that hires people to help qualified individuals sign up for insurance through Obamacare.
"What our findings are saying is that care providers need to be aware of the fact that not all women interact the same with patient navigators and other care providers," Kim said.
I'm helpless, as are we all, trapped in a torrent of hostile sound and hypnotizing sights: whatever terrors this flight takes us to, we're more passengers than navigators, even pad in hand.
This will likely also cut down on the number of navigators operating in the U.S., which means those in rural areas could find it more difficult to get in-person enrollment help.
If Spotify's direct listing is successful, other private companies may pursue their own alternative paths to public equity, including ones like Spotify's that use investment banks more as navigators than as drivers.
But the good navigators can dive into that program so far and so deep that they can start pulling things out or finding mistakes that the average punter would never pick up.
With the annual open enrollment weeks away, the federal spending cuts have begun to bite, and navigators around the country are racing to revise their plans to make do with less money.
The previous grants for navigators expired, and many organizations said they are laying off staff and shutting down until they receive new funding, which may not arrive until the end of September.
And HHS recently issued its yearly online training for navigators, which Quenga said is "better than it has been in previous years" because there are now more enrollment periods under the belt.
The ACA requires the federal government to, among other things, maintain a website and work with local "navigators" and other groups to educate consumers and encourage them to sign up for insurance.
"Finding LRO was relatively easy, as we were working with the mission's navigators and had precise orbit data where it was located," Marina Brozovic, a radar scientist at JPL said in a statement.
Spacecraft send information to an array of antennae on the ground and on to navigators, who use atomic clocks on Earth to coordinate the time and send navigational instructions back to the craft.
One more thing: HHS is also planning to cut spending on "navigators," who are supposed to help people enroll, by tying their funding to their effectiveness in reaching their enrollment goals last year.
The tribunal also said that while Chinese navigators and fishermen had historically used islands in the sea, there was no evidence Beijing had ever exercised exclusive authority over the waters or their resources.
Astrolabes have historically been used by everyone from explorers and navigators to astronomers and even astrologers to locate and predict positions of the planets in order to provide local time, latitude, and more.
The administration had justified such reductions by saying that the groups were failing to meet their targets, and that the deepest cuts would be reserved for low-performing insurance counselors, known as navigators.
For instance, Illinois has turned to so-called "cyber navigators," who are essentially cybersecurity experts sent to conduct risk assessments at election offices and determine what sort of security improvements they might need.
At the same time, some steps toward preparing for the next enrollment period are proceeding normally, such as an annual meeting in June with "navigators" who guide consumers in their choices of plans.
IU Health has more than 150 "navigators" who work with patients to help them get insurance, often through a Medicaid expansion authorized and funded by the health law and engineered here by Gov.
In the Bellot Strait, for instance, communities reported that icebergs can get sucked beneath the water on the east side, and stay submerged throughout the narrow passage, out of sight of ship navigators.
"We are very concerned about the decrease in funding for advertising on the exchange, which we rely, and the decrease in funding for the navigators," Teresa Miller, Pennsylvania's insurance commissioner, said during the hearing.
To me, the most important meeting was the day before landing when I sat in a room with about 20 navigators, discussing the state of the spacecraft and its precise hours prior to touchdown.
But conversations she had this week — similar to those described to Vox by other navigators — suggest that the Trump administration will notlet grantees use the funds to cover this week before they're officially allocated.
The government pulled back on its traditional community outreach activities slashed funding to state-based enrollment assistance groups, forcing many of those so-called navigators to lay off staff or even shut down completely.
It's an uninhabited, roadless and raw landscape that, Beno said, is essentially an open-air museum, filled with ancient structures and relics dating to the arrival of the first Polynesian navigators 1,700 years ago.
Any federal free-college proposal must include resources for college preparation and access for K-12 students, as well as mentors, navigators, coaches and wraparound supports for first-generation and low-income college students.
Right now, he and thousands of others of navigators across the country are in the middle of their busiest time of year: Obamacare's open enrollment period, which began November 1 and will end December 15.
But conversations she had this week — similar to those described to Vox by other navigators — suggest that the Trump administration will not let grantees use the funds to cover this week before they're officially allocated.
Andy Keiser, a principal at the lobbying firm Navigators Global who worked on the Trump transition team's national security section, said the administration views Kim Yong Chol as a hardliner playing games with the talks.
Consumers may have difficulty sorting through their options after the administration sliced the budget last summer for insurance navigators to $10 million this year, from $903 million in 2017 and nearly $63 million in 2016.
In fact, the Trump administration recently warned navigators that they could not accept payment from an insurer and could not be paid even by their own organizations on a per-application or per-enrollee basis.
Additionally, grants to about 21 nonprofit groups, known as navigators, that help people enroll in health plans offered by the insurance marketplaces will be cut to a total of $212 million, from about $63 million.
But the figures they cited appeared not to include people who met with navigators to sort through coverage options but enrolled later on their own — a not insignificant group, according to past surveys on enrollment.
"My guess is they would not be comfortable giving it to him unless there was a tangible result," said Andy Keiser, a principal at Navigators Global who worked on the Trump transition's national security team.
It's still unclear how the cuts will play out: With open enrollment less than two months away (it starts November 1), navigators know only that they will have to cut expenses and lay off staff.
Officials that oversee the program have not made clear when they will begin to fund it again, or advised how navigators are meant to handle this interim period where they have no funding at all.
"News reports indicate that CMS's failure to provide funding to the Navigator organizations is having an immediate negative impact, with some Navigators finding themselves forced to lay off experienced staff," Levin writes in his letter.
"Finding LRO [the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter] was relatively easy, as we were working with the mission's navigators and had precise orbit data where it was located," principal investigator Marina Brozovic said in a JPL news release.
The threat posed by today's terrorists is still primitive, manual and low-tech, but contemporary terrorists are becoming savvier navigators of the internet, with the potential to become high-tech adversaries who can threaten economic sabotage.
Wade (Politico) Trump's Medicaid work rules hit states with costs and bureaucracy (Forbes)   State by state Funding for Obamacare navigators in Florida cut by 81 percent (WUSF) Is there renewed hope for Medicaid expansion in Missouri?
Increasingly common overseas, such online websites – sometimes called career navigators – allow job seekers of all ages to explore their career interests and job-relevant aptitudes and skills by taking valid and reliable tests online for free.
And the administration's sharp cuts to advertising for the law's open enrollment period and to groups that employ enrollment "navigators" like Mr. Branch have almost certainly limited public awareness that now is the time to enroll.
Health and Human Services, which oversees the program, has said that this funding will notbe retroactive, meaning there may be no budget for activities this month, according to three navigators who have spoken with officials there.
These navigators can also conduct assessments of phishing attempts, test voting systems with simulated attacks (also known as penetration testing), and evaluate election authorities' physical security, according to the Illinois State Board of Elections's executive director.
Rather, it&aposs a list of numbers that allows devices and navigators to calculate what the magnetic field will look like anywhere on Earth at any time during the five years after the model was published.
Health and Human Services, which oversees the program, has said that this funding will not be retroactive, meaning there may be no budget for activities this month, according to three navigators who have spoken with officials there.
But researchers found that black women, poor women, and women with deep distrust of the healthcare system were less likely than other groups to report having any barriers to care that might trigger extra help from navigators.
Andy Keiser, a principal at the lobbying firm Navigators Global who worked on the Trump tran-sition team's national security section, said the administration views Kim Yong Chol as a hard-liner playing games with the talks.
But the Trump administration — which is actively hostile to Obamacare — cited the apparently poor performance of most navigators as it released a list of navigator grant recipients and the money they will be getting this enrollment season.
Beyond these state-based programs, some public health departments and HIV service organizations are hiring PrEP navigators to help patients navigate the maze of copays and deductibles, and to improve recruitment and retention of new PrEP users.
Only recently did I learn about clinical trial navigators, professionals who may be nurses or lay people, and who work to locate and explain trial options, negotiate complex eligibility issues and offer support as decisions are made.
Shelli D. Quenga, the program director at the Palmetto Project, said it was cutting its staff to 30 navigators, down from 62 last year, and would further scale back operations after the tax-filing season in April.
"So many people think that the law has been repealed, and we're just having to explain to them that it's not," said Brian Burton, the state director for the enrollment assistance group Navigators for a Health Louisiana.
It also deepened my respect for the skilled navigators who reached the island at a time when some other cultures dared not venture into the open ocean for fear of falling off the edge of the earth.
None have ever been found at Viking archaeological sites, but a calcite crystal was discovered in the wreck of a British warship from the 1500s, indicating it might have been a tool known to advanced ocean navigators.
One potential solution would be to provide the necessary funding to train navigators and others who already provide in-person assistance to enrollees to take a natural next step—and continue giving support once enrollment is completed.
"Given the Administration's repeated attempts to sabotage the [Affordable Care Act] at the expense of consumers across the nation, the practical elimination of Navigators constitutes another costly blow to consumers simply for partisan gain," Pallone and Castor wrote.
Esnaola, a principal researcher on the study, says part of their work is about investigating the efficacy of "a robust patient navigation" system, where navigators regularly check in on patients and help them every step of the way.
Some of the groups, known as navigators, say they're worried they'll have to permanently cut back on staff, as well as education and outreach about the health-care law ahead of an open enrollment period beginning Nov. 1.
Andy Keiser, a principal at the lobbying firm Navigators Global who worked on the Trump transition team's national security section, said he was unsure what effect Cotton's position on Syria would have on his chances for defense secretary.
In recent days, it announced that payments to insurance companies designed to protect them from costly patients will be temporarily withheld and funding for so-called navigators, who help applicants through the process, will be cut once again.
Hidden deep in primeval Amazon forests, these groups represent the final frontier of a seemingly inexorable conquest that began with the landing of Portuguese and Spanish navigators on South America's shores at the start of the 16th century.
The navigators explain to families the benefits of moving to neighborhoods that seem to produce better outcomes for kids once they grow up, and walk through strategies for overcoming barriers, like poor credit and discrimination against criminal records.
"We are concerned that the Administration's decision … is driven neither by concerns regarding the effectiveness of Navigators nor by a desire to safeguard taxpayer dollars," several Democrats wrote to the Department of Health and Human Services in September.
A U.S. appeals court on Thursday reinstated a whistleblower retaliation lawsuit by a former executive at insurer Navigators Group Inc who said she was fired for complaining about improper risk control procedures that she said violated securities laws.
Placed into service in 1845, it dropped the ball from a mast every day except Sunday at precisely mean solar noon in Washington, which enabled the navigators of ships anchored in the Potomac River to recalibrate their chronometers.
Under his leadership, a new generation of navigators steered the Hokulea on a circumnavigation of the globe that started in Hawaii in 2013 and ended there in 2017, having passed through 150 ports in 18 nations along the way.
The counselors, known as navigators, help people sign up for insurance, thus reducing the number of people who are uninsured, and their assistance is vital in rural areas of Alaska where insurance brokers are not always available, she said.
On four large yellow billboards, Lana printed a famous quote from Italian dictator Benito Mussolini — decrying "a nation of poets, of artists, of heroes, of saints, of thinkers, of scientists, of navigators, of migrants" — translated into Arabic, Hebrew, Turkish, and Greek.
The catch: While Democrats would surely endorse more robust Obamacare advertising (cut by 90 percent) and enrollment assistance, there is no sign so far that Republicans are interested in undercutting the Trump administration and pouring money back into the navigators.
Berg takes the cue from his no-nonsense characters and you feel their peril: Particularly effective is Gina Rodriguez's Andrea, one of the ship's navigators who is believably both strong-willed and absolutely petrified as her ship dissolves around her.
The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York reversed a decision from January that dismissed the lawsuit by Jennifer Yang, who was employed as Navigators' chief risk officer for just a few months before her termination in November 2012.
"I think the U.S. health-care system is one of the most complicated ones on the planet, and that complication causes [financial] problems because patients don't understand it," said Dan Sherman, founder of the NaVectis Group, which trains financial navigators for hospitals.
The archipelago, which Portuguese navigators discovered uninhabited in 1427 and is home to the U.S. air base at Lajes Field, has a subtropical climate, with temperatures hovering year-round between 57 and 71 degrees F. About 250,000 people live in the Azores.
Armin Shimerman/George Takei/LeVar Burton Scholarship for Business, Language Studies and Education: Shimerman played a bartender in the "Deep Space Nine" version of the TV franchise, and Takei and Burton were navigators in the original series and "The Next Generation," respectively.
In Florida, residents are "bombarding" the few remaining navigators, who assist with enrollment, said Jodi Ray, director of Florida Covering Kids & Families at the University of South Florida, the only organization to receive a federal navigator grant in the Sunshine State this year.
Under new standards issued by the administration, navigators this year are encouraged to inform consumers of the full range of coverage options, including short-term plans that do not provide all of the benefits and consumer protections required by the Affordable Care Act.
Democrats have repeatedly accused President Trump of sabotaging the Affordable Care Act and its marketplace by promoting short-term health policies with skimpier coverage, substantially cutting enrollment promotion efforts and nearly eliminating funds for "navigators" who help potential enrollees through the process.
Reinstating the risk protection features for plans in the marketplace — the risk corridor and reinsurance programs — with full funding would help, and, even more importantly, an all-out enrollment effort that would capitalize on navigators and other assistance programs could improve the risk pool.
Andy Keiser, a principal at the lobbying firm Navigators Global who worked on the Trump transition team's national security section, said the strong reaction was driven both by the comfort Mattis himself gave people and by the importance of the Defense secretary job in general.
"When Exchanges were in their infancy, and public awareness and understanding of coverage options was low, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) encouraged Navigators to cast a wide net and to provide intensive face-to-face assistance to consumers," CMS said.
In 230, Maguire and co-authors published their finding that an accurate understanding of whether a landmark is likely to stay put separates good navigators from poor ones, who are as apt to take cues from an idling delivery truck as a church steeple.
Navigators will be "encouraged to demonstrate how they provide information to people who may be unaware of the range of available coverage options in addition to qualified health plans, such as association health plans, short-term, limited-duration insurance and health reimbursement arrangements," the CMS statement said.
I relate all this both to demonstrate that they are real grinders—it kinda feels like you could see Deli Girls every weekend if you had the will and means—and that they're skilled navigators of the blurry, ecstatic, dangerous spaces between established sounds and scenes.
The archipelago, which Portuguese navigators discovered uninhabited in 1427, has a subtropical climate, with temperatures hovering year-round between 57 and 71 degrees F. The storm was expected to dump 3 to 5 inches of rain on the islands, with 7 inches possible in isolated areas.
Then we learned that they would freeze risk adjustment payments which help to stabilize insurers with higher risk patients, and now we've learned that Trump and company are slashing payments to so called "navigators," who help patients be able to understand their options and get enrolled.
Navigators and in-person enrollment assisters are so important to helping American families manage the health insurance enrollment process, find out what federal subsidies or programs, including Medicaid and CHIP, they are eligible for and what health care plan will best meet their family's unique needs.
Officials at the Department of Health and Human Services said a promotional fund would be cut from $100 million to just $10 million, while the fund for "navigators" who help people go through a sometimes complex process would be cut from $62.5 million to $93 million.
Under the latest cuts, so-called navigators who sign up Americans for the ACA, also known as Obamacare, will get $10 million for the year starting in November, down from $36.8 million in the previous year, according to a statement by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
These Air Force pilots, meteorologists, navigators and technicians, are tasked with collecting and transmitting data that will help federal forecasters advise countless other state agencies and businesses from airlines to hotels to retailers as they prepare for the projected the path of the storm, and if needed, evacuate.
Even though Ultima Thule is smaller and farther away, the navigators were able to plot a more precise course this time, because in 2017 and 2018, astronomers on the mission team were able to pin down Ultima Thule's location by observing the object passing in front of a few distant stars.
They're also hoping to seize on enthusiasm generated by the ongoing campaign to defend Obamacare against the GOP's repeal and replace plans — an effort that has pushed the law's public approval rating to new highs and that navigators say is prompting an unprecedented level of volunteer interest in helping to drive sign-ups.
The Trump administration had said it would spend only $36 million on navigators this year, compared with $63 million spent in the prior 12 months, but groups that participate in the program have said they are not getting any money now, and don't know if and when any money will be coming to them.
"We are concerned that the Administration's decision … is driven neither by concerns regarding the effectiveness of Navigators nor by a desire to safeguard taxpayer dollars," the lawmakers wrote to Health and Human Services Secretary Tom PriceThomas (Tom) Edmunds PricePress: Acosta, latest to walk the plank 'I alone can fix it,' Trump said, but has he?
"Healthcare providers are striving to reduce health disparities in the extremely complex U.S. healthcare system, and patient navigators are a recent innovation that has been proven cost effective and useful to help women obtain timely follow-up of abnormal tests and early diagnosis," said lead study author Sage Kim of the University of Illinois at Chicago.
As a doctor whose care navigator regularly helps patients with opioid addiction to get connected to the best care possible, I can say without reservation that the single most urgent step we must take to stem this crisis is to provide vigorous, dedicated care navigators and care coordinators to every suffering patient and family member lost in the maze.
"I'm sure [Trump] and his top advisers see an election clock ticking as far as 'we have to keep our promises in the first term,' but I think just as much it's a frustration on his part for a general lack of progress and being caught in a stalemate," said Andy Keiser, a principal at the lobbying firm Navigators Global who worked on national security for the Trump transition team.
The law did not require their disposal if put to use beyond the touch of war, and thus a condensed journey by way of an orbitally-generated super ship—the Orpheus 21, called affectionately the Cocteau—would follow the course carved by the original Orpheus with good sleep induced in each of us but a select handful of mechanics and navigators who'd catch a month or so of induced coma between fields of each previous endeavor's debris.

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