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84 Sentences With "muster the courage"

How to use muster the courage in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "muster the courage" and check conjugation/comparative form for "muster the courage". Mastering all the usages of "muster the courage" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I couldn't muster the courage to ask people to get lunch.
Congress must muster the courage to help prevent gun violence. Sen.
But she couldn't muster the courage to take that first step.
We can accomplish all these things if we can muster the courage.
It took everything I had to muster the courage to say during our goodbyes.
Now all I need to do is muster the courage to KonMari my Photos library.
Far better that he muster the courage to engage in a detailed debate with Mrs.
Meanwhile, Coleman was also stuck, unable to muster the courage to visit Gentry in the hospital.
The one treatment I couldn&apost muster the courage to try, though, was a full Brazilian wax.
Can he muster the courage to rev himself back to a semblance of who he was before?
It took Niegelsky about a week to muster the courage to take his first bite of pork tenderloin.
I understand those who may take ten years and a day to muster the courage to report their rape.
Angelina's 73-year-old teammate Nicole Kelly paced back and forth, trying to muster the courage to introduce herself.
But DACA was always a temporary measure, a stopgap until Congress could muster the courage to act on comprehensive immigration reform.
When Ford, looking terrified but determined, faced the Judiciary Committee, Republicans couldn't even muster the courage to ask the questions themselves.
Pakistan's leadership must muster the courage to take on two primary forces of the status quo that hold the country back.
Dives says it's taken her decades just to muster the courage to confront the photos and the period of her life they represent.
Yet you rarely muster the courage to put down your binoculars, and with them, your corrosive self-pity, and see what we see.
Victims can recover, but only if they muster the courage to recognize that they may have played a role in their own suffering.
The girls have to disavow worldly attachments, their restrictive clothes, to pass through, but not all of them muster the courage to do so.
"All it took was 3 days of crushing public pressure for @realDonaldTrump to finally muster the courage to condemn nazism & racism," Ryan tweeted Monday.
"We believe that this is an epidemic, this is a disease that we have to muster the courage to address and fight," he said.
E3 can save JCPOA but not by appeasing the bully & pressuring the complying partyRather it should muster the courage to fulfill its own obligations.
Far too often, victims of sex trafficking who do muster the courage to call the police are erroneously arrested themselves, instead of their abusers.
If you are a billionaire, wholly safe, and you still can't muster the courage to speak your truths, what hope is there for the rest of us?
Patients often relay to her office staff that it has taken them up to two months just to muster the courage to call and schedule an appointment.
Janice Dickinson agrees with our photog ... she's one of the people who opened the door for women to muster the courage to tell their stories of sexual abuse.
To prevent grave damage to the legal system and to prevent even more prolonged political disarray, Mr. Netanyahu's allies in the Knesset must muster the courage to intervene.
In this season finale, the young writer Jane (Katie Stevens) has to muster the courage to tell Jacqueline that she plans to leave the magazine for another opportunity.
Mars in Aquarius connects with Uranus in Aries at 10:30 PM, making this the perfect time to do something you've been trying to muster the courage to do!
But who is this statesman who will muster the courage to say "enough is enough" and attempt to put an end to the house fire burning at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?
My mom disliked Hillary Clinton way before this election, for reasons I've yet to muster the courage to ask her about, and she wanted to vote for someone who…wasn't her.
Freed by his decision not to seek re-election, Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, did muster the courage to say he was not for presidential self-pardoning.
I eavesdrop as I wait in line at the market, and sometimes, if I think there's the possibility of nabbing something special, I'll muster the courage to wriggle into the conversation.
We know it's painful, and continuing to hobble along through the bad times might seem comforting, but this month you need to muster the courage to sever ties and move on.
Ms. Canineu said that even when women did muster the courage to report violence, the police force's lack of resources and training often mean the perpetrators did not face any repercussions.
On Monday morning, she returned not to relax but to survey her home, and she was unable to muster the courage to see if it was in ruins, as she feared.
BM: Once I started working again and could muster the courage to tackle my overall financial state, I just called the numbers that had been calling me and talked to whoever answered.
All this could happen because politicians failed to muster the courage to stick to a budget and stop their out of control spending, and because not enough Americans demanded they do so.
In the face of a presidential veto, Congress should muster the courage to implement Justice Kavanaugh's proposal and to halt the limitations period for federal offenses while the President is in office.
But women's groups say a requirement that accusations be made to a workplace complaints committee within three months is unfair as some women can not quickly muster the courage to take that step.
I had mentioned in one of my last posts on Instagram, that after I gave birth to both my daughters, it took me several months to muster the courage to embrace anything else.
It took her six weeks to muster the courage to file a police report, but when she did, a detective told her there was nothing they could do; too much time had passed.
Instead, many battles were waged internally as gay men and women stared nervously into the bookstore from across the street and struggled to muster the courage to walk into it for the first time.
Omar's statements in the strongest possible manner confirms what we already knew: that their party is controlled by far-left extremists who can't even muster the courage to stand up to blatant anti-Semitism.
I load $20 onto my SEPTA card but after checking the weather and seeing it's in the single digits, I really can't muster the courage to walk the two blocks to the bus stop.
Where Sapiens outlines Simon's adventures in coming out, Leah on the Offbeat reveals that Leah is struggling with her identity too: she's bisexual and working to muster the courage to come out to her friends.
"Nearly every day, we see the U.S. mission in Iraq and Syria creep closer and closer toward all-out war, while Congress refuses to muster the courage to even debate it," Lee said in a written statement.
It is my hope that through this terrible tragedy we are able to muster the courage to reverse this discriminatory ban once and for all, creating a small piece of good out of an event so endlessly tragic.
Intellectually, I can recognize the scarcity of public community that queers faced 250 years ago and how very precious Stonewall must have been to the queers who had to muster the courage to go inside a known gay venue.
Luckily, not only is the bold look easy to master and pull off — once you muster the courage and just do it already, that is — it can easily steal the show no matter what you're wearing, even a button-down.
Congress must find the will to enact immigration policies that put the interests of children first — that is, to be out of restrictive detention settings and with their families — and muster the courage to take common sense action on gun violence.
Consider: The pattern that emerges is clear: Members of the White House are concerned enough about Trump's capacity to do the job that they'll leak to prominent reporters, but they're not concerned enough to muster the courage to tell Trump the truth, or to resign.
"Let us add that those public officials finding it difficult these days to muster the courage to strongly condemn a politician committing assault on a reporter, maybe you need to reexamine how much you truly love the Constitution beyond just saying the words," he said.
Ghost of No Steve Almond: This is a crisis that plagues all of us to some degree: Do I conduct my relationships based on my fear of failing to please people, or do I muster the courage to act out of my true desire?
I think most Republicans must know that and if they do, I hope they will muster the courage to ignore politics and come down in favor of the common good rather than making the mixed up priorities of these tax bills the law of the land.
Trump's efforts to court blacks didn't begin until he fell way behind in the polls and have included ugly, false statements about the state of black America that he felt comfortable spouting before adoring mostly white crowds but couldn't muster the courage to say in front of black people.
Unfortunately for Solomon, the boundaries of his final frontier are the perimeter of his house, the holodeck he's constructed in his garage and maybe, just maybe, the neutral zone of his backyard, if he can muster the courage to use the pool his grandmother is building for him.
While Mars is in Aries, I want you to head into the new year bravely—you don't have to pretend to be ignorant to the hardships that may come, but I do want you to muster the courage to headbutt any challenges that come your way, just like a ram would.
I see her contented hard work — trying for two years to muster the courage and strength to do the monkey bars, practicing one song on the piano 10 times over without banging the keys from frustration (as I used to do), practicing math problems day in and day out without protest.
We stuck with them even though they were quick to join those wanting to imprison us during the drug wars of the 80s and 90s, and even now as they empathize with white drug abusers—demanding better access to health care and treatment—in a way they could never muster the courage to do for crack addicts.
Far from splashing the cash men shopping for figurines in a Japanese comic store were far less likely to purchase if they saw an attractive face behind the till, with 57 per cent of a sample group of 164 men less inclined to engage conversation in such circumstances, with conversations limited to no more than 90 seconds even for those who could muster the courage.
Then, universities could muster the courage to attack the monopolies that always imperil civilization.Innis (Bias), pp. 61–91. The comment about universities mustering their courage appears in "The upside of ivory towers" by Rick Salutin. Globe and Mail, September 7, 2007.
Then, universities could muster the courage to attack the monopolies that always imperil civilization.Innis (Bias) A Plea for Time, pp.61–91. The comment about universities mustering their courage appears in "The upside of ivory towers" by Rick Salutin. Globe and Mail, Sept. 7/07.
In the end, the children at the kindergarten help him muster the courage to confess and he begins a relationship with Yamamoto-Sensei. ; :Voiced by: Erino Hazuki : Yamamoto- sensei is one of the female teachers at Hanamaru Kindergarten. Even though Tsuchida likes her, she does not understand that men would fall for her. She teaches the students of first-year Peach Class.
The word "war" (as in War Jabi) means to kill in Serer. The boy to be circumcised would seat on a mortar with his legs opened. He must muster the courage to do this on his own and should not be forced. The mortar symbolises the feminine world, and after the boy has been circumcised, he must never sit on a mortar again.
Unable to muster the courage to slit her own throat, she was run through with a sword by one of the guards. Upon hearing the news, the Emperor did not react and simply asked for another chalice of wine. The Roman Senate then ordered a damnatio memoriae so that Messalina's name would be removed from all public and private places and all statues of her would be taken down.
On that morning, Atzerodt booked room 126 at the Kirkwood House in Washington, where Johnson was staying. However, he could not muster the courage to kill Johnson so he began drinking at the hotel bar. He presumably got drunk and spent the night walking the streets of Washington. He dropped his knife in a nearby gutter, and a sharp-eyed woman saw this and reported it to the police immediately.
During his travels, Tora-san meets Ikenouchi, a drunken old man whom he assumes is poor and homeless. Tora-san takes the old man home. When he wakes up, Ikenouchi begins ordering Tora-san's family around in such an authoritarian manner that no one can muster the courage to suggest he leave. On the road again, Tora-san meets Botan, a geisha who has lost her life savings to a dishonest customer.
Deep's nagging mother-in-law has come for a two-month visit. The men are under pressure to get an advertising campaign ready for a new client, an oddball condom manufacturer. Around this time they meet Neel (Shayan Munshi), who is the son of their boss Mr. Kapoor and is joining the company. Neel is an ace guitarist who has his own problems -- he is attracted to a pretty girl, Preeti (Riya Sen) but cannot muster the courage to talk to her.
Norman (Norman Wisdom), a lowly stock clerk at Burridge's department store, is in love with another employee, Sally Wilson (Lana Morris), though he has been unable to muster the courage to let her know how he feels. After he antagonizes the new head of the store, Augustus Freeman (Jerry Desmonde), he is promptly fired. On his way out, Norman helps Miss Bacon (Margaret Rutherford) carry her bulging suitcases, unaware that she is an audacious shoplifter. Freeman sees Norman assisting a "customer" and rehires him.
Set in Kerala of the 1950s, Newspaper Boy focuses on the lives of Appu (Master Moni), the young protagonist of the film, and the members of his impoverished family. Appu's father Sankaran Nair (Nagavally R. S. Kurup) earns a meagre living as a worker in a printing press. He is easily exploited in his work – he cannot even muster the courage to ask his employer for overdue wages. Nair's wife, Kalyani Amma (Neyyattinkara Komalam), takes care of their three children, Leela (Kumari Madhuri), Appu and Balan (Master Narendran).
She never leaves home without her straw hat. She longs for Kazuki, and although this is known to Maya, Shōko has yet to muster the courage to tell Kazuki himself. Knowing that her fate is piloting Fafner despite her condition, she willingly boards the Mark Sechs alone to defeat the enemy and ultimately sacrifices herself to protect Tatsumiya Island. : In the sequel Exodus, Shōko briefly reappears along with the deceased residents of Tatsumiya Island in Keel Block, where Gordius Crystals grow and later with Canon in Kazuki's restaurant in front of kyuou.
A group of senior Namboothiris, under the leadership of Moothedath Bhattathiri (Thilakan), conducts a series of rituals, first to extract the name of the one who impregnated her, and then later, to throw her out of the community. Unnimaya expects Madhavan to come save her, but he is unable to muster the courage to rescue her. Realizing that he is a coward and that she cannot expect him to deliver her out of the situation, Unnimaya decides to stand up to the orthodox Namboothiris. She answers their questions with clarity and confidence, angering them further.
His show is canceled due to bad weather, and George picks up Jerry at the airport so that he can encounter Leslie at the baby shower while wearing the red shirt. Kramer and the two Russians crash the shower to install the cable, start to eat all the food and get into a heated argument. When George and Jerry arrive, George cannot muster the courage to tell Leslie off and instead awkwardly tries to curry her favor. One of the other party guests (Margaret Reed as Mary) confronts Jerry because he never called her back after a date.
After they finish their volunteer work they agree to go on a date together the following night. Although Roi and Reut continue to get closer, Roi eventually admits to Nati that it won't ever go anywhere because he is gay. The following week Roi attempts to tell Reut he is gay, by explaining about his first love, during his first year in yeshiva, however he cannot muster the courage to say the words. Roi later tells Reut it won't work between them, without giving her the actual reason why, however when she later yells at him demanding an answer, he admits the truth.
Taking place in the North Pole, "Polariffic" is a story about a foursome of Arctic friends that takes a journey from fear to friendship. Snowby a gentle polar bear, Jaz a be-bopping penguin, Flitter a light-on-her-feet Arctic fox and Cupcake a thoughtful baby seal are the best of friends, until one day they encounter Charlie, a young Yeti who tries to befriend them. At first terrified, the four friends find themselves face-to-face with the Yeti and must muster the courage to trust him in order to save themselves. In the end the gang learns appearances aren't always what they seem.
Never mind if what the NAR folks are saying doesn't seem to make sense (or contradicts what they said just a few months back). … It should have been completely obvious to anyone with a loan calculator and a glance at wage increases that those months of industry bubble denials were just wishful thinking." :"There's nothing funnier or more satisfying … than watching the National Association of Realtors (NAR) change its tune these days. The latest news release from this sunny-Jim industry group finally fesses up to its past fiction, but even when it admits the bubble's going to pop, it can't muster the courage to just come out and say it.
As Benjy watches out for Alan, or at least tries to keep up with him, they learn much about each other, including the fact that they each have family they prefer to hide from the rest of the world. In Benjy's case, it's his Jewish mother, who is married to a Filipino former bantamweight boxer, Rookie Carroca, and Benjy's embarrassing relatives, such as uncouth Uncle Morty. For Swann, it is his young daughter, Tess, who has been raised entirely by her mother, one of his many ex-wives. He stays away, but continues to keep tabs on her secretly, frustrated that he cannot muster the courage to reconnect with her.
With a reputation for being a funny man in school, Jon Stewart returned to New York City in 1986 to try his hand at the comedy club circuit, but he could not muster the courage to get on stage until the following year. He made his stand-up debut at The Bitter End, where his comedic idol, Woody Allen, also began. He began using the stage name "Jon Stewart" by dropping his last name and changing the spelling of his middle name "Stuart" to "Stewart". He often jokes this is because people had difficulty with the pronunciation of Leibowitz or it "sounded too Hollywood" (a reference to Lenny Bruce's joke on the same theme).
When Mark proposes at the prom, Chloe says yes, and then has to tell Jimmy, who tries to tell her not to go through with it, but can't muster the courage ("Please Stay"). She leaves behind an invitation to the wedding, which is at Niagara Falls, however, which inspires Jimmy to build a bubble suit and go stop the wedding and tell her how he feels ("Out of Here"). Out in the world for the first time, Jimmy meets up with the Bright and Shiny cult, led by Lorraine and Todd ("Bright and Shiny") and they give him a ride. But once he starts innocently pointing out the ridiculousness of their beliefs, they kick him off the bus and leave him in the middle of nowhere. Mrs.
" Commenting on the phenomenon of shifting NAR accounts of the national housing market, the Motley Fool reported, in June 2006,"There's nothing funnier or more satisfying (for me, at least) than watching the National Association of Realtors (NAR) change its tune these days. The latest news release from this sunny-Jim industry group finally fesses up to its past fiction, but even when it admits the bubble's going to pop, it can't muster the courage to just come out and say it. … the NAR is full of it and will spin the numbers any way it can to keep up the pleasant fiction that all is well. … [T]he cracks began to show in subsequent remarks from NAR 'Chief Economist' David Lereah.
On one occasion, during the Rebbe's talk at the International Conference of Shluchim (emissaries), he stated, "the work of the Shluchim has already finished, and the only task left is to welcome Moshiach". In the early 1990s, Hasidim became more vocal about Schneerson being the Moshiach, even submitting a petition to him asking that he reveal himself as the long-awaited messiah. On one occasion in 1991, as the Rebbe was leaving the evening prayers when traditionally someone would start a song and the Rebbe would encourage it on his way out of the synagogue, some Hasidim began singing one of the Rebbe’s favorite lively songs, adding the words of Yechi - "Long live our master, our teacher, our Rebbe, King Moshiach." A few months later, a few people did muster the courage to start singing at an intermission in a Shabbos farbrengen a less overt song that implied that the Rebbe was the Messiah.
But what Harvey didn't realize was that Forstman was using the entire situation to con Harvey into revealing information on the status of a rumored yet publicly unconfirmed criminal investigation by Cameron Dennis against a major investment firm that Forstman holds a large stock interest in. Harvey implicitly confirms that Cameron will indeed press charges soon, unwittingly giving Forstman the heads up he was looking for to sell short and make $100 million before the company's share price inevitably tanked after the investigation was announced publicly. Harvey confronts Forstman after the market opens, realizing what he had done, and tells him that not only is he refusing his job offer, he is going to prosecute him as well. But Forstman had covered himself, and sent to Marcus the $150,000 for the restaurant directly, though making it appear that it had come from Harvey, knowing that he would not be able to muster the courage necessary to tell his brother the truth about the source of the money and give it all back once he had received it.

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