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417 Sentences With "mots"

How to use mots in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "mots" and check conjugation/comparative form for "mots". Mastering all the usages of "mots" from sentence examples published by news publications.

CNBC's 'Billion Dollar Buyer' shares his best business bon mots.
Many of his bons mots were little more than blunt vulgarities.
I don't have the authority to give you permission to share MotS.
Then, read on for more exclusive bon mots from the interviews, below.
Whether it's on The Voice or Twitter, your bon mots give us life.
It seamlessly transitions between speakers, condensing bon mots from their courses into thematic playlists.
Tependris, as she flits about fashion shows offering up amusing observations and bons mots.
In channeling Arendt's thought process and response to culture, Wormser fashions his own bon mots.
And instead of the dowager countess's bon mots, we got Bran, just sitting there creeping everybody out.
Andrew M. Cuomo against his challenger, Cynthia Nixon, featured its fair share of brickbats and bon mots.
Foht-duh-MYUH. But les mots justes aside, Ginsburg was hammering home a point she has made before.
Little Marco, low-energy Jeb, Rocket Man — all trash bon mots tailor-made for the reality-TV era.
Un coussin sur lequel on lit les mots Goodness exists (" La bonté existe ") est déposé sur un fauteuil.
The former prime minister and president of Israel was a fountain of seemingly effortless bons mots and poetic musings.
Mr. Parker, who is fond of bow ties and blunt-force bons mots, apparently did not like her tone.
This way, Alba and Union can drop cutting CSI-y bon mots while catching the bad guys across La La Land.
And she is a constant presence on social media, issuing poetic-philosophical bon mots on Twitter and posting photos on Instagram.
Moon Boots Bon mots Moses Sumney This dude is gonna part a sea during his set and it's gonna be lit.
Sans parler de tous les mots anglais qui émaillent la langue du Québec, de cute à weird, en passant par fun.
Some of the best work in this show plays with other languages to give us glimpses of their clever bons mots.
Snow Xue Gao does not speak in empty bon mots and hyperbole that tend to characterize other designers who come from money.
The participating artists are Ana Seixas, André da Loba, Andy Calabozo, Caver, Daniel Eime, Elleonor, Joana Estrela, MaisMenos, Mots, and Oker + Contra.
Wits like Dorothy Parker and Oscar Wilde used short bon mots to slice open our social ills, personal despair and sexual politics.
"Journalists never understand bon mots," he said in a statement, arguing that the critics were expressing opportunistic outrage to score political points.
Not a real spy, of course, but the movie kind of spy, fighting with fists one moment and bons mots the next.
"I AM VERY grounded, just not on this earth," was one of numerous bon mots from Karl Lagerfeld, who died on February 19th.
One can only imagine what items President Trump might try to seed into Winchell's column or the bons mots Winchell himself would tweet.
Artist Gustave Courbet and writer Charles Baudelaire declared that in post-revolutionary France, art must do more than feed bon mots to the bourgeoisie.
Another of his bon mots, dispensed after a victory in late February, spawned a T-shirt popular in St. Louis: Do I look nervous?
In the daily paper, he's a virtuoso of the short-form judgment, turning out work that's insightful, unfussy, and pyrite-flecked with bons mots.
He trades his designer shades for boldly framed eyeglasses, turns his gimlet eye on various sculptures and paintings and drops depth-charged bons mots.
"Right," Querrey conceded on Thursday as two of his young teammates, Frances Tiafoe and Denis Shapovalov, traded bon mots and forehands behind him in practice.
Contrastant avec la dureté des mots qu'il emploie pour décrire les immigrés en France, sa voix est calme et douce, emprunte parfois d'un maniérisme suranné.
Elle a aussi été étonnée par certains mots québécois comme " ma blonde ", qui désigne une petite amie… quelle que soit la couleur de ses cheveux.
Binge features the revolutionary music of hip-hop artist B. Squid, the delightful positivity of The Mots Nouveaux, and the indie-pop stylings of Vlad Baranovsky.
"MOTS: Persona" would have made sense for album of the year, best pop vocal album — or even best world music album if the voters were really unsure.
"The only thing that is accomplished by uncritically disseminating Walker's bigoted book bon mots is ensuring that the racism is disseminated to more people," Yair Rosenberg wrote in Tablet.
By backing up such arrogance with perfectly tailored bon mots, Lebowitz demonstrates that for her, there's no difference between the quality of her assessments and how she communicates them.
L'insistance fut telle, je me souviens, que plusieurs personnes à ma table s'en étaient agacées, l'une d'elle ayant même décidé d'aller, selon ses propres mots, "casser le jeûne" ailleurs.
Conversations with coworkers tend to revolve around work and deadlines with a sprinkling of bon mots and light musings; suddenly it's time to acknowledge a colleague's deeply personal grief.
De Guindos is a politician's politician, at turns charming and outspoken, a dispenser of bon mots at the international gatherings and conferences that fill up a finance minister's diary.
Every other year or so, a new interview with him would drop where he'd gleefully perpetuate these myths, and jostle free some new ones peppered with endlessly quotable bon mots.
Naturally, we talked about Jonathan Williams, the master of bon mots, who used to sign his letters, "Lord Nose," and the many different people that Williams knew, championed, and photographed.
Watch the full video below to find out all the inspirational bon mots the Carbon women had to share when they weren't kicking ass and taking names in front of the camera.
Samuel Johnson was so funny that his friend Boswell spent 22 years basically just following him around, filling 18 volumes with his various bon mots to create The Life of Samuel Johnson.
Many of the female characters have been granted the hauteur and bons mots of the Dowager Countess of Grantham; a few of them even have something of the humanity of Mrs. Patmore.
" Mr. Stanfield was dancing drunkenly at a party when Mr. Glover approached him about the part of Darius, a non sequitur-spouting stoner whose bon mots include "Can I measure your tree?
With encouragement from one of her managers, she took up rapping, and has released a pair of mixtapes that mold her off-the-cuff verve and improvised bon mots into something stickier.
I imagine that the thought process behind themeless grids also marries well with PandAs: a focus on an assemblage of bon mots rather than an overarching gimmick to tie the puzzle together.
Bon mots such as "We all have to find a way of defining ourselves" and "Take time to be lonely and enjoy it" can then be woven into a collector's dinner party.
Like a witty, worldly aunt, Hillis doled out bon mots on other subjects like decorating a modern apartment for one, mixing a classic Manhattan, and the importance of having a chic bedroom wardrobe.
The little people on the outside who, noses pressed to the glass, would otherwise never have had the chance to feel like insiders by shaking your hand and exchanging a few bon mots.
Andrew M. Cuomo, Cynthia Nixon took her nascent campaign to the state capital on Monday, delivering a bushel of bon mots and attacks on "the old boys' club" that she says runs Albany.
"My stock in trade has always been working harder than everyone else, and showing them how irrelevant they are," Karl Lagerfeld said of his competitors, and that was one of his kinder bons mots.
George Clooney in a well-pressed suit, his bons mots tumbling like dice, is never going to be an eyesore, but even the proudest Las Vegan will have tired of the spectacle by now.
"The only thing that is accomplished by uncritically disseminating Walker's bigoted book bon mots is ensuring that the racism is disseminated to more people," wrote Yair Rosenberg in a widely circulated article in Tablet.
But his book "A Brief History of Time" made him a star beyond his field, and his penchant for dropping bons mots on subjects large and small made him an enduring pop culture figure.
"That too," he continued, nodding to Les Mots à la Bouche, the oldest L.G.B.T. bookseller in the Marais, rumored to be converted soon to a Doc Martens shoe store after the lease became unaffordable.
The best of what he overheard during his visits to the store — 30 or so bons mots — have been emblazoned on a range of items, including postcards, mugs, totes, T-shirts and baseball caps.
London Theater Reviews LONDON — Just when you've had your fill of epigrams and bons mots, along comes Eve Best to transform a play marinated in wit into one that also allows for gravity and pathos.
But it is not just for his bon mots that they make the comparison: Like Patton, he reads Plutarch and Homer (and so much more; see his required reading list from his days at CENTCOM).
Ms. Gabor, who was crowned Miss Hungary in 1936 (she was later disqualified for being underage), was also celebrated for her wit, playing up her glamour puss role with bon mots about love and luxury.
Whereas most other killers silently lumber toward their victims like unstoppable forces of nature, Freddy bounces around like a Tex Avery character spouting off the cheesy, pre-attack bon mots of an evil Roger Moore Bond.
The most entertaining backstage drama to come out of Hollywood — starring Bette Davis as the volcanic stage star Margo Channing — Mankiewicz's film is dear to theater-loving moviegoers, who commit to memory its poisoned bon mots.
Before you know it, a few synths zoom in, a thicket of guitar noise encroaches, and the bottom drops out, revealing pitch-shifted autobiographical bon mots and astral-projection tones on top of a gently skittering beat.
"Just because you're paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you," was one of the many bon mots left by statesman Henry Kissinger, and during this election season, it has never rung more true.
He's a showman, with his flamboyant mustache and knife-edged bons mots, and he needs an audience; watch him gather the hotel guests to narrate the series of deceptions that led to the strangling of Arlena Marshall.
Fashion writers around the world are gearing up to find the best bon mots to describe the glitzy, glamorous gowns and suits of Hollywood's biggest stars, and among those writers are Jessica Morgan and Heather Cocks, a.k.a.
But Dornan wasn't sharing any bon mots about Irish history or showing off his Riverdance skills, instead the actor shared 41 different ways to describe a certain state that many of us will reach tonight (and this weekend). Drunk?
If Berra, who died in September, is no longer around to offer bons mots like "Ninety percent of this game is half mental" and "You can observe a lot just by watching," then Rodriguez may be a worthy heir.
Liz Smith, the syndicated gossip columnist whose mixture of banter, barbs, and bon mots about the glitterati helped her climb the A-list as high as many of the celebrities she covered, died Sunday at the age of 94.
One pores over his Op-Eds in The New York Times savoring his insouciant bons mots, which encompass everything from India-Pakistan warmongering ("Schoolyard brawls have a more nuanced buildup") to yoga instructors ("Drill sergeants trapped in poets' bodies").
Like a "Formula 1 pit stop," is how the Zebra Fuel co-founder describes the service overall, and it's not hard to imagine the startup expanding into other car health check or maintenance products, such as tire pressure and even MOTs.
In the fourteen years since "Mean Girls" came out—introducing the world to such bons mots as "Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen"—the lives of teen-age girls have become only more fraught, with Snapchat chronicling every after-school power play.
Instead he remains a supporting character, playing peek-a-boo in his own biography as he tosses off acidic bons mots, skips out on debts and eventually — in fashion's version of Truman Capote's "La Côte Basque, 1965" — alienates the women who made him.
Others are so secure in themselves that they just do their own thing while their Real Housewife does her show and wears her over-the-top hats, throws her well-crafted bon mots in fights, and whatever else it is Housewives do.
It's by diving into that very human in spite of that Herzog reminds me why his disdainful bon mots are more hopeful and more generous than he's often given credit for, and where the film offers some of its more compelling observations.
Vautier then developed conceptual themes through his writings and handwriting paintings, such as "Si Dieu est partout …" ("If God is Everywhere …", 1962) and "Écrire c'est peindre des mots" ("Writing is Painting Words," 2009), many of them psychologically charged with ego, death, sex, and money.
Dialogue whips past in huge, devastating chunks, dense with pop-culture quotes, literary allusions, legal and financial jargon, elaborate and often profane metaphors (Jeffcoat's story about the role of "teasers" on his family's horse ranch is particularly juicy) and a ton of brutal bon mots.
Elle était l'illustration de l'état dans lequel je me trouvais, dans l'esprit de l'errance, à la recherche de fantômes, les miens, ceux des autres; à la recherche de mes mots, ma terre promise, ma maison construite pierre après pierre tout au long de ma vie.
Lors du grand débat télévisé du mardi 4 avril, les mots qui sont revenus le plus souvent dans la bouche de la leader du Front National n'auraient pas effleuré celle de son père : " chômeurs ", " exclus ", " pauvreté ", " démunis " ; tous, le résultat du " capitalisme " et du " libéralisme ".
In the first few episodes, he was clearly meant to be entertaining: He wore flamboyant outfits and was forever swinging a checked scarf around his neck and remarking that it was his "signature," and he tossed off more bon mots per episode than anyone besides Blair.
The rest of the central cast is equally strong — the chemistry between rumored real-life sweethearts Lili Reinhart (Betty) and Sprouse is sweet as a chocolate malt, and Camila Mendes' Veronica is the frontrunner for this decade's Blair Waldorf crown (competition categories: bon mots, best wearing of a plaid skirt).
Roger Cohen A la préfecture de police de Paris, pendant la cérémonie en l'honneur de Xavier Jugelé, l'officier de police tué à Paris le mois dernier, son compagnon Etienne Cardiles, accablé de douleur, parla de l'amour qu'ils se portaient et adressa ces mots au meurtrier: "Vous n'aurez pas ma haine".
Dans une autre controverse liée à l'utilisation de la langue au Québec, lors de l'inauguration récente d'une boutique Adidas à Montréal, le gérant francophone de celle-ci a prononcé un discours principalement en anglais, ne daignant dire que quelques mots en français pour " accommoder la Ville de Montréal et les médias francophones ".
Contradicting one of Wilde's silvered bon mots — "Nothing succeeds like excess" — this somewhat claustrophobic and stodgy show nevertheless provides a seductive education in the Decadent movement, as conveyed through the sensitivities of Wilde's bifurcated homosexual experience, by copiously displaying manuscripts, photographs, paintings, and personal effects that marked the recalcitrant dandy's life and work.
" Avec l'humour, on peut s'attaquer aux tabous ", explique M. Khullar, dont les parents, originaires du nord de l'Inde, sont arrivés à Montréal dans les années 1970, et qui affiche en privé une attitude beaucoup plus posée que ne le laisse croire le personnage qu'il montre sur scène, un fanfaron qui n'a pas peur des gros mots.
But so much more clever is the revelation that "knowing it all" inevitably means truly knowing himself, and this book — more than any of the author's others I have read — shows a vulnerability and an honesty and an almost frantic desire to impart to us, before he can no longer, his manic mantras, his obsessive treatises and his biting and blisteringly honest bons mots that are actually really enlightening life lessons.
Because I was looking at my phone figuring out how to do a poll I have no idea why she is pissed Though watching without audio meant he consequently missed out on hearing the witty bon mots of rom-com guru Richard Curtis, who wrote Notting Hill as well as other '90s/early-aughts British classics like Four Weddings and a Funeral and Love Actually, Jenkins still caught and praised technical aspects of the film, like the camerawork and the "superb" makeup art.
Wordplay WEDNESDAY PUZZLE — Today's puzzle strikes me as one that's pitched a little inside, with at least two unique features geared a bit toward the connoisseur, but it should entertain us all as lovers of words and puzzles (and who doesn't like being in on a joke?) As sharp and flexible as our minds get from all these jeux de mots, it's a challenge to expand the rules we use to solve, that tell us that a grid consists of clues and finding the definitions is the trick.
Herve yamguen mots 3193 moy.jpg Hervé YamguenIMG 0665.jpg Herve yamguen mots ecrits ecole 3178 moy.jpg New Bell Douala January 2013 59.
The song opens with the sound of a typewriter and features jarring synthesizer chords and a distinctive drum break. The words of the fifth verse are spoken in French: "Mots pressés, mots sensés, mots qui disent la vérité, mots maudits, mots mentis, mots qui manquent le fruit d'esprit" which translate as: "hurried words, sensible words, words that tell the truth, cursed words, lying words, words that lack the fruit of the mind." Tina Weymouth and Chris Frantz of Tom Tom Club had bought a house in Nassau, Bahamas, next door to Chris Blackwell, owner of Island Records, and it was Blackwell who arranged the recording in his Compass Point Studios. Frantz and Weymouth brought in Steven Stanley, a 21-year-old keyboard player who had been the sound engineer on Ian Dury's album Lord Upminster, and bass player Monte Browne, a former member of T-Connection.
This song was never performed on stage, but appears on the compilation Les Mots.
Christophe Degryse, L'économie en 100 et quelques mots d'actualité, De Boeck, 2005, p. 140.
Ten of the Mots d’Heures: Gousses, Rames have been set to music by Lawrence Whiffin.
The music video directed by Alain Desrochers was also released. "Des mots qui sonnent" peaked at number ten in Quebec. "Des Mots Qui Sonnent" is also a French cover of Angela Clemmons' "Nothing Can Stop My Love" from her album, This Is Love (1987).
Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque. Histoire des mots. Tome IV-1. Paris, Éditions Klincksiek, 1977.
"Mylène Is Calling" is featured only on the collector version of the best of Les Mots.
Les Mots Pour Le Dire was the first book by Cardinal to be published in the United States.
Humanin and MOTS-c levels have been shown to decline with age, and their activity seems to increase longevity.
W. Mayer, R.M. Clary, L.F. Azuela, N.S. Mots & S. Wolkowicz. London: GSL. P. 9-19. (GSL Special Publication; 442).
"Les Mots" (English: "The Words") is a 2001 song recorded as a duet by the French singer-songwriter Mylène Farmer and the English soul singer Seal. It was the first single from her best of album, Les Mots, and was released on 13 November 2001. It was Farmer's third duet, after those with Jean-Louis Murat in 1991 and Khaled in 1997, and her first international duet. "Les Mots" is a bilingual song, containing verses in French (sung by Farmer) and in English (by Seal).
"Au nom d'Alexandre", pourquoi on aime ce roman d'un dingo des mots ?, aufeminin. April 4, 2016 Alexandre works in brand naming.
His Chekhovian mots and those little traits that astonish us by their neatness and appositeness, he often took direct from life.
Les Mots écrits de New Bell is a set of six mural installations created by Hervé Yamguen and located in Douala (Cameroon).
In terms of sales, "Les Mots" is Farmer's fourth biggest success in France, behind "Désenchantée", "Pourvu qu'elles soient douces" and "Sans contrefaçon".
JPG Hervé Yamguen MG 8240.jpg Hervé Yamguen MG 8206.jpg Hervé Yamguen MG 8002.jpg Les Mots Écrits de Hervé Yamguen 22.
Emissions tests on diesel cars have not been carried out during MOTs in Northern Ireland for 13 years, despite being a legal requirement.
"Des mots qui sonnent" was later included on Dion's Canadian maxi-single "Beauty and the Beast". Although "Des mots qui sonnent" was a radio release only, a music video was made, featuring Luc Plamondon and Aldo Nova as guest appearances. This video was directed by Alain Desrochers in October 1991. It was included later on the On ne change pas DVD (2005).
Her book Leur histoire was adapted for the 2005 film Les Mots bleus by director Alain Corneau with actors Sergi López and Sylvie Testud.
Farmer's second greatest hits collection, titled 2001.2011, was released in late 2011, featuring all of her hit singles recorded after 2001's Les Mots.
A similar work in German-English is Mörder Guss Reims: The Gustav Leberwurst Manuscript by John Hulme (1st Edition 1981; various publishers listed; , and others). The dust jacket, layout and typography are very similar in style and appearance to the original Mots D'Heures albeit with a different selection of nursery rhymes. Marcel Duchamp draws parallels between the method behind Mots d'Heures and certain works of Raymond Roussel.
Music Videos IV is a DVD recorded by the French singer Mylène Farmer, containing all the singer's videoclips from 2001 to 2006. It was released in October 2006 in France. This DVD includes the videos of the three singles from the best of Les Mots and those of the five singles from the sixth studio album Avant que l'ombre.... The cover uses an image from the single's video "Les Mots".
Mireille Best’s first publication was a collection of short stories titled Les mots de hasard. It consists of five stories: “L’illusioniste”, “ La femme de pierre”, “Les mots de hasard”, “Le livre de Stéphanie”, and “La lettre”. The first four center around lesbian relationships and indirect criticism of socially instilled lesbophobia. The book won the Ville du Mans Prix de la nouvelle in 1981 and received glowing reviews from Le Monde.
These words are familiar to all little girls.French: Nous avons > jugé inutile d'expliquer les mots : con, fente, moniche, motte, pine, queue, > bitte, couille, foutre (verbe), foutre (subst.), bander, branler, sucer, > lécher, pomper, baiser, piner, enfiler, enconner, enculer, décharger, > godmiché, gougnotte, gousse, soixante-neuf, minette, mimi, putain, bordel. > Ces mots-là sont familiers à toutes les petites filles. The edition of the work published at Librio is marked "for informed readers".
As the previous single "California", a CD maxi was released in Germany. The song was later included in the studio version on the 2001 best of album Les Mots.
Blue Winter () is a Canadian docufiction film, directed by André Blanchard and released in 1979.Gilles Marsolais, "Les Mots de la tribu". Cinémas : Revue d'études cinématographiques Vol. 4, Iss.
Martin is the daughter of a university teacher (Sciences Po), and started singing in cabarets in the fifties.Véronique Mortaigne. Hélène Martin : entre les mots et la musique. Le Monde.
The book opens with one of Jameson's most famous bons mots, 'Always historicise!'.Fredric Jameson, The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Social Symbolic Act (London: Methuen, 1981), p. 9.
The song did not receive much radio airplay, with only Europe 2 playing it regularly. "L'Histoire d'une fée, c'est..." was also released on the soundtrack of the film in a longer version than the CD single version, and was later included on Mylène Farmer's greatest hits album Les Mots. It was also released as the third track on the European CD maxi "Les Mots", released in the Switzerland on 4 September 2002.
In November 2012, Dr. Félix Kabange Numbi was appointed Health Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo."Mots du ministre." Ministry of Public Health. Consulté le 25 mars 2015.
In 2005, Le Castor Astral published a selected poems, La Cendre des mots, covering his work from 1989 to 2005. Since 2006 he has been a member of the Académie Mallarmé.
Mourir sur scène is a 1983 song by Dalida, and is often recognized as Dalida's most iconic late-career song.. The song was written by Michel Jouveaux and Jeff Barnel. Today, it is widely considered to be one of the most popular French songs in music history. The single appears on the album Les p'tits mots, released in 1983. This song, not anticipated as a success, was published as the B-side of Les petits mots.
Live versions of "Des mots qui sonnent" can be found on Dion's 1994 À l'Olympia album and the Céline une seule fois / Live 2013 CD/DVD. The song also became a part of Dion's 2005 greatest hits CD, called On ne change pas. "Des mots qui sonnent" entered the Quebec Airplay Chart on 25 November 1991 and peaked at number 10, spending seventeen weeks on chart in total. The title of the song is a play on words.
Nâdiya signing autographs (2006) In February 2006, Nâdiya returned with her "Tous ces mots" ("All these words") single, her first song that features Smartzee. The song peaked at number two in the French Singles Chart and at twenty-five in the Swiss Singles Top 200. Following the success of "Tous ces mots", her self-titled third studio album Nâdiya was released on June 7 in both France as. Nâdiya stated the album would have more rock influence than her previous two albums. SNEP recently revealed the best-selling singles during the first quarter of 2006 (from January 1 – March 31, 2006). Despite being released four weeks before the first quarter of 2006 ended, "Tous ces mots" managed to peak at number thirteen in the list."Tous ces mots" is #13 best-selling first quarter 2006 The second single with the applicable title "Roc", was released two weeks after the album's release date, on June 19. The music video to the song shows Nâdiya performing the song in a big stadium.
The configurations of savoir changed, according to Foucault, in following historical steps:Foucault, Michel 1966: Les mots et les choses. Paris: Gallimard; English 1970: The Order of Things. An Archeology of the Human Sciences.
The plan was to rebrand the centres under the name Halfords, and open another two hundred. As of , there are over 250 garages branded Halfords Autocentre, dealing with MOTs, car repairs and servicing.
New Oxford American Dictionary The relation between pot-pourri and pot-au-feu was attested in 1829 in the Etymologic dictionary of the French language: "Pot pourri. The name our fathers gave to the pot-au- feu".Jean Baptiste Bonaventure de Roquefort, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue françoise, où les mots sont classés par familles: contenant les mots du Dictionnaire de l'Académie Françoise, avec les principaux termes d'arts, de sciences et de métiers. Précédé d'une dissertation sur l'étymologie, Volume 1, 1829, p.
On 23 December 1689 he was elected to the Académie française; his reception piece was a panegyric on Louis XIV. Three galante works followed, a volume of the latest courtly expressions and the right moves,Des mots à la mode et des nouvelles façons de parler, avec des observations sur diverses manières d'agir et de s'exprimer, et un discours en vers sur les mêmes matières (1692) Republished by Slatkine, Geneva, 1972. one reporting bons mots and witty anecdotes of raileryDes bons mots, des bons contes de leur usage, de la raillerie des anciens, de la raillerie et des railleurs de notre temps (1692) Republished by Slatkine, Geneva, 1971. and one on the bon usage of the French spoken at Court, contrasted with middle-class expressions, for people of quality to avoid.
LSE, 2016 Sylvie Tissot is a French sociologist, activist and documentary filmmaker. She is a Professor of Political Science at University of Paris-8 and a founder of the collective Les Mots Sont Importants.
Cocktail Chic also recorded an English version of the song, entitled "European Girls". It was succeeded as French representative at the 1987 Contest by Christine Minier with "Les mots d'amour n'ont pas de dimanche".
Words in Blue (original title: Les Mots bleus) is a 2005 French drama film adapted from the novel Leur histoire by French author Dominique Mainard. The film was adapted and directed by Alain Corneau.
Paulette del Baye held the title Comtesse de Brioude.Antoine Delécraz, 1914, Paris pendant la mobilisation, notes d'un immobilisé, des faits, des gestes, des mots (1914): 51. via Internet Archive She died in England in 1945.
"A propos de la Vie de Nostre Benoit Saulveur Jhesus Crist." Romania 102 (1981): 352-391. "Abréviations et frontières de mots." Langue Française 119, Segments graphiques du français: Pratiques et normalisations dans l'histoire (September 1998): 24-29.
The Australian Government's announcement on 20 February 2015 that the future submarines will have a similar range and endurance to the Collins class increases the possibility that an evolved MOTS or completely new design will be selected.
"Our Need for Consolation" (TRT 20 min, 2012, English) by Dan Levy Dagerman. Narration by Stellan Skarsgard. "Notre besoin de consolation est impossible a rassasier," Têtes raides, CD "Banco," 2007. "Corps de mots," CD booklet + DVD, 2013.
On the night of the final Minier performed 15th in the running order, following the United Kingdom and preceding Germany. "Les mots d'amour n'ont pas de dimanche" was a standard Eurovision ballad of its time. Attention focussed on Minier's reportedly very expensive, but oddly designed, pink and orange stage outfit, which she later conceded looked garish and unflattering on screen. At the close of voting "Les mots d'amour n'ont pas de dimanche" had received 44 points (including a maximum 12 from Luxembourg), placing France 14th of the 22 entries.
Although there is no legal apartheid in France, in the sense there is no official will for separation of people, the apartheid word has been used by many politics and journalists.L'« apartheid » en France ? Pourquoi les mots de Manuel Valls marquent une rupture les-mots-de-manuel-valls-marquent-une-rupture_4560022_823448.html For instance, prime minister Manuel Valls considers that France faces an «apartheid territorial, social, ethnique » which could be translated in English words as an ethnic, social and territorial apartheid.
I was deep into Dostoyevsky > and Dickens. Colette. The best are the writers that can turn a phrase > devastatingly funny. The witticisms and bon mots of Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, > Truman Capote, Tennessee Williams, Dorothy Parker. Andy Warhol was a riot.
The film won the Genie Award for Best Theatrical Short Film at the 16th Genie Awards."Three Genies for Le Confessionnal: Margaret's Museum wins six". Calgary Herald, January 15, 1996. A sequel, Magical Words (Les Mots magiques), was released in 1998.
100 Mots pour comprendre Madagascar. Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose. pp. 57–58. Narrow lambas may be worn like a sash. Men drape them diagonally across the chest or knot them around the waist, while women may wear them loosely over the shoulders.
According to Cameron, he was of a charitable nature and gave his services to the poor without charge. He was known for his puns and bon mots. His lecturing style was praised for its lucidity and his speech for its diction.
A collection of her witticisms was published by Swift under the titles of "Bon Mots de Stella" as an appendix to some editions of Gulliver's Travels. Journal to Stella, a collection of 65 letters from Swift to Stella, was published posthumously.
Faïza Guène (born 7 June 1985) is a French writer and director, best known for her two novels, Kiffe kiffe demain and Du rêve pour les oufs. She has also directed several short films, including Rien que des mots (2004).
At the end of 2001, and seventeen years into her career, Universal issued Farmer's first greatest hits collection: Les Mots whose title track and lead single, a duet with Seal, became an enormous hit. The music video of the song was the first one directed by Boutonnat since "Beyond My Control" and borrowed many influences from art. Les Mots was the best selling album of 2001 and 2002, and remains the best selling greatest hits album in France with more than 1.5 million sold. The album also featured new tracks and singles, including Top 10 hits "C'est une belle journée" and "Pardonne-moi".
In February 2002, Universal and Stuffed Monkey decided to release "C'est une belle journée", one of the three unreleased songs from the compilation Les Mots and officially announced it in March. However, due to the huge success of the single "Les Mots", recorded as duet with Seal, the new single was not released until April 2002. The promotional CD single was sent to radio stations on 4 March 2002, then the promotional vinyl on 28 March 2002. There were three versions of the CD single : one is supple, the second is thick, the third is a picture disc.
The same year, Luce sing "Il pleut doucement ma mère" written by Maurice Carême in the album "La bande des mots", where poems are put in music. Artists like Oxmo Puccino, Françoise Hardy, Claire Keim, Élie Semoun, Camélia Jordana, Marc Lavoine, Jenifer or Arthur H are a part of the project. In 2013, Luce sing on the album "Des mots pour Alzheimer" where she read a text written by a witness named Maria. Luce is directly involved by this album because it is released for the Alzheimer's disease because her grandmother is dead beaucause of this sickness.
"Je danse dans ma tête" was written by French-Canadian lyricist Luc Plamondon and Italian composer Romano Musumarra, and produced by Musumarra. It is one of four new songs written for the album Dion chante Plamondon, which was released in Canada in November 1991. "Je danse dans ma tête" was selected as the third Candian single, after "Des mots qui sonnent" and "L'amour existe encore", and released in March 1992. The same month, "Je danse dans ma tête" was issued as the lead single in France, where the album was renamed Des mots qui sonnent and released in April 1992.
Mylène Nantel, "Des mots à l'image : l'adaptation télévisuelle de L'ombre de l'épervier de Noël Audet". Voix et images, Vol. 28, No. 1 (Fall 2002), p. 60–70. Le Roi des planeurs, the final novel published before Audet's death, was released in 2005.
In terms of structure, only refrains are sung, while the verses are spoken in low tones. The song ends with a long ringing alarm clock.Cachin, 2006, pp. 100-01. This song is included on Farmer's greatest hits album Les Mots in 2001.
This social play on cartographic knowledge "…produces the 'order' of [maps'] features and the 'hierarchies of its practices.'"Michel Foucault, The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences. A Translation of Les mots et les choses. New York: Vintage Books, 1973.
17Andreyev, Judith Wondering about Words: D'où Viennent Les Mots Anglais ? p.56 # the overtness: snicker, snigger, guffaw. # the respiratory pattern involved: snort. # the emotion it is expressed with: relief, mirth, joy, happiness, embarrassment, apology, confusion, nervous laughter, paradoxical laughter, courtesy laugh, evil laughter.
"Il avait les mots", French Singles Chart (Retrieved April 1, 2008) The single was also successful in Belgium: it went to #33 on 9 February and climbed every week until it reached #1 from 22 March to 19 April (5 weeks).
Je ne mâche pas les mots is the second studio album by French singer and television celebrity Elisa Tovati. It was released on 15 May 2006 in France as a digital download. It peaked at number 53 on the French Albums Chart.
The first segment is filmed entirely in silhouette. Welles plays Winston Churchill fielding press questions and then exchanging bons mots with Nancy Astor (Oja Kodar). Each line spoken by Churchill is a well-known witticism commonly attributed to him. Graeme Garden provides narration.
It was the first time that a reality show contestant landed a number- one single in France since Sheryfa Luna's "Il avait les mots" in 2008. It also reached number one in Luxembourg, and the top 10 in Austria, Belgium, Germany and Slovakia.
Mairie de Bordeaux. "Christian Lauba en quelques mots" . Retrieved 5 December 2010. In the 2007/2008 season he was composer in residence with the Orchestre symphonique de Mulhouse, where his New York Concerto (a triple concerto for saxophone, cello and piano) received its world premiere.
The distinction between subject and topic was probably first suggested by Henri Weil in 1844.H. Weil, De l’ordre des mots dans les langues anciennes compares aux langues modernes: question de grammaire gnrale. Joubert, 1844. He established the connection between information structure and word order.
It also publishes the periodicals La banque des mots and Le français moderne. André Goosse is the president with Hubert Joly as the secretary general. The advisors include Henriette Walter, , André Jaumotte, Charles Muller, Bernard Pottier, Willy Bal, Marc Wilmet, and Jean-Marie Klinkenberg.
Department of Defence, Defending Australia in the Asia Pacific Century, pp. 38, 64, 70–1 The 2009 white paper outlined the replacement submarine as a 4,000-ton vessel fitted with land- attack cruise missiles in addition to torpedoes and anti-ship missiles, capable of launching and recovering covert operatives while submerged, and carrying surveillance and intelligence-gathering equipment.Nicholson, Sub fleet carries $36b price tag: expertsDepartment of Defence, Defending Australia in the Asia Pacific Century, p. 81 The project initially had four options: a Military-Off-The-Shelf (MOTS) design without modification, a MOTS design modified for Australian conditions, an evolution of an existing submarine, or a newly designed submarine.
USTP Cagayan de Oro Campus USTP Claveria Campus Mindanao University of Science and Technology (MUST) has achieved its university status on 7 January 2009 after a long journey from its humble beginnings as a tradeschool in 1927. The seed of MUST gained roots through the Pre-Commonwealth Act No. 3377 known as the Vocational Act of 1927. It was named as the Misamis Oriental Trade School (MOTS) which catered to the elementary level only but eventually in 1936, it opened a secondary four-year program. In accordance to Republic Act No. 672 of 1952, MOTS became Mindanao School of Arts and Trades (MSAT) offering trade technical curriculum.
Like "Les Mots", this song is one of the few Farmer singles to have a long trajectory on French SNEP Singles Chart, thus proving it has won over the general public. It debuted at a peak of number five on 20 April and remained for ten weeks in the top 20, thanks to numerous broadcasts by various radio stations. The single fell off the chart after 25 weeks on 5 October. Certified Gold disc five months after its release by the SNEP for over 200,000 units, "C'est une belle journée" peaked at number thirty-eight in the 2002 French singles year end chart, five positions behind the former single "Les Mots".
"Tous ces mots" is a song recorded by the France-born singer Nâdiya accompanied by the English rapper Smartzee. The song was released as the first single from Nâdiya's self-titled third studio album Nâdiya on February 24, 2006 (see 2006 in music) in France and Switzerland.
He is recruited by FLN commander El-hadi Jafar. This character is played by Saadi Yacef, who was a veteran FLN commander.Benjamin Stora, Les Mots de la Guerre d'Algérie, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2005, p. 20. Lieutenant-Colonel Mathieu, the paratroop commander, is the principal French character.
Schettina finished teaching in 2007. She works and lives in Langenzersdorf, Lower Austria, and also works in Vienna. Since 1992 her artworks have been shown in Austrian and international exhibitions. Her first single exhibition outside Austria was in 1999 at the Mots & Tableaux-Gallery in Brussels.
He achieved fame by performing a tracheotomy in public for which act he featured in a satirical poem in The Metropolis. He was praised for his philanthropy and noted for his puns and bon mots. He was said to be the "fattest surgeon in the United Kingdom".
Press Gang Publishing was a feminist printing and publishing collective active in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, between the early 1970s and 2002.Pike, Lois. "A Survey of Feminist Publishers and Periodicals in Canada" in Women and Words/Les Femmes et le Mots: Conference Proceedings, Longspoon Press, p. 213.
600,000 Francs a Month () is a 1933 French comedy film directed by Léo Joannon.Jeux d'auteurs, mots d'acteurs: scénaristes et dialoguistes du cinéma français, 1930-1945 : actes des colloques SACD, 1992-1993. Institut Lumière, 1994. p.119 It is a remake of the 1926 silent film of the same name.
The music video for "Les Mots" draws its inspiration from Théodore Géricault's painting Raft of the Medusa. The video contains some references to Shakespeare's Othello,Violet, 2004, pp. 221–22. but was mainly inspired by The Raft of the Medusa, a 1918 Théodore Géricault painting. \- Chuberre, 2007, pp. 156,277.
Several local authorities in the UK have introduced Euro 4 or Euro 5 emissions standards for taxis and licensed private hire vehicles to operate in their area. Emissions tests on diesel cars have not been carried out during MOTs in Northern Ireland for 12 years, despite being legally required.
Retrieved March 16, 2013. The Guardian in Britain said that Young Titan "reads in places like a novel" and features "some wonderful characters and plenty of the bon mots we have grown to expect from Churchill." Review of Young Titan, The Guardian, March 15, 2013. Retrieved March 16, 2013.
"L'écart des mots" are photographs where he inserts words in landscapes, skies, cities, playing on their signifieds and signifiers. With "Vherbe" he really makes words grow in the landscape, words in letters of grass which can measure several hundred meters: "MEmoiRE" near the prehistoric cave of Pech Merle,Evelyne Toussaint, Jean Daviot, Nowmuseum, 2013 "ImaGinE" at the Genshagen Foundation in Berlin, or "Lieu et lien" in front of the Palais du Pharo in Marseille.Jeanette Zwingenberger, "l'écart des mots", entretien avec Jean Daviot, trimestriel n° 13, Images cachées, mai/juin/juillet, p. 86-89, Art Press, 2009 Since 1995, Jean Daviot gas created digital paintings, "Ecritures de lumières", where he uses a video camera as a brush.
Chuberre, 2009, p. 117. It was not included on Ainsi soit je... and on the best of Les Mots (but only available in the long box version of the best of). The song is played in a version instrumental in the closing credits of the video for "Pourvu qu'elles soient douces".
Luce Dufault (born August 19, 1966 in Orleans, Ontario) is a Canadian singer. She is of French descent. She performed in two musicals from Luc Plamondon, La Légende de Jimmy and Starmania. She recorded a few hits including Soirs de scotch, Au delà des mots and Ce qu'il reste de nous.
Her analysis of the symbols and images of the many different festivals she reviewed contributed significantly to the understanding of the Revolution and of French culture in general. Ozouf has also undertaken an analysis of ten outstanding women in French history, publishing Les Mots des femmes or Women's Words in 1995.
Loin de Paname is the sixth studio album by French-Belgian singer Viktor Lazlo. The album consists of French chansons, such as "Les mots d'amour" by Édith Piaf. The album peaked on the French album charts at No. 67 and remained on the charts for four weeks. It was also released in Japan.
Peter Pan Picture Book, 1907 "Alas, my poor little bride that was to be!" from The Story of the Mikado (1921) by W. S. Gilbert. Between 1896 and 1900, she worked for the Glasgow publishing house Blackie and Son Limited, illustrating a series of children's books including To Tell the King the Sky is Falling, Adventures in Toyland, and Red Apple and Silver Bells, as well as contributing to annuals and school primers through the 1920s. She succeeded Aubrey Beardsley as illustrator of W.C. Jerrold's Bon-Mots of the Eighteenth Century, and then his Bon-Mots of the Nineteenth Century. From 1907 on her main publisher was George Bell & Sons for whom she illustrated The Peter Pan Picture Book written by Daniel O'Connor, creating 28 coloured plates.
"good appetite"; "enjoy your meal". ; bon mot (pl. bons mots) : well-chosen word(s), particularly a witty remark ("each bon mot which falls from his lips is analysed and filed away for posterity", The European Magazine, August 29 – September 4, 1996) ; bon vivant: one who enjoys the good life, an epicurean. ; bon voyage: lit.
Les Mots Écrits de New Bell were produced on different supports: neon lights, tile mosaics, mirrors, iron rods, and painting. The text fragments selected by Yamguen clearly depict the reality of hardship and hope of New Bell's inhabitants. Here the texts: # Après le temps mort vient le temps vif comme un coup de foudre.
There is a garage (Forge Garage) for vehicle maintenance and MOTs and a large farm store (Croesgoch Farm Stores). The local pub, The Artramont Arms, offers Takeaway meals as well as a friendly drinking environment. It also offers Post Office services twice a week. There is a village general carpenter, metal worker and undertaker.
The Ministry of Tourism and Sports (Abrv: MOTS; , ) is a cabinet ministry in the Government of Thailand. The ministry's primary areas of responsibility are tourism and sports. The ministry is in charge of managing the tourist industry and sports both in schools and other institutions. The ministry organizes and directs Thailand's important sporting events.
The song features Smartzee, a rapper who was also featured in her "Et c'est parti..." song and music video. In the music video for "Tous ces mots", auto races are particularly shown, with Nâdiya in one of the cars racing. She is also shown 'performing' the song on a podium. In the end, Nâdiya's pink car wins.
Cities is a Canadian documentary television series broadcast on CBC Television from 1979 to 1980."Ustinov bons mots and bulk block view of Leningrad". The Globe and Mail, April 28, 1979. Produced and directed by John McGreevy, the series featured a celebrity who would appear in an episode profiling a personal favourite city or more specific location.
"Il avait les mots" Primarily is a pop-ballad songs incorporate with R&B; and Electronic Rhythm sounds, was written by Dave Siluvangi and Singuila and composed by Singuila and Track Invaders.Sheryfa Luna (Retrieved April 1, 2008) It is the second single from her debut album, Sheryfa Luna. The single was released on 21 January 2008.
The book has been translated into French and will be released in Paris in late February, 2020. The French title is 'Les émotions de la Terre – Des nouveau mots pour un nouveau monde'. Publisher: Les Liens Qui Libèrent. He has been published in many peer reviewed journals and has recently completed and published book chapters on his research interests.
"Des Mots qui résonnent!" (English: Some words which resonate!) is a song recorded by the French singer Jenifer Bartoli. It was released in December 2002 as the third single from her first album Jenifer, on which it features as first or 12th track following the editions. It achieved success in France and Belgium (Wallonia), reaching the top four.
2001.2011 is an album by French singer Mylène Farmer. It was her second compilation, after Les Mots in 2001, and was released on 5 December 2011. It contains all the singles from her last three studio albums and two new songs. One of them was the lead single from 2001.2011, "Du temps", released digitally on 7 November.
As for the single release of "Sans logique" eleven years earlier, the B-side is "Dernier Sourire", this time in the live version.Chuberre, 2008, pp. 231-32. However, when the best of album Les Mots was released in 2001, the song was not included in the track listing, like other live singles "Allan" and "La Poupée qui fait non".
Schbath is the coauthor of the book ADN, mots et modèles, with S. Robin and F. Rodolphe, BELIN, 2003, translated into English as DNA, Words and Models: Statistics of Exceptional Words, Cambridge University Press, 2005. She is also one of the contributors to the book Applied Combinatorics on Words, which lists its author as the collective pseudonym M. Lothaire.
While the term currently refers specifically to savory choux pastries, eighteenth and nineteenth century records suggest that it was once an umbrella term for a number of preparations, some composed of just cheese, eggs, and breadcrumbs.Pierre Larousse, Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle, 1872, s.v. gougère, though this may be an error The presentation was usually a flat circle, neither a sphere nor a ring.Noël Chomel, Dictionnaire Oeconomique: Contenant Divers Moyens D'Augmenter Son Bien, Et De Conserver Sa Santé Google BooksPrudence Boissière, Dictionnaire analogique de la langue française: répertoire complet des mots par les idées et des idées par les mots, 1862 Google Books Earlier forms of gougère were more a stew than a pastry, including herbs, bacon, eggs, cheese, spices, and meat mixed with an animal's blood, and prepared in a sheep's stomach.
The Syndicat National de l'Edition Phonographique (SNEP) has revealed the best-selling singles during the first quarter of 2006 (from January 1 - March 31, 2006) and despite being released four weeks before the first quarter of 2006 ended, the single managed the song to peak at number thirteen.Sales 01-01-06 - 31-03-06 Later, in December 2006, SNEP released a document with the best-selling singles from the first till the third quarter of 2006 (from January 1 till September 30). In this document, "Tous ces mots" ranked number thirteen again, this time with the following single "Roc" being at number twelve.temporary year-ent chart On the same website, a top 50 has been composed with the best-downloaded songs in 2006, with "Tous ces mots" peaking at number thirty-eight.
As the previous single "Quelque part", "Il avait les mots" went straight to number one on the French Singles Chart, on 26 January 2008, with 15,800 sales in the first week. It was the first time in France that a contestant of TV reality show managed to have two number-one hits with his first two singles."Disques : deuxième numéro un pour Sheryfa Luna !", Ozap, Charles Decant, January 29, 2008 (Retrieved July 19, 2008) After eight weeks spent on the first position of the French Singles Chart, 86,855 copies of the single were sold. Then "Il avait les mots" almost didn't stop to drop on the chart, and totalled 11 weeks in the top ten, 21 weeks in the top 50 and 34 weeks in the top 100.
He translated many works from French into Konkani. The translations of "La Vie de Vivekananda" by Romain Rolland in 1994 (Vivekananda) and "Les Mots" by Jean- Paul Sartre in 2000 ("Utram"), comprise some of his works. He also produced the Konkani-English Dictionary in 2004 and was Chief Editor for the four- volume Konkani Encyclopedia, published by Goa University in 1999.
Elia Habib, Muz hit. tubes, p. 464,465 () "Tu ne m'as pas laissé le temps" is also available on many French compilations, such as Hit Connection – Best Of 1999, Hit Express 8, La Discothèque du XXè siècle, Lionel Florence: des rencontres et des mots (2002) and Hits de diamant (2007). The song was awarded the Price Vincent Scotto by the SACEM.
The film started a theatrical run on January 7, 2015 at Cinema Saint André des Arts in Paris, and was shown again at the Arthouse Cinema Studio Galande from December 16, 2015 to January 2016. Face 3-drei Filme von Mika'Ela Fisher. Dossier Presse-Reviews. The film is listed in the catalog of Bibliothèque nationale de France,Le passage des mots.
It is described by its sponsors as "L'original, avec les mots d'aujourd'hui" ("the original, with today's words"). Another modern French Bible is the Bible du Semeur (Bible of the sower), finished in 1999. This is a more thought-for- thought translation than Segond's, and it uses a more contemporary language. It is published by Biblica (formerly the International Bible Society).
Thanks to its success, Des mots qui sonnent charted for the very first time in September 1993. In January 1994, Sony Music Entertainment released the third and final commercial single in France - "L'amour existe encore", which peaked at number 31. The album reached number 4 and spent a whole year on the chart. It was certified 2x Platinum in France.
In all the performances that take place in the Palais omnisport de Bercy, Gary Jules sings his cover of Mad World joined by Mylène Farmer. They follow by the duet song "Les Mots" that Mylène Farmer originally released in 2001 with Seal. So far Gary Jules is also part of the tour, as he was also performing during the concerts in Lyon.
Magical Words () is a Canadian dramatic short film, directed by Jean-Marc Vallée and released in 1998. A thematic sequel to his 1995 short film Magical Flowers (Les Mots magiques),Marie-Claude Dionne, "Les Fleurs magiques". Séquences, September/October 1995. the film centres on a 30-year-old man (Richard Robitaille) finally confronting his father (Robert Gravel) about his alcoholism.
The New York Times, 11 March 1893, p. 8 Messager was a dandy and a philanderer. The musical historian D. Kern Holoman describes him as "given to immaculately tailored suits emphasizing his thin frame, careful grooming with particular attention to his mustaches, fine jewelry, and spats ... a witty conversationalist with an inexhaustible store of anecdotes and bons mots" and a womaniser.Holoman, p.
"L'Histoire du quartier en quelques mots." Accessed 4 July 2011. However, with vessels constantly growing and finally exceeding the capacity of the canal, the coming of the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1956 and the closure of the Lachine Canal in 1970 put an end to the area's industrial prosperity. Population fell sharply and conditions became still more difficult.
"4 Mots sur un piano" is a 2007 song recorded by French singers Patrick Fiori, Jean-Jacques Goldman, who also had written the lyrics, and Christine Ricol. It was released as the second single - after "Toutes les peines" - from Fiori's album Si on chantait plus fort on July 20, 2007. The single was very successful, particularly in France where it topped the chart.
It has a very regular pattern that both the music and the lyrics follow. It also opens with the phrase Je vais vous dire quelques mots which is very similar to the traditional opening of broadside ballads, O come ye listen to my story. The influence of French folk music can be seen in the use of enumeration and assonance.
On 10 September 2012, La Fouine revealed on social networks the title of his new album entitled Drôle de Parcours. The first single from the album was "Paname Boss" and released on November 2, 2012. This single featured Sniper, Niro, Youssoupha, Canardo, Fababy and Sultan. November 6, 2012, La Fouine released the second single from Drôle de Parcours called "J'avais pas les mots".
Harvest of my Tongue is a 26-piece musical work, composed by Bildner, based on a poem Recueil des Mots de ma Langue by French artist Michele Blondel. It was first commissioned & performed in 1994 at the Fine Arts Center (Amherst, Massachusetts) retrospective of Blondel's work. Since then it has been performed at The Living Theatre and at the Brecht Forum, both in New York City.
Mitochondrial DNA has been known to encode 13 proteins. Recently, other short protein coding sequences have been identified, and their products are referred to as mitochondria-derived peptides. The mitochondrial-derived peptide, humanin has been shown to protect against Alzheimer’s disease, which is considered an age-associated disease. MOTS-c has been shown to prevent age- associated insulin resistance, the main cause of type 2 diabetes.
Farmer performed the song about two years before the single's release, in the French television show Fête comme chez vous, broadcast on Antenne 2 on 5 May 1988. The song, however, was not included on the best of Les Mots. "Allan" was only sung during the 1989 tour in an unchoreographied performance, in which Farmer wears black and white checked trousers and a grey jacket.
The "rue Trousse- Nonnain" (fuck nun), later became Trace-Putain, Tasse-Nonnain, and Transnonain; then in 1851 it was amalgamated into the Rue Beaubourg.In the 3rd arondissement from Porte Hydron to the Saint-Martin-des-Champs Priory. Rue Transnonnain. Le Garde-mots Nov 23 2009 The Rue Baille-Hoë (Give Joy) is now Rue Taillepain in the 4th arondissement near the Porte Saint-Merri.
Produced by Philippe Swan, her second album Des mots… was released in 2013. Preceding the album, the first single was "Je saurai t'aimer". It was a cover of Mélanie Cohl's song that is the French adaptation by Philippe Swan of "The Power of Love" by Jennifer Rush. Since September the same year, she has participated regularly in the weekly show Les chansons d'abord on France 3.
In 1950, Leopold III came back to Belgium and was met with a general strike. As Secretary-General of the General Federation of Belgian Labour, Renard made a statement to Le Soir: Starting today, the words insurrection and revolution will have a practical sense for us. We will use them in our everyday vocabulary.A partir d'aujourd'hui, les mots révolution et insurrection auront pour nous un sens pratique.
No music video was produced at the time, because as explains by Dahan, "the television did not agree with the record companies for the rights on their airing". Because of copyright issues, this song remains not available on any Farmer's albums, including her first studio album Cendres de Lune, and her best of Les Mots. However, Farmer has apparently never disowned the song.Chuberre, 2007, p. 234.
Jacques Mercier, Au coeur des mots: Les rubriques de Monsieur Dico, p. 216 In Poland, Czechia and Slovakia steak tartare (tatarský biftek) is found in many restaurants. The meat is ground lean sirloin and has a raw egg yolk in a dimple in the middle. The meat can be premixed with herbs and spices, but usually the customer is given spices and condiments to add to taste.
Au milieu de ma vie is the eighth studio album by Canadian singer Garou, and his ninth album overall. The songs, all in French, are written by Gérald de Palmas, Pascal Obispo, Jean-Jacques Goldman, Francis Cabrel en Luc Plamondon. Garou sings Du vent, du mots in a duet with Charlotte Cardin. The album was produced by the London producers SMV (Sanctuary Music Vault).
Mylène Farmer on the raft in the music video "Les Mots". This scene shows the similarities with Théodore Géricault's painting Raft of the Medusa. The music video was filmed on 8 and 9 October and was directed by Laurent Boutonnat, Farmer's songwriting partner. It was a return by Boutonnat as Farmer's film director as her last video, "Beyond My Control", was directed by him in 1992.
"L'Histoire du quartier en quelques mots." Accessed July 4, 2011. Shortly after the creation of the Village of Côte-Saint-Paul in 1874, this area separated as the Parish Municipality of Côte-Saint-Paul in 1878. In 1902, it became the Village du Boulevard-Saint-Paul, and in 1908, Joseph-Ulric Émard, who had become the mayor, renamed the town for himself.
In Belgium (Wallonia), the single was charted for 19 weeks in the top 40, from September 8, 2007. After a debut at the bottom of the chart, it reached its peak position of number seven in its eighth week."4 Mots sur un piano", in Belgian (Wallonia) Singles Chart (Retrieved April 19, 2008) The single was ranked 60th on the 2007 Belgian year-end chart.
Brochu taught secondary school and at Saint Paul University and at the Université du Québec en Outaouais. From 1998 to 2003, she was president of the Atelier littéraire des Outaouais. Brochu also wrote on cultural topics for La Revue de Gatineau. She contributed to a number of collections including La cendre des mots (2003), Le Tunnel (2007), Des nouvelles du hasard (2004) and Histoires d'amitié (2009).
He had for assistants at different times both Thomas Sully and Henry Inman. He affected singularity in dress and manners, and his mots were the talk of the day. Lafitte Brothers in Dominique You's Bar, attributed to John Wesley Jarvis (c. 1821, oil on wood panel) In 1809, Jarvis married Betsy Burtis (who died four years later in 1813, leaving him with two children).
Beethoven's autographic sketch for his Piano Sonata No. 28, Movement IV, Geschwind, doch nicht zu sehr und mit Entschlossenheit (Allegro). He completed the piece in 1816. Art music (alternatively called classical music, cultivated music, serious music, and canonic music) is music considered to be of high aesthetic value. It typically implies advanced structural and theoretical considerationsJacques Siron, "Musique Savante (Serious music)", Dictionnaire des mots de la musique (Paris: Outre Mesure): 242.
A Top 4 finalist in the first season of the TVA singing competition La Voix in 2013,"Charlotte Cardin Talks Life After Reality TV and Trusting Her Instincts on New 'Big Boy EP'". Exclaim!, July 22, 2016. later the same year she was featured on Garou's album Au milieu de ma vie as a duet vocalist on the single "Du vent, des mots"."Garou recrute Charlotte pour son nouvel album".
False friends, or bilingual homophones are words in two or more languages that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning. The origin of the term is as a shortened version of the expression "false friend of a translator", the English translation of a French expression () introduced by linguists Maxime Kœssler and Jules Derocquigny in their 1928 book,, referring to with a sequel, Autres Mots anglais perfides.
In dialectology, Romance Belgium (Belgique romane in French), also called Wallonia (Wallonie in French),The Atlas linguistique de la Wallonie [The linguistic atlas of Wallonia] is also called Tableau géographique des parlers de la Belgique romane [Geographical table of the dialects of the Romance Belgium] Albert Henry, Histoire des mots Wallons et Wallonie, Ed. Institut Jules Destrée, Coll. «Notre histoire», Mont-sur-Marchienne, 1990, 3rd ed. (1st ed. 1965), p. 14.
Bestine Kazadi in 2020 She was born in Belgium.Bestine Kazadi, poétesse pour la cause congolaise, Le Potentiel, 2 décembre 2006. Kazadi, mother of a daughter born in 1998, graduated in law, a lawyer practicing in Kinshasa and coordinator of the Congolese Studies Program (FRP).Édité par « L'Harmattan » et « Afrique Editions », le recueil de poèmes « Congo mots pour maux » porté sur les Fonts baptismaux, Le Potentiel, 11 novembre 2006.
Most of his numerous works passed through many editions, and were largely used in schools. Among them may be mentioned: # The Flowers of Ancient History, 1788 # Elegant Anecdotes and Bon Mots,’ 1790 # A View of Universal History (3 vols.), 1795, which includes a brief account of almost every country in the world down to the date of publication. # The Flowers of Modern History, 1796. # The Flowers of Modern Travels, 1797.
Dion chante Plamondon (meaning Dion Sings Plamondon) is the tenth studio album by Canadian singer Celine Dion. It was originally released on 4 November 1991 by Columbia Records and features French-language songs with words written by French-Canadian lyricist, Luc Plamondon. In Francophone countries in Europe, the album was renamed Des mots qui sonnent, meaning Words That Resonate. It includes French hit song, "Un garçon pas comme les autres (Ziggy)".
In 2002 Stivell released Au-delà des mots ("Beyond Words"), his twenty-first LP. The album featured him playing six different harps, specially dedicated to the Celtic Harp Revival's 50th anniversary. In 2004, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Celtic harp revival in Brittany, he wrote a book in collaboration with Jean-Noël Verdier: Telenn, la harpe bretonne ("Telenn, the Breton harp").Alain Stivell and Jean-Noël Verdier.
Boutonnat also directed her videos, which were far more commercial and TV-friendly than those he usually directs. In 2001, Boutonnat directed his first video for Farmer since "Beyond My Control", her hit single "Les Mots" that she recorded with Seal. The video contains many references to Le radeau de la méduse, the famous painting by Géricault. In 2007, Boutonnat finally directed Jacquou le Croquant, his first feature film since 1994.
Christine Minier (born 1964 in Saint-Raphaël) is a French singer. In 1987 whilst working as a hairdresser, Minier won the French National Final to represent France at the 1987 Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Les mots d'amour n'ont pas de dimanche". She received 44 points, placing France in 14th place. In spite of the poor result, Minier didn't regret anything and still considers Eurovision as a great experience.
For the moment, it stayed for 18 weeks in the top ten and 28 weeks on the chart."Il avait les mots", Belgian (Walloina) Singles Chart (Retrieved April 1, 2008) The single achieved a minor success in Switzerland, peaking at #29 in its fourth week, on 24 February and stayed on the chart for 11 weeks. To date, it is the highest position of Sheryfa Luna in this country.
In 2001, he released another album Comm' si la terre penchait. In February 2002, Christophe performed, in Clermont-Ferrand, his first live concert in more than two decades, followed by two appearances at the Olympia in March 2002. Christophe's 1970s song "Les mots bleus" was covered by Thierry Amiel in 2003. In 2011, Christophe took part in a tribute album for Alain Bashung two years after the latter's death.
In darkly humorous prose, he combines autobiography, history, fantasy, and suspense. In 2006, Les mots étrangers was translated by Alyson Waters and published under the title Foreign Words; this was the first of his novels to be translated into English. In 1995, he received the prestigious Prix Médicis for La langue maternelle. In 2007, he received the Grand Prix du roman de l'Académie française for Ap. J.-C.
She published Histoire de la littérature pour la jeunesse in 2000, which won the Prix Gabrielle Roy, the Prix Champlain and the Prix du livre de la Ville d'Ottawa, and then Dictionnaire des auteurs et des illustrateurs. She also published Paule Daveluy ou la passion des mots. Lepage wrote a number of children's books and had also begun to write some adult fiction. Her husband Yvan Lepage died in 2008.
"Des mots qui sonnent" (meaning "Words That Sound") is a song by Canadian singer Celine Dion, recorded for her French-language album, Dion chante Plamondon (1991). It was released as the first promotional single in Canada in November 1991. The song was written by French-Canadian lyricist, Luc Plamondon and Canadian musician, Aldo Nova. Both of them already collaborated with Dion on her previous French album, Incognito (1987).
France was represented by Christine Minier, with the song "Les mots d'amour n'ont pas de dimanche", at the 1987 Eurovision Song Contest, which took place on 9 May in Brussels. Broadcaster Antenne 2 chose the song via a broadcast national final, which would prove to be the last French national final until 1999. At the time of her victory Minier was not a professional singer, nor did she subsequently launch a professional career.
In 1777, he was the first player in the company of Ghent, where he staged his own plays. In 1779 he gave Le Protecteur ridicule then revived L'Illustre voyageur in Maastricht. Then he became, in 1782, one of the actors of the Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand.Philippe Bourdin, Des lieux, des mots, les Révolutionnaires: le Puy-de-Dôme entre 1789 et 1799 Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, 1995, 512 pages, et 57, annexe de la note 132 .
Rossiter displayed his acid wit in two books: The Devil's Bedside Book (1980),Leonard Rossiter, Devil's Bedside Book, Littlehampton: 1980; a collection of cynical dictionary definitions in the style of Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary, and The Lowest Form of Wit (1981), a collection of biting bons mots, stinging retorts, and insults divided into six main sections, illustrated with cartoons by Honeysett and including a definitive guide and a history of sarcasm.
She has also taken part in recorded poetry such as La vache enragée directed by Mitsiko Miller and Wired on words-Millenium Cabaret directed by Ian Ferrier. She has read poetry on Radio Canada and performed in the films Seul dans mon putain d'univers and Les Mots dits. Her poems have appeared in the literary magazines Moebius, Arcade and Le Sabord. Her poetry collection Lettres insolites (1991) was nominated for the Prix Émile-Nelligan.
Two authors have written books of supposed foreign- language poetry that are actually mondegreens of nursery rhymes in English. Luis van Rooten's pseudo-French Mots D'Heures: Gousses, Rames includes critical, historical, and interpretive apparatus, as does John Hulme's Mörder Guss Reims, attributed to a fictitious German poet. Both titles sound like the phrase "Mother Goose Rhymes". Both works can also be considered soramimi, which produces different meanings when interpreted in another language.
Ils regorgent déjà, il faut en ouvrir partout. Il faut que ce soir même, dans toutes les villes de France, dans chaque quartier de Paris, des pancartes s’accrochent sous une lumière dans la nuit, à la porte de lieux où il y ait couvertures, paille, soupe, et où l’on lise sous ce titre Centre fraternel de dépannage, ces simples mots : « Toi qui souffres, qui que tu sois, entre, dors, mange, reprends espoir, ici on t'aime ».
Under Louis XIII, the prévôt des marchands de Paris and the two premiers échevins were fined for not having repaired a bridge whose collapse killed 4 or 5 people. Under Louis XV, his faults born of a lack of foresight were never punished. Paris thus avenged itself by bon mots against him, including the Latin anagram of his name as Ibi non rem, damna gero (I don't do good, I do evil).
After many hesitations, Polydor began sending promotional CDs to radio stations starting on 3 September 2002 before announcing the song's release as a single on 14 October. The song was finally released the following week. Unlike Farmer's previous songs "Les Mots" and "C'est une belle journée", as well as Kate Ryan's "Désenchantée" cover, "Pardonne-moi" was poorly broadcast on radio, although it enjoyed an extensive advertising campaign on TF1 and M6.Violet, 2004, p. 223.
The Words to Say It is an autobiographical novel by Marie Cardinal, first published in French as Les Mots pour le dire in 1976. The novel deals with Cardinal's childhood in Algeria, her sense of loss on leaving, her relationship with her mother, mental illness, and recovery through psychoanalysis. 'The Words to Say It', in Barbara Fister, Third World Women's Literature: a dictionary and guide to materials in English, Greenwood Press, 1995.
"C'est une belle journée" (English: "It's a Beautiful Day") is a 2001 song recorded by French singer-songwriter Mylène Farmer. It was the second single from her best of Les Mots and was released on 16 April 2002. The song contains melancholy lyrics set to dance music and was illustrated by a cartoon video produced by Farmer's boyfriend. It achieved great success in France where it remained ranked for several months on the top 50.
January 10, 1903 Herford's cartoons and humorous verse appeared in journals such as Life, Woman's Home Companion, Century Magazine, Harper's Weekly, The Masses and Punch. Over 30 books illustrated by Herford, and frequently written by him as well, were published from the 1890s to the 1930s. He also wrote plays and was known for his humorous and pithy bon mots. Herford was a longtime member of the Players Club in New York City.
"Fiori & Goldman : "4 Mots sur un piano"" (Retrieved April 19, 2008) This relationship, initially accepted by all three people, is challenged by the two men who ask the woman to choose between them. She prefers to not choose because she loves both and finally leaves them. The music video takes place in a room in which, at first, the three people move in (these people are not the singers, but actors).
Canteaut earned a diploma in engineering from ENSTA Paris in 1993. She completed her doctorate at Pierre and Marie Curie University in 1996, with the dissertation Attaques de cryptosystèmes à mots de poids faible et construction de fonctions t-résilientes supervised by . She is currently the chair of the INRIA Evaluation Committee, and of the FSE steering committee. She was the scientific leader of the INRIA team SECRET between 2007 and 2019.
The game followed a line of formality and adherence to rules. Although using first names at other points, Daly usually addressed using surnames when passing the questioning to a particular panelist. He would also amiably chide the panel if they began a conference without first asking him. However, even with such formality, Daly was not above trading bon mots with the panelists during the game, and Cerf would often attempt to make a pun of his name.
Il a dit qu'il leur donnait pour devise ces trois mots qui sont le fondement et la raison d'être des sports athlétiques: citius, altius, fortius, 'plus vite, plus haut, plus fort'.", cited in Hoffmane, Simone La carrière du père Didon, Dominicain. 1840 - 1900, Doctoral thesis, Université de Paris IV — Sorbonne man thingy, 1985, p. 926; cf. Michaela Lochmann, Les fondements pédagogiques de la devise olympique „citius, altius, fortius“ Coubertin said "These three words represent a programme of moral beauty.
Marien Defalvar began writing his first novel in 2007,Marien Defalvard, romancier, 19 ans after having produced some youth texts.Quand Jenni rencontre Defalvard His first novel, ‘Du temps qu’on existait’ (The time when we existed) appeared in 2011; it is distinguished by the style of its author,Un génie de 19 ans pour la rentrée? which surprises with respect to his youth.Defalvard, les mots pour ne rien dire The reception of the novel is more divided.
Val was editor, and Gébé was artistic director. In 2004, following the death of Gébé, Val succeeded him as director of Charlie Hebdo, while still holding his position as editor. Several contributors and journalists (Olivier Cyran, Mona Chollet,L’opinion du Patron, La liberté d’expression selon Charlie Hebdo, Les Mots sont importants, March 2006. Philippe Corcuff"Philippe Corcuff quitte Charlie Hebdo", 3 December 2004.) protested against Val's ideas and left the magazine, imputing anti-Arab and islamophobic views to him.
In France, the album was renamed Des mots qui sonnent and was promoted by "Je danse dans ma tête" commercial single, released in April 1992. However, at that time none of them charted. Everything had changed in 1993 when Dion's single "Un garçon pas comme les autres (Ziggy)" became a smash hit, reaching number 2 and being certified Gold. English version of that song appeared on the Tycoon compilation, as well as the single's B-side.
In 2002, the song was overdubbed as duet with singer Lena Ka under the title "Ti amo (rien que des mots)", with Italian and French lyrics. This version was a success in France and Belgium (Wallonia), reaching the top three. At the time, the original version was re-released and achieved a moderate success in France. As of August 2014, it is the 52nd best-selling single of the 21st century in France, with 393,000 units sold.
160 Rosetti invented his playful and pathetic alter ego, Berlicoco ("Pinecone"), referencing his novel hairdo and later used as his regular nickname.Călinescu, p.167, 171. On the obscure, Acadian French, origins of belicoco, see: Vieux mots acadiens: Berlicoco, at the Musée des Acadiens des Pubnicos; Retrieved 19 April 2012 A picturesque aspect of the newspaper was its recourse to antiquated spellings, overly reliant on deep orthography: Romanian words spelled in accordance with Latin, Italian or French rules.
"Sport athlétique", 14 mars 1891: "... dans une éloquente allocution il a souhaité que ce drapeau les conduise 'souvent à la victoire, à la lutte toujours'. Il a dit qu'il leur donnait pour devise ces trois mots qui sont le fondement et la raison d'être des sports athlétiques: citius, altius, fortius, 'plus vite, plus haut, plus fort'.", cited in Hoffmane, Simone La carrière du père Didon, Dominicain. 1840–1900, Doctoral thesis, Université de Paris IV – Sorbonne, 1985, p.
Laure Gauthier writes narrative texts and poems and creates text for multimedia works. She has notably published je neige (entre les mots de villon) in 2018 and kaspar de pierre in 2017. Since 2013, she has published in numerous literary journals in France (, Po&sie;, Place de la Sorbonne, Sarrazine, L’Etrangère, Phoenix, La moitié du fourbi, Vacarme, etc.), in Italy (Atelier, Insula Europea, etc.), as well as in Austria (manuskripte) and in the international journal Pøst.
In Belgium (Wallonia), the single started at number 20 on the Ultratop 50 Singles Chart on 1 May, then jumped to a peak of number 11. It stabilized for the next seven weeks in the top 20, and stayed in the chart until 7 August. It was the 51st best-selling single on the 2002 Belgian Singles Chart, ahead of Farmer's two other singles released that year: "Les Mots" (number 81) and "Pardonne-moi" (number 85).
" Ron Hogan of Den of Geek gave the episode a positive review, saying, "One of the best aspects about the addition of Coven to the Apocalypse grouping is the politics involved in the witch world. There are wheels within wheels, and plots within plots." He added, "The scheming, as laid out in John J. Gray's script, is impressive indeed. Myrtle (the wonderful Frances Conroy) and Madison (Emma Roberts) pepper the script with fun, bitchy bon mots and asides.
Schbath was born on 19 December 1969 in Nantes. She earned a master's degree in stochastic modeling and statistics in 1992 from Paris-Sud University, and completed a Ph.D. in 1995 at Paris Descartes University. Her dissertation was Étude asymptotique du nombre d'occurrences d'un mot dans une chaîne de Markov et application à la recherche de mots de fréquence exceptionnelle dans les séquences d'ADN. She earned a habilitation in 2003 at the University of Évry Val d'Essonne.
Since December 2006, Seal has indicated that he has plans to excerpt cuts from Togetherland and make them available for streaming download. Meanwhile, Seal co-wrote and provided vocals for the hit single "My Vision" from Jakatta in 2002. He also recorded a successful duet with French singer Mylène Farmer called "Les Mots" during that same period. Also in 2002, Seal lent his vocals to the song "You Are My Kind", the fourth track on Santana's album Shaman.
It has once been criticized for being a catalog of data rather than true (semantic) indexing work.S. Brügger, L. Peyraud, M. Schmid, Les images ne sont pas des mots, study presented to the Haute École de Gestion de Genève, 2002 . Inducks sometimes gave talks and held meetings in comic-book fairs in Italy, such as in Lucca in 1997 with Don Rosa and Marco RotaPhotos of the events at Inducks. and in Reggio Emilia in 2007News report from the fair administration, 2007 .
Stasimon () in Greek tragedy is a stationary song, composed of strophes and antistrophes and performed by the chorus in the orchestra (, "place where the chorus dances").Pierre Chantraine, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque: histoire des mots (Paris: Éditions Klincksieck, 1968–80): 3:830. Aristotle states in the Poetics (1452b23) that each choral song (or melos) of a tragedy is divided into two parts: the parodos () and the stasimon. He defines the latter as "a choral song without anapaests or trochaics".
Map of Kairouan (1916) showing the location of its Great Mosque in the northeast corner of the medina The outside has many buttresses. Here is the northwest corner. View of the southern façade Dusk panorama of the mosque Located in the north-east of the medina of Kairouan, the mosque is in the intramural district of Houmat al-Jami (literally "area of the Great Mosque"). Mohamed Kerrou, « Quartiers et faubourgs de la médina de Kairouan. Des mots aux modes de spatialisation », Genèses, vol.
She debuted 21 September 1829 as Rosine in The Barber of Seville by Pierre Beaumarchais. While Norway did not have an opera, the theatre, being the only stage in the country, occasionally offered opera performances and operetta when there where actors able to sing as well. In the season of 1831-32, Deux mots by Nicolas Dalayrac was performed in Oslo, directed by and with Augusta Schrumpf in the main female part. This was the premiere of the art of opera in Norway.
A list of 3,000 frequent words is available. The French Ministry of the Education also provide a ranked list of the 1,500 most frequent word families, provided by the lexicologue Étienne Brunet. Jean Baudot made a study on the model of the American Brown study, entitled "Fréquences d'utilisation des mots en français écrit contemporain". More recently, the project Lexique3 provides 142,000 French words, with orthography, phonetic, syllabation, part of speech, gender, number of occurrence in the source corpus, frequency rank, associated lexemes, etc.
He co-wrote and produced the song "Take Your Time" from Simon Webbe's 2006 album Grace. He co-wrote and produced Amy Winehouse's 2003 album Frank and 2006 album Back to Black, including a remix of the song "Back to Black". He produced Skepta's 2012 song "Hold On", the track "Des Mots" (featuring LFDV) from Kery James's 2013 album Dernier MC, and Charlie Brown's 2012 song "Dependency" and 2013 song "On My Way". He co-wrote and co-produced Tich's 2013 song "Dumb".
Preceding 1 April 2010, when the renaming came into effect, Wallonia would sometimes refer to the territory governed by the Walloon Region, whereas Walloon Region referred specifically to the government. In practice, the difference between the two terms is small and what is meant is usually clear, based on context. Wallonia is a cognate of terms such as Wales, Cornwall and Wallachia,(French) Albert Henry, Histoire des mots Wallons et Wallonie, , Coll. «Notre histoire», Mont- sur-Marchienne, 1990, 3rd ed.
Dictionnaire des mots de la musique (Paris: Outre Mesure): 242. and criticism, and demand focused attention from the listener. In Western practice, art music is considered primarily a written musical tradition,Arnold, Denis: "Art Music, Art Song", in The New Oxford Companion to Music, Volume 1: A-J (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1983): 111. preserved in some form of music notation rather than being transmitted orally, by rote, or in recordings, as popular and traditional music usually are.
Konstantin Vasilyevich Dushenko () (born October 16, 1946, Moscow) is a Russian translator, culturologist and historian. His with the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He authored over 30 books on the origins of various quotations, aphorisms, and bon mots."КОНСТАНТИН ДУШЕНКО""Константин Душенко, автор книги "Цитаты из русской истории от призвания варягов до наших дней"" Radio Liberty, November 29, 2005 He translated various literature from Polish, both works of fiction and scientific works.
It remained for three consecutives weeks at this position, being unable to dislodge Sheryfa Luna's hit single "Il avait les mots", then dropped on the chart. It totalled 17 weeks in the top 50 and 27 weeks on the chart (top 100). In Belgium (Wallonia), the single entered the Ultratop 40 at No. 18 on 2 February thanks to the digital downloads, reached a peak of No. 15 the next week and remained for a total of 13 weeks in the top 40.
The global fonio market was 673,000 tonnes in 2016. The name fonio (borrowed by English from French) is from Wolof foño.Christian Seignobos and Henry Tourneux, Le Nord-Cameroun à travers ses mots: Dictionnaire de termes anciens et modernes: Province de l'extrême-nord (Karthala Editions, 2002; ), p. 107. In December 2018, the European Commission approved commercialization of fonio as a novel food in the European Union, after submission by the Italian company Obà Food to manufacture and market new food products.
Jean-Marc Vallée (born March 9, 1963) is a Canadian filmmaker, film editor and screenwriter. After studying film at the Université de Montréal, Vallée went on to make a number of critically acclaimed short films, including Stéréotypes (1991), Les Fleurs magiques (1995), and Les Mots magiques (1998). His debut feature, Black List (1995), was nominated for nine Genie Awards, including nods for Vallée's direction and editing. His fourth feature film, C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005), received further critical acclaim and was a financial success.
It remained for 12 weeks in the top ten and 18 weeks in the top 40. Thus the single allowed Farmer to obtain one of her best chart performance in Belgium. The song was certified Gold and, as in France, it ranked in average positions on 2001 and 2002 Annual Singles Charts (respectively at number 36 and number 81), due to its release at the end of the year. In March 2002, "Les Mots" was the most aired Francophone song in the world.
On 67 February 2017, Subrahmanyam received an honoris causa doctorate from the Université catholique de Louvain. The Martine Aublet Prize for 2018 was awarded to Subrahmanyam for his book, L'inde sous les yeux de l'Europe: mots, peuples, empires (Alma Editeur, 2018), by the Musée de Quai Branly.Le prix Martine Aublet In February 2019, Sanjay Subrahmanyam was awarded the Dan David Prize for History (jointly with Kenneth Pomeranz, Chicago).Sanjay Subrahmanyam - Dan David Prize Historian Srinath Raghavan wrote of Subrahmanyam in 2013,Srinath Raghavan.
She wrote the major reference works concerning regulation in France, especially Les 100 mots de la régulation (in press) and the Précis Dalloz du droit de la régulation (forthcoming). She approaches regulation from the triple angle of Law, economics, and political science. Many French and foreign regulators call upon her to draw up reports and studies. The publication she founded, The Journal of Regulation is sponsored by more than forty corporate partners and all of France's specialized regulators are members of its Global Committee.
Prost & Winter (2004), p. 17. Captivity was absent from all that was written on the conflict at the time. For instance, in 1929 Jean Norton Cru published a study of writings by former combatants: "The goal of this book is to give an image of the war according to those who saw it up close."Jean Norton Cru, Témoins, p. 13; cited in Christophe Prochasson, "Les mots pour le dire: Jean-Norton Cru, du témoignage à l’histoire", Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, 48 (4), 2001, p. 164.
Thierry grew up in Auriol, a town in Bouches-du- Rhône. Keen on music from a young age, in 2001 he quit his studies in Psychology and tried unsuccessfully for both Rêve d'un soir and Popstars 2. His break came in 2003 when he competed in A La Recherche De La Nouvelle Star, losing narrowly in the final round. Shortly afterwards, his first album Paradoxes, along with his first single, Les Mots Bleus, were released, Paradoxes coming 3rd in the top 50 albums of its opening week.
Beautiful buccins by Guichard (Paris) are on display in Edinburgh and Brussels and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has an extensive collection of buccins made in France, Italy and Belgium. John Webb, an English maker, has made modern reproduction buccins, one of which may be heard played by Ben Peck of Berlioz Historical Brass on Clifford Bevan's "Les Mots de Berlioz" on the CD Le Monde du Serpent. Stephen Wick played buccin on the premier recording of Berlioz’s Messe under John Eliot Gardiner.
Royer, 2008, p. 93. The song is available on Anamorphosée in its original version, and on the best of Les Mots in the shorter radio version. The song is placed at the beginning of the second CD, just before "XXL" and "L'Instant X", which does not comply with the chronological order of release of the singles, mostly respected in the track- listing (but it was also the first song on the album). It was also remixed in 2003 by Romain Tranchart and Rawman for the compilation RemixeS.
In 2001, Tissot founded the activist collective Les Mots Sonts Importants with Pierre Tevanian and the website. Within the framework of this collective, she is particularly committed against policies restricting the right of entry and residence of foreigners, against double punishment and against impunity for police violence (notably during the forum "Let's Resist Together against Police Violence" organized with the Mouvement Immigration Banlieue in 2002). Within the Collective Une École Pour Tou-te-s, she protests against the law on religious signs at school.
Farmer disliked the first text he had composed and, as a result, they worked together on the English lyrics.Royer, 2008, p. 196. The cover of "My Soul is Slashed" is similar to that of the French version, but with a black background. The English version of the song has never been performed on television or at Farmer's concerts, and is only available on the European version of the compilation Dance Remixes and on the long-box version of Farmer's 2001 greatest hits package Les Mots.
Vincent Baguian is a friend of the singer Zazie, for whom he has written many songs, and opened many concerts. They have recorded duets such as Simple comme bonjour (on Mes chants), and Je ne t'aime pas (on Ze Live !! by Zazie). They also worked together on the musical tale Sol En Cirque (2003) for the anti-AIDS association Sol En Si. Vincent Baguian is also the author of many songs on the album Je ne mâche pas les mots (2006) by Elisa Tovati.
Both Bissonnette and Tremblay were personally moved by the stories told by the sex workers themselves, particularly Marie-Claude and Marianne, whom she calls a revolutionary poet whose acid words are like war cries, or wails of suffering (Marianne, poétesse révoltée qui lance ses mots acides comme des cris de guerre et de douleur). Bissonnette admires their courage of these "extraordinary" women for letting the crew into the most intimate part of their lives. He was also touched by Claudia's story, and captivated and overwhelmed by Valérie's.
Pike, Lois. A Survey of Feminist Publishers and Periodicals in Canada, in in the feminine: women and words/les femmes et les mots conference proceedings 1983, Longspoon Press, 1983, p215 The magazine was billed as "The Canadian magazine by women for people" and it "sought to explore alternatives to traditional journal structures and work toward positive social change" and reflect concerns arising from the women's movement at the populist and academic levels.British Columbia Archival Union List Hancock, Georffrey and Flitton, Marilyn G. "Literary Magazines in English".
Location of the MT-RNR1 gene on the H strand of the human mitochondrial genome. MT-RNR1, or RRNS, is one of the two mitochondrial ribosomal RNA genes (blue boxes). Mitochondrially encoded 12S ribosomal RNA (often abbreviated as 12S or 12S rRNA), also known as Mitochondrial-derived peptide MOTS-c or Mitochondrial open reading frame of the 12S rRNA-c is a component of the small subunit (SSU) of the mitochondrial ribosome. In humans, 12S is encoded by the MT-RNR1 gene and is 959 nucleotides long.
Rothman was born in to a Jewish familyTimes of Israel: "Who said Jews run Hollywood? -Inaugural list of 100 prominent players in Tinseltown shows a lack of diversity -- and a whole lot of MOTs" by Lisa Klug 23 June 2016 in Baltimore, Maryland. In 1972, he graduated from the Park School of Baltimore prior to entering college. Rothman graduated from Brown University with Honors in English and American Literature, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, and was an All New England selection in Division 1 Lacrosse.
On 3 November 2011, an article in the French newspaper France Soir confirmed rumors about an upcoming best of by Farmer, said it would be released on 5 December and showed the cover. The next day, Polydor officially announced the best of, saying: "After the Bleu noir album, certified diamond, Mylène Farmer presents 2001.2011, a selection of her greatest hits during that period. This album follows her first best of Les Mots, sold over 1.5 million. It will also contain two new tracks including new single".
Irreducible polynomials over finite fields are also useful for Pseudorandom number generators using feedback shift registers and discrete logarithm over F2n. The number of irreducible monic polynomials of degree n over Fq is the number of aperiodic necklaces, given by Moreau's necklace- counting function Mq(n). The closely related necklace function Nq(n) counts monic polynomials of degree n which are primary (a power of an irreducible); or alternatively irreducible polynomials of all degrees d which divide n.Christophe Reutenauer, Mots circulaires et polynomes irreductibles, Ann. Sci.
McCartney said: "It was because I'd always thought that the song sounded French that I stuck with it. I can't speak French properly so that's why I needed help in sorting out the actual words." Vaughan came up with "Michelle, ma belle", and a few days later McCartney asked for a translation of "these are words that go together well", rendered incorrectly as: sont les mots qui vont très bien ensemble. When McCartney played the song for Lennon, Lennon suggested the "I love you" bridge.
On 22 June 1832, Strömberg sold the theatre to the director Carl Anton Saabye, after which it was renamed to Christiania Offentlige Theater. The first opera performed in public in Norway, Deux mots by Nicolas Dalayrac, was performed here in 1831, directed by August Schrumpf with Augusta Smith in the main role. The theatre burned down on 5 November 1835, after which the theatre company performed in the house of the Det Dramatiske Selskab until the Christiania Theatre was inaugurated on 4 October 1837.
Dominique Bourg co- directed La pensée écologique. Une anthologie (literally "Ecological Thinking: an Anthology") with Antoine Fragnière (2014) Dominique Bourg and Antoine Fragnière, La pensée écologique. Une anthologie, Presses universitaires de France, 2014, 896 pages () and the Dictionnaire de la pensée écologique ("Dictionary of Ecological Thinking") with Alain Papaux (2015). Dominique Bourg and Alain Papaux, Dictionnaire de la pensée écologique, Presses universitaires de France, 2015, 1120 pages () Pascaline Minet, "La pensée écologique en cinq mots", Le Temps, Tuesday 13 October 2016 (page visited on 19 June 2016).
Stoneacre Motor Group is a car dealership group based in the United Kingdom, having established in December 1994. The company started trading by acquiring Stoneacre in 1994, a used car dealership based in Scunthorpe that had gone bankrupt. Stoneacre offers new & used car sales, as well as many aftersales services such as Car Servicing and MOTs. In the year to April 2019, Stoneacre had registered a turnover of £982m on its way to a targeted turnover of over £1 billion come 2020, while pre-tax profits rose to £17m (a 25 per cent increase YOY).
Jeff Skoll was born to a Jewish family in Montreal, Quebec,, ,The History of Computing ProjectTimes of Israel: "Who said Jews run Hollywood? -Inaugural list of 100 prominent players in Tinseltown shows a lack of diversity -- and a whole lot of MOTs" by Lisa Klug 23 June 2016 His mother was a teacher"The thinking man's movie mogul", Telegraph Magazine 26 August 2006 and his father was a chemical company owner who sold industrial chemicals.Cohen, Adam, The Perfect Store: Inside Ebay , The family settled in Toronto in the late seventies.
Mylène Farmer biting Frédéric Lagache, her lover in the very controversial video for "Beyond My Control". The video was directed by Laurent Boutonnat who also wrote the screenplay based on the book "Les Liaisons dangereuses", by Choderlos de Laclos. It was his last video for Farmer before that of "Les Mots", nine years after. The video was shot for two days at Studio Sets in Stains (where the video of "Plus grandir" was already shot in 1985) and cost about only 45,000 euros (the budget was limited because the film Giorgino was in preparation).
Proverbes dramaticques, Paris 1823), Le Savetier et le Financier, pp.237-81 The proverb itself was common in La Fontaine's time and was recorded as such in a contemporary dictionary.Antoine Furetière, Dictionnaire universel, contenant généralement tous les mots François (1690), vol.3 It was first applied as the story's subtitle by Jean Philippe Valette (1699-1750) in his condensations of La Fontaine's fables to fit the tune of popular songs, published in 1746. There the final stanza sums up the moral of the story in the words “Money is no beatitude,/ Believing otherwise is wrong”.
Amour Oral is rap trio Loco Locass' second studio album. The group won two awards for the album at the Felix Awards in 2005: Album of the Year - Hip Hop and Songwriter of the Year. At the MIMI (Initiative musicale internationale de Montréal) gala in 2005, the group was awarded with Song of the Year for "Libérez-nous des libéraux," as well as "Mots-dits, for the depth and refinement of the delivery of the text." The album also won a Grafika award for best CD/DVD cover in 2005.
It allowed Farmer to establish a new record: to rank eight singles at number-one in France. It was also the first time since "Les Mots" (2001), the duet with Seal, that a Farmer's single did not reach its peak position in its first week on the French singles chart. However, the following week, it dropped to number five but stayed in the Top Ten for eight weeks. The song debuted at a peak of number 26 on the digital chart and remained in the Top 50 for three weeks.
Though he was trained as a classics scholar, Blanchard's longstanding research interests were in Semiotics and the Critique of Culture. His articles and books included: La Révolution et les Mots, Description: Sign, Self, Desire: Critical Theory in the Wake of Semiotics, In Search of the City and Trois portraits de Montaigne. He published more than seventy articles in major journals on topics of Theory, European, Latin American, Caribbean and especially Cuban Literature. He lectured at New York University (NYU), CCNY, UNC Chapel Hill, Stanford, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany and received a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1985.
The take-up of this Arabic Molokheya as a label for the Melochia mallow plants began with the Latin botanist Prospero Alpini (died 1617), who spent several years in Egypt in the 1580s, and Alpini's name was soon adopted by the botanists Johann Bauhin (died 1613), Caspar Bauhin (died 1624), and Johann Vesling (visited Egypt 1628; died 1649).L. Marcel Devic (year 1876), Dictionnaire étymologique des mots français d'origine orientale. Helmut Genaust (year 1998), Etymologisches Wörterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen. Prosperi Alpini (year 1592, republished year 1640) De Plantis Aegypti (in Latin).
See also Musacées in Dictionnaire Étymologique Des Mots Français D'Origine Orientale, by L. Marcel Devic (year 1876). Musa's brother was Euphorbus, physician to king Juba II of Numidia, after whom the plant Euphorbia, which has given its name to a scientific genus, was originally named. A short medical treatise called De herba vettonica and speaking of the properties of this herb has been transmitted under his name, but is thought instead to have been written in the 4th century. It seems to have been a source for the Roman medical writer Theodorus Priscianus.
"Love Never Fails", as well as the whole Sandy & Junior album, was recorded in Los Angeles. The lyrics were adapted to three languages: Spanish, Portuguese and French, as "El Amor No Fallará", "O Amor Nos Guiará" and "L'Amour... Ce Remede" respectively. The Spanish lyrics were written by Nacho Maño and the Portuguese lyrics were adapted by Sandy herself along with the Brazilian songwriter Dudu Falcão. The French version was written by Boris Bergman and recorded in Paris along with "Le Pire Des Mots", the French version of "Words Are Not Enough".
The weeks after, it kept on dropping in the chart. In December 2006, the Syndicat National de l'Edition Phonographique (SNEP) released a document with the best-selling singles from the first till the third quarter of 2006 (from January 1 till September 30). In this document, "Roc" ranked number twelve (#12), with the preceding single "Tous ces mots" peaking at number thirteen (#13). On the same website, a top 50 has been composed with the best-downloaded songs in 2006, with "Roc" peaking at number twenty-nine (#29).
The first practical English–Jèrriais dictionary was the English-Jersey Language Vocabulary (Albert Carré in collaboration with Frank Le Maistre and Philip de Veulle, 1972) which was itself based on the Dictionnaire Jersiais–Français. A children's picture dictionary Les Preunmié Mille Mots was published by La Société Jersiaise in 2000. In 2005 a Jèrriais–English dictionary Dictionnaithe Jèrriais-Angliais was published by La Société Jersiaise, in collaboration with Le Don Balleine. A revised, modernised and expanded English–Jèrriais dictionary Dictionnaithe Angliais-Jèrriais, was published in 2008 by Le Don Balleine.
While at the Sorbonne, Brunschvicg was the supervisor for Simone de Beauvoir's masters thesis (on the ideas of Leibniz). Forced to leave his position at the Sorbonne by the Nazis, Brunschvicg fled to the south of France, where he died at the age of 74. While in hiding, he wrote studies of Montaigne, Descartes, and Pascal that were printed in Switzerland. He composed a manual of philosophy dedicated to his teenage granddaughter entitled Héritage de Mots, Héritage d'Idées (Legacy of Words, Legacy of Ideas) which was published posthumously after the liberation of France.
"Notice Albert Henry", dans : Encyclopédie du Mouvement wallon, sous la direction scientifique de Paul Delforge, Philippe Destatte et Micheline Libon, Charleroi, 2000, tome 2, pp. 798-799 In 1976, he cosigned the Lettre au Roi pour un vrai fédéralisme (Letter to the King for a true federalism) with Marcel Thiry, Fernand Dehousse, and Jean Rey. Among his many works, one of the most famous was his Histoire des mots "Wallon" et "Wallonie" (History of Walloon words and Wallonia), reprinted several times, notably and for the last time at the Insitut Destrée in 1990.
267 Journalist Eleanor Wachtel describes a major problem faced by feminist magazines and journals in Canada in her 1983 report on Feminist Print Media as involving "a small population stretched out across 4000 miles".Wachtel, Eleanor. Feminist Print Media: Feminist Collections in Women's Studies Library Resources in Wisconsin, Winter 1983, p. 9. quoted in in the feminine: women and words/les femmes et les mots conference proceedings 1983, Longspoon Press, 1983, p215 The magazine's fonds were donated to author Margo Dunn and can now be found in the Simon Fraser University archives in Vancouver.
Also during this time, Dion released the Francophone album Dion chante Plamondon. The album consisted mostly of covers, but featured four new songs: "Des mots qui sonnent", "Je danse dans ma tête", "Quelqu'un que j'aime, quelqu'un qui m'aime" and "L'amour existe encore". It was originally released in Canada and France during the 1991–1992 period, then later received an international release in 1994, the first French Celine Dion album to do so. "Un garçon pas comme les autres (Ziggy)" became a smash hit in France, reaching No. 2 and being certified gold.
In this year (1991), the French composer Michel Philippot becomes president of MIM. Thereafter, the MIM will develop around the concept of UST a lot of collaborations with research structures musical or not. For example, with the Electronic Music Foundation (New York), Journal, the Laboratoire de Neurocybernétique Cellulaire (CNRS) (Laboratory of cellular neurocybernétics), the Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives de la Méditerranée (Cognitive neuroscience institute of the Mediterranean), the Laboratoire Cognitions Humaine et ARTificielle (CHART - Univ. Paris 8) (Laboratory human and artificial cognitions), the association "Mots-voir" (numerical poetry), the laboratory Paragraphe (Univ.
The singles sold poorly and the album Faithful To You, which only remained available in Belgium, was a complete failure! In late 1996, Clarke returned to France which was like her second home and released another dance track called I need you. The song reached #20 in the French club play chart. The same year, she also released the song Ecoute Bien Ces Mots also available in English under the title "Got To Find The Light"; this single was actually a duet with Tony Jones and was released under the name Let-Motiv.
He continued to discharge the duties of this post until his death in 1715. Besides a number of archaeological works, especially in the department of numismatics, Galland published in 1694 a compilation from the Arabic, Persian, and Turkish, entitled Paroles remarquables, bons mots et maximes des orientaux, and in 1699 a translation from an Arabic manuscript, De l'origine et du progrès du café. The former of these works appeared in an English translation in 1795. His Contes et fables indiennes de Bidpai et de Lokrnan was published posthumously in 1724.
Grabow grew up in Arcadia, California, and was a Dodgers fan, playing first base. Grabow is Jewish, as is his mother, and his Lebanese-Jewish maternal grandmother had the surname Mizrachi and immigrated from Beirut, Lebanon.Chottiner, Lee, "Pittsburgh's Jewish Pirates: MOTs playing ball in ’Burgh for 127 years", The Jewish Chronicle, accessed 7/19/09 There were 13 Jewish players in the majors in 2008, including Kevin Youkilis, Ryan Braun, Jason Marquis, and Ian Kinsler. Grabow was one of three Jewish ballplayers on the Team USA 2009 World Baseball Classic team, joining Braun and Youkilis.
As well as being a skilled musician and dancer, he also tried writing in his youth, publishing 'Aurora' and 'Diogenes and Glyceria' in The Literary Almanac in 1788 when only twenty years old. He also made the first Russian translations of works by Oliver Goldsmith and François de La Rochefoucauld. He was a friend of Gavrila Derzhavin and with him founded a literary society in 1811 called La Causerie des amateurs des mots russes to study archaisms in Russian. That society was strongly criticized by backers of Nikolay Karamzin.
The songs "Je n'ai pas besoin d'amour", "L'amour existe encore", and the Luc Plamondon medley of "Je danse dans ma tête/Des mots qui sonnent" and "Incognito" were not performed. However, certain songs were added to the European setlist. Two additional new English-language songs, "Water and a Flame" and "At Seventeen", were added at the start of the tour, as well as Dion's first English-language hit from 1990, "Where Does My Heart Beat Now". Two rarely performed French singles, "Tout l'or des hommes" and "Immensité", were also included.
Certified Gold by the SNEP one month after its release, "Les Mots" appeared respectively at number 32 and number 33 on the 2001 and 2002 French singles year end chart, as its chart trajectory overlapped the two years. As of August 2014, it is the 69th best-selling single of the 21st century in France, with 600,000 units sold. On the Belgian (Wallonia) Ultratop 40 Singles Chart, the single went to number seven on 28 November and climbed to number two the next week, where it stayed for two weeks.
They became the Normans – a Norman French-speaking mixture of Scandinavians and indigenous Franks and Gauls. The language of Normandy heavily reflected the Danish influence, as many words (especially ones pertaining to seafaring) were borrowed from Old NorseRidel, Elisabeth, Les Vikings et les mots; l'apport de l'ancien scandinave à la langue française, éditions Errance, 2009, p. 243. or Old Danish.Wood Breese, Lauren, The Persistence of Scandinavian Connections in Normandy in the Tenth and Early Eleventh Centuries, Viator, 8 (1977) More than the language itself, the Norman toponymy retains a strong Nordic influence.
Sarr is also a writer and has been awarded the Grand Prix of Literary Associations 2016 (Research Category) for his work entitled "Afrotopia".Source: He has published to date DAHIJ (Gallimard, 2009), 105 Rue Carnot (Mémoire d'Encrier, 2011), Médiations Africaines (Mémoire d'Encrier, 2012) and "Afrotopia" (Philippe Rey, 2016), which is an essay wherein he appeals to a conceptual decolonization and a reappropriation of the metaphors of their future by the Africans. As a musician he has published three musical pieces thus far: Civilisation ou Barbarie (2000), Les Mots du Récit (2005), and Bassai (2007).
L'Annuaire théâtral: Revue québécoise d'études théâtrales. Vol. 134 (2002). 10.7202/041492ar. Chambres (1999), Les Disparus, chroniques de la cruauté (2002), Imago (2004), Une forêt dans la tête (2007), Le Voyage (2009), Ma mère est un poisson rouge (2014) and Je cherche une maison qui vous ressemble (2018). As an actress she has been associated primarily with stage roles, although she has also performed in the television series Scoop (1995), 4 et demi... (1995), Cornemuse (1999), Toc Toc Toc (2007) and Victor Lessard (2017), and the films Polygraph (1996) and Les mots gelés (2009).
By the Ordinance of Villers-Cotterêts in 1539 King Francis I made French the official language of administration and court proceedings in France, ousting the Latin that had been used before then. With the imposition of a standardised chancery dialect and the loss of the declension system, the dialect is referred to as Middle French (moyen français). The first grammatical description of French, the Tretté de la Grammaire française by Louis Maigret, was published in 1550. Many of the 700 words Henriette Walter, L'aventure des mots français venus d'ailleurs, Robert Laffont, 1998.
Almost every person who knew Monnot and who later wrote about her has drawn attention to her shyness and absent-mindedness. Her second vocation, songwriting, was just a pastime at first. A fan of popular music on the radio in the early 1920s, including jazz and dance music, she began writing songs because a family friend encouraged her to write a waltz for a film based on a play by Tristan Bernard. This song, written with Bernard in 1931, was entitled "Ah! les mots d’amour!" and sung by Jane Marny.
ANNA 1B track on photography taken by Santiago (Chile) MOTS station on November 11, 1962 ANNA 1B's predecessor launched on May 10, 1962, but failed to reach orbit.NASA. ANNA 1B was a US Navy geodetic satellite launched from Cape Canaveral by a Thor Able Star rocket. The mission profile involved ANNA serving as a reference for making precise geodetic surveys, allowing measurement of the force and direction of the gravity field of Earth, locating the middle of land masses and establishing surface positions. ANNA 1B was spherically shaped with a diameter of 0.91 meters and a weight of 161 kg.
Using these tools, dictionaries such as the Macmillan English Dictionary and the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English included boxes or panels with lists of frequent collocations. There are also a number of specialized dictionaries devoted to describing the frequent collocations in a language.Herbst, T. and Klotz, M. 'Syntagmatic and Phraseological Dictionaries' in Cowie, A.P. (Ed.) The Oxford History of English Lexicography, 2009: part 2, 234-243 These include (for Spanish) Redes: Diccionario combinatorio del español contemporaneo (2004), (for French) Le Robert: Dictionnaire des combinaisons de mots (2007), and (for English) the LTP Dictionary of Selected Collocations (1997) and the Macmillan Collocations Dictionary (2010).
Anti-Xueta prejudice continued to diminish with the opening of the island to tourism in the first decades of the 20th century, along with economic development which started by the end of the previous century. The presence—in many cases, the permanent residency—of outsiders on the island (Spaniards or foreigners) to whom the status of the Xuetes meant nothing, marked a definite point of inflection in the history of this community. Also, in 1966, the publication of the book Els descendents dels Jueus Conversos de Mallorca. Quatre mots de la veritat (The descendants of the converted Jews of Majorca.
Wilson called his Hollywood years "a trip through a sewer in a glass-bottomed boat." Several of the brothers' friends from New York, including Marie Dressler and Ben Hecht, helped him in his later escapades. Wilson Mizner is noted for many bons mots such as, "Be nice to people on the way up because you'll meet the same people on the way down," "Never give a sucker an even break" (also attributed to W. C. Fields), and "When you steal from one author, it's plagiarism; if you steal from many, it's research."Johnson, 1953. p. 66.
Maître Gims, a famous French rapper who released his second album a week earlier, is also invited on the album. In December 2015, he revealed his remix of the track Boxe avec les mots, from Ärsenik. In October 2015, Hayce Lemsi announced his departure from major Universal, to return exclusively as an independent under his Triangle d'or label. In February 2016, he renamed his label Big Lemsi Records. He announced for March 2016 the release of the album À des années lumières, delayed until 8 April 2016, an album in collaboration with his brother Volts Face, a French rapper.
Hélène de Beauvoir's house in Goxwiller, where Sartre tried to hide from the media after being awarded the Nobel Prize. In 1964 Sartre renounced literature in a witty and sardonic account of the first ten years of his life, Les Mots (The Words). The book is an ironic counterblast to Marcel Proust, whose reputation had unexpectedly eclipsed that of André Gide (who had provided the model of littérature engagée for Sartre's generation). Literature, Sartre concluded, functioned ultimately as a bourgeois substitute for real commitment in the world. In October 1964, Sartre was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature but he declined it.
Titles:According to the inner liner notes of the album. # "Les mots d'amour" (Michel Vaucaire / Charles Dumont) 3:33 # "Sur ton épaule" (J. Larue / Alec Siniavine) 4:16 # "Parlez-moi d'amour" (J. Lenoir) 3:36 # "Mon amant de Saint- Jean" (Léon Agel / Émile Carrara) 3:34 # "Je suis seule ce soir" (R. Noël / J. Casanova / P. Durand) 5:09 # "La vagabonde" (Jean de Lettraz / Jean Delettre / Alec Siniavine) 5:18 # "Le bal défendu" (Vincent Scotto) 3:46 # "Mon légionnaire" (Raymond Asso / Marguerite Monnot) 4:37 # "Où est-il donc?" (André Decaye / L. Carol / Vincent Scotto) 3:01 # "La rue" (C.
Dion interprets the words of Luc Plamondon, pop lyricist of French-speaking Canada. The album includes four new songs ("Des mots qui sonnent", "Je danse dans ma tête", "Quelqu'un que j'aime, quelqu'un qui m'aime" and "L'amour existe encore") and eight covers (mostly form the musical Starmania: "Le monde est stone", "Le blues du businessman", "Un garçon pas comme les autres (Ziggy)" and "Les uns contre les autres"). "Le monde est stone" and "Ziggy" were performed originally by Fabienne Thibeault, and "Le blues du businessman" by Claude Dubois. Thibeault and Dubois sang also "Les uns contre les autres".
"Laß die Sonne in dein Herz" (English translation: "Let The Sun Into Your Heart") was the German entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1987, performed in German by Wind. This was Wind's second Eurovision entry; they had represented Germany at the 1985 Contest with "Für alle", finishing in 2nd position. "Laß Die Sonne In Dein Herz" was performed sixteenth on the night (following France's Christine Minier with "Les mots d'amour n'ont pas de dimanche" and preceding Cyprus' Alexia with "Aspro Mavro"). At the close of voting, it had received 141 points, placing 2nd in a field of 22.
Opened in 1907 on the site of a gymnasium next to the Sorbonne, the Cinéma du Panthéon's single screen has been in daily service since. From 1929 to 1990 it belonged to Pierre Braunberger, the producer of François Truffaut and Alain Resnais. Jean-Paul Sartre described his visit to the cinema as a young child in Les Mots: :"We followed the usher, tripping up, I felt furtive; above our heads a beam of white light crossed the room, you could see the smoke and dust dancing." The cinema pioneered the projection of foreign films undubbed, before the existence of subtitles.
Dupré opened for Céline Dion in her "Taking Chances" tour in Montréal and the release of a second album Revenir à toi in 2008. His third album Entre deux mondes also contained a duet with Dion in the track "Y'a pas de mots". His fourth album was released in 2013 titled Nous sommes les mêmes earning him the Félix for "Best male artist of the year"during the "35e Gala L'ADISQ" on 27 October 2013. The title track was a great success in Quebec and earned him also the Félix for "Popular song of the year" during the same event.
Christian Dotremont, (12 December 1922 – 20 August 1979), was a Belgian painter and poet who was born in Tervuren, Belgium. He was a founding member of the Revolutionary Surrealist Group (1946) and he also founded COBRA together with Danish artist Asger Jorn.Stewart Home, (1988) The Assault on Culture: Utopian currents from Lettrisme to Class War London : Unpopular Books and Aporia Press In this capacity he was responsible for bringing Henri Lefebvre's Critique de la vie quotidienne (1946) to the group's attention. He later became well known for his painted poems (French: Peinture mots), which he called logograms.
Despite its valuable characteristics and widespread cultivation, fonio has generally received limited attention research and development, which is also why the species is sometimes referred to as an underutilized crop. The name (borrowed by English from French) is from Wolof foño.Christian Seignobos and Henry Tourneux, Le Nord-Cameroun à travers ses mots: Dictionnaire de termes anciens et modernes: Province de l'extrême-nord (KARTHALA Editions, 2002; ), p. 107. Fonio has continued to be important locally because it is both nutritious and one of the world's fastest growing cereals, reaching maturity in as little as six to eight weeks.
The lead single from the album, "Tous ces mots" ("All These Words"), peaked at number 2 in the French singles chart. The song was released in February 2006 and features Smartzee, who is also featured in her 2004 single "Et c'est parti..." ("Here We Go"). The second single, "Roc" ("Rock"), was released on June 19 in France, also entering and peaking the French Singles Top 100 at number 2 and stayed there for four consecutive weeks. It became her longest running single in the top ten, being 11 weeks in the top 10 (as well as in the top 5).
The question of the status of poetic imagery is also anchored in a reconsideration and a renewal of poetic ekphrasis. Gauthier's work is marked by a polyphonic lyricism ; her poetry is neither strictly objective nor entirely focused on the self, but is marked by a fragmented incarnation, a multi-layered chorus that marks a space of vigilance. If her work is lyric, it's a transubjective lyric, allowing for the creation of a considered gap between voices in je neige (entre les mots de villon) when they intertwine “three voices, maybe four, that of François Villon, his others”.
Sheryfa Luna (born Chérifa Babouche; 25 January 1989) is a French R&B; singer born to an Algerian-Kabyle father and a French mother. She won the fourth series of the French edition of popular Popstars in October 2007.Sheryfa Luna – Site Officiel – News – Bio – Videos – Photos – Forum Her self-titled debut album peaked at No. 3 in France and was certified Gold there. She has released three singles: "Quelque part" (Somewhere) and "Il avait les mots" (He Had the Words), which both went to No. 1 in France, and "D'ici et D'Ailleurs" (From Here and Elsewhere) which was released in March 2008.
"Pardonne-moi" (English: "Forgive Me") is a 2001 song recorded by French singer-songwriter Mylène Farmer, with lyrics written by herself and music composed by Laurent Boutonnat. It was the third and last single from Les Mots, and was released on 21 October 2002\. The song is about the unhappy love of a woman who is asking for forgiveness from the Oriental princes whom she loves. The black and white accompanying music video was directed by Boutonnat in Morocco and shows Farmer dressed as a nun, with images of a knight galloping on horseback and a snake.
However, on 5 December 2012, a reissue of the poem by Bataille and Viala was published by Léo Scheer under the name of "Arthur Rimbaud" followed by a 400-page postface by Jean-Jacques Lefrère, which concludes that there may be "no definite facts to assert that the text is or is not a work of Rimbaud". On 13 December 2016, philologist Ahmadou Empaté Bâ published an article in Les Mots et les Lettres questioning Lefrère's method, mainly by demonstrating that the distinction between poets and poetasters is not as obvious as one may be led to believe by his reasoning.
In an interview, Seal explained that Farmer had proposed to record a single as a duet with him. He felt flattered, but as he knew nothing about Farmer, he watched her DVD and listened to her albums to see if their voices blended well. Cover photographs and the recording were made in Los Angeles while Farmer was visiting the city. However, Seal said in another interview that he did not want to record other duets of the same kind because, according to him, his fans did not appreciate "Les Mots" and have called this collaboration a "trick".
Another example is the book Mots d'Heures. Macaronisms figure prominently in The Trilogy by the Polish novelist Henryk Sienkiewicz, and are one of the major compositional principles for James Joyce's novel Finnegans Wake. In Michael Flynn's science fiction novels of the Spiral Arm series, a massive interplanetary exodus from all Earth language groups has led to star system settlements derived from random language and culture admixtures. At the time of the novels' setting, several hundred years later, each planet has developed a macaronic pidgin, several of which are used for all the dialogs in the books.
In the early period, his work is mostly unsigned. During 1891 and 1892, he progressed to using his initials A.V.B. In mid-1892, the period of Le Morte d'Arthur and The Bon Mots, he used a Japanese-influenced mark that became progressively more graceful, sometimes accompanied by A.B. in block capitals. The Black Cat, 1894–5 He co-founded The Yellow Book with American writer Henry Harland, and for the first four editions, he served as art editor and produced the cover designs and many illustrations for the magazine. He was aligned with Aestheticism, the British counterpart of Decadence and Symbolism.
Her poetry collection Invariance, published in 1980, received the Canada-Switzerland Literary Prize. Her novel Les Demoiselles de Numidie (1984) was shortlisted for the Governor General's Award for French-language fiction. In 1993, she received the Governor General's Award for English to French translation for her translation L'Oeuvre du Gallois (Wales' Work by Robert Walshe) in 1993 and for Arracher les montagnes (Digging the Mountains by Neil Bissoondath) in 1997. In 1996, she received the Prix Les Mots d'or, awarded by the APFA (Action pour promouvoir le français des affaires), for her translation of Clicking by Faith Popcorn.
Cardinal published her first novel, Écoutez la Mer (Listen to the Sea), in 1962. During the 1960s she published three more novels and was involved with films as well. In 1967 she had a role in Jean-Luc Godard's film Deux Ou Trois Choses Que Je Sais D'elle and played the role of Mouchette's mother in Robert Bresson's film Mouchette. In 1972 Cardinal published La Clé Sur La Porte (The Key of the Door), followed by Les Mots Pour Le Dire (The Words to Say It) in 1975; these two novels were best sellers and established her reputation.
The 2011 edition of the Dictionnaire Larousse incorporates all of the changes. On 3 February 2016, a report by French television channel TF1(in French) Réforme de l'orthographe: 10 mots qui vont changer à la rentrée that the reforms would be applied from the next school year caused wide outrage. There are fringe mouvements to reform the language further, for example, that which is led by the linguist Mickael Korvin who would like to radically simplify French, by eliminating accents, punctuation and capital letters, and, in 2016 inventing a new way to spell French called nouvofrancet.
A prolific author, Levidis published many books about the society, politics and history of his times. These works include an important study on King Otto, published in French, Quelques mots sur la Grece et l'ex Roi Othon: Adresses a l' opinion publique du monde civilise, Bruxelles 1863, another on the newly founded Greek state, Le Gouvernement et l'Administration en Grece depuis 1833 par un temoin oculaire Genes 1863 and a long historical and political treatise, La race hellenique et l' Occident.Η ελληνική φυλή και η Δύσις : Απάντησις εις την Συνταγματικήν, 1856. He coedited, with Alexander Rangabes, a French-Greek Lexicon in 1837, and also an Anglo-Greek dictionary.
In London in 1891, Bedros Keresteciyan's Glanures étymologiques des mots francais: d'origine inconnue ou douteuse, a book on French word origins was published. In 1900, Keresteciyan published a Turkish-French dictionary. With the help of his nephew Haig, his Quelques matériaux pour un dictionnaire etymologique de la langue Turque was published posthumously in 1912 in London and is considered the first etymology dictionary of the Turkish language. Also published posthumously in 1945 was his Philological and lexicographical study of 6000 words and names Armenian comparisons with 100,000 words, 900 languages, and historical and geographical data which examined the word origins of the Armenian language.
The dictionaries used to compile the list are these: Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales: Etymologies, Online Etymology Dictionary, Random House Dictionary, Concise Oxford English Dictionary, American Heritage Dictionary, Collins English Dictionary, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Arabismen im Deutschen: lexikalische Transferenzen vom Arabischen ins Deutsche, by Raja Tazi (year 1998), A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (a.k.a. "NED") (published in pieces between 1888 and 1928), An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English (year 1921) by Ernest Weekley. Footnotes for individual words have supplementary other references. The most frequently cited of the supplementary references is Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe (year 1869) by Reinhart Dozy.
The dictionaries used to compile the list are these: Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales: Etymologies, Online Etymology Dictionary, Random House Dictionary, Concise Oxford English Dictionary, American Heritage Dictionary, Collins English Dictionary, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Arabismen im Deutschen: lexikalische Transferenzen vom Arabischen ins Deutsche, by Raja Tazi (year 1998), A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (a.k.a. "NED") (published in pieces between 1888 and 1928), An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English (year 1921) by Ernest Weekley. Footnotes for individual words have supplementary other references. The most frequently cited of the supplementary references is Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe (year 1869) by Reinhart Dozy.
The dictionaries used to compile the list are these: Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales: Etymologies, Online Etymology Dictionary, Random House Dictionary, Concise Oxford English Dictionary, American Heritage Dictionary, Collins English Dictionary, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Arabismen im Deutschen: lexikalische Transferenzen vom Arabischen ins Deutsche, by Raja Tazi (year 1998), A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (a.k.a. "NED") (published in pieces between 1888 and 1928), An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English (year 1921) by Ernest Weekley. Footnotes for individual words have supplementary other references. The most frequently cited of the supplementary references is Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe (year 1869) by Reinhart Dozy.
The dictionaries used to compile the list are these: Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales: Etymologies, Online Etymology Dictionary, Random House Dictionary, Concise Oxford English Dictionary, American Heritage Dictionary, Collins English Dictionary, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Arabismen im Deutschen: lexikalische Transferenzen vom Arabischen ins Deutsche, by Raja Tazi (year 1998), A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (a.k.a. "NED") (published in pieces between 1888 and 1928), An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English (year 1921) by Ernest Weekley. Footnotes for individual words have supplementary other references. The most frequently cited of the supplementary references is Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe (year 1869) by Reinhart Dozy.
There were no commercial singles from this album released in Quebec, Canada, although five of them went to the radio. Sony Music Entertainment decided to release two singles at the same time, in November 1991: "Des mots qui sonnent" to the pop stations (airplay peak at number 10) and "L'amour existe encore" to the adult contemporary format (airplay peak at number 16). March 1992 saw the issue of "Je danse dans ma tête" (number 3 in airplay). "Quelqu'un que j'aime, quelqu'un qui m'aime" was chosen in August 1992 as the next single and became a hit reaching number 1 on the airplay chart in Quebec.
Foreign Words is a novel by Greek author Vassilis Alexakis that tells the story of middle-aged writer Nicolaides and his decision to learn the African language Sango following the death of his father. The novel was originally published in 2002 in France as Les mots étrangers, where it was short-listed for the Renaudot Prize and the Interallié Prize. It was then translated by the author and was published in 2004 as Oi xenes lexeis in Greece, where it won the prize for best Greek novel of the year. The English translation Foreign Words was done by Alyson Waters and was published by Autumn Hill Books in 2006.
His last work of importance was Syntaxe nouvelle de la langue Chinoise fondée sur la position des mots, suivie de deux traités sur les particules et les principaux termes de grammaire, d'une table des idiotismes, de fables, de légendes et d'apologues (1869), for many years the standard grammar for the Chinese language. In politics Julien was imperialist, and in 1863 he was made a commander of the Légion d'honneur in recognition of the services he had rendered to literature during the Second French Empire. In 1872 the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres established the Prix Stanislas Julien, an annual prize for a sinological work which was first awarded in 1875.
DURIEUX C., Fondement didactique de la traduction technique, Paris : Didier Erudition, 1988. HENRY, J., La Traduction des jeux de mots. Paris : PSN, 2003. HURTADO A., La notion de fidélité en traduction, Paris : Didier Erudition, 1990. ISRAEL, F., “ Traduction littéraire et théorie du sens ”, in LEDERER, M. (ed) : Etudes traductologiques, Paris : Minard Lettres Modernes, 1990 :29-44. ISRAEL, F., “ La créativité en traduction, ou le texte réinventé ”, Raders, M. y Martin-Gaitero, R. (eds), IV Encuentros Complutenses en torno a la traduccion, Madrid : Editorial Complutense, 1991 :105-117. ISRAEL, F., « Principes pour une pédagogie raisonnée de la traduction : le modèle interprétatif », Folia Translatologica, Vol. 6, ‘Issues of Translation Pedagogy’, 1999 : 21-32.
La dénomination de Potasche (potasse) que la nouvelle nomenclature françoise a consacrée comme nom de tout le genre, ne sauroit faire fortune auprès des chimistes allemands, qui sentent à quel point la dérivation étymologique en est vicieuse. Elle est prise en effet de ce qu'anciennement on se servoit pour la calcination des lessives concentrées des cendres, de pots de fer (pott en dialecte de la Basse-Saxe) auxquels on a substitué depuis des fours à calciner. Je propose donc ici, de substituer aux mots usités jusqu'ici d'alcali des plantes, alcali végétal, potasse, &c.; celui de kali, & de revenir à l'ancienne dénomination de natron, au lieu de dire alcali minéral, soude &c.
The Arabic محلب mahleb or mahlab meaning the mahaleb cherry is in medieval Islamic writings by among others Al-Razi (died 925 or 932), Ibn al-Baitar (died 1248) and Ibn al-Awwam."Mahaleb" in Remarques sur les mots français dérivés de l'arabe, by Henri Lammens, year 1890. Ibn Al-Awwam in his book on agriculture dated late 12th century described how to cultivate the mahaleb tree: he says the tree is a vigorous grower, easy to grow, but a thing to watch out for is that it is not resistant to prolonged drought. He also described how to prepare the mahaleb seeds by boiling them in sugared water.
The painting shows an image of a pipe. Below it, Magritte painted, "", French for "This is not a pipe". The theme of pipes with the text "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" is extended in Les Mots et Les Images, La Clé des Songes, Ceci n'est pas une pipe (L'air et la chanson), The Tune and Also the Words, Ceci n’est pas une pomme, and Les Deux Mystères. The painting is sometimes given as an example of meta message conveyed by paralanguage, like Alfred Korzybski's "The word is not the thing" and "The map is not the territory", as well as Denis Diderot's This is not a story.
The dictionaries used to compile the list are these: Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales: Etymologies, Online Etymology Dictionary, Random House Dictionary, Concise Oxford English Dictionary, American Heritage Dictionary, Collins English Dictionary, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Arabismen im Deutschen: lexikalische Transferenzen vom Arabischen ins Deutsche, by Raja Tazi (year 1998), A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (a.k.a. "NED") (published in pieces between 1888 and 1928), An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English (year 1921) by Ernest Weekley. Footnotes for individual words have supplementary other references. The most frequently cited of the supplementary references is Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe (year 1869) by Reinhart Dozy.
The dictionaries used to compile the list are these: Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales: Etymologies, Online Etymology Dictionary, Random House Dictionary, Concise Oxford English Dictionary, American Heritage Dictionary, Collins English Dictionary, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Arabismen im Deutschen: lexikalische Transferenzen vom Arabischen ins Deutsche, by Raja Tazi (year 1998), A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (a.k.a. "NED") (published in pieces between 1888 and 1928), An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English (year 1921) by Ernest Weekley. Footnotes for individual words have supplementary other references. The most frequently cited of the supplementary references is Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais dérivés de l'arabe (year 1869) by Reinhart Dozy.
The earliest known usage of the term occultism is in the French language, as l'occultisme. In this form it appears in A. de Lestrange's article that was published in Jean-Baptiste Richard de Randonvilliers' Dictionnaire des mots nouveaux ("Dictionary of new words") in 1842. However, it was not related, at this point, to the notion of "Ésotérisme chrétien", as has been claimed by Hanegraaff, but to describe a political "system of occulticity" that was directed against priests and aristocrats. The French esotericist Éliphas Lévi then used the term in his influential book on ritual magic, Dogme et rituel de la haute magie, first published in 1856.
In 1991, he released another album with Fauque as lyricist, Osez Joséphine, which also included some cover versions of classic American rock songs. The album helped him achieve mainstream success, selling 350.000 copies and "Osez Joséphine" became his first real popular success since "Vertige de l'amour". On the same album is featured "Madame rêve", another classic in a different, more atmospheric style, which would be a trademark of his future releases. In 1992, he covered the French pop classic song "Les Mots bleus", from the album by the same name by Christophe, for an AIDS research support compilation. In 1994, he released Chatterton, which he called a "new age country" album.
He is also invited by festivals such as the Salzburg Easter Festival, Aix-en-Provence Festival, Innsbruck Festival of Early Music, Festival dei due mondi in Spoleto, and Festival Amazonas de Ópera. In international collaboration, his staging of Massenet's Manon began in 2015 at the Vilnius National Opera, and was later also presented at the San Francisco Opera and the Korea National Opera. His production of Bellini's I puritani was jointly shown at the Opéra Royal de Wallonie in Liège and the Oper Frankfurt. He also stages singers' shows like Christophe (La Route des Mots – 2002) and Alain Bashung (La Tournée des grands espaces – 2004).
Best 1991–2004 is a 2004 compilation album by Seal, released by Warner Bros. Records. Several different versions of this album were released: one as a single disc containing Seal's greatest hits; a second (titled The Ultimate Collection) with an additional disc of 13 acoustic versions of Seal's greatest hits; a third which included a DVD-Audio disc plus the two The Ultimate Collection discs; a fourth with surround sound mixes of both The Ultimate Collection discs and a collection of music videos as well as the DVD-Audio disc; a fifth, available only for France, containing the single disc of hits along with the track "Les Mots", a duet with French singer Mylène Farmer, as a bonus track.
Arsène Tchakarian: Les franc-tireurs de l'affiche rouge, Messidor/Éditions sociales, 1986 Its membership included men of different backgrounds. 22 of them were Poles, five Italians, three Hungarians, two Armenians, three Spaniards, 1 French man and a Romanian woman; eleven members of them were of Jewish.Laurent Lévy, "Mémoire du groupe des étrangers: À propos d’une chanson célèbre", Les mots sont important, Septembre 2009, accessed 3 Sep 2010 origin After having been tortured and interrogated for three months, the 23 were tried by a German military court. To discredit the Resistance, the authorities invited French celebrities (from the world of the cinema and other arts) to attend the trial and encourage the media to give it the widest coverage possible.
This word entered late medieval Latin as "sambacus" and "zambacca" with the same meaning as the Arabic, and then in post-medieval Latin plant taxonomy the word was adopted as a label for the J. sambac species.Dictionnaire étymologique des mots français d'origine orientale, by L. Marcel Devic, year 1876, page 201; downloadable. Additional details at zambacca(Alphita, mid 15th century); sambacus(Simon of Genoa, late 13th century); زنبق = دهن الياسمين(zanbaq = "jasmine oil" in Lisan al-Arab, late 13th century). The J. sambac species is a good source for jasmine flower-oil in terms of the quality of the fragrance and it continues to be cultivated for this purpose for the perfume industry today.
It includes the same personnel as Words Project IV, with the addition of French vocalist Laurence Allison, and is based on settings of work by William Carlos Williams, D.H. Lawrence, Blaise Cendrars and Eugène Guillevic, along with respective translations of each work. With the exception of Crosswords: Mots Croises, which was self-released, all four Words Project albums were released by New Amsterdam Records. In 2015, he released Follow the Stick on BJU Records. The group on the album was a throwback to the instrumentation of many of the early clarinet-lead jazz groups, and featured Bobby Avey (piano), Chris Dingman (vibes/marimba), Jordan Perlson (drums), along with special guests Jason Palmer (trumpet) and Ljova (viola).
A Dictionarie French and English: published for the benefite of the studious in that language, is an English–French dictionary published in 1593 in London at Thomas Woodcock by the Huguenot refugee in England, Claude de Sainliens. Reprinted by Scolar Press in 1974, the Dictionarie French and English was, along the Dictionnaire françois-latin, contenant les mots et les manières de parler françois, tournez en latin by Robert Estienne, one of the sources of the Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues (1611) by Cotgrave often wrongly considered, as the first French–English dictionary. A 1608 privilege presents Cotgrave's Dictionarie as collected first by C. Holyband and augmented or altered by R. Cotgrave.
Bond received a 2012 Lambda Literary Award for the memoir, Tango: My Childhood Backwards and in High Heels. Also in 2012, powerHouse Books released Susie Says, a picture book combining Gina Garan photos of the 1970s fashion doll, Susie Sad Eyes, with bon mots from Bond's Twitter account. In the summer of 2014, Bond curated and emceed a cabaret season at the Spiegeltent at the Bard SummerScape Festival in the Hudson Valley, NY. Bond is set to reprise this emcee role in summer 2015, with guests including Alan Cumming, Suzanne Vega, Martha Wainwright, Stephen Merritt, and Lea Delaria. During the 2020 pandemic quarantine Bond performed weekly House of Whimsy livestream concerts as Auntie Glam.
It offers a three-dimensional underwater scene with the tentacles of an octopus extending behind the words, creating a physical analogue of the poem, which speaks of concealment, disguise, and distance. In 1994, Chen collaborated with fellow book artist, Ed Hutchins, on River of Stars, a small book, only three by three inches that was released in an edition of 100. Bon Bon Mots (1998), a meditation on the fleeting sweetness of life, takes the form of a box of chocolates, each of which, on being unwrapped, reveals itself as a tiny book. Each of the five 'chocolate box' books is folded differently and illustrate the range of approaches Chen brings to each project.
Meriggi, P. "Schizzo della delineazione nominale dell'eteo geroglifico (Continuazione e fine)", in: Archivio Glottologico Italiano, 38, 1953. pp. 36-57.Chantraine, P. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque. Histoire des mots, vol. 4.1, 1968, p. 1146.Gusmani 1969: R. Gusmani, Isoglossi lessicali Greco-Ittite, in: Studi linguistici in onore di Vittore Pisani, Brescia 1969, Vol. 1, p. 511-12.Cornil, P. "Une étymologie étrusco-hittite", Atti del II Congresso Internazionale de Hittitologia, Pavía, 1995, p. 84-85.Rabin, C. "Hittite Words in Hebrew", Or NS 32, 1963, pp. 113-39. and Edward SapirSapir, "Hebrew 'helmet,' a loanword, and its bearing on Indo- European phonology" Journal of the American Oriental Society 57.1 (March 1937:73–77).
She studied at the University of Ouagadougou and subsequently moved to Canada after she received a grant to do so, receiving a doctorate from the University of Ottawa and a journalism degree from the Université de Montréal. She is currently a researcher in women's studies at the University of Ottawa, and is developing a project to bring women's studies to African-based universities. Her 2003 book Avec tes mots won the Trillium Book Award for French-language poetry, while Sahéliennes was nominated for the Ottawa Book Award in 2008 and was her first work to be translated into Portuguese. Between 2009 and 2012, she worked as an advisor in Burkina Faso on equal rights for men and women.
It was of interest within the field of medical ethics, as it considered the ways in which the history of medicine and hospitals, and the training that those working within them receive, bring about a particular way of looking at the body: the 'medical gaze'. Foucault was also selected to be among the "Eighteen Man Commission" that assembled between November 1963 and March 1964 to discuss university reforms that were to be implemented by Christian Fouchet, the Gaullist Minister of National Education. Implemented in 1967, they brought staff strikes and student protests. In April 1966, Gallimard published Foucault's Les Mots et les choses ("Words and Things"), later translated as The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences.
However, in France, baroque architecture found a greater success in the secular domain than in a religious one. Claude Lébedel – Les Splendeurs du Baroque en France: Histoire et splendeurs du baroque en France page 9: "Si en allant plus loin, on prononce les mots 'art baroque en France', on provoque alors le plus souvent une moue interrogative, parfois seulement étonnée, parfois franchement réprobatrice: Mais voyons, l'art baroque n'existe pas en France!" In the secular domain, the Palace of Versailles has many baroque features. Jules Hardouin Mansart, who designed the extensions to Versailles, was one of the most influential French architect of the baroque era; he is famous for his dome at Les Invalides.
His far more ample prose writings, peppered with many aphorisms and bons mots, reveal a skeptical outlook on human nature, verging on the cynical. His view of state power was broadly liberal insofar as he believed that state power and infringements on the individual should be severely limited. Although he had flirted with nationalist ideas during the 1890s, he moved away from them by 1899, and believed that European culture owed its greatness to the ethnic diversity and universalism of the Roman Empire. He denounced the myth of "racial purity" and argued that such purity, if it existed, would only lead to stagnation—thus the mixing of races was necessary for progress and cultural development.
A vox pop interview American television personality Steve Allen as the host of The Tonight Show further developed the "man on the street" interviews and audience-participation comedy breaks that have become commonplace on late- night TV. Usually the interviewees are shown in public places, and supposed to be giving spontaneous opinions in a chance encounter – unrehearsed persons, not selected in any way. As such, journalists almost always refer to them as the abbreviated vox pop. In U.S. broadcast journalism it is often referred to as a man on the street interview or MOTS. The results of such an interview are unpredictable at best, and therefore vox pop material is usually edited down very tightly.
Having compared with Jean GionoLe grand cérémonial des mots, Claude Bonnefoy, Les Nouvelles littéraires, 3rd year, issue 2456 21–27 October 1974. for his wild novels linked to elements and to Louis-Ferdinand Céline for his "verbal excess",Dictionnaire des Ecrivains de langue française (Jean-Pierre de Beaumarchais, Daniel Couty et Alain Rey), comparaisons et citation de Jean- Pierre Damour, éditions Larousse, 2001. Grainville distanced himself from this inheritance by a fantastique and dream which impregnates his work: the mythological Amazon (La Diane rousse), return to original animality (The Shadow of the animal), secrets and conspiraciesLes Forteresses noires par Alain Dorémieux, Fiction no. 330 du 1er juin 1982, article relayé le 7 mars 2009 par le site de NooSFere.
The area also has a Tesco Express, a garage (repairs and MOTs), a convenience store called Patco Supermarket which offers everything from groceries to key cutting, a chemist, an optician, a wine shop, a fruit and veg shop, a Gym (offering gym, aerobics, etc. plus treatment rooms), various hairdressers and beauty treatment rooms as well as a doctors surgery, and is well served by buses into town and across to Clifton. There is also the Bristol Jamia Mosque close to Victoria Park as well as thriving Methodist, CofE and Baptist churches. In 2015, an artisanal bakery opened for business opposite the Oxford Pub on Oxford Street, replacing a long since closed Chinese restaurant.
"Les mots d'amour n'ont pas de dimanche" (English translation: "The Words of Love Don't Have a Sunday") was the French entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1987, performed in French by Christine Minier. The song was performed fifteenth on the night (following the United Kingdom's Rikki with "Only the Light" and preceding Germany's Wind with "Laß Die Sonne In Dein Herz"). At the close of voting, it had received 44 points, placing 14th in a field of 22. The song is a ballad, with Minier singing about a "little girl" who explains that "the words of love don't have a Sunday" - by which she means that there is no way of controlling them.
In October 2001, the release of the second single from the live album Mylenium Tour, "Regrets", was cancelled because sales of the previous live single "Dessine-moi un mouton" were disappointing (however, the video of "Regrets" was shown for one week on M6). But since the summer, various rumours were launched on the Internet about her next single. Some said that she would record a song as a duet with an international star, perhaps Bono (singer of U2) or Elton John, since they are close friends of the singer. Seal was eventually chosen to sing with Farmer and, on 10 October, the promotional CD single of "Les Mots" was sent to radio stations.
She continued her fundamental research work fragrance and wrote books about it: Jean-Louis Fargeon, perfumer of Marie-Antoinette (2005), L'Herbier de Marie-Antoinette (2012), Les Parfums, histoire, dictionnaire, anthologie (2011), Les 101 mots du parfums (2013)... Today a well-known expert on perfume, she has been acknowledged as such by famous, high-profile perfume companies. Since 1998, she has been teaching at the "School of Fragrances", in Versailles. She has put up several exhibitions, such as "Parfums de Promenade", in the "Galerie des Galeries" (Galeries Lafayette, 2001) and at "La Cour des Senteurs de Versailles" (2013). She has also animated workshops and conferences all around the world, particularly in Francophone countries.
"Je danse dans ma tête" "Je danse dans ma tête" (meaning "I Dance inside My Head") is a song by Canadian singer Celine Dion, recorded for her French- language album, Dion chante Plamondon (1991). In March 1992, it was released as the third single in Canada and first in France, where the album was renamed Des mots qui sonnent and issued in April 1992. The song was written by French- Canadian lyricist Luc Plamondon and Italian composer Romano Musumarra, and produced by Musumarra. "Je danse dans ma tête" reached number three on the chart in Quebec and the music video, directed by Alain DesRochers, won the Much Music Video Award for Best Adult Contemporary Video in 1992.
Since September 2001, he has hosted C dans l'air on France 5, a television program debating the news and current affairs. In September 2005, since leaving Europe 1, he again presents the bimonthly political program Mots croisés on France 2, succeeding Arlette Chabot, the new news director of the channel who created the monthly political program À vous de juger broadcast on the first part of the evening. Yves Calvi co-hosted the program Le grand tournoi de l'histoire on December 27, 2006 and on February 20, 2007 on France 3. In April 2008, he questioned the French president Nicolas Sarkozy during a special program hosted by Patrick Poivre d'Arvor and David Pujadas, broadcast live from the Palais de l'Élysée on both TF1 and France 2.
Les Mots Écrits de New Bell is a set of six mural installations by Hervé Yamguen. It is part of "Liquid projects", a program of SUD2010 that financed the production of permanent artworks dedicated to the theme of water in the neighborhoods of residence of four local artists. In New Bell, Yamguen worked in collaboration with two local rappers, Picsou and Moctomoflar, engaging them in the recording (and releasing) of a four songs album about water. During the production process the artist also introduced young people and local residents to the project through night performances and discussion meetings. From the lyrics of rappers, Yamguen extracted text fragments, reproducing them on six façades of Ngangue’s neighborhood that were spontaneously offered by locals.
Based on references in his work, historian Alfred Adler placed him at the court of Alfonso VIII of Castile (whom he calls "emperor") and in Catalonia. Uc's only existing work is a sirventes, "De mots ricos no tem Peire Vidal", that begins with a gab proclaiming his superiority to eight of his contemporary troubadours: Peire Vidal, Albertet de Sestaro, Perdigon, and Aimeric de Peguilhan, as well as the otherwise unknown Arnaut Romieu, Gualaubert, and Pelardit. The rest of the poem is a ferocious attack on the morals of the baronage in the manner of Marcabru. The rime, metre, and melody of the work are copied entirely from a work of Peire Vidal, "Anc no mori per amor ni per al".
"Saigon, signifieraient bois des ouatiers, contenant ainsi une allysion aux nombreux kapokiers qui se rencontraient, parait-il, autregois dans la région. [...] Lê Van Phát avait cru pouvoir pousser cette interprétation très loin, et en déduire que là Plaine des Tombeaux avait été jadis une forêt inépuisable. [...] Sài Gòn pouvait être dérivé du nom cambodgien Prei Kor qui signigie fores des kapokiers (sic). Il pouvait être aussi l'adaptation des mots siamois Cai-ngon, c'est-àdire brousse des kapokiers, que les Laotiens emploient encore, affirmait-il, pour désigner la capitale de la Cochinchine." Another explanation is that the etymological meaning “twigs” (sài) and “boles” (gòn) refers to the dense and tall forest that once existed around the city, a forest to which the Khmer name, Prey Nokor, already referred.
She initiated and co-organized (with Victoria Freeman) the Women and Words/Les Femmes et les mots conference at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in 1983, which brought together, for the first and only time, 1,000 women working in all aspects of literature from across the country, and which was documented by the publication of the proceedings and of an anthology. From 1986 to 1987 Warland was the executive director of the Federation of BC Writers, and she initiated Spring Rites, the annual competition for BC Writers. Warland also sat on the Special Council Committee of the Arts for the Vancouver City Council. She co-founded the Creative Nonfiction Collective with Myrna Kostash in 2004 and served on its board.
The brother of François Le Métel de Boisrobert, d'Ouville had some comedies presented, less remarkable for their versification than by the plot, among others les Trahisons d'Abhiran, a tragicomedy successfully given in 1637. He also authored les nouvelles amoureuses et exemplaires ; Aymer sans sçavoir qui, comedy ; La Coifeuse à la mode, comedy ; les Fausses Véritez, comedy ; les Morts vivants, tragicomedy ; l'Esprit follet, comedy ; la Fouyne de Séville, ou l'hameçon des bourses ; l'Absent chez soy ; l'Élite des contes ; les Contes aux heures perdues ou Le recueil de tous les bons mots, réparties, équivoques du sieur d'Ouville ; Jodelet astrologue, encouraged by Scarron's success. Under his name we also have Tales (2 vol. in-12), partly drawn from Moyen de parvenir which was attributed to his brother.
His collection of poems, Bouria, des mots dans la tourmente was recognized by the first prize of the Antonio Filoteo Omodei International Poetry Contest in 2015. In 2015, Denis Emorine was awarded the Naji Naaman Literary Prize Lebanon (honor prize for complete work). In 2010, Anemone Sidecar dedicated its eighth issue to the poems of Denis Emorine. His poetry has been published in many reviews and magazines worldwide such as Francopolis, Levure littéraire, Recours au Poème (France), Mad Hatters Review, Cipher Journal, Pedestal Magazine, Journal of Experimental Fiction, Wilderness House Literary Review, Snow Monkey, Cokefishing, Be Which Magazine, Anemone Sidecar, The Salt River Review, Sketchbook, Literary World (United States), Pphoo (India), Blue Beat Jacket (Japan), Magnapoets (Canada), Istanbul Literary Review.
Sheet music cover, 1880s Wilde, having tired of journalism, had been busy setting out his aesthetic ideas more fully in a series of longer prose pieces which were published in the major literary-intellectual journals of the day. In January 1889, The Decay of Lying: A Dialogue appeared in The Nineteenth Century, and Pen, Pencil and Poison, a satirical biography of Thomas Griffiths Wainewright, in The Fortnightly Review, edited by Wilde's friend Frank Harris. Two of Wilde's four writings on aesthetics are dialogues: though Wilde had evolved professionally from lecturer to writer, he retained an oral tradition of sorts. Having always excelled as a wit and raconteur, he often composed by assembling phrases, bons mots and witticisms into a longer, cohesive work.
Between 2004 and 2008, when the show went off the air, Patrick Klugman was one of the regularly invited guests in the talk show N'ayons pas peur des mots (Let us not mince words) hosted by Samuel Etienne on I-Télé. Since then, he has often taken part in the live debate (Le Grand Direct) of the news every day at 13:15 pm hosted by Jean-Marc Morandini on Europe 1. Since the beginning of 2010, Patrick Klugman appears every week in his blog titled Plaidoyers (Advocacy) on the website of the Règle du Jeu (Rule of the Game), a literary magazine founded and directed by Bernard-Henri Lévy. He also has a weekly slot on Friday morning at 8:20 am on radio RCJ.
Instead she sang the title track from her upcoming English album "Loved Me Back to Life", "Ce n'était qu'un rêve" and Félix Leclerc's "Bozo". While in Quebec City for the concert, Dion was presented the Companion to the Order of Canada, the highest civilian honour in the country, by the Governor General in a ceremony at the Citadel. On 8 August 2013, René Angélil and Dion announced that many elements from the concert in Quebec will be incorporated into the concerts in Europe, a large part of the same repertoire will be used, but in a different way. In Europe, Dion did not perform "Ce n'était qu'un rêve", "Bozo", "Je n'ai pas besoin d'amour" from Sans attendre and "Je danse dans ma tête/Des mots qui sonnent/Incognito" medley.
In 1794,he proposed the departmental director of Gers the creation of an educational newspaper Les Documents de la raison, feuille antifanatique, then wrote the Courrier du département du Gers. He was later a teacher of history at the école centrale in Auch in 1796, then at the l'École militaire, then based in Fontainebleau, in 1803Biographical element after the catalog of the Bibliothèque nationale de France and L'Intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux, year 1892, 2nd semester, (p. 467). While his historical charts and chronologies quickly fell into oblivion, his lexicon of the words of the Revolution inspired Louis-Sébastien Mercier a Néologie ou vocabulaire de mots nouveaux and his French grammar, of which several editions followed one another until 1926, was a milestone in the history of language teaching in Spain.
The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences (Les mots et les choses: Une archéologie des sciences humaines, 1966) by Michel Foucault, proposes that every historical period has underlying epistemic assumptions, ways of thinking, which determined what is truth and what is acceptable discourse about a subject, by delineating the origins of biology, economics, and linguistics. The introduction to the origins of the human sciences begins with detailed, forensic analyses and discussion of the complex networks of sightlines, hidden-ness, and representation that exist in the group painting Las Meninas (The Ladies-in-waiting, 1656) by Diego Velázquez. Foucault’s application of the analyses shows the structural parallels in the similar developments in perception that occurred in researchers’ ways of seeing the subject in the human sciences.
A regular contributor to L'Action française since 1938, Maulnier continued to publish after Nazi Germany's occupation of France (from 1940); he also started writing for Le Figaro. He ceased writing for the paper after the start of Operation Torch in 1942, and remained a journalist for Le Figaro from 1945 until his death. With the beginning of the Fourth Republic, Maulnier no longer engaged in politics. He wrote plays (La Course des rois - 1947; Le Profanateur - 1950, La Ville au fond de la mer - 1953, Le Soir du conquérant - 1970) and essays (Violence et conscience - 1945, La Face de méduse du communisme - 1952, L'Europe a fait le monde - 1966, Le Sens des mots - 1976, Les Vaches sacrées - 1977), but also commented on social themes (with Maulnier as a staunch Pro-European).
Amazon Digital Services, 2012 A Novel of Subversion: Code-switching in Temps de chien by Patrice Nganang. Amazon Digital Services, 2012 Carton rouge à Paul Biya, President de la République du Cameroun: Lapiro's Songs of Protest (Vol.1). Amazon Digital Services, 2012 Recueil de mots d'esprit, Amazon Digital Services, 2012 Subversion of the Francophone Novel: Bwamufication of French in Crépuscule des temps anciens by Nazi Boni. Amazon Digital Services, 2012 Slanguage and Other Freedom Poems, Amazon Digital Services, 2012 Fox Cities and Other Poems, Amazon Digital Services, 2012 La raison est nègre (poésie), Amazon Digital Services, 2012 Amour en deux langues (poésie), Amazon Digital Services, 2012 Poésie sous l'arbre à palabre d'Afrique, Amazon Digital Services, 2012 Barrel of the Pen, Amazon Digital Services, 2012 Divine Therapy: Inspirational Poetry.
Reviewers have supposedly described it as "an eclectic jumble, distended and unfocused," and it has been suggested by some that Hofstadter's Fluid Analogies Research Group was reluctant to give recognition to the work of a rival lab which they sometimes referred to as "those SMUG copycats." Gebstadter's sixth book is called The Graced Tone of Clément: A la louange de la mélodie des mots, and is referred to in Hofstadter's book Le Ton beau de Marot: In Praise of the Music of Language. Hofstadter's corresponding book is in English despite its French title, and we may conjecture that Gebstadter's book is in French despite its English title. This is supported by the fact that this book was published not by Acidic Books but by the equally fictional and palindromic Éditions Noitide in Cahors, France.
Review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a score of 53% based on 120 reviews. Metacritic gives the film a score of 58% based on reviews from 28 critics. Colm Andrew of the Manx Independent gave the film 7/10 and said it was "a frothy affair but the source material is good—the script is workmanlike but at least it doesn't try to be clever and the quality of the acting makes sure the lines resonate soundly".Review by Colm Andrew, IOM Today Some critics felt that the movie’s insistent jazz-age lilt is ultimately at odds with a play written in 1924 that attacks the hypocrisy, smugness and benighted values of the English landed gentry between the wars. The screenplay includes scattered Coward bons mots, but the witticisms don’t come as thick or as fast as in his later plays.
Other important pieces for cello and piano include Schumann's five Stücke im Volkston and transcriptions like Schubert's Arpeggione Sonata (originally for arpeggione and piano), César Franck's Cello Sonata (originally a violin sonata, transcribed by Jules Delsart with the composer's approval), Stravinsky's Suite italienne (transcribed by the composer – with Gregor Piatigorsky – from his ballet Pulcinella) and Bartók's first rhapsody (also transcribed by the composer, originally for violin and piano). There are pieces for cello solo, J. S. Bach's six Suites for Cello (which are among the best-known solo cello pieces), Kodály's Sonata for Solo Cello and Britten's three Cello Suites. Other notable examples include Hindemith's and Ysaÿe's Sonatas for Solo Cello, Dutilleux's Trois Strophes sur le Nom de Sacher, Berio's Les Mots Sont Allés, Cassadó's Suite for Solo Cello, Ligeti's Solo Sonata, Carter's two Figments and Xenakis' Nomos Alpha and Kottos.
In her books, Laure Gauthier places a particular importance on the place of the voice that allows her to maintain a tension between a poetry without a subject and an embodied poetry. In kaspar de pierre, “any individuality effaces itself, writing I gives way to the blank page. The author decenters kaspar’s voice bringing it closer to our own and within our hearing in order to create a space where living communally, living together, are part of the very act of speaking (…)” (T. U. Comte, La Nouvelle Quinzaine littéraire). Her work on the poetic voice is accompanied by a renewal of poetic imagery whereby the poetic images can be considered a kind of emergence, a meeting point between sensation and idea, or as Johan Faerber terms it, “the image-idea” in Diakritik speaking of je neige (entre les mots de villon).
In Gauthier's poetic work, she constantly questions external systematic attacks from a late capitalist society on the private life of the individual and on their personal expression, their burial under an accumulation of objects, a complacence with violence, a taste for sensationalism, what she calls the “tabloidization” of language or its exoticism. Gauthier frequently draws on archives for inspiration in her work. For example, La cité dolente, is based on real events while kaspar de pierre was adapted from the biography of the famous orphan Kaspar Hauser. Her collection je neige (entre les mots de villon) establishes a dialogue between the personal biography of François Villon and his work, while maintaining critical distance with her material. These books adopt a complex position in relation to the archive, where the archives are at once “suspected of a desire for reanimation.
It is said that Tire-Boudin was a euphemism invented for Mary Queen of Scots when she asked after its name, and the street is now named after her.Realms of Memory: The construction of the French past. II: Traditions; p. 363 Pierre Nora, Lawrence D. Kritzman. Columbia University Press, 1997 The nearby Rue Gratte-Cul (Scratch-bottom) is now the Rue Dussoubs, and the Rue Pute-y-Musse (Whore [who] hides there) the Rue du Petit-Musc by corruption. The "rue Trousse- Nonnain" (fuck nun), later became Trace-Putain, Tasse-Nonnain, and Transnonain; then in 1851 it was amalgamated into the Rue Beaubourg.In the 3rd arondissement from Porte Hydron to the Saint-Martin-des-Champs Priory. Rue Transnonnain. Le Garde-mots Nov 23 2009 The Rue Baille-Hoë (Give Joy) is now Rue Taillepain in the 4th arondissement near the Porte Saint-Merri.
The king and queen are seen reflected in a mirror on the back wall, but the source of the reflection is a mystery: are the royal pair standing in the viewer's space, or does the mirror reflect the painting on which Velázquez is working? Dale Brown says Velázquez may have conceived the faded image of the king and queen on the back wall as a foreshadowing of the fall of the Spanish Empire that was to gain momentum following Philip's death. In the 1966 book Les Mots et Les Choses (The Order of Things), philosopher Michel Foucault devotes the opening chapter to a detailed analysis of Las Meninas. He describes the ways in which the painting problematizes issues of representation through its use of mirrors, screens, and the subsequent oscillations that occur between the image's interior, surface, and exterior.
The word "peregrine" does not mean "falcon" in French, making the name "Le Peregrine" quite odd to a French reader (the word does exist in French, though it is used to refer to the peregrine saltbush, or Atriplex suberecta and not any species of birds); in French translations of comics featuring the character, his name was changed to "Le Faucon Pèlerin", meaning "The Peregrine Falcon".Le Tournoi des champions, French translation of Contest of Champions, éditions Lug, 1982 Faucon-pérégrin does exist in French as an alternate name for the bird, but is now infrequently used.Dictionnaire universel françois et latin, contenant la signification et la définition tant des mots de l'une et de l'autre langue Latin-French dictionary, 1743 Adding "Le" in front of Peregrine does not make it French as Peregrine is not a French word. The proper use should either be "The Peregrine" or "Le Pèlerin".
"Alain Chartier" by Edmund Blair Leighton, depicting the kiss Artist's impression of Alain Chartier, 19th century. The story of the famous kiss bestowed by Margaret of Scotland on la précieuse bouche de laquelle sont issus et sortis tant de bons mots et vertueuses paroles ('The invaluable mouth from which issued and which left so many witty remarks and virtuous words') is mythical, for Margaret did not come to France till 1436, after the poet's death; but the story, first told by Guillaume Bouchet in his Annales d'Aquitaine (1524), is interesting, if only as a proof of the high degree of estimation in which the ugliest man of his day was held. Jean de Masies, who annotated a portion of his verse, has recorded how the pages and young gentlemen of that epoch were required daily to learn by heart passages of his Breviaire des nobles. John Lydgate studied him affectionately.
Of Spanish father and French mother, divided between two idioms, Claude Esteban was marked by the painful feeling of a division and an exile in the language, which was at the source of his poetic vocation. He recalled this experiment in Le Partage des mots (The Division of Words), a kind of autobiographical essay about language and the impossible bilingualism, which led him to poetry and to the choice of French as his poetic language. Dominated by this feeling of a "partage", he had as a concern for "gathering the scattered", exceeding separations, and thus joining together poetry and painting, translating foreign poetries into French, writing to find an immediate bond between oneself and the sensitive world. He was a contributor to the Mercure de France from 1964, then to the Nouvelle Revue Française, in which he wrote many articles on poets and painters.
One interpretation is that the pipe in the painting is not a pipe, but rather a drawing of a pipe. On December 15, 1929, Paul Éluard and André Breton published an essay about poetry in La Révolution surréaliste (The Surrealist Revolution) as a reaction to the publication by poet Paul Valéry "Notes sur la poésie" in Les Nouvelles littéraires of September 28, 1929. When Valéry wrote "Poetry is a survival", Breton and Éluard made fun of it and wrote "Poetry is a pipe", as a reference to Magritte's painting. In the same edition of La Révolution surréaliste, Magritte published "Les mots et les images" (his founding text which illustrated where words play with images), his answer to the survey on love, and Je ne vois pas la [femme] cachée dans la forêt, a painting tableau surrounded by photos of sixteen surrealists with their eyes closed, including Magritte himself.
Depressed by the failure, he moved to Paris where he became friends with André Breton and became involved in the Surrealist group. An illusionistic, dream-like quality is characteristic of Magritte's version of Surrealism. He became a leading member of the movement, and remained in Paris for three years. In 1929 he exhibited at Goemans Gallery in Paris with Salvador Dalí, Jean Arp, de Chirico, Max Ernst, Joan Miró, Picabia, Picasso and Yves Tanguy. On 15 December 1929 he participated in the last publication of La Revolution Surrealiste No. 12, where he published his essay "Les mots et les images", where words play with images in sync with his work The Treachery of images. Galerie Le Centaure closed at the end of 1929, ending Magritte's contract income. Having made little impact in Paris, Magritte returned to Brussels in 1930 and resumed working in advertising.Meuris 1991, p. 217.
In 1991, Stereotypes, a fantastique comedy inspired by some American classic films, received numerous prizes at several events, including Best Promising Director for Vallée at the Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois. Vallée later adopted a more personal and autobiographical tone with Magical Flowers (Les Fleurs magiques) (1995) and Magical Words (Les Mots magiques) (1998), awarded respectively Best Short Film at the 16th Genie Awards and the 1st Jutra Awards, in which the director explored the relationship between father and son. Vallée made his feature-length debut in 1995 with Liste noire (Black List), which became the highest-grossing film in Quebec that year and received nine Genie Award notimations, including Best Motion Picture and Best Achievement in Direction. In the wake of this success, Vallée moved to Los Angeles where he directed Los Locos (1998), a Western film written by and starring Mario Van Peebles, and Loser Love (1999).
After that, it dropped slowly and managed to total 17 weeks in the top ten, 24 weeks in the top 50 and 32 weeks in the top 100."4 Mots sur un piano", in French Singles Chart (Retrieved April 19, 2008) Certified Silver disc three months after its release by the SNEP2007 French certifications (Retrieved April 19, 2008) for about 175,000 sales, it was the fifth best-selling single of 2007 in France2007 French Chart (Retrieved April 19, 2008) (163,179 were sold in 2007)."Disques 2007 : Mika a fait bouger la France", Charles Decant, March 12, 2008 (Retrieved April 28, 2008) In 2007, about 23,690 digital downloads were sold.2007 digital downloads (Retrieved April 28, 2008) It was the second number-one single for Patrick Fiori (after "Belle" in 1998), and also for Jean-Jacques Goldman (after "Je te donne" in 1986).
Meetings of the King of Clubs did not always take place at the Crown and Anchor, and after 1819 they were held at the Freemasons' Tavern, at Grillions in Albemarle Street, and latterly at the Clarendon Hotel. A surviving account from one of the club's early meetings shows that a dinner for twelve members cost a £24, which included two bottles of Madeira, three bottles of Sherry, two bottles of Port and three bottles of Claret. Despite such unashamed conviviality there is no evidence that alcohol in any way impeded the flow or the quality of the conversation that took place, and we may imagine that the reverse was probably the case since the atmosphere was always a happy blend of the jovial and the serious. It was expected that members should give time to the preparation of their bon-mots, witticisms and anecdotes so that in due course these could be woven into the discussion as productively and effectively as possible.
She collaborates with poetry, literary criticism and translations at the reviews: Poetry Review, Horizon Review (England), Pleiades, International Notebook of Poetry (USA), Contre-jour, Langage & créativité (Canada), Po&sie;, Aujourd'hui poème, NUNC, Poésie 2003, Europe, Seine et Danube, La Revue littéraire, Pyro, Confluences poétiques, Ici & Là, MIR, La traductière, Hauteurs, Littérales, Le Capital des mots, Thauma, L’Écho d’Orphée, Le Bateau Fantôme, La page blanche, Levure Littéraire (France), Observator München, Galateea (Germany), Bunker Hill (Netherlands), Alora, la bien cercada, El Coloquio de los Perros, ABC (Spain), Poëziekrant, Deus ex machina, Le Journal des Poètes, Langue vive, Revolver (Belgium), Scritture Migranti, Formafluens (Italy), La Revue de Belles Lettres (Switzerland), Le Quotidien, Tageblatt, Le Jeudi (Luxembourg), Poetika, Zlatna greda, Književni list, Gradina (Serbia), Lirikon 21 (Slovenia), "România literară", Viata românească, Luceafărul, Adevărul literar si artitic, Ziua literară, Arges, Calende, Tribuna, Familia, Apostrof, Astra, Noua literatură, Conta, Arca (Romania), Électron libre (Morocco), Shirdanra (Bangladesh), Beagle (Japan) etc.
And Pierre Bouillon wrote in Le Soir 6 March 2010 that the Walloon identity refers mainly to tourism, unemployment and bribery in Charleroi.French Quand un Bruxellois, un Flamand ou un étranger songe à la Wallonie, on peut raisonnablement deviner que les mots qui lui viennent spontanément à l’esprit (à part Grottes de Han ou circuit de Spa), c’est Charleroi, déclin industriel, chômage colossal, Michel Daerden, pratiques politiques douteuses. Ceci posé, le discours sur l’image, à la longue, ça devient un peu lassant. Parce que travailler l’image, les perceptions, ça sert à rien quand la réalité n’est pas, comment dire, synchrone ? (...) Qu’on cesse de dire que l'image de la Wallonie doit changer. C’est la Wallonie qui doit changer. It seems that the dispute between Brussels and Wallonia about this issue remains as for instance Europe since 1945: an encyclopedia, Tome I wrote it for some years: 'A Walloon identity is also emerging that exhibits at the political level the still mainly hidden tension between French-speaking Brussels and Wallonia' Europe since 1945: an Encyclopedia, Tome I, Garland Publishing, Inc.
The first book is devoted to an inquiry as to the origin of the Saturnalia and the festivals of Janus, which leads to a history and discussion of the Roman calendar, and to an attempt to derive all forms of worship from that of the Sun. The second book begins with a collection of bons mots, to which all present make their contributions, many of them being ascribed to Cicero and Augustus; a discussion of various pleasures, especially of the senses, then seems to have taken place, but almost the whole of this is lost. The third, fourth, fifth and sixth books are devoted to Virgil, dwelling respectively on his learning in religious matters, his rhetorical skill, his debt to Homer (with a comparison of the art of the two) and to other Greek writers, and the nature and extent of his borrowings from the earlier Latin poets. The latter part of the third book is taken up with a dissertation upon luxury and the sumptuary laws intended to check it, which is probably a dislocated portion of the second book.
On the other hand, Jacques Margeret, a bodyguard of False Demetrius I, argues that the title of "tsar" is more honorable for Muscovites than "kaiser" or "king" exactly because it was God and not some earthly potentate who ordained to apply it to David, Solomon, and other kings of Israel."Et ainsi retiennent le nom de Zar comme plus autentique, duquel nom il pleut iadis à Dieu d'honorer David, Salomon et autres regnans sur la maison de Iuda et Israel, disent-ils, et que ces mots Tsisar et Krol n'est que invention humaine, lequel nom quelqu'un s'est acquis par beaux faits d'armes". Samuel Collins, a court physician to Tsar Alexis in 1659–66, styled the latter "Great Emperour", commenting that "as for the word Czar, it has so near relation to Cesar... that it may well be granted to signifie Emperour. The Russians would have it to be an higher title than King, and yet they call David Czar, and our kings, Kirrols, probably from Carolus Quintus, whose history they have among them".
Rostropovich gave their first performances, and the two had an obviously special affinity – Rostropovich's family described him as "always smiling" when discussing "Ben", and on his death bed he was said to have expressed no fear as he and Britten would, he believed, be reunited in Heaven. Britten was also renowned as a piano accompanist and together they recorded, among other works, Schubert's Sonata for Arpeggione and Piano in A minor. His daughter claimed that this recording moved her father to tears of joy even on his deathbed. Rostropovich also had long-standing artistic partnership with Henri Dutilleux (Tout un monde lointain... for cello and orchestra, Trois strophes sur le nom de Sacher for solo cello), Witold Lutosławski (Cello Concerto, Sacher-Variation for solo cello), Krzysztof Penderecki (cello concerto n°2, Largo for cello and orchestra, Per Slava for solo cello, sextet for piano, clarinet, horn, violin, viola and cello), Luciano Berio (Ritorno degli snovidenia for cello and thirty instruments, Les mots sont allés... for solo cello) as well as Olivier Messiaen (Concert à quatre for piano, cello, oboe, flute and orchestra).
This Second issue is more experimental with Marcel Duchamp, Nicolas Calas, Bruce Conner, Marcia Herscovitz, Alain Jacquet, Ray Johnson, Lee Lozano, Meret Oppenheim, Bernard Pfreim, George Reavevy, Clovis Trouille. The cover, designed by Marcel Duchamp, is a white folder with a playable record album attached to the front. Printed on the record itself is ESQUIVONS LES ECCHYMOSES DES ESQUIMAUX AUX MOTS EXQUIS, which roughly translates to “dodge the Eskimo bruises with exquisite words,” but functions as a sort of French tongue twister. Duchamp seems to be playfully addressing the restrictions inherent in more traditional portfolio design in order to redefine this practice. The record has aesthetic appeal, but it similarly has far greater use value than the first issue’s front cover, which was a reproduction of a painting. Another particularly provocative work in Shit Must Stop N°2 is Bruce Connor’s Legal Tender. Connor mimics the design of American currency with his stack of eighteen “dollar bills,” which seem more reminiscent of Monopoly money than American legal tender. This element allows for the whole issue to feel like a game, as if you could trade Connor’s money for something more valuable.
China in Ten Words () is an essay collection by the contemporary Chinese author Yu Hua, who is known for his novels To Live, Chronicle of a Blood Merchant, and Brothers. China in Ten Words was first published in French, titled La Chine en dix mots, by the publishing house, Actes Sud in 2010 and the Chinese version was later published in Taiwan in 2011; an English translation by Allan H. Barr appeared the same year. The book is banned in China, but Yu Hua reworked some of his essays for publication in the mainland China market in the 2015 essay collection We Live Amidst Vast Disparities (). Structured around the ten two-character words, Yu Hua’s essay collection narrates a personal account on momentous events, such as the Great Leap Forward, Chinese Cultural Revolution and Tiananmen Square Protest, while accentuating the proliferation of graduate unemployment, social inequality and political corruption in accompaniment with China’s rapid change into a modernized nation. Following Yu Hua’s journey through his childhood days, during the Mao Era, to contemporary China, he also unveils the beginning and escalation of China’s “copycat” and “bamboozle” culture, terms that one may associate with counterfeiting, infringement, imitation, dishonesty and fraud.
The court judged that certain people were tapped for "obscure" reasons, such as Carole Bouquet's companion, a lawyer with family in the Middle East, Edwy Plenel, a journalist for le Monde who covered the Rainbow Warrior story and the Vincennes Three affair, and the lawyer Antoine Comte. The court declared "Les faits avaient été commis sur ordre soit du président de la République, soit des ministres de la Défense successifs qui ont mis à la disposition de (Christian Prouteau) tous les moyens de l'État afin de les exécuter" (translation: these actions were committed following orders from the French President or his various Defence Ministers who gave Christian Prouteau full access to the state machinery so he could execute the orders) The court stated that François Mitterrand was the principal instigator of the wire taps (l'inspirateur et le décideur de l'essentiel) and that he had ordered some of the taps and turned a blind eye to others and that none of the 3000 wiretaps carried out by the cell were legally obtained.Les oreilles du Président de Jean-Marie Pontaut et Jérome Dupuis, Fayard, 1996. Les mots volés de Edwy Plenel, Stock, 1997.
She co-hosted and sang her songs. At the beginning of 1982, she had many TV appearances singing still unreleased songs, followed by the release of a new dance album, Special Dalida. The most remembered songs of the album are the dance songs "Jouez bouzouki", "Danza" and the moody "Nostalgie". Dalida launched a new world tour in 1982 and spent most of 1982 to 1984 playing sold- out concerts from Rio de Janeiro across Europe to Asia. She made a lot of TV appearances in the 1980s almost every second week. In the summer of 1982, during the FIFA World Cup, like many other singers, Dalida released a song for the French team, "La chanson du Mundial" (#17 in France). In the first part of 1983, she released several songs, the most notable being "Mourir sur scène". The dance-pop song has very profound lyrics and has remained a big hit, one of the signature tracks by Dalida. Most of her songs of 1983 were gathered on her album released in mid-1983, Les p'tits mots, which also featured such singles as "Lucas" and "Bravo". By the beginning of 1984, her personal difficulties escalated again; she could not dedicate as much time to her career as she would have wanted.

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