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996 Sentences With "most vulnerable"

How to use most vulnerable in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "most vulnerable" and check conjugation/comparative form for "most vulnerable". Mastering all the usages of "most vulnerable" from sentence examples published by news publications.

So the most vulnerable continue to be the most vulnerable.
The most vulnerable before the storm, will be the most vulnerable after.
But, even when politicians talk about the most vulnerable, what they mean is the most vulnerable who are already part of America.
The regions of Chemnitz, Thuringen and Oberfranken were most vulnerable in Germany, while the Midlands and North West of England were Britain's most vulnerable regions.
Stopping coronavirus requires including the most vulnerable in the solution, and the most vulnerable includes those who have the least and have lost the most.
There is a lot of overlap, Ritchie stressed, between the communities most vulnerable to the climate crisis and the communities most vulnerable to the coronavirus.
"Traffickers go for our most vulnerable, and kids who are or were in foster care are the most vulnerable children in our society," Leidholdt told the Foundation.
"When you talk about the most vulnerable people, you always hear Claire McCaskill, Joe Manchin, [Heidi Heitkamp,] and Joe Donnelly always falls in this fourth most vulnerable Democrat," LaForge said.
While Flake had been considered the Republican most vulnerable to an intraparty challenge, his decision to forgo reelection means Heller is now the most vulnerable GOP senator still on the ballot.
The problem appears most severe for the most vulnerable borrowers.
Heller, rated the most vulnerable Senate incumbent, faces Democratic Rep.
What aspects of the business are most vulnerable to attack?
When do you feel most vulnerable about showing your work?
When they travel around the city, who's the most vulnerable?
Dean Heller was always considered the most vulnerable Republican senator.
The smallest banks, with assets below $100m, are most vulnerable.
So her birds, including the most vulnerable ones, are fed.
Garrett, meanwhile, is the most vulnerable we've seen him yet.
But these are the moments when she becomes most vulnerable.
As babies, we're the most vulnerable animals on the planet.
They are the front lines -- the most vulnerable of species.
Our democracy is at its most vulnerable at election times.
The most vulnerable nations are, again, Iran and North Korea.
I think the minimum wage systematically hurts the most vulnerable.
Numerous studies support this approach for the most vulnerable addicts.
Youth are the most vulnerable to radicalization and militia recruitment.
Barbara Comstock, one of the most vulnerable members of Congress.
Kirk is one of Republicans most vulnerable senators in 2016.
Our most vulnerable patients are not getting the best care.
And which governments are most vulnerable to US economic pressure?
Worse, the programs will hurt the most vulnerable patients most.
The most vulnerable people in our country can't afford to.
Children "are most vulnerable when they are pedestrians," he said.
Dr. Steinemann says infrequent wearers are most vulnerable to complications.
IPAB's decisions will disproportionately harm the most vulnerable Medicare patients.
Older adults are among the most vulnerable during this pandemic.
Are we going to quarantine just the most vulnerable population?
Those supporters are the most vulnerable part of Trump's coalition.
We must demand protection for the most vulnerable among us.
Hospitals used generators and focused on their most vulnerable patients.
We'll protect our most vulnerable and we'll heal our land.
We must advocate to protect the most vulnerable among us.
The region's most vulnerable residents are the city's homeless population.
All but two of the Democrats' most vulnerable members — Reps.
Not so Florida, the state most vulnerable to hurricane damage.
For the most vulnerable girls, that can be very destabilizing.
AP: LGBTQ refugees are the most vulnerable group of refugees.
The virus's most vulnerable target is Africa, many experts said.
Homes overseas are in fact where we are most vulnerable.
Trans women are among the most vulnerable in our communities.
The first is increased illness among the most vulnerable Americans.
Under these circumstances, the most vulnerable are always the victims.
"Their mission was to help the most vulnerable," she said.
Rescinding the current guidance will harm our most vulnerable children.
To the most vulnerable, it's a kick in the pants.
Then there's our policies toward some of the most vulnerable.
They are programs meant to help America's most vulnerable residents.
Put the poor and most vulnerable at the center of your response From Hurricanes Katrina and Rita to the BP oil spill, crises shine a bright light on the plight of our most vulnerable residents.
But aid workers are typically trying to reach the most vulnerable.
Dean Heller, who's perhaps the most vulnerable Republican in the Senate.
These people are among the most vulnerable in the world today.
What are our most vulnerable moments going to be used for?
Wearing a swimsuit in public can be the most vulnerable experience.
CS: I think I feel most vulnerable when it's self-portraits.
"My concern is that it's the most vulnerable workers," she said.
Instead, they will punish the most marginalized and the most vulnerable.
In the meantime, those places are where immigrants are most vulnerable.
The big question is which is the most vulnerable asset class.
Some of the House GOP's most vulnerable incumbents like Illinois Rep.
Mufleh: We're working with the most vulnerable children in the country.
People approaching retirement may be the most vulnerable to market uncertainty.
"Car companies must step up to protect their most vulnerable passengers."
Inside the trafficking chains, women are in the most vulnerable positions.
"Those can be some of the most vulnerable populations," Shickman explains.
That's important because Chen's component scores are where he's most vulnerable.
Julian Castro has changed the game for our most-vulnerable communities.
Hurd is considered the most vulnerable of the three House lawmakers.
West Virginia attacked Arizona State's defense at its most vulnerable point.
Of all the younger characters, Chris is arguably the most vulnerable.
Just how bad could it be for the most vulnerable populations?
It really is our most vulnerable kind of desires laid bare.
Instead we must stand with the most vulnerable in our communities.
Analysts expect M1 to be the most vulnerable to new competition.
Let's keep the momentum going to help our most vulnerable folks.
Some of the Senate's most vulnerable Democrats are siding with Sen.
High prices do little except leave the most vulnerable children unprotected.
Joe Manchin, one of the most vulnerable senators running in November.
Heidi Heitkamp, one of the most vulnerable Democratic senator this November.
This paranoia harms the most vulnerable Christians the most of all.
Resources must channel directly to the most vulnerable households and communities.
The diseases and deaths will come from among the most vulnerable.
It is about protecting the most vulnerable among us from exploitation.
Barbara Comstock, who's reportedly one of the most vulnerable House Republicans.
For me it's about how we manage the most vulnerable people.
These hospitals served some of the most vulnerable of America's seniors.
Jones is the most vulnerable Senate Democrat facing reelection next year.
North Korean women and children are the most vulnerable, it said.
And the most vulnerable workers are those who can't afford it.
Puri, then and now, was one of the most vulnerable towns.
Instead, he became one of the most vulnerable Republicans in 2018.
Middle-aged male racers also seem to be the most vulnerable.
Then, darkly, he deflected that anger onto the most vulnerable Americans.
Democrats have deemed Mr. Rohrabacher the most vulnerable Republican in California.
We're seeing major organizing to help our most vulnerable community members.
How can this implicit animus against the most vulnerable be combated?
Map No. 1: the most vulnerable regions of desertification in 2008.
We need to protect the most vulnerable in our society now.
Doug Jones (Ala.), the most vulnerable Democrat in the upper chamber.
Doug Jones (D-Ala.), the most vulnerable Democrat up for reelection.
Analysts consider M1 to be the most vulnerable to new competition.
The country ranks among 15 countries most vulnerable to disaster globally.
Social media platforms are empowering the most vulnerable citizens to leave.
Jacky Rosen, is considered the single most vulnerable GOP Senate incumbent.
Any abortion policy in America must protect the most vulnerable women.
The most vulnerable member of the all-Republican delegation is Rep.
Not only that, but this bill preys on the most vulnerable!
Doug Jones, widely considered the most vulnerable incumbent in the Senate.
It also has additional targeted increases for the most vulnerable beneficiaries.
This is no way to treat patients at their most vulnerable.
Carlos Curbelo, one of the country's most vulnerable Republicans, in November.
It uncovered a severe injustice and protected our most vulnerable patients.
And so far, most vulnerable Republicans are striking a defiant tone.
But the world's most vulnerable are already facing its devastating effects.
Boys and girls who played contact sports were the most vulnerable.
Among the most vulnerable in this regard is newly-elected Rep.
We are the people who are most vulnerable in this country.
The Point: Schumer was losing support from his most vulnerable members.
Older people are among the most vulnerable to complications from coronavirus.
Spence-Chapin's clients are some of America's most vulnerable citizens: babies.
People with compromised or weakened immune systems are the most vulnerable.
Admittedly, at a time when Mr. Trump's policies have forcibly separated children from their asylum-seeking parents — taking the most vulnerable children from the most vulnerable adults — the White House's attitude toward the arts seems relatively unimportant.
One of the most vulnerable Republicans running for re-election is Sen.
It will remain one of the most vulnerable currencies to external developments.
But the story is ... which country is most vulnerable to debt deflation?
But now he could be the most vulnerable Republican in the House.
Humans also suffer the consequences, often leaving the most vulnerable at risk.
The UN decides the most vulnerable cases and refers them for resettlement.
These murky systems can inflict the greatest punishment on the most vulnerable.
Barbara Comstock — one of the most vulnerable seats in this year's election.
Barbara Comstock One of the most vulnerable Republicans in the country, Rep.
And the Florida seat looked like one of their most vulnerable ones.
What time of year is Dixie Alley most vulnerable to strong storms?
Taylor Swift at her most vulnerable is Taylor Swift at her best.
Dean Heller, the most vulnerable Republican senator up for reelection in 83.
The World Bank now lists the rupiah among Asia's most vulnerable currencies.
McSally is one of the most vulnerable senators facing voters this year.
In short, a population that's highly vaccinated protects the community's most vulnerable.
Once they close, the most vulnerable people are left alone, activists say.
Along with South Korea, it is most vulnerable to North Korea's missiles.
The most vulnerable, such as women and children, are an absolute priority.
In Miliband's view, the "world's most vulnerable" are paying the heaviest price.
It's disconnecting many of the most vulnerable sex workers from crucial resources.
But it was during Sorrentino's most vulnerable moments that he really shined.
We touch people's lives, often when they are at their most vulnerable.
It is work designed to attract the most vulnerable members of society.
But that can only come at the expense of the most vulnerable.
It's at this stage that the ICBM is slowest and most vulnerable.
McCaskill is considered one of the most vulnerable Democrats in the Senate.
Dean Heller, the Senate's most vulnerable GOP member this year, NBC said.
" The American Hospital Association blasted it for hurting "our most vulnerable patients.
We owe it to society's most vulnerable to consider these issues carefully.
You look at the areas that are most vulnerable and start there.
Supporting communities at risk means supporting the populations that are most vulnerable.
Until then, police and agencies are ensuring those most vulnerable receive help.
Businesses — and commerce itself — might be the most vulnerable to serious harm.
We are closing our doors on some of the most vulnerable youths.
It began, as things often do, quietly, and amongst society's most vulnerable.
The two men are considered the most vulnerable GOP senators in 2018.
Jones is seen as one of the most vulnerable senators in 2020.
They put our kids and the most vulnerable among us at risk.
Stocks and credit are the most vulnerable during recessions, while bonds outperform.
The most vulnerable target is the EU—and not just in Britain.
Zoo officials say birds are often the most vulnerable during a storm.
A well-meaning Congress, unfortunately, pursues policies that hurt the most vulnerable.
Heitkamp is among the most vulnerable senators up for reelection in November.
And, unquestionably, the effect will fall hardest on the most vulnerable women.
Grant programs that mostly help our nation's most vulnerable will be unavailable.
These deaths occur mostly in poor settings, to the most vulnerable families.
It would cripple our economy at the moment we are most vulnerable.
Doug Jones is perhaps the most vulnerable Democrat of the 2020 cycle.
Heller is considered the most vulnerable Republican up for reelection in 6900.
It directly impacts on peoples' lives, particularly the most vulnerable in society.
That is the person who is most vulnerable in all of those.
Heller has long been seen as the most vulnerable GOP Senate incumbent.
"The government knows exactly who is most vulnerable to pressure," she said.
Senator Dean Heller of Nevada is considered the most vulnerable Republican incumbent.
Rossello has stressed the need to protect the island's most vulnerable residents.
The calls targeted the most vulnerable Americans, including immigrants and older people.
We're seeing some of our most vulnerable get mowed down; it's horrifying.
But, those most vulnerable to severe disease, will not because they cannot.
Are you in a position to volunteer to support those most vulnerable?
Analyst say the market is most vulnerable if there's a negative surprise.
Inmates are among the most vulnerable populations in this public health crisis.
The most vulnerable people, it seemed, had gotten out of the way.
San Francisco has taken steps to protect its most vulnerable homeless residents.
"Agriculture is the most vulnerable sector to natural disasters," Mr. Flores said.
Doug Jones — viewed as one of Democrats' most vulnerable incumbents — in November.
"These are among the most vulnerable workers in the country," he said.
Sanctuary will make our community safer for everyone, especially the most vulnerable.
Mr. Riley had written it to show Cassius at his most vulnerable.
Another angle: Older people are among the most vulnerable to the virus.
Jones is considered the most vulnerable Democratic senators facing reelection in 2020.
The move showed where Mr. Modi is ultimately most vulnerable: the economy.
As Ms. Simone relates, children are most vulnerable on the school bus.
America's war against immigrants is now targeting the weakest and most vulnerable.
He would take vital care away from the most vulnerable among us.
The Washington Post: Zinke is Cabinet official most vulnerable to Dem probe.
It's really unfortunate because they're targeting some of the most vulnerable population.
Or do we stand together to protect the most vulnerable among us?
The people who rely on federal rental assistance are society's most vulnerable.
Democrats lose their two most vulnerable seats in North Dakota and Florida.
We keep hearing about how our most vulnerable citizens are at risk.
"Portugal is still one of the most vulnerable economies," Stubbs told CNBC.
" "Wuerl took the most vulnerable -- children -- and put them in harm's way.
Qatar's most vulnerable point is probably its banks' dependence on foreign funding.
In equities, US tech, US small caps, & Asia EM are most vulnerable.
But we are also increasingly isolating the most vulnerable students in America.
Meals on Wheels: Delivers nutritious meals to the country's most vulnerable seniors.
"It is hypocritical for our party to say we are for the most vulnerable, for the transgender community, for people of color, and not to listen to sex workers who often are part of those most vulnerable communities."
The social compact between America and its most vulnerable citizens will be broken.
More globally exposed, cyclical industries like technology and industrials are proving most vulnerable.
They're also the same places that are the most vulnerable to climate change.
Workers undertaking routine tasks that are "codifiable" are the most vulnerable to replacement.
Poor nations are most vulnerable to more droughts, floods and rising sea levels.
Tillis, like Jones, is among the most vulnerable senators facing reelection in 22020.
We are facing a national health disaster, especially in our most vulnerable communities.
The most vulnerable people in this society are now becoming the most feared.
This means there are more hours of darkness, when people are most vulnerable.
Violence is perpetrated on society's most vulnerable, with little to no recourse available.
Jones is considered one of the most vulnerable incumbents on the board. Rep.
Legislation must also ensure adequate funding for Medicaid to protect the most vulnerable.
How we treat those most vulnerable says a lot about who we are.
Those are the three most vulnerable stocks on the Dow Industrial, he said.
"It's the critical information that's under the radar that's most vulnerable," he said.
To be sure, China is not the nation most vulnerable to dollar strength.
This kind of psychological torture of the most vulnerable children is just incomprehensible.
But the most vulnerable firewall state of all appears to be New Hampshire.
This forces the most vulnerable to flee their homes for an uncertain future.
Mr Rauner is one of the most vulnerable Republican governors in the country.
Pitchers in particular are most vulnerable, giving up more home runs than usual.
Mark Kirk, who is considered one of the most vulnerable incumbent GOP senators.
"We need to protect the most vulnerable people in the current plan," Rep.
The program also calls for expanded social spending to protect the most vulnerable.
When you have sex with someone you see them at their most vulnerable.
When it comes to the nation's most vulnerable children, senators are exceptionally disingenuous.
This is callous and harmful to our most vulnerable Americans and our communities.
For the weakest and most vulnerable like Daniela, the pain is most acute.
Heller is considered the most vulnerable GOP senator on the ballot in 2018.
"The most vulnerable retirees are not going to take a hit," he said.
It's be nice but not remotely in the top 20-25 most vulnerable.
Mid-tier banks are the most vulnerable among Fitch's rated Chinese commercial banks.
"The highest rates of infection occur within our most vulnerable communities," Louie says.
That's enough to continue covering our most vulnerable, our children and the elderly.
I was just at my most vulnerable then, I was so self-conscious.
These are the most vulnerable people in the world we are talking about.
WILLIAMSON: Yes, it's something that's performed against the most vulnerable sort of people.
For our country's most vulnerable immigrants, the impact of this memo is dramatic.
McCaskill is one of the most vulnerable Senate Democrats up for re-election.
The most vulnerable people are those who are consuming simple, plant-based diets.
More important, the quality of life changed dramatically, particularly for the most vulnerable.
The three are considered among the most vulnerable Democratic senators in November's midterms.
Heller is among the most vulnerable Republicans up for reelection in the Senate.
Our society is judged on how we treat the most vulnerable amongst us.
Heller is considered the most vulnerable Republican senator up for reelection in 2018.
It is our responsibility to care for the most vulnerable in our society.
Most vulnerable individuals affected by Carson's rent increase earn about $200 a month.
The analysis shows how the law lifted some of the most vulnerable citizens.
Heller is considered among the most vulnerable senators up for reelection in November.
Protecting the most vulnerable among us is not a Republican or Democratic idea.
Democracy has to deliver — not just to the rich but the most vulnerable.
The forestry industry has also been impacted, with smaller outfits the most vulnerable.
Jon Tester, who is among the most vulnerable Democratic senators in the nation.
Heller is considered the most vulnerable Senate Republican up for reelection next year.
Manchin is one of the most vulnerable Democrats running for reelection in 2018.
Collapsing FSGS may have some genetic predisposition, and African-Americans seem most vulnerable.
This is nowhere near enough to reach the most vulnerable children and youth.
Joe Donnelly, one of the chamber's most vulnerable Democrats, according to NBC News.
The result has drastically undermined the health of the world's most vulnerable people.
All of this is harming global health and the world's most vulnerable populations.
Kirk registers to lobby MORE (Ill.), the most vulnerable Senate Republicans this cycle.
"They are the most vulnerable group in Africa, especially in business," said Nyakarundi.
But he holds one of the most vulnerable Republican seats in the Senate.
It hurts the most vulnerable: patients with low incomes and serious chronic conditions.
Pharmacy benefit managers are the most vulnerable to Amazon's threat in his view.
Rod Blum (R-Iowa), one of the most vulnerable GOP incumbents this cycle.
Boredom breeds insanity and the most vulnerable— like Bpaet, fall through the cracks.
The Philippines is among nations most vulnerable to the impact of global warming.
How we treat those most vulnerable says a lot about who we are.
Specifically, what moment of her life has left her feeling the most vulnerable.
"We essentially have to ration to patients that are most vulnerable," Shah said.
The United States was the most vulnerable country, with 24 crypto-related attacks.
But it is people like H. O. Woltz III who feel most vulnerable.
With respect to age, young people and old people are the most vulnerable.
In today's G.O.P., cruelty toward the most vulnerable is a pre-existing condition.
Central America is among the regions most vulnerable to climate change, scientists say.
So what's really to be gained from punching down on the most vulnerable?
The hospital is in Zone A, the area most vulnerable to storm surge.
It said that people living in poorer neighborhoods were among the most vulnerable.
And visibly Muslim women, especially Muslim women of color, are the most vulnerable.
These are the world's most vulnerable that we are turning our backs on.
Almost all the affected households were female-headed — and therefore, the most vulnerable.
Heller is among the most vulnerable Republican senators up for reelection in 2018.
Map No. 1: the most vulnerable regions of desertification in Africa in 2008.
But because of their popularity and profits, pickups are the most vulnerable products.
Max has a look at the five most vulnerable senators up for reelection.
A virulent anti-immigration administration has now targeted the weakest and most vulnerable.
But it should offer much-needed protection to the platform's most vulnerable users.
Heller is the very most vulnerable Republican up for re-election in 2018.
War and climate change are causing extreme hunger, with children the most vulnerable.
Workers may be most vulnerable in areas where prevailing wages are relatively low.
Charlie's spontaneous musical moment is him at his most honest, his most vulnerable.
You don't hear politicians speak about the poor and the most vulnerable anymore.
Doug Jones (D-Ala.), the most vulnerable Democratic incumbent and a Biden supporter.
But Democrats are now looking beyond the two most vulnerable GOP-held seats.
Chicago is most vulnerable to outages in July, when temperatures tend to peak.
Unfortunately for Republicans, the most vulnerable House seats fall outside of God country.
Heller is seen as one of the most vulnerable Senate Republicans this year.
Flake is considered among the most vulnerable GOP senators facing reelection in 2018.
"A strong, healthy economy allows us to protect our most vulnerable," he said.
Effectively threaten an institution at its most vulnerable point, and it will change.
He also urged Congress to avoid cuts to programs for the most vulnerable.
It's a win for environmental justice, shifting state funding to those most vulnerable.
I want to inspire compassion for the most vulnerable part of our society.
The children who are most vulnerable are the ones separated from their families.
"The hardest hit in disasters are generally our most vulnerable populations," he said.
"The goal is to say where are people most vulnerable to extreme heat, and in those regions where the people are most vulnerable, what are the mitigating strategies that should be most pursued that would help the most," he says.
U.S. stocks and banks are among the most vulnerable to profit-taking, they said.
How are we closing our borders to the most vulnerable people in the world?
It operates in three-quarters of California's land most vulnerable to wildfires, Newsom said.
The effects were particularly severe for the most vulnerable groups including children, he noted.
Sen. Dean Heller is one of the most vulnerable Republicans in the 2018 midterms.
Of the three you're talking about I think that's the one that's most vulnerable.
The closure caught Vale at one of its most vulnerable times in recent history.
Still, the most vulnerable members of the community have been pushed to the margins.
His images depict the daily life of some of the world's most vulnerable people.
It is almost exclusively the most vulnerable members of the community who are accused.
Yet the dollar standard is one of the most vulnerable pillars of global stability.
Republicans view Jones as the most vulnerable Democratic senator up for reelection next year.
Cory Gardner who was already among the most vulnerable GOP incumbents in the country.
Where the BRI causes angst is in its effect on the most vulnerable countries.
Such an amazing profession to care for us in our most vulnerable of times.
That particularly affects the city's most vulnerable living in tiny, subdivided apartments, Yu said.
It's the moments when she's most vulnerable and candid that people find her relatable.
Accommodation rarely helps those who are most vulnerable to sex-identity policing and discrimination.
These trends turned many poor black communities into some of America's most vulnerable places.
It's going to come from improving access to food in the most vulnerable communities.
For 83 days, they brave the elements while in the most vulnerable state imaginable.
As in other parts of the world, unscrupulous lenders prey on the most vulnerable.
The tropics and subtropics are projected to be most vulnerable to crop yield decline.
And which companies — the scrappy upstarts or the established disruptors — are the most vulnerable?
The study identified transportation, logistics and administrative jobs as the most vulnerable to automation.
"This was an attack against those who are most vulnerable, our children," said Bones.
These babies -- her babies -- are the youngest, most vulnerable victims of a raging epidemic.
Washington (CNN)As one of the most vulnerable Senate Republicans seeking re-election, Sen.
Her seat is seen as among the most vulnerable for incumbent Democrats in 2018.
Consumer advocates argued the move could plunge the most vulnerable people into medical debt.
And it is towns like Hudson that, critics of Cuomo say, are most vulnerable.
It merely raises the stakes and threatens the most vulnerable members of our community.
The original tankini was perhaps the most vulnerable swimwear trend that's taken popular hold.
The most expensive real estate is the most vulnerable real estate in the city.
The program offers fundraising and organizational assistance to its most vulnerable incumbents seeking reelection.
The area where veterans are perhaps the most vulnerable is the health care sector.
The Marshall Islands are among the most vulnerable of the world's low-lying islands.
"We're featuring stories of people that are most vulnerable" in UNVR already, he says.
Those states are home to five of 2018's most vulnerable Democratic incumbents: Sens.
Curbelo has widely been seen as one of the most vulnerable representatives from Florida.
How do we build systems that care for the most fragile and most vulnerable?
Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable nations when it comes to climate change.
The governor said he would not cut benefits to the island's most vulnerable retirees.
But Goldman Sachs says they're weakening — and warns these 15 stocks are most vulnerable.
Heller is considered perhaps the most vulnerable Senate Republican facing re-election this year.
Communities that voted most heavily to Leave are also the most vulnerable to Brexit.
Regulator Ofgem has proposed capping bills for some of the country's most vulnerable customers.
They are unknown women in the political world, and they are the most vulnerable.
But McConnell's most vulnerable Senate incumbents come from states that Obama won in 2012.
Joe Manchin, one of the most vulnerable senators running for re-election this year.
Polluters who threaten our coastline and pay-day lenders who target our most vulnerable.
The most vulnerable "targets of opportunity," it concluded, are outside, not inside, the stadium.
Mark Kirk (Ill.), considered the most vulnerable GOP incumbent up in November, supported it.
The harm inflicted on the poorest and most vulnerable women is substantial and immediate.
"It is one of the most vulnerable and rapidly changing regions in the world."
And those women who are parents might be one of the most vulnerable groups.
We can talk more seriously about strategic retreat from our most vulnerable coastal areas.
Dean Heller, the most vulnerable GOP senator, said the Democrats' messaging is "all hyperbole."
It affects nearly everyone to some extent, and often at their most vulnerable moments.
Those two are considered the most vulnerable Senate Republicans up for reelection in 2018.
Tester is seen as one of the most vulnerable Dems... more on that below.
McCaskill and Donnelly are seen as the most vulnerable Senate Democrats aside from Sen.
Businesses were the second most vulnerable group, making up 21 percent of those hacked.
Sectors that are most vulnerable to legislation, such as health care, would face headwinds.
"The people who are most vulnerable, you're giving second-class checks to," he said.
Yet Iowa is also one of the states most vulnerable to a trade war.
First, it's going to be about saving lives, especially those who are most vulnerable.
Claire McCaskill, one of the most vulnerable Senate Democrats up for reelection this year.
Moral authority is where China is most vulnerable to humiliation, at home and abroad.
As an organization, this is the weakest and most vulnerable it's been in decades.
But she said vaccination is about protecting the most vulnerable, not about parenting trends.
How does that occur, where they find themselves in the most vulnerable of positions?
Those retirees are among the most vulnerable populations affected by the upper respiratory disease.
Scott Walker, one of the most vulnerable high-profile Republicans of the midterms cycle.
Mauritania, above, is one of the regions in Africa most vulnerable to recurrent drought.
Doug Jones (D-Ala.), who is widely viewed as the most vulnerable Democratic senator.
At the beginning of your breakup, document your emotions during your most vulnerable moments.
Ms. Comstock is viewed as one of the most vulnerable Republicans in the country.
Doug Jones (D), perhaps the most vulnerable incumbent senator up for reelection this year.
A country's deepest values are reflected in how it treats its most vulnerable citizens.
The most vulnerable Democrat in the Senate up for reelection this year, Alabama Sen.
According to Sulathireh, trans women are among the most vulnerable in the LGBT community.
South and southeast Asian countries accounted for half of the 10 most vulnerable countries.
The 30 Democrats running in districts Trump carried are among the party's most vulnerable.
Mr. Trump had campaigned on attacking the weakest and most vulnerable in our society.
Paul Gosar — a seat that made her one of the Democrats' most vulnerable members.
We remain committed to meeting the needs of our most vulnerable individuals and families.
"They're the most vulnerable population — they're totally dependent on us for care," she said.
And they target the most vulnerable companies and people whose information is poorly protected.
He is considered the most vulnerable GOP senator up for reelection in 6900. Sen.
This includes closures of STD clinics, often serving those most vulnerable to these infections.
But in our country, we prey upon the most vulnerable citizens in our nation.
I'm proud of our country's history of giving shelter to the most vulnerable people.
Africa is the most vulnerable to negative economic impact, according to the EIU report.
President Trump's budget eliminates those programs, adversely impacting some of our most vulnerable students.
I believe that when the most vulnerable people succeed, our entire nation makes progress.
It is unacceptable to blame our worst social ills upon our society's most vulnerable.
"I think those who are unaware of the technology are most vulnerable," he said.
Third, cuts would adversely affect health outcomes for our most vulnerable mothers and children.
Even more haunting, their talent and gender made them most vulnerable to the abuse.
David Valadao (R-Calif.), one of the most vulnerable House Republicans heading into 2018.
Homeless, runaway and foster care youth were identified as being most vulnerable to exploitation.
"In D.C., we're focusing on highlighting those most vulnerable to period poverty," Sarhan said.
Most of Mr. Trump's supporters did not intend to attack our most vulnerable citizens.
Many of the area's most vulnerable people counted on her for support and guidance.
Some of the most vulnerable Senate Democrats up for reelection in 2018 — including Sens.
Claire McCaskill, one of the Senate's most vulnerable Democrats but with an independent streak.
Health insurance for thousands of the state's most vulnerable residents hangs in the balance.
And one of the communities most vulnerable to increased mental health problems are refugees.
Their stance has made them the most vulnerable incumbents heading into Tuesday's primary election.
These are the poorest and most vulnerable people who'll lose insurance under the bill.
Heller is considered the most vulnerable Republican running for re-election in the Senate.
At Unison, the staffers have dedicated themselves to giving these most vulnerable students a chance.
As temperatures drop and the air becomes drier, our skin is at its most vulnerable.
But you also mean you're going to p-r-e-y on the most vulnerable.
Italy, seen as one of the most vulnerable countries to tapering, is one to watch.
And it's during this intimate period that small males are most vulnerable to cannibalistic females.
"Right now in many parts of the country the veterans are most vulnerable," Tersigni said.
Heller, far and away the most vulnerable Republican up for reelection, also praised McConnell's decision.
The first weeks after leaving the ER may be when young people are most vulnerable.
Peters is not considered one of the most vulnerable senators running for reelection next year.
And industries most vulnerable to retaliation, like agriculture, are protesting about losing valuable export opportunities.
Why it matters: The group is targeting some of the most vulnerable Republicans, like Reps.
He must ensure that India's universities do a better job by their most vulnerable students.
This is where the relationship is at its most vulnerable and where Netflix cheating begins.
"Young people are the most vulnerable and underrepresented victims of war-zone rape," he wrote.
This killer has targeted some of our community's most vulnerable citizens while they were sleeping.
These groups often work with the most vulnerable populations enrolled under the Affordable Care Act.
Walton Li of Greenpeace said it was one of the world's most vulnerable port cities.
An inaccurate count means that some communities (the most vulnerable, naturally) will be underserved financially.
It said the plan would continue to try to protect Puerto Rico's most vulnerable citizens.
"I picked that one because I feel like that's my most vulnerable song," she explained.
Austerity measures have had devastating results for some of the most vulnerable people in society.
I wondered where the justice was in a system that abandoned our most vulnerable citizens.
What's your most vulnerable song on the record and where do you feel the strongest?
They are seen as the most vulnerable to sell-offs if rates start to rise.
But by all accounts, it is the most vulnerable moment of the Toronto artist's career.
"People who suffer from mental illness are the most vulnerable people on Earth," O'Connor said.
Some of the most vulnerable survivors of a natural disaster are the youngest among us.
And children who live in urban areas are most vulnerable to getting shot at school.
This issue is about privacy, safety, and security in the most vulnerable places we go.
The 24th most vulnerable Republican is Dana Rohrabacher, who represents the district right next door.
So far, most vulnerable Senate Democrats have remained silent about Trump's looming Supreme Court decision.
From another, it leaves tens of thousands of the world's most vulnerable people at risk.
This can all be a bit scary, I know, showing yourself at your most vulnerable.
Dean was always a bite of his own conscience, there for his most vulnerable moments.
Our mandate is to protect and empower the women, children, and elderly—the most vulnerable.
Your friends will never step between you and one of the earth's most vulnerable creatures.
The president's legacy must be one of resolute action on behalf of the most vulnerable.
He singled out companies in the memory and semiconductor spaces as the ones most vulnerable.
But I also know that we are most vulnerable to manipulation when we are scared.
The IIF said Turkey, Brazil and South Africa are some of the countries most vulnerable.
Nelson said financial services companies were often at their most vulnerable when embarking on change.
If they could, it had the potential to transform healthcare for the most vulnerable patients.
And these blows would hit hardest the most vulnerable populations—black women and their children.
Johnson, a Republican from Wisconsin, is considered one of the most vulnerable incumbents this year.
One proposal would increase benefits for everyone, with extra help for those considered most vulnerable.
That's bad news for Manchin, who is among the most vulnerable Democrats up for reelection.
They can easily identify the users who are most vulnerable to emotion-laden half-truths.
Children under the age of 6 are thought to be most vulnerable, Dr. Baum said.
It was Kennedy who often stepped forward to protect our most vulnerable rights and individuals.
We must protect the most vulnerable of our citizens from being born addicted to opioids.
The program has safeguards in place to make sure the most vulnerable populations are protected.
Most of all, it heals and helps the most vulnerable parents and children among us.
He's also widely considered one of the most vulnerable red-state Democrats running next year.
The smaller parties and campaigns, which have far fewer resources, could be the most vulnerable.
The 10 US cities most vulnerable to a housing downturn when the next recession happens
Cutting programs now to avoid raising taxes, she said, would devastate the most vulnerable residents.
Ensuring our most vulnerable families have roofs over their heads will grow our entire economy.
But it's those on some of the smaller islands that could be the most vulnerable.
The Illinois Republican is considered the most vulnerable Senate incumbent up for reelection this fall.
The Cook Political Report, for instance, ranks only 19 Republicans in its most vulnerable categories.
"This is injustice against the most vulnerable people on this planet: little children," she says.
Comstock is seen as one of the most vulnerable Republican members of Congress in November.
Meanwhile, the most vulnerable down-ticket Republican candidates are trying to escape Mr. Trump's shadow.
In times of crisis, our nation comes together to help the most vulnerable among us.
That said, I will concede that it is definitely the most vulnerable of the FAANNGs.
They represent, instead, global partnerships that pit transnational elites against the world's most vulnerable people.
It also aids in keeping hair protected from harmful friction in its most vulnerable state.
The crop is most vulnerable to stress during its pollination stage in June and July.
McCaskill is considered one of the most vulnerable Democrats up for reelection in the Senate.
Kelly, a fighter throughout the season, is at her most vulnerable on her new island.
The risk of illness here is, unfortunately, greatest among the most vulnerable of the population.
This agenda has no place in a society that cares about its most vulnerable members.
Vaccinating parents are protecting the most vulnerable, as keepers of "the herd," so thank you.
They are among the most vulnerable as bloated German lenders seek to slash their payrolls.
McCaskill is considered one of the most vulnerable Democratic senators on the ballot in 2018.
Heller is considered one of the most vulnerable Republican senators up for reelection next month.
The most vulnerable should have some idea if the "cure" is worse than the disease.
Tester and Manchin are the two of the most vulnerable Democrats according to our poll.
But I'll miss the way Ralph gave one of TV's most vulnerable, hollowed-out performances.
Indiana, which has one of the most vulnerable Democratic senators, had a 10-point increase.
This time it has been a particular attack on the most vulnerable in our society.
It would leave some of the country's most vulnerable without a way to get by.
Irish beef is one of the sectors most vulnerable to the potential effects of Brexit.
Clinton's biography made her uniquely unsuited to draw blood where Mr. Trump was most vulnerable.
Among the most vulnerable aquifers are those underlying the desert basins of the American Southwest.
It is Mr. Manchin's most vulnerable vote, and when pressed, he returns to health care.
Older adults are most vulnerable to the virus, along with people with compromised immune systems.
When it comes to the coronavirus, we're only as protected as our most vulnerable neighbors.
And during a pandemic, that mindset can be fatal for those most vulnerable, Taylor said.
Cory Gardner is widely regarded as among the most vulnerable Republican incumbents in the country.
Ultimately, summer camps exist to validate outmoded social structures among the most vulnerable age bracket.
But it is impoverished people like Eliza Shica who are most vulnerable to extreme weather.
It takes a village to support our elders, one of our country's most vulnerable populations.
Backup generators buzzed around hospitals, which were trying to keep the most vulnerable patients alive.
This is also the period in our lives when we are most vulnerable to trauma.
We rarely think about the downsides to our fellow Americans, the most vulnerable among us.
According to prior research, Dr. O'Connor said, birds are most vulnerable to infection after hatching.
Doug Jones (D), one of the most vulnerable incumbent senators up for reelection in November.
"We have protected the most vulnerable pieces," Ms. Weinstein, of the public health system, said.
"As everybody knows, they are the population that is most vulnerable to this," he said.
Absent swift and affirmative action, the coronavirus could spread quickly among the most vulnerable Iraqis.
"Many seniors reside here and they are among the most vulnerable to this terrible virus."
As with the European heat waves, the most vulnerable in society will bear the brunt.
"This time in 2007 was when the Obama campaign felt the most vulnerable," he said.
Doug Jones of Alabama, widely considered one of the most vulnerable incumbents in the chamber.
Senior citizens, especially those with underlying conditions, are among the most vulnerable to the virus.
In her view, Mr. Trump's budget would turn Washington's back on America's most vulnerable populations.
Officials might feel that the poorer neighborhoods are genuinely the most vulnerable, Ms. Siders said.
This group likely will be comprised of the most vulnerable Republican senators and their allies.
Is it a coincidence that Ofglen opens up when Offred is at her most vulnerable?
The Seventh Fleet, the largest of the Navy's forward-deployed fleets, was perhaps most vulnerable.
But when Bespoke created the index, it chose to include only the most vulnerable retailers.
The most vulnerable were unpowered and unmotivated, and they were conforming to their dire state.
Those who are older, obese, previously injured or have weak muscles are the most vulnerable.
Heller is already considered one of the most vulnerable senators up for reelection in 2018.
Workers like me have devoted our entire lives to caring for society's most vulnerable citizens.
Third, these cuts will adversely affect health outcomes for our most vulnerable mothers and children.
At least they don't want it enough to use Biden's most vulnerable weaknesses against him.
"You can't cut $1 trillion from these programs and protect the most vulnerable," she said.
The fight to protect the most vulnerable is a personal one for Biden, Cancela said.
"We need to know at the village level who are the most vulnerable," he said.
They should treat the most vulnerable as caringly as they do those who have power.
CNN's Jeff Zeleny has reported two officials said Shulkin remains the most vulnerable cabinet member.
Gardner is among the most vulnerable Republicans up for reelection in the Senate in November.
The supposedly wonderful healthcare system leaves the most vulnerable to die in dirty hospital rooms.
In between, Ed Royce and Mimi Walters represent the 13th- and 20th-most vulnerable districts.
New Hampshire's Kelly Ayotte is viewed as one of the most vulnerable Senate Republican incumbents.
This unreliability in policy makes Dreamers the most vulnerable population in our immigration system today.
The most vulnerable demographic to gun violence was men between 20 and 24 years old.
This is a major setback to American efforts to help the world's most vulnerable populations.
Some of the most vulnerable Democratic incumbents are in relatively inexpensive states, such as Sen.
Young women and girls are the most vulnerable and most often targeted for these acts.
Heller is considered among the most vulnerable Republican senators in the upcoming 2018 midterm elections.
These groups are most vulnerable to elevated heat levels, disease, and other climate-related impacts.
Their greed and lies lead to unfulfilled expectations, and they prey on the most vulnerable.
Kirk registers to lobby MORE (R-Ill.), among the most vulnerable senators up for reelection.
We are called to protect all who are most vulnerable, in word and in deed.
But perhaps the greatest contribution of charters has been in D.C.'s most vulnerable communities.
Doug Jones, who's widely seen as the most vulnerable Democratic senator facing reelection this year.
"This was an attack against those who are most vulnerable, our children," Chief Bones said.
His biggest sales included companies that are among the most vulnerable to an economic slowdown.
We need to protect those who are most vulnerable, supporting their ability to self-quarantine.
I am picking teenagers as a specific example of a population that is most vulnerable.
But there's an argument for Wayne's most special moments being his most vulnerable and personal.
Joe Donnelly is one of the most vulnerable Democrats up for re-election this year.
The blue-state Republican is already viewed as the most vulnerable incumbent in the nation.
He's also affirmed their dignity and taken a stand on behalf of the most vulnerable.
Some of the most vulnerable people whom VICE News saw moving were the Eritrean women.
But to do this, police targeted the most vulnerable — mainly, black residents — with frivolous charges.
I don't support this administration nor their fight against LGBTQ+ citizens, immigrants & our most vulnerable.
But Watson also thinks the police are choosing to target those who are most vulnerable.
Children under five are the most vulnerable, but people can be fully protected with preventative vaccines.
The Cook Political Report's David Wasserman tells me the nation's most vulnerable House Dem is Rep.
Let's not use poverty as an excuse for not educating our most vulnerable—and promising—students.
"Medicaid cuts hurt [the] most vulnerable Americans," noted Senator Susan Collins of Maine, announcing her opposition.
"The test of any nation is how we treat the most vulnerable among us," she said.
Republicans had long considered Iowa's 1st District to be among the party's most vulnerable House seats.
Democracies are most vulnerable, the president said, when their citizens forget they're pursuing a common goal.
America's most vulnerable populations became an important means to repudiate the democratic upheaval of the postwar
Their big noggin is both the most important and the most vulnerable part of their body.
Children under five are the most vulnerable, but there is a vaccine which prevents the disease.
Editor's Note: Among other things, sex may be the most vulnerable experience a person can have.
"That double standard allows some of our most vulnerable people to end up in harm's way."
I have never seen a bull market end that didn't hurt badly the most vulnerable investors.
Heidi Heitkamp, who is defending one of the most vulnerable seats in the 2018 midterm elections.
Anti-trafficking and forced labor organizations consider foreign domestic helpers among Hong Kong's most vulnerable populations.
Sesame Street's beloved Muppets will soon help some of the most vulnerable children in the world.
Australia has said the "most vulnerable" refugees on Nauru would be given priority for U.S. resettlement.
That's why researchers are scrambling to develop a vaccine that could protect the most vulnerable. Col.
AA: I feel most vulnerable when I take self-portraits and then post them on Instagram.
The most vulnerable regions are Latin America, South Africa, Turkey, Indonesia and possibly India, it says.
Bangladesh in particular is highlighted as the most vulnerable country to climate collapse in the world.
"We've got a number of patients, some of the most vulnerable in our society," said Romley.
Investors were quick to sell companies that appear most vulnerable to a drop in global growth.
Such segmentation means that the most vulnerable workers before the crisis were hit hardest during it.
A pilot project gives the most vulnerable help to find housing, food and clothing on release.
This measure does nothing but keep Oklahoma's most vulnerable youth out of loving and committed homes.
He directly addressed the concern that "free thought" doesn't help the most vulnerable people among us.
An investigation reveals a troubling pattern of abuse against one of New York's most vulnerable populations.
Young children, older people, pregnant women, and people with preexisting health conditions are the most vulnerable.
Nixon is also going on the attack against Cuomo from the left, where he's most vulnerable.
It's pretty much every awful thing you can imagine hitting you in your most vulnerable place.
It's on them to make sure they prioritize the experience, especially for their most vulnerable users.
In 2016, Britain pledged to take 480 of the most vulnerable young asylum seekers in Europe.
J.D. and other "[u]naccompanied minor migrants are among the most vulnerable persons in the world".
BNP Paribas analysts reckoned it was among the legacy Tier 1 bonds most vulnerable to extension.
It ensures that those most vulnerable to nationalist and xenophobic content are able to see it.
Claire McCaskill (D-MO), one of the most vulnerable Senate Democrats up for reelection this year.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the bill was well-crafted and would defend the most vulnerable.
Doug Jones, who is considered one of the most vulnerable incumbent senators in the 2020 cycle.
What it means is helping her father out while he strips rights from the most vulnerable.
These technologies could affect the most vulnerable, who are also likely to be the least culpable.
To make a difference in terms of outcomes, particularly for the students who are most vulnerable?
Now living in the UK, Malala has fought for the world's most vulnerable girls ever since.
And beyond that, these police aim to profit off of some of society's most vulnerable people.
Emerging markets, which are very export driven, may be the most vulnerable to any protectionist actions.
Worse yet, all too often sanctions target the poorest and most vulnerable of these nations' citizens.
It doesn't just suck for viewers, points out Jacquie—it endangers the most vulnerable of us.
The impact on the human rights of the most vulnerable in the UK will be immense.
Standing at the podium and fielding questions from angry reporters, Reagan is at his most vulnerable.
Higher inflation erodes the value of bonds, with long-dated debt most vulnerable to price rises.
Authoritarian leaders have begun to weaponize their most vulnerable populations in order to coerce stronger countries.
" Bender added, "We're trying to serve the most vulnerable populations and it can be risky territory.
The exclusion prevents many facilities from getting Medicaid reimbursement to treat the most vulnerable in society.
I felt the most vulnerable, because I was watching myself going, 'Oh, I feel for her.
Like when his choreographer, Laurieann Gibson, said that performing makes him his most vulnerable and honest.
Under the AHCA, insurers could charge the most vulnerable people even more money to get covered.
The seven most vulnerable countries are preparing national strategies and policies for resilience against future droughts.
Doug Jones (D-Ala.), who is considered the most vulnerable senator up for election next year.
Unfair marketing practices further accelerate the development of poor health outcomes among our most vulnerable communities.
He expects that to spiral into a currency war and has identified the most vulnerable investments.
While anyone can contract the disease once bitten, children and the elderly are the most vulnerable.
Sherrod Brown: On paper, Brown should have been among the most vulnerable Democratic senators in 22020.
Blum is considered one of the most vulnerable GOP incumbent House members heading into November's elections.
Right now, middlemen are earning staggering profits by diverting discounts away from the most vulnerable patients.
The most vulnerable in our society are usually thought to be the young and the elderly.
However, the administration increasingly seems interested in gutting longstanding protections for the world's most vulnerable people.
Barbara Comstock (R-Va.), one of the most vulnerable GOP incumbents heading into the 2628 elections.
The penal system ballooned, while social supports directed toward the poorest and most vulnerable declined precipitously.
Oddly, it's German automakers that are the next most vulnerable to a U.S.-China trade war.
Among those most vulnerable to the devastating effects of this epidemic are the children of Burundi.
Hauer's study also cited New Orleans as one of the US cities most vulnerable to flooding.
What is the real rationale for depriving some of our most vulnerable citizens of health coverage?
The campaign blitz includes some of the most vulnerable GOP lawmakers this election cycle, including Reps.
Heidi Heitkamp, considered one of the most vulnerable Democratic senators running for re-election in 2018.
The absence has implications for public health in the very population that is the most vulnerable.
In essence, these young migrants are among the most vulnerable, at risk children on the planet.
These changes would instead permit Massachusetts to restrict prescription medications to the Commonwealth's most vulnerable citizens.
So he did not have to think hard about his most vulnerable moment as an actor.
This is about providing all workers — especially the most vulnerable — the right to a safe workplace.
Our laws should protect those who are most vulnerable, particularly those who suffer from mental illness.
Nail salon workers are the most vulnerable to exposure from the dangerous chemicals, the newspaper noted.
They're the ones there every day, so in some sense they're most vulnerable in those situations.
" They recommended changes "to protect the free speech and human rights of Facebook's most vulnerable users.
Sharks are most vulnerable in their early years, and they require additional protection, Mr. Curtis said.
"Asked which cloud data warehousing startups are most vulnerable, Kelly answered: "Quite honestly, all of them.
Would doing away with them stick it to insurers or kill the most vulnerable among us?
This includes children living in some of the most vulnerable and complex areas of the world.
In the House, some of the most vulnerable Republicans are backing the compromise bill, including Reps.
Despite the two defections, the vast majority of even the most vulnerable Democrats backed the resolution.
Women and children are the most vulnerable people when making the journey to cross the border.
"This meets the 21st-century needs for those most vulnerable," said Mignon Clyburn, a Democratic commissioner.
"The majority is willing to rip away life-saving communications tools from our most vulnerable citizens."
That, to me, seems like one of the most vulnerable things you can show on screen.
The result is probably the most genuinely futuristic-sounding album in discography, and his most vulnerable.
"The weakest and most vulnerable must be helped," the pope said in his homily on Monday.
I wonder if, among this high-risk group, EGASP is missing some of Thailand's most vulnerable.
ICE as a tool for targeting the most vulnerable immigrants en masse predates Trump as well.
When we are at our most vulnerable is when we can make the most meaningful connections.
The late stage of an economic expansion is most vulnerable to a popping of the bubble.
This would require "direct subsidies" to the most vulnerable households until they can look after themselves.
"If we can improve working conditions for the most vulnerable then that will really help everyone."
The flu strikes indiscriminately, but young children, the elderly and the chronically ill are most vulnerable.
"The victims of most con games are people who are the most vulnerable," Mr. Donovan said.
The most vulnerable students in public schools rely on critical services like food and special education.
Mandela's honest efforts to create and maintain family memories portray him in his most vulnerable humanness.
Implementing facial recognition risks intensifying harassment and false identification of the most vulnerable members of society.
The roughly 220 million Americans in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities are the most vulnerable.
Parkinson's industry group had suggested that, to protect the most vulnerable, they all do the same.
"My biggest worry is what will happen to the most vulnerable in our society," Robbins said.
They are wholly obsessed with shoring up intergenerational poverty and leaving the most vulnerable to die.
Health insurance for tens of thousands of the state's most vulnerable residents hangs in the balance.
Trump's election is a promise of irreparable harm to the most vulnerable communities in our nation.
For those most vulnerable, however, social distancing and self-isolation will take a much greater toll.
We must take advantage of the lifesaving tools we have to protect our nation's most vulnerable.
"These are the most vulnerable students we have," Miron said, referring to the students of Detroit.
Jones is largely thought to be the most vulnerable Democratic senator up for reelection this year.
The economic impact will be bad, and the health impact to our most vulnerable even worse.
And the older prison population is among the most vulnerable to severe complications from Covid-19.
They are targeting the most vulnerable  —  poor and working-class immigrants of color without legal status.
Priority will be given to the most vulnerable, such as unaccompanied children, disabled and elderly people.
The freshman lawmaker is arguably the most vulnerable incumbent House Democrat running for reelection in November.
The United States Supreme Court has the hallowed role of protecting the most vulnerable in society.
The government also needs to do more to educate the most vulnerable Americans about their rights.
They published studies a few weeks ago on the places most vulnerable to novel coronavirus infections.
The Trump administration is proposing regulations that will hurt many of our most vulnerable fellow citizens.
All 16 species of Arctic birds are the most vulnerable, at 85033 percent, to climate change.
Investors dumped stocks in companies thought to be most vulnerable to the effects of the virus.
But she is also 89 years old and struggling, her lungs the most vulnerable of all.
But it has too often led to one where the most vulnerable pay the highest price.
But we are really focused on identifying them, particularly those who prey on our most vulnerable.
This will frighten, confuse and discourage the most vulnerable in our population from receiving health care.
When we were at our most vulnerable, having to make these plans was an added torture.
This election is about the most vulnerable among us, who need you to be an ally.
Dean Heller (R-Nev.), one of the most vulnerable senators in 2018, said in a statement.
The study focused on some of the most vulnerable preemies: those born before 34 weeks gestation.
First, urban planners have historically focused on housing issues, especially for the most vulnerable among us.
In the UK, conservative governments have continued to punish the most vulnerable people with drug dependence.
Relationships are most vulnerable when initial expectation about gender roles are overturned, The Atlantic first reported.
It does not allow for much redistribution of wealth or protection of the most vulnerable citizens.
Explain what information might be most vulnerable and where you might be most exposed to hackers.
Of Israel's neighbors, the most vulnerable state — and the most crucial to American interests — is Jordan.
Hickenlooper expected to end presidential bid on Thursday MORE (Colo.), one of the most vulnerable incumbents.
Before I begin with the most vulnerable, let's start the examination with the official party line.
It doesn't seem like a politics of visibility can really save the most vulnerable among us.
Denham, Valadao, Poliquin and Young are among the most vulnerable Republicans up for reelection this year.
It's a work in which Rowling relentlessly brutalizes the story's most vulnerable characters and their aspirations.
The Senate Republican doesn't need to worry about his most vulnerable incumbents facing serious primary challengers.
But these numbers hide another story: one in which America repeatedly fails its most vulnerable citizens.
Human rights advocates said the court's ruling threatened to put the most vulnerable in harm's way.
It has moved from mere talk to real policy decisions, attacking the most vulnerable student groups.
We strongly believe in our responsibility to help protect the youngest and most vulnerable of society.
Prioritize those who are most vulnerable to climate change, like indigenous communities and people of color.
Pelosi has long tried to protect her most vulnerable members from politically difficult impeachment-related votes.
And we're already starting to see states prioritize ObamaCare expansion over services for the most vulnerable.
That district belongs to Will Hurd, already one of the most vulnerable Republicans in the country.
It's been striking to watch women boldly share their most vulnerable moments in light of #MeToo.
Should the Democratic Party focus on the most vulnerable, in the language of access and need?
The most vulnerable populations are likely to be the childless adults covered by Obamacare's Medicaid expansion.
Flake, who is running, is sitting in one of the most vulnerable 2018 Republican Senate seats.
Instead, people have a duty to protect their families and the most vulnerable in their communities.
In many ways, they are at their most dangerous when they are at their most vulnerable.
And those write-ups can mean more time in solitary for the most vulnerable behind bars.
Editorial The United Nations is failing some of the most vulnerable children it is supposed to protect.
British American Tobacco, which sells market leading menthol cigarette Newport, is seen as the most vulnerable company.
It has been a beacon of hope to some of the most vulnerable people around the world.
And building up commercial markets alone would not benefit the most vulnerable and marginalized people, it added.
About 3,500 of respondents said they were in their first trimester, when the fetus is most vulnerable.
It can make children and the elderly in particular, who are our most vulnerable populations, very ill.
Service sector firms - which include labor intensive industries such as retailing and construction - are the most vulnerable.
The gains we've made in expressive freedoms are thus among the most critical—and the most vulnerable.
Doctors who get their MDs in image interpretation, namely pathologists, radiologists, and dermatologists, are the most vulnerable.
"He contacted me at probably one of the most vulnerable times of my life," Schwikert told ABC.
The outsiders are the ones who are most vulnerable and that's what I saw in the interview.
Mickelson, at the National Low Income Housing Coalition, said the shutdown is hurting the most vulnerable Americans.
Hundreds of the migrants are expected to accept Mexico's offer to allow the most vulnerable to stay.
On the other hand, the Medicaid population by definition comprises the most vulnerable people in the country.
Some of the most vulnerable universities are in parts of the country where good jobs are scarce.
Some stylists think that wet styling causes damage, as the hair is in its most vulnerable state.
Together, the allegations suggest a pattern of unprovoked physical abuse against some of New York's most vulnerable.
As a queer, Jewish, Latina climate activist, Margolin is committed to advocating for the most vulnerable communities.
For the most vulnerable ones, it offers additional help to let them get started back at home.
Some scams are sophisticated — like Mark Hotton targeting an established Broadway producer at his most vulnerable moment.
I view this as a social justice issue, and want the law to protect society's most vulnerable.
Germany, with its trade surplus and car industry, is the country that is most vulnerable to Trump.
"In the real world, women are most vulnerable before they even know they are pregnant," he said.
And he has used his celebrity and philanthropy to benefit some of our most vulnerable community members.
The new "flexibility" it gives to states will ensure that the most vulnerable are the most hurt.
His seat is considered one of the most vulnerable in Democrats' bid to retake the Senate majority.
"Mine have always been focused on finding ways of helping our most vulnerable communities," he told Gizmodo.
Turnbull said priority would be given to the "most vulnerable" groups, such as families, the ABC reported.
So we definitely are most vulnerable and the front line of what is happening with climate change.
Coroners see us at our most vulnerable: dead, naked, and splayed open on a slab of metal.
Some scams are sophisticated—like Mark Hotton targeting an established Broadway producer at his most vulnerable moment.
"It seemed like every creep in Hollywood knew about my most vulnerable and violated moment," she wrote.
Barbara Comstock, first elected in 2014 and long pegged as one of 2018's most vulnerable Republicans.
The couple "targeted the most vulnerable members of our community," District Attorney Mary Rain told the court.
"Children in urban slums tend to be from families that are among the most vulnerable," Narayan said.
She pointed out in a statement that the tax is especially harmful to the city's most vulnerable.
The EPA has been one of the Trump administration's most vulnerable targets when it comes to reform.
But for doctors, these restrictions are a nightmare, as they block access for their most vulnerable patients.
Portman was consistently ranked as one of the most vulnerable Republicans in the upper chamber this year.
This is the price society's most vulnerable must pay so that the elite can steal with impunity.
Like Elizabeth and Philip, she was taken at her most vulnerable point and made into a weapon.
The $1.3 trillion economy is among the most vulnerable to global warming, but also depends on coal.
Their organization is fighting to protect the most vulnerable communities across the country—particularly refugees and immigrants.
But IRL, these phenomena visit the world's most vulnerable communities with misery and the threat of death.
On January 27th, pro-life feminists will proudly march, fighting for the rights of the most vulnerable.
"The punch you're most vulnerable to is the one you'll be hit with most often," he began.
Democrats call the Republican legislation a giveaway to the rich that would hurt the most vulnerable Americans.
For example, bail must be revisited as it seeks to imprison the poorest and most vulnerable defendants.
It is our responsibility to protect our most vulnerable students and open doors of opportunity to them.
Twitter shares tumbled overnight after short-seller Citron Research called the stock "most vulnerable" to privacy regulations.
For instance, before a seed germinates it is most vulnerable and often can rot in the soil.
Plus, the groups say, it's just a heartless thing to do to the nation's most vulnerable populations.
Today it arranges resettlement only for the most vulnerable, such as unaccompanied children or the chronically ill.
Twitter fell 9.1 percent after short-seller Citron Research called the stock "most vulnerable" to privacy regulations.
Donate to the Little Sun Foundation to help deliver solar energy to the most vulnerable communities worldwide.
Keep in mind, too, that these would be some of the sickest, most vulnerable people in America.
But on Thursday, even the most vulnerable House Democrats expressed support for the impeachment inquiry, including Reps.
Nelson, a three-term incumbent, is considered among the most vulnerable Democrats up for reelection this year.
Economically and socially marginalized people who lack representation and access to services are most vulnerable to traffickers.
Block grants undermine the protections of the Medicaid program and put our most vulnerable citizens at risk.
Too much is at stake to place politics above the needs of our nation's most vulnerable children.
Yet that will be her most vulnerable point in the battle against Mrs Leadsom, an ardent Brexiteer.
Twitter fell 12 percent after short-seller Citron Research called the stock "most vulnerable" to privacy regulations.
Another very important question is about how to protect the most vulnerable when the next recession hits.
Here, too, the most vulnerable stand to lose everything, because the standard of risk is applied unevenly.
Insurance companies have waged war on the most vulnerable in our health-care system since their creation.
In this way, the app doubles as a way for banks to help their most vulnerable customers.
They've built entire communities on swampy marshlands, effectively packing people into the areas most vulnerable to disaster.
Many of the most vulnerable Republican House members represent white-collar suburban districts with substantial immigrant populations.
"The weakest and most vulnerable must be helped," Francis said at a closed-door mass for migrants.
He aimed to provide coverage for the most vulnerable Americans: the poor, the elderly and the children.
But it's important to remember the very real impact it has on the most vulnerable in society.
"They're the most vulnerable peoples on the planet," Survival International's director, Stephen Corry, said in a statement.
Based on his record, Kavanaugh's appointment raises red flags among those concerned about protecting the most vulnerable.
Whether it was second-hand smoke or toxic chemicals, he fought to defend our most vulnerable citizens.
Adding still additional hurdles will make asylum drastically more difficult to access, especially for the most vulnerable.
Kirk registers to lobby MORE (R-Ill.), one of the most vulnerable senators this cycle, and Sen.
Three of them are also among the most vulnerable GOP candidates running in the midterm congressional elections.
"The baby industry needs to do a better job in protecting America's most vulnerable population," Bowen said.
Where the two join is the tree's most vulnerable spot, and where the decline appears to originate.
"Substandard and falsified medicines particularly affect the most vulnerable communities," said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
When we abandon those rules in our most vulnerable state, we open the door for potential disaster.
"This settlement will go a long way to protect our most vulnerable New Yorkers," Ms. James said.
But how can we be silent while the most vulnerable members of our society are under attack?
President Trump has already attacked Brown over immigration, and he isn't the most vulnerable red-state Democrat.
It is an economic engine delivering health services to the city's most vulnerable populations, boosted by Obamacare.
For adherents of a particular faith, religious practices and objects are often those most vulnerable to misappropriation.
This dependency is what makes bodega workers some of the most vulnerable individuals to the closure's fallout.
These methods are causing increased deforestation, particularly in some of the most vulnerable ecological regions, McSweeney said.
The countries most vulnerable to climate change are disproportionately poor ones like India, Mozambique, Bangladesh, and Cambodia.
Curiously, states that are most vulnerable to climate change are not immune to a leadership of denial.
Her poor performance at the confirmation hearing made many progressives believe she was the most vulnerable nominee.
"We cannot turn our back on the most vulnerable," Kasich said on CNN's State of the Union.
Jakeb says people are usually at their most vulnerable when they transition from care to independent living.
This would provide for our most vulnerable citizens to receive free health care from a local doctor.
Bisexual girls were the most vulnerable, with nearly 48% saying they had considered taking their own lives.
The race for the 39th District is considered one of the country's most vulnerable Republican-controlled districts.
Last year, the United States helped resettle more than 19,000 of those most vulnerable Syrians from Jordan.
And Sanders and Biden (along with Trump) are squarely in the most vulnerable demographic, all over 70.
"Being filmed in one of your most vulnerable states wasn't easy," 33-year-old Stoll tells me.
And that will harm the health and self-determination of women, particularly the most vulnerable among them.
Some of society's most vulnerable people have long been preyed upon by abusive workers in group homes.
"Our core model is to take the most at-risk or most vulnerable child," Mr. Campbell said.
The people most likely left behind fall into two categories: Obamacare's healthy enrollees and its most vulnerable.
"It seemed like every creep in Hollywood knew about my most vulnerable and violated moment," she writes.
Pence also told reporters that visits to nursing homes were being suspended to protect the most vulnerable.
By isolating ourselves, we also minimize the risk of infecting the most vulnerable members of the population.
I asked myself: Would I be a traitor for abandoning my country in its most vulnerable moment?
But one of America's largest and most vulnerable groups of workers — truck drivers — doesn't have that ability.
After all, those most vulnerable to COVID-19 are the elderly and people with underlying health conditions.
The charts below show the relative size of key nations' populations in the most vulnerable elderly groups.
The outbreak has had a significant impact on the most vulnerable populations, including the elderly and children.
Its mission is to empower Nepal's most vulnerable children by providing quality education and a safe environment.
Kroger is donating $3 million to non-profits that help the most vulnerable get access to food
And we don't really know where the worst outbreaks are happening and which areas are most vulnerable.
The most vulnerable teams are those in the Appalachian League, Northwest League and New York-Penn League.
The prospect of being without power for so long has been especially difficult for the most vulnerable.
As with all viruses, it is the most vulnerable: the young, the elderly and the chronically ill.
But Medicaid provides low-cost care to millions of the nation's oldest, sickest and most vulnerable populations.
The currency pair is generally considered the most vulnerable to rising U.S. interest rates and inflation expectations.
Previous sales spikes have been driven by consumers within the states most vulnerable to a nuclear attack.
"It's hitting some of the most vulnerable people and pushing many of them into poverty," he said.
Heitkamp was one of the most vulnerable senators from the first day of the 2018 election. 63.
I've been so inspired by the #NeverAgain movement led by the youngest and most vulnerable among us.
But it might also wind up matching the energy of two of the most vulnerable Senate Democrats.
Here are the seven most vulnerable Senate seats of the 236 midterm elections as they stand now.
Sixteen of the most vulnerable, sick and orphaned children were the first to return seven months ago.
Sixteen of the most vulnerable, sick and orphaned children were the first to return seven months ago.
Pelosi instructed all committee chairmen to look out for the freshmen, the ones who'd be most vulnerable.
Brad Ashford (Neb.), the most vulnerable Democratic incumbent this cycle, might also be affected by black turnout.
This column looks at the two most vulnerable Democratic incumbents and why they deserve that scary moniker.
He refers to cyclical value stocks among the areas most vulnerable in the coming days and weeks.
But as countries work to meet them, the world's most vulnerable populations are indeed being left behind.
From the beginning, I have built this campaign around shining a light on the most vulnerable communities.
Now Trump has put many of the most vulnerable Republicans in Congress in a nearly impossible situation.
Hewitt also put the spotlight on Heller, likely the most vulnerable senator up for reelection in 2018.
Which is why expanding the playing field beyond those three most vulnerable Republican seats is absolutely critical.
In the scenarios we've outlined, the poorest, most vulnerable people stand to lose the most as well.
And in all our development assistance, I will work to protect the rights of the most vulnerable.
"The I.D.C.'s track record on delivering for the most vulnerable New Yorkers is irrefutable," he said.
Looking ahead, here are the seven most vulnerable Senate seats up for grabs in 2018: http://bit.
Manufacturing, the most vulnerable sector in the U.S.-China trade war, could show signs of a recovery.
Some of our nation's most vulnerable people are those afflicted with addictions — and they need our help.
"Unfortunately, the losers will be the most vulnerable, who won't have the protection of a united church."
This decision represents further damage to America's leadership on protecting the most vulnerable people around the world.
He genuinely cared about whoever seemed like the most vulnerable populations—the sick, the elderly, and kids.
They're most important because they're paying the full premium and they are most vulnerable to rate increases.
That's why nutrition advocates say the new rule could make life tougher on the most vulnerable Americans.
Republicans argue that Medicaid was created to serve the most vulnerable and has become bloated under Obamacare.
In the US, the Eastern and Southeastern coastlines are among the most vulnerable areas for storm surges.
That leaves Android devices as the most vulnerable, thanks in part to longstanding issues deploying patches through partners.
But the smallest and most vulnerable institutions — those most likely to fail — seem to be benefiting as well.
That leaves companies in Europe's retail, travel and leisure sectors among those most vulnerable, analysts and investors say.
But at worst, it puts some of the world's most vulnerable in even worse peril than ever before.
In November, Braun will run against Donnelly, one of the most vulnerable Democrats in the 2018 midterm cycle.
We are one of the most vulnerable nations in the developed world when it comes to climate change.
Positions including department order writers, supervisors, store scanners, and customer service teams positions are currently the most vulnerable.
During her MSNBC town hall Wednesday night, Warren called the Hyde Amendment discrimination against the "most vulnerable" women.
Analysts have said Hong Kong, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore look the most vulnerable to a slowdown in Europe.
He expressed fears that allowing physicians to hasten death could lead to abuse of society's most vulnerable people.
Now he's part of a scheme to give some of the Spanish city's most vulnerable people an alternative.
As with any industry, the economic disempowerment of women in Bollywood makes them the most vulnerable to abuse.
"Pai and O'Rielly don't seem to care about the nation's poorest and most vulnerable people," Cyril told Motherboard.
The study names New Orleans and Miami as two of the most vulnerable populations due to coastal flooding.
" This threat, she continued, "is the threat to women's health and the health of our most vulnerable communities.
In fact, scientists are still amassing data to know exactly who is most vulnerable to developing severe disease.
Republican Pete Stauber is leading by eight points in Minnesota's 8th district, Democrats' most vulnerable seat this cycle.
A society should be judged by how it treats its most vulnerable and most valuable members: its children.
Kirk, a freshman, is one of the most vulnerable Republicans running for re-election in Democratic-leaning Illinois.
Whose tragic and untimely death was used against her son at his most vulnerable, unspeakable time of pain.
For a child, teen or young adult, it's likely the most vulnerable they've felt in their entire lives.
Sit your partner down away from the bedroom — where they can feel their most vulnerable about this situation.
Most vulnerable is the thumb, which large numbers of phone users employ for the majority of their typing.
When a man is in the act of swinging his own punches he is at his most vulnerable.
Scientists and doctors have gone after the most vulnerable populations in order to hone various technologies and techniques.
To the world you are the strongest man and to me you are the most vulnerable innocent child.
I'd seen him at some of his most vulnerable moments and knew what he was going to like.
Medicaid's resilience calls into question conventional wisdom about which social programs are the most vulnerable to public backlash.
When public transit doesn't work, there are no other options for the most vulnerable residents of our country.
Mark Kirk, one of the most vulnerable sitting Republican senators, has also run a starkly anti-Trump campaign.
Otherwise, the world could quickly forget about a disease that's afflicting some of the world's most vulnerable populations.
Republicans have a narrow, 51-49 Senate majority and consider Manchin among the most vulnerable Democrats in 2018.
Around 33 billion shillings ($8.66 million) had been allocated to finance emergency relocations of the most vulnerable people.
Children were the most vulnerable Witness accounts paint a scene of peace and togetherness that devolved into mayhem.
Those most vulnerable to harassment are the poor, the elderly, and immigrants who don't speak English, he said.
These men are not society's worst of the worst; rather, they are among our most vulnerable and impaired.
Today, we find the most vulnerable people on our streets and help them access available housing and services.
Advance knowledge of the launch would help, but ICBMs are most vulnerable and visible during their boost phase.
Nothing But Nets raises awareness, funds, and voices to protect the most vulnerable families from this preventable disease.
Here's what could make them the most vulnerable, at town halls and in next year's mid-term elections.
But in the meantime, innovations can offer much-needed support to some of the world's most vulnerable populations.
"Placement is where criminals are most vulnerable, because the money is closest to the original crime," Cassara says.
Keeping folks safe — particularly those who are most vulnerable — will require the entire community being vigilant, say officials.
Natural disasters affect people in different ways, but the most vulnerable communities are often overlooked in the aftermath.
I find small intentional ways to contribute my time and resources to the most vulnerable people around me.
Aid groups are trying to find ways to provide safe spaces for the most vulnerable in the camp.
Heller and Flake are two of the most vulnerable Republican senators who are facing reelection races in 2018.
Dried-up savings, low-income jobs and high rents often means frequent evictions for the most vulnerable families.
The appointment of emergency managers -- almost exclusively in communities of color -- took control from Michigan's most vulnerable residents.
The most vulnerable masses of ice are in West Antartica, where NASA has already witnessed an accelerating melt.
The institution most vulnerable to politicians' retribution is the federal police, responsible for the bulk of the investigations.
Higher inflation lowers the relative value of bonds, with long-dated debt the most vulnerable to inflation expectations.
While not perfect, the bill does provide the funding we need to support our most vulnerable North Carolinians.
Cutting off this assistance would be particularly callous and would harm some of our nation's most vulnerable people.
Unskilled workers and existing migrants are most vulnerable, as they are the closest substitutes for the new arrivals.
The inmates most vulnerable to "falling under the spell of jihadists", says Mr Khosrokhavar, are the psychologically disturbed.
"We must ensure that sexual abuse and exploitation of our most vulnerable children is never repeated," he said.
The AFL-CIO claims older Americans and immigrant workers are among the most vulnerable people in the workplace.
The program utilizes places of worship to teach diabetes prevention, detection and management among the most vulnerable populations.
The administration also ignored Congress's directive to produce a list of military bases most vulnerable to climate change.
What kind of policy changes could be made to buffer the most vulnerable people from higher retirement ages?
They also urged sexually active people to get tested regularly, especially the most vulnerable age and ethnic groups.
Alas for Mrs Clinton, the most vulnerable members in both parties are moderates from swing districts and states.
Republicans claim that the most vulnerable Americans would be protected under their plan, but this just isn't true.
The process is often assessed on the urgency of a refugee's individual needs with the most vulnerable prioritized.
Children under age 5, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems are most vulnerable, the FDA said.
This will drastically misallocate necessary funding for services such as public health and education, harming those most vulnerable.
Kirk registers to lobby MORE (Ill.), who is among the most vulnerable Republicans up for reelection, for criticism.
We risk discrimination of the most vulnerable in our health facilities, nursing homes, places of worship and funerals.
But that well-intentioned project may have ended up conveniently cataloging their most vulnerable points for the hackers.
Others on the list of co-sponsors include some of the most vulnerable Republicans of the cycle: Reps.
These programs are specifically designed to serve the needs of the most vulnerable children and help them heal.
Wisconsin protects its most vulnerable, but in 2628 other states, those needing in-home-care aren't so lucky.
The impulse to slam the door shut on some of the world's most vulnerable people is not new.
Dean Heller, considered to be the most vulnerable Republican senator this year, will most likely face Democratic Rep.
These changes, plus a few others, will ensure solvency and allow for expanded benefits for the most vulnerable.
For now, the most vulnerable GOP lawmakers would rather keep the raucous GOP presidential primary at arm's length.
McCaskill in Missouri and Donnelly in Indiana top almost all handicappers' lists of the most vulnerable Senate Democrats.
In considering reforms, lawmakers should take care not to restrict access to credit for the most vulnerable Americans.
His state is home to Cory Gardner, who's widely considered the most vulnerable incumbent Republican senator in 2020.
As with most mandates, California's energy mandates hurt the most vulnerable people and make upward mobility more difficult.
Telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and renewable energy industries, all priority areas for Beijing, are likely to be the most vulnerable.
Heller is considered one of the most vulnerable Republicans in Congress as he goes up against Democratic Rep.
Allard said the third pillar was to provide social safety nets to protect the most vulnerable in society.
The political makeup of the state makes him the most vulnerable incumbent, according to strategists in both parties.
Those who are most affected by any restrictions on healthcare are those who are already the most vulnerable.
This will profoundly harm many of America's most vulnerable citizens, among them, those affected by the opioid epidemic.
We have a legal and moral obligation to protect the most vulnerable among us, which surely includes children.
Unfortunately, like so many other problems with Harvey, the discussion may come too late for the most vulnerable.
Why it matters: Republicans shouldn't be worried about one of the most vulnerable Democratic senators, but they are.
Same thing with the federal bureau of prisons; these are people that are among our most vulnerable people.
Claire McCaskill, who is up for re-election in 2018 and considered one of the most vulnerable Democrats.
The process is often assessed on the urgency of a refugee's individual needs, with the most vulnerable prioritized.
It has significant consequences for the American health care system – especially for the most vulnerable of our citizens.

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