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6 Sentences With "most identical"

How to use most identical in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "most identical" and check conjugation/comparative form for "most identical". Mastering all the usages of "most identical" from sentence examples published by news publications.

These pictures and videos of Kim and Kylie further confirms that the two might be the most identical of all the siblings.
To anyone who sees them, Lucy and Anna DeCinque truly look like the "World's Most Identical Twins," their official title awarded in 2011.
Unlike most identical twins, who have some distinguishing characteristics (even Haley and Emily from The Bachelor can be told apart if you try), Vincent and Frankie have truly the same appearance.
The exhibition's most identical canvas-clothing pairing comes from Ignacio Zuloaga's "Portrait of María del Rosario de Silva y Gurtubay, Duchess of Alba" (1921) and Balenciaga's 1952 tiered taffeta gown in a lush, cherry red perfectly matched to the painting.
Although kokis is considered as a traditional Sri Lankan dish, it is believed to be of Dutch origin, from the time when parts of the country were under Dutch rule during the mid-17th century to the late 18th century. Its name may have been derived from the word koekjes, meaning cookies or biscuits in the Dutch language. The Swedish Rosette (cookie) & Persian Nan panjereh would be the most identical dishes for Sri Lankan Kokis. Indian biscuit Nankhatai is also bears similarity with Kokis.
Possibly the most identical finding is a small fragment of an ancient epigraph, discovered in the debris of the big Basilica D with the name Pyrasos, confirming the location of the city. In the late 4th century BC, Pyrasos was joined (synoecism) with the neighbouring cities of Phylake and Phthiotic Thebes. The new conurbation took the name of Phthiotic or Thessalian Thebes. The city remained prosperous under Roman rule, but it was moved from the inland site of the old Phthiotic Thebes back to Pyrasos near the sea.

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