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98 Sentences With "most enlightened"

How to use most enlightened in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "most enlightened" and check conjugation/comparative form for "most enlightened". Mastering all the usages of "most enlightened" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Picasso wasn't the 20th century's most enlightened boyfriend, to put it mildly.
The quote is fashion at its most cynical and its most enlightened.
How can even the most enlightened male candidate rebut that plain fact?
But even the most enlightened royal intervention is no substitute for reliable rules.
People don't just start out and immediately become the most enlightened advocate in one week.
That does not mean the locker room is the most enlightened, progressive environment on the planet.
That's what the most enlightened people arrive at after years and years and years of self-work.
Justin Bieber isn't exactly known for making the most enlightened choices when it comes to his beauty routine.
St. Petersburg is perhaps the most enlightened, treating all comers to its clinic and sponsoring an advertising campaign.
"America has been called the most enlightened nation in the world," the cardinal said, according to the biography.
Chief among them is that humans are irrational creatures, destined to undermine their noblest dreams and their most enlightened enterprises.
"I was in my 20s and a single guy and I would say not the most enlightened version of myself."
Now we're living at the most enlightened point, where you have Johnny Negron, a kid, seeing these images on Tumblr.
"My house is so full [but] I heard that parents of four are the most enlightened and calm of all parents."
Put your answer to good use "Mindful parenting" is one of the most enlightened trends in the history of parenting techniques.
So, ugh, first the bad news: Americans learned once again today that President Trump may not have the most enlightened view of President Andrew Jackson.
Tocqueville's ostensible reason for crossing the Atlantic, in 1831, was to study the American penal system, then seen as one of the most enlightened in the world.
That year his "Letter from Birmingham Jail" stressed the failure of even the most enlightened white ministers and rabbis to abandon tokenism on behalf of actual justice.
Embracing skin care does not make you a foolish and conceited gull, even if it also might not turn you into your best and most enlightened self.
Luckily, more informed observers offered more objective answers: The Islamic civilization, once the world's most enlightened, has lately been going through an acute crisis with severe consequences.
Absolutely. Look, we can acknowledge that this song about scheming women, in which Lil Wayne makes fun of someone's ass injections, is not the most enlightened piece of media.
Prisons, punishment, segregation, exile: even the most enlightened state needs some way of sorting the truly dangerous from the sadly criminal and the sadly criminal from the merely unlucky.
Most pertinent in the assemblage of a new Knicks management team is the point about very slow executive progress for minorities, even in the league widely recognized as the most enlightened.
And then there's Claude and the Leicester Alliance, who appear to be the most enlightened of the bunch—they've moved past monarchism and are now governed by a parliament of noble families.
Anti-Islam protesters aren't exactly known to be the most enlightened bunch and a part of me was hoping to hear some kind of reference to "Muslamic ray guns" at the very least.
That's South Park's view of politics in a nutshell: Every debate is between a douche and a turd, so calling bullshit on both of them is the most enlightened stance you can take.
Even in the most enlightened households, parenthood can often break unevenly against the mother, leaving women stripped bare of any identity besides the weary sensation of being demoted to the rank of sleepless milk cow.
So even the most enlightened and politically adroit of political systems can still be guilty of the most unconscionable acts of inhumanity, and maybe that is the real lesson we can learn from this history.
I talked to folks at Recology, which handles most of the recycling for San Francisco, probably one of the most enlightened recycling programs in America (it diverts more than 80 percent of waste away from landfills).
" Jeff Van Gundy, the former coach of the New York Knicks and the Houston Rockets and a commentator on ESPN, told me, "I'm not the social conscience of the N.B.A. I'm also not the most enlightened.
In the end, I let my husband pick out the sleekest, most enlightened version for himself, while I took his four-year-old model, one his own mother had rejected as a relic from another geological age.
Even if it happens to be the case that the current generation is the most enlightened in history (which I doubt), has the progress toward that been so smooth that we're really sure our grandchildren will be better still?
The choice to live fully and publicly as a trans person has cost me jobs, relationships, and connections, among even the most enlightened cis people, all of whom recognized my changing face and body as signs of trouble ahead.
Their relationship allows Coates to reveal the gendered violence and subordination present in even the most enlightened nation—the couple flee the palace to escape royal censure—but also frees him to address problems the patriarchal royal family has overlooked.
Movies, television, song lyrics and pornography shape sexual scripts and even the most enlightened millennial may have a warped sense of how a date should play out based on timeworn depictions of determined men winning over indecisive women, said Mattson.
Only when the legal playing field is level and when our public servants are held accountable for actions they take on our behalf can Americans regain the confidence that our justice system is the most enlightened and impartial in the world. Rep.
The 10 authors were comprised of academics, editors, psychiatrists, and librarians, and offered numerous reasons to reject Styron's depiction of Turner, especially his use of "myths, racial stereotypes and literary clichés even in the best intentioned and most enlightened minds," said contributing author Mike Thelwell.
The Dutch have long prided themselves on being the most tolerant, most progressive, most enlightened country in the world, a beacon of multiculturalism, a haven for pot smokers, a place where gay equality and the right to euthanasia were championed, and immigrants and refugees from all parts of the world were welcomed.
But study after study has shown that, across socioeconomic classes, women's increased participation in the job market has not been matched by nearly as significant an increase in men's labor at home — not to mention all the other ways that casual sexism, even from the most enlightened of men, can manifest itself in straight relationships.
They're like a thin wedge opening our minds to the fact that even here, in the heart of one of the wealthiest regions of a state that is (we are often reminded) by itself the world's fifth-largest economy — one that is shepherding into existence some of the nation's most enlightened and aggressive climate-adaptation policies — deep and unpredictable consequences are unavoidable.
In "A Flair for People," for instance, the heroine's sensitivity is puzzling even to the most enlightened modern reader: After a clerk is found to be robbing the store blind, resident H.R. gal Ann persuades her bosses not to fire the poor girl, but to instead help raise her self-esteem by giving her a full makeover, including plastic surgery, plus elocution and movement lessons.
He loves to talk about Harvey Weinstein, but his attitude toward predatory men seems more motivated by partisanship than anything else, as he may not have the most enlightened attitude toward women himself: In between hunting trips where he gleefully kills rare and beautiful animals for sport, Donald can be found flouting rules that apply to everyone else—as when Manhattan district attorney Cy Vance decided not to bring fraud charges against him after a timely visit from his dad's lawyer, a Vance donor.
He became a Ratsherr (member of the city council) and a member of Isaac Iselin's Helvetic Society, among the most enlightened and liberal members of Basel elite.
Within the South American countries, this is considered to be the most liberal, as well as the most enlightened. Since 2008, civil unions with all of the rights of marriage (except for adoption) have been available to same-sex couples. In Quito and Guayaquil, liberalism has become more prevalent as conservatism adjusts to the law.
Dreams > represent just one type of illusion. The whole universe arises and dissolves > like a mirage. Everything about us, even the most enlightened qualities, are > also dreamlike phenomena. There's nothing that is not encompassed within the > dream of illusory being; so in going to sleep, you're just passing from one > dream state to another.
His name appears among the most enlightened historians of Paraguay. Member of a hundred institutions and academies across the continent and Spain, he studied the social and historical memory of the American nations, his views being important in the formation of intellectual generations of young students and researchers. He died while a senator of Paraguay, on 10 April 1973.
" Some "members of republican clubs protested against what they characterized as exaggerated sentimentalism in the tributes, seeing in these monarchist maneuvers. They were lonely voices." Foreign reaction also revealed sympathy towards the monarch. The New York Times on 5 December praised Pedro II, considering him "the most enlightened monarch of the century" and also stating that "he made Brazil as free as a monarchy could be.
New York: Harper Perennial. pp. 140–141. In lieu of his military predilections, Frederick administered his Kingdom justly and ranks among the most "enlightened" monarchs of his era; this, notwithstanding the fact that in many ways, "Frederick the Great represented the embodiment of the art of war".T. C. W. Blanning (1998) The Oxford History of Modern Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 78.
Ekpunobi, her guardian, who was the first Obosi citizen to be ordained as an Anglican Priest. He was regarded as one of the most enlightened and educated in the community then. Cecilia stayed with the Ekpunobi family as a ward. Rev. Ekpunobi, on learning of the death of Emmanuel's wife, invited him to his home and subsequently convinced Emmanuel and Adiba to marry each other.
Mogford was regarded as one of the industry's best and most enlightened employers, which was reflected in a low staff turnover rate. He and his restaurants were used as a case study in a hospitality and entrepreneurship textbook illustrating commitment to employees. In addition, Browns was profiled in a widely used capacity management study by Deterministics Inc. for Cornell University's Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly journal.
Dhammazedi (, ; c. 1409–1492) was the 16th king of the Hanthawaddy Kingdom in Burma from 1471 to 1492. Considered one of the most enlightened rulers in Burmese history, by some accounts call him "the greatest" of all Hanthawaddy kings.Hall 1960: 36–37 The former Buddhist monk, educated in the rival kingdom of Ava in his youth, was a trusted adviser and son-in-law of Queen Shin Sawbu.
Chattanooga received a vast amount of positive feedback during the 1990s. It was named one of the Most Enlightened Cities in America by Utne Reader, one of the World's Greatest Cities by NPR's Morning Edition, and one of the Country's Best Places to Live, Work, and Play by Outdoor Magazine. Chattanooga Vision was also awarded the 6th annual History Makers Award by the Chattanooga History Center in 2011.
1996 Podsiedlik-Raniowski i Spółka, . left the Commonwealth in 1660, while others, threatened with capital punishment and confiscations, faked conversion, only to subject themselves to further statutory persecution. The Polish Brethren were among the most enlightened segments of the society and their expulsion had strong deleterious effects on the country's intellectual development. Other Protestant denominations remained, at least formally, protected by the rules of the 1573 Warsaw Confederation.
Alexander Turgenev was born in Simbirsk in 1784. His father, Ivan Petrovich Turgenev (1752-1807) was one of the most enlightened men of his time. Alexander was educated at Moscow University, where he met the poet Vasily Zhukovsky; they formed a friendship that lasted until the death of Turgenev. From 1802-1804 he studied history and political science at the University of Göttingen, and then traveled with his friend Andrey Kaisarov.
Bamanda was the first princely state to introduce postal, telegraph and electricity in India. Bamanda is a citadel of creative artists which dates back to 5th century A.D. when Mathara Royal Family was at the helm of the Administration. After this dynasty, Ganga Rulers came into power and established their capital at Deogarh. Deogarh attained all-round prosperity during the reign of Raja Basudev Sudhal Dev, the most enlightened rulers of this clan.
Pope Pius IX, however, called him to Rome, and made him in 1850 vicar-general of the order ad beneplacitum, and in 1855 general for six years. He was soon recognized as a great religious superior and one of the most enlightened spiritual directors in the city. Of those whom he instructed at this time, two may be mentioned: Cardinal Manning and Father Burke. A born administrator, he infused new life into the order.
Morison also refused to remove references to stereotypes of African Americans that he believed were vital in accurately depicting the racist nature of American culture in the 19th and the early 20th centuries, an era during which even the most enlightened progressive thinkers routinely explained many aspects of human behavior as a result of innate racial or ethnic characteristics. In the 1962 edition of the textbook, Morison removed additional content that his critics had found to be offensive.
Before Charles Lyell (1797-1875), Stojković advocated a study of the causes or forces now in action in order to illustrate the past. In 1824 a new version of the New Testament appeared in modern Serbian vernacular. This was translated by Atanasije Stojković, and was issued in Cyrillic character by the Russian Bible Society at Petrovgrad (St. Peterburg). Stojković was known in Imperial Russia, Austrian and Ottoman empires as one of the most enlightened and zealous teachers of the time.
Prince Michael Obrenović III of Serbia (, Mihailo Obrenović; September 16, 1823 – June 10, 1868) was the ruling Prince of Serbia from 1839 to 1842 and again from 1860 to 1868. His first reign ended when he was deposed in 1842, and his second when he was assassinated in 1868. He is considered to be a great reformer and the most enlightened ruler of modern Serbia, as one of the European enlightened absolute monarchs. He advocated the idea of a Balkan federation against the Ottoman Empire.
History knows of two Serbian monks called Siluan active on Athos, living two centuries apart, but researchers have been inclined to credit the 14th century Siluan with the authorship of Verses for St. Simeon and Verses for Sava. The analyses of the two Old Serbian verbal ornaments, attributed to the 14th-century Siluan, appear in the work of Roman Jakobson; Siluan is presented as one of the most enlightened poets of his time, with an amazing ability to condense meditative philosophy into few words.
After this dynasty, Ganga Rulers came into power and established their capital at Deogarh. Deogarh attained all-round prosperity during the reign of Raja Basudev Sudhal Dev, the most enlightened rulers of this clan. A new horizon was innovated in the field of communication by the foundation of Jagannath Ballav press in 1886 and publication of a weekly magazine the "Sambalpur Hitaishini" in 1889. It was during his rule that the jail, police station, post offices, Dispensaries were established and irrigation system was introduced.
Parts claimed by Papadopoli concerning Nicolaus Copernicus were later exposed as fraudulent by Carlo Malagola and Leopold Prowe. Facciolati was known over all Europe as one of the most enlightened and zealous teachers of the time; and among the many flattering invitations which he received, but always declined, was one from the king of Portugal, to accept the directorship of a college at Lisbon for the young nobility. He died in 1769. His history of the university was published in 1757, under the name Fasti Gymnasii Patavini.
Historian Bethwell Ogot states Andrianampoinimerina is "regarded as the most important of Imerina's kings". Historian Catherine Fournet-Guérin notes he is an "object of great admiration in the popular imagination." A French trader who had conducted business with him declared in 1808, "He is without doubt the richest, the most feared, the most enlightened, and has the largest kingdom, of all the kings of Madagascar." Malagasy textbooks characterize him as a hero and the originator of the notion of a unified Malagasy national identity.
By this time, just five years after independence, the possibility of armed conflict was growing. Politicians throughout Chad increasingly used traditional loyalties and enmities to decry opposition and solidify popular support for their positions. In view of Chad's historical legacy of conflict, some historians have argued that even the most competent leader with the most enlightened set of policies would have eventually faced secessionist movements or armed opposition. Tombalbaye, however, hastened the onset of civil conflict by quickly squandering his legitimacy through repressive tactics and regional favoritism.
His half-sister, Kefey Wale, was the second wife of Ras Mangesha Yohannes, the natural son of Emperor Yohannes IV.Prouty, Empress Taytu, p. 165 Prouty quotes Bairu Tafla's favorable opinion of Gugsa as "One of the most enlightened men of the Ethiopian nobility, a renowned poet, great lover of books, and pious and fair in the administration of Begemder." Taytu Betul arranged the marriage of Gugsa Welle to Leult Zewditu, the eldest daughter of Emperor Menelek II and an earlier wife. They were married in 1900, six years before her elevation to Empress.
Abney House was then demolished. The governorship of the seminary was held by Rev. John Farrar, Secretary of the Methodist Conference on fourteen occasions and twice its elected President. Next to Abney House on Church Street was Fleetwood House, used as the base for Newington Academy for Girls, which was founded in 1824 by, among others, the Quaker scientist and abolitionist William Allen and run in a most enlightened and imaginative way by Susanna Corder, who later emigrated for a while to Boston USA and emerged as a talented biographer.
A Sanskrit epic by the name 'Ishvar Vilas Mahakavya' written by Kavikalanidhi Devarshi Shrikrishna Bhatt gives a good historical description of various important events of that era, including the construction of Jaipur city.‘Īśvara Vilāsa Mahākāvya’, Ed. Bhatt Mathuranath Shastri, Jagdish Sanskrit Pustakalaya, Jaipur, 2006 Jai Singh also translated works by people like John Napier. For these multiple achievements, Sawai Jai Singh II is remembered as the most enlightened king of 18th-century India even to this date. These days Jai Singh's observatories at Jaipur, Varanasi, and Ujjain are functional.
Paul declared that they should be "accompanied as equerries, arbiters, and heralds by their most enlightened ministers and most able generals, such as Messieurs Thugut, Pitt, [and] Bernstorff, himself proposing to be accompanied by Generals Pahlen and Kutuzov". Around this time Paul complained of a "buzzing" in his ears. His family and favourites were not spared. Among the latter, Paul's barber—now a Count—suffered from his master's erratic behaviour, while Paul's son Constantine and his wife were only allowed to talk to each other in bed at night.
Macquarie returned to Scotland, and died in London in 1824 while busy defending himself against Bigge's charges. But his reputation continued to grow after his death, especially among the emancipists and their descendants, who were the majority of the Australian population until the gold rushes. Today he is regarded by many as the most enlightened and progressive of the early governors who sought to establish Australia as a country, rather than as a prison camp. The nationalist school of Australian historians have treated him as a proto-nationalist hero.
The first efforts to have the Dão region recognized as a separate and unique wine region came mainly from the aristocrat and winemaker João de Sacadura Botte Côrte-Real. Considered to be "the most enlightened viticulturist of his generation", he modernized the processes of winemaking and raised the standards of the wine produced in the region. He had many wine estates, in both Portugal and Spain, but the most celebrated were his Quinta da Aguieira and his wife's Quinta da Bica. The Dão was first officially recognized as a Região Demarcada in 1908.
Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, is the capital of Nineveh Governorate in northwestern Iraq and surrounds the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh. The city used to be one of the most "enlightened cities" in the Middle East hosting one of the largest educational and research centers in Iraq and the region. It also contained ancient buildings, some dating back to the 13th century such as the Great Mosque and the Red Mosque, Muslim shrines and several churches, in addition to mausoleums. Mosul played a key role in ISIS becoming a legitimate threat in the region and drawing recruits from abroad.
Aleksander Świętochowski, 1908 Aleksander Świętochowski (18 January 1849 – 25 April 1938) was a Polish writer, educator, and philosopher of the Positivist period that followed the January 1863 Uprising. He was widely regarded as the prophet of Polish Positivism, spreading in the Warsaw press the gospel of scientific inquiry, education, economic development, and equality of rights for all, without regard to sex, class, ethnic origin or beliefs. His was a nuanced vision, however, that took account of the shortcomings of human nature; like H.G. Wells, he advocated that power in society be wielded by the most enlightened among its members.
Ramírez was born in San Miguel de Allende on 22 June 1818, the son of José Lino Ramírez and Ana María Guadalupe Sinforosa Calzada Ramírez. He began his studies in Querétaro, birth city of his father, and in 1835 was taken to the Colegio de San Gregorio in Mexico City, where he studied arts. In 1841 he began studies and in 1845 obtained a law degree at the Pontifical University of Mexico. He was admitted at age nineteen to the literary Academy of San Juan de Letrán, composed of the most enlightened men of the time.
" The same year, GQ stated: "In three short years, the New Day has become the bridge between two formerly isolated worlds. They are the purveyors of positivity in a year that sorely needs it. They are perhaps the most enlightened entertainers to ever step foot in a wrestling ring." The New Day's promos would often contain a number of references to pop culture or recent events in the world; Woods stated that "Nine times out of ten, the stuff we’re saying in our promos is just stuff that we say in the car to each other.
However, the uprising did affect a change in the authorities' attitudes and approaches towards Aboriginals in Taiwan. Musha had been regarded as the most "enlightened and compliant" of the Aboriginal territories, and the colonial power's inability to prevent the massacre provoked a fear of similar nationalist movements starting in Taiwan, Korea, and Japan itself. A change in policy was clearly needed. Ching suggests that the ideology of imperialisation (kominka) became the dominant form of colonial control; Aboriginals became represented as imperial subjects on equal footing with other ethnic groups in Taiwan, and were upgraded in status from "raw savages" to .
Gas Stokers' strike of 1872 was a serious political disturbance in the industrial south-eastern districts of Victorian London involving Trade Unionists, striking to assert their rights. The reaction of the radical Liberal ministry and the court case that preceded it proved a landmark in British industrial relations law. The shifting sands of the constitution and changing rights of workers informed the passage a decade later of Third Reform Act, enfranchising working-men for the first time. Even the most enlightened Manchester Liberal capitalists were hostile to Trade Unionists during the downturn of the early 1870s.
Zhang Xuecheng Zhang Xuecheng (; 1738–1801) was a Qing dynasty historian, writer and philosopher. His father and his grandfather had been government officials, but, although Zhang achieved the highest civil service examination degree in 1778, he never held high office. Zhang's ideas about the historical process were revolutionary in many ways and he became one of the most enlightened historical theorists of the Qing dynasty, but he spent much of his life in near poverty without the support of a patron and, in 1801, he died, poor and with few friends. It was not until the late 19th century that Chinese scholars began to accept the validity of Zhang's ideas.
Hooker's speech ended by satirising the opponents of evolution at the 1860 meeting as an uncivilised tribe who saw "every new moon as a new creation of their gods" and ate "the missionaries of the most enlightened nation" for explaining the truth. "The priests first attacked the new doctrine and with fury... the medicine men, however, sided with the missionaries – many from spite to the priests, but a few, i could see, from conviction." Now after six years, the elders were baptised in the new faith and applauded their president for leading them out of the wilderness. Darwin was told of the stunned silence at first, followed by roars of laughter.
He was born of a noble family at Arnay-le-duc in Burgundy at the end of the fifteenth century. The circumstances of his education are sketchy, but it is known that he was attached to various noble houses in the capacity of tutor. In 1533 or 1534 Des Périers visited Lyon, then the most enlightened town of France, and a refuge for many liberal scholars who might elsewhere have had to suffer for their opinions. He gave some assistance to Robert Olivetan and Lefèvre d'Etaples in the preparation of the vernacular version of the Old Testament, and to Etienne Dolet in the Commentarii linguae latinae.
The remainder were disembarked on the Spanish Main at Margarita Island, where many deaths took place from starvation eight days after the Irish mutineers left for Jamaica. Bolivar, who had noted his pleasure at the departure of "these vile mercenaries", was too astute a diplomat to offend the son of his Irish counterpart. Morgan was accorded the appropriate privileges of his rank, and toasts were drunk to the health of his father, the "most enlightened man in all Europe". A portion of the expedition, under Francis O' Connor, effected an alliance with Bolivar, and to the energy of these allies the republican successes were chiefly due.
The President of the Carnegie Corporation, Vartan Gregorian, named Barbara Goldsmith along with David Rockefeller and Brooke Astor on his list of America’s ten most enlightened philanthropists.The New York Times, December 14, 1997. Gregorian particularly noted the campaign she spearheaded to convert books and documents to permanent paper lasting 300 years instead of disintegrating in thirty and her securing of $20 million from the federal government for this crucial work. Her major philanthropic efforts include the donation of two preservation and conservation laboratories at The New York Public Library and at New York University, where she also funds a series of business lectures in honor of her father, Joseph I. Lubin, and a lecture series on preservation and conservation.
Larry Lankton, Cradle to Grave: Life, Work, and Death at the Lake Superior Copper Mines (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1991) 201. Calumet & Hecla strived to create ideal communities around its mines and mills, in the hope that pleasant living conditions would help the company maintain a loyal and productive workforce. Historian Lankton wrote that In an era and an industry known for hard working conditions, the Michigan copper companies treated their employees better than most: “… they remained known for being among the most enlightened, fair, humane, and paternalistic employers in the American mining industry.”Larry D. Lankton, Cradle to Grave: Life, Work, and Death at the Lake Superior Copper Mines, (Oxford Univ.
She led them in person, with four bows and quivers of arrows fitted to the corners of the howdah of her favourite elephant. The Peshwa granted her permission on 11 December 1767, and, with Subhedar Tukojirao Holkar (Malharrao's adopted son) as the head of military matters, she proceeded to rule Malwa in a most enlightened manner, even reinstating a Brahmin who had opposed her. Ahilyabai daily public audience and was always accessible to anyone who needed her ear. Among Ahilyabai's accomplishments was the development of Indore from a small village to a prosperous and beautiful city; her own capital, however, was in nearby Maheshwar, a town on the banks of the Narmada river.
The mayor's official request for the federal government to revoke the permit, and a statement from his official Twitter account that hate speech was not protected by the First Amendment, came under fire from many directions in the Portland area and beyond. The ACLU immediately tweeted back that "The government cannot revoke or deny a permit based on the viewpoint of the demonstrators. Period.", and said on the Oregon chapter's website that the government may not "pick and choose how to apply constitutional rights" and had engaged in "viewpoint discrimination". Conservative commentators and bloggers lambasted the mayor with words like "blatant hypocrisy", "obviously pretextual", "[Portland's] reputation as one of America's most enlightened cities is undeserved", and "because...Trump".
However, he met a crushing defeat at the hands of Sher Shah Suri in 1540, due to disputes among his brothers, and fled to Iran where Shah Tahmasp welcomed him warmly. In 1545 AD, Hamayun with the help of Iranian military genius Bayram Khan, launched attack on Qandhar and then seized Kabul. He conquered Delhi in 1555 AD and died the next year, leaving the throne to his young son Akbar, who was to rule India for almost half a century and become one of the greatest Emperors, Plato's philosopher king of India. Him and his contemporary in Deccan, Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, are perhaps the most enlightened and progressive Kings in Indian history.
The eldest of these was D. Margarida Amélia Gonçalves Santiago de Montalvão de Moraes Sarmento Figueiredo e Castro, who married João de Azevedo Pacheco Pereira de Sande de Sacadura Botte Côrte-Real, Lord of Quinta da Aguieira. João de Sacadura Botte Côrte-Real, as he was most often referred to, was a widely acclaimed viticulturist and winemaker. Contemporary reports called him "the greatest winemaker of these times", "the most enlightened viticulturist of his generation" and the "archetypal patriarch of the rural landed nobility". In his estate of Aguieira he produced some of the finest wines of the Dão Region, which he was partially responsible for creating, as he was the founder of the first União Vinícola do Dão.
Zubaida Jalal was touted as General Pervez Musharraf's most enlightened face and was one of the notable minister under Musharraf's regime. In 2008, she publicly endorsed the support for President Pervez Musharraf during the times of impeachment movement was in effect against the former president. In a television interview, Zubaida Jalal said that as a bold and brave leader, Pervez Musharraf will live in Pakistan and for Pakistan. While talking to APP this afternoon after the Pervez Musharraf announced his resignation, Begum Jalal said that to the extent she knows Musharraf, he is not likely to leave the field empty but will continue his struggle for an enlightened, peaceful and progressive Pakistan.
Jane Pilcher, Stephen Wagg, Thatcher's Children?: Politics, Childhood And Society in the 1980s And 1990s, Volume 6, Publisher Psychology Press, 1996, , 9780750704618, 231 pages, page 151 They were charged with manslaughter, and sentenced by the judge Sir Charles Crompton to be sent to the Reformatory at Bradwall, which "was to rank as the most enlightened and successful institution of its kind in the country".Gitta Sereny, "A Child Murdered by Children", The Independent, Sun 23 April 1995 Another detainee was one Joshua Tolley who was sent to Bradwall in 1871 at the age of eight. He was in and out of reform school until the age of 16, but as a persistent offender, served sentences in Knutsford and Dartmoor prisons.
Defrocked Episcopalian bishop William Montgomery Brown delivered a speech to the founding convention of the ANLC. The founding convention of the American Negro Labor Congress opened on the evening of Sunday, October 25, 1925, with a mass meeting which heard the reports of national organizer Fort-Whitman and national secretary H.V. Williams.Foner and Allen (eds.), American Communism and Black Americans: A Documentary History, 1919-1929, p. 112. Fort-Whitman's keynote speech declared that the new organization was established "to gather, to mobilize, and to coordinate into a fighting machine the most enlightened and militant and class-conscious workers of the race" in support of concrete objectives.Foner and Allen (eds.), American Communism and Black Americans: A Documentary History, 1919-1929, pp. 112–113.
Johann Gustav Droysen was even more extolling. Frederick remained an admired historical figure through Germany's defeat in World War I. The Nazis glorified him as a great German leader pre-figuring Adolf Hitler, who personally idolized him. Associations with him became far less favorable after the fall of the Nazis, largely due to his status as one of their symbols. However, historians in the 21st century now again view Frederick as one of the finest generals of the 18th century, one of the most enlightened monarchs of his age and a highly successful and capable leader who built the foundation for the Kingdom of Prussia to become a great power that would contest the Austrian Habsburgs for leadership among the German states.
The Mamluks of Egypt (AD 1258–1517) as a whole were, some of the most enlightened rulers of Egypt, not only in the arts and in providing for the welfare of their subjects, but also in many other ways, such as efficient organisation of law and order and postal services, and the building of canals, roads, bridges and aqueducts. Though turbulent, often treacherous and brutal in their feuds, and politically and economically inept, the later Mameluks maintained the splendour and artistic traditions of their predecessors. The reign of Kait Bey (1468-1496) was one of high achievement in architecture, showing great refinement of taste in the building of elegant tombs, mosques and palaces. It was a period in which learning flourished.
When I left he gave me his photograph." (Life and letters of R.A.F. Penrose, Jr: Y Helen R. Fairbanks and Charles P. Berkey By Richard Alexander Fullerton Penrose, Helen R. Fairbanks, Charles P. Berkey Published by Geological Society of America, 1952; p. 273) Foo Choo Choon and partner Loke Yew defrayed the total cost of the Anglo Chinese School, Ipoh, in 1904.Methodist Schools in Malaysia: Their Record and History By Seng Ong Ho Published by Board of Education, Malaya Annual Conference, 1965 Rev W. E. Horley, founder of the Anglo Chinese School Ipoh, said of him, "In 1905, Mr. Foo Choo Choon, one of the most enlightened Chinese towkays in Malaya, built the present Primary Hall and presented it as a gift to the School.
Helmut, sucked into the vacuum, wakes up in medieval Germany (1503), witnessing Harbin Zemo's death and his succession, while in the present academic Wendell Volker and Reed Richards deduce that Helmut has traveled in time. Captured and taken prisoner as a leper, Helmut manages to inspire Harbin's twelve year old grandson Heller Zemo to kill his own father Hademar Zemo and fulfill his destiny as the third (and most enlightened and progressive) Baron Zemo. Heller goes to the hidden cell to free his "muse", discovering that Helmut has somehow disappeared. Helmut makes a jump to 1556 where he fights alongside Heller's son Herbert Zemo, then later jumps to 1640 where he slays Herbert's son Helmuth Zemo, and later arrives in 1710 where he narrowly escapes being killed by Helmuth's son Hackett Zemo.
Being a devout Christian but pro-British Raj, he protested against any discrimination practised by the ruling class against the natives. Known for his profound knowledge of the English language and literature, he wrote two books in English, Govinda Samanta (1874, later renamed Bengal Peasant Life) and Folk-Tales of Bengal (1883) both of which were widely acclaimed. Like Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, Peary Chand Mitra and Dinabandhu Mitra, Lal Behari also felt very passionately for the poor and oppressed peasantry of Bengal. In 1874 his Govinda Samanta won the prize of Rs 500 offered by Baboo Joy Kissen Mookerjea of Uttarpara, one of the most enlightened zamindars in Bengal, for the best novel, written either in Bengali or in English, illustrating the "Social and Domestic Life of the Rural Population and Working Classes of Bengal".
I know not what > treatment the British Government may reserve for him, but if it were other > than such as any French officer, in a similar situation, has a claim to > expect, I am clearly of the opinion that the Directory should designate some > British prisoner of superior rank to serve as a hostage, and to undergo > precisely the same treatment that Adjutant General Smith may suffer from the > British Government. By this measure you may save to the Republic one of its > most distinguished officers; to liberty, one of her most zealous and most > enlightened defenders, and a father to one of the most interesting families > which I have ever known. Health and respect, Kilmaine.'' Even though he garnered much support from prominent Frenchmen and even Napoleon, his appeal was strangely ignored, much to Kilmane's profound disapproval.
Maxine has been noted as "a transgender character, overcame massive boundaries to become one of the strongest and most likable characters." by Metro. A writer on AfterEllen, compared Maxine to Sophia Burset, the transgender character on Orange Is The New Black played by Laverne Cox. The writer said "The wig thing makes sense, I guess, if she has been off her hormones for a while, but that issue is never addressed. Every single scene with Maxine is about her difference, her otherness. And I’m actually fine with the rest of the characters saying shitty things to her that reduce her to her anatomy–they’re not the most enlightened people ever—but the camera seems to treat her with the same crassness as the inmates." Gay Times said about Maxine "She’s one of the reasons our eyes are so fixated to the dramatic happenings of season three and we love it." when talking about the character before interviewing Socratis Otto about his time in Wentworth Prison.
The Société du bout du banc, hosted by Jeanne Quinault was one of the most famous literary salons of the 18th century in France. Miss Quinault gave dinners at home, rue Sainte-Anne and later rue d'Anjou in Paris, where the best nobility was put on the same footing as poets and artists. These dinners were held on Mondays, getting together the most enlightened society including Maurepas, Honoré-Armand de Villars, the Duke of Lauragais, the duke of Orléans, the Grand Prieur d’Orléans, the marquis de Livry, Antoine de Ferriol de Pont-de-Veyle – and hommes and femmes de lettres such as Caylus, Duclos, Voltaire, Piron, D'Alembert, Voisenon, Rousseau, Grimm, Diderot, Lagrange- Chancel, Collé, Moncrif, Grimod de La Reynière, Crébillon fils, Marivaux, Saint-Lambert, Fagan de Lugny, l’abbé de La Marre, the chevalier Louis Caron- Destouches, Pierre-Thomas-Nicolas Hurtaut, Françoise de Graffigny... Ultimately, the company became so numerous that the dinners had to stand out. Philosophers expelled the poets, gaiety vanished, and the company was dissolved.
Conservative MP Iain Macleod's 1961 biography of Chamberlain was the first major biography of a revisionist school of thought on Chamberlain. The same year, A. J. P. Taylor, in his The Origins of the Second World War, found that Chamberlain had adequately rearmed Britain for defence (though a rearmament designed to defeat Germany would have taken massive additional resources) and described Munich as "a triumph for all that was best and most enlightened in British life ... [and] for those who had courageously denounced the harshness and short- sightedness of Versailles". The adoption of the "thirty-year rule" in 1967 made available many of the papers of the Chamberlain government over the subsequent three years, helping to explain why Chamberlain acted as he did. The resultant works greatly fuelled the revisionist school, although they also included books that strongly criticised Chamberlain, such as Keith Middlemas's 1972 Diplomacy of Illusion (which portrayed Chamberlain as a seasoned politician with strategic blindness when it came to Germany).

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