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224 Sentences With "most adult"

How to use most adult in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "most adult" and check conjugation/comparative form for "most adult". Mastering all the usages of "most adult" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Hutu officers organised most adult Hutus to slaughter their Tutsi neighbours.
I see her more than most adult children see their parents.
Probably most adult Hutus took part or witnessed the killing without objection.
Fortunately, everyone seems to be handling this situation in the most adult way possible.
A cast iron skillet is like the most ~adult~ thing you could ask for.
Most adult film performers operate as independent contractors and few, if any, get royalties.
Yet the humor and action seem too slapstick to appeal to most adult readers.
Within a group, most adult females have, at any given moment, a single, dependent calf.
To keep these people out, the law raised the tax imposed on most adult entrants.
"It's definitely the most adult feeling thing I've done since like, my life," she laughs.
She needed specifics, because William was the most adult man I'd ever been involved with.
Being an artist is like being the most adult-adult and being the most child-child.
Sara Mearns, in mauve, brings out the most adult drama, the sense of youthful passions remembered.
"Most adult drug services around the UK are not geared up for this addiction," says Linnell.
So, we decided to curate a list of the cutest, most adult-acceptable lunch boxes out there.
Most adult Medicaid recipients who do not work reported major impediments as the reason, according to Kaiser.
My most adult moment to date was when I purchased our washer and dryer…best feeling ever.
Most adult smokers express a desire to quit, and many try and fail, Soneji said by email.
While most adult American citizens do have the right to vote, that right is not an obligation.
Most adult survivors had until they were 23 years old, at the latest, to bring a case.
That's nonsense, because most adult recipients either work or are unable to do so because of age or disability.
Most adult men average about 679 ng/dl, although some researchers suggest that 400–600 is optimal in healthy individuals.
"Mmm Yeah" and "What About Love" both made the Hot 100, which is more than most adult musicians can say. 12.
"Human babies are among the most adult-dependent of all animal species, which is what allows them to develop," Glaser explains.
He demonstrates an emotional maturity unparalleled by most adult men, and certainly not by the romantically plebeian contemporaries dated by Rory.
Facebook's community standards prohibit hate speech and most adult nudity, and the site generally requires people to use their real names.
When most adult killi­fish encounter dioxin, this receptor's signaling pathway revs to life in the hope of metabolizing the chemical invader.
In the world premiere of Alexei Ratmansky's "Odessa" in May, Ms. Peck had one of her most adult roles to date.
The mound is connected to several vertical shafts that plunge up to 2 meters beneath the ground, taller than most adult humans!
The mound is connected to several vertical shafts that plunge up to 2 meters beneath the ground, taller than most adult humans!
The Pen15 Club: Members Only Coloring Book is the latest in a slew of trendy adult coloring books — and definitely the most adult.
But its uniqueness and its complete devotion to tragedy makes it feel like the most adult story this film series has ever told.
Here are five of our favorite finds: Botanical Scarf Sham Set; $39 + 20% off The most adult-appropriate floral design you'll ever find.
But if you're a parent who has already forbidden Comedy Central, you know that most adult stand-up is too coarse for kids.
Watching the movie in the Disneyfied 21st century, you wonder: where did these visitors to this most adult of theme parks drop off their kids?
I think that, for me, is the most adult thing you can do: understand that you're a kid, but somebody has to pay the bills.
Their tearful apologies to each other is the most adult moment in the entire episode, as Hannah perfectly encapsulates their problems and resolution with one sentence.
That's right, it's a Bloody Mary piled high with Flamin' Hot Cheetos, which is clearly the most adult way to eat our favorite spicy snack from childhood.
Given that most adult smokers begin using tobacco before age 29.3, health officials are concerned over the lack of progress in reducing tobacco use among U.S. youth.
Read: Eating Candy Is the Most Adult Thing You Could Do In the dystopian criminal justice netherworld that is New Orleans, stealing candy is no laughing matter.
As their profit pies shrink, most adult content creators feel pressure to move away from pure experimentation, passion projects, or even attempts to appeal to the broadest audiences.
With stellar voice acting by comedians Nick Kroll, John Mulaney, Maya Rudolph, Jordan Peele, Jenny Slate, and more, Big Mouth is the most adult cartoon about puberty on the market.
She also pointed out that one of the joints was flexible and folded in the egg, but was stiff in most adult pterosaurs in order to provide tension in the wing.
The young student published an op-ed today for her local newspaper, The Village Green, where she defended her decision, speaking with more spit, vinegar, and passion than most adult pundits.
Most adult men have taken a sexual education class and know that condoms prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and infections, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The fact is that without rigorous work—a strict diet and celebrity-level personal training—and/or specific genetics, a thigh gap is not that easy for most adult women to get.
On most adult content sites, "porn for women" now occupies its own genre and aesthetic defined by soft lighting and vanilla sex, with a narrow view of what can—or should—turn women on.
Chris Sununu has attached to continuing expanded Medicaid here is that most adult recipients without a disability or small children will have to work, volunteer or get job training, at least 63 hours a week.
With its ample servings of crude language and graphic food-on-food violence and sex, "Sausage Party" figures to be the most adult-oriented 3-D animated film ever released by a major studio (Columbia Pictures).
"As Macri's government runs out of options, it will most likely have to resort to very unpalatable measures that most adult Argentines hoped they would never experience again," said Emilio Ocampo, an independent economist and consultant.
For-profits do enroll large numbers of adult learners, but they don't provide good value: They charge too much relative to other schools and don't deliver the increased future salaries that most adult students are looking for.
The Clintons continue to dismiss the idea that Sanders is a serious candidate, painting him as someone who is too left of center and a politician who doesn't make the kind of serious, detailed arguments that most adult voters will demand.
"Smoking has been shown to harm nearly every organ of the body, and science shows that most adult smokers first start smoking during adolescence," said lead study author Rene Arrazola of the Office on Smoking and Health at the CDC.
But here's the thing: Everyone — even the most adult-seeming person you know, the one who keeps a first-aid kit in the car and whose dry goods are all organized in Mason jars — feels like they're faking it some of the time.
When adult oriented crowdfunding platform Offbeatr couldn't find a payment processor willing to work with its model, the company was forced to secure a merchant account of its own—an arduous, expensive, and incredibly difficult process that most adult entrepreneurs aren't really up to.
The new film has certainly affected many fans: It's easy to write off animated movies as kid stuff, but Borrowed Time proves that even the saddest, most adult stories can be told effectively through this medium if the stories are in the hands of talented filmmakers.
As of the end of 2016, SAOs were required for most adult male refugees who were nationals of Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, as well as Palestinians who lived in those countries, according to a State Department document seen by Reuters.
After then-President Bill Clinton signed TANF in 1996, as part of welfare reform, benefits fell steadily over time, leaving low-income families worse off than they had been before TANF came into force; the program requires most adult recipients to work a certain number of hours in order to qualify for assistance.
Dylan Collins, CEO of SuperAwesome, a technology platform used to power kid-safe digital engagement for hundreds of companies, argues that a bias among engineers towards building products for adults has led to some of these problems: For example, most adult-based services, like YouTube, use moderators to address bad content that isn't caught by algorithms and automation, Collins says.
Most adult fans would remember that tournament, and that team; they permeated the sport's consciousness (I suspect that if you ask any soccer fan over the age of 28 what they most associate with Croatia as a country, there's a good chance they'd forget the beauty of Dubrovnik or the beaches of Korcula and Hvar and just say Davor Suker).
Nevertheless, most adult site sponsor programs still provide free hosted galleries to affiliates.
The Lamet speak an Austroasiatic language related to Palaung and Wa. Most adult males also speak Tai Yuan.
The final stage of holometabolous insect development is the adult, or imago. Most adult insects have wings (excepting where secondarily lost) and functioning reproductive organs. Most adult insects grow very little after eclosion from the pupa. Some adult insects do not feed at all, and focus entirely on mating and reproduction.
Most adult horses only require 8-10% protein in their diet; however, higher protein is important for lactating mares and young growing foals.
Most species of freshwater snails, discounting most adult specimens of species belonging to the family Ampullariidae, which primarily subsist on aquatic plants as adults.
This species grows to a maximum reported total length of , but most adult specimens, which have been described as heavy-bodied, are less than long.
TYPE‐MOON 10th Anniversary Phantasm/ Type-Moon. — Kadokawa Shoten, 2012. — 399 с. — and her romantic line with Shirou is the most "adult" among all the heroines.
All juvenile and most adult specimens have gently recurved anterior and posterior margins resulting in most horns having an apex that is oriented at least slightly caudally (backwards).
Most adult black caimans are in length, with a few old males growing larger than .Thorbjarnarson JB (2010). "Black Caiman Melanosuchus niger ". pp. 29–39. In: Manolis SC, Stevenson C (editors). Crocodiles.
Kodiak bears that have recently left their mothers, at ages 3–5 years, have high mortality rates with only 56% of males and 89% of females surviving. Most young female bears stay within or near their mother’s home range, while most males move farther away. Most adult sows die of natural causes (56%), while most adult male bears are killed by hunters (91%). The oldest known boar in the wild was 27 years old, and the oldest sow was 35.
Gravid females are found from October until February. Females lay up to eight eggs. Clutch size tends to be positively correlated with female body size. Most adult females lay at least one clutch every summer.
MTV ranked the film #5 on the "Top 10 Movies That Will Have You Screaming 'Oh My God!'" calling it "the most adult-minded movie on this list". The film currently holds a 20% rating on the site.
Crit Care Med. 2005; 43(2): 282-7. Most adult patients do not survive chronic critical illness, and furthermore even those who are discharged from hospital frequently die soon after discharge. One-year mortality in adults is 48-68%.
Animal bones are found in most adult male and female burials, but usually only pieces of the animal, there is only one burial that has a complete llama skeleton. Other animals that have been found include: Fish, Guinea pigs, and birds.
As a hypsilophodontid or other basal ornithopod, Siluosaurus would have been a bipedal herbivore. Its size has not been estimated, but as most adult hypsilophodonts were long, this genus would have been of similar to smaller size, based on Dong's comments.
That second person, who wishes to have oral sex performed on them will take the adjoining booth and normally remain standing. Most adult book stores require and enforce that movies be operating at all times while arcade booths are occupied.
The white rhinoceros is quick and agile and can run . White rhinoceroses live in crashes or herds of up to 14 animals (usually mostly female). Sub-adult males will congregate, often in association with an adult female. Most adult bulls are solitary.
The fish is maroon, with blue spot that fades to bright red. The color pattern helps it blend in with its natural environment. It grows to up to 24 in (60 cm) long. Most adult have blue mouths, while the young have bright red eyes.
However, a diminishment in body size of U. a. berigianus has been noted, mostly likely in correlation with overhunting. In the 1960s and 1970s, most adult Kamchatkan brown bears weighed merely between ; however, mean weights of mature male bears have been reported as averaging in 2005.
Superboy-Prime has all the basic abilities of a Kryptonian except at a much higher level when compared to most adult Kryptonians, especially Superman, with exposure to yellow sunlight: superhuman strength, speed, senses, healing, endurance, superbreath, flight, X-ray vision, telescopic vision, microscopic vision, heat vision, and invulnerability.
BISP, 1993 and GIBB: G: 2, 3 and 7. Since no agricultural production took place, by 1996 at least one third of the tenants had abandoned the project. The remaining population were mainly women and children as most adult men had left the project to find work elsewhere.
These bright colors may be an example of aposematism, a warning signal to potential predators. Although most adult rove beetles avoid daylight, Paederus species are active during the day and attracted to bright lights after nightfall. Paederus eggs are laid singly, in moist habitats. Larvae go through two instars before pupation.
A scarab beetle grub from Australia. The C-shaped larvae, called grubs, are pale yellow or white. Most adult beetles are nocturnal, although the flower chafers (Cetoniinae) and many leaf chafers (Rutelinae) are active during the day. The grubs mostly live underground or under debris, so are not exposed to sunlight.
The maximum length recorded for the California sea hare is when crawling and thus fully extended, although most adult specimens are half this size or smaller. Adult animals can weigh up to .MacFarland, F.M. (1966). Studies of the opisthobranchiate mollusks of the Pacific coast of North America. Mem. Calif. Acad.
C. leuconotus breeds from late February through early March; most adult females are pregnant by the end of March. Typically, gestation lasts about 60 days. Birth occurs in April and May. Half-grown young have been observed in late July and mid-August, and by late August young begin to disperse.
The east coast South Island of New Zealand has the most adult numbers of all the native bees. There are known to be Lasioglosssum sordidum in the Christchurch Botanic Gardens, this is due to the great variation of woody and herbaceous plants, with a mixture of exotic ad native plants.
Most adult carideans are benthic animals living primarily on the sea floor. Common species include Pandalus borealis (the "pink shrimp"), Crangon crangon (the "brown shrimp") and the snapping shrimp of the genus Alpheus. Depending on the species and location, they grow from about long, and live between 1.0 and 6.5 years.
In 1986 it was acquired by Grupo Z and transformed into Ediciones B. In the 1990s most adult comic magazines (Cairo, Zona 84, Cimoc) ceased publishing. El Víbora closed in 2005. The most notable survivor of that era was El Jueves. Mortadelo and all Ediciones B comic magazines disappeared in 1996.
Biological Conservation 15 (1): 13-58. Most adult timber rattlesnakes found measure less than in total length and weigh on average between , often being towards the lower end of that weight range.Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus). Retrieved on 2013-01-05.Fitch HS, Pisani GR, Greene HW, Echelle AF, Zerwekh M (2004).
Many sex clubs have some form of online presence. Additionally, most adult dating and swinger social networks often provide listings of sex clubs, resorts and events. There is no non-profit impartial overarching organization of sex clubs per se, although NASCA International serves as an umbrella organisation for swinging groups in general.
For comparison, a cattle prod produces a shock of not more than 10 mA lasting a fraction of a second. According to James Eason, a professor of biomedical engineering at Washington and Lee University, the GED's lowest shock setting is about twice the threshold that pain researchers consider tolerable to most adult humans.
Copulation refers to sexual behaviors observed in animals. Most adult moths mate on the day that they emerge from pupation. Duration of copulation ranges from 20 minutes to two hours. Studies revealed that age difference between the male and female moth is crucial in determining reproductive capacity, adult lifespan and egg quality.
Most adult entertainment companies, which include strip clubs, are in privately held ownership. Two strip club companies are publicly traded in U.S. financial markets and listed on NASDAQ: VCG Holding Corp. (VCGH) and RCI Hospitality Holdings, Inc. (RICK). In February 2010, the two clubs agreed in principle to merge, with Rick's Cabaret acquiring VCG Holding.
Cadet Force Adult Volunteers (CFAVs), who are the uniformed civilian staff that work in the school contingents and provide training to the cadets. Unlike the other cadet organisations (ATC/SCC/ACF), most adult volunteers are commissioned officers, the exception often being the School Staff Instructor (see below) and the newer position of Sergeant Instructor (SI).
Calvin's parents were generic middle class parents who seem to be little more than boundaries to compare to Calvin's youthful nature. Laurie is a young, financially struggling, single mother, and the fact that she can still see Ship (who often is the most adult of the three) reflects just how different she is from Calvin's parents.
Most adult digeneans occur in the vertebrate alimentary canal or its associated organs, where they most often graze on contents of the lumen (e.g., food ingested by the host, bile, mucus), but they may also feed across the mucosal wall (e.g., submucosa, host blood). The blood flukes, such as schistosomes, spirorchiids and sanguinicolids, feed exclusively on blood.
The ecology of Jasus caveorum is poorly known. Its diet is assumed to be made up chiefly of invertebrates. Most adult individuals are infested with a small stalked barnacle of unknown identity; the same barnacle infests crabs of the genus Chaceon in the same locality. Since it occurs in international waters, there are no restrictions on fishing J. caveorum.
The board runs its own competitions for clubs within the division. The most important is the O'Donoghue Cup which is awarded to the winners of the East Kerry Senior Football Championship. Most adult clubs in the division compete for this cup, even if they are playing at junior or intermediate grades. The competition has been dominated by Dr. Crokes.
Like other mackerel sharks, bigeye threshers are ovoviviparous and bear litters of two pups, one in each uterus. Very rarely, the litter size may be one, three, or four. There is no defined breeding season and most adult females are pregnant throughout the year without any apparent lag time between pregnancies. The gestation period is unknown.
The constituency electorate was predominantly Tory/Conservative during most of this period. Catholics were excluded from qualifying as voters until 1793 and taking seats in Parliament until 1829 and there was a restrictive property based franchise. It was not until the electoral reforms which took effect in 1885 that most adult males became voters. See Catholic emancipation for further details.
Scatophagus is a fish genus in the family Scatophagidae. Species in this genus are referred as spotted scats. They are small fish native to the Indian and western Pacific Oceans that have been popular in the aquarium trade in the last 30 years. Although juvenile scats may live in a freshwater environment, most adult scats prefer a brackish water environment.
As a hypsilophodontid or other basal ornithopod, Phyllodon would have been a bipedal herbivore. Its size has not been estimated, but as most adult hypsilophodonts were long, this genus would probably have been of similar size. Its similarity to the North American Drinker and Nanosaurus is another piece of evidence linking Late Jurassic Portuguese dinosaur faunas with the contemporaneous Morrison Formation dinosaurs.
Groff Conklin reviewed the novel favorably, calling it "a magnificently real and vivid Picture of the Possible.""Galaxy's 5 Star Shelf," Galaxy Science Fiction, February 1952, p. 85\. [caps per original] Boucher and McComas named it among the best sf novels of 1951, characterizing it as "more mature than most 'adult' science fiction."."Recommended Reading," F&SF;, April 1952, p.
The height is normally ; females average , while males average . The northern cassowary is about the same size on average and is perhaps very mildly less sexually dimorphic than the southern. Most adult birds will weigh between . It is technically the largest Asian bird (since the extinction of the Arabian ostrich) and the largest Australian bird (though the emu may be slightly taller).
SH (Short Handle) is the most common adult size, whilst long handle and long blade options are also available. Children's sizes increase in length and width as the size increase. Although most adult bats will be the maximum width permitted (4.25 inches), no generally available cricket bat is the maximum length of 38 inches, indeed very few exceed 35 inches.
However, he notes that the very nature of interpretation means that there is always room for disagreement. The interpretations of the books differ considerably from the supposedly "naive" readings of the Disney comics' child readers, and from the readings of most adult readers of the comics. Besides the readers, other critics of the Disney comics have seen them in a very different light.
The pornography industry began to decline by the mid-2000s, owing, for the most part, to the growing amount of free content on the Internet, which undercut consumers' willingness to pay. In 2007 industry insiders estimated that revenue for most adult production and distribution companies had declined 30 percent to 50 percent and the number of new films made had fallen sharply.
Morbidity and mortality is strongly associated with patient's socioeconomic background, with most adult patients being male agricultural workers. Other risk factors include smoking, alcohol use, HIV co-infection or other immunosuppression. 80% of reported cases are in Brazil, in the southeast, midwest, and south, spreading in the 1990s to the Amazon area. Most of the remaining infections are in Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela.
Grizzly claws are longer than an American black bear's and adapted for digging Most adult female grizzlies weigh , while adult males weigh on average . Average total length in this subspecies is , with an average shoulder height of and hindfoot length of . Newborn bears may weigh less than . In the Yukon River area, mature female grizzlies can weigh as little as .
The vomeronasal organ is an auxiliary olfactory sense organ responsible for the detection of pheromones as more than just an odor. Most adult humans possess something resembling this organ, but there is no active function. Humans lack the sensory cells that exist in other mammals needed to detect pheromones beyond a smell. Humans also lack the genetic ability to produce these sensory cells actively.
Example of snowy region In general, only one generation of adults emerges per year, with adults emerging between the months of September and February. Most adult samples have been collected in the months of November and December; however, in the northernmost territory, C. scita have been seen as early as September, and in the southernmost territory, they have been seen to emerge as late as February.
This end seldom appears above the level of the substrate, however, as doing so exposes the animal to numerous predators. Most adult scaphopods live their lives entirely buried within the substrate. Water enters the mantle cavity through the apical aperture, and is wafted along the body surface by cilia. There are no gills; the entire surface of the mantle cavity absorbs oxygen from the water.
Early physiologists believed the reflex plays a major role in establishing the rate and depth of breathing in humans. While this may be true for most animals, it is not the case for most adult humans at rest. However, the reflex may determine breathing rate and depth in newborns and in adult humans when tidal volume is more than 1 L, as when exercising.
The East Kerry Senior Football Championship is a Gaelic football competition for teams affiliated to the East Kerry division. Most adult clubs in the division compete for this cup, even if they are playing at junior or intermediate grades. In recent years, the competition has been dominated by Dr. Crokes who won their thirtieth championship in December 2018. The winners receive the Dr. O'Donoghue Cup.
The history of the island is similar to many other communities along the southern coast of Norway. Sandøya saw its prime during the 19th century, all the way to the late 1940s. In this period, trading and seamanship dominated this part of Norway, and most adult men sought work on the sea. There was a certain class distinction between the different parts of the small island.
The pupae are orthorrhaphous which means that adults emerge from the pupa through a straight, longitudinal seam in the dorsal surface of the pupal cuticle. The bodies and legs of most adult Nematocera are elongated, and many species have relatively long abdomens. Males of many species form mating swarms like faint pillars of smoke, competing for females that visit the cloud of males to find a mate.
It then slowly unfolds its wings, finally bending forward and gripping onto the front of the shell to free its abdomen. Once free it hangs for hours more as the wings harden. Once they reach adulthood most adult cicada species live for around another two to four weeks. During this time they feed on flowing sap from tree branches, and mating and egg laying occurs.
The primary foods of sturgeon while in freshwater areas include soft-bodied annelids, arthropods, aquatic insects, and globular mollusks. Adults that have emigrated from estuaries and into the sea will usually feed on epibenthic and hyperbenthic amphipods, grass shrimp, isopods, and worms. Most adult sturgeon will also feed on detritus and biofilm. Sturgeons are most generally known for feeding on crustaceans, worms, and molluscs.
The Goliath birdeater found in South America These spiders can have a legspan up to 30cm, a body length of up to 13 cm and can weigh up to 175 g.Goliath Bird- Eating Spider , Arkive Birdeaters are one of the few tarantula species that lack tibial spurs, located on the first pair of legs of most adult males. They are mostly tan to light brown and golden-hued.
The collection consists primarily of neotropical species (from Brazil), and includes nearly 1,300 primary types. Coleopteran larvae are kept in metallic cabinets as a distinct collection. All its 40,000 specimens were raised in the laboratory, including 18,000 adults, 19,000 larvae and 3,200 pupae from about 90 families. Most adult specimens are stored with the immature specimens (preserved in ethanol), but a small number are kept dry in separate cabinets.
The scats are a small family, Scatophagidae, of fishes in the order Perciformes. They are small fish native to the Indian and western Pacific Oceans that have been popular in the aquarium trade in the last 30 years. Although juvenile scats may live in a freshwater environment, most adult scats prefer a brackish water environment. However, the African scat, Scatophagus tetracanthus, can and does live in fresh water in the wild.
From the early 20th century until after World War II, the roadster constituted most adult bicycles sold in the United Kingdom and in many parts of the British Empire. For many years after the advent of the motorcycle and automobile, they remained a primary means of adult transport. Major manufacturers in England were Raleigh and BSA, though Carlton, Phillips, Triumph, Rudge-Whitworth, Hercules, and Elswick Hopper also made them.
Leinster have benefited greatly from Terenure's 'rugby factory' with former players such as Girvan Dempsey, David Blaney, Niall Hogan, Mark Egan, James Blaney, David McAllister and Brian Blaney playing for the province. Terenure field the most adult teams in the province of Leinster, with seven adult teams fielded each week. In addition, 450 boys and girls play mini-rugby every Sunday. They have been crowned the best club in d6 west.
Newly hatched E. tiaratum nymphs are ant mimics and resemble the insects in whose nest they are born. Their aposematic pattern—orange head, white collar, the rest black—mimics the ant genus Leptomyrmex and makes them appear toxic. Although most adult stick insects are notoriously slow, these nymphs are speedy, active, and quickly make their way to the trees. Their locomotion slows when they moult into their second and subsequent instars.
Cranwell's horned frog (Ceratophrys cranwelli), also called the Chacoan horned frog, is a terrestrial frog endemic to the dry Gran Chaco region of Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil. It, like other members of its genus, Ceratophrys, is commonly called the Pac-man frog, because of its resemblance to the video game character of the same name. Most adult specimens range from long and can weigh up to . An albino Pacman frog.
A song originally stated for release on the album, titled "5th Avenue" (6:18), had been dropped. John called the revised album "The most piano-oriented album of my career" and said "It's my most adult album". In total the album's release had been pushed back four times. The album's premiere single "Home Again" was released on 24 June 2013, the same day the album became available for pre-order.
Puppies are the major source of environmental contamination with roundworm eggs Dogs and foxes are the reservoir for Toxocara canis, but puppies and cubs pose the greatest risk of spreading the infection to humans. Infection in most adult dogs is characterized by encysted second stage larvae. However, these larvae can become reactivated in pregnant females and cross the placental barrier to infect the pups. Vertical transmission can also occur through breastmilk.
They cause myiasis in frogs. The parent fly, like most adult Chloropidae, feeds mainly on plant juices, but it lays its eggs near the frog. The larvae burrow under the skin of the body rather than the head or legs, and there they form visible swellings in which they lie as parasites, presumably feeding on blood and other bodily fluids. Most of the host frogs survive, but some do die.
With CD- ROM and multimedia based games in the 1990s, most adult games featured video clips with limited interactivity. Both pre-rendered and real-time 3D graphics were also used. While most games could be considered nothing more than pornography, some attempted to include actual story and plot. This can be seen in some games with less explicit content, equal to an R- or PG-13-rated movie.
Symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, restlessness, pallor, sweating, trembling and lethargy can also first present in infants when they are introduced to fruits and vegetables. These can progress to apathy, coma and convulsions if the source is not recognized early. When patients are diagnosed with HFI, a dietary history will often reveal an aversion to fruit and other foods that contain large amounts of fructose. Most adult patients do not have any dental caries.
G0 is now known to take different forms and occur for multiple reasons. For example, most adult neuronal cells, among the most metabolically active cells in the body, are fully differentiated and reside in a terminal G0 phase. Neurons reside in this state, not because of stochastic or limited nutrient supply, but as a part of their internal genetic programming. G0 was first suggested as a cell state based on early cell cycle studies.
DouxReviews gave the song a grade of B+. The Examiner said "Pretending" "may very well be the most adult original song "Glee" has created thus far, as it focuses on the struggles to figure out what to make out of life".The Examiner article: "Glee releases another new song 'Pretending' featuring Rachel and Finn" deemed it "forgettable", writing "the duet improves with multiple listens, but still pales to previous Rachel/Finn numbers".
They become fairly independent between five and eight months of age and spend only a small percentage of the day with their mothers. Also at this age range, the infants can find food on their own. Infants are active members of the social group, climbing, running, exploring, and frequently making contact with adult members of the group. Most adult-infant interactions are initiated by infants towards adult females that are not their mothers.
WLGZ was purchased by DJRA Broadcasting on January 1, 2010. Following WLGZ's sale from Crawford to DJRA, most Adult Standards titles were dropped from the station's playlist and WLGZ morphed into a straightforward Classic Hits outlet featuring hits of the '50s, '60s and '70s. The format change for WLGZ has succeeded in substantially increasing the station's audience. According to the Spring 2010 Arbitron ratings, the station was tied for 4th place in the Rochester market.
Soucie voiced Shin and Misae. Many characters had their names changed to American-sounding ones, the original background music was completely replaced with new background music, and scenes with nudity were edited to remove any signs of indecent exposure. Most adult jokes were re-made into family-friendly jokes, and the profanity was edited out. However, the frequent appearance of Shinnosuke's naked buttocks, as well as humor relating to breast-size and sexual themes, remained in the finished product.
Women migrant workers from developing countries engage in paid employment in countries where they are not citizens. While women have traditionally been considered companions to their husbands in the migratory process, most adult migrant women today are employed in their own right. In 2017, of the 168 million migrant workers, over 68 million were women. The increase in proportion of women migrant workers since the early twentieth century is often referred to as the "feminization of migration".
OHP Standard is a limited benefit package covering a limited number of uninsured adults who are not eligible for Medicaid. In 2003, when OHP Standard began requiring small premiums of most adult participants, around 40,000 Oregonians (many homeless, destitute or mentally ill) were unable to pay the premium and were disenrolled from the program. Significant cuts were made to the Oregon Health Plan's budget in 2003. Today, the monthly premiums are still required, but there are no copayments.
Anatomy of an adult phoronid Most adult phoronids are 2 to 20 cm long and about 1.5 mm wide, although the largest are 50 cm long. Their skins have no cuticle but secrete rigid tubes of chitin, similar to the material used in arthropods' exoskeletons, and sometimes reinforced with sediment particles and other debris. Most species' tubes are erect, but those of Phoronis vancouverensis are horizontal and tangled. Phoronids can move within their tubes but never leave them.
Unlike most adult hits stations, CIUP-FM leans towards heavier music. On August 17, 2011, Rawlco Communications received CRTC approval to change the technical parameters of the station by increasing the effective height of antenna above average terrain from 148.4 to 272 meters and by relocating its transmitter.Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2011-503, CIUP-FM Edmonton – Technical change, CRTC, August 17, 2011 On July 10, 2014, Rawlco announced the sale of its Edmonton radio stations to The Jim Pattison Group.
Most adult males are eaten by birds because of their bright coloration during breeding season. Current management plans are in place for the improvement of the species such as captive breeding and reintroduction, and also private management of streams and land. Yet, more can be done to aid them in their survival efforts. Buffer zones around streams can be created to promote the health of the stream and close observation of the introduced populations needs to be a priority.
As of 2005 most adult residents of the district had high school diplomas or less education. Major employers included the school district, the Mississippi Department of Corrections (operator of MSP), and farming operations which produced beans, catfish, cotton, and rice. Some residents worked in factories and other businesses located in Clarksdale, Cleveland, Indianola, and Ruleville. As of the same year within the district boundaries were two banks, about 20 churches, a National Guard armory, a library, and three parks.
Fred Rothenberg of the Associated Press called it the "funniest, most adult comedy on TV". Later reviews were more positive. Jason Bovberg from DVD Talk praised season 1's writing quality above its "odd assortment of [characters]" and gave its content four and a half stars out of five. Steve Butts from IGN called this season "some of the best comedy writing and acting seen on television", praised the cast's performances, and gave it nine out of ten points.
The Pneumoridae are a family of nocturnal short-horned grasshoppers in the order Orthoptera, commonly known as the bladder grasshoppers and the sole representative of the superfamily Pneumoroidea. Their centre of diversity is in southern Africa, but one species occurs as far north as South Sudan. Most adult males acquire an inflated abdomen, a specialization for amplified sound production, which is likely its primary function. Most genera display striking sexual dimorphism, and several species exhibit a dual male phenotype.
Some research suggests the nannochoristids are the only holometabolous insects with true larval compound eyes . All other eyed larvae have stemmata, which are structurally different from adult compound eyes with ommatidia. This is unusual, since most adult features are present as imaginal discs in larvae and not formed until pupation. The presence of compound eyes in nannochoristid larvae suggests the timing of the development of adult features can be initiated earlier in development, which has important implications for insect evolutionary development.
Epinephrine synthesis and therefore PNMT location has been largely found to be contained in the adrenal medulla or adrenal gland of most species. PNMT has been localized in most adult mammals to the cytoplasm of these medullary cells. Newer studies are also showing PNMT mRNA and protein to be expressed in other regions of the body as well. Certain neural tracts, the retina, and in both atria and ventricles in the hearts are now being elucidated as sites of PNMT expression.
Most adult cats are lactose intolerant; the sugar in milk is not easily digested and may cause soft stools or diarrhea. Some also develop odd eating habits and like to eat or chew on things like wool, plastic, cables, paper, string, aluminum foil, or even coal. This condition, pica, can threaten their health, depending on the amount and toxicity of the items eaten. Cats hunt small prey, primarily birds and rodents, and are often used as a form of pest control.
Stem cells are cells with the unique ability to produce differentiated daughter cells and to preserve their stem cell identity through self-renewal. In mammals, most adult tissues contain tissue-specific stem cells that reside in the tissue and proliferate to maintain homeostasis for the lifespan of the organism. These cells can undergo immense proliferation in response to tissue damage before differentiating and engaging in regeneration. Some tissue stem cells exist in a reversible, quiescent state indefinitely until being activated by external stimuli.
Most adult male cichlids, specifically in the cichlid tribe Haplochromini, exhibit a unique pattern of oval-shaped, color dots on their anal fins. These phenomena are known as egg-spots and aid in the mouthbrooding mechanisms of cichlids. The egg-spots consist of carotenoid-based pigment cells, which indicates a high cost to the organism, when considering that fish are not able to synthesize their own carotenoids. The mimicry of egg-spots is used by males for the fertilization process.
Would God but grant > that strokes of good luck kept pace with what you are striving for, which we > all still owe Haydn -- where on earth could his things be hiding! ... No > doubt that Haydn who today has sunk to the level of child-performers, will > one day rise again from the children to the adults, as basically the rarest > and most adult people of all belong to his circle.Quoted in Proksch > (2015:128); German original appears in Proksch p. 250.
The mantled howler lives in groups that can have over 40 members, although groups are usually smaller. Most mantled howlers of both sexes are evicted from the group they were born in upon reaching sexual maturity, resulting in most adult group members being unrelated. The most dominant male, the alpha male, gets preference for food and resting places, and mates with most of the receptive females. The mantled howler is important to the rainforest ecology as a seed disperser and germinator.
Dentistry provided by the National Health Service in the United Kingdom is supposed to ensure that dental treatment is available to the whole population. Most dentistry is provided by private practitioners, most of whom also provide, on a commercial basis, services which the NHS does not provide, largely cosmetic. Most adult patients have to pay NHS charges, and many opt entirely for private treatment. NHS dentistry is not always available and is not managed in the way that other NHS services are managed.
Series of Dances, starting with the lowest: 1) Mitla This dance is usually performed by younger nobles and commoners into advanced years. Most adult nobleman would have long “graduated” from performing this dance, unless he is childless and / or unable to pass on the dance. 2) Glo'ala'ha ("came down a second time") This dance, like the Mitla, is a common dance. 3) Ula'la This is the highest of the common dances, and you must be a potential noble to dance.
Baghlan Provincial Council member Haji Wakil told reporters, "The mountain was too big and strong... There is silence and silence alone." Majeed added, "This is a human tragedy. An entire village was lost... Two bulldozers are now there to recover the dead bodies but the amount of stones and debris that has hit the village makes the chances of survivors very slim." At the time of the earthquake, most adult males were away from the village working farmland, so the victims are mostly women and children.
Fringe- eared oryxes travel in nomadic herds, typically composed of 30 to 40 individuals. Herds have a home range of , within which the animals move in search of green vegetation. Most adult members of the herd are female, but it is the males who are mainly responsible for directing its movement. When moving in single file, for example, dominant males bring up the rear, and speed up or slow down the females in front of them, as well as blocking any that try to move away.
Most adult dogs become infected by inhaling the virus via airborne particles spread by coughs or sneezes. It can also be contracted by drinking from a contaminated water bowl, or even just by sniffing or licking another dog that is shedding the virus. Like other types of herpesvirus, previously infected dogs can from time to time release the virus in vaginal secretions, penile secretions, and discharge from the nose. Raised sores in the vagina or on the penis may be seen during these times.
Imperial Gazetteer, 1870-72. Most adult residents in the 1871 census were employees at the few large houses and their associated farms.UK Census online (subscription required) Retrieved 2014-11-25 A 17th century Speaker of the House of Commons, Henry Powle, lived at the Park. He was followed by Francis Cherry, the non-juror (unwilling to override his oath of recognition of the legal right to reign of the deposed Catholic monarch, James II of England) and guardian of Thomas Hearne and patron of Francis Brokesby.
The larvae mature into adults within the small intestine of a cat, dog or fox, where mating and egg laying occurs. Eggs are passed in the feces and only become infective after three weeks outside of a host. During this incubation period, molting from first to second (and possibly third) stage larva takes place within the egg. In most adult dogs, cats and foxes, the full lifecycle does not occur, but instead second stage larvae encyst after a period of migration through the body.
The new Agitators, who distrusted the King, demanded that England be settled from "the bottom up" rather than the "top down" by giving the vote to most adult males. The debates help to throw light on the areas on which supporters of the Parliamentarian side agreed and those on which they differed. For example, Ireton asked whether the phrase in the Agreement "according to the number of the inhabitants" gave a foreigner just arrived in England and resident in a property the right to vote.
All court matters are handled in Whitehorse at the Andrew Philipsen Law Building which also houses a law library. Yukon's Territorial Court (three judges) handles most adult criminal prosecutions under the criminal code and other federal statutes. The Supreme Court of Yukon has three resident judges and nine judges from NWT and Nunavut. The Court of Appeal, made up of justices from British Columbia, Yukon, NWT and Nunavut, sits in Whitehorse only one week of the year, so most appeals are heard in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Although like any local dialect, Helsinki slang constantly evolves, most adult speakers of Helsinki slang still consider the pre-1960s version the real slang. Many of the now-adult speakers who grew up with the 1950s-style slang consider the modern chiefly English-derived slang terms neologisms. Nevertheless, even if words are borrowed to the slang, they are still in the present day modified to conform to the phonotactics of the slang. As noted below, the phonotactics are slightly different from typical colloquial Finnish.
The people of Bunlap speak a slightly-distinctive form of Sa language. Bunlap's dialect appears to be largely a mixture of the dialects spoken in Panngi to the west, Baie Barrier to the north and Ranwas to the south. Anthropologists Margaret Jolly and Murray Garde have both spent time in Bunlap and acquired knowledge of its language. Bislama, Vanuatu's national language, is known to some degree by most adult men in Bunlap, although knowledge and use of Bislama among inhabitants of Bunlap is far less than in nearby Christianised villages.
From the early 20th century until after World War II, the roadster constituted most adult bicycles sold in the United Kingdom and in many parts of the British Empire. For many years after the advent of the motorcycle and automobile, they remained a primary means of adult transport. Major manufacturers in England were Raleigh and BSA, though Carlton, Phillips, Triumph, Rudge-Whitworth, Hercules, and Elswick Hopper also made them. In the United States, the sports roadster was imported after World War II, and was known as the "English racer".
The gardens are laid out around a large house and estate. It was originally built in 1695, then rebuilt in 1878 and then extended 1913 all for the Dawes family. The house is listed Grade II on the National Heritage List for England, and its gardens are also Grade II listed on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens. The gardens were laid out in the early 1900s, but after wartime neglect (when most adult men were enlisted in wartime services) were substantially restored by Mary and Bill Dawes from the early 1950s.
Oral end of actinodiscus polyp, with close-up of the mouth Most adult cnidarians appear as either free-swimming medusae or sessile polyps, and many hydrozoans species are known to alternate between the two forms. Both are radially symmetrical, like a wheel and a tube respectively. Since these animals have no heads, their ends are described as "oral" (nearest the mouth) and "aboral" (furthest from the mouth). Most have fringes of tentacles equipped with cnidocytes around their edges, and medusae generally have an inner ring of tentacles around the mouth.
The most adult stem cells in the brain are found in the subventricular zone at the lateral walls of the lateral ventricle. Another region where neurogenesis takes place in the adult brain is the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus in the hippocampus. While the exact mechanism that maintains functional NSCs in these regions is still unknown, NSCs have shown an ability to restore neurons and glia in response to certain pathological conditions. However, so far, this regeneration by NSCs is insufficient to restore the full function and structure of an injured brain.
The peasants from the mountainous regions of Palestine and Bedouin (nomadic) warriors constituted the bulk of the rebels' forces. Most adult males among the peasantry owned a rifle (typically of the matchlock variety, ownership of which normally transferred from generation to generation) or less frequently, a pistol. The latter were often used in urban environments where they were more effective. A wide array of melee weapons were also utilized, including scimitars (generally used by Bedouin fighters), daggers, javelins, or different types of clubs (generally used by peasant fighters).
They often solicited newspaper coverage for publicity to increase their threat. The scale of operations was such that in 1876, North Carolina had 20,000 men in rifle clubs. Made up of well-armed Confederate veterans, a class that covered most adult men who could have fought in the war, the paramilitary groups worked for political aims: to turn Republicans out of office, disrupt their organizing, and use force to intimidate and terrorize freedmen to keep them away from the polls. Such groups have been described as "the military arm of the Democratic Party".
Private Gladiator: In the City of Lust, DVD cover The Private Gladiator is a pornographic trilogy (Private Gladiator, Private Gladiator: In the City of Lust and Private Gladiator: Sexual Conquest, length 115 minutes), directed by Antonio Adamo and produced by Private Media Group. It is one of the most expensive in the world of its genre. Also, unlike most adult films based on mainstream films, it is not a parody, but rather a straightforward remake of Ridley Scott's 2000 film Gladiator. The Private Gladiator trilogy was produced on November 28, 2001, total length - 351 minutes.
The moose (North America) or elk (Eurasia), Alces alces, is a member of the New World deer subfamily and is the largest and heaviest extant species in the deer family. Most adult male moose have distinctive broad, palmate ("open-hand shaped") antlers; most other members of the deer family have antlers with a dendritic ("twig-like") configuration. Moose typically inhabit boreal forests and temperate broadleaf and mixed forests of the Northern Hemisphere in temperate to subarctic climates. Hunting and other human activities have caused a reduction in the size of the moose's range over time.
Each of the four Provinces holds a Schools Cup competition every season, usually culminating in a Provincial Cup Final held on or around St Patricks Day (17 March each year). Despite the age group the qualifying games and finals are usually very well attended with crowds often better than those attending most adult club games, for Leinster Schools Cup Finals crowds of 15-20,000 are not unusual. This has brought onboard sponsors of the various competitions such as the Northern Bank Schools' Cup (Ulster), Supermacs Schools Cup (Connacht) and the Powerade Schools' Cup (Leinster).
Three programmes of legal assistance, jointly administered by the Law Society and the Bar Association of Hong Kong, are subvented by the Government. The Duty Lawyer Scheme rosters barristers and solicitors in private practice to appear in the Magistrates and Juvenile Courts on a remunerated basis. The scheme provides representation to all juveniles (defendants under 16) and to most adult defendants charged in the Magistrates' Courts who cannot afford private representation. The defendants are required to pay a handling charge of $570 upon granting of Duty Lawyer representation. In 2018, 22,546 defendants were assisted.
STRP began the Save the Leatherback Program in 2000 when a scientific article published in Nature magazine stated that the Pacific leatherback sea turtle could become extinct within 10–30 years if its adult mortality was not drastically reduced.Spotila, J. R. et al., "Pacific leatherback turtles face extinction," Nature 405 (2000): 529-530 Industrialized fishing practices, particularly longlining and drift gillnetting, used to catch swordfish, shark, and tuna, were cited as causing the most adult leatherback mortality. In response, STRP convened the International Leatherback Survival Conference in April 2002.
The causes of abnormal vaginal bleeding vary by age, and such bleeding can be a sign of specific medical conditions ranging from hormone imbalances or anovulation to malignancy (cervical cancer, vaginal cancer or uterine cancer). In young children, or elderly adults with cognitive impairment, the source of bleeding may not be obvious, and may be from the urinary tract (hematuria) or the rectum rather than the vagina, although most adult women can identify the site of bleeding. When vaginal bleeding occurs in prepubertal children or in postmenopausal women, it always needs medical attention.
Integrins have an important function in neuroregeneration after injury of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Integrins are present at the growth cone of damaged PNS neurons and attach to ligands in the ECM to promote axon regeneration. It is unclear whether integrins can promote axon regeneration in the adult central nervous system (CNS). There are two obstacles that prevent integrin-mediated regeneration in the CNS: 1) integrins are not localised in the axon of most adult CNS neurons and 2) integrins become inactivated by molecules in the scar tissue after injury.
" On the other hand, the film's star Lisa Ann has received widespread attention for the role, including interviews by Marie Claire, Entertainment Tonight, and on radio shows. In the interview in Marie Claire, Lisa Ann reports that fans have been supportive of the movie, calling it "shrewd" and "funny." The actress also feels the film has a "much broader range" than most adult films. When asked about the possibility of backlash, Lisa Ann replied "Maybe some crazy right-wing activist will try and burn my house down... But I put myself in that target spot and it is what it is.
Most adult placental mammals have no remaining trace of the cloaca. In the embryo, the embryonic cloaca divides into a posterior region that becomes part of the anus, and an anterior region that has different fates depending on the sex of the individual: in females, it develops into the vestibule that receives the urethra and vagina, while in males it forms the entirety of the penile urethra. However, the tenrecs, golden moles, and some shrews retain a cloaca as adults.Biological Reviews – Cambridge Journals In marsupials, the genital tract is separate from the anus, but a trace of the original cloaca does remain externally.
In many dipteran groups, swarming is a feature of adult life, with clouds of insects gathering in certain locations; these insects are mostly males, and the swarm may serve the purpose of making their location more visible to females. Most adult diptera have their mouthparts modified to sponge up fluid. The adults of many species of flies that feed on liquid food will regurgitate fluid in a behaviour termed as "bubbling" which has been thought to help the insects evaporate water and concentrate food or possibly to cool by evaporation. Some adult diptera are known for kleptoparasitism such as members of the Sarcophagidae.
The mature females also can swim competently and at least one species, Ergasilus chautauquaensis, is not known to be parasitic at all. However, that is exceptional; most adult females are parasitic and have morphological adaptations for attacking the gills of host species of fishes. Though their antennules retain their sensory function, the main second antennae of the adult females are adapted to clinging to the gill filaments of host fishes. In many Ergasilus species it is not clear that mature females are able to release their grip once attached, but when forcibly detached from the host's gills they swim without difficulty.
The skull is somewhat wide and gradually narrows towards the snout, with the portion of the skull in front of the orbits (eye sockets) longer than that behind them. It was 36.8 centimeters (14.5 inches) in length and 30 centimeters (11.8 inches) in width at its widest point. The cranial bones are somewhat eroded, but preserved portions are finely textured with pits and ridges as in most adult temnospondyls, but lacking the unornamented areas adjacent to the midline which characterize edopoids. The skull lacks lateral line grooves, which may indicate terrestriality, but the overall size and shape is akin to aquatic temnospondyls.
Sully premiered at the 43rd Annual Telluride Film Festival on September 2, 2016, and was released in the United States in conventional and IMAX theaters on September 9 by Warner Bros. When deciding when to release the film, Warner Bros. executives had begun circling the first weekend after Labor Day, considering that most adult fall dramas do not begin opening until September or October. However, this meant that the release coincided with the 15th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, which made executives wary as the film contains a dream sequence in which the plane crashes into Manhattan skyscrapers.
Phoronids (scientific name Phoronida, sometimes called horseshoe worms) are a small phylum of marine animals that filter-feed with a lophophore (a "crown" of tentacles), and build upright tubes of chitin to support and protect their soft bodies. They live in most of the oceans and seas, including the Arctic Ocean but excluding the Antarctic Ocean, and between the intertidal zone and about 400 meters down. Most adult phoronids are 2 cm long and about 1.5 mm wide, although the largest are 50 cm long. The name of the group comes from its type genus: Phoronis.
Even the majority of studies found that most adult sex offenders said they had not been sexually abused during childhood, but studies varied in terms of their estimates of the percentage of such offenders who had been abused, from 0 to 79 percent. More recent prospective longitudinal research—studying children with documented cases of sexual abuse over time to determine what percentage become adult offenders—has demonstrated that the cycle of violence theory is not an adequate explanation for why people molest children. Offenders may use cognitive distortions to facilitate their offenses, such as minimization of the abuse, victim blaming, and excuses.
The species breeds in littoral rock and brackish pools just above the tide line and remains close to their breeding habitats. Additionally, most adult females have been known and tested to be autogenous which allows females to lay their first batch of eggs before taking or ingesting a blood meal. Their autogenous capacities can however be greatly altered by the conditions that surround them in their environment, such as temperature. The percentage of autogenous females from the same breeding pool can vary from 40% in the summer to 85% in the winter due to temperature swings and slower development.
Being made from thin bronze sheets, the helmet would have been too fragile for use in battle, and so it was probably intended to be used for ceremonial or parade purposes. In this respect it is similar to Iron Age bronze shields that have been found, which would not have been effective against contemporary weapons and could only have been used for display purposes. Alternatively, it has been suggested that the helmet is in any case too small for most adult males, and may have been worn by a wooden statue of a Celtic deity.Lloyd Laing and Jennifer Laing.
Educating adults differs from educating children in several ways given that adults have accumulated knowledge and work experience which can add to the learning experience.Bohonos, Jeremy Appreciating the Experiences and Expertise of Adult Students, Journal of College Orientation and Transition 20:2 Most adult education is voluntary, therefore, the participants are generally self- motivated, unless required to participate, by an employer. The practice of adult education is referred to as andragogy to distinguish it from the traditional school-based education for children pedagogy. Unlike children, adults are seen as more self-directed rather than relying on others for help.
Most adult mites have four pairs of legs, like other arachnids, but some have fewer. For example, gall mites like Phyllocoptes variabilis (family Eriophyidae) have a worm-like body with only two pairs of legs; some parasitic mites have only one or three pairs of legs in the adult stage. Larval and prelarval stages have a maximum of three pairs of legs; adult mites with only three pairs of legs may be called 'larviform'. Also, members of the Nematalycidae within the Endeostigmata, which live between sand grains, have often worm-like and elongated bodies with reduced legs.
The various SALL4-null mouse models mimic human mutations in the SALL4 gene, which were shown to cause developmental problems in patients with Okihiro/Duane-Radial-ray syndrome. These individuals frequently have family history of hand malformation and eye movement disorders. SALL4 expression is low to undetectable in most adult tissues with the exception of germ cells and human blood progenitor cells. However, SALL4 is re-activated and mis-regulated in various cancers such as acute myeloid leukemia (AML), B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia (B-ALL), germ cell tumors, gastric cancer, breast cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), lung cancer, and glioma.
According to a study of adult first-generation and continuing-generation online college students by Susan Dumais et al., most adult online learners, regardless of parent education level, are confident that they will succeed academically. However, ways that first-generation adult online learners differed from their continuing- generation counterparts in the study included "greater intrinsic motivation" to earn their degree and more usage of built-in student support services. Additionally, the first-generation students reported having more demanding work environments and less support from their employers to balance their work responsibilities with their family and academic responsibilities.
He loses most of his childlike traits too, despite never aging beyond the age of five. In "De Adhemar Bonbons" ("The Adhemar Pralines") (1989) he reveals that he eats pralines that stop his ageing process. In some stories Adhemar returns to his childish state of mind, like "Het Zevende Spuitje" ("The Seventh Syringe") (1963) or "De Wallabieten" ("The Wallabytes") (1968), but most of the times he is the most adult of all the characters. He is a sceptic who will doubt all instances of magic, wizardry or fantastic elements and claim, in his trademark catch phrase: "Het is wetenschappelijk niet verantwoord" ("It's scientifically not possible").
Like the rest of the mackerel sharks, the pelagic thresher is ovoviviparous. It gives birth to two pups at a time (rarely just one), one per uterus. With no defined breeding season, most adult females are pregnant throughout the year; the gestation period is uncertain, but has been suggested to be less than one year as in the common thresher. The developing embryos are sustained by a yolk sac until they are 12 cm (4.7 in) long, after which they are oophagous and feed on egg capsules produced by the mother. Each capsule measures about 55 mm (2.2 in) long and 12 mm (0.5 in) across, and contains 20-30 ova.
Fluoride toxicity is a condition in which there are elevated levels of the fluoride ion in the body. Although fluoride is safe for dental health at low concentrations, sustained consumption of large amounts of soluble fluoride salts is dangerous. Referring to a common salt of fluoride, sodium fluoride (NaF), the lethal dose for most adult humans is estimated at 5 to 10 g (which is equivalent to 32 to 64 mg elemental fluoride/kg body weight). Ingestion of fluoride can produce gastrointestinal discomfort at doses at least 15 to 20 times lower (0.2–0.3 mg/kg or 10 to 15 mg for a 50 kg person) than lethal doses.
Tony Roberts (2005) writes a moving and well-researched history of the region, in which the local tribes went from almost total isolation from European Australians in 1870, to a decimated collection of displaced and defeated groups, over a single decade. Entire tribes such as the Wilangarra, including women, children and babies were massacred, and most adult males were killed, by police and quasi-police groups, and by drovers and station workers involved in the cattle droves of that era. Borroloola was declared a town on 10 September 1885. In the local Indigenous languages of Yanyuwa, Garrwa, Marra, Gudanji and Binbingka, Borroloola would be written as Burrulula.
The specimen comes from the Early Cretaceous of China. Peters gave the species its name because the skeleton was the same size as most adult anurognathids. He hypothesized that the supposed embryo could have been an adult anurognathid fossilized while eating the contents of a dinosaur egg, large enough to contain it. This interpretation was not accepted by other pterosaur researchers; Chris Bennett, for example, pointed to evidence also noted by the original authors that the ends of long bones in the fossil were not completely ossified (turned to solid bone rather than cartilage) and had not yet developed a complex structure, which indicates the specimen was immature when it died.
Most adult red-tails have a dark brown nape and upper head which gives them a somewhat hooded appearance, while the throat can variably present a lighter brown "necklace". Especially in younger birds, the underside may be otherwise covered with dark brown spotting and some adults may too manifest this stippling. The back is usually a slightly darker brown than elsewhere with paler scapular feathers, ranging from tawny to white, forming a variable imperfect "V" on the back. The tail of most adults, which of course gives this species its name, is rufous brick-red above with a variably sized black subterminal band and generally appears light buff-orange from below.
A common problem in adult education in the US is the lack of professional development opportunities for adult educators. Most adult educators come from other professions and are not well trained to deal with adult learning issues. Most of the positions available in this field are only part-time without any benefits or stability since they are usually funded by government grants that might last for only a couple of years. However, in some countries, which contain the advanced systems of adult education, professional development is available through post-secondary institutions and provide professional development through their ministry of education or school boards and through nongovernmental organizations.
Clockwise from left: brown kiwi (Apteryx australis), little spotted kiwi (Apteryx owenii) and great spotted kiwi (Apteryx haastii) at Auckland War Memorial Museum 1860s drawing of Apteryx, illustrating its distinctive features, including long beak, short legs and claws, and dark hair-like feathers. Their adaptation to a terrestrial life is extensive: like all the other ratites (ostrich, emu, rhea and cassowary), they have no keel on the sternum to anchor wing muscles. The vestigial wings are so small that they are invisible under the bristly, hair- like, two-branched feathers. While most adult birds have bones with hollow insides to minimise weight and make flight practicable, kiwi have marrow, like mammals and the young of other birds.
Most adult placental mammals have no remaining trace of the cloaca. In the embryo, the embryonic cloaca divides into a posterior region that becomes part of the anus, and an anterior region that has different fates depending on the sex of the individual: in females, it develops into the vestibule that receives the urethra and vagina, while in males it forms the entirety of the penile urethra. However, the tenrecs and golden moles, small placental mammals native to Africa, as well as some shrews retain a cloaca as adults. Being placental animals, humans only have an embryonic cloaca, which is split up into separate tracts during the development of the urinary and reproductive organs.
This is an all-time record for the most top ten hits from a debut album on the Adult Top 40 chart. This also ties the album with Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway and Nickelback's All the Right Reasons for the most Adult Top 40 top tens from any album. On the Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks, the song peaked at number three. It is their third top ten hit on the chart, making them the only rock band to ever have three top tens from one album on the chart. The song also entered the top twenty on Mainstream Top 40 radio, peaking at number nineteen in October 2008, their fifth consecutive top twenty hit on the format.
However, unlike most adult alternative stations, it did play heavy songs such as "More Human than Human" and "Crazy Train", and harder selections by Metallica, Nirvana and Pearl Jam mixed in with more standard triple A bands such as Coldplay, U2 & INXS to take on clustermate 963 The Blaze & newly launched trail 1033. Eventually, the station slowly evolved into a mainstream rock. It also became the first station to air the syndicated Bob & Tom show. KLTC remained a rock station until January 2007, when it changed to a rhythmic adult contemporary format as "Energy 107.5", which changed to a rhythmic contemporary format in 2008, claiming to be "Your Only Station In The State For Hip-Hop & R&B;".
Musculature of ant mandibles left Most adult Hymenoptera have mandibles that follow the general form, as in grasshoppers. The mandibles are used to clip pieces of vegetation, gather wood fibers, dig nests, or to capture and disassemble prey. What is unusual is that many Hymenoptera have the remaining mouthparts modified to form a proboscis (a "tongue" used to feed on liquids), making them virtually the only insects that normally possess both chewing mouthparts and sucking mouthparts (a few exceptional members of other orders may exhibit this, such as flower-feeding beetles that also have "tongues"). Trigona corvina, and other stingless bees, utilize their mandibles for defense purposes and typically interlock them with other individuals while fighting for resources.
There are also pre-apical appendages in most insect orders, called cerci, which may be multi-segmented and almost resembling a posterior pair of antennae; these may be variously modified, or lost entirely. Otherwise, most adult insects lack appendages on the metasoma, though many larval insects (e.g., caterpillars) have some form of appendages, such as prolegs or, in aquatic insects, gills. In apocritan Hymenoptera (wasps, bees and ants), the metasoma consists of the second abdominal segment (which typically forms a petiole) and those segments posterior to it, and is often called the gaster rather than referring to it as the "abdomen"; in these insects, the first abdominal segment is called the propodeum and is fused to the thorax.
An Education and Training Board (ETB) () is a statutory local education body in the Republic of Ireland that administers some secondary education, most adult education and a very small amount of primary education in the state. They came into existence on 1 July 2013, when they replaced the existing system of Vocational Education Committees (VECs) that had been in place since 1930. In addition to taking over the responsibilities of VECs, ETBs took on the training functions of Foras Áiseanna Saothair (FÁS), the national training and employment authority, when it was dissolved in 2013. Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) is the national representative association for the sixteen Education and Training Boards.
They were eliminated in episode four. Currently, he is a member of Duck's Breath Mystery Theater touring comedy troupe (which he claims is clean comedy but "not quite as creepy" as Full House) as well as the host of the series Animal Kidding. His work on Robot Chicken is probably his most "adult" to date, voicing off-color situations, like Popeye savagely beating Wimpy over a debt. On June 2, 2008, Chikara, a professional wrestling promotion based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, announced that Coulier was elected by the Chikara Board of Directors as the new commissioner of the company, a position that he held for two years until the next election (which took place on May 25, 2010).
A day-flying hummingbird hawk-moth drinking nectar from a species of Dianthus Most species of Lepidoptera engage in some form of entomophily (more specifically psychophily and phalaenophily for butterflies and moths, respectively), or the pollination of flowers. Most adult butterflies and moths feed on the nectar inside flowers, using their probosces to reach the nectar hidden at the base of the petals. In the process, the adults brush against the flowers' stamens, on which the reproductive pollen is made and stored. The pollen is transferred on appendages on the adults, which fly to the next flower to feed and unwittingly deposit the pollen on the stigma of the next flower, where the pollen germinates and fertilizes the seeds.
Most adult species are light tan to brown in color and are usually 1–4 mm in length, although some livestock species can grow to be 5–7 mm, and some wild bird species can even get to 10 mm. Mallophaga are often adapted to live on a specific part of their host and typically spend their entire lives on a single host. They can only survive for about three days after their host has died, and they typically use phoresis, which is hitching a ride from a fly, as an attempt to reach a new host. Mallophaga may also use phoresis to spread to a new host even if the present one is still alive.
The striped prenuptial plumages may represent the original breeding appearance of this species, the male's showy nuptial feathers evolving later under strong sexual selection pressures. Adult males and most adult females start their pre-winter moult before returning south, but complete most feather replacement on the wintering grounds. In Kenya, males moult 3–4 weeks ahead of the females, finishing before December, whereas females typically complete feather replacement during December and early January. Juveniles moult from their first summer body plumage into winter plumage during late September to November, and later undergo a pre-breeding moult similar in timing and duration to that of the adults, and often producing as brightly coloured an appearance.
Many activists and politicians have expressed concern over the easy availability of internet pornography, especially to minors. This has led to a variety of attempts to restrict children's access to internet pornography such as the 1996 Communications Decency Act in the United States. Some companies use an Adult Verification System (AVS) to deny access to pornography by minors. However, most Adult Verification Systems charge fees that are substantially higher than the actual costs of any verification they do (for example, in excess of $10/month) and are really part of a revenue collection scheme where sites encourage users to sign up for an AVS system, and get a percentage of the proceeds in return.
Morgan often emphasized the unscripted and adult nature of the show. In the first of the video episodes she introduces the show as Talk of the Town as "The most adult show on television. It's going to shock you, turn you on, turn you off, but it will make you think and see and experience. You will see things on this show that will surprise you, shock you, so kick back, brush away those conservative cobwebs..." Roughly three-quarters of the way through each show, a short lingerie fashion show took place with models wearing bathing-suits, underwear or nightgowns provided by Las Vegas design shop Midnight Lace, which at that time was located in the Fashion Show Mall in Las Vegas.
Four isozymes of pyruvate kinase expressed in vertebrates: L (liver), R (erythrocytes), M1 (muscle and brain) and M2 (early fetal tissue and most adult tissues). The L and R isozymes are expressed from the gene PKLR, whereas the M1 and M2 isozymes are expressed from the gene PKM2. The R and L isozymes differ from M1 and M2 in that they are allosterically regulated. Kinetically, the R and L isozymes of pyruvate kinase have two distinct conformation states; one with a high substrate affinity and one with a low substrate affinity. The R-state, characterized by high substrate affinity, serves as the activated form of pyruvate kinase and is stabilized by PEP and fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), promoting the glycolytic pathway.
As of April 14, 2008, following a Devils-Rangers playoff game, the NHL ruled that standing in front of an opposing goalie and engaging "in actions such as waving his arms or stick in front of the goaltender's face, for the purpose of improperly interfering with and/or distracting the goaltender" will draw a minor unsportsmanlike conduct penalty, a rule interpretation inspired by the play of Sean Avery against Martin Brodeur. Other leagues typically assess penalties for additional infractions. For example, most adult social leagues and women's hockey leagues ban all body checking (a penalty for roughing or illegal check is called), and in most amateur leagues, including Hockey Canada, any head contact whatsoever results in a penalty (Checking to the Head).
Most adult bohaiornithids would have been rather similar in size and appearance to each other, and the family lacked the longevity and physical diversity of some other enantiornithean groups, such as the long-snouted longipterygids. The only specimens of bohaiornithids believed to have reached adulthood (the holotype of Zhouornis and a referred specimen of Bohaiornis) were also the largest specimens, and were about the size of a pigeon, which is much larger than most other Jehol enantiornitheans with the exception of Pengornis and Xiangornis. The smallest and youngest bohaiornithid specimens were about half the size of the largest ones. Many bohaiornithids have been found preserving feathers, and a few possessed a pair of long, ribbon-like tail feathers with barbs only at the tips.
Before the Backbone: Views on the origin of the vertebrates Some tunicates live as solitary individuals, but others replicate by budding and become colonies, each unit being known as a zooid. They are marine filter feeders with a water-filled, sac-like body structure and two tubular openings, known as siphons, through which they draw in and expel water. During their respiration and feeding, they take in water through the incurrent (or inhalant) siphon and expel the filtered water through the excurrent (or exhalant) siphon. Most adult tunicates are sessile, immobile and permanently attached to rocks or other hard surfaces on the ocean floor; others, such as salps, larvaceans, doliolids and pyrosomes, swim in the pelagic zone of the sea as adults.
Most adult female ceratioid anglerfish have a luminescent organ called the esca at the tip of a modified dorsal ray (the illicium or fishing rod). The organ has been hypothesized to serve the obvious purpose of luring prey in dark, deep-sea environments, but also serves to call males' attention to the females to facilitate mating. The source of luminescence is symbiotic bacteria that dwell in and around the esca, enclosed in a cup-shaped reflector containing crystals, probably consisting of guanine. In some species, the bacteria recruited to the esca are incapable of luminescence independent of the anglerfish, suggesting they have developed a symbiotic relationship and the bacteria are unable to synthesize all of the chemicals necessary for luminescence on their own.
The Sant'Yago Illuminated Knight Parade in 2016 The Sant'Yago Illuminated Knight Parade (sometimes referred to as the "Gasparilla Night Parade") has been organized since 1972 by the Krewe of the Knights of Sant'Yago. It is held in the historical neighborhood of Ybor City on a Saturday night, usually two weeks after the Parade of Pirates in mid-February.The Krewe of the Knights of Sant'Yago historical marker The Knight Parade features a similar mix of participants as the Parade of Pirates, though most of the floats are brightly illuminated since the event begins after dark. Though it once had a reputation of being the most "adult-oriented" parade of Tampa's Gasparilla season, organizers have tried to reduce drunkenness and unruly behavior in recent years and have promoted it as a family-friendly event, with some success.
Keith Phipps of The A.V. Club gave the special an A-, naming it the "best Doctor Who Christmas special" he had seen. He praised Gambon, Smith, both actors playing the younger Kazran and thought Gillan and Darvill "[made] the most of what they're given", though he commented that "Katherine Jenkins is more an ethereal presence with a lovely voice...than an actress". Dave Golder of SFX gave the episode four and a half out of five stars, explaining that, although there were "creaky" moments, it was "the most adult Christmas special we've yet been given, with some complex story-telling techniques, a plot driven by the characters and some quite mind- bending concepts". He praised Jenkins' debut and Smith, whom he described as "a force of nature unleashed on screen".
EVI1 is a proto-oncogene conserved across humans, mice, and rats, sharing 91% homology in nucleotide sequence and 94% homology in amino acid sequence between humans and mice. It is a transcription factor localized to the nucleus and binds DNA through specific conserved sequences of GACAAGATA with the potential to interact with both corepressors and coactivators. ;Embryogenesis: The role of EVI1 in embryogenesis and development is not completely understood, but it has been shown that EVI1 deficiency in mice is an embryonic lethal mutation, characterized primarily by widespread hypocellularity and poor/disrupted development of the cardiovascular and neural system. EVI1 is highly expressed in the murine embryo, found in the urinary system, lungs, and heart, but is only minutely detectable in most adult tissues, indicating a likely role in tissue development.
Zone lines form in wood for many reasons, including host reactions against parasitic encroachment, and inter-specific interactions, but the lines observed by Rayner and Todd when transversely-cut sections of brown-rotted birch tree trunk or branch were incubated in plastic bags appeared to be due to a reaction between different individuals of the same species of fungus. This was a startling inference at a time when the prevailing orthodoxy within the mycological community was that of the "unit mycelium". This was the theory that when two different individuals of the same species of basidiomycete wood rotting fungi grew and met within the substratum, they fused, cooperated, and shared nuclei freely. Rayner and Todd's insight was that basidiomycete fungi individuals do, in most "adult" or dikaryotic cases anyway, retain their individuality.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Dietary Reference Intakes, which is the "highest level of daily nutrient intake that is likely to pose no risk of adverse health effects" specify 10 mg/day for most people, corresponding to 10 L of fluoridated water with no risk. For infants and young children the values are smaller, ranging from 0.7 mg/d for infants to 2.2 mg/d. Water and food sources of fluoride include community water fluoridation, seafood, tea, and gelatin. Soluble fluoride salts, of which sodium fluoride is the most common, are toxic, and have resulted in both accidental and self-inflicted deaths from acute poisoning. The lethal dose for most adult humans is estimated at 5 to 10 g (which is equivalent to 32 to 64 mg/kg elemental fluoride/kg body weight).
The Orinoco crocodile ranks among the largest living reptiles, as well as the largest predator in the Americas. It is arguably the largest crocodilian in the Americas, while American crocodiles and black caimans may approach similar dimensions, on average the Orinoco crocodile may be (or had been, when in healthy numbers) slightly longer. Given its possible maximum sizes, the Orinoco crocodile may rank as the third largest extant true crocodile after the saltwater crocodile and Nile crocodile (which is closely related to the Orinoco despite its substantially different range) and rank 4th amongst all extant crocodilians behind additionally the gharial, though there is little to suggest that Orinoco specimens in modern times can rival these largest species. Sexual maturity for Orinoco crocodiles is obtained for females at around while that of males seems to be obtained around length, with most adult crocodiles of the species exceeding .
When perched on the ground, the tawny eagle tends to stand more upright, while the steppe eagle often appears to assume a more elongated, horizontal posture. Plumage variations of tawny eagles can render them a surprisingly close colour to the usually darker, duller and browner steppe eagle (especially so in south Asia), but they never obtain the distinct whitish wing band of the young steppe eagle nor the nape patch of most adult steppes. Despite slight individual and clinal variations, the steppe eagle, unlike the tawny eagle, is not polymorphic. These aforementioned eagles present the main possibilities for confusion, less likely mistakes can potentially range from relatively dainty and much smaller Wahlberg's eagles (Hieraeetus wahlbergi) (generally quite different in features but somewhat similarly hued) in Africa to the somewhat bigger but differently structured golden eagles (much longer tail, relatively smaller bill and much smaller gape, different wing shape, more aquiline build and bigger feet and talons) in much of the range.
An adult prom is a social event that is almost perfectly similar to a high school prom in terms of themes and attire, except that some adult proms also serve alcoholic beverages, and therefore most adult proms (at least in the U.S.) require those attending to be at least 21 years of age. The origin of adult prom is unclear, though Drew Barrymore is often credited with inadvertently inventing the concept in the 1990s, when she stated in an interview on Late Night with Conan O'Brien that she threw a prom party for herself and a few friends who never got to go to prom. A form of adult prom is the "second chance prom", which is sometimes sponsored by a local radio station in some cities. It is a big gathering of people who either did not go to prom, wanted to relive prom, or whose high school prom did not work out the way they had hoped.
They were committed broadly to the abolition of corruption within the parliamentary and judicial process, toleration of religious differences, the translation of law into the common tongue and, arguably, something that could be considered democracy in its modern form – arguably the first time contemporary democratic ideas had been formally framed and adopted by a political movement. The Levellers have been seen as having undemocratic tendencies by some as they excluded household servants and those dependent upon charitable handouts from suffrage as Levellers feared that poor, dependent men would simply vote as their masters wished. It would also have excluded women; most adult women were married and, as wives, were legally and financially dependent on their husbands. Some Levellers like Lilburne argued that the English Common law, particularly the Magna Carta, was the foundation of English rights and liberties, but others, like William Walwyn, compared the Magna Carta to a "mess of potage".
Set in Bad Tölz, Bavaria, the series is about the activities of the local Kriminalpolizei as personified by Benno Berghammer (Ottfried Fischer), the eponymous Bulle (literally "bull", a slang word and the equivalent of "cop" but at the same time an allusion to his bulky appearance), and Sabrina Lorenz (Katerina Jacob), two Kommissare who invariably, at the beginning of each episode, are faced with murder in the seemingly idyllic small town of Bad Tölz or its rural surroundings. Generally, no violence is shown, and although the plot is always well constructed and the murder cases are always plausible and realistic, the huge popularity of the show is due to the underlying comedy which pervades each episode. Thus, most adult viewers derive more pleasure from the constellation of characters and the many running gags and one-liners delivered throughout the show than from following the plot or guessing who the murderer is. The fact that much of the dialogue is performed in Bavarian German equally lends familiarity to the characters.
The revision of the Education Act in the late 1990s by premier Mike Harris resulted in the transfer of the burden of the costs of adult education from the taxpayer to the student, resulting in far fewer adults being able to afford acquiring the Grade 12 equivalency needed for entry into college programs. While this resulted in a decimation in the numbers of adult students all over Ontario seeking high school credit, along with a further decimation of course offerings to such students by schools in their region, Adult High School had survived and flourished to being a full- service public high school. By contrast, most adult high schools in Ontario offer little more than basic math, science and English credit courses, without even any way to diagnose, accommodate, and properly place students with learning disabilities. Ottawa-Carleton's Adult High School offers workplace- level math, English and science, art and creative writing credit courses that would be well beyond the adult school offerings most other Ontario school boards.

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