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22 Sentences With "mortal beings"

How to use mortal beings in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "mortal beings" and check conjugation/comparative form for "mortal beings". Mastering all the usages of "mortal beings" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Photograph by Albin Dahlström; courtesy the Moderna Museet, Stockholm As far as I know, there is no escape for mortal beings from time.
Much as we might prefer to avert our eyes from the inevitable, we are mortal beings, and there is no escaping death, others' or our own.
I think it's an important company, it's an organization filled with mortal beings who want to do the right thing and we should do the right thing.
Symbols used in art may be grouped into four overarching categories: religious imagery, divine and mortal beings, symbols from nature and inanimate objects.Welch, Patricia Bjaaland. (2008). Chinese Art: A Guide to Motifs and Visual Imagery. Art and Design Series.
After being bound in human form Itempas wandered until Oree took him in. Because of his general contempt for mortal beings, he initially refuses to talk—leading Oree to call him "Shiny" because of the way his magic appears to her.
Nothing much is known besides this of the society of the Fae, except that they seem to have a basic court system, as Felurian is regarded highly by Bast. It is also hinted that when mortal beings exit the Fae, the memories of their stay in the Fae realm are wiped out so as to preserve the mystery of the Fae realm.
In Hinduism light symbolizes not only everything with a divine quality, but also the illumination of mind. According to the scriptures, in the beginning there was nothing, neither the sky, nor the sun, the moon and the earth. Then the dawn of light manifested as the golden egg: it started the days of Brahman. The dawns, Usha, the sister of the sun, brings hope and she woke the mortal beings up.
Napo, an old sitio, was formerly a cemetery of the Chinese colonizers in the early days. Residents often dig up Chinese jars with gems and bones, Chinese plates, necklaces, earrings and ornaments made of Chinese gold particularly in places near the shore. In this same cemetery, the old "panteon" where the rich were interred could still be found. People spared this because of a story handed down from generation to generation that if you try to harm or disturb the old structure, it would case horrible thunder and lightning enough to kill mortal beings.
Like Homer's æthere (αἰθήρ)the "pure air" of Mount Olympuswas the divine counterpart of the air breathed by mortal beings (άήρ, aer). The celestial spheres are composed of the special element aether, eternal and unchanging, the sole capability of which is a uniform circular motion at a given rate (relative to the diurnal motion of the outermost sphere of fixed stars). The concentric, aetherial, cheek-by-jowl "crystal spheres" that carry the Sun, Moon and stars move eternally with unchanging circular motion. Spheres are embedded within spheres to account for the "wandering stars" (i.e.
Although he is apparently killed, his body is never found. The moon immortal appears as a major character in the TV series Ashes of Love. He is in charge of love and marriage of all mortal beings through the use of his red threads. In Grace Lin's Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, a novel published in 2009, one of the main characters is named the Old Man of the Moon and seems to have a lot of inspiration derived from Yue Lao and the story of Wei Gu, related above.
In a similar vein, the Sri Guru Granth Sahib talks of a figurative Chitar (ਚਿਤ੍ਰ) and Gupat (ਗੁਪਤੁ): : ਚਿਤ੍ਰ ਗੁਪਤੁ ਸਭ ਲਿਖਤੇ ਲੇਖਾ ॥ : ਭਗਤ ਜਨਾ ਕਉ ਦ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਨ ਪੇਖਾ : Chitar and Gupat, the recording angels of the conscious and the unconscious, write the accounts of all mortal beings, / but they cannot even see the Lord's humble devotees. :: — Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Panch-Pada, p. 393. However, Sikhism has never had a literal system of angels, preferring guidance without explicit appeal to supernatural orders or beings.
29) where we are told that there were once spirits who lived in a state of bliss, but having committed a crime (the nature of which is unknown) they were punished by being forced to become mortal beings, reincarnated from body to body. Humans, animals, and even plants are such spirits. The moral conduct recommended in the poem may allow us to become like gods again. If, as is now widely held, this title "Purifications" refers to the poem On Nature, or to a part of that poem, this story will have been at the beginning of the main work on nature and the cosmic cycle.
In this, they not only created other gods, but mortal beings and accidentally brought evil into the world. Since the goddess of passion, Unk, was just as powerful as any of them, they couldn't recall her from existing and had to create new things to give to mortals in order to combat her—such as spiritual power and medicine. In this, the first mortals, the Pte Oyate (Buffalo People) came into being in a great cave in the womb of the earth. Iktomi, the Trickster, was disgraced by Gnaski, son of Unk, & chose to get revenge on Tate for his harsh treatment in the aftermath.
At this level (lines 537–585), the revelation-seeker is supposed to breathe deeply and feel himself lifted up, as if in midair, hearing and seeing nothing of mortal beings on earth. He is promised to see instead the divine order of the "visible gods" rising and setting. Ritual silence is prescribed, followed by another sequence of hissing, popping, and thirteen magic words: "Then you will see the gods looking graciously upon you and no longer rushing at you, but rather going about in their own order of affairs." After a shocking crash of thunder, another admonition of silence, and a magic incantation, the disk of the sun is to open and issue five-pointed stars.
Moreover, in the role as the one uncreated creator of all, Ahura Mazda is not the creator of druj, which is "nothing", anti-creation, and thus (likewise) uncreated and developed as the antithesis of existence through choice. Parsi Wedding, 1905 In this schema of asha versus druj, mortal beings (both humans and animals) play a critical role, for they too are created. Here, in their lives, they are active participants in the conflict, and it is their spiritual duty to defend Asha, which is under constant assault and would decay in strength without counteraction. Throughout the Gathas, Zoroaster emphasizes deeds and actions within society and accordingly extreme asceticism is frowned upon in Zoroastrianism but moderate forms are allowed within.
Layne speculated that, rather than representing advanced military or extraterrestrial technology, flying saucers were piloted by beings from a parallel dimension, which he called Etheria, and their "ether ships" were usually invisible but could be seen when their atomic motion became slow enough. He further claimed that Etherians could become stranded on the terrestrial plane when their ether ships malfunctioned, and that various governments were aware of these incidents and had investigated them. Furthermore, Layne argued that Etherians and their ether ships inspired much of earth's mythology and religion, but that they were truly mortal beings despite having a high level of technological and spiritual advancement. He claimed that their motive in coming to the terrestrial plane of existence was to reveal their accumulated wisdom to humanity.
The Special Region is home to several deities - both full-fledged gods and demigods - who act as guardians against undesired developments amongst the other world's people, either by sponsoring those who promote the natural balance or by eradicating any elements which threaten it. Demigods, also called Apostles, are first selected from among mortal beings with great potential; they maintain a physical form, but remain eternally young and alive even after suffering dismemberment, until they become spiritual beings and ascend to godhood upon their 1,000th year. These newly ascended gods are free to claim one of the domains held by the deity they served, or any aspect not yet claimed by another deity, or become a specific region's divine patron. Many denizens of the Special Region base their middle names on the name of the deity they personally worship.
In the character's first appearance, Galactus was depicted as a god-like figure who feeds by draining living planets of their energy, and operates without regard to the morality and judgments of mortal beings. Galactus's initial origin was that of a space explorer named Galan who gained cosmic abilities by passing near a star, but writer Mark Gruenwald further developed the origin of the character, revealing that Galan lived during the previous universe that existed prior to the Big Bang which began the current universe. As Galan's universe came to an end, Galan merged with the "Sentience of the Universe" to become Galactus, an entity that wielded such cosmic power as to require devouring entire planets to sustain his existence. Additional material written by John Byrne, Jim Starlin, and Louise Simonson explored Galactus's role and purpose in the Marvel Universe, and examined the actions of the character through themes of genocide, manifest destiny, ethics, and natural/necessary existence.
Neron is normally portrayed as being one of the most powerful magical beings in the DC Universe; almost invulnerable and able to do many incredible feats such as warping reality and resurrecting mortal beings from the dead. However, despite manifesting great strength and immense magical power on occasion, he normally relies on a deal to obtain human souls and only claims them when the deal is up or when his victims fail to keep their side of the deal. He is able to give superheroes and supervillains magic-based powers (as he did with Kid Devil by turning him into Red Devil), can greatly enhance a superhero or supervillain's existing powers and has the ability to assume a human-like appearance - although he sometimes uncontrollably reverts to a monstrous-looking demonic creature when angry (which is presumably his true form).He was first seen doing this at the end of Underworld Unleashed #3 (late December 1995).
Upon learning of the Super Dragon Balls prior to killing Gowasu to acquire his Potara Earrings and Time Ring, Zamasu uses the Super Dragon Balls to exchange bodies with Goku before killing him and his family. Later called "Goku Black", he traveled to Future Trunks' timeline where he joins forces with an alternate future version of himself who never encountered Goku and used the Super Dragon Balls to make his mortal body effectively unkillable. The two versions of Zamasu proceed to wipe out the other deities so nothing can interfere in them systematically exterminating all mortal life before reaching the Seventh Universe's Earth, believing that utopia could only be achieved for the multiverse by bringing about the annihilation of humanity and all other mortal beings which he views as corrupt and violent. Goku Black and Zamasu combat Trunks while Goku and Vegeta return to the past, with Goku learning the Evil Containment Wave while Vegeta trains in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
The , referred to as Lords of Lords in Viz's English manga and the Supreme Kai in the English anime dub, are the highest-level deities in the Dragon Ball universe. Like the Kai whom they govern, all Supreme Kai hail from a race of naturally divine beingsDragon Ball: Super Exciting Guides, 2009 While the Kai watch over the living world, the Supreme Kai watch over both the "Other World" (the afterlife in the Dragon Ball series) and the living world.'Daizenshuu 7, 1996 The Supreme Kai are known for recruiting mortal beings to become their ; Gohan and Trunks trained under their universe's Supreme Kai to prepare for threats like Majin Buu and Dabura, and gained access to healing powers in the process. The Supreme Kai and their followers wear a pair of earrings known as the Potara (ポタラ), which allow two individuals to fuse into an amalgamation and permits the wearer to use a Time Ring.
Harry carries a mark on his soul, visible to the Wizard's Sight, from his encounter with He Who Walks Behind; its effects, if any, are unknown. Dresden's first encounter with He Who Walks Behind is told in more detail in Ghost Story. While attempting to rob a convenience store for money to survive after escaping Justin DuMorne's attempts to enthrall - and when that failed, kill - Harry, he sees the physical appearance of The Walker as reflected on the screen of an arcade machine (but not actually visible in the store), which he describes as being "more or less humanoid," with proportions including shoulders which are too wide, arms which are too long, and crooked, too-thick legs, and being covered in fur or scales or "some scabrous, fungal amalgamation of both." The Walker attacks Dresden and forces him to run outside the store, and he catches The Walker in an explosion of the store's fuel pumps with a fire spell (fire being as dangerous to immortal beings as mortal beings in the Dresdenverse) in anger after The Walker kills the clerk of the store Dresden was robbing.

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