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"morris chair" Definitions
  1. an easy chair with an adjustable back and removable cushions

13 Sentences With "morris chair"

How to use morris chair in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "morris chair" and check conjugation/comparative form for "morris chair". Mastering all the usages of "morris chair" from sentence examples published by news publications.

When he heard it coming back, he was sitting in the Morris chair, drinking his third cup of coffee and reading the Times online.
"I think this will encourage both patients to adhere to recommendations but also clinicians to be more vigorous in their attempts to prescribe lifestyle changes," said Dr. Pamela Morris, chair of the ACC's committee on prevention of cardiovascular disease.
There was a time when the Barcalounger dominated in popular culture and we spoke far more about the Morris chair, but only the La-Z-Boy occupies such a massive space in the popular imagination now that it's a shorthand for every recliner ever made.
Mary Morris, chair emeritus of the College Savings Foundation and CEO of Virginia529, one of the country's largest 529 programs, said she noted immediate interest in the new rules among plan contributors, some of whom have already made distributions to pay for K–12 tuition.
The other style of Morris chair is called the "Mission" or the "Craftsman" Morris chair. The best known examples are those were first produced by Gustav Stickley in 1904 and then widely copied afterwards. These are in the American Craftsman idiom, rather than English Arts & Crafts styles. Woodwork is lightly finished and largely undecorated oak in rectangular sections.
Vonnegut, K. 2000. Bagombo Snuff Box. New York: Berkley Books. Bullwinkle J. Moose explains “... you sit happily in your Morris Chair ...” in the “Mr. Know-It-All” segment of Rocky and Bullwinkle, Season 2, episode 3 (1960). Pearl S. Buck, in her novel, The Time is Noon, (1966) wrote, “He was sitting in his old Morris chair by a small dying wood fire, his hands folded in his lap.” And again, “But he was not writing.
Morris chairs feature a seat with a reclining back and moderately high armrests, which give the chair an old-style appearance. The characteristic feature of a Morris chair is a hinged back, set between two un- upholstered arms, with the reclining angle adjusted through a row of pegs, holes or notches in each arm. In other instances, the reclining of the back is controlled by a metal bar set in hooked back racks. The original Morris chair had dark stained woodwork, turned spindles and heavily decorated upholstery, in typical Victorian style.
The chair was widely copied after Morris' introduction, and is still manufactured. The appearance and style of upholstery is usually quite different from Morris's, but the overall layout is constant. There are two rather distinct types of these chairs. One type, called the "traditional" Morris chair evolved in America directly from the Morris original.
Upholstery comprises unframed cushions in brown leather, or green or brown fabric. The Craftsman or Mission style of Morris chair is often thought of as a Stickley design named in homage to Morris, rather than an original Morris piece. As with all Stickley, these chairs are keenly collected today and originals fetch several thousands of dollars.
It is also mentioned in the Three Stooges short film, Rockin' thru the Rockies (release date March 8, 1940), when Curly claims, "I once shot a Morris chair from underneath Sitting Bull." In the 1940 film Keeping Company, the father Harry Thomas, played by Frank Morgan, this is his favorite chair. He panics when his daughter Harriet (Virginia Weidler) sells it to buy ice cream.
Five of his volumes were written here, most notably A Witness Tree, the 1943 Pulitzer Prize winner. In the cabin, where he did most of his writing, he kept an extensive collection of literature, which was donated by his family to the Jones Public Library of Amherst, Massachusetts. Frost's Morris Chair, originally in the cabin, is now on display at the Middlebury College Davis Family Library. The property was acquired by Middlebury College in 1966, which has maintained but not substantially improved it.
He was appointed to the Mark L. Morris Chair in Clinical Nutrition at Colorado State University and received a joint appointment in the Department of Clinical Sciences in 1991, and was promoted to Full Professor of Pathology in 1992. Fettman is a George H. Glover distinguished faculty member of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and was named the 1994 Sigma Xi honored scientist at Colorado State University, the 1994 Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Lecturer at Cornell University, and a Bard College Distinguished Scientist for 1995.
The first chorus mentions the Morris Chair, made popular in America by furniture maker Gustav Stickley. Part of first verse: :Johnny was bashful and shy; :Nobody understood why :Mary loved him :All the other girls passed him by. :Everyone wanted to know :How she could pick such a beau :With a twinkle in her eye :She made this reply Parts of various choruses: :He's not so good in a crowd :But when you get him alone :You'd be surprised; :He's kind of scared in a mob :But when he takes you home :You'd be surprised. :He won't impress you :Right from the start :But in a week or two :You'd be surprised.

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