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50 Sentences With "more worn"

How to use more worn in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more worn" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more worn". Mastering all the usages of "more worn" from sentence examples published by news publications.

This time I felt a little more worn out than usual.
For months I dragged myself around, feeling more worn down with each day.
The grille was painted black and scuffed to make it look more worn in for the film.
So the company directed a technician to exchange some of the more worn-down looking parts with newer ones.
Sure, he'll probably live in it for the first two months, but that just makes it even more worn-in and comfortable for you.
This pair definitely has the same design idea as the $10,000 pair, though these look more worn and have a different shape to them.
López Núñez again ended up in the news a few days later, this time looking a tad more worn-down, with a scruff, and in handcuffs.
Adi: One thing I remember liking about the first movie was the sense that John was getting more and more worn-down over the course of it.
Like the Day Boots, these flats have very slim soles and delicate leather, so I imagine mine would be more worn out if I wore them more often.
They felt more and more worn down by their own awful actions and complicity in terrible things, and that held the show together — if you didn't think about it too hard.
But one of the coolest evolutions to keep an eye out for is the ever-changing main logo, which has been getting darker, grimier, and all-around more worn out from one season to the next.
But it was also there that I found more worn Fiestaware plates to match those I had lost and a weathered-by-real-use wrought iron outdoor table and an out-of-date globe for my 13-year-old.
"It wasn't possible to assign precise ages to the three isolated teeth, but I've estimated that the Neanderthal first molar (Payre 6), which was only lightly worn, would have come from an adolescent, as adult Neanderthals show more worn teeth," Smith told Gizmodo.
These items and hundreds more, worn by and belonging to the pop star Prince, who died in April 2016, are set to travel from his estate, Paisley Park, outside Minneapolis, to the O2 Arena here for the first international exhibition centered on the musician.
The lower back teeth were close together, and the space between the teeth increased from front to back, suggesting they were used for shearing, unlike the suction-feeding modern-day sperm whales which lack teeth in their upper jaws. The front teeth were more worn on the sides, whereas the bottom teeth were more worn along the middle. It had 12 teeth in the upper jaw and 13 teeth in the bottom jaw, and like other raptorials, it had tooth enamel. The premaxillae bore three teeth, and the maxillae had nine teeth.
The gloves are well-knitted with decorative stitches on the upper palms and gauntlets. They are similar to other gloves of the period. The palm of the right glove is more worn and patched than the left glove, suggesting he was right-handed.
Deposits in several places along the Amazon Studies of the wear patterns of the prehistoric inhabitants of coastal Brazil found that the surfaces of anterior teeth facing the tongue were more worn than surfaces facing the lips, which researchers believe was caused by using teeth to peel and shred abrasive plants.
When both axle's wheels are equally worn, this gives good operating conditions but, as soon as one of the wheels becomes slightly more worn (as is inevitable with steel wheels on steel rails), there will be slippage which causes wear and waste of energy. The problem can be countered by keeping the wheels regularly ground to the same diameter.
Kenshin's hair is tied in two tails, which are flowing to make him look younger, and shorter, and less androgynous. Watsuki also added a Habaki to Kenshin's sword to make it easier to draw by simplifying its structure, while also emphasizing strength. Kenshin's hitokiri look was also redesigned slightly, by making his clothes more worn and giving him Yukishiro Tomoe's neck scarf.
The testes of the males enlarge when females enter estrous. The testes tend to be slightly larger in harem males than bachelors and the canine teeth tend to be more worn in the former. Copulation occurs until 2–25 days after the previous births. Pups born in a harem may sometimes be sired by satellite or subordinate males depending on the size of the group.
Lunar Orbiter 2 image Backlund is a worn lunar impact crater that lies on the far side of the Moon, beyond the eastern limb. It lies astride the southern rim of the walled plain Pasteur, to the west of the crater Hilbert. Further to the west-southwest is Sklodowska. The north and south ends of Backlund are more worn and eroded than the intervening stretches.
Borman L is an older and much more worn crater that is attached to the southern rim of Borman. Borman crater is named after the American astronaut Frank Borman, commander of the Apollo 8 mission in 1968, which was the first manned mission to the Moon. Two nearby craters are named after the other two crew members, William Anders (Anders crater) and Jim Lovell (Lovell crater).
There is a patch of higher-albedo material along the eastern rim, centered on a tiny craterlet. Nearly attached to the northern outer rim is the satellite crater Leavitt Z, a formation that appears similar to Leavitt but somewhat more worn. Less than two crater diameters to the northwest of Leavitt is the huge walled plain Apollo. To the northeast is the crater Buffon.
Like humans, who are typically right- or left-handed, elephants are usually right- or left-tusked. The dominant tusk, called the master tusk, is generally more worn down, as it is shorter with a rounder tip. For the African elephants, tusks are present in both males and females, and are around the same length in both sexes, reaching up to , but those of males tend to be thicker.Sukumar, p.
The last few teeth in the holotype jaw of Eilenodon are smaller than the preceding teeth. This indicates that the specimen was not fully grown. However, the teeth of the specimen are more worn than the teeth of the holotype jaw of Toxolophosaurus, which was fully grown due to having the last few teeth larger than the preceding teeth. This may indicate that Eilenodon fed on tougher plant material than Toxolophosaurus.
Giant cheetahs were present in Europe during the Early and Middle Pleistocene. The giant cheetah was found in Germany, France, and also in China and India. European cheetahs occurred alongside European jaguars and leopards at some Middle Pleistocene localities, and competition among the three possibly contributed to the cheetah's decline. Its large mass and more worn claws (when compared to modern cheetahs) suggest it was less adapted to climbing, an ability that would continue to evolve until modern-day cheetahs appeared.
The subject matter of Peto's paintings consisted of the most ordinary of things: pistols, horseshoes, bits of paper, keys, books, and the like. He frequently painted old time "letter racks", which were a kind of board that used ribbons tacked into a square that held notes, letters, pencils, and photographs. Many of Peto's paintings reinterpret themes Harnett had painted earlier,Schwartz, 1990, p. 87. but Peto's compositions are less formal and his objects are typically rustier, more worn, less expensive looking.
This merganser is a dark, slender duck with a shiny dark-green hood with a long crest, which is usually shorter and more worn-looking in females. Upperparts are dark grey while the breast is light grey, getting paler toward the whitish belly, and a white wing patch is particularly noticeable in flight. It has a long thin jagged black bill with red feet and legs. Although females are smaller with a shorter bill and crest, both sexes are alike in color.
In: Plavcan J.M., van Schaik C., Kay R.F., Jungers W.L. (Eds) Reconstructing Behavior in the Primate Fossil Record. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp. 339–370 although this hypothesis cannot be confirmed from bones of the postcranial skeleton (there are none). The known dental specimens show extremely heavy and rapid wear and the first molar tooth is far more worn than the last, suggesting that it included abrasive foods in its diet with very poorly developed cutting edges indicating a diet of fruit.
The book was conceived as a component part of the author’s elaborate and very expensive teaching scheme known as 'A set of toys', and copies were provided with the scheme, but Mrs. Fenn's publisher John Marshall realized that the book might also be successful in its own right. It proved to be Marshall's most profitable title and he produced many undated editions, keeping the title constantly in print until about 1815. During this period the illustrations became progressively more worn and the work more carelessly printed.
The major part of the drainage flows in the latter direction. In the groups of hills between the other streams farther south such a feature is not so clearly to be made out, but it is true that the course taken by the drainage is predominantly toward the southeast. Toward the south the Kreyenhagen Hills become more worn, decline in elevation, and lose their relief. Prominent individual features are absent, and the foothill area is a rolling surface with low ridges and broad drainages sloping gradually toward and merging with the Kettleman Plain.
The ballan wrasse is a large, heavy bodied wrasse with a relatively deep body and large head. It has a smallish mouth which is surrounded by thick, fleshy, rather wrinkled lips, and the jaws are armed with a single row of robust teeth which are sharp and pointed in young fish but blunter and more worn in older fish. It has a long dorsal fin which has 18–21 spines in its anterior portion and 9–13 branched rays in the rear part. The anal fin is markedly shorter and has three spines.
The outer wall of Rowland has been rounded by a long history of minor impacts, leaving the edge somewhat irregular and rough. The top of the rim has been worn down until it became almost level with the surrounding terrain, making this a circular depression in the surface. The remains of a terrace can still be discerned in places, particularly along the eastern and southeastern inner wall. Attached to the exterior of the eastern rim is the huge walled plain Birkhoff, an even older and more worn formation.
The throat and breast are white and covered in dark gray to black streaks, which thin out further down the breast and along the sides. The belly is a pale yellow which fades as the plumage becomes more worn, while the bird's legs are black. Males and females are similar in appearance, although females are typically smaller and may have smaller crests. Juvenile tufted tit-tyrants are duller in coloration and have a shorter crest; the juvenile's wingbars are also buffy and there is no hidden white spot on the crown.
This crater has undergone a degree of impact erosion that has left its features softened and rounded. The rim can still be followed around the perimeter, but it is no longer sharp-edged and the interior terraces have been all but worn away. Several craters lie across the outer rim, including the sharp-edged Pascal F intruding into the northwest rim; a more worn Pascal A intruding into the southwest; and the small, bowl- shaped Pascal G along the southeast rim. Within the wide inner walls is a nearly level interior floor that has been resurfaced by lava.
Diclonius (meaning "double sprout") is a genus of dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous. It was a hadrosaur based solely on teeth. Its fossils were found in the Judith River Formation of Montana, northern US. The name is in reference to the method of tooth replacement, in which newly erupting replacement teeth could be in functional use at the same time as older, more worn teeth. Thus, the number of "sprouting" teeth was doubled in comparison to Monoclonius ("single sprout"), which used only one set of teeth at a time and which Cope named in the same paper.
The bodies of the mandibles of H. habilis and other early Homo are thicker than those of modern humans and all living apes, more comparable to Australopithecus. The mandibular body resists torsion from the bite force or chewing, meaning their jaws could produce unusually powerful stresses while eating. The greater molar cusp relief in H. habilis compared to Australopithecus suggests the former used tools to fracture tough foods (such as pliable plant parts or meat), otherwise the cusps would have been more worn down. Nonetheless, the jaw adaptations for processing mechanically challenging food indicates technological advancement did not greatly affect diet.
Pedestrian Verse differed from the recording of the band's other records in that songs were written and practised while on tour, rather than having the songs being novel when recording was commenced, giving the songs a more "worn-in" feel, rather than an "edgy" one. The record also marked the first instance of lead songwriter Scott Hutchison sharing the role with the rest of the band. As a result, Hutchison has stated that Pedestrian Verse is the best record that the band has produced. In the writing of the album, Hutchison initially set out to create songs with broader subject matter, rather than just referring to his personal relationships.
The bodies of the mandibles of H. rudolfensis and other early Homo are thicker than those of modern humans and all living apes, more comparable to Australopithecus. The mandibular body resists torsion from the bite force or chewing, meaning their jaws could produce unusually powerful stresses while eating. Reconstruction of KNM-ER 1470 skull and jaw H. rudolfensis is not associated with any tools. However, the greater molar cusp relief in H. rudolfensis and H. habilis compared to Australopithecus suggests the former two used tools to fracture tough foods (such as pliable plant parts or meat), otherwise the cusps would have been more worn down.
The discovery of Benford's law goes back to 1881, when the Canadian-American astronomer Simon Newcomb noticed that in logarithm tables the earlier pages (that started with 1) were much more worn than the other pages. (subscription required) Newcomb's published result is the first known instance of this observation and includes a distribution on the second digit, as well. Newcomb proposed a law that the probability of a single number N being the first digit of a number was equal to log(N + 1) − log(N). The phenomenon was again noted in 1938 by the physicist Frank Benford, who tested it on data from 20 different domains and was credited for it.
" Michael Phillips of the Chicago Tribune gave the film two and a half stars out of four, saying, "By taking the "heart" part just seriously enough, and in the nick of time, the movie saves itself from itself." Kim Newman of Empire gave the film three out of five stars, saying, "It's no first-rank CGI cartoon, but shows how Pixar's quality over crass is inspiring the mid-list. Fun, with teary bits, for kids fresh and smart for adults." Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times gave the film two and a half stars out of four, saying, "The film throws so much ersatz cleverness and overdone emotion at the audience that we end up more worn out than entertained.
Pib and Pog is the name of both a short film and a series of shorts created by Aardman Animations. The animation is set up like a typical pre-school programme, introduced by a soft-spoken narrator who translates what the characters say to the audience. However, as the show goes on, it gradually turns into a black comedy where the characters attempt to harm each other constantly - like shooting each other in the stomach with guns, kicking each other in the buttocks, sticking each other's heads in concentrated sulphuric acid, sawing each other in half and blowing each other up with cannons. After the show has finished, the "actors" (the same characters with a more worn-out expression) break character and reveal themselves to be much older and grumpier than the characters they portray.
In the context of prognostics, a prognostic variable is a measured or estimated variable that is correlated with the health condition of a system, and may be used to predict its residual useful life. An ideal prognostic variable is easily measured or calculated, and provides an exact estimation of how long time the system can continue to operate before maintenance or replacement will be required. Real prognostic variables are usually either known with some uncertainty, may be difficult to measure, and their correlation to the state of health of the system may not be exact. Examples of prognostic variables are the age of a vehicle and its odometer reading: the older a car is, and the longer it has been driven, the more worn it can be expected to be.
Swing bowlers will often use a subtly altered grip on the ball to accentuate this effect. The two main forms of swing are inswing, where the ball begins wider of the batsman and travels into the batsman's body, angling towards the stumps, and outswing, where the ball begins in line with the stumps but moves so that it is slightly wider of the stumps by the time it reaches the batsman. As the shiny side will also become worn over the course of play, swing bowling is usually effective when the ball is newer, with the older ball being more useful for spin bowling or other forms of fast bowling. However, there are other types of swing, such as reverse swing, which involve using a much more worn ball.
Schumacher had clearly been delayed by the slower Williams, as he emerged from the pits to set the fastest lap of the race and close in on Coulthard. With the Scot's tyres much more worn than Schumacher's, the McLaren team had no choice but to call in Coulthard early, with the Scot rejoining with a one-second advantage. Now armed with new tyres himself, Coulthard had the measure of Schumacher, and although the pair circulated nose-to-tail for the remainder of the race, Coulthard recorded his first victory for over a year, while Michael Schumacher's second position extended his championship lead to 33 points. There was plenty of action further down the field, with Ralf Schumacher taking third, despite a late pit- stop to replace a damaged tyre.
The philosopher Kelley L. Ross argues in "Time Travel Paradoxes" that in a scenario involving a physical object whose world-line or history forms a closed loop in time there can be a violation of the second law of thermodynamics. Ross uses "Somewhere in Time" as an example of such an ontological paradox, where a watch is given to a person, and 60 years later the same watch is brought back in time and given to the same character. Ross states that entropy of the watch will increase, and the watch carried back in time will be more worn with each repetition of its history. The second law of thermodynamics is understood by modern physicists to be a statistical law, so decreasing entropy or non-increasing entropy are not impossible, just improbable.
Salt had originally planned to return to England at the end of his Baltimore course in 1969, but when two of his Buick works were bought by an influential New York City art dealer he took Hartigan's advice and moved there instead. Salt's work in New York moved away from the earlier smooth consumerist portrayals of car interiors as he started to base his paintings on his own photographs. Initially these featured exterior shots of more worn vehicles, but after his discovery of a scrapyard under Brooklyn Bridge, his work began to feature images of cars mangled and wrecked to the point of violence. New York City also saw Salt develop a relationship with the art dealer Ivan Karp, who was on the point of opening his own gallery and was to develop a portfolio of artists associated with the emerging photorealist movement.
Usually, by the end of 2nd winter, the wing looks even more worn and uneven in pattern, with any newly acquired narrowly white-tipped quills clearly longer than old worn juvenile ones that have lost their pale tips. From the 3rd winter on, the pale parts clearly reduced, flight feathers and tail often appear quite ragged and by the 4th year start to more resemble adults. From the end of the 3rd year to when they obtain adult plumage, the eagles tend to have adult-like broad blackish trailing edges and tail often coupled with dark-barred grey base to black fingers and traces of the pale band along greater underwing-coverts. Maturity is obtained between the 4th and 5th years, not at 6–7 years as previously reported despite some presumed five-year-old eagles still have flecks of pale on the wing coverts and the throat and more subtle nape patches than they will ultimately manifest.
This method was used during the Muromachi period to reproduce Chinese texts and also when a popular text needed to be reprinted but the original woodblocks were worn down, damaged, or lost. (49) This method was also used when particular pages of a text needed to be replaced such as when some woodblocks were more worn than others or when a family or business needed to update its directories. (52) Umeki was another technique used to make corrections to a text to avoid censorship or when mistakes were made during the carving process. A portion of the woodblock would be carved out and removed, then replaced with the corrected text on a portion of wood measuring the same dimensions as that which had been removed. (52) Print technology was introduced to Japan in the 8th century but it took approximately 1000 years for Japan to become a print culture when printing had finally become commercialized.
The Da Ming Baochao also wasn't backed by any forms of hard currency or reserves and the government never set any limitations on their production. These circumstances all lead to the paper currency of the Ming dynasty to start suffering from inflation, in the year 1376 new legislation was introduced to remove older more worn out notes from circulation by having them replaced for new banknotes at the cost of a fee known as "Gongmofei" (工墨費, gōng mò fèi) which was set at 30 wén per paper note. However in the year 1380 a new law restricted the replacement of paper notes which were unreadable, this caused the people to accept these older banknotes at reduced value, during this time the government stopped accepting worn out banknotes and in some cases didn't even accept banknotes which frustrated the people. During this period the government of the Ming dynasty only threw more banknotes on the market in various forms such as military salaries (軍餉, jūn xiǎng), while they themselves hardly accepted or replaced any existing paper money causing the people to lose trust in the Da Ming Baochao.

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