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208 Sentences With "more virulent"

How to use more virulent in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more virulent" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more virulent". Mastering all the usages of "more virulent" from sentence examples published by news publications.

That makes it much more virulent, and far more dangerous.
During years of more virulent flu strains, mortality effects are stronger.
The pathogens could evolve at some point to become more virulent.
"What nourishes the National Front will be even more virulent," he added.
"They discovered salmonella is three times more [virulent] when it's levitated," said Marzo.
It is not growing nationwide, but it is evolving into something more virulent.
Current strains of violent extremism are more virulent, organized and better funded than ever.
But the online hoaxes and fringe theories appeared more virulent than their offline predecessors.
Some "superbug" Salmonella strains have evolved to become more virulent or resistant to antibiotics.
But the scandal has returned to plague Mr Abe again, in a more virulent form.
But I was also terrified that other people's more virulent infectiousness might overtake my body.
His more virulent foes maintain that Mr. Obama is the one who fueled racial division.
Religious coercion can only drive beliefs underground, where they metastasize and eventually reemerge ever more virulent.
And it can prevent the disease from re-emerging at home in a more virulent form.
A potential shakeup of the foreign policy team would make Trump's Islamophobia even more virulent and dangerous.
Could a gene drive stop one virus only to open the way for another, more virulent one?
Different genes mean different proteins; more virulent coronaviruses may have spike proteins better at latching onto human cells.
Pneumonic plague is more virulent or damaging and is an advanced form characterized by a severe lung infection.
What's more, conservative anti-government, anti-establishment sentiment has become more and more virulent over the past several decades.
It is evidence that bigotry against black people is more virulent than animus toward any other racial or ethnic group.
But often patients fail to follow the whole course of treatment, and the disease mutates into a more virulent form.
Effectively, Durkheim found that there is a "paradox of moral choice" that is that much more virulent in its effects.
These amphibians likely harbored the fungus, allowing it to become more virulent and spread to others not adapted to it.
"A very simple rule of ecology is, the more hosts there are, the more virulent things they can carry," Holmes said.
We need to prevent the emergence of new and more virulent entities committed to spreading chaos and insecurity in the region.
One reason the bug has become more virulent is that it has evolved antibiotic resistance and is not as easily treatable.
That disease was both widespread and probably more virulent – it killed over 50 million people – so that's a worst-case scenario.
By making sure that donors don't have a more virulent strain of HIV, the theoretical risk of "superinfection" can be reduced.
As it has grown, the SD has expelled its most openly racist members, and its more virulent youth wing has split away.
H22N3, the dominant strain circulating this flu season, is notoriously more virulent and less receptive to vaccination than other types of influenza.
If the gut was infected and its good bacteria flushed out or overpopulated by more virulent strains, it would be less affected.
The WHO is now investigating whether airborne pollution particles may be a vector that spreads Covid-19 and makes it more virulent.
Part of the answer is extreme partisanship and right-wing political correctness (which is far more virulent than anything on the left).
Their research, published Thursday in the journal Science, reiterates that the pathogen comes in many different strains, some more virulent than others.
"It certainly seems like this particular mutation is able to at least make a contribution to making it more virulent," Dr. Cheng added.
And those machines could still be hit with a more serious—and more virulent—specimen of malware that exploits Microsoft's lingering RDP vulnerability.
Researchers recently discovered that some highly antibiotic-resistant Klebsiella acquired genes that make them at least 10,000 times more virulent than previous strains.
H3N2 is known to be more virulent than other seasonal strains, and to make matters worse, vaccines against H3N20173 tend to be less effective.
That goes for things like the common cold, but also for more virulent microbes like those that could cause tuberculosis, which are pretty rare.
For years, the UNHRC has engaged in ever more virulent anti-American, and anti-Israel invective and the days of U.S. participation are over.
But they have also recently faced much more virulent criticism from animal rights activists, who argue that bullfighting is unworthy of a modern society.
In Guatemala, some growers have planted robusta trees in place of arabica that was stricken by roya, a leaf rust disease made more virulent by heat.
Russell joined the more virulent senators in opposing legislation intended to benefit black Americans, but couched his opposition in more measured terms, often citing constitutional objections.
There are two broad types of the influenza virus (four in total) that make people sick, A and B. Type A flu viruses are typically more virulent.
A more virulent strain of anti-Semitism is emerging in some areas of French society that are often poor and have large Muslim populations, Mr. Wieviorka said.
And now, as an ever more virulent wave of right-wing populism sweeps over Europe, Mr. Orban is in position to further consolidate his hold on power.
We must invest heavily in research just to catch up — to discover the new and ever-changing ways in which bacteria resist antibiotics and become more virulent.
A chemical is typically sprayed over leaves, giving it the appearance of marijuana, but, Mr. Messner said, it is closer to more virulent drugs such as bath salts.
"To make it as a bioweapon, if that's what you wanted to do, there are scarier and more virulent pathogens to work with," said Keusch of Boston University.
The risks posed by wheat rusts are growing, with modern versions of the fungus becoming ever more virulent, evolving to adapt to the earth's higher temperatures, the FAO said.
They found that twice as many people died later in the outbreak from the more virulent strain, compared with people infected with the earlier strain, according to Scientific American.
The jihadist rebel said he believed Islamic State could repeat the strategy it used in Iraq last decade of retrenching when under attack, then rebounding in more virulent form.
The VEP was flung into the spotlight in 2017 when a massive global cyberattack used a leaked code believed to be written by the NSA to become more virulent.
And he went back to comparing Covid-19 to the seasonal flu even though it is far more virulent, has a far higher death rate and has no vaccine.
The company uses a technology called "codon deoptimization" to make versions of viruses and viral therapies that are rendered relatively harmless by replacing more virulent pathogens with milder strains.
They wondered if it was more virulent in the past, but found instead that the strain circulating during the Black Death is very genetically similar to modern Y. pestis.
Adding insult to injury, the Ebola virus mutated into a deadlier form during the last outbreak, showing an ability to quickly adapt to human biology and become even more virulent.
Will we allow a "new" and perhaps more virulent form of McCarthyism to call into question our national values and ideals destroy our rightful reputation as a beacon of liberty?
But some years ago, Robert Britton, a microbiologist at Baylor College of Medicine, discovered something else about C. diff: More virulent strains were outcompeting less virulent strains in the gut.
Sometimes, the dominant strain in a flu season will be more virulent than in previous years, which can impact the number of people infected and the severity of their symptoms.
She has taken inspiration from and spoken with Gabriele Grunewald, the 32-year-old American middle-distance runner, who has continued to compete despite dealing with more virulent forms of cancer.
Around the world, changing weather conditions and stronger storms linked to climate change are bringing new challenges for many farmers in the form of new or more virulent crop pests and diseases.
There is absolutely no indication -- zero, not the slightest hint anywhere in the world -- that Covid-21918 will become more virulent than it is now, so we can relax on that question.
The most chilling idea is that, instead of views shifting in the wake of the collapse, 1-percenter ultra-capitalism is spreading at a more virulent rate to the rest of the world.
" However, he observed, "Words of optimism may work in the short run, but in the long run they can induce guilt if the cancer is more virulent and defeats a person's best effort.
"Unfortunately, there are a bunch of different strains and some are more virulent than others," Dr. Lisa Maragakis, senior director of infection prevention at the Johns Hopkins Health System in Baltimore, told BuzzFeed News.
With campuses turned into blazing battlegrounds, courses canceled and anti-China sentiment growing more virulent, students from mainland China are getting out of Hong Kong with little idea if they will ever go back.
But equally, the virus may mutate and become more virulent, and it may develop "resistance" against human anti-bodies, or it may even use anti-bodies to enter our body cells (as Dengue does, for example).
And it's possible (though probably not, according to Andreadis) that a strain of EEE more virulent and likely to cause disease in people could have emerged from Florida this year, where the virus lives year-round.
Duck farmers in France's southwest, the main production region for liver pate speciality foie gras, resumed rearing last week after a six-week suspension ordered as part of measures to stamp out the more virulent H5N8 virus.
Pneumonic plague is more virulent or damaging and is an advanced form characterized by a severe lung infection that can be transmitted from person to person via airborne droplets such as through coughing or sneezing, for example.
In some of the more virulent parts of India's media, the Rohingya are not only accused of being terrorists but also of trafficking in drugs and humans, and of having the money to elbow out local businesses.
A disease called fire blight, easily managed for a long time in apple and pear orchards, is becoming more virulent as the climate changes and as growers alter the way the trees are configured to produce higher yields.
In fact, you can almost think of the wall as a modern-day Confederate monument, akin to those erected during a similar but far more virulent period of racist aggression in the first decades of the 20th century.
There are those who insist that these residual stocks of smallpox should not be destroyed because some ruthless super-criminal or rogue government might be working on a new smallpox, even more virulent than existing strains of the virus.
A species of malaria-causing parasite that is increasingly being transmitted from macaques to humans in South Asia has the potential to evolve into a more virulent form that is also capable of being efficiently transmitted from human to human.
Among the findings: A lack of tests had prompted people ill with the disease to traipse from hospital to hospital in search of confirmation that they had MERS, a coronavirus far more virulent than the one that causes COVID-19.
And now, there is apprehension over the arrival of hundreds of thousands of Muslims raised in countries where anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli sentiment are more virulent than in Turkey, the country of origin for most of Germany's perhaps four million Muslims.
The study, in The Lancet, found that in regions where fluoroquinolone antibiotics were used widely, the more virulent and deadly resistant strains of C. diff became the dominant type of infection, while susceptible strains continued to enter the hospital from the community.
"There is an urgent need to prevent Boko Haram from regenerating and possibly coming back more virulent, destructive, and globally connected than before," Jennifer Cooke, Africa Program Director at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told the House Foreign Affairs Committee this week.
He said that this either means that the strain of E. coli is more virulent than others or that it's so early on in the reported of the outbreak that the CDC and FDA haven't identified all of the people who have been sickened.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it's using whole genome testing and on-the-ground investigation to try to determine why the current E. coli outbreak from romaine lettuce is more virulent than normal — about half of all people affected have been hospitalized .
That's because the method has become even more virulent, thanks to the availability of sophisticated malware, some stolen from intelligence agencies; troves of people's personal information from previous breaches; and ongoing developments in machine learning that can deep-dive into this data and craft highly effective attacks.
At the time of the American pullout from Iraq in December 2011, al-Qaeda in Iraq, which appeared to have been all but destroyed, simply went underground, disappeared, and within two years, gopher-like popped up again, in an even more virulent form, in the chaos of northern Syria.
The role of bots is to convince and direct individuals; it could be for relatively innocuous reasons such as marketing, but increasingly bots are used by organizations or governments to run schemes or sow discord on social media by creating or amplifying an existing conversation, making it more virulent and divisive.
This moment, with women feeling triumphant about finally shaking up the network of old, white men who run Hollywood in a sexist way, is a bit of an illusion, since the entertainment industry has been taken over by an even more impenetrable group of younger, white men from the tech universe, which has an even more virulent bro culture.
"People also need to be reminded that risk and dynamic of cross-species or human-to-human transmission of coronaviruses are also affected by many other factors," like the host's immune response, the speed with which the viruses can multiply inside human lungs, and the potential mutations that might make the virus more virulent or transmissible.
In a study published on Monday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers report that they retrieved DNA from malaria parasites in Dr. Canicio's old blood samples: Plasmodium vivax, found today in Asia, the Middle East, South and Central America, and parts of Africa; and its more virulent cousin, Plasmodium falciparum, which accounts for 90 percent of malaria deaths.
Challenge No. 1: Not only will virtual ISIS, which has nodes all over the world, not go away even if territorial ISIS is defeated, I believe virtual ISIS will become yet more virulent to disguise the fact that it has lost the territorial caliphate to its archenemies: Shiite Iran, Hezbollah, pro-Shiite militias in Iraq, the pro-Shiite Assad regime in Damascus and Russia, not to mention America.
Another possibility is that the most popular version of dark energy — known as the cosmological constant, invented by Einstein 100 years ago and then rejected as a blunder — might have to be replaced in the cosmological model by a more virulent and controversial form known as phantom energy, which could cause the universe to eventually expand so fast that even atoms would be torn apart in a Big Rip billions of years from now.
PVL is produced from the genetic material of a bacteriophage that infects Staphylococcus aureus, making it more virulent.
Disturbingly, SM could spread from vaccinee to nonvaccinee and TN became far more virulent after passing through the human gut.
The fibrin coat can therefore make the bacteria more virulent. Bound coagulase is part of the larger family of MSCRAMM adhesin proteins.
Variation in virulence of the virus has been observed in isolates from Central Africa where strains are more virulent than those from Western Africa.
According to this propaganda, which became more virulent as the war continued, Bosniaks and Croats would commit genocide against the Serbs unless they were eliminated first. The most extreme broadcasts, according to Brđanin, "openly incited people to kill non-Serbs".
Over time it was found to have variable virulence in animal models based on which medium it was grown on. Strains with different virulence were then intentionally produced, with H37R being less virulent after growing in acidic media and H37S was more virulent in guinea pigs after being grown in alkaline media (with R standing for resistant to environment, and S for sensitive to environment). The more virulent strain was later renamed H37Rv, with R standing for rough morphology and v standing for virulent. The strain was used for many laboratory studies and became the standard for tuberculosis.
Like yellow sigatoka, black sigatoka, was first documented in the Sigatoka valley of Fiji. It was first recorded in 1964 and being more virulent tended to displace yellow sigatoka in banana crops. Therefore, yellow sigatoka is rarely found in locations where black sigatoka occurs.Ploetz, R.C. et al.
DA2PPC also protects against the more virulent strain, adenovirus Type 1 (see canine adenovirus). Type 1 adenovirus, also called canine hepatitis, is a DNA viral upper respiratory infection contracted through contact of a mucous membrane. Symptoms include: vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, swollen lymph nodes, abdominal pain, and an enlarged liver.
Signs and symptoms include fever, headache, muscle pain, cough, and gastrointestinal symptoms. More virulent strains of O. tsutsugamushi can cause hemorrhaging and intravascular coagulation. Morbilliform rash, eschar, splenomegaly, and lymphadenopathies are typical signs. Leukopenia and abnormal liver function tests are commonly seen in the early phase of the illness.
Several virulence experiments have been performed in order to determine the possible correlation between pathogenicity of L. garvieae in rainbow trout and the two antigenic profiles (KG- and KG+). The results revealed that capsulated strains (KG-) were more virulent than non-capsulated (KG+), showing LD50 values as low as 102 bacteria per fish. The KG− type strain was more virulent than the KG+ because when the surface morphologies of the KG− and KG+ phenotypes were differentiated by scanning electron microscopy, KG− cells were found to be more hydrophilic than KG+ cells. The immune response of Japanese yellowtail following injection of the two phenotypes varied with higher adhering titers in the KG+ phenotype compared to the KG-.
A leak from a bacteriological facility contaminated the city sewer system. In 1956, biologist Vladimir Sizov found a more virulent strain in rodents captured in this area. This strain was planned to be used to arm warheads for the SS-18 ICBM, which would target American cities, among other targets.
He wants to save humanity from this disease. He finds a form that is more virulent than past strains that may lead to a vaccine instead of reliance on antibiotic medications. He murders people he perceives as blocking his research, and in turn is killed by the bacteria he is researching.
This principle has public health implications, because it suggests that, in very densely populated or overcrowded areas, such as slums, natural selection may favour more virulent viruses. This also helps explain why good hygiene is so important. Good hygiene selects against highly virulent viruses by lowering the ability of pathogens to transmit.
Tismăneanu, pp. 147, 186 Cautiously, Ceaușescu took distance from the more virulent of Drăghici's critics. So did party boss Emil Bodnăraș, who still made a point of criticizing Drăghici for not sharing his intelligence data with the CC plenum, suggesting to limit Drăghici's monopoly over the Romanian secret agencies. Others were more rebellious.
Asked in 1700 what to do by Charles XII of Sweden, Bremen-Verden's General Government recommended to concede Bremen's status as a Free Imperial City. Bremervörde under Danish attack in 1657. A Danish attempt to conquer Bremen- Verden during the Dano-Swedish War (1657–1658) failed. But the Danish threat to Bremen-Verden turned more virulent in 1667.
Stem-pitting is another symptom of CTV that manifests in most host types under the proper conditions, and especially in Citrus trees grafted onto sour orange rootstock. The host will develop pits in the trunk and stem. This results is decreased tree vigor and reduced fruit yield. This is typically caused by the more virulent strains of CTV.
The hybrid spreading mechanisms of HIV contribute to the virus's ongoing replication against antiretroviral therapies. Two types of HIV have been characterized: HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the virus that was originally discovered (and initially referred to also as LAV or HTLV-III). It is more virulent, more infective, and is the cause of the majority of HIV infections globally.
The beliefs associated with "Blue Team" opinions arise largely from dissatisfaction with the general drift of American foreign policy toward accommodation with the PRC. The massacre in Tiananmen Square and China's later use of a missile test in an attempt to influence Taiwanese voters sharpened fears about China's intentions;Buszynski 128. The more virulent critics of China accused Clinton of appeasement.Timperlake passim.
Researchers have sought to develop models to understand the variety of symptoms seen in humans. Some patients do not have symptoms, while others report severe diarrhea and fatigue. A number of researchers have investigated the possibility that some species of Blastocystis are more virulent than others. An Italian researcher reported differences in the protein profiles of isolates associated with chronic and acute infection.
Pseudomonas syringae actinidiae (PSA) was first identified in Japan in the 1980s. This bacterial strain has been controlled and managed successfully in orchards in Asia. In 1992, it was found in northern Italy. In 2007/2008, economic losses were observed, as a more virulent strain became more dominant (PSA V). In 2010 it was found in New Zealand's Bay of Plenty kiwifruit orchards in the North Island.
These strains are virulent enough to induce symptoms but not enough to kill the host, allowing further transmission. However, the leaky vaccine changes this evolutionary pressure and permits the evolution of highly virulent strains. The vaccine's inability to prevent infection and transmission allows the spread of highly virulent strains among vaccinated chickens. The fitness of the more virulent strains are increased by the vaccine.
Orthodontic appliances, such as brackets, wires, and bands, can harbor plaque with more virulent changes in bacterial composition, which can ultimately cause a reduction in periodontal health as indicated by increased gingival recession, bleeding on probing, and plaque retention measurements.Zanatta Fabricio MC, Rosing Cassiano, . Association between dental floss use and gingival conditions in orthodontic patients. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthpedics. 2011;140(6):812-21.
Elevated water temperature can cause corals physiological stress. This possibly undermines their immune systems and makes them more susceptible to infection from white band disease or other coral diseases. Furthermore, elevated temperatures make bacterial and fungal pathogens much more virulent. However, the disease is not limited to elevated water temperatures as white band disease can still be prevalent even when water temperatures are cool.
One more virulent nest predator is likely to be raccoons (Procyon lotor), which can nearly decimate both tree hollow and stick nest locations of almost any kind of bird, especially in peri-urban areas where they largely exist without controlling predators.Haskell, D. G., Knupp, A. M., & Schneider, M. C. (2001). Nest predator abundance and urbanization. In Avian ecology and conservation in an urbanizing world (pp. 243-258).
Serotype 1 is pathogenic to chickens especially at 3 to 6 weeks of age and seen to be more virulent in lighter breeds. This serotype contains three main classifications: classical virulent IBDV, very virulent IBDV, and variant IBDV. Classical virulent IBDV is the ony serotype that has two subtypes: attenuated vaccine IBDV and classical virulent IBDV. Although, these serotypes can have variance upon region.
Some strains of S. salivarius are being trialed for their use as a probiotic in the prevention of oral infections. Some strains of S. salivarius are found to produce BLIS (Bacteriocin-like Inhibitory Substances) which are antimicrobial peptides. These peptides display interspecies inhibition, and inhibit Streptococcus pyogenes (which causes Strep throat infections). Lozenges containing S. salivarius are marketed to support immunity against more virulent Streptococcus strains.
The HIV-1 group M viruses predominate and are responsible for the AIDS pandemic. Group M can be further subdivided into subtypes based on genetic sequence data. Some of the subtypes are known to be more virulent or are resistant to different medications. Likewise, HIV-2 viruses are thought to be less virulent and transmissible than HIV-1 M group viruses, although HIV-2 is also known to cause AIDS.
During this time, he himself resided at a hermitage in Atroa. Iconoclastic attacks broke out again, more virulent than before, and Peter again found himself having to disperse his monks, successfully doing so just barely before the local bishop arrived to forcibly remove them. Peter himself left to reside with a locally famous recluse named James. While living with him, Peter cured Paul of Prusias of a fever.
Air travel and the other methods of travel which have made global interaction easier, have increased the spread of TB across different societies. Luckily, the BCG vaccine was developed, which prevents TB meningitis and miliary TB in childhood. But, the vaccine does not provide substantial protection against the more virulent forms of TB found among adults. Most forms of TB can be treated with antibiotics to kill the bacteria.
Typical strains of HIV-2 only infect baboons slowly. This specificity makes it challenging for scientists to use HIV-2 in animal models of HIV-1, because the animals in the model will only show symptoms slowly. The more virulent strain of HIV-2 could be practical for use in animal models, however. Another study by Kanta Subbaro involved a serial passage experiment by infecting mice with SARS.
All the doses were obtained by attenuation, but later ones were progressively more virulent. The Pasteur- Roux vaccine attenuated the harvested virus samples by allowing them to dry for five to ten days. Similar nerve tissue-derived vaccines are still used in some countries, and while they are much cheaper than modern cell culture vaccines, they are not as effective. Neural tissue vaccines also carry a certain risk of neurological complications.
A number of diseases have been related to mass die-offs or declines in populations of amphibians, including "red-leg" disease (Aeromonas hydrophila), Ranavirus (family Iridoviridae), Anuraperkinsus, and chytridiomycosis. It is not entirely clear why these diseases have suddenly begun to affect amphibian populations, but some evidence suggests that these diseases may have been spread by humans, or may be more virulent when combined with other environmental factors.
One is the increased contact with bacterial and/or fungal pathogens due to increased population density and land clearing/cultivation. The other one is decreased levels of immunocompetence in the Metal age due to changes in the diet caused by agriculture. The last is that there may have been an emergence of infectious disease in the Da But the period that evolved into a more virulent form in the metal period.
Over decades, supplementation with selenium reduced this affliction. It had been linked to the coxsackie B virus. Current research suggests that the lack of selenium results in a more virulent strain of the coxsackievirus becoming the dominant viral species present in the population of virus, but the mechanism of this selection event is unclear. Keshan disease can also lead to higher rates of cancer, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and strokes.
More than 1,800 different β-lactamase enzymes have been documented in various species of bacteria. These enzymes vary widely in their chemical structure and catalytic efficiencies. When bacterial populations have these resistant subgroups, treatment with β-lactam can result in the resistant strain becoming more prevalent and therefore more virulent. β-lactam derived antibiotics can be considered as one of the most important antibiotic classes but prone to clinical resistance.
Dickeya solani is a bacterium that causes blackleg and soft rot in potato crops. Its symptoms are often indistinguishable from those caused by Pectobacterium but is more virulent, causing disease from lower levels of inoculum and spreading through the plant more effectively. It was first discovered in the Netherlands in 2005, before spreading rapidly, causing €25–30 million of damage annually by 2010. Three cases appeared in Scotland in 2009 and one in 2010.
Two types of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infect humans: HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the more virulent and easily transmitted, and is the source of the majority of HIV infections throughout the world; HIV-2 is largely confined to west Africa. Both types originated in west and central Africa, jumping from primates to humans. HIV-1 has evolved from a simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVcpz) found in the central chimpanzee.
By 1963, Murgescu was called upon by the regime to inform the world about Romania's economic ideology, which was increasingly different from Soviet policies. That year, he denounced the Comecon's "pseudo-theories" on industrialization, which seemed to offer Romania a subservient economic position within the common market.Brzezinski, pp. 444–445, 551 In 1964, the PCR leadership called upon Murgescu to publish an even more virulent official reply against the Soviets and the Comecon.
Two types of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infect humans: HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the more virulent and easily transmitted, and is the source of the majority of HIV infections throughout the world; HIV-2 is largely confined to west Africa. Both types originated in west and central Africa, jumping from other primates to humans. HIV-1 has evolved from a simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVcpz) found in the subspecies P. t.
The Punta Toro virus is a member of the genus Phlebovirus of the order Bunyavirales. It was initially isolated from patients in Colombia and two key patients in Panama. Two individual serotypes of PTV were isolated from these patients, PTV-Adames (A) and PTV-Balliet (B), with PTV-A appearing to be more virulent. PTV is considered to be relatively contained to the Americas with no cases being reported outside of this region.
The IJG bombed the Israeli and U.S. embassies and the Uzbek Prosecutor-General's Office in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on 30 July 2004, saying they targeted "apostate" governments. Several IJG members were arrested in Kazakhstan in late 2004. U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Director Porter Goss testified in March 2005 that IJG "has become a more virulent threat to U.S. interests and local governments." The State Department designated IJG as a global terrorist organization in May 2005.
The Vollum Strain is one of the 89 known strains of the anthrax bacterium (Bacillus anthracis). It is named Vollum after Roy Vollum, the Canadian-born bacteriologist who first isolated it from a cow in Oxford, England. The "Vollum 14578" strain was selected for use in the bioweapons trials on Gruinard Island, which took place in 1942. Like other forms of Anthrax, the Vollum strain becomes more virulent with exposure to more hosts.
In 1971, a resistant line of cassava, the predominant host of the pathogen, was established and used by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture in Nigeria. This resistance worked as an effective control for many years. However, in the late 20th century, a more virulent virus broke out in Uganda and quickly spread to East and Central Africa. This highly virulent strain was later discovered to be a chimaera of two distinct Begomovirus species.
The race was named TTKSK (e.g. isolate Ug99), named after the country where it was identified (Uganda) and the year of its discovery (1999). It spread to Kenya, then Ethiopia, Sudan and Yemen, and is becoming more virulent as it spreads. An epidemic of stem rust on wheat caused by race TTKSK is currently spreading across Africa, Asia and the Middle East and is causing major concern due to the large numbers of people dependent on wheat for sustenance.
When developing vaccines for viruses, the emphasis is on attenuating the virus, or decreasing its virulence, in a given host. Sometimes it is useful to employ serial passage to increase the virulence of a virus. Usually, when serial passage is performed in a species, the result is a virus that is more virulent to that species. For example, one study used serial passage in baboons to create a strain of HIV-2 that is particularly virulent to baboons.
The epidemiology of Aujeszky's disease varies with the pathogenicity or virulence of the virus strain involved. This is best illustrated by the development of the severity of the disease in Denmark, where import of swine had been forbidden for decades up to 1972. Before 1964 only genital strains were spread, but then respiratory strains appeared, which subsequently were spread rapidly over the country, mainly by the trade of animals. In the late 1970s more virulent strains developed.
The genetic variation among the viruses isolated from different places increases the difficulty of developing vaccines against it. Similarly, maintaining diagnostic PCR detection assays is difficult due to the high mutation rate of this virus, see Risk of Missed PRRS PCR Detection. In the early 2000s a highly pathogenic strain of the North American genotype emerged in China. This strain, HP-PRRSV, is more virulent than all other strains, and causes great losses in Asian countries worldwide.
Because F. oxysporum is so widespread, it is a significant problem in many crops. It is economically damaging to the banana industry, and the threat of more virulent strains or mutations to damage previously resistant crops is of major concern. F. oxysporum also causes damage to many crops from the family Solanaceae, including potato, tomato, and pepper. Yield losses of effected crops can be high, up to 45% yield loss of tomato crop has been reported in India.
The reasons for variation among patients infected with the same virus are unknown but stem from a complex system of virus-host interactions. Dengue fever becomes more virulent during a second infection by means of antibody dependent enhancement. After the first infection, macrophages display antibodies on their cell membranes specific to the dengue virus. By attaching to these antibodies, dengue viruses from a second infection are better able to infect the macrophages, thus reducing the immune system's ability to fight off infection.
Sex may also be derived from another prokaryotic process. A comprehensive theory called "origin of sex as vaccination" proposes that eukaryan sex-as-syngamy (fusion sex) arose from prokaryan unilateral sex-as-infection, when infected hosts began swapping nuclearised genomes containing coevolved, vertically transmitted symbionts that provided protection against horizontal superinfection by other, more virulent symbionts. Consequently, sex-as-meiosis (fission sex) would evolve as a host strategy for uncoupling from (and thereby render impotent) the acquired symbiotic/parasitic genes.
Pneumococci has two general forms—rough (R) and smooth (S). The S form is more virulent, and bears a capsule, which is a slippery polysaccharide coat—outside the peptidoglycan cell wall common among all classical bacteria—and prevents efficient phagocytosis by the host's innate immune cells. Injected subcutaneously with S form, mice succumbed to pneumonia and death within several days. However, the R form, lacking a capsule—its outer surface being cell wall—is relatively avirulent, and does not cause pneumonia as often.
It causes economic losses of about £50 million per year in the United Kingdom alone. Laws defining best management practices have been passed to reduce the spread of the pest. The movement of soil and potatoes across national boundaries is monitored with quarantines. Farming equipment is cleaned, soil is tested for nematodes, contaminated soil is kept out of fields, and resistant cultivars of crops are alternated with susceptible varieties to reduce the possibility that a more virulent nematode will arise through selection.
Russian scientists have observed differences between cockroaches conceived in space and their terrestrial counterparts. The space-conceived cockroaches grew more quickly, and also grew up to be faster and tougher. Chicken eggs that are put in microgravity two days after fertilization appear not to develop properly, whereas eggs put in microgravity more than a week after fertilization develop normally. A 2006 Space Shuttle experiment found that Salmonella typhimurium, a bacterium that can cause food poisoning, became more virulent when cultivated in space.
More virulent strains, such as O157:H7, cause serious illness or death in the elderly, the very young, or the immunocompromised. The genera Escherichia and Salmonella diverged around 102 million years ago (credibility interval: 57–176 mya), which coincides with the divergence of their hosts: the former being found in mammals and the latter in birds and reptiles. This was followed by a split of an Escherichia ancestor into five species (E. albertii, E. coli, E. fergusonii, E. hermannii, and E. vulneris).
Genetic engineering can improve virulence, usually by adding more virulent proteins, increasing infection rate or enhancing spore persistence. Many of the disease carrying vectors are susceptible to entomopathogenic fungi. An attractive target for biological control are mosquitos, vectors for a range of deadly diseases, including malaria, yellow fever and dengue fever. Mosquitos can evolve quickly so it becomes a balancing act of killing them before the Plasmodium they carry becomes the infectious disease, but not so fast that they become resistant to the fungi.
Competition between parasites can be expected to favour faster reproducing and therefore more virulent parasites, by natural selection. Biologists long suspected cospeciation of flamingos and ducks with their parasitic lice, which were similar in the two families. Cospeciation did occur, but it led to flamingos and grebes, with a later host switch of flamingo lice to ducks. Among competing parasitic insect-killing bacteria of the genera Photorhabdus and Xenorhabdus, virulence depended on the relative potency of the antimicrobial toxins (bacteriocins) produced by the two strains involved.
In these diseased colonies, an α-proteobacterium similar to one which causes a disease in juvenile oysters has been implicated, being found on the diseased parts of the coral but not on the sound tissues. These anomalous findings may be caused by the fact that there are two or more diseases with similar symptoms, both known as white plague. In 1999, a third and still more virulent variant appeared in the northern Florida Keys. White plague type III mostly affected Colpophyllia natans and Orbicella annularis.
In 1741, he worked in the private store of John Bromfield, and became one of the so-called "Malcontents" who opposed the Trustees of the colony. Trustee secretary William Stephens wrote about Ewen: "There is not a more virulent little mischief maker among ‘em, this Ewen". Ewen was elected to the Commons House of Assembly on March 25, 1761, working under provincial governor Sir James Wright. Ewen was elected president of the Council of Safety on June 22, 1775 and served until December 11, 1775.
Microsporidia. Apis cerana is the natural host to the microsporidian parasite Nosema ceranae, a serious pest of the western honey bee.Ritter, Wolfgang Nosema ceranae Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg When first discovered near Beijing, China, in 1994, it was originally thought that Nosema ceranae was restricted to Apis cerana within in the East Asian region.Paxton, Robert J., et al. "Nosema ceranae has infected Apis mellifera in Europe since at least 1998 and may be more virulent than Nosema apis."Apidologie 38.6 (2007): 558-565.
Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria nigriventer) The Brazilian wandering spider (a ctenid spider) is a large brown spider similar to North American wolf spiders in appearance, although somewhat larger. It has a highly toxic venom and is regarded (along with the Australian funnel-web spiders) as among the most dangerous spiders in the world. Based on one of the few pharmacological studies performed in the 1970s, Phoneutria's venom toxicity was more virulent than both Atrax and Latrodectus. As their name suggests, Brazilian wandering spiders are active ground hunters.
171 Ralea identified in him "a freethinker" with "the courage of looking truth in the face", but essentially a "freezing intelligence" of "destructive anarchism", a man "alone within his sarcasm".Ralea, pp. 162–164 A more virulent review came from classicist George Călinescu, who proposed that Zarifopol's one original note was "continuous and systematic persiflage, to the point of annoyance". He attributed such traits to Zarifopol's familiarity with "two sophistic races", Greeks and Jews, his claim in turn criticized by RaleaLucian Boia, Capcanele istoriei.
Swine flu outbreaks were reported in India in late 2014 and early 2015. As of March 19, 2015 the disease has affected 31,151 people and claimed over 1,841 lives. The largest number of reported cases and deaths due to the disease occurred in the western part of India including states like Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Gujarat. Researchers of MIT have claimed that the swine flu has mutated in India to a more virulent version with changes in Hemagglutinin protein, contradicting earlier research by Indian researchers.
These could be changes to the virus particles that disguise them so they are not identified by the cells of the immune system or changes that make antiviral drugs less effective. Both of these changes occur frequently with HIV. Phylogenetic tree showing the relationships of morbilliviruses of different species Many viruses (for example, influenza A virus) can "shuffle" their genes with other viruses when two similar strains infect the same cell. This phenomenon is called genetic shift, and is often the cause of new and more virulent strains appearing.
They saw Jews as beyond redemption even if they converted to the majority religion. Racial antisemitism replaced the hatred of Judaism with the hatred of Jews as a group. In the context of the Industrial Revolution, following the Jewish Emancipation, Jews rapidly urbanized and experienced a period of greater social mobility. With the decreasing role of religion in public life tempering religious antisemitism, a combination of growing nationalism, the rise of eugenics, and resentment at the socio-economic success of the Jews led to the newer, and more virulent, racist antisemitism.
Perhaps his most lasting contribution of continuing interest today is the 1925 book Epidemic Influenza, which reviewed the data on the Great Pandemic of 1918 to ascertain its causes. Jordan concluded that the extreme overcrowding of troops in the American military not only helped to spread the infection but to also to make the flu germ itself more virulent, thus causing the unusually high death toll specific to that influenza epidemic. Jordan married Elsie Fay Pratt Jordan in 1893, and they had two sons, Henry Donaldson and Edwin Pratt, and a daughter Lucia Elizabeth Dunham.
The rich blood vessel supply of maxillofacial areas usually prevents fungal infections, although more virulent fungi, such as those responsible for mucormycosis, can often overcome this difficulty. There are several key signs which point towards mucormycosis. One such sign is fungal invasion into the blood vessels which results in the formation of blood clots and surrounding tissue death due to a loss of blood supply. If the disease involves the brain, then symptoms may include a one-sided headache behind the eyes, facial pain, fevers, nasal congestion that progresses to black discharge, and acute sinusitis along with eye swelling.
Plague is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which exists in parasitic fleas of several species in the wild and of rats in human society. In an outbreak, it may kill all of its immediate hosts and thus die out, but it can remain active in other hosts that it does not kill, thereby causing a new outbreak years or decades later. The bacterium has several means of transmission and infection, including through rats carried on ships or vehicles, fleas hidden in grain and—in its more virulent forms—transmitted by blood and sputum directly between humans.
When a cure for AIDS turns out to be more virulent than the disease, the U.S. establishes quarantine camps in the desert southwest. Michael Barris, a TV producer, masquerades as one of the infected and travels to the camps in search of his son. He finds horrific conditions, and learns that the so-called quarantine camps are death camps where the infected are gathered, purposefully brutalized, and ultimately cremated alive, their ashes bulldozed into the desert sand. Barris's son escapes the camp before the cycle of immolation, carrying the evidence he needs to expose the governmental mis-information campaign.
T. b. rhodesiense. These parasites primarily infect individuals in sub-Saharan Africa because that is where the vector (tsetse fly) is located. The two human forms of the disease also vary greatly in intensity. T. b. gambiense causes a chronic condition that can remain in a passive phase for months or years before symptoms emerge and the infection can last about 3 years before death occurs. T. b. rhodesiense is the acute form of the disease, and death can occur within months since the symptoms emerge within weeks and it is more virulent and faster developing than T. b. gambiense.
After it failed to seize control of the Bavarian state in 1923, the nascent Nazi Party, by that time sharing the Bavarian bishops' view about the incompatibility of National Socialism and Christianity, no longer wanted to court Catholics. Hitler wanted to broaden its base. The Party leadership became anti-Catholic (especially attacking the bishops) and its inherent anti-Semitism became more virulent. To counter this, the bishops adopted a conditional ban or prohibition in regard to Catholic membership in the Party, which later (as Nazism spread throughout Germany) varied from diocese to diocese.Spicer, Resisting, 10 Signing of the Reichskonkordat on 20 July 1933.
Dimsdale developed a particular interest in the prevention of smallpox by inoculation (variolation), a deliberate infection of the patient via the skin with a mild form of the disease to give protection against more virulent strains. He published The present method of inoculating for the small-pox in 1767 which went into five editions by 1769. That year he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. In 1762, perhaps due to his reputation within London society, he was invited to Russia to variolate the Empress Catherine the Great of Russia and her son, Grand Duke Paul.
In the early 1990s, Minson's group was one of several investigating a novel method of attenuating viruses for use in live vaccines. One or more of the genes absolutely required for replication is deleted and the virus is grown in a cell line engineered to express these gene products. The resulting virus can infect normal human cells, but should be safe because it cannot replicate in them. Such replication-impaired viruses unite many of the advantages of both live and killed virus vaccines, and are much less likely to revert to a more-virulent form than earlier methods of attenuation.
A 2006 Space Shuttle experiment found that Salmonella typhimurium, a bacterium that can cause food poisoning, became more virulent when cultivated in space. On April 29, 2013, scientists in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, funded by NASA, reported that, during spaceflight on the International Space Station, microbes seem to adapt to the space environment in ways "not observed on Earth" and in ways that "can lead to increases in growth and virulence". More recently, in 2017, bacteria were found to be more resistant to antibiotics and to thrive in the near- weightlessness of space. Microorganisms have been observed to survive the vacuum of outer space.
One element of the Columbian exchange suggests explorers from the Christopher Columbus expedition contracted syphilis from indigenous peoples and carried it back to Europe, where it spread widely."Columbus May Have Brought Syphilis to Europe", LiveScience, January 15, 2008. Other researchers believe that the disease existed in Europe and Asia before Columbus and his men returned from exposure to indigenous peoples of the Americas, but that they brought back a more virulent form. In the 100 years following the arrival of the Spanish to the Americas, large disease epidemics depopulated large parts of the Eastern Woodlands in the 15th century.
In fish models, all clinical forms of lactococcosis show an absence of clinical symptoms and mortalities in fish weighing under 80 grams. Smaller fish can be infected experimentally. In a follow-up study of the pathogenicity of L. garvieae, younger fish at 50 grams underwent a higher mortality than older fish at about 100 grams and the acute period of the disease was reported to be longer in young fish. Numerous investigations of L. garvieae pathogenicity have confirmed that capsulated strains, commonly classified as serotype KG−, are more virulent than non- capsulated strains, commonly classified as serotype KG+.
Butterfly releases have been criticized for having the potential of spreading disease and promoting the proliferation of more virulent strains of parasites. Parasitic strains of Ophryocystis elektroscirrha have been found to be the most virulent in the western population of the monarch butterfly. When monarchs in the eastern population were inoculated with the parasite found in the western population, the eastern monarchs were found to be more resistant to the parasite than even the western monarchs. When monarchs from the western population were inoculated with the parasite found on eastern monarchs, no significant differences were observed.
The second began with the Black Death, which killed at least one third of Europe's population in a series of expanding waves of infection from 1346 to 1353; this pandemic recurred regularly until the 19th century. Casualty patterns indicate that waves of this late-19th-century/early-20th- century pandemic may have come from two different sources. The first was primarily bubonic and was carried around the world through ocean-going trade, through transporting infected persons, rats, and cargoes harboring fleas. The second, more virulent strain, was primarily pneumonic in character with a strong person-to-person contagion.
A 2006 Space Shuttle experiment found that Salmonella typhimurium, a bacterium that can cause food poisoning, became more virulent when cultivated in space. On April 29, 2013, scientists in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, funded by NASA, reported that, during spaceflight on the International Space Station, microbes seem to adapt to the space environment in ways "not observed on Earth" and in ways that "can lead to increases in growth and virulence". More recently, in 2017, bacteria were found to be more resistant to antibiotics and to thrive in the near- weightlessness of space. Microorganisms have been observed to survive the vacuum of outer space.
An even more virulent critic was the maverick Gândirea editor and left-leaning Trăirist Petre Pandrea, who contends that Tudor was notorious as a blackmailer. Ion Simuț, "Justițiar cu orice risc", in România Literară, Nr. 3/2004 Pandrea and Tudor first clashed around 1928, shortly after Pandrea published his White Lily Manifesto of the revolutionary youth. Tudor criticized the document in his articles for Contimporanul.Cernat (2007), p. 238 In 1932, however, the young art critic and political thinker Petru Comarnescu wrote that Tudor, Sterian, Vulcănescu and Petru Manoliu were four of the leading Orthodoxist Trăirists (or, as he called them, "Experiencialists").
Chevalier noted (1942) that Ulmus montana fastigiata (Exeter Elm) was one of four European cultivars found by researchers in The Netherlands to have significant resistance to the earlier strain of Dutch elm disease prevalent in the 1920s and '30s, the others being 'Monumentalis' Rinz, 'Berardii' and 'Vegeta'. The four were rated less resistant than U. foliacea clone 23, from Spain, later cultivated as 'Christine Buisman'. 'Exoniensis' possesses a moderate resistance to the more virulent strain of Dutch elm disease, and consequently often featured in the Dutch elm breeding programme in association with the Field Elm (U. minor) and Himalayan Elm (U. wallichiana).
A 2006 Space Shuttle experiment found that Salmonella typhimurium, a bacterium that can cause food poisoning, became more virulent when cultivated in space. On April 29, 2013, scientists in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, funded by NASA, reported that, during spaceflight on the International Space Station, microbes seem to adapt to the space environment in ways "not observed on Earth" and in ways that "can lead to increases in growth and virulence". More recently, in 2017, bacteria were found to be more resistant to antibiotics and to thrive in the near-weightlessness of space. Microorganisms have been observed to survive the vacuum of outer space.
In Australia, Panama, and New Zealand, the fungus seemed to have suddenly 'appeared' and expanded its range at the same time frog numbers declined. In the Americas, it originated in Venezuela in 1987, where it swept up the continent into Central America. It was also found in the lower part of Central America in 1987, where it spread down to meet the upward sweep from South America. However, it may simply be that the fungus occurs naturally and was only identified recently because it has become more virulent or more prevalent in the environment, or because host populations have become less resistant to the disease.
This depletes these antibacterial cells and renders the host susceptible to opportunistic infections by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria which invade joints and cause the crippling disease of sheep called tick pyaemia. Anaplasma marginale infects marginal areas of red blood cells of cattle and causes anaplasmosis wherever boophilid ticks occur as transmitters. Anaplasma centrale tends to infect the central region of red blood cells, and is sufficiently closely related to An. marginale to have been used from long ago as a live vaccine to protect cattle against the more virulent An. marginale. Sheep and goats suffer disease from infection with Anaplasma ovis which is transmitted similarly to the anaplasmas described above.
The effects of SPFMV are dependent upon species of sweet potato as well as strain of virus, and can vary between geographical locations. Many infections are localized, mild, and often asymptomatic, and can go untreated without causing significant damage to the plant. The most common symptom of SPFMV is a feathery, purple pattern in the leaves. However, more virulent strains such as the russet crack strain (RC) have been known to cause root necrosis and leaf chlorosis, and some strains have been shown to cause root discoloration. However, due to SPFMV’s significant contribution to sweet potato viral disease, many studies are directed toward creating immunity to SPFMV in susceptible plants.
In France, inoculation with the fungus of over three hundred clones of the European species failed to find a single variety possessed of any significant resistance. The first, less aggressive strain of the disease fungus, Ophiostoma ulmi, arrived in Europe from Asia in 1910, and was accidentally introduced to North America in 1928. It was steadily weakened by viruses in Europe and had all but disappeared by the 1940s. However, the disease had a much greater and long-lasting impact in North America, owing to the greater susceptibility of the American elm, Ulmus americana, which masked the emergence of the second, far more virulent strain of the disease Ophiostoma novo-ulmi.
These changes to some extent brought an end to the more virulent press criticisms of the ISA. However, they also led to some deeper questioning of the thinking behind the original creation of the ISA. Specific accusations have been that the government had overseen so many changes and reviews, showing a lack of support for the organization, as the ISA had initially been created as a knee jerk reaction to the Soham murders. Philip Pullman remains one of the most vociferous critics accusing the government of using the Soham murders as a 'scare story' to scare the British public into accepting such intrusive database.
The disease in swine became much more severe, outbreaks of respiratory disease in cattle rose dramatically, and the infection was spread airborne to other swine herds. The higher virulence of these virus strains was associated with a certain ability to create syncytia (cell fusion) in tissue cultures (syncytial virus strains). Comprehensive restriction fragment pattern analyses of virus DNA have documented that the more virulent strains had not been introduced from abroad but had developed in two steps from the original Danish strains. The correlation between high virulence of virus strains and syncytium formation in tissue cultures was confirmed by examinations of isolates from other countries.
Exotoxin: V. vulnificus produces a number of extracellular toxins such as metalloprotease VvpE, cytolysin/hemolysin VvhA, and the multifunctional autoprocessing repeats-in-toxins (MARTX) toxin. While the VvhA and MARTX toxin are factors in the bacteria's virulence, in vivo studies in mice suggest that the MARTX toxin is more responsible for bacterial dissemination from the intestine to produce sepsis. Iron: Growth of V. vulnificus is dependent on the amount of iron that is accessible to the bacteria. The observed association of the infection with liver disease (associated with increased serum iron) might be due to the capability of more virulent strains to capture iron bound to transferrin.
As Flavobacterium columnare is Gram-negative, fish can be treated with a combination of the antibiotics nitrofurazone and kanamycin administered together synergistically. A medicated fish bath (ideally using aquarium merbromin, alternately methylene blue, or potassium permanganate and salt), is generally a first step, as well lowering the aquarium temperature to 75 °F (24 °C) is a must, since columnaris is much more virulent at higher temperatures, especially 85–90 °F. Medicated food containing oxytetracycline is also an effective treatment for internal infections, but resistance is emerging. Potassium permanganate, copper sulfate, and hydrogen peroxide can also be applied externally to adult fish and fry, but can be toxic at high concentrations.
Although a strong strain of the pathogen is economically and aesthetically detrimental, a possible beneficial interaction with a susceptible host by panicum mosaic virus is cross- protection by inoculation of a weak panicum mosaic virus strain. The benefit of inoculation with a weak strain means that the crop will have cross- protection, which means that the crop will not have as extensive of yield loss if the crop is exposed to a more aggressive, virulent strain. One risk that comes with weak strain inoculation is increased susceptibility to other viral strains and pathogens. Additionally, there is a risk that the weak strain could mutate into a more virulent strain.
Instead, he chooses to follow his own path, first by going into the military, then by becoming a freelance editorial writer. He lives in isolation, but after surviving an assassination attempt, he is forced to notice the growing cultural strains around him. The pre-selects, due to their abilities and thus money, make up 10% of the population, but control over 95% of the resources of the world, and are using that power to shut out the “norms,” or non-augmented humans. A plague breaks out that only kills augmented humans, a plague much more virulent than a similar one that had swept the world 20 years before.
These are not the swellings of buboes, but rather "darkish points or pustules which covered large areas of the body". The uncharacteristically rapid spread of the plague could be due to respiratory droplet transmission, and low levels of immunity in the European population at that period. Historical examples of pandemics of other diseases in populations without previous exposure, such as smallpox and tuberculosis transmitted by aerosol amongst Native Americans, show that the first instance of an epidemic spreads faster and is far more virulent than later instances among the descendants of survivors, for whom natural selection has produced characteristics that are protective against the disease.
The nuclear missile is re-armed, the fighter jet and missile crash into the ground, and the missile detonates, irradiating the quarantine area. The team examine the footage of the crash, and realize that Andromeda has mutated again and is now able to consume nylon. As Andromeda grows and mutates into more virulent forms and takes host in anything from mammals and reptiles to the bird population, the Wildfire team continue their tests to find a way to stop Andromeda before it reaches Las Vegas, the closest city to the quarantine zone with an international airport. Further studies reveal Andromeda is actually a sulfur-based bacterium.
Jules Favre of the Second Republic in 1865 France's position in Europe was now in danger of being overshadowed by the emergence of a powerful Prussia, and France looked increasingly flat-footed following Bismarck's successes. In addition, French ruler Napoleon III was on increasingly shaky ground in domestic politics. Having successfully overthrown the Second Republic and established the Bonapartist Second Empire, Napoleon III was confronted with ever more virulent demands for democratic reform from leading republicans such as Jules Favre, along with constant rumours of impending revolution. In addition, French aspirations in Mexico had suffered a final defeat with the execution of the Austrian-born, French puppet Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico in 1867.
About the time of Wagner's death, European nationalist movements were losing the Romantic, idealistic egalitarianism of 1848, and acquiring tints of militarism and aggression, due in no small part to Bismarck's takeover and unification of Germany in 1871. After Wagner's death in 1883, Bayreuth increasingly became a focus for German nationalists attracted by the mythos of the operas, who have been referred to by later commentators as the Bayreuth Circle. This group was endorsed by Cosima Wagner, whose anti-Semitism was considerably less complex and more virulent than Richard's.See e.g. Evans (2004), 32-33 One member of the circle was Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the author of a number of 'philosophic' tracts which later became required Nazi reading.
False-color scanning electron micrograph of HIV-1, in green, budding from cultured lymphocyte AIDS is caused by a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which originated in non-human primates in Central and West Africa. While various sub-groups of the virus acquired human infectivity at different times, the global pandemic had its origins in the emergence of one specific strain – HIV-1 subgroup M – in Léopoldville in the Belgian Congo (now Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo) in the 1920s. There are two types of HIV: HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is more virulent, easily transmitted and is the cause of the vast majority of HIV infections globally.
For Soucy, the differences between non-fascist authoritarian conservatives and fascist authoritarian conservatives were often more a matter of degree (which could increase when threatened by leftists) than of fixed or irreconcilable essences. Compared to non-fascist authoritarian conservatives, fascists had a greater hatred of "decadence", a greater desire to create large numbers of anti-decadent "new men", a greater appeal to the young (paramilitary "virility" was the ideal), and were more fiercely nationalistic. They also indulged in a more virulent demonology than many conservatives, blaming more harshly or "extremely" Communists, Socialists, freemasons, internationalists and (though not always) Jews for most of the nation's ills. Fascists had a greater taste for repressing "unpatriotic" souls.
The native states affected were Rajputana, Central India Agency, and Hyderabad. The famine affected mostly British India: of the total area of affected, lay in British territory; similarly, of the total famine-afflicted population of 67.5 million, 62.5 million lived in British territory. The summer monsoon rains of 1897, however, were abundant, as was the following harvest which ended the famine in Autumn 1897. However, the rains, which were particularly heavy in some regions set off a malaria epidemic which killed many people; soon thereafter, an epidemic of the bubonic plague began in the Bombay Presidency, which although not very lethal during the famine year, would, in the next decade, become more virulent and spread to the rest of India.
In the immediate aftermath of the events, few reports blamed Jews for the violence. Accusations that the Jews had provoked the riots due to their "provocative behavior" and refusal to integrate with Slovak society were added to later reports. The farther away the reports were produced and the later, the more virulent the blaming of Jews became; a 15 October report by the police commissioner in Bratislava claimed that "the main blame for the demonstrations rests on the provocative behavior of citizens of the Israelite religion against Christian citizens". Contrary to the wishes of the rioters, very few Jews left in the immediate aftermath of the 1945 pogrom; most remained behind to rebuild their lives and fight for the restitution of property.
The success of the virus was found to be higher in dry areas, because of a benign calicivirus found in the colder, wetter areas of Australia, which was immunising rabbits against the more virulent form. A legal vaccine exists in Australia for RHD, but no cure is known for either myxomatosis or RHD, and many affected pets have to be euthanized. In Europe, where rabbits are farmed on a large scale, they are protected against myxomatosis and calicivirus with a genetically modified virusHorizontal Transmissible Protection against Myxomatosis and Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease by Using a Recombinant Myxoma Virus developed in Spain. A team headed by virologist Francisco Parra, working with the University of Oviedo, in Asturias, northern Spain, identified a new variant of the virus in 2012.
As such, host- specific pathogens capable of degrading phytoalexins are more virulent than those unable to do so. When a plant cell recognizes particles from damaged cells or particles from the pathogen, the plant launches a two-pronged resistance: a general short-term response and a delayed long-term specific response. As part of the induced resistance, the short-term response, the plant deploys reactive oxygen species such as superoxide and hydrogen peroxide to kill invading cells. In pathogen interactions, the common short-term response is the hypersensitive response, in which cells surrounding the site of infection are signaled to undergo apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in order to prevent the spread of the pathogen to the rest of the plant.
When Pearson's demands were not met, he began to openly criticize Secretary of State Cordell Hull, James Dunn, and other State Department officials, whom Pearson accused of hating Soviet Russia. After one of Pearson's more virulent columns accused Secretary of State Hull and his deputies of a conscious policy to "bleed Russia white," President Roosevelt convened a press conference in which he angrily accused Pearson of printing statements that were a lie "from beginning to end", jeopardizing United Nations unity, and committing an act of bad faith towards his own nation. The president concluded his statement by calling Pearson "a chronic liar." Pearson was the first to report the 1943 incident of General George S. Patton's slapping of soldier Charles Kuhl.
Other considerations for designing space medical care systems include exposure to toxic substances, chemical burns, electrical burns and trauma (on board and during EVA's). Exposure to a range of hazards including chemical substances, microbes, radiation and noise can be prevented or controlled by the application of effective astronautical hygiene practice. A 2006 Space Shuttle experiment found that Salmonella typhimurium, a bacterium that can cause food poisoning, became more virulent when cultivated in space. On April 29, 2013, scientists in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, funded by NASA, reported that, during spaceflight on the International Space Station, microbes seem to adapt to the space environment in ways "not observed on Earth" and in ways that "can lead to increases in growth and virulence".
Different strains of FCV can vary in virulence (the degree of pathogenicity within a group or species of microorganisms or viruses as indicated by case fatality rates and/or the ability of the organism to invade the tissues of the host). Being an RNA virus, FCV has a high elasticity of its genome, which makes it more adaptable to environmental pressures. This not only makes the development of vaccines more difficult, but also allows for the development of more virulent strains. In persistently infected cats, the gene for the major structural protein of the viral capsid (the outer protein coat of a mature virus) has been shown to evolve through immune-mediated positive selection, which allows the virus to escape detection by the immune system.
While SPFMV can act alone to inflict disease on sweet potato plants, its reputation is more closely tied to sweet potato viral disease (SPVD), which is caused by simultaneous infection of SPFMV with sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV), which is transmitted by whiteflies. It is speculated that HC-Pro activity, which is involved in the long-distance movement of SPFMV, is one of the primary mechanisms by which all these viruses are propagated throughout the plant. Since SPFMV is not as lethal as some, its ability to travel long distances is more damaging when packaged with more virulent viral genomes. Synergistic infections involve a virus and a co- infecting virus infecting an organism together, with one virus assisting the other by increasing its capacity to spread or increasing its replicative abilities.
It is generally agreed that a Muslim mob formed after the confrontation and was countered by the rapid formation of a rival Christian mob, with each causing damage to property and houses owned by those of the opposing faith. In these early stages of fighting one person is reported to have been killed by security forces and several bombs detonated. The fighting became more virulent with the reported murder of 5 Butonese passengers of a van near the state Islamic institute by a Christian mob, and a further 8 people were killed in Karang Panjang and Kramat Jaya as homes and a mosque were set alight. Some sources reported up to 23 killed during the day of fighting, mostly Butonese migrants, and several deaths were caused by the actions of security forces.
In the context of the Industrial Revolution, following the emancipation of the Jews and the Haskalah (the Jewish Enlightenment), many Jews rapidly urbanized and experienced a period of greater social mobility. With the decreasing role of religion in public life and the simultaneous tempering of religious antisemitism, a combination of growing nationalism, the rise of eugenics, resentment of the socio-economic success of the Jews, and the influx of Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe to Central Europe, soon led to the newer, and often more virulent, racist antisemitism. Scientific racism, the ideology that genetics played a role in group behavior and characteristics, was highly respected and accepted as fact between 1870 and 1940. It was not only antisemites who believed in race science but highly educated Jews, among others, as well.
He describes other aspects of gay sexual ecology that epidemiologists have cited for this rapid spread of HIV in addition to high levels of partners and highly active core groups. Among them are insertive/receptive ‘versatility, the practice of ‘concurrency,’ or having multiple partners concurrently as opposed to one at a time as in serial multipartnerism, the impact of viral load, the synergistic impact of multiple re-infections with various STDs which can lower immunity, the impact of substance abuse which can also lower immunity, and the ability of travel to move infections rapidly around the country. He also cites the theory of evolutionary biologist Paul W. Ewald that high levels of HIV transmission among gay men led to the evolution of more virulent strains.Sexual ecology, pp. 75-85.
Anandavardhana defines ' as 'habitat', area, sphere or genre; Abhinavagupta defines it as a particular aggregate ('). In Sanskrit Literature, it refers to the area or range of operation, or objects operated upon, and therefore means the area in which the words can serve any purpose as informing us of anything and includes their expressed, indicated, and suggested meanings (objects) and also the facts that can be inferred from using words. In his ', Shankara has used ' to mean - 'the field of experience' – शोत्रस्य विषयः शब्द ग्रहणम् (of the ear/ the field of experience/ is receiving sound). And, in Sloka 79 of his Vivekachudamani , he has used this word to denote virulent 'sense-objects' – दोषेण तीव्रो विषयः कृष्णसर्पविशादपि that a sense-object is more virulent than the poison of a king cobra.
Virologist and immunologist Vincent R. Racaniello said that "accident theories – and the lab-made theories before them – reflect a lack of understanding of the genetic make-up of Sars-CoV-2." Virologist Peter Daszak states that an estimated 1–7 million people in Southeast Asia who live or work in proximity to bats are infected each year with bat coronaviruses. Martin Rees, author of the book Our Final Hour which also addresses this issue, states that while better understanding of viruses may allow for an improved capability to develop vaccines it may also lead to an increase in "the spread of 'dangerous knowledge' that would enable mavericks to make viruses more virulent and transmissible than they naturally are". Different accelerations and priorizations of research may however be critical to pandemic prevention.
In addition, epidemiological factors, such as the WWI practice of packing soldiers with severe influenza illness into field hospitals while soldiers with mild illness stayed outside on the battlefield, are an important determinant of whether or not a new strain of influenza virus will spur a pandemic. (During the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, this practice served to promote the evolution of more virulent viral strains over those that produced mild illness.) When it first killed humans in Asia in the 1990s, a deadly avian strain of H5N1 posed a great risk for a new influenza pandemic; however, this virus did not mutate to spread easily between people. Vaccinations against influenza are most commonly given to high-risk humans in industrialized countries and to farmed poultry. The most common human vaccine is the trivalent influenza vaccine that contains purified and inactivated material from three viral strains.
Jesse (or Jessua) Smythes (died 1594) was an English born judge and colonist in Elizabethan Ireland. He held office as Solicitor General for Ireland and Chief Justice of Munster, and was heavily involved in the Plantation of Munster. He was noted for his deep hostility to the native Irish, which was more virulent than that of the average English colonist of the time. Little is known of his family background, his early life, or his career before 1584, when he was appointed Solicitor General for Ireland.Smyth, Constantine Joseph Chronicle of the Law Officers of Ireland Butterworths London 1839 p.174 He was, as far as is known, the first Englishman to hold the office: his appointment was at the personal request of Elizabeth I, who was dissatisfied with the quality of service given by her Irish law officers, and believed that she would be better served by Englishmen.
A study conducted at the University of Costa Rica, San Pedro de Montes de Oca produced results that indicated how strains of Escovopsis in Costa Rica are "better suited" to invade and induce their parasitic effects on the ant colonies (specifically from the Attini tribe and genera Atta and Acromyrmex) than selectively bred fungus. This was concluded from the fact that the Escovopsis strains created several clusters or clades, some more virulent than others, while the fungal cultivar only created a single cluster or clade. This means that the ants in the colonies would be able to reduce, eliminate, and defend against the fungal cultivar much easier and quicker than it would be able to for Escovopsis strains. According to the scientists that undertook the study, the coevolved Escovopsis can be used as a biocontrol agent for the population of these leafcutter ants, which are considered agricultural pests in these areas.
Needles of a conifer infected with Scleroderris canker There are two strains of the fungus in existence, the North American and European. The latter is more virulent, capable of infecting an entire tree and killing it over a few years time, whereas the North American strain limits itself to the first few metres of the stem. Scleroderris canker European strain from Canadian Forest Service Another reason behind the high potency of the European strain is that trees are unable to defend themselves from the fungus during winters, as the fungus can remain active at temperatures as low as -5°CNågra skadesvampars hot mot vår svenska tall from Umeå University Early signs of a Scleroderris canker infection includes a purple tint in the needles and, more evidently, the falling off the needles in the wrong season. A severe Scleroderris canker infection can sometimes be disastrous, as the fungus survives on the pine cones, killing any new seedlings within two years.
Because the H1N1 vaccine was initially in short supply in the U.S., the CDC recommended that initial doses should go to priority groups such as pregnant women, people who live with or care for babies under six months old, children six months to four years old and health-care workers. In the UK, the NHS recommended vaccine priority go to people over six months old who were clinically at risk for seasonal flu, pregnant women and households of people with compromised immunity. Although it was initially thought that two injections would be required, clinical trials showed that the new vaccine protected adults "with only one dose instead of two;" thus the limited vaccine supplies would go twice as far as had been predicted. Health officials worldwide were also concerned because the virus was new and could easily mutate and become more virulent, even though most flu symptoms were mild and lasted only a few days without treatment.
8-11, in Delany, Sheila (ed), Chaucer and the Jews : Sources, Contexts, Meanings, 2002, Routledge, google books, , Sara Lipton has argued that some portrayals, such as depictions of Jewish blindness in the presence of Jesus, were meant to serve as a form of self- reflection rather than be explicitly anti-Semitic. In her 2013 book Saracens, Demons, and Jews, Debra Higgs Strickland argues that negative portrayals of Jews in medieval art can be divided into three categories: art that focused on physical descriptions, art that featured signs of damnation, and images that depicted Jews as monsters. Physical depictions of Jewish people in medieval Christian art were often men with pointed Jewish hats and long beards, which was done as a derogatory symbol and to separate Jews from Christians in a clear manner. This portrayal would grow more virulent over time, however Jewish women lacked similar distinctive physical descriptions in high medieval Christian art.
Thematically, and given that it also occurs in a divergent timeline that originated in the context of a more virulent fourteenth century Black Death than our own, the (2002) novel by Kim Stanley Robinson The Years of Rice and Salt uses a similar literary device to consider the impact on global history of a less dominant Europe. However, in Robinson's analogous post-pandemic timeline, Europe never recovered from its decimation at the time of the epidemic, and India's Mughal Empire retains its ascendancy, as do the empires of China, Persia and the Ottomans, North America's Iroquois confederation, the Aztec and Inca empires and other inhabitants of this multipolar world. Like Silverberg's alternate history, Muslim civilization declines during the alternate 19th to 20th centuries, leading to the triumphs of China and India during a decades-long 20th-century global war. Unlike Silverberg's world, there is comparable technological progress to our own timeline, due to that prolonged multipolar global war.
In the Anglican Church matters such as the use of altar crosses and crucifixes can arouse strong feelings. However while early Anglicans destroyed portraits of saints, portraits of contemporary individuals, including church leaders, were not considered problematic, and exist in large numbers. Reformed Christians did not object to small religious images, typically of episodes from the New Testament, in the form of prints; Bible illustrations or picture books, especially those intended for children, were and continue to be widely used in Protestantism, so that in the 17th century, even "the ordinary Puritan enjoyed a Bible with pictures". Faced with the Protestant challenge to imagery, then far more virulent than it usually is in the 21st century, the Catholic Counter-Reformation ( - ) reacted by quietly removing some types of medieval imagery that could not be justified theologically, but otherwise by strengthening its commitment to the use of art and images to promote the Christian message, though tightening up on the detailed content of imagery, which the church brought under stricter control.

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