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121 Sentences With "more suggestive"

How to use more suggestive in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more suggestive" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more suggestive". Mastering all the usages of "more suggestive" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"But she's much more suggestive and nuanced than this view allows for," she said.
Or maybe something more suggestive than this: right hand on heart, left hand on loins.
Goodman would made small talk before sending more suggestive or explicit messages, according to the screenshots.
With fine arts you can suggest things and point things out after the fact … it's more suggestive.
These pocket portraits are warmly intimate, but, like the documentary as a whole, are finally more suggestive than revelatory.
Instagram forces one to be more suggestive, so people pay attention to the picture—you need to stand out.
To be sure, the positioning in the fund's options is more suggestive of hedging activity rather than outright bearish bias.
But upon introduction they were more suggestive than literal, opening up the possibility of drama instead of shutting it down.
No one wants or expects clear answers from a Castellucci production, but I wanted more suggestive images, a more charged mood.
I've gotten a bit harder to please; if I do watch porn, I need the kind that is a bit more suggestive.
" At lunch, Brennan sounded a more suggestive note, telling me he had "serious questions about the extent of that interaction, cooperation, collusion.
Certainly there are features—the slurring of speech, for example—that might be more suggestive of some of the punches that he took.
At first, the images were more suggestive; they didn't make anything as explicit as Whedon did in Ultron or Singer in Superman Returns.
But even though I aimed for clarity this time, there's always something a little more suggestive about songs that allows an emotional response.
"Breakthrough" is more suggestive than evangelical, and its willingness to let the mystery of the young man's survival linger enhances the film's power.
Some scenes in the trailer are a little more suggestive, though there might be a public indecency law broken in one of them.
I once had a reply guy whose comments started off innocuous, then steadily became more frequent — and more suggestive — when I stopped liking his replies.
But what's more suggestive are the places that keep getting hit with the kind of severe flooding that's supposed to be uncommon — places like Houston.
Indeed, the more one studies the Comey statement, the more scathing it becomes -- and the more suggestive that their decision on prosecution was a close call.
In the NSFW images, which were shot by Harley Weir, the brand is going to back to its raunchier, more suggestive roots of past underwear ads.
Ms. Wanamaker's Meg looks taken aback early on by Petey's use of the adjective "succulent" — one that is clearly more suggestive than she is used to.
More suggestive evidence comes from the fact that childhood leukaemia rates are higher in children born by Caesarean section, which avoids exposing them to microbes in the vagina.
Private market valuations can be more suggestive than realistic, and will be volatile, leading to big profit swings – such as a $2.4 billion gain in the first quarter.
Thompson's drawings are still lush and considered, flowing across the pages from his Pentel brush-pen, but the book is looser, sweeter, more suggestive than his other pieces.
She hasn't just hatched the itinerary, she's also created dossiers for her friends filled with precision-timed commitments more suggestive of an armed invasion than a collegial reunion.
Chic décor and a comfy lounge are more suggestive of a day spa than a tattoo parlor, but a new shop in Brooklyn aims to change that perception.
The story in "The Lighthouse" is thin enough to invite plentiful interpretations about masculinity, homosocial relations and desire, even if its more suggestive theme is Wake's punishing exploitation of Winslow.
Pared to the bone and more suggestive than declarative, David Ebeltoft's screenplay interrupts these long, meditative stretches with flashbacks to the fates of Ann's husband (Shane West) and infant daughter.
Dame Products, a Brooklyn-based toy startup for women, has had non-explicit advertisements denied by the MTA, despite the fact that they've approved more suggestive ads for erectile dysfunction products.
Each new specialist brought in on Natan's case identified another symptom, now more suggestive of a neurological disorder: the rapid, involuntary eye movements, the weakness on the left side of his body.
It is possible that the study is looking at too narrow of a time period, and maybe the correlation between lead and crime at the local, state, and international levels is more suggestive.
"The photographer is somebody who has been accused of being a sexual predator, of basically being a sexist jerk, of pushing women to be more suggestive in photographs than they were comfortable," DiFranco said.
Still, Shireen's skin changes as a result of her greyscale — limited to one side of her face — are actually more suggestive of an inherited skin condition with a mosaic pattern, perhaps with delayed onset.
The fulfillment of his master plan entails 500 boys (with 33,000 "happy fingers"), all wearing beanies topped with flaccid hands, together playing a monstrous piano more suggestive of a factory assembly line than a baby grand.
The alteration of the painting, from a vivid black magic ritual to a scene more suggestive of a scientific demonstration, likewise represents the tension in Dee's identity between being a man of science and one of the occult.
"On November 5, six former TikTok employees based in the US told The Washington Post that moderators in China told them to censor "culturally problematic" videos showing vaping, "heavy kissing and more suggestive dance moves," and "social political topics.
Speaking to Reuters in February, The IT minister of Tamil Nadu described some of its more suggestive dance content as "unbearable", while a Hindu nationalist group close to India's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has called for the app to be banned.
Most of them are more suggestive than instructive, like something a yoga teacher might tell her students as they slipped into downward dog (I assume—I have never been to a yoga class, because I know I would fart immediately).
But there are definitely safer, more suggestive ways to do it, like putting a hand over your partner's mouth without covering their nose, or gently pressing on their throat without applying much pressure, and only for a few seconds at a time.
The Australian scholar Susan Best wrote of that series that the depiction of objects is often symbolic of the still life genre, but a singular focus of an isolated object might be more suggestive of portraiture, as is the case in The Lost Steps.
The "Wonderstrands" video avoids any exact recreation of history, or even something as straightforward as documentary footage of the general area, in favor of a more suggestive, literally world-upside-down (and duplicated) vision that feels like something out of the end of Kubrick's 2001.
Trapped within a still frame of animation, the cyborg assassin is little more than a set of panythose topped with a sheet and a webcam (honestly, it's a Scooby-Doo villain), but in the game itself it's lack of definition and vagueness become more suggestive.
While "The Last Man on Earth" may take longer to hit its stride than "It's Great to Be Alive," once it vaults from the present to the future post-masculitis world of 1950, it is less decorous and more suggestive of changing social norms.
One of the more suggestive documents of the transition from the halfway social democracy of the Cold War era to today's mostly neoliberal order is a memo that Lewis Powell, soon to be a Nixon appointee to the Supreme Court, wrote in 1971 to Eugene Sydnor Jr., the head of the Chamber of Commerce.
Those sauna emoji were actually proposed by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland ("Sauna is practically a holy place in Finland where there exists around 3.2 million saunas for 5.4 million people," it wrote), and they were much more suggestive in their original iteration:  Just because Unicode approves an emoji doesn't mean that a company like Apple will enable it on a device like the iPhone, but Burge said Apple and Google have both adopted 100 percent of new emoji releases so far.
This sloppiness is more suggestive of the tradesmen booksellers than of Shirley the Court sophisticate.
It was presented under Busby's direction at the Warehouse Theatre, Croydon, in November 2010. Critic Michael Billington believes the play is more suggestive of Middleton than Shakespeare.
The finding of elevated amounts of alpha-fetoprotein is more suggestive of a mixed germ cell tumour, with the alpha-fetoprotein being released by the yolk sac tumour component.
Symmetry of excessive sweating in hyperhidrosis is most consistent with primary hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating affecting only one side of the body is more suggestive of secondary hyperhidrosis and further investigation for a neurologic cause is recommended.
This new sexuality could be due to an influx of European images, which showed women as sexual beings. This was demonstrated in more suggestive figures and elaborate hairstyles and dress.Johns, Elizabeth. America Genre Painting: The Politics of Everyday Life.
The urinalysis is also important for ruling out a urinary tract infection as the cause of abdominal pain. The presence of more than 20 WBC per high-power field in the urine is more suggestive of a urinary tract disorder.
Rosacea tends to occur more frequently in older adults. Facial redness triggered by heat or the consumption of alcohol or spicy food is also more suggestive of rosacea. The presence of comedones helps health professionals differentiate acne from skin disorders that are similar in appearance. Chloracne, due to exposure to certain chemicals, may look very similar to acne vulgaris.
The Spanish board of censors rejected the original ending of the film, which depicted Viridiana entering her cousin's room and slowly closing the door behind her. Consequently, a new ending was written; this turned out to be more suggestive than the first, because it implied a ménage à trois among Ramona, Jorge, and Viridiana.Buñuel, Luis. My Last Sigh. Trans.
Taube 1992: 31-41 In comparison with the early-colonial descriptions, Classic scenes are more suggestive of narrative traditions, at times subjecting Itzamna to the actions of others: He can, for example, be shown clinging to the back of a peccary or a deer; held ready for sacrifice; or being shot at in his bird avatar.
Other cuts included the more suggestive and sexual close-up shots depicting McTeague and Trina's physical attraction to each other, the scenes after McTeague has murdered Trina and roams around San Francisco and Placer County, additional footage of Death Valley, additional footage of Trina with her money, and a more gradual version of Trina's descent into greed and miserly obsession.
It was under the influence of nel Gomez that Arango's work shifted from a traditional style to become more suggestive and meaningful.Grove Dictionary of Art Jose Orozco's works, which Arango studied at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes, also significantly affected her, influencing her future techniques and style.Ramírez, Mari Carmen and Héctor Olea. Inverted Utopias: Avant-Garde Art in Latin America.
"The PMRC Filthy Fifteen" Retrieved 1 May 2009. The group's follow-up single, "Wild and Crazy Love", was even more suggestive in its lyrical content, but the PMRC was not known to have attacked it as openly as it condemned "In My House". In 2009, VH1 ranked "In My House" number 52 on its program 100 Greatest One Hit Wonders of the 80s.
Jack Sullivan in The Penguin Encyclopedia of Horror and the Supernatural described Gilchrist as "a neglected master of horror who deserves revival". Michele Slung, introducing Gilchrist's story "The Basilisk", claimed that "this lush piece of nineteenth century prose has an almost operatic quality" and that the story contained "layers of even more suggestive meaning".Slung, Michele. I Shudder at your Touch : 22 Tales of Sex and Horror.
Jimmy showcases some items that he has found on sale at various stores. The price-reduction stickers have been strategically placed so that their names are more suggestive, turning a copy of The Very Hungry Caterpillar into The Very Hung Caterpillar or a DVD of the show Picket Fences into Picket Feces. A bath toy called "Rub-A-Dub Work & Squirt" was left alone.
A number of specific antibodies found in the blood (antinuclear antibody (ANA), anti- smooth muscle antibody (SMA), anti-liver kidney microsomal antibodies (LKM-1, LKM-2, LKM-3), anti soluble liver antigen (SLA), liver–pancreas antigen (LP), and anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA)) are of use, as is finding an increased immunoglobulin G level. The presence of anti-mitochondrial antibody is more suggestive of primary biliary cholangitis.
Tellegen named the element gyrator as a portmanteau of gyroscope and the common device suffix -tor (as in resistor, capacitor, transistor etc.) The -tor ending is even more suggestive in Tellegen's native Dutch where the related element transformer is called transformator. The gyrator is related to the gyroscope by an analogy in its behaviour.Arthur Garratt, "Milestones in electronics: an interview with professor Bernard Tellegen", Wireless World, vol. 85, no.
In 2010, the Arden Shakespeare published Double Falsehood in its series of scholarly editions of Shakespeare's collected works. The editor, Professor Brean Hammond, made a case for the Shakespearean origins of Theobald's play. In 2011 the Royal Shakespeare Company presented an adaptation of Double Falsehood as "Cardenio, Shakespeare's 'lost play' re-imagined," directed by Gregory Doran. The critic Michael Billington believes that this version is more suggestive of Fletcher than Shakespeare.
The Bump is a form of popular dance introduced in the 1970s. Two partners, generally one male and one female, bump their hips against each other to the beat of the song. Sometimes the dance can be more suggestive, with the female dancer bumping her hip against the male dancer's crotch. For this reason, the Bump is often believed to be the precursor to the erotic dance grinding.
Several conditions can mimic the clinical presentation of psoriatic arthritis including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, reactive arthritis, gouty arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and inflammatory bowel disease-associated arthritis. In contrast to psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis tends to affect the proximal joints (e.g., the metacarpophalangeal joints), involves a greater number of joints than psoriatic arthritis, and affect them symmetrically. Involvement of the spinal joints is more suggestive of psoriatic arthritis than rheumatoid arthritis.
Axoclinus lucillae, known commonly as the Panama triplefin, is a species of triplefin blenny. They occur in the eastern Pacific in shallow rocky and coral areas as deep as from Mexico to Colombia. The specific name honours Louise “Lulu” Miriam Parsons (1912–2013), the first wife of George Washington Vanderbilt III, although the eponym is more suggestive that the species is named after their daughter, Lucille Margaret Vanderbilt (1938 - 2018).
The show has since produced two more millionaires, tournament winner Brad Rutter and recent champion James Holzhauer. Family Feud revived in popularity with a change in tone under host Steve Harvey to include more suggestive humor. In 2009, actress and comedienne Kim Coles became the first black woman to host a prime time game show, Pay It Off. The rise of digital television in the United States opened up a large market for rerun programs.
Esoteric or Sufi interpretation attempts to unveil the inner meanings of the Quran. Sufism moves beyond the apparent (zahir) point of the verses and instead relates Quranic verses to the inner or esoteric (batin) and metaphysical dimensions of consciousness and existence. According to Sands, esoteric interpretations are more suggestive than declarative, they are allusions (isharat) rather than explanations (tafsir). They indicate possibilities as much as they demonstrate the insights of each writer.
Eroge was known for being more graphic on personal computers than consoles, so when the game was ported to the PC Engine and Saturn, the cutscenes were completely redrawn to be less graphic, albeit more suggestive. The scenes on the Saturn are not visually explicit, but are fully voice acted, including sounds of moans. The Saturn version is the most censored. The text scrolling in the original was also replaced with voice acting in the console versions.
The tour video recording was filmed in Ogden, Utah, on 12–13 October 1982. An interesting fact is that "Physical" has caused controversy in Utah after two radio stations banned the song because "lyrics are more suggestive than most songs". The video was premiered on HBO on 23 January 1983, as Olivia: Live in Concert TV special. It was later released on VHS and laserdisc by MCA Home Video as Olivia in Concert, becoming a critical and commercial success.
Like these other series, Total Drama is rated TV- PG because it features mild profanity, censored language, brief censored nudity, and some suggestive dialogue. When more suggestive dialogue is present, the episode is rated TV-PG-D. The first three seasons are rated TV- PG-D while the latter two are rated TV-PG. Unlike many other animated shows, this series has a different logo for every season (while each season might have multiple alternate logos).
A comprehensive measure of formal thought disorder is the Thought and Language Disorder (TALD) Scale. Nancy Andreasen preferred to call the thought disorders collectively as thought-language-communication disorders (TLC disorders). Within the Thought, Language, Communication (TLC) Scale up to seven domains of FTD have been described with most of the variance accounted for by just two or three domains. Some TLC disorders are more suggestive of a severe disorder and given priority by listing them in the first 11 items.
Molee's points to several principles his work is based on. ;First principle The ease of the suggestive action is as strong in proportion to the number of times the words and ideas have been associated in consciousness. (Herbert Spencer); All teutonic children have heard a homogeneous words arm and bone; hence armbone would be more suggestive than the Latin heterogeneours humerus. ;2nd principle The more mental energy required to master the words, the less mental energy is left for the ideas contained.
One of the crews was entrusted to Avallone, who Freda had bonded over through their mutual love of horse racing. Avallone stated that he shot things like close-ups and cutaways to save time. Avallone mentioned that two versions of some sequences were shot: the original Italian, which was more suggestive and chaste, and another for foreign markets that was more risque, as Freda did not want to shoot the more explicit scenes. As of 2017, those versions have not been found.
Weis mastered the art of capturing the moment, poetically reproducing the misty light of the early morning, the heat of noon or the haze gathering in the valleys at sunset. Little by little reality gave way to less precise, more suggestive images as Weis concentrated on the essentials. He would rapidly fill out the main lines of his scenes, interpreting them more and more freely until finally his pictures revealed a world of pride and prejudice."Sosthène Weis (1872-1941)" , Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art.
Anti-dsDNA antibodies are incredibly specific for SLE, with studies quoting nearly 100%, and are therefore used in the diagnosis of SLE. Higher titres of anti-dsDNA antibodies are more suggestive of SLE and lower titres can be found in people without the disease. In contrast to the high specificity, estimates of 25-85% have been observed for the sensitivity of anti-dsDNA in SLE. Therefore, presence of anti-dsDNA antibodies are suggestive of SLE, however an absence of the antibodies does not rule out the disease.
Salt Lake Temple Celestial room The veil separates this room from the Terrestrial Room. Again, this room has no murals, but "in finish and furnishings it is the grandest of all the large [ordinance] rooms within the walls" of the temple. Like the Terrestrial Room it has large mirrors, paintings, and chandeliers, but it is more "suggestive of conditions yet more exalted." Instead of theater-style seating for instruction it has tables with floral arrangements as well as comfortable sofas and chairs (Talmadge, 207–209).
The entrance gates to the Sunbury Pop Festival were off Watsons Road, Diggers Rest. Promoters rejected the name of Diggers Rest '72 in favour of Sunbury '72 as being more suggestive of a good time and sunny destination. The festival venue was closer to the smaller township of Diggers Rest, so many attendees who travelled by train alighted at Diggers Rest railway station, and not Sunbury. The Diggers Rest Hotel became a de facto festival bar and site of scuffles between fans and police.
Artefacts uncovered included 11,500 pottery fragments, 100 coins and pieces of jewellery. Some of the finds remain unexplained, such as the discovery of skeletons "buried in ditches placed on their side". Although the skeletons date from the Roman period, this burial practice was said by the senior archaeologist to be "more suggestive of unknown prehistoric rites than Roman practice".Entire Roman village is unearthed in Syon Park , Louise Jury, Chief Arts Correspondent, Evening Standard, 16 November 2010 Syon Park is a Site of Special Scientific Interest.
67-71 In this work, Pandora, the statue in question, plays only a passive role in the competition between Prometheus and his brother Epimetheus (signifying the active life), and between the gods and men. Odilon Redon's c. 1914 oil painting of Pandora as an innocent Eve Another point to note about Calderón’s musical drama is that the theme of a statue married by her creator is more suggestive of the story of Pygmalion. The latter is also typical of Voltaire’s ultimately unproduced opera Pandore (1740).
For the formal credits, see the film's entry at the British Film Institute database, online. The score, by Fred Stewart (an actor), and narration included both informational and more suggestive narration; a comment by Paul Bowles on the film's use of sound provides a useful description: Dick's film proved to be his most influential effort; it is cited in modern scholarship on the region's history, and his photographs of the miners and their families were displayed in a New York gallery to positive reviews.For the film, see Markowitz and Rosner.
It is nearly impossible to differentiate ganglioglioma from other more common intramedullary neoplasms based on imaging alone. Astrocytoma and ependymoma are more familiar intramedullary tumors which share many similar features to ganglioglioma, including T2 hyperintensity, enhancement, tumoral cysts, and cord edema. Poorly defined margins may be more suggestive of astrocytoma, while a central location in the spinal cord, hemorrhage, and hemosiderin staining are often seen with ependymoma. Hemangioblastoma and paraganglioma are less usual intramedullary tumors, but since they are more frequently encountered than ganglioglioma, they should also be included in the differential diagnosis.
The rules above are to be obeyed for large-scale maps. If the map being drawn is a small-scale map (less than 1:500 000 according to Imhof), rules may be relaxed in order to obtain a more suggestive representation. Hachures are still used today on Large Scale maps to show slopes and on British Ordnance Survey Maps and also in various countries toposheets to show Road and Railway Cutting and Embankments. On British OS Maps they have become long triangles with the short base at the top, and always pointing downwards.
Local lore dates the building's center block to 1765, when Benjamin Whitaker owned what was then a property but the hand-hewn timbers visible in the basement, and the finishes used are not consistent with that period. They, and the overall plan, are more suggestive of a circa-1790 construction date. Richard Wood, the first known occupant of the house, did not settle it until 1772. His house was used for early meetings of the nearby Primitive Baptist Church of Brookfield until the church that still bears that name was built in 1792.
The Mushroom House or Pod House is a contemporary residence in the town of Perinton, New York, which has been featured in television programs (notably HGTV's Offbeat America series) and books (notably the Weird U.S. series) due to its whimsical appearance. Patterned after umbels of Queen's Anne's Lace, its brown color is more suggestive of mushrooms. The house was constructed for attorney-artist couple Robert and Marguerite Antell between 1970 and 1972 and was designated a town landmark in 1989. The structure is sited in a moderately-wooded ravine adjacent to Powder Mills Park.
Billy Joe slowly repeats the word, "damnation". Meanwhile, Tennessee walks over to the truck and tells Fanny that "I prefer the older stuff", while looking at her appreciatively. After he makes a few more suggestive remarks and, opening the truck door, reaches to touch her, Fanny responds, "I think you've said just about enough, young man". Meanwhile, Billy Joe asks Willis if he expects to make a lot of money tonight and Willis tells him that it could be a good crowd and maybe he will see him there.
Beacon specialized in softcore pornography, and changed the titles of most of the books they published to be more suggestive. The last title, Sin in Space (originally Outpost Mars), by Cyril Judd (a pseudonym for Cyril Kornbluth and Judith Merril) appeared in 1961. Two years later a second series, Galaxy Magabooks, appeared; each of these consisted of two short novels, both by the same author, published in a single volume. Only three were released; the last, And My Fear Is Great/Baby Is Three by Theodore Sturgeon, appeared in 1964.
The grouping of the pieces reflects the needs of the Ballet. Whilst the orchestration retains the period feel (for example, the ornamentation), the Ballet suggested more recent combinations of instruments: for example the opening section of the Carillon is arranged for Glockenspiel, Celesta, Harp and Harpsichord which is more suggestive of a Tchaikovsky ballet than the French Baroque. Strauss also composed codas to end several of the movements. "Strauss seems to have made a purposeful attempt to integrate the past and the 1923 present, whereby his Tanzesuite has a special relationship to canonized neoclassicism".
Boudoir photography is a photographic style featuring intimate, sensual, romantic, and sometimes erotic images of its subjects in a photographic studio, bedroom or private dressing room environment, primarily intended for the private enjoyment of the subjects and their romantic partners. It is distinct from glamour and art nude photography in that it is usually more suggestive rather than explicit in its approach to nudity and sexuality, features subjects who do not regularly model, and produces images that are not intended to be seen by a wide audience, but rather to remain under the control of the subject.
The old woman can be viewed as either the girl's procuress or her attentive mother. The fine dress of the girl and the attention she has paid to her appearance, witnessed by the articles on the table, could be to attract a customer or equally, to secure a husband. The dog behind the chair is reminiscent of many similar depictions of domestic scenes of the time, but here it is a scruffy cur rather than a pampered spaniel. Nevertheless, the stiff upright pose of the girl is more suggestive of a formal setting than of the louche atmosphere of a brothel.
350, quoted in Kinnaird 1978, p. 365. Another rare exception was the Scottish journalist Alexander Ireland, who in a brief memoir of Hazlitt in 1889 wrote that Hazlitt's book on Shakespeare, "although it professes to be dramatic criticism, is in reality a discourse on the philosophy of life and human nature, more suggestive than many approved treatises expressly devoted to that subject."Ireland 1889, p. xxv. For the most part, although Hazlitt continued to be read and his influence was to a degree felt, he was throughout most of the remainder of the nineteenth century infrequently cited as a critic.
The Hartford Courant obtained a printout of one purported e-mail exchange between Kristine Shaw and Cugno, dated March 1, 2004. In it, Shaw purportedly wrote Cugno that "it will be important to be able to have enough time for at least 3 or 4 times," with later language in the brief message becoming more suggestive. The printout also included a reply sent to Shaw soon after her suggestive message. The two-word message - "I promise" - appeared to have come from Cugno's military e-mail account and bore an electronic signature indicating it had been sent over his Blackberry wireless communication device.
Because of the small size of the fragments, they have been interpreted as having been nibbled from plants or chopped in the mouth, evidence of some method of retaining food in the mouth. These small fragments may have come from twigs or stems, but their size is more suggestive of vascular bundles in leaves. The clean cuts and lack of gastroliths suggest that the animal relied on oral processing instead of gastroliths or grit to grind food. The seeds (0.3 mm [0.01 in] across) and fruiting bodies (4.5 mm [0.18 in] across) were apparently swallowed whole.
Originally, the band Blondie was approached to write and perform the theme song for the film. They produced a song also called For Your Eyes Only that they turned in to the producers, however, this was rejected because the company wanted the Conti song and the band refused, and subsequently asked Easton to record an entirely new theme. Blondie eventually released their song on the 1982 album The Hunter. The track Make It Last All Night, performed by Rage and used for the scene at hitman Gonzales' Spanish poolside, is notable for lyrics more suggestive than in almost any other Bond film.
Blues pianist Roosevelt Sykes (listed as "the Honey Dripper") recorded "Night Time Is the Right Time" in 1937.Decca Records 7324 Called "one of his 'hits' of the day", it is a moderate-tempo twelve-bar blues that features Sykes on vocal and piano. It has been suggested that it was "drawn from the old vaudeville tradition": In 1938, Big Bill Broonzy recorded the song with slightly different (and more suggestive) lyrics.Vocalion Records 4149 The same year, Roosevelt Sykes recorded a second version titled "Night Time Is the Right Time #2",Decca 7438 also with slightly different lyrics.
Cellular memory (CM) is a parallel hypothesis to BM positing that memories can be stored outside the brain in all cells. The idea that non-brain tissues can have memories is believed by some who have received organ transplants, though this is considered impossible. The author said the stories are intriguing though and may lead to some serious scientific investigation in the future. In his book TransplantNation Douglas Vincent suggests that atypical newfound memories, thoughts, emotions and preferences after an organ transplant are more suggestive of immunosuppressant drugs and the stress of surgery on perception than of legitimate memory transference.
A suggestive question is one that implies that a certain answer should be given in response, or falsely presents a presupposition in the question as accepted fact. Such a question distorts the memory thereby tricking the person into answering in a specific way that might or might not be true or consistent with their actual feelings, and can be deliberate or unintentional. For example, the phrasing "Don't you think this was wrong?" is more suggestive than "Do you think this was wrong?" despite the difference of only one word. The former may subtly pressure the respondent into responding "yes", whereas the latter is far more direct.
As well as its sequels in the Confessions series it spawned another unrelated series of films which began with Adventures of a Taxi Driver (1976). The film made Robin Askwith a star in the UK. When the films were originally released they were regarded as very risqué and essentially soft core pornography, owing to the amount of nudity involved – generally female, with Robin Askwith being the only male shown naked. However the sex scenes themselves are more suggestive than explicit, being essentially played for laughs. Nonetheless, it was not until 1997 that Channel 5 became the first British terrestrial channel to show the entire series of Confessions films.
Film critic Bosley Crowther lambasted the film and wrote, "Except for a few moody moments in a plaster night-club, called the Moulin Rouge, and some shadowy shots of sloppy Syrians lying around in dingy catacombs, the scene is no more suggestive of Damascus than a Shriners' convention in New Orleans, on which occasion you would see more fezzes than ever show up in this film. For the most part—indeed, for the sole part—Sirocco wafts a torpid tale of a slick, sneering gun-runner proving a painful thorn in a nice French colonel's side."Crowther, Bosley. The New York Times, film review, June 14, 1951.
The quartet, like all but the first of Villa-Lobos's works in the medium, consists of four movements: #Allegro non troppo #Molto Vivo #Molto Adagio #Allegro con fuoco The opening of the first movement establishes a motive that recurs throughout the quartet in various transformations. At first, it recalls Prokofiev or Shostakovich, but later is given a context more suggestive of Ravel. The generally pentatonic melodic contours and long ostinatos initially tend toward monotony and inexpressiveness, but the ostinatos give way to a more plastic and lively treatment later in the movement. The second movement, Molto vivo, was listed in the programme for the premiere performance as "Scherzo satirico".
Having previously worked for The Chicago Sun-Times, Asimov began working for The New York Times in 1984 as an editor in national news. From 1991 to 1994, he was the editor of the Living Section and, from 1994 to 1995 he edited the Styles of The Times section. In 1992, Asimov conceived and wrote the "$25 and Under" column, dedicated to "restaurants where people can eat lavishly for $25 and under."$25 and Under: A Guide to the Best Inexpensive Restaurants in New York, 1995 After several years of penning the column, the term "$25 and under" became less literal and more suggestive of inexpensive fare.
Besides the 26 letters of the ISO basic Latin alphabet,ISO basic Latin alphabet is derived from the English alphabet hence its 26 letters. Fraktur includes the ß ( ), vowels with umlauts, and the ſ (long s). Some Fraktur typefaces also include a variant form of the letter r known as the r rotunda, and many a variety of ligatures which are left over from cursive handwriting and have rules for their use. Most older Fraktur typefaces make no distinction between the majuscules "I" and "J" (where the common shape is more suggestive of a "J"), even though the minuscules "i" and "j" are differentiated.
The stadium was used in the filming of a key scene in The Natural, a 1984 film set in the 1930s, as a stand-in for Wrigley Field in Chicago, which was unavailable. Although there is some ivy along the walls suggesting Wrigley, the upper deck in the outfield is more suggestive of Chicago's other major ballpark of that era, Comiskey Park. In some portions of the scene, football lines are visible, which is not anomalous, as both Chicago parks served as homes to football teams at that time. In fact, All-High Stadium has only a single level of stands with a roof.
Bartolommeo's second account is more suggestive and points toward another element in the witches' 'flights'. It concerns a certain notary of Lugano who, unable to find his wife one morning, searched for her all over their estate and finally discovered her lying deeply unconscious, naked and filthy with her vagina exposed, in a corner of the pigsty. The notary 'immediately understood that she was a witch' (!) and at first wanted to kill her on the spot, but, thinking better of such rashness, waited until she recovered from her stupor, in order to question her. Terrified by his wrath, the poor woman fell to her knees and confessed that during the night she had 'been on a journey'.
It is generally accepted by art historians that the Louvre version is the earlier work. Martin Davies, former director of the National Gallery, described the painting in the Louvre as being stylistically close to Leonardo's earlier works and the London painting more suggestive of his maturer style, and therefore that later of the two, and derivative of the Louvre painting. Most authors agree that the Louvre painting was the one that was painted to fulfil the commission of 1483.Kemp, Zöllner and others Some writers, including Martin Davies, feel that 1483 is too late a date for the Louvre version, and suggest that the painting had already been begun and perhaps completed in Florence before the commission.
The production received good reviews, but the critic Michael Billington believed that it was more suggestive of Fletcher than Shakespeare. In August 2012, the Hudson Shakespeare Company of New Jersey staged an adaptation of Double Falsehood as part of their summer outdoor Shakespeare in the Parks season billing the show as "Cardenio, the lost Shakespeare". While the basic script adhered to the same structure of Double Falsehood, director Jon Ciccarelli modified the character names to match up with their Cervantes counterparts along with adding scenic material, music, stage combat choreography and dance to further flesh out the central Cardenio story. In 2012 Terri Bourus directed a production of Gary Taylor's "unadaptation" of Cardenio, an attempt to reverse Theobald's alterations of the original.
In the complex plane C2, ellipses and hyperbolas are not distinct: one may consider a hyperbola as an ellipse with an imaginary axis length. For example, the ellipse x^2+y^2=1 becomes a hyperbola under the substitution y=iw, geometrically a complex rotation, yielding x^2-w^2=1. Thus there is a 2-way classification: ellipse/hyperbola and parabola. Extending the curves to the complex projective plane, this corresponds to intersecting the line at infinity in either 2 distinct points (corresponding to two asymptotes) or in 1 double point (corresponding to the axis of a parabola); thus the real hyperbola is a more suggestive real image for the complex ellipse/hyperbola, as it also has 2 (real) intersections with the line at infinity.
During the course of Old Dame Trot and her Wonderful Cat (1803), the Dame looks in the cupboard for fish but finds none, "for puss had been there before". Two more suggestive stanzas follow:The Moving Adventure of Old Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat, Darton 1807, pp.3-5 > She went to the butcher’s To buy her some meat, When she came back She lay > dead at her feet. She went to the undertaker’s For a coffin and shroud, When > she came back Puss sat up and mewed Thereafter the cat continues to perform household chores and comic feats and the two exchange courtesies in the final stanza, much as do Mother Hubbard and her dog at the end of Ms Martin's work.
A 1998 postage stamp from Germany, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. When the General Assembly adopted the Declaration, with 48 states in favor and eight abstentions, it was proclaimed as a "common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations", towards which individuals and societies should "strive by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance". The measure was received by both advocates and critics alike as "being more declarative than legislative, more suggestive than binding." Although the Declaration with its broad range of political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights is not a binding document, it inspired more than 60 human rights instruments which together constitute an international standard of human rights.
It seems that in the examples given above that Cornysh may have been emulating Browne (his own Stabat mater features a celebrated madrigalian setting of "crucifige", and his O Maria salvatoris Mater features the exclamation "En" (="Oh") in a similar way to Cornysh's interjection in his Stabat mater). Thus it seems that the Eton Cornysh was writing after Browne, and this would place his work amongst the later ones of the Eton Choirbook: additionally the approaches do not seem to be those of an older man, being much more suggestive of a young and original composer. The traditional ascription of all the works to Cornysh junior is the one more generally accepted. However, the possibility that the Eton works are the works of a generation earlier remains, and has interesting implications if true.
The second, third and fourth years were progressively organized every succeeding year thereafter. The school was transferred to its temporary site at the Provincial Capitol compound in the school year 1981-82. In school year 1982-83, a resolution requested a change from the name Aklan Development High School to Science Development High School of Aklan (SDHSA) to make it more suggestive of its Special Science Secondary Education Curriculum. Approval of the change of name was signed by MEC Minister Onofre D. Corpus on December 23, 1982. On June 21, 1991, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan approved a resolution donating a portion of one hectare of the real property acquired by the provincial government from the Development Bank of the Philippines to the SDHSA and authorizing the provincial governor to execute the Deed of Donation.
In 1971, Ivan Illich envisioned 'learning webs' as a model for people to network the learning they needed: :I will use the words "opportunity web" for "network" to designate specific ways to provide access to each of four sets of resources. "Network" is often used, unfortunately, to designate the channels reserved to material selected by others for indoctrination, instruction, and entertainment. But it can also be used for the telephone or the postal service, which are primarily accessible to individuals who want to send messages to one another. I wish we had another word to designate such reticular structures for mutual access, a word less evocative of entrapment, less degraded by current usage and more suggestive of the fact that any such arrangement includes legal, organizational, and technical aspects.
" It is once more suggestive that Sidney is portraying God as a more understanding being in his translation of Psalm 23. While David says he knows he will not stray because of the Lord, Sidney states that even though he may be led astray, he knows that the lord will lead him back on the right path, creating an image of a more forgiving God not found within the Old Testament. Another key alteration that Sir Philip Sidney makes is changing "the enemy", as mentioned in David's version of Psalm 23. David evokes a sense of the enemy as more than just on the battlefield, but also those who are unfaithful, sin itself and anyone who opposes Christianity, whereas Sidney changes this to the "foe", and stating " Ev'n when foe's envious eye Doth it espy.
MRI scans of the brain in one study showed that among people who had experienced TGA, all had cavities in the hippocampus, and these cavities were far more numerous, larger, and more suggestive of pathological damage than in either healthy controls or a large control group of people with tumor or stroke. Verbal and cognitive impairments have been observed days after TGA attacks, of such severity that the researchers estimated the effects would be unlikely to resolve within a short time frame. A large neurocognitive study of patients more than a year after their attack has shown persistent effects consistent with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI-a) in a third of the people who had experienced TGA. In another study, "selective cognitive dysfunctions after the clinical recovery" were observed, suggesting a prefrontal impairment.
Feather wear can make the wing shape of the two resemble the other but the larger head and less compact frame of the imperial species render its flight profile distinctive. The only darker large booted eagle encountered by the eastern imperial eagle, in its African winter quarters, is the jet-black Verreaux's eagle (Aquila verreauxii) which is more suggestive in size and proportions of the golden eagle. An unlikely source of confusion, the Verreaux's differs in almost all plumage characteristics and has far more tapered wings that pinch in at the base and, like the golden eagle, tends to fly in a fairly strong dihedral. In Asia, its proportions and size may be suggestive of the perhaps even rarer Pallas's fish eagle (Haliaeetus leucoryphus) and the two can potentially be mistaken in strongly backlit conditions which obscure their obviously distinct plumages.
Early music enthusiast Nicholas S. Lander maintains that "the high tessitura, the typical 'breaking' between octaves, and other characteristics are more suggestive of a soprano recorder." Compared to the other tracks on Axis: Bold As Love, "If 6 Was 9" suffers from an unusually large amount of tape noise, dropouts, and overall "rough" sound quality. According to Hendrix biographer John McDermott, the master tape used for the album was a quarter-inch open reel tape belonging to bassist Noel Redding, containing an early rough mix of the song. This technically inferior copy (intended for a home tape player) had to be used at the last minute since the album's final stereo master tape had been accidentally lost, and "If 6 Was 9" was the one song that Hendrix and engineer Eddie Kramer could not satisfactorily remix.
As early as 1981, SelecTV aired more suggestive R-rated movies and softcore versions of pornographic films on its "Adult Theater" programming block. To enable parental control, the scrambling scheme was slightly different from their regular fare and a key switch on the descrambler unit could lock out decoding of the adult programming. Another thing that made the channel unique was its policy of incorporating R-rated movies throughout the broadcast day, at a time when other pay services restricted R-rated content until after 8 p.m. SelecTV also transmitted its C-band satellite feed "in the clear" (unscrambled) for a longer time than rivals HBO and Showtime. In 1986, SelecTV produced one original, non-sports series: the half-hour comedy Channel K. The title of the series was chosen to mock one of SelecTV’s early competitors, Z Channel.
Traditional scholars agree that some passages of the Quran leave certain ideas implied rather than stated and that, from the outset, the Quran cautions that some verses are literal in meaning, while others, named "mutashabihat", are metaphorical in meaning: :"It is God who has sent down to you the book: In it are verses clear (muhkamat), they are the foundation of the book, others are unspecific (mutashabihat)." (Quran 3:7) Esoteric exegesis attempts to unveil the inner meaning of the Quran by moving beyond the apparent point of the verses and relating Quranic verses to the inner and the metaphysical dimensions of consciousness and existence. The exoteric aspect is the literal word, the law, and the material text of the Quran, and the esoteric aspect is the hidden meaning. Esoteric interpretations are more suggestive than declarative and are 'allusions' rather than 'explanations' and indicate possibilities as much as they demonstrate the insights of each writer.
Wright, David "The South Kensington Music Schools and the Development of the British Conservatoire in the Late Nineteenth Century", Journal of the Royal Musical Association, Vol. 130, No. 2 (2005), pp. 236–282 The NTSM's aim, summarised in its founding charter, was: The school was housed in a new building in Kensington Gore, opposite the west side of the Royal Albert Hall. The building was not large, having only 18 practice rooms and no concert hall. In a 2005 study of the NTSM and its replacement by the RCM, David Wright observes that the building is "more suggestive of a young ladies' finishing school than a place for the serious training of professional musicians". Under Sullivan, a reluctant and ineffectual principal, the NTSM failed to provide a satisfactory alternative to the Royal Academy and, by 1880, a committee of examiners comprising Charles Hallé, Sir Julius Benedict, Sir Michael Costa, Henry Leslie and Otto Goldschmidt reported that the school lacked "executive cohesion".
Two weeks after she was crowned Miss France, pictures of Bègue taken before her election, fully clothed but in suggestive poses on rather tame pictures, were released by French tabloid "Entrevue". The President of the Miss France contest, Geneviève de Fontenay, went on French radio to insist that Valérie Bègue should step down and return her crown, or that she would be forcibly disqualified. Fontenay told reporters that if Endemol, the production company which owns the Miss France contest, disagreed with her decision, she would stand down as president. On a previous occasion, Fontenay had obtained the temporary suspension of Miss France 2004, Lætitia Bléger, for much more suggestive pictures published in the French edition of Playboy magazine, as a Miss France winner is contractually obligated not to pose for controversial pictures for five years after winning the title and an entrant in the Miss France contest must state that she has never posed for nude or partially nude pictures beforehand.
In 2001, Jean Pascal Zanders of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)'s Chemical and Biological Warfare Project also dismissed the allegations, arguing that "The coloring of the victims is more suggestive of sarin, which was in Iraq's arsenal." Leo Casey, writing in Dissent Magazine in 2003, observed that Pelletiere's analysis was based solely on images and testimony of blue discolorations and ignored all other evidence—including the recollections of hundreds of Kurdish witnesses; academic studies based on medical examinations, soil samples, and autopsies; and captured Iraqi government documents—proving Iraqi culpability. Hiltermann noted that although cyanosis (the medical term for the blue discolorations in question) is etymologically related to cyanide, the former condition indicates only a blood supply deprived of oxygen, and is in no way sufficient to diagnose cyanide poisoning; in fact, "it could just as easily suggest the use of a nerve agent." Furthermore, "Even the proven presence of cyanide gas at Halabja would not necessarily implicate Iran," for two reasons outlined by Hiltermann.
Over the next decade, Tanning's painting evolved, becoming less explicit and more suggestive. Now working in Paris and Huismes, France, she began to move away from Surrealism and develop her own style. During the mid-1950s, her work radically changed and her images became increasingly fragmented and prismatic, exemplified in works such as Insomnias (1957, Moderna Museet, Stockholm). As she explains, "Around 1955 my canvases literally splintered... I broke the mirror, you might say". Dorothea Tanning, Hôtel du Pavot, Chambre 202 (Poppy Hotel, Room 202) 1970-73, mixed media, 133 7/8 x 122 1/8 x 185 in./340 x 310 x 470 cm, Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, ©The Estate of Dorothea Tanning By the late 1960s, Tanning’s paintings were almost completely abstract, yet always suggestive of the female form. From 1969 to 1973, Tanning embarked on what she described as "an intense five- year adventure in soft sculpture," concentrating on a body of three-dimensional works in fabric. Five of these sculptures comprise the installation Hôtel du Pavot, Chambre 202 (1970–73) that is now in the permanent collection of the Musée National d'Art Moderne at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.

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