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166 Sentences With "more stressed"

How to use more stressed in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more stressed" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more stressed". Mastering all the usages of "more stressed" from sentence examples published by news publications.

This just made me feel worse and more stressed out.
"I wasn't any more stressed out than usual," he said.
Stop reading everything if it just gets you more stressed.
Women are getting more stressed while men are more relaxed.
"We're more stressed than anyone can imagine," Mr. Fang said.
Not sleeping makes you more stressed and gives you anxiety.
Then they get more stressed from not being able to sleep.
Can students possibly feel any more stressed than they already are?
I started feeling more and more marginalized and feeling more stressed.
However, that tempering process also makes the interior of glass more stressed.
Otherwise, you risk marinating in those feelings and getting even more stressed.
Throw in the holidays, and you could wind up even more stressed.
"Sometimes I think the parents are more stressed than the students," Amott said.
Various studies show that women are typically more stressed about money than men.
That, too, is one of the reasons women feel more stressed, she says.
When women don't reach this ideal, they feel guilty and even more stressed.
At this moment, Felix is more stressed than you or I have ever been.
It's important to note that not every group is feeling more stressed than usual.
I think that young people are more stressed out today because of social media.
The economists find that modern employment patterns probably mean that today's workers are more stressed.
These animals didn't seem any more stressed out than if they were just standing around.
As for me, I didn't want to get more stressed out than I already was.
The less I sleep and the more stressed I am, the louder the ringing gets.
"Ultimately, having endless choices doesn't make us happier—it makes us more stressed," says Greenfield.
Various studies show that women in general are more stressed about money than are men.
And those who reported being more stressed were 50 percent more likely to distrust colleagues.
For one, narcissists might be more stressed than non-narcissists because they're actually more insecure.
The BSC says that their research shows that when teens feel more stressed, their sleep suffers.
I honestly don't think I was any more stressed than any other mother-of-the-bride.
I am way more stressed now that I'm not working, at home with two little ones.
Doctors will also have to reassure parents who may now be even more stressed than normal.
Studies show that the less assimilated parents are to American culture, the more stressed the children.
And a non-pet-person might wind up more stressed and worse off overall with either.
Millennials and Gen Xers also reported that they were more stressed about gift giving than older generations.
Don't expect to or try to do more, because you'll get frustrated and even more stressed out.
And we all got more stressed as the number of new COVID-19 cases kept rising everywhere.
And they're more stressed about it than other generations, according to an Insider and Morning Consult survey.
"People are more stressed on the airport and airlines side of things, and they blame both," Taylor said.
It's healthy to take a break while studying or else I'll be more stressed than I actually am.
Women report being more stressed than men and are twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety disorders.
In fact, almost every student came up to me after that panel and said they felt more stressed.
Another find from Johnson's study was that people who were more stressed tended to have smaller social networks.
While construction sites are short-handed, workers become more stressed and exhausted, potentially leading to more deadly mistakes.
But not sleeping, in addition to making you less efficient and more stressed, is terrible for your health.
Her memory is suspect and, as the police inspector reveals, her recall gets worse the more stressed she becomes.
"Should we see a downturn in the economy ... that will be an area that is more stressed," he added.
This sends less oxygen to the brain, causing us to become even more stressed and to think less clearly.
It's easy to think that our phones and all the addictive apps on them are making us more stressed.
Almost all adults surveyed say they follow the news regularly, and 56 percent say it makes them more stressed.
And if you're from the American South, your blood pressure will be higher, and you'll be more stressed out.
Between climate change, unaffordable healthcare, debt, and the inability to date, it's no wonder we're more stressed than ever.
Instead of letting go, I ended up more stressed because I couldn't do what I wanted so badly to do.
The numbers are significantly lower for investors, 19863% of whom said they are more stressed now than five years ago.
So then they keep taking their blood pressure, and the numbers keep going up, because they get even more stressed.
However, do note that some pets might actually get more stressed out seeing their human trapped in a tiny screen.
"Over the past four years I've noticed her getting more and more stressed when it comes to school," she wrote.
Ironically, the more stressed you are about money, the more difficult it may be to be make good financial decisions.
Millennials are more stressed about their debt than other generations, a new survey from Insider and Morning Consult has found.
But Sugar, Tran, and Velema were possibly more stressed about writing a song for a mythical alien like Yellow Diamond.
"My inbox is the who's who of Silicon Valley," Bier says, sounding more stressed out and under-slept than arrogant.
Residents here are more stressed and less satisfied with their health and fitness than in any other city in America.
Apart from the obvious drawbacks, like going into debt, Morin says that indulging in too much retail therapy could lead to a vicious cycle where the more stressed out or upset you are, the more you buy, and the more you buy, the more stressed out you (and your bank account and storage closets) are.
The more stressed Psyduck gets, the closer his brain gets to exploding with a psychic energy that destroys anything around it.
The harder he works and the more stressed he gets, the more the rashes on his feet seem to flare up.
They were also more stressed about paying off their wedding debts, despite any extra help they might have received from family.
According to data published by the American Psychological Association, Americans are more stressed than ever after the results of the election.
While we're all for staying informed, the current news cycle following the election has made us more stressed out than ever.
American teenagers are more stressed than adults about issues like mass shootings and the separation and deportation of immigrants, polling shows.
He talked about other things because if he talked about the kids all the time then we would get more stressed.
Every choice seemed destined to complicate our lives, making us late to work and more stressed out than we already were.
However, as noted above, Fitch expects FNNI's card portfolio to behave differently in a more stressed cycle compared to 2007-2010.
The more stressed we get, the more we crave and love high sugar, high fat food, and the more weight we gain.
Phoebe was, in a way, relieved to see that her boss was considerably more stressed out by this conference than she was.
In other words, in response to the same stressor, people of low SES may get more stressed than people of high SES.
Just as the internet does not make us socially isolated or more stressed, Facebook and Twitter feeds did not decide the election.
But when analyzed by generation, a particular segment of the American population feels significantly more stressed at work than their counterparts: millennials.
Her findings support that: The more stressed people were at the start of the experiment, the more the natural sounds calmed them.
Allow them the opportunity to correct you — perhaps you see that they're angry, but they really feel more stressed than anything else.
Other research with different experiments shows similar results: narcissists get physically more stressed than less narcissistic people when performing for an audience.
There's a body of research suggesting that constant notifications in an increasingly connected world are making us more frenetic, more stressed, more anxious.
When you put pressure on yourself to orgasm, you become more stressed about not orgasming, which only makes experiencing orgasm that much harder.
If anything, this study shows that people are certainly more stressed out about their weight, which can have a loose connection to health.
Women also feel worse about their student-loan debt: they're more stressed by it and less likely to know how to repay it.
Between domestic duties and emotional labor, research shows, women are more stressed than men are — but it doesn't have to be that way.
Cortisol is an adrenal hormone colloquially known as the "stress hormone" — the higher your cortisol levels, the more stressed you're likely to feel.
If anything, I thought volunteering might make me more stressed, adding an extra obligation to my plate and eating up my down time.
Overall, the poll finds Gen Zers are also more stressed out about the top troubling news stories of our time than adults overall.
Americans are more stressed than they have been at any other time in the past decade, according to data from the American Psychological Association.
Being confronted by these statistics on a daily basis for my job has only left me more stressed out and anxious about not sleeping.
In fact, they seem to be more stressed, and they don't get any leftovers or get to enjoy the comfort of their own home.
Nong Am has never been more stressed, and says there are moments she is so discouraged that she considers giving up Muay Thai altogether.
MORE stressed education and the empowerment of the nation's youth during a video message at a Chance the Rapper concert in Chicago on Saturday.
Frustrating controllers, complicated user interfaces, and games that left me feeling more stressed than relaxed were also all part of my C64 experience growing up.
Between monitoring the baby's growth, preparing for their arrival, and, you know, still caring for yourself, you're likely to be a little more stressed than usual.
Earlier this year, the American Psychological Association found that we're more stressed than ever — and the election was to blame for a large part of that.
As financial experts and news anchors talk about a potential recession, many individuals are feeling more stressed about their finances than they were a year ago.
However, the researchers found that cortisol levels in people lower down the corporate ladder didn't dip as far as people higher up—they were more stressed.
If the workers who do show up to warehouses are more stressed and given bigger routes and are possibly less experienced, incorrect deliveries will be made.
After surveying 7,164 moms in the United States, Today concluded that moms of three are more stressed out than moms of one, two, four or more children.
Millennial business owners, whom Bank of America defines as between 18 and 37 years old, are both more optimistic and more stressed out than their older counterparts.
According to their study, published on Friday in the Journals of Gerontology, people lower on the corporate ladder are, on average, more stressed than people higher up.
"Collectively, the world is more stressed, worried, sad and in pain today than we've ever seen it," Mohamed S. Younis, Gallup's managing editor, wrote in the report.
Schedule a specific time during the day to discuss your divorce Constantly checking your email to get updates on proceedings will make you less productive and more stressed.
The pressures of schoolwork, family life, social life, sports or other activities, combined with a relentless media culture, result in young people being more stressed than ever before.
People on the laid back West Coast reported being more stressed (70 percent) than those in the South (63 percent), the East (60 percent) and the Midwest (60 percent).
Staff shortages mean corrections officers are more stressed, leading to more dangerous working conditions, and the lack of new hires means the work force is rapidly aging, he said.
If you notice that an employee's mood has changed and he or she appears more stressed than usual, it's time to initiate a conversation on how you can help.
New research published in the Canadian Medical Education Journal found that although medical students are much more stressed than their peers, they are not better at coping with that stress.
Sweating before a big meeting or a public speech is surprisingly common, yet sudden sweating in a stressful situation can make even the most confident person feel even more stressed.
A recent survey of investors and financial advisors by the Financial Planning Association along with Janus Henderson and Investopedia found that advisors were, in fact, even more stressed out than investors.
He says that "childhood has become a period of resume-building," leaving kids more stressed about tests and with less time for free play, which is vital to their mental health.
"We'd watch the coverage at night on television, and you almost went to bed more stressed than you were when you were out racing yourself," Burling said in a recent interview.
According to a recent survey commissioned by LendEdu, 11 percent of polled student loan borrowers said they were "more stressed" about "Game of Thrones" than they were about repaying their loans.
The writer loads up a cannon and demolishes many of the techniques intended to improve personal productivity, building the case that they only make us feel even busier and more stressed.
More than half of people feel more stressed as a result of their commute, while 44% said they spent less time with family and friends, and 41% reported doing less physical activity.
Indeed, of a list of 12 measures it tracked, women were found to be more stressed by all of them except being forced to fly economy on medium- or long-haul flights.
"Those who make a lot of money are more stressed than those who make less; thus the benefit of more money is reduced by the cost of making more money, " Oishi says.
They reported feeling more stressed, hateful and other negative emotions and rated the researcher as being more "judgmental," compared to full individuals and the hungry people who did write about emotions earlier.
But over the holidays — even though retail workers may earn extra commission and are able to work more shifts — it can be especially hard, with customers getting even more stressed out and testy.
It was based on the thesis that we were more stressed than ever, and I spent months experimenting with ways to cope, enlisting a team of health specialists and experts to do so.
Farm-raised men, on average, reported that they felt more stressed by the task than city men did, and they actually had higher levels of cortisol, a hormone indicative of stress, in their saliva.
The more stressed out someone is by an image — which can be measured by how much they sweat — the more they overestimated the duration, and the more slowly time seemed to pass for them.
So comfort the couple and other bridesmaids when they're stressed, and complain to "anybody who is not in a position of being deeply enmeshed and more stressed out by your stress," Ms. Eisenhart said.
"With negative news coming from media outlets about coronavirus, people are getting more stressed and panicked and more and more people will need psychological support," Shezlong founder Ahmed Abu ElHaz told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
As an aside, excess heat also causes your gadgets to slow down as they become more stressed, which is something you might notice just from heavy use when you're not in the middle of a heatwave.
Studies on workers in the call center of a mobile phone company, a packaging manufacturer and an oil transportation company show that these employees are more stressed and may experience more work-related discomfort and pain.
Parents and caregivers are also more stressed, Beresin said, adding that rates of suicides have increased in all age groups over the past 20 years and that the stress is passed down to children and teens.
My current boyfriend is someone who I essentially had a crush on for the four years I've known him, and now that we're dating, I feel like I've been more stressed and emotionally down than I was previously.
Women who maintain demanding careers and also believe they are chiefly responsible for managing the domestic front are much more stressed out than women whose partners share in both work and family duties, according to social science research.
Naturally, these effects can make the more impulsive signs feel like they're walking on eggshells, while the signs that are more amenable to this influence probably end up feeling even more stressed and less confident for the retrograde's duration.
A tight labor market and ultra-low unemployment rate has companies more stressed than ever about how to keep talented employees from walking into the arms of their competitors — but that doesn't mean they'll pay those workers much more.
"I would look way more stressed than this if my train was canceled on the way home," Ms. DeWan said as she coped with the cancellation of the 27 she had intended to ride to a 103:210 a.m.
Still, Wu notes that within China, "there is a growing acceptance of science fiction," and that as the economy has grown, people are "getting busier, wealthier and more stressed," which creates a perfect environment for new escapist genre film and television.
Therefore, we believe that making an explicit and transparent grading — and regrading — policy for students to follow would lower the cost of asking given that women told us they are more stressed and have a lower willingness to pay to ask.
Plug or unplug—just decide Some people do better when they steer clear of work and email completely; others have jobs that require at least periodic check-ins or personalities that make them more stressed if they're completely out of contact, Denis says.
Watch this from VICE: And because mothers still do much of the childrearing and household duties—despite the fact that more and more mothers have full-time careers—they are typically the more stressed, exhausted parent who is suffering from nagging mental drain.
Though the study wasn't designed to figure out exactly what these reasons are, Khubchandani pointed to other research showing that Americans are more stressed out, spending more time around screens and smartphones now than in the past, and most especially, working longer hours.
Ralph Angel is already super overwhelmed trying to get the farm off the ground and holding down his warehouse job, and he's even more stressed because his sisters keep calling to check up on him; they clearly don't trust him to get things done.
And so my sense is the highly levered areas of the U.S. economy may in fact become more stressed as these interest rates pick up both because it's picking up at the short end as well as if it picks up at the longer end.
His stress level is really taking its toll, and I'm more stressed each day about not getting enough work done for my clients who also have pressing communications issues and need me to be dependable, not screaming at my child during a Zoom call.
"At times the stress has made me question what the heck I am doing and those close to me have also questioned me as they see me burning the candle at both ends and at times more stressed than I should be," Randolph wrote.
Why it matters: Teens are growing up in a world of publicized mass shootings, dire climate change warnings, poor economic futures without a college degree and extreme political partisanship, and they are more stressed about those things than adults overall, according to the American Psychological Association.
Tech — which for me mostly consists of my laptop and phone — has made me both happier and more stressed out, more engaged with the world and more isolated from my immediate surroundings, more in touch with my friends and family while I see them less and less.
Dr. Bertin, who is the author of "The Family A.D.H.D. Solution" (disclosure: I wrote a blurb for the book), and "Mindful Parenting for A.D.H.D.," said research shows that parents of children with A.D.H.D. are more anxious, more stressed and less confident, and that their marriages may be strained.
I think this comes from doing a lot of sports when I was young (I played tennis for 15 years), and I was always told that when you run a lot, you should drink a lot — and the more stressed you are, the more you find yourself running everywhere.
Read more: 10 mind-blowing facts that show just how dire the student-loan crisis in America isWomen also typically graduate with more student-loan debt than men, and studies have shown that women are more stressed by their debt levels and less likely to understand how to pay it off.
At a time when the country is more stressed and divided than ever, I question whether it's worth tearing each other apart over an ad for a company that peddles this as its mission statement: "to connect the world through fitness, empowering people to be the best version of themselves anywhere, anytime."
Nevertheless, during visits to Egypt in April and May 2016, then-Secretary of State John KerryJohn Forbes KerryA lesson of the Trump, Tlaib, Omar, Netanyahu affair Trump's winning weapon: Time The Memo: O'Rourke looks to hit reset button MORE stressed cooperation against the Islamic State and made no public comment on human rights concerns.
Whether you're more stressed than usual, a little under the weather, or just got caught in a torrential downpour on your walk home from work, a steamy bath is the best remedy — made only more soothing by lighting a few candles around the tub and plopping a fresh bath bomb into the warm water.
While you shouldn't make the decision to move on a whim, it may be worth it to asses whether the place where you live is causing you to feel more stressed financially, overly limited when it comes to your dating options (if you're interested in dating again) or at risk of jumping into an unstable relationship.
By the time the next night's show rolled around, Joel was even more stressed from doing another day of interviews and seeing even more sights with his wife and meeting even more locals and hearing even more crew members backstage ask how his voice felt and telling them that it hurt even more than the night before.
For example, Secretary of State John KerryJohn Forbes KerryA lesson of the Trump, Tlaib, Omar, Netanyahu affair Trump's winning weapon: Time The Memo: O'Rourke looks to hit reset button MORE stressed earlier this year that the United States has as "clear an alliance, and as strong a friendship" with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as it has ever had.
In response, Republican presidential candidate Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE stressed the importance of recognizing and solving radical Islamic terrorism.
"While NIRP undoubtedly helps lower government bond yields, which in isolation represents a loosening of financial conditions, it may be causing the opposite effect on overall financial conditions: widening of credit and equity risk premiums, increased volatility and reduced credit availability from a more stressed bank system," analyst Scott A. Mather, CIO of Pimco's U.S. core strategies, said in the report.
How stress actually caused her to lose her two front teeth as an adult, Moore didn't explain — and Fallon didn't ask before they proceeded to suck the helium out of balloons and finish the interview in squeaky voices, while the rest of the world suddenly became even more stressed about the idea that their stress might make their teeth fall out.
" Responding to the attack, acting Secretary of Defense Patrick ShanahanPatrick Michael ShanahanWhy Dave Norquist is the perfect choice for DOD's deputy secretary Five questions for Trump's new defense secretary on first major tour Trump says media is part of vetting his nominees: 'We save a lot of money that way' MORE stressed Wednesday that the "fight against terrorism is ongoing.
Defense Secretary Mark EsperMark EsperCongress set for showdown with Trump over Kurds Newsom mocks photo of Defense officials with Trump: 'The diversity is truly overwhelming' The Hill's Morning Report - White House escalates impeachment battle royal MORE stressed in August that the United States would find a Turkish incursion into northern Syria "unacceptable" and would seek to prevent such an operation.
The indictment also makes no allegation that Americans had any knowledge of the influence effort, a point Deputy Attorney General Rod RosensteinRod RosensteinWhy the presumption of innocence doesn't apply to Trump McCabe sues FBI, DOJ, blames Trump for his firing Rosenstein: Trump should focus on preventing people from 'becoming violent white supremacists' MORE stressed on Friday when unveiling the charges.
Kirk registers to lobby MORE, one of the few Republicans up for reelection who has openly denounced Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE, stressed his opposition to the GOP presidential nominee in a new Spanish language ad Tuesday.
Speaking to reporters Thursday, acting Defense Secretary Patrick ShanahanPatrick Michael ShanahanWhy Dave Norquist is the perfect choice for DOD's deputy secretary Five questions for Trump's new defense secretary on first major tour Trump says media is part of vetting his nominees: 'We save a lot of money that way' MORE stressed that the weapon tested was not a ballistic missile while declining to elaborate on any more specifics.
IDP chairman Tom PriceThomas (Tom) Edmunds PriceDNC chair says app used in Iowa won't be used in other primary states Hillicon Valley: Iowa chaos highlights misinformation threat | Officials blame app for delayed results | Company offers 'regret' | Nevada officials drop plans to use app | Ohio ramps up election security Company behind Iowa Democratic caucus app expresses 'regret' MORE stressed in a statement Tuesday that "there was not a cyber security intrusion" into the caucus.
IDP chair Tom PriceThomas (Tom) Edmunds PriceDNC chair says app used in Iowa won't be used in other primary states Hillicon Valley: Iowa chaos highlights misinformation threat | Officials blame app for delayed results | Company offers 'regret' | Nevada officials drop plans to use app | Ohio ramps up election security Company behind Iowa Democratic caucus app expresses 'regret' MORE stressed in a statement Tuesday that "there was not a cyber security intrusion" into the caucus.
Defense Secretary James MattisJames Norman MattisOnly Donald Trump has a policy for Afghanistan New Pentagon report blames Trump troop withdrawal for ISIS surge in Iraq and Syria Mattis returns to board of General Dynamics MORE stressed that the strikes were aimed at crippling the Syrian government's chemical weapons capabilities and were meant as a warning to Assad following an apparent chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburb of Douma last weekend that left dozens of people dead.
Former Defense Secretary James MattisJames Norman MattisMattis: 'I don't know how I could have spoken more loudly' against Trump than by quitting What Mattis gets wrong: Alliances also need rebuilding at home Mattis: Military leaders must be prepared to deal with sexual relationships as women integrate into combat roles MORE stressed during an event Tuesday that military leadership must be equipped to deal with integrating women into rifle platoons, particularly if male and female soldiers form sexual relationships.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Gina McCarthyRegina (Gina) McCarthyOvernight Energy: Critics accuse Interior's top lawyer of misleading Congress | Boaty McBoatface makes key climate change discovery | Outrage over Trump's order to trim science advisory panels Trump's order to trim science advisory panels sparks outrage Overnight Energy: Trump order to trim science panels sparks outrage | Greens ask watchdog to investigate Interior's records policies | EPA to allow use of pesticide harmful to bees MORE stressed that the federal government ought to help those areas find new sources of economic development and move beyond coal.
Democratic presidential candidate Marianne WilliamsonMarianne WilliamsonMarianne Williamson on impeachment: Trump's actions 'too perilous' not to continue inquiry Marianne Williamson: DNC is 'dictating' rather than 'facilitating the process of democracy' Marianne Williamson explains how she, Tulsi, and Yang have been marginalized MORE stressed Monday that House Democrats have to continue to move forward on their impeachment inquiry against President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump says he doesn't want NYT in the White House Veterans group backs lawsuits to halt Trump's use of military funding for border wall Schiff punches back after GOP censure resolution fails MORE, saying his actions have been "perilous" to our democracy.

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