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361 Sentences With "more resistant"

How to use more resistant in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more resistant" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more resistant". Mastering all the usages of "more resistant" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Consumers might be more resistant to the transition than expected.
Infowars is proving to be one of the more resistant.
False: No one ethnicity is more resistant to the coronavirus
But other tasks have proven more resistant to digital transformation.
Engineers would learn to design structures far more resistant to flames.
The more we use antibiotics, the more resistant these superbugs become.
And stronger, more resistant bacteria means less and less effective antibiotics.
People without working CCR5 genes are more resistant to HIV infection.
Voting by mail is inherently more resistant to wholesale voter fraud.
People with B or AB blood types are more resistant, too.
The iPhone has progressively become more resistant to casual exposure to water.
Pence, McGahn and Kushner were on board, Priebus and Bannon more resistant.
Engineered stone doesn't react to acids and is more resistant to scratching.
It could also make the records more resistant to tampering and hacking.
This might make them more resistant to attack by the new virus.
It's a vicious cycle that means bacteria are growing ever more resistant.
But the $35-billion-a-year treatment industry has proved far more resistant.
Most of the changes are to make the genomes more resistant to mutations.
"You could see they became more stable; more resistant after 2004," Mellin said.
Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms will be more resistant to manipulation.
So yes, more resistant lice are an issue, but not a new one.
John Flanagan, the Republican majority leader in the state senate, seems more resistant.
Using fluoride toothpaste also helps harden teeth, making them more resistant to bacteria.
"Bacteria can mutate into more resistant strands with overuse of antibacterials," Dr. Engelman says.
So every time we take an antibiotic, we risk creating stronger, more resistant bacteria.
This is a clear and ominous sign that the parasites are becoming more resistant.
Some of the most contagious narratives are newer, more resistant variants of old ones.
NASA, however, may have found a novel solution in the form of more resistant electronics.
Still, the branches of a tree could be traced along the ever-more-resistant bacteria.
Specifically, He altered a gene to make the cells more resistant to the HIV virus.
A metallic rim holds the whole tracker together and makes it more resistant to drops.
The rate cut helps make the market a little more resistant to a sell off.
This layer of compression creates a surface that's more resistant to damage from everyday use.
Their blood-insulin levels fluctuated less after fasting, suggesting they were more resistant to diabetes.
Unfortunately, that strategy can also make the mosquitoes less competitive and more resistant to mating.
Fluorocarbon is a newer, stiffer, more resistant fishing line that's almost invisible in the water.
Common problems like STDs and urinary tract infections are also becoming more resistant to treatment.
This time around, Volkswagen was also officially neutral, but its posture was much more resistant.
Small stocks tend to be more resistant to tariffs because they are usually domestically oriented.
Even a majority of Republicans, who are more resistant to drug policy reform, back legalization.
White-collar suburbanites in the South still appear much more resistant to Democrats than elsewhere.
Some bodies take to waist training very easily, while others are a little more resistant.
Trump supporters were more resistant to the nudge, but they were nudged all the same.
There's nothing about Hungarian Facebook that makes it more resistant to fake news than Brazilian Facebook.
According to Google, the production process also makes the keys more resistant to supply chain attacks.
Last year it suggested these fuel sources were more resistant to cyber threats, an unsure claim.
"Some species are disappearing, but some species that are more resistant will stay," said Ms. Valois.
"Wood is more elastic than marble, so it is more resistant" to wear, Mr. Violini said.
But so far, the company has been a lot more resistant to changing its US menus.
Today's House Republican conference is smaller, more rural and more resistant than ever to such proposals.
Older sea ice, which is thicker and more resistant to warming, has declined dramatically in the Arctic.
Feathers definitely wouldn't make dinosaurs more resistant to bullets, but they did provide other forms of protection.
Stone may be more resistant to fire than wood, but it is not immune to its effects.
The district's upscale, highly educated voters were more resistant to the bombastic President than his hardscrabble base.
Historic buildings like churches and town halls can be retrofitted to make them more resistant to earthquakes.
In some states perceived as more resistant, fewer adults did so, even though the surveys were anonymous.
Though the Great Barrier Reef was severely damaged in 2016, the corals that survived became more resistant.
By 2001, the germs had begun to evolve, becoming more resistant to carbapenems and other antibiotic drugs.
Many forests were thinner than those that exist now and were more resistant to hot-burning fires.
Psychologists have known for decades that people are more resistant to misinformation if they're warned about it beforehand.
Both can be devastating for plants, but the Q-biotype is known to be more resistant to pesticides.
At colder temperatures, in particular, the internal components of a lithium battery become more resistant to passing current.
Some European officials also say their own satellite system Galileo is more resistant to jamming than other receivers.
The chemicals are three types of perfluoroalkyl ethyl, which makes paper containers more resistant to oil and water.
At the same time, some authoritarian regimes will welcome the U.S. decision and become more resistant to reform.
The truth is that our brains are both more resilient and more resistant to change than we think.
In Sudan, Icarda has introduced a wheat variety it hopes will be more resistant to drought and heat.
Both are designed to make the seeds more resistant to disease and better able to withstand certain environmental conditions.
The Plasmodium falciparum parasite, which causes the severest form of malaria, has become more resistant to current drug regimes.
But now this layer of excessively warmed, buoyant water is more resistant to mixing in with the ocean depths.
The material of which they are composed is thicker and has evolved a shape more resistant to crushing forces.
They say Iran's young population has proved far more resistant to the government's societal restraints compared with their parents.
Its parliamentary system is thought to be more resistant to charismatic leaders and hardball tactics than a presidential model.
Overuse and misuse of antibiotics often fuels the problem by encouraging pathogens to make themselves more resistant to treatment.
Further, the genes that allowed the bacteria to be resistant could pass along to other bacteria, causing more resistant strains.
DTube explicitly pitches itself as an alternative to YouTube that is more resistant to censorship due to its decentralized architecture.
But analysts at Wedbush consider what's known as the "off-price" sector to generally be more resistant to economic instability.
It should make the camera more resistant to damage and scratching, though I wasn't able to test those claims firsthand.
But behind the scenes at the service level, the new hand-off mechanism makes the service more resistant to metadata.
In fact, operators often prefer it to the natural stuff as it is harder-wearing, and more resistant to melting.
Their tenant lists favor off-price retailers, grocery stores and services, which are widely considered more resistant to e-commerce.
Twitter, at one time more resistant to shut down accounts due to free speech concerns, seems to be turning around.
So far, we have found little convincing evidence that many organisms there are evolving to become more resistant to radiation.
They fill in and seal pits and grooves of teeth, making them more resistant to bacteria that can cause cavities.
Overprescribing antibiotics is harmful because it helps make bacteria more resistant to the drugs and more dangerous to public health.
Shares of technology and healthcare companies, whose profits are more resistant to economic downturns, have led this year's market rally.
"Over the past 15 years, E. coli has become substantially more resistant to antibiotics and harder to treat," he added.
Photo by Mario Zamudio/VICE News The birth of stronger and more resistant varieties of coca leaf is not new.
But weeds are becoming more resistant to Roundup, so the industry is developing seeds that are tolerant to more herbicides.
Encouraging them to stay and support their communities means educating them about crops that are more resistant to climate change.
Lately, drugmakers globally have renewed efforts to develop new antibiotics as bugs become more and more resistant to existing treatments.
That's good, because every day phones are getting better at video, as well as more resistant to dust and water.
The pioneers of biofabrication hope to create new, suppler, more sustainable, more resistant, more versatile materials that will expand fashion boundaries.
Now, researchers in Britain report that a species of wild tomato is more resistant to the pest than its commercial counterparts.
One thing's for sure: central banks around the world are becoming more resistant to lowering rates and expanding quantitative easing (QE).
He told me over the phone that microbes in space are also more resistant to antibiotics and better at infecting hosts.
Such storms can sometimes be more resistant to hostile conditions that smaller, more compact hurricanes might have more difficulty coping with.
Retail customers are more resistant to charges, because small stashes can easily be stored in a mattress or a home safe.
But Trappist communities may be particularly vulnerable, since their traditions are more isolating and, in many ways, more resistant to modernization.
But properties constructed in the last five years tend to be built at higher levels, making them more resistant to flooding.
Glyphosate has become so ubiquitous that weeds are becoming more resistant to it, leading Monsanto and other companies to develop alternatives.
Known as hematopoietic stem cells, they tend to be more resistant to editing, and require more risk and discomfort to deliver.
Ms. Tsai has been more resistant to China's efforts to increase its influence over Taiwan than the Kuomintang opposition has been.
As the butterflies became more resistant, they were able to enjoy a new supply of food untouched by most other insects.
And the canister makes the missile more resistant to the elements, which means it can be left outdoors for long stretches.
Probably no language is richer than Arabic in sexual vocabulary, and probably no language, nonsensically, has become more resistant to it.
Blumenthal added Manafort was more resistant than Donald Trump Jr. "Manafort probably is confronting some fairly serious criminal charges," Blumenthal said.
The system's diversity can make it more resistant to attack, but it also means one-size-fits-all solutions aren't workable.
Anti-GMO activists cite environmental pollution that can occur from increasing herbicide treatments as GMO crops become more resistant to them.
The government has been even more resistant to confronting its own security services, despite the fear and anger their practices frequently arouse.
They found that samples collected after 2009 were on average more resistant to the alcohol compared with bacteria taken from before 2004.
They found that samples collected after 2009 were on average more resistant to the alcohol compared with bacteria taken from before 2004.
A graphene-based e-ink from Guangzhou Technologies promises a screen that's brighter, more flexible, and by definition more resistant to abuse.
New safety standards for engines may have to be brought in to make them more resistant to impacts with the flying contraptions.
They also warned of increasing signs that one of the most common STDs, gonorrhea, is becoming more resistant to front-line antibiotics.
The downpour fell in areas charred by recent wildfires, which burned vegetation that otherwise could make the terrain more resistant to mudslides.
The European Central Bank (ECB) is now spearheading a banking union project to make Europe's bloated financial sector more resistant to shocks.
Maybe that bodes well for budget control, since the GOP is far more resistant to spending when they are in the minority.
This process makes parts six times more resistant than if they are cold-stamped, allowing cars to be safer, lighter and less polluting.
Published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, the study discovered that women's muscles are often more resistant to fatigue than men's.
That makes it more resistant to scratches and cracks, and the way the metal has been brushed leads to some gorgeous light reflections.
Bacteria are very good at the evolution game, and killing off more susceptible strains leaves the more resistant ones to fill the gap.
The rain poured down on hillsides charred by recent wildfires, which burned vegetation that otherwise could make the terrain more resistant to mudslides.
"These prey on people who, if they weren't in desperate financial straits, might be more resistant to those types of scams," he said.
These numbers conceal a structural imbalance, however, that makes the Senate more resistant to Democratic control than either the House or the presidency.
Researchers have also adopted new genetic techniques to optimize flowering times and make plants more resistant to the rigors of a warming planet.
What makes the losing candidate's supporters in 2016 so much more resistant to supporting the winner than the losing candidate's supporters in 2008?
But Mr. McConnell and senators are generally more resistant to pressure from the White House and will keep their own interests in mind.
The young are the demographic least likely to make charitable donations, and millennials seem more resistant to traditional charity appeals than previous generations.
The person who misjudges another to be a friend responds more readily to social pressure, while the other tends to be more resistant.
If you want the better-looking stainless steel case and sapphire display, which is more resistant to scratching, you'll pay at least $699.
The genetically modified mice made more anti-alpha gal antibodies than the wild type, and seemed to be more resistant to a Leishmaniasis infection.
It is time to break this sad circle and decide that, once and for all, price should be more resistant to rumor and innuendo.
The amount of young, thin sea ice cover has continued to increase compared to older, thicker sea ice that is more resistant to melting.
He also noted that if the COPVs don't work, the company has a backup plan of switching to more resistant spheres made of alloy.
In Florida, in addition to financing energy and efficiency improvements, PACE has enabled thousands of homeowners to make their homes more resistant to hurricanes.
OnePlus has switched to a flat-ish cord with these new headphones, and it shows itself to be more resistant to tangling than usual.
The House, where Republicans have been even more resistant to ObamaCare stabilization, is also moving forward with a CHIP bill in committee on Wednesday.
This allows them to breed new versions of the crop that are more resistant to disease, or to drought, or have a higher yield.
Stainless steel containers are more resistant to bacteria and they don't crack and scratch the way plastic does—germs can nest in those cracks.
As a result, experts predict that voters in those states will become more resistant to existing taxes and more apt to oppose future increases.
Conservative governments in South Korea have been far more resistant to overtures from the North, always taking a tougher stance in accord with Washington.
And there is good news: Some people are naturally more resistant to noroviruses because of genetic mutations that affect sugars found on cell surfaces.
He also thought they were more resistant to radiation, less prone to heart attacks and better suited to handling pain, heat, cold and loneliness.
Of course, if you learn how to make a population more resistant to extremism, you could use that same knowledge to do the reverse.
The rain poured down on hillsides charred by recent wildfires that had burned vegetation that otherwise could make the terrain more resistant to mudslides.
This layer of excessively warmed, buoyant water is more resistant to mixing in with the layers below, which deprives deeper dwelling animals of oxygen.
The fixed-income realm has also been more resistant to automation when compared to stocks, a fact that will likely change at some point.
Most Americans support marijuana legalization, but Republicans are typically more resistant — although Gallup last year found that a majority of Republicans now support legalization.
Though it wasn't mentioned directly, Spotify seems to have focused on international markets with today's upgrade—markets that are typically more resistant to subscription models.
That's made Republicans more resistant to the idea — Trump and Vice President Mike Pence criticized Sanders's comments — but it could make Democrats more receptive, too.
Google notes that this enables new hybrid and multi-cloud scenarios and will allow for creating high-availability clusters that are more resistant to outages.
This makes it more resistant to interference, since radio can pass through snow and fog, but also lowers its resolution and changes its range profile.
Interestingly, the phone does not have a traditional speaker (and thus, no earpiece speaker hole, which makes it more resistant to liquids, dirt and dust).
Frieden said the need for new antibiotics is one of the more urgent health problems, as bugs become more and more resistant to current treatments.
Over the next 10 years, a number of niche music communities would spring up on the internet, each more resistant to categorization than the last.
Although Enterprise depends less on airport traffic than major rivals and is therefore more resistant to recession, it has still found a need to diversify.
The goal over time, Mr. Gleicher said, is to "make the platform much more resistant to the kind of manipulation they are trying to use."
Officials are encouraging new activity in these abandoned areas, like truffle farms or vineyards, to create "green firebreaks" and ecosystems more resistant to forest fires.
This multiyear ice is considered one way to determine the region's climate health, because older ice tends to be thicker and more resistant to melting.
In an attempt to stop this trend, local authorities developed a bank of native corn seeds more resistant to pests and that need less water.
In an attempt to stop this trend, local authorities developed a bank of native corn seeds more resistant to pests and that need less water.
Such a step would inflame passions even more in polarized Washington and likely leave Democrats even more resistant to crossing the aisle and working with Trump.
But more exciting is this: There's some evidence that the surviving frogs have become more resistant to BD. Knapp is a co-author on this paper.
Because the keys verify themselves with a complex handshake rather than a static code, they're far more resistant to phishing attacks than a conventional confirmation code.
For the same reason, the technique is much more resistant to the sort of day-to-day wear and tear that could alter the paper's surface.
They worry that the country, already among the lowest in global gender-equality rankings, could become even more resistant to elevating women to positions of power.
You should also be aware, he said, that the denser the marble and the lower its absorption rate, the more resistant it will be to wear.
That information can then be used to cross-breed the most resilient plants, in order to create crops that are more resistant to the changing climate.
Even some health officials in the Trump administration have warned that denouncing China's government could make it more resistant to sharing accurate data about the virus.
As a result, Republican lawmakers are more resistant to calls for gun control — arguing against "politicizing" mass shootings and focusing on issues like mental health instead.
Our faith in finding solutions is strong enough, in fact, that we sometimes forget "epidemic" is only a metaphor for something much more resistant to treatment.
As offices get increasingly casual, employees are more resistant to stuffy suits, ties, dresses and skirts and the companies that adhere to such strict dress codes.
Another 2016 study in the journal Food Chemistry found that chilled potatoes had more resistant starch than reheated potatoes, though both had more than hot potatoes.
The insects deliver engineered viruses that can gene-edit the chromosomes of mature plants for the purpose of making them more resistant to disease and drought.
But he warns that it might not be so straightforward for other places, especially ones dealing with more resistant types of C. auris than he did.
Chinese scientist He Jiankui shocked the science world when he announced in 2018 the birth of twin girls born to be more resistant to HIV infection.
But states that ran their marketplaces and spent heavily on advertising saw stronger signups, while states that were more resistant to the health law experienced drops.
Three urgent threats in the United States The problem of antimicrobial resistance includes "more resistant" infections that lead to extensive, expensive treatment, if not death, experts say.
Yet when it comes to how we use our time and money ― especially for high earners and wealthy individuals ― we tend to be more resistant to change.
Indigo says it is working to create a new way to grow crops so they are more resistant to insects, drought, severe weather and nutrient-poor soil.
Instead of moving trees north, forest managers are selecting seeds of the same tree species that live in warmer climates and are therefore more resistant to droughts.
In fact, the Marvel movies have now gone beyond soap opera into another post-narrative form that is even more resistant to finality of life: video games.
Analysts say airborne laser weapons could help non-stealth military aircraft become more resistant to enemy missiles and potentially reduce the vulnerability to advanced air-defense systems.
Tesla's tiles weigh less than conventional tiles and are made of tempered glass, so they are much more resistant to damage and can be packed more tightly.
Psychologists have previously suggested that aggressively advocating against climate change-inducing behavior only makes individuals more resistant to change, and the team's findings seem to support that.
At the same time, scientists are working to figure out which tree varieties will be more resistant to the rising temperatures that have stressed even native beeches.
New research unveiled at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference suggests people who have either more complex careers or busy social lives may be more resistant to Alzheimer's disease.
The flexibility of plastic bottles means they are four times more resistant to earthquakes than concrete, said Eduardo Garcia Valencia, president of the group Liderazgo Joven (Youth Leadership).
As the streaming wars heat up, deals with traditional distributors could allow Disney — and other streamers — to tap into an audience segment that's comparatively more resistant to SVOD.
Here's how the CDC explains it: "We know the more we use antibiotics, the more resistant bacteria will emerge and the faster our antibiotics lose efficacy," Price says.
The good news on the background noise front, however, is that technology can help make your microphone more resistant to the sounds of Frappuccino blenders in the room.
Lighting up is protective against anemia in this case, the researchers say (another weird side perk of this mutation: it makes people more resistant to carbon monoxide poisoning).
Today, according to several studies, systemic racism determines whether doctors administer pain medications to patients based on the false notion that black people are more resistant to pain.
The plan would boost federal funds to make homes more resistant to fires, and provide loans and grants to utilities to reduce the risk of downed power lines.
This trait leaves the killifish up to 8,000 times more resistant to this level of pollution than other fish, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Science.
Morell said that a main focus is developing varieties that are more resistant to high temperatures, and more frequent droughts and floods from rain as well as the ocean.
Vietnamese chopsticks are often flat and unadorned (she says many Vietnamese people feel the aesthetic is more resistant to the country's heat and humidity) and have a blunt tip.
"Flowers and small pods die or fall independently, but when they are treated they are more resistant," said Ibrahim Fofana, who farms in the center-western region of Daloa.
When these were infected with R. solanacearum they proved, though not completely resistant to it, certainly more resistant than others that had been planted into untreated soil as controls.
And the new materials should also be more resistant than conventional ones to thermal shock—when a sudden temperature change causes a material to break apart in an instant.
It's lousy for joint health and lousy for strength gains—and remember, being more resistant to injury is a really important benefit of being strong, particularly as you age.
In the middle of the 20th century, several banana strains in Latin America and the Caribbean were infected by fungus and had to be replaced by more resistant strains.
" • But they're more resistant to removing 25 percent levies on $50 billion of Chinese goods, imposed in response to "harm to U.S. companies caused by China's forced technology transfers.
The report, released on Thursday, warns that gonorrhea is growing even more resistant to antibiotic treatment, and that the only two drugs left that treat the disease may become useless.
Back in November, He Jiankui announced at a conference in Hong Kong that he had genetically edited twin girls using the CRISPR tool to make them more resistant to HIV.
Princeton Identity, which provides the sensor inside the Galaxy S8, explained that iris recognition is 100,000 more resistant to false positives compared to other biometric security options, like fingerprint readers.
Zoltek was granted a patent in 222 for a method of making carbon-fiber sheet products more resistant to electricity, and first filed a suit against the government in 22014.
"More resistant infections don't just mean you or someone you care about is more likely to die from one, they also mean healthcare will get even more expensive," Hanage said.
As Coffman explained in a 22018 press release, by "delivering the sensory dimension of touch," the touch-encoded videos streamed from the company's servers would prove more resistant to piracy.
About a week before he died, he became more fragile and more resistant to leaving home, getting up only to move between dog beds or to go to the bathroom.
"At home, men are more resistant to that change because it really means surrendering privilege," said David A. Cotter, a sociology professor at Union College who has studied gender attitudes.
Robusta - grown mostly in Vietnam, Brazil, Indonesia and Uganda - has higher yields, lower input costs and is more resistant to roya, a fungus that attacks coffee trees by causing premature defoliation.
The variety is similar to Monsanto's Bt cotton but can be more resistant to pests, Pental said, adding he handed another GM cotton variety to ICAR last year for further research.
Republican leaders, who have already been reluctant to shut down the government over the wall, will likely be even more resistant to the idea closer to an election year in 2018.
Zespri responded to the Psa virus by developing a new variety that is more resistant to the disease, which has been found in other growing regions including Asia, Europe and Chile.
"Europeans may be more resistant to Russian meddling because they've been on the front lines and have experienced more of it since World War II," one of the U.S. officials said.
Meanwhile, the deal gives Lifetime a chance at live sports programming, one of the more resistant sectors in a cable-television industry disrupted by trends like streaming services and cord-cutting.
The theory is that this would build up so-called "herd immunity," so that the public would be more resistant in the face of a second wave of infections next winter.
An assault weapons ban even has majority support, based on Pew Research Center's surveys, not just among all Americans but among Republicans, who are generally more resistant to stronger gun laws.
Mice living inside a larger cage with a few added objects are much more resistant to features of depression, anxiety, addiction, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease than mice living inside standard-issue cages.
It's also not any more resistant to fingerprints than the One, even though this is a speaker that's meant to be handled and moved around, not just sit in one place.
On average, most cells had fewer copies of the gene, but the yeast cells that gained more copies—about 10 percent of the total population — became more resistant to copper and flourished.
"Nearly all experiments with genetically modified crops have eventually resulted in unintended consequences: superweeds more resistant to herbicides, mutated and resistant insects, also collateral damage to ecosystems," she said in the petition.
Scientist He Jiankui allegedly used the gene-editing tool CRISPR/Cas-9 to disable the CCR5 gene in 31 embryos with the goal of making children who were more resistant to HIV.
High-end malls, where names such as Nordstrom serve as an anchor, are considered more resistant to department store closings as they are able to attract new occupants often paying higher rents.
They found that as the vines grew from soft and green in May to tough and woody in October, their vessels also got tougher and more resistant to those air bubbles forming.
These content areas are not transformed by on-demand viewing and personalization in the way that TV series and movies are, so they are more resistant to the rise of the internet.
I am hoping that with the national study data we're assembling now I can finally answer the question as to whether people in the South are more resistant to evolution than others.
But genetically modified crops that repel plant-chewing insects, withstand lethal chemicals and mature faster have made the trend toward oversupply more resistant to traditional boom-and-bust agrarian cycles, experts say.
Giving antibiotics for chlamydia to patients with MGen builds the strength of MGen, making it much more resistant to antibiotics, Lawton says, a practice that is hastening its charge toward superbug status.
Some of these mutations make the bugs slightly more resistant to drug treatment, but the mutants are usually at a disadvantage among non-mutants because it takes them more energy to reproduce.
"Walnut lasted 'til 220 and then was superseded by mahogany," Mr. Chellar said, explaining that the hardwood from the Americas was more resistant to pests like the woodworm that can destroy walnut.
These are a series of signaling molecules that make cells in the body more resistant to infection, inhibiting the spread of a virus while the rest of the immune system catches up.
Perhaps we are drawn to this futile quest because economic problems seem more tractable — more easily dealt with through the levers of government policy — while cultural issues seem more resistant to change.
Nadal has been much more resistant, but overdue or not, he has taken a chance this year by adding Carlos Moya to his coaching team after Moya decided to split with Raonic.
Kennedy embodied the notion that a person of great wealth could still have a social conscience — and, in fact, precisely because of his financial independence, might be more resistant to nefarious influences.
Many South Korean women worry that Ms. Park's troubles could make the country, already among the lowest in global gender-equality rankings, even more resistant to elevating women to positions of power.
Those included elevating electrical systems to prevent power losses that can cause equipment to fail, spurring uncontrolled releases of pollutants, and making facilities more resistant to damage from high water or wind.
In fact, early humans may have even ripped off neanderthal technology, including the lissoir, a specialized bone used to work animal hides to make them softer, tougher, shinier, and more resistant to water.
"We expect SoFi's borrowers to be more resistant to harsh economic conditions than a typical student loan borrower owing to the pristine credit quality of SoFi borrowers," Moody's said in its presale report.
Printed for more than a hundred years on cotton paper, the 5-pound note now comes in polymer, a thin, flexible plastic film that makes it stronger, safer and more resistant to counterfeiters.
Arizona appeared more promising, officials said, because of its combination of Mormons, Hispanics and Native Americans and because the officials found white voters in Georgia to be more resistant to Mrs. Clinton. Mrs.
Global warming: Rising ocean temperatures are devastating coral reefs while also giving rise to more resistant corals that can handle the heat, researchers found, which offers some hope for a besieged keystone ecosystem.
To fully harness the energy from the demographic revolution, Mr. Sanders will need to strengthen his support among African-American voters who were more resistant to his candidacy when he faced Mrs. Clinton.
One is to use wind power in winter to pump water from the depths of the Arctic Ocean to the surface to thicken sea ice so that it is more resistant to melting.
I mean you could see Uber doing it too, or any other … Yeah, and I think that publically traded companies are going to be a little more resistant until it goes federally legal.
Gurman reports that these new AirPods could arrive as early as this year, and claims a third version of AirPods, designed to be more resistant to water, will arrive as early as next year.
DUBAI (Reuters) - Dubai authorities have begun telling owners of high-rise buildings across the emirate to make the facades more resistant to fire, the government said on Saturday, after a string of skyscraper blazes.
These solutions can include genetic modification—GM crops that are more resistant to disease or climate change helps preserve food security—but it's not the only, or even the biggest, strategy being talked about.
KEY RATING DRIVERS Resilient Earnings and Cash Flow: Restructuring measures have improved the cost base of Renault, lowered its breakeven point and made it more resistant to a possible downturn and potential financial challenges.
Princeton Identity, which provides the Galaxy S8's iris scanner technology, told CNBC in an email that it's 100,000 times more resistant to false positives than other forms of biometric security, like facial recognition.
The blaze is so intense, witnesses have reported that broadleaf trees like aspens — known for being more resistant to fire than evergreens — "caught fire in one big whoosh" like a barbecue grill being lit.
Field visits and surveys showed higher than average production of barley, which some farmers switched to as the rain-fed crop is more resistant than wheat, and "large patches of cropland affected by drought".
"My concern about this microorganism is that as it becomes ever more resistant, it will become ever more prevalent," says Matthew Golden, director of the Public Health Seattle and King County HIV/STD Program.
Gilpin said the tobacco crop, which reaps more than $800 million annually and is the economy's second-biggest export earner, was had not been affected yet because it was more resistant to dry spells.
But that's not really the goal of apple breeders like Luby, who simply want to create a better apple, regardless of what "better" means — sweeter, more complex, crispier, more appealing, more resistant to oxidation.
But after ocean temperatures surged in 2016 around the Great Barrier Reef, causing severe damage, researchers found that the corals that survived were more resistant to another period of extreme warmth the following year.
Scruggs notes that natural winemaking with a focus on native grape varietals — as opposed to growing varietals to respond to market trends — can make those vines more resistant to the effects of climate change.
The team identified dozens of genes that were involved in making fish more resistant to chemicals, and a few key mutations that appeared to be important to the fish's resilience to pollution in every population.
The World Health Organization says the bacteria that causes the sexually transmitted disease are becoming smarter and more resistant to antibiotics, so a new class of antibiotics will need to be developed to fight them.
All three went Democratic in the 2012 election, and so far, they've been more resistant to Donald Trump than Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania, suggesting that his appeal to white, working-class resentment has limits.
But another big reason is that cancer drugs can sell for well over $2225,000 a year and so far have been more resistant to cost-cutting efforts by insurers than drugs for some other diseases.
After a dramatic part, a wildness in the formal style (as when the dancers roll their heads vehemently or do the Jerk) seems more resistant to restraint, more dangerous, especially as the space gets tighter.
According to a small, preliminary experiment by the BBC team who runs "Trust Me, I&aposm A Doctor" — if you reheat your pasta after letting it cool, the starches become even more resistant to digestion.
That raises the ironic prospect that the states contributing the most to climate damages elsewhere may grow even more resistant to action because the shifting weather patterns may improve their own long-term economic prospects.
Mr. Mapp had estimated that restoring the power grid to its previous capacity would cost about $6003 million, and that hardening it to make it more resistant to future storms could cost about $850 million.
When we can get those states on board, we will have a majority that will have trans-inclusive policies, and will be able to move those that have been a little more resistant to it.
"They seem much more resistant than a blank, white page," said M. NourbeSe Philip, who chose to selectively blank out, rather than black out, the only existing record of a slave massacre for her book Zong!
"These investments are mainly made in prime locations in first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, targeting offices with stable rental income, which are more resistant to a market slump," said a second loans banker.
Whereas bonding might only last a handful of years, a veneer's lifespan is closer to 10 years, and it's more resistant to staining as well — but that all depends on how you take care of it.
According to Pew, blacks have historically been more resistant to the practice than other groups—in 2007, just 26 percent supported it—but the proportion who now do has skyrocketed, jumping 12 percentage points since 2015.
The Cuban government said in November that tobacco growers had designed new drying houses to cure tobacco with metal roofs, instead of wood, that were more resistant to increased wind and rainfall caused by climate change.
"This comparison of wild and domesticated seeds under exposure to different stressors - such as heat, water or pests - allows us to look for traits in wild crops that may be more resistant to change," said Cockel.
"Unlike board games such as Go or chess, poker is a game of 'imperfect information,' and for this reason it has proved even more resistant to computerization than Go," the MIT Technology Review's Will Knight once wrote.
Getting to the bottom of what is causing some lines to be more resistant than others will be an important step towards the development of gene drives that can spread traits through a species, Dr Messer reckons.
And if men are more likely to have faith in markets to nudge women to the best jobs, then they could be more resistant to the idea that the gender imbalance is a problem that needs solving.
There will also be changes in which trees will be found at different elevations, meaning mountains will lose evergreens like firs and spruces which not only help keep temperatures cool, but also are more resistant to wildfire.
It's also a possibility that investing in technology could help Chipotle rethink solutions to problems that eventually lead to food safety issues, like more sustainable agriculture practices and plant-based foods that are more resistant to bacteria.
The majority of the Black, white, and Latino participants considered people with Chinese, Japanese, and Korean descent to be Asian or Asian American, but when asked about South and Southeast Asians, people were more resistant to inclusion.
Overuse and misuse of antibiotics in food is rife in Southeast Asia, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said this year, warning of serious risks for people and animals as bacterial infections become more resistant to treatment.
A plant pathologist at Penn State, Dr. Yinong Yang, altered the mushroom's DNA so it won't brown when it comes in contact with oxygen; changing two letters in the code makes the fungus more resistant to browning.
That means for a place like Puerto Rico, whose energy infrastructure vulnerabilities were laid bare after Hurricane Maria, there isn't much room in the budget to make power lines, generators, and transformers more resistant to future disasters.
And city officials are becoming more resistant, fearing financial responsibility if a museum fails to reach its fund-raising goals or visitors and memberships lag, especially if the municipality issued bonds to help pay for the building.
The chronic migraines I've had since age 6 show no signs of abating; if anything, they're becoming more resistant to the medications I've used my whole life, and I bounce back more slowly from the bad ones.
When Wolbachia is transferred into a previously uninfected mosquito, it often makes the mosquito more resistant to infection with pathogen that can cause disease in humans, such as multiple viruses (including dengue and Zikaviruses) and malaria parasites.
Logan and Christian Kenfield, a trauma surgeon at Royal Melbourne Hospital, advised Piccinini about how the body responds in a crash and discussed the possible ways to enhance the human body to make it more resistant to impacts.
The solution is to use magnetic material that's more resistant to these effects—but that also makes it harder to write to in the first place, which in turn demands bigger magnetic fields which interfere with surrounding grain.
There is the cognitive reserve hypothesis: that education changes developing brains in a good way, making them more resistant to dementia, and that people with more education have brains that are better able to compensate for dementia damage.
"There are definitely different types of patients who are more resistant to infections or who have slower progression of infectious diseases based on certain immune features we recognize that make them have a stronger immune system," she said.
In one study, which asked employers whether they'd consider hiring applicants with various liabilities, employers were more resistant to hire an applicant with any involvement with the criminal system whatsoever than one who had any other stigma attached.
Malawi is testing the effectiveness of chemicals such as Deltanex 25EC to control the armyworm, and researching which crop varieties are more resistant to the pest, Osborne Tsoka, a spokesperson for Malawi's agriculture ministry, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
The benefit of this construction is that it could make the iPhone's screen stronger and more resistant to cracking, which, based on the number of Apple handsets I see sporting ugly glass spiderwebs, would be a much needed improvement.
These patented seeds come with years of inbreeding by trial and error, which results in a crop that produces twice the average yield as what Chinese farmers have, and are more resistant to natural effects like pests and drought.
Transferring a significant fraction of the $1.3 billion collected from customers each year to make the transmission and distribution network more resistant to extreme weather conditions and more responsive to line failures provides a direct benefit to all Californians.
Using genomic surveillance to track the spread of drug-resistant malaria, the scientists found that the strain, known as KEL1/PLA1, has also evolved and picked up new genetic mutations which may make it yet more resistant to drugs.
As treatment continues, such cells become more numerous, and as they divide they go on to accumulate mutations that make them even more resistant—the cancer evolves resistance to chemotherapy rather as an infection can evolve resistance to antibiotics.
The majority of works in the show are made from Borosilicate glass, a material known for having low coefficients of thermal expansion, meaning it's more resistant to temperature change because it does not expand like normal soda-lime glass.
He now plants small grains such as sorghum and finger millet, as well as velvet beans because they are naturally more resistant to drought and have shorter seasons, so there is less risk if a whole harvest is lost.
To make the U.S more resistant to the effects of climate change, Buttigieg is proposing the establishment of "Regional Resilience Hubs" to provide resilience data and to invest $5 billion in grants that can be used for resilience projects.
With sales of new vehicles moderating slightly after the four best years the industry has ever seen in the U.S., dealers and auto executives are watching whether consumers will be more resistant to the steady increase in new car prices.
Apeel Sciences, the developer of a new technology that makes fruits and vegetables more resistant to spoilage, and Nature's Pride, one of the largest vendors of avocados and mangos in Europe, are partnering to bring longer-lived avocados to market.
Image: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesThe bacteria that cause urinary tract infections are not only becoming more resistant to antibiotics, suggests a recent study published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine, but they're starting to spread outside of hospitals.
Rich-world economies have grown little since the financial crisis nearly a decade ago, and both America and Europe are becoming more resistant to trade, so the delta's manufacturers are redirecting some of their exports to the Chinese market instead.
Why it matters: The deal and the name change marks a rebranding for Michael Kors as it attempts to reposition itself within the luxury retail market, which is much more resistant to the pains of economic downturns than traditional retail.
Many may sound good: some of the $70m that Tata Trusts of Mumbai, a philanthropy group, has given to the University of California, San Diego,is for exploring ways of using gene drives to make crops more resistant to drought.
But one which birthed new, stronger, more evolved, corporate titans before it withered away: online gardens not merely "walled" but "domed like Wakanda," more resistant to regulation, less prone to unpleasant emergent properties and summons to testify to the Senate.
Corning executives also claimed that Gorilla Glass Automotive is is two times more resistant to sharp stone impact, which means that when that big truck in front of you kicks back a pebble, you may not spider your entire windshield.
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Overuse and misuse of antibiotics in food is rife in Southeast Asia, a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) official said on Wednesday, warning of serious risks for people and animals as bacterial infections become more resistant to treatment.
The hardware components are completely sealed off in an internal capsule, which the company says should help make them even more resistant to sweat than simply coating the parts with waterproof materials (like it has done for its other headphones).
It's almost as if thousands of spooks and hackers suddenly cried out at once… The Internet Engineers Task Force has just unanimously approved a security framework that will make encrypted connections on the web faster and more resistant to snooping.
Sharon Hood of the US Forest Service was working with the University of Montana and colleagues on the ecology of a forest in western Montana that had been managed in a number of ways to make it more resistant to fire.
Five-ply cladding, which conducts and retains heat better, is sturdier and more resistant to warping, but more expensive, slower to heat up, and according to the cooking pros we consulted for this guide, not necessarily crucial for better cooking.
China, the North's chief ally, backed the March resolution but is more resistant to harsh new sanctions this time after the United States and South Korea decided to deploy a sophisticated anti-missile system in the South, which China adamantly opposes.
The options are: brick the devices, making them completely unusable; change the default passwords, locking out even their legitimate owners; or try to fix their firmware to make them more resistant to future hack attempts, and also still perfectly functioning.
"The farmers look for ways of improving the coca leaf varieties, they seek a more resistant and profitable coca, and they have been doing so for years," said Ricardo Vargas Meza, a sociologist who specializes in the study of illegal crops.
One of these is the boost it gives to a baby's immune system: because of the antibodies that are transmitted through a mother's milk, breastfed babies are more resistant to infections of the respiratory system and digestive tract during early childhood.
While the paper-based machines are supposed to make the vote more resistant to digital tampering, they also introduce new uncertainty into an election already marked by widespread warnings that Russia is determined to interfere in yet another U.S. presidential race.
It wants to shake us out of its hold on us, convince us to reject the world of predictable actuary tables and accept—maybe even demand or build—something a little fuzzier, a little more resistant to categorization and cataloguing.
Determining why one twin became infected in the womb while the other did not may illuminate how Zika crosses the placenta, how it enters the brain, and whether any genetic mutations make a fetus more resistant or susceptible to Zika infection.
These antibacterial drugs have been hugely effective in the seven decades since, but there's a consequence: The more that antibiotics are consumed, the more resistant infectious bugs become to these drugs, possibly giving rise to "superbugs" that are resistant to known treatments.
And the evidence suggests that while bigger police forces can sometimes help reduce offenses like property crime, violent crime is much more resistant, given that it is usually carried out in the heat of the moment and most perpetrators are not caught.
Rumors suggest that the touchscreen and Touch ID sensor will have its own separate processing chip, which will not only make it more resistant to hacking but may also allow Apple to re-use more of its iPhone technology in its laptop line.
And by conducting voting over blockchain (as some startups like Voatz in Boston are now doing), we not only dramatically increase participation and change the inputs for elected officials, we also make our system far stronger and more resistant to hacking and interference.
At a time when germs are growing more resistant to common antibiotics, many companies that are developing new versions of the drugs are hemorrhaging money and going out of business, gravely undermining efforts to contain the spread of deadly, drug-resistant bacteria.
Because refiners need to sell off stockpiles of so-called winter-grade gasoline before they begin producing large volumes of gasoline with a chemical make-up that is more resistant to evaporation in the summer, the price of gasoline typically tumbles in March.
The overhead footage depicts a strain of the gut bacterium E. coli evolving to be 1,000 times more resistant to an antibiotic in a matter of 11 days, starkly visualizing the speed with which diseases can adapt to the drugs we throw their way.
Yet Mr Trump, unlike his Republican predecessors, is attempting this at a time when the electorate is feverishly polarised and the unions both depleted and assailed by his own party, all of which might be expected to make them more resistant to his charms.
Horizon lets you customize weapons and clothing with items that give you better aim, increase projectile strength, or make you more resistant to fire, but puts little emphasis on this making it easy to ignore despite the fact that it can make combat exceedingly easier.
Macron is the main champion of euro zone integration with the boldest ideas on a joint budget, but defeat by Le Pen in Sunday's vote could weaken his ability to push through reforms at a time when Germany is becoming more resistant to change.
Benjamin said that while some security measures can reduce the overall threat from terrorism "in some cases there will be a shifting of target" as terrorist move on from places that have become more resistant to a successful attack to other, more vulnerable locations.
In new research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers at the University of Virginia found that many white laypeople, medical students, and residents hold false assumptions about how black people feel pain, believing that black patients are more resistant to it.
Of course, this correction on Wall Street could simply be a "growth scare" that will reverse itself as more economic data show the U.S. to be more resilient and more resistant to overseas economic weakness than the stock market is suggesting at the moment.
Another advantage to Beaker's content distribution system is that once a site has been shared among users, it becomes much more resistant to DDoS attacks and inherently more reliable to access, as copies of the site are stored in and accessed from many different locations.
While Andrew led to a host of new building codes designed to make houses more resistant to dangerous storms, the sheer number of homes threatened by Irma means the volume of structures at risk -- not to mention people, if they cannot leave -- has grown substantially.
The bulk of this—which is contingent upon Puerto Rico having an approved hazard mitigation plan—came in the form of one $190 million grant in 1999, which was used to rebuild homes damaged during Hurricane Georges, making them more resistant to future storms.
Though conventional wisdom suggests that an autocracy should be more resistant to political upheaval (Xi won't have to face his people at the polls in the foreseeable future while Trump is up for reelection next year) — both will have to pay a heavy price.
Of course, that all still remains to be seen (err, heard), but generally speaking ceramic is a lot harder than nickel, so it should be more resistant to deforming, but then again, ceramic is generally far more brittle, so we'll just have to wait to find out.
SAN JOSE, Feb 9 (Reuters) - Costa Rica will join other coffee-producing nations in the region and start planting robusta, lifting a 30 year-ban on a crop that is more resistant to diseases and rising temperatures than arabica trees, the Minister of Agriculture said on Friday.
"More resistant infections don't just mean you or someone you care about is more likely to die from one; they also mean health care will get even more expensive," Bill Hanage, an associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, previously told CNN.
In a sign of the growing popularity of blockchain, also seen as more resistant to hacking than transactions processed by a single computer since it involves storing records in multiple locations, Facebook last week said it was planning its own cryptocurrency, which it would call Libra.
The broader political danger is that the affluent will become even more resistant to paying the higher taxes that are necessary for redistribution or better public services because they feel under such financial pressure themselves — forgetting that, unlike the pressure the poor face, it is self-inflicted.
That would be the same red stuff you see planes dropping on wildfires, which is effective but fleeting: The material will blow away in the wind or wash away in a rainstorm, meaning you can't proactively treat an area long-term to be more resistant to fire.
But liberal institutions — the Democratic Party is one, but much more broadly the think tank community, the academic community, which leans liberal, the journalistic community that is left of center — has been much more resistant to some of the bullshit that has infected the conservative community.
Compared to the heart cells that received the S. elongatus therapy in the dark, the heart cells that received the therapy in the light performed better: the hearts contracted better, they were more powerful, and even four weeks after the procedure, the hearts looked more resistant to heart attacks.
Arizona AZ-203: We are soon going to get yet another peek into the 2018 political landscape with an upcoming special election where Republicans are hoping the natural DNA of the district will be somewhat more resistant to the Democratic enthusiasm that toppled their candidates in Pennsylvania and Alabama.
There was much doubt from some cotton experts around the central claim of the study — that the fluorescent and magnetic molecules became "incorporated" into the cotton fibers themselves, making them more resistant to wear than the synthetic fibers coated with chemicals that are often used to develop smart textiles.
"Because food is so close to us and is part of our family and is part of what we do every single day, people, I think, are more resistant to the idea of government or bureaucrats telling them what to eat, how to eat and how to grow," he said.
These factors include the overprescription of antibiotics for people who don't need them; the flooding of our livestock with antibiotics (a practice that has only recently reduced in the U.S.); and the overuse of fungicides on crops that likely cleared the way for more resistant fungi, including C. auris, to show up.
Q-CTRL is designing firmware for computers and other machines (such as quantum sensors) that perform quantum calculations, firmware to identify the potential for errors to make the machines more resistant and able to stay working for longer (the Q in its name is a reference to qubits, the basic building block of quantum computing).
"One way we survived that crisis was by planting rootstocks from America and Europe that were more resistant to mildew, a tradition we maintain today," said Ana Ferreira, the marketing director at Pico Wines, a cooperative of 300 members who grow the grapes from which the wine is made and share in the profits.
So the more media people see that encourages them to think of themselves as part of a group, and the more they publicly proclaim — through sharing and liking and following and subscribing — that they are part of a group, the deeper that identity roots and the more resistant the underlying views become to change.
When a team of scientists reviewed the hundreds of studies that have been done on breast-feeding for the Department of Health and Human Services in 2007, they found some evidence suggesting that breast-fed babies were slightly more resistant to ear infections, stomach flu and a few other illnesses during their first year.
He was elected president despite saying he couldn't love a gay son and that a colleague was too 'ugly' to be rapedIn places like Germany, which remained fairly economically stable after the 2008 crisis and more resistant to populism than other countries in the neighborhood, far-right entities like the could get a boost from a recession.
Last week, MUNCHIES spoke with University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences cattle researcher Raluca Mateescu, who is the recipient of a $733,000 federal grant to explore how the cows of the future could adapt to warmer temperatures and to examine their genomes in the hopes of one day making them more resistant to heat.
"GOP politicians are much more resistant to gun control than GOP voters are," per FiveThirtyEight's Perry Bacon Jr. Republican lawmakers "have to be aware that a vote for some kind of gun control measure (even a popular one) could potentially get you cast as 'anti-gun,'" he writes, which could make them more vulnerable come election time.
She suggested that concerned clients should bring their own polish that Be wary of nail salons that use the same container of powder for clients getting "dip" manicures Powder manicures, also called "dip" manicures, have become a popular option for those who love having their nails painted, but want a manicure that is longer-lasting and more resistant to chipping than gel polish.
This is What a Mass Die-off of Earth&aposs Coral Reefs Looks LikeEarlier this week, we learned that Earth's coral reefs are in the midst of a massive dieoff,…Read more ReadLangdon is currently involved with an effort to identify genetic variants of coral that are more resistant to acidification, with the hope that we can breed strains that'll fare better in the harsher world we're creating.
When Campbell-Staton repeated the chamber experiments, he found that the surviving southernmost lizards were now more resistant to lower temperatures than before the cold snap, and at levels similar to their northern counterparts (they can tolerate temperatures down to around 6 degrees C or 42 degrees F). Analysis of the lizards' DNA revealed 14 genomic regions that distinguished individuals before and after the storm—genetic tweaks that endowed the lizards with cold-tolerating abilities.
LONDON (Reuters) - A strain of malaria resistant to two key drugs has spread rapidly from Cambodia and has become dominant in Vietnam, Laos and northern Thailand, with a "terrifying prospect" that it could reach Africa, scientists warned on Monday, Using gnomic surveillance to track the spread of drug-resistant malaria, the scientists found that the strain, known as KEL1/PLA1, had also evolved and picked up new genetic mutations that may make it yet more resistant.
"If you have a $1.45 million home in San Francisco, that $33,000 is not going to get you very far," said Mr. Kaplan of Swiss Re. Evan Reis, an engineer who is the executive director of the U.S. Resiliency Council, a nonprofit organization founded to promote the construction of buildings more resistant to earthquakes, finds it odd that flood insurance is required by banks in flood zones, but that earthquake insurance is not required in coastal California.

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