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118 Sentences With "more powerfully"

How to use more powerfully in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more powerfully" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more powerfully". Mastering all the usages of "more powerfully" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It is and can be more powerfully advanced by renewables.
Nothing is more powerfully upsetting than what happened in Manchester.
They are often powerfully sour and even more powerfully delicious.
We need to organize more powerfully than before in coming years.
I expect we'll see it more powerfully over the next few years.
The more powerfully your heart beats, the bloodier it's going to be.
The irony is that the unheeding worker is the more powerfully rendered.
I can do that in many ways more powerfully than the strident approach.
In a world turned cyanide cynical, belief grows more precious, more powerfully colorful.
Together with FMA, we'll be able to serve creators + our community even more powerfully.
In a relationship you get to practice it even more powerfully with another person.
If Torres couldn't swim more powerfully, she said, she would have to swim more efficiently.
This is an opportunity to own that message more and hopefully share it more powerfully.
Ever since, presidential debates have routinely been defined more powerfully by images than by words.
No movement illustrates this more powerfully than the Free Hugs initiative, which began in June 2004.
The acting here has less obvious brilliance, but it more powerfully articulates the theme of powerlessness.
What happens overseas can return to American shores faster and more powerfully than once seemed possible.
Each detail that Crock painstakingly created comes through even more powerfully without the use of color.
And no artists have responded to that history-that-won't-go-away more powerfully than black artists.
Both have flavors driven by caraway, as is typical, but the Danish version is more powerfully spiced.
The question is whether these factors operate even more powerfully for women than for men, Ms. Wanberg said.
The whole thing was layered and textured more powerfully than anything else I took in at the time.
" This asymmetry, Theodoridis argues, leads to the fact that Republicans "tend to identify more powerfully with their party.
And no artists have responded to that history-that-won't-go-away more powerfully than black artists have.
Few outside voices resonate more powerfully in Kenya than that of Mr. Obama, whose father was from there.
But the events are underscoring the trends that threaten Trump even more powerfully than those that benefit him.
They have a tribal commitment to their team, but much more powerfully have a fear of the opposing team.
But parking influences the way cities look, and how people travel around them, more powerfully than almost anything else.
But it works more easily, more powerfully, and more efficiently than virtually any other genome-altering method to date.
The best way to improve the availability of oxygen is to be able to breathe more powerfully and efficiently.
Words are even more powerfully associative, and I think even more powerful in setting our mind on a course.
The surreal image caught on the fly can remind us of our vulnerability much more powerfully than manipulated photographs can.
And, more powerfully than anywhere else, I felt Roger Casement there, where he wished to exist in eternity, and does.
With a 20 percent stake already worth $12 billion, hitting his targets may motivate the entrepreneur more powerfully than money.
And yet, this story speaks more powerfully of the danger of isolationism than any political poll or newspaper I've read.
That stimulus is typically some combination of perceived threats: either physical threats such as terrorism or, perhaps more powerfully, social threats.
He said that the key to a lot of social media is [that] negative emotions engage more powerfully than positive emotions.
Bannon sees himself as the de facto leader of America First, something he believes in far more powerfully than Trump does.
Washington has the potential to influence higher education, via both money and oversight, more powerfully than any state or college consortium.
And Mr. El Had, both solid and impulsive, dove into the music more powerfully with his body than with his imagination.
That's because teens' brains aren't yet fully developed and, as a result, are more powerfully influenced by a substance like nicotine.
China's massive role in global trade also means moves in the yuan reverberate much more powerfully and widely than they once did.
Strickler said only that the collaboration will help service the creator audience "more powerfully" — we'll have to wait and see for more.
Nothing would more powerfully deflate the puffed-up house of lies, grievances and skewed truths that proved so irresistible to their fathers.
This upgraded model has a new nozzle design that distributes steam more powerfully and consistently, making it easier to remove stubborn wrinkles.
You will experience art in the Color Factory more intimately and more powerfully, more interactively, than any other place on the planet.
And for some, nothing is more powerfully rehabilitative than sitting face-to-face with people you have harmed, in an effort to heal.
BIG NUMBER China's massive role in global trade also means moves in the yuan reverberate much more powerfully and widely than they once did.
"It's not just anticorruption, but more powerfully about central control," said Jeremy L. Wallace, a political scientist at Cornell University who studies Chinese politics.
Kasia Urbaniak, a former dominatrix, has been teaching both women and men ways to communicate more powerfully and effectively for the past five years.
A shake of the head, to the lay viewer, says, "That's silly, he never said that" — says it, possibly, more powerfully than a spoken denial.
Precisely because it has become less feasible, that deep urge to be anonymous, or even to be someone else, exists ever more powerfully within us.
And yet the later symphonies integrate moods and material more powerfully: There's something so awkward about the Fifth — the meandering buildup of the final movement!
And the picture very clearly shows the shocking nature of the attack — much more powerfully, I think, than a mere description in the story itself.
According to mainstream economics, a country's overall balance of trade is more powerfully influenced by macroeconomic forces, such as the strength of demand and the currency.
Even more powerfully, the EU leaders decided in Sofia to invoke a procedure first developed in 1996 to bypass American sanctions against Cuba, though never used.
Energy is created (perhaps even more powerfully) by simple voice inflections, small, targeted shows of passion, and by being extra clear and articulate in your answers.
What happened: FRB121102 looked to have been made "in a magnetic field at least thousands of times more powerfully than normally seen in space," the Times reports.
Mr. Robot scans more powerfully as a metaphor for self-destructive impulses when Elliot is battling him in real-time, even when the execution gets objectively nutty.
Perhaps even more powerfully, Walmart plans to work with thousands of partners throughout the supply chain with the goal of reducing emissions an additional 1 gigaton by 2030.
It's an admirable humanitarian effort that shines a light on the magnitude of the many crises in a way that hits home more powerfully than the nightly news.
The results suggest false news on Twitter may be able to change minds, move markets and influence behavior more powerfully than factually accurate news written by credible, trained journalists.
So I was thinking about aspirational bodies, and working with different models to find a body that, in some ways, could more powerfully represent the material than I could.
Listening to the audiobook, one feels even more powerfully that Melton is not merely relaying a narrative; she is offering her story with the hope and purpose of connection.
In the end, the tax plan may resonate more powerfully with the public than the legal woes of a former presidential aide; at least Mr. Trump's team hopes so.
Though rarely successful on the radio, her distinctive music has acted, more powerfully, as a blanketing atmosphere—summertime plus sadness—anticipating the mood-based playlisting of the streaming era.
"Kroger and Walmart have the ability to manage these outside forces far more powerfully than the local guys who are just trying to make a living," Mr. Cohen said.
"I think to a large extent it's people traditionally shut out of power who are beginning to assert themselves more powerfully in public," said Morgan Godfery, a Māori political commentator.
He knows the current of excitement that will surge through them if they see his forces retreat even a few feet — or, more powerfully, if they see an officer fall.
If recent form holds, the gap between Ledecky and the silver medalist in the 800-meter freestyle will reflect her dominance more powerfully than the gold medal she receives afterward.
Mr. Robison is cautious to note that he responded more powerfully to it than the other participants in his research group, and that the young adults were the least responsive.
"No book in American history molded public opinion more powerfully," the critic David Reynolds wrote in "Mightier Than the Sword," a book about the novel's writing, reception and modern reputation.
China has undertaken more construction and reclamation in the South China Sea, , and is likely to more powerfully reassert its claims over the waterway soon, regional diplomats and military officers say.
A single image of distant hilltops, white-capped to suggest the bleached bones of long-gone buffalo, evokes the tragedy of the West more powerfully than any page of impassioned dialogue.
We decided that nothing could convey more powerfully the critical issues of black infant and maternal mortality in America than this tender portrait of a child in his first day of life.
As Murphy describes Escobar as a "rich guy going broke," the cutaways to the slumped, bullet-riddled bodies of Escobar's army play more powerfully than anything the show itself could have staged.
It communicated more powerfully, and globally, than any other the standoff between aggression and civility in the current turmoil around race relations in America: that of the woman in the summer dress.
Mr. McQueen's "End Credits" circles back to the spatial austerity and the aural immersion in political reality of Ms. Fraser's opener, "Down the River," but it is more powerfully disorienting and scathing.
You're hard-pressed to find a straight-ahead jazz trumpeter with a more powerfully satisfying style: Jones plays with a smoky, magnetic grace, born of his boisterous disposition and almost total command.
In a gun-control debate that often splinters along ideological lines, no one speaks more powerfully than those who survived a high-profile shooting, or the families of those who did not.
Far more powerfully felt is Fagan's unexpected expression of thanks to Docherty, near the novel's end, for a favor he's done her, which has made possible both personal renewal and public justice.
"With respect to technological change, we believe the answer is far sooner, faster and more powerfully than one might expect," Adam Jonas, a Morgan Stanley analyst, wrote in a research note on Tuesday.
Surveys by TargetPoint, a market research firm with Republican clients, indicated that voters have reacted far more powerfully to candidates' debate performances than to their political ads, said Alexander Gage, TargetPoint's chief executive.
If there is a lesson from Britain's vote, he said, it is that those who are pro-Europe need to make their case much more powerfully if they are to maintain popular support.
Then, dress it up with a scattering of chive blossoms (but pull the blossoms apart into tiny florets and use restraint — the pretty violet flowers are more powerfully oniony than you might imagine).
WASHINGTON — Vice President-elect Mike Pence and the top Republicans in Congress made clear on Wednesday, more powerfully and explicitly than ever, that they are dead serious about repealing the Affordable Care Act.
This ecosystem is larger and more powerfully dynamic than many founders appreciate, with distinct yet overlapping laws at the federal, state and local/city levels, all set against a vast array of public and private interests.
She missed the point on how the show so aptly chose to navigate and neutralize the political rage on both sides, by confronting and reminding us that heartfelt love and decency resonate more powerfully than anger and bullying.
As the head of an office that regularly pushed to tighten regulations on pollution, which can affect children more powerfully than adults, Dr. Etzel had clashed multiple times with Trump administration appointees who sought to loosen pollution rules.
It's also sparked a new round of legislation that aims to keep 3d-printed guns out of the hands of Americans and, perhaps more powerfully, to legislate the manufacture of so-called "ghost guns," firearms that can't be traced.
But perhaps even more powerfully, the sculptural works made during these performances are undeniable marks of individual and communal presence that resists attempts at erasure such as ICE's purported plans to start shredding evidence of the abuse of detained children.
HONG KONG/BEIJING (Reuters) - China has quietly undertaken more construction and reclamation in the South China Sea, recent satellite images show, and is likely to more powerfully reassert its claims over the waterway soon, regional diplomats and military officers say.
But even more powerfully, his support from regular Republican women is falling after Mr. Trump's provocative remarks about everything from the silence of the mother of a slain Muslim soldier to how women should respond to sexual harassment in the workplace.
And since Computer vision (CV) algorithms are one of the backbones that enable AR/MR to have practical uses, making CV function more powerfully and cognitively in a small footprint and at low power has possibly never been as important.
And I believe that's because they've pivoted into satirical horror stories about the government, about inequality, and about racism that resonate more powerfully than shallower tales of people who just want a free pass to break stuff and be violent.
This focus is managed with tact and intelligence so that, even in the passages of the book that do not deal with the two figures directly, it is clear they are not being sidelined but are merely waiting to emerge more powerfully again.
The Democratic tilt toward progressives may be an interesting way of testing the proposition that the party does best when it runs left-wing candidates who can appeal more powerfully to their base than they do to more purple parts of their constituencies.
"A View From the Bridge" won the Tony Award, but for my money Mr. van Hove's "The Crucible," with a superlative cast and striking contemporary setting, spoke more powerfully to the moment, when panic and polarization have become an undercurrent in contemporary life.
Gummy cherries felt like tattoos, assured of a plasticky realness that connoted authenticity even more powerfully than a Robert Crumb–style illustration, maybe of gawking eyes in a skull against a gray-blue backdrop, on the label of a small-batch craft beer.
The cumulative effect could be to compound the dynamic evident in 2016, when an array of political science studies found that attitudes about racism and sexism predicted support for Trump or Clinton much more powerfully than people's assessments of their own economic situations.
How else do you think he earned his own hit NBC sitcom (Seinfeld) that literaly DOMINATED television sets across this great nation throughout the 1990s and left a mark that still courses thru the landscape of popular culture more powerfully than the mighty Missisippi?
"My intuition is that they will end up holding the stock as a unit because they can vote together more powerfully and they will both have decision-making rights," says L.A.-based family law attorney Steve Mindel, who is not involved in the proceedings.
But altogether the show is a tidal chorus of bitterness, shock and anger that demonstrates more powerfully than any one piece could the value of sheer emotional expression, both as testimony to a fraught moment in our history and as a cultural value worth protecting.
In a follow-up paper this year, Schaffner found that attitudes about whether racism or sexism persists as a problem predicted support for Republican or Democratic congressional candidates in 264 more powerfully than they did in 228 or the previous midterm election, in 281.
The drafted order, of which CNN obtained a summary, is called Protecting Americans from Online Censorship, though in its current state it appears to more powerfully instill the fear of god in social networks with millions of active users than grant these users more freedom of speech.
While the internet has led to the promotion of important voices we might not have otherwise heard, the last decade has demonstrated with searing clarity that this idea has far more powerfully contributed to the amplification of lies, manipulation, and an epistemological collapse that has deformed human discourse and undermined the very notion of truth.
By showing scenes from a Chilean movie from the 1970s — Alejandro Jodorowsky's El Topo — to illustrate both the violence inflicted on civilians in contemporary Aleppo, and the historical Armenian genocide, Houses Without Doors seems to suggest that fiction can tell the unthinkable and unimaginable more powerfully than any first-person account filmed on–site.
In today's influencer culture, when an individual's ability to ignite far-reaching trends simply by dint of her own appeal is more effective than any advertising campaign, and a photo can carry a message round the world more powerfully than any words, it is beginning to seem as if Ms. Markle could be the most influential of all.
BuzzFeed continued to prove that fine-grained slices of individual identity are among the most powerful and shareable types of media ever devised, and — even more powerfully — let the rest of us learn something about what it's like to be raised by Latino immigrant parents or transition to natural hair or just be an introvert on New Year's Eve.
The Museum of Modern Art, which has defined Modernism more powerfully than perhaps any other institution, can often seem monolithic in the mind's eye, essentially unchanged since its doors opened in 1929: a procession of solemn white-box galleries, an ice palace of formalism, the Kremlin (as the artist Martha Rosler once called it) of 19704th-century art.
"He was able to grip a baseball bat, which was something he wanted to do, by about a year, but now he can do it more powerfully with more coordinated motion between the right and the left hand," said Dr. Sandra Amaral, medical director of the hand transplant program at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, who was involved in Zion's care.
Less dreary than indie rock staples like Pigeon Detectives and more powerfully concentrated than pop outfits like Architecture In Helsinki, their first album Hold On Now, Youngster… was an honest portrayal of the chaos of growing up—everything in extremes all the time, high highs and low lows, making something bombastic out of mostly nothing—and incredibly exhilarating to hear.
By withholding the specific story of whatever made her angry, Thurman made her anger itself the story — and the raw force of her struggle not to get angry on that red carpet summoned the force of her anger even more powerfully than its full explosion would have, just as the monster in a movie is most frightening when it only appears offscreen.
While her story has most often been interpreted as a cautionary tale about the dangers of modern man's hubris as he pushes the limits of scientific knowledge — and it certainly is that — it is also, more powerfully, a story about the failure to recognize the humanity of those who don't look like us, and how that failure of sympathy itself engenders monsters.
In "The Invention of Russia," those primarily responsible for Russia's "emergence from authoritarianism and for its descent back into it" and the great dramas that accompanied it — Boris N. Yeltsin's firing on his Parliament, the Chechen wars, the hostage-taking in a Beslan school — are the Russians who invented (as the book's title proclaims) a progression of narratives, either in print or, more powerfully, on television.
Stevie Wonder and Pentatonix's tribute to Earth, Wind & Fire's Maurice White, in which Wonder tore through "That's The Way Of The World" while the a capella juggernaut served as his backing band, worked surprisingly well because of the wise decision to put Wonder front and center; it also made his simply put statement about making culture accessible to the disabled resonate even more powerfully.
Since then, activists, politicians and businessmen have all borrowed the story line to lend legitimacy to their ambitions, but few have done so more powerfully than civil rights leaders: Martin Luther King Jr. insisted that Christians who had succumbed to bigotry could repent only by righting racial wrongs; Malcolm X recounted his transformation from hustler and felon to militant activist and Muslim, and in so doing, he invited a nation of sinners to follow him down the same spiritual path.
But I know through my actions — the monetary policy decisions that I've voted on and the commitment I think I've shown to the community in terms of spending a lot of time traveling around the New York district and trying to really understand what's happening on the ground, on Main Street — hopefully deeds speak more powerfully than words and I hope people judge me on my actions and I hope my actions are very much consistent with the view that I care completely about Main Street.

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