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12 Sentences With "more mistrustful"

How to use more mistrustful in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more mistrustful" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more mistrustful". Mastering all the usages of "more mistrustful" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But after two more years of punishing sanctions, Tehran will be even more mistrustful and bitter -- and unwilling to make any additional concessions.
Does our current method of doing so — study by study, conclusion by conclusion — make us more informed as readers or simply more mistrustful?
On the whole, Israeli voters are more right-wing, more religious, less well educated and more mistrustful of Arabs than they were in the past.
Still, in the last year, as Mr. Trump has grown more mistrustful of his government, the sway held by Ms. Thomas and her group has increased.
Fidel Castro, a Cold War communist icon who died on Friday at the age of 90, was more wary than his brother of opening up the economy and more mistrustful of the United States.
"We haven't lanced the boil," Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump's former chief strategist, said in an interview, evoking the swelling tensions between the anti-establishment agitators like himself, who mostly align with Mr. Trump, and the party's ruling class in Washington, which seems to grow more mistrustful of the president by the day.
Written by A.J. Lieberman with art from Al Barrionuevo and Bit, the series portrayed a Manhunter more mistrustful of humanity and their actions towards each other. The miniseries focuses on J'onzz's search for other survivors of Mars. Following this miniseries, J'onzz was intended to be in Outsiders . He appeared in the third issue of the Outsiders: Five of a Kind series with Thunder, and joined the team afterward.
Gerbner believed there was no before-television stage in a person's life. He alleged the media influences a person the moment they are born. There are four attitudes that Gerbner focused on: (1) the chances of involvement with violence, (2) fear of walking alone at night, (3) perceived activity of police, and (4) general mistrust of people. When a person watches more television, that person is more likely to think he or she has a higher chance of being involved violence and is more mistrustful of others.
She soon became considered as a living saint and almost an object of veneration. The majority of the Maronite clergy, as well as the Patriarchs Simon Awad, Tobias El Khazen, and Joseph Estephan firmly supported Hindiyya, while on the contrary the Jesuits, as well as some Maronites, became more and more mistrustful of her doctrine and personal cult. In 1752 Pope Benedict XIV ordered the first investigation of her practices. It was carried out by the Franciscan Desiderio da Casabasciana, who, initially hostile, became himself a supporter of Hindiyya.
Various tasks investigated by relativistic cryptography consist in tasks of mistrustful cryptography, in which two or more mistrustful parties must collaborate to implement a cryptographic task while at the same time being guaranteed that other parties do not cheat. Examples of tasks in mistrustful cryptography are bit commitment, coin tossing, oblivious transfer and secure computations. Key distribution does not belong to mistrustful cryptography, because in this case the parties distributing the key trust each other. In relativistic cryptography, each participating party has various trusted agents, who collaborate with each other by performing different actions at various spacetime points.
When asked questions about immigration and Muslims, BNP voters were found to be far more hostile to them than the average Briton, and also more willing than average to support outright racially discriminatory policies toward them. Copsey believed that "popular racism"—namely against asylum seekers and Muslims—generated the BNP's "largest reservoir of support", and that in many Northern English towns the main factors behind BNP support were white resentment toward Asian communities, anger at Asian-on-white crime, and the perception that Asians received disproportionately high levels of public funding. Research also indicated that BNP voters were more mistrustful of the establishment than average citizens. In 2002–06, 92% of BNP voters described themselves as being dissatisfied with the government, to 62% of the wider population.
Hethum I, king of the Christian nation of Cilician Armenia, had submitted to the Mongols in 1247, and strongly encouraged other monarchs to engage in a Christian- Mongol alliance, but was only able to persuade his son-in-law, Prince Bohemond VI of the Crusader State of Antioch, who submitted in 1260. Other Christian leaders such as the Crusaders of Acre were more mistrustful of the Mongols, perceiving them as the most significant threat in the region. The Barons of Acre therefore engaged in an unusual passive alliance with the Muslim Mamluks, allowing Egyptian forces to advance unopposed through Crusader territory to engage and defeat the Mongols at the pivotal Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260. European attitudes began to change in the mid-1260s, from perceiving the Mongols as enemies to be feared, to potential allies against the Muslims.

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