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17 Sentences With "more incompatible"

How to use more incompatible in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more incompatible" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more incompatible". Mastering all the usages of "more incompatible" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Rather, I brainstormed new strategies, thought up more incompatible behaviors and used smaller approximations.
At some point the Lightning cable will be the thing that feels like an extraneous dongle, one more incompatible thing you have to tote around.
There's evidence that H3N2 viruses grown inside eggs that are used to make the vaccines develop tiny changes that make the vaccine more incompatible against H3N2 strains in the wild.
If it does find this combo, even more powerful telescopes in the future could follow up and see if there are more incompatible gases or liquid water oceans on these worlds.
Flu vaccines produced traditionally also seem to become more incompatible against a circulating strain of H3N2, thank to tiny changes in the viruses grown inside eggs that are used to make the vaccines.
Though the company introduced 64-but chipsets in September 2013, Apple didn't start requiring developers to support 64-bit architecture until nearly two years later in June of 2015, so it's likely there are far more incompatible apps than the number reflected in Sensor Tower's report.
A semantic pathology arises "whenever two or more incompatible senses capable of figuring meaningfully in the same context develop around the same name."Ullman, S. (1957). The Principles of Semantics (2nd ed.) (p. 122). London: Basil Blackwell "I'm sorry" is an example of two contextually relevant meanings in collision.
Cognitive dissonance theory of communication was initially advanced by American psychologist Leon Festinger in the 1960s. Festinger theorized that cognitive dissonance usually arises when a person holds two or more incompatible beliefs simultaneously. This is a normal occurrence since people encounter different situations that invoke conflicting thought sequences. This conflict results in a psychological discomfort.
There has been inconsistent evidence in relation to role conflict in dual-career commuter couples. Role conflict, according to Biddle, is “the concurrent appearance of two or more incompatible expectations for the behavior of a person”, and when a person experiences role conflict, it can have negative effects on multiple aspects of their lives, including decreased job performance and decreased commitment to an organization.Biddle, B. J. (1986). Recent development in role theory.
Both Lu and Hf are incompatible trace elements and relatively immobile. However, Hf is more incompatible than Lu, and thus it is relatively enriched in the crust and in silicate melts. Thus, a higher Lu/Hf ratio (also meaning a higher 176Hf / 177Hf ratio) is generally found in the residual solid during partial melting and removal of a liquid from a geochemical reservoir. It is worth noting that variation in Lu/Hf ratio is usually very small.
An assortment of adapters. An adapter in regard to computing can be either a hardware component (device) or software that allows two or more incompatible devices to be linked together for the purpose of transmitting and receiving data. Given an input, an adapter alters it in order to provide a compatible connection between the components of a system. Both software and hardware adapters are used in many different devices such as mobile phones, personal computers, servers and telecommunications networks for a wide range of purposes.
As the result of getting bitten in the knuckles by Shredder's pet akita, Hatchiko, Bradford mutated into an 8 ft. humanoid mutant akita with a spiked back, a large left arm, heightened senses and superhuman strength simply dubbed Dogpound. Despite being stronger, Dogpound continued to be more incompatible at carrying out the Foot's plans due to gaining less agility than he was as human. He eventually found hope when Karai ordered to return Baxter Stockman back into the Foot, believing that he could retro-mutate him.
Scheme of the basic principle of phase separation method of producing Janus nanoparticles: Two incompatible substances (A and B) were mixed to form a nanoparticle. A and B then separate into their own domains while still part of a single nanoparticle. This method involves the mixing of two or more incompatible substances which then separate into their own domains while still part of a single nanoparticle. These methods can involve the production of Janus nanoparticles of two inorganic, as well as two organic, substances.
First, the rare earth elements with even atomic numbers (58Ce, 60Nd, ...) have greater cosmic and terrestrial abundances than the adjacent rare earth elements with odd atomic numbers (57La, 59Pr, ...). Second, the lighter rare earth elements are more incompatible (because they have larger ionic radii) and therefore more strongly concentrated in the continental crust than the heavier rare earth elements. In most rare earth ore deposits, the first four rare earth elements – lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, and neodymium – constitute 80% to 99% of the total amount of rare earth metal that can be found in the ore.
Talia and Antonio resolve to continue their long-distance relationship as best they can on their "off- hours", but their work schedules prove more and more incompatible. Talia eventually switches places with Antonio's new partner, Oliver Fish, and transfers back to Llanview. She and Antonio resume their romance, but they soon choose sides against each other over the new police commissioner, renegade former FBI agent Lee Ramsey. Antonio remains loyal to Ramsey while Talia and Detective John McBain do not trust him; Antonio and Talia break up publicly when it becomes clear that she and John have slept together.
Most of the conception process involved members coming up with various concepts but never agreeing to final designs, meaning compromises had to be determined under deadlines during filming; Astles suggested more time could've been saved if the crew simply borrowed from Dungeons & Dragons books instead of trying to "cleverly expand" the game's universe. According to Gibbs, the workflow was made even more burdensome by the "communist" nature of the Czech Republic's film industry, especially for a big-scale fantasy film. The country's recently passed importing laws prevented the makeup people from using the glue specifically designed for the elf ears, meaning the elf actors had to wear more incompatible adhesives. There were also scheduling delays due to properties such as weapons and castle walls made by the Czech crew being poorly manufactured and having to be redone.
The high field strength and large ionic radii of rare-earths make them incompatible with the crystal lattices of most rock-forming minerals, so REE will undergo strong partitioning into a melt phase if one is present. REE are chemically very similar and have always been difficult to separate, but a gradual decrease in ionic radius from LREE to HREE, called lanthanide contraction, can produce a broad separation between light and heavy REE. The larger ionic radii of LREE make them generally more incompatible than HREE in rock-forming minerals, and will partition more strongly into a melt phase, while HREE may prefer to remain in the crystalline residue, particularly if it contains HREE-compatible minerals like garnet. The result is that all magma formed from partial melting will always have greater concentrations of LREE than HREE, and individual minerals may be dominated by either HREE or LREE, depending on which range of ionic radii best fits the crystal lattice.

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