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11 Sentences With "more disrupted"

How to use more disrupted in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more disrupted" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more disrupted". Mastering all the usages of "more disrupted" from sentence examples published by news publications.

On Friday, as federal government operations grew more disrupted, the president did just that.
With Trump and his attendant chaos, US politics is more disrupted, uncertain, and malleable than it's been in my adult lifetime.
" The result, she said, is nothing but more incarceration, more disrupted lives, and more "stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV.
Like locusts, ISIS destroyed everything it touched, mosques, ancient sites from civilizations long dead, and hundreds of thousands of lives — some forever ended, or many more disrupted.
One possibility is a country whose trading patterns were perhaps more disrupted than any other's by Britain's accession to the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1973: New Zealand.
Short films by various artists utilize the 360° nature of the space encompassing it into the narrative—and watching a film becomes a more disrupted experience than just a flat screen that can't be tampered with.
And as industries are ever more disrupted by start-ups that think differently, brands and their guardians – the chief marketing officers (CMOs) – have an ever-harder task of keeping up with trends and working out what consumers want from them.
Pritzer, 338 The 17th century brought hardships to the Missouria. The Sauk and Fox frequently attacked them. Their society was even more disrupted by the high fatalities from epidemics of smallpox and other Eurasian infectious diseases that accompanied contact with Europeans. The French explorer Jacques Marquette contacted the tribe in 1673 and paved the way for trade with the French.
The northern and the southern H2-emitting filaments, ~1'.4 – 1'.6 from the center of NGC 6445, might be the outer boundaries of an edge-on-viewed torus of this PN. This torus was ejected in the AGB phase, when the projenitor star was a red giant, and is now being disrupted by interaction with the fast stellar wind that was developed later. The south region of the torus seems to be much more disrupted than its north counterpart.
In today's society, day-to-day activities increasingly involve the technological world where information technology exacerbates the number of interruptions that occur in the work environment. A 2012 survey by McKinsey Global Institute found that the average worker spends 28% of work time managing email. Adding this decade's use of the Internet, management may be even more disrupted in their decision making, and may result in more poor decisions. Thus, the PIECES framework mentions information overload as a potential problem in existing information systems.
Fr John Sinnott SJ was inaugurated as the Prefect of Studies in 1937; he was the first former student of the College to hold that office. Fr Sinnott is widely seen as having pioneered the College and wider Catholic education in Britain during his thirteen years as Prefect of Studies, over which time he developed a careers bureau, a College orchestra, academic interhouse competitions and violin playing. Acting on concerns of fire hazards due to crowded corridors and underfunded laboratories in a 1938 inspection, and on the appetite from inspectors for his plans to expand the provision of geography lessons, Fr Sinnott made plans to expand the College with new facilities; however, he was frustrated by the outbreak of the Second World War, when tight restrictions were placed on the use of steel and timber. During the Second World War, the functioning of the College was much more disrupted than in the Great War.

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