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188 Sentences With "more controlled"

How to use more controlled in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more controlled" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more controlled". Mastering all the usages of "more controlled" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"I think it'll be good to replicate the results in other studies," he said, suggesting that a more controlled group with a more controlled food intake could be required for that purpose.
Student Candy Lau fears Hong Kong will become more controlled.
But it's a more controlled and limited type of value.
These are simply more controlled environments than on city streets.
"It's a starting point for more controlled science," he said.
It was all so much more controlled and less anarchistic.
The new motors have a more controlled and rougher feel.
It can be more controlled and malleable than a prose sentence.
The access to players and officials is much more controlled now.
She seemed more controlled and focused and less like a smart-aleck.
Jack's not opposed to trying a more controlled, guided ketamine trip, though.
Quest users, on the other hand, will likely want a more controlled experience.
But it would take months to get him into a more controlled environment.
It's the same in Japan, even though it looks like a more controlled environment.
But "we usually want them to be more controlled" than Sanders's movements, Navarro says.
"It feels like more controlled selling and thoughtful bidding," the collector Larry Warsh said.
But another, more controlled score will be available now too: a "verified" audience score.
"I'm much more controlled and OCD and Sam really likes to wing it," Kendrick says.
Solar geoengineering would, its advocates say, do the same thing in a more controlled manner.
Paris Jackson is taking a much more controlled path to fame than her royal father.
This particular trip was even more controlled by the government than reporters here usually are.
There are sections that are more controlled and desolate, too, like your solo for yourself.
It's a much more controlled and well-thought out process than the Globes can sometimes be.
"I think it's a more controlled swing for him," Astros manager A.J. Hinch said of Springer.
Of course, when we finally came to work on The Wall, that was much more controlled.
And when the declines come, staying in low gear makes the descent more controlled and safer.
It's easier to make things feel meaningful this way because it's a much more controlled environment.
But gradual awareness of the benefits of mangroves has resulted in more controlled harvesting of the trees.
Mills said that this method offers a more "controlled environment" that makes it better to confront someone.
Could a couple of pills really help me to cultivate better, more vivid, and more controlled dreams?
Like Waymo, Toyota and others, Aurora says that its approach is more controlled than it might seem.
Like Waymo, Toyota, and others, Aurora says that its approach is more controlled than it might seem.
Q Acoustics says the result of all this is a more controlled bass response and better stereo imaging.
As for Apple, while its iOS is definitely more controlled than Android, that control has weakened over time.
This time Quentin's more intact mind shifts back to events from his youth in a more controlled fashion.
Trump's remarks, too, were more controlled, with the President delivering an at times poetic reflection on the shooting.
Theatre didn't so much save Abdoh's life as reshape it into something more vital, more bearable, more controlled.
But we know from later films that he would soon develop a smoother, more controlled sense of craft.
"There probably isn't a trade in Uruguay today that is more controlled than cannabis sale," Mr. Durán said.
Body motions are more controlled than many full-sizers, and handling is at least reassuring if not impressive.
There's a straightforward reason the two rarely match, though: The critical score is more controlled and methodical. Why?
In practice, the volume for human ears will be more controlled, and you may not even notice the change.
Russia gets a parting gift from Obama, SpaceX wants to move back to more controlled explosions, plus internet matrimony.
Circulatory death can also happen in more controlled circumstances—for example, when a patient's life support is turned off.
He does see new maturity in Thiem, more controlled aggression on critical points and more skill on the attack.
Infinitely better than glue, it's liquid plastic that hardens via a UV LED light for more controlled drying time.
Meantime, it's likely to do some tinkering with hashtags, rhyme schemes and the like, before its more controlled public unveiling.
Most trekking companies operate in Nepal, as climbing in Tibet has become more expensive and more controlled in recent years.
And here it was in a much more controlled environment of a short, pre-recorded clip and extremely low resolution.
The onshore yuan, CNY, more controlled by the Chinese central bank, was just above 6.93 Monday, its lowest since November.
Indoor lighting is more controlled since it doesn't change every second like sunlight, but it also tends to be dimmer.
So now we bag all the elderflower in sugar syrup and ferment it, but obviously under much more controlled circumstances.
" Which is marketing speak for, "It has a strong, quick-drying airflow that also allows for more controlled, precise styling.
Defenses will need to be more controlled, and it will be hard to do an uncontrolled blitz in the future.
Actually of the guys left, Nadal might be a little less scared of Murray who plays a more controlled game.
But I sort of liked the taste and then start to mess with the parameters in a more controlled way.
With an IV, all of the medicine is absorbed and the delivery is far more controlled, says Levine of Actify Neurotherapies.
Combined with media consolidation and looser regulations, it could shape the messy sprawl of the web into something much more controlled.
Adobe's Character Animator is getting keyframes later this year, which will allow users to tweak movements and create more controlled animations.
A simple mass driver could knock them toward the Earth, but capturing them and controlling descent is a more controlled technique.
The reality is much more controlled, but is still invasive, as it requires hospitalization and can cause patients to have seizures.
Such diets may affect more than just salt, but they certainly would benefit from more controlled trials to prove their worth.
Putting together more controlled discussions with smaller groups, people who are not sick, who are not jammed together, would be smart.
The videos provide a more intimate — if more controlled — view of mayoral activities than can be seen from a news conference.
Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, who have been avoiding in-person town halls while opting for the more controlled tele-town halls.
But in either case, these kinds of tests should be done over longer periods of time, and in a more controlled setting.
But also they performed more controlled experiments on a length of water-filled tube, applying higher accelerations for longer periods of time.
Others from Yandex to Waymo have tested cars in snow, but from their reports these seem to have been more controlled conditions.
Much of the evidence of the benefit from PARO is based on informal observation (though there have also been more controlled trials).
Cowen would like to see a more controlled study where patients don't know in advance if they've taken psilocybin or another drug.
Such a route allows lawmakers to hear from constituents in a more controlled setting that doesn't risk video ricocheting around social media.
Chlorination is commonly done in the more controlled setting of wastewater treatment plants, rather than in sewer pipes flowing directly into waterways.
The company says the aim is to provide a more controlled environment for the kind of chatting that's already commonplace among families.
With mix assumed stable from Q24, the improvement appears driven by on-going battery cost progress and a more controlled vehicle assembly process.
With a few companies controlling 95 percent of the social data, the internet is more closed and much more controlled than ever before.
The Daenerys and Jorah scene was designed from the start with a special steel trebuchet so the fiery lighting would be more controlled
A 30-year plan to address urban sprawl in a more controlled and environmentally friendly way would be a step forward, he added.
As teenagers, the twin sisters formed the cheery, poppy punk outfit the Ackleys, and later the more controlled and lyrically ambitious P.S. Eliot.
After testing the Limbix offering, Dr. Jewell said it allowed patients to face their anxieties in more controlled ways than they otherwise could.
Mr. Trump's forum was a more controlled and quiet one, including fewer calls for gun regulation, and more supporters of the president's positions.
After 1949, when Mao founded the People's Republic of China, books showcased more controlled, uniform styles and pictorial content that served as propaganda.
The whole week has been a lot of anticipation, a lot of excitement, so obviously the race now is hopefully the more controlled part.
That's why, on the other hand, there have been various attempts to supplant the web with something a little more controlled and mobile-centric.
And I don't think that there is probably many people that are more controlled by political contributions than the senator that the president referenced.
And of course, it's now sold online on darknet markets in ready-made vape cartridges, allowing for slower, calmer, more controlled—even public—use.
How clean the setup was in that kitchen and how quickly the company moved to a more controlled, commercial space depends on the company.
Racing provides a much more controlled environment, and Virtually Live has done a good job exploiting those limits to create a more polished product.
One of the doctors facing charges in Ohio had at one time prescribed more controlled substances than anyone else in the state, prosecutors said.
Worms with boosted levels of their version of REST (proteins named SPR-3 and SPR-4) had more controlled neural activity and lived longer.
Lesson learned: A more controlled response of resources is needed to avoid overwhelming officers and dispatchers with 911 calls of false shooters, the report says.
"I don't think it's really necessary to add more controlled joints to the robot," co-author Soon-Jo Chung wrote in an email to TechCrunch.
As AI becomes ubiquitous through powerful mobile devices with integrated AI platforms at the hardware level, we will see more controlled and close-system applications.
The rest of the film is more controlled, less eye-­catching, shot in steady takes that prepare viewers for the unflinching depiction of hazing rituals.
Above-average moisture levels this summer have reduced the number of large wildfires across the country and allowed more controlled fires that mimic lightning strikes.
But Osaka played much more controlled against the 26rd-ranked Pole and even pulled out a 22-mile per hour serve in that second set.
Although he's more controlled in the pick-and-roll, we haven't seen any progress in his ability to make plays there, a letdown given his talent.
For example, they may need to be sold in a more controlled fashion, and not on places like eBay where any person could snatch them up.
If we can find methods to synthesize neuron networks in a more controlled fashion, it would likely spur major advances in our understanding of the brain.
"It's been one of the more controlled games, I thought," said Penguins coach Mike Sullivan, whose team slipped past the Capitals 8-7 in overtime Monday.
The idea was to play with a more controlled aggression, keep unforced errors to an acceptable level and pressure Pliskova with opportunistic advances to the net.
With advances in the technology, animators now have more time to polish their shots, and Woody has arguably become a finer, more controlled performer than ever.
My liver rejoiced at this life change—but only a little because I still love the sauce, just in more humane amounts and a more controlled environment.
They do location shooting, and then they would fill in other shots in a more controlled space or on a sound stage with that same environment painted.
Under its two new co-CEOs, Artie Minson and Sebastian Gunningham, WeWork has seen a recent and abrupt shift to a more controlled culture and spending cuts.
The smooth-tread front wheels pivot 180 degrees for maximum versatility without damaging turf, and the premium rear tires maximize traction for a smoother, more controlled ride.
For a few minutes, we enjoyed a combination of him mashing on the keys of the programmer haphazardly and me guiding him in more controlled, directed coding.
"There is some kind of structure to it," Heidecker insists, hinting perhaps that the technical difficulties or occasional bouts of chaos may be more controlled than they appear.
Among other recommendations were greater transparency on the outcomes of cases, enhanced integrity training for players and more controlled access to them, including better accreditation and security procedures.
So the aliens are just another cult group, something closer to the Rajneeshees or Scientologists than the punks, in that they're more controlled, and there's a sense of insularity.
Boyd was noticeably calmer and more controlled Week 217 against the Patriots, making a tough catch in traffic in the fourth quarter and looking dangerous in the open field.
On SG, the 17-year-old Park "Ruler" Jae-hyuk has been a more-controlled asset to the team and well-matched with Kwon "Wraith" Ji-min on support.
Fitch expects the ratio to stabilise below 30x in the medium term as Huai An Traffic's debt increases at a more controlled pace along with rising revenue and EBITDA.
Rather than evolving, as once seemed possible, into a forum where China's problems are discussed and different views are aired, the NPC is becoming less open and more controlled.
More controlled-substance prescriptions were written in the state from 2013 to 2014 (about 27 million) than there were residents (about 20 million), according to the State Health Department.
In response to concerns over what those children watch, the company launched the YouTube Kids app in 2015 to allow them to opt in to a more controlled environment.
With these guns, Marines can pound ISIS positions, vehicles, and even hardened bunkers with accurate and continuous fire — a cheaper and a more controlled option compared to an airstrike.
Watching the two backcourts go at it should be a highlight, as Miami looks to push the tempo and Villanova seeks to dictate a more controlled pace of play.
Last year Lim launched a startup called Cell Design Labs to try to do just that, as well as creating a molecular on-off-switch to make treatments more controlled.
As the web becomes more splintered and information more controlled across the globe, we risk the deterioration of democratic systems, the corruption of free markets and further cyber misinformation campaigns.
Facebook said the point of Messenger Kids was to provide a more controlled environment for the types of activity that were already occurring across smartphones and tablets among family members.
The more apps and developers participating, the more inefficiencies appear, which is one of the advantages of taking a more controlled approach to the operating system and apps, as Apple does.
Even with candidates who are far more controlled with Trump, that doesn't always turn out well: Mitt Romney, who apparently believed he was winning in 2012, didn't prepare a concession speech.
Wearing a dark suit and tie and politely prefacing almost every remark with "Congressman" or "Congresswoman," Zuckerberg appeared even more controlled than he did on Tuesday when he testified before senators.
Gene drives—with all their attendant uncertainties—would be a hard risk to sell, especially when the more urban geography of the region makes more controlled technologies like Oxitec's operationally feasible.
Michelle's out-of-touch arrogance lets her play a more controlled, precise, sleek version of her familiar energy, and lets her access new gags about excess instead of desperation for access.
"Hopefully these deals will be one of those rare win-win situations, where employees get their money and companies can create opportunities to invest in a more controlled way," he said.
Now, Paquette said, he and other academics are starting to do more controlled experiments that organize participants by factors like gender, age, foot type, experience, strike pattern, and even exercise goals.
This could actually put the company in a better position to challenge the iPhone and create a more controlled experience for consumers with less glitches — something Android users have long complained about.
I'm sure there must be a study I missed (feel free to send), but would a few more scientists please look at this water in a few more controlled studies in people?
While it's understandable that people have a hard time trusting Facebook these days, there isn't any viable alternative that allows kids to "practice" communicating or socializing online in a more controlled environment.
This year, some Republicans have embraced more controlled environments, like telephone town halls, to avoid embarrassing clashes with protesters that have gone viral on social media and been replayed on cable news.
"There are a lot more controlled reentries than 20 years ago, and for more massive objects, [companies and countries] take more care," says Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at Harvard and spaceflight expert.
The token sale was capped at just under $25 million, and, despite massive interest, Omise opted for a more controlled pre-sale-only event because it didn't want to raise too much.
"Of course, the more they monitor it, the less automatic it feels, the more controlled it feels, the more it seems like they're never going to stop thinking about it," he says.
They have a much bigger sound now, Vinnie's voice doesn't sound like it's constantly scraping past its limits, and the scrappy basement energy has been traded in for something much more controlled.
"There should be some sort of compromise between a free flow of people over the border and something that's more controlled," said Drew Carlson, 19, of Warrensburg, Missouri, who took the poll.
" With this in mind, the memo's author recommended additional and more controlled tests, both of Geller's abilities and of Geller himself to discover if his vision or hearing extended "beyond normal human limits.
The message seems to be that bottled water is somehow safer, purer, or more controlled than tap water—and that we can be perennially young, carefree, and far from death by consuming it.
Despite head coach Tyronn Lue's comments to the contrary, Cleveland benefits from a more controlled game, as its 1.10 points per possession on plays following an opponent made basket is tops in the postseason.
"While immigration is expected to be lower and more controlled after Brexit, economic and social demand are likely to continue to drive relatively high levels of immigration to the UK," IPPR said in its report.
To give Google credit, they stress-tested their system by running Stadia on hotel Wi-Fi rather than taking me down to Mountain View and letting me play with Stadia under much more controlled conditions.
In her view, a factual assessment of the Trump presidency would conclude that he has done an excellent job, but Democrats, who "are more controlled by emotions," she said, have been unwilling to see it.
Apart from the supermodel lineups on the runways — see: Jaime King, Erin O'Connor, and Adriana Lima, who don't usually strut their stuff at couture week — the frenzy around the annual spectacle is a little more controlled.
With this influx of money, they plan to hire engineers, sales people and customer success personnel over the next year, which should allow them to take advantage of the growing demand in a more controlled fashion.
But Book 5 seems both more controlled and traditional in form than much of what's gone before, following the conventions of the bildungsroman to tell the story of an unhappy young man who becomes a writer.
More controlled investigations have also suggested that lucid dreaming, either as a stand-alone technique or as an add-on to other psychotherapeutic approaches, can be successfully applied to reduce the frequency and severity of nightmares.
A number of brew guides suggest that a more controlled way of making a cup of coffee is to bring a scale into the mix so it's possible to add water more precisely during each pour.
Absolutely. You can catch glimpses of film crew members in the bar's mirrors, and the camerawork throughout feels more like the stuff of vérité than most fictional films, which tend to use a more controlled style.
Our thought bubble: "Compared to previous generations, today's parents tend to be less comfortable letting their kids roam unsupervised after dark, instead preferring community or school gatherings in more controlled settings," Axios' cities correspondent Kim Hart notes.
Even in the face of worsening storms and growing population, Jacob said that the Houston area can continue to prosper, as long as it takes a new approach that swaps continued urban sprawl for more controlled development.
The music is meant to characterize the mood swings that a person goes through when needing sedation, with heavy guitar and screams representing the pain and mental anguish, with the quiet sections showing a more controlled state.
And members of both parties and administration officials know by now not to hold out for a "pivot" to a more controlled Trump who's never going to come, after seeing a flash of normalcy from the president.
That's why these shared vehicles are more appealing within the industry — in more controlled, predictable, contained environments computer-controlled vehicles have more of a chance of staying on course and getting to the destination without any issues.
Plus, Boden adds, most people in booze-consuming countries are familiar from their youth with its effects, more intimately than they might be with those of a more controlled substance, and see it as safe and acceptable.
For more controlled snoozes during the day, the patent describes a next-level nap function, which could potentially be engaged and tracked via pressure on the phone's screen as the user falls in and out of sleep.
Instead they're opting for more controlled Facebook Live or "tele-town halls," where questions can be screened by press secretaries and followups are limited — as are the chances of becoming the next viral meme of the Left.
Washington (CNN)For those in the White House yearning for a more controlled structure than existed in Donald Trump's presidential campaign, the messy rollout of the executive order restricting travel into the US may have been a gift.
It was a track that was all about the bass drum but there was too much low in there and we wanted a more controlled bass sound—which doesn't blow your speakers up if you play it loud!
Separately, Solomon, who took over at Goldman in late 2018, said that he believed the economic impact of the coronavirus "will be a little more controlled if it stays on the course it seems to be on now."
The EBA proposed that fintech firms should go through a dedicated interface set up by banks to access specific data indirectly in a more controlled setting, a step some fintech firms say would act as a barrier to competition.
This research project provides a safe way to test lower resolution hardware since a driver remains in control and the environment is more controlled than a city roadway, while still providing the benefits of a real-wold testing ground.
According to Deutsche, common themes over the next 35 years will include: lower real growth, higher inflation, less international trade, more controlled migration, lower corporate profits as a share of gross domestic product and negative real returns in bonds.
"If Gontareva leaves and her post will be taken by someone weaker and more controlled by different interest groups, this will mean that the ability to finance these payments without default and without threats to financial stability will decrease," he said.
But checked baggage is subject to screening in more controlled conditions, including explosives checks at U.S. and many foreign airports and the use of sniffer dogs which remain one of the most effective ways of detecting most types of bomb.
We're having a public conversation, but there's four of us on stage, which means we can have a more controlled, safe conversation where all of the lovely folks in the audience can't come yell in our ears while we're having a conversation.
The new sign-on button fits right in with iMessage's focus on encryption and Safari's push against third-party tracking, all fitting in with Apple's broader vision of itself as a cleaner and more controlled alternative to the rest of the tech world.
Though the Trump White House appeared more controlled early in Kelly's tenure, that period didn't last long with Trump continuing to use his Twitter account to scold Republican leaders, ailing Puerto Ricans and just about anybody whom he feels has crossed him.
The EBA proposed that fintech firms should go through a dedicated "application programming interface" or API set up by banks to access specific data indirectly in a more controlled setting, a step some fintech firms say would act as a barrier to competition.
The star of the project is a chunky chain necklace designed with rounded, pill-shaped links connected by a stemmed double eyelet; the small joint gives the design a more controlled, articulated sense of movement than that of a traditional free-flowing chain.
"I learned very quickly if I was going to do this at a more controlled level, I'd have to get a ham [amateur] radio license to put radio transmitters in the balloon," he said, rather than "using some burner cell phone" like the MIT students.
We can bury power lines, like the ones linked to the deadly fire siege in October 2017; build fire breaks into communities; do more controlled burns; and, in the long term, cut back on the greenhouse gases we pump into the atmosphere, Flannigan says.
"Today, while there are some children who need treatment in a more controlled setting, we know that the vast majority of individuals are better off in their own communities, closer to their families, and that's what we're pushing to have done," he told me.
It isn't unclear why, but industry sources suggested to TechCrunch that a reliance on metrics and regional growth — two hallmarks of the Rocket Internet era — might have been prioritized at the expense of developing a more solid product-market fit and scaling in a more controlled manner.
Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE controlled the Twitter conversation during Saturday night's Republican presidential debate.
"Since the Earth hasn't disappeared after billions of years of being bombarded by these cosmic rays, we are confident that the LHC, which produces particle collisions in a more controlled environment, will not cause this either," Clara Nellist, an LHC physicist who works on the ATLAS experiment, told Gizmodo.
Jason Chaffetz near Salt Lake City—Republicans are ducking in-person events altogether, opting instead for more controlled Facebook Live or "tele-town halls," where questions can be screened by press secretaries and followups are limited—as are the chances of becoming the next viral meme of the left.
Trump's Next Challenge: Russia Returns to Afghanistan For example, one casualty of more controlled investment may have been the $1 billion deal by Dalian Wanda Group to buy Dick Clark Productions, which produces a popular New Year's Eve countdown show and the Golden Globe Awards ceremony, among other entertainment properties.
If it's adopted, the startup's device will be able to be used pre-arrest to give the officer a number indication of a driver's impairment, or as SannTek further hones their device, the breathalyzer could be used for post-arrest evidentiary testing back at the precinct in a more controlled environment.
By balancing each other's strengths, best friends and artistic partners, Olga and m05k, combine the best of two worlds: Olga, a traditional pen-and-paper artist, was open to experimenting with new mediums and m05k, who developed a background in graffiti, wanted to explore a more controlled medium in typography.
That means Republicans can repeal much of Obama's regulatory framework from the Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE-controlled White House.
Mr. Kelly has not had the time to make that kind of study, though he was intuitively attracted to the more controlled approach of his predecessor's predecessor, Denis R. McDonough, President Barack Obama's last chief of staff, who modeled his chain of command on that of the National Security Council.
New techniques, such as one called CRISPR, allow scientists to precisely alter genes in a much more controlled way than before, offering the possibility that embryos could be changed not only to prevent the development of genetic diseases, but to prevent any resulting children from passing harmful traits to their own offspring.
Serving private-run tourist destinations like Disney World is an interesting avenue for Lyft, and should help it position itself as a potential partner as shuttles like these become more autonomous, something that could happen quicker than self-driving on roads, given the more controlled conditions, strict routes and absence of other unpredictable motor vehicles.
While there are already hundreds of thousands of users from large organizations and businesses who are already using the earlier version of Slack — all three of the Grid customers getting announced today were among them — it will be interesting to see how many of these will covert into using the more expensive and more controlled Enterprise Grid.
"It's a story that Moebius spent decades on, and you can see an evolution as he first focuses on a 'clean line' style—the style employed by such creators as Hergé (Tintin)—to a more involved, intricate style that seems to get more controlled and complicated as the story gets more surreal and dreamlike," Simon says.
It was a departure from the slightly more controlled, presidential Trump — who was back in evidence at the White House later in the day speaking alongside Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull — and a sign that the president plans to lean heavily on what's worked for him in the past as he tries to boost Republicans in the November elections.
It has the reflective effect of breathwork—the delicately arranged passages feel like a sharp intake of air and then the move back to abstraction is a more controlled exhalation—putting you in a headspace to mull over the themes that he intended to shape this release: cosmogony (the science of the origin of the universe), creation myths, the structure and tensile strength of ropes (hence the title), and the movement of rivers.
Gilda is sung by Nadine Sierra, a rising Met soprano who sounded more controlled and sensitive than ever, offering a delicately spun "Caro nome" and passionate duets with the baritone Christopher Maltman — a Rigoletto costumed like someone in a painting by Otto Dix or Max Beckmann, Grosz's peers — in Act II. (Andrés Orozco-Estrada conducted.) That "Caro nome" comes right before what may be the finest touch in Mr. Sher's production, and the clearest nod to the societal complicity Grosz observed in his most alarming paintings.

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