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7 Sentences With "more ceremonious"

How to use more ceremonious in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more ceremonious" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more ceremonious". Mastering all the usages of "more ceremonious" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The double-click of the X22016D's shutter sound feels more ceremonious to me, and the long processing delay after it suggests that something worth waiting for is going on.
Is there anything more ceremonious than dragging a matchstick across a rough sandpaper-lined box, dipping the running flame to a fresh candle wick, and breathing in your favorite holiday scent?
Many fans expressed disappointment and frustration with Ackbar's sudden death in The Last Jedi, calling it abrupt and unceremonious, a sentiment echoed by Ackbar actors Rose and Kane, as well as the film's editor Bob Ducsay. They believed that a distinguished war hero, comparable to Winston Churchill in his role in defeating the Empire, should have gotten a more ceremonious death.
PP Kampars, Sovetskaia grazhdanskaia obriadnost' (M.: Mysl', 1967) passim Special rites and ceremonies were devised in the 1960s to celebrate the granting of passports on the sixteenth birthday. Another rite was created for initiation into the ranks of workers and peasants. As early as the late 1950s, the state had also been making more ceremonious civil marriages, name-giving ceremonies for babies and funerals, in order to compete with the church.
Calvinists who disliked the more ceremonious style of liturgy were opposed by an Episcopalian faction. After ascending to the English throne in 1603 James stopped the General Assembly from meeting, increased the number of Scottish bishops and in 1618 held a General Assembly in Perth; this gathering adopted Five Articles of Episcopalian practices. Many Scottish church leaders, and their congregations, responded to the Five Articles with boycotts and disdain. James's son Charles I was crowned in Holyrood Abbey, Edinburgh, in 1633 with full Anglican rites.
Students are nominated for awards through a form posted on the school bulletin or by heads of departments directly. The Speech Day Committee then is given the yearly responsibility of selecting the students who they feel deserve a prize; the committee itself is compromised of a teacher supervisor as well as appointed students that vote on who should receive the prizes. As this is a very important event to prize winners, teachers and alumni frequently attend, and the KGV Orchestra and Choir plays music to make the night even more ceremonious. From 2015 onwards Speech Day has been held in the school hall.
The origin of the ball de diables is uncertain, but they are believed to have come from medieval street theater, passed down through the oral tradition, evolving in the process. Though the ball de diables is popularly known as a dance, it is more appropriately an entremés since the performance was presented in between the entrees of the nobility in the Middle Ages. The theme of ball de diables is a theatrical representation of the struggle between the good and the evil. In its scenic context, it has been used mainly for Corpus Christi festivities, in ecclesiastic processions as accompaniment to provide a more ceremonious and spectacular aspect.

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