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167 Sentences With "more alert"

How to use more alert in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more alert" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more alert". Mastering all the usages of "more alert" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"Today she was more alert than ever," Wetmore says proudly.
They looked more alert now, scooted up in their seats.
The students also reported feeling less sleepy and more alert.
I find this investment helps me to be more alert.
A socially conscious critic is sometimes more alert to that.
He had hardened, and was both angry and more alert.
I have ADHD, which means I'm more alert at night.
"I don't know how you could be more alert," Sen.
That could have made them more alert to those symptoms themselves.
And we are going to stay more alert because of that.
Bats and owls become more alert and come out to feed.
Back home, I'm more alert than I was after the last surgery.
After just a couple of sips, you may start to feel more alert.
But I also felt more energetic, more alert, more awake, and more alive.
Now she can think better and is more alert and she can interact.
For most people, this time is when our bodies and brains are more alert.
I feel more alert and well rested than I normally do on a Monday.
As the week wore on, I did find myself feeling more alert and energetic.
Scientific studies have found that the color makes us stronger, more alert, more competitive.
So the country was more alert than ever to the threat of a terrorist attack.
"Girls appear to be more alert now and information has started flowing in," Ranade said.
They taught me to take chances, to be more alert, to be more self-conscious.
Most people start drinking caffeine because it makes them feel more alert and improves their mood.
That means being more alert to the long-term consequences of large firms acquiring promising startups.
Pick up a book, and you'll find yourself more alert and ready to face the workday.
A cannier, more alert singer might have discerned variety between songs, highlighted discrete moments, added sharpness.
"I'm more alert and I think more clearly," Bezos told the Wall Street Journal in 1999.
So I think we have to be much more alert to showing what the differences are.
It's good for my mind, my body, I get to eat more, and I feel more alert.
I have also found that I feel so much more alert and I can breathe much easier.
Public comments in the past week show its policymakers are growing more alert to the euro's strength.
" "I feel more alert from the time I wake up until I'm ready to go to bed.
Caffeine ties up the receptors in the brain that detect adenosine and so makes it more alert.
But chimps that thought their fellows were unaware of the road hazard made more alert hoo calls.
Investors might be more alert to signs of a slowdown in the world's least affordable property market.
At one point in our conversation, Kaba told me that she hoped the movement would help feminists "collectivize our suffering, and collectivize our care"—to become more alert both to the ways that those around us have hurt, and more alert to how we can lift one another up.
Workday's warning means "we need to be a little more alert for signs of actual weakness," Cramer said.
And, since they're not scrolling through their newsfeeds, they're more alert to the strange occurrences happening around him.
Attacks are becoming rarer, but security forces need to be more alert, said Interior Minister Nisar Ali Khan.
Many petrolheads agree with Mr Linaric, who says he is more alert driving at 200kph than at 130.
I can't wait to see what he's going to do when she's more alert and in her fun stage.
It's slightly shimmery to lighten the appearance of these common under-eye problems and make you look more alert.   
I use it for the way the sugar affects my brain: I feel instantly happier, more alert, more awake.
Even though you&aposre not conscious of it, your subconscious mind is much more alert than your conscious mind.
Better air quality improves productivity by keeping employees more alert and healthier, according to research from Columbia Business School.
Puberty alters circadian rhythms, meaning adolescents are more alert in the afternoon and require more sleep in the morning.
This is terrible for many reasons: people exposed to natural light are more alert than their fluorescent-lit peers.
" The study also looked at attentiveness: "They don't make you more alert, but they don't make you less alert.
That may have alarmed the Fed, and so some members may feel the need to keep the markets more alert.
Or, extend your restroom trip by walking up and down the stairs at work to help you stay more alert.
"It improves alpha waves in the brain, which are associated with a more alert state and less drowsiness," Shah explained.
Without the distraction of food comas or hangovers, I find myself more alert and able to focus for longer stretches.
I look over my shoulders, my wife has instructed my two children that go to school to be more alert.
Peter Wehner These days I find I'm more alert to the grief and sorrow around me than I once was.
MB: Could the tech work in the other direction, taking you from a relaxed state to a more alert one?
Caffeine makes you more alert, focused, and, as any morning-latte addict will attest, it gives you a serious energy boost.
The water meant to make Papi alert didn't have an obvious effect — though maybe he became more alert to the television.
What's more, they awoke more quickly and were much more alert than if the sounds were played in the opposite ear.
But chewing gum doesn't just reduce stress, it also makes you more alert and improves your performance in memory-oriented tasks.
"The third thing is that we are working on the circadian rhythm onboard the ships" to make the sailors more alert.
The problem with this is that because the person stays more alert and hyped up longer they actually drink more than normal.
A recent Australian study found that certain alarm noises can decrease morning grogginess, so you wake up faster and feeling more alert.
Hanke said he is eager for devices that will help people to be more alert about their surroundings while playing the game.
When that's not possible, a nap to break up the road trip may still help drivers remain more alert behind the wheel.
For those times you need to be more alert, there's transparency mode, which uses the on-board mics to beam in ambience.
Studies tend to show that napping improves our moods, makes us feel more relaxed, and causes us to be more alert (duh).
Then I would start to feel different: My sleep would become restless, yet in the mornings I'd feel more alert than ever.
Taking a nap may make you more alert for the period right after you wake up and maybe hours into the day.
They were all also determined, more alert to the challenges facing the movement, and more defiant and tenacious in the face of them.
Afterwards, you feel hydrated, cool, and maybe even more alert — despite getting dirty looks from your desk mate for making so much noise.
As a result, complainants or witnesses often fear they will be retaliated against and will be more alert to any perceived retaliatory behaviors.
But this study also accounted for kids' "chronotype" - whether they tend to be more alert at night or in the morning - Bei said.
"I think intermittent stressful events are probably what keeps the brain more alert, and you perform better when you are alert," Kirby says.
The presence of the police outside some precinct station houses was increased, and officers across the city were advised to be more alert.
As a result, I felt the need to be more alert and cautious than I have been in other stops on this trip.
However, the information Kloepfer provided may have caused police to be more alert when they eventually arrested Bundy in 1975 after a traffic stop.
She has a more straightforward view of America's capacity to do good; her former boss is more alert to the dangers of good intentions.
Roughly an hour before you wake, hormone levels increase gradually (along with your body temperature and blood pressure), causing you to become more alert.
With a small paper certificate confirming my new opioid overdose responder status, I left the Central Library more alert than I had entered it.
As it happens there is social science on this question, too, and it finds that conservatives are more alert to threats than liberals are.
Treading in the snow with my power wheelchair, I have to be more alert and aware, to be extra careful to not get stuck.
Getting that close would be harder in wartime, when the ships, subs and aircraft around a carrier would be more alert to undersea lurkers.
Student Opinion Are there things you enjoy doing that are so exhilarating or challenging that you find yourself feeling stronger, more alert or happier?
And the world needs to become more alert to the threat of China's techno-authoritarianism (see the link to the George Soros speech below).
But nothing in the record at all makes you think Trump's team or Trump himself could have been quicker or more alert to this?
While designers have been subjecting their collections to public scrutiny every Fashion Week for decades, there's no more alert generation than that of the Internet.
He told me owners can expect to see "a smarter, more alert and emotionally connected furry friend," if they give Nootrodogs to their canine companion.
When your eyes are exposed to it directly, the blue light halts production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and makes you feel more alert.
When she was introduced to the drug, her doctor told her it would make her feel more alert and allow her to regain basic functions.
"We feel more alert in brighter rooms and therefore tend to make more healthful, forward-thinking decisions," lead author Dipayan Biswas explained in a press release.
But hear us — and science — out: Research shows that morning exercisers are more alert and energetic, sleep better, and are more consistent about their fitness routines.
Still, considering the end of last year was a particularly bad time for Apple's software, we hope the company is more alert and responsive in 2018.
"He is slightly more alert, and it is our impression that his neurological condition is a little bit better," Kreiss said Wednesday afternoon at the hospital.
After two deadly terrorist attacks in 2015, France, home to Europe's biggest Muslim minority, has been more alert to the threat than any other European country.
Some have found that people reported feeling more alert after drinking water, but their actual performance was the same as those who hadn't taken some sips.
This state, which is entered into unknowingly, makes the lonely person far more alert to signs of rejection or exclusion than those of warmth or friendliness.
All of which are thirsty to find fame — as it makes those using it more alert, less hungry, and thus always ready to go out and party.
You'd think this would be annoying, but keeping my hand on the steering wheel actually made me feel safer and more alert—which is probably the point.
Bike-share stations are disproportionately concentrated in downtowns with lower average road speeds and lots of pedestrians — that is, places where drivers tend to be more alert.
More alert by geography to the strategic risks posed by China, Canberra moved early and decisively to bar Huawei from participating in its 5G networks at all.
Tracking heart rate, posture, breathing and facial feature recognition, the car would deliver "mood bursts" to make the driver calmer or more alert, Hyundai said in a statement.
An out-of-whack circadian rhythm can make it harder to fall asleep, make you more alert before bedtime, and prevent you from entering deeper stages of sleep.
"We started 'skin-to-skin' contact — a process used with human newborn babies — and she responded well to this and is getting stronger and more alert each day."  
Pinene, marked by its super good spruce-like smell, helps you feel more alert—which can be helpful, assuming you're not content being a doormat in the sac.
By the time I was happily ensconced in the cafe with free refills of Ethiopian coffee, I felt more alert and in sync than I had all week.
I will still use my credit card at a book store, but the mistakes of these characters have undoubtedly made me more alert about my personal relationship with technology.
Time and experience made her more alert to the constitution's narrow promises, and more troubled by the ways it has been interpreted by a predominantly white, male Supreme Court.
You'll be naturally inclined to grab a cup of coffee or an energy drink to try to make yourself feel more alert, which very quickly creates a vicious cycle.
"The more light you are exposed to, the more alert you are, the longer it takes to go to sleep and the less deep sleep you experience," Lockley said.
When I'm in the woods now, I'm far more alert than I ever was—I was too fearless before—and there are still some places I'd rather not go alone.
Butter also has some omega-3 and omega-6 fats that slow down how your body processes the caffeine, so you feel more alert for longer, according to Cleveland Clinic.
Multiple studies suggest that chewing gum helps you feel more alert — one study even found that people who chewed gum performed better on an intelligence test than people who didn't.
Libra is the sign of harmony—find yours by utilizing this full moon to rearrange your schedule into one that allows you to be better rested, more alert, and productive!
The Ilinetskys said that the therapy shows signs of success: Yael can reach out, grab toys, and do other things that many Canavan babies can't, and Yoel seems more alert.
Schemer acknowledges that Germany's recent history may make media consumers more alert to propaganda and disinformation, though he says there is still a "small subculture" that continues to spread radical ideas.
But once they make contact with your skin, their ingredients (caffeine and otherwise) will have you looking and feeling more alert, even if you overslept too late to brew a pot.
"This is connected to the assistant nurses feeling in better health, more alert,and less stressed, and in that situation, it's possible to take the initiative to do activities," Lorentzon said.
We can also be more alert to our friends and loved ones who are in abusive relationships and feel especially vulnerable in a time when social distancing is the new normal.
We can also be more alert to our friends and loved ones who are in abusive relationships and feel especially vulnerable in a time when social distancing is the new normal.
By knowing whether a patient is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or straight, say public health experts, clinicians can be more alert to a person's medical needs and more thoughtful in interactions.
This has the paradoxical effect of rendering the audience both more alert (I am not being closely chaperoned through this experience) and more trusting (I am not being manipulated/lied to).
Another fast-growing group of Chinese visitors abroad, students, are more alert to the social and political environment they find themselves in—but that does not necessarily make them appreciate liberal democracy.
When she became more alert sometime later, a nurse told her that she had almost bled to death and had required a half dozen units of transfused blood and platelets to survive.
Since the Taylors have been intermittently fasting, often called just IF, they've maintained a healthy body weight, been more alert and energetic, experienced less stress, and are less prone to getting sick.
"(We have to) remain alert, I mean even a little bit more alert than usual to just be open to any kind of response or new development or something like that," Richardson added.
That said, if you made plans to see a movie with your high school pals after Thanksgiving dinner, there are a few strategies you can try to feel more alert and less vegetative.
When your eyes are exposed to it directly (not through a window or while wearing sunglasses), the blue light halts production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and makes you feel more alert.
Harden our defenses  Both the general public and those overseeing our political process need to be more alert to and resilient in the face of growing attacks from external enemies on American democracy.
And widespread abusive behavior against the new candidates has been chilling — though some activists have credited the authorities with being more alert and responsive than usual, possibly preventing outright violence in some cases.
That's a massive event where we're taking advantage of the attention that's being paid in the state and the capacity to reach people because they are going to be more alert to this.
I hope this massive demonstration teaches to be more alert when voting for these figures and question whether these people are really working for the good of everyone or just want to profit themselves.
From time to time I catch myself going back to watch the video, trying to refresh my memory of that day—what I could have done differently, how I could have been more alert.
And hormones can play a big part, because your stress hormones can't regulate either — which makes your body more alert and strained, like you're in a "chronic fight or flight" scenario, Dr. Monk says.
But because he plays so fast he makes me more alert from the first point because I know I have to be at my best in order to compete with him from the baseline.
As one of the biggest, Wells Fargo should have been more alert to the prospect of abuse, particularly since it pushed employees to sell more and more of its financial services — apparently by any means.
The results were the same: Caffeinated coffee drinkers enjoyed the group discussion, felt more alert and were more willing to work with the group again for a future discussion, compared to the decaf coffee drinkers.
Turkington said since she started using Charlotte's Web, they've been able to reduce their use of valproic acid and that Ella, who functions at the cognitive level of a 2-year-old, is more alert.
But our spirits feel brighter and more alert, people simultaneously distracted and considerate, and no American nonveteran will really know this feeling unless they've lived in a war zone that any day could be bombed.
Sheldon wrote on the GoFundMe page that the family told him the teen was "a little sore and moving slowly, but has been more alert" and is enjoying food and playing video games with his brothers.
"Because of the damage caused by Hurricane Florence and the fact that there's still some standing water in places, we have to be that much more alert about the damage that Hurricane Michael could do," Gov.
Today, we're more alert to these ethical flaws, as several recent protests against museums show, though we still have a habit of trusting our cultural institutions, museums and universities among them, to be basically right-thinking.
The researchers found that infants exposed in the womb to THC — marijuana's main psychoactive ingredient — were more alert and better able to regulate themselves at 30 days old than babies whose mothers had not used marijuana.
A yawn can leave you feeling more alert and with improved "mental efficacy," according to a 2012 review of yawn studies, which might be why people like Ohno find it comforting to do before a big performance.
I feel more rested when I wake, more alert and productive in the day but most importantly, I've already begun to relish my more regimented pre-bedtime ritual of hot shower, cool sheets, and sex by candlelight.
Seals, whales, penguins and other warm-bodied creatures rule polar seas partly because their constant internal temperatures let them put on bursts of speed and stay more alert than cold-blooded prey, they wrote in the journal Science.
David Hand, a mathematics professor from Imperial College London, told the BBC that while some feel as though such coincidences could not just happen by chance, people are generally more alert to things that are currently occupying them.
Nicotine is a stimulant, and like other stimulants, at low doses it can make people feel more alert and attentive; higher doses, Dr. Levy said, do just the opposite, making people jittery, revved up and unable to concentrate.
"The Europeans are far more alert about this problem and far more willing to tackle it than the U.S.," Stephan Lewandowsky, a cognitive scientist at the University of Bristol who studies how people process misinformation, said in an interview.
BERLIN (Reuters) - People should be more alert to the radicalization of friends and family, Germany's interior minister told the Rheinische Post regional newspaper, days after a man professing allegiance to militant groups killed 49 people in the United States.
She's been primarily living on land since the procedure, with a few supervised swims, but she already looks stronger in the water, and seems more alert than she has in the years since she's been at the aquarium, Gibbons said.
After a nap, studies have shown, people tend to be more alert, more creative (that is, if they get into REM sleep, which typically takes longer than the 20 minutes of a power nap), learn better, and retain memories better.
At a certain point in your life, this is helping you wake up in the morning and you're more alert and on point, but then, you know, X years into it, it's like you wake up in the morning and you're way worse.
In cannabis plants, the terpenes can determine the "type" of high you'll tend to experience, from a more relaxing anxiety-easing sedation with linalool, often found in lavender, to a more alert burst of creativity with limonene, a terpene found in citrus fruits.
"The cycle is extended, and the inverted curve has made us even more alert for trouble in the economy and financial markets, but we do not think trouble is imminent," Doug Peta, chief U.S. investment strategist at BCA Research, said in a note.
There's no exact amount of water that's right for everyone (the eight glasses a day thing is a myth), but you should still up your water intake when you're in the sun to prevent dehydration — and, possibly, feel more alert later on.
"We need to apply these laws to secure more prosecutions, which will act as a deterrent to perpetrators ... and make citizens more alert to the problem," he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation by phone from the sidelines of the three-day event.
How alcohol and caffeine are metabolized Caffeine is a stimulant, so it can make you more alert and possibly improve your performance to some extent, according to Dr. Robert Swift, associate director of the Brown University Center for Alcohol and Addition Studies.
The alerts sent to drivers are meant to encourage them to find their own best way to get back into a more alert state, such as stopping and walking around the truck, having a snack, drinking some water or taking a nap, said Dr. Bongers.
It was not easy — the four players all spoke different dialects, and the New Jersey crowd played a slightly different version of the game than she was used to — but she was more alert and responsive, engaged in the game and the conversation afterward.
As Huffman, of Reddit, observed, our technologies have made us more alert to risk, but have also made us more panicky; they facilitate the tribal temptation to cocoon, to seclude ourselves from opponents, and to fortify ourselves against our fears, instead of attacking the sources of them.
Some of the most successful people know its importance: Amazon founder Jeff Bezos says that he's more alert and thinks more clearly when he's had eight hours of sleep, and Microsoft founder Bill Gates has also admitted that he likes to squeeze in seven hours of sleep.
"Although it is highly likely that increased sleep was the cause for reduced sleepiness, it is much harder to attribute causality for 4.5 percent higher grades on increased sleep; nevertheless, it is certainly reasonable that students who are better rested and more alert should display better academic performance," the authors said.
Despite the fact that it was ostensibly the exact same strain and dose as the fake Rice Krispies treat I had the day before, I was much more alert and productive, if for no other reason than the fact that I constantly needed to change tampons because I got my fucking period.
"Since it reduces the brief awakenings caused by the sleep-disordered breathing, individuals have less fragmented sleep and consequently feel more refreshed upon awaking and more alert throughout the day," explained Dr. Clete Kushida, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine who did not contribute to the current study.
While it might seem like water is your best bet, Shape spoke with several experts about how a pre-workout latte not only is unlikely to negatively affect your hydration status, it can also help you feel more alert, so you can push through a tough workout a little more easily (and comfortably) than you would otherwise.
So when I'm out on the street, I feel much better wearing ear plugs, but also with conventions, I wear ear plugs all the time, even if it's not that loud — if your initial reaction is that this is not too bad, after five hours, you start to get worn out, so if you have ear plugs, you're much more alert than everyone else.
What sets this album above previous ones isn't Anohni's voice per se, which remains the model of a pathologically strained Brit-soul school that tackier artists like Sam Smith have since taken to the pop charts, or her political lyrics, which have gotten more alert and continue to dwell on rising tides and dying animals with more sentimentality than an ecologist might prefer, but rather the new experimental electronic template.

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