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219 Sentences With "months on end"

How to use months on end in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "months on end" and check conjugation/comparative form for "months on end". Mastering all the usages of "months on end" from sentence examples published by news publications.

For many months on end, she is reading the same book.
Many times, immigrants are detained for months on end in these family facilities.
Back in 2009, Obamacare famously languished in the Senate for months on end.
But what if you feel sad, always, for weeks and months on end?
She's going to have about three appointments every week for months on end.
All essential functions of government continue during a "shutdown"—for months on end.
Protracted fighting like this dominated the battle for Mosul for months on end.
It feels like we've been celebrating the same person's birthday for months on end.
Perhaps an unplugged Puerto Rico for months on end may really be a nightmare.
Sleeping in two-to-three-hour stretches for months on end really takes a toll.
Fallout 76's dynamic, epic open-world will definitely keep you busy for months on end.
And unlike with more conventional treatments, the redness-reducing benefits can last for months on end.
The events left a majority of residents throughout the island without power for months on end.
For the average plebeian, maintaining the same hair and makeup for months on end is entirely normal.
And why on earth would you fight to go on the submarine ship for months on end?
I had let them grow out for months on end; now, they were just sitting there looking clunky.
As she explains in the book, Tur, 33, never planned to follow Trump around for months on end.
Corals are bleaching everywhere, because the planet has been too damn hot for too many months on end.
That does not include the opportunity cost of suspending whole industries and construction projects for months on end.
And curiosity surrounding the plight of Daenerys future, among others, has left us sweating for months on end.
Methods include booking loans as investments or classifying them as "overdue but not impaired" for months on end.
Otherwise, the hit to the economy can drag on for months on end -- and that could be recessionary.
He was, in many words, entirely undeserving of the pain he ended up experiencing for months on end.
Using similar methods, Google has built high-altitude internet balloons that can stay aloft for months on end.
Despite their efforts, the expansion that followed was plodding, leaving millions out of work for months on end.
In the region, security forces will be on alert, and should be on alert, for months on end.
The result was not what you'd expect for someone who pummeled the state with ads for months on end.
More common than shutting down your Facebook account is simply abandoning it, avoiding the app for months on end.
The family wanted to be able to travel around Australia for months on end, SLWarwick Boswerger told Business Insider.
Bitcoin is showing signs of life after fluctuating between plunging, sliding and going nowhere fast for months on end.
Once ignited, those fires creep deep underground, smoldering through thousands of years of carbon-rich peat for months on end.
That does not include the opportunity cost of suspending construction projects for months on end or shutting down some smelters.
One woman, a nurse from Massachusetts named Kim, was getting 10 or more calls a day for months on end.
Tim had been sleeping in the camp for months on end, and apart from the explosions, nothing much was happening.
For months on end, the fashion industry speculated about who would design Markle's custom couture dress for the big day.
These soldiers left their families, fought overseas for months on end and some returned home with physical and invisible injuries.
In our food environment, it's extremely difficult to avoid eating foods like bread, cookies, or pasta for months on end.
Measures such as shutting down society or closing borders can slow transmission, but can't be sustained for months on end.
Campaigning is a full-time endeavor that requires having enough money to live without a salary for months on end.
From then on, it's a process of "negotiation with the canvas," in her words, for weeks or months on end.
A recession could make companies more expense-cautious, leading them to rethink putting up staffers in hotels for months on end.
He said he's confident the government can't use the existing Flores settlement to detain entire migrant families for months on end.
The team gives IoT devices a potential use case – devices designed to go months on end without charging or changing batteries.
She has demonstrated that it is possible to race one's way to fitness rather than train months on end between meets.
To make matters stranger, Facebook seemingly disappeared Luckey for months on end after the initial reports about Luckey and Nimble America.
This boss also has no problem with me working 12 hours a day, seven days a week, for months on end.
Huge crowds of demonstrators filled central Seoul every weekend for months on end, and Parliament impeached Ms. Park in December 2016.
Nagata holds nothing back in discussing the mental health struggles that left her penniless and home-bound for months on end.
For months on end, the fashion industry has speculated who would design Markle's custom Givenchy haute couture dress for the big day.
Products are employed frequently, generously, and can be left on for weeks (or even months) on end, with continuous reapplication in between.
"When you're away for months on end at sea, it's the little things that make a difference to your day," he said.
But once on the front lines, according to several officers, most of the young men found themselves penniless for months on end.
I hope that these women never have to watch someone they love struggle to move or even breathe for months on end.
The last thing they want is to be tied to the Senate floor day after day, for weeks or months on end.
Researchers at MIT have found a way to combine water and oil-based substances so that they stay mixed for months on end.
"When you're out in nature for eight to 10 hours a day for months on end, the mind comes to terms," Gobin says.
At the same time, companies increasingly require employees to relocate temporarily as part of their work for weeks if not months on end.
It could be that the prospect of wearing a presumably uncomfortable device for hours per day and months on end is wholly unappealing.
"It's disgraceful that the VA put money toward these purchases as veterans waited weeks, sometimes months, on end to see a doctor," Rep.
Fortunately, there's likely going to be enough inspirational content in those four episodes to provide you with good vibes for months on end.
Markle's Givenchy wedding dress, the design of which had been speculated for months on end by the press, has its own Wikipedia page.
Much if not most business is done with the government and state-owned companies, and invoices can go unpaid for months on end.
It was a way for him to stay active while trapped in that room during his bone marrow transplant for months on end.
The US military needed a way to track the location of submarines, which, by their very nature, are submerged, sometimes for months on end.
The autonomous vessel can travel on the high seas at speeds up to 27 knots for months on end without a single crew member.
As with presidents, that means extroverts, or at least those who can project a gregarious image for months on end, are often more successful.
Yet after working seven days a week for months on end, it feels strange to her to have so much time on her hands.
One banker commented that the US economy isn't well-equipped for people to work from home and not go outside for months on end.
In the wake of multiple security breaches, including APTs infiltrating their systems for months on end, the JPL has begun to invest heavily in cybersecurity.
But if you were to eat the cesium-137-flavored meat multiple times a week for months on end, then you might be in trouble.
If the FCC had its doubts, why did it not say so instead of risking withering criticism by avoiding the question for months on end?
Think about Facebook's News Feed, where, for a time, watching one Tasty video would turn my entire feed into Tasty videos for months on end.
But if we tilted Earth's axis even more, to 90 degrees, the US would get sunlight 24/7, around the clock, for months on end.
That's part of what made it so exciting, and the reason that a massive leak of unreleased material commanded fans' attention for months on end.
Sandy's father is a blues man, a guitar picker with an itch for traveling, who leaves his wife and his son for months on end.
Maybe you saw each other multiple times a week, had sex regularly, texted all the time, and told each other everything… for months on end.
It's a world away from sitting in a cramped airport room for months on end, waiting for someone he has never met to decide his fate.
"Cummins preyed upon the child for months on end, nudging and molding her until her will to resist was conflicted and ultimately broken," the petition alleged.
Even by those standards the China talks have been an epic undertaking involving armies of negotiators shuttling between Beijing and Washington, DC, for months on end.
Our teams worked months on end to conceptualize and develop these units and we pride ourselves in pushing the envelope to deliver the latest and greatest.
They live in a filthy hole in the ground for months on end, clothes rotting off their bodies and the endless boredom punctuated by unpredictable firefights.
After all, they'll be together for many months on end, far away from their home planet, isolated from their friends, intensely bored, and lacking much personal space.
It would have kept us from being stuck in extra debt for months on end, worrying about how we were going to pay for food and diapers.
When your design team is huddled around a computer for months on end, it's easy for designers to lose critical perspective and human connection with the customer.
So why do companies spend millions of dollars and why do developers work 12-hour days for months on end to make a digital tower explode spectacularly?
For months on end, half of this country was pitted against the other in a presidential campaign the nastiness of which surpassed all others in recent memory.
Imagine living in a neighborhood where a huge blast, like a stick of dynamite, exploded every 10-12 seconds non-stop for weeks to months on-end.
Every smart phone has its array of special tools, many of which are hidden in plain sight and you may not even discover for months on end.
You can have one, but it turns out that it takes constant vigilance from law enforcement agencies, academic researchers and digital security experts for months on end.
Lemonade utilized a similar publicity style, except that it was an album, not a baby, and there weren't "anonymous" reports for months on end about an upcoming album.
A single dose of a hallucinogenic drug helped cancer patients stave off depression and anxiety for months on end, according to two new studies from major U.S. institutions.
Locking himself in a lightless basement for months on end, his songs burrow into the core of what it means to simultaneously give and not give a fuck.
During those chaotic days throughout the crisis and its aftermath, many of our people had to work around the clock, seven days a week, for months on end.
Soon after that, Mr. Kassem went on the first of several hunger strikes, refusing solid food for months on end to protest what he called his unjust imprisonment.
There is also the realization that living with water restrictions for 24 hours is nowhere close to the realities of doing it for weeks or months on end.
About three weeks total, spread out over a few months… When you work on something for months on end or weeks on end, you get invested in it.
Etan's abduction is widely credited as one of the first missing-child cases to consume the country for months on end, helping lead to additional resources for families everywhere.
The level of initial jobless claims has been running at near-record lows for months on end, even after the trade war got going in earnest in early 2018.
Seattle plans to create a digital system, for example, where residents can contribute their democracy vouchers electronically rather than squirreling away four pieces of paper for months on end.
By now, the big brands have moved on, leaving nearly a quarter of storefronts sitting vacant for months on end and asking sky-high rents that small businesses can't afford.
He, along with his parents and brother, had been living in Germany for six years after fleeing Syria in 1996, where his father had been jailed for months on end.
As a result, patients are often treated with a trial-and-error approach, trying one drug after another for months on end and often seeing no improvement in their symptoms.
If you're in a similar position — working full-time and raising a family — then you know how easy it is to go without seeing your friends for months on end.
The powerful speaker's downfall was in the cards since the Supreme Court suspended him in May for using his position to obstruct the ethics committee hearings for months on end.
I can say that Trump routinely delayed — for months on end — producing those documents, and when they finally arrived they were so heavily redacted that they looked like crossword puzzles.
Sanders also said that the President has no regrets on taking credit for the stock market for months on end as it rose during the beginning part of his presidency.
He, along with his parents and brother, had been living in Germany for six years after fleeing Syria in 823, where his father had been jailed for months on end.
Over time, the affected soft tissue can develop scar tissue, which impedes range of motion and often triggers a cycle that keeps runners off of their feet for months on end.
After all, any one of these stories is a HUGE deal in its own right -- and could easily dominate news cycle after news cycle, for weeks or even months on end.
Seismic airguns create one of the loudest manmade sounds in the ocean, firing intense blasts of compressed air every 28503 seconds, 22019 hours a day, for weeks to months on end.
But looking back at the last 72 hours, Stevens' image of a car beginning to break down after running in the red for months on end keeps coming back to me.
Court documents further assert that children, many of whom suffer from mental disabilities, are regularly held in tiny cells for 23 hours a day, for weeks or even months on end.
"We will not allow the president or others to drag this out for months on end in the courts," Mr. Schiff wrote on Monday, expressing confidence in the case in hand.
Parents here reported feeding their babies, tired of sucking on empty breasts, dirty ground water and "wheat powder" for months on end, explaining the severe cases of malnutrition we were seeing.
The team ultimately wants BRUIE to be able to withstand conditions beneath the ice for months on end, explore without the safety of a tether and investigate oceans at deeper levels.
These guys are out there for months and months on end and—their lifestyle is a whole other mess—but they get paid a decent amount, certainly compared to the Vezo people.
Trump claimed that the U.S. is doing "very well" in negotiations with China, though talks have stalled and the two countries have levied retaliatory tariffs on one another for months on end.
He seemed to conflate and invent biographies for different Hispanic people and said "American Sniper" had been playing for months on end at the local movie theater, a claim rebutted by residents.
After the Sichuan earthquake in 2008, some residents of the provincial capital disregarded official reassurances, hoarding bottled water and camping outside for months on end, refusing to believe their buildings were safe.
These days, real estate developers and landlords are likely to keep storefronts unoccupied for months on end, waiting to rent to the next gallery, hipster bar or high-end restaurant that comes along.
There's a lot to said about the unnecessary glorification of Ted Bundy from afar, but I've wondered if that idolization was possible when knee to knee with that monster for months on end.
Though the company (which could go months on end without significant app updates prior to Stories) has been spinning out new features for more than a year now, updates have barely touched profiles.
With so many cool hair-color options to go around, we're no longer content to stick out the same shade for months on end — and neither are the bloggers and vloggers we follow.
There would be a nice synchrony in stocks' new trading range topped by 2200 the way 2100 essentially capped the market for months on end after stocks had run ahead of corporate fundamentals.
Though THR says it is protecting HBO's assets (for now), it was one of dozens of media outlets, including this one, that mined Sony's private company emails for stories for months on end.
He was captured by the Taliban before he could get to Sharana, and held captive for five years, undergoing torture (chained to a bed for months on end, being locked in a cage).
But instead of kicking out all its underage users for months on end, it forced an age gate to appear in the app after it deleted all the videos made by underage users.
They are going to continue paying in francs, so there is no value to the capital markets in keeping the country in default for months on end if the situation would just continue.
Wong's cases are among the dozens brought by prosecutors against pro-democracy protest leaders and lawmakers in the wake of 2014 demonstrations which shut down parts of the city for months on end.
If you're floating 250 miles above Earth aboard the International Space Station (ISS) for months on end, there's a good chance you'll get a hankering for pizza and ice cream at some point.
Pirate life was known to be challenging in so many ways—being on the sea for months on end, strenuous work keeping the boats sailing, terrible nutrition and hygiene—how did the women adapt?
Readers may not clutch Bea to their hearts or carry her around in the filthy recesses of their backpacks for months on end, but I think they will gladly welcome Bea back for Book 2.
Boxers are European dogs, and Max suffered admirably through the extremes of the scorching Australian summer, panting heavily for months on end while enormous horseflies bit his thin ears raw and bloody scabs formed.
The city is on a high desert plateau, but behind all those blast walls and shabby modern buildings, many Kabul homes hide luscious blooms: fruit trees and plants that flower for months on end.
In early 2016, Mr. Tashi — who specifically told me that he was not advocating Tibetan independence — was kidnapped and held in secret detention, without contact with lawyers and family members for months on end.
Punishments range from being locked in their room for months on end or banned from using a mobile phone, to criminal prosecution by the state for disobeying their parents or harming the kingdom's reputation.
If you think that's bad, imagine being 200 miles above Earth, crammed into a small, apartment-sized room, being forced to see the same handful of people for weeks or even months on end.
Rather than diligently following a prescribed routine for months on end, fast-track yourself to results with a 30-day program that contains everything you need to transform your skin in, yes, roughly one month.
I was gung-ho for months on end about moving into my own place soon, but after speaking to my mom, I've all but decided I'm better off putting that money into a savings plan.
"We really need to be respectful of those most in need and not simply load the grocery cart up with every possible item we think we need to survive for months on end," he said.
"We were shocked to find traumatized survivors locked behind gates, unable to communicate with their families, for months on end, in government-run facilities," said Agnes Odhiambo, HRW senior women's rights researcher in the report.
With those precautions in place, I observed something of a public health miracle: Not only did no child get SARS, but it seemed no student was sick with anything at all for months on end.
Schiff, in his letter, said that the President would not be allowed to "drag this out for months on end in the courts," and suggested that his stonewalling might, in itself, be an impeachable offense.
Even though Black Panther comes out on February 16, fans have been waiting in impatient anticipation for months on end (and if they didn't snag an advanced ticket, they may have to wait a little longer).
Although there are some benefits to treating and storing produce for months on end, it also means that fruits and vegetables have lost a significant amount of their nutrients by the time they reach the consumer.
But at the height of the stock market crash in mid 2015, around half the market had halted trading, and some firms extended those halts for months on end to try and ride out the volatility.
But in recent months, he has been more inclined to name acting replacements and leave them in charge for weeks or months on end, seeking to shape certain government operations to his liking by installing loyalists.
But when you take off your headphones and return to our reality on planet earth, hearing "election" brings you to a much darker place: the chaos that's been occurring in American politics for months on end.
In an op-ed in the Washington Post this week, he outlined plans for changing the rules in federal prisons whereby inmates are holed up in tiny cells bereft of human contact, often for months on end.
Some of these realizations don't hit until you're well into the early-retirement game, spending your days leisurely, traveling throughout Europe for months on end, or blogging about your new lifestyle with a mountain view before you.
Away from shore for months on end, the sailors had no access to fresh fruits and vegetables, key sources of vitamin C, which plays a crucial role in how our body repairs damaged tissue, bone, and nerves.
But refugee advocates say the current figures are artificially low because refugee admissions were frozen for months on end while officials conducted reviews that Mr. Trump ordered, and because the administration has actively sought to slow resettlement.
With every tail wag and wet-nose kiss, he has spread love and happiness in a place that can feel desperate: Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, where kids are often confined to their hospital rooms for months on end.
There are very few people on earth who can speak from experience about the high-intensity pathologies of elite athletes, or the culture that's created when a dozen of them are in a room for months on end.
Even that is handled oddly: her boyfriend is barely established as a character, so her fury at him when he cheats on her after she neglects to come home for months on end seems outsized and off-balance.
Previously, Watkins could be found live tweeting the position of the Russian Navy ship Yantar for months on end, providing a running Twitter commentary for eager military ship trackers as it made its way through the Mediterranean Sea.
If you have a bottle-fed baby — or a baby who alternates between breastfeeding and bottle-feeding as our son did — you are going to be using baby bottles many times a day for many months on end.
But members of the Fire Brigade Employees Union, which represents firefighters in Australia, said at a news conference last week that it was "bewildering" that the government expected volunteer firefighters to work for months on end without compensation.
Yet, low-income people who can't afford their bail are forced to sit behind bars, severely limiting their ability to keep their jobs, housing, and relationships with family and friends — sometimes for months on end while awaiting a trial.
Even after testing espresso machines for months on end, and fiending over them for several years on my own, one thing you'll never catch me complaining about is when a Bialetti Moka Pot is my only device at hand.
But, for that to happen, a lot will have to be accomplished in terms of hearings, judicial rulings and the facilities necessary to accommodate what is anticipated to be hundreds of trial participants at Guantánamo for months on end.
But while we will continue with our investigative work and do not foreclose the possibility of further depositions or hearings, we will not allow the President or others to drag this out for months on end in the courts.
I'm talking about the kind of rugged, unplanned long-term travel where you give up owning most things, leave behind a stable home, learn to live simply on a budget, and really see the world for months on end.
Scores of rooms were block-booked (but few occupied) for months on end by Aerolíneas Argentinas, an airline which she renationalised, and by companies controlled by Lázaro Báez, a former bank clerk, and by another close business associate of the Kirchners.
Rock prepares for huge shows in venues such as Madison Square Garden by piecing his routine together in small clubs for months on end, trying out new material and getting instant feedback from audiences (they either laugh or they don't).
For the workers, who swung sledgehammers and hauled debris for months on end with the barest of training or protective gear, covering their mouths with sleeves amid clouds of shimmering and potentially toxic dust, it was hardly any bargain at all.
When I embedded with a Gears of War 4 developer at the Coalition in Vancouver during crunch, most of the game developers I talked to there said they'd been working 12-hour days, six days week, for months on end.
The question of how to repeal those federalized standards is one of several that lawmakers, including myself, grappled with for months on end in 2015 as we were working on a legislative replacement to the erstwhile No Child Left Behind law.
CAIRO — Confined to a tiny windowless cell without a mattress or a toilet, denied visitors and held in solitary for months on end, Ola al-Qaradawi is being subjected to harsh treatment even by the grim standards of Egyptian prisons.
"While we will continue with our investigative work and do not foreclose the possibility of further depositions or hearings, we will not allow the President or others to drag this out for months on end in the courts," Schiff said.
Thousands of children — they average 6 years old, and many are infants — and their mothers, the vast majority of whom are seeking asylum and have survived significant mental and physical trauma, have been held in these jails for months on end.
Click here to view original GIFThe music video for Ghost, the latest track from an Australian indie folk band named Husky, looks like it was brought to life by hundreds of senior citizens cross-stitching around the clock for months on end.
Pretty much every top 10 player in the solo and duos tournaments was part of lesser-known but nonetheless serious-minded e-sports organizations like Cooler and Sentinels, within which they practiced for mind-numbing stretches every day for months on end.
Yet much of the violence has been hidden from public view by state censorship and military "curfews" — a government word that scarcely conveys the reality of tanks encircling a Kurdish town and drilling it with shellfire for weeks or months on end.
But emails that require emotional energy — turning down someone's request, or figuring out complicated details — have a tendency to linger untouched in our inboxes for weeks, sometimes months, on end, like a digital ghost haunting us each moment we open our inbox.
Even games like Player Unknown's Battlegrounds, a game that, like Escape from Tarkov, launched in early access and also remained plagued by bugs and technical issues for months on end, had the resources and insight to include playable female characters from the beginning.
Brian K. Vaughan is aiming for something bigger than just a breezy rewrite of the '80s, even though many readers of a certain generation would have happily huffed the nostalgia-fumes from the era of Gary Larson and Dave Gahan for months on end.
The ISS already has a permanent menu, but the astronauts who inhabit it for months on end are welcome to bring foods from home that meet the stringent requirements of space travel—minimal crumbs, requiring little preparation, and so on—like pizza for Italian astronauts.
Productions can shoot six to seven days a week, 25 to 2000 hours a day (or more) for months on end, employing thousands of people across multiple countries, all of them subject to quick daily turnarounds, which means everyone's operating on very little sleep.
Remember a few years back when Karlie Kloss chopped her hair into a long, tousled bob, a look immediately dubbed "the Karlie," and became the object of celebrity hair envy and the owner of one of the most-requested styles for months on end?
For months on end, driving through these areas, where tourism, agriculture, retirement and bohemian living all meet for flat whites at the local cafe, has meant checking reports for closed roads and wondering if the thick clouds of smoke in the distance mean immediate danger.
SCHIFF: Well, I think there's certainly merit to the idea that we may get a quicker ruling from a chief justice in a Senate trial, if it ever came to that, than we would get by going months and months on end litigating the matter.
"I think there's certainly merit to the idea that we may get a quicker ruling from a chief justice in a Senate trial, if it ever came to that, than we would get by going months and months on end litigating the matter," he said.
But today it looks as if defeating Trump will require something more like a miracle: the kind of implosion that Trump has managed to avoid for months on end, or the discovery that national and state-level polling has been massively and systemically overstating his support.
Lenker met her longtime musical partner, guitarist and singer, Buck Meek, in Brooklyn a few years ago, and they quickly formed a creative bond tempered by the shared experience of traveling down long highways and performing for months on end in old dive bars, barns, and basements.
"Given Congress' constant penchant to tell agencies they are not allowed to spend appropriated money and hold money for months on end, in scores of examples, we find it laughable that Congress is taking issue with the administration's actions," a senior administration official said on Tuesday.
"Rounding up all men, women and children seeking asylum and detaining them months on end in container camps is a new low in Hungary's race to the bottom on asylum seekers and refugees," Gauri van Gulik, Amnesty International's deputy director for Europe, said in a statement.
Not that you really have a choice about the matter if you plan on singing the types of powerful, multi-octave-ranging ballads she does night after night for months on end in front of stadiums packed with hundreds of thousands of fans from all around the globe.
You can of course still access a fingerprint-secured smartphone using regular touchscreen-friendly gloves by simply punching in your passcode on-screen, but why should we have to give up the convenience of a feature like Touch ID for months on end just because it's cold outside?
In a place like Antarctica's Concordia Station, one of the most isolated research facilities in the world, where day and night can last months on end and temperatures generally hover between -30 and -60 Celsius, the already stressful task of being a chef begins to sound downright hellish.
The family, who prefers to remain anonymous, contacted Australia&aposs leading luxury expedition vehicle manufacturer, SLRV, a year and a half ago about designing a camper that would allow them explore the country&aposs most remote regions for months on end, SLRV cofounder Warwick Boswerger told Business Insider.
"I think there's certainly merit to the idea that we may get a quicker ruling from a chief justice in a Senate trial, if it ever came to that, than we would get by going months and months on end litigating the matter," he told CNN last month.
Patients at different clinics have told me horror stories about overworked, understaffed clinics trying to cope with the massive public demand for medical cannabis, such as patients having to drive for hours only to find the doctor has quit, or not being able to see a doctor for months on end.
Much like some eccentric primatologist who lives amongst mountain gorillas for months on end, a part of us wants to cultivate their acceptance so that we may see through their eyes, gradually follow their lead in shedding our own civilised pretensions and, eventually, learn to imitate their wild and exhilarating ways.
Of course, the hot-and-cold Diaz is a far cry from the title shot Alvarez demanded after beating Pettis, but the fact is that at the moment, Alvarez's shot will either depend on his waiting around for months on end, or his defeating another top-ranked fighter in the meantime.
It took minutes for "joy to turn to ash," said 26-year-old Sudanese activist Elzahraa Jadallah, who took part in the mass protests that filled the streets of the capital Khartoum for months on end, calling for the end of Bashir's rule and the beginning of democratic civilian rule.
Since its launch in the fall of 2017, Bungie has struggled to meet player expectations and design a product that would satisfy both its internal desire for a more mainstream, accessible product and the hardcore community's desire for a deep, challenging game that could be played every single day for months on end.
They imagine our nearest neighbor swarming with scientific instruments—orbiters doing high-resolution radar imaging, floating ballon missions that study the atmosphere for weeks to months on end, and battle-hardened surface landers that can handle the crushing pressures and temperatures long enough to collect useful data on the geology of Venus' surface.
Like Sen-Sen and Flicks before it, pink popcorn was a product of a bygone era: A world where food dye made an appearance in everything from salads to side dishes, and pre-popped popcorn could be packaged and sold on shelves for months on end, despite inevitability becoming dry and stale.
A former HHS official described the situation as a debate between two "horrendous" paths — one that could dramatically remake the economy for the worse by maintaining the current harsh restrictions, and another that could exact a human toll "that will be unacceptable to Americans" if the virus continues spreading for months on end.
Emily Buck, who worked at Telltale, which laid off hundreds of employees in 2018, said that in her time in the games industry, she's needed to work more than 80-hour weeks to meet deadlines, sometimes for months on end, and feared losing her job, being demoted, or having her project canceled.
We don't know how many people who were denied asylum in the United States as the Trump administration attempts to tighten the process, or who decided to drop their asylum cases rather than stay in detention for months on end (in some cases, separated from their children), returned to their home countries to be killed.
"We are now 23 years on from this environmental disaster and the oil company responsible and its wealthy Thai parent continue to deny the devastating impact their oil spewing out uncontrollably for months on end had on Indonesian seaweed farmers," Ben Slade, a lawyer at Maurice Blackburn, which is running the case, said in a statement.
"We are now 10 years on from this environmental disaster and the oil company responsible and its wealthy Thai parent continue to deny the devastating impact their oil spewing out uncontrollably for months on end had on Indonesian seaweed farmers," Ben Slade, a lawyer at Maurice Blackburn, which is running the case, said in a statement.
The labs have dogbone-shaped tables so everybody can stand close to each other and to their prototypes (Some of those tables are hooked up to a 24-hour-a-day video conference system to identical tables in other offices.) There's a room where a hundred speakers have been entombed to play at maximum volume for months on end.
"And to insist now that this body will become the investigative body, that this body will have to do all the discovery, and that this institution will be effectively paralyzed for months on end because it has to sit as a court of impeachment … that should not be the precedent that is set here," Philbin said.
Here's what the board is expected to look like and why it matters: The biggest problem for companies hoping to tap China's existing equity capital markets is that listings are entirely overseen by regulators who have often halted the process for public listings for months on end during times of market weakness that have produced a backlog of 18 months at times.
But while we will continue with our investigative work and do not foreclose the possibility of further depositions or hearings, we will not allow the President or others to drag this out for months on end in the courts," calling the inquiry "an urgent matter that cannot wait if we are to protect the nation's security and the integrity of our elections.
Here's what the board is expected to look like and why it matters: The biggest problem for companies hoping to tap China's existing equity capital markets is that listings are entirely overseen by regulators who have often halted the process for public listings for months on end during times of market weakness that have produced a backlog of 18 months at times.
You know when you spend months on end alone, yelling "YEAH RIGHT" at Jennifer Aniston films and warning all your mates that their relationships will never last because almost half of all marriages end in divorce, then suddenly you meet someone who isn't terrible and spend every waking hour at their house in your pants ghosting all the smirking face emoji texts you're receiving.
Anyway, everyone knows the only reasonable way to reveal a crush is to bottle it up until you can't help but talk about it with everyone you know for months on end, pushing it gradually further along the winding gossip grapevine of your personal acquaintances, until after years and years of needless torment it gets back to your crush, who subsequently never speaks to you again.
It's topped the best-sellers list for months on end, but Michelle ObamaMichelle LeVaughn Robinson ObamaJuan Williams: Democrats finally hit Trump where it hurts Michelle Obama to present Lin-Manuel Miranda with the Portrait of a Nation Prize Michelle Obama thanks her high school for naming new athletic complex after her MORE says there's at least one person who hasn't yet read her memoir "Becoming": Sasha Obama.
Hearing about other people's more serious illnesses can also sometimes trigger an old obsession of mine: that I have MS. This was a very consuming obsession of mine for months on end, and I had countless painful medical tests trying to prove that I had MS. Thankfully, this obsession seems to be mostly retired, and has receded in my mind to wherever old obsessions go to. 18.
Add that to growing up in a family that didn't talk about money, plus a freelance career that made my salary swing wildly from year to year, and you have me: confused, freaked out, and aiming to exert the little control I have over cash by doing self-destructive things like holding onto invoices for months on end and spending an unexpected cash windfall on a spur-of-the-moment shopping spree.
For that matter, the best way for Democrats to make certain that Republicans never duplicate what they just did with Merrick Garland and Neil Gorsuch—refusing even to consider the Supreme Court nominee of a sitting president for months on end and then installing their own party's ideologue instead, as soon as they won an election—would be to expand the Supreme Court by appointing two new justices, as soon as they have the opportunity.
Former special counsel Robert MuellerRobert (Bob) Swan MuellerFox News legal analyst says Trump call with Ukraine leader could be 'more serious' than what Mueller 'dragged up' Lewandowski says Mueller report was 'very clear' in proving 'there was no obstruction,' despite having 'never' read it Fox's Cavuto roasts Trump over criticism of network MORE did see some signs of erosions of public confidence during his tenure, after he was attacked for months on end by Trump's supporters.
The problems surrounding New York's subway can feel insurmountable: nearly $28.50 billion in deferred maintenance, which is just what the system needs to return to a state of good repair; a signal system—some say the root of all subway evils—that largely dates back to the 2100s; old subway cars, some of which made their debut at the 1964 World's Fair; and much-needed fixes that will take entire parts of the network offline for months on end (read: the dreaded L train shutdown, and a litany of mini-shutdowns).
Keeping up an exhausting pace for months on end — Lesotho on the 33st of April, Swaziland on the 3rd, Mozambique on the 5th, Malawi on the 8th, Zimbabwe on the 10th, Zambia on the 12th, and on and on — they would fly in, hastily assemble their set, unpack their props and costumes, shake hands with officials, give interviews to the local press, and mount the stage for two and a half hours of ghostly haunting, brooding soliloquies, madcap humor, impulsive stabbing, feigned and real madness, graveside grappling, swordplay and the final orgy of murder.
Keeping up an exhausting pace for months on end — Lesotho on the 1st of April, Swaziland on the 3rd, Mozambique on the 5th, Malawi on the 8th, Zimbabwe on the 10th, Zambia on the 12th, and on and on — they would fly in, hastily assemble their set, unpack their props and costumes, shake hands with officials, give interviews to the local press, and mount the stage for two and a half hours of ghostly haunting, brooding soliloquies, madcap humor, impulsive stabbing, feigned and real madness, graveside grappling, swordplay and the final orgy of murder.

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