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12 Sentences With "mom and apple pie"

How to use mom and apple pie in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "mom and apple pie" and check conjugation/comparative form for "mom and apple pie". Mastering all the usages of "mom and apple pie" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Americans view police body-worn cameras as positively as mom and apple pie, according to a recent Cato Institute/YouGov poll.
And today, we have "a Congress that has a problem passing a resolution to pay for mom and apple pie," said Tanner.
They're usually metaphorical expressions like "wake-up call" or "where the rubber meets the road" or "mom and apple pie" to mean wholesome.
We go and post this mom and apple pie pro Second Amendment, pro President Trump, pro NRA endorsement ad, and it gets flagged immediately.
" During World War II, a phrase often repeated by soldiers when asked what they were fighting for (perhaps a little sarcastically) was "For mom and apple pie!
But universities today live in a world in which mom and apple pie are not traditionally supported and fundamental principles about learning freely are turned on their heads.
After all, to a casual observer/member of Congress, invocations of the interests of "workers" and "small businesses" can easily seem like boilerplate rhetoric — the mom and apple pie of economic policy.
" The Los Angeles Times once said that Ron Howard's face reflected "mom and apple pie, Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July, a home run in the ninth and a basket at the buzzer.
Policing misconduct by corporations and Wall Street requires at least a verbal acknowledgment from Mr. Clayton that it remains a priority; it is something of a "mom and apple pie" issue whose virtues are usually unquestioned.
Rather than run on the "mom and apple pie" promise of universal pre-K, candidates this fall should run on the promise of doing the hard work to build a high-quality early education system, reflecting not only the importance of pre-K, but the five years that follow it.
They took homemade bread, jams, and apple pies to the state legislators, with the slogans, "Preserve us from a Congressional jam; Vote against the ERA sham" and "I am for Mom and apple pie." They appealed to married women by stressing that the amendment would invalidate protective laws such as alimony and eliminate the tendency for mothers to obtain custody over their children in divorce cases. It was suggested that single-sex bathrooms would be eliminated and same-sex couples would be able to get married if the amendment were passed. Women who supported traditional gender roles started to oppose the ERA.
Schlafly focused political opposition to the ERA in defense of traditional gender roles, such as only men fighting in war. She argued that the Equal Rights Amendment would eliminate the men-only draft and ensure that women would be equally subject to conscription and be required to serve in combat, and that defense of traditional gender roles proved a useful tactic. In Illinois, the anti-ERA activists used traditional symbols of the American housewife, and took homemade foods (bread, jams, apple pies, etc.) to the state legislators, with the slogans, "Preserve us from a congressional jam; Vote against the ERA sham" and "I am for Mom and apple pie." The historian Lisa Levenstein said that, in the late 1970s, the feminist movement briefly attempted a program to help older divorced and widowed women.

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