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125 Sentences With "molars"

How to use molars in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "molars" and check conjugation/comparative form for "molars". Mastering all the usages of "molars" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"First molars begin forming a few weeks before birth and continue until about age three, and second molars from about three to six years of age," she said.
Third molars, or so-called wisdom teeth, generally emerge fully or partially between ages 17 and 26 into limited space and they are often wedged against the second molars.
His teeth were exposed, all the way down to the molars.
Because molars are more cavity-prone, sealants are usually applied there.
It's custom-fit to the user's mouth, then snaps into their molars.
His molars are coming out so he's just terribly 2 right now.
I have human-like incisors and molars to help crush my food.
A Salvation Army unit in York, Pennsylvania, received a gift of golden molars.
In the laboratory, computation has found its way onto molars and into eyeballs.
Next time you miss those back molars, you and your mirror will know.
In the realm of incisors and molars, Trump really is making America great again.
Their molars, in particular, were unlike anything ever seen before in a human species.
Pakasuchus had canines in the front of its mouth and molars in the back.
On rough pavement, my molars clattered from the stiff ride on its noninflatable tires.
Aside from that, scientists have uncovered some molars and a 0003,2000-year-old mandible.
But, unfortunately, annoying extra molars aren&apost the only way evolution screwed us over.
When compared with the molars of other hominin species, H. luzonensis molars are astonishingly small, and the simplified surfaces of their crowns and their low number of cusps are features that look similar to the molar crowns and cusps of H. sapiens.
And so as the debate heats up, the herbivores are baring their wide, flat molars.
Until now, however, the technique has been used mostly on the molars of living mammals.
Daniel Gray: I had some molars out before they fitted me with a full brace.
Unsurprisingly, their instruments of choice were heavy-duty pliers, more fitting for metalwork than molars.
After these, surrounding teeth tend to fill in front to back, along with the molars.
The seven premolars and molars are smaller and more simplified than those of other species.
Instead, the cetacean had large and broad lower molars it used to feed by filtering seawater.
Basically, where your molars are hard and white, mine are soft, brown, and prone to pain.
The Luzon premolar teeth also look primitive, but the molars are modern and H. sapiens-like.
It wants to look at you while you clean those incisors and touch up those molars.
The Juggalo march coincided with the same week Violent J had to get his molars removed.
In 2015, they found two more molars, which they dated to at least 50,000 years ago.
In the expanded area the group found bone fragments, molars and small pieces of the skull.
In the nineteenth century, this meant breast milk for a year or until the first molars appeared.
In this case, the team members uncovered the top portion of the skull, which included five molars.
It was hard and covered the front teeth but separated the molars so that they wouldn't grind.
Coloradoans who drank from naturally fluoridated mountain streams turned up with strong but severely discolored molars and incisors.
Based on the conditions of the molars, they concluded that the mastodon had been around 30 years old.
Mammoths were grazers, so their molars had smooth ridges for eating grass, according to the National Park Service.
Previously, research on the Denisovan molars revealed how archaic they were, including characteristics not found in modern humans.
The scant fossil record for these ancient hominins previously included only two adult molars and a finger bone.
Gideon, though, lived into his 60s and is hanging on to a few molars, though they're not the greatest.
The providers at his publicly funded community health center in San Francisco pulled four molars and cured his tuberculosis.
Previously, the oldest human remains uncovered in Poland were three Neanderthal molars estimated to be about 52,000 years old.
At the time, the youngster complained of swelling and pain near his molars and lower right jaw, according to CNN.
The other species, called Vilevolodon diplomylos, had similar molars to modern seed-eating squirrels, suggesting a more seed-based diet.
Both HOLYCHILD and Wild Nothing's songs are soaked in a pop syrup that I can practically feel rotting my molars.
Image: Jean-Jacques Hublin, MPI-EVA, LeipzigAs for the mandible itself, it contained some ancient features, including very large molars.
One of the molars hadn't yet pierced through the gums, which means it likely belonged to an adolescent Denisovan individual.
The cheese didn't feel right, and coated my teeth like a thick plaque, sticking in every crevice of my molars.
The jawbone was well-preserved and featured a primitive shape, as well as a few large molars that were still attached.
According to several dentists, when my six-year molars were growing my abnormal body temperature did some weird stuff to them.
The cheese didn't feel right, and coated my teeth like a thick plaque, sticking in every crevice of my molars imaginable.
Recently his social media followers and the press were able to watch him while his dentist drilled down on his molars.
There was a piece of egg stuck between her molars and she was trying to get it out with her tongue.
It's not just oral surgeons who are removing wisdom teeth (third molars) from human mouths — evolution is playing a part too.
The singular syllable of his name had started to feel permanently tucked between my molars and was always on my mind.
Before, if you wanted to study elephants, you shot them and pulled their molars out to see how old they were.
To date, only five skeletal fossils are known from Denisovans: three molars, a mandible, and the tip of a pinky finger.
These two teeth, both molars, were found sans skull, making it difficult to assess the overall health and condition of the individuals.
For the new study, the researchers drilled tiny holes into mice's molars to expose the tooth's pulp, where the stem cells live.
It also shows that Denisovans had retained some primitive physical features, such as robust molars, and that they had traveled across Asia.
By extracting and analyzing proteins from the molars, Welker was able to identify protein sequences which, like fingerprints, are unique to Denisovans.
And over time, having an open bite like that can wear down the enamel of all sorts of teeth, but especially molars.
Everything about their heads seems to have been big, from their giant molars to their thick jaws to their massive brain cases.
"We will likely conduct another prospective cohort study to examine risks from retained asymptomatic third molars," Nunn told Reuters Health by email.
It's 4:37 AM. Your jaw in electric communion with your optic nerve; your tongue reacquainting itself with the enamel on your molars.
And no, wanting to macerate the delicate petals of clover and nasturtium with the power of your molars doesn't make you a sadist.
You grit your teeth and emit the question like a gas leak between your molars: What are you doing for New Year's Eve?
Instead, they taste like Red Bull and vodka and smell like hot sand and the metallic throb of dubstep in my back molars.
The most accessible part of the cupcake is the solid buttercream crown, which makes even the most ardent sweet tooth tingle behind the molars.
Most weasels have dentition more typical of carnivores, with a few sharp, slicing teeth and fewer, smaller molars, which other animals use to grind plants.
He has an implanted spinal cord stimulator that sandpapers the edge off agony, and has broken four molars from grinding because of pain, he said.
The boy was admitted last month in the southern city of Chennai because of swelling and pain near his molars in his lower right jaw.
He used to joke that he knew my molars better than my mother did, because he had to stick his hand in my mouth every night.
We give them dental exams, clean their teeth, do x-rays when needed, apply fluoride, do sealants on any permanent molars that don't have decay in them.
As I angrily stomped back toward the apartment, I threw a piece toward my back molars, chewed twice, and came to a dead stop on the sidewalk.
At 22 years old, he is missing one or two of his canine teeth, forcing him to use his back molars when eating more than younger bears would.
At the dentist, Joan reveals she had six molars extracted when she was 23 on the advice of her agent, so that her cheeks would curve more appealingly.
It could be argued, while listening to Wiz Khalifa rattle your molars, that sport has sucked the charm out of the contemporary game and replaced it with volume.
Dr. Brickley said archaeological evidence from the molars of those no longer living could provide new links between prenatal vitamin D deficiency and early death or chronic disease.
You can't trust urinals either—massive grinning underbites that would get a good laugh out of leaving me to be discovered unconscious, pants down, molars scattered across the linoleum.
Where kids growing up would wear their cavity-less status as a badge of honor, my molars were so permanently fucked that getting fillings was an almost annual tradition.
The putty had been used to fill holes and repair broken bones, and there was evidence that the molars had been removed and then re-set in the jaw.
We should be brushing for two minutes twice a day and flossing once a day, making sure to get every surface — even way in the back of our molars.
The Passenger tells of becoming a "dental refugee" when he has to get two molars removed in Ciudad Juárez because it is much cheaper than in the United States.
Pulling your mouth in every which way just to get back to your molars isn't a great look, and it can also be extremely painful for people with sensitive gums.
Those buds can then be sharpened into canines or incisors for slicing into flesh, or flattened and sculpted into molars with any number of cusps for processing high-fiber plants.
Its canine teeth and molars would have been able to tear flesh and crack bones easily, but the teeth on this particular specimen aren't very worn, suggesting that it was younger.
It has curved handles that make it easy for babies to grasp, and the bristles will reach all the way to the back of their mouth when molars start coming in.
On our evolutionary road to becoming humans, our big brains crowded our skulls and narrowed our jaws, making it difficult for the third row of molars to emerge from the gums.
We've all been there: waking up the day after Christmas with the sludge of cookies still on your teeth and a hunk of rogue sugarplum wedged in the grooves of your molars.
After a full excavation last month, paleontologists uncovered 303 bones, including ribs, a pelvis, shoulder bones and a skull with five gleaming molars that looked as if they were made of quartz.
Johnstone's said that it gives him cuts and bruises on his shoulders when he carts it around, and in the photo, he looks ready to chew it to bits between his molars.
Seattle resident Melissa Gulick told BuzzFeed News that at the end of almost a year of treatment, the aligners have ruined her bite: Her front teeth touch before her molars can make contact.
It's a thought most of us try to keep buried in the backs of our minds, but a new study shows that the tiny communities flourishing between your molars can be quite pretty.
They discovered that pulp cells in these third molars did indeed make dentin, but the cells found in baby teeth, called SHED (stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth), had slightly different properties.
"Neal's enthusiasm for using what New York has offered and conducting actual oversight is probably lower than what a patient would offer to have their molars yanked without anesthesia," said a congressional aide.
Turtle opens the fridge and takes out a Red Seal Ale and pitches it underhand to him and he catches it and fits the bottle cap between his molars and pops the bottle open.
It got so bad that I had to go to the dentist and pay $760 out-of-pocket to have divots drilled into my back molars so I could close my jaw more comfortably.
In the experiment, Chase places two of his sister's molars into bottles of Mountain Dew and Coca-Cola, leaves them side by side for three weeks, then removes the teeth to measure the results.
Using the dispenser is as simple as flicking a lever on the back that brings Vader to life, ready to quash the Rebels or help you dislodge a piece of steak stuck behind your molars.
Using high-definition 3D mapping and casts of teeth collected from multiple institutions and researchers, they documented teeth similar to those seen today, as well as crushing molars and canine teeth reminiscent of modern mammals.
But honestly I remain unconvinced on that point too, because a little later that day, I accidentally discover and scooch out a lingering bit of something gelatinous from behind my molars, and gag a little.
I like that the texture actually encourages her to chew on the spoons because that teaches her to bring them back to where her molars will eventually be and where she should chew her food.
The primordial heebie-jeebies—revulsion perceived variously in the spine, the molars, the bristling of hairs on the back of the neck—are conjured best with images that beam the feeling straight to the flesh.
Sedation may be needed, for example, if a 3-year-old requires root canals for badly decayed molars or has a throbbing abscess, said Dr. Casamassimo, who sedates children at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus.
The dizzying laundry list of intrusions into civilian privacy by both the state and corporations is almost enough to make you want to pull your molars out so Eric from the NSA can't hear your dreams anymore.
Best described as teeth that have crests running between their cusps, bilophodont molars are found in all members of the old world monkey family and play a pivotal part in helping these animals to chew leaves efficiently.
The dizzying laundry list of intrusions into civilian privacy by both the state and corporations is almost enough to make you want to pull your molars out so Eric from the NSA can't hear your dreams anymore.
Part of me had waited a long time to have what I considered to be a "normal" body; one that could make me look my age instead of like a girl still waiting on her 12-year-old molars.
They checked characteristics, such as the distance between eyes and the outline of molars, that are used to distinguish between modern gibbon species, and discovered differences significant enough to merit the classification of Lady Xia's pet as an entirely new one.
The study, in Pediatrics, controlled for various health, behavioral and socioeconomic factors and found that low levels of water fluoridation, maternal obesity and a type of enamel defect in the secondary molars were associated with the risk for tooth decay.
Indeed, while genetic analysis of modern species makes it clear that they diverged from apes 30m years ago, evidence of their first 12m years of existence has until now been composed of just two molars that are too worn to show much detail.
Maybe they have sacrificed everything — even adequate dental care — to follow their dreams, and now their molars are falling out of their mouth and they can hardly eat yogurt, let alone subsist on all the writing they produce on a daily basis.
Bloch said the seven teeth, the largest of which were molars about one-fifth of an inch (5 mm) long, were unmistakable as belonging to a South American monkey, and their shape showed Panamacebus had a diet of fruit in its tropical forest environment.
Photo: Jeanne TimmonsWith narrower molars than their American mastodon cousins, more vertebrae in the pelvis, a lack of any lower tusk in the jaw and a slightly different femur, these differences may point to one reason why this species remained hidden in plain view.
Their records are grinding, bubbling pieces of low-fi rock and roll with all the spiritual gravity of the Catholic mass; their live shows are out-of-body experiences where gently-swaying heshers and crusties bathe in riffs they can feel in their molars.
Yet the shapes of H. luzonensis teeth share similarities with the teeth of H. erectus from Asia, and the size ratio of H. luzonensis premolars to molars is similar to that of Paranthropus, species of which are known for their massive jaws and teeth.
A broad flat steak comes with a drape of Colombian white cheese almost equal to it in dimensions, along with giant fava beans, wrinkly skinned and chewy, and a cob of mote (hominy), its dense kernels the size of back molars and steadfastly unsweet.
"What I did want to run past you, what I did think you'd like—" He felt the scratch of some bit of food come loose from his molars, a piece of fish bone that lodged itself in the soft skin in the back of his throat.
The opportunity to access never-before-told stories trapped within molars that started growing when a fetus was still inside the womb also may contribute to conversations around an idea called the Barker Hypothesis, which says that conditions in the womb contribute to development of diseases later in life.
Right at 1380 Easton Rd in Warrington you'll find breakfast prices that nobody can beat, which is perfect for your meager savings (that shopping trip last week did nothing for your bank account), and sweet morning treats that will make your molars shudder just the way you like.
In F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby," at a luncheon Nick Carraway is informed that Meyer Wolfsheim — a menacing fellow who sports cuff links made from human molars — is not a dentist but instead the man who had fixed the World Series back in 19193: The idea staggered me.
Even more common in humans than a lack of lateral incisors, said Ariadne Letra, an associate professor at the University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston, is the absence of the lower second premolars, the teeth with two cusps located in the bottom jaw just before the four-cusped molars.
The blow that split his jaw had knocked out most of his teeth, aside from a few molars, and the team concluded he had probably been chopped by the middle of the blade, not stabbed by the tip, of a saber wielded by the right hand of someone else charging at him on horseback.
He walks into the club, or onto the festival site, the same way he steps onto every bus, walks into every classroom and most likely how he left the womb—standing broad and surveying the landscape for potential prizes and threats with a single pellet of ice-mint chewing gum rolling round his molars.
Frazee's ex-girlfriend, Krystal Lee Kenney, gave a detailed confession to law enforcement in which she admitted that her ex had asked her to kill Bereth on more than one occasion and that she herself had cleaned up the crime scene, disposing of grisly evidence like one of Bereth's molars knocked out of the young mother's mouth when Frazee beat her to death with a baseball bat.

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