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4 Sentences With "mobbings"

How to use mobbings in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "mobbings" and check conjugation/comparative form for "mobbings". Mastering all the usages of "mobbings" from sentence examples published by news publications.

No surprise, then, that so many "mobbings" are slickly converted into opportunities for grandstanding among self-styled freethinkers, their individuality under assault by the politically correct masses.
Due to their status as enemy of other large birds, they are frequently mobbed by them and white-tailed eagles have been recorded utilizing violent mobbings to suddenly turn over in flight and predaceously grab one of the birds mobbing them, including large gulls and even a northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis).Meinertzhagen, R. (1959). Pirates and Predators: The piratical and predatory habits of birds. Oliver and Boyd.
A radiotelemetry study of 22 owls in Denmark researched the effect perch use has in mitigating potential mobbings or predation acts. It was found that juveniles were more likely to use to secluded, hidden roosts whereas adults with hatched young through independent young were more likely to perch in the open apparently to protect their offspring. Adults were more likely to perch in open and closer to the ground when prey supplies were lower than were they were not.Sunde, P., Bølstad, M. S., & Desfor, K. B. (2003).
The Artists Against 419 site was set up in October 2003 and began tackling fraudulent websites in an artistic way: by hotlinking their images to drain their small bandwidth allowance over their monthly limit. Over time the fraudulent sites have evolved and so have the Artists. On November 30, 2003, the Artists Against 419 hosted its first international flash-mobsee below. There were many subsequent mobbings designed to make internet hosting service providers aware that the Artists Against 419 would not tolerate hosters knowingly hosting websites that AA419 had evidence to show were criminal.

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