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996 Sentences With "millennials"

How to use millennials in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "millennials" and check conjugation/comparative form for "millennials". Mastering all the usages of "millennials" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Blame the Millennials""NBC's $12 Billion Olympics Bet Stumbles, Thanks to Millennials""Coffee Loving Millennials Push Demand to a Record""Millennials Are Pretty Cocky About Their Investing Skills"Fix the Millennials"What Great Gatsby Can Teach Millennials""Show a Little Pride, Millennials"Coddle the Millennials"How to Keep Millennials From Getting Bored and Quitting""Survey: Are You Ready For Another Millennial Survey?
I'm skeptical that millennials will keep acting like millennials once they're no longer millennials.
"You're Fucked, Millennials"Americans Are Dying Faster, Millennials Too""Millennials: You Can't Afford a Startup.
Time to Get a Job""Sorry Millennials, We're Out of the Jobs You Want""Young Americans Giving Up on Getting Rich""It's Been a Rough Coming of Age in the New Century""Give Millennials a Bailout"Fuck You, Millennials"The Misery of Mentoring Millennials""Millennials Didn't Invent Living With the 'Rents""Hey Millennials.
And there are millennials who have kids who are millennials.
Everywhere you look, millennials are selling other millennials new products.
That theory being there's nothing cranky Gen X'ers love to rag on more than Millennials, and there's nothing Millennials love more than ... Millennials.
Millennials still rely on cash — 80 percent of millennials carry greenbacks.
Millennials Enthusiastic support from millennials fueled Bernie Sanders' rise in 2016.
Millennials -- especially black millennials -- have lower homeownership rates than previous generations.
Boomers may scoff at millennials, and millennials may disdain them back.
""British Millennials 'Collateral Damage'""What Do Teens and Millennials Think Is Cool?
With an average employee age of 27, they're by millennials, for millennials.
Pew researchers found that just 37.8 percent of Latino millennials voted in 2012, compared with 47.5 percent of white millennials and 55 percent of black millennials.
"Generation Millennials" will track the leading consumer brands that millennials are into most.
Target millennials A disproportionate number of users on apps, like Periscope, are millennials.
The majority of millennials who do receive family support are higher-income millennials.
I've been working with millennials since they were millennials, like they could work.
Millennials: The data showed that millennials' local mobility has remained relatively low at around 12% for older millennials, but the percentage of millennials making long-distance moves is rising, now at 3.3% — the highest rate in more than a decade.
Millennials were hit particularly hard — 48 percent of the unemployed population consists of millennials.
Like all millennials, black millennials have to deal with a host of economic challenges.
Lastly, "Generation Millennials" will track leading consumer brands that are particularly popular with millennials.
Twenty-nine percent of Asian-American millennials, 28 percent of African-American millennials and 19 percent of Hispanic millennials said they plan to back Biden, the poll found.
These are the top 10 best states for millennials, according to WalletHub: On the flip side, the worst state for millennials according to WalletHub, is West Virginia, with a high unemployment rate among millennials and a high percentage of millennials with depression.
It's millennials penetrating middle management on their way to upper management, it's millennials responsible for purchasing decisions and it's millennials who must be the product focus for software developers.
But I'm an expert on millennials and millennials hold the keys to the White House.
""Prenups for Ideas Are All the Rage With Millennials""Have Millennials Made Quitting More Common?
Debt is holding millennials back from building wealthTo put it simply: Millennials have more debt.
Millennials are 40 percent ... You know, 40 to almost 50 percent of millennials are multicultural.
Number of millennials that moved in: 4,957Number of millennials that moved out: 1,929Net migration: 3,028
Number of millennials that moved in: 9,740Number of millennials that moved out: 6,410Net migration: 3,330
Number of millennials that moved in: 36,145Number of millennials that moved out: 32,803Net migration: 3,342
Number of millennials that moved in: 16,279Number of millennials that moved out: 12,911Net migration: 3,368
Number of millennials that moved in: 22,496Number of millennials that moved out: 17,436Net migration: 5,060
Number of millennials that moved in: 18,998Number of millennials that moved out: 13,568Net migration: 5,430
Number of millennials that moved in: 12,838Number of millennials that moved out: 6,284Net migration: 6,554
Number of millennials that moved in: 25,405Number of millennials that moved out: 18,819Net migration: 6,586
Number of millennials that moved in: 33,989Number of millennials that moved out: 25,982Net migration: 8,007
Number of millennials that moved in: 43,159Number of millennials that moved out: 32,788Net migration: 10,371
First, the budget does not address millennials' needs, and, second, it doesn't reflect millennials' values.
Millennials are not progressive because they are millennials, they are progressive because they are diverse.
Some blamed millennials, seeming to forget that millennials are mostly in their 2000s right about now.
Millennials are financially behindSeveral studies have revealed just how far behind millennials are in wealth building.
They surveys indicate that millennials and Generation Z millennials may still be staying loyal to Snapchat.
Likewise, 41% of straight millennials surveyed felt financially secure, while only 29% of LGBTQ millennials concurred.
Just 40 percent of millennials actually identify as millennials, compared to 79 percent of baby boomers.
Television is losing its effect; millennials and post-millennials consume programming from video-on-demand services.
By 2028, the millennials and post-millennials combined will equal just about half of eligible voters.
In another report, Visier found that millennials resign nearly two times as often as non-millennials.
However, millennials who are managers resign two-thirds less often than millennials who are not managers.
While both groups of millennials are primarily concerned with jobs and the economy, the younger millennials are equally concerned about education, while older millennials consider health care their number two concern.
I.P.: Here Are 19893 Things Millennials Have Killed," BuzzFeed's "Here Are 28 Things Millennials Are Accused of Killing in Cold Blood," Broadly's "I Did All the Things Millennials Are Accused of Killing.
Millennials don't need to get down with the Olympics; instead, the Olympics should pander to us millennials.
Even millennials are watching, observed the Boston Globe, despite the fact that millennials keep not buying homes.
But some millennials aren't marrying at all — an estimated 25% of millennials are unlikely to ever marry.
"Kate Spade's customers are millennials and we all know millennials are fickle," Konik wrote in a note.
Millennials have a reputation as "snowflakes"The findings are the opposite of how the world views millennials.
Millennials have been killed by the cops for no damn good reason, and other millennials have protested those deaths in the street while other millennials in police uniforms fired tear gas at them.
For example, another Pew survey from 2014 found that while most millennials favored the legalization of gay marriage, millennials who described themselves as Democrats were more likely to favor it than Republican millennials.
Even though millennials have historically been apathetic towards elections, polls found that millennials comprise 61% of Lúgaro's supporters.
Instead of seeing millennials as entitled, look at it this way: Millennials believe they are destined for excellence.
Millennials managers aren't just taking on low-level management positions or only overseeing the work of other millennials.
Before millennials were millennials, they were kids, reacting to the idea they could be murdered in their classroom.
Nearly 30% of millennials believe they will never retire, according to TD Ameritrade's 2018 Millennials and Money Survey.
It highlights the financial realities millennials are facing"Going From Broke" also depicts millennials' financial realities beyond debt.
Before the millennials were the millennials—back when newspaper columnists were still seriously toying with Y2Kids and Generation.
Millennials recognize the power of transparencyLiving a life online has already fostered a sense of openness for millennials.
One of the big dividing lines between Generation X and millennials was that millennials grew up with the Internet.
The term "millennials," for one, was coined for a book published in 1987 — before many millennials were even born.
Pepper is Israel's first bank aimed at "millennials and millennials at heart", says Rakefet Russak-Aminoach, Leumi's chief executive.
Some millennials prefer to rent, and it&aposs changing the face of homeownershipBut not all millennials are aspiring homeowners.
Travel Noire, which offers up traveling tips and guidance for black millennials, reaches over 2 million millennials a month.
That means millennials are less likely to buy a home, making houses an asset more boomers than millennials have.
In "Tell Us What to Call the Generation After Millennials (Please)," Jonah Engel Bromwich writes: Millennials are getting older.
Two out of 3 millennials were using the app, with 80 percent of the youngest millennials surveyed on Snapchat.
The attitudes and behaviors of white millennials make more sense when we stop thinking about them only as millennials.
Consequently, the demographic shift from millennials being small children to millennials being young workers pushes median household income down.
Viewed one way, this makes young millennials less aware of the dangers posed by a Republican administration than older millennials.
The Global X Millennials Thematic ETF (MILN), tracks Indxx' Millennials Thematic Index that comprises companies that cater to the generation.
Despite findings that millennials have less wealth than previous generations, there's been continuous support for the millennials-are-wealthy narrative.
CM: I think there's a real receptivity today particularly among millennials but not exclusive to millennials, these purpose-driven brands.
The government is asking millennials to do their part during the coronavirus pandemic, here's what millennials should demand in return
How millennials spend their time: Millennials sleep about 9 hours a night, compared to the 8.6 hours of prior generations.
Note that this indicates millennials who inquired about a mortgage loan; not all of these millennials actually purchased a home.
By 2016, it was clear that millennials — especially older millennials — were still struggling with the impact of the Great Recession.
Prophet also sliced up the data to show the top brands among millennials and the top brands among non-millennials.
Take Marketwatch's "Why millennials are ditching religion for witchcraft and astrology" last December; the Atlantic's "Why are millennials so into astrology" in January; and just two months later, "Why astrology is turning to millennials" in the Guardian.
For many black millennials and other millennials of color, Clinton's comments formed the straw that may have broken the camel's back.
Three out of four millennials have some kind of debt, and a quarter of millennials have more than $30,000 in debt.
" [gallery ids="1705546,1705559,1705547"] Young, flighty, commitment-averse millennials are the prime demographic, he noted: "Millennials are the biggest consumer of leases.
And 54% of millennials don't have a retirement account — but only 11% of millennials who  have one aren't making monthly contributions.
A slightly higher percentage of male millennials, 28503 percent, than female millennials, 22019 percent, think that a third party is needed.
And when they are lost, they will be lost forever, to the next millennials and a millennium of millennials hence.    Sen.
So Vox Media is a company that both employs a lot of millennials and wants to reach a lot of millennials.
Millennials are addressing the decline in their mental healthMoney stress has been linked to the decline in mental health among millennials.
Young people nowadays, and we were talking about this earlier, we're not necessarily millennials, but we... D: But we think like millennials.
It Doesn't Have To.""What Millennials Are Doing Right — and Wrong — About Retirement""Why Are So Many Millennials Still in the Basement?
"Millennials want stability — yes, that may shock you, but it's true," said millennial attorney James Goodnow, 35, co-author of Motivating Millennials.
Millennials value diversity and inclusion more than ever before, and by 202017 millennials will make up nearly 75 percent of the workforce.
Is this the first in a series that will include "Millennials Eat Too Many Vegetables" and "Repercussions of Millennials Cleaning Their Rooms"?
It's basically the opposite vision that millennials have for their country, even just white millennials — a demographic group that voted for Trump.
They may have waited longer than previous generations, but millennials are now showing a strong desire to become homeowners, especially older millennials.
"Its growth amongst millennials has really slowed, and millennials are going to find this whole story toxic to the brand," he said.
Brokest, loneliest, and richest: Here's how the world sees American millennials in 2019 Hillary Hoffower Aug 22, 2019, 12:48 PM millennials
Among older millennials, credit card balances are the leading source of debt, making up a fourth of what average older millennials owe.
Through it all, the fierce and the tragic, millennials did what millennials do best: getting nostalgic and going in on the internet.
But the latter study points to the possibility that sexual activity among millennials is continuing to trend downward for the younger half of the generation, meaning younger millennials (like my cousin) are even less sexed than older millennials (like me).
About four in 10 millennials are homeowners, according to a survey of over 600 millennials (age 21-34) by Bank of the West.
Once the wheels began turning though, each response ranged, and just like Millennials like to think of Millennials, no two were the same.
Millennials can't flirt, but the 40+ crowd is skeptical of dating appsNobile estimates that about 30 to 40% of her clients are millennials.
In addition, 29% of black millennials spend three or more hours daily on social media sites, 9% higher than that of all millennials.
Two-thirds of black millennials disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job, as do 58% of both Asian and Latino millennials.
The three key drivers behind why millennials are spending less frivolously: The Great Recession hit while most millennials were in their formative years.
Millennials don't care for the way baby boomers are handling the crisis, and baby boomers don't like how millennials are dealing with it.
"People, particularly millennials, are delaying having children — pets are becoming children and millennials are now the largest cohort of pet owners," Middleton said.
In short, it was full of the types of establishments that appeal to millennials — especially millennials who are used to big-city living.
But what recent data also clearly shows is that when the boomers were millennials' age, they had significantly more than millennials do today.
Millennials have been called "generation snowflake" and "The Me Me Me Generation," creating a stereotype of millennials as special, sensitive, lazy, and entitled.
"Overall, millennials trade more often than non-millennials (2.75 times more), but the average dollar amount per trade is half," according to Poddar.
Go deeper: Fed report says Great Recession made millennials poorer than older generations Editor's note: This article and headline have been corrected to show that 20% of millennials with debt expect to die without paying it off, rather than 20% of millennials overall.
Based on conversations and interactions with the twenty-somethings (I'll refer to this group as millennials from hereon) and those that teach or manage millennials in the workforce, top issues on millennials' minds revolve around work/life balance, security and job fulfillment.
The second worst state for millennials, according to the analysis, is New Mexico (with a high millennial unemployment rate), followed by Mississippi (with low average earnings for millennials, a high millennial unemployment rate and a low percentage of millennials with health insurance coverage).
Boomers as a voting bloc are outnumbered by millennials, and there's an advancing push among millennials for greater voter turnout; in the 2018 midterm elections, Gen Z, millennials and Gen Xers collectively edged out the voter turnout of everyone older than them.
If Trump can pull it off, millennials -- and the parents of millennials still living at home -- will support Trump in record numbers come 2020.
When I talk about millennials, it's not, like, a metaphor whereby millennials are the working class and boomers are the ruling class or something.
Clinton tries to get the millennials on board Millennials are much less likely to vote than Baby Boomers or Gen Xers, according to Pew.
Additionally, 65 percent of respondents among younger millennials and Generation Z, or the group born after millennials, consume sports content on a mobile device.
Ironically, the generational problems millennials are said to face will be shouldered by the people who are ignored in the wider conversation about millennials.
Everyone likes to dog millennials like they're not as good as previous generations, but the truth is that it's not millennials who have failed.
According to 2014 MTV poll, 37 percent of millennials discussed race at home, but the percentage was slightly lower for white millennials (30 percent).
"Millennials are going to be on a completely lower trajectory than previous generations," says Reid Cramer, director of the Millennials Initiative at New America.
In 2018, the Brookings Institution released a report revealing that millennials were the most diverse generation in US history — 44% of millennials are minorities.
But the politics of millennials – metropolitan millennials in particular – are quite different, even when their own discontents are also labeled populist by establishment commentators.
"Scion will be relevant but not faddish, and though we're not necessarily going after millennials, the concept will likely draw in millennials," he said.
The Democratic platform offers millennials more of the same, but abortion has not served millennials or improved their lives, as countless personal stories attest.
While slightly more millennials with a financial imbalance — that is, with very different incomes — reported stress, most millennials with similar incomes did as well.
Placing the generational dividing line at 2001 shifts the balance toward the millennials, with 88 million people, as compared with 65 million post-millennials.
Millennials are embracing socialism: In a recent YouGov poll, 70% of millennials said they'd be somewhat or extremely likely to vote for a socialist.
Neighborhood: Kerns / Laurelhurst, 97232Percent of millennial increase: 51.8Number of new millennials: 5,700Median home value: $600,700 Neighborhood: Lincoln Square, 19953Percent of millennial increase: 47.7Number of new millennials: 2,200Median home value: $1.9 million Neighborhood: Riverside, 32204Percent of millennial increase: 45.3Number of new millennials: 3,000Median home value: $194,20173 Neighborhood: Mid-Wilshire, 90048Percent of millennial increase: 38.9Number of new millennials: 10,2000Median home value: $2250 million Neighborhood: Kensington, 21Percent of millennial increase: 2000Number of new millennials: 21980,21995Median home value: $803,280 Neighborhood: Castro, 210Percent of millennial increase: 224Number of new millennials: 12,500Median home value: $1.9 million Neighborhood: Southwest Waterfront, 20024Percent of millennial increase: 37.2Number of new millennials: 5,103Median home value: $403,300 To generate its national rankings, RENTCafé looked at ZIP codes with total populations of over 600,000 residents.
In past three days alone, Mashable published at least two stories on millennials:  For millennials, sending your first text message was a rite of passage Women over 50 see sexual harassment very differently than millennials  The change doesn't appear to be a complete ban.
But the divide between young and old millennials over Clinton is about as great as it is between millennials overall and voters in their 40s.
Boomers and millennials each comprise about 23% of the US population, but only 17% of ethnoracial minorities are boomers, compared to 27% who are millennials.
It's a system targeted primarily at millennials, according to the company's press material — specifically millennials with money to burn, with a price north of $16,000.
According to a 2011 PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report called "Millennials at work," over 40 percent of millennials said they were open to alternative means of income.
Older millennials in their late 20s and early 30s no doubt know Gore, but those aren't the millennials Clinton is having the most trouble courting.
"Trends among the age groups millennials will join in future years suggest that entrepreneurship among millennials will remain relatively low for decades," the report states.
The youngest millennials and Gen Z are divided by the fact that Gen Z does not remember 9/11, according to an expert on millennials.
Younger millennials experienced the recovery period and were able to learn from the older millennials who bore the brunt of the recession, according to Dorsey.
About four in 10 millennials are already homeowners, according to a new survey of over 600 millennials (age 21-34) by Bank of the West.
Millennials love to shop online: In 2016, millennials made 54% of their purchases (excluding groceries) online, and 63% complete transactions on their smartphones, according to UPS.
Clinton's support among millennials was 2900 percent, compared to 220006 percent among non-millennials, while Trump's was 2202 percent, compared to 2628 percent among older voters.
Related: Millennials Around the World Tell Us How They Feel About Money, Debt, and Hopelessness The problem, as I see it, isn't that millennials are lazy.
The main factor keeping millennials from building their net worth at the pace of their parents' generation is clear: Millennials hold a large amount of debt.
" SoFi, short for "Social Finance," targets millennials with an array of modern banking products that Noto says help millennials "achieve financial independence and realize their ambitions.
"This team is filled with millennials, and millennials can't focus," said Kerr, who has made the relative youth of his team a running joke this season.
Millennials still scarred by 2008 According to the Legg Mason survey, 56% of Millennials indicated that their current investing strategy is influenced by memories of 2008.
Millennials Become America's Biggest Generation Millennials have surpassed the baby boomers to become the largest living generation in the US, according to the latest census data.
He cited Constellation's research on millennials to back up his broader thesis: The company found that in 2013, millennials consumed about 24 alcoholic drinks per month.
The South Dakota can be thought of as "America's first millennial submarine," because it was built by mostly millennials and will be manned by millennials, too.
And while the percentage of eligible millennials who said they voted in the last election rose among every other demographic group, it fell among black millennials.
While turnout rates for millennials soared, just 42 percent of eligible millennials turned out to vote, compared with 64 percent of baby boomers and older voters.
Jason Dorsey, a consultant, researcher of millennials, and president of the Center for Generational Kinetics, told Business Insider that there are two types of American millennials.
Go deeper: Today's health problems are tomorrow's health crises Millennials sleep and work more than previous generations 70% of millennials say they'd vote for a socialist
For millennials (and old millennials), puka shells became prominent in the '903s and very early aughts, the style of which the aforementioned VSCO hugely borrow from.
An online study funded by TD Ameritrade last year found that 226 percent of L.G.B.T.Q. millennials were married, in contrast to 250 percent of straight millennials.
This is surprising only if we forget that "white millennials vote a lot more like whites than millennials," as the Washington Post noted, and fail to sympathize with the progressive tendencies of millennials as a group that are largely driven by greater numbers of people of color.
Older millennials (those aged 24 to 34) have an average of $42,000 in debt, while Gen Z & younger millennials (ages 19803-24) have about $22,000, Northwestern finds.
The soda giant's latest ad centers on a political march full of millennials — the generically trendy, stock-photo-looking sort of millennials that only exist in commercials.
"Having a job that matters is very important to millennials," said Lee Caraher, author of Millennials and Management: The Essential Guide To Making It Work At Work.
Jason Dorsey, a researcher of millennials, previously told Business Insider that the Great Recession has made millennials more risk-averse and practical when it comes to money.
According to Dorsey, younger millennials got the benefit of learning from older millennials without having to go through some of the economic pain the older cohort experienced.
As millennials struggle to find financial security, one cannot help but wonder whether these occupational licenses could be hindering millennials from growing up to be responsible adults.
According to the report, millennials prefer foreign-made, mid-range cars with Japanese automakers Honda, Nissan and Toyota making up the top three car brands millennials buy.
And there are more millennials in the world than non-millennials, especially outside the United States if you look at the emerging economies of China and India.
Older millennials are drawn to reliving childhood memories, while younger millennials and Gen Z-ers get to revel in the unpolished simplicity of scrunchies and Friends episodes.
Meanwhile, 67 percent of younger millennials and 61 percent of older millennials have less than $1,000 in savings, and a growing share have nothing saved at all.
The declining state of millennials&apos mental healthThe report found that rates of depression and hyperactivity among American millennials increased by about 30% from 2014 to 103.
It&aposs no surprise millennials don&apost want to be called millennialsThe world has been quick to label millennials, and not all of those labels are positive.
It's also a testament to the legacies of both boomers and millennials that Moore has found hope in the idea of leaving the country in millennials' hands.
So well of course boomers matter because we came up with the idea that we need to change, we need to come up with a new concept; it was completely conceived by millennials for, I wouldn't say for millennials, not just for millennials, but again, for the baby boomers we all know we aspire to be a bit more young, a bit more experiential… so while we actually target the millennials, they might let you and I in (laughs)… Michael Issenberg: Oh look I mean, millennials love travelling, right.
Read more: Houses are the new Instagram influencers — so it's a shame most millennials in the US will likely be renters for yearsThe grandmillennial aesthetic says a lot about what millennials like and don't likeThe trend is both a contradiction of and an embodiment of what millennials love.
"I have had sex with both millennials and non-millennials, and [the millennials] are less inclined to engage in extended foreplay, they never speak of condoms, and they are not particularly friendly afterward," said Jason, a 40-year-old gay guy, citing cold, impersonal porn as a potential cause.
People say millennials are a lazy and entitled bunch, but most millennials I know are hustlers — we're scrappy, on the move, and constantly aiming to get shit done.
Chrysler bills the Portal as "next generation family transportation designed by millennials for millennials," which is brand lingo for appealing to people with smartphones and money to burn.
Most importantly, Votaw said there's a "healthy" number of millennials playing golf: The PGA Tour said that 6.5 million millennials played 100 million rounds of golf in 2015.
Datassential's research showed that younger millennials born after 1995 began guzzling coffee at just 14.7 years old, whereas older millennials, born around 1982, began caffeinating at 17.1 years.
In an op-ed provocatively titled, "Dear Millennials: The Feeling Is Mutual," Stephens delivered a generational jeremiad, with millennials in one corner and everyone else in the other.
Millennials eat out or order in five times a week, they're using Uber more than last year and a recent report shows 67 percent of millennials shop online.
It is unlikely that most millennials know enough about managing their money, as a study released this year, "Millennials and Financial Literacy: The Struggle With Personal Finance," suggests.
By the numbers: 67% of older millennials (25–34) said they were employed full-time, compared with only 27% of younger millennials, according to the Survey Monkey survey.
Why millennials are paying to live in shared spaces like WeLive Why millennials are paying to live in shared spaces like WeLive This piece first aired on Oct.
There are currently about 400 million millennials in China, he said, adding that the figure is well above the number of millennials in the U.S. and Canada combined.
The idea of millennials killing industries became a trope that defined the decade — and by the end, they even managed to kill the "millennials are killing" headline itself.
Hillary's secret weapon to win over millennials is ... Al Gore Hillary's secret weapon to win over millennials is ... Al Gore Congressman, senator, vice president, Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
Below I show the percent saying that they "strongly" or "somewhat" agree with the statement, white millennials are more liberal than their parents but less liberal than millennials of color, a divide that has been consistently observed in research: Millennials are also less likely to support identifying and deporting undocumented immigrants.
Nearly 80 percent of millennials own cars and 75 percent of millennials who don't own a car aspire to own one now, the Accel + Qualtrics Millennial Study 2017 found.
Millennials can't even with the lottery Millennials are ditching the lottery, causing concern for the future of the $80 billion annual enterprise that covers all but six U.S. states.
Vice did a little better with millennials aged 18-24, according to the report: Instead of Chick-fil-A, millennials' fast food chain of choice is In-N-Out.
"Chinese millennials, they are a huge market - nearly half a billion people, 400 million Chinese millennials and they represent 80 percent of our business here in China," he said.
FlexJobs surveyed 227,2000 millennials and found that while 83% of millennials said a primary reason for working was to cover basic expenses, 63% said traveling was a primary reason.
"Seeing millennials being that passionate about something, especially politics, was great because I would think that millennials are more into social media and all this other stuff," says Bean.
In order to understand how to get millennials engaged in political movements, we need to rethink how we communicate political messages and uncover which advertising tactics resonate with millennials.
American pastors, imams and rabbis have spent endless amounts of time trying to cater to millennials' tastes, or at least what they perceive to be millennials' tastes: Coffee bars.
"The flirting part is lost among millennials because they're leading with their resumes," she said, referring to millennials who focus on discussing their jobs on dating apps or dates.
And while plenty of older millennials were affected, too -- especially as the ramifications of the crisis rippled outward -- the crisis really did hit Young Millennials in a different way.
Millennials as a whole vote at a significantly lower rate than older generations: A mere 51 percent of eligible Millennials voted in 2016, versus 69 percent of eligible Boomers.
"Hotel executives are building everything around millennials right now and they expect all millennials to want to work in these hip, communal lobby spaces or in bed," he said.
Millennials are delaying marriageTaking more time to find the right partner and prioritize financial success is causing many millennials to marry later in life when compared to previous generations.
Millennials -- you may recall -- were lukewarm towards Clinton.
The way drag plays with and mocks identity may resonate particularly well with a generation of millennials and post-millennials with far more fluid definitions of gender and sexual identity.
The top holdings of Global X Millennials Thematic ETF include stocks many investors would expect, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Amazon, which take advantage of the tech tendencies of millennials.
So she, and many others, are carving out a new market of matchmaking services for millennials, by millennials, much of which supplements online dating rather than seeking to replace it.
This study focused on millennials who actually own a home or have the means to renovate their bathrooms — a luxury many don't have, especially considering homeownership among millennials is down.
In 2016, Gallup found 87 percent of millennials rated professional or career growth and development opportunities as important to them in a job, compared to 69 percent of non-millennials.
"Millennials have the least amount of patience," said David Glickman, CEO of Ultra Mobile, a Los Angeles firm where millennials make up about 75 percent of his 360-person workforce.
STEYER BETTING ON MILLENNIALS: Tom Steyer, the billionaire climate change activist and campaign donor, is betting that millennials might hold the key to getting climate-friendly candidates elected this year.
While Facebook is still a primary source of news for millennials, it's falling out of favor with young millennials who are increasingly splintering their social media usage into different platforms.
Mobile banking and personal budgeting apps, such as Revolut and Qapital are most popular with millennials, with personal budgeting apps having a user base that's 70% millennials, reports CB Insights.
Millennials always catch shit about "participation trophies" but millennials aren't the ones creating a system where an 0 AND 18 team has to be in a nationally televised tournament game.
And while millennials are expected to represent 27% of voters in 2020, Biden has sent mixed messages at best regarding millennials — even as the hotly contested Iowa caucus arrives Tuesday.
I asked them why they thought millennials have fueled the growing tiny-house phenomenon, and their three answers made it clear just how different millennials are from their parents.1.
After interviewing over 60 millennials about their finances for more than 100 hours, Clasp founder Sunny Israni started to see a pattern about what millennials really want from their money.
Millennials are getting older -- and a critical mass of millennials are reaching positions of influence in the workplace, including in the media and entertainment industries which write our culture's stories.
The last American election cycle saw the number of millennials increase by over 300% in the US Congress, with around 700 millennials running for state legislative seats around the country.
But as Know Your Meme noted, backlash to the "millennials are killing" framing didn&apost really explode until The Economist posted a tweet asking why millennials weren&apost buying diamonds.
As the country now teeters at the cusp of election day, the division between Millennials and their preceding generation, Generation X, has never been more stark: Millennials, disillusioned with the political process, and Gen X, disillusioned with millennials' disillusionment, have made it clear that in 2016 they are not on the same page.
Serried rows of millennials and younger-than-millennials examine battle charts of target audiences and chat excitedly into their mobile phones (there is nothing so old-fashioned here as a landline).
"80 percent of the people in our front office are millennials, myself included, and we're just having fun with some of the clichés that people point out about millennials," Murphy said.
BoA found that 13% of millennials who have a savings goal stick to it nearly every month, and 73% of millennials who have a budget stick to it nearly every month.
A job isn't a life, after all—when millennials go home from work, engaged or not, they're still millennials, with all the problems that come from being young and wanting things.
According to the study, these are the top five cities for millennials and their prevailing industries: For millennials with leadership aspirations in the life sciences or IT sector, go to Durham.
Don't only include millennials when the pressure is high, include millennials when there is no pressure at all because we always remind them that in our communities the beast never sleeps.
In the Gallup Report (May 21, 211) Millennials: The Job Hopping Generation, it states that 26% of the millennials changed jobs within the past year that the poll was conducted in.
With respect to building a wall, millennials are at odds with their elders: just 573% of millennials favor building a wall along the border compared to 58% of Americans over 50.
It delegitimizes issues millennials face, like obscene tuition prices and a low-paying job market, which has made it nearly impossible for millennials to stand on their own without falling down.
Read more: 13 things rich millennials look for in a luxury home, according to real-estate agentsBuying a house isn't out of the question for millennials, but it can be harder.
Fact Three:  Millennials Are Not Rising to the Entrepreneurship Challenge Prior to the Great Recession, Millennials were already less likely than their Baby Boomer and Generation X predecessors to start businesses.
Read more: Forget millennials — the real financial time bomb in America is Gen XMillennials are reading their own pressMeanwhile, millennials think they're doing all right — at least, compared to their peers.
To my mind, the endless haranguing of millennials by older, self-described liberals shows that the social unrest of the 1960s ended in compromises that millennials inherited but not did choose.
It turns out that Americans across the board—not just millennials—were having less sex today than they were in the past; however, millennials were doing it less than everyone else.
Perhaps these unworried millennials are just confident they'll pay their debt off — 64% of millennials who have credit-card debt have paid it all off at one point or another before.
It has been a particular hit with millennials, who make up the majority of the cardholders — a noteworthy detail, given that many millennials have been turning thumbs-down on credit cards.
From the hottest food and drink to the topics millennials couldn&apost stop talking about, here are six defining trends and moments for millennials from each year in the past decade.
Millennials still have the powerMany of these trends were kicked off with Millennials, the oft-maligned generation blamed for everything from lack of affordable housing to the decline of casual dining.
But because millennials are balancing both student loans and credit card debt, "the likelihood that millennials are prioritizing retirement in any meaningful way as an overall generation seems unlikely," Bonneau says.
When boomers were roughly the same age as millennials are now, they owned about 21% of America&aposs wealth, compared to millennials&apos 3% share today, according to recent Fed data.
I'm helping her connect with millennials — and Snapchat filters.
And it works well with everyone — not just millennials.
Millennials 'destroying' core beer brands : 'Bar Rescue's' Jon Taffer.
Millennials don't ring doorbells anymore — they text "here" instead.
" In November, he said it's for "criminals" and "millennials.
Millennials are stressed — and it's largely because of money.
Twenty percent are under 270 — millennials, more or less.
Millennials are better with money , a national survey says.
The Great Recession split millennials into two cohorts — and they have distinctly different money habitsWhile older millennials, who bore the brunt of the financial crisis, dealt with a tough job market and wage stagnation that made it more difficult to save, younger millennials experienced the recovery period and became risk-averse as they watched the recession unfold, Jason Dorsey, a consultant, researcher of millennials, and president of the Center for Generational Kinetics, previously told Business Insider.
There's an element of The Other Two that feels like a barely disguised thinkpiece about the differences between millennials and their younger siblings in Gen Z. The main characters who are millennials are all constantly hustling to keep their heads above water and debating whether they actually are millennials (a classic millennial thing to do!).
If that doesn't float your boat, you can look forward to 2018, when someone tries to milk a few thousand hate-shares out of a "Millennials Killed the Airline for Millennials" take.
Airlines have been targeting millennials since, well, the term millennials was first used to design a specifically global, urban, travel-minded generation that obsessively posts pictures of avocado on toast on Instagram.
A 2018 survey by Value Insured shows just how wary millennials are of owning property, with just 48% of American millennials saying they think buying a home would be a good investment.
The Pew Research Center argues that millennials may be more cautious about protecting their finances upon getting married due to the turbulent economy millennials experienced when they entered the workforce in 2008.
In documenting how a generation is breaking apart the norms of operating, employed, and navigating life, Millennials Don't Suck serves as a beacon for millennials seeking to reshape and redefine their world.
More than one out every three white Millennials (37%) and nearly one out of every three African American Millennials (30%) support deporting all immigrants currently living in the United States without authorization.
"Search Party" has been called one of the most realistic portrayals of millennials on TV. Millennials definitely think that they're doing something for somebody else, when it's actually just a selfish act.
In fact, only 4% of millennials say they have over $100,413 in debt, according to a new survey commissioned by New York Life of over 2,200 U.S. adults, including over 600 millennials.
"Millennials and post-millennials want to live in a thriving, bustling city that has dynamic choices for mobility," said Erik Caldwell, San Diego's deputy head of operations for smart and sustainable communities.
A good year for Millennials to buy Heading into 2020, Sturtevant said that demographics point to this being a good year for Millennials, who are mostly now in their 153s, to buy.
Studies conducted by Pew, Neil Howe and William Strauss (Authors of Millennials Rising), and others indicate the values they articulate – service, global citizenship, tolerance, and understanding – are emblematic of Millennials at large.
Next year, 4.8 million millennials will turn 30, the largest cohort of the generation, and the oldest millennials will turn 39, an age range when historically people make their first home purchases.
Millennials were mostly born in the '80s and '90s, which means that the vast majority of teens today — basically everybody under 18, even by the most lenient definitions of "millennial" — aren't millennials.
Because we really understand the power of millennials but our brands have stories to tell to millennials and the reason they have that is because we have brands with purpose brands with meaning.
"Companies well-positioned to target millennials are those likely to do well," said Bruno del Ama, founder and CEO of Global X Funds, which launched the Global X Millennials Thematic ETF last week.
Of course, it is in Contiki's best interest to produce a study that portrays millennials' desire to vacation as strong, but there is no doubt a deep correlation between millennials and valuing travel.
If you follow millennials on Twitter (and god help you), then you know that Anne Helen Petersen's piece this past weekend "How Millennials Became The Burnout Generation" struck a deep chord for many.
Attention millennials (and everyone else): The editors of the Wall Street Journal have admitted to their own faulty use of the term "millennials," per a post in the Style & Substance section on Monday.
Empty promises have not gone unnoticed and just because millennials aren't indulged in policies and regulations does not mean that millennials haven't looked around and see the displaced and disparity throughout their communities.
We Can't Even: Millennials on Film, a series of films at BAM about, by, and for millennials, is a rebuttal to the narratives that dominate the discourse around a generation's priorities and perspectives.
Here are four tips for my fellow millennials to jump-start your retirement savings: Statistics show that many millennials are great savers – but we tend to hold too much cash instead of investing.
Plus, they now face new competition from savvy online startups such as Boxed — dubbed the "Costco for millennials" — that are also selling products in bulk but in a way that speaks to millennials.
Millennials are afraid of the stock marketA recent publication from the Federal Reserve in Saint Louis points out that just three in five millennials are invested in the stock market in any way.
Millennials also prefer to spend their money on experiences rather than physical objects, Business Insider&aposs Hillary Hoffower reported, which is perhaps part of the reason why Tiffany has struggled to attract millennials.
The biggest difference between millennials and older customers is that millennials care more about the origins of the products they buy and their environmental impact, Georges said in an interview with Business Insider.
For example, requiring employers to verify that new hires have legal residency, is most popular among white Millennials (78%) and, to a slightly less degree, Asian American (73%) and African American (65%) Millennials.
The oldest millennials are now in their mid 30s and finally "settling down," which leads to heightened concerns about finances, kids and home buying, while the youngest millennials are still pursuing their education.
Millennials -- In particular, Dr. Deborah Birx, the coronavirus task force coordinator, appealed to millennials, telling the largest current generation of Americans that they need to shield older generations more susceptible to the virus.
For a related Learning Network lesson on millennials, written by a student, see Minding the Generation Gap: Investigating Media Portrayals of Millennials and 'Gen Z.' Students 13 and older are invited to comment.
That's the case for many millennials; depression and "deaths of despair" were already on the rise among millennials before the pandemic as they grapple with loneliness, money stress, and burnout in the workplace.
The difference in income among age groups may be because more millennials have side hustles than other generations and millennials are also more likely to have multiple side hustles, according to the survey.
But let me play the contrarian here and tell you this isn't the case — that if you want to appeal to millennials and keep them in the fold, don't treat them like millennials.
If I take a room of 100 senior citizens and 100 millennials, most of those senior citizens are going to vote on Election Day and probably fewer than half of the millennials will.
Venmo is riding a surge of popularity, mostly among millennials.
Most millennials have removed themselves from the physicality of spending.
To millennials, declining prices for consumers is a healthy development.
But that doesn't mean millennials don't want to buy homes.
They've got to get it together because millennials love protein.
Are millennials as bad as everyone thinks they are, Jesse?
The Obama economy really hurt a lot of these millennials.
But research indicates that millennials, especially, want this to change.
Alexandra Schwartz over at the New Yorker says millennials are
Democrats should be encouraging millennials to participate in the political
That might make both major parties unpalatable to young millennials.
You know millennials won't dig in unless it's gluten free!
I was somebody who really did feel like millennials sucked.
"There were these incredible millennials everywhere, saving lives," he said.
Millennials want you to listen to their own problems instead.
Buying experiences over gifts is gaining popularity, particularly among millennials.
But millennials aren't just ignoring this rule, they're destroying it.
Ah, baby boomers and millennials — could they be more different?
Instead, he asks: What made millennials the way they are?
Millennials are many things, but above all, they are murderers.
Millennials just want an economy that works for us again.
I felt bad for these millennials or whoever they were.
Today, millennials are grappling with some serious challenges at work.
"This is the way millennials expect to transact," said Deaver.
I'm learning about traditionalists, baby boomers, the Xers, the millennials.
Young millennials top the list of the worst behaved drivers.
How many millennials know who the hell Strom Thurmond is?
We're entering the period where millennials are running for president.
Millennials recognize that relying on their parents is not ideal.
Millennials toting iPhones are not the only ones borrowing more.
They'll win with the millennials we were talking about earlier.
The millennials increasingly associate business with crookery rather than prosperity.
"(Millennials) certainly are much more enthusiastic about learning," Doman said.
She runs a financial blog for millennials called Yupster Finance.
The data also cued us in to millennials' shopping habits.
And millennials are increasingly becoming part of the American consumer.
Millennials learned that the flower crown filter is still cool.
As such, stores popular with millennials are increasingly stocking vinyl.
In many ways, millennials' interest in vinyl is not surprising.
Do you think it's something millennials should be thinking about?
Millennials have been more willing to experiment with new cuisines.
Millennials are entering their prime household formation and buying years.
Now that is something China's millennials should be entitled to.
LOS ANGELES — Mitú wants young Latino millennials to get political.
Many of those millennials are uninsured because of the cost.
Some millennials, he adds, are drawn to technology companies instead.
Millennials are to the left of boomers on both dimensions.
Inadequate testing, however, is not just the fault of millennials.
Duckworth says baby boomers have more grit than millennials do.
Millennials should look to build up and update their resumes.
Millennials are defined as being born between 1982 and 2004.
Ivanka and Trump's other daughter, Tiffany Trump, are both millennials.
Even still, a total of 49% of millennials opposed them.
Millennials have to pay to get paid down the road.
Millennials might want to try something else on their toast.
The survey of 1,000 millennials was conducted online in April.
Banking and investing apps are the most popular among millennials.
Among Millennials in their thirties, the gender split is even.
Millennials, once again, are doing things differently than prior generations.
Yet airlines are largely not tapping nonwhite and women millennials.
But for many people  —  especially millennials  —  this doesn't ring true.
Naturally millennials on Twitter are pretty annoyed by the release.
And for millennials, differentiation is the name of the game.
But the biggest move to ETFs has been among millennials.
And now you get to bring it to millennials, right?
By now, you've likely heard that millennials are the worst.
Dunkin' Brands is also trying to attract millennials as workers.
What millennials saw Monday was not an even playing field.
"Sears is not necessarily a retailer that [millennials] think of."
Japanese gamers and millennials, though, had low interest, said Affinio.
What's happening: Millennials came of age during the Great Recession.
It's also worth noting that millennials are not teens anymore.
The millennials are now the largest generation in the workforce.
Like most millennials, my preferred method of communication is texting.
Third, boomers are married at a higher rate than millennials.
While aimed at millennials, it applies to just about everyone.
Those darn millennials: Watching a game isn't enough for them.
So Fusion pivoted to a broader group of millennials. 2.
Millennials take a different approach to investing than previous generations.
Further, most religious millennials support the ordination of LGBT people.
It's no secret that tons of millennials are going vegan.
Millennials, in other words, are being utterly unremarkable human beings.
The company polled 5,000 millennials in October and November 20173.
For black millennials, it means reimagining what possibilities lie ahead.
Those millennials on their phones aren't surfing over to
Do you think the millennials even know what socialism is?
Some blamed Bernie Sanders for "poisoning" the well with millennials.
A new generation of parents — perhaps you've heard of millennials?
The recession hit millennials hardest, in employment and wage growth.
Millennials aren't buying homes like their parents and grandparents did.
Currently, millennials have a median amount of just $2,430 saved.
Even worse, millennials now view socialism more positively than capitalism.
And that new thing is: Millennials are bored at work.
So why do millennials tend to shy away from plastic?
Millennials might not be as financially illiterate as you think.
Johnson and Stein both got 21625 percent support from millennials.
Millennials are expected to continue spend big bucks this year.
She counts a customer base of over two hundred millennials.
Put simply, millennials don't care what bathroom transgender people use.
Along with many other things, George Orwell predicted millennials pic.twitter.
TC: You started your direct lending business by targeting millennials.
Instead, find ways to build on what millennials naturally do.
Millennials pay attention to the details of our online presence.
"The financial crisis came during millennials' formative years," said Bankrate.
When the primary season first kicked off, millennials were enthusiastic.
Remember, millennials have shown to disdain demagogues and extreme partisanship.
Start investing, now Millennials have a lot on their plates.
The study defines millennials as adults ages 18 to 34.
We've all agreed, apparently, that it's cool to mock millennials.
Millennials are disillusioned with politics and desperate to change it.
How do you make millennials care about boring labor issues?
Want to know how typical brands make smartphones for millennials?
But don't expect millennials to go completely cashless anytime soon.
Some 68% of millennials don't want to see Roe v.
Millennials appear to be more focused on value than amenities.
Dollar General also hopes to draw Millennials with the brand.
Millennials, or "echo boomers," have the world in their hands.
Maybe also to get more millennials involved in proposal planning?
It defined millennials as participants born between 1981 and 1991.
"Millennials are taking longer to grow into adulthood," she said.
Millennials are focused on being able to afford their purchase.
As a result, millennials and teens are embracing vinyl records.
Tolerance is unlikely to erode as the millennials grow older.
"Millennials can smell bullshit from a mile away," says Mark.
Today, most millennials have graduated college and joined the workforce.
The most thrillingly nostalgic music video millennials have ever witnessed.
Whining about millennials could be coming from pretty much anywhere.
"I don't know if the millennials have appreciation," he says.
Read more: More than a third of millennials share Rep.
That sounds right: Millennials do want to shape their world.
Related: Millennials explain why they have nothing saved for retirement
She probably has more millennials working for her than anyone.
This is about turnout and letting millennials' voices be heard.
There are now more millennials than there are baby boomers.
And why is Dolce & Gabbana calling millennials "the new renaissance"?
Additionally, spending patterns have changed, as millennials spend on experiences.
What's going to happen when millennials, at last, grow up?
The first wave of millennials is about to turn 40.
Millennials are embracing less stability in the workplace, said Levy.
Ask millennials and members of Generation Z. They would agree.
As marriage rates among millennials decline, pet ownership is increasing.
Ron Howard tries to seduce millennials into loving the Beatles.
Millennials, I think, want to be active in this rebinding.
"For millennials, work has taken priority over relationships," she said.
Millennials aren't becoming home owners as quickly as their predecessors.
Millennials are most likely to spend that amount or less.
That's worse than millennials, 37% of whom said the same.
Millennials now outnumber baby boomers as the country's largest generation.
Millennials might be forced to postpone buying their own homes.
There is a lot written about how millennials want purpose.
Millennials are growing increasingly comfortable with robots handling their cash.
Cramer has found that millennials both hate and love change.
Black millennials are increasingly asked for their ID when voting.
Here are 12 everyday things that millennials don't use anymore.
And millennials spend $1,373 on average for their summer vacations.
Millennials spend more on travel than any other age group.
But swing voters — independents, women and millennials — decided the outcomes.
The down payment is the biggest barrier for many millennials.
Yet, millennials are financially behind other generations at their age.
Millennials are optimistic about their financial future — perhaps overly so.
The nostalgia baton has officially been passed to the millennials.
Climate change presents a different sort of threat to millennials.
Millennials are an important demographic for brands to win over.
" Mr. Skin was punk, you must know, "you ragamuffin millennials.
"Millennials: "Oh, that magazine from the dentist in the 90s.
Especially now, and millennials representing the country's largest renting population.
That's not to say that millennials aren't interested in entrepreneurship.
Millennials overwhelmingly believe in the dangers of climate change (2503%).
Millennials and Trump's administration really diverge on this issue too.
And this week, she went, Instagrammed, that millennials should vote.
Be smart: 85% of millennials are personally saving for retirement.
Well, for starters, millennials (obviously) are watching the most porn.
"Mormon millennials are more liberal on every issue," she says.
Millennials and Gen Z are already crippled by student debt.
Two subgroups — Millennials and African American women — strongly favor it.
Making room for millennials, if you wanna call us that.
Some 80% of all Golden Grahams are eaten by Millennials.
Neither have 20% of millennials or 16.7% of baby boomers.
Finances can be a significant source of stress for millennials.
Those are all places where wealthy millennials tend to live.
As a result, many millennials are fleeing the Bay area.
Millennials make up just 6% of New York state senate.
Millennials are largely putting off buying and renting longer instead.
Millennials are putting off having kids or opting out completely.
The Potter franchise's popularity among millennials is hard to top.
The coronavirus pandemic is further dividing millennials and baby boomers.
Millennials are similarly loyal to Google Docs for collaborative work.
The idea here, I guess, is that millennials love 1.
"Twenty percent of millennials identify as L.G.B.T.Q.," Ms. Ellis said.
That brought buyers back to the market, especially older millennials.
But my experience suggests another reason millennials don't buy homes.
" A recent Washington Post essay declared: "Millennials disrupted the system.
In each locale, groups of sisters and millennials meet regularly.
Sisters and millennials wrote and read poems to each other.
The millennials, you know, you've got to deal with that.
Just some cool stock photo Millennials chilling around bein' political.
Why are we suddenly talking about canned tuna and millennials?
People of all ages, including millennials, are getting very sick.
"Millennials come and say, 'This is so cool,'" he said.
It's a different kind of crowd, not teenagers or millennials.
A rising number of millennials are being hospitalized for coronavirus.
Why do conservatives keep blaming liberal millennials for social decay?
It is that, by now, millennials are entitled — get it?
So let's be very clear: Millennials are actually doing fine.
I really believe that we were the precursor to millennials.
Especially the millennials say they don't have time for sex.
But as consumer tastes change, millennials are embracing upstart brands.
Unsurprisingly, millennials — particularly educated women — will be the driving force.
Take that, everyone who's accused Millennials of killing every industry.
We define millennials as those born between 285 and 2800.
Millennials are also the most educated generation in our history.
This assertion remains untrue for a majority of the "millennials".
" Then there's "Millennials in the workplace — not entitled, just different.
"Millennials are not partying," tweeted National Review reporter Mairead McArdle.
Millennials prefer experiences to stuff, we hear again and again.
You think Apple is obsessed with making phones for millennials?
To some extent, it could be tied to millennials' lifestyles.
From love to weddings, here's how millennials are evolving marriage.
Millennials are cohabitating and even buying homes together before marriage.
Lastly, millennials say they're making progress toward their financial goals.
Affirm says half of its customers are millennials or younger.
So, millennials are moving out to afford what they want.
Luxury eyewear designer Garrett Leight knows exactly what millennials want.
Social media has helped normalize both of these for millennials.
Millennials, in particular, are leaning toward ordering their groceries online.
Generational consultants teach companies about millennials and their workplace habits.
"It's especially a lifestyle brand for millennials," the CEO said.
Don't decorate millennials homes' for them, especially for the holidays.
This is because the largest generation, millennials, was delayed financially.
Wall Street has millennials on its mind this earnings season.
These more immediate savings goals for millennials are readily understandable.
"There's no doubt that millennials face unique challenges," Loewengart said.
Avocado toast has become synonymous with the 2010s and millennials.
But millennials aren't the only ones with student loan debt.
Likewise, Millennials can be tech luddites just like their grandparents.
Millennials may be the least entrepreneurial generation in American history.
In 2016, just more than half of eligible millennials voted.
Millennials are getting shade for being lazy and overly confident.
"We are Generation Z, the generation after millennials," they write.
And that's only going to grow as millennials have kids.
Many millennials are choosing not to get married at all.
Those millennials also have a higher net worth on average.
Millennials are saving more and their money habits are improving.
Millennials and Generation Z have a clear love for Harry.
Millennials are really signing up, 50% of the new cards.
Millennials are really signing up, 50% of the new cards.
That balanced approach may come naturally as millennials get older.
Around 22016 percent of their workers are millennials or younger.
As it turns out, even Millennials think that's a problem.
Poorer millennials cannot, and have gone in a different direction.
Most millennials think they have less debt than their peers
Millennials are more positive about their finances than Gen X
The reasons why some millennials prefer socialism have been documented.
I also heard that millennials aren't having sex as much.
Why do millennials see the world the way they do?
Third, globalization infuses the lives of millennials in many ways.
The trend toward workplace longevity benefits both employers and Millennials.
Oftentimes, though, it's not external factors that hold Millennials back.
He also agreed that millennials have the advantage of time.
An estimated 25% of millennials are unlikely to ever marry. 
Renting isn't the only industry making lives easier for millennials.
It all ties back to millennials' decision to marry later.
It's a side effect of millennials' side hustle gig economy.
But how can I deliver meaningful innovation to our millennials?
And 60% of millennials make purchases driven by their beliefs.
We're talking Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, and, yes, Boomers. 
" Others were in the language of millennials: "Swipe left Marcos.
Debt forgiveness programs could lure millennials saddled with student debt.
Just how badly are millennials being screwed out of wealth?
Millennials aren't exactly jumping for joy after purchasing their homes.
Last is millennials' own lack of understanding how investing works.
The oldest millennials are now seeing an uptick in mortality.
Crenshaw's play to attract more millennials: Make conservatism "cool" again.
Studies show that millennials are increasingly more interested in experiences.
Voting should be just the beginning for us young millennials.
That's a rite of passage for all Brooklyn millennials. Exactly.
Participation in organized religion is falling, especially among American millennials.
Go deeper: Millennials are moving to the exurbs in droves
We have seniors, millennials, gay people, kids of all nationalities.
He sees L.G.B.T.Q. millennials, on the whole, struggling with this.
Did the baby boomer generation destroy the economy for millennials?
Boxed, the "Costco for millennials," wants to give you options.
Millennials are really into experiences because it provides social currency.
Maybe Millennials really do just hate Fairy Liquid that much.
Many Chinese millennials share Yang's feelings about the Finnish way.
"Seventy percent of millennials consider ourselves social activists," she said.
Snapchat is still bigger than Instagram for younger U.S. millennials.
Millennials might be behind in terms of their job skills.
NBC thinks millennials want to get their news from Snapchat.
Millennials are drinking less alcohol than older generations in general.
Many millennials came of age during the 2008 financial crisis.
It's not like everything millennials like have to fit together.
This demonstrates the same pattern of white millennials being more liberal than older whites, but less liberal than millennials of color: Finally, millennials are much more supportive of a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, specifically (via the survey language) those "who have held jobs and paid taxes for at least 3 years, and not been convicted of any felony crimes": Obviously, this should not be construed as evidence that white millennials are fully or universally committed to racial justice.
Forty-two percent of millennials would dip into a 503(k) or other retirement savings vehicle to pay for a vacation, compared to 26% of Gen Xers; 41% of millennials would spend retirement funds on wedding-related costs, compared to 20% of Gen Xers; 22019% of millennials would tap their account to pay off credit-card debt, compared to 2401% of Gen Xers; and 219% of millennials would use the money to buy a house, compared to just 2000% of Gen Xers.
According to a recent Deloitte study, high-income millennials were 24% less likely than other shoppers to shop in a store, but low and middle-income millennials behave like consumers of any other generation.
And in an article headlined "Can Millennials Save the Democratic Party?" in The Atlantic, the writer opined that Trump's poor relationship with millennials could be to the Democratic Party's advantage in the next election.
The image of millennials has darkened since Strauss and Howe walked the beat: in their 2000 book, " Millennials Rising ," they claimed that the members of this surging generation were uniquely earnest, industrious, and positive.
Ten years after America's largest financial institutions upended the economic livelihood of millions of millennials entering the job market, a new report from the Federal Reserve confirms what we already knew: millennials are broke.
That's because millennials are the generation that travel most frequently, and according to a recent study by Bank of America, 81 percent of millennials are likely to spend more on travel than saving money.
Despite the caricature of couch-bound millennials wasting their lives on video games, millennials actually spend a lower share of their total expenditures on entertainment than Generation X, baby boomers or the silent generation.
Rather, changes in marriage patterns, medication use, and media consumption would seem to be more plausible contenders if we truly want to understand why millennials (and post-millennials) are getting it on less often.
Millennials can't afford homes — but they may be a bad investment anywayThere's also the underlying issue of affordability — even for millennials who do dream of a big home, it may be out of reach.
People born from the 1980s through the mid-1990s are generally considered millennials, and those born afterward are Generation Z. "Four years ago, millennials were pretty much the youngest voting generation," Mr. Elrod said.
Only 221 percent of millennials own stock, according to a 23.3 Bankrate survey based on 1,000 telephone interviews, while a 2015 Harvard University survey found that just 14 percent of millennials trust Wall Street.
Their financial habits are also shaped by 9/11, the defining event dividing millennials and Gen Z, according to Jason Dorsey, a consultant, researcher of millennials, and president of the Center for Generational Kinetics.
For years, we were the largest demographic (the millennials recently surpassed us), but we've got the bucks — the experience, the drive — and not a few of those millennials get their bucks from our wallets.
Washington (CNN)The newly elected millennials and near-millennials that helped Democrats win the House majority are making life difficult for the party's House leaders, all of whom were born before the Baby Boom.
Older Millennials with young children typically do more driving and spend more at the grocery store, according to Frankel, while younger Millennials usually have less financial obligations and are thus able to spend more.
By the first definition, the post-millennials are already the nation's largest generation; by the second they are almost identical in size to Generation X, and smaller than the millennials and the baby boomers.
Around 30 percent of millennials say they are interested in visiting a board-game themed café or bar, according to a report from market researchers Mintel on the leisure habits of millennials, published in August.
It's not surprising that Millennials are not as attracted to the opportunity to use new tech as oil executives believe they are - Millennials generally don't see technology as a perk, they take it for granted.
"Early millennials grew up in an optimistic time and were then hit by the recession, whereas late millennials had their worldview made more realistic by experiencing the recession while during their formative years," explained Twenge.
Here are the cities ranked best for millennials: With a longstanding reputation as one of the world's most livable cities, it's perhaps unsurprising that Melbourne emerged as one of ValueChampion's top five cities for millennials.
Millennials still think stocks are for "rich, old, white men" (FA Magazine) A new survey commissioned by Stash, a New York-based RIA and mobile application provider, found that millennials still aren't loving Wall Street.
But consumer culture aside, I think it's important to acknowledge that while earnestness may be endangered, it certainly isn't dead, which is why VICE asked millennials to tell us what they love most about millennials.
According to an INSIDER and Morning Consult survey from earlier this year that polled 4,400 Americans — 1,207 of which identified as millennials — 69% of millennials have a savings account, compared to 65% of Gen Xers.
" Hallam adds that Millennials are perpetuating this trend: "One of the most important differences between Millennials and Gen X et al is that for the former, it's not, 'What you have' but, 'What you know.
Millennials have delayed significant life milestones like marriage and children, but wealthier millennials are ahead of the curve when it comes to marriage: 67% are married, compared to only 40% of the general millennial population.
The study revealed those aged between 212 and 230 – Generation Z and millennials, though the study groups them all as millennials – are saving nearly 260% of their annual income away for retirement, including employer contributions.
Over a decade ago, when I first became a therapist, I never expected that five years later, my practice would consist of nearly 90% millennials, with the rest of my patients being parents of millennials.
Surveys show that millennials are more open to government intervention and more concerned about climate change than their elders, while serious climate deniers are mostly old white guys who, statistically speaking, will die before millennials.
According to headlines, it seems that millennials can have it all.
Millennials didn't see sex as the most integral part of marriage.
Clinton declared, drawing cheers from the many millennials in the crowd.
Mic that is dedicated to helping millennials understand the financial industry.
Millennials are also less bogged down by other forms of debt.
I want to thank millennials for giving the world avocado toast.
You know, the next people, the millennials will laugh at them.
The rate is even higher among Millennials and Gen Z shoppers.
Reina was popular with Turkey's wealthy secular millennials and international celebrities.
The stars of the "Fourth Turning" are baby boomers and millennials.
In 2010, Pew found that two-thirds of millennials favored a
Obamacare in late 2012, millennials favored expanding it, by 17 points.
A decade of trend pieces has deemed millennials to be narcissists,
Millennials, Smith's research has shown, want something that fits their values.
The report only looked at millennials born between 1981 and 1991.
Even of older millennials, the percentage isn't much better at 25%.
Let's face it, millennials are generally more comfortable with new technology.
For some brands, millennials account for a high proportion of sales.
Among millennials, the suggested amount to save averaged 52 percent higher.
In the world of millennials, talking about parental support is taboo.
And finally, millennials are showing less interest in buying lottery tickets.
That said, boomers are still expected to outvote millennials this year.
The time for you, millennials, to take finances seriously is now.
Talk about that, because you're aiming at millennials really, right now.
According to LinkedIn, millennials "job hop" more than any previous generation.
Millennials are already one of the most charitable generations in history.
Today's millennials don't live in the shadow of the AIDS epidemic.
He added that much of the spending was led by millennials.
Millennials delayed both marriage and parenthood, but that is now changing.
Millennials, meanwhile, have their sights set on getting higher-paying jobs.
Weinstein, a psychotherapist, came up with the idea while treating millennials.
It's no secret that millennials are changing the norms of society.
I think that unfortunately, so many millennials don't know Hillary's story.
Yelp surveyed 2,000 single American millennials on their summer dating habits.
I try to do all the work that regular millennials do.
Student loans are not the only kind of debt millennials hold.
But many millennials have a very specific one: incompatible television taste.
Only about half of millennials hold a favorable view of capitalism.
Increasingly, socialism's trick looks like a treat to many American millennials.
Millennials weren't born when Brooks' classic first hit shelves in 1969.
A lot of millennials would be willing to make the sacrifice.
In fact, millennials want the experiences that come from campus education.
America's 80 million millennials are consuming media in entirely new ways.
It exists to engage #Millennials, promote shareability, and promote brand awareness.
Authenticity is what's valued today, especially by millennials, according to Deshpande.
"That's how [millennials have] been coping currently," De La Torre said.
Millennials need to invest — and they need to do it now.
And millennials are far more supportive of the Green New Deal.
That compares to 62% of Gen X and 57% of millennials.
Why were millennials struggling so much to follow in their footsteps?
But, when it came to millennials, 41 percent used the services.
As any journalist will tell you, companies love to survey millennials.
By some estimates, nearly a quarter of U.S. millionaires are millennials.
Our culture demands that young, privileged millennials try harder, at everything.
Millennials aren't the only ones ditching the suburbs for the cities.
Do millennials lack grit because our culture devalues a work ethic?
Go deeper: 70% of millennials say they'd vote for a socialist
All of this is giving millennials a bit of a complex.
"There's a certain percentage of millennials who understand agriculture," he says.
A lot of millennials today find themselves in a similar position.
However, 245% of millennials say they actually expect to retire earlier.
And disappointed millennials are potentially the game-changers in British politics.
They do not talk in the language of how millennials listen.
A quarter of millennials now read newspapers on a regular basis.
"And this is why Millennials support @Loretta2016 for Senate," he tweeted.
When did we all start seeing millennials as sad, lazy, degenerates?
Like many millennials, Lily Davis, 28, gets anxious around the holidays.
"Millennials are not using the Squarespaces of the world," he said.
I know millennials aren't buying diamonds right now, but come on.
And, that percent spikes to 80% for millennials and Gen Xers.
Millennials also reported having a more personal connection to their credit.
Millennials, on the other hand, are more open to international investing.
One mistake millennials often make is being too conservative, said Collinson.
She's still working on trying to seal the deal with millennials.
Millennials don't want to follow where the administration is taking us.
For millennials, 66 percent expect to boost their exposure to ETFs.
It's no secret that employee preferences are changing — especially among millennials.
But it's not just millennials who are desperate for a raise.
There's an embedded warning here for us millennials, by the way.
Many millennials will recognize the label "helicopter parenting" from our childhood.
Meanwhile, millennials are suffering an inflated sense of individual power, too.
I also like the attitude that many millennials have about money.
Millennials have so many more opportunities than kids of other generations.
Interest is especially high among millennials and in Asia, Smiles said.
The question is: Can millennials step out of this vicious cycle?
Some 63 percent of American millennials do not have credit cards.
They have developing local economies and much larger populations of millennials.
Older millennials in their early 30s are looking to buy homes.
It's easy to lay this trend at the feet of millennials.
Air France is introducing a new airline for millennials called Joon.
We have to look at the 30-somethings and the millennials.
That can be key to keeping millennials engaged with their employer.
The second part of his statement describes millennials a lot better.
Go deeper: School shootings have united Gen Z and young millennials
Millennials' financial challenges and questionable money decisions have been well documented.
Having experienced the financial crisis, millennials are suspicious of financial institutions.
Millennials are even more attached, spending 22013 hours on such sites.
As it turns out, this is a common affliction among millennials.
They are, so to speak, the millennials of the business world.
I just wonder what will shock the millennials in 20 years.
That should terrify millennials as much as Republican climate denial does.
Millennials are falling behind on paying off their credit card debt.
Making a FinTech product just for millennials is a bold initiative.
Specifically, we need to talk about how we talk about millennials.
There are, give or take, about 75 million millennials in America.
Remember Lucy barking orders to David and Ken in Millennials vs.
Huffington Post tapped Sendler's expertise on millennials' relationship with their parents.
Burned-out millennials  quitting lucrative jobs to live their best life .
Nearly half of all millennials are living in their parents' basements.
In fact, millennials are more pro-gun than our parents are.
Millennials in this country, Republican and Democrat, overwhelmingly believe in legalization.
It's a busy world out there, and millennials are taking charge.
But millennials—if you believe the Post, and why wouldn't you?
Millennials only make up 25% of the workforce and disproportionately quit.
Hustle's research says 75 percent of millennials prefer texts to calls.
In 2016, most millennials consider being broke cooler than being affluent.
Fewer millennials tend to belong to churches or other religious bodies.
Millennials are even more attached, spending 1.8 hours on such sites.
Tuition-free college was more popular with millennials than baby boomers.
And millennials will often snack up to four times a day.
That's pretty much the premise of Flix and Chill 2: Millennials.
Millennials, it seems, don't like staircases, or clearly defined room boundaries.
But what Millennials say, and what they do, are very different.
"Many Millennials are introduced to investing at work," says ICI's Holden.
An estimated 60 percent of Airbnb customers are tech-savvy "millennials".
A majority of millennials actually fall somewhere else on the spectrum.
All this poses the question: how would millennials survive without coffee?
When it comes to the workplace, millennials get a bad rap.
That's especially important for millennials, who demand better work-life balance.
Millennials are the largest and most diverse generation in American history.
If anything, Trump appears to have lost ground among millennials since.
Yet, Khan did not use the word "millennials" in his pitch.
But a lot of millennials worry about the amount they're saving.
Millennials and Gen Z can sniff out propaganda from a distance.
There's no getting around it: millennials often get a bad rap.
Millennials also are big proponents of "socially responsible" or "ethical" investing.
If nothing else, millennials know how to pull a good scam.
Millennials expect current technologies, both in and out of the workplace.
Millennials have been accused of killing canned tuna, motorcycles and diamonds.
Millennials might not know what it is like to experience debt.
So thumb your nose at that, millennials — at your own risk.
Boomers foresee an eventual $228,000 saved by retirement, and millennials, $357,000.
"Millennials are trying to get started in their careers," said Lewis.
To be sure, not many millennials trade options, or at all.
But it has morphed into a full experiential pitch to millennials.
Party membership opens doors, and millennials grab opportunities where they can.
So which are the best ones for millennials to live in?
On top of that, one-third of millennials are already homeowners.
Is Broad City the "millennials' answer" to Sex and the City?
In other words, millennials are typically considered the most entrepreneurial generation.
But the discounts are embraced by local millennials and expats alike.
Millennials might have buried their noses in Harriet the Spy books.
Grande's finesse of millennials love for nostalgia was yes, maybe genius.
IT IS a truth universally acknowledged that millennials love Bridget Jones.
There needs to be a shift in mindset, particularly among millennials.
So, it's not that Fey's parody of millennials isn't without merit.
Huawei says millennials like to hold their phones in one hand.
We've all read the stories scolding millennials for not growing up.
Comparing baby boomers to millennials might be comparing apples to oranges.
Salaries are no longer secret, at least not to most millennials.
Despite their debt, though, millennials are making strides toward financial security.
Millennials are supposedly killing marriage by staying single in record numbers.
At the time, the millennials were 21 to 36 years old.
"You'll find the millennials here for the concert," Mr. Strang said.
"It's great to see millennials so focused on saving," McBride said.
For many millennials, paying their kids' tuition is a major priority.
Such places have become business incubators and magnets for educated millennials.
"Millennials are the biggest cohort in this election cycle," he added.
Don't miss: Here's how many millennials are actually saving for retirement
Expect the voices of millennials and activists to be even louder.
No wonder so many millennials are having a hard time saving.
"Millennials, you just had $1.5 trillion stolen from you," Scarborough said.
Here are the top 15 workplace trends millennials love in 2019:
Food courts: love 'em, hate 'em, millennials haven't killed them — yet.
Millennials are in a crucial stage in life for retirement preparation.
It is "Lean In" conceived as an illustrated guide for millennials.
Like most millennials, I had several retirement accounts from past employers.
The weight of this debt is hindering millennials' ability to save.
Millennials are much more open about money than their parents are.
Millennials recognize the many benefits of being open about their finances.
Like millennials, many boomers want amenity-rich apartments in good neighborhoods.
Among Republican millennials, 61 percent called openness essential to America's identity.
As a result, millennials have been renting longer and buying later.
Simply put, millennials have momentum, which makes them impossible to ignore.
You could be one of 20.1 million "Multicultural Millennials" on Facebook.
Millennials are bringing mental health to the forefront in the workplace.
Half of millennials have a side hustle to make extra cash.
Read more: Rich millennials are buying vacation homes before starter homes.
Mostly, it is millennials who are working in the shared economy.
Maya Kosoff: Will anti-Trump millennials actually turn up to vote?
Wealthy millennials may be flush with cash, but they're not naive.
We could enable millennials to buy homes and save for retirement.
Millennials dedicate about 13 percent of their total incomes to rent.
Millennials, in fact, are purchasing more homes than any other generation.
In 713, millennials make up 90 parents of all new parents.
Bank of America Merrill Lynch economists say millennials are to blame.
Millennials will soon eclipse Baby Boomers as the largest voting bloc.
Millennials are also "killing" things like paper napkins and bar soap.
In fact, it's sending a surprising percentage of millennials into debt.
The poll was based on interviews with 2,134 millennials from Feb.
We recently looked at what industries are currently dominated by millennials.
Below, see the best places for millennials to buy homes, ranked.
"Advertisers are having a hard time reaching millennials," Mr. Rogers said.
Lowe's CEO explains why millennials aren't killing the home-improvement market
Regardless of age, millennials are working hard to catch up financially.
Hogan says the need for purpose encompasses everyone, not just millennials.
Millennials are lapping Gen Xers when it comes to retirement prep.
Many of the most regulated fields are disproportionately filled by Millennials.
EDT: Hillary Clinton gives a speech to court millennials in Philadelphia.
For Gen Xers, it's 31 percent and millennials it's 37 percent.
Homeownership is looking ever more like a pipe dream for millennials.
Millennials will also need this security more than their parents do.
That strong demand is the result of millennials aging into homeownership.
Millennials looking to pay with plastic have more options than ever.
Millennials also seem to have rejected violence as a political tactic.
Many millennials see Biden as part of an antiquated political system.
How are you trying to connect with Gen Z and millennials?
The Microsoft-owned brand entices millennials with its innovative gaming systems. 
For one, millennials aren't getting married as early as previous generations.
Apps also save millennials from having to visit a physical bank.
Urban Outfitters excels at running retail stores and catering to millennials.
And so we have thirty-third season of Survivor: Millennials vs.
Millennials, especially, should take note and advocate for more time off.
Cleveland has embraced the "foodie" culture, as young millennials move downtown.
Millennials are now overtaking baby boomers as the nation's largest generation.
If we can get millennials to engage something, anything is possible.
Millennials, 66%, were even more likely to agree with that statement.
There's already a whole generation — millennials — who grew up with computers.
Millennials have more cash than they need and not enough stocks.
All this means that most millennials aren't saving for old age.
Additionally, millennials are much less likely to identify as middle class.
In 2002, 45% of millennials thought of themselves as working class.
Bernie Sanders among millennials, according to data released by Yik Yak.
The photo shows the mega millennials being cuddly and lovey-dovey.
Unfortunately, this debt is holding millennials back from reaching major milestones.
Millennials' dependence on takeaway food should come as little surprise, really.
Just 15% of millennials identify as conservative, according to Pew Research.
I'll be the first to admit, millennials can be really irritating.
Probably for these good reasons, millennials are over the dinner date.
Judge Catherine Traill called this excuse a "sad indictment" on millennials.
But millennials will live with their consequences for decades to come.
Cheddar Bay Biscuits: The favorite restaurant of millennials across the U.S.?
Source: Lisbon is the hottest travel destination for millennials in 2019.
Millennials' most popular choice was "All of Me" by John Legend.
He said it contrasts with millennials' preference to live more sparsely.
Some millennials are feeling pretty carefree about their credit-card debt.
Memo to millennials: skip the daily latte and buy a lunchbox.
When it comes to retirement savings, millennials could use some help.
Instead, millennials are budgeting for things like travel, dining and fitness.
Modern society has put us millennials and Gen-Zers through enough.
However, Millennials' favorability shift was not as great as other groups.
Calling all millennials: What do you really want for the holidays?
Credit cards, mortgages, student loans, and car loans stressed millennials out.
The company's platform also reflects their understanding of millennials, Gola says.
You said it's not just the millennials, it's all age groups.
Millennials seem to be in fundamental agreement on how to live.
Millennials consider themselves special, both as individuals and as a group.
Second, it shows that millennials behave differently than older generations do.
But she has more millennials, I would assume, than we do.
In fact, the average student loan balance for millennials is $10,600.
Content farms will be remembered as businesses that preyed upon Millennials.
The millennials are distancing themselves from these crowds because they're horrified.
Or as the millennials called it, the end of the world.
"I was envious," Sister Carle said to the millennials one morning.
Seventy-nine percent of millennials think immigration is good for America.
I had Can't Hardly Wait (1998); younger millennials got Superbad (2007).
And industry analysts suggest that the dreaded millennials may be responsible.
Although I'm old, I agree with the millennials on this one.
"Millennials are looking for authenticity ... ideas, diversity and connection," Lehane said.
"A lot of millennials don't even own can openers," he said.
The gap between the genders is even more striking among millennials.
A new Starz series follows a group of Los Angeles millennials.
It would kill me to see millennials take all the credit.
For many millennials, the recent stock market troubles don't mean much.
Not even 1 in 5 millennials has an investment account. (CNBC)
But millennials' behavior is changing more dramatically than any other generation.
"Millennials travel a lot, and they're not big tippers," she said.
Many millennials haven't been working longer than a decade, if that.
But executives say staying ahead of millennials is a tricky business.
"This will help with suburban women, millennials and minorities," he said.
An estimated 47 percent of millennials already work in this way.
With the Millennials, came opportunities for young, talented chefs and restaurateurs.
By 2020, millennials be the largest adult generation in the nation.
Yet, despite polls around over-spending, millennials are planning trips responsibly.
Indeed, 41 percent of voting-eligible Latinos in Colorado are millennials.
It pairs the tenets of Hooverism with a focus on millennials.
"It's the millennials who decide what's going to happen," she said.
Gen X had higher credit card debt than boomers or millennials.
His most characteristic move is a full-throated defense of millennials.
The aging hipsters of Gen X have long impersonated millennials online.
Take Gaga, who flourished as millennials took hold of pop culture.
Millennials, she said, see therapy as a form of self-improvement.
Millennials are more likely to attend therapy than their parents were.
That&aposs why some millennials making six figures feel so broke.
Millennials, in particular, are moving more frequently toward digital banking innovation.
But nuclear catastrophe isn't the only thing bothering millennials these days.
The idea, they say, is to promote drug education for millennials.
LONDON — Beauty vlogging is overwhelmingly directed at millennials and their successors.
Mitt Romney carried white millennials by 7 percentage points in 2012.
Meanwhile, 30 percent of millennials would choose cash over other methods.
Tiny houses symbolize the lifestyle gap between millennials and baby boomers.
But they appeal to millennials and members of Gen-Z, too.
Heads up, millennials: Some of your favorite services may soon disappear.
Nearly two thirds of millennials do not have a bachelor's degree.
But age and growing families may bring millennials back to homeownership.
That's up from 44% of millennials when they were that age.
Millennials are stressing about their credit card and student-loan debt.
Millennials are expected to drive the US housing market in 2020.
T27. Dallas, Texas: 51.1% of homebuying requests were made by millennials.
T27. Nashville, Tennessee: 51.1% of homebuying requests were made by millennials.
T25. Columbus, Ohio: 51.2% of homebuying requests were made by millennials.
T25. Richmond, Virginia: 51.2% of homebuying requests were made by millennials.
T23. Houston, Texas: 51.5% of homebuying requests were made by millennials.
T23. Indianapolis, Indiana: 51.5% of homebuying requests were made by millennials.
T18. Seattle, Washington: 52.6% of homebuying requests were made by millennials.
T18. Hartford, Connecticut: 52.6% of homebuying requests were made by millennials.
T18. Cincinnati, Ohio: 52.6% of homebuying requests were made by millennials.
T9. Austin, Texas: 53.8% of homebuying requests were made by millennials.
"Millennials want experiences; they don't want purchases," said Ms. Lutz, 37.
The millennials were online really early so they're like all down.
And millennials increasingly care about — will follow and buy from — influencers.
Millennials, celebrate tonight and hope the markets continue their rational decline.
I looked specifically at winning more women, millennials and gay voters.
"80% of consumers of luxury in China are millennials," Bogliolo said.
Among U.S. millennials surveyed, 65% said they value culture over pay.
My story isn't unique among working-class millennials in the country.
A quarter of Millennials who save have amassed $100,000 in savings.
Baby boomers were only slightly less sorry than millennials, at 2000%.
As a generation, millennials are facing a lot of financial headwinds.
Christine Smallwood on how millennials are fuelling a resurgence of astrology.
Millennials supported Sanders even in Arkansas, where Clinton was First Lady.
Millennials, in the Waller-Bridge universe, may be selfish and erratic.
Millennials are an important potential customer for consumer packaged goods companies.
For many millennials, talking on the phone is a lost art.
It has also tested concepts like "outfit bars" to draw Millennials.
Overall, millennials appear to be trading based on what they know.
It is an issue of concern, and not just for millennials.
Those aren't the only changes millennials are bringing to the markets.
"Social and environmental change is important to millennials," wrote the researchers.
Palmer said 8003 in 3 of the company's buyers are millennials.
Representatives from the NCTA cite "environmentally minded millennials" leading the demand.
The big picture: The biggest changes are in millennials' behavioral health.
Dostal also said millennials need to fully understand their debt picture.
The high schoolers at the beginning of the decade were millennials.
Workers, especially millennials, are demanding more wellness benefits from their employers.
Now more millennials are buying homes, and seeking the same amenities.
As of 2015, 44.2 percent of millennials are people of color.
"These millennials are still having their cold brew coffee," said Patterson.
One voter demographic in particular has received the most attention: millennials.
Millennials are actually doing better than you — and they — might think.
You are talking about millennials, you're talking about neighborhoods like this.
For millennials, the product has seemed to grow up with us.
A majority of millennials treat their retirement accounts like a piggybank.
It may seem like student loans and millennials are inextricably linked.
Millennials spend an average of $838 a month on unnecessary expenses.
Warren now has almost as much support from millennials as Sanders.
Also, millennials apparently LOVE West Elm, which W-S also owns.
That is a higher share than both millennials and Gen Xers.
Russia's millennials may be the country's last generation of cigarette smokers.
Gen X and millennials haven&apost even reached these wealth levels.
These challenges have made millennials eager to create their own opportunities.
And 35 percent of millennials don't identify with a particular religion.
But it was millennials like Mr. Kim who led the charge.
NEW YORK (Reuters Breakingviews) - Want to rile up America's coastal millennials?
Millennials, defined as people ages 18 to 34, were particularly uninformed.
"White millennials, we call them Republicans in South Carolina," said Hodges.
Millennials have also destigmatized taboo topics like financial and mental health.
Going into 2020, "millennials are killing" headlines may finally be dead.
"The greatest challenge for millennials is the affordability issue," he said.
Millennials aren't just relying on Uber and Lyft to get around.
Read: Why Millennials Aren't Fucking Photo via Flickr user Ivan Hernández
And millennials are also waiting longer to get married, she reported.
Millennials take a lot of shit for being apathetic, flighty narcissists.
Instead of preparing meals, millennials are more likely to order takeout
Yes, millennials are interested in buying homes, just like previous generations.
Instead of moving into golf communities, rich millennials are joining 'agrihoods'
Top stocks held by non-millennials on Robinhood (by dollar amount)
In an age when millennials are supposedly disrupting everything from nights out to American cheese (yes, really), it's no surprise that married millennials are also changing up the way they share — or don't share — their money.
Della Volpe says that his research points to one obvious reason for this new generational divide among millennials: Younger millennials didn't develop a "political consciousness" until several years after George W. Bush was out of office.
Nearly 15,000 new college-educated millennials moved to St Louis between 2000 and 2014, according to the Pew Charitable Trust, which makes the city millennials' fourth-most-popular destination, eclipsing both Chicago (11th) and Seattle (19th).
It can be easy to gripe about millennials, but the truth is that, in some ways, millennials face a harder life than their parents did — largely because they're confronted with different financial struggles and increasing expenses.
About two-thirds of young millennials have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts and 46 percent have nothing at all, according to a 2017 GoBankingRates survey, and the numbers aren't much brighter for older millennials.
Why it matters: Millennials are actually watching news shows: Getting nearly 30 million young people to watch a hard news show is an enormous feat, given that millennials don't typically watch TV news show on cable.
Black and brown millennials who suffer the most from the legislation that is in place to stop any upward mobility in the country has only further testified to the reasons millennials are not involved this election.

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