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"millenarian" Definitions
  1. holding or showing the belief that there will come a future age of happiness and peace when Christ will return to Earth

309 Sentences With "millenarian"

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Earlier, I said that there was something millenarian about Keister's sculptures.
The millenarian spirit was on full display at the Conservative Party conference.
What most of these books had in common was their anti-millenarian humanism.
The Brexiteers at the conference were completely blind to the dangers of their millenarian dreams.
The history of Christianity is shot through with millenarian movements promising the end of history.
It was, perhaps, after the three Abrahamic religions, the greatest millenarian rapture of human history.
Jihadis abandon this journey and opt for an extremist, millenarian ideology that instantly gratifies their searching mind.
The second was sheer magnitude: history had known many other millenarian sects, but not on this scale.
A strain of millenarian thinking has been common since the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers ten years ago this month.
The "dreamwalking" town council tries to revive the "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom", a millenarian cult that convulsed 19th-century China.
In Slezkine's telling, the Bolsheviks were essentially a millenarian cult, a small tribe radically opposed to a corrupt world.
Revolutions do not devour their children; revolutions, like all millenarian experiments, are devoured by the children of the revolutionaries.
I only wish that the murderous, millenarian terrorism of the Islamic State lived solely on the pages of this story.
Mr Slezkine describes the Bolsheviks as a millenarian sect that promised to "drain the swamp" and build a kingdom of justice.
It is condemned to looking for scapegoats who can explain why the millenarian dream turned out to be a squalid nightmare.
Marley was a Rastafarian, subscribing to a millenarian, Afrocentric interpretation of Scripture that took hold in Jamaica in the nineteen-thirties.
Through the 1920s, this organization spread rapidly in the countryside, spurred by millenarian hopes of black Americans coming to their aid.
But those challenges require thoughtful analysis and fresh insights — not millenarian fantasies about a battle for the spiritual fate of humankind.
The millenarian religious movements of the late Middle Ages expected a new world to emerge after a period of catastrophic conflict.
Clinton and Mr. Trump, whom voters on both sides view in near millenarian terms, has diverted attention from the vice-presidential candidates.
From the utopian counter-culture optimism of the 1960s to the pessimism of today's millenarian cyberdelia, psychedelics have profoundly shaped recent American history.
This facet of Shia philosophy offers Persian political culture the potential for millenarian trends to appear at times of political and social crisis.
Those confident in their national government but not the EU are the Free Folk; those who think both are broken are the millenarian Sparrows.
Non-nuclear states that sponsor terrorism and subscribe to millenarian ideologies should never have access to any part of the nuclear fuel cycle, ever.
Not quite a dream, but not set in its contemporary almost-dystopia, the show depicts members of a millenarian sect as they wait for doomsday.
We appear to accept the proposition that this utopian, millenarian faith describes a neutral force; a kind of biological law, like Darwin's theory of evolution.
The movement's pro-Israel positions — strongly in favor of Israeli control of Jerusalem — have roots in millenarian theology as well as more straightforward identity politics.
This gentleman might be an extreme example of the breed but last week's Labour conference in Brighton was full of people with a similarly millenarian mind-set.
That said: The death cults driven by millenarian impulses are a universal phenomenon, perniciously present within the Islamist fold today but not culturally or historically unique to it.
That the president is beholden to a movement that believes in a millenarian and generational war against Islam, a religion of a billion people, should make every American shudder.
Established in the 1870s by Charles Taze Russell, this millenarian movement rejected Christian doctrines it deemed extratextual, including trinitarianism and hell, instead preaching a dubious return to apostolic Christianity.
A tribal society met a technologically advanced one when Hernan Cortés, with the aid of various rivals, encountered the Aztecs, led by Moctezuma II, but the latter never became millenarian.
Those who sign up in either word or deed are clearly in search of something greater than themselves, and they have found it in a millenarian interpretation of the faith.
It is the mark of every millenarian fanatic to assume that the world stands on the verge of a precipice, and that only radical or violent action can save it.
To a man like that, sane as he is, talk of a millenarian utopia, of any utopia, of any improvement of life beyond the malediction it has become, holds promise.
When an eccentric drifter (The Man in the High Castle's DJ Qualls) shows up espousing a millenarian theory called the Inversion, he sends Jonah down an increasingly dark and lonely path.
I was reminded of the Labour Party's millenarian streak when, on arriving in Manchester for the Conservative Party conference, I got into a debate with a bearded gentleman selling Socialist Worker, a leftie newspaper.
It is anybody's guess why the Kremlin has decided to take a more emollient view of a millenarian sect which rubs up against many governments because its members refuse to undergo compulsory military service.
That, plus a deteriorating medical system and an environment "on the brink of crisis" would be a grim prospect for a secular society but it's panic time for the leaders of a millenarian regime.
Most millenarian sects that survive the death of the first generation of believers are those that preserve the hope of salvation by maintaining a strict separation — physical, ritual and intellectual — from the outside world.
Despite meandering, he makes certain arguments clearly: Bolshevism was a millenarian sect with an insatiable desire for utopia struggling to reconcile predestination with free will — that is, working ceaselessly to bring about what was supposedly inevitable.
Christianity has, after all, had benign as well as malign consequences; and the murderousness of Nazism and Bolshevism surely had far more to do with both societies' history of absolutism than with those ideologies' prophetic and millenarian character.
There is a millenarian current running through her work that feels absolutely true to this moment in history: we are on the brink of some kind of cataclysm, but we are not sure how it will manifest itself.
Ballyglass-born Liz, a PhD in anthropology, sets off to film a documentary about a cargo cult, or a millenarian religious movement that develops after contact with more technologically advanced societies, often in reaction to the trauma of colonization.
Take the millenarian prophets of AI omnicide (and its charitable corollary, "effective altruism"), which convinces the rich and silly that donating money toward the prevention of a hypothetical and unlikely future AI apocalypse is more valuable than helping actual living people.
And permeating the memory of all these is Trump's millenarian acceptance speech, an immersion tour of the conspiracy-inflected worldview that has animated his campaign, the enemy being a global order rotten with corruption and weakness that must be swept away and replaced.
Insiders recount how MbS reminisces about what he sees as a more liberal, tolerant and open minded Saudi Arabia in the 1970s, which shut down in 1979 after the Iranian revolution and the seizure of the great mosque at Mecca by Islamist millenarian radicals.
All millenarian movements face this moment sooner or later: this is the "Great Disappointment," a term Slezkine borrows from the story of William Miller, a farmer in Massachusetts who prophesied that the apocalypse would occur in 22011, and, when it didn't, shifted the date to October 22012, 20043.
As early as the Han dynasty, 3 year BCE, there were millenarian movements worshipping Xiwangmu.
These included the Qarmatians, a millenarian Ismaili sect led by Abū-Tāhir Al-Jannābī who attacked and sacked Mecca in 930.
Manfred Mossmann, "The Charismatic Pattern: Canada's Riel Rebellion of 1885 as a Millenarian Protest Movement," Prairie Forum (1985) 10#2 pp. 307–325.
He regarded Chilembwe as expressing orthodox Baptist views rather than millenarian teachings to a relatively small but stable congregation, at least until 1914. He considered Chilembwe's revolt was a reaction to the colonial government's failure to pay attention to his protest against African deaths in the war, although initially accepting there were also some suggestions of millenarian eschatology.Rotberg (1965), pp. 77, 80, 83.
Such belief systems are also described as millenarian in their outlook.When We Enter Into My Father's Spacecraft. Andreas Grünschloß. Marburg Journal of Religion, Vol.
John Tillinghast (1604–1655) was an English clergyman and Fifth-monarchy man. He is known for his confrontation with Oliver Cromwell, and millenarian writings.
These ideas were discussed by the Jewish philosophers Yehuda Halevi and Maimonides, through which they became an influence on the seventeenth century French Millenarian Isaac La Peyrère.
It will seek adaptation proactively, > not fatalistically. It will establish social and economic security as > preconditions for ecological action. It will be large and transformative, > but not millenarian.
Title Page of the 1707 reprint of Johann Jacob Zimmermann's Scriptura Sacra Copernizans Johann Jacob Zimmermann (November 25, 1642 – 1693) was a German nonconformist theologian, millenarian, mathematician, and astronomer.
She states that Serrarius probably died of the pest. Amsterdam) was a millenarian theologian, writer, and also a wealthy merchant, who established himself in Amsterdam in 1630, and was active there until his death. He was born "into a well-to-do Walloon merchant family by name of Serrurier in London."Ernestine G. E. van der Wall (1988), "The Amsterdam Millenarian Petrus Serrarius (1600-1669) and the Anglo-Dutch Circle of Philo-Judaists", p.
The Kivung movment ("Meeting") is a millenarian movement sometimes called a cargo cult practiced among the villagers in the Baining and Pomio areas in East New Britain, Papua New Guinea.
This moralism starkly contrasts with the popular view of anarchists as anomic firebrands, but also is part of another stereotype that the anarchism in Spain was a millenarian pseudo-religion.
Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 25 June 2007. The sack of Mecca followed millenarian excitement among the Qarmatians (and in Persia) over the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in 928.
Other historians indicate parallels between the Joachimites and later millenarian forms of Christianity. It is fairly common for millenarian or messianic Christian movements to view themselves as leading into a new age of the Holy Spirit. Groups as diverse as the Shakers, Mita Congregation, and the Holy Spirit Movement have all believed that a new age of the Holy Spirit was in some sense dawning. Others relate Joachimite ideas to any group that believes in the "New Age".
Linden with Linden (1974), pp. 94-5.Linden and Linden (1975), pp. 179-80. While it is clear that the Watch Tower Society, certain other denominations and Elliot Kamwana held millenarian beliefs, little clear or direct evidence exists for Chilembwe holding such beliefs. The Lindens interpret an association between those that held such beliefs and John Chilembwe's followers as indirect evidence, what they term strong circumstantial evidence, that Chilembwe himself held the same millenarian beliefs,Linden and Linden (1971), pp. 636-8, 640.
In 1986, Victor Heredia (Argentine singer-songwriter) composed Taki Ongoy, a conceptual work that recalls Taki Unquy, the political-religious millenarian movement against the invasion of the Spanish culture in South America (1560-1572).
Saliba, John A. (2003) pp134-138Barrett, David V.(2011) p124-6 It is a syncretic religion, based primarily on Theosophy and incorporating millenarian, New Age and UFO religion aspects. Emphases of the religion include altruism, community service, nature worship, spiritual healing and physical exercise. Members meet in congregations like those of churches. John A. Saliba states that, unlike many other New Age or UFO religions, the Aetherius Society is for the most part considered uncontroversial, although its esoteric and millenarian aspects are sometimes ridiculed.
Birsa Munda ; 15 November 1875 – 9 June 1900) was an Indian tribal freedom fighter, religious leader, and folk hero who belonged to the Munda tribe. He spearheaded a tribal religious millenarian movement that arose in the Bengal Presidency (now Jharkhand) in the late 19th century, during the British Raj, thereby making him an important figure in the history of the Indian independence movement. The revolt mainly concentrated in the Munda belt of Khunti, Tamar, Sarwada and Bandgaon.Birsa Munda and His Movement 1874–1901: A Study of a Millenarian Movement in Chotanagpur, by Kumar Suresh Singh.
The alien ship eventually declares its presence by shining a laser upon several Millenarian Maths (the bastions of those avout who have taken a thousand-year vow of isolation). Shortly after that, the Sæcular Power summons many avout from Saunt Edhar, including Erasmas and a Millenarian named Fraa Jad. The avout are told to travel to the concent of Saunt Tredegarh to attend a Convox (a joint conference of the avout and the Sæcular Power). However, Erasmas and several non-avout companions, on Fraa Jad's suggestion, decide to seek out Orolo.
Yehowists (also Yehowist-Ilyinites, Ilyinists, Ilyintsy, Jehovists, Sect of the Right-hand Brotherhood, The Message of Zion, ) is a Russian Spiritual Christian millenarian religious movement founded by retired army officer and religious thinker Nikolai Ilyin in the 1840s.
The incident received very little attention in the Peruvian press.The Shining Path: A History of the Millenarian War in Peru. p. 17. Gorriti, Gustavo trans. Robin Kirk, The University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill and London, 1999 ().
A Biographical Dictionary of Later Han to the Three Kingdoms (23–220 AD). Leiden: Koninklijke Brill, p. 514, . De Crespigny suggests that the plagues led to the rise of the cult faith healing millenarian movement led by Zhang Jue (d.
He also pointed out the limitations of their presumptions and methodology. Allison argued that despite the conclusions of the seminar, Jesus was a prophetic figure focused to a large extent on apocalyptic thinking.Allison, Dale C. (1998). Jesus of Nazareth: Millenarian Prophet.
The Center for Millennial Studies is a scholarly institute at Boston University devoted to studying millennial, millenarian, and apocalyptic movements, groups, and individuals throughout history and on the contemporary scene. Boston University professor Richard Landes currently serves as director of the center.
Through discipline they hoped they could evade the tarnish of disloyalty. The leadership reacted badly to Lorenzo Dow, and Bourne's association with him. Dow was a republican and a millenarian. He made wild anti-establishment speeches and did not distinguish between religion and politics.
In the 20th century he developed his own political doctrine: Traditionalism formulated in highly providentialist and millenarian terms. In historiography his political trajectory is considered typical for some disintegration patterns within Carlism; Corbató himself is viewed as representative of a heterodox breed of españolismo.
Besant and Leadbeater claimed that Maitreya would again come to Earth by manifesting through an Indian boy named Jiddu Krishnamurti, whom Leadbeater had encountered playing on a beach at Adyar in 1909. The introduction of the Krishmanurti belief into Theosophy has been identified as a millenarian element.
Cambridge (Mass.) Harvard University Press p. 69. In exile he continued to disseminate millenarian teachings, writing apocalyptic letters to his followers R I Rotberg(1965). The Rise of Nationalism in Central Africa: The Making of Malawi and Zambia, 1873-1944. Cambridge (Mass.) Harvard University Press p.
The doctrine that excluded this possibility became known as the shut-door. Miller himself believed this for a short time, though he later changed and repudiated it.Hugh Dunton, "The Millerite Adventists and Other Millenarian Groups in Great Britain, 1830–1860", PhD, University of London, 1984, 97–98.
Joachim of Fiore The Joachimites, also known as Joachites, a millenarian group, arose from the Franciscans in the thirteenth century. They based their ideas on the prior works of Joachim of Fiore (c. 1135 – 1202), though rejecting the Church of their day more strongly than he had.
Franz von Waldeck Count Franz von Waldeck (1491 - 15 July 1553) was Prince- Bishop of Münster, Osnabrück, and Minden in the Lower Rhenish–Westphalian Circle of the Holy Roman Empire. He suppressed the Münster Rebellion, a millenarian Anabaptist theocratic insurrection which occupied the fortified city of Münster.
A History of Malawi, 1859–1966 Woodbridge, James Currey p. 133. The evidence that has been interpreted as showing his millenarian views is dated from 1914 onward,J McCracken, (2012). A History of Malawi, 1859–1966 Woodbridge, James Currey p. 142.J. Linden and I. Linden (1971).
Nikolai Sazontovich Ilyin (also spelled Il'in) (1809–1890) – a Russian retired military officer, writer and religious thinker, in the 1840s founded and led an apocalyptic millenarian movement of Yehowists (Russian: Еговисты), or Yehowists-Ilyinites that has survived in parts of the former Soviet Union up to this day.
Social manias are mass movements which periodically sweep through societies. They are characterized by an outpouring of enthusiasm, mass involvement and millenarian goals. Social manias are contagious social epidemics, and as such they should be differentiated from mania in individuals. Social manias come in different sizes and strengths.
Portrait of Monk by William Holman HuntHenry Wentworth Monk (April 6, 1827 - August 24, 1896) was a Canadian Christian Zionist, mystic, Messianist, and millenarian. Some have credited him with predicting the formation of the United Nations and both World Wars, although these claims are of questionable scholarly merit.
But the nineteenth century had not been the first century in which millenarian beliefs sparked political changes: during most of China's history, faith in and worship of Maitreya Buddha often inspired rebellions to change society for the better, to await Maitreya. Some of these rebellions led to powerful revolutions and the destruction of royal dynasties. Nevertheless, faith in the coming of a new era of Maitreya was not just political propaganda to incite rebellion, but was, in the words of Chinese Studies scholar Daniel Overmyer, "rooted in continuously existing cultic life." In Japan, millenarian trends can be observed in the idea of the Age of Dharma Decline, which was most prominent in Nichiren Buddhism.
In the modern world, economic rules, perceived immorality or vast conspiracies are seen as generating oppression. Only dramatic events are seen as able to change the world and the change is anticipated to be brought about, or survived, by a group of the devout and dedicated. In most millenarian scenarios, the disaster or battle to come will be followed by a new, purified world in which the believers will be rewarded. While many millennial groups are pacifistic, millenarian beliefs have been claimed as causes for people to ignore conventional rules of behavior, which can result in violence directed inwards (such as the Jonestown mass suicides) or outwards (such as the Aum Shinrikyo terrorist acts).
"The French Prophets: The History of a Millenarian Group in Eighteenth-Century England". Book review in Church History 51, no. 02 (1982): 225-226. In Century's End, Schwartz analyzes the fuss that is persistently made over millennial dates, publishing his "wise and humane" survey in anticipation of the year 2000.
He published his analyses of the Puerto Hormiga site regarding early Formative cultures, and of the San Agustin site regarding chiefdoms. Reichel also produced one of the first overviews of Colombian archeology and proposed an interpretive framework of its millenarian pre-historic past.Reichel-Dolmatoff, G. 1965. 'Colombia: Ancient Peoples and Places'.
As a mystic, he spoke of 'hidden music'. A millenarian, he expected in the early 1650s the Second Coming shortly, with 1656 a decisive year.Peter Sterry, John Tillinghast and John Rogers concurred in Archer's opinion that 1656 or 1666 were likely dates for the commencement of the Reign of the Saints. PDF , p.
James Elishama Smith, often called Shepherd Smith (1801, Glasgow – 1857, Glasgow) was a British journalist and religious writer. Smith studied at Glasgow University. Hearing Edward Irving preach in 1828, he became a millenarian and associated with followers of Joanna Southcott. For a couple of years he became a Christian Israelite under John Wroe.
This claim brought him into conflict with another Ancient, John Linnell, who insisted that Blake's sister should have inherited them. Tatham also tried to extract paintings that Linnell himself owned, though Linnell had bought them from the artist. Shortly afterwards, Tatham joined a millenarian sect, becoming an Irvingite (follower of Edward Irving).
This latter form of Maitreyan belief was generally censored and condemned as heretical to the point that few manuscripts survive written by Buddhists sympathetic to this tradition. Maitreya Buddha continued to be an important figure in millenarian rebellions throughout Chinese history such as in the rebellions associated with the so- called White Lotus Society.
Dionisije was born Dragoljub Milivojević on 26 July 1898 in Rabrovac near Smederevska Palanka. After graduating from gymnasium, he enrolled at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law. Two years later, he enrolled at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Orthodox Theology where he graduated. In his youth, he belonged to a millenarian movement before embracing Eastern Orthodoxy.
According to Mackenzie, the tradition's practices are akin to a "prosperity movement" with some "millenarian, fundamentalist" characteristics. Yet, the tradition does not quite resonate with the "fundamentalist" classification, states Mackenzie. The term can be misleading because of tradition's size, commitment to meditation and its progressive nature. Other scholars describe the Dhammakaya tradition as a revivalist movement.
Through missionary activity, in the political and social turmoil caused by the Japanese invasion of China in the 1940s, that made Yiguandao's millenarian beliefs more convincing to the masses, the religion grew rapidly, reaching an estimated membership of 12 million. Even a number of top officials of the Japanese puppet government of Wang Jingwei converted to Yiguandao.
Many if not most millenarian groups claim that the current society and its rulers are corrupt, unjust, or otherwise wrong, and that they will soon be destroyed by a powerful force. The harmful nature of the status quo is considered intractable without the anticipated dramatic change.Worsley, Peter. 1957. The trumpet shall sound; a study of "cargo" cults in Melanesia.
London: MacGibbon & Kee. Henri Desroche observed that millenarian movements often envisioned three periods in which change might occur. First, the elect members of the movement will be increasingly oppressed, leading to the second period in which the movement resists the oppression. The third period brings about a new utopian age, liberating the members of the movement.
Millenarism and its varieties Chillegorism (Greek: χιλιας, chilias, "one thousand" and αλληγορία, alligoría, "allegory") is a millenarian doctrine which is the opposite of Chiliasm. It is based on a figurative interpretation of the prophecy of Revelation 20:1-4 about the millennial reign of Christ together with the righteous.Valeriy Sterkh, "Apocalypse. Millennium: Chiliasm and Chillegorism" (Ekaterinburg, 2020), Section 1.
Christopher Feake (1612–1683) was an English Independent minister and Fifth- monarchy man. He was imprisoned for maligning Oliver Cromwell in his preaching. He is a leading example of someone sharing both Leveller views and the millenarian approach of the Fifth Monarchists.Michael R. Watts, The Dissenters: from the Reformation to the French Revolution (1986), p. 138.
Thomas Emes (died 1707), known as "the prophet", was a quack doctor and millenarian who practiced as a surgeon among the poorer classes of England. In the hope of obtaining notoriety he allied himself with the Camisards. He died at Old Street Square, London, 22 December 1707, and was buried on Christmas Day in Bunhill Fields.
The Vailala Madness was a social movement in the Papuan Gulf, in the Territory of Papua, beginning in the later part of 1919 and diminishing after 1922. It is generally accepted as the first well-documented cargo cult, a class of millenarian religio-political movements, although the expression cargo cult itself dates from the mid-1940s.
Nicholson, P. (2011) Simon Fairlie, Meat: A benign extravagance; Lierre Keith, The Vegetarian Myth: Food, justice and sustainability; and Bob Torres and Jenna Torres, Vegan Freak: Being vegan in a non-vegan world Peace News (Issue 2534) John Sanbonmatsu interprets Keith's rhetoric as apocalyptic and millenarian. He argues that Keith's nutritional arguments are grounded on anecdotes and lacks proper scientific backing.
At times, ICU leaders promoted a radical vision of workers and tenant farmers taking over white farms. In the late 1920s the movement took on a millenarian aspect in the rural Eastern Cape where predictions of airborne liberation by black Americans captured the imagination of thousands of people. Yet the ICU also made extensive, and often successful, use of the (white-run) courts.
Songwriter Nick Cave declared the song to be the band's masterpiece, saying, "It had everything that I thought rock and roll should have. It was violent, paranoid music for a violent, paranoid time." Writer Mark Fisher described the song "scouring, seesawing, seasick funk, a pied piper’s exit from dominant reality, fired by a fissile compound of millenarian terror and militant jubilation."Fisher, Mark.
"The Ark" in Bedford. The Panacea Society was a millenarian religious group in Bedford, England. Founded in 1919, it followed the teachings of the Devonshire prophetess Joanna Southcott, who died in 1814, and campaigned for Southcott's sealed box of prophecies to be opened according to her instructions. The society believed Bedford to be the original site of the Garden of Eden.
1 (Westminster, Maryland: Christian Classics, Inc.), 219. (Quasten was a Professor of Ancient Church History and Christian Archaeology at the Catholic University of America) Furthermore according to the Encyclopedia of the Early Church “Justin (Dial. 80) affirms the millenarian idea as that of Christians of complete orthodoxy but he does not hide that fact that many rejected it.” M. Simonetti, “Millenarism,” 560.
Lamont Lindstrom in Cargo Cults and Millenarian Movements: Transoceanic Comparisons of New Religious Movements G. W. Trompf ed. (New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1990) p. 244 Despite this effort, the movement gained popularity in the early 1940s after 50,000 American troops were stationed in New Hebrides during World War II, bringing with them an enormous amount of supplies (or "cargo").
Scult, Mel (1978). Millennial Expectations and Jewish Liberties: A Study of the Efforts to Convert the Jews in Britain, Up to the Mid Nineteenth Century. Brill Archive. pps.29-30. As well as raising money for the impoverished Jews of Palestine, Jessey was also well acquainted with two of the key figures disseminating information throughout Europe about the Jewish millenarian prophet Sabbatai Zevi.
Newspaper reports of the time described his composure upon his execution, counselling his followers not to grieve. Salvador's regarded him as divine or semi-divine. Even after his death a cult of Apo Ipe emerged and remained way into the 1920s, and millenarian leaders in Tarlac could still attract many followers by claiming they had eaten or talked with Felipe Salvador.
The rebellion was supported by the Mamaia heresy, a millenarian movement which synchronized Christianity with traditional indigenous beliefs. The Mamaia movement prophesied a victory for the rebel forces. Teriitaria personally commanded her warriors with a sabre and pistol in her hand. The battle on 12 February resulted in a decisive defeat for the rebel forces and the eventual suppression of the Mamaia heresy.
The May Pamphlet was Goodman's most significant contribution to anarchist theory. They were both his first explicitly political works and his foremost political writings of the period. The essays were influential on the central position of the New York Why? Group, who were disenchanted with traditional anarchism, alienated from rising pro-war fervor, and excited by politics that put gradual, individual change before millenarian, collective conflict.
There was rumour about an old prophecy that the company's rule would end after a hundred years. This took the form of Muslim millenarianism, with preachers in Lucknow foretelling the end of the raj. In some districts like Muzaffarnagar and Saharanpur, Bose and Jalal argue that "the revolt took on a distinctly millenarian flavour." Their rule in India had begun with the Battle of Plassey in 1757.
While at University, he also was a singing instructor. He took his first post as a Lutheran minister at Bietigheim (Baden) in 1671. In the early 1680s, he wrote treatises on two comets that caused widespread fears among the population; he charted their course astronomically and interpreted their meanings astrologically. Subsequently, he combined his astrological insights with the expectation of a millenarian realm of Christ on earth.
Some adherents believe that the arrival or rediscovery of alien civilizations, technologies and spirituality will enable humans to overcome current ecological, spiritual and social problems. Issues such as hatred, war, bigotry, poverty and so on are said to be resolvable through the use of superior alien technology and spiritual abilities. Such belief systems are also described as millenarian in their outlook.When We Enter Into My Father's Spacecraft.
He taught that before as much as after the fall of man, the relation between God and man was a covenant. The first covenant was a Covenant of Works. For this was substituted, after the Fall, the Covenant of Grace, necessitating the coming of Jesus for its fulfillment. He held millenarian views, and was the founder of a school of theologians who were called Cocceians.
Jeung San Do's version contains detailed description of Jeungsan Sangjenim's and Taemonim's ("Great Mother") lives and of Cheonjigongsa, the "Renewal of Heaven and Earth". The Jeungsanist theory stresses the concept of Tao, the way of nature. Jeungsanism is often understood as having stemmed from Korean Sinism and Chinese millenarian Taoism,Lee Chi-ran, p. 21 and is defined as one of the Korean indigenous religions.
Traditional Shí'í millenarian beliefs were reinterpreted so radically that few of the popular traditional expectations were left. Another constant theme in his works, especially in the Persian Bayán, is that of He whom God shall make manifest: a messianic figure who would come after him. Bábís were exhorted to leave a chair for him at all gatherings and constantly to be prepared to accept him.
He published works on the millennium.1663-06 He was one of the first followers of the Silesian mystic and millenarian Jacob Boehme in Amsterdam.van der Wall (1988), p. 74. As well as being a philosemite, interested greatly in the issue of the Lost Tribes, he was on good terms with the Amsterdam Quakers,The Light Upon The Candlestick and had been in contact with William Ames.
Chapter 2. The Soviet authorities ultimately suppressed it for fear of its potential to unify Siberian Turkic peoples under a common nationalism. Originally millenarian, charismatic and anti-shamanic, the Burkhanist movement gradually lost most of these qualities—becoming increasingly routine, institutionalized (around a hierarchy of oral epic singers) and accommodating itself to the pre-existing Altaian folk religion. It exists today in several revival forms.
During the colonial period, the peace was periodically breached by outbreaks of religiously motivated violence. Periodic millenarian revolts, often led by charismatic monks or self-proclaimed holy men. In 1820–21, a Millennial uprising was led by a former monk named Kai, who was recognized as a holy man with supernatural powers. He organized a revolt against the Vietnamese overlords from his hideout in Ba Phanom.
He focused particularly on the tendency of Trotskyist sects and the Maoist Workers' Institute of Marxism–Leninism – Mao Zedong Thought group to factionalism and split as well as their propensity to entertain millenarian ideas of social change. Subsequent work explored the role of organizational culture in the perception and management of environmental, technological and health risks as well as the political culture of climate change.
John Sadler (of Warmwell, Dorset) (18 August 1615 – April 1674) was an English lawyer, academic, Member of Parliament, Town Clerk of London, Hebraist, NeoplatonistJohn T. Young, Faith, Medical Alchemy and Natural Philosophy (1998), p. 59. and millenarian thinker, private secretary to Oliver Cromwell, and member of the Parliamentarian Council of State. He was Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge from 1650 to 1660.Concise Dictionary of National Biography.
In January 1915, John Chilembwe, a Millenarian pastor in south-eastern Nyasaland, led an unsuccessful revolt, known as the Chilembwe uprising, against British rule. Chilembwe opposed the recruitment of Nyasas in the British army's campaign in East Africa, as well as the system of colonial rule. Chilembwe's followers attacked local plantations, but were soon defeated by British forces. Chilembwe was killed, and many of his followers were executed.
4 (February 1989), 7-10. Chisholm argued for the reconstruction of the "sacred dramas" which he saw reflected in some Eddaic poems, although shorn of their sexual content by the Christian redactors. The revived neopagan ritual was again to be modified to suit "contemporary American sensibilities".Jeffrey Kaplan, Radical religion in America: millenarian movements from the far right to the children of Noah, Syracuse University Press, 1997, , p. 76.
Whilst the religious society is no longer functioning, there still exists a charity whose main remit is to sponsor academic research into the history and development of prophetic and millenarian movements, as well as provide financial assistance to support the work of registered charities and recognised groups concerned with poverty and health in the Bedford area. The charity officially changed its name to The Panacea Charitable Trust in 2012.
II, 2-3)) rejects the literal interpretation of Rev 20-21, gives an allegorical interpretation of it and so takes away the scriptural foundation of Millenarism. In the East: Dionysius of Alexandria had to argue hard against Egyptian communities with millenarian convictions (in Euseb. HE VII, 24-25). M. Simonetti, “Millenarism” in Encyclopedia of the Early Church, Translated by Adrian Walford, Volume 1 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), 560.
"Dual Conversion Among the Shinlung of North-East India", Studies of Tribes and Tribals, 2003. 1(1): 43–57 (inaugural volume). In a 2004 study Weil says, "although there is no documentary evidence linking the tribal peoples in northeast India with the myth of the lost Israelites, it appears likely that, as with revivalism, the concept was introduced by the missionaries as part of their general millenarian leanings."Weil, Shalva.
L. White, (1987). Magomero: Portrait of an African Village, p. 133, Cambridge University Press. However this evidence is ambiguous, and Chilembwe's activities have been more closely related to the Ethiopian movement of African churches breaking away, often with black American backing, from the more orthodox but European controlled Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist or other denominations, than being under the influence of overtly millenarian groups such as the Seventh day Adventists.
Wang Ze (died 14 March 1048) was a rebel leader during Emperor Renzong's reign in the Song dynasty, whose agrarian army occupied Bei Prefecture for 65 days before it was crushed by the government army led by Wen Yanbo. Wang utilized Maitreya teachings as a tool to organize his Millenarian troops. A much later supernatural novel The Three Sui Quash the Demons' Revolt based its story on this rebellion.
Through allegorical interpretation, he had been a proponent of amillennialism (of course, the sexta-septamillennial tradition was itself based upon similar means of allegorical interpretation).“Origen (Princ. II, 2-3)) rejects the literal interpretation of Rev 20-21, gives an allegorical interpretation of it and so takes away the scriptural foundation of Millenarism. In the East: Dionysius of Alexandria had to argue hard against Egyptian communities with millenarian convictions (in Euseb.
Its methods along with modernist interpretations of Theravada Buddhist doctrines have been a source of controversy. It has been called by some scholars as "a Buddhist prosperity movement with some millenarian and fundamentalist characteristics", and compared to Taiwanese new religious movements. Yet, the tradition does not quite resonate with the "fundamentalistic" classification, states theologian Rory Mackenzie. The term can be misleading because of the tradition's size, commitment to meditation and the progressive nature.
By such reference it is known that the place was dominated by the Purépecha, from at least 300 years before Spaniards arrival. Data confirmed by archaeological excavations and objects found. Among these materials are not only the elegant typical pottery, negative decorated or pipes, but also metal objects, like bells, "fistoles", clamps or axes that demonstrates the presence of diversely applied metallurgical techniques. Most of these manufactures have older trajectories, product of millenarian cultural traditions.
He captured the town of Andamarca and held it for three days before withdrawing to the jungle. Santos disappeared from the historical record after 1752. Santos, Jesuit-educated with both Christian and millenarian ideas, claimed to be the reincarnation of Atahualpa, the Inca emperor at the time of the Spanish conquest of Peru. His objective seems to have been the expulsion of the Spanish from Peru and the restoration of the Inca Empire.
74; Johannes van den Berg (1977), "Quaker and Chiliast: The Contrary Thoughts of William Ames and Petrus Serrarius," p. 186, states: :Serrarius ... was born in London, where he was baptized as Pierre Serrurier in the French church of Threadneele Street on 11 May 1600. He has been called "the dean of the dissident Millenarian theologians in Amsterdam".Richard H. Popkin (1986), "Some New Light on the Roots of Spinoza's Science of Bible Study," p. 177.
Likewise, a 100-year order would only celebrate Apert every hundred years, and a 1,000-year order once every 1,000 years. It is an essential part of this that at any time an order celebrates Apert, all orders below it also celebrate Apert. For example, a Millenarian (1,000-year) order would celebrate in the year 3000. Because 3000 is also a multiple of 100, 10, and 1, Centenarian, Decenarian, and Unarian orders would also celebrate.
The doctrinal teachings of this movement regarding the nature of Christ's humanity is that He took the nature of Adam before the Fall. The movement in Indiana, just before the wider outbreak of Pentecostal-like phenomena in the U.S. state, combined enthusiastic forms of worship with millenarian ideas about the perfectibility of human nature. Recent research suggests that the movement shaped Adventist attitudes towards charismatic religious experiences and worship styles for a century after......
He is the founder, moderator, and list own of several online biblical studies websites and forums: Corpus Paulinum, XTalk, and Kata Markon. He has also led online seminars devoted to John Dominic Crossan's The Birth of Christianity, James Dunn (theologian)'s "Jesus in Oral Memory," Richard A. Horsley's The Message and the Kingdom, Dale Allison's Jesus of Nazareth: Millenarian Prophet, and Gerd Lüdemann's The Resurrection of Christ. Gibson is also interested in photography and poetry.
Despite their incorporation in the colonial administration, this incorporation was not without disruption. Due to its volatile nature, the preman bands often emerged as sites of rebellion such as in the Banten peasant uprising in 1888. The preman were also seen as a threat to the Dutch authorities due to their status as being "magically invulnerable" against Dutch authority including bullets and sharp weapons. Many of these rebellions and unrest occurring in Jakarta's region had a broadly millenarian character.
The Dhammakaya tradition is seen by its followers as a form of Buddhist revivalism pioneered by Luang Pu Sodh Candasaro. Some Buddhist Studies scholars have called aspects of its practices as having some "millenarian, fundamentalist" characteristics. According to theologian Rory Mackenzie, the term "fundamentalist" may be misleading given the progressive nature of the tradition. Features of the tradition include teaching meditation in a group, teaching meditation simultaneously to monastics and lay people, and an emphasis on lifelong ordination.
During the Roman period, this area was part of the Lima to Minho axis, a roadway that connected Braga to the northwestern peninsula, and was a point of passage, if not terminal line (from conclusions of Ferreira de Almeida in 1987). In the immediate vicinity, in the local of Chamosinhos, are vestiges of Romana structures, and specifically a millenarian marker.Ferreira de Almeida (1987), p.165 The bridge was re-constructed between the 13th and 14th century.
These views were bound up in Protestant views of the Millennium, which some sects, such as the Fifth Monarchists predicted would arrive in England. Milton, however, would later criticise the "worldly" millenarian views of these and others, and expressed orthodox ideas on the prophecy of the Four Empires.Walter S. H. Lim, John Milton, Radical Politics, and Biblical Republicanism (2006), p. 141. The Restoration of the Stuart monarchy in 1660 began a new phase in Milton's work.
At its peak during the 1930s and 1940s, virtually all of Vārpa's population, which numbered almost 2,000 people,A Millenarian Migration: Varpa was Latvian. Most of the croplands surrounding the colony have been gradually turned over to native Brazilian cattle ranchers. The dairy, sawmills and dams which once marked Vārpa's prosperity have been in ruins for decades. Even a once neatly kept memorial at Vārpa's Pioneer Cemetery is overgrown with weeds and almost impossible to reach.
Wang Lun (; died 1 November 1774) was the leader of the White Lotus sect in Shandong province, China in the 1770s. He preached a millenarian philosophy, emphasizing the imminent coming of the Buddha Maitreya. A martial arts master and self-taught physician, Wang taught his followers yoga, meditation, and the ability to fast for very long periods by drinking purified water. His group became known as the "Pure Water Sect", and by 1774 numbered several thousand.
In 1931 there was an economic crisis in the Belgian Congo triggered by problems in Belgium, the primary market, and an overvalued currency, leading to reduced exports. The head tax (impôt indigène) increased, and villages were unable to pay it. The Dengese people in particular were influenced by millenarian cults that talked of driving out the Europeans. Duchesne responded with a limited police action, and by the end of February 1932 the crisis there was over.
The Yellow Sand Society (), also known as Yellow Way Society (), and Yellow Gate Society (), was a rural secret society and folk religious sect in northern China during the 19th and 20th century. Inspired by millenarian ideas, the movement launched several uprisings against the late Qing Empire, the Republic of China, and the Chinese puppet states of Japan. The Yellow Sands were eventually suppressed by the Communist Party of China (CPC) in the second half of the 20th century.
Dózsa's execution (contemporary woodcut) In the course of the summer, Dózsa seized the fortresses of Arad, Lippa (today Lipova), and Világos (now Şiria), and provided himself with cannons and trained gunners. One of his bands advanced to within 25 kilometres of the capital. But his ill-armed ploughmen were outmatched by the heavy cavalry of the nobles. Dózsa himself had apparently become demoralized by success: after Csanád, he issued proclamations which can be described as millenarian.
The fascist view of a nation is of a single organic entity that binds people together by their ancestry and is a natural unifying force of people. Fascism seeks to solve economic, political and social problems by achieving a millenarian national rebirth, exalting the nation or race above all else and promoting cults of unity, strength and purity. European fascist movements typically espouse a racist conception of non-Europeans being inferior to Europeans.Payne, Stanley G., A History of Fascism, 1914–1945.
Thurgood eventually reconciled her faith with an ascetic view towards her material privation. Thurgood later, in her "Lecture", pointed to a "sweet flash" on 4 November 1635/6 as the turning point of her faith, likely upon prompting from millenarian preachers to identify such a divine revelation. By 1636/7 she composed the 'Lecture of Repentance', which she is now best known for, and is the main source of her life. After this point, nothing is known of her life.
He was born near the small city of Bastam in northwestern Persia during the reign of the Qajar dynasty. He married in his youth and had at least one child. As a young man gained a reputation for his interest in religion and studied as a Mullah in the shrine city of Mashhad as a young man. In Mashhad he became familiar with local clerics who were associated with the millenarian Shaykhí denomination of Shia Islam and was attracted to Shaykhí doctrine.
Gershoni (1997), pp. 49-50. Some of Kamwana's former followers were attracted to Chilembwe as possibly the only available charismatic African preacher after Kamwana's deportation or the failure of his prophesies.Gershoni (1997), pp. 49-50 This attraction might not have derived from any contact Chilembwe had with Watchtower or his holding millenarian views but because his American training and African-American contacts connected him to an established African myth of the African-American as saviours who would free Africans from white rule.
Rastafari is a millenarian movement, for it espouses the idea that the present age will come to an apocalyptic end. Many practitioners believe that on this Day of Judgement, Babylon will be overthrown, with Rastas being the chosen few who survive the upheaval. With Babylon destroyed, Rastas believe that humanity will be ushered into a "new age". This is conceived as being a millennium of peace, justice, and happiness in which the righteous shall live in Africa, now a paradise.
Chronica do muito alto, e muito esclarecido principe D. Affonso Henriques primeiro rey de Portugal, first published 1726, Miguel Lopes Ferreira editor, Lisbon, Ferreyriana (online). Later 1906 edition, Lisbon: Escriptorio, (online) The next five were written by Duarte's contemporary, Rui de Pina. At the court of Manuel I, Duarte favoured Portuguese involvement in the Indian Ocean. This he justified by appeal to the millenarian teachings of Joachim of Fiore and the objectives of recovering Jerusalem and blockading of the Red Sea.
During the ceremonies, individuals would be crucified and then have their hearts removed from their chest and their blood smeared onto the idols. Such ceremonies were practiced throughout the Yucatán up to 45 years after the arrival of the Spaniards. Landa always believed in his inquisition. Whether magic and idolatry were being practiced or not, Landa was almost certainly "possessed" by fantasies of demonic power in a new land.. Landa, like most other Franciscans, subscribed to millenarian ideas,Blom, Frans.
Frank Black (Lance Henriksen) is an offender profiler working for a private investigative firm called the Millennium Group, who consult with local or federal law enforcement on criminal cases. The Millennium Group, and Black, specialise in examining violent crimes or those of a millenarian nature. As a cargo ship pulls into harbour, it is surrounded by Immigration and Naturalization Service agents. On board, the captain, Law (Tzi Ma), sends two of his crew to kill a "monster" in the cargo hold.
M. Rhodes, The Hitler Movement: A Modern Millenarian Revolution, Stanford, Calif: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1980;R. Wistrich, Hitler’s Apocalypse: Jews and the Nazi Legacy, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1985;Nicholas Goodrick–Clarke: The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology, reprint with new preface, New York Univ. Press [1985] 2004;N. Cohn, The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages, revised and expanded, New York: Oxford Univ.
W. H. Brackney, Historical Dictionary of Radical Christianity (Plymouth: Scarecrow Press, 2012), , p. 52. The Buchanites were a Millenarian cult that broke away from the Relief Church when Hugh White, minister at Irvine, declared Elspeth Buchan to be a special saint identified with the woman described in Revelation 12. They attracted less than fifty followers and having been expelled by local magistrates they formed a community at a farm known as New Cample in Nithsdale, Dumfriesshire. The sect collapsed after the death of Buchan in 1791.
A former monk and Phu Mi Bun in the Ubon Ratchathani area headed a millenarian sect inspired by his predictions of 'apocalyptic' vision. His apocalyptic prophecy created panic among almost all of the Isan people until the Bangkok government eventually crushed it. From the 20th century onwards, Siam gradually consolidated its control over Isan through a programme of Thaification. The introduction of a national school system in the 1920s replaced instruction by monks in the Isan Lao language with teaching in the Thai language only.
The son of an Armenian entrepreneur and a Greek mother, he was born as Bedros Markarian in Istanbul. He attended the St. George's Austrian High School in Istanbul and studied economics after his Abitur for some years in Vienna and in Stuttgart. The family moved to Athens in 1954, but Markaris did not settle permanently there until 1964. That year over 15,000 Greeks (Greek passport holders) were expelled from Istanbul and their properties were confiscated, a major blow for the city's millenarian Greek community.
Magruder collaborated with Professor Ben Quash (Theology, King's College London) and Alfredo Cramerotti, Director of MOSTYN. The exhibition included digital media installations, which used a variety of digital technologies, including mobile devices and computers as well as tangible art composed of physical materials. Michael Takeo Magruder was the Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements ('CenSAMM') Artist in Residence for the conference, 'Apocalypse in Art: The Creative Unveiling'. During his residency he installed "De/coding the Apocalypse" at the Panacea Museum in Bedford, England.
Ceremonial cross of John Frum cargo cult, Tanna island, New Hebrides (now Vanuatu), 1967 A cargo cult is a millenarian belief system in which adherents practice rituals which they believe will cause a more technologically advanced society to deliver goods. These cults were first described in Melanesia in the wake of contact with Western military forces during the Second World War. Cargo cults often develop during a combination of crises. Under conditions of social stress, such a movement may form under the leadership of a charismatic figure.
Devotion to such a messianic Buddha figure has been part of almost every Buddhist tradition. Millenarian movements are typically a form of cultural defiance of the dominant culture, resisting "the attempt to put reason and logic over faith", according to political scientist William Miles. East Asian traditions especially associated the end of the world with the coming of the future Buddha, that is Maitreya. The early Pāli texts only briefly mention him, but he features prominently in later Sanskrit traditions such as the Mahāsāṃghika.
Jean Cavalier later went over to the British, who made him Governor of the island of Jersey. A millenarian group of ex-Camisards under the guidance of Elie Marion emigrated to London in 1706, and were said to have links with the Alumbrados. They were generally treated with scorn and some official repression as the "French Prophets". Their example and their writings had some influence later, both on the spiritual outlook of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and on Ann Lee, founder of the Shaker movement.
Historians, political scientists and philosophers have studied Nazism with a specific focus on its religious and pseudo-religious aspects."Semi-religious beliefs in a race of Aryan god-men, the needful extermination of inferiors, and an idealized millennial future of German world-domination obsessed Hitler, Himmler and many other high-ranking Nazi leaders." Goodrick-Clarke, 1985, 203 It has been debated whether Nazism would constitute a political religion, and there has also been research on the millenarian, messianic, and occult or esoteric aspects of Nazism.
Their charismatic deployment of spiritual and entheogenic information emboldened by on-site ecstatic experience closely parallels religious revivals. Attendees may disengage conservative social norms and identify as an "evolved culture"—a worldview influenced by millenarian archetypes of planetary transcendence, and the evolution of consciousness. Some examples of transformational festivals are Boom Festival in Portugal, Transylvania Calling in Romania, Fusion Festival in Germany, Lightning in a Bottle, Symbiosis Gathering, and Lucidity in the United States, and Yaga Gathering in Lithuania. The prototypical transformational festival is Burning Man.
He was also posted in Pangasinan to defend against a possible mutiny from Ilocanos outraged with Luna's assassination, as well as to defend against the Guardia de Honor, a millenarian cult fashioned after the Katipunan. During this time, the American forces were unusually quiet but the revolutionary government failed to capitalize on this opportunity. Del Pilar himself, was engaged in a number of love affairs. In a letter sent to a relative in Bulacan, he asked for the finest of riding boots, while he ordered the best horses in Dagupan to show off his horsemanship.
In 1393 Khuzestan was conquered by Tamerlane and afterwards seems to have been ruled by his successors, the Timurids. As the Timurid rule decayed, Khuzestan was taken over by the Msha'sha'iya, a Shi'a millenarian sect who dominated the western region of the province from the middle of the 15th century to the 19th century. According to most sources, their descendants were still to be found in the 19th century, as powerful local rulers in the city of Hoveizeh, their original center. In 1510 Khuzestan was conquered by the Safavid dynasty.
Some of these accounts, in French and Latin, were published in 1714. Back in London, Fatio once again communicated with the Royal Society, of which his old friend Sir Isaac Newton had been president since 1704. In 1717 Fatio presented a series of papers on the precession of the equinoxes and climate change, subjects that he regarded from both a scientific and a millenarian perspective. In the spring of that same year he moved to Worcester, where he formed some congenial friendships and busied himself with scientific pursuits, alchemy, and study of the cabbala.
Playford spread the Millerite message in Australia, even publishing a book of his sermons: Discourses on the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. Playford’s preaching apparently resulted in a number of converts.Le Roy Edwin Froom, The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers Volume IV, Washington, DC: Review and Herald, 1954, 712. An English Millerite, James William Bonham, apparently sent copies of The Midnight Cry to Van Diemen’s Land (now Tasmania), though no record remains of their effect.Hugh Dunton, "The Millerite Adventists and Other Millenarian Groups in Great Britain, 1830–1860", PhD, University of London, 1984, 114.
Papahurihia used the metaphor of a tree: only his followers could ascend the straight tree to the sky, while others would move along curved branches and fall into a fiery abyss, lit by Nakahi. Historian Keith Sinclair characterised his teachings as millenarian, though Judith Binney claimed otherwise. Papahurihia also communed with the dead, possibly using ventriloquy to make a "whistling sighing" sound. The Wesleyan reverend William Woon, who visited the Hokianga in 1836, said that Papahurihia claimed to be able to raise the dead, but Judith Binney disputes that such a claim was ever made.
He later became a follower of the millenarian Shaykhi school, studying under its leader Siyyid Kazim Rashti and traveling to debate prominent Usuli clerics to gain support for Rashti's teachings. After Rashti's death, Mullá Husayn led a group of Shaykhis who traveled in search of the Mahdi. On 22 May 1844, in Shiraz, Mullá Husayn became the first person to profess belief in the Báb as the Mahdi, and the first follower of the Báb's religion, known as Bábism. He was appointed as the first of the Báb's apostles, called the Letters of the Living.
Greenberry George Rupert (1847-1922), generally known as G. G. Rupert, was an American Adventist pastor and writer associated with British Israelism and Dispensationalism. He published a number of books which attempted to interpret history from a biblical literalist and millenarian perspective. Rupert's theories were a seminal influence on the 20th-century evangelist Herbert W. Armstrong. His religious ideology was linked to a theory that the Last Days would see a power struggle between the "Orient" and the "Occident", a view that helped to fuel the Yellow Peril panic.
During the Period of Government, the living Baining will be able to remove their brown skin to find healthy white skin underneath. Those who give into hedonism during the Period of the Companies will instead find themselves in Hell or 'jail' (kalibus). This millenarian vision is accompanied by a mystical belief in the present existence of 'government' (Gavman) on a spiritual plane. God and virtuous ancestors reside on this plane, referred to as the 'Ancestral Council' (Kaunsel Tumbuna) or 'Village Government' (Vilij Gavman), and devotees look forward to joining it after death.
The book, perhaps Mooney's most famous, is prefaced with a historical survey of comparable millenarian movements among other American Indian groups. In response to the rapid spread of the Ghost Dance among tribes of the western United States in the early 1890s, Mooney set out to describe and understand the phenomenon. He visited Wovoka, the Ghost Dance prophet, at his home in Nevada and traced the progress of the Ghost Dance from place to place, describing the ritual and recording the distinctive song lyrics of seven separate tribes.
The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages (1957, revised and expanded in 1970) is Norman Cohn's study of millenarian cult movements. Covering a wide span of time, Cohn's book discusses topics such as anti-Semitism and the Crusades, in addition to such sects as the Brethren of the Free Spirit, flagellants, the Anabaptists, and the Ranters. The Pursuit of the Millennium concludes with a discussion of the theocratic king John of Leiden, who took over the city of Münster in 1534.
Sahagún has been described as a missionary, ethnographer, linguist, folklorist, Renaissance humanist, historian and pro-indigenous. Scholars have explained these roles as emerging from his identity as a missionary priest, a participant in the Spanish evangelical fervor for converting newly encountered peoples,Sylvest, Motifs of Franciscan Mission Theory in Sixteenth Century New Spain Province of the Holy Gospel. and as a part of the broader Franciscan millenarian project. Founded by Francis of Assisi in the early 13th century, the Franciscan Friars emphasized devotion to the Incarnation, the humanity of Jesus Christ.
During the 19th century, the area was a favored organizing area and hideout for rebel movements opposed to the ruling Nguyen Dynasty of Vietnam. It was heavily used by religiously motivated peasant movements that were usually led by millenarian self-styled mystics. This continued into the 20th century as these new religious movements were often able to quickly gather supporters through claims of supernatural powers and promises to defeat French colonialists. The rugged terrain and dense foliage made the area ideal for guerillas and the communists had entrenched themselves there in recent times.
The Fifth Empire is a belief messianic, millenarian (quiliástica), designed by Father António Vieira in the seventeenth century. The first four empires were, according to Vieira, in order: the Assyro-Caldeans, the Persians, the Greeks and the Romans. The fifth was the Portuguese Empire. As seen when viewing the book of Daniel 2, in the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament), in Bible, Father António Vieira came to this myth based on a biblical passage that tells the story of King Nebuchadnezzar and his dream, with a statue that featured five kinds of materials.
It is possible that some Apache and Navajo participated in the revolt. The Pueblo revolt was typical of millenarian movements in colonial societies. Popé promised that, once the Spanish were killed or expelled, the ancient Pueblo gods would reward them with health and prosperity. Popé's plan was that the inhabitants of each Pueblo would rise up and kill the Spanish in their area and then all would advance on Santa Fe to kill or expel all the remaining Spanish. The date set for the uprising was August 11, 1680.
Aside from the Christian mysticist and millenarian elements, Monk's beliefs also bear resemblances to Jewish Messianism. He wrote that the Kingdom of God's coming would "immediately have the effect of arousing the millions of poverty-stricken Jews in Russia, and elsewhere, so that they would realize that the time has now arrived at last for the fulfillment of Divinely inspired prophecies in reference to the ultimate restoration of their own country." It would seem that the coming of the Great Redeemer, the Messiah, was what he had in mind.
Buddhism is the strongest form of non-western millenarianism. In many Buddhist traditions, there is a concept of a time when the world will end. The concept of a millenarian figure arising in the world at an apocalyptic age exists in many Buddhist traditions. In Buddhism, the growth and decline of the world is believed to come in cycles, and the declining period is believed to end with the arising of the cakravartin and finally, the coming of the future Buddha who will start a new prosperous period.
There Abdallah publicly proclaimed himself as caliph with the regnal name of , and presented his son and heir, with the regnal name of al-Qa'im. Al-Mahdi quickly fell out with Abu Abdallah: not only was the over-powerful, but he demanded proof that the new caliph was the true . The elimination of Abu Abdallah al- Shi'i and his brother led to an uprising among the Kutama, led by a child-, which was suppressed. At the same time, al-Mahdi repudiated the millenarian hopes of his followers and curtailed their antinomian tendencies.
In Cambodia, a millenarian movement led by Chan Yipon promoted the revival of the five precepts. And in the 2010s, the Supreme Sangha Council in Thailand ran a nationwide program called "The Villages Practicing the Five Precepts", aiming to encourage keeping the precepts, with an extensive classification and reward system. In many Western Buddhist organizations, the five precepts play a major role in developing ethical guidelines. Furthermore, Buddhist teachers such as Philip Kapleau, Thich Nhat Hanh and Robert Aitken have promoted mindful consumption in the West, based on the five precepts.
The Yellow Sand Society, like many other Chinese secret societies, was inspired in its activities by millenarian, spiritual and romanticised monarchist ideas. Its members believed that they could become immune to gunfire through "magic and incantations", a belief that was widely shared among secret societies. Historian Elizabeth J. Perry noted that this conviction of invulnerability was "a powerful weapon for bolstering the resolve of people who possessed few alternative resources with which to defend their meager holdings". The Yellow Sands also aimed at the restoration of the Ming dynasty.
Millennialism (from millennium, Latin for "a thousand years") or chiliasm (from the Greek equivalent) is a belief advanced by some religious denominations that a Golden Age or Paradise will occur on Earth prior to the final judgment and future eternal state of the "World to Come". Christianity and Judaism have both produced messianic movements which featured millennialist teachings—such as the notion that an earthly kingdom of God was at hand. These millenarian movements often led to considerable social unrest.Some examples are given by Gerschom Scholem in Sabbatai Sevi, the mystical messiah (London: Routledge, 1973).
This online, millenarian narrative functions so like fiction that Palmer and Helland have devoted an article to a literary/aesthetic analysis of the religion rather than the normal sociological discussion. Following the literary critic Austin Wright, they explore the discourse as a literary art form. Virtual reality is the vehicle of the myth - which conveys “a vivid imaginary world [and]… an intense mood of apocalyptic expectancy” for its participants. They also show how Nidle moves from the self-generated fictional world to the narrator-controlled fictional world as the prophecies fail.
175 dates it in 1903, but the booklet was advertised already in 1900, Luz Catolica 01.11.00, available here Corbató's españolismo was a highly providentialist, millenarian doctrine which combined exalted patriotism and religious zeal. Based on assumption that the global liberal order would undoubtedly collapsemarked by a revanchist spirit, Apología del Gran Monarca predicted the fall Britain, conversion of Russia to Roman Catholicism, disintegration of the USA and reunion of Latin American states with Spain. It advanced also clear Iberism and envisioned a union of Spain and Portugal, Esteve Martí 2017, p.
John of Leiden (born Johan Beukelszoon; 2 February 1509 – 22 January 1536) was a Dutch Anabaptist leader who moved to Münster in 1533, capital of the Prince- Bishopric of Münster, where he became an influential prophet, turned the city into a millenarian Anabaptist theocracy, and proclaimed himself King of New Jerusalem in September 1534\. The insurrection was suppressed in June 1535 after Prince-Bishop Franz von Waldeck besieged the city and captured John. John was tortured to death in the city's central marketplace on 22 January 1536, along with Bernhard Knipperdolling and Bernhard Krechting.
Although already a regular churchgoer, Hussey's interest in religion quickened around the time he started at Dehane's printery on Morphett Street and became involved with the nearby Trinity Church. From 1844, at age 18, to 1851 he conducted Bible classes for children of the church. He was at Holy Trinity during the incumbency of Colonial Chaplain C. B. Howard and James Farrell, a pre-millenarian, who may have ignited his preoccupation with the Second Coming and Scriptural prophesies. He moved to North Adelaide, and started a Sunday School at Christ Church on 23 December 1849.
In a 1992 book, sociologist Max Dublin pointed to many past failed predictions of technological progress and argued that modern futurist predictions would prove similarly inaccurate. He also objected to what he saw as scientism, fanaticism and nihilism by a few in advancing transhumanist causes. Dublin also said that historical parallels existed between Millenarian religions and Communist doctrines. Although generally sympathetic to transhumanism, public health professor Gregory Stock is skeptical of the technical feasibility and mass appeal of the cyborgization of humanity predicted by Raymond Kurzweil, Hans Moravec and Kevin Warwick.
Carl Johan Calleman, (born 15 May 1950, Stockholm, Sweden), is a toxicologist as well as an author and speaker on the millenarian New Age interpretation of the Mayan calendar known as Mayanism. He differs from professional Mayanists in seeing 28 October 2011 and not 21 December 2012 as a significant date. Calleman does not interpret the date as an apocalypse, Armageddon, or other cataclysmic event but a slow transformation of consciousness in which people experience a higher "unity consciousness."Mexico attracts tourists due to predictions of the end of the world EN Trip, Delo.
In his assessment of Goodman's impact, Peter Parisi wrote that Kafka's Prayer had "a secure if idiosyncratic place in Kafka studies". In a hypothetical anthology of Goodman's oeuvre, Widmer suggested that excerpts from Kafka's Prayer and an essay from Speaking and Language would sufficiently portray the foundational effect of literary criticism on his total output. In the trajectory of his thought, Kafka's Prayer marked where Goodman found a dead end in Freudian psychoanalysis and turned towards existentialism and Taoist interpretations. Kafka's Prayer also marked the confluence of Goodman's anarchism and psychoanalysis, where his millenarian social thought matched excerpts from Kafka's texts.
Flanagan emphasizes that Riel exemplified the tradition of religious mystics involved in politics, especially those with a sense that the world was about to be totally transformed by their religious vision. In his case it meant his delivering the Métis from colonial domination. More broadly, Flanagan argues that Riel was devoutly religious and rejected equalitarianism (which he equated with secularism), concluding he was "a millenarian theocrat, sympathetic to the 'ancien régime' and opposed to the French Revolution, democracy, individualism, and secular society."Thomas Flanagan, "Louis Riel: Icon of the Left," Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada (1986), Vol 1, pp. 219–228.
Published under the pseudonym Ambrosius Sehmann von Caminiez (an anagram of his real name), his Muthmassliche Zeit-Bestimmung set out Zimmermann's belief that the dramatic upheavals ushering in Christ's kingdom on earth would occur in or around 1693. As his superiors in the Lutheran church viewed millenarianism as a dangerous heresy, Zimmermann was removed from his ministry in 1685. Another charge raised against him was that he adhered to the theosopher Jakob Böhme, whose complete works had been published in 1682. Since Zimmermann did not renounce his millenarian views, he and his family were exiled from Württemberg in February 1686.
The United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, more commonly known as the Shakers, are a millenarian nontrinitarian restorationist Christian sect founded circa 1747 in England and then organized in the United States in the 1780s. They were initially known as "Shaking Quakers" because of their ecstatic behavior during worship services. Espousing egalitarian ideals, women took on spiritual leadership roles alongside men, including founding leaders such as Jane Wardley, Mother Ann Lee, and Mother Lucy Wright. The Shakers emigrated from England and settled in Revolutionary colonial America, with an initial settlement at Watervliet, New York (present-day Colonie) in 1774.
Mendea [special issue of Asnabi], 2017/12, pp. 241-243 The author whose poetic contribution to the Carlist cause is by many considered of greatest literary value – not only in terms of contemporary poetry but in terms of 200 years of Carlist history – came from a somewhat unexpected side. José Pancorvo was a Peruvian author of various prosaic volumes, yet he gained recognition for his unique poetry, considered baroque or neo-baroque in terms of styleJacek Bartyzel, Poeta karlizmu nie żyje, [in:] Myśl Konserwatywna service 02.03.16, available here and millenarian, mystic and prophetic in terms of breadth.
In October 1818, Ngqika mobilised his warriors and sent for help from the British Cape Colony. Ngqika and his men sought advice from Ntsikana, the royal diviner and spiritual counsellor, in his quest to destroy the Ndlambe Great Place. Ntsikana first offered his visionary services to Ndlambe, who then rejected them since he was already served by Nxele, prompting Ntsikana to find his spiritual home under the trusteeship of Ngqika. As with the other charismatic millenarian prophet Nxele, who was in service to Ndlambe, Ntsikana came under the influence of the missioner, Johannes van der Kemp, stationed at Bethelsdorp near Port Elizabeth.
Menasseh ben Israel stayed in England for close to two years after the Whitehall Conference. During this time he tried to obtain written permission for the resettlement of the Jews in England. Although he failed in this endeavour, during his stay he met with a large number of influential figures of the age, including Cambridge theologian Ralph Cudworth, Henry Oldenburg, Robert Boyle and his sister, Adam Boreel, John Sadler, John Dury and Samuel Hartlib, as well as more marginal prophetic figures such as Ambrose Barnes and Arise Evans. Ben Israel's stay was managed by the millenarian philosemite Baptist clergyman Henry Jessey.
The Troth was founded as "The Ring of Troth" in 1987, at the same time as the Ásatrú Alliance, both emerging from the wreckage of the Ásatrú Free Assembly, which had disintegrated over disputes between the racialist and the non-racialist factions.Jeffrey Kaplan, Radical Religion in America: Millenarian Movements From the Far Right to the Children of Noah, Syracuse University Press, 1997, , p. 21. The organization suffered a series of setbacks and disasters during the late 1980s to early 1990s. The leadership of both Thorsson and Chisholm became controversial because of their association with the Satanist Temple of Set.
Worship of the Holy Spirit was promoted by Joachim of Fiore,Maria Santos Montez (2007), p. 170 a millenarian prophet who, on the basis on his interpretation of the Book of Revelation, postulated that 1260 would see the beginning of A Third Age. (He himself died in 1202.) The Third Age would be governed by the Holy Spirit and would represent a monastic governance, in which the hierarchy of the Church would be unnecessary and infidels would unite with Christians. These theories became associated with the Fraticelli strand of the Franciscan Order and were condemned by Pope Alexander IV in 1256.
This was to become the most important thoroughfare in Pest. Its construction was first considered in 1871 and it opened to traffic in 1896 to coincide with the millenarian anniversary of the Magyars' arrival in the Carpathian Basin in 1896. Reitter planned the route to follow a major swampy branch of the Danube river, which swings eastward in a large arch from Danube to Danube over a distance of 4.141 meters. The canal passed through a suburban district of narrow streets and, at the time, Reitter also considered making the backwater into a navigable canal to improve the air quality and lessen pollution.
The Maitreya belief is millenarian, claiming that the world would come to an end soon and Maitreya would incarnate himself in the physical plane to save humanity. In the Mother belief, the Maitreya is one of the three enlightened beings sent by the Mother herself to bring salvation. Further myths explained the creation of the world and mankind: the Eternal Venerable Mother gave birth to yin and yang and two children, Fuxi and Nüwa, who begot auspicius stars and all sentient beings. The human beings were sent to the east and lost their memory of the Mother.
A second stream was Dispensationalism, a new interpretation of the Bible developed in the 1830s in England. John Nelson Darby's ideas were disseminated by the notes and commentaries in the widely used Scofield Reference Bible, published in 1909. Dispensationalism was a millenarian theory that divided all of time into seven different stages, called "dispensations", which were seen as stages of God's revelation. At the end of each stage, according to this theory, God punished the particular peoples who were involved in each dispensation for their failure to fulfill the requirements which they were under during its duration.
Before the death of Shaykh Ahmad, he appointed Siyyid Kázim of Rasht to lead the Shaykhí movement, which he did until his death in 1843. Siyyid Kázim formulated many of the thoughts that were ambiguously expressed by Shaykh Ahmad including the doctrine of salvation history and the cycles of revelation. His teaching brought a sense of millenarian hope among the Shaykhis that the Hidden Imam may return. Siyyid Kazim did not leave a successor, but before his death in December, 1843, he had counselled his followers to leave their homes to seek the Mahdi, who according to his prophecies would soon appear.
Word of the violence spread, and villagers fled before the columns reached them, leading to optimism among the authorities that the rebellion was calming down. The Dengese people in particular were influenced by millenarian cults that talked of driving out the Europeans. In Équateur Province, Governor Charles Duchesne responded with limited police action, and by the end of February 1932 the crisis there was over. Beernaert was less sympathetic to the Dengese, and on 20 October 1932 declared a state of emergency under decrees of 1906 and 1920, applied martial law to five chefferies and dispatched troops to restore order.
He was dropped out of college after failing in the fourth form They note that as he then wandered around the Godavari Agency, these interests and his charismatic nature gained him a reputation among the tribal people as being someone possessed of magical powers and holy, even messianic, status - a reputation that was bolstered both by myths he created about himself and by his acceptance of ones about him that were established by others, including ones concerning his reputed invincibility. Combined with his desire to overcome the colonial presence, expressed almost as if it were millenarian certainty, this was a powerful mixture.
Understanding of Lightfoot's precise meaning has been complicated by an 1896 misquotation of him cited by Andrew Dickson White. Rejecting the doctrine of the millenarian sects, Lightfoot had various practical suggestions for the repression of current "blasphemies", for a thorough revision of the authorized version of the Scriptures, for the encouragement of a learned ministry, and for a speedy settlement of the church. A Commentary upon the Acts of the Apostles, ironic and critical; the Difficulties of the text explained, and the times of the Story cast into annals. From the beginning of the Book to the end of the Twelfth Chapter.
Vargas Llosa in 1982 Vargas Llosa's fourth major novel, The War of the End of the World (La guerra del fin del mundo), was published in 1981 and was his first attempt at a historical novel. This work initiated a radical change in Vargas Llosa's style towards themes such as messianism and irrational human behaviour. It recreates the War of Canudos, an incident in 19th-century Brazil in which an armed millenarian cult held off a siege by the national army for months. As in Vargas Llosa's earliest work, this novel carries a sober and serious theme, and its tone is dark.
In order to popularize Buddhism, King Satha (1576–1549), son and successor of King Barom Reachea, restored the great towers of the Angkor Wat, which had become a Buddhist shrine by the sixteenth century. Each successive wave of European influence was accompanied by Catholic missionaries, but Theravada Buddhism proved surprisingly resistant to foreign attempts to convert the Khmer people. During the colonial period, the peace was periodically breached by outbreaks of religiously motivated violence, including periodic millenarian revolts. During the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries, Thailand's involvement in Cambodian politics extended Thai influence into religious matters as well.
Grunschloss, who refers to the Ashtar Command as a worldwide network of several loosely organised groups, describes much of the Ashtar channeling as akin to cargo cults, due to the blending of spiritual ascension with new alien technologies and ecologically harmless energies. Grunschloss maintains that most of the Ashtar millenarian concepts involve a transformation of human beings, via these technologies, who will then return to the planet Earth to enjoy a golden millennium.Grunschloss, Andreas (2004) p424-6 Later, with the failure of these prophecies, teachings were modified to include a less material and more spiritual emphasis.
Marxist–Leninist states have declared an official working-class culture, most notably socialist realism, whose constant aim is to glorify the worker, in contrast to typical independent working-class cultures. However, Lenin believed that there could be no authentic proletarian culture free from capitalism and that high culture should be brought to the workers. The millenarian nature of socialist working class art is evident in the goals espoused by the leaders of revolutionary movements. The art forms for the masses were meant to shape a new consciousness and form the basis of a new culture and new man.
Those who understand the law will be left on Earth to enjoy the new millennium.Zeller, Benjamin E. (2009) pp331-2Saliba, John A. (2003) pp130-2Rothstein, Mikael (2003) p148 Zeller also compares King's call to correct living (with threats of suffering otherwise) to many forms of Christian apocalypticism, with King's claimed mental transmissions replacing the Bible as the standard for what that moral living is. The Aetherius Society's eschatology is millenarian and, like Christian apocalypticism and Manichaeism, features a strong moral dualism in that the society seeks to follow the positive forces of the white magicians, rejecting the opposing evil forces.
On 13 January 1652 the independent churches of Cookley, Suffolk, Fressingfield, Suffolk, and Trunch, Norfolk, presented simultaneous calls to Tillinghast. The Yarmouth flock released him on 27 January, and he elected to go to Trunch, where he held the rectory. His millenarian opinions, which he shared with (perhaps adopted from) Richard Breviter, or Brabiter, of North Walsham, were of a purely spiritual type, and his general theology was in strict accordance with the Thirty-nine Articles. In the spring of 1655 he came up to London to remonstrate with Cromwell and console the imprisoned 'saints' of his party.
He edits the Religion and Politics book series for the Syracuse University Press. He won the 2003 Distinguished Scholar award from the Communal Studies Association, and the Myers Center Award for the Study of Human Rights for his book Religion and the Racist Right. Barkun focuses particularly on millenarian and utopian movements, terrorism and "doomsday weapons," and the contemporary influence of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (decades after it was exposed as a hoax). His books have been reviewed by The New York Times, The New York Sun, The Montana Professor, and Terrorism and Political Violence.
85 that emphasise magical practices and millenarian teachings of Kang Jeungsan (Gang Il-Sun). There are more than a hundred "Jeungsan religions," including the now defunct Bocheonism: the largest in Korea is currently Daesun Jinrihoe (대순진리회), an offshoot of the still existing Taegeukdo (태극도), while Jeungsando (증산도) is the most active overseas.Baker, 2008, p. 986; There are also a number of small religious sects, which have sprung up around Gyeryongsan ("Rooster-Dragon Mountain", always one of Korea's most-sacred areas) in South Chungcheong Province, the supposed future site of the founding of a new dynasty originally prophesied in the 18th century (or before).
23 They are characterised by egalitarianism, a foundation through a charismatic figure and a direct divine revelation, a millenarian eschatology and voluntary path of salvation, an embodied experience of the numinous through healing and cultivation, and an expansive orientation through good deeds, evangelism and philanthropy. Their practices are focused on improving morality, body cultivation, and recitation of scriptures. Many of the redemptive religions of the 20th and 21st century aspire to become the repository of the entirety of the Chinese tradition in the face of Western modernism and materialism.Palmer, 2011. p. 29 This group of religions includesPalmer, 2011. pp.
Abishabis or Small Eyes (died 30 August 1843) was a religious leader of the Cree First Nation who became the prophet of a millenarian religious movement that swept through the Cree communities of northern Manitoba and Ontario during the 1840s. The religious philosophy of this movement was an admixture of Christianity and Cree beliefs. However, after losing much of his influence, Abishabis murdered a First Nations family living near York Factory. Following his arrest and imprisonment at Fort Severn, a group of three irate Cree forcibly removed him from his jail cell and took their revenge by smashing out his brains with an axe and burning his body.
Undoubtedly African millenarian uprisings did exist, such as that leading to Bulhoek massacre, where there was no doubt that the participants, a religious group led by Enoch Mgijima with no political agenda, believed that the world would soon end and mounted frontal attacks on armed troops and police.Crais (2002), pp. 118-121. However, Cobbing, writing about an earlier colonial revolt, cautioned about pursuing the "false trail of millenarianism" where unbearable political, social and economic pressures were sufficient causes for an attempt to drive out European colonisers, where there is no need to suggest other, less evident, causes and where the evidence for millenarianism is speculative or ambiguous.Cobbing (1958), pp. 82-3.
The organization has been the subject of controversies, and labelled a cult by several parliamentary inquiries or anti-cult movements in the world. Some also say that TM and its movement are not a cult. The TM movement has been characterized in a variety of ways and has been called a spiritual movement, a new religious movement, a millenarian movement, a world affirming movement, a new social movement, a guru-centered movement, a personal growth movement, and a religion. Participants in TM programs are not required to adopt a belief system; it is practiced by atheists, agnostics and people from a variety of religious affiliations.
Carol Delaney has argued that Columbus was a millennialist and that these beliefs motivated his quest for Asia in a variety of ways. Columbus wrote often about seeking gold in the diaries of his voyages and writes about acquiring the precious metal "in such quantity that the sovereigns… will undertake and prepare to go conquer the Holy Sepulcher". In an account of his fourth voyage, Columbus wrote that "Jerusalem and Mount Sion must be rebuilt by Christian hands". It has also been written that "conversion of all people to the Christian faith" is a central theme in Columbus's writings which is a central tenet of some Millenarian beliefs.
He painted most of the work on location in 1854, but completed the work in London in the following year, adding some touches in 1856 before its exhibition at the academy. The painting was the only major work completed by Hunt during his first trip to the Holy Land, to which he had travelled after a crisis of religious faith. Hunt intended to experience the actual locations of the Biblical narratives as a means to confront the relationship between faith and truth. While in Jerusalem, Hunt had met Henry Wentworth Monk, a millenarian prophet who had distinctive theories about the meaning of the scapegoat and the proximity of the Last Judgement.
Bethel in Elephant and Castle, London Brotherhood of the Cross and Star (BCS) is a religious organisation, and was founded in 1956 by Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. It differs from mainstream Christianity in that it maintains that BCS is not a church but the new Kingdom of God on Earth and that its founder, Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, is the Holy Spirit personified, the God of all creation; while His first begotten Son His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu is the returned Jesus Christ. BCS incorporates into Christian teaching ideas of Incarnation, Decarnation, reincarnation and traditional African religions. In the 1990s it was a millenarian religion.
Unlike millenarian Christianity of Taiping, Yanling kingdom did not ask his followers to choose a religious agenda. According to Trần Trọng Kim, Wu Lingyun’s son Wu Kun (Wu Yazhong) was the follower of Taiping Heavenly Rebellions, while Henry McAleavy described Wu Lingyun (Wu Yuanqing) as “freebooter” taking advantage of Taiping Heavenly’s prestige and absence in Guangxi after Taiping Rebellion established itself in Nanking as a dynasty. Bradley C. Davis recently further explained that Yanling kingdom and Taiping Heavenly Kingdom were two separate movements. In 1863, Wu Lingyun (Wu Yuanqing) died when having battle with Guangxi provincial army led by Feng Zicai, which pushed Yanling kingdom into crisis.
The first debate with Persatuan Islam was on the death of Jesus, attended by over a 1,000 people and lasted over three days during April 1933. A second debate discussing wider topics, was held in September of the same year, and was witnessed by over 2,000 people. Local millenarian beliefs concerning the arrival of a Ratu Adil (Just Ruler), the Imam Mahdi, and the promised Messiah were some of the pull factors that accompanied the rise of the Ahmadiyya movement in Indonesia. Before the arrival of Ahmadiyya in Cisalada, Bogor, villagers believed that a messenger of the Messiah would arrive at their village some day.
The essays in the book include one by Michael Barkun that talked about how the Branch Davidians' behavior was consistent with other millenarian religious sects and how the use of the word cult is used to discredit religious organizations, one by James R. Lewis that claims a large amount of evidence that the FBI lit the fires, and many others. All of these perspectives are united in the belief that the deaths of the Branch Davidians at Waco could have been prevented and that "the popular demonization of nontraditional religious movements in the aftermath of Waco represents a continuing threat to freedom of religion".
China, Burma and Thailand, came to honour him as part of millenarian movements, and they believed that Maitreya Buddha would arise during times of suffering and crisis, to usher in a new era of happiness. From the fourteenth century onward, White Lotus sectarianism arose in China, which encompassed beliefs in the coming of Maitreya during an apocalyptic age. Devotees of White Lotus societies believed that their faith in the correct teachings would save them when the new world era would come. White Lotus millenarianist beliefs would prove persistent, and survived all the way into the nineteenth century, when the Chinese associated the coming of Maitreya's age with political revolution.
The Oberlin Band's Annual Report for 1899 mentions rumors among the Chinese that the Christian missionaries were poisoning wells. This was perhaps the first harbinger in Shanxi of the Boxers—an anti-Christian, anti-foreign peasant movement that began in Shandong province in 1898 and spread north and west. The Boxers were a millenarian movement which believed that by observing the proper rituals they could become invulnerable to Christian bullets and kill or expel the hated foreigners from China. A drought exacerbated the growing unrest in the countryside.Thompson, pp 7-9 In March 1900, a pro-Boxer official named Yuxian was appointed governor of Shanxi.
Then Birsa Munda revolt,Birsa Munda and His Movement 1874–1901: A Study of a Millenarian Movement in Chotanagpur, by Kumar Suresh Singh. Oxford University Press, 1983 broke out in 1895 and lasted till 1900. The revolt though mainly concentrated in the Munda belt of Khunti, Tamar, Sarwada and Bandgaon. In October 1905, the exercise of British influence over the predominantly Hindi-speaking states of Chang Bhakar, Jashpur, Koriya, Surguja, and Udaipur was transferred from the Bengal government to that of the Central Provinces, while the two Oriya-speaking states of Gangpur and Bonai were attached to the Orissa Tributary States, leaving only Kharsawan and Saraikela answerable to the Bengal governor.
On the west bank in the area of Ubon Ratchathani, a less-well known former monk and phi bun headed a millenarian sect inspired by his apocalyptic prophecies, which spread fear, uncertainty and doubt among almost all the peoples along both banks of the river. The Bangkok government put down west bank resistance with little use of force, and cooperated with French Indochina officials insofar as limiting Thai authority to the west bank, later called Isan. East bank resistance however had no definitive end and became subsumed into the Second Indochina War. Far from the Mekong, resistance to reform continued into the 21st century in the Southern Thailand insurgency.
The few visitors he welcomes to his home are mostly of a similar cast of mind: Mr Flosky, a transcendental philosopher; Mr Toobad, a Manichaean Millenarian; Mr Listless, Scythrop's languid and world-weary college friend; and Mr Cypress, a misanthropic poet. The only exception is the sanguine Mr Hilary, who, as Mr Glowry's brother-in-law, is obliged to visit the abbey from family interests. The Reverend Mr Larynx, the vicar of nearby Claydyke, readily adapts himself to whatever company he is in. Scythrop is recovering from a love affair which ended badly when Mr Glowry and the young woman's father quarrelled over terms and broke off the proposed match.
In 1786, Wedderburn stopped to listen to a Wesleyan preacher he heard in Seven Dials. Influenced by a mixture of Arminian, millenarian, Calvinist, and Unitarian ideas, he converted to be a Methodist, and soon published a small theological tract called Truth Self Supported: or, a Refutation of Certain Doctrinal Errors Generally Adopted in the Christian Church. Although this work contained no explicit mention of slavery, it does suggest Wedderburn's future path in subversive and radical political action. Politically influenced by Thomas Spence, Wedderburn was an impassioned speaker and became de facto leader of the Spencean Society in 1817 after the nominal leaders were arrested on suspicion of high treason.
Insisting that the restitution of the Jews was at hand and that he had been sent forth to gather them and proclaim ‘Israels return’, Tany set about enacting a millenarian mission to restore the Jews to their own land. In the manner of the children of Israel before him, he began living in a tent, perhaps modelled upon the tabernacle, which he decorated with a symbol representing the tribe of Judah. He preached in the parks and fields around London and gathered a handful of followers. His message was strong, denouncing the clergy as ‘diabolical dumb dogs, Tythe-mongers’, who fleece rather than succour the people.
A small-scale tent copy of the proposed Elohim embassy erected at a Raëlian seminar in Colombia Raëlism is a millenarian movement. Raël claims that since the U.S. military's use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945, humanity have been living in the "Age of Apocalypse" or "Revelation." It states that the human species must now choose whether to use science and technology to enhance life or to use it to bring about nuclear annihilation. It claims that if humans successfully get through this present age, they will live in an era of advanced technology in which society will be tolerant and sexually liberated.
It remains ambiguous which (or how many) of these contradictory narratives are real, or how the narratives have influenced each other. It is implied that that some Millenarian avout are capable of operating simultaneously in multiple parallel timelines, and that the Millenarians had called the alien ship to Arbre to disrupt the subjugation of the Avout by the Sæcular Power. Erasmas attends a diplomatic summit where a funeral ceremony is held for those lost on both sides and a peace process begins between the aliens and the Arbrans. On Arbre itself, the Sæcular Power and the avout have agreed to cooperate as equal powers.
High Island was the home of a timber-cutting and truck farm operation run in 1912-1927 by the House of David, a millenarian sect based in Benton Harbor, Michigan. The High Island farm grew large quantities of potatoes and other root crops much valued by the House of David congregation, who were vegetarians. The House of David era created intense interest among gentile neighbors, partly because members of the sect had been required to take a vow of celibacy prior to admission. The group largely abandoned its High Island operations in 1927 as the result of a sexual scandal involving sect leader Benjamin Purnell.
Salvador and his church gained a significant number of followers in the regions of Bulacan, Pampanga, Pangasinan, Tarlac and Nueva Ecija. He was captured by American forces in 1910. He was tried and sentenced to death, being hanged in 1912, two years after his capture.Felipe Salvador, retrieved on 29 May 2011 Felipe Salvador and the Santa Iglesia movement are often depicted as part of Filipino history when numerous resistance and millenarian movements broke out across the archipelago, during a period spanning the Filipino struggle for independence culminating in the Philippine Revolution of 1896 against Spanish rule, to the Philippine-American War of 1899-1902 and its aftermath.
He collected materials, wrote for periodicals, and issued an open letter calling on readers to collect, publish, and organize a folklore society, which did not materialize. De los Reyes wrote Folk-Lore not just as a book for legends and fables, but eventually as "a general archive at the service of all sciences", expanding his definition of "folklore" to include "popular knowledge relevant to all sciences", including sections on religion, customs, literature, and articles on Diego Silang, millenarian revolts, and local miracles of the Virgin Mary. In 1884, de los Reyes was married to Josefa Hizon Sevilla, his first wife. Sevilla was the daughter of Gregorio Sevilla, the capitan of Malabon.
A convinced millenarian, he preached to the House of Commons in 1641, under the influence of Thomas Brightman. In 1650, in another sermon to the Commons after the battle of Dunbar, he cited the Book of Daniel and Book of Revelation. He has been considered a follower of Johann Heinrich Alsted. He with Henry Jessey corresponded with Menasseh ben Israel, about the official return of Jews to England, and the supposed Lost Tribes found in North America. This interest was prompted by John Dury’s interest, and was shared with others.. (This source also mentions Samuel Hartlib and Margaret Fell.) His philo-Semitism has been noted, for example, by Werner Sombart.
He also invented and developed the first method for fabricating jewel bearings for mechanical watches and clocks. Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of London at the age of 24, Fatio never achieved the position and reputation that his early achievements and connections had promised. In 1706 he became involved with a millenarian religious sect, known in London as the "French prophets", and the following year he was sentenced to the pillory for sedition over his role in the publication of the prophecies of Élie Marion, the leader of that sect. Fatio travelled with the French prophets as a missionary, going as far as Smyrna before returning to Holland in 1713, and finally settling in England.
Martínez 1980:133 He returned to Mexico again in 1573, this time never to return to Europe. He returned under order to compose a history of the work of evangelizing the Americas. From his return to Mexico until 1597 he lived in the monastery of Tlatelolco, working on the history that would make him famous,Martínez 1980:135 the Historia eclesiástica indiana, a chronicle of the early evangelization history of the New World. The publication of the work was prohibited, as it was deemed to contain "unsound," millenarian, Joachimite ideas,Martínez 1980:189-191 and it was only published for the first time in 1870, when it was brought to light by Joaquín García Icazbalceta.
The death of the gods at Ragnarök is often viewed as a reminder of the inevitability of death and the importance of living honorably and with integrity until one dies. Alternately, ethno-nationalist Heathens have interpreted Ragnarök as a prophecy of a coming apocalypse in which the white race will overthrow who these Heathens perceive as their oppressors and establish a future society based on Heathen religion. The political scientist Jeffrey Kaplan believed that it was the "strongly millenarian and chialistic overtones" of Ragnarök which helped convert white American racialists to the right wing of the Heathen movement. Some practitioners do not emphasize belief in an afterlife, instead stressing the importance of behaviour and reputation in this world.
Two hundred years later, there was a rebirth of the popularity of the doctrines in the Azores; their religious manifestations, rituals and symbols began to permeate the islands and, consequently, persist until today. These acts of faith were heavily influenced by Franciscan spiritualists, who were members of the first religious order that colonized the Azores, and brought with them traditions that were being extinguished on the mainland by Catholic Church orthodoxy. Here, in isolated communities under environmental pressures and the uncertainties of life, the millenarian rites of the Holy Spirit were accepted and fostered. The Azores, and those communities that had their origins in the archipelago, became the last outposts of Joachimite doctrines.
According to Barkun, in popular culture, TV shows like the X-Files motion picture not only included aliens as part of coverup conspiracies, with militias and black helicopters, but also featured demonization of FEMA, a common target of conspiracy theorists and millenarian scenarios. One conspiracy theory alleges that FEMA plans to suddenly incarcerate "patriots" in concentration camps during a disaster. Political scientist Jodi Dean noted that the stigma of alien abduction stories is seductive to dismiss "consensus reality" in favor of deviant alternative realities. Self-described abduction victims often join self-help communities of victims and may resort to questionable regression therapy, similarly to other self-reported victims of child sexual abuse or satanic ritual abuse.
Discussion of Shí'í millenarian themes were also an important part of the early works and gave his movement an apocalyptic edge; this was the day of the return of the Mahdi, of the victory and dominion of God. They gave the Bábí movement a widespread popular appeal. His works frequently quoted and provided commentary on passages from the Qurʼan. Unlike classical Qurʼanic commentaries by theologians or Sufis, however, he usually commented on the meaning of the text letter by letter rather than the meanings of the words and sentences, allowing him to use a sacred text as a point of departure for revelation on a theme distantly related or even unrelated to the Qurʼanic passage.
Perhaps most significant to the hostility towards Shakers concerned their celibacy, millenarianism, and views on race and gender. The main current writer on anti-Shakerism compares allegations against them as similar to other celibate religious groups like Roman Catholic monks and nuns,Faculty Research and Scholarship Newsletter, Volume 1, n 2 The College of Arts and Sciences, The University of New England, Fall 2001, archived on October 4, 2007 from the original although there are also similarities with hostility to Mormons or Masons. People who formerly resided in Shaker communities even wrote anti-Shaker tracts as some former, or allegedly former, nuns did. Their millenarian views drew ire that in some respects is more understandable.
He was a Joachimite, a follower of the millenarian ideas of Abbot Joachim of Fiore (Gioacchino da Fiore). Around 1250 Gerardo published in Paris a book entitled Introductorium in Evangelium Aeternum (An Introduction to the Eternal Gospel), where he identified the "Order of the Just," supposed to rule the Roman Catholic Church after the advent of the Age of the Holy Spirit, in the Franciscan Order. This text was examined by a commission of cardinals set up by Pope Alexander IV, who was worried about the diffusion of Joachimite theories among the Friars Minor. In 1255, the council ordered the destruction of the book and in 1263 Gerardo was arrested and sentenced to life in prison.
Although Sandino had communicated with Trincado only through a series of letters, after his return to Nicaragua, his manifests and his personal affiliations were increasingly shaped by his applying the ideals of the EMECU. He named Tricado as one of his official representatives and replaced the former seal (with an image of a campesino beheading a U.S. Marine) with the symbol of EMECU. His distrust of his former Communist associates led him to break off relations with Farabundo Martí, a Salvadoran who was formerly one of his most trusted lieutenants, and accused Martí of spying for the Communists. In February 1931, Sandino issued his "Manifest of Light and Truth", which reflected a new millenarian tone in his beliefs.
The Westminster Assembly, which saw disputes on Church polity in England (Victorian history painting by John Rogers Herbert). The Puritan movement in England was riven over decades by emigration and inconsistent interpretations of Scripture, as well as some political differences that surfaced at that time. The Fifth Monarchy Men, a radical millenarian wing of Puritanism, aided by strident, popular clergy like Vavasor Powell, agitated from the right wing of the movement, even as sectarian groups like the Ranters, Levellers, and Quakers pulled from the left. The fragmentation created a collapse of the centre and, ultimately, sealed a political failure, while depositing an enduring spiritual legacy that would remain and grow in English-speaking Christianity.
Originally, it referred to a totalitarian political movement linked with corporatism which existed in Italy from 1922 to 1943 under the leadership of Benito Mussolini. Many scholars use the word "fascism" without capitalization in a more general sense, to refer to an ideology (or group of ideologies) which was influential in many countries at many different times. For this purpose, they have sought to identify what Roger Griffin calls a "fascist minimum"—that is, the minimum conditions that a certain political movement must meet in order to be considered "fascist". Scholars have inspected the apocalyptic and millenarian aspects of fascism.D. Redles, Hitler’s Millennial Reich: Apocalyptic Belief and the Search for Salvation, New York Univ.
Hoa Hao Buddhism draws upon an earlier Buddhist millenarian movement called Bửu Sơn Kỳ Hương and reveres Đoàn Minh Huyên (14 November 1807 - 10 September 1856) who started the movement as a living, healing Buddha. He is referred to as Phật Thầy Tây An or "Buddha Master of the Western Peace". However, the founder of Hoa Hao Buddhism, Huynh Phu So, also organized Hoa Hao teachings into a more structured movement focused on self-cultivation, filial piety and reverence toward the Three Treasures of Buddhism (the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha). As a lay- Buddhist organization primarily focused on Vietnamese peasants, it also eschews elaborate Buddhist rituals, maintains no monastic order, and teaches home practice.
The university would have a profound impact on the intellectual and political history of the city. In 1898, a millenarian group called the Righteous Harmony Society Movement rebelled in Shandong Province in reaction to Western imperialist expansion into China.Li, Dray-Novey & Kong 2007: 119–120 They attacked Westerners especially missionaries and converted Chinese, and were called the "Boxers" by Westerners. The Qing court initially suppressed the Boxers but the Empress Dowager attempted to use them to curtail foreign influence and permitted them to gather in Beijing, then expelled the Boxers from the city after ransacking occurred and ordered the foreigners in the legations to leave to Tianjin, which they refused to do.
In the English language, the word individualism was first introduced as a pejorative by utopian socialists such as the Owenites in the late 1830s, although it is unclear if they were influenced by Saint-Simonianism or came up with it independently. A more positive use of the term in Britain came to be used with the writings of James Elishama Smith, who was a millenarian and a Christian Israelite. Although an early follower of Robert Owen, he eventually rejected its collective idea of property and found in individualism a "universalism" that allowed for the development of the "original genius". Without individualism, Smith argued that individuals cannot amass property to increase one's happiness.
Lanz had coined the term ariosophy, meaning occult wisdom concerning the Aryans, in 1915. In the 1920s he then used this label for his doctrine.For example, in 1926 he published: Das Buch der Psalmen teutsch: das Gebetbuch der Ariosophen, Rassenmystiker, und Antisemiten. (The book of psalms, German: The book of prayer of the Ariosophists, Race mystics, and Antisemites) This is the only book of Lanz von Liebenfels that was later found in Hitler's personal library. (Goodrick-Clarke 1985: 198, 275) Both List and Lanz greeted World War I as a millenarian struggle.Goodrick-Clarke 1985: 86 (List), 103 (Lanz) Guido von List wrote his research reports on the "Aryo- Germanics" (Ario-Germanen) between 1908 and 1913, but in 1917 two later articles written by him appeared in Prana.
Chilembwe received an orthodox Baptist theological training in the United States and he never joined any other denomination. He used biblical language in his correspondence, as may be expected from a Baptist minister, but (unlike Booth's and Kamwana's) his known writings were never unambiguously millenarian. As far as is known, Chilembwe held standard Baptist views and rejected the Saturday observance favoured by Booth: he also stated that he had no connection with the Watchtower movement.Shepperson and Price (1958), pp. 169, 263, 324, 469. Several historians consider that the Chilembwe uprising was planned, although perhaps without sufficient care, at several clandestine meetings before any action was taken, that Chilembwe acquired a textbook on military tactics,Shepperson and Price (1958), pp. 257-61, 291.Rotberg (1965), pp.
The movement merged together two millenarian influences, one belonging to Michael Korima Urekit who had tried to start a movement in the Arawe area, and the other by Bernard Balatape who began a lcoal movement feeding the dead at the Pomio of Kaiton. The movement was instrumental in electing Koriam to the House of Assembly as member for Kandrian-Pomio Open. Later the movement encompassed the Baining people when the electorate was redrawn to remove the Kandrian area and to include the Baining in the south Gazelle Peninsula. In the Baining area, around this time (prior to 1974 when he returned to Pomio), Kolman Kintape who was originally from Pomio was managing Warwick Plantation (near the villages of Sunam and Dadul).
After joining the League of the Just in 1837, Weitling joined Parisian workers in protests and street battles in 1839. Tristram Hunt called his doctrine "a highly emotional mix of Babouvist communism, chiliastic Christianity, and millenarian populism": > In conformity with the work of the Christian radical Felicité de Lamennais, > Weitling urged installing communism by physical force with the help of a > 40,000-strong army of ex-convicts. A prelapsarian community of goods, > fellowship, and societal harmony would then ensue, directed by Weitling > himself. While Marx and Engels struggled with the intricacies of industrial > capitalism and modern modes of production, Weitling revived the apocalyptic > politics of the sixteenth-century Münster Anabaptists and their gory > attempts to usher in the Second Coming.
There is some debate among historians concerning whether Menasseh's motives for pursuing the readmission of the Jews by England were primarily political or religious. Ismar Schorsch, for example, has argued that the idea of England being a final place for Jews to inhabit in order to bring about the coming of the Messiah was hardly present in The Hope of Israel (1652), but rather was developed by Menasseh later (1656-57 when he was in London) in order to appeal to English Christians with Millenarian beliefs. Henry Méchoulan, on the other hand, in his later in-depth detailed analysis of the book has striven to show that the Jewish messianic theme in it is also rather fundamental to its initial conception.
Unarius was established to teach the 'fourth- dimensional science’ aka "the Science of Life" which incorporates such New Age themes as "harmonic frequencies", karma, reincarnation, past-life memories, channeling, and an elaborate cosmology of ‘spiritual planets.’ Central tenets of the belief system include contact with the ‘Space Brothers’ and a millenarian prophecy that predicts a mass landing of starships.Tumminia, Diana (2005) pp5–7 "The Science" asserts that everything is energy: atoms, higher knowledge, our bodies and our experiences. This energy ‘vibrates in frequencies and wave forms’. ‘Understanding’ these vibrational energies allows contact with all things: higher intelligence, the ‘advanced teaching centers’ and our ‘past lives’. By being ‘in tune with spiritual frequencies’ we can heal ourselves of mental and physical illness.
According to John Stow, the latter descriptions were given because hay was sold at the nearby Hay Wharf and ropes were made in the high street. All- Hallows-the-Great was also the church of the German community of the nearby Steelyard, since the Hanseatic community had only a chapel of their own on the Steelyard premises. The church was sufficiently large to include a large cloister on its south side and accommodate a grammar school, founded by Henry VI in 1447. During the Commonwealth, All-Hallows-the-Great was a centre for the Fifth Monarchy Men, a millenarian sect that preached the coming of the reign of saints following the demise of the fifth rule of kings, as prophesied in the Book of Daniel.
These religions are characterised by egalitarianism, charismatic founding figures claiming to have received divine revelation, a millenarian eschatology and voluntary path of salvation, an embodied experience of the numinous through healing and cultivation, and an expansive orientation through good deeds, evangelism and philanthropy. Their practices are focused on improving morality, body cultivation, and on the recitation of scriptures. Many redemptive religions of the 20th and 21st century aspire to embody and reform Chinese tradition in the face of Western modernism and materialism. They include Yiguandao and other sects belonging to the Xiantiandao ( "Way of Former Heaven"), Jiugongdao ( "Way of the Nine Palaces"), the various branches of Luoism, Zailiism, and more recent ones such as the Church of Virtue, Weixinism, Xuanyuanism and Tiandiism.
The Routledge History of the Holocaust, Routledge, 2010, "Labeling the Jehovah's Witnesses as totalitarian trivializes the term totalitarian and defames the Jehovah's Witnesses." Sociologist Rodney Stark states that Jehovah's Witness leaders are "not always very democratic" and that members "are expected to conform to rather strict standards," but adds that "enforcement tends to be very informal, sustained by the close bonds of friendship within the group", and that Jehovah's Witnesses see themselves as "part of the power structure rather than subject to it." Sociologist Andrew Holden states that most members who join millenarian movements such as Jehovah's Witnesses have made an informed choice. However, he also states that defectors "are seldom allowed a dignified exit", and describes the administration as autocratic.
Esteve Martí 2017, pp. 225–250 Relatively unknown beyond the Traditionalist Levantine circles, in 1894–95 Corbató was elevated to nationwide celebrity.Esteve Martí 2017, pp. 285–288, compare also a selection of press notes at Hemeroteca.bne service, available here It was because of his 1894 booklet León XIII, los carlistas y la monarquía liberal.Corbató published the book under the pen-name of Máximo Filibero, but his identity became almost immediately known Resembling an earlier pamphlet of Félix Sardà y Salvany, it was a most intransigent interpretation of papal teachings and contained onslaught on liberal and conservative politics; the booklet presented Carlism as the sole depositary of CatholicismCorbató’s exaltation of the Carlist king at times assumed millenarian and biblical tones, e.g.
As in Khorasan and West Asia before, the Turkmens who spearheaded the Ottomans’ drive into the Balkans and West Asia were more inspired by a vaguely Shiite folk Islam than by formal religion. Many times, Ottoman campaigns were accompanied or guided by Bektaşi dervishes, spiritual heirs of the 13th century Sufi saint Haji Bektash Veli, himself a native of Khorasan. After the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, the Ottoman state became increasingly determined to assert its fiscal but also its juridical and political control over the farthest reaches of the Empire. The resulting Qizilbash revolts, a series of millenarian anti-state uprisings by the heterodox Turkmen population of Anatolia that culminated in the establishment of a militantly Shiite rival state in neighbouring Iran.
81 He was profoundly disappointed by ambiguous stand of the claimant,Canal 1996, pp. 67-68 whose official condemnation of those involved alienated Bardina further on.he was present at the funeral of general Soliva in 1901 and later supported his cause as "Dr. Leal", lambasting general Moore and Carlos VII as traitors, Canal 1996, p. 68 His Carlism started to assume increasingly offshoot tone. In 1901-1902 he was engaged in El Cañón, an even more heterodox successor of Lo Mestre Titas, and niche Catholic periodicals La BarretinaMartorell, Cassasses, Parunella 1959, pp. 157-158 and Luz Católica.a periodical of father Corbato, who remained anti-Carlist Traditionalist in a somewhat millenarian format, messianic and supporting Milicias de la Cruz, Canal 2005, p.
During the late 1640s Robert Leybourn's press in Monkswell Street near Cripplegate, London was occupied with books and pamphlets of a political, martial and millenarian nature. He printed John Arrowsmith's sermon to the houses of parliament, England's Eben-ezer in 1645, and his Great Wonder in Heaven in 1647. In 1646 he published a pamphlet A Defence of Master Chaloner's Speech, and an early edition of The Marrow of Modern Divinity attributed to Edward Fisher: in 1648 appeared The Differences in Scotland stil on foot, and from 1648 an almanack or Moderate Intelligencer of military affairs entitled Mercurius Republicus. Robert Leybourn gave the apparently fraudulent ascription to Sir William Davenant of Edmund Bolton's historical poem London, King Charles his Augusta, or City Royal of 1648.
The uprising was led by John Chilembwe, a millenarian Christian minister of the "Watch-Tower" sect, in the Chiradzulu district of Nyasaland (now Malawi) against colonial forced labour, racial discrimination and new demands on the population caused by the outbreak of World War I. Chilembwe rejected co-operation with Europeans in their war, when they withheld property and human rights from Africans. The revolt began in the evening of 23 January 1915, when rebels attacked a plantation and killed three colonists. In another attack early in the morning of 24 January in Blantyre, several weapons were captured. News of the insurrection was received by the colonial government on 24 January, which mobilised the settler militia and two companies of the King's African Rifles from Karonga.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, many people in the US, especially hippies, believed that the world was on the verge of a new era, the Age of Aquarius. This new age was expected to be characterized by peace and love, harmony and understanding. By the late autumn of 1973 there was an "apocalyptic chill in the air", as headlines dealt with the Vietnam war, the Watergate scandal, the Agnew resignation, a war in the Middle East, an energy crisis, mass murders in Houston and California, and UFO sightings across the South. Sociologist James V. Downton wrote that the millenarian appeal of the DLM prior to the festival sprang from a belief that Guru Maharaj Ji was the Lord, and that a new age of peace would begin under his leadership.
In spite of being a staple in the Mexican diet, Mexico's comparative advantage in agriculture is not in corn, but in horticulture, tropical fruits, and vegetables. Negotiators of NAFTA expected that through liberalization and mechanization of agriculture two- thirds of Mexican corn producers would naturally shift from corn production to horticultural and other labor-intensive crops such as fruits, nuts, vegetables, coffee and sugar cane. While horticultural trade has drastically increased due to NAFTA, it has not absorbed displaced workers from corn production (estimated at around 600,000). Corn production has remained stable (at 20 million metric tons), arguably, as a result of income support to farmers, or a reluctance to abandon a millenarian tradition in Mexico: not only have peasants grown corn for millennia, corn originated in Mexico.
The picture shows Élie Marion, Jean Daudé, and Nicolas Fatio de Duillier, leaders of the so-called French prophets, standing on the scaffold at Charing Cross after being sentenced to the pillory for sedition. The British government suspected the millenarian French prophets of contriving a political scheme, and in 1707 Élie Marion, Jean Daudé, and Fatio were tried before the Queen's Bench on charges brought against them by the mainstream Huguenot churches in London. The three were convicted of sedition and sentenced to the pillory. On 2 December, Fatio stood on a scaffold at Charing Cross with an inscription on his hat that read By the influence of the Duke of Ormonde, to whose brother, Lord Arran, Fatio had been tutor, he was protected from the violence of the mob.
Chinese salvationist religions or Chinese folk religious sects are a Chinese religious tradition characterised by a concern for salvation (moral fulfillment) of the person and the society.; passim They are distinguished by egalitarianism, a founding charismatic person often informed by a divine revelation, a specific theology written in holy texts, a millenarian eschatology and a voluntary path of salvation, an embodied experience of the numinous through healing and self-cultivation, and an expansive orientation through evangelism and philanthropy. Some scholars consider these religions a single phenomenon, and others consider them the fourth great Chinese religious category alongside the well-established Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Generally these religions focus on the worship of the universal God, represented as either male, female, or genderless, and regard their holy patriarchs as embodiments of God.
By late 1986, the UPDA had proved unable to retake towns, though it controlled much of the countryside, and was clearly losing. Many rebels deserted, and smaller units spun off into semi-banditry. Many Acholi refused to accept the logical conclusion that resistance was futile and began to support the Holy Spirit Movement of Alice Auma, which promised a millenarian vision of earthly paradise or similar chiliastic groups that had sprung up, including the rebel group led by Joseph Kony that would become the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). After a year of increasingly desperate operations, including fierce battles among the various Acholi rebel groups for resources, the UPDA signed an accord with the government on 3 June 1988 that called for an end to the conflict and a democratic government.
This view stands over against those of the Jesus Seminar and such scholars as John Dominic Crossan and Marcus Borg, whose reconstructions of Jesus are largely free of apocalyptic elements. In recent years, he has been a critic of the standard scholarly means of authenticating sayings attributed to Jesus and events concerning him, and he has proposed an alternative approach that takes into account the modern scientific work on human memory. > We can, nonetheless, make numerous informed judgments—for instance, that the > Romans crucified Jesus as “king of the Jews”—and we can, happily, judge many > propositions more probable than others. It is, for example, much more > credible that Jesus was a millenarian prophet than that the eschatological > enthusiasm reflected in so many early Christian texts appeared independently > of his influence.
Two threads which emerged as "más caracteristicos" of his study are theology of history and Josephology. The former, anchored in the vision of earthly Rule of Christ as the ultimate goal, is somewhat opposed to earlier millenarian concepts yet advances their modified version, dubbed by scholars "milenarismo mitigado" or "milenarismo político".Xavier Prevosti Vives, La teología de la historia según Francisco Canals Vidal, [in:] service, pp. 6-7; detailed discussion in Xavier Prevosti Vives, La teología de la historia según Francisco Canals Vidal, Barcelona 2015, Josephological studies are related to the concept of "spiritual infancy", reportedly represented by St. Joseph, his position of a role model and its implications for apostolate of the lay; other associated threads are those referring to marital relations, virginity and St. Joseph's position in the hypostatic order.
Tang He Tang He (; 1326–1395), courtesy name Dingchen, was a significant character in the rebellion that ended the Yuan dynasty and was one of the founding generals of Ming dynasty. He came from the same village as Zhu Yuanzhang and joined Guo Zixing's Red Turban Rebellion, a millenarian sect related to the White Lotus Society, at the time of its original uprising, in March 1352. Tang was promoted quickly in rank as Guo's army grew. After conquering Jiqing (present-day Nanjing) City and Zhenjiang City, which was under the command of Zhu Yuanzhang, he was promoted to Yuan Shuai (wing commander), and after conquering Changzhou in April 1357, Tang was placed in command there with the rank of deputy assistant chief of the commission of military affairs.
Courtenay never acknowledged that he was John Nichols Tom and married to Catherine. On his release from the asylum in October 1837, instead of returning to his family in Cornwall, he stayed in Kent and built up a following in the area of Boughton under Blean, Hernhill and the Ville of Dunkirk. The area had already experienced agrarian discontent and protest against the New Poor Law of 1834 and the farm labourers, and a few of the smallholders and trades people, were receptive to Courtenay’s millenarian preaching and promises of a better life.Reay 1990: 85 On 29 May, Oak Apple Day, Courtenay and a band of followers began to march around the nearby countryside with a flag and a loaf of bread on a pole (a traditional symbol of protest).
His rebel force later joined the Red Turbans (then led by Han Shantong), a millenarian sect related to the White Lotus Society, and one that followed cultural and religious traditions of Buddhism, Zoroastrianism and other religions. Widely seen as a defender of Confucianism and neo- Confucianism among the predominant Han Chinese population in China, Zhu emerged as a leader of the rebels that were struggling to overthrow the Yuan dynasty. In 1356, Zhu and his army conquered Nanjing, which became his base of operations and the capital of the Ming dynasty during his reign. Zhu's government in Nanjing became famous for good governance, and the city attracted vast numbers of people fleeing from other more lawless regions. It is estimated that Nanjing's population increased tenfold over the next 10 years.
Roerich believed that "the triumph of Russian culture would come about through a new appreciation of ancient myth and legend". After some months in Finland and Scandinavia, the Roerichs relocated to London, arriving in mid-1919. Engrossed with Theosophical mysticism, they now had millenarian expectations that a new age was imminent, and they wished to travel to India as soon as possible. They joined the English-Welsh chapter of the Theosophical Society. It was in London, in March 1920, that the Roerichs founded their own school of mysticism, Agni Yoga, which they referred to also as "the system of living ethics." To earn passage to India, Roerich worked as a stage designer for Thomas Beecham's Covent Garden Theatre, but the enterprise ended unsuccessfully in 1920, and the artist never received full payment for his work.
Shinrikyo Aum is a syncretic belief system that draws upon Asahara's idiosyncratic interpretations of elements of early Indian Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism, as well as Hinduism, taking Shiva as the main image of worship and incorporating millennialist ideas from Christianity, Yoga, and the writings of Nostradamus. Its founder, Chizuo Matsumoto, claimed that he sought to restore "original Buddhism" but employed Christian millenarian rhetoric. In 1992, Matsumoto, who had changed his name to Shoko Asahara, published a foundational book, declaring himself to be "Christ", Japan's only fully enlightened master, as well as identifying himself as the "Lamb of God". Asahara's purported mission was to take upon himself the sins of the world, and he claimed he could transfer spiritual power to his followers and ultimately take away their sins and bad deeds.
Having attained the Mandate of Heaven and the status of Emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang named his period of reign "Hongwu" (thus he was known as the Hongwu Emperor) and founded a new dynasty – the Ming dynasty. The group later reemerged in the late 18th century in the form of an inspired Chinese movement.Yingcong Dai, The White Lotus War: Rebellion and Suppression in Late Imperial China (U of Washington Press, 2019) Though many movements and rebellions were considered by imperial bureaucrats to have been led by White Lotus Society leaders, there is reason to doubt that the White Lotus Society had any organizational unity. BJ Ter Haar has argued that the term "White Lotus" was used primarily by Ming and Qing imperial bureaucrats to disparagingly explain a wide range of unconnected millenarian traditions, rebel movements, and popular religious practices.
O'Neill has opposed efforts to combat climate change through reductions in carbon emissions, and instead advocates for "technological progress". He criticised the environmentalist activist Greta Thunberg in his 2019 article "The Cult of Greta Thunberg" in which he describes her as a "millenarian weirdo" and criticises the allegedly "monotone voice" speech patterns of the Swedish environmentalist who speaks English as a second language. O'Neill has described warnings over overpopulation as a "Malthusian" interference in women's right to reproductive freedom. In a 2012 Huffington Post article , O'Neill argued against victims of sexual abuse by high-profile individuals coming forward publicly, stating: "I think there is more virtue in keeping the abuse as a firm part of your past, rather than offering it up to a scandal-hungry media and abuse-obsessed society that are desperate for more episodes of perversion to pore over".
Michael Kelly, a Washington Post journalist and critic of anti-war movements on both the left and right, coined the term "fusion paranoia" to refer to a political convergence of left-wing and right-wing activists around anti-war issues and civil liberties, which he said were motivated by a shared belief in conspiracism or shared anti-government views. Barkun has adopted this term to refer to how the synthesis of paranoid conspiracy theories, which were once limited to American fringe audiences, has given them mass appeal and enabled them to become commonplace in mass media, thereby inaugurating an unrivaled period of people actively preparing for apocalyptic or millenarian scenarios in the United States of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Barkun notes the occurrence of lone-wolf conflicts with law enforcement acting as proxy for threatening the established political powers.
It used the year-day system of interpreting prophecies, presented the idea of a 360-day "prophetic year" and a historicist interpretation of the book of Revelation. It drew on the millenarian studies of 19th century writers in formulating a system that demonstrated remarkable biblical-mathematical "correspondencies" and modified Bishop James Ussher's chronological calculation to declare that 6000 years of human history had ended in the autumn of 1873 and that a "morning of joy" was about to begin for humankind. Three Worlds, subtitled "A Brief Review of the Bible Plan of Redemption", applied dispensationalist principles to divide religious history into three great epochs, or worlds. "The world that was" extended from creation to the Flood, while "the present evil world" extended from the Flood to the dawn of the third epoch, "the world to come".
They speculated that this secret society was working behind the scenes to establish a theocratic "United States of Europe". Politically and religiously unified through the imperial cult of a Merovingian Great Monarch—supposedly descended from a Jesus bloodline—who occupies both the throne of Europe and the Holy See, this "Holy European Empire" would become the hyperpower of the 21st century.Henry Lincoln, Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, Corgi, 1982. . Although the Priory of Sion itself has been exhaustively debunked by journalists and scholars as a hoax, some apocalyptic millenarian Christian eschatologists who believe The Protocols is authentic became convinced that the Priory of Sion was a fulfillment of prophecies found in the Book of Revelation and further proof of an anti-Christian conspiracy of epic proportions signaling the imminence of a New World Order.
In his Dictionary of Sects (1873) John Henry Blunt spelt Cokelers as 'Coglers' and 'Coplers' and refers to a Book of Cople supposedly written by Sirgood (whose name the learned gentleman did manage to spell correctly). The book was said to be "in imitation of the Mormonites" but Edward Turnour, 6th Earl Winterton wrote in Sept 1904 that Blunt gave no account of who supplied him with his erroneous information; no trace has yet been found of a Book of Cople. There is little evidence of Sirgood's actual teachings, although the influence of men like Aitken, Bridges and Banyard must have shaped his thought; he seems to have been a millenarian, commenting once "even the professors [Sic] will acknowledge that this is the last time or the latter days". Early Dependant Hymns do convey some sense of the imminence of Christ's return.
The Eight Trigrams uprising of 1813 broke out in China under the Qing dynasty. The rebellion was started by some elements of the millenarian Tianli Sect (天理教) or Heavenly Principle Sect, which was a branch of the White Lotus Sect. Led by Lin Qing (林清; 1770–1813) and Li Wencheng, the revolt occurred in the Zhili, Shandong, and Henan provinces of China. In 1812, the leaders of the Eight Trigram Sect (Bagua jiao) also known as the Sect of Heavenly Order (Tianli jiao) announced that leader Li Wencheng was a 'true lord of the Ming' and declared 1813 as the year for rebellion, while Lin Qing declared himself the reincarnation of Maitreya, the prophesied future Buddha in Buddhism, using banners with the inscription "Entrusted by Heaven to Prepare the Way", a reference to the popular novel Water Margin.
The difference rests upon the fact that the Yellow Emperor was no longer an exclusive ancestor of some royal lineage, but rather a more universal archetype of the human being. The competing factions of the Confucians and the fāngshì ( "masters of directions"), regarded as representatives of the ancient religious tradition inherited from previous dynasties, concurred in the formulation of Han state religion, the former pushing for a centralisation of religio-political power around the worship of the God of Heaven by the emperor, while the latter emphasising the multiplicity of the local gods and the theology of the Yellow Emperor. Besides these developments of common Chinese and Confucian state religion, the latter Han dynasty was characterised by new religious phenomena: the emergence of Taoism outside state orthodoxy, the rise of indigenous millenarian religious movements, and the introduction of the foreign religion of Buddhism.
The faction is described as "nationalist conservative" by Stratfor; also described as "neo-conservative nationalists" by Pejman Abdolmohammadi, assistant professor in Middle Eastern studies at University of Trento and Giampiero Cama, professor of comparative politics at University of Genova. According to Bernd Kaussler, assistant professor of political science at James Madison University, their ideology is a combination of millenarian, nationalist, populist and the principlist rhetoric. The tendency tries to nationalize Shiite Islamism, and advocates an “Iranian School of Islam” which seems antagonistic toward the Velayat Faqih, an idea that formed the basis of the current establishment in Iran. Ahmadinejad and his associates have regularly used the word "spring" and the phrase "Long live the spring" as a slogan, which is believed to have connotations for the Arab Spring, although Ahmadinejad claims it refers to the reappearance of Imam Mahdi.
Langer, pp. 52-53 Other Chiriguanos made their peace with creole ranchers and settlers or journeyed to Argentina for seasonal work in the sugar cane fields. By 1891, 11,000 Chriguanos, many of them non-Christians, lived in the missions and most of the rest were working on ranches in Bolivia and Argentina.Langer, pp. 47-56, 186-187 In 1889, however, a 28-year old Chiriguano man named Chapiaguasu began his career as a prophet and healer with a message of restoring the old order of Chiriguano society and expelling the creoles and missionaries from their lands. Chapiaguasu called himself Apiaguaiki Tumpa (the Eunuch of God) and the aims of the movement he led were similar to other contemporary millenarian movements around the world such as the Boxer Rebellion in China and the Ghost Dance in the United States.
In late March 1901, the French Commissioner of Saravane formed a small band of militiamen in order to investigate the popular gatherings organised by sorcerer Ong Keo on the Phou Kat mountain. Ong Keo had managed to gain a large following among the Alak, Sedang, Loven and Nha-heun tribals who venerated him as a proto- Bodhisattva, creating the millenarian Phu Mi Bun (Ruler of Justice) movement. On 12 April, the French patrol was ambushed by 1,500 Kha tribals, the commissioner managed to flee back to Saravane, nevertheless news of the uprising began spreading in the surrounding areas. On 29 May, Sedang rebels attacked a French outpost outside Kon Tum killing the commanding officer. A prophecy then began circulating in Northeast Siam, various prophets claimed that a great catastrophe was going to take place in May 1901, while Phu Mi Bun would emerge as the ruler of the world.
It was > not university Marxism, it was not the Marxism of concrete analysis, it was > not the history of Mexico, it was not the fundamentalist and millenarian > indigenous thought and it was not the indigenous resistance. It was a > mixture of all of this, a cocktail which was mixed in the mountain and > crystallized in the combat force of the EZLN…Quoted in Nick Henck, Insurgent > Marcos: The Political-Philosophical Formation of the Zapatista Subcommander > (Raleigh, NC: Editorial A Contracorriente, 2016), p. 17. Henck (pp. 11-18) > collects several of Marcos’ key utterances on the origins of Zapatismo. In 1998, Michael Löwy, in a short yet incisive article, identified five “threads” of the Zapatismo “carpet”: (1) Guevarism, (2) the legacy of Emiliano Zapata, (3) liberation theology, (4) the Mayan culture, and (5) the democratic demands made by Mexican civil society.Michael Löwy, “Sources and Resources of Zapatism,” in Monthly Review, Vol.
A symbol of the faith: the dove of the Holy Spirit, as seen on one of the standards carried in ritual processions The cult of the Holy Spirit (), also known as the cult of the Empire of the Holy Spirit (Culto do Império do Divino Espírito Santo), is a religious sub-culture, inspired by Christian millenarian mystics, associated with Azorean Catholic identity, consisting of iconography, architecture, and religious practices that have continued in many communities of the archipelago as well as the broader Portuguese diaspora. Beyond the Azores, the Cult of the Holy Spirit is alive in parts of Brazil (where it was established three centuries ago) and pockets of Portuguese settlers in North America. The cult of the Holy Spirit involves traditional rituals and religious celebrations of these faith communities. In its original sense, "cult" referred to an accepted religious practice, in sharp contrast to the term's modern, negative connotation.
In 1860 Choe Je-u, concerned about the growing influence of the West, the increasing Japanese presence in Joseon Korea, widespread corruption in government and established religion, and abuse of power by the yangban (aristocratic social class), alleged he had a revelation from the Supreme God Sangje (Shang-ti in Chinese) and attained enlightenment. Choe Je-u became the founder of the Donghak (Eastern Learning) movement, the prototype of many subsequent Korean syncretistic new religions. Donghak culminated in the unsuccessful Donghak Rebellion of 1894, which was fueled by a combination of religious fervor centering on the millennial visions of a coming messiah and anger regarding Seoul's high taxes. Central to Choe Je-u’s teachings was a belief in Hu-Cheon Gaebyeok(後天開闢), the Great Opening (Gaebyeok) of the Later World (Hu-Cheon), the new age paradise of Donghak, which also later characterized Gang Il-sun’s millenarian vision.
Although it was a young state and had been admitted into the union only in November 1907, there was already a strong radical tradition in Oklahoma, whose impoverished tenant farmers of its southeast seized upon the millenarian fervor of the early Socialist Party in an attempt to improve their lives.Garin Burbank, When Farmers Voted Red: The Gospel of Socialism in the Oklahoma Countryside, 1910-1924. In the 1916 election, despite Wilson's siphoning a portion of the anti war vote for the Democratic ticket, the Socialist Party garnered more than a quarter of the votes cast in the 1916 election in Seminole County and 22% in neighboring Pontotoc County.Burbank, When Farmers Voted Red, p. 303. The Socialist Party was not the only active organizers in the area since in 1916, a radical tenant farmers' organization, the "Working Class Union (WCU)," claimed a membership of as much as 20,000 in Eastern Oklahoma alone.
80) affirms the millenarian idea as that of Christians of complete orthodoxy but he does not hide that fact that many rejected it.” M. Simonetti, “Millenarism,” 560. He maintains a premillennial distinction, namely that there would be two resurrections, one of believers before Jesus' reign and then a general resurrection afterwards. Justin wrote in chapter 80 of his work Dialogue with Trypho, “I and others who are right-minded Christians on all points are assured that there will be a resurrection of the dead, and a thousand years in Jerusalem, which will then be built... For Isaiah spoke in that manner concerning this period of a thousand years.” Though he conceded earlier in the same chapter that his view was not universal by saying that he “and many who belong to the pure and pious faith, and are true Christians, think otherwise.” St. Irenaeus (c. 130–202), an early Christian Premillennialist.
Raju was a charismatic, myth-building wandering sannyasin, believed by many tribal people to possess magical abilities and to have an almost messianic status. He saw the overthrow of colonial rule in terms similar to a millenarian event and he harnessed the discontent of the tribal people to support his anti-colonial zeal, whilst also accommodating the grievances of those muttadars who were sympathetic to his aim rather than merely narrow-minded in their pursuit of a revived status for themselves. This meant that his followers were mostly from the tribal communities but did include some significant people from the muttadar class that at one time had exploited them, although many muttadars were ambivalent about fighting for what Raju perceived to be the greater good. It was the prevalent diseases, to which the tribal people had acquired a tolerance, that hindered the Raj suppression of the rebellion.
Reichel-Dolmatoff participated in academic congresses and seminars and wrote conference papers in universities and international or national academic events in South America, North America and Central America as well as in Europe, Japan. In the field of archaeology, Reichel-Dolmatoff helped define the early archeological evidence of the Formative Stage in Colombia, based on sites excavated which provided the then most ancient site in all the Americas where pottery had originated over 6,000 years ago, and this research was tied also to new interpretations of the meaning and connections of the cultural evolution of Colombia with other regions of the Americas. Reichel-Dolmatoff researched origins of early chiefdoms and explained the millenarian evolution of Amerindian cultures and their links to contemporary indigenous groups. His excavations focused mainly on living spaces and garbage heaps, where the archaeologist avoided exploring or excavating monumental sculptures, monumental architecture and indigenous burial sites.
Sculpture of the Horned God of Wicca found in the Museum of Witchcraft in Boscastle, Cornwall In the 1960s and 1970s, esotericism came to be increasingly associated with the growing counter- culture in the West, whose adherents understood themselves in participating in a spiritual revolution that would mark the Age of Aquarius. By the 1980s, these currents of millenarian currents had come to be widely known as the New Age movement, and it became increasingly commercialised as business entrepreneurs exploited a growth in the spiritual market. Conversely, other forms of esoteric thought retained the anti-commercial and counter-cultural sentiment of the 1960s and 1970s, namely the techno-shamanic movement promoted by figures such as Terence McKenna and Daniel Pinchbeck which built on the work of anthropologist Carlos Castaneda. This trend was accompanied by the increased growth of modern Paganism, a movement initially dominated by Wicca, the religion propagated by Gerald Gardner.
Schumacher 1962, p. 354, also Blinkhorn 2008, p. 11 The Integrist propaganda at times revealed a millenarian tone, claiming that the day of reckoning compare the famous prophecy of Donoso Cortes: “Nadie sabrá decir dónde está el tremendo día de la batalla y cuándo el campo todo está lleno con las falanges católicas y las falanges socialistas”, quoted after this site; given these words were written in 1851, some authors note that the day envisioned came 83 years later, Pío Moa, El derrumbe de la segunda república y la guerra civil, Madrid 2001, , 9788474906257, p. 159 is necessary before a genuine Catholic Spain would be reborn.Schumacher 1962, p. 355 Analysis of the Integrist political philosophy is based on theoretical works; how it would have translated into praxis remains nothing but a speculation. Electoral campaigns provide evidence that practical considerations had some moderating effect on the Integrist outlook, as local juntas not infrequently closed deals even with parties at the other end of political spectrum.
In 1893, he co-founded the Literarische Donaugesellschaft literary society, and involved himself in Austria's Pan-German nationalist movement, a milieu which sought the integration of Austria into the German Empire. During an 11-month period of blindness in 1902, List became increasingly interested in occultism, in particular coming under the influence of the Theosophical Society, resulting in an expansion of his Wotanic beliefs to incorporate Runology and the Armanen Futharkh. The popularity of his work among the völkisch and nationalist communities resulted in the establishment of a List Society in 1908; attracting significant middle and upper-class support, the Society published List's writings and included an Ariosophist inner group, the High Armanen Order, over whom List presided as Grand Master. Through these ventures he promoted the millenarian view that modern society was degenerate, but that it would be cleansed through an apocalyptic event resulting in the establishment of a new Pan-German Empire that would embrace Wotanism.
170 a millenarian prophet who had died in 1202 and whose ideas were taken up by the Fraticelli strand of the Franciscan Order. On the basis on his interpretation of the Book of Revelation, Joachim had postulated that 1260 would see the beginning of a Third Age, an age governed by the Holy Spirit, in which the hierarchy of the Church would become unnecessary - an idea which was obviously unwelcome to the Pope. In the event, 1260 - still in Alexander IV 's lifetime - came and went with no such Third Age materializing, but Joachim's ideas would in later centuries be taken up by the Cult of the Holy Spirit which had a major impact in Portugal and its colonies. The pontiff also, on 27 September 1258, declared in the bull Quod super nonnullis that "divination or sorcery" was not to be investigated by Inquisitors of the Church, who were tasked with investigating heresy.
A few days after, Toghrül himself — having sworn to be true not only to the Caliph, but also to the Buwayhid amir, al-Malik al-Rahim, made his entry into the capital, where he was well received both by chiefs and people. During this and the previous caliphs' period, literature, especially Persian literature, flourished under the patronage of the Buwayhids. The famous philosopher al- Farabi died in 950; al-Mutanabbi, acknowledged in the East as the greatest of Arabic poets, and himself an Arab, in 965; and the greatest of all, the Iranian Abu Ali Husayn ibn Abdallah ibn Sina (Avicenna) in 1037. In 1058 in Bahrain, a dispute over the reading of the khutba in Al-Qa'im's name between members of the Abd al-Qays tribe and the millenarian Ismaili Qarmatian state prompted a revolt led by Abu al-Bahlul al-Awwam that threw off Qarmatian rule and led to the unravelling of the Qarmatian state which finally collapsed in al-Hasa in 1067.
Lin Qing, head of the sect and leader of the uprising The Eight Trigrams uprising of 1813 broke out in China under the Qing dynasty. The rebellion was started by some elements of the millenarian Tianli Sect (天理教) or Heavenly Principle Sect, which was a branch of the White Lotus Sect. Led by Lin Qing (林清; 1770–1813) and Li Wencheng, the revolt occurred in the Zhili, Shandong, and Henan provinces of China. In 1812, the leaders of the Eight Trigram Sect (Bagua jiao) also known as the Sect of Heavenly Order (Tianli jiao) announced that leader Li Wencheng was a 'true lord of the Ming' and declared 1813 as the year for rebellion, while Lin Qing declared himself the reincarnation of Maitreya, the prophesied future Buddha in Buddhism, using banners with the inscription "Entrusted by Heaven to Prepare the Way", a reference to the popular novel Water Margin.
The Musha‘sha’iyyah () were a Shi'i sect founded and led by Muhammad ibn Falah, an Iraqi-born theologian who believed himself to be the earthly representative of Ali and the Mahdi. From the middle of the 15th century to the 19th century, they came to dominate much of western Khuzestan Province in southwestern Iran. Beginning in 1436, ibn Falah spread his messianic beliefs amongst the less powerful Arab tribes along the area of the present-day border of Iraq and Iran, gaining converts in an attempt to forge a strong tribal alliance.Britannica In 1441, they succeeded in capturing the city of Hoveyzeh in Khuzestan, and during the following ten years the Musha‘sha’iyyah increased their strength and consolidated their power in the area around the city and the Tigris. These early military ambitions were fueled by Muhammad ibn Falah's zealous millenarian theology, which continued to significantly influence the later military campaigns of the Musha‘sha’iyyah decades after his death.
Hexham has lectured in undergraduate and post-graduate programs covering topics such as cults, sects and new religious movements, history of religion, sociology of religion, African history and religions, religion and society in South Africa, millenarian movements, theology and politics, Christianity and culture, missions and society, religion and ethics, fundamentalism and charismatic religion, methods in the study of religion, and the philosophy of religion. His academic interests are listed as political religions; nationalism and religion; Afrikaner nationalism; Nazism; new religious movements; world religions in modern society; world Christianity and Christian missions, African initiated/independent churches; modern religious thought; while his research interests are said to be Ancestral neo-Paganism, the New Right, and political religions in Germany. He served as a contributing editor to the Journal of Theology for Southern Africa (1981–1993), and is on the Editorial Board of Studies in Religion. Hexham has written or co-edited a number of works treating various facets of religion in South Africa including African independent churches, Afrikaner Calvinism, and Zulu religion.
At some point he also entered holy orders. In 1580 Kett resigned his fellowship and studied medicine, graduating MD in 1581, and in 1585 "Francis Kett, doctor of phisick" published 'The Glorious and Beautiful Garland of Man's Glorification, containing the godly misterie of heavenly Jerusalem', a book dedicated to Queen Elizabeth: and also in 1585 But in 1588 Edmund Scambler, the Bishop of Norwich, brought charges of heresy against him. Kett's views, if the charges against him were accurate, seem to have approximated to Arianism: he believed Jesus was not God but a good man who had suffered "only as Jesus already, and shall suffer hereafter as Christ" (that is, that having returned to earth Jesus would "suffer againe for the sinnes of the world" and eventually become divine). Kett also had millenarian beliefs, claiming that "Christ is now in his human nature gathering a church in Erthe in Judea"; and that "this year of our Lord 1588 divers Jews shall be sent to divers countries to publish the new covenant".
Other authors included Guido von List, his associate Lanz von Liebenfels, and the British-born German racial theorist Houston Stewart Chamberlain, all of whom felt that the white race in general and Germanic peoples in particular were superior to others, and that given the purification of both the white race and the German people from the other races which were "polluting" them, a new millenarian age of Aryan god-men would arrive. Nazi policy stressed the superiority of the Germanic Ubermenschen (superhuman) Nordic race, a sub-race of the white Caucasian race European population defined by anthropometric models of racial difference. The Nordic race was said to comprise only the Germanic peoples: Scandinavians and the rest of the Nordic countries (Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Icelanders, and Faroese), ethnic Germans (including Austrians, Banat Swabians, as well as Sudeten, Baltic and Volga Germans), Alemannic Swiss, Liechtensteiners, Luxembourgers, the Dutch, Flemings, Afrikaners, Frisians and the English. The Nazi racial theorist Hans F. K. Günther first defined "Nordic thought" in his programmatic book Der Nordische Gedanke unter den Deutschen.
Jeffrey Kaplan describes how the book was used by cults to support apocalyptic theories, particular relating to the end- of-times.Kaplan, Jeffrey, Radical religion in America: millenarian movements from the far right to the children of Noah, Syracuse University Press, 1997, pp 119–120: :Kaplan quotes Pranaitis, p 83: "VII. Those who Kill Christians Shall Have a High Place in Heaven In Zohar (I, 38b, and 39a) it says: 'In the places of the fourth heaven are those who lamented over Sion and Jerusalem, and all those who destroyed idolatrous nations ... and those who killed off people who worship idols are clothed in purple garments so that they may be recognised and honored" ... VIII. Jews must never cease to Exterminate the Goim; they must never leave them in peace and never submit to them.... In Hilkoth Akum (X, 1) it says: 'Do not eat with idolaters, nor permit them to worship their idols; for it is written: Make not covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them (Deut.
Juan Cole summarizes the situation at the advent of the Shaykhi School, and the questions that were unfolding as his views crystallized and he acquired an early following: Moojan Momen in his Introduction to Shiʻi Islam (George Ronald, Oxford, 1985) states that many mujtahids were afraid that the Shaykh's preference for intuitive knowledge, which he claimed to obtain directly by inspiration from the Imams, would seriously undermine the authority of their position. Momen has some interesting and useful commentary on Shaykh Ahmad's doctrines and his succession during which the conflict with Shiʻi orthodoxy intensified. Nader Saiedi in his Gate of the Heart (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2010) has characterised his followers by their fervent millenarian expectations, their complex mystical and esoteric knowledge, their insistence on the absolute transcendence of the divine Essence, their rejection of the doctrine of wahdatu’l-wujúd, their reinterpretation of the traditional doctrine of bodily resurrection (ma'ad-i- Jismani), and their ambiguous assertions concerning the necessity of the presence of a living Gate (a Báb) to the Hidden Imám for the guidance of the Shí'i community.
Flanagan has written about his change of views regarding Métis leader Louis Riel: > I had earlier accepted that the Métis had serious unresolved grievances;The > government of Canada never gave a satisfactory response to the complaints; > the Riel resorted to violence only after legal means of action it failed; > and that he received a trial of questionable validity before being executed > by vengeful government. As I sifted the evidence this became less and less > convincing to me until I concluded that the opposite was closer to the > truth: that the Métis grievances were at least partly of their own making; > that the government was on the verge of resolving them when the Rebellion > broke out; That Riel's resort to arms could not be explained by the failure > of constitutional agitation and that he received a surprisingly fair > trial.Thomas Flanagan, Riel and the Rebellion: 1885 Reconsidered (University > of Toronto Press, 2000). p. x Flanagan developed a theory that Riel could be understood as a millenarian prophet, not just as a political figure.
The book explores the cases of Hermano Pule and the Cofradía de San José (Confraternity of St. Joseph), a millenarian peasant movement in Luzon; revolutionary leader Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan in 1896 (the leaders of the Katipunan having used a pasyon rhetoric to attract followers to the nascent secret society); Emilio Aguinaldo's elite-led Republican Revolution; Macario Sakay's Tagalog Republic and continued resistance to "benevolent assimilation;" and later peasant leader Felipe Salvador and the Santa Iglesia struggle in the early years of American occupation. The work challenged the dominant narrative of an ilustrado or elite-led Revolution [i.e., kinship ties, patron-client relationships, utang- na-loob (debt of gratitude); in other words, the pricipalía or the provincial elites and their relationship with their poorer, dependent clients as the "dominant modes of mobilization"] by using an ignored “master text” such as the pasyon which offered an alternative reading of the Revolution. Ileto advanced a "history from below" approach, emphasizing the agency of the common man, and sought for an exploration of an indigenous rationality to discover a wider "possibility of meanings" in Philippine history.
Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination. Before the early 1990s, New World Order conspiracism was limited to two American countercultures, primarily the militantly anti-government right and secondarily that part of fundamentalist Christianity concerned with the end- time emergence of the Antichrist. Skeptics, such as Michael Barkun and Chip Berlet, observed that right-wing populist conspiracy theories about a New World Order had not only been embraced by many seekers of stigmatized knowledge but had seeped into popular culture, thereby inaugurating a period during the late 20th and early 21st centuries in the United States where people are actively preparing for apocalyptic millenarian scenarios. Those political scientists are concerned that mass hysteria over New World Order conspiracy theories could eventually have devastating effects on American political life, ranging from escalating lone-wolf terrorism to the rise to power of authoritarian ultranationalist demagogues.

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