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172 Sentences With "meat eating"

How to use meat eating in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "meat eating" and check conjugation/comparative form for "meat eating". Mastering all the usages of "meat eating" from sentence examples published by news publications.

After all, birds evolved from tiny, meat-eating dinosaurs called theropods.
Was there a cow app that was related to meat eating?
And the surprisingly subtle choices to balance meat-eating and environmentalism.
Just eat less beef and stick to health guidelines for meat eating.
She argues the culture of meat-eating is intrinsic to hegemonic masculinity.
I like to loosely think of my approach as mindful meat-eating.
Disease is threatening Tasmanian devils, the largest meat-eating marsupial in the world.
And you hope your guests run the gamut in their meat-eating desires.
How sturdy is the scientific evidence on the climate impacts of meat eating?
Its teeth are curved and have serrated edges, traits usually associated with meat-eating.
Participants propose plenty of green ideas, including better recycling procedures, or less meat-eating.
Plus, people find it difficult to cut back on meat eating, the authors said.
In some neighborhoods, meat eating is so taboo that it's not done in public.
Cinder's method of steak cookery goes against every meat-eating, steak-grilling instinct I have.
Plus, I bet you're looking at sharks differently now, not as mindless, meat-eating machines.
So was this borderline painful exercise in forced meat eating even worth it for me?
In fact, of course, its authors were merely advocating a sensible reduction in meat eating.
Canadian researchers have discovered a new species of meat-eating sponge in the North Atlantic Ocean.
On the contrary, as countries such as China grow richer, meat-eating is on the increase.
Meat-eating dinosaurs, including Saltriovenator, belong to a group of two-legged dinosaurs known as theropods.
One big contributor to the changing climate is meat-eating, and China looks ever more carnivorous.
And that's why studies linking meat eating or dairy eating to particular disease outcomes can be misleading.
I am not against meat-eating, but I just can't [do it myself] because of my health.
Because the impact on the environment of heavy meat eating is horrible, not to mention the cruelty.
The Saurischian branch includes both sauropods like the herbivorous diplodocus, and theropods like the meat-eating tyrannosaurs.
This helps explain the enormous interest in a number of articles we have published about meat-eating.
Pterosaurs likely had to fly immediately to evade the jaws of meat-eating dinosaurs, according to the study.
In turn, "Most Europeans were absolutely appalled" by the level of meat-eating in early America, Kraig said.
While the report is still theoretical, it's certainly (plant-based) food for thought on our meat-eating habits.
Even before this latest animal epidemic, Chinese living in wealthier cities were having qualms about excessive meat-eating.
But even most meat-eating Americans are strongly opposed to the abuses that are commonplace in the industry.
With meat-eating on certain dates limited for religious reasons, they eagerly seized on a new source of fish.
I'm a vegetarian, so I recruited a meat-eating friend to the taste test for an opinion as well.
Red meat: Eating less red meat — for decades, scientists' and doctors' recommendation to patients — may not make you healthier.
"The front end of the jaw is unlike any other meat-eating dinosaur I've ever seen," Dr. Kirkland said.
The research centered on several meat-eating dinosaurs, but Majungasaurus crenatissimus was really the star of carnivorous dinosaur dentition.
He called himself "a gun-toting, meat-eating leftie" during an interview with the Los Angeles Times back in 2004.
The skeletons are mounted with the T. rex, one of the largest meat-eating dinosaurs, standing over the fallen Triceratops.
The EU expects only a tiny decline in meat-eating, from 69.3kg per person to 68.7kg, between 1403 and 2030.
"How did a prairie-dwelling, red-meat-eating, gun-toting former conservative become the hope of liberal radio?" he wrote.
In 1866, Cope described the bones of a meat-eating dinosaur, a relative of Tyrannosaurus rex, found in another Mantua quarry.
A new study finds that changes in your red-meat-eating habits can be tied to your risk of early death.
Some past reports on meat eating have also factored in the environmental and social effects of gobbling up steaks and bacon.
Up until now, it wasn't clear if Razana was a massive, meat-eating theropod dinosaur, or some other kind of reptile.
That dinosaur, most likely a fleet-footed, meat-eating theropod, had lived near a stream in a forest of towering conifers.
But the rest of the population is not so taken with being reprimanded about their meat-eating in an aggressive way.
I grew up in a city, in a meat-eating family, where we ate chicken at least three times a week.
From cats and ferrets to birds and snakes, traditionally meat-eating animals of every stripe are being made to go vegan, too.
It seems it became more advantageous for some of the meat-eating dinosaurs to start eating plants, possibly even out of necessity.
The mutation isn't needed in meat-eating populations, because those fatty acids are naturally found in food, like meat, eggs, and dairy.
That's because even meat-eating Americans have been increasingly expressing reservations about the way our food system puts meat on their plates.
Eumaniraptorans, part of the larger theropod assemblage of two-legged meat-eating dinosaurs, generally were small and bird-like, covered in colorful plumage.
There's no previous polling to look to on plant-based meat eating: this is the first time Gallup has asked Americans these questions.
But the rest of the meat-eating, soul-having population knows that chicken soup just feels right when the foliage starts to turn.
And, the author notes, in the coming years per-person meat eating is expected to reach highs not seen in more than a decade.
But they especially hate Dilophosauruses, the little, meat-eating venom-spitters that took down Newman (OK fine, Wayne Knight) in the original Jurassic Park.
"The Vegetarian" needs all this bloodletting because in its universe, violence is connected with physical sustenance — in meat-eating, sex-having, even care-taking.
That suggests that while in America many people identify with their meat-eating and actively don't want alternatives, that trend isn't a global one.
Paleontologists found tiny flakes of fossilised skin on a crow-sized microraptor , a meat-eating dinosaur that had wings on all four of its limbs.
Recently, when I read through the findings of an informal British study conducted on men's meat-eating habits, I immediately recalled a classic Seinfeld episode.
In fact, meat-eating barely even comes up, besides a recommendation that Americans eat "lean meats" when they can and cut down on saturated fats.
Until now, the largest track from a meat-eating dinosaur measured at 663 centimeters and was discovered in New Mexico, according to paleontologist Sebastian Apesteguia.
A new virtual reality factory farm tour is traveling the UK to test the meat-eating resolve of anyone willing to strap on the goggles.
Anyone else who's making a product that can compete against meat from an animal for a meat-eating consumer is an ally, not a competitor.
When the sandwiches were ready, Ms. Coolidge cut them into quarters and headed outside to share them with her meat-eating publicists — a vegan seduction.
Birds, many meat-eating dinosaurs and some plant-eating dinosaurs are known to have had feathers, though these looked different from those seen on the pterosaurs.
Wendy Higgins of the Humane Society International said activists on the ground reported fewer dogs killed and less visible dog meat eating than in years past.
Seemingly cute cat GIFs can actually be a product of disease or pain; picture of cows or pigs can certainly generate angry comments about meat eating.
PETA showed off this billboard in front of the White House — it ties together President Ronald Reagan, Alzheimer's disease, and meat-eating into one shocking package.
It lived alongside meat-eating dinosaurs about 20 feet (6 meters) long, as well as armored dinosaurs, turtles, shrew-sized mammals and flying reptiles called pterosaurs.
Why has it taken so long to recognize that Huxley had almost certainly been right about the origin of birds from some meat-eating theropod dinosaurs?
Some animals are bigger than others — and that incredibly banal fact can have some important ramifications for the ethics of meat eating, a recent study suggests.
For people like me who have shed our meat-eating ways, going back to the largely plant-based diet of our forebears has brought only benefits.
"Anyone else who's making a product that can compete against meat from an animal for a meat-eating consumer is an ally, not a competitor," he said.
So most humans, even those who know that meat-eating is bad, make excuses for their behavior rather than adhering to their beliefs and giving up meat.
Reese knows that meat eating is deeply ingrained in many cultures and is growing in others, and that convincing people to give it up won't be easy.
If we put those statistics into human terms, cats and dogs are responsible for up to 30 percent of the environmental impact of meat-eating in America.
It's how Ms. Gomez's family got its name and why she grew up a meat-eating Catholic in a land where vegetarianism is the predominant eating style.
Joy's latest book, Beyond Beliefs, gets to the heart of the discomfort that Klein and many other vegans and vegetarians feel discussing veganism with meat-eating friends.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A newly discovered meat-eating dinosaur that prowled Argentina 90 million years ago would have had a hard time using strong-arm tactics against its prey.
This all fits veganism's association with valuing health, simplicity and low environmental impact—an implicit rejection of the values and coronary arteries of older red-meat-eating men.
Change also signals that more people will curb their meat eating in the future, and people conform to this anticipated norm as if it were a current reality.
The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health estimates that a moderate reduction in meat eating could prevent up to 200,000 deaths a year in the U.S. alone.
It's how her family got its name, and why she grew up a meat-eating Roman Catholic in a state where more than half the population is Hindu.
After he took the stage, he gave an emotional speech and riffed on several topics, including oblique references to meat-eating, past mistakes and forms of societal inequality.
Even those who donate massively to environmental causes tend to be doing more to warm the earth than your average meat-eating car-driver subsisting below the poverty line.
Such vigilantes have gained notoriety in recent years as attacks on meat-eating Muslims or on lower-caste Hindus working in the leather trade have led to several deaths.
Though they are not opposed to meat eating fundamentally, they deplore the enormous amounts of land required for it, unethical production methods and other unhealthy byproducts of the industry.
When Foer published his case against eating meat, Eating Animals, Portman wrote an op-ed for the Huffington Post about how the book convinced her to become a vegan.
Though the virus is believed to have originated in bats, there's no evidence that meat-eating is linked to the coronavirus, and you can't get it from your pets.
I have ascended into some perceived higher plane, become the perfect version of myself I so long to manifest, floating above the meat-eating, carb-addicted, phone-holding rabble.
The youth-oriented conservative groups that thrived were focused more on culture (gun rights, meat eating) than on deficits or spending, while young voters moved further and further left.
Senator Orrin Hatch, the 83-year-old Republican Senator from Utah, has always been a strong advocate for the meat-eating community: a population that, of course, needs no defense.
Such behavior is seen nowadays in some birds, and the discovery suggests that two-legged, meat-eating dinosaurs called theropods did it about 100 million years ago, the researchers said.
And The Knot gives an enthusiastic 'yes' to putting one non-veggie meal on the menu, especially if your meat-eating future in-laws or parents are paying for it.
So, how do you solve the world's meat-eating problem if we aren't ready to go to full green V but, y'know, the planet is kinda screwed by climate change?
Villagers said they had sharply cut back their expenses — cutting out meat, eating only one meal a day and forgoing the usual celebration of Ramadan, which began late last month.
One was a relatively small two-legged meat-eating dinosaur, another was a similarly small four-legged apparently plant-eating dinosaur and the third may have been a primitive mammal.
Foer makes the case that, for Americans and citizens of other voracious meat-eating countries, this is the most important individual change we can make to reduce our carbon footprints.
Eating meat is a hugely contested topic in the predominantly Hindu country, where cows are considered sacred and violence has frequently flared up between India's Hindu and meat-eating Muslim communities.
But meat-eating (and egg- and dairy-eating, for that matter) is a timeworn tradition, and calls to abandon animal products en masse clearly haven't won over the majority of Americans.
America's hot dog patriotism did not occur by accident, he says, but by design: starting with an early national desire to distinguish America as a meat-eating (and therefore prosperous) country.
"Saltriovenator predates the massive meat-eating dinosaurs by over 25 million years and sheds light on the evolution of the three-fingered hand of birds," Dal Sasso said in a statement.
According to the psychological theory of cognitive dissonance, humans experience extreme stress when there is an inconsistency between our beliefs ("Meat-eating is bad") and our behaviors ("I like eating meat").
So I was excited when the itinerary of a business trip permitted me the one night I was ever likely to spend in Lyons, France, a world capital of meat eating.
"I'm not vegan ... but I promise, this is actually really good," says meat-eating music producer That Orko after taste-testing Carl's Jr. Beyond Burger on pop singer Miss Krystle's YouTube channel.
One of the problems with meat-eating is the fragmentation of the animal, in which people eat a leg or a thigh or a breast; they aren't relating to the entire animal.
Consumers in China and India are substantially more open-minded about clean meat than consumers in the US — and even in the US, many meat-eating consumers are intrigued by the idea.
The advocacy group suggested that people who want to do less harm with their meat eating, yet can't abide the thought of going meatless, ought to switch to consuming giant singing cetaceans.
With the release earlier this year of their new recipe, the Impossible Burger 2.0, many meat-eating customers have said they can't tell the difference between the Impossible Burger and ground beef.
But these pearly whites probably weren't for meat-eating; instead, researchers suspect that this dinosaur used its giant teeth to shear through fibrous leaves that other dinosaurs turned their noses up at.
The research, an analysis of previous evidence on meat eating, reported that the health benefits of cutting back on meat are "minimal" compared with the enjoyment most people get from eating it.
"A shift to healthier patterns of meat-eating could bring a quarter of the emissions reductions we need to keep on track for a two-degree world," Chatham House reported in November.
Whether you're vegetarian or just trying to cut down on your meat eating, this sandwich packs in all your favorite parts of the Reuben so you won't even miss the corned beef.
While this bone-pulverizing ability is seen in living meat-eating mammals like wolves and hyenas, it's unusual for reptiles, which don't have the teeth needed to strip prey down to the marrow.
At the other end of the size spectrum are 5 and ½-inch tracks made by feet with three toes, suggesting that bipedal meat-eating dinosaurs such as Coelophysis walked through this volatile landscape.
Majungasaurus had to replace its mouth full of teeth about every two months, growing replacements in each socket anywhere from two to 13 times faster than other meat-eating dinosaurs, the researchers found.
And staring at a pool of glossy brown livers as the man next to you dabs a smear of plasma from his earlobe can bring the reality of meat-eating into sharp relief.
So it should be no surprise that the extinct marsupial lion (Thylacoleo carnifex), the biggest meat-eating mammal ever known to roam Australia, is one of the gnarliest animals in the fossil record.
A monstrous, meat-eating flying reptile that had a wingspan of a small airplane, could walk on all fours and stalked its prey on land has been found in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia.
Plant-based alternatives to meat have found their way into upscale restaurants and fast-food joints alike, but the trend hasn't really cracked Thanksgiving — one of the biggest meat-eating days of the year.
The approach is known as "taste aversion conservation" and aims to teach native meat-eating animals like quolls and goanas not to eat yucky cane toads, by giving them small samples of the slimey creature.
On the Institute of Human Origin's website, Kimbel explains that the only clear damage seen on Lucy's bones is a single tooth puncture mark on her left pubic bone, likely from a meat-eating predator.
Impossible and Beyond have been strategic in partnering with major chains to spread the plant-based gospel, understanding that their products give consumers the opportunity to consume less meat in a largely meat-eating society.
As I wrote in my "Eat" column this week, I'm back on the turkey again, back spooning gravy over soft, luscious dark meat, eating it on toast with a drift of mashed potatoes and peas.
"It's really surprising to see such elevated tooth replacement rates in a meat-eating dinosaur," said David Evans, a vertebrate paleontologist at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto who was not involved in the study.
Nonetheless, Australia continues to rank among the top meat-eating countries in the world, and it is also a major exporter of animal products to countries like China, said Mr. Mahar of the National Farmers' Federation.
But meat-eating itself is under increased ethical scrutiny today which, even while it is unlikely to be banned anytime soon, makes for a weak foundation on which to justify extending animal exploitation to a new arena.
But really, all the attention was on the three-minute Bachelor in Paradise trailer, which featured Chad Johnson in all his deli-meat-eating glory, Evan bleeding (again) and, of course, plenty of romance (and romantic drama!).
They instill the ethos of "hakuna matata," a wonderful phrase that means "no worries," via an earworm of a Disney song — oh, and they also convince a meat-eating lion embrace a diet of grubs and insects.
"What The Sexual Politics of Meat is trying to do is say that the patriarchal attitude, or the patriarchal ethics, of meat eating creates other beings as objects, not as subjects," Adams tells me over the phone.
For the first time ever, scientists found something different in these fossils: evidence of "proto-feathers from meat-eating dinosaurs," a press release reported, making this the initial discovery of feathered dinosaurs at such a high latitude.
SUCRE, Bolivia (Reuters) - A footprint measuring over a meter wide that was made by a meat-eating predator some 80 million years ago has been discovered in Bolivia, one of the largest of its kind ever found.
At a Michigan rally in March, President Trump said there would be "no more cows" if the Green New Deal were adopted; days earlier, Trump's former adviser Sebastian Gorka had likened criticism of meat-eating to Stalinism.
The stakes: While eating beef has the steepest environmental impact — a diet that includes beef has 10 times the climate impact of a plant-based diet — other types of meat-eating hurt the planet, too, Hurowitz says.
" Written under a pseudonym around the same time as some of Whitman's best-known poems of homoerotic love, the 63,26-word series recommends meat-eating, bare-knuckled boxing, comfortable footwear and avoiding "too much brain action and fretting.
In the first four episodes of the show, a chicken, a calf, a lamb, and a pig are each given to one of four different meat-eating families who have to decide what they'll do with the animal.
Here's the story, as presented in the new study: Around 8,000 years ago, as humans transitioned from predominantly meat-eating lifestyles to agriculture, the foods our ancestors ate became softer, which had a pronounced effect on the human bite.
The scientists concluded that the bone mounted as Sue's wishbone was misidentified in 2000 and they will replace it with the dinosaur's actual wishbone, or furcula, the fused collar bones typical of meat-eating dinosaurs and their evolutionary descendants the birds.
A family gathering where Yeong-hye is attacked by her own father over meat-eating ­spirals several layers darker into self-harm, though it won't be the last time a man (or she herself, for that matter) violates her body.
"Opening a museum drawer, we saw a row of gigantic meat-eating teeth, clearly belonging to a species new to science," said Matthew Borths, study author and curator of the Division of Fossil Primates at Duke University, in a statement.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's late-night TV quip this year about how no one should be "eating a hamburger for breakfast, lunch, and dinner," the Green New Deal says nothing about meat-eating or vegetarianism or any other kind of diet.
Other dinosaurs on display include: a rearing Camarasaurus - one of the long-necked, four-legged sauropods; a 90-foot-long (27-meter-long) Diplodocus, another sauropod; a meat-eating Allosaurus sitting, guarding a nest of eggs; and the tank-like armored Euoplocephalus.
Then there was the news that China may be making "owl wine" with live birds and just last week, our non-meat-eating friends had to watch a bowl of their hallowed green, kale, being torched by a vegan-hating SWAT officer.
Reese swiftly and easily dispenses with the idea that eating meat is "necessary" for health, pointing out that vegans and vegetarians are often healthier than their meat-eating counterparts, and that vegan athletes and bodybuilders have no trouble getting protein or gaining strength.
One morning in 2015, in a provocation that helped to establish the limits of Danish acceptance of animal deaths, Asger Juhl, a talk-radio host, killed a rabbit live on the air during a three-hour discussion about meat-eating and animal rights.
"It is the first evidence of an extremely large meat-eating animal roaming a landscape otherwise dominated by a variety of herbivorous, omnivorous and much-smaller carnivorous dinosaurs," paleontologist Lara Sciscio of the University of Cape Town in South Africa added in the interview.
The coronavirus outbreak is reaching a global tipping point, and the window to contain it is 'narrowing,' according to WHO10 myths about the coronavirus, including a link to meat-eating and imported packagesScientists say the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak could soon be declared a pandemic.
Read more:10 myths about the coronavirus, including a link to meat-eating and imported packagesThere's only one way to know if you have the coronavirus, and it involves machines full of spit and mucusThe Wuhan coronavirus has killed 427 people and infected more than 20,000.
"The paleontologists who described the new dinosaur suggest that the spines may have been used for defense, but it's hard for me to imagine that such thin, delicate, gaudy structures would have been much use in deflecting the bite of a big meat-eating dinosaur," said Brusatte.
So the team has a fair bit of work to do building out the database to ensure the meal planning feature can support users who are vegan or vegetarian, for instance, or who are trying to stick to a specific meat-eating diet such as paleo.
Each had a pretty personal answer to the (very, very softball) question: Yang mentioned a Republican trucker, Booker slipped in the fact that he is vegan and had difficulty dining with meat-eating Texan Ted Cruz, and both Klobuchar and Biden fondly remembered the late Republican Sen.
Mr. Trump, Mr. Scaramucci said, was "saying cuckoo-la-la things to insult the intelligentsia because what he's discovered is that the average American, the red-meat-eating Middle American, loves the swipes at the know-it-alls, and I think Donald Trump is enjoying doing that."
The overlooked fossils stored at the National Museums of Kenya belonged to one of the largest meat-eating mammals ever to walk the Earth, a beast called Simbakubwa kutokaafrika that stalked Africa 22 million years ago, according to research by Stevens and co-author Matthew Borths published on Thursday.
Even just sticking to health guidelines for meat-eating would have a huge effect I first looked at the International Energy Agency's 21003DS pathway, scenario which assumes that the world will make fairly ambitious changes in its energy system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the decades ahead.
In the film, Suman, who is researching the panoply of meat-eating traditions of North-East India (a nugget that also haunts the film's satisfyingly repelling climax) and Nirmali, who soon inducts herself in his Meat Club, develop feelings for each other due to their shared carnivorous palate.
However, as we also noted at the time, meat-eating is still prevalent, slaughter methods vary, and standards of welfare and the definition of cruelty are not always congruent across the globe, making it difficult to single out one animal, or one dish, that doesn't make the ethics cut.
This is a shame, because the Middle Jurassic was a critical time in dinosaur evolution, an era that witnessed the emergence of the earliest meat-eating tyrannosaurs, the spread and diversification of plate-backed stegosaurs, the introduction of the first birds, and the rise of the long-necked, four-legged sauropods.
Scientists on Wednesday proposed a radical overhaul of the dinosaur family tree first laid out in 1888, concluding after an analysis of 75 species that the meat-eating group that includes T. rex should not be lumped in with the long-necked, long-tailed, four-legged plant-eaters like Brontosaurus.
However, a new study suggests that vegetarians and vegans may be at a higher risk of stroke than their meat-eating counterparts -- although those who don't eat meat have a lower chance of coronary heart disease, according to the new paper, published in the medical journal the BMJ on Wednesday.
Sausage is really funny in that any meat-eating culture that has food that has emerged from necessity or poverty has created sausage, because it's created out of leftovers, when you kill an animal and you don't want to waste it and you stuff every bit of it into its own intestines.
And while the think tank Chatham House affirmed that reducing meat consumption was necessary to curb the effects of climate change in their own report later that year, the study did not claim that all meat eating needs to cease in order to limit warming to the internationally agreed-upon target of 2 degrees Celsius.
"Brusatte said the new study provides good evidence that a 13-meter-long, 7-to-8 ton body plan was "as big as the King got—but that's pretty big," adding that T. rex is still the "biggest pure meat-eating animal that has ever lived on land as far as we currently know.
But the meatless meat products on the market today are different in one important way: An alternative meat, like a Beyond Meat burger or the Impossible Burger, is a product made from plants that is meant to taste like meat, be marketed to meat-eating customers, and replace some of those customers' meat purchases.
They also found at least 20 individual coelophysoid theropods (bipedal, mostly meat-eating dinosaurs), the teeth of a much larger theropod, a drepanosaurid (a creature with a head like a bird, arms like a mole and a claw at the end of its tail) and two types of sphenodontids (which looks like the  modern tuatara of New Zealand ).
In the literature of meat-eating ethics—in which Peter Singer's Animal Liberation is the philosophically rigorous canonical text, Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals the sentimental journey toward vegetarianism, and Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma the gourmand's effort to balance conscience and appetite—Reese has carved out his own niche: the business-friendly techno-utopian optimist.
It's questions like these that Blindspotting asks with an obvious air of knowing exactly what the hell it's talking about, and the result is some real earnestness mixed in with a lot of excellent jokes (like a relaunched burger place that requires meat-eating customers to specify they want a meat patty when they order, because the default is vegan).
"Misinformation always plays on the fault lines of our fears and deepest beliefs," Sinha said, pointing to some of the rumors rife in an increasingly communalized India — that Muslim youth are refusing coronavirus testing for religious reasons, or the stigmatization of meat-eating by saying that meat-suppliers in west India have shut shop because cattle are infected with the coronavirus.
The fact remains, eating animals contributes to climate change and, given that meat-eating also has profound negative effects on public health, other environmental issues (in Iowa alone, pigs produce as much excrement as more than 80 million people) and our farming culture (almost 40 percent of all corn is grown to feed confined animals), it behooves us to do less of it.
Photograph by Eric Helgas for The New Yorker In an age in which stand-alone butchers are starting to feel like relics, and the ethics of meat-eating have never been under sharper scrutiny, Hudson & Charles is part of a small group (see also: Fleishers, Dickson's Farmstand, the Meat Hook, Marlow & Daughters) that has managed to find an edge by offering meat that is, at least, as conscientiously raised as meat can be.
Read more:Experts say the cruise ship quarantine was unjustified and violated human rights, letting the coronavirus 'literally pick them off one by one'China is sending trucks to spray bleach on entire cities as the country struggles to contain the Wuhan coronavirus10 myths about the coronavirus, including a link to meat-eating and imported packagesThe new coronavirus has killed nearly 3 times as many people in 8 weeks as SARS did in 8 months.
While the technology is being put to good use in this case, in one other, many residents of China have complained on social media that their compulsory face masks have made it impossible to unlock their phones with Face ID.Read more:10 myths about the coronavirus, including a link to meat-eating and imported packagesThere's only one way to know if you have the coronavirus, and it involves machines full of spit and mucusThe Wuhan coronavirus has killed 427 people and infected more than 20,000.

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