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100 Sentences With "matter at hand"

How to use matter at hand in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "matter at hand" and check conjugation/comparative form for "matter at hand". Mastering all the usages of "matter at hand" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"I am almost certain that the committee will focus on the matter at hand and any allegations related to the matter at hand," he said.
It doesn't always have to relate directly to the matter at hand, either.
In fact, the matter at hand has drawn hardly any attention at all.
The salutary effects of that dynamic can reach beyond the matter at hand.
We must continue to keep our focus on the most urgent matter at hand.
But back to the more pressing matter at hand: that insane designer clothing purge.
Thus, cloture votes signal either ongoing or foreseen obstruction on the matter at hand.
But back to the matter at hand: Jake Paul's serious plan to fix a serious issue.
He gave a brief pitch for his many books that pertained to the matter at hand.
She also just seems to be overwhelmed by the emotional weight of the subject matter at hand.
He sided with the conservatives on the immediate matter at hand and let the Pennsylvania map stand.
"The matter at hand is larger than us and it is larger than Yale," they told Hyperallergic.
The key matter at hand remains the way forward for the Iran nuclear deal under President Trump.
I want to make sure we get the show down, and that's the matter at hand right now.
The matter at hand is a bitter conflict pitting Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt against Qatar.
But Mr. Trump also delivered a rambling, 75-minute speech that careened away from the matter at hand.
This was a problem, given that the matter at hand was one of her country's gravest peacetime decisions.
Back to the matter at hand, details about the new iPhones being revealed in September are somewhat scarce.
He doesn't want any of the lingering bad feelings with his parents to distract from the matter at hand.
Cordray sometimes wouldn't end a meeting until everyone in the room had weighed in on the matter at hand.
We can't know for certain until we examine the matter at hand—until we evaluate the arguments in themselves.
The rally was a convenient venue for Trump to address the matter at hand and let the rhetoric fly.
The matter at hand is how long he can keep doing this, as well as how long he wants to.
"You should be very careful when putting tweets out while not having your facts on the matter at hand," Clemens said.
In his February order, Judge Emmet Sullivan said any questioning would need to be "narrowly tailored" to the matter at hand.
Then the subject shifts to the matter at hand: Getting Harrison out of science class so he can witness the verdict.
Everyone recognizes that the purpose of any proper investigation of human moral disorders is the truth of the matter at hand.
Androids can get offended all the same as you can—though, just to reaffirm, I'm not offended in the matter at hand.
The Republican lawmakers spent as much time castigating the "fake media" and the "Russia hoax" as they did the matter at hand.
But there should be a line between facts — and attitudes — that judges can apply to the matter at hand, and those they can't.
Perhaps, people of Maine, you haven't noticed that your senator's political independence tends to work best when the matter at hand is meaningless.
Occasionally, people will politely ask where I was born and I will tell them, then steer them back to the matter at hand.
Instead of focusing on the matter at hand, I thought back to all the random, often drunken nights I wished I could take back.
A beauty-sick culture always, always finds a way to comment on a woman's appearance, no matter how irrelevant it is to the matter at hand.
But on Wednesday, the matter at hand was what to do with the encampment, which had become an abiding and, for some, spiritual symbol of activism.
As the men are dealing with the corpse of an old Inuit man they accidentally killed, they're none too worried about the very creepy matter at hand.
Back to the matter at hand: When you can't get to a farmers' market, there are many websites that offer advice on what to buy and when.
The media-savvy clan is recognizing fans' thirst for Kylie-related information, satiating it to a point… just until they get to the real matter at hand.
Attempts to cajole Democrats into supporting more than $5 billion in border wall funding have devolved into partisan squabbles with little bearing on the matter at hand.
But what lawmakers might have thought more than 50 years ago is irrelevant to the matter at hand, which is what the law they passed actually says.
After all, she was the female companion of the 22-year-old superstar earlier this year, so perhaps she has some critical knowledge on the matter at hand.
Pearce, calling his legal assistants in full-on lawyer mode, keeps name-checking court cases that are, once again, only kind of related to the matter at hand.
"I've definitely had cases where one side or the other is completely playing to the media and not really focusing on the matter at hand," she told him.
But even after a query about the shooting of a gorilla at an Ohio zoo over the weekend, reporters brought Mr. Trump back to the matter at hand.
The board listened and then voted unanimously on the matter at hand, to bring back tackle football for seventh graders, which it had banned only five years ago.
" Returning to the matter at hand, he explained: "No, uh, if you add the two words, Middle East, at the end of it, because that's a big problem.
However, he said there are rules that protect complainants from having a defense lawyer make assertions based on social-media posts that are irrelevant to the matter at hand.
Stephen Ryan, a lawyer for Cohen, pushed to give Jones the power to determine if certain files, such as family medical records, were totally irrelevant to the matter at hand.
"This trip will do what we often can't do: keep the President focused on the matter at hand," said a senior administration adviser who is involved in planning the trip.
"Today, the market is saying that's old news and let's focus on the matter at hand, which is earnings that will be coming out in earnest this week," Stovall said.
Republicans are likely to rely at least somewhat on theatrics and aggressive questioning of the witnesses, including on subjects that may not be directly related to the matter at hand.
Instead of first figuring out whether you should be granted asylum, the administration's first step is now to deal with the other matter at hand: the misdemeanor for illegal entry.
But what was striking was not just his message, of love and inclusion; or his tone, which was soaring and magisterial; or his obvious delight in the matter at hand.
Rather than confront and address political challenges, it provides a vehicle for people to feel better about themselves by deflecting their discursive energies away from the real matter at hand.
In it, Knope relays an anecdote from her childhood while working through her emotions – with a little help from her BFF Ann of course – before getting to the matter at hand.
" Doubling down on her message, Gaines returned the the important matter at hand, writing, "But the point is that MY DESIGN BOOK LAUNCHES NEXT TUESDAY (11/6) EVERYWHERE BOOKS ARE SOLD!!
The SEC matter at hand relates to the absence of express disclosure in marketing documents, eight or more years ago, about the possible acceleration of monitoring fees, a then-common industry practice.
So often, white writers and producers are shaping stories beyond the scope of their experience, inspired by elements that are secondary to the emotional consequences of the very sensitive matter at hand.
But texting is the entire premise of the Schumer sketch, so it's done in a more methodical manner than on most shows, and it actually feels relevant to the subject matter at hand.
Within the pages of the 1999 edition of Teenage Smokers, Templeton's images of cigarette-smoking youths manage to be painstakingly cool and nearly sensual at times, despite the innately taboo subject matter at hand.
The media should be supporting junior doctors, both male and female alike in the matter at hand: Hours and Pay, not making irrelevant, outrageous claims that women are less capable of doing the job.
The public, already primed against the president on the issue, would need no mental timeline of meetings, memos, and recusals, or working knowledge of the Emoluments clause to engage with the matter at hand.
For those just tuning in, the matter at hand concerns President Trump's abuse of power; he is accused of colluding with a foreign leader to leverage influence over democratic opponents in the 2020 election.
Given she has little involvement in the matter at hand, and that the conspiracy theory to which she is attached has been disproved, it is difficult to see House Democrats calling Chalupa to testify.
Given she has little involvement in the matter at hand and that the conspiracy theory to which she is attached has been disproved, it is difficult to see House Democrats calling Chalupa to testify.
Through reporting, and giving air and light to the facts of the matter at hand, I hope to improve the chances that the world he lives in will be as hospitable and stable as possible.
This was "both dangerous and unconscionable," Judge Hanen declared in an opinion that veered far from the matter at hand — sentencing a convicted smuggler — and that quickly won rave reviews on right-wing news sites.
The bottom line is that sometimes, people just want to prove how sophisticated they are and how much they know about the matter at hand, be it beans, grapes, roasting, fermenting, regions, aging, or whatever.
It is also unconstitutional in that it disregards the Excessive Fines Clause of the Constitution to obtain money that will not go to our employees and will have no connection to the matter at hand.
And while there's serious subject matter at hand, players will have the freedom to spend as much — or as little — time as they want exploring it, with all manner of side diversions to keep them occupied.
When one admiring voter asked Pressley about her ambitions for higher office, Pressley gave a standard answer at first — she's only focused on the matter at hand, helping Warren win the primary and beating Donald Trump.
So we're here to discuss an incident that happened recently, she would begin, making only a vague allusion to the matter at hand before stepping back to allow people to tell the story in their own way.
In other words, outside of our borders, in relations with other nations and organizations, there are very few sacred cows, especially if the matter at hand clashes directly with promises candidate Trump made to the American people.
And once you recover from having major Full House flashbacks to Michelle falling off her horse, you can focus on the matter at hand — looking at Olsen's gorgeous engagement ring and new wedding band worn during her ride.
In other words, though Friedrichs has been brought on behalf of teachers in the cause of free speech, its implications involve all public sector workers, and the matter at hand is really the weakening of public sector unions.
Welcoming pal Andy Cohen to the program, Mayer and the Watch What Happens Live host recapped Cohen's epic weekend baby shower before jumping into the matter at hand: how the musician could generate press for his own show.
I'm putting the newspaper back in the box for now, trying not to get distracted once again from the real matter at hand: the question of how to restore our nation to the better angels of its nature.
That is a fun fact — especially for us financial nerds — but I am not sure what it has to do with the matter at hand, and I would not recommend an investment based solely on a cute name.
Many of the witnesses were sober-minded, career federal government officials keen on discussing the matter at hand: Trump seeking investigations of his political opponents from Ukraine, while using aid and a coveted White House meeting as leverage.
In its legal filing Tuesday, Apple tried to move the debate from an intense and personal tone and refocus attention on what it said it sees as the matter at hand, a fight over civil liberties and data privacy.
The tone of the interrogation is so nasty that the film, directed by John Madden ("Shakespeare in Love") from a screenplay by Jonathan Perera, appears to view the matter at hand as the earthshaking equivalent of passing nuclear secrets.
Then things get more twisted from there, in a way that is captivating and completely worth a read if you've never treated yourself to the haunting genius of du Maurier, but not particularly relevant to the matter at hand.
But to the matter at hand, one of my colleagues, who I have a lot of respect for, and I do consider him a friend, went to the Senate floor and spoke truth to both sides of the political aisle.
During a loosely-scripted appearance in the Rose Garden last week, Trump ruminated at length on the summit before turning to the less-pleasant matter at hand: Congress' inability to pass the billions in funding he'd demanded for a border wall.
If you look at the transcript from his comments on CNN, Trump clearly heard the subject matter at hand — "I don't know David Duke … I just don't know anything about him" — in a way that makes the "earpiece" defense transparently false.
But there's trying to keep your distance from the subject matter at hand, and then there's what Whiskey Tango Foxtrot does, which is present literally every dangerous situation Kim sees as a chance for her to learn valuable lessons about herself.
Our task is figuring out when sex or gender do have to do with the matter at hand, what about gender we should be holding onto, and what gender might look like if we're all empowered to determine where we belong for ourselves.
Just like the other two committees, this special committee would be set up and run by members of Congress, and just like the other two committees, this one would have the power to subpoena witnesses and documents related to the matter at hand.
But the Swift Boaters managed to exploit a major flaw in the ethos of the political press: the media's preference for documenting the optics of a controversy in an electoral setting rather than settling the matter at hand with forthright truth-telling.
But beyond the small-bore disputes, there is one serious matter at hand, Democrats say: They want to share the transcripts of their witness interviews with special counsel Robert Mueller over concerns that some witnesses may have been untruthful, but Nunes, they say, isn't cooperating.
Watching Spicer seethe that she's "shaking [her] head again," and that she should just "take no for an answer," as if he's rudely talking down to a kid who can't possibly understand the matter at hand, underscores how he and the Trump administration view their relationship to the press.
But in the case of Monday's protest, the more specific matter at hand was the close connection between Governor Rauner's austerity agenda and a significant member of the Art Institute community: Kenneth Griffin, founder and CEO of Citadel Investment Group, whose name can be found across the museum's walls.
Keeping up with the times, this uneven production has some video and some projections, backing up some nonsense story about an evil intergalactic queen, a magic telescope and a journey through space, but these forgettable elements are secondary, mere interruptions to the real matter at hand: the acts.
This approach to constitutional decision-making reflects a longstanding inclination of certain members of the court to view particularly controversial constitutional cases from a minimalist perspective to say no more than is necessary to resolve the matter at hand, while reserving for another day the resolution of more complicated issues.
It's important to recognize when "sex" or "gender" doesn't have anything to do with the matter at hand at all — that workplace harassment isn't about sex, but about work; that panic over trans people in your restroom isn't about sex or sexual predators, but who is allowed to exist in public space.
"Paul Griffiths's style can be quite acerbic and vehement, though I have found it to be fueled by a genuine concern with the subject matter at hand, rather than ad hominem, as some have alleged," Dr. Pfau said, adding that he had always found him to be a "generous and formidably thoughtful" colleague.
"'Tis a Pity She Was a Whore" and "Sue (Or in a Season of Crime)" both escape the matter at hand to adapt the grisly Renaissance play 'Tis a Pity She's a Whore, and "Girl Loves Me" is a cavalier hip-hop track sung largely in the invented slang of Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange.
Greater caution and more diligent analysis should precede the offering of a legal opinion that is so squarely at odds with applicable law, constitutional history and the judgments of our elected representatives -- especially when the matter at hand concerns the 15-year-long quest for justice and accountability by the family members of the thousands of innocent people who were slaughtered or injured on 9/11.
"It's been one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make to step away, but after a lot of soul-searching and consulting with my family, my kids — who when I spell out to them the matter at hand, my 16-year-old son is like, 'Mom, that's not fair' — I know that I have to act according to my belief system and I have to say goodbye," says Sadler.
Reynolds's books are typically exhaustive in excavating every nook and cranny of the subject matter at hand, and Shock and Awe is no different; although Bowie is a frequent presence throughout, Reynolds digs deeper to look at glam's progenitors and practitioners—from Alice Cooper's campy surrealist hard rock, to the New York Dolls' gender-bending proto-punk antics, to the hippy-dippy swagger of Marc Bolan and T. Rex—while also explored the social and economic factors that contributed to the genre's forging and allowed it to thrive during its peak.

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