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44 Sentences With "materializations"

How to use materializations in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "materializations" and check conjugation/comparative form for "materializations". Mastering all the usages of "materializations" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Visible Ink Press. p. 125. It was discovered that the materializations were fakes.Montague Summers. (2010). Physical Phenomena of Mysticism.
Psychical researchers strongly suspected that Mellon's materializations were fraudulent. She was defended by the spiritualist William Thomas Stead.Carrington, Hereward. (1907).
Doyle praised the psychic phenomena and spirit materializations produced by Eusapia Palladino and Mina Crandon, who were both exposed as frauds.
Moselle river in Metz during the early 70s was one of the major materializations of Jean-Marie Pelt's urban ecology and planning concepts.
Nickell, Joe. (2012). The Science of Ghosts: Searching for Spirits of the Dead. Prometheus Books. pp. 301–302. She was known for producing apports and materializations.
Volume 60: 98-103. Harry Houdini replicated the Kluski materialization moulds by using his hands and a bowl of hot paraffin. Erlendur Haraldsson investigated one of the Hindu swamis, who are associated with frequent and widely accepted claims of materializations of objects or substances, namely Gyatri Swami, and reached a negative conclusion regarding his claims. Indian gurus Sathya Sai Baba (died 2011) and Swami Premananda have claimed to perform materializations.
It was noted by investigators that the materializations of Husk had fine singing voices and sounded similar to himself.Anderson, Rodger (2006). Psychics, Sensitives and Somnambules. McFarland & Company. p. 90.
115-130 The British medium William Eglinton (1857–1933) claimed to perform spiritualist phenomena such as movement of objects and materializations. All of his feats were exposed as tricks.Montague Summers. (2010). Physical Phenomena of Mysticism.
Instrumentations, mediations, materializations and preformations are at the heart of the materiality- turn, which has strong intersections and commonalities with other turns such as the practice turn, communication turn, visual turn, process turn, performativity turn or spatial turn.
The Hungarian medium Ladislas Lasslo (also known as Laszlo Laszlo) confessed that all of his spirit materializations were fraudulent in 1924. A séance sitter was also found to be working as a confederate for Lasslo."Fraudulent Mediums". Lyceum Library.
The Guinness Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits. Guinness Publishing. p. 311. In 1907, Hereward Carrington exposed the tricks of fraudulent mediums such as those used in slate-writing, table- turning, trumpet mediumship, materializations, sealed-letter reading and spirit photography.Hereward Carrington. (1907).
Imoda, Enrico. (1912). Fotografie di Fantasmi. Fratelli Bocca. French psychical researcher Guillaume de Fontenay in an afterword for the book cast doubt on the authenticity of the photographs, noting that the materializations looked dubious and two-dimensional with suspicious shadows.
Poole was known, were followed by clairvoyance, trance states, automatic writing, visions, then the manifestations of materializations, wax molds, bell ringing and finally in 1928, ectoplasms. – University of Manitoba Archives, “Hamilton Family fonds” As a spiritualist Hamilton believed the ectoplasms to be materializations from the spirit world. He photographed the ectoplasm and Lillian took notes of what occurred in the 2nd floor room in Hamilton House. Margaret also served as recording secretary for many of her father's experiments.“Biography of Margaret Hamilton Bach,” Hamilton Family fonds At first T.G. and Lillian's investigations into the paranormal were held in secret.
An Occultist's Travels. R.F. Fenno & Company. pp. 22-26 However, most researchers were not convinced the materializations were genuine. They noted he only chose favourably conditions to work in, or before an audience of his choice which allowed easy opportunity for trickery.
Buckland, Raymond. (2005). The Spirit Book: The Encyclopedia of Clairvoyance, Channeling, and Spirit Communication. Visible Ink Press. p. 259. Mirabelli later became a medium and it was alleged he could produce automatic handwriting, materializations of objects and people (ectoplasm), levitations and movement of objects.
Miller produced 'spirit' materializations in and outside his cabinet during séances. He managed to convince several psychical researchers such as Willie Reichel that the manifestations were genuine. Reichel in his book An Occultist's Travels (1908) described witnessing paranormal phenomena at many séances with Miller.Reichel, Willy. (1908).
Pioneers of the Unseen. Souvenir Press. p. 157. In 1913, Stanisława was investigated by the psychical researcher Albert von Schrenck- Notzing. During the séances a number of flashlight photographs were taken, he published a book on the subject of materializations and declared her ectoplasm to be genuine.
In a review for Nature he noted that Sudre was credulous in accepting materializations and psychic photographs as genuine. Sudre failed to cite the evidence of fraud in mediumship, he was also criticized for defending phenomena at Borley Rectory as 'incontestably genuine' and ignoring evidence to the contrary.
Herbert B. Turner & Co. pp. 206–23 The ectoplasm materializations of the French medium Eva Carrière were exposed as fraudulent. The fake ectoplasm of Carrière was made of cut-out paper faces from newspapers and magazines on which fold marks could sometimes be seen from the photographs.Donald West. (1954).
Mello, Antônio da Silva. (1960). Mysteries and Realities of This World and the Next. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. pp. 382-385 In the 1920s, Mirabelli was tested by the Academia de Estudos Psychicos Cesare Lombroso in São Paulo and a report published in 1926 wrote that in more than 300 sittings genuine materializations had been observed.
Spontaneous vibuthi (holy ash) manifestations are reported by Baba's followers on his pictures at their homes. Skeptics have suspected the materializations of Sathya Sai Baba were fraudulent and the result of sleight of hand tricks. The magician P. C. Sorcar wrote Sai Baba's vibhuti feat was a "common trick" conjured with an ash capsule.
Gauld has generally been skeptical of physical mediumship. He has claimed that ectoplasm materializations seem to "smack very strongly of fraud and conjuring", such as made from cheesecloth or net curtain. He states however that he believes there is genuine evidence for movement of objects during séances including the phenomena produced with the medium Daniel Dunglas Home.
Linda Gazzera with a doll as her 'materialization'. Linda Gazzera (1890-1932) was an Italian spiritualist medium. During 1908-1910, Gazzera was investigated in a series of séances by the spiritualist Enrico Imoda who endorsed her alleged materializations as genuine. Photographs were taken, they were later published in a posthumous book entitled Fotografie di Fantasmi in 1912.
Spooks and Spoofs: Relations Between Psychical Research and Academic Psychology in Britain in the Inter-War Period. History of the Human Sciences 25: 67-90. Following the report written by Price, Duncan's former maid Mary McGinlay confessed in detail to having aided Duncan in her mediumship tricks, and Duncan's husband admitted that the ectoplasm materializations were the result of regurgitation.
The Physical Phenomena of Spiritualism. Herbert B. Turner & Co. In the early 20th century the psychical researcher Albert von Schrenck-Notzing investigated the medium Eva Carrière and claimed her ectoplasm "materializations" were not from spirits but the result of "ideoplasty" in which the medium could form images onto ectoplasm from her mind.M. Brady Brower. (2010). Unruly Spirits: The Science of Psychic Phenomena in Modern France.
Various "materializations" were artificially attached to Eva's hair by wires. The discovery was never published by Geley. Eugene Osty (the director of the institute) and members Jean Meyer, Albert von Schrenck- Notzing and Charles Richet all knew about the fraudulent photographs but were firm believers in mediumship phenomena so demanded the scandal be kept secret. His book Unconscious to the Conscious has been described as "almost a bible of reincarnationism."J.
In 1954, Rudolf Lambert in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research claimed that Osty had shown him some suspicious photographs of the medium Eva Carrière depicting fraudulent materializations that were artificially attached to her hair by wires. Osty and other members of the Institut Métapsychique had known about the photographs but had chosen not to publish them.Guiley, Rosemary. (1994). The Guinness Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits.
Prometheus Books. p. 599. Following the report written by Price, Duncan's former maid Mary McGinlay confessed in detail to having aided Duncan in her mediumship tricks, and Duncan's husband admitted that the ectoplasm materializations to be the result of regurgitation. Later Duncan was caught cheating again pretending to be a spirit in the séance room. During Duncan's famous trial in 1944, Price gave his results as evidence for the prosecution.
Lambert had studied Gustav Geley's files on Eva Carrière, and discovered photographs taken by her companion Juliette Bisson depicting fraudulent ectoplasm. Various "materializations" were artificially attached to Eva's hair by wires. Geley never published his discovery. Eugéne Osty, the director of the Institute, and members Jean Meyer, Albert von Schrenck-Notzing and Charles Richet all knew about the fraudulent photographs, but were firm believers in spirituality phenomena, so demanded the scandal be kept secret.
Lambert who had studied Gustav Geley's files on Eva Carrière discovered photographs depicting fraudulent ectoplasm taken by her companion Juliette Bisson. Various "materializations" were artificially attached to Eva's hair by wires. The discovery was never published by Geley. Eugéne Osty (the director of the institute) and members Jean Meyer, Albert von Schrenck-Notzing and Charles Richet all knew about the fraudulent photographs but were firm believers in mediumship phenomena so demanded the scandal be kept secret.
In August 1925, 14 Camp Chesterfield mediums were arrested on charges of obtaining money under false pretences. The charges were filed by a news service reporter who had spent time investigating the camp."Night news summary," Kokomo (IN) Tribune, 24 August 1925, p.15. In 1960, psychic investigator Andrija Puharich and Tom O'Neill, publisher of the Spiritualist magazine Psychic Observer, arranged to film two seances at Camp Chesterfield using infrared film, intending to procure scientific proof of spirit materializations.
Some think the scope riders themselves subconsciously create them as materializations of their fears and worries or a product of their imaginations running away from them. Others posit that perhaps they were always there in the Etherspace and that the presence of other lifeforms has just drawn their interest. Recreational use of Scope Tabs, a drug compound that grants the user access to the Etheric realm, have become a common form of escape for both bored workers and jaded aristocrats alike.
Because of this Schrenck-Notzing was described as credulous. Joseph McCabe wrote "In Germany and Austria, Baron von Schrenck-Notzing is the laughing-stock of his medical colleagues." In 1907, Hereward Carrington exposed the tricks of fraudulent mediums such as those used in slate-writing, table-turning, trumpet mediumship, materializations, sealed-letter reading and spirit photography. Between 8 November and 31 December 1920 Gustav Geley of the Institute Metapsychique International attended fourteen séances with the medium Franek Kluski in Paris.
Schrenck-Notzing investigated the medium Eva Carrière and believed the ectoplasm she produced was genuine. However, Schrenck-Notzing did not believe her ectoplasm "materializations" were anything to do with spirits, he claimed they were the result of "ideoplasty" in which the medium could form images onto ectoplasm from her mind.M. Brady Brower. (2010). Unruly Spirits: The Science of Psychic Phenomena in Modern France. University of Illinois Press. p. 120. Schrenck-Notzing published the book Phenomena of Materialisation in English translation (1920), which included photographs of the ectoplasm.
Carrington was an amateur conjuror and was critical towards some paranormal phenomena. Carrington in his book The Physical Phenomena of Spiritualism (1907) exposed the tricks of fraudulent mediums such as those used in slate-writing, table-turning, trumpet mediumship, materializations, sealed-letter reading and spirit photography. The book revealed the tricks of mediums such as Henry Slade and William Eglinton. He wrote in the book that after his investigations and studies into the subject of mediumship that 98% of both the physical and mental phenomena were fraudulent.
T.G. wanted to investigate paranormal phenomena such as rappings, psychokinesis, ectoplasms, and materializations under scientific conditions that would minimize any possibility of error. – University of Manitoba Archives, “Hamilton Family fonds” A red bulb in the centre of the room provided light. A bank of about a dozen cameras were focussed on the side of the room where activity was to take place, their shutters open, waiting for Hamilton to set off a flash in order for them to all take photos at the same time.
Carrière with fake ectoplasm made from the French magazine Le Miroir. In the early 20th century the psychical researcher Albert von Schrenck-Notzing investigated the medium Eva Carrière and claimed her ectoplasm "materializations" were the result of "ideoplasty" in which the medium could form images onto ectoplasm from her mind. Schrenck-Notzing published the book Phenomena of Materialisation (1923) which included photographs of the ectoplasm. Critics pointed out the photographs of the ectoplasm revealed marks of magazine cut-outs, pins and a piece of string.
Scientific researchers have attempted to ascertain the validity of claims of mediumship. An experiment undertaken by the British Psychological Society led to the conclusion that the test subjects demonstrated no mediumistic ability. Several different variants of mediumship have been described; arguably the best-known forms involve a spirit purportedly taking control of a medium's voice and using it to relay a message, or where the medium simply "hears" the message and passes it on. Other forms involve materializations of the spirit or the presence of a voice, and telekinetic activity.
Following the death of his wife in 1854, Hazard became interested in spiritual communication and began visiting mediums in Providence and Boston. The author Maud Howe Elliott, a neighbor and childhood friend of the Hazard children, recalls Shepherd Tom’s grief and subsequent obsession with “materialization, spirit life, mediums, psychic photographs.” Hazard penned numerous firsthand accounts of spirit materializations and séances held in a dedicated room at his Portsmouth estate, Vaucluse. After two of his daughters died of tuberculosis and a third drowned herself in a river on the family’s property, he dedicated himself exclusively to the defense of mediumship.
In 1875, he was caught pretending to be a spirit during a séance in Liverpool and was found "clothed in about two yards of stiffened muslin, wound round his head and hanging down as far as his thigh." Florence Cook had been "trained in the arts of the séance" by Herne and was repeatedly exposed as a fraudulent medium. The psychical researchers W. W. Baggally and Everard Feilding exposed the British materialization medium Christopher Chambers as a fraud in 1905. A false moustache was discovered in the séance room which he used to fabricate the spirit materializations.
Well-known writer on paranormal topics Allen Spraggett visited the camp in 1965, and was unconvinced by the spirit materializations during seances: :"They were all barely visible. Most appeared to be swathed in white drapery, and all were the same height as the medium, and sounded exactly like her. They also exhibited abysmal ignorance of who they were supposed to be, when they had died, and other relevant details." :"This was a fraud so crude that it was an insult to the intelligence." In 1976, M. Lamar Keene, a former medium in Florida and at Camp Chesterfield, confessed to defrauding the public in his book The Psychic Mafia "as told to" Allen Spragett.
The British medium Charles Eldred was exposed as a fraud in 1906. Eldred would sit in a chair in a curtained off area in the room known as a "séance cabinet". Various spirit figures would emerge from the cabinet and move around the séance room, however, it was discovered that the chair had a secret compartment that contained beards, cloths, masks, and wigs that Eldred would dress up in to fake the spirits. Eva Carrière with cardboard cut out figure King Ferdinand of Bulgaria Albert von Schrenck-Notzing investigated the medium Eva Carrière and claimed her ectoplasm "materializations" were the result of "ideoplasty" in which the medium could form images onto ectoplasm from her mind.
Said to "defy categorisation", Gehry's work reflects a spirit of experimentation coupled with a respect for the demands of professional practice and has remained largely unaligned with broader stylistic tendencies or movements. With his earliest educational influences rooted in modernism, Gehry's work has sought to escape modernist stylistic tropes while still remaining interested in some of its underlying transformative agendas. Continually working between given circumstances and unanticipated materializations, he has been assessed as someone who "made us produce buildings that are fun, sculpturally exciting, good experiences", although his approach may become "less relevant as pressure mounts to do more with less". Gehry's style at times seems unfinished or even crude, but his work is consistent with the California "funk" art movement in the 1960s and early 1970s, which featured the use of inexpensive found objects and nontraditional media such as clay to make serious art.
Upon learning that old comrade Emma Coulomb (née Cutting) and her husband had fallen into poverty in Ceylon, Blavatsky invited them to move into her home in Bombay. However, the Coulombs annoyed Rosa Bates and Edward Winbridge, two American Theosophists who were also living with Blavatsky; when Blavatsky took the side of the Coulombs, Bates and Winbridge returned to the U.S. Blavatsky was then invited to Simla to spend more time with Sinnett, and there performed a range of materializations that astounded the other guests; in one instance, she allegedly made a cup-and-saucer materialize under the soil during a picnic. Sinnett was eager to contact the Masters himself, convincing Blavatsky to facilitate this communication, resulting in the production of over 1400 pages allegedly authored by Koot Hoomi and Morya, which came to be known as the Mahatma Letters. Sinnett summarised the teachings contained in these letters in his book Esoteric Buddhism (1883), although scholars of Buddhism like Max Müller publicly highlighted that the contents were not Buddhist, and Blavatsky herself disliked the misleading title.

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