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669 Sentences With "marriages"

How to use marriages in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "marriages" and check conjugation/comparative form for "marriages". Mastering all the usages of "marriages" from sentence examples published by news publications.

So, too, does the number of marriages: First marriages are less likely to end in divorce than third marriages.
Let's clear up that arranged marriages aren't necessarily forced marriages.
For example polygamous marriages, temporary marriages amongst Shia Muslims and nowadays young Muslims of all sects…[and] marriages between adults and children.
"Love marriages" remain disreputable in India, and arranged marriages the norm.
Titled The All-or-Nothing Marriage: How the Best Marriages Work, the book explores why good marriages are good and why bad marriages are bad.
And modern arranged marriages — including my own — are becoming more like love marriages.
In Britain, Sweden and the Netherlands, marriages between women outnumber marriages between men.
"Divorces can look like marriages, and marriages can look like divorces," he said.
Nonetheless, these marriages are still under-represented as a proportion of all interracial marriages.
Though child marriages represent a fraction of all US marriages, the numbers remain significant.
The bride's first two marriages ended in divorce, as did the groom's first two marriages.
Inter-racial marriages climbed from 7 to 15 percent of all marriages between 1980 and 2010.
Those in same-sex marriages tend to be a little younger than those in straight marriages.
The law aims to protect traditional marriages after the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriages.
If the arrival of children is hard on marriages, is the departure of children good for marriages?
However, migrants with same-sex marriages or common law marriages could be processed as single adults if they come from a country that does not recognize such marriages, according to the officials and the notes.
We don't mind second marriages all that much anymore, but there are places where interracial marriages are still taboo.
"A few percent of marriages are love marriages, and they have been so for the past half century," says Dholakia.
There were 74,193 marriages performed in Clark County in 2018, down 42 percent from the record in 2004: 128,238 marriages.
He broke down the data several ways: He examined men's marriages separately from women's; he conducted separate analyses of the marriages of people born in different decades; he evaluated marriages that lasted for different lengths of time.
In India, the divorce rate for all marriages is about 1% and it's higher for love marriages than arranged ones there.
The proposed legislation would also cover religious marriages and marriages abroad if at least one party normally resides in England or Wales.
We can make sure the marriages we celebrate build a world where all girls are celebrated and all marriages are by choice.
According to History, the Royal Marriages Act of 1772 decreed that all royal marriages needed to be approved by the reigning monarch.
And their estimate is this: In 2014 there were 183,280 same-sex marriages in America, roughly a third of 22000 percent of all marriages.
"My daughter told me that people who have had happy marriages are more likely to have happy marriages if they marry again," he said.
But in practice, these marriages involving child brides often don't succeed and frequently lead to marriages between a young girl and her older rapist.
The study showed that nine years after the weddings, 21% of Valentine's Day marriages and 19% of "special number" marriages had ended, according to Buzz60.
Christian and Jewish religious marriages are valid under English law, but other religious marriages aren&apost recognized unless they are accompanied by a civil marriage.
We both came from families with similar value systems and stable marriages and, like the best marriages, ours is founded on give-and-take compromises.
In Saudi Arabia, one factor contributing to the rate of genetic disease is that there is a high prevalence of consanguineous marriages, or marriages between family members.
But he faced intense resistance from conservatives, who pointed out that this reform risked evacuating the church's teaching that sacramental marriages are indissoluble and second marriages adulterous.
So the Treasury data is most likely undercounting same-sex marriages in more than a dozen states that did not recognize such marriages before the Obergefell decision.
The marriage equality movement raised the question of whether our government should recognize marriages between two people of the same sex, not whether those marriages are ethical.
Many child marriages are unreported, and while police have clamped down on the practice in Bihar, more aggressive surveillance could be pushing illegal marriages underground and untraceable.
"It's pretty routine, especially now that we see so many people getting married later in life, as well as second marriages and sometimes third marriages," he said.
But she said the law banning religious child marriages is starting to work with imams leading Muslim services starting to refuse to officiate over marriages with underage girls.
The defense has yet to present its case, but at least one lawyer has intimated that Khmer Rouge marriages were simply a variation on common, traditional arranged marriages.
I love literary fiction so long as it is not about (a) writers, (b) sad white people in sad marriages or (c) sad white writers in bad marriages.
Jeffs, who is serving a life sentence, taught that marriages between his adult male followers and girls were "celestial marriages" that would bring the girls closer to heaven.
"If Sweden shows that these marriages are not allowed, most girls in forced marriages will not choose to go back to their husbands," she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
Just in the past couple of years, the Episcopal Church and Presbyterian Church (USA) moved from backing only same-sex unions — but not marriages — to supporting same-sex marriages.
Blackmore wed 24 women in so-called "celestial" marriages since 1975, according to Canada's Global News, and his attorney had argued the relationships were common-law marriages without legal recognition.
"More recent data collected since Gallup's initial update on same-sex marriages in November show the growth in same-sex marriages may be leveling off," the organization said this week.
MOCs, or marriages of convenience—marriages established for some practical purpose other than that of love or family ties—are still a reality in many parts of the Arab world.
When such marriages do form, the women become more likely to seek jobs beneath their potential or to stop working entirely, and the marriages are more likely to end in divorce.
Divorce lawyers and financial professionals put a somewhat higher age on the gray divorces, with people in their 60s splitting up after long-term marriages or second marriages, with grown children.
Mr. Arnell also laid out the scenarios that cause wills to become complex and fractious, like multiple marriages, blended families with stepchildren from those various marriages, families in conflict, and more.
Marriages that began when couples met online were a little less likely to break up than those who didn't and those spouses were somewhat more satisfied with their marriages, the researchers determined.
David Brooks Two years ago the Northwestern University psychologist Eli Finkel had an article in The Times describing how marriage is polarizing: The best marriages today are better than the best marriages of generations ago; the worst marriages now are worse; over all, the average marriage is weaker than the average marriage in days of yore.
Usually, they're chasing an escape from bankruptcy or bad marriages.
The App: MatchThe Pitch: #1 in dates, relationships, and marriages.
Both women had children from their previous marriages to men.
He did all right with his third and fourth marriages.
Mormons believe that marriages and parental relationships continue after death.
How many marriages is VR going to ruin, I joke.
But few -- and even "few" may be generous -- marriages are.
Even in countries where divorce is common, most marriages last.
She had been through two failed marriages, with four children.
But as happens in all marriages of convenience, the second
And are they really that different from "real" marriages anyway?
A lot of relationships fail, a lot of marriages fail.
Some of these arranged marriages would be for underage girls.
By then she had also suffered from several failed marriages.
They have two children, and five stepchildren from earlier marriages.
Under Muslim law, such quickie marriages can easily be dissolved.
Not women: his two marriages were unhappy, and didn't last.
Everyone in China knew about ming hun , or ghost marriages.
Then there are the instances of children from multiple marriages.
Baha'i cemeteries have been desecrated; their marriages are not recognized.
However, the reality is that these marriages are fairly common.
There are day jobs, marriages, military service, and, now, mortgages.
Butler's particulars on the two brothers' marriages are comprehensively adroit.
His earlier marriages were to Andrea Stillman and Charlotte Wilson.
Survivors include three daughters and two sons from previous marriages.
For decades, Chinese marriages were arranged through matchmakers or families.
I have four kids, two of them from previous marriages.
Alma Medina Figueroa, a deputy commissioner of civil marriages, officiated.
Others were matched in arranged marriages that ended in divorce.
This puts a strain on intimate relationships, above all marriages.
I've ruined everything I've ever touched — companies, cities, marriages, toilets.
The rest of the children are from his previous marriages.
Virginia case of 1967 prohibited legal restrictions on interracial marriages.
His second and third marriages ended with his wives' deaths.
Engagements and marriages are beginning to replace adulterous plot twists.
And in three others, sightings in elevators led to marriages.
But we're not the ones ending marriages at shocking rates.
They are demanding more pluralistic options for marriages and conversions.
Usually, marriages have two outcomes: stay together or get divorced.
I think marriages are made up of people like that.
Some marriages do improve once the children leave the nest.
Ginsberg said many relationships and even marriages began on Tinder.
It had cost me two marriages, three promotions — and Vera.
He even presided over some of Trump's marriages, I believe.
Our daughters have only seen failed marriages in their lives.
It's why they talk about their upbringing, marriages and families.
Previn had nine children in total from his five marriages.
There's not much data on seesaw marriages yet, Coontz said.
It has one of the highest rates of mixed marriages.
Travel, dating, relationships, friends and a shit ton of marriages.
By most standards of solid fictional marriages, they're a bust.
She was part of a government initiative against child marriages.
Marriages have ups and downs, friendships have ups and downs.
Racial progress is easy to spot all around us, like integrated communities and marriages; a 2017 report revealed the number of integrated marriages jumped from 3 percent in 1967 to 85033 percent in 2015.
The researchers noted that all of the CEOs were in opposite sex marriages and that another study will need to be conducted to see if the results hold for CEOs in same-sex marriages.
The First United Methodist Church in downtown Austin recently voted to ban all marriages (straight or gay) performed at the church or by church clergy as long as the denomination prohibits performing same-sex marriages.
Gewis said that in any case new marriages risked complicating future inheritance or other legal issues and costs were prohibitive, with courts charging up to $110 to register even straightforward marriages by an approved sheikh.
Civil marriages and church marriages between a Scottish noble and his free black lady were outlawed in those centuries, and the Scots require a marriage record for anyone to claim unclaimed property, like a castle.
Closed, conservative and orthodox, her community does not allow marriages outside its geographical boundaries, let alone so-called love marriages that are not arranged by family members, or marriage to someone of a different caste.
Her marriage to Earl Spencer was the second of three marriages.
Japanese marriages are surely the least fulfilling in the rich world.
Most notably, it's about two marriages that have reached their end.
After that, he'd have marriages to Mia Farrow and Barbara Marx.
But like the Lyons' marriages, we'll see how long that lasts.
But there's not amount of medicine that can fix these marriages.
Murdoch, age 84, has six children from his three previous marriages.
They were married for 250 years, the longest of Henry's marriages.
" She responded by saying she respects "love, marriages, families and strength.
As far as Hollywood marriages go, 22 years is a lifetime.
" Gesturing to her ring, she admitted, "Marriages have ebbs and flows.
However, as far as marriages are concerned, that's different for me.
They're almost more like marriages, but they have very different requirements.
Her fantasy of a perfect marriages shatters right before her eyes.
Carey's high-profile relationships — specifically, her marriages — have also shaped her.
Six children were born, three divorces, and three marriages took place.
Sessions said prosecutors should also prioritize fraudulent or "green card" marriages.
Most are trapped in forced labor, sexual exploitation and forced marriages.
One of his marriages lasted a grand total of 10 days.
She married Mr. Yancy in 1976, the first of three marriages.
"Yeah, the iPhone ruined more than a few marriages," says another.
That could mean violence, forced marriages, or so-called honor killings.
Dr Ajayi says that many men in childless marriages will remarry.
The days of fixers and fan mag–arranged marriages were over.
More and more educated women attempt to avoid arranged marriages altogether.
Pence, who is deeply religious, alluded to Gingrich's three marriages Tuesday.
They go through hellish marriages, and then get out of them.
But Hindus have had no legal mechanism to register their marriages.
Her two marriages were brief, because she would not be controlled.
Blame the obsolete sex roles on which our marriages were based.
The ruling suggests that not all marriages must be treated equally.
In America, between 40-50 percent of marriages end in divorce.
But it also mirrors a larger anxiety about political marriages themselves.
We all want our marriages and relationship problems to be private.
And we get together and support each other in our marriages.
Aditya: Most of my family members are married through arranged marriages.
It is delaying marriages and putting off the raising of children.
His marriages to Mayte Garcia and Manuela Testolini ended in divorce.
He also had two children by different women outside his marriages.
The hours he kept were horrible, and his three marriages failed.
The previous marriages of the bride and groom ended in divorce.
Most notable among them is a high rate of mixed marriages.
Rajasthan has the highest incidence of child marriages in the country.
The new ruling, however, is restricted to just marriages involving minors.
Most marriages seem to end up in either divorce or unhappiness.
Romania already does not recognize same-sex marriages or civil unions.
"Bachelor in Paradise" has lead to some marriages, relationships, and breakups.
The source said that Epstein orchestrated at least three such marriages.
But, Trump&aposs marriages have always been subject to tabloid fodder.
"Indian society has normalized the practice of forced marriages," says Memon.
You have all the stuff that happens after long, long marriages.
And you have this whole new thing coming out, open marriages.
Hodges that states were not allowed to ban same-sex marriages.
Marriages, of course, really are private and, as they say, complicated.
Arranged marriages are still common in Pakistan, particularly in rural areas.
College degrees, jobs, friendships, marriages — all these should be chosen practically.
Both feature murder and sex and unhappy marriages and complicated women.
His marriages to Zelda Wade and Jean Bauers ended in divorce.
Persecuting teachers in same-sex marriages is Archbishop Thompson's specific focus.
Her marriages to Steven Heimel and Abe Opincar ended in divorce.
Not all the memes are unholy marriages between two different jokes.
His marriages to Rona Rosenberg and Salome Jens ended in divorce.
The ultra-Orthodox also control all Jewish marriages, burials, and conversions.
Arranged marriages are common, often to a cousin or other relative.
His marriages to Ms. Myling and Bettina Jonic ended in divorce.
As calamitous marriages go it was, unsurprisingly, one for the ages.
Her marriages to Robert Quigley and John Begg ended in divorce.
In many ways, that's good news for marriages and married people.
The good news is that some marriages can do it all.
He has two heterosexual marriages based explicitly on increasing his popularity.
The bride's previous marriages ended in divorce, as did the groom's.
Sexologists argued that state-funded sexual interludes could spice up marriages.
Jim has four children (including Hayley) from his first two marriages.
Ultimately, that case declared Louisiana's prohibition of same-sex marriages unconstitutional.
Players and caddies typically have the staying power of Hollywood marriages.
Her marriages to Donald McKenzie and Mr. Goldstein ended in divorce.
His marriages to Sallie Robinson and Carolyn O'Kelly ended in divorce.
Previously, categories tracking marital status only included people in heterosexual marriages.
Her marriages to William Sneed and John Evo ended in divorce.
I had not seen very many marriages I'd want to emulate.
His marriages to Agnes Kluck and Dawn Hendricks ended in divorce.
Both Ms. Houston's and Ms. Toh's first marriages ended in divorce.
There are fewer marriages, more divorces and more single-parent families.
So what exactly is happening inside marriages to shift the numbers?
His marriages to Carol Thompson and Judith Sherman ended in divorce.
Marriages were formed through community ties and were expected to last.
His marriages to Eve Tyler and Mary Myers ended in divorce.
The law also automatically recognizes same-sex marriages from other countries.
We see a lot of marriages between classmates from different sections.
The intimacies of other people's marriages are best left to them.
His marriages to Inga Palmen and Nury Tuca ended in divorce.
His marriages to Ellie Berkman and Georgia Brown ended in divorce.
Not all of them were successful enough to lead to marriages.
And I believe we, as a society, will... CAVUTO: So, then, for all the recognized marriages that we have seen, same-sex marriages that we have seen, would it be your view then, Bob, that this new configured Supreme Court down the road, assuming it&aposs more conservative, should recognize that as well, and upend all of these gay marriages?
There's also evidence that marriages that begin on dating apps are less likely to end in the first year, and that the rise of dating apps has correlated with a spike in interracial dating and marriages.
" House Bill 2320, the legislation at the center of the controversy, characterizes same-sex marriages as "parody marriages," which it defines as "any form of alleged marriage that does not involve a man and a woman.
While marriages are breaking up more in the working class, an extensive study of divorce found that "infidelity, domestic violence, and substance abuse were the most often endorsed 'final straw' reasons" for the dissolution of marriages.
"The love and marriages of Black women have not been celebrated in the United States," Bartlett-Royall tells Refinery29, pointing to the beginning of Black-American unions when marriages between enslaved people were not even considered legal.
Hodges meant that all 50 states — 13 of which still banned same-sex marriages — would be required to allow gay and lesbian couples to marry within their own borders and acknowledge marriages that originated in other states.
The marriages "My God she's a beauty," Burton wrote in his diary.
It turns out that that's just a portrait of most squirrel marriages.
But Victorian marriages were not based on passion in the first place.
"My marriages, they've been very successful, in [my] personal opinion," she said.
Here, the stories behind her marriages and the men in Garland's life.
By my early 22015s, I had two failed marriages and four sons.
These are women trapped by unwanted pregnancy, bad marriages, and horrible bosses.
During all three of her marriages, Wallis was known to be unfaithful.
When my marriages ended, it's the one thing I held on to.
Personal ads never accounted for more than 218% of marriages in America.
We've all had children, there have been marriages, divorces, deaths, and illnesses.
As viewers, we don't usually care if those engagements and marriages succeed.
" Added Melania of her husband's children from previous marriages, "I'm their friend.
Many parents in Pakistan arrange marriages for their daughters against their will.
Supporters of the bill claim child marriages are not often between teenagers.
Many of the relationships that students forged at AUAF led to marriages.
Intergroup marriages can end with both sets of parents disowning the couple.
Radical Islamist groups in Egypt have also organised cheap marriages for members.
" He added: "They never say anything, but that's what keeps marriages together.
For these reasons, registration is now common among walking marriages as well.
The book depicts both men's messy marriages and complex relationships with women.
As a result, they're finding both more interracial marriages and stronger unions.
Roughly 2.2 million marriages take place each year, according to government data.
We both came from good marriages … there's so much commonality between us.
Not to pat myself on the shoulder, but Trump ended two marriages.
Nirmala's threat notwithstanding, slum-dwellers whose marriages collapse seldom bother with divorce.
Gay men were the commitment champions: 84.5% of their marriages had endured.
"Marriages ended, businesses failed, siblings were taken out of school," Schexnyder explains.
Today, statistics say 40% to 50% of marriages will end in divorce.
They were each in their late 20s and getting ready for marriages.
Indeed, Edwards's crude language and multiple marriages conjure Trump more than Clinton.
But Sun said that isn't enough and he wants the marriages outlawed.
There are two kinds of marriages in Arkansas, covenant and non-covenant.
I did find people already in marriages—some successful, others less so.
Statistics on the prevalence of marriages between close relatives today are scarce.
Media coverage of his son has focused on his marriages and divorces.
He reportedly had Miya and Khaliah with women from outside his marriages.
His two marriages, to Jane Benson and Kelley Andrews, ended in divorce.
"My wife also has three older sons from previous marriages," he added.
Most such marriages are underage girls married to older men, it said.
It feels like one of those perfect marriages between subject and writer.
The law changes also let women register births, marriages, divorces, or deaths.
Mr. Prettyman's marriages to Evelyn Savage and Victoria Keesecker ended in divorce.
"We have lots of fake marriages," Ms. Voron, the district chief, said.
For Beaumont, the story was a way of talking about arranged marriages.
The deaths of celebrity marriages often tend to come two by two.
With them came the expectation that their children would enter arranged marriages.
Is it true that about half of American marriages end in splitsville?
He wished us happy marriages and good lives with love in them.
Her two marriages, to Daniel Prophete and Kenneth Pitter, ended in divorce.
Slaves often couldn't even marry, because their marriages were legally considered void.
The number of marriages has increased by 43% and divorces have fallen.
Related: From Same-Sex Marriages to Brutal Murders: 2015 in Gay Rights
She divorced Mr. Blackwell but kept his name through her other marriages.
This is not to say "The Rules" didn't result in some marriages.
"Blue" marriages are better — or at least that is the conventional wisdom.
Some don't come home for years, adding to the strain on marriages.
They were freshly out of jail, out of marriages, out of work.
They were freshly out of jail, out of marriages, out of work.
Mr. Welson's marriages to Barbara Sotello and Debbie Morgan ended in divorce.
That's the thing about arranged marriages—you're pretty much marrying a stranger.
His marriages to Billie Jean Holt and Doreen Soraci ended in divorce.
Mr. Rain's marriages to Lois Shaw and Martha Henry ended in divorce.
His marriages to Teddy and then Carol Smith both ended in divorce.
But couples who do try to register their marriages find little resistance.
Other child marriages are driven by the poverty of the bride's family.
His marriages to Constance Wolf Fowlkes and Frances Barnard ended in divorce.
His marriages to Barbara Welch and Ellen St. Sure ended in divorce.
In China abusive marriages are common, and hard to escape (see article).
In the United States, roughly 38% of marriages will end in divorce.
Synopsis: An indiscretion between two close friends tears down their respective marriages.
Both marriages finally fell apart, and we and the other couple divorced.
Several marriages planned for five-star hotels have been downscaled, he said.
The benefits of paternity leave are substantial for dads, kids and marriages.
Women in different-sex marriages reported the highest levels of psychological distress.
The Instrument of Consent began after the Royal Marriages Act of 1772.
Mr. Heyman's marriages to Wendy Drew and Brenda Redmond ended in divorce.
A great majority of the child marriages involve girls and adult men.
But not every divorce expert thinks January spells bad news for marriages.
Hodges, which requires every State to permit and recognize same-sex marriages.
These advantages are especially pronounced for children of two-parent stable marriages.
On the surface, their husbands were reasonable, the marriages modern and equitable.
Crocodile Dundee star Paul Hogan is getting candid about his two marriages.
But Zika has ripped some marriages apart and torn economic safety nets.
She has no plans to arrange marriages for any of her children.
"Marriages can be stopped; the banquet hall can be seized," he said.
Months later, the state's Proposition 8 would pass and halt further marriages.
In both cases, though, they kept trying to make their marriages work.
Out of Elizabeth Taylor's eight marriages, she proposed once, to Michael Wilding.
That same year she entered into the first of her three marriages.
But how those marriages work out in practice remains to be seen.
We've achieved the goal of fewer divorces by having many fewer marriages.
Ms. O'Neill's marriages to Stanley Dry and Arthur Samuelson ended in divorce.
His previous marriages, to Anna Bienemann and Barbara Stevens, ended in divorce.
In interviews, the American archbishop said his church would not reverse its decision to bless same-sex marriages, and the Canadian archbishop said his church would proceed with a vote this summer to consider approving same-sex marriages.
But it is to say that all marriages tell multiple stories, and that, in the end, the marriages that last are the ones that can count on mutual support, respect, love, and coming together when it really matters.
While gender-equal marriages are becoming increasingly more popular as times change and women enter professions and positions that were once occupied by only men, there are still many marriages where husbands and wives assume traditional gender roles.
Forced marriage is illegal in the West African nation, but the law applies only to state-registered marriages, rather than the religious and traditional ceremonies which account for most of Burkina Faso's forced and early marriages, Amnesty said.
This leaves us open to abusive and violent traditions, dictated by tribal codes and enforced by social and religious conservatism: child marriages, forced marriages, bartering of women to appease feuds and the most egregious gender crime, honor killings.
Open marriages, like traditional marriages, fall apart for all kinds of reasons, but probably the most common one is that the marriage in question was troubled enough that no amount of tinkering with its parameters could save it.
"We wanted to treat same-sex unions, in print, the same way we treated lawful marriages, but without implying that the unions were marriages, still a hot-button issue at that time," Mr. Siegal said in an email.
Have you ever been in the middle of one of them hate marriages?
The tradition faded as marriages and relationships became more egalitarian in the 1970s.
Did you ever expect same-sex marriages to become law in your lifetime?
"There are no guarantees in these marriages, it's an administrative procedure," Nims said.
Australia's Northern Territory and Western Australia also don't recognise same-sex international marriages.
They are the norm in India, comprising at least 90% of all marriages.
"  Quintanilla added that he has "seven children from different women and two marriages.
I know a lot of married guys and no husbands control those marriages.
To be clear, I'm not recommending that people give up on their marriages.
"I respect love, marriages, families and strength," the designer, 42, wrote on Twitter.
After three failed marriages and multiple domestic battery charges, Bobbitt is now single.
Both marriages were ended, the first in divorce and the second in annulment.
He changes marriages like he changes characters, you know, for movies or shows.
In the last 18 years, we've been through marriages, divorces, and babies together.
When people are sad, and their marriages are falling apart, they're a mess.
Abortions and same-sex marriages are legal in Northern Ireland as of Tuesday.
His marriages to the former Eugenia Fort and Paula Lovell ended in divorce.
From the many marriages Edwards has officiated, families continue to grow the congregation.
"People change when the baby comes, and sometimes marriages can't recover," she says.
Halle Berry is reflecting on the pain of going through three failed marriages.
In most stories about marriages you only get one side of the story.
Taiwan has not legalised same-sex marriages, so the couple's wedding is ceremonial.
These days, marriages ideally offer far more in the way of soulful satisfaction.
But all the platforms claim they have brought about committed relationships and marriages.
Unfortunately, they get into marriages quickly, and they get out of them quickly.
But states are now toughening laws that would ban these type of marriages.
Mr Finkel describes other strategies that couples can use to heal damaged marriages.
Make it compulsory for every faith to register marriages, not just three faiths….
Not all marriages are the same, or equally strong in times of crisis.
Sure, I read somewhere that 67 percent of second marriages end in divorce.
Not that I condemn marriages between same-sex attracted and a straight person.
" Paisley, 46, agrees and adds, "In each of our marriages, it's that way.
His marriages to Ann Dwinnell, Kiki Cutter and Cheryl Britton ended in divorce.
Arya's older sister, Sansa (Sophie Turner), blossomed after escaping from two terrifying marriages.
Last year it outlawed all marriages and engagements under the age of 18.
So what does this say about the ongoing legality of same-sex marriages?
According to the researchers, it could be a catalyst for fewer happy marriages.
France is one of the only countries where posthumous marriages are still legal.
The divorce rate for ADHD couples is nearly double that of other marriages.
BETWEEN 2004 and 2014 there was one divorce for every five Iraqi marriages.
I help them to save their money and to stay in their marriages.
Women who drank while their husbands didn't were often dissatisfied with their marriages.
The bump in same-sex marriages following the ruling may be easing, however.
They also talk — about their failed marriages, their distant children, their disappointing careers.
India alone accounts for one third of all child marriages, according to UNICEF.
Nearly 216,200 possible forced marriages were flagged up to British authorities last year.
In countries like Brazil and Cuba, mixed-race marriages and people are common.
Dave is a loner who fled to the California badlands after failed marriages.
Two weeks later, he directed the city clerk to approve same-sex marriages.
That summer, though, a court nullified the marriages, and Newsom found himself isolated.
This has led to uneasy marriages of fortune, especially on the opposition side.
She married Robert Mondavi in 1980, after both their marriages ended in divorce.
Not all marriages performed in other countries are recognized in the United States.
Besides the two marriages, I cohabitated with two other men and dated others.
Mr. Van Gelder was married twice; both marriages ended with his wives' deaths.
They include people doing forced labor, being sex trafficked or in forced marriages.
The government wants to crackdown on sham marriages aimed at cheating the system.
Read on for the marriages that seem to have escaped our collective memory.
The good thing, though, is that 42 percent of marriages end in divorce.
Then there are the news reports about marriages "strained" by conflicting political beliefs.
It was not specified whether respondents were in same or different-sex marriages.
Furthermore, the people who repair their marriages don't necessarily fix their central disagreement.
So did his marriages to Terry Lynn Huntingdon, Rosemary Kayser and Kate Clark.
Sherie Rene Scott plays Atalanta, a flirtatious widow with several marriages behind her.
We are legalizing the status of marriages that are dead or abusive already.
Her marriages to George Zabriskie (1952) and Arthur Cohen (1970) ended in divorce.
All marriages have fissures, and those of the Connollys are on pointed display.
His marriages to Doris (Bunny) Hall and Kathryn Ann Holland ended in divorce.
The bride's previous two marriages ended in divorce, as did the groom's two.
He mused on his marriages, the return of "Twin Peaks" — and President Trump.
You sent us tales of lost friendships, mixed marriages and tense family gatherings.
Most marriages between easterners and westerners are between eastern women and western men.
"Celestial Bodies" tells the subtle and quietly anguished story of several unhappy marriages.
Both her marriages, to Robert S. Johnson and Bill Crow, ended in divorce.
Ann Leary: People don't often write about marriages that almost don't work out.
She describes herself as very liberal and told me love marriages are trendy.
His first two marriages, to Lenore Goodman and Eleanor Leen, ended in divorce.
Middleton and Markle welcomed their first child at different points in their marriages.
The takeaway from these advantages relies on whether the couples had happy marriages.
"So I don't know who these people think marriages are oppressing," he says.
This is notable, as divorce was once a deal breaker in royal marriages.
I look at data on failed marriages, wanting to fail-proof my own.
His first two marriages, to Iris Hill and Sarah Peck, ended in divorce.
The nation's first same-sex marriages are set to take place in October.
I also found their evil downside: sexless marriages, industrial-scale infidelity and loneliness.
On the living-room wall hung photos of their first and second marriages.
Mr. Vlasto's marriages to Dianne Chappas and to Carol Opton ended in divorce.
Now she wants to be the face of ending child marriages in America.
Scotland's new law on same-sex marriages came into effect in December 2014.
They came because they couldn't sleep at night and their marriages had foundered.
Gallup estimated 22019,000 same-sex marriages have taken place since the Obergefell v.
Raising Zika babies is hard enough for families with stable marriages and incomes.
It chooses not to lie to us about the economics of its marriages.
Out of Elizabeth Taylor&aposs eight marriages, she proposed once, to Michael Wilding.
His first two marriages, to Florence Herdan and Suzane Weintraub, ended in divorce.
His marriages to Patricia Young, Margaret Ashhurst and Ameze Westcott ended in divorce.
He married Françoise Bernheim in 1981 (three earlier marriages had ended in divorce).
He also had two brief marriages, to Margot Kidder and to Lana Pritchard.
For one thing, the marriages between relatives could reveal the effects of inbreeding.
Their deaths prompted village elders to agree to accept so-called love marriages.
"I think you would see a similar thing in seesaw marriages," Coontz said.
Their wealth brought them suitors and gave them bargaining power in their marriages.
I had some failed marriages — if you want to criticize me for that.
Most of the heterosexual marriages he knew had ended in divorce, he said.
Research about successful marriages seems to support the age sweet spot of 373.
Kriti Bharti, founder of Saarthi Trust, has helped nullify more than 30 child marriages in the western state of Rajasthan, and recently used Facebook posts as evidence in court in a state where these marriages are often held secretly at night.
Reiss said the resistance she faces to a child marriage ban is "anti-female", noting most child marriages are girls marrying adult men with studies showing about 87 percent of U.S. child marriages involved underage girls and 13 percent boys.
"DOMA undermines both the public and private significance of state-sanctioned same-sex marriages; for it tells these couples, and all the world, that their otherwise valid marriages are unworthy of federal recognition," Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion.
U.S. policy on child marriages Section 2900(a) of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 220006 amended the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2202 to require the Secretary of State to establish and implement a strategy to prevent child marriages.
That position, more or less, seems to be that second marriages may be technically adulterous, but it's unreasonable to expect modern people to realize that, and even more unreasonable to expect them to leave those marriages or practice celibacy within them.
Tales of fighting and outlandish spending dominated the press throughout their marriages and dissolutions.
His personal life was controversial, with five marriages, including one to actress Mia Farrow.
Perry, the case upholding the overturning of California's Proposition 22014, banning same-sex marriages.
Perhaps this explains why people in arranged marriages tend to get divorced less frequently.
But in the U.S., between 40 and 50% of all marriages end in divorce.
The socialite also published four books about her life, marriages and even romantic advice.
The report also cited a trend toward forcing Burmese women into marriages in China.
We&aposve had more marriages come out of &aposBig Brother&apos than &aposThe Bachelor.
Having said all of that, eHarmony claims to be responsible for over 11,000 marriages.
Perry, the case upholding the overturning of California's Proposition 8, banning same-sex marriages.
It wants to help governments manage civil-registration data on births, marriages and deaths.
Well, if you look at the data of just marriages, that's already happening today.
We know that marriages will dissolve, and love triangles will be set into motion.
The women were free of their forced marriages, but they paid a high price.
Still, same-sex marriages or civil unions are still not recognised in the country.
Their storylines have been focused on rape, loveless marriages, infidelity, ridicule, abuse, and neglect.
According to The Hindustan Times, the divorce rate is only 13 per 1,000 marriages.
He's been in multiple marriages and has a history of being creepy toward women.
Their careers are more versatile, their marriages are stronger, their children are more resilient.
More marriages end up in misery than happiness, so maybe that's why I'm fickle.
Of course there are still issues, like all marriages, but they're very much together.
Unaffordable marriages are also a factor in China's bigger demographic problem - falling birth rates.
There were about 11,000 marriages involving minors in Kentucky during that period, she said.
Facebook is a place where I hear about most deaths, most births, most marriages.
Mr Cann, a divorcee himself, notes the frequency with which divers' marriages break up.
Some young women who escaped forced marriages now spread the word against the practice.
These women, like Clinton, chose to stay in their marriages despite their husbands' infidelity.
By the mid-1990s over a tenth of marriages failed within just five years.
The bill also would have protected clergy who refused to perform same-sex marriages.
The area that I come from, women are objects, and are sold in marriages.
Over their objections, the ruling Democratic Union Party has banned forced marriages and polygamy.
In theory, FADA would provide protection for people who are opposed to heterosexual marriages.
A similar, but weaker risk increase was seen in third marriages with these combinations.
She is the product of a relationship between the father's fourth and fifth marriages.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson claimed that higher-earning women could be hurting marriages.
He doesn't have any kids ... of course Heidi has 4 from her previous marriages.
Ideally, you will have no children from previous marriages, but that is also flexible.
There are many more verses that support slavery and really awful types of marriages.
There's no way to know how many fraud marriages succeed in receiving green cards.
The couple, whose first marriages ended in divorce, were introduced in 2011 through eHarmony.
The king annulled this marriage because it violated the Royal Marriages Act of 1772.
The novel centers on two middle-aged Brooklyn couples whose marriages are in crisis.
They won't be forced to conduct same-sex marriages if they don't want to.
Other reasons to oppose child marriages The Supreme Court's decision in Esquivel-Quintana v.
The Moonies became best known for the cult's arranged mass marriages, and for Rev.
Baja California, the Mexican state in which Tijuana is located, recognizes same-sex marriages.
This has included extortion rackets, sham marriages, and the use of fake identification documents.
In 2011, she spoke out for "shotgun marriages" as the solution to unwanted pregnancies.
Eight same-sex marriages occurred during the brief time it was legal in Bermuda.
The bride's previous marriage ended in divorce, as did the groom's two previous marriages.
He also has two ex-wives from subsequent marriages that both ended in divorce.
In the months that followed, she stopped five other child marriages in her community.
A new survey shows that same-sex marriages in the U.S. have recently tripled.
In the same study, the majority of women expected their marriages to be egalitarian.
Romania's highest court postponed a ruling on the recognition of overseas same-sex marriages.
His mother would eventually marry four more times, and with the marriages came stepsiblings.
In 2014, the law minister decreed that officials should no longer register Rohingya marriages.
For years thereafter, she said she made poor personal choices, including three bad marriages.
Changes in personality and mood can strain families and marriages, sometimes to breaking point.
In fact, forced marriages are forbidden in Islam and definitely not the norm. 31.
I saw it with my mother and aunts who had problems with their marriages.
In those days, there was an easy solution to international arranged marriages: the telephone.
They contain thousands of letters and correspondence sent from women in these sham marriages.
Eradicate this, and Cambodians who suffered forced marriages will feel freer to report violence.
His marriages to Karen Ann Rosenkrantz, Christine Nazareth and Giselle Green ended in divorce.
Their office alone handled 1,113 marriages in 2017, said Paraskevi Anastasiou, a marriage officer.
Peter's ex warned him that Victoria had allegedly broken up marriages in the past.
The groom's previous marriage ended in divorce, as did the bride's two previous marriages.
Mr. Kurtz's first two marriages, to Meredith Alsup and Roberta Jimenez, ended in divorce.
Mr. Whitehead's marriages to Diane Leigh, Dido Goldsmith and Liza Tsyzina ended in divorce.
Two West Wing officials said Mr. Porter had offered conflicting portraits of his marriages.
The bride's first two marriages ended in divorce, as did the groom's first marriage.
Marriages of the more legally binding variety are far rarer at the opera house.
"Their marriages were based on love and respect for the other person," he said.
Last month Delaware became the first state to ban all child marriages, without exception.
To what "ghosts of royal marriages past" is the title of the article referring?
His marriages to Sally Bovey Stevens, Lollie Benz and Heather Burgess ended in divorce.
During the first year, their satisfaction with their marriages declined, which unfortunately is typical.
The bride's previous marriage ended in divorce, as did the groom's previous two marriages.
Ford has four children from two previous marriages and Flockhart has an adopted son.
He predicts that children of white-other interracial marriages will claim to be white.
But some couples told me that once they opened their marriages, unexpected things happened.
Well, I think their aim is mixed marriages and becoming equal with the whites.
Investigators said church leaders had arranged 82 such marriages in the past 20 years.
Middleton and Markle welcomed had their first child at different points in their marriages.
"The more international marriages we have the quicker we can end racism," he says.
His first two marriages, to Dorothy Kaehn and Barbara Virginia Krieps, ended in divorce.
Girls are often wed to older men in marriages that are arranged by families.
Mr. Kahn's marriages to Wendy Meeker, Alice Russell and Joan Rappaport ended in divorce.
It is understandable that the military wouldn't want to encourage women to leave marriages.
Conrad is survived by his eight children and 18 grandchildren from two different marriages.
The bride's first two marriages ended in divorce, as did the groom's previous marriage.
Nancy L. Claiborne, a deputy commissioner of civil marriages in Los Angeles County, officiated.
The people one sees in long, successful marriages have walked the stations of vulnerability.
Jeannette Nunez, sponsor of a bill that would ban all child marriages in Florida.
Both his parents, like many St. Lucians, were the products of racially mixed marriages.
But estate planning becomes more complex if there are multiple marriages and stepchildren involved.
It's also about broken marriages, economic uncertainty, and subtle class conflicts in rural Maine.
The ads, from online wedding planning company Zola, showed same-sex couples celebrating marriages.
He was a hard drinker and a womanizer with three marriages under his belt.
Mr. Just's first two marriages, to Jean Ramsay and Anne Burling, ended in divorce.
That doesn't mean all religious organizations will eventually come around to same-sex marriages.
Scaled up to the third or more of marriages in America that start online, that would mean that close to a million people have found happier marriages than they would have otherwise thanks to the internet—as have millions more around the world.
These marriages are arranged to provide the alien spouses with a basis for obtaining visas they can use to enter the United States as lawful permanent residents, leaving young girls trapped in marriages that have been described as a form of slavery.
Indonesian officials refuse to register inter-faith marriages because the law does not mention them.
We didn't know that second marriages have only a one in three chance of survival.
Arranged marriages, which remain common in some parts of the world, are a rarity here.
In many ways, both exchanges have reflected the PDA dynamics in the marriages that followed.
They've both had multiple marriages (including Kardashian's to West) that have been scrutinized and examined.
In between these two royal marriages, there are too many Targaryen-Targaryen pairings to count.
Of course, these marriages are not legally recognized in Canada, nor in many other countries.
According to Chaiwala, since its launch, the service has resulted in over 100 marriages worldwide.
And it would be unlikely for the court to undo any existing same-sex marriages.
Newlyweds pose for a group photo after registering their marriages in Taipei on May 24.
Many are suddenly calling for a law that would recognise gay partnerships but not marriages.
But romantic relationships, including marriages, do not result from these interactions or other player activities.
Many have to reckon with arranged marriages and being forced to marry when still children.
Like Ethan and Sam's marriages, this ship was sunk for no good reason at all.
Weaknesses: A Trump-Gingrich ticket would feature a combined six marriages between the two men.
In America more than a third of marriages now start with an online match-up.
And it destroyed his marriages, though few knew better how food could bring people close.
He attacks the families of others with a string of broken marriages of his own.
But divides can creep in between friends just as easily as they do in marriages.
There's a lot — and we mean a lot — of dating (and marriages) among CIA operatives.
The conventions in arranged marriages do not permit the wife earning more than the husband.
To Catholics, non-sacramental Protestant marriages were adulterous and Protestant children were – in effect -- bastards.
Forced and under-age marriages are common in Pakistan, particularly in rural and poor regions.
Three of them have been divorced, following very public marriages in the 1970s and 1980s.
But when they do marry, their marriages are much more likely to end in divorce.
The courts have helped, by recognising the marriages of foreign gay couples for residency purposes.
"Once marriages are registered, at least they have certain rights that are ensured," she said.
Attempting to preserve unions by making divorce more difficult might just lead to fewer marriages.
The proposal would give religious officials the right to refuse to perform same-sex marriages.
"I think that the one thing that marriages don't have anymore is honesty," Bell explained.
Further, to bring up Clinton's marital history would also make Trump's own marriages fair play.
She's gone through a lot of different things personally and in her marriages and stuff.
Prior to the year 266, no state recognized same-sex marriages or even civil unions.
I try to develop evidence-based strategies in the book for making our marriages stronger.
Roy later denied the "Becky" rumors, telling PEOPLE she respects "love, marriages, families and strength."
Gilmer received thousands of letters about unwanted pregnancies, loveless marriages and dissatisfaction with domestic life.
How was it working out for the people you met who were in sham marriages?
"Ninety percent of the cases I see are caused by consanguineous marriages," says Ms Zaki.
It does not allow gay marriages or civil unions, or adoptions by same-sex couples.
They include people who are doing forced labor, being sex trafficked or in forced marriages.
Inequality within their marriages and discrimination in the workplace are two examples, according to Pieke.
And perhaps, like many who enter second and third (and fourth) marriages, he doesn't care.
Other justifications the court allows are very specific—such as serious STDs or forced marriages.
Marriages are arranged between families, sometimes without the bride's (or, less commonly, the groom's) consent.
Especially because I grew up in this larger culture where "love" marriages are the norm.
You're allowing marriages with girls that are minors but you're not doing anything about it.
They are permitted to preach at Mass, perform baptisms, witness marriages and conduct funeral services.
Trump is no stranger to prenuptial agreements, considering his wealth, three marriages, and two divorces.
For Republicans, this was a time of stable marriages, respect for authority and economic dynamism.
These are the types of marriages the Home Office thinks most likely to be fake.
I would want to see where their marriages are [as opposed to a huge event].
The couple's six children from previous marriages were in Chico during the fire and unharmed.
Roman Catholic deacons can perform many priestly services, like preaching at Mass and witnessing marriages.
Stories of marriages from the apps are powerful anecdotes, but their evidence is only qualitative.
Cohen concluded that while the marriage rate among millennials is falling, marriages are lasting longer.
She tells us the Guns N' Roses rocker should have fresh memories of their marriages.
As with Ms. Edwards, his marriages to Ruth Sublette and Jeanette Schlottmann ended in divorce.
Mr. Wilder's first two marriages, to Mary Mercier and Mary Joan Schutz, ended in divorce.
The new law is intended to protect minors who may be pressured into early marriages.
Both have survived addiction, broken marriages (seven for Mr. Earle alone) and epic emotional distress.
In 212, 256 percent of all new marriages were interracial, the Pew Research Center reported.
Many of them were stretched between work and kids, marriages and divorces and aging parents.
Ina Garten and her husband Jeffrey have one of the most coveted marriages on television.
They were prepared to do anything — crush people's families, their marriages — to achieve their ends.
But sometimes, there are other edible marriages that sound so wrong, yet taste so right.
How do financial independence and employment help them after they get out of the marriages?
It will also help folks to establish happier, healthier, and longer-lasting relationships and marriages.
The couple, whose first marriages ended in divorce, met in 2008 through a dating site.
August not only spells the end of summer but also the end of many marriages.
Studies have suggested that multicultural marriages are a tricky undertaking, with higher rates of divorce.
This change has hit the Indian diaspora hard, because of its tradition of arranged marriages.
Successful marriages, Gottman finds, have five toward bids for every one of the other kinds.
He temporarily takes in about 10 girls fleeing early marriages every six months, he said.
He added that his own infidelity was "never a problem" in his own three marriages.
The number of happy marriages that were ruined by unwarranted snack-salting is likely astronomical.
In the next year's midterm election, a host of ballot initiatives banning such marriages passed.
In addition to his marriage to Thalia (Cheronis) Selz, three other marriages ended in divorce.
The most recent addition was Australia, where Parliament voted this month to legalize the marriages.
An earlier version of this obituary omitted a reference to one of Ms. McGuire's marriages.
His previous two marriages, one to the poet and memoirist Deborah Digges, ended in divorce.
Three other marriages — to Chris Calloway, Jabu Mbatha and Elinam Cofie — also ended in divorce.
Mr. David's marriages to Danielle Henriot-Decomis, Danièle Falke and Lynn Sutherland ended in divorce.
The characters do realize they need to accept themselves and their marriages, or lack thereof.
My friends — men and women — shared similar stories about how branding had invaded their marriages.
When he first started out, he wrote pop songs with contemplative lyrics about broken marriages.
Spouses in traditional (and untested) marriages often fail to discuss what they mean by monogamy.
Neither couple currently lives together, nor are their marriages legally recognized in the United States.
But with college, marriages, moves across the country, kids of our own, we grew apart.
Twelve years ago our marriages ended, and several months later our exes moved in together.
The country where a ship is registered influences how cruise lines conduct marriages at sea.
If someone opposed interracial marriages, that person would be termed a racist, Mr. Mooppan said.
Their stories are as varied as those who tell them: addiction, failed marriages, prison, disability.
In fact, some of the most successful marriages have one thing in common: good communication.
In New York State, only clergy members or public officials can perform legally binding marriages.
"Marriages have more problems when the man is unemployed than the woman," Professor Sharone said.
Through both marriages, she lived a cloistered life in Raqqa, attending to her two sons.
Weber shows how they transformed unhappy marriages and societal constriction into the stuff of legend.
Among other issues, the report cited "forced and fraudulent marriages" of foreign women in China.
Jeffrey Meyers's "Robert Lowell in Love" examines his three marriages and nine of his affairs.
Many of them felt more free in prison than they did in their own marriages.
For some, murdering their husbands was the only way they could escape their abusive marriages.
Ms. Lyon had brief marriages to Hampton Fancher, Roland Harrison, Cotton Adamson and Edward Weathers.
Lies, misunderstandings and escalating confrontations have, after all, been known to occur even within marriages.
Instead, members get sidetracked andfrequently go on tangents, talking about their failed marriages and parenting.
That includes sex trafficking but also child marriages and a great deal of forced labor.
Hundreds of couples on the West Coast ended up in shotgun marriages to avoid serving.
His two marriages ended in divorce, and his son, Richard, and daughter, Bambi, are dead.
Among the states with the highest rates of child marriages were Arkansas, Idaho and Kentucky.
"They want the government to get out of their lives and their marriages," he said.
Rising above the tide of information is that eHarmony claims responsibility for over 11,000 marriages.
The authorities threatened legal action if they did not call off the marriages, she said.
However, although the divorce rate is dropping, 39% of marriages will still end in divorce.
"We aspire to close, intimate marriages, but emotions can be complicated and inconvenient," she explains.
Those marriages marked a pivotal moment for the soon-to be-reality of marriage equality.
"If I know that the Bible doesn't say anything about biracial marriages, she knows too."
Pugh's Amy advances on Laurie, listing off the legal boundaries of 19th century American marriages.
Legal recognition is granted to such marriages now in 30 countries on every inhabited continent.
It was one of four marriages for Ms. Kaufmann, all of which ended in divorce.
Roughly 2.2 million marriages take place in the U.S. each year, according to government data.
And Mr. Bloomberg officiated one of the state's first same-sex marriages, at Gracie Mansion.
Under HB 1523, clerks and their deputies would be provided a process for recusing themselves from licensing marriages, and judges, magistrates, justices of the peace and their deputies would be given a similar process for recusing themselves from performing marriages, based on their religious beliefs.
Despite being more common, these marriages are a break from tradition, and that can present problems.
He did not want to discuss the children, he did not want to discuss his marriages.
More than anything, "The Big Day" is a story about marriages in various states of security.
In 2014, Pence and Indiana conservatives attempted to amend Indiana's constitution to ban same-sex marriages.
The study surveyed 423 participants about what would make them stray in their marriages and why.
Or do they go to marriages between men and their daughters, or women and their sons?
Two failed marriages also meant that Johnson was on her own as a single, working mom.
Same-sex marriages are not recognised, for example, and lesbians do not have access to IVF.
Spivey raised five children in public housing in the Bronx amid two marriages and health problems.
The judge also acknowledged the case is complicated by Thurman and Busson's children from other marriages.
"I felt she had two unhappy marriages, it was wonderful the way it was," he said.
She has campaigned against sex discrimination, violence against women and for an end to child marriages.
Both were married when they met and ended their prior marriages acrimoniously, according to the report.
A 2014 study from Emory University suggested that smaller (and cheaper) weddings lead to longer marriages.
Their intimacy lasted for the rest of Benedict's life, and through two more marriages for Mead.
During prenatal yoga, Moira was jealous of all the other couples and "perfect marriages" around her.
But now we've got more opportunities, and we don't have to stay in dead-end marriages.
Given the history of British monarchical marriages, that Prince Harry is marrying Markle is quite remarkable.
The couple have been married since 2012, and have three children between them from previous marriages.
Can you guess which of Australia's roulette wheel of leaders survived longer than these celebrity marriages?
She estimates that 20163% of the women who leave the FLDS community see their marriages disintegrate.
Among the poor, marriages are seldom official, allowing men to abandon one wife for another easily.
India has been cracking down on child marriages and campaigners said such shows could dent progress.
And that there are marriages that are still less about love and more about contractual obligation?
But, in practice, the report said, existing laws only apply to widows in officially registered marriages.

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