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8 Sentences With "make lofty"

How to use make lofty in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "make lofty" and check conjugation/comparative form for "make lofty". Mastering all the usages of "make lofty" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Small adjustments like these add up in the long run and make lofty goals far more manageable.
Of course, startups need to make lofty promises (and hit goals) so they may continue to be funded.
These issues plague the consumer experience of EEG headsets — even those that don't make lofty claims like the ability to control cars.
Some experts argue that any results are due to the placebo effect, while others are skeptical of at-home devices that make lofty marketing claims.
You get the welcome feeling that Nilsson, who will be 80 in a few months, is a serious, still-aspiring artist who has never rested on her laurels or taken herself too seriously; she never became pretentious or found it necessary to make lofty pronouncements.
The old rhymes "Mackerel sky, not twenty-four hours dry" and "Mares' tails and mackerel scales make lofty ships to carry low sails" both refer to this long-recognized phenomenon. Other phrases in weather lore take mackerel skies as a sign of changeable weather. Examples include "Mackerel sky, mackerel sky. Never long wet and never long dry", and "A dappled sky, like a painted woman, soon changes its face".
Traffickers sometimes use offers of marriage, threats, intimidation, brainwashing and kidnapping as means of obtaining victims. A common process is for the trafficker to first gain the trust of the victim, called the grooming stage. They seek to make the victim dependent on them. The trafficker may express love and admiration, make lofty promises such as making the victim a star, offer them a job or an education or buy them a ticket to a new location.
When significant disparities in economic capacity and political influence are involved, AIDA protects poor communities struggling against powerful corporate or state interests. 3\. Cultivate the power of international law - Many international treaties make lofty promises that lead to little action. Commitments on paper are meaningless without real-world incentives and mechanisms for enforcement. AIDA designs international strategies that lead to measurable results – we hold governments accountable and build the capacity of key players in positions to make a difference. 4\.

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