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118 Sentences With "mainstreamed"

How to use mainstreamed in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "mainstreamed" and check conjugation/comparative form for "mainstreamed". Mastering all the usages of "mainstreamed" from sentence examples published by news publications.

" Grove mainstreamed what used to be called "the underground.
But over the years troll culture has successfully mainstreamed itself.
" Instead, "it has mainstreamed and become an integral part of life.
He has mainstreamed not only specific conspiracies but also conspiratorial thinking.
The Amazon Kindle, which was introduced in 2007, effectively mainstreamed ebooks.
It's through these same mechanisms that union jargon, too, has been mainstreamed.
We are now forced to talk about how hate has been mainstreamed.
How large can a safe space become, and can it be mainstreamed?
It mainstreamed the toxic populism that carried Trump to the White House.
It's also a technology that, once mainstreamed, can never be taken back.
Just as Derek's extremist ideology was becoming mainstreamed in America, he renounced it.
This program bonds felons who are hired and mainstreamed by companies of all sizes.
Trump was a reality star before reality TV and a rapper before rap mainstreamed.
Gender performativity has been mainstreamed and made more or less interchangeable with social construction.
Rock music is black music mainstreamed by white musicians, particularly white musicians from England.
Festivals are too big a business not to be homogenized, smoothed out and mainstreamed.
So I was "mainstreamed," as they used to say—I prefer to say integrated.
At the time, his demand was widely seen as outlandish, but now it's been mainstreamed.
Lawyer and activist Valarie Kaur says the threat of violence seems to have become mainstreamed.
The fact that they haven't shows how much Trump's election has mainstreamed repugnant racist views.
He mainstreamed conservative thought in America and was finally the answer to the liberal media monolith.
This mainstreamed byproduct of the tropical fruit has taken on a trend storm of its own.
Mr. Trump has mainstreamed Paulite thinking on America's international relations, whether you like it or not.
The rumor was mainstreamed by Fox News, where hosts even alluded to Kaepernick's supposed conversion to Islam.
The more mainstreamed feminism becomes, the easier it is to water down the values of the movement.
Bigotry and extremism is not confined to a marginal sliver on the far right; it has been mainstreamed.
Its most recent annual report highlighted the need for human rights to be mainstreamed in the drug response.
Specialized mental health services do not exist in the country, nor is the importance of such services mainstreamed.
Here was the egotistical fanboy who had "legitimized and mainstreamed" the counterculture in the 1960s and early '70s.
What's unsettling is that the far-left's hostility is now being mainstreamed by the not-so-far left.
"Hate is becoming mainstreamed," Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein, the United Nations high commissioner for human rights, warned on Monday.
In 1915, that nightmare was mainstreamed with the release of D. W. Griffith's influential cinematic saga of good vs.
Many of the Democratic presidential contenders have announced support for Medicare for all, which was mainstreamed by Vermont Sen.
Trump got mainstreamed and then the party couldn't get rid of him, even though they wanted to in 2016.
At this point, if you haven't noticed fashion's role in the (mainstreamed) feminist movement, well, you're just not paying attention.
There were kids like Jim, who — like me —  had been mainstreamed, and were the only disabled person in his posse.
But it's important to see how these fringe ideas are being mainstreamed by figures like Fox Business host Lou Dobbs.
For in this satire of mainstreamed queerness, presented by New Light Theater Project, two different couples anticipate a blessed event.
JJ goes to regular school in a regular classroom where he's mainstreamed all day and his grandmother works as his aide.
When a subculture is mainstreamed, it builds followers among whole groups of people who might not otherwise have access to it.
Oh, and that brain mainstreamed the idea that those who've benefited greatly should use that benefit for the good of society.
While there have been NVMe systems offered by competing companies, these have not really mainstreamed because of high cost in Kixmoeller's view.
Mika Brzezinski—who mainstreamed Trump for years, and only dumped him when he became difficult to manage—tweeted this in response: pic.twitter.
Trump has mainstreamed conspiracy theories that, in every past presidency, have only existed in the fever swamps of the right or left.
The good news is at least that with sustainability being increasingly mainstreamed, things are not entirely as shitty as they could be.
We all are, really, in this time of post-Kondo closet-thinning, mainstreamed ethics of sustainability and easy access to online marketplaces.
Mr. Modi came to power in 2014, and four years into his term, religious and cultural bigotry stands mainstreamed in Indian society.
Where the hipsters will start to do something and then it'll be mainstreamed by some Sunday Styles article in the New York Times.
The latest bad immigration policy idea being mainstreamed into the public consciousness is that deportation of illegal aliens is unwarranted under any circumstances.
The conservative evangelical vision of America, so mainstreamed into the Republican Party, sees white women as delicate, maternal, and dependent, not authoritative and powerful.
The Christian right owes its current influence in part to Bush, who mainstreamed it in ways that his father and Ronald Reagan did not.
When Kermit the Frog's tea-sipping meme becomes Tea Lizard — a made-up, meaningless moniker — the Black community that mainstreamed the joke gets sidelined.
The Affordable Care Act mainstreamed Medicaid even more by greatly simplifying eligibility and integrating Medicaid into the enrollment process of the health insurance marketplaces.
Trump mainstreamed bullying as a political tactic during the 2016 primary campaign, so no one should be surprised that, as President, he talks like this.
"Many countries in fact appear to be seeking to expand the coverage of their programs and establish them as national programs mainstreamed into national policy."
Director John Ford brought a movie crew to Monument Valley and shot Stagecoach, the 1939 blockbuster that mainstreamed the Western and the actor John Wayne.
The all-but-mainstreamed fetish has even been referenced in Hollywood features like Michael Fassbender's Shame and the TV show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
But over the past few decades, it has been mainstreamed as part of the state medical system, sold as a viable alternative for an aging population.
The Clintons, both Chelsea and her mother Hillary, have a very odd habit of insulting a broad swath of America by saying President Trump has mainstreamed hate.
Today, he says his company focuses on agile teams of all sizes as the agile concept has become popularized over time and mainstreamed as an accepted practice.
"From the 1990s we've seen conversion ideology mainstreamed within Christian churches and become a broader model," said Anna Brown of the HLRC, one of the report's authors.
For example, I worked closely with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), an organization that proves great things can be accomplished when disability is truly mainstreamed.
Banana Republic, J. Crew, even the Gap: They all began by encapsulating a narrow slice of American life, and then streamlined, expanded and mainstreamed it from there.
This year, alt-right media outlets entered the mainstream, and as Bannon explained, these ideas, once only shared by the fringe, have been mainstreamed to the White House.
"Even as his campaign has mainstreamed intolerance, we can push back on the hate and evoke our better angels not just with words, but with deeds," he said.
Ben Shapiro, a former Breitbart editor who has been sharply critical of Mr. Bannon, called him "a manipulator" who had "mainstreamed" far-right extremists for cynical political purposes.
It was a wild card and an unexpected hit, and it mainstreamed an idea that had already been taking hold among Silicon Valley biohackers and human optimization zealots.
"The 2016 presidential election has mainstreamed Islamophobia and resulted in a number of unconstitutional proposals targeting Muslims," said Corey Saylor, director of CAIR's Department to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia.
The president-elect has mainstreamed expressions of bigotry, allowing for greater expression of a new white identity politics—even among Americans who don't support Richard Spencer-style white nationalism.
Flashing lights and disco dancers on stage were a homage to "Saturday Night Fever," the 1977 blockbuster that mainstreamed disco and gave the Bee Gees a clutch of hits.
What it says about the future: Internet culture and online dating have been thoroughly mainstreamed, and we can look forward to a whole lot of general audience comedies like this.
The issues that Sanders mainstreamed during his 2016 presidential run and Warren has spent years advocating for have galvanized the base but also created clear dividing lines within the party.
Even if Trump loses in 2020 but does so in a campaign and a culture that has mainstreamed his brand of bullying and boorish behavior, he's won a sort-of victory.
"Girl power" lives on, and as feminism is mainstreamed into our lives via Beyoncé, Shonda Rhimes, and even President Obama, the meaning of that once-vapid term grows ever more powerful.
Swastikas and other emblems, retweeted by Trump Sr. from white supremacist social media accounts, have mainstreamed a subculture of hatred, bringing concepts like "Jewamerica" and "white genocide" to a vast public.
Her line of inquiry reveals the collective progress lost—or at least plateaued—by mainstreamed claims to feminism, which are couched in a rhetoric of "unruliness" that is really anything but.
Now, because dance music has been mainstreamed and hip-hop is pop, DJs have to consider the demands of the crowd more, which has turned many of them into playlist regurgitators.
We are all familiar with the ways in which Donald Trump's demagogic assault on the press has already normalized presidential mendacity, mainstreamed "alternative facts," and desensitized millions of Americans to both.
His demonization of Mexicans as rapists, his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the country, and his use of language like "shithole countries" and "invasion" to demonize immigrants mainstreamed alt-right ideas.
Bannon was the CEO of Trump's campaign, which also mainstreamed white nationalism and had a poor relationship with elected leaders of the Republican Party, so there's no reason for anything to change.
Then Frank Ocean mainstreamed the company when he was photographed at ComplexCon in one of the hoodies, puzzling his fans along with Worldnet employees who wondered where the singer had gotten it.
"Anti-Semitism is no longer an issue confined to the activity of the far left, far right and radical Islamists triangle - it has mainstreamed and became an integral part of life," the report said.
But this year as the cloud mainstreamed and Salesforce took off on a $10 billion run rate, you couldn't help but feel that after 17 years in business, that Salesforce's time had finally come.
The reality of globalization, for all its benefits, has simultaneously ushered in a world where anti-immigration sentiment and protectionist tendencies have been increasingly mainstreamed, evidenced by the appeal of populist politicians like Trump.
While the topic has been newly mainstreamed for the first time since Rodger's mass shooting, the incel ideology has been incubating on forums like 4chan and 8chan and "Men's Rights" message boards for years.
"Trump's election, in a moment when climate action has finally been mainstreamed into the economy, gives Republicans a chance to reconcile with real life," André Ferretti, a coordinator of the Brazilian Climate Observatory, said.
"Farooqi has always had an interest in electoral politics and a desire to get mainstreamed, to be accepted as a political force and get rid of his baggage as a militant," Mr. Hamid said.
On Wednesday, Fox News contributor Rachel Campos-Duffy declared that Ocasio-Cortez should be person of the year because she had mainstreamed socialism, paving the way for other Democrats to reveal that they, too, are socialists.
Since his election, voting rights and civil rights have been increasingly under attack, hate crimes are on the rise, migrant children are separated from their families and placed in detention centers, and white nationalism is mainstreamed.
"Donald Trump has mainstreamed ideas that were in the dark before," said Heidi Beirich, the head of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project, which monitors the activities of extremist groups like white supremacists and neo-Confederates.
It also spawned numerous copy-cat memoirs like 1988's Satan's Underground, all equally false, which embellished and mainstreamed the idea of a massive, intergenerational, clandestine satanic ritual sex abuse cult — one that could be occurring in your very own neighborhood.
In the America of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Eric Garner, in the Los Angeles of Rodney King, Mapplethorpe's "Black Book" cannot, like so much of the rest of his art, be mainstreamed, seen coolly through an aesthetics-only lens.
Instead of creating more informed citizens, partisan media compounded tribalism through an echo chamber -- a loose network of blogs, talk radio and partisan cable news that mainstreamed conspiracy theories and increasingly gave talking points to party leaders rather than vice versa.
When Donald Trump picked Steve Bannon to serve as his chief strategist, outrage against "normalization" of a man who mainstreamed white nationalism drove thousands of activists to mob congressional phone lines and demand their members of Congress speak out against him.
The obsessive outrage has been mainstreamed and regularized and I think this is a very serious point because it&aposs not just that the outrage and the "who can out-crazy the next on cable TV" has been accepted as now expected.
For a generation that has grown up with this kind of vitriol mainstreamed through social media and polemical news, having these kinds of words come directly from the President of the United States is the final pillar in the normalization of this discourse.
They have no knowledge of the 22019s and 1980s when the "progressives" of that time demanded that the marginally and fully psychotic patients be released from "inhumane" state institutions and "mainstreamed" through halfway houses — which these patients wanted no part of, often preferring the streets.
One factor appears to be wide-scale human migration stirred by war, political upheaval and environmental degradation, which in turn has fed a global rise in xenophobia and discriminatory politics that is "becoming mainstreamed in much of the Western world," said regional ADL director Peter Levi.
Since 9/11, a tremendous amount of money and energy has gone to a group of conservative organizations, like the Center for Security Policy and Act for America, that have mainstreamed ideas about Muslim scripture being inherently violent and Muslim organizations being front groups for terrorism.
By halfway through 2016, there was a persistent, palpable, even terrifying, sense within the community that we had suddenly entered into a new era of popular anti-Semitic permissiveness, one where what was once fringe thought and speech had been mainstreamed and magnified by social media.
"Now I've come to feel differently, because I think that the way that our president and many people around him have not only mainstreamed hate, but mainlined it, is so deeply dangerous," she said, before citing reports of children using Trump's words to bully other children.
From the United Nations to Interpol to various multilateral development actors, including United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank, countering terrorism and violent extremism has been mainstreamed into the work of established multilateral bodies perhaps better suited to sustaining such efforts over the long term.
That's a huge part of why Love, Simon is so important — and I'm hopeful the love and support queer romances have been getting lately will open the field for more mainstreamed queer and genderqueer rom-coms that allow queer people to participate in universal love stories.
In Ohio, the Kasich administration over its eight years invested millions of dollars, despite budgetary pressures, to make sure that the disabled could be mainstreamed into all aspects of society, live in their own homes, receive good care and find meaningful employment in their own communities.
For example: our pioneering yet stuffy psychologist sheds her lab coat for bondage gear; the "token" African-American sidekick is the film's muscular wisecracker; and BDSM—now mainstreamed thanks to the Fifty Shades franchise and a growing tolerance of varied sexual behaviors—is depicted as deviant and morally depraved.
The original came outfitted in a highly marketable premise, with the teenage sons and daughters of the Disney villains -- raised on an island separate from their heroic peers -- being mainstreamed into the high school attended by the progeny of heroes like the Beast, Mulan and the Seven Dwarfs.
The people I fear are benefiting most from these spectacles are racists, who are seeing their views mainstreamed and watching the Republican Party contort itself closer to their positions in order to defend their president (my colleague Jane Coaston's piece on the "Trump racism spin cycle" is worth considering here).
In the era before Bernie Sanders mainstreamed single-payer and President Donald Trump came close to repealing the Affordable Care Act, it was taken as a given by the pundit class that the only way to provide health care coverage was through a private insurance marketplace augmented by a few public programs.
This week has been so long that it's almost difficult to remember that it started with the horrific deaths of 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue, which prompted reports about the growth of anti-Semitism in the US, as well as the ways in which that anti-Semitism is mainstreamed for political purposes.
While some of these dreams have come true, many more have been held back by legal and legislative rollbacks and threatened by a resurgence of white nativism that has mainstreamed "old school" racism and catapulted a major presidential candidate who is openly supported by members of white supremacist groups  and other hate groups.
Even though about 6,000 babies with Down syndrome are born every year in the United States, and more and more people with the condition marked by an extra 21st chromosome are mainstreamed in society all the time, I just don't see people with Down syndrome out in public on a regular basis.
In fact, this culture of white supremacy — which many portray as having gained steam in the Obama era and become mainstreamed in the Trump era, has never left many localities where the biased values of the past, fostered by the Lost Cause movement, have been enshrined in public statuary, policies, and practices.
He has charted this remarkable ascent as a national political figure on the strength of this coalition and mainstreamed a set of socialist and quasi-socialist ideas that were seen as really outside the mainstream when he started campaigning on them decades ago, into the center of one of the country's two major political parties.
Picnickers occupy the foreground and contrasting snippets of music emerge from two boomboxes — The Temptations singing "It was just my imagination running away with me" and the lyrics of a hip-hop song, "With my hand on my money and my money on my mind" — both representing black art movements that were mainstreamed by suburban white youth.
When historians set about explaining how it came to be that progressive rhetoric, and even the design of redistributive policies, came to focus so heavily on the divide between the top 22018 percent and the bottom 22017 percent of income earners by the decade's end, the protesters who mainstreamed these ideas will obviously merit well more than a footnote.
But for those in that other group — the ones who "know" but simply don't care because they've been able to feather their own nest, gain power, ratings, clicks, media contracts, or otherwise benefit politically from Trump, or worse, are relieved their alt-right white nationalist tendencies have been somewhat "normalized" and mainstreamed, merely educating them is not an option.
Meanwhile, the flurry of attention on the primary victory of Democratic Socialist congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reflects how anti-capitalist ideas are being mainstreamed in unprecedented ways — and yet a superhero like Tony Stark (aka Iron Man), a business magnate who's built his vast fortune on the military-industrial complex, remains squarely at the center of Marvel's ever-expanding cinematic universe.
Republican nominee Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE's odious brand of politics should be anathema to all Americans, and especially to Jews, who for so many years have been victims of the ignorance and bigotry mainstreamed by demagogues like Trump.

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