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389 Sentences With "lower limbs"

How to use lower limbs in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "lower limbs" and check conjugation/comparative form for "lower limbs". Mastering all the usages of "lower limbs" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Open Bionics also said it wants to start building lower limbs.
Most of them were suffering from injuries to their lower limbs, Boscaino said.
But, instead of squeezing your lower limbs into traditionally tapered cuts, the solution is rather simple.
Véronique's lower limbs were shattered and she was bleeding from dozens of holes dotting her lower abdomen.
They'll improve circulation to curb swelling and lower the risk of blood clots forming in the lower limbs.
Holding Joao affectionately, she explains why he had to be fitted with special boots to realign his lower limbs.
Her spine was crushed, and while she retained function in her arms, she has none in her lower limbs.
You don't want your trunk and upper body moving faster than the lower limbs will allow or you'll fall over.
Instead of focusing on the star power, fans are more concerned for Witherspoon's lower-limbs and Winfrey's extra left hand.
But at the same time, gray matter increased in sensory-motor areas of the brain that control the lower limbs.
He and his colleagues treated dozens of victims after the attack, many of whom required complex reconstruction of their lower limbs.
Ruschel also is in stable but critical condition after spinal surgery but still has normal movement in his upper and lower limbs.
Each time you move your lower limbs, those are the sounds your knees make on the inside, even without you realizing it.
They found 70 percent of riders sustained injuries to their upper limbs — hands, wrists, arms or shoulders — and 85033 percent to their lower limbs.
The system utilized a brain-machine interface featuring an Oculus Rift headset that simulated the effect of having a neurological connection to their lower limbs.
BionX Medical Technologies is the creator of battery-powered prosthetic lower limbs that helps people to walk almost as if they still had both their legs.
The upper part of the man's body was found slightly below his lower limbs, which officials attribute to tunnels dug at the site during the 18th century.
All eight patients experienced some level of recovery from the process, both in terms of the return of sensation to the lower limbs and increased muscle control.
It has motors and it feeds energy into your lower limbs as you are working, so you are able to walk and expend a lot less energy.
He was admitted to a hospital near his home in Southern California last October with so much fluid in his lower limbs that he was unable to stand.
Outside, Charlie sawed off the lower limbs of dozens of trees to open up a yard that was mossy and dank (a neighbor also helped fell some trees).
" It quotes an unnamed "former Merck representative" saying the HPV vaccine can cause "Guillain-Barré syndrome, paralysis of the lower limbs, vaccine-induced MS, and vaccine-induced encephalitis.
Their patient was a 32-year-old Jamaican-born UK resident who said that he'd had blurred vision, in addition to other nerve-related symptoms in his lower limbs.
The first few years were physically and emotionally grueling; I was in and out of the hospital for surgical procedures to make my lower limbs fit better into prosthetic legs.
Striking with the fists will always carry the advantage that, while punches carry less thud than a strike from the lower limbs, the feet are planted throughout the entire process.
The heart still pumps enough blood to the lower limbs so that they can function, but the legs don't get nearly the same amount of blood as they do on Earth.
In the second study, researchers from UCLA and the Mayo Clinic reported on a 29-year-old patient who could not feel or move his lower limbs after a snowmobile accident in 2013.
Scientists on Wednesday said the ape, called Danuvius guggenmosi, combined attributes of humans - straight lower limbs adapted for bipedalism - with those of apes - long arms able to stretch out to grasp tree branches.
" Finally, after a video demonstration, Glenn "helped to explain that the MAD was a prosthetic and operated as an extension of Mr. Collins' body, functioning as his lower limbs and lower torso muscles. […].
"Most of the injured suffered abdominal and chest crush injuries, and multiple bone fractures on upper and lower limbs," Dr. G. Nagabhusana Rao, medical superintendent of the hospital, said in a telephone interview.
If preparing for a fast race or training session, this could include 6-8 dynamic stretching drills to move the joints through the full range of motion, particularly in the lower limbs, such as walking lunges and leg swings.
Researchers defined the progression of ALS based on how many regions of the body were affected by looking at movement in the upper limbs; lower limbs; bulbar region that includes muscles involved in speech and swallowing; and breathing and eating.
LIM also told The Verge exclusively that it has conducted pilot trials with the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and Headley Court, the UK's military rehab center, getting sockets to more than a dozen different amputees who lost their lower limbs during military service.
Jered Chinnock, a man who became paralyzed in his lower limbs after a 2013 snowmobile accident, was able to take voluntary steps with a walker and on a treadmill via a combination of focused thinking, spinal cord stimulation with programmed electrodes and rehabilitation therapy, researchers announced Monday.
The other group received the same conventional treatment plus weekly 15-minute Gua sha sessions, in which a therapist used a buffalo horn scraper and a skin lubricant to stimulate "acupoints" similar to those targeted by acupuncture focusing on the back, lower limbs and upper limbs for eight weeks.
"A formidable stone block (perhaps a door jamb), violently thrown by the volcanic cloud, collided with his upper body, crushing the highest part of the thorax and yet-to-be-identified head, which lie at a lower height of the lower limbs, and probably under the stone block," they wrote.
It began with a three-part barrage of cramps that surged across my lower limbs in paralysis of all forward progress: As I staggered up the steepest section of the whole course, a painful stab seized my right IT band while another twisted knots into my groin, followed by an aftershock rumbling across the left thigh for good measure.
The number of gill rakers on the first gill arch can also be used to identify a fish species. Rakers are counted for the upper and lower limbs of the gill arch, and a raker at the joint of the upper and lower limbs is counted as of the lower. Counts for the upper and lower limbs are separated by a + sign and ranges are bracketed, e.g., GR: 3 + (4-5).
Dipygus manifests as duplicated lower limbs and could include additional organs or bodily structures.
Affected individuals experience progressive pyramidal and cerebellar dysfunction, muscle weakness and wasting prevailing in the lower limbs.
Congenital limb deformities are congenital musculoskeletal disorders which primarily affect the upper and lower limbs. An example is polydactyly.
Chimpanzees have lower limbs that are specialized for manipulation, and (arguably) have fingers on their lower limbs as well. The term 'finger' is not applied to the digits of most other animals, such as canines, felines, or ungulates, none of which can engage in fine manipulation with their forelimbs as a primate can.
In order to walk upright with maximum efficiency, the skull, spine, pelvis, lower limbs, and feet all underwent evolutionary changes.
Disabilities in the lower limbs, no functional sitting balance. b. CP with disabilities in all four limbs (functional classification)." In 2002, the Australian Paralympic Committee defined this classification for para-Alpine as a sit skiing classification for "Athletes with disabilities in the lower limbs and no sitting balance (i.e. Cannot sit upright without support).
This is the most common location of the lesion, and therefore most individuals will have weakness of the lower limbs. A lesion of the lumbar segment, the lower part of the spinal cord (L1–S5) often produces a combination of upper and lower motor neuron signs in the lower limbs. Lumbar lesions account for about 10% of cases.
Symptomatic treatment of chronic functional or structural venous insufficiency of the lower limbs. Lymphedema. Symptomatic treatment of hemorrhoids. Ailments caused by pressure ulcers.
Ataxia, poor coordination, imbalance 6\. Mild spasticity (especially lower limbs) 7\. Diabetes mellitus 8\. Dental crowding, hypodontia, small roots, high arched palate 9\.
Karak syndrome is a neurological degenerative disorder involving excess cerebral iron accumulation. The family who the disease was discovered in their siblings lived in Karak, a town in southern Jordan. It is characterized by ataxia, inverted feet (talipes calcaneovarus), dysarthric scanning speech with dystonic features, dystonic movement of the tongue and facial muscles and choreiform movement was present in both upper and lower limbs, being more marked in the lower limbs, along with dystonic posture of the distal feet, bradykinesia present in both upper and lower limbs, dysmetria, dysdiadochokinesia, and intentional tremor were bilateral and symmetrical.
This is similar to the condition seen in A. africanus. This could potentially indicate the lower limbs had a wider range of motion than modern humans.
This burial had been disturbed, and there is no conclusion on what gender or age the individual was. Only lower limbs and the pelvis were preserved.
Bramall was born in 1985 and grew up in Minshull Vernon in the north west of England. Bramall has cerebral palsy which affects his lower limbs.
In terms of functional classification, this means the sportsperson is ambulatory with good arm function. They have issues with balance or reduced function in their lower limbs.
The Men's 10000 metres, T54 was held on January 22 T54 = normal upper limb function, partial to normal trunk function. May have significant function of the lower limbs.
The Women's 5000 metres, T54 was held on January 22 T54 = normal upper limb function, partial to normal trunk function. May have significant function of the lower limbs.
The function of the lower limbs during walking is to support the whole-body against gravitational forces while generating movement patterns which progress the body forward.Eng JJ, Winter DA. Kinetic analysis of the lower limbs during walking: What information can be gained from a three-dimensional model? Journal of Biomechanics. 1995;28(6):753-758. Walking is an activity that is primarily confined to the sagittal plane, which is also described as the plane of progression.
The Men's 100 metres, T13 was held on January 28 and 29 T54 = normal upper limb function, partial to normal trunk function, may have significant function of the lower limbs.
The Men's 400 metres, T13 was held on January 28 and 29 T54 = normal upper limb function, partial to normal trunk function, may have significant function of the lower limbs.
T53 = normal upper limb function, no abdominal, leg or lower spinal function. T54 = normal upper limb function, partial to normal trunk function, may have significant function of the lower limbs.
T53 = normal upper limb function, no abdominal, leg or lower spinal function. T54 = normal upper limb function, partial to normal trunk function, may have significant function of the lower limbs.
This syndrome is not only characterized by spasticity and weakness in the lower limbs, but also with dysarthria, mental retardation or mild developmental delay, and muscle wasting or muscle atrophy.
Fat loss tends to affect the lower limbs and buttocks. Insulin resistance and hypertriglyceridemia occur. Calf muscular hypertrophy may occur. Type 5 is due to mutations in the AKT2 gene.
The Men's 200 metres, T54 was held on January 24, 25 and 26 T54 = normal upper limb function, partial to normal trunk function, may have significant function of the lower limbs.
The intermediate genes (HOXC6, HOXC8) are expressed in both the upper and lower limbs. Within the limb bud, expression also varies as a function of the position along the anterior-posterior axis.
LW12.2 skiers in this class have differences in between one limb and another. The IPC defined this para-Alpine classification as "Athletes with amputations of the lower limbs." Adapted Physical Education and Sport described this class as "Athletes with disabilities in the lower limbs, amputations, and standing L classes L1, L2, L3/1, L3/2, L4, L9/2 with good sitting balance; point score 16 to 18 points." This classification is comparable to LW4 but for those who compete while sitting.
The Pinchot Sycamore sustained some damage to its canopy as a result of an early snowstorm in October 2011; however, it was not diminished in size, and its large recognizable lower limbs remain intact.
Analysis of bone fracture patterns, which include a large number of greenstick fractures in the forearms, lower limbs, pelvis, thorax and skull, suggest that Lucy died from a vertical fall and impact with the ground.
Common symptoms of the disease are weakness and atrophy in the distal muscles of the lower limbs which progresses to the hands and arms, then to the trunk, neck and face. Respiratory impairment often follows.
In addition, many affected individuals exhibit, to a variable degree, symmetrical distal muscle weakness and wasting. HSAN I is characterized by marked sensory disturbances mainly as the loss of pain and temperature sensation in the distal parts of the lower limbs. The loss of sensation can also extend to the proximal parts of the lower limbs and the upper limbs as the disease progresses. Some affected individuals do not lose sensation, but instead experience severe shooting, burning, and lancinating pains in the limbs or in the trunk.
Stephen Pheasant (1986), who taught anatomy, biomechanics and ergonomics at the Royal Free Hospital and the University College, London, said that Far Eastern people have proportionately shorter lower limbs than Europeans and black Africans. Pheasant said that the proportionately short lower limbs of Far Eastern people is a difference that is most characterized in Japanese people, less characterized in Korean and Chinese people, and the least characterized in Vietnamese and Thai people.Pheasant, Stephen. (2003). Bodyspace: Anthropometry, ergonomics and the design of work (2nd. ed.).
However, decorticate rigidity can be caused by bleeding in the internal capsule which causes damage to upper motor neurons. The symptoms of decorticate rigidity are flexion in the upper limbs and extension in the lower limbs.
This condition is characterised by calcifcation of the periferal arteries. The lower limbs are more commonly affected than the upper limbs. This may be clinically slient but may also present with ischemia of the affected limb(s).
Stephen Pheasant (1986), who taught anatomy, biomechanics and ergonomics at the Royal Free Hospital and the University College, London, said that East Asian and Southeast Asian people have proportionately shorter lower limbs than European people and black African people. Pheasant said that the proportionately short lower limbs of East Asian and Southeast Asian people is a difference that is most characterized in Japanese people, less characterized in Korean and Chinese people, and least characterized in Vietnamese and Thai people.Pheasant, Stephen. (2003). Bodyspace: Anthropometry, ergonomics and the design of work (2nd. ed.).
The Men's 200 metres, T36 was held on January 26 and 27 T36 = walk without assistance or assistive devices, more control problems with upper than lower limbs. All four limbs are involved, dynamic balance often better than static balance.
The Men's 100 metres, T36 was held on January 23 and 24 T36 = walk without assistance or assistive devices, more control problems with upper than lower limbs. All four limbs are involved, dynamic balance often better than static balance.
The Men's 400 metres, T36 was held on January 28 and 29 T36 = walk without assistance or assistive devices, more control problems with upper than lower limbs. All four limbs are involved, dynamic balance often better than static balance.
The athlete may have sufficient function to run but demonstrates poor balance". The Australian Paralympic Committee defines this classification as being for "Moderate problems in lower limbs. Good functional strength and minimal control problems in upper limbs. No wheelchair.
Her lower limbs are weak and she has to rely on a wheel chair for mobility. However, she could use her legs like a normal person in low gravity environment. Her relationship to her half-sister is not close.
Peripheral edema is edema (accumulation of fluid causing swelling) in tissues perfused by the peripheral vascular system, usually in the lower limbs. In the most dependent parts of the body (those hanging distally), it may be called dependent edema.
Alessandro Polita (born 3 June 1984) is an Italian motorcycle racer, winner of the FIM Superstock 1000 Cup in 2006. His sister, Alessia Polita, also ran as a professional rider, until an accident caused paralysis of the lower limbs.
In practice, this means they have limited function in at least one limb. In terms of functional classification, this means the sportsperson is ambulatory with good arm function. They have issues with balance or reduced function in their lower limbs.
A disorder known as "Blocq's disease" is named after him. It is also known as astasia-abasia, and is characterized by the inability to stand or walk, despite the capability to move ones' lower limbs when sitting or lying down.
The maximum number of lesions seen in one patient was ten. In the case of Zairian patients, the lesions were mostly found on the lower limbs, with a couple of patients reporting lesions on the upper limbs, trunk, and head.
Akathisia refers to a subjective feeling of restlessness in the lower limbs that is related to abnormal activity in the extrapyramidal system in the brain, often due to antipsychotic medication. It tends to manifest as an inability to sit still.
It has been reported in four patients all members of the same family. Fat loss affects the upper and lower limbs. The patients also suffered from hypertension, insulin resistance and hypertriglyceridemia. Type 6 due to mutations in the CIDEC gene.
Among the working age population one out of five hospitalizations from varicose veins are as a result of prolonged standing. Prolonged standing leads to impeded blood flow and stasis in the veins in the lower limbs, which can cause varicose veins.
The appendicular skeleton (126 bones) is formed by the pectoral girdles, the upper limbs, the pelvic girdle or pelvis, and the lower limbs. Their functions are to make locomotion possible and to protect the major organs of digestion, excretion and reproduction.
Frameshift mutations associated with this gene cause autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia 20 (Troyer syndrome). Troyer syndrome (SPG20) is a complicated type of hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSPs). HSP is a category of neurological disorder characterized by spasticity and muscle weakness in the lower limbs.
This plexus innervates the pectoral girdle and upper limb. The lumbar plexus contains ventral rami from spinal nerves L1-L4. The sacral plexus contains ventral rami from spinal nerves L4-S4. The lumbar and sacral plexuses innervate the pelvic girdle and lower limbs.
River Styxx (voiced by Ashley Peterson) is the daughter of the Grim Reaper. She dresses in a "pastel goth" fashion. River has purple skin which is transparent on her lower limbs so that her bones are visible. Her hair is blue, pink and purple.
Anomalies of lower limbs or feet are common in people with an Xp11.2 duplication, affecting about 71% cases. Features include flat feet, arched feet (pes cavus), clubfoot (talipes), narrow feet, webbed or joined toes/fingers (syndactyly), 5th finger clinodactyly, 5th toe hypoplasia, and tapering fingers.
The piriformis () is a muscle in the gluteal region of the lower limbs. It is one of the six muscles in the lateral rotator group. It was first named by Adriaan van den Spiegel, a professor from the University of Padua in the 16th century.
Electrophysiological testing provides additional evidence that neuronal degeneration underlies the disease. Sensory potentials are usually absent in the lower limbs but are often recordable or even normal in the upper limbs of the patients. In addition, motor conduction is slow, possibly implying a demyelinating process.
Wheelchair curling at the 2006 Winter Paralympics Wheelchair curling is an adaptation of curling for athletes with a disability affecting their lower limbs or gait. Wheelchair curling is governed by the World Curling Federation, and is one of the sports in the Winter Paralympic Games.
The syndrome includes as its primary symptoms: serious abnormalities of the blood such as the myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia; lymphedema (i.e. fluid retention and tissue swelling caused by a compromised lymphatic system) of the lower limbs, and sensorineural hearing loss. However, the anomalies caused by GATA2 mutations are highly variable with some individuals showing little or no such symptoms even in old age while others exhibit non- malignant types of hematological anomalies; lymphedema in areas besides the lower limbs, little or no hearing loss; or anomalies in other tissues. The syndrome may present with relatively benign signs and/or symptoms and then progress rapidly or slowly (i.e.
Klinicheskiy Vestnik, October – December, 1994, pp. 36–38. # Severtsev A. N. “First experience of wound adhesive coating “Tachocomb” in liver surgery”. Klinicheskiy Vestnik, July – September, 1995, pp. 24–26. # Severtsev A. N., Shugurov V. A., Malov U. I. “Modern methods of non-surgical treatment of bleeding from varicose veins of the lower limbs: comparative assessment of the laser radiation (Nd:YAG) and polidocanol sclerotherapy (“Aethoxysklerol”). Klinicheskiy Vestnik, January – March, 1996, pp. 61–63. # Severtsev A. N.: “Polidocanol sclerotherapy (“Aethoxysklerol”) as modern treatment of varicose veins of the lower limbs”. Klinicheskiy Vestnik, April – June, 1996, pp. 65–68. # Severtsev A. N. “Fibrin glue and other hemostatic agents in liver surgery”.
If the upper cervical segment of the spinal cord is involved, all four limbs may be affected and there is risk of respiratory failure – the phrenic nerve which is formed by the cervical spinal nerves C3, C4, and C5 innervates the main muscle of respiration, the diaphragm. Lesions of the lower cervical region (C5–T1) will cause a combination of upper and lower motor neuron signs in the upper limbs, and exclusively upper motor neuron signs in the lower limbs. Cervical lesions account for about 20% of cases. A lesion of the thoracic segment (T1–12) will produce upper motor neuron signs in the lower limbs, presenting as a spastic paraparesis.
While the definitive presentation of the disease is a patient having bowed lower limbs and sex reversal in 46,XY males, there are other clinical criteria that can be used, absent these characteristics, to make the diagnosis. Patients may present with underdeveloped shoulder blades, shortened and angulated lower limbs, a vertically oriented and narrow pelvis, an enlarged head, an undersized jaw, cleft palate, flat nasal bridge, low set ears, club feet, dislocated hips, 11 pairs of ribs instead of 12, or bone abnormalities in the neck and spine. Respiratory distress can be caused by an underdeveloped trachea which collapses on inhalation or by insufficient rib cage development.
" In 2003, Disabled Sports USA defined this class as, "In a sitting class but not more than 70 points in the lower limbs. Are unable to recover balance in challenged standing position." In Australia, this class means combined lower plus upper limb functional problems. "Minimal disability.
" In 2003, Disabled Sports USA defined this class as, "In a sitting class but not more than 70 points in the lower limbs. Are unable to recover balance in challenged standing position." In Australia, this class means combined lower plus upper limb functional problems. "Minimal disability.
" In 2003, Disabled Sports USA defined this class as, "In a sitting class but not more than 70 points in the lower limbs. Are unable to recover balance in challenged standing position." In Australia, this class means combined lower plus upper limb functional problems. "Minimal disability.
" In 2003, Disabled Sports USA defined this class as, "In a sitting class but not more than 70 points in the lower limbs. Are unable to recover balance in challenged standing position." In Australia, this class means combined lower plus upper limb functional problems. "Minimal disability.
A popular site in Kannawa Onsen mushi-yu steam bath has long served as a welcome facility for local citizens. "Ashimushi" (foot steam bath), a rarity in the country, is effective in relieving fatigued lower limbs. "Sekisho" (medical herb) room is also popular for its soothing aroma.
Superficial spreading melanoma (SSM) is usually characterized as the most common form of cutaneous melanoma in Caucasians. The average age at diagnosis is in the fifth decade, and it tends to occur on sun-exposed skin, especially on the backs of males and lower limbs of females.
Recurrences of genital herpes are caused by herpes simplex virus which lies dormant in the sacral ganglia between bouts of active infection. It innervates blood vessels and sweat glands in lower limbs. Near the coccyx, the right and left sympathetic trunks join to form the ganglion impar.
MASA syndrome is a rare X-linked recessive neurological disorder on the L1 disorder spectrum belonging in the group of hereditary spastic paraplegias a paraplegia known to increase stiffness spasticity in the lower limbs. This syndrome also has two other names, CRASH syndrome and Gareis-Mason syndrome.
Carlos Kaiser (born in Santiago in 1974) is a Chilean campaigner on issues affecting people with disabilities. He has an amputated upper and lower limbs. In 2001 Kaiser presented a section of the young people's television programme Mekano, called "being a person with disability in Chile".
Erythromelalgia is a rare clinical disorder causing redness, burning sensation and intense pain in limbs. It is more common to be found in lower limbs than upper limbs. Erythromelalgia initiated from dysfunction of peripheral nerves that thickens the blood vessel walls, resulting in hyperaemic flow in limbs.
Able to recover in standing when balance is challenged. Not more than 70 points in legs." In 2003, Disabled Sports USA defined this class as, "In a sitting class but not more than 70 points in the lower limbs. Are unable to recover balance in challenged standing position.
Able to recover in standing when balance is challenged. Not more than 70 points in legs." In 2003, Disabled Sports USA defined this class as, "In a sitting class but not more than 70 points in the lower limbs. Are unable to recover balance in challenged standing position.
This form differs from the infantile principally in the relative lack of cardiac involvement. The onset is more insidious and has a slower progression. Cardiac involvement may occur but is milder than in the infantile form. Skeletal involvement is more prominent with a predilection for the lower limbs.
In his later years, he had become blind and his lower limbs were paralysed, but he was in good spirits and would not allow others to sympathise with him. He was in the midst of a conversation with friends when he leaned back and died on 31 July 1916.
ODAP ingestion results in motorneuron death. The result is paralysis and muscle atrophy of the lower limbs. Osteolathyrism, a different type of lathyrism, affects the connective tissues, not the motorneurons. Osteolathyrism results from the ingestion of lathyrus odoratus seeds (sweet peas) and is often referred to as odoratism.
The athletes are classified into three groups: group 1 is for athletes with no sitting balance or with major impairment in both upper and lower limbs, group 2 is for athletes with some sitting balance and moderate impairment in their extremities and athletes in group 3 have good balance and mild impairment in their upper and lower limbs. Wheelchair curling: Wheelchair curling is a coed team event for athletes with permanent lower limb disabilities that require them to use a wheelchair in their daily lives. Athletes with Cerebral Palsy or Multiple Sclerosis can also play if they use a wheelchair. Delivery of the stone can be by hand release or the use of a pole.
The ultimate cause of sirenomelia is a subject of debate. The first hypothesis of its origin was developed in 1927 and proposed that a lack of blood supply to the lower limbs during their development is responsible for the defect. This "vascular steal" hypothesis was developed in response to the observed absence or severe underdevelopment of the aorta below the umbilical artery, which "steals" the blood supply from the lower limbs. Other hypotheses involve an insult to the embryo between 28–32 days affecting the caudal mesoderm, a teratogen exposure affecting the neural tube during neurulation, and a defect in the twinning process that either stops the process of caudal differentiation or generates a second primitive streak.
Spasticity of the lower limbs, causing the muscles to stiffen or tighten, preventing normal fluid movement. Aphasia, which is when someone loses the ability to understand or express speech, due to brain damage. Seizures, an abrupt, uncontrolled disturbance in the brain. Lastly, agenesis of the corpus callosum, a rare congenital disorder.
Angular, translational, rotational, and length deformities can all be corrected simultaneously with the TSF. The TSF is used in both adults and children. It is used for the treatment of acute fractures, mal-unions, non-unions and congenital deformities. It can be used on both the upper and lower limbs.
Spinal muscular atrophy, Jokela type (SMAJ) is an autosomal dominant, slowly progressive, lower motor neuron disease. SMAJ is characterized by adult-onset of muscle cramps and fasciculations affecting the proximal and distal muscles of the upper and lower limbs. The disorder results in weakness and mild muscle atrophy later in life.
The concussion to his spine resulted in gradual paralysis, and within a few months he lost the use of his lower limbs. Dickson's health continued to decline as a result of the fall. He died in New Scotland on May 3, 1858. He was buried in New Scotland's Presbyterian Church Cemetery.
The position of the femoral canal medially to the femoral vein is of physiologic importance. The space of the canal allows for the expansion of the femoral vein when venous return from the lower limbs is increased or when increased intra-abdominal pressure (valsalva maneuver) causes a temporary stasis in the venous flow.
Pierre Rabischong (born 1932, Nancy, France) is a neuroanatomist and an emeritus professor at the University of Montpellier in France. He is known for his work in rehabilitation medicine and physiotherapy, as well as powered orthoses. He was the leader of the AMOLL (active modular orthosis for lower limbs) project in 1975.
The chest x-ray may show pulmonary hyperaemia in the case of pulmonary hypertension, and pulmonary oligemia in pulmonary stenosis. Pulmonary hypertension is also associated with chronic lung disease. Coarctation of the aorta presents with a significant difference in blood pressure between the upper and lower limbs, a systolic murmur or radiofemoral delay.
Drawing of 7-year-old boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. There is excessive development of the lower limbs (pseudohypertrophy), and thinness of the arms. In the figure on the right, lumbar hyperlordosis is visible. DMD causes progressive muscle weakness due to muscle fiber disarray, death, and replacement with connective tissue or fat.
The Bastian–Bruns sign, or Bastian-Bruns law, is the loss of tone and deep tendon reflexes in the lower limbs in the presence of complete transection of the spinal cord above the level of the lumbar enlargement.Barry G. Firkin, Judith A. Whitworth. Dictionary of medical eponyms. Informa Health Care, 2002, page 23. .
In 1900 Vanderpol became paralyzed in his lower limbs. In 1905 he was a member of Le Sillon ("The Furrow", or "The Path") of Marc Sangnier in Lyon. Some sources say he had co-founded the group with Victor Carlhian. Vanderpol and Carlhian supported the journal Demain from the time of its foundation.
Kinnara (male), Kinnari (female), Apsara, and Devata guarding Kalpataru, the divine tree of life. 8th century Pawon temple, Java, Indonesia. The images of coupled Kinnara and Kinnari can be found in Borobudur, Mendut, Pawon, Sewu, Sari, and Prambanan temples. Usually, they are depicted as birds with human heads, or humans with lower limbs of birds.
Relapsed cases have been noticed with severe pain and swelling in the lower limbs, vomiting and general weakness. As of July 2006, nearly 50,000 people were affected in Salem, Tamil Nadu. As of August 2006, nearly 100,000 people were infected in Tamil Nadu. Chennai, capital of Tamil Nadu is one of the worst affected.
According to this principle, the basic function of the lower limbs during stance phase is to resistant collapse; and to prevent this collapse, vertical support of the body requires net extensor activity at the hip, knee, and ankle joints.Winter DA. Biomechanics and motor control of human movement. 3rd ed. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons; 2005.
Onset : Early childhood Progression: Chronic progressive Clinical: Cerebellar ataxia plus syndrome / Optic Atrophy Plus Syndrome Ocular: Optic atrophy, nystagmus, scotoma, and bilateral retrobulbar neuritis. Other: Mental retardation, myoclonic epilepsy, spasticity, and posterior column sensory loss. Tremor in some cases. Musculoskeletal Contractures, lower limbs, Achilles tendon contractures, Hamstring contractures, Adductor longus contractures Systemic Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism.
Kinnara (male), Kinnari (female), Apsara, and Devata guarding Kalpataru, the divine tree of life. 8th century Pawon temple, Java, Indonesia. The images of coupled Kinnara and Kinnari can be found in Borobudur, Mendut, Pawon, Sewu, Sari, and Prambanan temples. Usually, they are depicted as birds with human heads, or humans with lower limbs of birds.
CMT4K patients manifest upper and lower limbs involvement. Some affected individuals have nystagmus, polyneuropathy, putaminal and periaqueductal lesions, and late- onset cerebellar ataxia. This disease, when associated with mutations in SURF1, has been found to be linked to cytochrome c oxidase deficiency. Variants associated with this CMT4K have included a homozygous splice site mutation, c.
Pezaro was born on Kibbutz Yizre'el. At birth she suffered from a complex with blood vessels at her spinal cord, which caused her to become paralyzed in her lower limbs. At the age of five she began practicing sports at the ILAN center in Haifa, progressing to compete in national championships only six years later.
The mutant gene was designated as curl and is symbolized by Cu. Another mutation of the ear pinna was found in Scottish Fold cats. In these cats anomalies were rarely found when heterozygous, however in homozygous (FdFd) cats, animals suffer from dysplasia of the lower limbs and tail.Jackson OF . Congenital bone lesions in cats with folded ears .
Kearney was born in Nottingham, England in 1997 and grew up in Aldridge. She was born with cerebral palsy (spastic diplegia) and developed generalised dystonia, a progressive neurological movement disorder, in her mid teens. These conditions primarily affect her lower limbs and also her left arm, shoulders and trunk control. Kearney was further diagnosed with Scoliosis in 2019.
In those who have previously had cellulitis, the use of antibiotics may help prevent future episodes. This is recommended by CREST for those who have had more than two episodes. A 2017 meta-analysis found a benefit of preventative antibiotics for recurrent cellulitis in the lower limbs, but the preventative effects appear to diminish after stopping antibiotic therapy.
Blockage or closing of the arteries of the lower limbs impairs blood flow to the legs and results in significant reduction in physical capacity. Alternate exercise prescriptions to walking are considered. Aerobic exercises such as arm-cranking or cycling are recommended. Risk factors for disease progression should also be taken into account when aiming to improve waling ability.
Dorrie Timmermanns-Van Hall (born 1 May 1965) is a retired Dutch wheelchair tennis player who competed in international level events. She has her lower limbs amputated due to complications from meningococcal sepsis. Her highest achievement was reaching the semifinals at the quads' doubles at the 2008 Summer Paralympics when she partnered with Bas van Erp.
Sending and receiving of signals to and from parts of the body is reduced, not entirely blocked. CCS gives a greater motor loss in the upper limbs than in the lower limbs, with variable sensory loss. It was first described by Schneider in 1954. It is generally associated with favorable prognosis for some degree of neurological and functional recovery.
An example of Kaposi's sarcoma Patch stage Kaposi's sarcoma. Red to brownish irregularly shaped macules and plaques. Commonly affected areas include the lower limbs, back, face, mouth, and genitalia. The lesions are usually as described above, but may occasionally be plaque-like (often on the soles of the feet) or even involved in skin breakdown with resulting fungating lesions.
No jumping events were on the program for these classes. There was a large range of sportspeople with different disabilities in this class at the 1984 Summer Paralympics. In 1997 in the United States, this class was ambulant for field events. It was for people with reduced function in their lower limbs or who had balance problems.
On 4 January 1604, Ferenc, the Black Knight of Hungary, died of a mysterious and sudden illness in the middle of a battle. The disease which killed Count Ferenc Nádasdy is still unknown. It is known, however, that he had suffered a disease of the lower limbs for at least two years before succumbing to the illness.
The anconeus is a small muscle that stabilizes the elbow joint during movement. Some embryologists consider it as the fourth head of the triceps brachia as the upper and lower limbs have similar embryological origins, and the lower limb contains the quadriceps femoris muscle which has four heads, and is the lower limb equivalent of the triceps.
Some neurons terminate in the spinal cord, where they contribute to a reflex response. Other neurons continue ipsilaterally, same side, to the medulla oblongata. If the neurons are coming from the lower limbs, they are carried by the fasciculus gracilis into the medulla. If the neurons are coming from the upper limbs; they are carried by the fasciculus cuneatus.
Hooper's mouse is a medium-sized deer mouse, with a total length of , including the tail. Adults have an average weight of . The mouse is greyish in color, with a faint brownish tint, and has cream-colored underparts fading to white on the lower limbs. The tail is also darker above than below, but has only short hair.
T. albipes is a small black ant some long with the lower part of the limbs pale. Workers are chocolate-black with pale lower limbs, antennae with twelve segments and a flattened petiolar node. It differs from T. difficilis in lacking the pair of setae (bristles) that that species has on the back of its head.
Li Junsheng (born 19 January 2000) is a Chinese swimmer from Beihai, Guangxi. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when he was one year old, which caused palsy of his lower limbs. At the 2016 Summer Paralympics won the gold medal in Men's 100m Breaststroke SB4, defeating Daniel Dias, who was swimming for Brazil, the hosting country.
Ora Anlen (née Goldstein; ; born 15 August 1944) is an Israeli paralympic champion. Anlen was born in Kibbutz HaMa'apil. As a young baby she contracted polio and remained paralyzed in both lower limbs. In 1964 she began practicing sports at the Israel Sports Center for the Disabled and was active in swimming, athletics and wheelchair basketball.
Australian Liesl Tesch is a 4-point player 4 point player is a disability sport classification for wheelchair basketball. Players in this class have normal trunk function but have a reduced level of functioning in one or both of their lower limbs. They may have difficulty with sideways movements. People in this class include ISOD classified A1, A2 and A3 players.
LAF5 is an Les Autres sports classification. This is an ambulant class for people with normal upper limb functionality but who have balance issues or problems with their lower limbs. Medically, this class includes people with contracture of the hip or knee, paresis of one arm, or kyphoscoliosis. In practice, this means they have limited function in at least one limb.
PED has a set guideline for diagnosis that is similar, but slightly different from both PKD and PNKD. PED attacks consist of dystonic and bilateral movements usually in the lower limbs of the body. These attacks are usually brought about only by exercise and physical exhaustion. PED patients do not feel an aura-like sensation before an attack occurs, unlike PKD and PNKD.
In the upper limbs, the stability of muscle coactivation allows for precise low-level physical tasks. An example of this would be picking up a small object. By protecting the muscles at the end of their range of motion, the direction of the fine movements is able to be changed. In the lower limbs, stability is important in upright standing balance.
When his feet suffered severe frostbite, he had to be demobilised in 1944. Luspekayev's lower limbs never fully recovered. p.374 In 1945 Luspekayev became student in the Mikhail Shchepkin Higher Theatre School in Moscow. After finishing the school in 1950 he performed in Tbilisi's Griboedov Russian Drama Theatre, in 1956 in Kiev's Lesya Ukrainka National Academic Theater of Russian Drama.
LA3 is a Les Autres sport classification is an wheelchair sport classification for a sportsperson with a disability that impacts their locomotor function. People in this class have normal trunk function, good sitting balance and functional upper limbs. They have limited use of their lower limbs. Internationally, governance for this sport is handled by IWAS, following the 2005 merger of ISMWSF and ISOD.
LAF5 is an Les Autres sports classification. This is an ambulant class for people with normal upper limb functionality but who have balance issues or problems with their lower limbs. Medically, this class includes people with contracture of the hip or knee, paresis of one arm, or kyphoscoliosis. In practice, this means they have limited function in at least one limb.
Generally, people in this class are classified as S5 or S10. F7 swimmers competing as S10 tend to have lesions at S1 or S2 that has minimal effect on their lower limbs. This is often caused by polio or cauda-equina syndrome. Swimmers in this class lack full propulsion in their kicks because of a slight loss of function in one limb.
Cross Country Canada defined this para-Nordic classification as "impairment in the lower limbs and trunk with some upper abdominal and trunk muscle activity and no functional sitting balance. [The] athlete is unable to stand". In para-Nordic skiing, LW10.5 is for sit skiers with disability affecting their lower extremities and trunk function, and who lack "buttock sensibility S1-S5".
Due to lack of symptoms, until the tumor is sizable, this form of cancer is often advanced when diagnosed. Symptoms include vague abdominal pain, nausea, abdominal fullness, malaise and weight loss. They may also include a palpable liver mass. Other presentations include jaundice, ascites, fulminant liver failure, encephalopathy, gynecomastia (males only), thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs, recurrent deep vein thrombosis, anemia and hypoglycemia.
Proposed benefits of standing as a therapy include improved lengthening of the muscles, improvements in range of motion of hips and lower limbs, the potential for a delay in the start of scoliosis, improvements in bone density, improvements in muscle spasms, improved function of the respiratory system and voice, reduced pressure on the skin, and improved sleep and overall well being.
Occasionally surgery is needed to correct severe and persistent deformities of the lower limbs, especially around the knees namely genu varum and genu valgum. Surgical correction of rachitic deformities can be achieved through osteotomies or guided growth surgery. Guided growth surgery has almost replaced the use of corrective osteotomies. The functional results of guided growth surgery in children with rickets are satisfactory.
Ped (C)) are one of the few healthcare professionals trained in the assessment of lower limb anatomy and biomechanics. With specialized education and training in the design, manufacture, fit and modification of foot orthotics and footwear, Pedorthists help to alleviate pain, abnormalities and debilitating conditions of the lower limbs and feet that if left untreated could result in limited mobility.
The cerebral palsy sport classification system is designed for people with several types of paralysis and movement including quadriplegia, triplegia, diplegia, hemiplegia, monoplegia, spasticity, athetosis, and ataxia. Quadriplegia impacts the whole body, including the head, torso and all the limbs. Triplegia impacts three of the four limbs. Diplegia is when there is greater functional use of the lower limbs than the upper limbs.
The first symptoms include muscle cramps and muscle twitches affecting the upper and lower limbs, usually after age of 40. The disease is slowly progressive with adult onset and results in weakness and mild muscle atrophy. The disease does not affect life expectancy. However, it is difficult to differentiate the disease from a more fatal amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in diagnosis.
This reflex can help the child to come to quadruped or crawling position but does not allow crawling because when the neck flexes forward, the upper limbs flex and lower limbs go into extension. This reflex is not normally easily seen or elicited in normal infants but may be seen in an exaggerated form in many children with cerebral palsy.
Dias was born in 1988 in Campinas, a city to the north of São Paulo. He was born with malformed upper and lower limbs. Dias began swimming at the age of 16, after being inspired by Clodoaldo Silva competing at the 2004 Summer Paralympics, and learned four styles of swimming in two months. He studied mechatronical engineering and physical education at the Universidade São Francisco.
The symptoms for PKD are varied from case to case, however, typically they consist of involuntary movements. Such contractile movements include dystonia, chorea, athetosis, and ballism. For example, “Her attacks were characterized as sudden unilateral stiffness of upper and lower limbs followed by an involuntary extrarotation of the arm and leg.” Another frequently occurring symptom is the presence of an aura before the attack.
Secondary axons from the medial lemniscus finally terminate in the ventral posterolateral nucleus (VPLN) of the thalamus, where they synapse with tertiary neurons. From there, tertiary neurons ascend via the posterior limb of the internal capsule and end in the primary sensory cortex. The proprioception of the lower limbs differs from the upper limbs and upper trunk. There is a four-neuron pathway for lower limb proprioception.
X-ray motion analysis can be used in human gait analysis to measure the kinematics of the lower limbs. Treadmill gait or overground gait can be measured depending on the mobility of the X-ray system. Other types of movements, such as a jump-cut maneuver, have also been recorded. By combining X-ray motion analysis with force platforms, a joint torque analysis can be performed.
Before beginning treatment, prisoners exhibited symptoms of dry or wet beriberi with neurological signs (tingling: 41%), cardiovascular signs (dyspnoea: 42%, thoracic pain: 35%), and edemas of the lower limbs (51%). With treatment the rate of healing was about 97%. Populations under extreme stress may be at higher risk for beriberi. Displaced populations, such as refugees from war, are susceptible to micronutritional deficiency, including beriberi.
Capillary plexuses and lymphatic vessels spread from the retroperitoneal lymph sac to the abdominal viscera and diaphragm. The sac establishes connections with the cisterna chyli but loses its connections with neighbouring veins. The last of the lymph sacs, the paired posterior lymph sacs, develop from the iliac veins. The posterior lymph sacs produce capillary plexuses and lymphatic vessels of the abdominal wall, pelvic region, and lower limbs.
The lumbar enlargement (or lumbosacral enlargement) is a widened area of the spinal cord that gives attachment to the nerves which supply the lower limbs. It commences about the level of T11 and ends at L2, and reaches its maximum circumference, of about 33 mm. Inferior to the lumbar enlargement is the conus medullaris. An analogous region for the upper limbs exists at the cervical enlargement.
People in this class tend to be classified as LW skiers. The International Paralympic Committee defined that class as "Competitors with severe disabilities in both lower limbs ... The typical disability profile of the class is double above-knee amputation." This is included as an appendix in the media guide, but it is not published by the APC. While skiing, they may use a prosthesis.
Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) is a group of inherited diseases whose main feature is a progressive gait disorder. The disease presents with progressive stiffness (spasticity) and contraction in the lower limbs. HSP is also known as hereditary spastic paraparesis, familial spastic paraplegia, French settlement disease, Strumpell disease, or Strumpell-Lorrain disease. The symptoms are a result of dysfunction of long axons in the spinal cord.
Symptoms depend on the type of HSP inherited. The main feature of the disease is progressive spasticity in the lower limbs due to pyramidal tract dysfunction. This also results in brisk reflexes, extensor plantar reflexes, muscle weakness, and variable bladder disturbances. Furthermore, among the core symptoms of HSP are also included abnormal gait and difficulty in walking, decreased vibratory sense at the ankles, and paresthesia.
Signs and symptoms of proximal diabetic neuropathy depend on the nerves affected. The first symptom is usually pain in the buttocks, hips, thighs or legs. This pain often starts suddenly and affects one side of the body, although may spread to both sides. This is often followed by variable weakness in the proximal muscles of the lower limbs such as the thigh and buttocks.
In human anatomy, the common iliac veins are formed by the external iliac veins and internal iliac veins. The left and right common iliac veins come together in the abdomen at the level of the fifth lumbar vertebra, forming the inferior vena cava. They drain blood from the pelvis and lower limbs. Both common iliac veins are accompanied along their course by common iliac arteries.
Baird SD.The epidemiology of prematurity. J Paedit 1965;65: 909-923. Further a Polish study reported a similar report that some measurements like the ear height, muscular strength of the shoulders, skin fold thickness, mandibular breadth including the height of the upper and the lower limbs can be co- related to the mother also.Wolanski N, Spruch HC. Maternal regulation of intrauterine life: Anthropology of maternity.
Brugia malayi is a nematode (roundworm), one of the three causative agents of lymphatic filariasis in humans. Lymphatic filariasis, also known as elephantiasis, is a condition characterized by swelling of the lower limbs. The two other filarial causes of lymphatic filariasis are Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia timori, which both differ from B. malayi morphologically, symptomatically, and in geographical extent.Johhn, David T., and William A. Petri.
Diabetes mellitus is a disorder in which the body cannot break down glucose either because insulin is not produced or the body does not produce enough insulin. This causes glucose to accumulate in the blood. High concentrations of glucose in the blood can injure nerve fibers, resulting in diabetic neuropathy. In most cases, the nerve damage occurs in afferent neurons in the foot and lower limbs.
Radiculopathy is commonly called the "root". In addition to pain, nerve damage may also bring about impaired muscle control. Typically, mechanical dysfunction is caused by pressure on the nerve root or shock can affect both the roots of the lower limbs and arms. The first sign of disease, sometimes before a few years, the occurrence of radicular syndrome are pain in the neck and shoulder area.
Cellulite is the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue that manifests as skin dimpling and nodularity, often on the pelvic region (specifically the buttocks), lower limbs, and abdomen. Cellulite occurs in most postpubescent females. A review gives a prevalence of 85-98% of women, indicating that it is physiological rather than pathological. It can result from a complex combination of factors ranging from hormones to heredity.
Rabies can be contracted in horses if they interact with rabid animals in their pasture, usually through being bitten (e.g. by vampire bats) on the muzzle or lower limbs. Signs include aggression, incoordination, head-pressing, circling, lameness, muscle tremors, convulsions, colic and fever. Horses that experience the paralytic form of rabies have difficulty swallowing, and drooping of the lower jaw due to paralysis of the throat and jaw muscles.
No jumping events were on the program for these classes. There was a large range of sportspeople with different disabilities in this class at the 1984 Summer Paralympics. In 1997 in the United States, this class was ambulant for field events It was for people with reduced function in their lower limbs or who had balance problems. People in this class had normal function in their throwing arm.
LAF5 classified archers compete in ARST. People in this class can compete while sitting on a high stool, but their feet must be touching the ground while shooting. This is an ambulant class for people with normal upper limb functionality but who have balance issues or problems with their lower limbs. Medically, this class includes people with contracture of the hip or knee, paresis of one arm, or kyphoscoliosis.
Leopard in the Serengeti The African leopard exhibits great variation in coat color, depending on location and habitat. Coat colour varies from pale yellow to deep gold or tawny, and sometimes black, and is patterned with black rosettes while the head, lower limbs and belly are spotted with solid black. Male leopards are larger, averaging with being the maximum weight attained by a male. Females weigh about on average.
The gizzard shad also has 90 to 275 gill rakers along the lower limbs. Their ventral (pelvic) fins are in the thoracic position, or in the chest region of the fish. The gizzard shad can range from very small size when fry to a maximum recorded length of and maximum weight of .Williamson, K.L., and Nelson, P.C. (1985) Habitat suitability index models and in stream flow suitability curves: Gizzard Shad.
Seven spinal Units were established across Australia and New Zealand, implementing randomised controlled clinical trials of novel rehabilitation strategies directed at neuromuscular activation of lower limbs. Galea was instrumental in establishing the Royal Melbourne Hospital's Hand Hub, with funding by the Department of Health. The Hand Hub uses robotic devices, sensors and gaming technology to provide intensive hand and arm therapy to patients for rehabilitation following stroke or other neurological injury.
At age 15, he began practicing wheelchair fencing at a national training facility in Hong Kong (Hong Kong Sports Institute). After the 2004 Paralympic Games he relearn to walk with lower limbs sensation deficiency and retired from fencing. In the months leading up to the 2008 Summer Paralympics in Beijing, Fung coached Japanese wheelchair fencer Toyoaki Hisakawa in preparation for the games. In recent years, he started participating in wheelchair marathon.
The lumbar trunks are formed by the union of the efferent vessels from the lateral aortic lymph nodes. They receive the lymph from the lower limbs, from the walls and viscera of the pelvis, from the kidneys and suprarenal glands and the deep lymphatics of the greater part of the abdominal wall. Ultimately, the lumbar trunks empty into the cisterna chyli, a dilatation at the beginning of the thoracic duct.
Disabled veterans jeered at swimming pool - Telegraph The charity Help for Heroes was set up in late 2007, with a first objective of raising money to build these facilities. A new gym, swimming pool and lower limbs treatment area opened within two years. With these new facilities, Headley Court enhanced its reputation as a world-leading centre of excellence for military rehabilitation until it ceased operations in late 2018.
The most common presentation of Milroy Disease is unilateral lower extremity lymphedema, and may also be accompanied by hydrocele. Males and females may have upslanting toenails, deep creases in the toes, wart-like growths (papillomas), and prominent leg veins. Some individuals develop non-contagious skin infections called cellulitis that can damage the thin tubes that carry lymph fluid (lymphatic vessels). Episodes of cellulitis can cause further swelling in the lower limbs.
The standard length of these sardinella is around 20 cm. S. brasiliensis is similar to their close relative S. aurita but S. brasiliensis have two peak spawning seasons. It is important to differentiate this species from S. aurita. Some of the features that make them unique include the anterior gillrakers (see List of ichthyology terms) which are curled down on the lower limbs of the second and third gill arches.
LA5 is a Les Autres sport classification is an ambulatory sport classification for a sportsperson with a disability that impacts their locomotor function. People in this class have normal upper limb functionality, but have problems with balance or use of their lower limbs. Generally, limb problems are confined to one limb. Internationally, governance for this sport is handled by IWAS, following the 2005 merger of ISMWSF and ISOD.
A transfemoral amputation is an above the knee amputation, and is sometimes referred to as _AK_. _LEA_ is sometimes used to refer to lower limb amputations. A bilateral amputee is a person who is missing either both upper limbs or both lower limbs. People who are missing both legs below the knee are sometimes referred to as _BK_ while people missing both arms below the below are referred as _BE_.
The first part discusses the dislocations of the shoulder; the second discusses those of the elbow, wrist, jaw and spine, whereas the third and final part discusses the dislocations of the lower limbs. The book includes 30 hand-painted pictures, believed to be copies made from the original book written by Hippocrates himself. It is believed that he wrote a book on epilepsy (On Epileptics).Gaelii Aureliani Chron.
The fur on the head and body is a brown-gray color and has a slightly curled/freckled appearance. Its tail is beige or brownish-gray in color, and slightly red on the dorsal side of the base. The surface color of the lower limbs of the species is white, while the chest, belly, and inner area of the upper limbs is a light gray color with relatively thin fur.
This vein is "hidden" in its own fascial compartment in the thigh and exits the fascia only near the knee. Incompetence of this vein is an important cause of varicose veins of lower limbs. The Thebesian veins within the myocardium of the heart are valveless veins that drain directly into the chambers of the heart. The coronary veins all empty into the coronary sinus which empties into the right atrium.
A limb (from the Old English lim), or extremity, is a jointed, or prehensile, appendage of the human or other animal body. In the human body, the arms and the legs are commonly called the upper limbs and lower limbs respectively, to include part of the shoulder and hip girdles. Arms and legs are connected to torso or trunk. Many animals use limbs for locomotion, such as walking, running, or climbing.
Anatomical drawing of the female pelvis The pelvic girdle consists of the two hip bones. The hip bones are connected to each other anteriorly at the pubic symphysis, and posteriorly to the sacrum at the sacroiliac joints to form the pelvic ring. The ring is very stable and allows very little mobility, a prerequisite for transmitting loads from the trunk to the lower limbs. Thieme Atlas of Anatomy (2006), p.
Chapter three is about the water and weather, nutrition, exercise, emotions, sleep and wakefulness, and methods of treatment for children and the elderly. Chapter four is about the differential diagnoses and course of diseases. Chapter five defines fever categories and natural moisture and its relation with fever. In chapter six, he writes about treatment of any diseases that relate to the head, cervix, and the upper and lower limbs and trunk.
Bursera microphylla is generally a small tree with a thickened trunk and relatively small branching structure in comparison to the trunk size; it is semi-succulent and stores water in the conductive and parenchymal tissues of the trunk, lower limbs, and wood. Shreve (1964) classified the plant as a sarcocaulescent tree. The sarcocaulescent habit acts as a buffer against variation in environmental water balance (Turner et al., 1995).
Harman, E., Rosenstein, M., Frykman, P., Rosenstein, R. (1990). The Effects Of Arms And Countermovement On Vertical Jumping. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 22(6), 825–833. However, despite these increases due to technical adjustments, some researchers consider that optimizing both the force producing and elastic properties of the musculotendinous system in the lower limbs is largely determined by genetics, and only partially mutable through resistance exercise training.
This is seen when there is a cross of electrical reflexes as a muscle is stimulated. Electromotor allochiria has been observed in the face, lower limbs, and upper limbs. In these cases, a stimulus presented on the affected side caused contraction of the opposite facial muscles with a current so weak that the healthy facial did not react. Another example is that pressure on one forearm caused movement of the opposite forearm.
Normal blood circulation in the lower limbs of a horse depends in part on the horse moving about. Lack of sufficient movement, alone or in combination with other factors, can cause stagnant anoxia, which in turn can cause laminitis. A horse favoring an injured leg will both severely limit its movement and place greater weight on the other legs. This sometimes leads to static laminitis, particularly if the animal is confined in a stall.
The first Neanderthal (Regourdou 1), found at the site is a young adult, that initially preserved the mandible, part of the upper limbs and the sternum. Regourdou 1 has been interpreted as an intentional burial. However, it is difficult to reconcile this with the fact that it has no head and no lower limbs. According to a 2008 publication a great number of skeletal elements were discovered, all in remarkably good condition.
She took a vow of chastity five years later. She was held in very high esteem for her virtue and piety, and was commonly called, "the saint of Cuvilly". When twenty-two years old, a nervous shock, brought about by a pistol-shot fired at her father by an unknown enemy, brought on a paralysis of the lower limbs. Within a few years she was confined to her bed, and remained incapacitated for 30 years.
A specimen at the former Protestant Children's Home in Mobile, Alabama. It has a trunk circumference of , height of and limb spread of . Depending on the growing conditions, live oaks vary from a shrub-size to large and spreading tree-size: typical open- grown trees reach 20 meters (65.5 feet) in height, with a limb spread of nearly 27 meters (88.5 feet). Their lower limbs often sweep down towards the ground before curving up again.
Congenital contractural arachnodactyly (CA), also known as fawn calf syndrome, is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder in cattle. The disorder affects the connective tissue of muscles, leading to contracture of the upper limb (most obvious in the hind limbs), and laxity of the joints of the lower limbs. CA affects Angus cattle, and associated breeds such as Murray Greys. The mutation which causes this defect is a deletion on bovine chromosome 21.
Symptoms of paralysis generally occur within a half-hour, although death may take several hours. The central nervous system is not affected: the person remains conscious and aware until respiratory paralysis results in cessation of breathing. The flaccid, muscular paralysis is an ascending paralysis, lower limbs being first affected. The person may have a hypoxic convulsion just prior to death, disguised by the muscular paralysis such that the person may just weakly shudder.
While spinal cord injury is a broad and widely-encompassing term, root stimulators may be used for many instances of SCIs. For example, certain cases of spinal cord injuries may sever key nerves necessary to maintain bladder and bowel control. The severance is often the cause of Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction. Similarly, spinal cord injuries can potentially cause a loss of motor control in lower limbs, such as with paraplegic and tetraplegic patients.
Cladistics 17, 2001; S. 113–169. (PDF). In addition to this main feature, all members of the Dicondylia have a number of other group-specific features in their blueprint. They have a continuous occipital seam, and a further joint between the upper and lower limbs. At the base of the oviposition tube (ovipositor), there is an additional sclerite, the gonangulum, which allows for the improved coordination of the movement of the gonapophyses.
These include: peripheral neuropathy, amyotrophy, ataxia, intellectual disability, ichthyosis, epilepsy, optic neuropathy, dementia, deafness, or problems with speech, swallowing or breathing. Anita Harding classified the HSP in a pure and complicated form. Pure HSP presents with spasticity in the lower limbs, associated with neurogenic bladder disturbance as well as lack of vibration sensitivity (pallhypesthesia). On the other hand, HSP is classified as complex when lower limb spasticity is combined with any additional neurological symptom.
Athetosis means unsteady (writhing), not having the capability to remain still. All four limbs will usually show functional involvement in sports movements. Class 6 athletes have more control problems in upper limbs than Class 5 athletes, although the former usually have better function in lower limbs particularly when running. Lower Extremities-Function can vary considerably depending on the sports skill involved, from poor, laboured, slow walking to a running gait, which often shows better mechanics.
Prehensile feet are lower limbs that possess prehensility, the ability to grasp like a hand. They are most commonly observed in monkeys, Chimpanzees, who similarly possess prehensile tails, and apes. The term prehensile means "able to grasp" (from the Latin prehendere, to take hold of, to grasp). Due to the development of bipedalism in humans, the hands became the focus of prehensility and the feet adjusted to more of a stabilizing role.
Conversely, people who live farther away from the equator have a lighter skin tone. This is due to a need for an increased exposure and absorbance of sunlight to make sure the body can produce enough vitamin D for survival. Blackfoot disease is a disease caused by environmental pollution and causes people to have black, charcoal-like skin in the lower limbs. This is caused by arsenic pollution in water and food source.
Since the left gonadal vein drains via the left renal vein, it can also result in left testicular pain in men or left lower quadrant pain in women, especially during intercourse and during menstruation. Occasionally, the gonadal vein swelling may lead to ovarian vein syndrome in women. Nausea and vomiting can result due to compression of the splanchnic veins. An unusual manifestation of NCS includes varicocele formation and varicose veins in the lower limbs.
For a bone, the test is conducted by placing a tuning fork on a bony prominence and striking the fork. The amount of force used to strike the fork determines the intensity and duration of the vibration delivered. The lower limbs have a higher threshold than the upper limbs, so a stronger stimulus is needed. For accuracy, homologous sites on both the left and right side of the body need to be tested.
When tonic electrical stimulation is applied to these fibers in motor complete spinal cord injured individuals (i.e., individuals in whom the spinal cord is functionally isolated from the brain) rhythmic, locomotor-like movement of the lower limbs can be elicited. These measurements were performed in supine position, thus minimizing peripheral feedback. Subsequent studies showed that these lumbar locomotor centers can form a large variety of rhythmic movements by combining and distributing stereotypical patterns to the numerous lower limb muscles.
Venous ultrasonography of the lower limbs is the most demanding of the medical complementary examinations. It is dependent on the examiner's expertise and training, and the interpretation of the results is subjective and reliant on an understanding of venous hemodynamics. (A mapping does help the reproducibility and the inter-observer agreement of this examination). The examination is made even more difficult because there can be dilated veins without insufficiency, (by hyper-debit), and non dilated but incompetent veins.
Although dorsiflexion of the ankle may be beneficial, it also causes the center of gravity to shift backward, which can cause instability and difficulty in propelling forward during gait.Li, JX. Kinematic and Electromyographic Analysis of the Trunk and Lower Limbs During Walking in Negative-Heeled Shoes. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 97:6, 2007. When walking in negative heeled shoes, muscle activity of gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles are similar to that observed in uphill walking.
Zamboni has conducted research on lower extremity Chronic venous insufficiency, testing a minimally invasive and conservative treatment of the saphenous vein: the CHIVA method. On this topic he conducted several randomized clinical trials and published books. In 2015 the Cochrane Review published an article that recognizes the CHIVA method is much more effective than ablative treatments with saphenous removal/obstruction. Cell therapies for the treatment of severe vascular ulcerations of the lower limbs are another Zamboni field of study.
If not, they are more likely to become unavailable later on. Load carrying affects limb mechanics by increasing the force on the lower limbs, which may affect the evolution of anatomy in facultatively bipedal primates. Possible selective pressures for facultative bipedalism include resource gathering, such as food, and physical advantages. Great apes that engage in male-male fights have an advantage when standing on their hind legs, as this allows them to use their forelimbs to strike their opponent.
The coloring of the breed is called "chamoisée" or "chamoisee" for its perceived resemblance to the colors of the wild Alpine chamois. The coat is bay or mid-brown, with black markings consisting of two black facial stripes through the eyes to the muzzle, a black forehead, a black dorsal stripe or mule stripe, and black belly and lower limbs. Does, but not bucks, may also be solid black. The Oberhasli milk production record per lactation is .
The same study showed no associations with choreoathetosis. These results suggest that dystonia typically has a bigger impact on functionality and a larger effect on activity, participation and quality of life than choreoathetosis. As previously mentioned, dystonia predominates in most patients, partly because dystonia is often more noticeable and severe than choreoathetosis. Both increase with activity and are generalized over all body regions with a higher severity in the upper limbs than in the lower limbs.
Mutations in the ATL1 gene are also a common cause of early-onset hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) in humans. The disease is characterized by progressive stiffness and contraction (spasticity) in the lower limbs due to damage to or dysfunction of the nerves. The vast majority of HSP-associated mutations are missense mutations that are scattered throughout the affected protein. Some of these mutations have been shown to reduce the GTPase activity of atlastin-1 in vitro.
Several domes survive, including one that now rests in the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame in Seattle, Washington, and another which was sold at auction in 2008. The three drones were played by four bilateral amputees, an idea inspired by Johnny Eck, a sideshow performer of the early 20th century who had been born without lower limbs. The drone suits were custom-tailored for the different actors. The suits are in Douglas Trumbull's personal collection.
By the time of birth the head has decreased to approximately 30% of total body length as a result of the limbs and trunk growing faster than the head. This trend continues postnatally along an axis of increased growth from the head to the feet. Finally, in adults, the head represents approximately 6% of the body length. The cephalocaudal trend is also the trend of infants learning to use their upper limbs before their lower limbs.
Neumann DA. Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system: Foundations for rehabilitation. Second ed. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby/Elsevier; 2010. The lower limbs are only in contact with the ground during stance phase which is typically subdivided into 5 events: heel contact, foot flat, mid- stance, heel off, and toe off. The majority of stance phase (~40%) takes place in single-limb support where one limb is in contact with the ground and the contralateral limb is in swing phase.
One drawback is that it does not necessarily involve directly ascending the tree itself, as the vast majority of the time spent climbing is ascending the rope, and not the tree itself. Additionally, it can provide greater safety to a climber over DRT or lead climbing techniques, as the climber can rig the rope over multiple limbs when using a ground-level trunk anchor. In the event that one limb breaks, the lower limbs may stop the fall.
The specific nerve of the suspected ischemic limb is anesthetized using local anesthesia. In case of lower limbs, the whole limb could be anesthetized using spinal anesthesia. If the ischemic disease is at the stage of vasospasm, the nerve block relives the sympathetic vasospasm and the temperature of the limb rises after the anesthetic block. The rise in skin temperature of the limb is compared to the rise in mouth temperature for reporting Brown's vasomotor index (BVI).
The lesions are most frequent on the lower limbs, but may occur anywhere on the body, including the hands, arms, torso and even the neck. They may vary in number and erupt in mass numbers. They consist of irregular patches of orange or brown pigmentation with characteristic "cayenne pepper" spots appearing within and at the edge of old lesions. There are usually no symptoms, although there may be some slight itching, but there is no pain.
The exercise method is utilised in copious health studies to determine various health related propositions and results. These include determining the reproducibility of the lower limbs activity level and, for clinical purposes, determining patient's anaerobic exercise responses and difficulties of daily living. From a clinical perspective there are three methods of incremental exercise that are commonly used in association with patients; Cardiac stress testing, Cardiopulmonary exercise test and an exercise test to detect exercise-induced asthma.
Wilson was born on 4 June 1998 with achondroplasia, a form of dwarfism that affects the upper and lower limbs. She is the oldest of three children and has one sister and one brother. For primary school, she attended St Anthony's Catholic Primary School in Kingscliff where she has lived for the majority of her life. For high school she attended Mount Saint Patrick's College Mount Saint Patrick College in Murwillumbah and undertook her HSC in 2016.
The hair in summer coat is short and coarse and even in adult males is more reddish-buff in colour. Males have short beards, but females lack any beard. The belly and outside of the lower limbs, beard and forepart of the face vary from black to deep chestnut-brown in mature males. There is also a conspicuous black stripe in adult males, running from the withers down the front of the shoulders and merging with the black chest.
She graduated in the Faculty of Medicine of Lausanne University in December 1994 and she obtained her neurosurgical degree in 2002. Neurosurgeon Jocelyne Bloch is an expert in deep brain stimulation and brain repair for movement disorders. In collaboration with EPFL, she is currently leading a clinical feasibility study that evaluates the therapeutic potential of this spinal cord stimulation technology, without the brain implant, to improve walking in people with partial spinal cord injury affecting the lower limbs.
Emberger syndrome presents as early as infancy but more typically in childhood or early adulthood with lymphedema of the lower limbs or testes, i.e. hydrocele, and congenital sensorineural hearing loss. Afflicted individuals may also exhibit one or more of the dysplasias listed in the above "Signs and symptoms" section. These presentations typically occur alongside of or are followed by hematologic abnormalities including but often only after many years or decades seriously life-threatening myelodysplastic syndrome and/or acute myeloid leukemia.
The condition is difficult to detect and may go unnoticed, because many patients have no specific symptoms. Diagnosis is further complicated by the fact that many patients with the injury experienced multiple other serious injuries as well, so the attention of hospital staff may be distracted from the possibility of aortic rupture. In fact most cases occur along with other injuries. A common symptom is unusually high blood pressure in the upper body and very low blood pressure in lower limbs.
The earliest habitual bipeds of the hominins were Orrorin tungenenisis. Evidence draws from three femur fragments, including the left shaft and head, and the head of the right femur. Linking the legs to the pelvis and lumbar vertebra, the femur quintessentially supports body weight as it is transferred from the pelvis to the knee and lower limbs. The femoral neck specifically, which connects the head of the femur to its primary shaft absorbs the force of impact when an upright biped assumes movement.
Atherosclerosis affects up to 10% of the Western population older than 65 years and for intermittent claudication this number is around 5%. Intermittent claudication most commonly manifests in men older than 50 years. One in five of the middle-aged (65–75 years) population of the United Kingdom have evidence of peripheral arterial disease on clinical examination, although only a quarter of them have symptoms. The most common symptom is muscle pain in the lower limbs on exercise—intermittent claudication.
People in this class have a total respiratory capacity of 81% compared to people without a disability. The functional characteristics for this class at the 1990 Stoke Mandeville Games had this class scoring a 0 - 3 for triceps on the MRC scale, with severe weakness of the trunk and lower limbs. People with spinal cord injuries in S1 tend to be tetraplegics with complete lesions below C5. These S1 swimmers have no hand or wrist flexion so are unable to catch water.
Some subjects with delayed symptoms may present with a characteristic sweating and pain in the lower limbs, generally below the knees, or a burning sensation in the soles of the feet. This may eventuate even if the person was bitten somewhere else on their body. Around one in three subjects develops systemic symptoms; after a number of hours, or rarely, delayed for more than 24 hours. Symptoms typically include nausea, vomiting, abdominal or chest pain, agitation, headache, generalised sweating and hypertension.
The superior epigastric arteries, inferior epigastric arteries, internal thoracic arteries and left subclavian artery and right subclavian artery / brachiocephalic are collateral vessels to the thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta. If the abdominal aorta develops a significant stenosis and/or blockage (as may be caused by atherosclerosis), this collateral pathway may develop sufficiently, over time, to supply blood to the lower limbs. A congenitally narrowed aorta, due to coarctation, is often associated with a significant enlargement of the internal thoracic and epigastric arteries.
The sterEOS workstation enables the generation of patient-specific 3D models of the spine and/or lower limbs from weight-bearing low dose or Micro Dose EOS exams. Once the models are created, clinical parameters are automatically calculated and may be exported as a patient report including 2D images and 3D captures. This report is used by physicians for diagnosis, post-operative assessment, and patient follow-up. sterEOS also enables the exportation of 3D anatomical biomarkers for pre-operative planning.
The cervical enlargement corresponds with the attachments of the large nerves which supply the upper limbs. It extends from about the fifth cervical to the first thoracic vertebra, its maximum circumference (about 38 mm.) being on a level with the attachment of the sixth pair of cervical nerves. The reason behind the enlargement of the cervical region is because of the increased neural input and output to the upper limbs. An analogous region in the lower limbs occurs at the lumbar enlargement.
The olfactory cells were taken from the patient's olfactory bulbs in his brain and then grown in the lab, these cells were then injected above and below the impaired spinal tissue. Fidyka regained sensory and motor function in his lower limbs, notably on the side of the transplanted OEC's. Fidyka first noticed the success three months after the procedure, when his left thigh started gaining muscle mass. MRIs suggest that the gap in his spinal cord has been closed up.
Paraplegia is a condition in which a person loses the ability to control or perceive his or her lower limbs. Patients that have lost functional limb control due to spinal cord injuries often have further complications past the point of injury. Due to paralysis, paraplegics remain unable to exercise the leg muscles and leads to muscle atrophy. In such cases, lumbar anterior root stimulators may offer a minimal and temporary solution by allowing paraplegics some capacity to exercise the legs.
Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type I (HSAN I) or hereditary sensory neuropathy type I (HSN I) is a group of autosomal dominant inherited neurological diseases that affect the peripheral nervous system particularly on the sensory and autonomic functions. The hallmark of the disease is the marked loss of pain and temperature sensation in the distal parts of the lower limbs. The autonomic disturbances, if present, manifest as sweating abnormalities. The beginning of the disease varies between adolescence and adulthood.
The white-headed lemur is a medium-sized lemur and has a horizontal posture, which is suited to its way of movement. It has a long furry tail assisting it in maintaining its balance as it lands from leaping at a considerable distance. Males have gray-brown upper parts, with darker lower limbs and tail, paler gray upper parts, gray head and face and a darker crown. Females have redder-brown upper parts, paler underparts and darker feet than males.
There are many types of dangers that skimboarders can face on a daily basis. It is not uncommon to see fractures or dislocations of the lower limbs, some requiring serious medical attention. Lacerations, twisted ankles and bruises are also common, due to impacts with the board itself, or rocks, logs and other obstacles present on beaches. Hamstring injury is also common due to the fast and extreme movement of a skimboarder's legs when they run toward the water and jump on the board.
DER 01, a Japanese actroid Japanese robotics have been leading the field since the 1970s. Waseda University initiated the WABOT project in 1967, and in 1972 completed the WABOT-1, the first android, a full-scale humanoid intelligent robot. Its limb control system allowed it to walk with the lower limbs, and to grip and transport objects with hands, using tactile sensors. Its vision system allowed it to measure distances and directions to objects using external receptors, artificial eyes and ears.
Seventy-one serious adverse events, including 42 acute intoxications and 29 deaths (Germany (5), Hungary (3), Poland (1), Sweden (9), United Kingdom (10), Norway (1)) that occurred in nine European countries between 2014 and 2016 have been associated with MDMB-CHMICA. Side effects such as unconsciousness or coma, hyperemesis, nausea, seizures, convulsions, tachycardia, bradycardia, mydriasis, syncope, spontaneous urinating and defecating, shortness of breath, somnolence, respiratory acidosis, metabolic acidosis, collapse, lower limbs paralysis, chest pain, aggression and severe disturbance of behaviour were reported.
The golden- backed uakari is characterized by a black haired head, black hairless facial skin, black lower limbs and hands, black soles on hands and feet, and a reddish hued flank, tail, and upper limbs. They are noted for having a particularly short and non-prehensile tail and highly specialized teeth. Sexual dimorphism is present, with females being slightly smaller than the males, having a mass generally less than 3 kg compared to an overall species' mass ranging from 2.5 to 3.7 kg.
The "sprawling" posture is the most primitive, and is the original limb posture from which the others evolved. The upper limbs are typically held horizontally, while the lower limbs are vertical, though upper limb angle may be substantially increased in large animals. The body may drag along the ground, as in salamanders, or may be substantially elevated, as in monitor lizards. This posture is typically associated with trotting gaits, and the body flexes from side-to-side during movement to increase step length.
Poor functional strength in all extremities and trunk but able to propel a wheelchair. Lower Extremities-A demonstrable degree of function in one or both lower limbs allowing propulsion of the wheelchair automatically qualifies individual as a Class 2 lower. If the classification team determines that the upper limb function is more appropriate for a higher 23 class then the athlete does not qualify as Class 2. Class 2 athletes (upper or lower) can sometimes ambulate but never run functionally.
Marked hyperhidrosis and excessive salivation were evident. Neurological examination disclosed diffuse muscle twitching and spontaneous and reflex myoclonus, slight muscle atrophy in the limbs, absence of tendon reflexes in the lower limbs and diffuse erythema especially on the trunk with scratching lesions of the skin. Compulsive behaviours, stereotypies and reduplicative paramnesias can be part of the CNS spectrum.Spinazzi M, Argentiero V, Zuliani L, Palmieri A, Tavolato B, Vincent A. Immunotherapy- reversed compulsive, monoaminergic, circadian rhythm disorder in Morvan syndrome. Neurology.
Traditionally, varicose veins were investigated using imaging techniques only if there was a suspicion of deep venous insufficiency, if they were recurrent, or if they involved the saphenopopliteal junction. This practice is now less widely accepted. People with varicose veins should now be investigated using lower limbs venous ultrasonography. The results from a randomised controlled trial on patients with and without routine ultrasound have shown a significant difference in recurrence rate and reoperation rate at 2 and 7 years of follow-up.
Oxygenated blood enters the systemic circulation when leaving the left ventricle, through the aortic semilunar valve. The first part of the systemic circulation is the aorta, a massive and thick-walled artery. The aorta arches and gives branches supplying the upper part of the body after passing through the aortic opening of the diaphragm at the level of thoracic ten vertebra, it enters the abdomen. Later it descends down and supplies branches to abdomen, pelvis, perineum and the lower limbs.
The primary elements of the landscaping are rustic stone walls, rock gardens, sunken lawns an allée of evergreens, formal beds, and a bowling green. An unusual feature of the landscaping was the focus on an unusual box-elder tree with a span in excess of 100 feet. The longest lower limbs dipped to ground level rooting themselves. A painting of the tree by Charlotte, titled Earthbound, was featured in a gallery display of Wisconsin art sponsored by The Milwaukee Journal, in 1930.
A focal tonic seizure can generalize, or the first seizure can occur as a generalized seizure, or seizures that impair the neonate's level of consciousness. Generalized tonic seizures typically appear as symmetric and sustained posturing of limbs in either an extensor or flexor distribution. Generalized tonic seizures often manifest with tonic extension of the upper and lower limbs and also may involve the axial musculature in an opisthotonic fashion. Generalized tonic seizures mimic decorticate posturing; the majority are not associated with electrographic seizures.
Captives were made to eat pieces of their own flesh, and were scalped alive. The genitalia of male captives were the focus of considerable attention, culminating with the dissection of the genitals one slice at a time. To make the torture last longer, the Native Americans and the First Nations would revive captives with rest periods during which time they were given food and water. Tortures typically began on the lower limbs, then gradually spread to the arms, then the torso.
Tropical ulcer, more commonly known as jungle rot, is a chronic ulcerative skin lesion thought to be caused by polymicrobial infection with a variety of microorganisms, including mycobacteria. It is common in tropical climates.Stedman's Electronic Medical Dictionary Ulcers occur on exposed parts of the body, primarily on anterolateral aspect of the lower limbs and may erode muscles and tendons, and sometimes, the bones.Medcyclopedia-Tropical ulcer These lesions may frequently develop on preexisting abrasions or sores sometimes beginning from a mere scratch.
In this kind of nemaline myopathy, affected people are weaker and more affected in their lower limbs than their upper limbs. As stated above, the most common genetic form of NM is caused by a mutation in the nebulin gene, called Nebulin, and has a range of severity levels. All published cases up to this point where NM is thought to be caused by a mutation in the NEB gene have been autosomal recessive and are the most common cause of nemaline myopathy.Ottenheijm, Lawlor, Steiner, Granzier, Beggs.
Dermatophilus congolensis, a causative agent of mud fever Mud fever, also known as scratches or pastern dermatitis, is a group of diseases of horses causing irritation and dermatitis in the lower limbs of horses. Often caused by a mixture of bacteria, typically Dermatophilus congolensis, and Staphylococcus spp, mud fever can also be caused by fungal organisms (dermatophytes). Photosensitization, chorioptic mange mites, contact dermatitis and other conditions also contribute to some cases. This condition is also known as dew poisoning, grease, grease heel, or greasy heel.
At the end of the Revolt of Horea, Cloșca and Crișan, in 1785 (in the Austrian Principality of Transylvania (1711–1867)), two of the revolt leaders, Horea and Cloșca, were sentenced to be executed by the breaking wheel. Crișan hanged himself in prison before that sentence could be carried out. According to a book published the same year by Adam F. Geisler, the two leaders were broken "von unten auf", from bottom up, meaning the lower limbs were broken before the upper limbs, prolonging the torture.
He later had large sores grow in the lower limbs and he was unable to celebrate Mass. His comfort came from Bishop Gaetano Camillo Guindani who visited him at 4:30pm on 12 May 1885 to bring him the approved rules of the institute. Yet on one particular night he slipped from his bed and remained on the ground for three hours as he was unable to get back up. Palazzolo died in the first hours of 15 June 1886 while murmuring the name of Jesus Christ.
Androgenic response was also noted in protocols using upper and lower limbs separately to a lesser degree. A number of studies have looked at effects of anaerobic exercise over months to years, showing it to be constant or slightly increased. A small case-control of anaerobic training in young untrained males over six weeks found decline in free testosterone of 17 percent. With men in their 60s, resistive training over 16 weeks did not affect baseline anabolic hormone levels, although GH increased acutely with exercise.
The disease usually starts during early adolescence or adulthood. The disease is characterized by the loss of pain sensation mainly in the distal parts of the lower limbs; that is, in the parts of the legs farther away from the center of the body. Since the affected individuals cannot feel pain, minor injuries in this area may not be immediately recognized and may develop into extensive ulcerations. Once infection occurs, further complications such as progressive destruction of underlying bones may follow and may necessitate amputation.
The urn was located south of urn number 1. On the West side of the urn, human remains were found possibly part of a femur oriented north-south, it is likely that this was a direct burial that was disturbed at the time of depositing the urn. Among the human remains are present remains of a skull, a temporary molar, and remains of the upper and lower limbs. The remains suggest that it is a child of about 7 to 9 years of age.
Hereditary multiple exostoses is a genetic condition that is caused by growth irregularities of the epiphyseal plates of the long bones of the upper and lower limbs. It usually results in limb deformities and a certain degree of functional limitations. Salter–Harris fractures are fractures involving epiphyseal plates and hence tend to interfere with growth, height or physiologic functions. Osgood-Schlatter disease results from stress on the epiphyseal plate in the tibia, leading to excess bone growth and a painful lump at the knee.
Victims are typically shot in the knees, ankles, thighs, elbows, ankles, or a combination of the above. Kneecapping is considered a "trademark" of the IRA, although it became less popular over time because the disability and mortality incurred was unpopular with the community. It was replaced with low-velocity shots aimed at the soft tissue in the lower limbs. As a result, "kneecapping" is frequently a misnomer because by the 2010s most injuries targeted the femur or popliteal area rather than the knee joint.
The isidwaba represents respect for the family of the husband; therefore it must be of knee-length thereby reducing exposure above the knees. The isidwaba is worn by folding it over the waist and lower limbs up to the knees. The side ends must overlap to ensure that the bride is adequately covered by the isidwaba and that she must not be exposed, even whilst doing the traditional dance. The grass made belt, called isifociya, is tied around the waist to keep the isidwaba in position.
EOS is a medical imaging system whose aim is to provide frontal and lateral radiography images, while limiting the X-ray dose absorbed by the patient in a sitting or standing position. The system relies on the high sensitivity of a detector (multi-wire chamber) invented by Georges Charpak (which gave him the 1992 Nobel prize). EOS is commercialized by the French company EOS imaging as an orthopedic application whose main feature is the 3D visualization of the vertebral column and/or lower limbs of the patients.
Physical therapists can assist immobilized patients with effective cough techniques, secretion clearance, stretching of the thoracic wall, and suggest abdominal support belts when necessary. The amount of time a patient is immobilized may depend on the level of the spinal cord injury. Physical therapists work with the patient to prevent any complications that may arise due to this immobilization. Other complications that arise from immobilization include muscle atrophy and osteoporosis, especially to the lower limbs, increasing the risk of fractures to the femur and tibia.
One study attempted to quantify the change in running form between a rested and fatigued state by measuring asymmetrical running gait in the lower limbs. The results showed that "knee internal rotation and knee stiffness became more asymmetrical with fatigue, increasing by 14% and 5.3%, respectively". These findings suggest that focusing on proper running form, particularly when fatigued, could reduce the risk of running- related injuries. Running in worn-out shoes may also increase the risk of injury and altering the footwear might be helpful.
Unilateral lymphedema occurs in up to 41% of patients after gynecologic cancer. For men, a 5-66% incidence of lymphedema has been reported in patients treated with incidence depending on whether staging or radical removal of lymph glands was done in addition to radiotherapy. Head and neck lymphedema can be caused by surgery or radiation therapy for tongue or throat cancer. It may also occur in the lower limbs or groin after surgery for colon, ovarian or uterine cancer, in which removal of lymph nodes or radiation therapy is required.
In addition, cycling is especially helpful for those with arthritis of the lower limbs who are unable to pursue sports that cause impact to the knees and other joints. Since cycling can be used for the practical purpose of transportation, there can be less need for self-discipline to exercise. Cycling while seated is a relatively non-weight bearing exercise that, like swimming, does little to promote bone density. Cycling up and out of the saddle, on the other hand, does a better job by transferring more of the rider's body weight to the legs.
He is given a complex and inscrutable expression; physiological traits not uncommon in contemporary Flemish painting.Ferrari (2013), 120 He kneels on a bed of flowers, and his heavy robe and folded drapery have a choppy and overflowing feel. His lower limbs seem disconnected, positioned in an anti- naturalistic manner; giving the impression that he is levitating.Rishel (1997), 10 Till-Holger Borchert observes that Francis's feet are positioned slightly too high above the rest of his body, making them "so bizarrely placed as to look like a foreign body".
A victim of the epidemic exhibiting complete paralysis of lower limbs with atrophy In 1900, more than 6,000 people in England were poisoned by arsenic- tainted beer, with more than 70 of the afflicted dying as a result. The food safety crisis was caused by arsenic entering the supply chain through impure sugar which had been made with contaminated sulphuric acid. The illness was prevalent across the Midlands and North West England, with Manchester being the most heavily affected. Originally misdiagnosed as alcoholic neuropathy, the main epidemic was only recognised after several months.
There is no cure for monoplegia, but treatments typically include physical therapy and counseling to help recover muscle tone and function. Recovery will vary depending on diagnosis of temporary, partial or complete paralysis. Much of the therapies focus on the upper limb due to the fact that monoplegia in the upper limbs is much more common than in the lower limbs. It has been found that intense activity-based and goal-directed therapy, such as constraint-induced movement therapy and bimanual therapy, are more effective than standard care.
Inferior vena cava syndrome (IVCS) is a constellation of symptoms resulting from obstruction of the inferior vena cava. It can be caused by physical invasion or compression by a pathological process or by thrombosis within the vein itself. It can also occur during pregnancy. Pregnancy leads to high venous pressure in the lower limbs, decreased blood return to the heart, decreased cardiac output due to obstruction of the inferior vena cava, sudden rise in venous pressure which can lead to placental separation, and a decrease in kidney function.
In addition to the patagium of the wings, species of Miniopterus possess a uropatagium at the lower limbs, these membranes are a very dark and almost uniform brown colour. The generation length of M. sororculus is estimated to around 5.5 years. The population superficially resemble another Malagasy species, Miniopterus petersoni, first described shortly after the publication of this species. The external morphology of the two species indicates they have converged, which is supported by analysis of molecular evidence, but are distinguishable by features of the crania and external characteristics.
The intermediate genes (HOXC6, HOXC8) are expressed in both the upper and lower limbs in chickens. As previously stated, limb development is essentially autonomous after the signaling centers (AER) and ZPA) have been established. However, it is important to know that Hox genes continue to participate in the dynamic regulation of limb development even after the AER and ZPA have been established in the limb bud. Complex communication ensues as AER-secreted FGF signals and ZPA-secreted Shh signals initiate and regulate Hox gene expression in the developing limb bud.
Loss of bowel control due to severed nerves in the spinal cord is one of the more common reasons for lumbar root stimulator usage. Patients in such a condition often suffer from gastrointestinal issues such as incontinence, diarrhea, or an inability to completely evacuate the urinary tract. This is in turn puts the patient at further risk for more complications such as a urinary tract infection. Giles Brindley initially developed for paraplegic patients with diminished or no bladder control as severed neurons affected both the gastrointestinal system and the mobility of the lower limbs.
Hereditary multiple osteochondromas (HMO), also known as hereditary multiple exostoses, is a disorder characterized by the development of multiple benign osteocartilaginous masses (exostoses) in relation to the ends of long bones of the lower limbs such as the femurs and tibias and of the upper limbs such as the humeri and forearm bones. They are also known as osteochondromas. Additional sites of occurrence include on flat bones such as the pelvic bone and scapula. The distribution and number of these exostoses show a wide diversity among affected individuals.
The corticobulbar tract is composed of the upper motor neurons of the cranial nerves. The muscles of the face, head and neck are controlled by the corticobulbar system, which terminates on motor neurons within brainstem motor nuclei. This is in contrast to the corticospinal tract in which the cerebral cortex connects to spinal motor neurons, and thereby controls movement of the torso, upper and lower limbs. Fibers that end in the sensory nuclei of the brainstem are thought to enhance or inhibit sensory transmission across various sensory nuclei.
The wing surface is extended to the lower limbs, and the tails of this family are enclosed in an interfemoral membrane. Some are relatively slow-flying genera, such as Pipistrellus, that manipulate the configuration of their broader wing shape and may give a fluttery appearance as they forage and glean. Others are specialised as long-winged genera, such as Lasiurus and Nyctalus, that use rapid pursuit to capture insects. The size range of the family is in head and body length; this excludes the tail, which is itself quite long in many species.
The lower limbs spread drooping from the trunk; these are long, slender, sparingly branched, and the branches are four-angled, loosely covered with large spreading leaves. Since the leaves are arranged in two ranks, the slender branches resemble petioles, bearing pinnae of a compound leaf; the leaves are further often recurved, and are deep green above, and almost white beneath. The large blossoms expand in April, exhaling a rank odour reportedly resembling asafoetida when they first burst, but they become inodorous before the petals drop. The stamens are all bent inwards in bud.
In terms of motor functions, people in this class who are C4-C6 tetraplegics may have issues with their biceps, deltoids, rhomboids and rotor cuffs. They may have an absence of sensation in their hands, wrists and forearms. People in this class have a total respiratory capacity of 81% compared to people without a disability. The functional characteristics for this class at the 1990 Stoke Mandeville Games had this class scoring a 0 - 3 for triceps on the MRC scale, with severe weakness of the trunk and lower limbs.
Alternatively, a person can be fitted with custom made footwear which corrects the difference in leg lengths. Other surgery to re-balance muscular agonist/antagonist imbalances may also be helpful. Extended use of braces or wheelchairs may cause compression neuropathy, as well as a loss of proper function of the veins in the legs, due to pooling of blood in paralyzed lower limbs. Complications from prolonged immobility involving the lungs, kidneys and heart include pulmonary edema, aspiration pneumonia, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, paralytic ileus, myocarditis and cor pulmonale.
Liebenberg Syndrome is a rare autosomal genetic disease that involves a deletion mutation upstream of the PITX1 gene, which is one that's responsible for the body's organization, specifically in forming lower limbs. In animal studies, when this deletion was introduced to developing birds, their wing buds were noted to take on limb-like structures. The condition was first described by Dr. F. Liebenberg in 1973 while he followed multiple generations of a South African family,Liebenberg, F., 1973. A pedigree with unusual anomalies of the elbows, wrist, and hands in fine generations.
There are characteristic pathologic findings of acute inflammation and thrombosis (clotting) of arteries and veins of the hands and feet (the lower limbs being more common). The mechanisms underlying Buerger's disease are still largely unknown, but smoking and tobacco consumption are major factors associated with it. It has been suggested that the tobacco may trigger an immune response in susceptible persons or it may unmask a clotting defect, either of which could incite an inflammatory reaction of the vessel wall. This eventually leads to vasculitis and ischemic changes in distal parts of limbs.
Lesions in the spinal cord or the spinal root can cause damage to a nerve or nerve root. Depending on where the abnormality is in a patient they can experience a wide range of symptoms, including those that are found in patients with astasis. It has been seen that patients with spinal atrophy who have astasia without abasia have neither sensory disturbances of the lower limbs or weakness in the hip extensor flexor muscles. This helps to indicate that one of the main causes of astasia without abasia is weakness in the triceps surae muscle.
Acroangiodermatitis of Mali is a rare cutaneous condition often characterized by purplish-blue to brown papules and plaques on the medial and lateral malleolus of both legs. Acroangiodermatitis is a rare skin condition characterised by hyperplasia of pre-existing vasculature due to venous hypertension from severe chronic venous stasis. It is associated with amputees, haemodialysis (HD) patients with arteriovenous (AV) shunts, and patients with paralysed legs, hepatitis C, chronic venous insufficiency or AV malformations (AVM). Patients present with itchy, painful, confluent, violaceous or brown-black macules, papules or plaques usually at the distal lower limbs.
International Paralympic Committee defined this classification on their website in July 2016, "Athletes have full function of the arms and partial to full trunk muscle power. There is no movement in the lower limbs. Athletes with bilateral hip disarticulations are appropriately placed in this class." The Spectator Guide for the Rio Paralympics defines the class as, "wheelchair athletes (effects of polio, spinal cord injuries and amputations)" People competing in the seated position in this class generally have good balance, good trunk rotations and can more their upper body backwards and forwards.
Monro is said to have thought that illustrations were inaccurate and unnecessary. While Thiroux d'Arconville agreed that observation is better, she thought the illustration could help with learning. Picture of skeletons in Treatise on Osteology It is thought that the images were created under the direction of Jean-Joseph Sue with added input by Thiroux d'Arconville while being financed by her. The skeletons seemed to have been modeled after her; they had a large, broad pelvis and narrow lower limbs, thought to have been caused by corsets Thiroux d'Arconville wore throughout her life.
The third way was that Aragonés would write the plot, and someone else would write the script once the story was fully drawn. An illustrative tale drawn by Berni Wrightson involved a gourmet diner whose love for frog legs leads to a predictable amphibian revenge: he is left without lower limbs and is doomed to negotiate the world on a trolley. Basil Wolverton and Wallace Wood provided covers for the first 19 issues, each depicting a freakish character of some kind. The cover borders hosting a plethora of creatures, however, were drawn by Sergio Aragonés.
The effects of microgravity on fluid distribution around the body (greatly exaggerated). The Beckman Physiological and Cardiovascular Monitoring System in the Gemini and Apollo suits would inflate and deflate cuffs to stimulate blood flow to lower limbs Astronaut Clayton Anderson observes as a water bubble floats in front of him on the Space Shuttle Discovery. Water cohesion plays a bigger role in microgravity than on Earth In space, astronauts lose fluid volume—including up to 22% of their blood volume. Because it has less blood to pump, the heart will atrophy.
I felt better, but my lower limbs were as cold as ice, and the > calf muscles kept tense and jerking. There was no opisthotonos, only a > slight stiffness at the back of the neck. Half an hour later, as I could > judge, I took the same quantity of bromide of potassium and chloral, and a > little time after I lost consciousness and fell into a " profound sleep," > awaking in the morning with no unpleasant symptoms, no headache, &c.;, but a > desire " to be on the move " and a slight feeling of stiffness in the jaw.
For radiation protection, BIOTRONIK distributes the Zero-Gravity Radiation Protection System, which consists of a movable suspended body and head shield. The shield material has a significantly higher lead equivalency than traditional radiation apparel, thereby reducing radiation exposure by 87–100%. Indicated to treat peripheral artery disease in the lower limbs, BIOTRONIK released the Passeo-18 Lux in 2014 as the first peripheral drug-coated balloon. The year following, CardioMessenger Smart was launched, its new patient device for Home Monitoring, and BioMonitor 2, the second-generation insertable cardiac monitor.
Mutations associated with this gene cause autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia 7, a neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized by a slow, gradual, progressive weakness and spasticity of the lower limbs. SPG7 mutations have also been associated with other undiagnosed ataxia. In model animals, knockdown of spastic paraplegia 7 by siRNA inhibits the early stages of HIV-1 replication in 293T cells infected with VSV-G pseudotyped HIV-1. It has been shown that an SPG7 variant escapes phosphorylation-regulated processing by AFG3L2 and increases mitochondrial reactive oxygen species generation and is correlated with many clinical phenotypes.
Lyme radiculopathy is reported half as frequently, but many cases may be unrecognized. In European adults, the most common presentation is a combination of lymphocytic meningitis and radiculopathy known as Bannwarth syndrome, accompanied in 36-89% of cases by facial palsy. In this syndrome, radicular pain tends to start in the same body region as the initial erythema migrans rash, if there was one, and precedes possible facial palsy and other impaired movement. In extreme cases, permanent impairment of motor or sensory function of the lower limbs may occur.
In addition to acquiring skills such as wheelchair transfers, individuals with a spinal cord injury can greatly benefit from exercise reconditioning. In the majority of cases, spinal cord injury leaves the lower limbs either entirely paralyzed, or with insufficient strength, endurance, or motor control to support safe and effective physical training. Therefore, most exercise training employs the use of arm crank ergometry, wheelchair ergometry, and swimming. In one study, subjects with traumatic spinal cord injury participated in a progressive exercise training program, which involved arm ergometry and resistance training.
Many of the Chinese who were burned in their houses apparently tried "to dig a hole in the cellar to hide themselves. But the fire overtook them when about half way in the hole, burning their lower limbs to a crisp and leaving the upper trunk untouched."Thomas, David G., Chinese Riot by David G. Thomas as Told to His Daughter, Mrs. J. H. Goodnough, Sweetwater County Historical Museum Archives One remaining Chinese immigrant was found dead in a laundry house in Whitemen's Town, his home demolished by rioters.
In typical early tetrapod posture, the upper arm and upper leg extended nearly straight horizontal from its body, and the forearm and the lower leg extended downward from the upper segment at a near right angle. The body weight was not centered over the limbs, but was rather transferred 90 degrees outward and down through the lower limbs, which touched the ground. Most of the animal's strength was used to just lift its body off the ground for walking, which was probably slow and difficult. With this sort of posture, it could only make short broad strides.
Back- view of basic box tie bondage The box tie is a tie of the chest and upper arms, and is combined to create with ties of the lower limbs as a component or variation of other ties. Both arms are supported in parallel behind the back by a core and made immobile by a tensioned rope connecting the midpoint of the upper arms. A male bondage rigger demonstrates to the audience how to do box tie bondage at BoundCon 2015, Munich. The TK wrap or shibari box tie, gote shibari, is a single column tie of the upper body.
The ability to modulate the magnitude of cutaneous reflexes via rhythmic arm movements or challenging environments has potential implications in rehabilitation for patients with motor weakness. Some stroke patients with lower limb complications demonstrate reduced or blunted cutaneous reflexes. These lower limb reflexes can be amplified with superficial radial nerve stimulation by taking advantage of the interlimb reflex observed during rhythmic arm locomotion between the upper and lower limbs. The amplification of the contralateral tibialis anterior seen during the swing to stance transition may be clinically useful in preventing foot drop during the swing phase for stroke patients.
Femur-fibula-ulna syndrome (FFU syndrome) is a very rare syndrome characterized by abnormalities of the femur (thigh bone), fibula (calf bone) and the ulna (forearm bone). There have been suggestions that FFU complex may be the same as proximal femoral focal deficiency (PFFD) although authors are currently in disagreement over whether or not the disorders are in fact separate. The breadth of the abnormality and number of limbs involved is considered sporadic although upper limbs are more affected than lower limbs and right side malformation is more prevalent than the left. The condition was first noted by Lenz and Feldman in 1977.
People in this class have a total respiratory capacity of 81% compared to people without a disability. The functional characteristics for this class at the 1990 Stoke Mandeville Games had this class scoring a 0 - 3 for triceps on the MRC scale, with severe weakness of the trunk and lower limbs. People with spinal cord injuries in S2 tend to be tetraplegics with complete lesions below C6, or tetraplegics with complete lesions below C7 who have additional paralysis in their plexus or in one arm. These S2 swimmers have no hand or wrist flexion so are unable to catch water.
As of July 2016, the International Paralympic Committee defines Grade 1a on their website as "Athletes in grade 1b have either a severe impairment of the trunk and minimal impairment of the upper limbs or moderate impairment of the trunk, upper and lower limbs. Most athletes in this class use a wheelchair in daily life." Grade 1b para- dressage riders with Profiles 4, 6, 9, 10a/b, 11a/b, 12b, and 31a/b are allowed to have a hard hand hold. Grade 1b para-dressage riders with Profile 12b are allowed to use a connecting rein bar.
Timeline of an FFI patient (same as the one above this one) In 2011, the first reported case in the Netherlands was of a 57 year-old man of Egyptian descent. The man came in with symptoms of double vision and progressive memory loss, and his family also noted he had recently become disoriented, paranoid, and confused. While he tended to fall asleep during random daily activities, he experienced vivid dreams and random muscular jerks during normal slow-wave sleep. After four months of these symptoms, he started having convulsions in the hands, trunk, and lower limbs while awake.
In Japan, Waseda University initiated the WABOT project in 1967, and in 1972 completed the WABOT-1, the world's first full-scale intelligent humanoid robot,Robotics and Mechatronics: Proceedings of the 4th IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics, page 66 or android. Its limb control system allowed it to walk with the lower limbs, and to grip and transport objects with hands, using tactile sensors. Its vision system allowed it to measure distances and directions to objects using external receptors, artificial eyes and ears. And its conversation system allowed it to communicate with a person in Japanese, with an artificial mouth.
Additionally, the Art of Fighting staff wanted Yuri to appear in the game, thus, she was added to the Women Fighters Team as the leader. In making Yuri for The King of Fighters XIII, director Kei Yamamoto stated Yuri wanted the character's moves to focus on kicks. Due to the skill required to perform some of her special attacks, Yamamoto feels Yuri's players to train themselves in order to use her properly. There was originally an attempt to give the character one of Robert Garcia's moves because of both of them handling their lower limbs, but was removed due to not fitting Yuri.
Rule 159 Para 11 Chairs will be measured in the Marshalling Area, and may not leave that area before the start of the event. Chairs that have been examined may be liable to re-examination before or after the event by the official in charge of the event. Rule 159 Para 12 It shall be the responsibility, in the first instance, of the official conducting the event, to rule on the safety of the chair. Rule 159 Para 13 Athletes must ensure that no part of their lower limbs can fall to the ground or track during the event.
The protagonist species of the games in the Oddworld universe are the Mudokons (): an oviparous anthropoid with blue or green skin. In Abe's Oddysee, Abe's Exoddus, and Munch's Oddysee, the Mudokons are peaceful, spiritual inhabitants of a mock-Paleolithic society. Oddworld creator Lorne Lanning has explained that the Mudokons were not always sympathetic protagonists, insofar as, though they represent a class of slaves exploited by the upper class, their ability to telepathically control other species contradicts that status. Their principal enemies are the Glukkons: a cephalopod-like anthropoid with only vestigial lower limbs (usually concealed by clothing), representing an industrial master class.
Wheelchair rugby classifier examining a new player To be eligible to play wheelchair rugby, athletes must have some form of disability with a loss of function in both the upper and lower limbs. The majority of wheelchair rugby athletes have spinal cord injuries at the level of their cervical vertebrae. Other eligible players have multiple amputations, polio, or neurological disorders such as cerebral palsy, some forms of muscular dystrophy, or Guillain–Barré syndrome, among other medical conditions. Players are classified according to their functional level and assigned a point value ranging from 0.5 (the lowest functional level) to 3.5 (the highest).
The diagnosis of HSAN I is based on the observation of symptoms described above and is supported by a family history suggesting autosomal dominant inheritance. The diagnosis is also supported by additional tests, such as nerve conduction studies in the lower limbs to confirm a sensory and motor neuropathy. In sporadic cases, acquired neuropathies, such as the diabetic foot syndrome and alcoholic neuropathy, can be excluded by the use of magnetic resonance imaging and by interdisciplinary discussion between neurologists, dermatologists, and orthopedics. The diagnosis of the disease has been revolutionized by the identification of the causative genes.
Many of the gun crews had lost lower limbs due to splinters passing under the gun shields. British ships reported passing the Chester to cheers from limbless wounded gun crew laid out on her deck and smoking cigarettes, only to hear that the same crewmen had died a few hours later from blood-loss and shock. After the action, ship medics arrived on deck to find Cornwell the sole survivor at his gun, shards of steel penetrating his chest, looking at the gun sights and still waiting for orders. Being incapable of further action, Chester was ordered to the port of Immingham.
Long-billed crombec building a nest The long-billed crombec's nest is a large, hanging bag of grasses, spider webs, and plant fibres, which is attached to the lower limbs of a tree, often an Acacia. The one to three white eggs are incubated for two weeks to hatching, and the chicks are fed by both parents for another two weeks to fledging. This territorial species is monogamous, pairing for life. This bird is usually seen alone, in pairs, or in family groups as it forages methodically from the bottom to the top of bushes and trees for insects and grass seeds.
There is a number of customized katas mainly performed during tests for upgrading to the next belt. The rules for competition are those of the traditional Japanese Full Contact Karate as established by the Kyokushin Kaikan: upper limb strikes are prohibited to neck and face, attacks with the lower limbs can also be thrown to the head instead; it is forbidden to pull or grab the opponent, hitting the genitals or the knees directly from the front. In training and matches protectors are worn on legs, knees, hands and genitals. No protectors are employed in competitions among black belts.
Elkin (1944), rear cover The drabness of its interior decor and the lack of leg-room in the seating attracted criticism. In 1913, The Musical Times said, "In the placing of the seats apparently no account whatever is taken even of the average length of lower limbs, and it appeared to be the understanding … that legs were to be left in the cloak room. At twopence apiece this would be expensive, and there might be difficulties afterwards if the cloak room sorting arrangements were not perfect"."Occasional Notes", The Musical Times, Vol. 54, No. 847 (1 September 1913), pp.
He married the daughter of Percivall Pott, the hospital's senior surgeon, and their third son, Henry Earle, also became a surgeon at St. Bartholomew's. Earle write a memoir of Pott that was subsequently attached to his complete works (1790) and a biography of William Austin. Earle was renowned for his surgery skills, particularly in lithotomy. He also published several medical works: A Treatise on the Hydrocele (1791, with additions in 1793, 1796, and 1805), Practical Observations on the Operation for Stone (1793), A New Method of Operation for Cataract (1801), and Letter on Fractures of the Lower Limbs (1807).
When not skiing, the competitor may be able to walk with or without the use of assisitive devices. This class is the equivalent of LW4, but skiers must choose to compete in LW4 or LW12: they cannot compete in both classifications during the same skiing season. For para-Alpine skiing, the Australian Paralympic Committee defined this classification as a sit skiing classification for "athletes with spinal injury or some other disability affecting the function in their lower limbs but they have good sitting balance." This classification is often subdivided into two separate categories for para-Alpine skiing.
When local anesthetic is injected around a larger diameter nerve that transmits sensation from an entire region it is referred to as a nerve block or regional nerve blockade. Nerve blocks are commonly used in dentistry, when the mandibular nerve is blocked for procedures on the lower teeth. With larger diameter nerves (such as the interscalene block for upper limbs or psoas compartment block for lower limbs) the nerve and position of the needle is localized with ultrasound or electrical stimulation. The use of ultrasound may reduce complication rates and improve quality, performance time, and time to onset of blocks.
Forward Ruben Mendoza, from the United States men's national soccer team, executes a bicycle kick. In association football, a bicycle kick, also known as an overhead kick or scissors kick, is an acrobatic strike where a player kicks an airborne ball rearward in midair. It is achieved by throwing the body backward up into the air and, before descending to the ground, making a shearing movement with the lower limbs to get the ball-striking leg in front of the other. In most languages, the manoeuvre is named after either the cycling motion or the scissor motion that it resembles.
A fascial compartment is a section within the body that contains muscles and nerves and is surrounded by fascia. In the human body, the limbs can each be divided into two segments – the upper limb can be divided into the arm and the forearm and the sectional compartments of both of these – the fascial compartments of the arm and the fascial compartments of the forearm contain an anterior and a posterior compartment. Likewise, the lower limbs can be divided into two segments – the leg and the thigh – and these contain the fascial compartments of the leg and the fascial compartments of the thigh.
Buruli ulcers can appear anywhere on the body, but are typically on the extremities. Ulcers are most common on the lower limbs (62%) and upper limbs (24%), but can also be found on the trunk (9%), head/neck (3%), or genitals (less than 1%). The World Health Organization classifies Buruli ulcer cases into three categories depending on the severity of their symptoms. A single small (less than five centimeters) ulcer is category I. Larger ulcers (up to 15 centimeters) are category II. Ulcers that are larger, disseminated across the body, or include particularly sensitive sites (e.g.
John Penn became a Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1848 and served as its president on two occasions (in 1858–1859, and again in 1867–1868). In June 1859 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society; the citation said: In 1860 Penn was a founder member of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects. In 1872 Penn's two elder sons entered into the firm's partnership, and Penn became less active in the business, eventually retiring completely in 1875. Towards the end of his life Penn became paralysed in his lower limbs, and later he became blind.
Herbert (Chaim) Dardik (May 17, 1935 – May 11, 2020) was a vascular surgeon who served as the chief of vascular surgery at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center in Englewood, New Jersey, and founded that institution's first vascular surgery fellowship program in 1978. Vascular Specialist, Bryan Kay, 15th May 2020 North Jersey, Melanie Anzidei, May 14, 2020 Dardik made many developments in vascular surgery, including the first tissue-engineered bypass graft used to prevent gangrene and save lower limbs. New York Times, Obituaries, May 14, 2020. In 2017 he earned the Society for Vascular Surgery's Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to the profession.
There are several instances of Neanderthals practising cannibalism across their range. The first example came from Krapina, Croatia, in 1899, and other examples were found at Cueva del Sidrón and Zafarraya in Spain; and the French Grotte de Moula-Guercy, Les Pradelles, and La Quina. For the five cannibalised Neanderthals at the Grottes de Goyet, Belgium, there is evidence that the upper limbs were disarticulated, the lower limbs defleshed and also smashed (likely to extract bone marrow), the chest cavity disemboweled, and the jaw dismembered. There is also evidence that the butchers used some bones to retouch their tools.
The axial skeleton is formed by the vertebral column, the rib cage, the skull and other associated bones. The appendicular skeleton, which is attached to the axial skeleton, is formed by the shoulder girdle, the pelvic girdle and the bones of the upper and lower limbs. The human skeleton performs six major functions; support, movement, protection, production of blood cells, storage of minerals, and endocrine regulation. The human skeleton is not as sexually dimorphic as that of many other primate species, but subtle differences between sexes in the morphology of the skull, dentition, long bones, and pelvis exist.
Restoration by Heinrich Harder At about at shoulder height and in body length, Coryphodon is one of the largest- known mammals of its time. The creature was very slow, with long upper limbs and short lower limbs, which were needed to support its weight. Coryphodon does not seem to have been in need of much in the way of defences, however, since most known predators of the time seem to have been much smaller than Coryphodon. Coryphodon had one of the smallest brain/body ratios of any mammal, living or extinct, possessing a brain weighing just and a body weight of around .
All high heels counter the natural functionality of the foot, sometimes causing skeletal and muscular problems if users wear them excessively; such shoes are a common cause of venous complaints such as pain, fatigue, and heavy-feeling legs, and have been found to provoke venous hypertension in the lower limbs. Despite their impracticality and fluctuating demand, they persist as a fashion option. Stiletto heels concentrate a large amount of force into a small area. The great pressure under such a heel, which is greater than that under the feet of an elephant, can cause damage to carpets and floors.
The consumption of large quantities of Lathyrus grain containing high concentrations of the glutamate analogue neurotoxin β-oxalyl-L-α,β-diaminopropionic acid (ODAP, also known as β-N- oxalyl-amino-L-alanine, or BOAA) causes paralysis, characterized by lack of strength in or inability to move the lower limbs, and may involve pyramidal tracts producing signs of upper motor neuron damage. The toxin may also cause aortic aneurysm. A unique symptom of lathyrism is the atrophy of gluteal muscles (buttocks). ODAP is a poison of mitochondria, leading to excess cell death, especially in motor neurons.
Muscle fibers secrete a limited amount of neurotrophic factors capable of sustaining only a fraction of the α-MNs that initially project to the muscle fiber. Those α-MNs that do not receive sufficient neurotrophic factors will undergo apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death. Because they innervate many muscles, some clusters of α-MNs receive high concentrations of neurotrophic factors and survive this stage of neuronal pruning. This is true of the α-MNs innervating the upper and lower limbs: these α-MNs form large cell columns that contribute to the cervical and lumbar enlargements of the spinal cord.
The shoulder girdle or pectoral girdle is the set of bones in the appendicular skeleton which connects to the arm on each side. In humans it consists of the clavicle and scapula; in those species with three bones in the shoulder, it consists of the clavicle, scapula, and coracoid. Some mammalian species (such as the dog and the horse) have only the scapula. The pectoral girdles are to the upper limbs as the pelvic girdle is to the lower limbs; the girdles are the parts of the appendicular skeleton that anchor the appendages to the axial skeleton.
Players must be 18+ by August 1 of the season, and have a permanent physical disability which consistently reduces the function of the lower limbs to a degree where they cannot run, pivot, block or tackle, at the speed and with the control, safety, stability and endurance required to play running football as an able bodied player. Players are classified via a functional classification system, and will receive a classification point ranging from 1-4.5. A team consists of seven players on the field. A team may not have more than 21 classification points at the field at one time.
Congenital distal spinal muscular atrophy is a hereditary condition characterized by muscle wasting (atrophy), particularly of distal muscles in legs and hands, and by early-onset contractures (permanent shortening of a muscle or joint) of the hip, knee, and ankle. Affected individuals often have shorter lower limbs relative to the trunk and upper limbs. The condition is a result of a loss of anterior horn cells localized to lumbar and cervical regions of the spinal cord early in infancy, which in turn is caused by a mutation of the TRPV4 gene. The disorder is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner.
The cave was inhabited between 60,000 and 48,000 BP and is famous for its excavated finds of hominid remains, made under the direction of Professor Ofer Bar-Yosef. Dorothy Garrod and Francis Turville-Petre excavated in the cave in the early 1930s, but by far the most significant discovery made at Kebara Cave was Kebara 2 in 1982, the most complete postcranial Neanderthal skeleton found to date. Nicknamed "Moshe" and dating to circa 60,000 BP, the skeleton preserved a large part of one individual's torso (vertebral column, ribs and pelvis). The cranium and most of the lower limbs were missing.
Giacomini vein At the beginning of his scientific career, he conducted clinical trials with the physiologist Angelo Mosso that led to the first recording of human brain pulsations. His early research includes studies on nerve abnormalities of the hand and the venous circulation of the lower limbs and blood of the upper limbs. The so-called vertebrae Giacomini (from the fifth to the eighth thoracic vertebra) are a dorsal limit of the heart. Since 1882, followed an in-depth study of brain morphology: describing the limbic lobe, a part of the hippocampal gyrus door today the name of band of Giacomini; deduced a complete work on the cerebral convolutions (1882).
Of the 206 bones in the human skeleton, the appendicular skeleton comprises 126. Functionally it is involved in locomotion (lower limbs) of the axial skeleton and manipulation of objects in the environment (upper limbs). The appendicular skeleton forms during development from cartilage, by the process of endochondral ossification. The appendicular skeleton is divided into six major regions: # Shoulder girdles (4 bones) - Left and right clavicle (2) and scapula (2). # Arms and forearms (6 bones) - Left and right humerus (2) (arm), ulna (2) and radius (2) (forearm). # Hands (54 bones) - Left and right carpals (16) (wrist), metacarpals (10), proximal phalanges (10), intermediate phalanges (8) and distal phalanges (10).
Even though he suffered from ill-health, most notably a paralysis that restricted the use of his lower limbs, Powell was elected MP for Cardiganshire, his father's former constituency, at the 1859 General Election, when he defeated Saunders Davies of Pentre by a small margin. His opponent's father, D.A. Saunders Davies, had previously served as MP for Carmarthenshire until his death in 1857. Powell was successful despite the fact that his opponent had the support of the majority of the county's landed gentry, most of whom were located in the south of the county. This was demonstrated by the fact that in the Cardigan district, Davies had a substantial majority.
Medical analysis determined her fever was the result of meningitis and sepsis that ultimately led to the death of the patient after antibiotics failed. Additional support for the possibility of S. canis infections in humans has been provided by multiple cases linking the occurrence of the disease to dog ownership in elderly men. In these cases, all men had a history of ulcers on their lower limbs, which acted as an entry point for the transmission of bacteria from the respiratory tract of the dogs. This history, in combination with continued exposure from household dogs, led to the transfer of the disease and the expression of symptoms that required medical attention.
Falls in individuals with stroke. Journal of rehabilitation research and development, 45(8), 1195. People with Parkinson's disease are at risk of falling due to gait disturbances, loss of motion control including freezing and jerking, autonomic system disorders such as orthostatic hypotension, fainting, and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; neurological and sensory disturbances including muscle weakness of lower limbs, deep sensibility impairment, epileptic seizure, cognitive impairment, visual impairment, balance impairment, and side effects of drugs to treat PD.C.W. Olanow, R.L. Watts, W.C. Koller An algorithm for the management of Parkinson's disease: treatment guidelines Neurology, 56 (11 Suppl 5) (2001), pp. S1–S88McNeely, M. E., Duncan, R. P., & Earhart, G. M. (2012).
Motor symptoms include loss of function ("negative") symptoms of weakness, tiredness, muscle atrophy, and gait abnormalities; and gain of function ("positive") symptoms of cramps, and muscle twitch (fasciculations). In the most common form, length-dependent peripheral neuropathy, pain and parasthesia appears symmetrically and generally at the terminals of the longest nerves, which are in the lower legs and feet. Sensory symptoms generally develop before motor symptoms such as weakness. Length-dependent peripheral neuropathy symptoms make a slow ascent of the lower limbs, while symptoms may never appear in the upper limbs; if they do, it will be around the time that leg symptoms reach the knee.
Dennie–Marfan syndrome is a syndrome in which there is association of spastic paraplegia of the lower limbs and mental retardation in children with congenital syphilis. Both sexes are affected, and the onset of the disease can be acute or insidious, with slow progression from weakness to quadriplegia. Epilepsy, cataract, and nystagmus may also be found. The syndrome was described by Charles Clayton Dennie in 1929Dennie CC. Partial paralysis of the lower extremities in children, accompanied by backward mental development. Am J Syphilis 1929; 13: 157–163 , and Antoine Marfan in 1936Marfan AB. Paraplégie spasmodique avec troubles cérébraux d’origine hérédo-syphilitique chez les grands enfants.
Domenico Prattichizzo is an Italian scientist with a strong and international recognized expertise in the fields of Haptics, Robotics and, Wearable technology. His researches find their main applications in virtual and augmented reality scenarios and in the rehabilitation of people with upper and lower limbs, visual and cognitive impairments. He is Full Professor of Robotics and Automation at University of Siena, Senior Scientist at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genoa and Co-founder of WEART, a startup on Wearable Haptics and Tactile Communication. He has been elevated Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2016 for contributions to haptics and multi-fingered robotic hands.
A large fall in blood pressure upon standing (persistent systolic/diastolic blood pressure decrease of >20/10 mm Hg) is termed orthostatic hypotension (postural hypotension) and represents a failure of the body to compensate for the effect of gravity on the circulation. Standing results in an increased hydrostatic pressure in the blood vessels of the lower limbs. The consequent distension of the veins below the diaphragm (venous pooling) causes ~500 ml of blood to be relocated from the chest and upper body. This results in a rapid decrease in central blood volume and a reduction of ventricular preload which in turn reduces stroke volume, and mean arterial pressure.
MRA has been successful in studying many arteries in the body, including cerebral and other vessels in the head and neck, the aorta and its major branches in the thorax and abdomen, the renal arteries, and the arteries in the lower limbs. For the coronary arteries, however, MRA has been less successful than CT angiography or invasive catheter angiography. Most often, the underlying disease is atherosclerosis, but medical conditions like aneurysms or abnormal vascular anatomy can also be diagnosed. An advantage of MRA compared to invasive catheter angiography is the non-invasive character of the examination (no catheters have to be introduced in the body).
In this sense, culottes are similar to the American knickerbockers (knickers), except whereas the latter are loose in fit. Culottes can also, in some cases, describe a split or bifurcated skirt or any garment which "hangs like a skirt, but is actually pants." During the Victorian Era (mid- to late-nineteenth century European culture) long split skirts were developed for horseback riding so that women could sit astride a horse with a man's saddle rather than riding side-saddle. Horse-riding culottes for women were controversial because they were used to break a sexual taboo against women riding horses when they were expected to hide their lower limbs at all times.
Cauda equina syndrome (CES) results from a lesion below the level at which the spinal cord splits into the cauda equina, at levels L2–S5 below the conus medullaris. Thus it is not a true spinal cord syndrome since it is nerve roots that are damaged and not the cord itself; however, it is common for several of these nerves to be damaged at the same time due to their proximity. CES can occur by itself or alongside conus medullaris syndrome. It can cause low back pain, weakness or paralysis in the lower limbs, loss of sensation, bowel and bladder dysfunction, and loss of reflexes.
Mutations in emerin cause X-linked recessive Emery–Dreifuss muscular dystrophy, which is characterized by early contractures in the Achilles tendons, elbows and post-cervical muscles; muscle weakness proximal in the upper limbs and distal in lower limbs; along with cardiac conduction defects that range from sinus bradycardia, PR prolongation to complete heart block. In these patients, immunostaining of emerin is lost in various tissues, including muscle, skin fibroblasts, and leukocytes, however diagnostic protocols involve mutational analysis rather than protein staining. In nearly all cases, mutations result in a complete deletion, or undetectable levels, of emerin protein. Approximately 20% of cases have X chromosomes with an inversion within the Xq28 region.
Subsequently, four fossil skeletons were found, showing a species still with primitive features in its skull and upper body but with relatively advanced spines and lower limbs, providing greater mobility. They represent a stage soon after the transition from Homo habilis to Homo erectus, and have been dated at 1.8 million years before the present. Lordkipanidze has received many awards, including the Georgia's Order of Honour (2000), Award of the Prince of Monaco (2001), the French Order of "Palmes Academiques" (2002), the Rolex Award for Enterprise (2004), the French Order of Honour (2006) and the Goethe Medal (2016). He was appointed Director General of the Georgian National Museum (GNM) in 2004.
Paracanoeist race in the traditional kayak (K) discipline and in va'a (V), which is canoe with an outrigger, that helps the canoeist to poise the boat. The contenders are divided into three classes according to the level of their disability. Participants in LTA category have functional use of their legs, trunk and arms for paddling, and they can apply force to the footboard to propel the boat. TA class paddlers have functional use of the trunk and arms, but they are unable to apply continuous and controlled force to the footboard to propel the boat due to the weakened function of their lower limbs.
The eagle of Zeus, seen in front with out-stretched wings, rises towards the heavens. He holds with his beak the clothing, and with his talons the left arm, of the fair curly-haired boy, who, turned sharply to the left and almost seen from the back, faces round to the spectator as if crying loudly, and with his right hand tries to repulse the bird. His light blue dress and shirt are pulled up by the eagle's claws so as to expose the whole of the boy's lower limbs. On the left the corner of a scarf with a tassel flaps in the wind.
Bronze muscle cuirass, Italy, ca. 350–300 BC Partial plate armour, which protected the chest and the lower limbs, was used by the ancient Greeks (muscle cuirass) and Romans (lorica segmentata), but it fell into disuse after the collapse of the Roman Empire because of the cost and work involved in producing a piece of metal plate or cuirass. Parthian and Sassanian heavy cavalry known as Clibanarii used cuirasses and small, overlapping plates in the manner of the manica for the protection of arms and legs. Single plates of metal armour were again used from the late 13th century on, to protect joints and shins, and these were worn over a mail hauberk.
He suffered paralysis of his lower limbs and impaired vision as a result of torture and spent over 700 days in solitary confinement. In 1999 he was sentenced by the military tribunal to 20 years in prison. In 2003 he escaped to Nigeria and from there, after some 30 months evading arrest, he was re-settled in the USA where he lives today. From the United States, Akwanga continued the struggle for the Southern Cameroonian people. The NGO REDRESS lodged a petition on Ebenezer's behalf with the UN Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) for multiple breaches of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), including torture, over the period 1997 to 2003.
It allows the examiner to evaluate the gross anatomy of the venous networks as well as the blood flow direction, which is crucial in determining vein pathology. It has become the reference standard used in the assessment of the condition and hemodynamics of the veins of the lower limbs. The normal physiological blood flow is antegrade, flowing from the periphery towards the heart, so that the evidence of an opposite, retrograde flow might indicate a pathology. The presence of a reflux is likewise of note; a reflux when not isolated in a vein (as simply retrograde), means that the blood flow is bi-directional where once the flow had been only antegrade.
Mutations in FARS2 have been associated to combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency 14, spastic paraplegia 77, and infantile-onset epilepsy and cytochrome c oxidase deficiency. Both combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency 14 and spastic paraplegia 77 are autosomal recessive in nature and have been linked to several pathogenic variants including Y144C, I329T, D391V, and D142Y. Combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency 14 is characterized by neonatal onset of global developmental delay, refractory seizures, lactic acidosis, and deficiencies of multiple mitochondrial respiratory enzymes. Spastic paraplegia, meanwhile, is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a slow, gradual, progressive weakness and spasticity of the lower limbs, with patients often exhibiting difficulty with balance, weakness and stiffness in the legs, muscle spasms, and dragging the toes when walking.
Nishikawa is the principal investigator leading the Muscle and Motor Control Laboratory at Northern Arizona University (NAU), where her laboratory investigates muscle contraction, including the role of titin and creating motorized prostheses for lower limbs. Previously, Nishikawa's lab acquired an atomic force microscope in order to test how change in a single muscle fibre impacts the overall muscle (referred to as the winding filament hypothesis). Nishikawa's laboratory has also developed prosthetic software, called BiOM T2, and are studying whether this provides additional advantages compared to currently available commercial software. Nishikawa holds the position of Regents' Professor of Biological Sciences at NAU, and is also the director of the NAU's Center of Bioengineering Innovation.
The ultrasound during Chiara's second pregnancy revealed that the child had no legs but the couple were once more determined to have the child. The seventh month scans showed the child had visceral malformations with the absence of his lower limbs as a confirmation of the first scan. Further scans indicated that her second child had no kidneys and therefore his lungs would not be able to develop which would lead to breathing complications. Despite this, the couple persevered and Davide Giovanni was born on 24 June 2010 and baptized quickly as his father placed a small wooden cross around the infant's neck which was the Tau Cross; their daughter was also baptized in this manner.
The breed appears to be of ancient origin. While it shares some characteristics with the Swiss Toggenburger, notably the "Swiss markings" (white facial stripes, white lower limbs and peri-anal area), it was already established well before the importation of Toggenburg billies to the area, documented from the years before and after the Second World War. A painting from about 1760 by the Milanese painter Francesco Londonio (1723–1786) shows a goat of Bionda dell'Adamello type, with typical coat and facial markings. The Bionda dell'Adamello is one of the forty-three autochthonous Italian goat breeds of limited distribution for which a herdbook is kept by the Associazione Nazionale della Pastorizia, the Italian national association of sheep- and goat-breeders.
The cauda equina () is a bundle of spinal nerves and spinal nerve rootlets, consisting of the second through fifth lumbar nerve pairs, the first through fifth sacral nerve pairs, and the coccygeal nerve, all of which arise from the lumbar enlargement and the conus medullaris of the spinal cord. The cauda equina occupies the lumbar cistern, a subarachnoid space inferior to the conus medullaris. The nerves that compose the cauda equina innervate the pelvic organs and lower limbs to include motor innervation of the hips, knees, ankles, feet, internal anal sphincter and external anal sphincter. In addition, the cauda equina extends to sensory innervation of the perineum and, partially, parasympathetic innervation of the bladder.
Richardson competed at the 2008 Summer Paralympics held in Beijing, China, initially in the LC 3–4 class kilo, finishing in a world record time of 1 minute 14.936 seconds.BBC Sport - British cyclists win three golds. Accessed on: 9 September 2008 This time secured the gold medal and was his first win in a major event. Richardson later competed in the LC3–4 3 km individual pursuit, finishing in 3 minutes 49.214 seconds which secured his second gold medal of the games.BBC Sport - Results - Tuesday 9 September. Accessed on: 9 September 2008 The LC3–4 class is for athletes with lower limb disabilities, which may affect one or both of the lower limbs.
For this chorus all participants stand in a circle and hold hands: on each "Whoa" they raise their joined hands in the air and run in toward the centre of the circle, and on "...the hokey cokey" they run backwards out again. This instruction and chorus are repeated for the other limb, then for the upper right, then upper left arm. Either the upper or lower limbs may start first, and either left or right, depending on local tradition, or by random choice on the night. On the penultimate line they bend knees then stretch arms, as indicated, and on "Rah, rah, rah!" they either clap in time or raise arms above their heads and push upwards in time.
A fascial compartment is a section within the body that contains muscles and nerves and is surrounded by fascia. In the human body, the limbs can each be divided into two segments – the upper limb can be divided into the arm and the forearm and the sectional compartments of both of these – the fascial compartments of the arm and the fascial compartments of the forearm contain an anterior and a posterior compartment. Likewise, the lower limbs can be divided into two segments – the leg and the thigh and these contain the fascial compartments of the leg and the fascial compartments of the thigh. A fasciotomy may be used to relieve compartment syndrome as a result of high pressure within a fascial compartment.
In 1994, responding to the need for a more useful system for describing chronic pain, the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) classified pain according to specific characteristics: # region of the body involved (e.g. abdomen, lower limbs), # system whose dysfunction may be causing the pain (e.g., nervous, gastrointestinal), # duration and pattern of occurrence, # intensity and time since onset, and # cause However, this system has been criticized by Clifford J. Woolf and others as inadequate for guiding research and treatment. Woolf suggests three classes of pain: # nociceptive pain, # inflammatory pain which is associated with tissue damage and the infiltration of immune cells, and # pathological pain which is a disease state caused by damage to the nervous system or by its abnormal function (e.g.
It was determined that uPA connects with uPAR and this complex concentrates on the leading edge of the cell - on the surface that is closest to the chemoattractant. Later research on uPA's significance in migration processes revealed that its concentration on the leading edge of the cell allows for local destruction of matrix proteins and facilitates migration. This process is realized through activation of plasminogen and starting fibrinolysis, as well as through the stimulating effect uPA has on MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression and activity. These results formed the basis of the development of a drug for therapeutic angiogenesis via uPA gene delivery to the tissues affected by ischemia, as well the creation of the “Upicor” – a drug used to treat chronic ischemia of lower limbs.
Frosted foliage and berries European holly flowers; male above, female below (leaves cut to show flowers more clearly) Ilex aquifolium grows to tall with a woody stem as wide as , rarely or more, in diameter. The leaves are 5–12 cm long and 2–6 cm broad; they are evergreen, lasting about five years, and are dark green on the upper surface and lighter on the underside, oval, leathery, shiny, and about 5 to 9 cm long. In the young and in the lower limbs of mature trees, the leaves have three to five sharp spines on each side, pointing alternately upward and downward, while leaves of the upper branches in mature trees lack spines. The flowers are white, four-lobed, and pollinated by bees.
Outside the vertebral column, the nerve divides into branches. The dorsal ramus contains nerves that serve the posterior portions of the trunk carrying visceral motor, somatic motor, and somatic sensory information to and from the skin and muscles of the back (epaxial muscles). The ventral ramus contains nerves that serve the remaining anterior parts of the trunk and the upper and lower limbs (hypaxial muscles) carrying visceral motor, somatic motor, and sensory information to and from the ventrolateral body surface, structures in the body wall, and the limbs. The meningeal branches (recurrent meningeal or sinuvertebral nerves) branch from the spinal nerve and re-enter the intervertebral foramen to serve the ligaments, dura, blood vessels, intervertebral discs, facet joints, and periosteum of the vertebrae.
Blocq's disease was first considered by Paul Blocq (1860–1896), who described this phenomenon as the loss of memory of specialized movements causing the inability to maintain an upright posture, despite normal function of the legs in the bed. The patient is able to stand up, but as soon as the feet are on the ground, the patient cannot hold himself upright nor walk; however when lying down, the subject conserved the integrity of muscular force and the precision of movements of the lower limbs. The motivation of this study came when a fellow student Georges Marinesco (1864) and Paul published a case of parkinsonian tremor (1893) due to a tumor located in the substantia nigra.Okun, M. S. and P. J. Koehler (2007).
Below are a list of commonly reported symptoms associated with sacral Tarlov cysts: Back pain, perineal pain, secondary Sciatica, secondary piriformis muscle dysfunction with tertiary sciatica, Cauda equina syndrome, neurogenic claudication (pain caused by walking), neurogenic bladder, dysuria, urinary incontinence, coccygodynia, sacral radiculopathy, radicular pain, headaches, retrograde ejaculation, paresthesia, hypesthesia, secondary pelvic floor dysfunction, vaginismus, motor disorders in lower limbs and the genital, perineal, or lumbosacral areas, sacral or buttocks pain, vaginal or penile paraesthesia, Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD) characterized by unwanted, unrelenting genital sensory awareness, itch or pain that can persist for days, months, even years)>, sensory changes over buttocks, perineal area, and lower extremity; difficulty walking; severe lower abdominal pain, bowel dysfunction, intestinal motility disorders like constipation or bowel incontinence.
It's the story of a fastidious king Balbir Singh (Ashok Kumar) of Himmatpur, whose stern, high handed behaviour leads to a breakdown in communication with his four children; eldest daughter Hemalata (Nanda), younger daughter Ashalata (Tanuja) and sons Pratap (Rohit Kumar) and Rajendra (Deven Verma). His intimidating commands lead to partial paralysis of Hemlata's lower limbs and also a simmering discontent amongst other descendants. After numerous attempts fail to cure Hemalata, the king hires a new doctor, Sanjay (Sunil Dutt), who contrary to expectations, is not just young and handsome, but also against silly protocols that hamper laughter, fun and frolic. Dr. Sanjay's experimentations provide greater mobility and joy to the youngsters, giving them a fresh lease of life and a much needed voice of rebellion.
5, N°1, pp.148–159 The measurements of ejection fraction of the calf muscle pump and reflux in ml/s opened the door towards a better understanding and classification of chronic venous disease. The air- plethysmograph has provided valuable information of the circulation of the lower limbs of the astronauts on the Mir Space StationUse of the APG on the Mir Space Station and is now part of the Cardiolab project, a science module for studying the cardio-vascular system in a microgravity environment, which features as a part of the European Physiology Modules (EPM) facility, one of the four laboratories on the Columbus module, attached to the ISS.Use of the air-plethysmograph on the ISS Nicolaides did the first external venous valvuloplasty in the UK in 1988.
This group also includes amputees, les autres and cerebral palsy standing athletes " In 2012, the Australian Paralympic Education Programme defined this classification as "ARST - (standing): athletes who have full movement in their arms but who have some disability in their legs. This group also includes amputees, les autres and cerebral palsy standing athletes " In 2010, World Archery defined this classification as: "standing archers or those shooting from a chair/stool. 6.4.1. Practical Profile: lower limbs are functional for ambulation over longer distances." The Telegraph in 2011 described this classification as: "Athletes who can shoot from a standing position" The British Council defines this classification in 2012 as: "These athletes have a disability that affects their legs, but they are able to stand or sit in an ordinary chair with their feet on the ground.
For many years mutations of the seipin gene were associated with a loss of function, such as in CGL (see above). However, recent studies show that mutations such as N88S and S90L seem to have a gain-of-toxic-function which may result in autosomal dominant motor neuron diseases and distal hereditary motor neuropathy. Owing to the wide clinical spectrum of these mutations, it has been proposed to collectively refer to seipin-related motor neuron diseases as seipinopathies. Symptoms can vary and include: developmental regression of motor and cognitive skills in the first years of life leading to death (encephalopathy), muscle weakness and spasticity in lower limbs (spastic paraplegia type XVII), weakness of distal muscles of upper limbs (distal hereditary motor neuropathy type V) as well as wasting of the hand muscles (in both cases).
Lombroso believed that atavism could be identified by a number of measurable physical stigmata, which included protruding jaw, drooping eyes, large ears, twisted and flattish nose, long arms relative to the lower limbs, sloping shoulders, and a coccyx that resembled "the stump of a tail." The concept of atavism was glaringly wrong, but like so many others of his time, Lombroso sought to understand behavioral phenomena with reference to the principles of evolution as they were understood at the time. If humankind was just at one end of the continuum of animal life, it made sense to many people that criminals — who acted "beastly" and who lacked reasoned conscience — were biologically inferior beings. Thus understood, atavism became a popular concept, used for instance by the novelist Émile Zola in the Rougon-Macquart.
Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is a long-term disease caused by a blockage in the blood vessels that deliver blood from the heart to the lungs (the pulmonary arterial tree). These blockages cause increased resistance to flow in the pulmonary arterial tree which in turn leads to rise in pressure in these arteries (pulmonary hypertension). The blockages either result from organised (or hardened) blood clots that usually originate from the deep veins of the lower limbs of the body (thromboembolism) and lodge in the pulmonary arterial tree after passing through the right side of the heart. The blockages may also result from scar tissue that forms at the site where the clot has damaged the endothelial lining of the pulmonary arteries, causing permanent fibrous obstruction (blood flow blockage).
Body compressed; dorsal scales very large, about three times as large as the median ventrals, smooth, pointing backwards and upwards; ventrals strongly keeled; 36 to 43 scales round the middle of the body; gular sac: small; scales on either side of the lower jaw feebly keeled, larger than the ventrals, those on the gular pouch smaller, more strongly keeled about as large as the ventrals. A short oblique fold or pit in front of the shoulder covered with small granular scales. Nuchal and dorsal crests continuous, the former well developed, composed of about 12 lanceolate spines, the longest of which is nearly as long as the orbit: on the back the crest is much lower. Limbs moderate; third and fourth fingers nearly equal; fourth toe a little longer than the third; the hind limb reaches to the tympanum or not quite so far.
The hotel began a project titled "Gift of Life" in 1985 and has received media attention and the recognition of the Malaysian government for its support of Nor Fatihah Sewah, a girl born without her lower limbs. Through the project, Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur adopted Nor Fatihah Sewah in 1997 and has sponsored the replacement of her limbs with prosthetics every five years, with the most recent fitting in November 2012. Malaysia's Tourism Minister Ng Yen Yen brought attention to the hotel's charitable works in 2012 by presenting a check for RM180,000 raised by the hotel to seven children in need of assistance, including Nor Fatihah Sewah. Minister Ng Yen Yen stated that such financial assistance for children in need of aid in Malaysia required the help of non-Governmental organisations such as the Shangri-La Hotel's initiative.
Some scholars suggest a direct continuity between Palaeolithic female figurines and later examples of female depictions from the Neolithic or Bronze Age.Walter Burkert, Homo Necans (1972) 1983:78, with extensive bibliography, including P.J. Ucko, who contested the identification with mother goddesses and argues for a plurality of meanings, in Anthropomorphic Figurines of Predynastic Egypt and Neolithic Crete with Comparative Material from the Prehistoric Near East and Mainland Greece (1968). A female figurine which has 'no practical use and is portable' and has the common elements of a Venus figurine (a strong accent or exaggeration of female sex linked traits, and the lack of complete lower limbs) may be considered to be a Venus figurine, even if archaeological evidence suggests it was produced after the main Palaeolithic period. Some figurines matching this definition originate from the Neolithic era and into the Bronze Age.
1- Heel perioplium, 2-Bulb, 3-Frog, 4-Frog cleft, 5-Lateral groove, 6-Heel, 7-Bar, 8-Seat-of-corn, 9-Pigmented walls 10-Water line, 11-White line, 12-Apex of the frog, 13-Sole, 14-Toe, 15-How to measure hoof width (blue dotted line), 16-Quarter, 17-How to measure length (blue dotted line) The hoof of the horse encases the second and third phalanx of the lower limbs, analogous to the fingertip or toe tip of a human. In essence, a horse travels on its "tiptoes". The hoof wall is a much larger, thicker and stronger version of the human fingernail or toenail, made up of similar materials, primarily keratin, a very strong protein molecule. The horse's hoof contains a high proportion of sulfur-containing amino acids which contribute to its resilience and toughness.
This subtype of arthritis is diagnosed by the presence of arthritis and enthesitis, or by the presence of arthritis or enthesitis alone with 2 or more of the following features: (1) Presence or history of sacroiliac joint tenderness and/or inflammatory back pain; (2) Presence of the HLA-B27 antigen; (3) Onset of arthritis in a male over 6 years of age; (4) Acute (symptomatic) anterior uveitis; or (5) a history of Ankylosing spondylitis, enthesitis related arthritis, sacroiliitis with Inflammatory bowel disease, or acute anterior Uveitis in a first-degree relative. Enthesitis is tenderness at the insertion sites of tendons, ligaments and fascia caused by inflammation. This type of arthritis is common in adolescent boys and typically affects large joints in the lower limbs, including the hips. It can also involve the Sacroiliac joint and the spine.
The same human pelvis, front imaged by x-ray (top), magnetic resonance imaging (middle), and 3-dimensional computed tomography (bottom) The pelvis (plural pelves or pelvises) is either the lower part of the trunk of the human body between the abdomen and the thighs (sometimes also called pelvic region of the trunk) or the skeleton embedded in it (sometimes also called bony pelvis, or pelvic skeleton). The pelvic region of the trunk includes the bony pelvis, the pelvic cavity (the space enclosed by the bony pelvis), the pelvic floor, below the pelvic cavity, and the perineum, below the pelvic floor. The pelvic skeleton is formed in the area of the back, by the sacrum and the coccyx and anteriorly and to the left and right sides, by a pair of hip bones. The two hip bones connect the spine with the lower limbs.
Injuries to the spinal cord are classified as quadriplegia or paraplegia depending on the location of damage to the spinal cord, also known as the severity of the injury. Quadriplegia - The nerves that supply feeling and movement to the arms and hands, as well as the nerves of the diaphragm come from the nerve roots in the cervical spinal cord (C1-C7) or neck region. If the spinal cord is injured in this area, movement and sensation may be interrupted to the arms and hands as well as the rest of the body, including muscles in the abdomen, chest and legs as well as bladder, bowel, and sexual function. If the injury is high enough that the diaphragm is affected, breathing problems will also occur; thus, quadriplegia is a condition that causes paralysis of both the upper and lower limbs.
The sequence of events in a car-pedestrian crash Many pedestrian crashes involve a forward moving car (as opposed to buses and other vehicles with a vertical hood/bonnet). In such a crash, a standing or walking pedestrian is struck and accelerated to the speed of the car and then continues forward as the car brakes to a halt. The pedestrian is impacted twice, first by the car and then by the ground, but most of the fatal injuries occur due to interaction with the car. Vehicle designers usually focus on understanding the car-pedestrian interaction, which is characterized by the following sequence of events: the vehicle bumper first contacts the lower limbs of the pedestrian, the leading edge of the hood hits the upper thigh or pelvis, and the head and upper torso are struck by the top surface of the hood and/or windshield.
These guidelines were given the code name "Operation Kratos". Based in part on advice from the security forces of Israel and Sri Lanka—two countries with experience of suicide bombings—Operation Kratos guidelines allegedly state that the head or lower limbs should be aimed at when a suspected suicide bomber appears to have no intention of surrendering. This is contrary to the usual practice of aiming at the torso, which presents the biggest target, since a hit to the torso may detonate an explosive belt. Sir Ian Blair appeared on television on 24 July 2005 to accept responsibility for the error on the part of the Metropolitan Police, and to acknowledge and defend the "shoot to kill" policy, saying: The Met's commissioner Sir Ian Blair, and his predecessor Lord Stevens, had expressed concern about the legal position of police officers who might kill suspected suicide bombers.
Bust of a H. floresiensis female at the Hall of Human Origins, Smithsonian The discoverers proposed that a variety of features, both primitive and derived, identify these individuals as belonging to a new species, H. floresiensis. Based on previous date estimates, the discoverers also proposed that H. floresiensis lived contemporaneously with modern humans on Flores. Before publication, the discoverers were considering placing LB1 into her own genus, Sundanthropus floresianus ("Sunda human from Flores"), but reviewers of the article recommended that, despite her size, she should be placed in the genus Homo. Two orthopedic studies published in 2007 reported that the wrist bones were more similar to those of chimps and Australopithecus than to modern humans. However, another 2007 study of the bones and joints of the arm, shoulder, and lower limbs also concluded that H. floresiensis was more similar to early humans and other apes than modern humans.
In three of the major phenotypes (except HSAS), this spasticity is presented as spastic paraplegia, where the muscles of the lower limbs are stiff and continuously contracted. This spastic paraplegia often manifests itself as a gait (walking motion) disorder, specifically shuffling gait in MASA syndrome patients, which acts as a source of handicap and stress due to postural instability, and leads to poor quality of life and increased mortality. Aphasia is also a common disorder, especially in people with MASA syndrome (a disorder on the L1 syndrome spectrum) and describes a range of language impairments with respect to syntax (structure), semantics (meaning), phonology (sound), morphology (structure), and/or pragmatics in language comprehension or expression. People with aphasia, as well as their family members, often experience a poor quality of life due to the social isolation and depression caused by this language impairment and therefore may seek therapy to enable functional and socially relevant communication.
Among the earliest developed neurorehabilitation practices is Frenkel exercises, which was developed by Heinrich Frenkel in the mid nineteenth century; these exercises were drawn from contemporary physical medicine and rehabilitation techniques, called medical gymnastics, and from everyday activities, like standing up from a chair, to find exercises which are closely related to the pathology of ataxia and rely on slow practice and on the individuals perseverance to relearn key motor skills, replacing lost proprioception with visual feedback. There are exercises for lower limbs, like extending the legs, and upper limbs, like placing pegs in boards, and depending on the severity of the ataxia can be performed laying down, sitting, or standing up. All exercises often start with simple movements and become progressively more difficult to emulate real world movements affected by the disorder. Common recommendations for persons with dysphagia, or swallowing problems, include pureeing food, replacing difficult to eat foods in the diet, or changing posture during eating.
Early Japanese used bows of various sizes but the majority were short with a center grip. This bow was called the maruki yumi and was constructed from a small sapling or tree limb. It is unknown when the asymmetrical yumi came into use, but the first written record is in the Book of Wei, a Chinese historical manuscript from the 3rd century AD, which describes the people of the Japanese islands using "spears, shields, and wooden bows for arms; the wooden bows are made with the lower limbs short and the upper limbs long; and bamboo arrows with points of either iron or bone."Records of the Three Kingdoms, Book of Wei: 兵用矛楯木弓木弓短下長上竹箭或鐵鏃或骨鏃 The oldest asymmetrical yumi found to date was discovered in Nara and is estimated to be from the 5th century.
Palais de Justice. During the screening, the court heard that Muhammad had raised his hand to his forehead and moved his leg after Abu Rahma had said he was dead, and that there was no blood on his shirt. Enderlin argued that Abu Rahma had not said the boy was dead, but that he was dying. A report prepared for the court by Jean-Claude Schlinger, a ballistics expert commissioned by Karsenty, said that had the shots come from the Israeli position, Muhammad would have been hit in the lower limbs only. Jean-Claude Schlinger, "Ballistics report prepared for Karsenty", 19 February 2008.Adi Schwartz, "Independent expert: IDF bullets didn't kill Mohammed al-Dura", Haaretz, 3 February 2008. France 2's lawyer, Francis Szpiner, counsel to former President of France Jacques Chirac, called Karsenty "the Jew who pays a second Jew to pay a third Jew to fight to the last drop of Israeli blood," comparing him to 9/11 conspiracy theorist Thierry Meyssan and Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson. Karsenty had it in for Enderlin, Szpiner argued, because of Enderlin's even-handed coverage of the Middle East.

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