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9 Sentences With "loss of reason"

How to use loss of reason in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "loss of reason" and check conjugation/comparative form for "loss of reason". Mastering all the usages of "loss of reason" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Secondly, and more importantly, It was not even whether he was right or wrong, but about what his actions said amidst our collective loss of reason.
But you saw the raw essence of a riot, the madness and loss of reason, on display in four days of chaos at the Republican National Convention.
Spurred by the loss of reason affecting many in the wake of World War I, Dada artists in the interwar years questioned values and meaning in art and their surrounding world.
"What I am scared about is the loss of reason and wave of fear that has induced the masses of society into a spellbinding spiral of panic, stockpiling obscene quantities of anything that could fill a bomb shelter adequately in a post-apocalyptic world."
Sanguszko, B. O chorobach prędkiego ratunku potrzebujących..., Warsaw, 1783 - About illnesses in need of urgent treatment. This was followed in 1788 by a translation of the weighty two-volume anti- Voltaire novel Le Comte de Valmont, ou, Les égaremens de la raison by Philippe Louis Gérard.Gérard, P.L. Hrabia de Valemont, czyli obłąd rozumu... - The Count of Valemont, or the loss of reason.
Mental disorder was generally connected to loss of reason, and writings covered links between the brain and disorders, and spiritual/mystical meaning of disorders. wrote about fear and anxiety, anger and aggression, sadness and depression, and obsessions. Authors who wrote on mental disorders and/or proposed treatments during this period include Al-Balkhi, Al-Razi, Al-Farabi, Ibn-Sina, Al-Majusi Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi, Averroes, and Unhammad. Some thought mental disorder could be caused by possession by a djinn (genie), which could be either good or demon-like.
The State Of Reason Mystery, a science fiction novel series by Miles A. Maxwell, tells the story of step-brothers Franklin Reveal, a Congregational minister, and Everon Student, an industrialist, after New York City is hit by an atomic bomb. Releases to date in the mystery-thriller series include the novels Loss Of Reason, Search For Reason, and Finding Reason. The main themes of the novels are the validity of religious belief, the value of philosophy, property rights and the value of government. Die By The Pen, a novel that ties tangentially into the State Of Reason Mystery series, was released by Maxwell on May 1, 2016.
"Madness", long in use in root form since at least the early centuries AD, and originally meaning crippled, hurt or foolish, came to mean loss of reason or self-restraint. "Psychosis", from Greek "principle of life/animation", had varied usage referring to a condition of the mind/soul. "Nervous", from an Indo-European root meaning to wind or twist, meant muscle or vigor, was adopted by physiologists to refer to the body's electrochemical signalling process (thus called the nervous system), and was then used to refer to nervous disorders and neurosis. "Obsession", from a Latin root meaning to sit on or sit against, originally meant to besiege or be possessed by an evil spirit, came to mean a fixed idea that could decompose the mind.
The journey towards the "inner abyss" becomes explicit towards the sixth poem, 'Opposing Anchors', where the speaker is placed in the same journey by the psychic route, in a centrifugal movement that alters time and space. In ‘Angel of Silence’, the "I" in transition experiences feelings already imperceptible by the senses, and in his introspection recognises the desired authenticity of the "self". In the following five poems, the story of the fall adopts the tone of the initiation voyage and the traveller begins to experience anguish, fear, horror, before the absolute loss of reason. Thus, for Gomes, "Inconstant Oracle" is a suffocating poem, with moments of mistrust and uncertainty for the journey undertaken. However, in ‘Second Form’ (connected with ‘Words to a Mirror’) and ‘Against the Night’, an attempt of consolation is observed, in opposition to the anguish and hope for a happy arrival. In ‘Uninhabited Blue’ lies the anguish of ‘Inconstant Oracle’, but in ‘Native Figure’, hopelessness and hope connect, in the process of rebuilding the subject from nothing.

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