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4 Sentences With "loses quality"

How to use loses quality in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "loses quality" and check conjugation/comparative form for "loses quality". Mastering all the usages of "loses quality" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In perhaps unfortunate news, the content looks beautiful on the phone when it isn't in VR mode but loses quality when popped in a piece of Cardboard for viewing.
Digital matting has replaced the traditional approach for two reasons. In the old system, the five separate strips of film (foreground and background originals, positive and negative mattes, and copy stock) could drift slightly out of registration, resulting in halos and other edge artifacts in the result. Done correctly, digital matting is perfect, down to the single-pixel level. Also, the final dupe negative was a "third generation" copy, and film loses quality each time it is copied.
Palenta, cornmeal mush with kajmak and čvarci Traditional wooden bowls for making and storing kaymak (Ethnographic Museum, Belgrade) Known as kajmak, it is almost always made at home, though there is beginning to be commercial production. Kajmak is most expensive when freshest --only a day or two old. It can keep for weeks in the fridge but becomes harder and loses quality. Kajmak can also be matured in dried animal skin sacks; one variation is called skorup.
The rider also uses his or her inside seat bone to help maintain bend. If the rider is off-center or twisted, the horse will also be crooked or off-balance. If the horse loses quality in the movement, such as lack of correct bend (haunches leading or inside shoulder falling inward), loss of rhythm, or stiffness, the rider straightens the horse and rides forward. The beginning and the end of the movement needs special attention concerning control and balance.

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