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5 Sentences With "lose colour"

How to use lose colour in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "lose colour" and check conjugation/comparative form for "lose colour". Mastering all the usages of "lose colour" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Her drawings and engraved plates depict moths laying eggs, or caterpillars feeding on leaves. By drawing live insects Merian could accurately depict colours, as preserved specimens lose colour. The plates she eventually published are complex compositions. They are based on detailed studies she painted on vellum, many are preserved in her study journal.
Goldfish, trout, rudd, tench, brown bullhead, medaka, paradise fish, and topminnow have been reported to go limp when they are restrained on their backs. Oscars seem to go into shock when they are stressed (when their aquarium is being cleaned, for example): they lie on their side, stop moving their fins, start to breathe more slowly and deeply, and lose colour. A similar behavior has been reported for convict tangs in the field.
The genus is bio-chemically closely related to Ruminococcus, and phylogenetically to the genus Lachnospira. Coprococcus eutactus is an obligately anaerobic, nonmotile, gram-positive coccus occurring in pairs or chains of pairs. Cells may lose colour readily and acquire a slightly elongate shape in a medium containing a fermentable carbohydrate, but are normally round, and 0.7 to 1.3 µm in diameter. Coprococcus may be used as a microbial biomarker to assess the health of the human gastro-intestinal tract.
In Umm al-Kitab, an 8th century Ismaili work, Azazil is the first creation of God, the High King. God gave him the power of creation, but Azazil boasted with his loaned power, claiming divinity for himself, describing himself as another God beside the High King. To proof that Azazil's creation only depends on the power of his own creator, God makes a new creation, opposed by Azazil. Every time, Azazil again claims to like God, he and his fellow angels lose colour, becoming darker and inferior, and are thrown into lower celestial spheres until they end up on earth, which is made out of the essence of Azazil's creations.
Smart has warned that as a consequence of the ongoing ramifications of global warming, there will be a variety of effects on viticulture, among which that some red grape varieties may lose colour, some wines will lose varietal flavor, some white varieties may disappear. He has also warned of the consequent dangers of vine infestation as temperatures rise, particularly in the case of the glassy-winged sharpshooter, vector of Pierce's Disease, and the aphid Hyalestes obsoletus, which spreads a phytoplasma disease Bois Noir. Higher temperatures mean both insects will be able to survive winters and move further. Hyalestes obsoletus has recently been found in German vines.

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