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7 Sentences With "looking about for"

How to use looking about for in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "looking about for" and check conjugation/comparative form for "looking about for". Mastering all the usages of "looking about for" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In a surreal moment, it appears that Sinan has hung himself in the abandoned well, but the film then abruptly cuts to Idris awakening. Looking about for his absent son, he walks over to the well to find Sinan at the bottom, continuing to dig.
They started looking about for an excuse, which the decadent Nawabs readily provided. On 1 May 1816, a British protectorate was signed. United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, 1903 In 1856 the East India Company annexed the state under the Doctrine of Lapse, which was placed under a Chief Commissioner.
Bubujirna marlukarna ngabangarriyi ngarnu bundurrunu ngunyangarriyi, ngambaya manyan kaya bundundurra. The Old Blind Man Be so kind as to cook that old man some food, he can't cook because he's blind. That old blind man is looking about for his children, perhaps his grandchildren or nephews. Our young people look after our feeding when we are sick.
Hansraj came, and succeeding in placing Rayadhan under restraint, carried on the government at Bhuj. About this time (1802), he offered to cede Cutch to the British Government on condition that they would grant a maintenance to Rao Rayadhan and his relations. Meanwhile, Fateh Muhammad, remaining quiet at Anjar, busied himself in extending its trade and establishing: a harbour at Tuna Port. In these schemes and in keeping up a large body of mercenaries he spent more than his income, and looking about for some way to raise money, made so heavy a demand from his follower Askarn, that he, entering into secret communication with Hansraj, invited him to attack Anjar, and flying from the town joined his troops.
Hansraj came, and succeeding in placing Rayadhan under restraint, carried on the government at Bhuj. About this time (1802), he offered to cede Kutch to the British Government on condition that they would grant a maintenance to Rao Rayadhan and his relations. Meanwhile, Fateh Muhammad, remaining quiet at Anjar, busied himself in extending its trade and establishing: a harbour at Tuna. In these schemes and in keeping up a large body of mercenaries he spent more than his income, and looking about for some way to raise money, made so heavy a demand from his follower Askarn, that he, entering into secret communication with Hansraj, invited him to attack Anjar, and flying from the town joined his troops.
Thus, one of the reasons the Faro ladies were perceived to be so socially threatening derived from the public and political dimensions of their gaming. Hannah More, for example, writes of gaming women in Strictures: “[T]heir example to the young and inexperienced, who are looking about for some sanction to justify them in that which they were before inclined, but were too timid to have ventured upon without the protection of such unsullied names. Thus these respectable characters, without looking to the general consequences of their indiscretion, are thoughtlessly employed in breaking down, as it were, the broad fence which should ever separate two very different sorts of society, and becoming a kind of unnatural link between vice and virtue.” More, Hannah.
Both had expressed strong reservations about the legality of American actions, but argued strongly that the United States had no aggressive designs against Great Britain. Bright publicly disputed that the confrontation had been intentionally engineered by Washington. In an early December speech to his constituents, he condemned the British military preparations "before we have made a representation to the American Government, before we have heard a word from it in reply, [we] should be all up in arms, every sword leaping from its scabbard and every man looking about for his pistols and blunderbusses?" Cobden joined with Bright by speaking at public meetings and by writing letters to newspapers, organizers of meetings that he could not attend, and influential people in and out of Britain.

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