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483 Sentences With "looked upon as"

How to use looked upon as in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "looked upon as" and check conjugation/comparative form for "looked upon as". Mastering all the usages of "looked upon as" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Globally, we are looked upon as leaders, but are we?
I am not and should not be looked upon as an isolated incident.
Being black in America means that you're looked upon as being the other.
Jawad says that Brexit "should indeed" be looked upon as a feminist issue.
He said Trump's victory over Clinton may eventually be looked upon as an "anomaly".
"And it's important that these are looked upon as natural differences without judgement or guilt."
"I am not and should not be looked upon as an isolated incident," he said.
But if you're black and male, you're looked upon as being a dangerous other more often than not.
Over the past 30 years, the Federal Reserve has been looked upon as a stabilizing force amid turbulent economic times.
The Old Year was already looked upon as dead; and its effects were selling cheap, like some drowned mariner's aboardship.
And the idea is that you're disposable and you're degraded and you're kind of looked upon as nothing but a prop.
"She is looked upon as a liberal and someone who respects human rights, workers' rights and so forth," Ms. Dantò said.
The princess then turned her attention to Armstrong-Jones, who was looked upon as a humble "tradesman" because he was a photographer.
For eons, Dalits have been employed as crematorium keepers, sweepers, toilet cleaners and manual scavengers – occupations that are looked upon as "dirty".
Whether India moves further right, and Modi begins to be looked upon as a moderate, I think that only time will tell.
"I think, as an NBA player we're looked upon as role models, regardless of whether you want to be or not," he said.
"This wage number will be looked upon as supporting those looking for four hikes this year," independent bond analyst Adrian Miller told me.
We cannot have the support of the community if the police are looked upon as racially profiling, [ticket] writing, shooting innocent people, unarmed people.
The marriage was happy enough at first, but Maud soon became depressed by the conviction that she was looked upon as a cradle-snatcher.
Obama made sure that we were looked upon as a weak nation by most countries around the world, which couldn't be further from the truth.
The discipline of the seminary was looked upon as repressed, and any kind of check on the will of the individual was seen as negative.
After all, "value" stocks typically boast low price-earnings ratios and other traditional assessment metrics, often looked upon as undervalued relative to its underlying fundamentals.
Value stocks, on the other hand, boast low price-earnings ratios and other traditional assessment metrics, often looked upon as undervalued relative to its underlying fundamentals.
"He was spoken about a lot and it was with a degree of reverence," she testified, saying he was looked upon as something like a saint.
"Assistant coaches weren't even looked upon as full-time employees," said Ray Didinger, a Pro Football Hall of Fame writer and a broadcaster for Comcast's SportsNet Philadelphia.
Tsingdao is kind of an outlier because it has mass scale and volume but is also looked upon as being more premium than other domestic beer brands.
The Millennial Question As the generation now coming of age, millennials are largely looked upon as the group to decide whether homeownership grows or shrinks in coming decades.
"But it was still looked upon as some kind of a threat that I was letting children into the school that don't belong at P.S. 24," she said.
"When there are people in this country who are not looked upon as equal to the person standing beside them," she said, "there's always work to be done."
Looked upon as the Googler who would find a way to bring the company back to growth and profitability, Mayer was named CEO of the company in July 2012.
I'll be a hypocrite however, since I do believe that losing shouldn't be a negative thing necessarily, instead it should be looked upon as a valuable lesson for growth.
In his benign and gentle manner, he is broadly looked upon as a type who would not hurt a flea, but I would not want to be that flea.
He will most likely be looked upon as a chief emissary to the Capitol Hill, K Street and donor constituencies that Trump explicitly campaigned against — the chief of swamp.
"Warren won't be looked upon as a leader because she'll be presiding over a House and Senate full of men," said Nicole W., a 33-year-old Trump voter.
I think, in the long term, the presidents who have taken our country to war are looked upon as stronger and more able than the ones who tend toward peace.
He had power, but with six strikeout titles in only eight seasons as a regular at a time when whiffing carried a huge stigma, he was looked upon as highly flawed.
Not a journalist, or a poet (a choice that would have been looked upon as delusional but worthwhile in a city that reveres poets), or even a professor, but a writer.
To land the card — which is looked upon as the American Express "Black Card" of Sea Girt — means skipping the line with a friend and the cardholder not paying a cover.
Fashion is often looked upon as frivolous and inconsequential despite the fact that everyone on Earth participates in it, and not least because it's a culture industry primarily associated with women.
The WHA was often looked upon as the second, bruised banana to the NHL's big, flawlessly yellow banana—but once you look at the data, it's clear that this is a misconception.
An actress from California named Nicole said she joined D.O.S. at the invitation of Allison Mack, known for her role on the television series "Smallville," whom she looked upon as a mentor.
"If you told anyone you were using any kind of dating process other than church or your friend network, you were looked upon as desperate, a loser, even a seedy person," said Conru.
"The market is troubled by lack of supply at a time when emissions standards are being tightened and any correction at this stage will be looked upon as a potential buying opportunity," he said.
"The market is troubled by lack of supply at a time when the emission standards are being tightened and any correction at this stage will be looked upon as a potential buying opportunity," he said.
"The market is troubled by a lack of supply at a time when the emission standards are being tightened, and any correction at this stage will be looked upon as a potential buying opportunity," he said.
These artists' alliance with the powerful and polarizing formalist critic Clement Greenberg greatly helped them early on, but hindered them in later years when Greenberg's reputation and influence were on the wane, and painting, especially formally-oriented abstraction was looked upon as retrograde.
IPv6 will become the de facto for mobile networks and IPv4-only fixed networks will be looked upon as off Our data says IPv6 is 27 percent faster, Facebook says 10 to 803 percent faster, LinkedIn says between 10 to 40 percent faster for mobile.
Currently, Jeksetra' core membership are looking to round out the lineup—no easy task in a scene where metalcore rules, and black metal is, as it was in its earliest days, looked upon as a dark oddity best left to the brooding, insular outsiders.
The band — made up of Takuya Kimura, Masahiro Nakai, Goro Inagaki, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi and Shingo Katori — are looked upon as the New Kids on the Block of Japan and were the first boyband in the country to successfully transition from singing into hosting their own variety show SMAPxSMAP and acting.
Putting aside the historical significance of this election with respect to Hillary Clinton's accomplishments, as well as the less fortunate reality of Donald Trump's success, this election will be looked upon as a time of political revolution because of the amazingly impressive work of a 74-year-old senator from Vermont.
I would hope to say that most of our members are open to some form of counseling now when they need it, when prior to that, people were very afraid that they would be looked upon as being weak, that this is our job and if you can't take it you shouldn't be in this job.
The crabbedness of old age or misfortune was evidently looked upon as witchcraft.
These calceolate corollas may be looked upon as consisting of two slipper-like lips.
The work is looked upon as one of great authority among the Tamils of Jaffna.
It is no wonder that this era is looked upon as the Golden Era of the Club's history.
It was Shalamar's least successful album and is usually looked upon as representing a somewhat unfortunate ending to the group's career.
Till today, this is still looked upon as the soul and spirit > of Kuching High, without which the school will be looked upon as > "rootless".” Besides elective subjects taught in classes, some students opt to take additional subjects independently to sit for their SPM examination. The common ones includes Bible knowledge and Chinese literature. The school has been widely recognised by the public.
His election in 1929 was unexpected: the local newspaper wrote at the time that Parramatta had "always been looked upon as a National stronghold".
Beginning in 1843, gold samples were brought several times into the watchmaker's shop of T.J. Thomas in Melbourne by "bushmen". The specimens were looked upon as curiosities.
American professor Nicholas Pappas stated that in modern times the Souliotes have been looked upon as Orthodox Christian Albanians who identified themselves with the Greeks.Pappas, 1982, p. 42: "But regardless of their origins, in modern times the Souliotes have been looked upon as Orthodox Christian Albanians who identified themselves with the Greeks." Arthur Foss says that the Souliotes were an Albanian tribe, that like other Albanian tribes, were great dandies.
The Cabeiri are often identified with the Great Gods of Samothrace, where the mysteries attracted great attention and initiation was looked upon as a general safeguard against misfortune.
The film was a commercial success as well and looked upon as a pioneer Indian movie on transgender rights. Kamala, his latest movie, an experimental thriller was released in 2019.
This is a highly specialized tax play, and is often looked upon as risky by those who do not understand the risk mitigation offered through state tax and federal tax incentives like § 181 IRC.
The man who would apply this theory to his private > affairs would never accomplish anything.Ex Parte Jefferies,1912 OK CR 215, 7 > Okl.Cr. 544, 124 P. 924. > He would be everywhere looked upon as a self-confessed fool.
Thus, in the household of Gurucharan, the girl was looked upon as an angel. He was helping Gurucharan to select a suitable match for Lalita. Shekhar grew suspicious and jealous of Girish. Lalita had merged in Shekar's life.
Butler is looked upon as the founding father of the Oilfields Workers' Trade Union (OWTU) and the labour movement and is honoured with a statue in Fyzabad. He was awarded the Trinity Cross, the nation's highest honour, in 1970.
Membership is looked upon as a mark of achieving peer recognition in one of the most difficult and demanding visual arts form. The elected members are entitled to use the Society's initials CSPWC (in French: SCPA) after their names.
Two years after Marguerite's birth, the family moved from Angoulême to Cognac, "where the Italian influence reigned supreme, and where Boccaccio was looked upon as a little less than a god".Putnam, Samuel. Marguerite of Navarre. New York: Coward McCann, Inc.
You Italians, more than others, should understand this. For so long as you leave it to others you will be oppressed by these others," he said, "the longer you remain inarticulate and inactive, by so much longer will you be looked upon as not merely alien in blood and temperament, but in thought and moral philosophy. You will be looked upon as outlaws. Do not delay, for the longer you are held in low esteem, so much the longer will it require to establish yourself as worthy citizens in the eyes of those who today look down on you.
According to the Peru 2005 Census 77,721 inhabitants live in an area of 5,371.08 km². There are about 77 rural communities. Chumbivilcas is looked upon as one of the poorest regions of the country. Half of the population is younger than 16 years.
Apart from being an Ex-IAS, Educationist, activist, Journalist and Author he has been widely admired as a great Orator.He is looked upon as an activist who has taken pledge & promotes youngsters to take pledge to become a devoted volunteer in serving India.
Obituary: Karl Krastin." Toledo Blade, August 18, 1998, 14. He recalled the "'go-go' reputation about the law school at Toledo. It was looked upon as a place where much was happening; where there was much intellectual ferment and movement toward excellence.
Jerry McGuire (William Collier Jr.) is a dress designer who is tired of being looked upon as a wimp. He begins secretly training as a boxer to take on Spike Mullins (Johnnie Walker) and win the affections of store clerk Hilda Jensen (Shirley Mason).
Eriksson retired from playing in 1975 at the age of 27, after giving up on his dream of playing professional football; he summed up his brief playing career by saying "I was looked upon as a distinctly average defender, but someone who rarely made mistakes".
2008 was considered the 400-year anniversary of Polish settlement in the United States, and 2019 is looked upon as the 400th celebration of the Jamestown strike, considered a fight for civil liberties, more specifically, their voting rights, and equal recognition regardless of ethnicity.
Apamea is mentioned in the Talmud. The passages relating to witchcraft in Apamea (Ber. 62a) and to a dream in Apamea (Niddah, 30b) probably refer to the Apamea in Phrygia which was looked upon as a fabulously distant habitation. Similarly the much-discussed passage, Yeb.
All are ghost towns today. The mines operated successfully and in late March 1881 water was found in the Sulphuret shaft at 520 ft below the surface. Other mines in the area encountered water within a year. At first, the water was looked upon as a Godsend.
After Molyneux's departure, Electronic Arts' control over Bullfrog caused several projects to be cancelled. Bullfrog was merged into EA UK in 2001 and ceased to exist as a separate entity. Bullfrog titles have been looked upon as a standard for comparison and have spawned numerous spiritual sequels.
After Molyneux's departure, Electronic Arts' control over Bullfrog caused several projects to be cancelled. Bullfrog was merged into EA UK in 2001 and ceased to exist as a separate entity. Bullfrog titles have been looked upon as a standard for comparison and have spawned numerous spiritual sequels.
In April 1787 Lignereux formed a partnership with Dominique Daguerre. A jewellery dealer, Daguerre was looked upon as a trend-setter by Queen Marie-Antoinette. Lignereux and Daguerre become exclusive Parisian retailers for fine china and porcelain creations of the Wedgwoodcompany. Supervised by Alain Mérot and Bill Pallot.
1701, 8vo). Otho, in his grammars, adopted the plan and system of James Alting; they were therefore looked upon as a continuation of Alting's works, and reprinted with the latter's grammars in 1717 and 1730: Fundamenta punctuationis linguae sancte, and Institutiones Chald. et Syr.; Palestra linguarum Orientalium (ibid.
This is because gun-mounted lasers and night-vision scopes/sights are looked upon as being only useful in a military context or for assassination (which is, of course, illegal). Also the possession and using a real silencer is forbidden for the same reasons though a dummy/fake silencer is legal.
The knight's estate von Liebschuetz, Upper Court, with the Lords of Obernitz was one such landlord. They appointed Hans Andreas Stoessner to be judge in Volkmannsdorf. Nobility also had much power in their small fiefdoms which were, in some cases, looked upon as autonomous states. Some 300 existed across Germany.
The ethics of technology intervention in indigenous or other communities has not been sufficiently explored, even though ICTs are increasingly looked upon as an important tool for social and economic development in such communities.Stillman, L. and B. Craig (2006). Incorporating Indigenous World Views in Community Informatics. OTM Workshops 2006, LNCS 4277.
Web-based simulation (WBS) is the invocation of computer simulation services over the World Wide Web, specifically through a web browser. Increasingly, the web is being looked upon as an environment for providing modeling and simulation applications, and as such, is an emerging area of investigation within the simulation community.
Amy Fawsitt (1836 – December 26, 1876) also known as Mrs. Menzies, was an English actress. In 1867, Miss Fawsitt made her first appearance on the London stage at the old Standard Theatre, Globe Theatre, Vaudeville Theatre. At this period she was looked upon as a promising rival of Marie Wilton.
Mariamman is popularly worshipped by overseas Indians, especially Tamils because she is looked upon as their protector during their sojourn to foreign lands. Mariamman is a manifestation of the goddess - Parvati, an incarnation embodying Mother Earth with all her terrifying force. She protects her devotees from unholy or demonic events.
She was "looked upon as advisor and confidante" to Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover.Mrs. Thayer dead: Paul Revere's kin; For 50 Years She Led in Social and Political Activities of Massachusetts; Was capitalist's widow; Honored by Three Presidents, She Was Noted for Her Many Philanthropies. New York Times. September 30, 1934. p.35.
It is, therefore, looked upon as a neutral operator that can offer an equal standard of service to all shipping line clients. ICTSI management is known throughout the world for the development and management of highly efficient and operationally effective container terminals and ports, in both developing and developed political and economic environments.
He was looked upon as a leader and authority on Hindu studies and rituals in Sri Lanka. The small Brahmin community of Sri Lanka whether residing within the country or living abroad, always sought his advice and opinion before carrying out any important rites or rituals in temples and in their families.
Though bearing each a different name, form, and set of qualities, these are all aspects of a one Supreme Being - Śiva, and are not to be looked upon as different deities. 1\. Sadyojāta: Represents Icchā Śaktī. This face of Śiva will give both happiness and sadness to all creatures. Direction is West.
BCCI announced the Under-19 quadrangular tournament between Afghanistan, Nepal, India-A and NCA. NCA was later replaced by India-B while tournament was also shifted from Kolkata to Lucknow. The tournament was looked upon as a preparation for the Youth Asia Cup. The tournament was played from 12 to 18 September 2018.
The southern half of Italy was not completely on board with Mussolini and his fascist government. The southerners were looked upon as inferior citizens. Levi recalls one local man's view that he and his fellow people were not even considered humans, rather dogs. He tells how Northerners viewed the southerners with "inherent racial inferiority".
He became master of the junior department of the Maori boys' school and a catechist. In 1848 he was stationed at Te Kawakawa (Te Araroa), East Cape. Iharaira Te Houkamau opposed his appointment because he considered it an insult to his dignity to have a Māori catechist whose people he looked upon as bitter enemies.
The removal of these ions from the cytosol can also be looked upon as supplying the golgi apparatus and thus the entire secretory pathway with these ions. Several proteins within the pathway require either Ca2+ ions, Mn2+ ions, or divalent ions to function as metal cofactors, such as aminopeptidase P, Proprotein convertases and sulfotransferases.
It is not the euthanasia that is the act of sin, but worldly attachment which causes euthanasia to be looked upon as an act of sin. Even a Sannyasin or Sannyasini if they decide to, are permitted to end his or her life with the hope of reaching moksha i.e. emancipation of the soul.
Chaga legends center on Ruwa and his power and assistance. Ruwa is the Chaga name for their god, as well as the Chaga word for "sun." Ruwa is not looked upon as the creator of humankind, but rather as a liberator and provider of sustenance. He is known for his mercy and tolerance when sought by his people.
The dōjinshi artists rarely secure the permission of the original creator. Many dōjinshi works are manga-format fan fiction, which in Japan is, while not strictly legal, generally tolerated and usually encouraged, being looked upon as a form of free advertising or a breeding ground for new talent, most famously the group CLAMP and Love Hina author Ken Akamatsu.
Under the leadership of the Thomases, father and son, Thomas Iron produced record quantities of iron, and was looked upon as an exemplar of the iron industry.Bartholomew & Metz, pp. 168–169 New furnaces were built at Hokendauqua: No. 3 was blown in on July 18, 1862 and No. 4 on April 29, 1863.Bartholomew & Metz, p.
He was looked upon as being a good landlord. On one occasion he invited his tenants to Dublin to spend a day and a night in the city. He gave them a good time and bore all expenses. He also encouraged them to improve their land by paying them for draining it in the winter time.
In the years following her death, however, the book was looked upon as a valuable firsthand account of Middle Florida planter life. It was republished by the University of Florida in 1960.Margaret Louise Chapman, Introduction, in Ellen Call Long, Florida Breezes, xvii-xxi. Long was an author of several books and articles pertaining to a variety of subjects.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2004. Print. 69 Complete adoption is most prominent in Cuba. Complete adoption consists of severing all ties with the adoptees biological parents and that in the adopted family and the child has all the same rights as an actual 'biological' child of that family. Legally adopted children are looked upon as biological children.
When Ted returned to the show, he and Kyle become romantic rivals for Brad. The show's only other featured adult is Lucy, a tough, authoritative ranch hand. She is sometimes looked upon as a mother figure and the teens often ask her advice. Each episode begins with a cold open that usually ends with a lame pun.
Most Saraswat Brahmins are pesco- vegetarians. The inclusion of fish in the diet is not looked upon as non- vegetarian. Legend has it that when the Saraswati River dried up, the Saraswats who could not farm were permitted to eat sea food/fish. The fish were euphemistically called "sea vegetable" or झळकें from ( जल काय -Jal Kaay).
The main types of appliances that are recycled are televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, and computers. When appliances are recycled, they can be looked upon as valuable resources. If disposed of improperly, appliances can become environmentally harmful and poison ecosystems. The strength of appliance recycling legislation and the percentage of appliances recycled varies around the world.
Bissell ran unsuccessfully for the Connecticut governorship in 1846. However, he was elected in 1847 as Governor of Connecticut and was re-elected in 1848. During his term, he advocated for reform in education, taxes, and liquor prohibition, however, only insignificant legislation was passed. He vetoed a resolution on divorce, and it was looked upon as sabotaging the legislature's power.
Kiyozaemon died in 1907, creating the opportunity for Yasujirō to break free. In 1909, he mortgaged the family estate for 5000 yen. With this money, he married Nishizawa Koto and had a daughter, Shukuko, in 1909, then attended Waseda University investing in rough land and businesses. At the time, however, rough land had little value and was looked upon as a foolish investment.
Many of the lyrics have personal meaning to vocalist Daniel Weydant. The song "The Weeping Vessel" has to do with the miscarriage of the Weydant's first child. "A Well-Intentioned Virus" deals with people who thought what they were doing was right but were later looked upon as evil. "Broken Pact Blues" deals with Weydant's brother Matt breaking a suicide pact.
Contraception is a form of reproductive technology that enables people to control their fertility. This is inhady with reproduction, which is the ability of a species to perpetuate and in the human species it is looked upon as a right in today's society. Males and females alike feel pressure that in order to be fully male or fully female they must procreate.
He soon became close to the Irwin family and was looked upon as a younger brother. Mannion volunteered at the zoo for a number of months and was later offered a paid keeping position. He and Irwin worked alongside each other at the zoo learning about reptile and animal husbandry and eventually moved on to capturing and relocating wild crocodiles.
Calley, Roy (1992). Blackpool: A Complete Record 1887–1992, p.41 Bill Bentley was signed from Stoke City, and he took over the left-back position, while Terry Alcock, signed one year earlier from Port Vale, had now broken into the first team. After the previous season's finish, eighth this time around was looked upon as a disappointment amongst the fans.
His Majesty (King > Farouk, representing the League) would like to make it clearly understood > that such measures should be looked upon as temporary and devoid of any > character of the occupation or partition of Palestine, and that after > completion of its liberation, that country would be handed over to its > owners to rule in the way they like.Gerson, Allan (1978). p. 78.
His successes secured for him a prominent position in Plymouth, where he was looked upon as a hero of sorts and elected mayor in 1601. He became a founding member of the Virginia Company in 1606. Captain Parker was made Vice-Admiral and left on an expedition to the East Indies, but died on the voyage to Bantam on 24 Sept. 1618.
From an artistic point of view most of the pioneer work in calico printing was done by the French. From the early days of the industry down to the latter half of the 20th century, the productions of the French printers in Jouy, Beauvais, Rouen, and in Alsace-Lorraine, were looked upon as representing all that was best in artistic calico printing.
Billy Clanton and his brother Ike often went into Tombstone on weekends, and he did business in Tombstone associated with the ranch, alongside the two McLaury brothers. By most accounts, Ike was not well liked in and around Tombstone because he was a drunk and a braggart. Clanton was generally well liked and looked upon as hard working and level headed.
The organisation does not consider these tenets as dogma. Instead, they report that these form the basis of what most members of Kemetic Orthodoxy believe, but what each individual member believes may vary. The religion does not require that all members practice in exactly the same way, and different views are looked upon as merely different ways of understanding God, or Netjer.
Movie copyright infringement was looked upon as impossible by the major studios. When dial-up was common in early and mid-1990s, movies distributed on the Internet tended to be small. The technique that was usually used to make them small was to use compression software, thus lowering the video quality significantly. At that time, the largest copyright violation threat was software.
He was looked upon as a phenomenon by readers and other authors and critics. His works are constantly being studied and deciphered, considering that his popularity in the mainstream rose during the last years of his life and the few years after his death, when his most well-known works were published, including his two postmortem auto-biographies (The Blue Light) and (I’ll Be Among The Almonds).
Bronze cannons on the other hand were cast in one piece similar to bells. The technique used in casting bronze cannons was so similar to the bell that the two were often looked upon as a connected enterprise. Both iron and bronze cannons had their advantages and disadvantages. Forged iron cannons were up to ten times cheaper, but more unstable due to their piece built nature.
Free run is a method of farming stewardship where the animals are not kept in cages but are allowed to wander around inside an enclosed structure, such as a barn. Unlike free range animals they do not have access to the outside. It is just cheaper than free range, but it is not looked upon as highly as by those concerned about animal welfare.
And furthermore: "A proof in a calculus of sequents can be looked upon as an instruction on how to construct a corresponding natural deduction."See , for this and further details of interpretation. In other words, the assertion symbol is part of the object language for the sequent calculus, which is a kind of meta-calculus, but simultaneously signifies deducibility in an underlying natural deduction system.
Although the dead-arm disease is usually looked upon as a malignant disease that often cripples one or more vines, some wine estates have discovered that the arms that are still alive when dead-arm has struck yield a very flavorful wine. One such vineyard belonging to Australian wine producer d'Arenberg have marketed this "Dead Arm" Shiraz, which has received high wine ratings among various wine critics.
Some, however, assign an Etruscan origin to the ceremony, the Sibylline Books themselves being looked upon as old Italian "black books." It may be that as the lectisternia became an almost everyday occurrence in Rome, people forgot their foreign origin and the circumstances in which they were first introduced, and then the word pulvinar with its associations was transferred to times in which it had no existence.
Thousands died along the way. But starvation and exhaustion were not the only killers in this "march of death". Prisoners were subjected to untold brutalities by their Japanese captors, who had all been trained in the Samurai's medieval warrior code -- Bushido—and were taught that being taken prisoner was far worse than death. All prisoners, therefore, were looked upon as subhuman and unworthy of respect.
Kerala is also home of Carnatic music. Legends like Swati Tirunal, Shadkala Govinda Maarar, Sangitha Vidwan Gopala Pillai Bhagavathar, Chertala Gopalan Nair, M. D. Ramanathan, T.V.Gopalakrishnan, M.S. Gopalakrishnan, L. Subramaniam T.N. Krishnan & K. J. Yesudas are Malayali musicians. Also among the younger generations with wide acclaim and promise is Child Prodigy Violinist L. Athira Krishna etc., who are looked upon as maestros of tomorrow.
1, page 8519th century pioneers of intensive therapy in North America. Part 1: George Edward Fell, Crit Care Resusc. 2007 Dec;9(4):377-93 abstract Such methods were still looked upon as harmful and were not adopted for many years. In 2020, the supply of mechanical ventilation became a central question for public health officials due to 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic related shortages.
Rukmangada was looked upon as a good and pious king. He was happily married to Sandhyavali and the couple had a small son named Dharmangada or Dharmangad. As a devotee of Vishnu, Rukmangada is very particular about observing the Ekadasi (the 11th day of every lunar fortnight), which is sacred to Vishnu, as a day of fasting, prayer and abstinence. The Gods decide to test Rukmangada faith.
In the earliest days, ācāra that was to be followed was that observed or declared by learned Brahmins who were highly moral and selfless. Gradually, however, usage that had no visible secular purpose came to be looked upon as binding. Eventually, even customary norms of Śudras became enforceable by the king. In this manner, ācāra became the actual source of Hindu law in more contemporary times.
The dead are believed to be living, and looked upon as active members who watch over the affairs of their family. Urhobos believe in the duality of man, i.e., that man consists of two beings: physical body (Ugboma) and spiritual body (Erhi). It is the Erhi that declares man's destiny and controls the self-realization of man's destiny before he incarnates into the world.
St Gildas interpreted the Saxon invasions of England in 5th-6th centuries as just punishment for the sins of the Britons. The Viking attacks of the 8th-11th centuries were widely interpreted as being divine punishment upon Christians.Studies in the Early History of Shaftesbury Abbey. Dorset County Council, 1999 Plagues, earthquakes and other similar disasters were also often looked upon as punishment in much of Christian history.
Individual writers and printing-presses at Paris, Lyon, Rouen and other cities became its centres and sources. Guillaume Fichet and Robert Gaguin are usually looked upon as the first French Humanists. Fichet introduced "the eloquence of Rome" at Paris and set up a press at the Sorbonne. He corresponded with Bessarion and had in his library volumes of Petrarch, Guarino of Verona and other Italians.
" Hogg issued the following orders to the offices of the County Attorney and law enforcement offices: The Paris Daily News argued that by the time Gov. Hogg started wiring officials (shortly before Smith's train was expected to arrive), it was not possible to prevent his lynching, even if they had wanted to do so. They opined that Gov. Hogg's orders were "looked upon as a joke.
Nowadays, we conveniently forget in giving sufficient care for our parents. Mothers cared their children selflessly but in return, children shut down the door and dump them in old age homes. Our culture where parents were considered the final authority in families are being left in old age homes. In order to create the feeling the one's own mother should be revered and looked upon as God.
Mailara was the family deity of Kakatiya dynasty (1083–1323 AD); a text from their rule records the self- torture rituals of Mailara-devotees and describes the deity. Throughout his development, Mailara is looked upon as a lower manifestation of Ishvara (God) by Lingayat and Maharashtrian bhakti saints.Sontheimer in Bakker pp. 106–7 By the 18th century, Khandoba had become the clan deity of the Maratha Empire.
By some it was looked upon as a delusion of the devil. Alvarez was compelled to write an account of it to the General of the Society of Jesus, Everard Mercurian, who approved of it, but discountenanced it as a general practice. At the same time, he expressed his esteem for Alvarez and employed him in the most responsible offices. He died at Belmonte in 1580.
However, she soon found herself at home in medical school. While she was at school, she was looked upon as an oddity by the townspeople of Geneva. She also rejected suitors and friends alike, preferring to isolate herself. In the summer between her two terms at Geneva, she returned to Philadelphia, stayed with Dr. Elder, and applied for medical positions in the area to gain clinical experience.
Princeton thus scored four points and Warren had > established his reputation." An 1890 profile of the Princeton football team described Warren as follows: > "Ralph Herbert Warren, always called 'Pop' in college, completes the > quartette of the old team. He is looked upon as one of the best end rushers > now playing. A sure tackler and always well down the field on a punt, he is > an invaluable man.
These and others are included in two volumes, The Bybury Book and Domestic Problems. Her letters and articles on household and domestic difficulties caused her to be looked upon as one speaking with authority, and she was invited to lecture upon those questions. She read a paper in the Woman's Congress held in Philadelphia in 1876. The paper was entitled "The Development of Character in Schools," since published in the Arena.
Brett struck out in the at-bat and had only three singles and one RBI the remainder of the series. The brushback incident is looked upon as the turning point in that series for the Phillies. Before the 1982 season, Noles was traded along with Keith Moreland to the Chicago Cubs for pitcher Mike Krukow and cash. Noles had an effective season as a starter in 1982, going 10–13.
He is third on the list of most appearances in the Norwegian Premier Division. He is looked upon as a hero among supporters of Rosenborg because he has always been loyal to the club without having played abroad where the salaries are higher. He is also highly respected among both players and fans of other Norwegian clubs. The number 6 jersey he used in Rosenborg was retired in his honor.
He is looked upon as an older brother figure to Baki. His act of pouring a drink over Emi's grave suggests a feeling of love, but it is not known. He reappears briefly in the third manga series, having a strength test with Pickle in the streets, interrupted by Baki. He also appears in the fourth, portrayed as one of the characters who has become bored with life.
At the 1774 general election Gordon was returned unopposed as Member of Parliament for Ludgershall. The pocket borough had been bought for him by General Fraser, to fend off Gordon's threat to oppose him in Inverness-shire. Gordon was considered flighty, and was not looked upon as being of any importance. From the moment he entered parliament he was a strong critic of the government's colonial policy in regard to America.
Initially, self-conscious emotions were looked upon as troublesome and all part of an internal fight. However, views on this have now changed. There is a strong link between the ability of an individual to regulate their behaviour in an appropriate manner and problems with their self-conscious emotions. A school was able to list a set of boys who were classified as ‘prone to aggression and delinquent behaviour’.
In many parts of Africa the serpent is looked upon as the incarnation of deceased relatives. Among the Amazulu, as among the Betsileo of Madagascar, certain species are assigned as the abode of certain classes. The Maasai, on the other hand, regard each species as the habitat of a particular family of the tribe (Thomas 1911, p. 52). In Ancient Egyptian religion, serpents had both positive and negative representations.
Women's movements would benefit from this the most or has had great influence and impact because of democracy, though it can become a very complex system. When it comes to local government issues, political standings for women are not necessarily looked upon as a major issue. "Even civil society organizations left women's issues off the agenda. At this level, traditional leaders also have a vested interest that generally opposes women's interests".
He describes the wing as "less efficient". Teijgeler says of the Falconar F9A, "the Falconar 'Jodel' should not be looked upon as a Jodel, but as a Falconar. This is [n]either good or bad. Just a fact to take into account" The F9A features a cantilever low-wing, a single seat enclosed cockpit that is wide, fixed conventional landing gear and a single engine in tractor configuration.
British goods reached Dutch destinations via neutral German ports, or disguised as "American cargo." The republic was therefore an important "keyhole into Europe" that undermined the economic sanctions against Britain. As the members of the Staatsbewind, and their friends, often profited from this clandestine trade directly, the patience of the French was wearing thin.In the old Republic trading with the enemy had been looked upon as a necessary evil.
The people of Bombay received the bus with enthusiasm, but it took some time before this means of conveyance really established itself. Despite stiff opposition and protests by taxi drivers, the service ran without a hitch, transporting 600,000 passengers by the end of that year. The following year the number had increased to 3.8 million. For several years, it was looked upon as transport for the upper-middle class.
The Club Carollion He was married twice. His first wife was Alice Leigh of Fall River, Massachusetts, to whom he was married in 1898 in Chelsea. To them was born one child, a daughter, Elodie, who gave great promise of becoming a violinist of distinction and was looked upon as one of the most remarkable girls in the city. Her death in 1914 was a tragedy in the artist's life.
Although the transmitter was in the Republic of Ireland, the signal's reach meant that it was often looked upon as a "UK national station". Reception reports were received from such locations as Berlin, Finland, Ibiza, and Moscow. The signal had even been received in Brazil at night-time. The Scottish musician Mylo has claimed that it was the only station with listenable reception on the Isle of Skye.
As the tutors were chosen from distinguished recent graduates, the new instructional staff were more youthful than the old. At this time Merton College was suffering from student unrest stemming from what was seen as a lack of leadership in the teaching faculty. Many fellows, both resident and non- resident, had become distant presences. As Creighton was popular with students, he was looked upon as someone who would exercise that leadership.
The contest with Raheem was the turning point in Gama's career. After that, he was looked upon as the next contender for the title of Rustam-e-Hind or the Indian Wrestling Championship. In the first bout Gama remained defensive, but in the second bout, Gama went on the offensive. Despite severe bleeding from his nose and ears, he managed to deal out a great deal of damage to Raheem Bakhsh.
Afterwards, Cowles "was far more outspoken and energetic in his opposition to polygamy than almost any other man in Nauvoo." Afterwards, he "was looked upon as a seceder." On April 18, 1844, First Presidency member William Law and his wife Jane were excommunicated from the church, along with his brother Wilson Law, a brigadier general in the Nauvoo Legion. Also cut off were Robert D. Foster and Howard Smith.
According to a paper by Konno and Mead Konno K, and Mead J. (1967) measurement of the separate volume changes of rib cage and abdomen during breathing. J Appl Physiol 22: 407-422. “the chest can be looked upon as a system of two compartments with only one degree of freedom each”. Therefore, any volume change of the abdomen must be equal and opposite to that of the rib cage.
The gens Domitia was a plebeian family at Rome. The first of the gens to achieve prominence was Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus, consul in 332 BC. His son, Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus Maximus, was consul in 283, and the first plebeian censor. The family produced several distinguished generals, and towards the end of the Republic, the Domitii were looked upon as one of the most illustrious gentes.Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, vol.
Foreign media and the Chinese government have different perspectives on the influence of foreign correspondents during the protests. Foreign reporters were often looked upon as "sympathetic" towards protesters as they broadcast world-wide "appeals" for the pro-democratic movement7\. Lin, Struggle for Tiananmen, 149. Journalist Harrison E. Salisbury described the response of the Chinese government as "xenophobic" towards foreigners and cites the criticism of foreign correspondents during the protests as evidence.22\.
Historically efforts have been primarily aimed to improve survival and health of preterm infants (tertiary intervention). Such efforts, however, have not reduced the incidence of preterm birth. Increasingly primary interventions that are directed at all women, and secondary intervention that reduce existing risks are looked upon as measures that need to be developed and implemented to prevent the health problems of premature infants and children. Smoking bans are effective in decreasing preterm births.
Ironically, One and Three Chairs can be looked upon as simple but rather complex model, of the science of signs. A viewer may ask "what's real here?" and answer that "the definition is real"; Without a definition, one would never know what an actual chair is. There exist different interpretations of these semantic and ontological aspects. Some refer to Plato's Republic (Book X);Gerwen, Rob van: Introducing My Philosophical Directions: Plato's Cave.
Rohan married and obtained a job as a shoeworker. While he was away, his old gang, the Egan's Rats, had mushroomed into the most powerful criminal organization in the state of Missouri. His old pal, Tom Egan, was now looked upon as the crime boss of St. Louis. While Skippy frequently joined Egan for drinks at his saloon at Broadway and Carr streets, Rohan appears to have been serious about going legit.
The people in the district are mainly indigenous citizens of Quechua descent. Quechua is the language which the majority of the population (93.04%) learnt to speak in childhood, 6.73% of the residents started speaking using the Spanish language (2007 Peru Census) INEI, Peru, Censos Nacionales 2007, Frequencias: Preguntas de Población: Idioma o lengua con el que aprendió hablar (in Spanish) Coporaque is looked upon as one of the poorest districts of the country.
This response has been described as narrow and reactionary, but it has also been called the first debate in psychiatry. Battie insisted that psychiatric disorders were curable: > "Madness is ... as manageable as many other distempers, which are equally > dreadful and obstinate, and yet are not looked upon as incurable; such > unhappy objects ought by no means to be abandoned, much less shut up in > loathsome prisons as criminals or nuisances to society".
He was originally a peasant until becoming a samurai in order to help others. He is often looked upon as a clown or a bother, as he gets angry easily and often causes trouble with his loud noise and clumsy ways. He is accepted as the seventh samurai after revealing he was also a farmer, like the peasants of Kanna. He carries the largest of the swords, which also acts as a chainsaw.
Its economic and cultural domain was clear, though. A landlord who studied classics at seowon (, ) could be easily looked upon as yangban by the local populace. People could now purchase yangban status by paying to procure lower government posts or jokbo(족보) , the noble pedigree. Nearly all yangban of upper-high ranking grandee to lower-ranking provincial landlord status suddenly lost their ancient political, social and economic power during the twentieth century.
The fermented product is only partially strained and thus retains a considerable percentage of solid matter. It is looked upon as both a food and a drink. In recent years commercially produced Bantu beer powders have been replacing kaffircorn malt in home brewing and at smaller industrial breweries. Most municipalities enjoyed a monopoly for the production of Bantu beer in their areas and the larger ones operated modern industrial plants for this purpose.
A proposal to repeal the Malt Tax was particularly well received, one contemporary noting the rebels were "looked upon [...] as the deliverers of their country". However, taxes have always been unpopular and while it caused riots when first imposed in 1725, these quickly tailed off; the most serious demonstrations occurred in Glasgow, a town Charles noted as one 'where I have no friends and who are not at pains to hide it.' Riding, p.
F. W. Puller, "Primitive Saints and the Roman See". It is acknowledged that in St. Cyprian's time (c. 250) it was universally believed that St. Peter was Bishop of Rome, and that he was looked upon as the type and origin of episcopacy. Modern criticism has long since put the letter of Clement too late to allow this theory to be tenable, and now Hans Waitz places it after 220, and Harnack after 260.
As his style evolved, he pared down the human form to sharp angles and took up red as a dominant colour. Many of his paintings feature birds, which he looked upon as the symbol of personal freedom in a world of conventions. He did some pioneering work in Arabic calligraphy in the 60s, in which the alphabetic form is used as a linear design using colour and visual rhythm to lend it a modern interpretation.
Gobelinus was also an historian. He wrote a history of the world entitled: Cosmidromius, hoc est Chronicon unversale complectens re ecclesiae et reipublicae. This work he continued up to the year 1418. The Cosmidromius was selected by Paul Scheffer-Boichorst as his basis and starting-point when he set out to restore the Annales Patherbrunnenses, lost annals of the twelfth century which had been looked upon as an authority in its particular field.
His messenger was said to be a small variety of boa, but only certain individuals, not the whole species, were sacred. In many parts of Africa the serpent is looked upon as the incarnation of deceased relatives. Among the Amazulu, as among the Betsileo of Madagascar, certain species are assigned as the abode of certain classes. The Maasai, on the other hand, regard each species as the habitat of a particular family of the tribe.
William Scott Sullivan (born March 13, 1971) is a former right-handed pitcher in Major League Baseball who most recently played in the majors with the Kansas City Royals in 2004. He attended Auburn University. From 1996–2003, Sullivan was one of the Cincinnati Reds's most durable relief pitchers, and was looked upon as a clubhouse leader. He set a club record by pitching at least 100 innings of relief every season from 1998-2001.
His messenger was said to be a small variety of boa, but only certain individuals, not the whole species, were sacred. In many parts of Africa the serpent is looked upon as the incarnation of deceased relatives. Among the Amazulu, as among the Betsileo of Madagascar, certain species are assigned as the abode of certain classes. The Maasai, on the other hand, regard each species as the habitat of a particular family of the tribe.
After nine centuries the name and memory of Grimaldo are still preserved and he is looked upon as the founder of the Grimaldi family. A century later, in 1270, the families of Grimaldi and Fieschi were forced into exile from Genoa. The Grimaldis ended up in the towns around Nice. They made their first attempt to seize the fortress of Monaco in 1297, although they did not control it permanently until 1419.
Another consequence of this behaviour is that people with "real problems" end up being overlooked or even accused of sadfishing themselves and being bullied for it. Young people who seek support online have started being accused of sadfishing, a report has said. The report says that the accusations of sadfishing could further harm young people with mental health problems. Sadfishing is related to cyberbullying, and is often looked upon as a method of attention seeking.
Kalidasa in his Kumara Sambhava describes them as dwelling in the Himalayas. Kinnaras lived also over the hills of Pandaraka, Trikutaka, Mallangiri, Candapabbata, and Gandhamandana (Jataka No. 485). They were tender-hearted and Jataka No. 540 refers to the story of the Kinnaras nursing a human baby whose parents have gone away to the woods. Yet, we find that they were looked upon as queer animals and were hunted, captured and presented to the kings as entertainment.
Threats to the grove include urbanization, over- exploitation of resources (like overgrazing and excessive firewood collection), and environmental destruction due to religious practices. While many of the groves are looked upon as abodes of Hindu gods, in the recent past a number of them have been partially cleared for construction of shrines and temples. Other threats to the sacred groves include invasion by invasive species, like the invasive weeds Chromolaena odorata, Lantana camara and Prosopis juliflora.
Employed by the company for 31 years, Nellie was looked upon as a mother figure by many of the girls at the factory. Although she did her best to hurry others out of the building, Nellie herself never made it out alive. A 16-year company foreman, Sidney Dimmock, was credited with carrying two women to safety before returning to the building to attempt to rescue others from the flames. He did not escape the smoke and flames.
Khalid Shahanshah (Urdu: خالد شهنشاه ) was security chief of Benazir Bhutto's residence. Khalid Shahanshah was also the right hand of the former president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari. In the year 2002, Khalid Shahanshah participated in the elections for a seat in the National Assembly of Pakistan. Looked upon as a legend in his city, Khalid Shahanshah fought for student rights, helped the poor community, and brought to justice many of Karachi's worst criminals and gangsters.
Choris is said to have "painted nature as he found it. The essence of his art is truth; a fresh, vigorous view of life, and an originality in portrayal." The accompanying illustrations may therefore be looked upon as faithfully representing the subjects treated by the artist. After the voyage of the Ruric, Choris went to Paris where he issued a portfolio of his drawings in lithographic reproduction and studied in the ateliers of Gerard and Regnault.
Qualitative research can be looked upon as a number of ways.(Gordon,Wendy,1943) Qualitative researchers do not need to interview so many people but they speak to really do count. The researchers are interested in asking ‘How’ questions not like ‘how many’. Sampson(1967) has said that “ it is centrally concerned with understanding things rather than with measuring them” this means that the lack of measurement can not make sure that the findings are accuracy.
The Marathon Trilogy has often been looked upon as a symbol of Macintosh gaming for its innovative technologies previously unseen in mainstream games. It was released to much anticipation and received praise from many reviewers. The series also presented a grander science fiction narration told through the in-game terminals despite the game being a first- person shooter; Bungie kept this tradition in telling a similar grander story atop an FPS in crafting the Halo series.
Charles XIV John's monogram on the National Heritage Board's head office building. During the 18th century, there was a new interest in natural science as well as Neoclassicism and the study of "antiquities" was looked upon as somewhat dated. Some renewal of the studies was brought about when Johan Gustaf Liljegren became National Antiquarian in 1826. Among the projects he started was an organized inventory of objects and sites and archaeological excavations were done at Birka and Visby.
At the time the Salt Lake Stake took in all of Salt Lake county and was by far the largest stake by membership in the LDS Church. It was looked upon as the "flagship" stake of the church, and Lyman, Merrill and Smith initiated programs and changes that were adopted elsewhere throughout the church.Woodger, Against The Odds p. 74 Smith then served as head of the youth program for young men in Salt Lake Stake from 1902–1903.
Yuichiro's father, Dr. Tadashi Hikari, is considered to be the founder of the computer networking system within the Battle Network series. As such, Yuichiro is looked upon as an expert in the subject of networking. Although he is not seen with a NetNavi of his own, he is the creator of numerous NetNavis, including MegaMan.EXE. In the games, in an attempt to save his dying son, Hub, he creates MegaMan by placing the boy's DNA into a Navi program.
However, Dr. A.C. Lamothe Ramsay persuaded the sisters that the growing St. Cloud community needed a hospital. After reflecting on the Rule's instruction of providing for the sick, the sisters accepted the challenge. They bought a building on Ninth Avenue North, and with modifications, opened it as St. Benedict's Hospital on February 25, 1886. Since hospitals on the frontier were looked upon as places for dying, not healing, the hospital almost closed due to a lack of patients.
Non- commissioned members of the military may also be awarded the medal for services. The medal is often awarded for service to the monarch and royal family during royal visits. The medal may be looked upon as a long service medal, but the service must be of a meritorious character to warrant its award. Originally ranked near the end, the medal now ranks ahead of campaign, jubilee, efficiency, and long service medals in the United Kingdom Order of Wear.
At the time of its inception, the Gold Cup was looked upon as an outstanding trophy for rowing. A second regatta was held in November of that year to honour Catholic Bishops, assembled in Sydney for the first Plenary Council. The programme provided for six events, mainly of College crews and their supporters. From this modest beginning, the Annual Riverview Regatta has grown into thirty four events today with one thousand competitors and ten thousand spectators through the day.
The Spider's seal, however, was concealed in the base of his platinum cigarette lighter and was invented by Professor Brownlee. The Spider also carried a thin silken line (his "web") which had a tensile strength of several hundred pounds. Brownlee also invented the lethal and almost silent air pistol the Spider used for "quiet" kills. He acted as a sort of on-call weaponsmith for Wentworth, whom he looked upon as being close to a son.
Other than being concertmaster of the World Philharmonic Orchestra, Seah has appeared regularly as guest concertmaster with leading orchestras around Asia. Seah is a founding member of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, and is one of the two remaining pioneer musicians who have witnessed the growth of the orchestra since its inception in 1979. Seah is widely recognised by her colleagues for her professionalism and musicality. She is also looked upon as a mentor and role model.
Around the end of the 18th century and the early and mid 19th century there were many characters frequenting the town centre and Quayside of old Newcastle. These were characters who were described as "worthies", "props" or "eccentrics" and would later be more gently described as "unfortunates". All had some form of physical or mental disability, to different degrees, but were looked upon as "unfortunates" and generally liked, respected and looked after by the population of hard working inhabitants.
After Cheshunt College, Gilmour studied a year in the society's missionary seminary at Highgate, and Chinese in London. While here, through a misunderstanding the students rebelled against the directors of the Mission Society. Gilmour spoke for the student body, was looked upon as a ringleader and with disfavor, though afterwards the directors acknowledged that the students were right in their position. On 10 February 1870 he was ordained as a missionary to Mongolia in Augustine Chapel, Edinburgh.
In 2007 they introduced a media bill which was looked upon as attempts to gag the media. They also attempted to reduce the powers of the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission (KACC). Their poor record of attendance was evident in the number of statutes that they were able to pass during their term. They passed 67 bills about 13 bills a year, a dismal record in comparison with what other parliaments achieve like the South African parliament which passes over 40 statutes a year.
It was like magic, there was drama, and it would hypnotise me." DeVille quit high schoolSee Rhodes, Dusty (1978) "Issue 13: Mink DeVille: Smooth Running Caddy: The Tale of the Mink", Rock Around the World (Retrieved Jan 29, 2008) DeVille said, "I was always considered an asshole ... I never fit in at school ... I was always looked upon as the weird." and began frequenting New York City's Lower East Side and West Village. "It seemed like I just hung out and hung out.
Many LDS young men, women and elderly couples choose to serve a proselytizing mission, during which they dedicate all of their time to the church, without pay.A full-time mission is looked upon as important character training for a young man. . Mormons adhere to the Word of Wisdom, a health law or code that is interpreted as prohibiting the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, coffee and tea,. while encouraging the use of herbs, grains, fruits, and a moderate consumption of meat.
In order to save her newborn son from certain doom, Ynaguiginid—the goddess of war—is forced to sacrifice her own immortality. Safe and alone in the forest under the watchful eyes of Magayon, the deity of flying creatures, Ynaguiginid's child is rescued by a native couple who name him Malaya. As Malaya grows up he manifests god-like powers which were inherited from his mother. His powers are witnessed by the villagers and Malaya is eventually looked upon as their savior.
Nevertheless, there were token numbers of Malay and Indians among their ranks. In Lim Pui Huen's book, War and Memory in Malaysia and Singapore, an Indian war survivor Ramasamy recalled that “in the plantations, news of guerilla activities were often a great joy to the [Indian] laborers”, and that the Indian MPAJA leaders like “Perumal and Muniandy were looked uponas heroes because they punish the estate kirani”.Lim, P., & Wong, D. (2000). War and Meory in Malaysia and Singapore.
Liber Pontificalis, I, 376. During Middle Ages, devotion to the Virgin Mary as the "new Eve" lent much to the status of women. Women who had been looked down upon as daughters of Eve, came to be looked upon as objects of veneration and inspiration. The medieval development of chivalry, with the concept of the honor of a lady and the ensuing knightly devotion to it, not only derived from the thinking about the Virgin Mary, but also contributed to it.
But Canada's best players usually became professionals and the national team featured mostly university players. The Canadian team did not win any championships and was looked upon as a failure. By 1969, the Government of Canada had formed Hockey Canada, an organization to co-ordinate Canadian international play with its amateur organizations and the NHL. In July 1969, on a trial basis, the inclusion of nine professional players for any event for one year was agreed to by the IIHF.
He was elected to Congress in 1864 as a War Democrat, having vigorously opposed the Copperhead element in his district. He won the praise of Republican Governor Morton for helping suppress illegal conspiracies by Copperheads.Jacob Piatt Dunn, Indiana and Indianans (1919) vol 2 p 651-2 online Kerr served in the United States House of Representatives as a Democrat from Indiana from 1865 to 1873. In Congress he was looked upon as one of the leaders of the Democratic party.
Bob Swersky (named as "Dan" in one episode; Frequently referred to as "Lieu") was in charge of the 55 Precinct. Fair but firm, he was looked upon as a father figure by many of the cops, especially Bosco. He would often come to the aid of his officers when they were in trouble. Married, to a wife who often put him on a diet, he retired as a Deputy Chief after the series ended to spend time with his 12 grandchildren.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) is against euthanasia. Anyone who takes part in euthanasia, including "assisted suicide", is regarded as having violated the commandments of God. However the church recognizes that when a person is in the final stages of terminal illness there may be difficult decisions to be taken. The church states that 'When dying becomes inevitable, death should be looked upon as a blessing and a purposeful part of an eternal existence.
In order to save her newborn son from certain doom, Ynaguiginid—the goddess of war—is forced to sacrifice her own immortality. Safe and alone in the forest under the watchful eyes of Magayon, the deity of flying creatures, Ynaguiginid's child is rescued by a native couple who name him Malaya. As Malaya grows up he manifests god-like powers which were inherited from his mother. His powers are witnessed by the villagers and Malaya is eventually looked upon as their savior.
There are many tales of ghostly black dogs in Lincolnshire collected by Ethel Rudkin for her 1938 publication Folklore. Such a creature, known locally as Hairy Jack, is said to haunt the fields and village lanes around Hemswell, and there have been reported sightings throughout the county from Brigg to Spalding. Rudkin, who claimed to have seen Hairy Jack herself, formed the impression that black dogs in Lincolnshire were mainly of a gentle nature, and looked upon as a spiritual protector.Codd, Daniel.
It descended back into the water, with the shiny sword in its mouth. Lê Lợi then acknowledged the sword had gone back to the Long Vương (Dragon King) and caused the lake to be renamed 'The Lake of the Returned Sword' (Hoan Kiem Lake) located in present- day Hanoi. Countless poems and songs were written about Lê Lợi, both during his lifetime and in later years. Lê Lợi is looked upon as the perfect embodiment of the just, wise, and capable leader.
As a junior both in these Courts and on the Northern Circuit he acquired a large practice. Eventually he returned to London, and took silk in 1888. At this time, Sir Marshall Warmington was at the height of his renown, and Neville, who had the most versatile intellect, was looked upon as an easy second to him in the Court of Mr. Justice Kekewich. Soon, Warmington "went special" and Neville obtained the leading practice before that Judge, and afterwards before Mr. Justice Romer.
On the other hand, the Shabbetians did use the Lurianic concepts of sparks trapped in impurity and pure souls being mixed with the impure to justify some of their antinomian actions. Luria introduced his mystic system into religious observance. Every commandment had a particular mystic meaning. The Shabbat with all its ceremonies was looked upon as the embodiment of the Divinity in temporal life, and every ceremony performed on that day was considered to have an influence upon the superior world.
Robertson was looked upon as a wizard by many Queen of the South supporters and regarded as one of the finest left wingers to have played for the club, as well as being a cult hero. Robertson was a match winning Queens player in two successful promotion campaigns. The first of those was in season 1980–81 when they were runners-up to Queen's Park in the Second Division. Robertson was also voted the Second Division's Player of the Year that particular season.
Mr. Shorts is undoubtedly one of the best posted as well as one > of the best football players in the country. ... He is looked upon as the > best coach west of the Mississippi River, and his work this year will > undoubtedly result in maintaining, if not surpassing, the record made by > Coach Steckle last year. The Nevada Sagebrush compiled a 3–3 record in Shorts' one year as head coach. In 1905, Shorts was hired by the University of Oregon.
Pliny's Natural HistoryXII.3. records the westward progress of the plane "introduced among us from a foreign clime for nothing but its shade", planted first at the tomb of Diomedes on the island of Tremiti, then imported to Greek Sicily by Dionysius the Elder (c. 432-367 BC), tyrant of Syracuse. He had plane-trees conveyed to the city of Rhegium (Reggio di Calabria), where they were looked upon as the great marvel of his palace, according to Pliny's sources.
In addition, the German SS Division Wiking included recruits from Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Estonia throughout its history. The number of SS recruits from Sweden and Switzerland was only several hundred men. Despite manpower shortages, the Waffen-SS was still based on the racist ideology of Nazism, thereby ethnic Poles were specifically barred from the formations due to them being looked upon as "subhumans", despite other Slavic groups being allowed service such as Ukrainians and Byelorussians in the 39. and 40.
This object had been attained by the erection of the chief fortresses on the Rhine: Cologne, Coblenz, Mainz, and Germersheim, as great entrenched camps. Of these four places, all of which were connected by strong works with the right bank of the Rhine, each was looked upon as almost impregnable. It is true they required strong garrisons—together, a considerable army. But without considering that Germany was never badly off for soldiers, it also implies a proportionate strength of the invading army.
Birthed in 1912, they have a history of local and national success. Their nearest neighbours and rivals are Auchinleck Talbot. Both have shared many a hard fought battle on the field. These matches are often looked upon as Junior football's equivalent to the "Old Firm" with passionate supporters from both sides. In the 1970s and 1980s this game would often attract a crowd of around 6000; although it has dwindled a bit over the years, the respect and rivalry is still noticeable.
Mariamman is popularly worshipped by overseas Indians, especially Tamils because she is looked upon as their protector. She is the Goddess of disease, rain and protection and is associated with enormous powers in the physical realm, particularly destructive, and protects her devotees from unholy or demonic events. Historians claimed that the worship of Mariamman or Korravai/Kotravai started as a tribal religion of the Dravidians. Mariamman is a manifestation of the goddess - Parvati, an incarnation embodying Mother Earth with all her terrifying force.
Lamenting the negative reaction to his deed, Booth wrote in his journal on April 21, 1865, while on the run, "[W]ith every man's hand against me, I am here in despair. And why; For doing what Brutus was honored for ... And yet I for striking down a greater tyrant than they ever knew am looked upon as a common cutthroat." Booth was also known to be greatly attracted to Caesar himself, having played both Brutus and Caesar upon various stages.
The Spectator, 8 February 1712, quoted in Chronicles of London Bridge by an Antiquary [i.e. Richard Thomson 1794–1865], p. 457-8: Smith, Elder and Co., London, 1827 The organ case, which remains in its original state, is looked upon as one of the finest existing examples of the Grinling Gibbons school of wood carving.Church of S. Magnus the Martyr by London Bridge: The Story of the Organ, Lightwood, J.T. with additional notes by C.N. W(aterhouse): no date (late 1920s).
In the Talmud the origin of the temple of Onias is narrated with legendary additions, there being two versions of the account.Menahot 109b. Here also Onias is mentioned as the son of Simon, and that Isaiah's prophecy is referred to. In regard to the Law the temple of Onias (Beit Honio, or "House of Onias", handed down in the name of Saadia Gaon as Beit Honi) was looked upon as forbidden, though there is a question as to whether idolatry was done there or not.
Benny Goodman and Peggy Lee Swing music began appearing in the early 1930s and was distinguished by a more supple feel than the more literal of early jazz. Walter Page is often credited with developing the walking bass, though earlier examples exist, such as Wellman Braud on Ellington's Washington Wabble from 1927. This type of music flourished through the early 1930s, although there was little mass audience for it until around 1936. Up until that time, it was viewed with ridicule and looked upon as a curiosity.
With the outbreak of war, most of these returned to England, with the exception of Francis Asbury and James Dempster. Asbury began to be looked upon as the leader of the groups, whereas Dempster moved to upstate New York, where he ministered locally. His activities were greatly restricted because, as an Englishman, he was suspected of not being sympathetic to the patriot cause. During the war, he ceased his circuit riding and stayed at the residence of his friend, Judge Thomas White of Delaware.
Upon their release in September 1881, they were greeted by a joyous crowd of 3,000 in Hanford. Such was the anti-railroad sentiment that the five were looked upon as heroes by many across California, and those killed were considered martyrs who had given their lives for a cause. Nevertheless, the affair brought such a shock that people were sobered. The legal battle had been lost, the railroad had won, and there was not enough public support for changing the policy of granting public lands to railroads.
Williams was looked upon as the replacement for recently retired Willie Davis. In the eighth game of the 1970 season against the Baltimore Colts, Bob Brown was switched from left defensive end to tackle, in order for Williams to move into the starting lineup. Nicknamed "Big Cat", his best season in the NFL came in 1972, when according to the Packers media he led the team with 9 sacks. Three of those sacks came in the NFC Central Division- clinching game against the Minnesota Vikings.
The doctrine illustrates as well Zhang Zai's belief in the fundamental goodness and purpose of the universe and in the potential of the individual to realize the ideal of the sage. In the teaching of "forming one body with the universe," Zhang Zai also claimed to distinguish Confucianism clearly from Buddhism and Daoism. For him the universe and its processes have a real existence. In turn, human life is looked upon as intrinsically valuable and ultimately the very foundation for the realization of sagehood.
Mount Barker is also famous as the place where the value of subterranean clover, Trifolium subterraneum as a fodder crop was discovered, proved and first promoted by A. W. Howard. His property stood at the south-east corner of Princes Highway and Bald Hills Road. Subterranean clover had been known for a very long time in Central and Southern Europe, but was looked upon as a roadside weed. Howard proved the clover to be a valuable fodder plant in some soil types in temperate climates.
After fighting the Belgians in the northern part of Gaul, Caesar states that they are the bravest enemies he is ever faced (historically claimed by Caesar). His soldiers agree with him, to the point when they consider being posted to the camps outside Asterix's village as a period of leave. Chief Vitalstatistix is aghast at the idea that his village, which has been the terror of the Romans for years, is now looked upon as relatively harmless. He is further outraged when he hears of Caesar's remarks.
Although the name Harlan Lattimore is now looked upon as a mere footnote in American popular music, there can be no denying his role as a pioneering African-American singer who established a style and role later filled by such musical luminaries as Billy Eckstine and Nat King Cole. The 1933 Vitaphone short, Don Redman and his Orchestra is included on the Warner Brothers DVD of Dames, where he sings a beautiful rendition of Harold Arlen's "Ill Wind", which the Redman band never recorded.
"Munn, Nancy "Gawa Kula: Spatiotemporal Control and the Symbolism of Influence." In J.W Leach and E. Leach eds., The Kula: New Perspectives on Massim Exchange (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983), p. 301 In The Cultural Biography of Things: Commoditization as a Process, Igor Kopytoff argues that, while commodities are often thought of in Marxian terms as things which are produced and then exist, in fact, "commoditization is best looked upon as a process of becoming rather than as an all-or-none state of being.
French historian Nicolas Lebourg concluded that she is looked upon as a compass for them to follow while maintaining local particularities.Sylvain Crépon, Alexandre Dézé, Nonna Mayer, Les Faux-semblants du Front national : sociologie d'un parti politique, Presses de Sciences Po, 2015, p. 64-65. While other European populists embraced Donald Trump's candidacy as US President in 2016, she only supported him by saying: "For France, anything is better than Hillary Clinton". However, on 8 November 2016 she posted a tweet congratulating Trump on his presidential victory.
Paget had important family links to Oliver Cromwell, who increasingly set the pace politically, as well as apparently close relations with his chief parishioner. Using the pseudonym "Theophilus Philopatrus" he published a pamphlet entitled A Religious Scrutiny, justifying the regicide. :The Law and Minde of God, touching the capital punishment of the polluting and crying sin of wilful murder, whosoever is the committer of it, yea, though he be blood-guilty King, may not by a Magistrate looked upon as one to be dispensed withal.Coulton, p. 110.
According to Tylor, speculation about an acultural state is impossible. Using the method of comparative culture, similar to comparative anatomy and the comparative method of historical linguistics and following John Lubbock, he drew up a dual classification of cultural traits (memes and memeplexes): savage and civilised. Tylor wrote, "From an ideal point of view, civilization may be looked upon as the general improvement of mankind by higher organization of the individual and of society ... " and identified his model with the "progression-theory of civilization".
He also founded the so-called "Marburg School" of criminal law, asserting that crime must be essentially looked upon as a social phenomenon. In addition to the scientific aspect of the law, practical public policy also appealed to him. He was active in Berlin beginning in about 1900 in the Progressive People's Party and was a member of the City Council of Charlottenburg until 1908, when he was elected to the Prussian House of Representatives. In 1912, he was elected to the German Reichstag.
It was largely rejected by jazz listeners at the time of its release because of its heavy rock influences, but it is now looked upon as a fusion classic. Jack Bruce joined the group to provide bass and vocals on its second album, Turn it Over, released in 1970. McLaughlin left the group and was replaced by Ted Dunbar on its 1971 album, Ego. This album also featured Ron Carter on bass and cello, Warren Smith and Don Alias on percussion, and Larry Young on organ.
William (Bill) Sirs: Obituary Sirs is best remembered for his involvement in the steelworkers' strike of 1980. Ian Donovan, "Strategic confrontation in the making", Weekly Worker 519 Thursday 11 March 2004 During the action, Sirs came into conflict with Ian MacGregor, the man appointed by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to slim down British Steel Corporation, then a nationalised industry. Sirs was quoted as saying, "We are being looked upon as the worst producing steel nation in Europe".BBC On This Day, 2 January 1980.
Prison Bound is the second studio album by Social Distortion, released in 1988. This is the first album with bass guitarist John Maurer and drummer Christopher Reece. It expands upon the punk rock sound of the band's first album Mommy's Little Monster (1983) by adding influences from country music and rockabilly. Today, Prison Bound is looked upon as a turning point for Social Distortion, paving the way for the commercial success they achieved on their next album, Social Distortion, which was released two years later.
In the Jewish faith, boys reach religious maturity at the age of thirteen and become a bar mitzvah ("bar mitzvah" means "son of the commandment" literally, and "subject to commandments" figuratively). Girls mature a year earlier, and become a bat mitzvah ("bat mitzvah" means "daughter of the commandment") at twelve. The new men and women are looked upon as adults and are expected to uphold the Jewish commandments and laws. Also, in religious court they are adults and can marry with their new title of an adult.
Fox Ghyll, near Rydal, Cumbria, De Quincey's home from 1820-25 Discovered by chance by his friends, De Quincey was brought home and finally allowed to go to Worcester College, Oxford, on a reduced income. Here, we are told, "he came to be looked upon as a strange being who associated with no one." In 1804, while at Oxford, he began the occasional use of opium. He completed his studies, but failed to take the oral examination leading to a degree; he left the university without graduating.
The treaty was submitted to the King with a recommendation for approval on 8 March. The treaty was not looked upon as favourably in France as it was in England. The French refuted the agreement because of two central complaints; similarly to the English craft industries, the French craft industries feared being replaced by cheaper English-machine made factory goods. Moreover, the French Craft industries had more traction in France than their English counterparts because of the known triumph of British industrial goods over French industrial goods.
Other experimenters, including Mehrabian and Epstein, have required subjects to comment upon their own feelings and behaviors, or those of other people involved in the experiment, as indirect ways of signaling their level of empathic functioning to the raters. Physiological responses tend to be captured by elaborate electronic equipment that has been physically connected to the subject's body. Researchers then draw inferences about that person's empathic reactions from the electronic readings produced.e.g. ; Bodily or "somatic" measures can be looked upon as behavioral measures at a micro level.
Dynamics of Markovian particles (DMP) is the basis of a theory for kinetics of particles in open heterogeneous systems. It can be looked upon as an application of the notion of stochastic process conceived as a physical entity; e.g. the particle moves because there is a transition probability acting on it. Two particular features of DMP might be noticed: (1) an ergodic- like relation between the motion of particle and the corresponding steady state, and (2) the classic notion of geometric volume appears nowhere (e.g.
Among the Mandaeans, there is a different and perhaps more primitive conception of the Seven, according to which they, together with their mother Namrus (Ruha) and their father (Ur), belong entirely to the world of darkness. They and their family are looked upon as captives of the god of light (Manda-d'hayye, Hibil-Ziva), who pardons them, sets them on chariots of light, and appoints them as rulers of the world.Cf. chiefly Genza, in Tractat 6 and 8; W. Brandt, Mandäische Schriften, 125 seq. and 137 seq.
For many years the prayer was popularly believed to have been composed by Saint Ignatius of Loyola, as he puts it at the beginning of his Spiritual Exercises and often refers to it. In the first edition of the Spiritual Exercises Ignatius merely mentions it, evidently supposing that the reader would know it. In later editions, it was printed in full. It was by assuming that everything in the book was written by Ignatius that it came to be looked upon as his composition.
Point guards are looked upon as the "floor general" or the "coach on the floor." They should study the game and game film to be able to recognize the weaknesses of the defense, and the strengths of their own offense. They are responsible for directing plays, making the position equivalent to that of quarterback in American football, playmaker in association football (soccer), center in ice hockey, or setter in volleyball. Good point guards increase team efficiency and generally have a high number of assists.
In the market there exists a gap between desirables and the availables. There is always a search on for better and newer offers to fill the gap between desirability and availability. Latent demand is a phenomenon of any economy at any given time, it should be looked upon as a business opportunity by service firms and they should orient themselves to identify and exploit such opportunities at the right time. For example, a passenger traveling in an ordinary bus dreams of traveling in a luxury bus.
1889: The German explorer Eugene Zintgraff visits the town of Bafut after visiting Bali Nyonga, a neighboring fondom and rival to Bafut. Breaches of etiquette by Eugen Zintgraff with respect to the Fon of Bafut Abumbi I was looked upon as deliberately hostile acts instigated by the Fon of Bali Nyonga. 1891: German-led forces from Bali Nyonga attacked Mankon - an ally of Bafut. The attack was a reprisal of the death of two of Eugene Zintgraff's messengers sent to Bafut to demand ivory.
These arrangements were generally looked upon as charitable and a form of adoption, as the young women would be provided for better as Mui Tsai than they would if they remained with their family. According to some scholars, many of these girls ended up as either concubines or prostitutes, while others write that their status was higher than a concubine's. The traditional Chinese family needs a male offspring. Poor parents, who were not able to support many children, have sometimes killed newborn infants when they were female.
He provided his workers with a canteen, a lending library as well as other recreational facilities. He was also looked upon as fair-minded and was often asked to act as an arbitrator in trades disputes. He was one of the founders of the Welsh Plate and Sheet Manufacturers' Association and was its chairman from 1910 to 1922. In the years after the First World War however small, independent, tinplate makers faced difficult economic conditions and, like others in the trade, Gibbins withdrew from production.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Farrell won the half-mile race (which was "virtually a walk-over for Steve Farrell, who was never pushed for the race and won with consummate ease"), the 120-yards hurdle (with Farrell winning "in hollow style" after nearly falling over the first hurdle), and the standing hop, step and jump (with Farrell "winning comfortably with 33 feet, 10-1/2 inches"). Farrell finished second in the 220-yard race (though he had been "looked upon as a sure winner") and third in the three standing jumps.
The Thebans prevailed, but this triumph was short-lived, for Epaminondas died in the battle, stating that "I bequeath to Thebes two daughters, the victory of Leuctra and the victory at Mantinea". Despite the victory at Mantinea, in the end, the Thebans abandoned their policy of intervention in the Peloponnesus. This event is looked upon as a watershed in Greek history. Thus, Xenophon concludes his history of the Greek world at this point, in 362 BC. The end of this period was even more confused than its beginning.
He took up refereeing in 1975. He quickly progressed through the local Oxford Junior and Senior Leagues onto the Hellenic Football League. After that he got further promotions onto the Football Combination in 1982 and then the Southern League in 1985. He became a Football League linesman in 1988. During the 1989-90 season Harris was involved in the match looked upon as saving Alex Ferguson's Old Trafford career, the FA cup third round tie between Nottingham Forest and Manchester United in which Harris acted as a linesman.
The Figure Image:Mean sojourn time.JPG depicts the thought motion history of a single such particle, which thus moves in and out of the subsystem s three times, each of which results in a transit time, namely the time spent in the subsystem between entrance and exit. The sum of these transit times is the sojourn time of s for that particular particle. If the motions of the particles are looked upon as realizations of one and the same stochastic process it is meaningful to speak of the mean value of this sojourn time.
The liberation of Serbia and the creation of the first higher schools that taught philosophy encouraged a number of philosophers. Since they were educated abroad, however, their works were for some time looked upon as adaptations of German, French and English philosophers. The strong influence of Kant and Hegel was succeeded by the influence of positivism, thanks to Obradović. The authentic philosophical thought of this period is found not only in the work of the teachers of philosophy but also in poems, folk songs, scientific writings, and (later) in revolutionary political pamphlets.
The first railroad to pass through Lancaster County was the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad, opened through Lancaster to the canal port of Columbia on March 31 or April 1, 1834. It was constructed by the state as part of the Main Line of Public Works, a combined rail and canal system connecting Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. In these early days, it was looked upon as a sort of public highway, and private horses and wagons that fit the gauge could be used on the line until 1844. Today this might be called open access.
Although located in the London Borough of Ealing, this an extramural cemetery was created and open in 1855 by the St Mary Abbots parish in North Kensington, with the assistance of the Hanwell Urban District Council. This was to take the pressure off St Mary's own burial grounds which were almost full. Moreover, burials within the capital were now looked upon as a potential health problem and so the Burial Act 1857 was passed. One of the provisions was for new interments to be carried out beyond the densely populated areas of London.
Heretofore it has been commonly looked upon as helpful and desirable. Plaintiff in error taught this language in school as part of his occupation. His right thus to teach and the right of parents to engage him so to instruct their children, we think, are within the liberty of the amendment." And further: "Evidently the Legislature has attempted materially to interfere with the calling of modern language teachers, with the opportunities of pupils to acquire knowledge, and with the power of parents to control the education of their own.
The sha'ir represented an individual tribe's prestige and importance in the Arabian peninsula, and mock battles in poetry or zajal would stand in lieu of real wars. 'Ukaz, a market town not far from Mecca, would play host to a regular poetry festival where the craft of the sha'irs would be exhibited. In the High Middle Ages, troubadors were an important class of poets and came from a variety of backgrounds. They lived and travelled in many different places and were looked upon as actors or musicians as much as poets.
Happy Science is one of many Japanese new religions (shinshūkyō), which are looked upon as "controversial" by the mainstream press and public. According to The Japan Times, "for many, the Happies smell suspiciously like a cult". Not only the domestic Japanese press, but also international media in the United States, Uganda, Indonesia, and Australia have applied the term "cult" to Happy Science. Happy Science has released promotional videos that claim North Korea and the People's Republic of China are plotting to invade and colonize Japan after first subduing it through nuclear warfare.
Odessa Mama (also Odessa Mame, Odesa Mame, Adesa Mame; ) is a Yiddish song of Ukrainian origin, which enjoyed popularity in numerous East European countries, as well as the United States before the Holocaust. It has been recorded by notable performers like Pesach Burstein, Aaron Lebedeff and Herman Yablakoff. There are Ukrainian language and Russian language versions of the song as well. The song is about the love for the city of Odessa, looked upon as a mother by locals and is an ode to Odessa's sidewalks, electric lights, hotels, and other modern amenities.
Pillai in return showered great love and affection on young Palani, whom he looked upon as his own son. Before he turned twenty, Palani had the good fortune to accompany stalwarts like Kanchipuram Nayana Pillai, Mazhavarayanendal Subbarama Bhavathar and Mudicondon Venkatarama Iyer. In the next decade others who preferred his accompaniment were Chittoor Subramanya Pillai and importantly Alathur Brothers whose Guru (father of Alathur Subbier), Alathur Venkatesa Iyer was a great admirer of Palani. It was because of Palani that the brothers shifted base from Trichy to Madras and they made a great team.
The 1st World Scout Indaba took place at Gilwell Park, for a week in July, 1952. The organization was in the hands of Fred Hurll, Chief Executive Commissioner, and of John Frederick Colquhoun, The Boy Scouts Association Headquarters Commissioner for Relationships. Lord Rowallan, as Chief Scout of The Boy Scouts Association, opened the Indaba, expressing the hope that it would be looked upon as an historic occasion in the story of Scouting. The numbers attending were far below any estimate worked out beforehand, and amounted to only 500 men and women.
The film begins with a scene of the 1920 presidential election, in which Harvard educated lawyer, New York assemblyman and assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt makes a rousing speech mentioning his cousin Teddy. Roosevelt is the vice presidential candidate on the ticket with James Cox. They are overwhelmingly defeated by Republican Warren Harding but the seeds are planted for Roosevelt's rise to greatness . In the beginning, he is portrayed as rather arrogant looked upon as a lightweight by opponents (they mock his initials FDR as standing for feather duster).
A mujaddid (), is an Islamic term for one who brings "renewal" ( tajdid) to the religion. According to the popular Muslim tradition, it refers to a person who appears at the turn of every century of the Islamic calendar to revive Islam, cleansing it of extraneous elements and restoring it to its pristine purity. In contemporary times, a mujaddid is looked upon as the greatest Muslim of a century. The concept is based on a hadith (a saying of Islamic prophet Muhammad),Neal Robinson (2013), Islam: A Concise Introduction, Routledge, , Chapter 7, pp.
They "...were looked upon as bloodthirsty savages, who inhabited a tract of hills covered with almost impenetrable jungle, the climate of which was considered so deadly as to make it impossible for a white man to live there" (Playfair 1909: 76-77). The Garo had the reputation of being fierce headhunters, the social status of a man being decided by the number of heads he owned. In December 1872, the British sent battalions to Garo Hills to establish their control in the region. The attack was conducted from three sides – south, east, and west.
The other, that the group intended killing the police escort to provoke a military response. > "Treacy had stated to me that the only way of starting a war was to kill > someone, and we wanted to start a war, so we intended to kill some of the > police whom we looked upon as the foremost and most important branch of the > enemy forces ... The only regret that we had following the ambush was that > there were only two policemen in it, instead of the six we had > expected."History Ireland, May 2007, p.56.
In 1707, the bell tower was crowned with an onion dome. In 1857, the city council of Mulhouse decided to replace the place of worship, which had come to be looked upon as dilapidated, by a new building. The city architect Schacre, who had already constructed the main synagogue of the city and the Catholic St. Stephen's Church, designed a church in the neo-Gothic style with a simple, rectangular ground plan without a transept and choir. In contrast to the long Catholic church, it was a squat, but very wide building.
His "Syntagma" or collection of Acts of the First Nicene Council has hitherto been looked upon as the work of a sorry compiler; recent investigations, however, point to its being of some importance. It is divided into three books:Labbe, II, 117-296. book I treats of the Life of Constantine down to 323; book II of History of the Council in thirty-six chapters; of book III only fragments have been published. The whole of book III was discovered by Cardinal Mai in the Ambrosian Library, and its contents are fully described by Oehler.
1912 Summer Olympics Leander was founded on the Tideway in 1818 or 1819 by members of the old "Star" and "Arrow" Clubs and membership was at first limited to sixteen.Sport, ancient and modern: Pastimes, A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 2: General pp. 283-292. Date accessed: 8 October 2008 "The Star" and "the Arrow" clubs died out sometime in the 1820s and Leander itself was in full swing by 1825. By 1830 it was looked upon as a well-known and long-established boat club.
In the heyday of her success, the coming out of one of her books was looked upon as an event by her readers, and it was thought nothing remarkable to strike off an edition of 10,000 copies on the first appearance of a story whose title page bore the name of Madeline Leslie. Annual sales varied from 250,000 to 500,000. Most of Baker's books were tales for Sunday-school and general reading. They attained great popularity, and several were republished in England, and were translated into German, French and Bohemian.
An unsuccessful campaign was waged against the Brent's enclosure during the 1870s and the townspeople presented a petition to the Court of Common Council. Among other things, the petition held that a portion of the Brent had been used as the town cricket ground throughout the whole period of living memory; while the whole area had been "constantly resorted to for all sorts of past times and has been looked upon as the recreation ground of Dartford".A brief history of the Brent, Dartford Cricket Club. Archived 2004-10-04.
The Times, 25 June 1891 At the start, there were signs that it might be a quiet campaign. The Times declared that 'it will be hard for either party to infuse any real fighting spirit into it'. The choice of Mr Kettle, it declared, 'is not looked upon as providing a strong candidate whose selection indicates confidence and determination'. Hammond, on the other hand, was 'regarded as a half-hearted Nationalist, a mild specimen of the patriot who was on too good terms with the minority to be implicitly trusted in the day of trial'.
Hasslacher was born in Coblenz. His youth was somewhat tempestuous. As a medical student in the university in Bonn, in 1831, he identified himself with the German student movement, which was looked upon as revolutionary; and he was compelled, in consequence, to undergo seven years confinement in Berlin, Magdeburg, and Ehrenbreitstein. During these years he underwent a spiritual change, and in particular, by studying the Church Fathers, stirred his mind with theological knowledge; after his liberation he entered, in the spring of 1840, the novitiate of the Society of Jesus, at Saint-Acheul, France.
2002, p. 18" "This little dog was found by me in the Palace of Yuan-Ming-Yuan near Pekin on the 6th of October 1860. It is supposed to have belonged to either the Empress, or one of the ladies of the Imperial Family. It is a most affectionate and intelligent little creature – it has always been accustomed to being treated as a pet and it was with the hope that it might be looked upon as such by Her Majesty and the Royal Family that I have brought it from China.
Kaoru Sugimura is a 17-year-old virgin who has an S&M; fetish. He has always dreamt about an SM relationship with his childhood friend and next-door neighbor Nana Chigusa, who is looked upon as perfect and is always the target of boys' eyes. Their relationship has somewhat deteriorated through the years, due to them hanging out with different people and because Kaoru is not taking his education too seriously. Nana has become very stressed at school, that a teacher suggests she find a way to relax.
The Indian model holds that socialism cannot be achieved through the State apparatus. One of its rationales stated that "If the State is looked upon as the sole agent for social reconstruction, we get nothing but a regimented society in which the State is all powerful and popular initiative is extinct and the individual is made a cog in a vast inhuman machine." Indian socialism became aligned with the Gandhian principle that right outcomes would only be achieved through the right means. Overall, it has clear links to traditional Indian thought and philosophical traditions.
Sexual harassment is defined as, when any verbal, non-verbal or physical action is used to change a victim's sexual status against the will of the victim and resulting in the victim feeling inferior or hurting the victim's dignity. Man and woman are looked upon as equal, and any action trying to change the balance in status with the differences in sex as a tool, is also sexual harassment. In the workplace, jokes, remarks, etc., are only deemed discriminatory if the employer has stated so in their written policy.
She is the Goddess of Disorder and Being, whereas her sister Aneris (called the equivalent of Harmonia by the Mythics of Harmonia) is the goddess of Order and Non-Being. Their brother is Spirituality. Discordian Eris is looked upon as a foil to the preoccupation of western philosophy in attempting find order in the chaos of reality, in prescribing order to be synonymous with truth. Discordian Eris teaches us that the only truth is chaos, and that order and disorder are simply temporary filters applied to the lenses we view the chaos through.
A number of typical hero and demi-gods found their place in the ancestry claimed by the later Cholas in the long typical genealogies incorporated into the copper-plate charters and stone inscription of the tenth and eleventh centuries. The earliest version of this is found in the kilbil Plates which gives fifteen names before Chola including the genuinely historical ones of Karikala, Perunarkilli and Kocengannan. The Thiruvalangadu Plate swells this list to forty-four, and the Kanya Plate runs up to fifty-two. The Cholas were looked upon as descended from the sun.
As a satirical utopia, Erewhon has sometimes been compared to Gulliver's Travels (1726), a classic novel by Jonathan Swift; the image of Utopia in this latter case also bears strong parallels with the self-view of the British Empire at the time. It can also be compared to the William Morris novel, News from Nowhere. Erewhon satirises various aspects of Victorian society, including criminal punishment, religion and anthropocentrism. For example, according to Erewhonian law, offenders are treated as if they were ill, whereas ill people are looked upon as criminals.
Writing in The Green Man Review, John O'Regan called Celtic Folkweave a "seminal" album, often looked upon as "a predecessor to The Bothy Band." O'Regan praised the mixture of Irish, Scottish, and English ballads: On the Ceol Álainn web site, dedicated to rare recordings of traditional Irish music, Dragut Reis called Celtic Folkweave an "excellent album" and a precursor to Ó Dhomhnaill's work with The Bothy Band and Nightnoise. Reis found the production "adequate", but not up to the standard of the material he would produce a year later for The Bothy Band.
This term is also used in Kenya and it is used to refer to groups of people related to the Akamba people. The Kwavi of Tanzania are not basically a separate ethnic group per se but a people within an ethnic group who have a particular occupation. Wakwavi are basically pastoral but do also have elements of agricultural, as such, they are a sedentary people with a heavy bias to pastoralism. Wakwavi of Tanzania were looked upon as being Gogo people with whom they shared the same language.
Two years after his ordination to the Catholic priesthood in 1407, the community accepted the Rule of St. Augustine. He was chosen to be the first prior of the community. Lawrence promoted the Constitutions which had been established for the Canons of St. George, which was embraced by other communities of Canons in the region and shortly thereafter he became the Prior General of a Congregation. He was so zealous in spreading it that he was looked upon as if he were the actual founder of the Order.
In 1714 the question of finding the longitude at sea, which had been looked upon as an important one for several years, was brought into prominence by a petition presented to the House of Commons by a number of captains of Her Majesty's ships and merchant ships and of London merchants. The petition was referred to a committee of the House, who called witnesses. Newton appeared before them and gave evidence. He stated that for determining the longitude at sea there had been several projects, true in theory but difficult to execute.
Despite trying to deal with her trainees in a strict manner, Stevens is looked upon as unprofessional by the interns she was assigned to. Her image is further deteriorated when she decides to abandon her hospital duties, in order to perform surgery on a deer, once again letting her emotional involvement interfere with her career. Meredith and Shepherd discuss the repercussions of their breakup, and realize that they cannot reconcile. However, the two engage in sexual intercourse, as a manner to express their mutual feelings for the last time.
The station was heard in Sweden, southern Finland and parts of eastern Europe. Radio Nord programming was inspired by Gordon McLendon of Dallas who had developed many radio formats. While he was not the inventor of top 40 radio, he is looked upon as an owner of American radio stations who then somewhat refined it. Part of the McLendon style was to use jingles and they became a part of Radio Nord programming in addition to many commercials for products and services that had links to American companies.
Upon his installment, Capen was looked upon as a nationally known education expert. At his presidential inauguration, Capen expressed his philosophy of equal access to education. "I do not hold with those who would limit the number of college students on the basis of any distinctions of race or sex or creed or social standing. There is but one justifiable basis on which a university in a democratic community such as this can choose those who are to become members of it, the basis of ability," he said.
In contemporary times, the president is also looked upon as one of the world's most powerful political figures as the leader of the only remaining global superpower. As the leader of the nation with the largest economy by nominal GDP, the president possesses significant domestic and international hard and soft power. Article II of the Constitution establishes the executive branch of the federal government and vests the executive power in the president. The power includes the execution and enforcement of federal law and the responsibility to appoint federal executive, diplomatic, regulatory, and judicial officers.
Beginning in 1075, he became involved in the campaign against lay investiture being waged by Pope Gregory VII against the Emperor Henry IV. He was looked upon as a mediator in the dispute. He was, however, unable to maintain the peace, but still worked at a resolution. In August 1077, he negotiated a reconciliation between emperor and pope and maintained his own good terms with the Holy See. In March 1078, he received a letter from the pope asking him to work further for the establishment of peace.
Individual regions within an miRNA gene face different evolutionary pressures, where regions that are vital for processing and function have higher levels of conservation. At this point, a microRNA is rarely lost from an animal's genome, although newer microRNAs (thus presumably non-functional) are frequently lost. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the net flux of miRNA genes has been predicted to be between 1.2 and 3.3 genes per million years. This makes them a valuable phylogenetic marker, and they are being looked upon as a possible solution to outstanding phylogenetic problems such as the relationships of arthropods.
9, § 1 [Ananus]), as well as the fact that in the post-Maccabean period the high priest was looked upon as exercising in all things, political, legal, and sacerdotal, the supreme authority, shows it to be almost certain that the presidency of the Sanhedrin was vested in the high priest (see Isidore Loeb in "R. E. J." 1889, xix. 188–201; Jelski, "Die Innere Einrichtung des Grossen Synhedrions", pp. 22–28, according to whom the Nasi was the high priest, while the Av Beth Din was a Pharisaic tanna).
Aberle is commonly looked upon as an experienced cultural anthropologist who studied the American Southwest, which is represented by his work The Peyote Religion Among the Navaho. Aberle examined kinship and religious practices among the Navaho and Proto-Athapaskan speaking communities of Alaska. Aberle's work The Peyote Religion Among the Navaho shows how the economic and political forces at play in the Navaho culture reflects the everyday operation of cultural practices, religion, and ways in each Navaho community. These factors represent the different religious movements at play during his research time within this cultural community.
He spent the rest of his life in exile in Smyrna in Asia Minor. His defeat and ensuing ruin were looked upon as a punishment for his sacrilegious theft. Strabo distances himself from this account, arguing that the defeated Gauls were in no position to carry off such spoils, and that, in any case, Delphi had already been despoiled of its treasure by the Phocians during the Third Sacred War in the previous century. However, Brennus' legendary pillage of Delphi is presented as fact by some popular modern historians.
32 This prediction proved correct: few British writers had first- hand experience of the US, and his articles about life in New York brought him higher than usual fees.Jasen, pp. 32–33 He later recalled that "in 1904 anyone in the London writing world who had been to America was regarded with awe and looked upon as an authority on that terra incognita.... After that trip to New York I was a man who counted.... My income rose like a rocketing pheasant."Wodehouse, Over Seventy, p. 38 Wodehouse's other new venture in 1904 was writing for the stage.
F. J. White, with an established position in the local community, involved himself more and more developing the services of Armidale and district, particularly the Pastoral and Agricultural Society, the Hospital and the local schools. After the death in 1903 of his uncle, Frederick Robert White of Boolooming, he was called upon to play an even more prominent role. Whilst he avoided what he looked upon as unnecessary show and the time wasting entertainment, his wife was called upon to deputise for him in official duties. Saumarez homestead was known for its hospitality and country entertainment centred on its tennis courts, golf course.
Because of the difficulties involved in determining the difference between language and dialect, other terms have been proposed. These include vernacular, lect,, cited in regionalect, topolect, and variety. Most Chinese people consider the spoken varieties as one single language because speakers share a common culture and history, as well as a shared national identity and a common written form. To Chinese nationalists, the idea of Chinese as a language family may suggest that the Chinese identity is much more fragmented and disunified than their belief and as such is often looked upon as culturally and politically provocative.
Formal marriages are arranged through two or three stages of negotiation, but although arranged by parents or guardians, the marriage of a boy and a girl totally unknown to each other, would be very rare. Formal marriages amongst them appear to have been influenced to a great extent by the practice of such marriages amongst their neighbors in the valley. It is now common for the educated and the well-to-do parents to perform the marriages of their children in the formal way. Polygamy is permissible as per customary law, but it is not looked upon as an act of honor anymore.
Alexander Majors, one of the original operators of the Pony Express, had religious convictions and required certain principles be held that he related to the Christian Bible. Examples were not to swear in public or drink intoxicating alcoholic beverages and that each rider was to honor Sunday as a day of rest. Initially the Pony Express riders were issued certain pieces of equipment to carry, which included a bowie knife, and the Pony Express Bible. Later, most of this hardware was abandoned because it was too heavy to carry and looked upon as extra unnecessary items for their journey.
Keymer 2003 p. 144 Physician William Battie—who later treated Smart—wrote: > [we] find that Madness is, contrary to the opinion of some unthinking > persons, as manageable as many other distempers, which are equally dreadful > and obstinate, and yet are not looked upon as incurable, and that such > unhappy objects ought by no means to be abandoned, much less shut up in > loathsome prisons as criminals or nuisances to the society.Battie 1758 p. 93 In particular, Battie defined madness as "deluded imagination".Mounsey 2001 p. 209 However, he was attacked by other physicians, such as John Monro, who worked at Bethlem Hospital.
Many rabbis in the Geonic era (after the close of the Talmud, early medieval period) discussed the varying Talmudic and midrashic views on astrology. One responsum takes a middle view: Otzar HaGeonim 113, concludes that astrology has some reality, in that the stars give a person certain inclinations; however each person has the ability to overcome their own inclinations, and thus maintains free will. Astrology was practised by some Jews throughout the Middle Ages, both as a professional art and as a science. Coming from the East, Jews were sometimes looked upon as heirs and successors of the Chaldeans.
Mary F. Bednarowski, reviewing Saliba's Understanding New Religious Movements in the Journal of Ecumenical Studies, described the book as "a significant contribution to conversations about this too-frequently- contentious subject", noting that "the author attributes to the study of new religions the complexity it deserves" and that "his overall contention is that it is more profitable to study new religions constructively than belligerently. New religions, says Saliba, should be looked upon as 'both partners and rivals in the religious quest'."Bednarowski, Mary F. "Understanding New Religious Movements", Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Volume: 35, Issue: 3-4, p. 529, Gale Group 1998.
Elders are looked upon as being an inspiration to believers and an example of saintly virtue, steadfast faith, and spiritual peace. Elders are not appointed by any authority; they are simply recognized by the faithful as being people "of the Spirit". An elder, when not in prayer or in voluntary seclusion, receives visitors (some who travel very far) and spends time conversing with them, offering a blessing (if the elder is an ordained cleric) and confession, and praying. People often petition the elder for intercessionary prayers, believing that the prayer of an elder is particularly effective.
Lange finished his career on October 15, 1899, having announced a few days earlier his intention to retire after the season. His team played a doubleheader that day, winning 7-0 against the St. Louis Perfectos, then losing to the Louisville Colonels later that day in a game shortened by darkness. He retired from the game at age 28, during the prime of his career, so he could marry a woman whose father forbade her to marry a baseball player. In the eyes of the 19th century public, baseball players were popular, but were often looked upon as low class.
The Vallumbrosans do not, strictly speaking, form a separate order, but a Benedictine congregation, though they are not united to the confederated congregations of the Black Monks. The oldest extant manuscript of the customs of Vallombrosa shows a close relationship with those of Cluny. The Vallumbrosans should be regarded only as Benedictines who followed the customs observed at that time by the Black Benedictines throughout Europe. "Horror of simony was a special bond between them and Cluny, and it was only special circumstances which caused them later to be looked upon as a peculiar institute within the Benedictine order".
In this charge, Cardigan formed up his unit and charged the length of the Valley of the Balaclava, under fire from Russian batteries in the hills. The charge of the Light Brigade caused 278 casualties of the 700-man unit. The Light Brigade was memorialised in the famous poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "The Charge of the Light Brigade". Although traditionally the charge of the Light Brigade was looked upon as a glorious but wasted sacrifice of good men and horses, recent historians say that the charge of the Light Brigade did succeed in at least some of its objectives.
Typically an East Asian male, he is a near-invincible master of the martial arts, despite being advanced in age and presumably having a decrease in physical strength. Often he possesses the rank of sensei and is referred to as such by his student. The elderly master most often teaches either generic kung fu or an exotic style specific to the fictional period (see List of fictional martial arts). During the films, the master often becomes close with their student, with the master becoming a guardian figure to the trainee, who is, in turn, looked upon as the master's child.
He designed and constructed the head works of the Menufia Canal, downstream of the Delta Barrage, the Esna Barrage downstream of Aswan, and effected large- scale improvements to Alexandria Harbour. But even in the 1910s, the propagation of many of these schemes for the development of Egypt aroused much controversy. One expert commission after another was set up to examine the projects and investigate the criticisms of them, and it was in this connection that MacDonald prepared a detailed report entitled Nile Control, which is looked upon as an early valuable guide to the effective water resource management of the Nile.
Following her musical career, Wain worked with Baruch as a husband-and-wife disc jockey team in New York on WMCA, where they were billed as "Mr. and Mrs. Music". An article in the May 1945 issue of Radio Best magazine noted, "In the trade she is looked upon as an accurate picker of hits and is a favorite song plugger of tunesmiths like Cole Porter, Johnny Mercer, Harold Arlen and Harry Warren." In 1973, the couple moved to Palm Beach, Florida, where for nine years they had a top-rated daily four-hour talk show from 2 p.m.
The buzuq (; also transliterated bozuq, bouzouk, buzuk etc.) is a long-necked fretted lute related to the Greek bouzouki and Turkish saz. It is an essential instrument in the Rahbani repertoire, but it is not classified among the classical instruments of Arab or Turkish music. However, this instrument may be looked upon as a larger and deeper-toned relative of the saz, to which it could be compared in the same way as the viola to the violin in Western music. Before the Rahbanis popularized the use of this instrument, the buzuq had been associated with the music of Lebanon and Syria.
They both were looked upon as neglectful parents as they were never really around their children and instead either going out shopping, out to the gym, working or out to dinner with just themselves alone. This episode also included The Bradleys, a New Jersey rural farm family with low income, the complete opposite of The Spolanskys. For their hundredth episode on March 13, 2009, the U.S. version selected 24 families to participate in a contest to reswap. Viewers voting in October 2008 picked the artistic/psychic Silver family of Florida and the storm- chasing/UFO-hunting Heenes of Colorado.
A popular form of theater during this time was the minstrel show, which featured white (and sometimes, especially after the Civil War, black) actors dressed in "blackface (painting one's face, etc. with dark makeup to imitate the coloring of an African or African American)." The players entertained the audience using comic skits, parodies of popular plays and musicals, and general buffoonery and slapstick comedy, all with heavy utilization of racial stereotyping and racist themes. Throughout the 19th century, theater culture was associated with hedonism and even violence; actors (especially women) were looked upon as little better than prostitutes.
Gut loading is designed to increase the nutrition of the prey's body and to fill the digestive tract of the prey with nutrients. As the term suggests, gut loading is usually looked upon as a way to get essential nutrients into a reptile via the ingestion of the digestive tract of the prey. The two methods of nutrient uptake are important due to the ability of the prey to process nutrients into a digestible form for the predator. For example, most prey can digest complex carbohydrates into other forms of nutritional energy which the predator can use.
A third force, the National Guard (later known as the National and Nomad Guard), which had at least 3,501 members, provided security for officials, government buildings, and regional government posts. Except for the small number of nomad guards, the army and other security components continued to be composed primarily of members from southern ethnic groups, especially Sara. Little effort was made to enlist northerners, who, in spite of their reputation as fierce warriors, were not attracted to the professional army. Consequently, southern troops stationed in Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti Prefecture were looked upon as an army of occupation.
Directness being his hallmark, just six months after becoming Defence Minister Howe said that those who dodged national service ought to be looked upon as "pariah" in the community. Howe relinquished his defence post to become the Minister for Health from 1982 to 1984. There, Howe became best remembered by Singaporeans for his controversial proposal in 1984 to raise the age for the withdrawal of Central Provident Fund (CPF) savings from 55 to 60 years. At a news conference on 26 March 1984, Howe reasoned that Singaporeans could not depend only on their children in their old age.
On the other hand, he can withdraw from circulation no more than what he has thrown into it in the shape of commodities. The more he produces, the more he is able to sell. Hard work, saving, and avarice are, therefore, his three cardinal virtues, and to sell much and buy little the sum of his political economy.' Marx discussed what he saw as the specific nature of the greed of capitalists thusly: > Use-values must therefore never be looked upon as the real aim of the > capitalist; neither must the profit on any single transaction.
The different sorts of airs, such as putrid airs or inflammable air, were looked upon as atmospheric air with some impurities, much like muddied water. After Joseph Black realized that carbon dioxide was in fact a different sort of gas altogether from atmospheric air, other gases were identified, including hydrogen by Henry Cavendish in 1766. Alessandro Volta expanded the list with his discovery of methane in 1776. It had also been known for a long time that inflammable gases could be produced from most combustible materials, such as coal and wood, through the process of distillation.
" Former Pinellas County Republican Party Chairman Tony DiMatteo said that Crist was more likely to receive a primary challenge to if he ran for the Senate because: "In Tallahassee, there's a conservative Republican Legislature to balance the governor... A lot of people around the state feel the same way I do. We didn't leave Charlie; Charlie left us." Conversely, Republican consultant Adam Goodman said: "He's looked upon as such a popular and compelling figure that the sky's the limit. There are always going to be people to his right and to his left both in the party and in general.
Birth control to some was looked upon as a crime, while others had a different mindset about maintaining a sense of control regarding the number of babies that entered the world. Though we only know very little about Sarah B. Chase, she was one of the first woman leaders in the black market for birth control, and her success enabled others to take a stand. For instance, Margaret Sanger fought against legal impediments to reproductive rights in the 1920s. By having a change in society, Comstock decided to take the next step in seeking to have certain laws passed.
They gave him all the aid in their power and even helped him in demolishing the castle of Thurso East which Glenorchy had taken possession of. The common people were also friendly towards Sinclair of Keiss, while Glenorchy was looked upon as an usurper who had taken advantage of the necessities of the late Earl and had cheated him out of his title and property. The Privy Council passed an Act on 11 November 1679 charging "haill kin, friends and followers of John, Earl of Caithness, to concuurr and assist" in recovering the lands that were in dispute.
Following this line of thought, Branko Fučić has in 1953, publishing Plomin tablet for the first time, formed an alternative theory according to which the relief > ...should be looked upon as a primitive provincial work of Late Antique > (either pagan or Christian), or as an early Romanesque work, which after the > period of wattle ornamentation reintroduces human figure into sculptural > works. At any case, the connections of monument with the Late Antique > plastics are beyond any doubt. They represent either the very much alive > Antique tradition, or the imitation of the medieval carver of some Antique > template.Branko Fučić, 1963, Izvještaj, o.c. p.
Although at the time he was widely derided by the press, Bobby Robson is now looked upon as one of England's more successful managers. He started badly on a public relations front by not telling captain Kevin Keegan that he would not be calling him into his first squad. Keegan heard the news via the media, aired his disgust and retired from the international game. On the pitch, Robson's England failed to make the final stages of the 1984 European Championships, their hopes of qualification effectively ended in the autumn of 1983 when they lost 1–0 to Denmark at Wembley.
Latent demand: At any given time it is impossible to have a set of services that offer total satisfaction to all the needs and wants of society. In the market there exists a gap between desirables and the availables. There is always a search on for better and newer offers to fill the gap between desirability and availability. Latent demand is a phenomenon of any economy at any given time, it should be looked upon as a business opportunity by service firms and they should orient themselves to identify and exploit such opportunities at the right time.
London-born Saeed claims to be a Cockney but is looked upon as Asian by everyone in Walford. Inexperienced and naive, he took over the family business (the corner shop at 71 Bridge Street) when his parents retired to their native Bangladesh. Although his father was well liked in the community, Saeed is seen as an outsider, particularly by Lou Beale (Anna Wing), who regularly comments that he doesn't belong or know how to take care of his customers. Saeed is unhappy in his arranged marriage to his unwilling wife, Naima (Shreela Ghosh), who shares a flat with him at 47B Albert Square.
But the tide of greater spiritual reform was sweeping the country, and by 1892, Jastrow was looked upon as a conservative and dismissed. The Pittsburgh Conference of 1885, presided over by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, had settled upon a group of eight principles that defined Reform Judaism until 1937. This platform rejected the atavistic elements of Mosaic law, including dietary restrictions and special garments; it accepted modern science, preached the need to teach morality, defined Judaism as a religion rather than a nationality, rejected Zionism, welcomed all faiths in a rational, ecumenical fraternity, and affirmed the need for social justice and social action.
New York: Oxford University Press However, in modern times the explanation and general understanding of Hawa have shifted and are deeply debated. Her status as the first woman in the world is relevant since she is looked upon as the model for her sex and Allah's archetype of a woman. Today both traditional and modernist thinkers look to Hawa either to support or deny their argument regarding the equality of women in the religion. Specifically, those with a traditionalist view believe in the hadith and the interpretation that Hawa was created from one of Adam's crooked ribs.
Muñoz Rivera entered public life as San Juan Mayor Felisa Rincón's right-hand man, serving as her Special Assistant, Auditor and Budget Director for the City of San Juan. Elected on the Popular Democratic Party of Puerto Rico slate of delegates to Puerto Rico's Constitutional Convention, he participated actively in the drafting of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico between 1951 and 1952. Subsequently, as an attorney, he was looked upon as an important source of guidance for constitutional interpretation. He served as a member of the Senate of Puerto Rico from 1965 to 1968.
Breaking away from the centuries-old norm, He openly propagated the teachings of his Guru to all, and these methods and principles are applicable to and adaptable by people of any and all religions. Love is the objective of all Spiritual Methods. In this school 'Love' is mingled in all its methods. The central focus is on the Spiritual Master, who is looked upon as a father/ mother figure by all and who by Soul -Power uplifts the aspirants and makes them experience the higher stages of spirituality without aspirants having to make effort for it on their own.
After the courts ruled in favor of the National Football League Players Association, a new form of free agency was briefly instituted in 1976. Fugett signed as a free agent with the Washington Redskins and was looked upon as the replacement of former All-Pro Jerry Smith. He was named the starter over Smith, finishing with 27 receptions (tied for third on the team) for 334 yards (third on the team) and 6 receiving touchdowns (led the team). In 1977, he led the team with 36 receptions for 631 yards, a 17.5-yard average and 5 touchdowns.
Sexpartite vaulting, Lyon Cathedral In architecture, a sexpartite vault is a rib vault divided into six bays by two diagonal ribs and three transverse ribs. The principal examples are those in the Abbaye-aux-Hommes and Abbaye- aux-Dames at Caen (which were probably the earliest examples of a construction now looked upon as transitional), Notre-Dame de Paris, and the cathedrals of Bourges, Laon, Noyon, Senlis and Sens; from the latter cathedral the sexpartite vault was brought by William of Sens to Canterbury, and it is afterwards found at Lincoln and in St Faith's Chapel,Saint Faith's Chapel - Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey.
But Turgot's worst enemy was the poor harvest of 1774, which led to a slight rise in the price of bread in the winter and early spring of 1774–1775. In April disturbances arose at Dijon, and early in May there occurred those extraordinary bread-riots known as the guerre des farines, which may be looked upon as a first sample of the French Revolution, so carefully were they organized. Turgot showed great firmness and decision in repressing the riots, and was loyally supported by the king throughout. His position was strengthened by the entry of Malesherbes into the ministry (July 1775).
This date is looked upon as the official anniversary of the marines. In February 1946 a second BIM General Rafael Urdaneta was raised at Puerto Cabello and the original BIM became the 1st battalion and was then moved to Marquetia. Marine headquarters was then located in Caracas. The third Battalion Mariscal Antonio Jose de Sucre was then formed up in 1958 at Carupano, the very same year the Marines became a full command of the Navy. In the late 1970s the Amphibious Assault Company, equipped with LVTP-7s and the Marine Anti-Aircraft Artillery Company, equipped with M42 Dusters, were raised.
His father apprenticed Phelan to learn a trade, manufacturing jewelry. But after attaining the age of majority, and having married (circa 1837), Phelan was determined to adopt the billiards business for a livelihood. As his father had previously died, Phelan became an attendant at a billiard room. By 1850, Phelan had come to be looked upon as the most expert and scientific player in the country; and in the same year he prepared a work entitled "Billiards Without a Master," which enjoyed a large sale, and was the first book published in the US on the science, etiquette, and game rules of billiards.
Shawe was present at the coronation (23 April 1661). On 9 June Sir Edward Nicholas despatched a royal mandate (dated 8 June) inhibiting him from preaching at Holy Trinity, Hull. Shawe went up to London and was introduced to the king by Edward Montagu, 2nd Earl of Manchester. Charles declined to remove the inhibition, but allowed him to retain his mastership, and promised to provide for him as his chaplain, Shawe then saw Sheldon, who explained that he was looked upon as a clerical leader in the north, and as no great friend to episcopacy or the Book of Common Prayer.
Looked upon as an established minor-league veteran, Fairchild was then signed by the Colorado Avalanche in 2000. Fairchild was assigned to AHL affiliate, the Hershey Bears, for the most part of two seasons but played in 10 Avalanche games and scoring his first 2, and only, goals in the 2001–02 season. After totaling just 34 NHL games, Kelly left North America when he signed with Eisbären Berlin of the German DEL in 2002. After a prolific first season in the DEL with Berlin, Fairchild was unexpectedly chosen to the United States team to participate in the 2003 World Championships in Finland.
Many modern writers have sought to reduce her share in the introduction of this terrible institution, but it must be remembered that Isabella herself probably considered it a meritorious action to punish with inhuman barbarity those whom she looked upon as the enemies of the Almighty. In 1480, two Dominicans were appointed by her, as Inquisitors, to set up their tribunal at Seville. Before the end of the year 1481, 2,000 victims were burned alive in Andalusia alone. The Pope himself became alarmed and threatened to withdraw the bull, but Ferdinand intimated that he would make the Inquisition altogether an independent tribunal.
This option was rejected with the formation of NATO and the decision to permanently station troops in Europe. In the summer of 1951 Project Vista started, in which project analysts such as Robert F. Christy looked at how to defend Western Europe from a Soviet invasion. The emerging development of tactical nuclear weapons were looked upon as a means to give Western forces a qualitative advantage over the Soviet numerical supremacy in conventional weapons.Project Vista, Caltech, and the dilemmas of Lee DuBridge Several scares about the increasing ability of the Soviet Union's strategic bomber forces surfaced during the 1950s.
The Zirid Taifa of Granada was a Jewish state in all but name; the Muslim king is looked upon as a mainly symbolic figurehead. It was the center of Jewish Sephardi culture and scholarship. When Joseph took over after his father's death, he proved to lack his father's diplomacy, bringing on the 1066 Granada massacre, which ended the Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain. By the end of the 11th century, the city had spread across the Darro to reach the hill of the future Alhambra, and included the Albaicín neighborhood (now a World Heritage site).
Unequipped or "raw" (often styled as RAW) or classic powerlifting has been codified in response to the proliferation and advancement of bench shirts and squat/deadlift suits. The AAU first began its raw division in 1994 and the term "raw" was coined by Al Siegal who later formed the ADAU in 1996. The 100% RAW federation was founded in 1999; within a decade, many established federations came to recognize "raw" divisions in addition to their traditional (open) divisions permitting single-ply or multi-ply equipment. RAW during this time frame however was looked upon as a beginners stage by the elite lifters in powerlifting.
Richard Carnes of Resident Advisor felt that "Going Thru Life"'s "lolloping piano riff" showcases the duo's "visceral approach to music making." He also considered that the Ride material - included as the album's second side - "should really be looked upon as a different entity to the first half", as it features a "darker and more vocal-led direction to their first EP." He added that Ride "could easily slot into a set of contemporary techno." A "low-slung house" track, "School Hall" alludes to the high school parties were Lewis and Sanders were introduced to house music. "Never Want To Lose You" has been referred to as "jacking balladry".
Frampton's own losses must have been large; but wider interest was excited by the match, which was looked upon as a struggle between the north and south of England. Several estates changed hands after the event, and many gentlemen were ruined. James Christie Whyte's History of British Turf attributes to the scale of these losses the passing of the Act of Parliament forbidding the legal recovery of any sum due for bets above £10. Frampton, in need of money, made over the family estate, to which he had succeeded on the death of his brother William in 1689, to his cousin Giles Frampton, the next heir, in consideration of £5,000.
A subsequent book, The Proactionary Imperative by Fuller and Lipinska attempts to make the proactionary principle fundamental to transhumanism as a world-view, stressing the principle's interpretation of risk as an opportunity rather than a threat.Steve Fuller, Veronika Lipinska, The Proactionary Imperative: A Foundation for Transhumanism, Palgrave Macmillan 2014 In theory, sufficient study of the variables of any proposed course of action may yield acceptable levels of predictability. In this regard the proactionary principle can be looked upon as the philosophical formulation of the accepted mathematical principles of extrapolation and the logical principles of induction. However, the proactionary principle argues that "sufficient study" may in some cases be impractical.
The mansion house of Parke is today the headquarters of Dartmoor National Park in the parish of Bovey Tracey, Devon, was an English lawyer and philanthropist.'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 6 June 1657', Journal of the House of Commons: volume 7: 1651-1660 (1802), pp. 548-549. url. Date accessed: 22 June 2008. In 1632 he transferred his lands into a trust intended for "pious uses", from which charitable action and in order to distinguish him from his many prominent relations, he became known to posterity as "Pious Uses Hele", which his biographer Prince looked upon "as a more honourable appellation than the greatest empty title".
Tidball later wrote, "The thought suggested itself to me to sound taps instead, which I did. The idea was taken up by others, until in a short time it was adopted by the entire army and is now looked upon as the most appropriate and touching part of a military funeral." As Tidball proudly proclaimed, "Battery A has the honor of having introduced this custom into the service, and it is worthy of historical note."John C. Tidball, "Second U.S. Artillery", November 21, 1890, Papers re Second U.S. Artillery, M 727, entry 64, Records of the Office of the Adjutant General, RG, NA, 14–15.
In his inscription, Bhaskaravarman is said to have revealed the light of Aryan religion Aryadharma in his kingdom by dispelling the accumulated darkness of the Kali age. It is not sure that here also can detect a particular reference to the Law of Buddha. It may be that Arya Dharma meant the Buddhist or Brahmanic tenets as opposed to the tribal beliefs of the numerous Tibeto-Burman tribes who lived in the country. Bhaskaravarman and his predecessors were Saivas and not Buddhists or Jainas and, being also regarded as good Kshattriyas, they were naturally looked upon as the patrons and protectors of the Brahmans.
In politics he was originally a Republican, and was a delegate to the national convention of the party in 1880, and chairman of its finance committee. In 1884, however, he supported Grover Cleveland for the presidency, and came to be looked upon as a Democrat. In 1892 President Cleveland, after his second election, offered Gage the post of secretary of the treasury, but Gage declined the offer. In the free-silver campaign of 1896, Gage labored effectively for the election of Republican candidate William McKinley, and from March 1897 until January 1902 he served as Secretary of the Treasury in the cabinets successively of Presidents McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.
He was summonsed to the House of Lords to explain the fine imposed on the Earl of Devonshire, which was said to be a violation of the principles of Magna Carta and of the privileges of the peers. He asked the pardon of the House, saying that he had been misled by some books that he looked upon as authorities. Powell built and lived at Broadway Mansion in Laugharne Broadway Mansion Antiquities of Laughane & Pendine by Mary Curtis (1870) and died in Exeter on 7 September 1696.. There is a memorial tablet in St Martin's Church, Laugharne where he was buried POWELL, Sir JOHN (1633-1696) Lawyer and Judge Prof.
His principal objection to the latter practice was that "Mourning tends to perpetuate unhappy and false views of death...Death ought to be looked upon as at least as much of a heavenly boon to the beloved one, as a source of bitter pain to ourselves.". His teaching was based upon a pure theism, without a miraculous element. While retaining belief in God, in prayer, and hope for life beyond death, Voysey denied the perfection of Jesus and the authority of the Bible. He would spend much of his remaining career publishing books, sermons, articles, and pamphlets criticising traditional Christian doctrines, and defending his version of theism against critics.
252–254 The committee consisted of Allen Young, C. Rivers Wilson, Thomas Ismay, and two or three naval officers. The committee noted that although traditionally the merchant navy was looked upon as a pool of trained sailors which could be called upon in wartime, the proportion of non-British sailors in British ships was steadily increasing. Moreover, that modern warships were becoming increasingly different from merchant ships, so it was felt a man could not simply be called from a merchantman and placed into a naval ship. A system of reserves was required where men received training and a retainer fee to be ready for war service when needed.
In 1968, when the Queenscliff line was still officially open, the Fyansford Cement Works Railway near Geelong was closed. The cement company donated all its steam rolling stock to preservation groups, and the Geelong division of the Australian Railway Historical Society (ARHS), which was still in its infancy, received two engines. While Drysdale station was looked upon as a preferred site, this proved difficult to arrange, and a temporary site at the Belmont Common was used. The Geelong division of the ARHS registered itself as the Geelong Steam Preservation Society in 1970 and it constructed and operated a small tourist railway, the Belmont Common Railway, on the Belmont Common.
As Bede recounts the meeting, when the Britons rejected his appeals, arguments, and demands, Augustine "put an end to this troublesome and tedious contention" by saying "'Let some infirm person be brought, and let the faith and practice of those, by whose prayers he shall be healed, be lookedupon as acceptable to God, and be adopted by all.'" A blind Briton was brought forward and, once Augustine's prayers had restored his sight to him, the British clerics "confessed that it was the true way of righteousness which Augustine taught but ... they could not depart from their ancient customs without the consent and leave of their people".
Prime Minister Maiwandwal resigns for health reasons, the king asking Abdullah Yaqta, Minister of State, to assume the premiership ad interim pending the formation of a new government. Maiwandwal's resignation is widely regretted, since he is looked upon as one of the main architects of the new Afghanistan. He successfully concluded the second five-year development plan and launched the third; he won national confidence in the 1964 constitution, which liberalized the political structure of the country; his visits abroad strengthened Afghanistan's international position and its traditional policy of friendship without involvement. He eased relations with Pakistan and gave a new impetus to the growth of trade between the two countries.
In 1899, Borno served as a diplomat in the Dominican Republic. In 1908, he served as Minister of Foreign Affairs for President Pierre Nord Alexis. The country of Haiti was looked upon as a strategically vital location by the United States at the onset of World War I. The U.S. had extended its influence throughout the Caribbean and Latin America following the construction of the Panama Canal by invoking the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. In 1914, the United States under President Woodrow Wilson presented a project for the control of customs and finances of Haiti, which was having increasing problems in repaying debts to the US and France.
"Music Videos Become Hits All Over Again", Financial Times, October 10, 2006. Blastro Networks remains independently owned and operated with major-label agreements that include Universal Music Group "Blastro Networks To Stream UMG Videos", Adotas, July 24, 2006. and Sony BMG. The company has also struck heavyweight distribution partnerships with Windows Media Guide and Verizon FiOS TV,"Blastro to Provide Verizon FiOS TV with Music Content Through New HD Video-On-Demand Channel" , Hip Hop Press, April 16, 2008. both of which feature the sites’ diverse catalogs of original content. Blastro Networks’ founders and employees are looked upon as experts in digital music, high- quality video and online strategy,Novikov, Alexey.
Favorites also are melons cut into circles with sherbet "hubs", or cookies shaped as spiked wheels with icing. Meanwhile, owing to several circumstances in his life, Nicholas of Myra was considered the patron of young bachelors and students, and Catherine became the patroness of young maidens and female students. Looked upon as the holiest and most illustrious of the virgins of Christ after the Blessed Virgin Mary, it was natural that she, of all others, should be worthy to watch over the virgins of the cloister and the young women of the world. The spiked wheel having become emblematic of the saint, wheelwrights and mechanics placed themselves under her patronage.
Boys are more prized in these regions because they are looked upon as having an economically productive future, while women are not. As parents grow older they can expect much more help and support from their independent sons, than from daughters, who post- marriage functionally become the property of their husbands' families. Even if these daughters are educated and generate significant income, they have limited ability to interact with their natal families. Women are also often practically unable to inherit real estate, so a mother-widow will lose her family's (in reality her late husband's) plot of land and become indigent if she had had only daughters.
The Bendix Corporation marketed three types of aircraft fuel systems under the Bendix-Stromberg name: : Low performance aircraft engines, and almost all aircraft engines produced before 1940 were typically equipped with conventional float-type carburetor that were not much different, except for size, than those found on automobiles or farm tractors of that time.Stromberg Aircraft carburetors p 16 : After 1938 high performance aircraft engines were equipped with floatless pressure carburetors, especially those engines used in combat aircraft. These carburetors were a big step forward in technology, and could be looked upon as mechanical counterparts of today's electronic fuel control computers. These floatless pressure carburetors are the topic of this article.
American periodical The Horseless Age wrote at the time "it is the impression (in the USA) that the race was very badly organized, that insufficient preparations had been made for it and that it must be looked upon as a failure". In a bid to address these concerns, the next two Gordon Bennett Cup races would be run in conjunction with another city-to-city event, which allowed the Gordon Bennett race to share resources with another race which didn't have limits on entry and hence had a much larger field of cars. The cup wouldn't be competed for in a standalone race again until the 1903 edition.
In this debate, women writers have addressed the issues of masculinized writing through male gendered language that may not serve to accommodate the literary understanding of women's lives. Such masculinized language that feminist theorists address is the use of, for example, "God the Father" which is looked upon as a way of designating the sacred as solely men (or, in other words, biblical language glorifies men through all of the masculine pronouns like "he" and "him" and addressing God as a "He"). Feminist theorists attempt to reclaim and redefine women through re-structuring language. For example, feminist theorists have used the term "womyn" instead of "women".
The Soloheadbeg Ambush, in County Tipperary, was led by Seán Treacy, Séumas Robinson, Seán Hogan and Dan Breen acting on their own initiative. The IRA attacked and shot two RIC officers, Constables James McDonnell and Patrick O'Connell, who were escorting explosives. Breen later recalled: > ...we took the action deliberately, having thought over the matter and > talked it over between us. Treacy had stated to me that the only way of > starting a war was to kill someone, and we wanted to start a war, so we > intended to kill some of the police whom we looked upon as the foremost and > most important branch of the enemy forces.
Almici was born at Brescia, of a noble family. He became a member of the Congregation of the Oratory at a very early age, and devoted himself to the study of theology, Greek, and Hebrew, the Bible, chronology, sacred and profane history, antiquities, criticism, diplomacy, and liturgy, and was held in much esteem for his great and wide learning. Amongst his contemporaries, he was regarded as an oracle upon many subjects, and is looked upon as one of the most celebrated theologians of his order. He has left critical reflections on the work of Febronius's De Statu Ecclesiae (1763), together with some treatises, part of which are still in manuscript.
" Copenhagen: Danish Institute for International Studies, November 16, 2008. 10. References are made to its perfectly normal occurrence in many texts including in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, and abduction of women and children to be sold into slavery was common. By the era of Classical Greece, piracy was looked upon as a "disgrace" to have as a profession.Thucydides wrote: "For in early times the Hellenes and the barbarians of the coast and islands, as communication by sea became more common, were tempted to turn pirate…indeed, this came to be the main source of their livelihood, no disgrace being yet attached to such an achievement, but even some glory.
The Boston Resolutes were a Negro league baseball team affiliated with the National Colored Base Ball League in 1887. The team had come into play in early May of that year only to run out of money and have to fold on the spot. The National League issued the Colored League its official benefaction as a minor league under the National Agreement, so as to "protect" the black players from the white teams who did not want them to begin with. The Colored League, which was looked upon as a real live minor league, had been granted immunity from the baseball's unwritten law of exclusion.
R.A. Moore has been appointed as one of the board of visitors to the new state Normal school at Stevens Point, by State Supt. Wells. It will please the people of our county to know that our county superintendent is looked upon as one of the foremost of educators in our state. Mr. Moore has always given his personal attention to the interests of our public schools, not only for the reason that he has a natural love for his work. Owing to Mr. Moore’s energy and work, the public schools of Kewaunee are now known to be among the best the state affords, as regards education.
The fatty acid, 16:1ω5 is the most commonly used acid to characterize AM fungi in soils and can be used as a strong indicator of mycelial biomass in soil sample. Neutral lipid fatty acid analysis of AM fungi is typically looked upon as a method to indicate energy storage, but most importantly, the ratio of NLFA (16:1ω5) to PLFA (16:1ω5) can potentially be used to indicate nutritional status of AM fungi in soils. Energy is mainly stored in AM fungi as neutral lipids in storage structures like spores and vesicles. Because of this NLFA correlates quite well with the number of spores in a given volume of soil.
The curse turns out to be Hanyū, since some of the characters can hear her until Matsuribayashi-hen. ; : :Played by: Tetta Sugimoto (film), Shinobu Tsuruta (TV series) :A veteran police investigator learning to solve the case about the murders and avenge the first victim who he was friends with. Due to his uncouth tactics and the lengths that he goes to in order to solve the mystery, he is looked upon as a nuisance by the villagers, especially the Sonozaki family. He approaches one of the main characters to become his informant in several arcs, and is sometimes unwittingly responsible for triggering their paranoia.
However, when the war descended into guerilla tactics, Sparta decided that it could not fight on two fronts and so chose to ally with Persia. The long Corinthian War finally ended with the Peace of Antalcidas or the King's Peace, in which the "Great King" of Persia, Artaxerxes II, pronounced a "treaty" of peace between the various city-states of Greece which broke up all "leagues" of city-states on Greek mainland and in the islands of the Aegean Sea. Although this was looked upon as "independence" for some city-states, the effect of the unilateral "treaty" was highly favourable to the interests of the Persian Empire. The Corinthian War revealed a significant dynamic that was occurring in Greece.
"Synechism", Baldwin's Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, v. 2, p. 657 (1911), reprinted in CP 6.169–173, see 173: > It would, therefore, be most contrary to his own principle for the synechist > not to generalize from that which experience forces upon him, especially > since it is only so far as facts can be generalized that they can be > understood; and the very reality, in his way of looking at the matter, is > nothing else than the way in which facts must ultimately come to be > understood. There would be a contradiction here, if this ultimacy were > looked upon as something to be absolutely realized; but the synechist cannot > consistently so regard it.
In one of the articles he contributed to it, Revolution and Religion, Merezhkovsky wrote: "Now it's almost impossible to foresee what a deadly force this revolutionary tornado starting upwards from the society's bottom will turn out to be. The church will be crashed down and the monarchy too, but with them — what if Russia itself is to perish — if not the timeless soul of it, then its body, the state?" Again, what at the time was looked upon as dull political grotesque a decade later turned into grim reality. In 1908 the play about "the routinous side of the revolution," Poppy Blossom (Makov Tzvet) came out, all three Troyebratstvo members credited as co-authors.
The bands were not paid for by the State, but by the officers of their particular regiments. Article 3 of the Royal Artillery Band's 'Articles of Agreement' of 1762 state that the [RA] musicians "will be looked upon as actual soldiers and cannot leave the regiment without a formal discharge." In 1783, we see the first mention of "three Foot Guards bands, each of 8 performers." Woolwich has been the home of the Artillery since the fifteenth century, as an important defence position guarding the port of London, and the Tower of London - the original home of the Royal Arsenal, where everything associated with artillery and grenades was produced, before a new arsenal was built at Woolwich.
The Second Overture on Russian Themes shows an increased sophistication as Balakirev utilizes Beethoven's technique of deriving short motifs from longer themes so that those motifs can be combined into a convincing contrapuntal fabric. As such it can stand on its own as an example of abstract motivic- thematic composition, yet since it uses folk songs in doing so, it can also be looked upon as making a statement about nationality. In this overture he shows how folk songs could be given symphonic dimensions while paying particular attention to the element of protyazhnaya or melismatically elaborated lyric song. This type of song is characterized by extreme rhythmic flexibility, asymmetrical phrase structure and tonal ambiguity.
The interior of Discovery Hut in 2000 Seal blubber, nearly a century old, still hangs neatly in Discovery Hut preserved by the temperature which never rises above freezing. Shackleton advised future Antarctic explorers on the state of the hut after the Ross Sea party left it: > The stores placed there in 1902 are intact. There are a few cases of extra > provisions and oil in the hut, but no sleeping gear, or accommodation, nor > stoves, and it must not be looked upon as anything else than a shelter and a > most useful pied-à-terre for the start of any Southern journey. No stores > nor any equipment have been taken from it during either of my two > Expeditions.
7 Harriet Weaver was among the first to suggest that the dream was not that of any one dreamer, but was rather an analysis of the process of dreaming itself. In a letter to J.S. Atherton she wrote: > In particular their ascription of the whole thing to a dream of HCE seems to > me nonsensical. My view is that Mr. Joyce did not intend the book to be > looked upon as the dream of any one character, but that he regarded the > dream form with its shiftings and changes and chances as a convenient > device, allowing the freest scope to introduce any material he wished—and > suited to a night-piece.quoted in Hart 1962, p.
Whenever Link enters a new area such as a town, the game switches to a side- scrolling view. These separate methods of traveling and entering combat are one of many aspects adapted from the role-playing genre. The game was highly successful at the time, and introduced elements such as Link's "magic meter" and the Dark Link character that would become commonplace in future Zelda games, although the role-playing elements such as experience points and the platform-style side-scrolling and multiple lives were never used again in the official series. The game is also looked upon as one of the most difficult games in the Zelda series and 8-bit gaming as a whole.
It seems like they are dragging this out for the sake of dragging it out." Bailey's evolution in the episode, mainly her interactions with four competing attending physicians, were described as "a reminder of why they called her the Nazi, something that was easy to forget with recent events." Krause deemed the revelation of Adele's moving on "an interesting twist, with unexpected repercussions", whereas Stevens' offering Bailey the money to open the free clinic, was negatively reviewed; looked upon as the most predictable event of the episode. Krause noted that both medical cases were confusing, assessing that "it would have been nice to learn more about the severe dehydration that caused the runner's legs to swell.
Upon release, Epicus Doomicus Metallicus was met with universal critical acclaim, and since its release it has been looked upon as a cornerstone of doom metal. Eduardo Rivadavia of the online music database AllMusic referred to the album as "a pillar of classic '80s metal" offering "the strongest, most consistent songwriting of the band's career", although it "was let down by vocalist Johan Längqvist, whose performance failed to deliver with the power and command of his immediate successor Messiah Marcolin." Canadian reviewer Martin Popoff lauded the "new expression of doom as black as Black Sabbath" and the executions and mix of the six tracks of the album, but found them "too manic depressive too uniformly".
His paternal uncle, Timma Raja, another brother of Sriranga II, considering himself to have a better claim, seized the government at Vellore Fort, compelling Venkata III to remain in his native Anekonda. The Nayaks of Gingee, Tanjore and Madurai declared support for Venkata III, while Timma Raja got support from no-one and was looked upon as a usurper. Timma Raja nevertheless made a lot of trouble and civil strife continued until his death in 1635. Initially he was winning, until the King Peda Venkata (Venkata III)’s nephew, Sriranga III took to the field and defeated Timma Raja with help from the Dutch in Pulicat, compelling him to accept Venkata III's claim.
The Belgrade catastrophe is minutely described from full > particulars obtained first hand. It received a less positive review in the London Daily News: > Mr. Herbert Vivian's new book...presents many interesting chapters on the > events leading up to the recent tragedy, but can hardly be looked upon as an > authoritative history. The matter is thin, the author does not quote his > authorities; and he is too evidently willing to accept hearsay in place of > evidence. Vivian was a personal friend of Winston Churchill, and met with him several times in the 1900s, seeking political gossip and advice. In 1905, Vivian published the first interview given by Churchill, published in The Pall Mall Magazine, which received attention in the press.
The word buzuq comes from Turkish and occurs in bashi-buzuq, the name given to the Ottoman troops, literally meaning "burnt head" or "uprooted". The buzuq, which is an essential instrument in the Rahbani repertoire, is a hybrid instrument that is not classified among the classical instruments of Arab music or among those of Turkish music. However, this instrument may be looked upon as a larger and deeper-toned relative of the Turkish saz, to which it could be compared in the same way that the viola is compared to the violin in Western music. Before the Rahbanis popularized the use of this instrument, the buzaq had been associated with the gypsy music of Lebanon.
On 9 May 2014, Videll signed an improved contract as a free agent with HC Donbass. With the announcement of Donbass suspending operations for the 2014–15 season due to civil unrest, Videll later signed a one-year contract with Latvian KHL club, Dinamo Riga on 2 September 2014. Videll established himself amongst Riga's top scoring lines, producing 34 points in 58 games. On June 9, 2015, Videll transferred as a free agent to fellow KHL club, Torpedo Nizhny Novgorod on a one-year contact. In the 2015–16 season with Torpedo, Videll was looked upon as a top offensive contributor, co- leading the team with 21 assists and collecting 30 point in 44 regular season games.
The Latin American Community has been attempting to rectify their current status, even if it has been a challenge for the professionals in the field of Psychology in Latin America. "Fortunately, recent developments in social issues such as population control, economic development, community psychology (Freire, 1970), national psychology (Diaz-Guerrero, 1984) and child development (Recagno 1982). Applied interventions will ultimately be enhanced from these and other lines of research, providing a more systematic method for addressing the affective, behavioral and cognitive psychological systems of member of a particular culture." (Baker, Graham, Lawson and Robert 2007) In the areas that are often looked upon as being problematic for individuals and the Latin American societies, there has been progress in research.
In 1855 Kate Jones moved to Chicago and there became quite noted as a vocalist In 1858 she was married to Ira Shaler Brainard (1825-1910), and in 1865 moved to St. Louis, Missouri, where she was looked upon as one of the leading sopranos, receiving a large salary in one of the choirs. In 1866 Brainard assumed charge of the music in Mary Institute, the female department of Washington University, numbering at the time nearly four-hundred girls. Brainard's class-work, as systematized and developed in that institute, was remarkable. During her career in Mary Institute she frequently spent her vacations in the East with some prominent teacher, to obtain new ideas for her work.
Threats to the groves include urbanization, and over-exploitation of resources. While many of the groves are looked upon as abode of Hindu gods, in the recent past a number of them have been partially cleared for construction of shrines and temples.Malhotra, K. C., Ghokhale, Y., Chatterjee, S. and Srivastava, S., Cultural and Ecological Dimensions of Sacred Groves in India, INSA, New Delhi, 2001Ramachandra Guha, The Unquiet Woods, University of California Press, 2000 () Ritualistic dances and dramatizations based on the local deities that protect the groves are called Theyyam in Kerala and Nagmandalam, among other names, in Karnataka. There are sacred groves in Ernakulam region in a place named Mangatoor in Kerala.
The books were printed in Germany by Anton Kämpfe, Jena. The release of the first English-language editions was heralded thus: > "The Schafer-hund, or Alsatian wolf-dog, to give him his English name, has > become such a favorite In Great Britain that he has ceased to be looked upon > as an enemy alien. A book which should tell us all about him was, therefore, > bound to come, and here it is. Major Beddoes, a British officer who has > served three years in Germany since the Armistice and has devoted much > attention to the breeding and training of these dogs, has translated and > edited the classical work on the subject written by Captain Stephanitz in > "The German Shepherd Dog.
Statue of Dorje Shugden Dorje Shugden (, ), also known as Dolgyal and as Gyalchen Shugden, is an entity associated with the Gelug school, the newest of the schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Dorje Shugden is variously looked upon as a destroyed gyalpo, a minor mundane protector, a major mundane protector, an enlightened major protector whose outward appearance is that of a gyalpo, or as an enlightened major protector whose outward appearance is enlightened. The Dorje Shugden controversy arose within all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, including the Gelug school itself, regarding Dorje Shugden's nature, status of enlightenment, differences from traditional Gelug teachings, replacement of traditional Gelug protectors, sectarian functions, and actions by western adherents of the New Kadampa Tradition.
The first Contaflex SLR was introduced in 1953 as one of the earliest 35mm SLR cameras equipped with a leaf shutter, but with a fixed lens. The Mecaflex was presented at photokina in 1951 and launched two years later with a leaf shutter behind the removable lens, while the Hasselblad 500C of 1957 has a leaf shutter in its interchangeable lens. This design, using a leaf shutter in an SLR, involves a complex sequence of events when the shutter is released, more looked upon as a challenge than a drawback at Zeiss Ikon, but no Contaflex model ever got a rapid return mirror. The advantages are low manufacturing costs, compactness and flash synchronization at all shutter speeds.
Olleson (1963, 73) The music publisher Johann Ferdinand von Schönfeld wrote in 1796: > [Van Swieten is], as it were, looked upon as a patriarch of music. He has > taste only for the great and exalted. ... When he attends a concert our > semi-connoisseurs never take their eyes off him, seeking to read in his > features, not always intelligible to every one, what ought to be their > opinion of the music.Schönfeld's words appeared in the Jahrbuch der Tonkünst > von Wien und Prag; cited from DeNora (1998, 25) A corollary of a "taste for the great and exalted" is the idea that concert audiences should maintain silence, so that each note can be heard by all.
Allan Gibson Steel wrote the chapter on bowling. Cycling (1887), by Viscount Bury, notes that riding the tricycle and bicycle, whether by women or by men, "is by far the most recent of all sports in the Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes. There is none which has developed more rapidly in the last few years." It considers that "England may be looked upon as the Home of Cycling" and quotes Thomas Huxley's words to the Royal Society: "Since the time of Achilles, no improvement had added anything to the speed or strength attainable by the unassisted powers of man", commenting that a bicyclist had recently raced 146 miles in only ten hours.
12001220), described the Khalaj as a "tribe of Turks" that had been going through a language shift. Some of them left the area during the Mongol invasion of Central Asia towards the Indian subcontinent, where they built empires such as the Khalji dynasty of Delhi. Because of their language shift and Pashtunization, the Khalaj were wrongly looked upon as Pashtuns (Afghans) by the Turkic nobles of the Delhi Sultanate. Pashtunization may also refer to the settling of Pashtun tribes onto lands where non-Pashtun tribes live or more broadly the erosion of the customs, traditions and language of non-Pashtun peoples due to the political power and regional influence of the Pashtuns.
For > many years I have been looked upon as a militarist, an admirer of the > military, as a promoter of militarism and as the friend of many Generals. I > have had many an unpleasant moment in my life because of that, both after > the first war and in recent years; for many in Germany expected nothing of > the Generals for the start. But I always took their part, saying that one > could rely on their character, and their sense of responsibility. Now it has > come to this that I myself feel ridiculed and in South Germany, where I have > many excellent friends, I am told that Prussian militarism is to blame for > everything.
Within these outer limits of the Albanian tongue the Greek element is not unrepresented, and in some places, as about Paramythia, for instance, it predominates; but, on the whole, the above- defined region may be looked upon as essentially Albanian. In this, again, there is an inner triangle which is purely Albanian—viz., that which lies between the sea and the Kalamas on the one hand and the waters of the Vuvo on the other. With the exception of Parga and one or two small hamlets along the shore, and a few Greek chifligis on Albanian estates, the inhabitants of this country are pure Tchamis—a name which, notwithstanding Von Hahn's more elaborate interpretation.
According to Kotnis, Bhausaheb Maharj was looked upon as the reincarnation of Sant Tukaram (1577–1650), a prominent Varkari Sant and spiritual poet of the Bhakti, who had taken birth again in the Neelwani Lingayat community to finish his work of spreading the knowledge of Self- realisation. He met his guru Sri Nimbargi at the age of fourteen. At the request of Nimbargi, Bhausaheb Maharaj Deshpande (1843 Umdi - 1914 Inchgiri)Gurudev R.D. Ranade, Sadguru Shri Bhausaheb Maharaj Umdikar received mantra initiation from Shri Raghunathpriya Sadhu Maharaj, who was an ardent follower and a devoted disciple of Shri Gurulingajangam Maharaj.R.D. Ranade (1982), Mysticism In Maharashtra Bhausaheb Maharaj became a disciple of Nimbargi Maharaj.
At length, in the midst of the agitation and tumult which prevailed, General Grenier, the reporter of the Committee, suddenly made his appearance. He stated that, after a deliberation of five hours, the Committee had resolved: This statement excited general murmurs of disapprobation. But General Grenier, aware of the expectations of the Chamber, continued: This produced an extraordinary sensation in the Chamber. It was looked upon as an artful design upon the part of Napoleon to create delay by proposing to the Chambers a proceeding which he was well aware would prove unsuccessful; and to seize the first favourable opportunity of destroying their independence, and re-establishing his despotism — to re- enact, in short, the Eighteenth of Brumaire.
Its mystic mode of explaining some commandments was applied by its commentators to all religious observances, and produced a strong tendency to substitute mystic Judaism in the place of traditional rabbinic Judaism. For example, Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath, began to be looked upon as the embodiment of God in temporal life, and every ceremony performed on that day was considered to have an influence upon the superior world. Elements of the Zohar crept into the liturgy of the 16th and 17th centuries, and the religious poets not only used the allegorism and symbolism of the Zohar in their compositions, but even adopted its style, e.g. the use of erotic terminology to illustrate the relations between man and God.
Just before the vagina reaches the duct of the spermatheca and oviduct, it gives off a branch which sinks into the female channel, and so far may be looked upon as a portion of the oviduct, for it is by this branch that the eggs find their way to the female outlet. The mucous gland for the secretion of the mucus-like envelope of the eggs, is composed of two lateral lobes separated on the upper surface by a deep fissure. These lobes are semipellucid and are formed of a coarsely convoluted tube, that is on its right side anterior portion opake and flesh-coloured. The two lobes open into the female channel, which is wide and quite long.
The following year the Council for Planning and Correlation appointed overlapping Task Groups of five people to function for two years in overseeing the Mission Statement Implementation Plan that had been adopted earlier in 1985. The Systematic Training for Effective Ministries (STEM) also came into being during 1985. This program was looked upon as the answer to the need for trained lay persons to serve small churches as lay ministers or Christian educators, and to train church members to become better able to serve effectively in their churches. On July 31, 1987, John Rogers resigned as the Conference Minister to accept the call as senior pastor of the First Congregational Church of Portland, Oregon. Rev.
In 2004 a group of expatriates from Brunei contemplated building a bar/clubhouse for divers, however nothing resulted from this due to various legal complications. Apparently in a tongue-in-cheek manner, this same group then announced plans to develop the island and declare independence or greater self-government, stating a perceived dubious Malaysian claim to the island resulting from a conflicting historic Bruneian claim to Kuraman and its surrounding islands. This went as far as designing a flag for the island, similar to the many unofficial flags which have originated in varying areas around the globe. This was taken lightheartedly in both Labuan and Brunei and could be looked upon as a form of micronationalism.
Real Estate Opportunities were granted to redevelop the Battersea Power Station of England in November 2010 The Battersea Power Station of England has become an iconic structure through adaptive reuse and has been featured in many forms of culture during its more-than-seventy-year-long history. One of the most successful residential reuse projects was Gasometer City, in Vienna Austria. Four immense disused gasometers were successfully revamped in the late ‘90s and have since become famous in the world of adaptive reuse. This unique redevelopment has since become a sought after place to live with a close-knit inner community, and is looked upon as a very successful example of adaptive reuse.
Although it is not as common as its brother language, it needs to be looked upon as a viable language, as a large minority of Norwegians use it as their primary language including many scholars and authors. New Norse is both a written and spoken language. Tomb of Ivar Aasen at Vår Frelsers gravlund, Oslo Aasen composed poems and plays in the composite dialect to show how it should be used; one of these dramas, The Heir (1855), was frequently acted, and may be considered as the pioneer of all the abundant dialect-literature of the last half-century of the 1800s, from Vinje to Garborg. In 1856, he published Norske Ordsprog, a treatise on Norwegian proverbs.
The deputies of each order in every bailliage also brought with them a cahier des doléances, arrived at, for the third estate, by a combination of statements drawn up by the primary or secondary electors. On the assembly of the estates the cahiers of the bailliages were incorporated into a cahier for each gouvernement, and these again into a cahier general or general statement, which was presented to the king, and which he answered in his council. When the three orders deliberated in common, as in 1484, there was only one cahier général; when they deliberated separately, there were three, one for each order. The drawing up of the cahier general was looked upon as the main business (le grand cause) of the session.
For more than 200 years after his death, Christel was looked upon as a failure by Moravian historians and scholars, who saw him as weak, effeminate, ineffectual and a grave disappointment to his father whose trust he had betrayed. The only way most Moravians of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries knew him was by the inclusion of several of his hymns in various Moravian hymnals, the most famous being “My Redeemer, overwhelmed with anguish, went to Olivet for me.” Indeed, the entire period (approximately 1747-1749) became known as the "Sifting Time" from Luke 22:31: "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat." Nicholas Zinzendorf called the ensuing scandal an “unbridled freedom of the flesh.” Peucker. pp. 63.
Besides the revenue opportunities, acquisition strategy, and customer data policies, the chief data officer is charged with explaining the strategic value of data and its important role as a business asset and revenue driver to executives, employees, and customers. This contrasts with the older view of data systems as mere back-end IT systems. More recently, with the adoption of data science the Chief Data Officer is sometimes looked upon as the key strategy person either reporting to the Chief Strategy Officer or serving the role of CSO in lieu of one. This person has the responsibility of measurement along various business lines and consequently defining the strategy for the next growth opportunities, product offerings, markets to pursue, competitors to look at etc.
De parco fracto (Law Latin "of pound breach") is a historical common-law writ against a person, often an owner, "who breaks into a pound to rescue animals that have been legally distrained and impounded."Black's Law Dictionary (9th ed. 2009), de parco fracto The writ is mentioned in Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England: "And, being thus in the custody of the law, the taking them back by force is looked upon as an atrocious injury, and denominated a rescous, for which the distreinor has a remedy in damages, either by writ of rescous, in case they were going to the pound, or by writ de parco fracto, or pound-breach, in case they were actually impounded."Black's Law Dictionary (9th ed.
Spieth declined to be a member of the U.S. golf team at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Following a strong showing in the 2016 FedEx Cup Playoffs, Spieth played a prominent role on a victorious U.S. Ryder Cup Team. As the worlds #3 ranked player, behind Jason Day and Rory McIlroy, Spieth was looked upon as a leader within the American's locker room, illustrating both his maturity as a 23-year-old as well as the respect his peers have for him. In November, Spieth won the Emirates Australian Open on the PGA Tour of Australasia for the second time in three years, shooting a final round 69 to finish at −12, level with Australians Cameron Smith and Ashley Hall.
He donned a Revolutionary War officer's uniform and tied his long, powdered hair in a queue according to the old-fashioned style of the 18th century. "Tall, rawboned, venerable", he made an "agreeable" impression and had a good deal of charm and "most men immediately liked him ... [in] manner he was rather formal, having an innate sense of dignity, which allowed no one to take liberties. Yet in spite of his formality, he had the ability to put men at their ease by his courtesy, lack of condescension, his frankness, and what his contemporaries looked upon as the essential goodness and kindness of heart which he always radiated." Monroe's visit to Boston elicited a huge outpouring of nationalist pride and expressions of reconciliation.
Leaving Bose, Kumar and Chagan Khairaj Varma (also known as Husain Rahim) in charge of the compatriots' fate, Tarak left Vancouver to better concentrate on the areas from Seattle to San Francisco. On reaching Seattle, since its July 1908 issue, Free Hindustan became a more overtly anti-British organ, with a motto from Tarak: "To protest against all tyranny is a service to humanity and the duty of civilization." The Irish revolutionary George Freeman of the NYC- based Gaelic American newspaper was looked upon as the real leader of the anti-British movement, closely connected with two Indians, Samuel L. Joshi and Barakatullah. Invited by Fitzgerald, Tarak issued the August and the succeeding numbers of Free Hindustan from New York.
In some districts it is looked upon as an indigenous weed > infesting the cultivated crops of wheat. Under no climatic conditions does > the grain of this species shed its seed when ripe, and even in threshing it > is not possible to separate the grains, as the spikelets break off at the > bases of the glumes, the grains remaining firmly enclosed between the chaff > scales. By mating the varieties of this species with cultivated varieties, > new breeds have been produced which will under no conditions shed their seed > when ripe, but which thresh out a perfectly clean sample with a much heavier > yield per acre than common wheat. In China there is an indigenous species of > oat botanically known as Avena nuda or naked oat.
When asked for his comment after the game, Alex James simply beamed a smile and said, "We could have had ten!" Back in Scotland the pubs did rather well and the newspapers were not slow in piling praise on the heads of those little no- hopers of the Scottish side. The Glasgow Herald was a typical example when they said: "Want of height was looked upon as a handicap to the Scots' attack, but the Scottish forwards had the ability and skill of such high degree as to make their physical shortcomings of little consequence." Scotland skipper Jimmy McMullan took time out from the after match celebrations to comment on the way he saw the game: > I want to emphasise that all our forwards are inherently clever.
Genocidal rape is the action of a group who has carried out acts of mass rape during wartime against their enemy as part of a genocidal campaign. During the Bangladesh Liberation War, the Yugoslav Wars, the Rwandan genocide, the Iraqi Civil War, the second Sino-Japanese war, and the Rohingya genocide; the mass rapes that had been an integral part of those conflicts brought the concept of genocidal rape to international prominence. Although war rape has been a recurrent feature in conflicts throughout history, it has usually been looked upon as a by-product of conflict, and not an integral part of military policy. The violence against women during the Partition of India has also been cited as an example of genocidal rape.
If gongbi painting that often depicts birds and flowers is generally looked upon as uninspired and rooted in the nostalgic, Joey Leung has provided a new twist to it as she integrates tradition with popular culture in her works. Drawing upon her personal experiences of city life, her artworks often represent an ironic twist to mundane everyday happenings. The juxtaposition of words and images in Leung's paintings recalls both the Chinese art form of Lianhuanhua (picture story book) popular in China in the 1920s as well as the pop art of Japanese comics (manhua) in Hong Kong prevalent in the 80s & 90s. Using the sequential structure, it provides a strong narration in her paintings whereby the viewer can derive meanings from both text and images.
Thomas Dorinberg, who supplied the edition of 1473 with an index, was for a long time looked upon as the author; others attributed it to Thomas Aquinas. In the magnificent edition of Lyons (1557), furnished with notes and index by the Franciscan John of Combes, it is credited to the Dominican Albert the Great and is placed in the folio edition of the latter's works published at Lyons (1651). Again, some held Bonaventure to be its author, with the result that the Compendium found a place in the appendix of the eighth volume of his works (Rome, 1588–96). Among other theologians to whom it was ascribed are Hugh of Saint Cher, Alexander of Hales, Aureolus, the Oxford Dominican Thomas of Sutton, Peter of Tarantasia and others.
Black cat with long hair In most Western cultures, black cats have typically been looked upon as a symbol of evil omens, specifically being suspected of being the familiars of witches, or actually shape-shifting witches themselves. Most of Europe considers the black cat a symbol of bad luck, particularly if one walks across the path in front of a person, which is believed to be an omen of misfortune and death. In Germany, some believe that black cats crossing a person's path from right to left, is a bad omen, but from left to right, the cat is granting favorable times. The black cat in folklore has been able to change into human shape to act as a spy or courier for witches or demons.
What seems to be a major and almost insoluble problem for the first couple is just a petty issue for the second. Similarly, second couple's serious problem is not looked upon as a problem at all by the first and likewise so, with the other two couples. In a pursuit to achieve what they lack and in a desperate search of that one thing that would solve all their problems, they find themselves lost in the ever- moving crowd, where no one has time for themselves, leave aside the cares of the world. In due course of time, all four couples come together with a distant vision of that one event which would end all their problems and set them free.
The Boston Cooking School magazine of culinary science and domestic economics The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book (1896) by Fannie Farmer is a 19th-century general reference cookbook which is still available both in reprint and in updated form. It was particularly notable for a more rigorous approach to recipe writing than had been common up to that point. In the preface Farmer states: ::It is my wish that it may not only be looked upon as a compilation of tried and tested recipes, but that it may awaken an interest through its condensed scientific knowledge which will lead to deeper thought and broader study of what to eat. Farmer's 1896 compilation became the best-selling cookbook of the era.
Thuillier retired on 1 January 1878, and the secretary of state, in a despatch dated 18 July 1878, highly commended the energy and perseverance of his forty-one years' service, and congratulated him on the results. He was gazetted lieutenant-general on 10 July 1879, general on 1 July 1881, and (a rare distinction for an officer with little actual military service) colonel commandant of the Royal Artillery on 1 January 1883. Settling at Richmond, he was long a useful member of the Royal Geographical Society's council and came to be looked upon as the father of the East India Company's service. Of fine presence and genial temper, he retained his faculties till his death on 6 May 1906 at Richmond, where he was buried.
McGuire as a player for Brooklyn On July 14, 1899, McGuire received good news; he had been traded to the Brooklyn Superbas, a team managed by Ned Hanlon and competing for the National League pennant. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle praised the trade: "McGuire has always been looked upon as one of the best catchers in the league . . . he has no superior as a coacher of pitchers and for steady and uninterrupted work." The Washington correspondent for the Sporting Life wrote that the trade "marked the passing of the most consistent and reliable player that ever wore a Washington uniform" and called McGuire "the backbone of the Washington team." Playing for a winning ball club for the first time in a decade, McGuire caught 46 games and blossomed.
It is not then surprising that we find in the oldest sacramentary that contains a Canon, the Gelasian, the heading "Incipit Canon Actionis" placed before the Sursum Corda; so that the preface was then still looked upon as part of the Canon. However, by the seventh century or so the Canon was considered as beginning with the secret prayers after the Sanctus. The point at which it may be considered as ending was equally uncertain at one time. There has never been any sort of point or indication in the text of the Missal to close the period begun by the heading Canon Missæ, so that from looking at the text we should conclude that the Canon goes on to the end of the Mass.
Rome was heavily influenced by Greek thought. Sarah Pomeroy says "never did Roman society encourage women to engage in the same activities as men of the same social class." In The World of Odysseus, classical scholar Moses Finley says: "There is no mistaking the fact that Homer fully reveals what remained true for the whole of antiquity: that women were held to be naturally inferior..." Yet as Pomeroy also states, women played a vital role in classical Greek and Roman religion, sometimes attaining a freedom in religious activities denied to them elsewhere. Priestesses in charge of official cults such as that of Athena Polias in ancient Athens were paid well, were looked upon as role models, and wielded considerable social and political power.
It is supposed to be illegal in every US state for anyone to sell any turtles under long, but many stores and flea markets still sell small turtles due to a loophole in the FDA regulation which allows turtles under to be sold for educational purposes. Some states have other laws and regulations regarding possession of red-eared sliders as pets because they are looked upon as invasive species or pests where they are not native, but have been introduced through the pet trade. As of July 1, 2007, it is illegal in Florida to sell any wild type red-eared slider. Unusual color varieties such as albino and pastel red-eared sliders, which are derived from captive breeding, are still allowed for sale in that state.
Ovadya MiBartinura Street, Jerusalem, Israel In the decade during which Bertinoro thus controlled the best interests of the Jewish community at Jerusalem, a radical change for the better developed. Shortly after his arrival he had actually been compelled upon one occasion to dig a grave because the community had provided no one to perform that labor; a few years later there had come into existence such benevolent institutions as hospitals, charitable relief societies, and similar associations, all under excellent management. His fame spread to all parts of the Orient, and he came to be looked upon as a rabbinical authority of the highest eminence; even the Muslim population frequently called upon him to decide judicial cases. He harshly reproved rabbis for exacting fees for services at weddings and divorces, a custom then general in Germany.
Imagine you are standing in line to buy a ticket at the counter. If you, after one minute, observe the number of customers that are behind you it might be looked upon as a (rough) estimate of the number of customers entering the system (here, waiting line) per unit time (here, minute). If you then divide the number of customers in front of you with this ”flow” of customers you just estimated the waiting time you should expect; i.e. the time it will take you to reach the counter, and indeed it is a rough estimate. To formalize this somewhat consider the waiting line as a system S into which there is a flow of particles (customers) and where the process “buy ticket” means that the particle leaves the system.
A Journal of Organized Philanthropy. Vol II – 1887. p. 434 The Sisterhood of Margaret of Boston were chosen to run the Sanitarium. This society was already very involved in the Children's Hospital in Boston and the Sea-Shore Home in Winthrop, so its members had experience with the recovery of ill or crippled children. In the late 19th century, “sea air [was] looked upon as almost a panacea for that class of disorders of nutrition which is shown in the disorders of joints and bones,...(and) in adopting the sea coast plan for their Institute the managers of the Lowell Island Sanitorium...hope that the beneficial effect of sea air would be especially manifest in children suffering from chronic malnutrition, a belief which is entertained by all medical authorities.”.
The English text comprises 108,260 words and is divided into two parts, each reading as a continuous narrative with no chapter divisions. The first part was completed in 1677 and entered into the Stationers' Register on 22 December 1677. It was licensed and entered in the "Term Catalogue" on 18 February 1678, which is looked upon as the date of first publication."The copy for the first edition of the First Part of The Pilgrim's Progress was entered in the Stationers' Register on 22 December 1677 ... The book was licensed and entered in the Term Catalogue for the following Hilary Term, 18 February 1678; this date would customarily indicate the time of publication, or only slightly precede it" [John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress, James Blanton Wharey and Roger Sharrock, eds.
While by no means abandoning the tenets of the old Calvinistic faith, he came to be looked upon as the chief representative of what was then known as the New Divinity. His system declared that holiness and sin are free voluntary exercises; that men act freely under the divine agency; that the slightest transgression deserves eternal punishment; that it is through God's mere grace that the penitent believer is pardoned and justified; that, in spite of total depravity, sinners ought to repent; and that regeneration is active, not passive, with the believer. Emmonsism was spread and perpetuated by more than a hundred clergymen, whom he personally trained. Politically, he was an ardent patriot during the American War of Independence, and a strong Federalist afterwards, several of his political discourses attracting wide attention.
The result was that sheep died in numbers that have never been equalled before or since: some sources estimate that half the sheep population was lost in the drought.R. S. G. Rutherford, R. S. G.; "Fluctuations in the Sheep Population of New South Wales, 1860-1940: A Preliminary Study"; in Economic Record 24 (1), 56–71, 1948. Although in southwestern Australia—often looked upon as a "saviour" when the rains fail further east—the rainy season began on time in May, the dry weather continued without a break in the eastern states. Then, despite June being quite wet in southern Victoria, Tasmania and even parts of South Australia, the month's rain was associated with cold outbreaks that produced extremely severe frosts and several cases of low-level snowfalls.
However, at the initial level, Kvíčala is not concerned with a post- modern game of aligning various languages, but rather he wishes to rehabilitate ornament as such. He values its visual effectiveness, rational order and its possibility of continuous variation. Kvíčala showed great invention and desire to experiment within his intentionally abridged vocabulary. Among his works we can find procedural paintings, where the surface of the painting can be looked upon as a relic of the time spent on the execution (60 Days of Red, Blue and Yellow, 1996, Monochromes). Work on sketches for ceiling painting „Watermelon-Cut Ceiling Dance“, 2004 In Memory cycle (2001–2003) Kvíčala works with a negative definition of lines, delineating them with a surrounding red surface, a memory of lines and fragments of ornaments, their imprint in the mind.
The Latvian language version of The Case for Latvia was reviewed by the Delfi web portal. The review comments on some of the points given in the book: "The analyses [of the book] also helps to understand, why the small and militarily weak Latvia in different surveys, for so long has been looked upon as Russia's enemy number one", and "The Case for Latvia is mainly written for readers in the USA, even though Latvian readers may find new and interesting news". The Case for Latvia was reviewed by two Latvian American scholars in the Latvian language magazine Jaunā Gaita. Gundars Ķeniņš-Kings (1926–2015), dean of School of Business at the Pacific Lutheran University, and Aija Veldre Beldavs (1941–2009), Doctor of Philosophy at the Folklore Archives at Indiana University.
At last, his cruelty provoked a rebellion of the Novatians at Mantinium, in Paphlagonia, in which four imperial cohorts were defeated and nearly all slain. His disinterment of the body of Emperor Constantine I was looked upon as an indignity to the Protector of the Council of Nicaea, and led to a conflict between Arians and anti-Arians, which filled the church and neighbourhood with carnage. As the disinterment had taken place without imperial sanction, Macedonius fell into disgrace, and Roman Emperor Flavius Julius Constantius caused him to be deposed by the Acacian party and succeeded by Eudoxius in 360. This deposition, however, was not for doctrinal reasons, but on the ground that he had caused much bloodshed and had admitted to communion a deacon guilty of fornication.
The SLP adventure is generally looked upon as an ambitious failure, but Sillars has himself put this down to a lack of planning before the decision to launch the party. Unlike the SLP, the Social Democratic Party (SDP) meticulously planned their breakaway from the Labour Party, and were much more successful. Sillars has claimed that the SLP did at least provide a forerunner to the SNP's later dialogue with the left. The SLP had a number of members who would later go on to achieve a name for themselves as a mainstream Labour politician, including John McAllion who became MP and then MSP for Dundee East, Maria Fyfe one time MP for Glasgow Maryhill, Colin Boyd, later Lord Advocate, Sheriff Shiona Waldron, and Charlie Gordon, later MSP for Glasgow Cathcart.
From now on there had to be strict homogeneity of terms in equations, and the Mesopotamian normal form, xy = A, x ± y = b, were to be interpreted geometrically. [...] In this way the Greeks built up the solution of quadratic equations by their process known as "the application of areas," a portion of geometric algebra that is fully covered by Euclid's Elements. [...] The linear equation ax = bc, for example, was looked upon as an equality of the areas ax and bc, rather than as a proportion—an equality between the two ratios a:b and c:x. Consequently, in constructing the fourth proportion x in this case, it was usual to construct a rectangle OCDB with the sides b = OB and c = OC (Fig 5.9) and then along OC to lay off OA = a.
The Message from the Chambers, conveying these resolutions, reached the Council in the midst of its deliberations. Naopleon was staggered by an act which he looked upon as an usurpation of the Sovereign Authority. To him, who had so long exercised an almost unlimited control in the State, who had led mighty Armies to victory, and who had subjected powerful nations to his despotic sway, this sudden and energetic voice of the people, conveyed through the medium of their Representatives, aroused him to a full sense of the wonderful change which had been effected in the public mind, and in his own individual position, through the intervention of a Constitution. He was alike indignant at what he conceived to be a daring presumption, and mortified at his own miscalculation in having convoked the Chambers.
The ambush is considered to be the first incident of the Irish War of Independence. Breen later recalled: > "...we took the action deliberately, having thought over the matter and > talked it over between us. [Seán] Treacy had stated to me that the only way > of starting a war was to kill someone, and we wanted to start a war, so we > intended to kill some of the police whom we looked upon as the foremost and > most important branch of the enemy forces ... The only regret that we had > following the ambush was that there were only two policemen in it, instead > of the six we had expected..."History Ireland, May 2007, p.56. During the conflict, the British put a £1,000 price on Breen's head, which was later raised to £10,000.
It is about four fingers in breadth, and hardly has it risen six fingers from the ground, before it begins to put forth shoots and suckers. It has then all the appearance of being dry and withered, and while it is green it has no odor at all. The leaf is like that of wild marjoram, and it thrives best in dry localities, being not so prolific in rainy weather; it requires, also, to be kept constantly clipped. Though it grows on level ground, it thrives best among tangled brakes and brambles, and hence it is extremely difficult to be gathered... The thinnest parts in the sticks, for about a palm in length, are looked upon as producing the finest cinnamon; the part that comes next, though not quite so long, is the next best, and so on downwards.
Chechnya and Caucasus map The former separatist religious leader (mufti) Akhmad Kadyrov, looked upon as a traitor by many separatists, was elected president with 83% of the vote in an internationally monitored election on October 5, 2003. Incidents of ballot stuffing and voter intimidation by Russian soldiers and the exclusion of separatist parties from the polls were subsequently reported by the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) monitors. On May 9, 2004, Kadyrov was assassinated in Grozny football stadium by a landmine explosion that was planted beneath a VIP stage and detonated during a parade, and Sergey Abramov was appointed to the position of acting prime minister after the incident. However, since 2005 Ramzan Kadyrov (son of Akhmad Kadyrov) has been the caretaker prime minister, and in 2007 was appointed as the new president.
We choose therefore in the text as common designation of them both the term projective geometry. Although the synthetic method has more to do with space-perception and thereby imparts a rare charm to its first simple developments, the realm of space-perception is nevertheless not closed to the analytic method, and the formulae of analytic geometry can be looked upon as a precise and perspicuous statement of geometrical relations. On the other hand, the advantage to original research of a well formulated analysis should not be underestimated, - an advantage due to its moving, so to speak, in advance of the thought. But it should always be insisted that a mathematical subject is not to be considered exhausted until it has become intuitively evident, and the progress made by the aid of analysis is only a first, though a very important, step.
Blücher insisted that clauses be written in the capitulation document that he had had to surrender due to lack of provisions and ammunition, and that his soldiers should be honoured by a French formation along the street. He was allowed to keep his sabre and to move freely, bound only by his word of honour, and was soon exchanged for future Marshal Claude Victor-Perrin, Duc de Belluno, and was actively employed in Pomerania, at Berlin, and at Königsberg until the conclusion of the war. After the war, Blücher was looked upon as the natural leader of the Patriot Party, with which he was in close touch during the period of Napoleonic domination, but his hopes of an alliance with Austria in the war of 1809 were disappointed. In this year, he was made general of cavalry.
With the announcement by Britain that it would unilaterally withdraw from the Mandate on 15 May 1948, the players in the region commenced maneuvers to secure their positions and objectives in the power vacuum brought on by the departing British. The objective of the surrounding Arab countries in the take-over of the whole of the British Mandate was set out on April 12, 1948, when the Arab League announced: > The Arab armies shall enter Palestine to rescue it. His Majesty (King > Farouk, representing the League) would like to make it clearly understood > that such measures should be looked upon as temporary and devoid of any > character of the occupation or partition of Palestine, and that after > completion of its liberation, that country would be handed over to its > owners to rule in the way they like.Gerson, Allan.
The Eyemouth Herring Queen Festival celebrated in Eyemouth in the Borders, owes its origins to what was called the Peace Picnic or Fisherman's Picnic. The first Peace Picnic was organised by the late Mr J. C. Chrystie to celebrate the end of the 1914 - 1918 war. This day came to be celebrated throughout the following years and to be looked upon as a local holiday for the fishermen of the town and all connected with their calling. During the preliminary arrangements for the 1939 Picnic, the committee felt that the crowning of a Queen would not only be of interest to the young folk of the town but would prove to be a ceremony in which they could symbolise, in many ways, the ideals as well as the everyday things associated with the life of a fishing community.
Although the monasteries reformed by him never united into a congregation, Dederoth's reforms may be looked upon as the foundation of the Bursfelde Congregation. Dederoth had intended to unite the reformed Benedictine monasteries of Northern Germany under a stricter uniformity of discipline, but the execution of his plan was left to his successor, John of Hagen. In 1445 John of Hagen obtained permission from the Council of Basel to restore the Divine Office to the original form of the old Benedictine breviary and to introduce liturgical and disciplinary uniformity in the monasteries that followed the reform of Bursfelde. A year later, on 11 March 1446, Louis d'Allemand, as Cardinal Legate authorized by the Council of Basel, approved the Bursfelde Congregation, which then consisted of six abbeys: Bursfelde, Clus, Reinhausen, Cismar in Schleswig-Holstein, St. Jacob's Abbey near Mainz, and Huysburg near Magdeburg.
Pope Francis is described as being in close continuity with the Second Vatican Council of Catholic bishops (1962-1965) that strove to read the "signs of the times" and to address new questions that challenged the Catholic Church in the mid-twentieth century, such as its appeal to non-Western cultures."The monopoly exercised by neo- Thomists in the church collapsed" and Christianity increased its appeal to non-Western cultures. It has been suggested that the pontificate of Pope Francis will be looked upon as the "decisive moment in the history of the church in which the full force of the Second Vatican Council's reformist vision was finally realized." Francis returned to the Vatican II theme of ressourcement, looking back beyond the Catholic philosophical tradition that had originated with Thomas Aquinas seven centuries before, and looking to original sources in the New Testament.
He claims the lack of identity in contemporary globalized architecture and he considered himself an architectural storyteller, a seeker of new interpretations for the contemporary city. In the book "dense city" identifies a structural relationship between urban density and cultural identity in the urban fabric and architecture.Edizioni Ares Faccia e Facciata, Studi Cattolici n 600 feb 2011, ed Ares Milano He said that "the contemporary city is no longer able to generate significant urban space because the modern architecture has abandoned the idea of "facade", which means the idea to orient the buildings, therefore the city no longer looks toward its space, but it's made by architectures that are meant to be looked upon as single sculptures or objects". Since 2008, he produces an intense cultural dissemination activity with lectures and conferences in Italy, China, Russia and United States.
Among the Romans, ball games were looked upon as an adjunct to the bath, and were graduated to the age and health of the bathers, and usually a place (sphaeristerium) was set apart for them in the baths (thermae). There appear to have been three types or sizes of ball, the pila, or small ball, used in catching games, the paganica, a heavy ball stuffed with feathers, and the follis, a leather ball filled with air, the largest of the three. This was struck from player to player, who wore a kind of gauntlet on the arm. There was a game known as trigon, played by three players standing in the form of a triangle, and played with the follis, and also one known as harpastum, which seems to imply a "scrimmage" among several players for the ball.
The Yuuzhan Vong have claimed Coruscant as their new capital and the survivors of the battle of the planet, including the Skywalkers and the Solos, escape to rendezvous with other survivors within the Hapes Consortium. Meanwhile, in the Myrkr system, Jaina Solo and the survivors of the mission to exterminate the voxyn escape aboard a captured Yuuzhan Vong frigate named the Ksstar in order to meet up with Jaina's family on Hapes. On the Ksstar's heels is Khalee Lah, the fanatical warrior son of Vong Warmaster Tsavong Lah, and his charge, Priest Harrar. Their pursuit of Jaina and her comrades convinces Jaina to rename the captured Vong ship the Trickster in order to play mind games on the invaders; as one of their goddesses, Yun- Harla, is a trickster, Jaina's audacity is looked upon as blasphemy.
Flag of Ban Josip Jelačić, 1848 Jelačić supported independence for Croatia from the Austrian throne. However, in pursuit of this goal Jelačić sought to support this goal by ingratiating himself with the Austrian throne by actively supporting Austrian interests in putting down revolutionary movements in northern Italy in 1848 and in actively opposing the Hungarian Revolution of 1848–1849. Consequently, Jelačić's reputation differs in Austria where he was looked upon as a rebel seeking to break up the Austrian Empire, Croatia where he is a national hero, and Hungary where he looked up as a traitor to the Hungarian Revolution for independence from Austrian throne. He traveled to Vienna to take oaths to become counsel of Austrian Emperor, Ferdinand I of Austria, but refused to take the oath as Ban of Croatia, because it was a Hungarian dependent territory.
Freud would later assign a central place to the primal scene in his analysis of Marie Bonaparte, although in her case the scene took place between her nanny and a groom (Bonaparte, 1950–53). Looked upon as an actual event rather than as a pure fantasy reconstructed in a retrospective way (as with Carl Jung's zurückphantasieren), the primal scene had a much more marked traumatic impact, and this led Freud to insist on the "reality" of such scenes, thus returning to the debate over event-driven (or "historical") reality versus psychic reality. Beyond the issue of the scene itself, however, it was the whole subject of fantasy that was thus raised (in chapter five of the Wolf Man case-history [1918b, pp. 48–60]), discussed in terms that would be picked up by Freud again later in Constructions in Analysis (1937d).
The cause of the crown, however, was vigorously maintained, and the prince, provoked at the hesitation of Archbishop Wittlesey, spoke sharply to him, and at last told him that he was an ass. The bishops gave way, and it was declared that John had no power to bring the realm into subjection. The prince's sickness again became very heavy, though when the "Good Parliament" met on 28 April 1376 he was looked upon as the chief support of the commons in their attack on the abuses of the administration, and evidently acted in concert with William of Wykeham in opposing the influence of Lancaster and the disreputable clique of courtiers who upheld it, and he had good cause to fear that his brother's power would prove dangerous to the prospects of his son Richard. cites Chron.
As in the Nation of Islam, Five Percenters believe that the original inhabitants of the world were Black (which they refer to as the "Asiatic Blackman" and believe had inhabited the earth for "66 trillion years".) who ultimately descended from the Tribe of Shabazz, while the White race are evil "devils" who were created 6,000 years ago on what is today the Greek island of Patmos by a 'rogue bigheaded scientist' named Yakub (the Biblical and Qur'anic Jacob) who was of the Meccan branch of the tribe. After the Whites attempted to rise up against their creators, they were exiled to the caves of "West Asia" - what would later be known as Europe. All other races are looked upon as mere non-god mutations of the Blackman. The Yakub origin story is the basis for all Five Percenter racial understanding.
But the greatest of all crimes and the root of most evils, as they see it, is the attempt - or even just the verbal wish - to cause the abortion of a child already conceived. They object here, not so much on moral grounds, as because such attempts - or such wishes and thoughts - load down the time track with the basic-basic demon engram." In his 1951 book Science of Survival, Hubbard wrote that a mother who reached a status of 1.1 ("Covert hostility") on the "tone scale" listed in the book would "attempt the abortion of her child", and that any woman who attempted an abortion would occupy this level or below. Such a woman, he wrote, "can be expected to be unreliable, inconstant and promiscuous; and the child is looked upon as evidence of this promiscuity.
Each member of the body is described to be given each its individual temperament, each with its own degree of heat and moisture. Avicenna lists members of the body in "order of degree of Heat", from hottest to coldest. #The breath and "the heart in which it arises"; #The blood; which is said to be generated from the liver; #The liver, which may be looked upon as concentrated blood; #The flesh, which would be as hot as the liver were it not for the nervous tissue which pervades it; #The muscles, which are cooler than the flesh because of their tendons and ligaments, as well as the nerves; #The spleen, which is colder because of the faex of the blood; #The kidneys; #The wall of the arteries; #The veins; #The skin of the palms and soles. Then a list is given of coldest members to hottest.
Irish Bureau of Military History - Séumas Robinson witness statement, WS 1721 The RIC men were guarding a transport of gelignite explosives. Some accounts say the Volunteers shot them dead when they refused to surrender and offered resistance; other accounts suggest that shooting them was the intent from the start. Breen later recalled: > ...we took the action deliberately, having thought over the matter and > talked it over between us. Treacy had stated to me that the only way of > starting a war was to kill someone, and we wanted to start a war, so we > intended to kill some of the police, whom we looked upon as the foremost and > most important branch of the enemy forces... The only regret that we had > following the ambush was that there were only two policemen in it, instead > of the six we had expected...History Ireland, May 2007, p.56.
Toshiba was founded in 1939 as Tokyo Shibaura Denki K.K. (Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co., Ltd) through the merger of Shibaura Seisaku-sho (founded in 1875) and Tokyo Denki (founded in 1890). The company name was officially changed to Toshiba Corporation in 1978. It is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, where it was a constituent of the Nikkei 225 and TOPIX indices (leaving both in August 2018), the Nagoya Stock Exchange, and the London Stock Exchange. Having been a technology company with a long history and sprawling businesses, Toshiba has been a household name in Japan and looked upon as a symbol of the country's technological prowess, though its reputation was heavily damaged following the accounting scandal in 2015 and the bankruptcy of Westinghouse in 2017, by which it had to shed a myriad of its valuable or underperforming businesses, essentially eradicating the company's century-long presence in consumer markets.
The club saw a change in location again when in the mid-80s they moved into a brand new facility in Barracks Lane on the King George V playing fields, this is where the club have since stayed. Avonmouth OBRFC has always been looked upon as one of the leading sides within the Bristol Combination and prior to the current league structure it achieved unparalleled success in the Bristol Evening post merit table and Bristol Combination Cup, mostly during the 1970s and 80s. Following the league restructure in the mid-90s the club struggled to gain any major success in league rugby with hotly contested local derbys taking their toll and many trips to Gloucestershire-based sides putting hold to any success. Over the past couple of decades Avonmouth Old Boys RFC saw its fortunes re-emerge on the rugby field, returning to the success of its past glorious era.
Assuming the ideal conditions, the upper estimates for possible effects of iron fertilization in slowing down global warming is about 0.3W/m2 of averaged negative forcing which can offset roughly 15-20% of the current anthropogenic CO2emissions. However, although this approach could be looked upon as an alternative, easy route, to solving our carbon emission crisis and lower concentration of CO2in the atmosphere, ocean iron fertilization is still quite controversial and highly debated due to possible negative consequences on the marine ecosystem. Research on this area has suggested that fertilization through deposition of large quantities of iron-rich dust into the ocean floor can significantly disrupt ocean's nutrient balance and cause major complications in the food cycle for other marine organisms. Since 1990, 13 major large scale experiments have been carried out to evaluate efficiency and possible consequences of the iron fertilization in ocean waters.
"May creatures be nothing for me, and may I be nothing for them, but may You, Jesus, be everything! Let nobody be occupied with me, let me be looked upon as one to be trampled underfoot...may Your will be done in me perfectly ... Jesus, allow me to save very many souls; let no soul be lost today; let all the souls in purgatory be saved.." On September 24, the public ceremony followed filled with 'sadness and bitterness'. "Thérèse found herself young enough, alone enough, to weep over the absence of Bishop Hugonin, Père Pichon, in Canada; and her own father, still confined in the asylum". But Mother Marie de Gonzague wrote to the prioress of Tours, "The angelic child is seventeen and a half, with the sense of a 30 year old, the religious perfection of an old and accomplished novice, and possession of herself, she is a perfect nun".
Around the end of the 18th century and the early and mid 19th century there were many characters frequenting the town centre and quayside of old Newcastle, These were characters who were described as "Worthies", "Props" or "Eccentrics" and would later be more gently described as "unfortunates". All had some form of physical or mental disability, but were looked upon as "unfortunates" and generally liked, respected and looked after by the population of hard working inhabitants. There was a famous picture painted in c1817 by Henry Perlee Parker, showing 14 of the characters (and a dog), all persons living in the area at the time. The painting is now known in some quarters as Hells Kitchen, (an alernateive name for "Newcastle Worthies", "Newcastle Props" or "Newcastle Eccentrics"), which was the room in which the group were positioned, a room in The Flying Horse, a “down market” drinking house.
In his memoir TRAUMA RED: The Making of a Surgeon in War and in America's Cities, Rhee recalled that "challenging, exhausting, exhilarating, frustrating, heartbreaking, satisfying, bloody, bloody, bloody day at the office," and the path that led him there. From his youth in South Korea and Uganda—where he once watched his surgeon father remove a spear from a man's belly—to frontline surgery in Iraq and Afghanistan, to trauma centers on the urban battlefields of Los Angeles and Washington, D.C..Scribner, a division of Simon & Schuster; June 3, 2014; 978-1-4767-2729-5 "It took a long time to be convinced that I should write this book," Rhee stated. He felt that the book would be looked upon as being egotistical by his professional peers. He states that he wrote the book to document from the medical provider point of view what actually happened when Congresswoman was shot in the brain and so that others could learn what a trauma surgeon is.
Referring to John Pym, she asked who the roundheaded man was. The principal advisor to Charles II, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon, remarked on the matter, "and from those contestations the two terms of Roundhead and Cavalier grew to be received in discourse, ... they who were looked upon as servants to the king being then called Cavaliers, and the other of the rabble contemned and despised under the name of Roundheads." cites Clarendon History of the Rebellion, volume IV. page 121. Ironically, after Anglican Archbishop William Laud made a statute in 1636 instructing all clergy to wear short hair, many Puritans rebelled to show their contempt for his authority and began to grow their hair even longer (as can be seen on their portraits) though they continued to be known as Roundheads. The longer hair was more common among the "Independent" and "high ranking" Puritans (which included Cromwell), especially toward the end of the Protectorate, while the "Presbyterian" (i.e.
There was a bell fund, and a fence fund (for one of the conditions on which the land was given was the construction of a substantial fence, which was to cost Fr. 5000). A fund was also established to buy a permanent house for the chaplain. Richard Pring, writing in 1912, remarked that even when the new Lötschberg railway had been opened, and the Bellevue and Schweizerhof Hotels reopened, the chaplain's income was unlikely to exceed £130 or £150 a year, "and that, without a house, especially for a married man, is totally inadequate." He hoped that a house would soon be built, so that "Berne may no longer be looked upon as quite one of most underpaid chaplaincies on the Continent." St Ursula's Church, Berne, Switzerland – Anglicans in Bern – 1832 to the present (Accessed 31 July 2014) In 1914, the church received a grant of Fr 1752.30 from SPG, and 29 individual subscriptions added Fr 1690.
Covell, pp. 21-22. Interior of Bristols saloon, showing the lavish appointments Contemporary American observers gushed over the size and sophistication of the ships, lauding them as "world renowned mammoth palace steamers", "so far in advance of the type of steamboats heretofore built that they were looked upon as marvels" and "the finest specimens of marine architecture of their day." One observer described the interiors thus: > ... The painting, by George C. Barker & Son, and the decorating by Hayman, > of this city, have been a source of enormous outlay, but the result is an > equivalent to the cost, for the passenger, on arriving at the Quarter Deck > and proceeding to the Grand Saloon, must certainly imagine that he is in the > halls of enchantment, only read of in the Arabian Nights' Entertainments. In > each panel of the quarter-deck is painted a piece of statuary, while every > nook and corner is covered with paint of the most delicate hue and finished > off with an abundance of gilt.
The song's words are as follows: Statue of Juana Maria and child in alt= Librado recited the words to a Cruzeño Indian named Aravio Talawiyashwit, who translated them as "I live contented because I can see the day when I want to get out of this island;" however, given the lack of any other information on Juana Maria's language, this translation's accuracy is dubious, or perhaps was an intuitive guess. Anthropologist and linguist John Peabody Harrington recorded Librado singing the song on a wax cylinder in 1913. The following text was published by an anonymous writer in Sacramento's Daily Democratic State Journal on October 13, 1853: > The wild woman who was found on the island of San Nicolas about 70 miles > from the coast, west of Santa Barbara, is now at the latter place and is > looked upon as a curiosity. It is stated she has been some 18 to 20 years > alone on the island.
The scope of general principles of law, to which Article 38(1) of the Statute of the ICJ refers, is unclear and controversial but may include such legal principles that are common to a large number of systems of municipal law. Given the limits of treaties or custom as sources of international law, Article 38(1) may be looked upon as a directive to the Court to fill any gap in the law and prevent a nonliquet by reference to the general principles. In earlier stages of the development of international law, rules were frequently drawn from municipal law. In the 19th century, legal positivists rejected the idea that international law could come from any source that did not involve state will or consent but were prepared to allow for the application of general principles of law, provided that they had in some way been accepted by states as part of the legal order.
Botha was prominent in efforts to achieve a peace with the British, representing the Boers at the peace negotiations in 1902, and was signatory to the Treaty of Vereeniging. In the period of reconstruction under British rule, Botha went to Europe with de Wet and de la Rey to raise funds to enable the Boers to resume their former avocations. Botha, who was still looked upon as the leader of the Boer people, took a prominent part in politics, advocating always measures which he considered as tending to the maintenance of peace and good order and the re- establishment of prosperity in the Transvaal. His war record made him prominent in the politics of Transvaal and he was a major player in the postwar reconstruction of that country, founding with Jan Smuts the Het Volk Party in the Transvaal Colony in 1904, which served as a springboard to campaign for responsible self-government for the colony.
According to a tradition connected with the legend of St. Martial, this saint, deputed by St. Peter, came to Cahors in the first century and there dedicated a church to St. Stephen, while his disciple, St. Amadour (Amator), the Zaccheus of the Gospel and husband of St. Veronica, evangelized the diocese. In the seventeenth century these traditions were closely examined by the Abbé Antoine Raymond de Fouillac, a friend of Fénelon, and, according to him, the bones discovered at Rocamadour in 1166, and looked upon as the relics of Zaccheus, were in reality the bones of St. Amator, Bishop of Auxerre. A legend written about the year 1000 by the monks of Saint-Genou Abbey (in the Diocese of Bourges) relates that Genitus and his son Genulfus were sent to Gaul by Pope Sixtus II (257-59), and that Genulfus (Genou) was the first Bishop of Cahors. But Louis Duchesne repudiated this as legend.
Luthor's alliance with Ceridov also guarantees the both of them power to control their own shares of the world: Luthor will get the West side of the planet, while Ceridov controls all countries within Communist boundaries. Their plan was for Ceridov to have three Russian nuclear missiles launched at Metropolis while Luthor, who owns a private island, will destroy all three missiles via a laser weapon so that he will be looked upon as saviour of mankind, while Ceridov will have the blame of the nuclear missiles launching by two other Russian generals. However, his corporate espionage is uncovered by Bruce Wayne/Batman, with Wayne informing the board that they will deliver Luthor only ineffective versions of the components he demands from Wayne Enterprises, with the result that the laser fails to work when the missiles are launched. Although Superman manages to prevent a nuclear disaster by diverting the missiles into space, Luthor is still peeved at the failure of his laser beam.
In Pliny's survey of Greek and Roman stone sculpture in his encyclopedic Natural History (XXXVI, 37), he says: > the case of several works of very great excellence, the number of > artists that have been engaged upon them has proved a considerable obstacle > to the fame of each, no individual being able to engross the whole of the > credit, and it being impossible to award it in due proportion to the names > of the several artists combined. Such is the case with the Laocoön, for > example, in the palace of the Emperor Titus, a work that may be looked upon > as preferable to any other production of the art of painting or of [bronze] > statuary. It is sculptured from a single block, both the main figure as well > as the children, and the serpents with their marvellous folds. This group > was made in concert by three most eminent artists, Agesander, Polydorus, and > Athenodorus, natives of Rhodes.
A profile of the Michigan football team in the International News Service (predecessor to the UPI) noted: > The big 'if' is a youngster named Harrison Simrall of Lexington, Ky., who is > looked upon as the man due to lead the maize and blue cohorts into the > promised land. In practice -- at least the one we saw -- he looks like the > answer to the coaches' prayer. He can kick, forward pass and direct play in > a manner that leaves little to be desired, and the experience gained last > season seems to have ironed out the rough edges of his style. Following spring practice in 1929, the Detroit Free Press reported that Simrall was "head and shoulders above all other football candidates at Michigan." Simrall started eight games as quarterback in 1929 and another as halfback in Harry Kipke's first season as Michigan's head football coach. He also handled punting for the 1929 team and set an "iron man" record by playing in 488 minutes during the 1929 season.
The Crown was now over-lord, and had been so ever since the accession of Henry IV, and the folk still ground their corn at the King's mills and baked their bread at the King's oven. There was as yet no charter of incorporation, and though the people were rapidly approaching to conditions of liberty their lot was still not very appreciably different from that of their forefathers. Up to the end of the sixteenth century Leeds may be looked upon as existing in semi- feudalism. There is no mention of education in Leeds until 1552, when one William Sheafield, who seems to have been a chantry priest of St. Catherine in Leeds, left property in the town for the establishment of a learned school- master who should teach freely for ever such scholars, youths, and children as should resort to him, with the wise proviso that the Leeds folk themselves should find a suitable building and make up the master's salary to ten pounds a year.
However, almost thirty years later he told the Bureau of Military History that he and Treacy intended killing the police escort to provoke a military response. > "Treacy had stated to me that the only way of starting a war was to kill > someone, and we wanted to start a war, so we intended to kill some of the > police whom we looked upon as the foremost and most important branch of the > enemy forces [...] The only regret we had following the ambush was that > there were only two policemen in it, instead of the six we had expected". Séumas Robinson said that they would not have "shot down men in cold blood, although certainly we had no intention of being intimidated by the armed guard". Patrick O'Dwyer said the plan had been to "disarm them and seize the gelignite without bloodshed if possible", and Tadhg Crowe said they did not believe the ambush would end in violence.
School hygiene expert Fletcher B. Dresslar explained in his 1915 work School Hygiene that “School Hygiene is the branch of this science [hygiene] which has to do with the conservation and development of the health of school children.” The school was looked upon as existing “not only for the welfare of each child in attendance, but also for the welfare of the state and the nation.” Dresslar broke school hygiene up into two essential parts: “the physical environment of the child during his school life” and “the laws of mental hygiene as illustrated by the proper adjustment of the subjects of the curriculum to the mental powers and needs of the children.” School hygiene as a major discipline was at its zenith in the United States and England in the late 19th and early 20th century, with major works of the subject being offered by various authors, among them Sir Arthur Newsholme, Edward R. Shaw, Robert A. Lyster, and G.G. Groff.
By decree of 8 January 1857 the Congregation placed the works of Günther on the Index librorum prohibitorum. The special grounds of this condemnation were set forth by Pius IX in the Brief addressed by him to Cardinal von Geissel, Archbishop of Cologne, on 15 June 1857, which declares that Günther's teachings on the Trinity, the Person of Christ, the nature of man, the Creation and particularly his views on the relation of faith to knowledge, as well as fundamental rationalism, which is the controlling factor of his philosophy even in the handling of Christian dogmas, are not consistent with the doctrine of the Church. Before the publication of the Index decree, Günther had been summoned to submit thereto, and in fact had declared his acquiescence, but for him internal submission and rejection of his errors was out of the question. He felt keenly the blow, which he looked upon as an injustice and which embittered him; but subsequently he published nothing.
This resulted in their legally becoming the Commission of Three for the Ordering of the State, more commonly known as the Second Triumvirate, through the Lex Titia promulgated in Rome on 27 November 43 BC. The three Caesarian leaders solemnly entered the capital, assumed full political control, and ruthlessly pursued their opponents in the republican faction. Cicero, who was killed on the orders of Antony, was the most high-profile victim of the triumvirate's proscriptions. In the power struggles ensuing many years later, Octavian would eventually defeat Antony and Cleopatra at Actium in 31 BC and usher in the Principate, but Mutina was the milestone where Octavian first established himself as a force to be reckoned with. Without this victory, Octavian might never have attained the prestige necessary to be looked upon as Caesar's successor, and the stability of the Empire might never have been established in the lasting manner which Octavian had decided for it.
He stated that North American and Western European countries classify themselves as an individualistic culture that is centred around the principles of egalitarianism, lack of in-group interdependence, direct communication and low power distance. Therefore, from a western perspective, the authoritative aspects of paternalism are not accepted innately whereas the parental aspect of this leadership style is looked upon as an invasion of privacy as personal and professional lives are two separate facets of life. On the other hand, paternalistic leadership style is quite effective and successful in non-western cultures which are collectivistic in nature as these societies look up to their leaders as a fatherly figure and rely upon him for guidance and protection in return of deference and loyalty, thereby aligning with the principles of paternalistic style. It is essential that extensive research be initiated, from a Non- Western point of view to understand the implications of this leadership style on social, cultural and organisational metrics without any negative bias.
Baniachong constituted the grand estate (zamindari) of Anwar Khan, who was looked upon as a raja by the local people. Estate of Baniachong was so vast it crisscrossed all districts of Sylhet region as well as the greater Mymensingh, Dhaka and Comilla. In accordance with the Pargana system introduced by Murshid Quli Khan in 1722, Anwar Khan claimed tenure of 28 Parganas of Muazzamabad, but his claim was rejected after an investigation by the revenue office, as these Parganas belong to the posterity of Shah Muazzam Uddin Qureshi, who assumed the name of Muazzam Khan when he ascended the throne of Muazzamabad. Hence, these 28 Parganas: Banshikunda (Vamshikunda), Ranadigha, Shelvarsh, Sukhaid, Bétaal, Palash, Laxmanshree, Chamtala, Pagla (Paragala), Dohaliya, Bazu Jatua, Sinchapaid, Shafahar (Shaharpara), Sik Sonaita (Sonauta), Atuajan (Atuajahan), Aatgaon, Kuwazpur, Joar Baniyachung, Kasba Baniyachung, Jalsuka, Bithangal, Joanshahi, Mudaikaid (Mudakadi), Kuresha, Jantari (Yantri), Haveli Sonaita, Satar Sati and Paikuda, were allotted to new landholders that created numerous zamindars and taluquedars in former Muazzamabad (districts of Sunamganj and Habiganj).
Additionally, to distinguish an escape jump from a bouncer-defense jump, O. bauri will orient its head in a particular manner. “Bouncer-defense jumps” are looked upon as mere accidents rather than purposeful acts performed by the trap-jaw ant. This is because they most frequently execute this jump when there are faced with a large harmless prey rather than with small prey. This evidence concludes that this type of jump is produced by a non-penetrating strike. “Bouncer-defense jumps” are usually horizontal jumps which can lead to the ant to land anywhere 40 centimeters away from its original position. On the other hand, “escape jumps” propel the ant vertically and are proved to be intentional because of the behaviors that precede the jump. Before an “escape jump,” the ant will orient its antennae and head perpendicularly to the intruder. Additionally it will sway its entire body and then lift one leg vertically.
The eleventh pair, issuing from the outer extremities of the buccal ganglions, are distributed to the muscles of the buccal mass. The twelfth pair come from the apex of the gastro-oesophageal ganglions, and being applied to the gullet, each divides into two branches, one of which supplies the upper portion of that tube, the other, passing down it, goes to the stomach as in the other nudibranchs. The thirteenth pair are large; these are the hepatic nerves; they issue from the buccal mass and probably (as in genus Aeolidia) are connected at their origin with ganglions, which must be looked upon as belonging to the sympathetic system. Immediately on emerging from the buccal mass, they are connected to the buccal ganglions at their point of union with the gastrooesophageal, and then, arching outwards and upwards, pass from within the anterior oesophageal collar, and go to supply the glands of the cerata.
He holds a press conference along with the government officials allotting the date of Balu's execution, but changes plans that night by detaining the officials, including Yamalingam and seizing their phones until Balu is executed the day before the officially announced date, while enforcing strict security around the prison premises with the help of soldiers. Macaulay goes to Balu's cell and takes him out into the prison ground where he tells him of his execution date as a prisoner's right to information. He also discusses with Balu on the irony that how he was looked upon as a traitor by the public despite his crusade for the people, to which Balu retorts by saying that the police works for a corrupt government. Macaulay informs Balu that Yamalingam had been in contact with Kuyili and sends a message to Yamalingam's phone as Kuyili to assure him that they know the changed date of the execution.
The latter resulted from thirty-two percent of what had been the generation capacity of Madhya Pradesh now being in the new state of Chhattisgarh: while Chhattisgarh did not need all of that capacity, much of it had historically been used in the remainder of Madhya Pradesh, which now found itself having only around 50 percent of the power that it required. Aditi Phadnis, a political journalist and author, also notes that in 1985, the state had been producing a surplus of electricity through a process of technical and administrative efficiency that was the envy of other areas and that then "The State Electricity Board began to be looked upon as a milch cow by successive politicians, Digvijay Singh included." Power was given away and no money was set aside for repairs and maintenance. One of Singh's last proposals while in office was to write-off the electricity bills of 1.2 million people over the preceding three years.
Ten Brook, who was not on campus at the same time as Tappan spends the least amount of time on this period; Adams, who was both student and faculty member under Tappan writes admiringly of his accomplishments, but emphasizes the smooth transition to his successor, Erastus Haven as a tribute to the continuing strength of the University. Farrand offers the most detailed and balanced account of this period, albeit from the standpoint that his accomplishments were many and his departure unfortunate. Ten Brooks is the most dubious about the admission of women, Adams the briefest, Farrand the most thorough, concluding that for the female students “it was unpleasant to be looked upon as eccentric, but that was a trifling matter when compared with the satisfaction arising from each day’s achievement.”Farrand, History, 203 Farrand's account also has the most to say about the extracurricular activities of students in the period, again, because it is based in reading of the various student publications.
The second victory was brought to Norway by the Nordic-Celtic, mainly instrumental group Secret Garden. With the melody "Nocturne", composer Rolf Løvland and Irish violinist Fionnuala Sherry - together with the singer and the Swedish harpist - was awarded with 148 points. This was the very first time an entirely ethnic song won an ESC final, and started a massive wave of ethnic ESC entries until the 1998 contest - already the next year another Celtic melody won, Eimear Quinn's "The Voice". Petter Skavlan's scarce use of words in "Nocturne" - only 24 in the three-minute song altogether - created a great controversy in Norway's neighbouring country Sweden, of whose jury decided to boycott what they looked upon as an inappropriate entry for the so- called "schlager" contest, being one of only three juries not to give the winning composition any points at all (the two other were Austria and Croatia), while six juries awarded it the maximum 12 points.
In the early years of the twentieth century, a few women were admitted to engineering programs, but they were generally looked upon as curiosities by their male counterparts. On 27 July 1904, Maria Elisabeth Bes graduated in chemical engineering from the Polytechische School te Delft, becoming the first female graduate engineer in the Netherlands. Nora Stanton Blatch Barney (1883–1971), daughter of Harriot Stanton Blatch and granddaughter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was the first woman to receive a degree in civil engineering from Cornell University in 1905. In the same year, she was accepted as a junior member of the American Society of Civil Engineers; however, twelve years later, after having worked as an engineer, architect, and engineering inspector, her request for an upgrade to associate membership was denied. Olive Dennis (1885–1957), who became the second woman to graduate from Cornell with a civil engineering degree in 1920, was initially hired by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad as a draftsman; however, she later became the first person to claim the title of Service Engineer when this title was created.
Within a fragment of the Orphic poetry, quoted by Natalis Comes, Melitta is spoken of as a hive, and called Seira, or the hive of Venus: > Let us celebrate the hive of Venus, who rose from the sea: that hive of many > names: the mighty fountain, from whence all kings are descended; from whence > all the winged and immortal Loves were again produced. From the works of Hesychius, it is clear that the word Seira among other interpretations signified Melitta, a bee; also a hive, or house of Melitta, "[s]uch is the sense of it in this passage: and [she] was thus represented in ancient mythology, as being the receptacle, from whence issued that swarm, by which the world was peopled". With that said, Seira was none other than the goddess Demeter, the supposed mother of mankind; who was also styled as Melitta and Melissa, and was looked upon as the Venus of the East. This Deity, Melitta, was the same as Mylitta, the well-known Venus of the Babylonians and Arabians.
Randall Collins, The Sociology of Philosophies: A Global Theory of Intellectual Change. Harvard University Press, 2000, pages 180, 182. Numerous copper plate inscriptions from India as well as Tibetan and Chinese texts suggest that the patronage of Buddhism and Buddhist monasteries in medieval India was interrupted in periods of war and political change, but broadly continued in Hindu kingdoms from the start of the common era through early 2nd millennium CE. Modern scholarship and recent translations of Tibetan and Sanskrit Buddhist text archives, preserved in Tibetan monasteries, suggest that through much of 1st millennium CE in medieval India (and Tibet as well as other parts of China), Buddhist monks owned property and were actively involved in trade and other economic activity, after joining a Buddhist monastery. With the Gupta dynasty (~4th to 6th century), the growth in ritualistic Mahayana Buddhism, mutual influence between Hinduism and Buddhism,History and life: the world and its people, Patricia Gutierrez, T. Walter Wallbank, p. 67-69, In time, Indian Buddhism became so much like Hinduism that it was looked upon as a sect of Hinduism.
In the end, only Eberding's determination to wipe out the 7th Brigade allowed Simonds' plan to work. In terms of numbers lost as a percentage of those engaged, the battle of the Leopold Canal was one of the bloodiest battles for Canada in World War II, with 533 killed and another 70 men breaking down due to battle exhaustion. Copp and Vogel wrote: "One in every two men who crossed the Leopold became a casualty!" The men who broke down under battle curled up in a fetal position and refused to move, speak, eat or drink as their spirits had been broken by the stress of the fighting. On 14 October 1944, Eberding, a man deeply committed to National Socialism, ordered that German soldiers who retreated without orders were to be regarded as deserters and summarily executed, and "...where the names of deserters are ascertained their names will be made known to the civilian population at home and their next of kin will be looked upon as enemies of the German people".
" He further explained: :"We have there endeavoured to show that a knowledge of geometrical construction is necessary, before a thorough appreciation of the principles of outline sketching can be obtained, and a ready facility acquired in performing its operations. However much this position may be controverted as regards its application to an art which is generally looked upon as independent of, rather than dependent on, strict and formal rules, there can be no doubt, we think, that it holds with all completeness in reference to that which it is now our duty to illustrate and describe. In fact, so much do the various branches treated of in the following pages depend upon a knowledge of geometry, that many class them under the generic title of "geometrical drawing." Those commencing the study of these arts – so useful to the architect and the mechanic – without this knowledge of geometry, will be disappointed as to their speedy proficiency, and will labour under great disadvantages, from not understanding the principles upon which the constructions are founded.
The call led to the 1947 Jerusalem riots between 2–5 December 1947, resulting in many deaths and much property damage. On 12 April 1948, with the end of the mandate looming, the Arab League announced its intention to take over the whole of the British Mandate territory, with the objective being: > The Arab armies shall enter Palestine to rescue it. His Majesty (King > Farouk, representing the League) would like to make it clearly understood > that such measures should be looked upon as temporary and devoid of any > character of the occupation or partition of Palestine, and that after > completion of its liberation, that country would be handed over to its > owners to rule in the way they like.Gerson, Allan. Israel, the West Bank and > international law, Routledge, 1978, , p 78 The British Mandate of Palestine came to an end on 15 May 1948, on which day six of the then-seven Arab League states (Yemen being not active) invaded the now-former Mandate territory, marking the start of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
"Women's Contribution to Classical Islamic Civilisation: Science, Medicine and Politics". Retrieved January 5, 2019. In the 19th century, women who performed engineering work often had academic training in mathematics or science, although many of them were still not eligible to graduate with a degree in engineering, such as Ada Lovelace or Hertha Marks Ayrton. Rita de Morais Sarmento was one of the first women in Europe to be certified with an academic degree in engineering in 1896. In the United States at the University of California, Berkeley, however, both Elizabeth Bragg (1876) and Julia Morgan (1894) already had received their bachelor's degree in that field. In the early years of the 20th century, a few women were admitted to engineering programs, but they were generally looked upon as curiosities by their male counterparts. Alice Perry (1906), Cécile Butticaz (1907), and Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu (1912) were some of the first European to graduate with a degree in engineering. The entry of the United States into World War II created a serious shortage of engineering talent in America as men were drafted into the armed forces.
There is here abundant evidence that there > exists some strange misconception of the scope of the provision as found in > the fourteenth amendment. In fact, it would seem from the character of many > of the cases before us, and the arguments made in them, that the clause > under consideration is looked upon as a means of bringing to the test of the > decision of this court the abstract opinions of every unsuccessful litigant > in a state court of justice of the decision against him, and of the merits > of the legislation on which such a decision may be founded. Rights of the People; Individual Freedom and the Bill of Rights, Chapter 9 : > During the 19th and early parts of the 20th century, a great debate took > place in the United States over the nature of property rights and the > balance that should be struck between the rights of private owners and > businessmen on the one hand and the police powers of the state that were > enlisted to ameliorate the harsher aspects of industrialization. Especially > within the judicial branch, many judges seemed to hold an unalloyed Lockean > view that nothing should be done to disturb individual rights in property.
But in spite of the pressure of debt and poverty, which was not diminished during his term of office, the prior was as much interested as his predecessors had been in the course of public events. Like most of the clergy and religious of the period, he was in sympathy with Simon de Montfort, whom he looked upon as the champion of the Church; and in 1263, when the earl visited Dunstable, the prior went out to meet him, and admitted him to the fraternity of the house. In 1265 a council was held at Dunstable to consider the possibility of peace with the defeated barons, and the king and queen visited the house in the course of the year; but though Simon de Montfort had been there quite recently, and the sympathy of the prior with his cause could not have been altogether a secret one, no fine was imposed upon the priory on that account. In 1274 a long and expensive suit was begun between the prior and convent of Dunstable and Eudo la Zouche, who had become lord of Houghton and Eaton Bray by his marriage with Millicent de Cantelow.
From him we know that "the capitals, too, of the pillars, which were placed by M. Agrippa in the Pantheon, are made of Syracusan bronze", that "the Pantheon of Agrippa has been decorated by Diogenes of Athens, and the Caryatides, by him, which form the columns of that temple, are looked upon as masterpieces of excellence: the same, too, with the statues that are placed upon the roof," and that one of Cleopatra's pearls was cut in half so that each half "might serve as pendants for the ears of Venus, in the Pantheon at Rome". The Augustan Pantheon was destroyed along with other buildings in a huge fire in the year 80 AD. Domitian rebuilt the Pantheon, which was burnt again in 110 AD. The degree to which the decorative scheme should be credited to Hadrian's architects is uncertain. Finished by Hadrian but not claimed as one of his works, it used the text of the original inscription on the new façade (a common practice in Hadrian's rebuilding projects all over Rome; the only building on which Hadrian put his own name was the Temple to the Deified Trajan). How the building was actually used is not known.
Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force, one of the de facto military forces ostensibly permitted under Article 9. Soon after the adoption of the Constitution of Japan in 1947, the Chinese Civil War ended in victory for the Communist Party of China in 1949 and the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC). As a consequence, the United States was left without the Republic of China (ROC) on Mainland China as a military ally against communism in the Pacific. There was a desire on the part of the United States occupation forces for Japan to take a more active military role in the struggle against communism during the Cold War. If Article 9 is looked upon as a motion to abolish war as an institution—as envisaged in the 1961 McCloy–Zorin Accords—then the Korean crisis was the first opportunity for another country to second the Japanese motion and embark on the transition toward a true system of collective security under the United Nations. In fact, however, in 1950, following the outbreak of the Korean War, the U.S. 24th Infantry Division was pulled out of Japan and sent to fight on the front lines in Korea, and so Japan was left without any armed protection.

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