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133 Sentences With "lives off"

How to use lives off in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "lives off" and check conjugation/comparative form for "lives off". Mastering all the usages of "lives off" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Marine life that today lives off Virginia inhabited Nantucket waters.
She lives off credit cards, Social Security and an annuity.
Trump lives off media attention and delights in press coverage.
In a country that lives off imports, that could spell disaster.
"The public lives off the past successes of Erdoğan," he said.
"Portugal is a country that lives [off] of tourism," Mota said.
She now lives off of meager remittances from a nephew living abroad.
He lives off rents from property bought cheaply after the financial crisis.
Instead, he lives off ofjust his endorsement deals and personal business ventures.
Maybe Peggy escaped, again, and lives off the grid in El Paso.
Now he lives in Nevada and lives off social security and stamp collecting.
"Trump lives off confrontation and conflict," added Mr. Poiré, the former Mexican interior secretary.
She doesn't touch the equity and lives off of her base salary and bonus.
To survive, he says, he lives off the money he made in previous years.
Jay was born with serious liver complications and now lives off a meager state pension.
Now he lives off food stamps, in a dodgy wheelchair, at the mercy of strangers.
She lives off $823 in Supplemental Security Income, about $250 of which goes to rent.
Sean Hannity lives off of his words and we all know they have a huge impact.
She wants to have the baby in Cleveland, where she lives off-and-on with Thompson.
Carson retired at 36 and now lives off the passive income generated from his 110 properties.
In short, O'Neal saves and invests 75% of his income and lives off the remaining 25%.
Another 30 percent goes towards savings and he lives off the remaining 10 to 15 percent.
He has a friend that lives off the Montrose stop—what are they going to do?
Samuel Jones largely lives off the money he makes from YouTube as a TV and film reviewer.
She meets the gruff Irish loner Donald (Gleeson) who lives off the land in a makeshift cabin.
We bounce our love lives off each other at times, but no romantic situation going on there.
Mr. Woods, 51, who now lives off disability payments, was a Bernie Sanders supporter during primary season.
She lives off gas station pizza or bags of cheddar-flavored Chex Mix, her go-to snack.
As is the case with all the best things in football, Transfer Deadline Day lives off its history.
But I think the right model right now isn't that you're trading lives off against better economic performance.
Both of the stars keep their kids' lives off of social media, and rarely take them to public events.
Plus, unless she lives off veggies, hummus, lunch meat, yogurt, and trendy drinks, there seem to be some omissions.
Violet is thriving a producer, while her best friend, Stella, lives off her parents' riches and travels the world.
He's also incredibly careful with his money: He reportedly saves 75% of his earnings and lives off the other 25%.
The Goddess says she lives off less than $1,400 from social security, and her rent takes up most her income.
This sea creature, the Pyura chilensis, lives off the coasts of Chile and Peru and is a very real creature.
"That's what he lives off of — he actually wants us to take them," Ms. Rosenthal said, referring to the books.
Just under half — 28500 percent — of community colleges are affordable for the average Pell Grant recipient who lives off campus.
He still lives off $60,000 a year and stashes the rest of his money in investments and retirement savings accounts.
You'd be forgiven for thinking that every person under the age of 213 now lives off a diet of Tide Pods.
There's a viper that lives off this Brazilian island where they have males and females and intersex, but that's like it.
In the woods, she lives off squirrels and then, finally, she finds an icy pack of Eggos, courtesy of one Chief Hopper!
Bholoja, who brands himself as the father of Swazi-soul music, is one of the few artists who lives off his art.
That means no more built-in scroll wheel and awkward offset touchpad that lives off on the right side of the system.
The family lives off the 21990,20203 yuan ($22020) a month Wang makes selling scrap and receives no assistance from the Beijing government.
He has a full class schedule to balance with several chemistry and business clubs, and he lives off campus, without a car.
Rolff lives off his stock photographer work, but as a producer of images, he said it would be nice to be better rewarded.
A couple hundred dollars extra in rent would not be feasible for Maria, who lives off welfare after losing her job last year.
To help grads get their financial lives off to a good start, here are some tips to help you make wise financial decisions.
Calling herself a medium, a psychic and a spiritualist interchangeably, Linda (Randy Danson) knows all about that need: She basically lives off it.
As the prefix suggests, paraphrase stakes out a position along the margins of expression; it lives off the light of an other's making.
On the other side of the world, a Siberian man lives off the land in a remote forest outside the city of Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
But the writing, the performances, and the filmmaking make it seem like all involved are having the time of their lives, off-camera anyway.
As years pass in solitude and Felix lives off his savings and retirement package, obsessed with revenge, he likes to imagine he's not alone.
Which doesn't mean that Williamstown has turned itself into a New York-facing theater that lives off a reputation for out-of-town tryouts.
Jay Leno prefers to have two forms of income at all times: He banks the larger of the two and lives off the other.
Around 30 percent of Mongolia's 0003 million population lives off animal herding, according to the World Bank, and meat is the primary source of food.
It lives off loans and occasional cash injections from the Gulf, but loans are becoming harder to come by and the handouts are drying up.
Despite his wealth, though, O'Neal is smart about his money: He reportedly saves 75 percent of his earnings and lives off the other 25 percent.
The most popular musicians in the world are playing their public lives off the credulousness of the listening public to reach new heights of relevancy.
Florida's large senior population lives off investments, making coronavirus a twin threat because it kills the elderly and social distancing is damaging the stock market.
The second in a series of articles on the impact of global warming on the world LIKE MOST Malawians, Wema Kaloti lives off the land.
He lives off a park on the western side of Madrid, and the art houses are clumped together near Plaza de España, not far away.
If you're still in need of more info about this couple and their lives off-camera, here's what you need to know about Tan and Rob.
But no thought is given to the fact that Germany lives off its E.U. partners with an estimated trade surplus of 27 billion euros in 224.
When asked about his income, he says he lives off about $1,000 per month in the summer, and less than $600 a month in the winter.
She is one of six children in a family that lives off the land and livestock in Kashi Gaon, a village in Nepal's mountainous Gorkha District.
Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia, could be seen as the model: it lives off donations and its host of volunteers keeps it reasonably clean, honest and reliable.
She made the statement that, even if she lives off tips and doesn't have health insurance, she can still find a way to afford her truth.
In 2017, New York Jets linebacker Brandon Copeland told ESPN that he lives off 10% to 15% of his income, while saving and investing the rest.
Water disputes over rivers are common in India, where droughts and weak monsoons weigh heavily on the majority of the country that still lives off agriculture.
But the math is simple: There is serious money to be made from working with the kingdom that lives off the world's most profitable company, Aramco.
In fact, Patriots cornerback Joejuan Williams says he lives off roughly 10% of his NFL income so that he can invest and save the other 90%.
A line on its website claims: "Dave lives off of donations", although Wilk says it does also charge a small subscription for its app — $0.99 per month.
We don't really have the option of moving our lives off of the internet, and coordinated boycotts of our monstrous platforms have been brief and mostly fruitless.
They zoned in on how much they needed, saved aggressively and invested smartly and early; now, Ms. Robin lives off the income she earns from those investments.
Viggo Mortensen and Kathryn Hahn, stars of Captain Fantastic, used a bit from their film (about a big family that lives off the grid) while presenting an award.
Carson now lives off passive income from the rental properties, affording him the ability to spend this year living in Ecuador with his wife and two young daughters.
The family lives off a bumpy path in a remote village in the hills, and one of the grandchildren, a five-year-old named Linh, became severely malnourished.
He now lives off his savings and monthly pension, joking that Ryoma will have to support his father in his old age when he's a successful baseball player.
One 36-year-old New York lawyer earning $270,000 told the New York Post he lives off rice and beans so he can save 70% of his salary.
"If you're an oil guy who lives off building new subsea structures and new pipelines, this is a very worrying trend," Nicholas Green, senior equity analyst at Bernstein, said.
They belong to a type of dolphin that lives off China's shores called sousa chinensis, or the Chinese White (though they are grey when born and pinkish as adults).
Arizona State (9-9, 2-3) typically lives off the 03-point shot, but missed its first 10 attempts, a drought that extended into early in the second half.
"The feeling is one of impotence, that a crazy person cut their lives off like that," said Marta Albert, a 58-year-old nurse and graduate of the school.
She lives off of the land, where she cultivates corn, yucca, palm trees, and 300 cacao trees of four different varieties in a horticultural plot known as a chacra.
Beginning in his hometown of Minneapolis, Soth traveled the country attending community meetings, festivals, dances, and other gatherings to better understand the state of Americans' social lives off-line.
Now, living in LA, he keeps a tight schedule and lives off the calendar on his phone, where he keeps a detailed list of his day and upcoming projects.
"There's not a gram of rice growing anywhere here," said Mariano Montilla, a 47-year-old local who lives off the few crops he can coax from nearby scrubland.
She steals money from the mail truck of her father, a mail carrier; gets high with a sneaker salesman at the mall; and lives off freebies from her adoring town.
She lives off-campus, and after stocking up on food and water, she went with her roommate to find sandbags to line their first-floor apartment, hoping to keep any flooding.
"There's nothing I can do," said Mr. Wang, who has only a few dollars left in savings, lives off plain noodles and rents a small room for about $60 a month.
Basked in the blue glow of television light, I am a child again, safe in my parents' house in Pennsylvania, all the trauma of our lives off in the distant future.
Jane's letter tells a harsh – in both content and language – story of poverty, where she lives off only a single bag of rice, unable to buy groceries or pay her heating bill.
That day, Bryan Fettig, a senior at Central Michigan University who lives off-campus, woke up to missed calls and voicemails from concerned friends and relatives who had heard about the shooting.
To survive, the football veteran whose career earnings will total roughly $59 million at the end of this season, says he lives off the money he budgeted and saved from previous years.
Her mother, who lives off her state pension of 9,000 Danish crowns ($1,23) per month, could not afford to pay the roughly 1,000 crowns a month for a private cleaning firm, Blytsoe said.
The target words, as the real Ron Stallworth has told me, there are target words, trigger words that hate seems to be drawn to, attracted to, that it sort of lives off of.
Lumping this valid concern about the effects an on-field strategy might have on players' real lives off the field into the same category as old baseball men yelling at clouds seems disingenuous.
Get an exclusive look into one of the best global sports clubs, including never-before-seen dressing room footage with legendary coach Pep Guardiola, and delve into the players' lives off and on the pitch.
Aperol Betty might sound like an older tanned lady from a local bar who lives off of Martini olives, cigarettes, and too many spritzes, but it's actually a sister cocktail to the legendary Aperol Spritz.
It's worth noting that over 57 percent of Nepal's population lives off of less than $2 a day, and a good salary for white-collar workers in the Kathmandu valley is around $300 per month.
"I told them that I would be there for them … and, we're going to make it through [this]," says Morey, who personally lives off of a combination of Social Security checks and his own savings.
The Klevelands' father boasts that he lives off the grid at his ranch, "I think he knows that if everything goes crazy he has a well and a garden, a survivalist plan," Katherine Kleveland said.
Tiffany Trump, the only child of Trump's marriage to second wife, Marla Maples, is about to begin her third year at Georgetown University Law School in Washington where she lives off-campus in a downtown apartment.
As part of his aim to deliver maximum value for shareholders, Ball says he invests his salary and bonus into company shares and lives off dividends from other investments – none of which are in rival miners.
Copeland's strategy is similar to another NFL star, the now-retired Rob Gronkowski, who lives off his multi-million-dollar endorsement deals, and claims to have not touched the money he made from his NFL contracts.
"The accusations (against us) were at times hasty, at other times they went against us, but it left a mark on his image and as you know Neymar lives off his image," said lawyer Gustavo Xisto.
Dogen said he has not dipped into his retirement savings because he lives off a passive income stream of certificates of deposits, stock dividends and real estate investments that he expects will generate roughly $211,000 this year.
The idea that stars manipulate their lives off of the screen and stage in order to further their careers is not a new one; orchestrations between publicists, lawyers, and tabloid journalists are a well-known Hollywood staple.
They claim the similarities include -- Both "Ballers" and "Off Season" are about football players and their lives off-field -- Both are set in Miami -- Both center around African-American athletes HBO has said the case is frivolous.
A city person like myself has very little in common with someone who lives off the grid, eating what they kill, drying what they forage, warming themselves through the interminable winter with wood downed in a storm.
Musk has often been dinged for this — often by right-leaning GOP and probably Trump supporters who thinks Musk lives off government handouts — but Musk hasn't sought to diminish the debt his companies owe to the American people.
Dogen said he has not dipped into his tax-advantaged retirement accounts because he lives off a passive income stream of certificates of deposits, stock dividends and real estate investments that he expects will generate roughly $211,000 this year.
"It would be very difficult to achieve a political change without economic sanctions, which would end the corruption schemes the government lives off," Enrique Altimari, the international representative for Primero Justicia, one of the main opposition parties, told BuzzFeed News.
From 2003 to 2007, "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" presented gay men as magical beings who functioned as helpers to heterosexual men, schooling them in matters of fashion and home décor while keeping much of their own lives off-screen.
Now in retirement, Mr. Zhou lives off a pension, dividing his time between Beijing and a home in southern China, writing essays about his past and on current affairs, and giving classes in classical music, one of his lifelong loves.
Morrow says he lives off of a small pension and Social Security income amounting to about $23,000 before taxes — and he wants his story to serve as a cautionary tale for those who may be inclined to make similar financial decisions.
It's a world of its own, with "mountains and forests, a giant river and the ocean," and strange creatures that appear to have evolved along with it, like the washer lizard that lives off lint from the factory's washing machines.
Months after a drone helped rescue two swimmers struggling for their lives off the Australian coast, another was instrumental in helping a snowmobiler who found himself sinking through a frozen lake, armed only with two screwdrivers to help him claw his way out.
The show lives off the tension between Cross's grand-guignol theatrics — the latest killer wears not only a creepy Guy Fawkes mask but a halo of halogen lights, like a self-contained circus sideshow — and Elba's immensely world-weary, endearing performance as Luther.
"This is like the lost village, the tiny collective, the nobody women ... but sooner or later, it was going to happen," said Unda, whose group in the eastern state of Veracruz lives off its own funds, plus sales of bandannas and key chains.
On Tuesday, he revealed on an episode of Live with Kelly and Ryan that he lives off of the produce he grows in his garden in England—and is planning on using the help of a Jon Snow scarecrow to keep it that way.
Crude insults, intimidation campaigns, and other tactics that win plaudits on the right as signals of "dominance" are the same tactics that, if practiced by professors in return—even in our private lives off campus—would lead to calls for our jobs, or worse.
If new technologies can take energy produced in, say, a sun-filled summer in Whitehorse (where Cooke lives, off the grid) and use it between the long, dark winter months when his solar panels aren't very useful, it would vastly improve the efficiency of the system.
A new study, published Wednesday in Royal Society Open Science, is the first to look at a population of these whales that lives off Cape Hatteras, N.C. Researchers tagged 11 Cuvier's beaked whales for an average of a month, tracking the length and depths of their dives.
The oldest of the clan is Connor, a dipshit faux philanthropist who fashions himself as the black sheep of the family, somehow above it all even as he weasels himself back in constantly, and lives off of the family wealth without having any real ambition of his own.
He did sell drugs... Another suggested that the Sugar Man would be a part of a Halloween special: One fan has a rather terrifying idea for how Sugar Man will connect to Riverdale, writing: "He lives off the sugary maple syrup-infused blood of Riverdale children #Sugarman" Stay safe, Riverdale.
The company lives off the land when it can: Costumes for "Tosca" are being lent or sold at discounts by fashion brands including Awaveawake and Print All Over Me; materials for the company's sets are sometimes scavenged; and the beer, a big draw, is discounted, and sometimes donated, by Brooklyn Brewery.
Batting for the first time against Adam Wainwright, a pitcher who lives off his nasty curveball, Bird jumped on the first pitch he saw — a 90-mile-per-hour fastball — and crushed it deep into the right-field bleachers, giving the Yankees a 3-1 lead in the second inning.
Like, for TV shows or movies, probably a comedy one, maybe he once wrote a really good one and lives off residuals and the support for this was that he seemed really used to or didn't think the Hollywood party Kevin had to go to was anything special and seemed to know how to deal with it?
A retiree living at the poverty line explains how he squandered his 401(k) — and shares how today&aposs generation of young professionals can avoid his fateJohn Morrow says he lives off of a small pension and Social Security income amounting to about $23,000 before taxes, and he wants his story to serve as a cautionary tale.
Rather, they're doing something reflective of superior talent: And those teams that were just a game worse had outcomes just as good: So let's say you've been waiting around since 1908 because you're an ageless demon of a Cubs fan who licks his horrid sagging flesh under a manhole cover on Lakeshore Drive and lives off the quagga mussels that have infested Lake Michigan.

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