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125 Sentences With "line of thought"

How to use line of thought in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "line of thought" and check conjugation/comparative form for "line of thought". Mastering all the usages of "line of thought" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Wise extends the same line of thought to a lover.
That would be my pushback to that line of thought.
That line of thought carried down the chain of command.
Not only is that line of thought insulting, it's simply wrong.
This line of thought echoes the way the twentieth-century Austrian
Contemplating this, my line of thought has surprised and disturbed me.
In many ways, Ken's work also follows this same line of thought.
Mill is not at all clear about his line of thought here.
It's time for every single woman to denounce this line of thought.
This is exactly the line of thought which has inspired Christian anti-Semitism.
Even Trump himself used to be on board with this line of thought.
Herculano-Houzel realized that she could extend and modify this line of thought.
Not only is that a more interesting line of thought, it's also much clickier.
Theorists soon expanded this line of thought to include other sorts of sampling problems.
So it made sense to follow that line of thought to its end point.
This line of thought teaches children that they have the capacity to address challenges.
There's just one problem with this line of thought: They mostly aren't paying attention.
Following the same line of thought, a robot that engages BDSM would not be harming anyone.
He repeated the same line of thought during the second day of his testimony on Thursday.
Let's not give this inane line of thought that "protest = military disrespect" any more air time.
Gorsuch seemed to expand on that line of thought in a back-and-forth with Miller.
There is a naive hope attached this line of thought, one that Westworld calls into question.
I wanted to sustain an argument, a kind of through line of thought from the beginning.
It sometimes appeared that he could not be bothered to follow his own line of thought.
There's a line of thought out there that questions whether Tyrion is her biological brother at all.
One line of thought, offered in Slate by Alan Levinovitz, is that Trump won't pay a price.
If I believed that its politics, as practiced by its supporters, extended beyond this line of thought.
This was a line of thought the Democrats should have brought to the American people during the trial.
By putting its films in theaters, Vimeo is taking the next logical step in this line of thought.
This line of thought would weaken the case for raising interest rates and shrinking the bond portfolio quickly.
The two architecture students making the upcoming platform-adventure game HomeMake are taking this line of thought further.
My first line of thought was something techy like IBM, because, why couldn't it be like 1981 again?
But one line of thought with which you might be a little less familiar is the 'Pact Of Silence'.
According to this line of thought, they should have done more to combat Amazon and adapted to online retailing.
But regardless, this is a frightening line of thought for an incumbent president and his team to be entertaining.
Typically realists, Egyptian army officers who ascribe to this line of thought likely feel threatened by this military gap.
The potential for Prieto's line of thought includes living and dynamic new creative systems beyond static forms and spaces.
Or at the very least, we have maintained conditions that have allowed Sharapova to profit from this line of thought.
Your line of thought suggests that any new drug not passing phases one to three in clinical protocols is ineffectual.
"Can't we have a little humor once in a while," Johnson asked before elaborating on the same line of thought.
It's a slippery line of thought, but that's what is at stake in the creation of a map for PUBG.
Though we can't say for sure that's what happened, that line of thought has only gained traction since Tuesday evening.
"If one supports this line of thought, basically Brexit should change nothing in relation to the current situation," Ophele said.
But a new study published this week in PLoS One seems to offer a strong rebuttal to that line of thought.
Were there, or are there, specific incidents from real life that were catalysts to this line of thought in your book?
That line of thought has in fact helped to convince the American judiciary that Nativity displays on government property are legitimate.
If the former CIA director is saying this, we must be in really deep doo-doo, went the line of thought.
And what about the line of thought that black metal should be dangerous, offensive, and unbeholden to society's rules or niceties?
Who, this line of thought goes, once struck with HIV could think of themself as a viable sexual object ever again?
This line of thought is called the sunk cost fallacy, which a lot of people grapple with after years in unfulfilling careers.
Opposing arguments now famous, such as those of Bartolomeo de las Casas, had yet to coalesce into a mainstream line of thought.
ANONYMOUS This is a useful line of thought for anybody trying to figure out the best way to take an unusual break.
This line of thought appears after every single electoral loss — somehow Democratic officeholders, especially the president, didn't pull magic out of hats.
Following this line of thought to its natural end, we present a speculative look at what happens when droids meet between the sheets.
Some say all this winning by one team is bad for the game, but CNN's Jill Martin calls that line of thought ridiculous.
Trying to piece together a single line of thought from what was an incredibly wide-ranging set of questions and answers, is impossible.
" Bob-Waksberg adds that this line of thought was "a motivator for some of the conversations that happen on the show this season.
Following that line of thought, there are other important developments, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which is nearing the finish line.
There&aposs a conventional line of thought that a new service needs to sell for the same as — or less than — the competition.
The Ukraine call, however, reveals not just inappropriate conduct but the fundamental inadequacy of this line of thought as a response to Trump.
So it&aposs a good question, but don&apost let others outside the company kind of trick you into that line of thought.
But Aristotle did not make more of this line of thought, because the middle class was not yet large enough to form a majority.
And in still other poems, the poet follows a line of thought, like a saxophonist working a riff, until it can go no further.
Now, you can argue with this line of thought — with its characterization of the self, its definition of "real" and "exist," and so on.
But the point is that this line of thought is clear enough to argue about — just like the lines of thought Western philosophers produce.
Poniewozik evades this line of thought by asserting that Trump is TV, the mere simulacrum of a human being projected onto a flat-screen.
"To engage the written word means to follow a line of thought, which requires considerable powers of classifying, inference-making and reasoning," Postman writes.
Reading through their tweets and responses, you can see a through-line of thought, a consistency in pushing propaganda in spite of the seeming randomness.
Mr. Achatz picked up on this when he named his restaurant Alinea, after the medieval symbol marking a new paragraph — a new line of thought.
He reckons that more than 90% of Chinese people will be receptive to this line of thought if it is delivered in the right way.
Feminist social philosophers like Nancy Fraser have developed this line of thought in dialogue with the work of Marx, Foucault, Habermas and other continental thinkers.
What could be seen as crucial line of thought in Atkinson's writing sews a concept of interdependence and interconnected, shared culture between distinct modes of living.
It's topped by a bivalve terracotta chimney that suggests a woman's shoulders and following this line of thought, the knoll becomes a skirt in my mind's eye.
It's not exactly a convincing line of thought; iPads are still much better for watching Netflix, web browsing, and playing games than they are for editing documents.
Sanders is hardly the only athlete to endorse that line of thought, but the impetus had as much to do with his surroundings as his own research.
Bautista's main transgression, if you subscribe to one line of thought, was breaking baseball's unwritten code of honor and decorum when he flipped that bat seven months ago.
The problem with this line of thought is that the "merciless scrutiny" of the internet circa 83 means something different than the scrutiny of the internet circa 2017.
For generations, the left has paraded this line of thought as an excuse for their own failure to win over the hearts and minds of the American public.
This woman's line of thought — that abandonment by members of her church meant abandonment by God — is the sort of confused thinking that suicidal people often engage in.
J.T., New York This may indeed be a very helpful line of thought for many workers who find themselves pushed into new responsibilities that feel like a career detour.
To say that President Trump's methods of screening candidates for important government posts are unorthodox would be an understatement, so I will not pursue this head-scratching line of thought.
However, I feel a separate line of thought is being neglected in the process, and that these thoughts should co-exist alongside the idea that, yes, mental illness is scary.
But you can try to recover the space on either side of a phone's front sensors, which is precisely the line of thought that gave us notches in the first place.
"In this line of thought, the best decision may be to stockpile only if one is confident that no one else will find the zero-day; disclose otherwise," the report reads.
Even then, valuing the market has nothing to do with where it's going to go next week or next month or next year, a line of thought we never get into.
If this specious line of thought seems at all plausible to you, it is because of the influence of "On Liberty," published in 1859 by the English philosopher John Stuart Mill.
I imagined horrible things happening to him, like him perishing in some sort of terrible accident—quickly realizing that wasn't the best line of thought considering we were on an airplane together.
The line of thought, according to the Post, is that the president will have vented his frustration with the investigation and have been reassured by his legal team before stepping into work.
The evening I saw it, this line of thought had the audience roaring and clapping and then seeming to want to retract both responses as Charlie veered into ever more uncomfortable ideas.
Schnurer elaborated on this line of thought in an email: The prototypical Trump voter sees a changing America leaving him behind; part of this is economic, part of it demographic, part cultural.
In an interview with The Washington Post, Doar says that his goal will be to ensure that AEI remains an organization that supports diverse voices, rather than pushing one line of thought.
But if Captain Marvel becomes a hit like Black Panther did, the immediate line of thought at Marvel will be that female superhero movies sell (and Wonder Woman's success would bolster this idea).
On a busy day, it might be tempting to think of dealing with e-mails or making phone calls as breaks, but they aren't, so don't give in to this line of thought.
He told Reuters he would not allow geopolitical fears to stifle development of much-needed infrastructure and said Samoa would "follow our own line of thought", not that of the United States and its allies.
She continued that line of thought in her DLD speech, describing the handing over of personal data by users of free services as "a business transaction", and adding that consumer "need to be treated fairly".
He told Reuters he would not allow geopolitical fears to stifle development of much-needed infrastructure and said Samoa would "follow our own line of thought," not that of the United States and its allies.
This line of thought that has linked work in the field of disability studies to that of queer and feminist thinkers, who celebrate difference among marginalized groups and resist assimilation to mainstream standards of living.
One recurring line of thought I saw this year was a very thoughtful concern that we were stuck playing Battlegrounds because it was good for numbers, because we were trying to grow our Twitch audience.
Don't mistake this line of thought as an argument calling for her to release the pics — it's not, and I would never suggest that a person share something private and personal that they didn't want to.
"There's a line of thought that to some degree people are concerned about global issues around kind of the state of country, election issues, those type of things," Buettgen said during an earnings conference call Thursday.
And she has bristled at a line of thought in liberal spheres and on social media that she and other women have advanced in the White House by keeping their heads down in a misogynistic workplace.
Then humanity remained in Africa for the next 140,000 years, according to this line of thought, before venturing into Europe and Asia in what&aposs known as the "Out of Africa" migration about 60,000 years ago.
Following that line of thought, if you don't do either of those things, then you must not have actually felt threatened—and in the context of rape, that must mean the person actually wanted what was happening.
A strange line of thought has emerged in the midst of Donald Trump's latest and most broad-spectrum meltdown: that Hillary should offer Republicans a kind of buyout in exchange for their one-time support this November.
This combination, in Schultz's view, can not only lift people out of poverty, but help solve the country's most complex and intractable problems, like racism—a line of thought that led to Starbucks's disastrous Race Together campaign.
Grouped together, the three paintings seem to form a single line of thought, as the black shapes, one per canvas and located pretty much in the same spot, bob and weave from one image to the next.
Its latest Survey of Professional Forecasters on Friday backed up that line of thought, with unchanged expectations for headline inflation for this year and the next two, at 1.7 percent, and in the longer term at 1.9 percent.
"STUDIO FLOOD" continues a line of thought the he first explored in "FULL STOP" (2005-19653), which is his walk-in version of an artist's cluttered studio, complete with a doorway entering from a graffiti-covered storefront façade.
Julian: After having written songs about environmental and humanitarian issues, worked as executive producer on several award winning documentaries and founded the White Feather Foundation, I asked myself what was next in that line of thought and direction.
The food labeling report positions its results as a good thing, and positions physical activity calorie equivalent labels as a positive step to "encourage healthier food choices and reduce disease," but in reality this measure encourages a corrosive line of thought.
Related: Ukraine's Foreign Fighters Battle for Citizenship "Nothing is autonomous because it always has software, and humans created it, so humans are always in control," he said, describing one line of thought that has emerged among officials from the UN meetings.
A certain line of thought runs through many of those complaints about gay dating apps: The apps themselves have made hooking up so easy that they've created a dating scene all but defined by casual sex—one that's possibly losing its luster.
This is the line of thought that says hockey is an amazing sport, and it's kind of sad that more people don't recognize it, and it would be really cool if the NHL could break out of its after-thought status and be something bigger.
Yet it's a line of thought that has existed in LGBTQ liberation since its earliest days, manifesting in everything from a radical proposal to take over a California county to lesbian-only communes to little-known groups presently lobbying for an independent gay state.
Much has been made of her prescience in this regard, and how this line of thought anticipated the culture split of the 2016 presidential election, but for Didion, what seems to be most unsettling about the South and its rising influence is that it upsets her sense of aesthetics.
The President encouraged this line of thought -- that elevating the judge from the United States Court of Appeals for the 103th Circuit "fills [Justice Antonin] Scalia's seat" with another conservative and just returns the court to a five-justice conservative majority that it had before Scalia passed away last February.
In this line of thought, the reversal, the anecdote, the coincidence (and so also, the unproductive contradiction, the unexcused absence, the unlucky accident for which the miraculous and unexplained are metaphors for)—they already exist on their own merits, and it's only after-the-fact that capitalism frames them as failure.
The reasoning behind this line of thought is pretty simple: While a long password with a bunch of random letters, numbers, and funky symbols is harder for a hacker to brute force, stronger passwords don't really protect against other attacks like phishing, data breaches, or people using the same password across multiple accounts.
Sunless Skies works, in the end, because its entire structure is about letting us have this tour through a narrative magic show that is always revealing just a fraction of what it has implied, and performing acts of rhetorical sleight of hand to send the imagination racing along a different line of thought.
Her campaign has embraced an emerging line of thought in left-of-center economic circles: that a big part of what ails the United States economy are policies that have allowed the biggest companies to become too big and too powerful, resulting in less competition, less opportunity for entrepreneurship, and lower levels of investment and compensation for workers.
His line of thought was cut off by Brenda's goddaughter coming to his side, asking if he thought Janice Evans might have had too much to drink, because she'd more or less, sort of—well, actually, she had —accused the goddaughter of being in league with the enemy, for attending a school named for Woodrow Wilson, one of our most contemptible Presidents.
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York pursued this line of thought in a Twitter thread: Another angle: The notion that the children of millionaires and billionaires shouldn't have access to free college, some critics say, rests too comfortably on the assumption that wealth is and will continue to be transferred seamlessly from generation to generation — itself a regressive feature of the American class system.
But in a campaign that has seen Trump make a series of surprising and politically unwise decisions — like feuding with core figures within the Republican Party, showing a lax adherence to his party's own principles, and openly defying the establishment GOP's calls for a "presidential" candidate — a Trump media corporation seems like a plausible end game for an election cycle that has brought rise to a fringe line of thought.
Above all, Kabakov's incisive commentary reflects on the challenges of art making against the omnipresence of life and the harsh realities it often contains — whether due to extreme social conditions, censorship, or the reality of life in the false-material utopia of the West, Kabakov's seasoned ability to transcend ideology and maintain a critical line of thought throughout is truly remarkable, to which this book only serves partial justice.

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