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308 Sentences With "lifers"

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Like many pro-lifers, I felt defensive because many pro-choicers pillory pro-lifers as religious fanatics or sexists.
With Trump, all pro-lifers have are promises from a man who prides himself on breaking promises and whose behavior betrays the very thing pro-lifers fight for.
Otisville had a very active Lifers & Long Termers Organization.
Mary Barra, Tony Posawatz, and Larry Nitz are all GM lifers.
It was a really strange job, man—there's some lifers there.
It's always depressing to watch punk lifers enter their twilight years.
The alternative to Mr. Trump for pro-lifers is not obvious.
With small rigs, most van-lifers can't stockpile groceries and supplies.
Pro-lifers believe every child has a right to be born.
Aspiring Starbucks lifers must join Starbucks&apos rewards program before entering.
But will the Democrats really let pro-lifers' nose under the tent?
Pro-lifers care about all the kids, Juan, can you shake your head.
Why it matters: Juvenile lifers have been dealing with a patchwork of policies.
Of those four the only unacceptable red flag for pro-lifers is Rep.
In the 1990s, pro-lifers recognized that the movement had an image problem.
Most van-lifers recognize that, but it doesn't make their situation any easier. 
Unfortunately it's the only piece that "pro-lifers" ever want to talk about.
But it is vanity to think that pro-lifers will not pay one.
Such a focus makes pro-lifers an easy topic for charges of hypocrisy.
"I thought they were lifers who would never stop and they did," he wrote.
The cranky Warped Tour lifers of the Best Buy Bargain Bin get… a makeover.
To Clinton and her circle of political operative lifers, that would've been political suicide.
Pro-lifers backed him; they campaigned for him; they even joined his advisory committee.
But as the brothers are DIY lifers, I strongly doubt I'm the only one.
Mr. Russell continued to tour for die-hard fans, who called themselves Leon Lifers.
A growing body of elderly lifers with soaring medical bills will push costs much higher.
This tactical move among pro-lifers is part of a recent trend, and broadly welcome.
An Alarming Number of Abortion MemorialsMaybe a lot of the Ingress players are pro-lifers?
But that's a good thing: it's heartening to know that Dunn and co are lifers.
We will work together with all other pro-lifers to protect unborn life whenever possible.
"lifers," but he stayed in a 12-step program, did artwork when he could find
Residents were asked whether we agreed with pro-lifers not being allowed to say 'murderer.
And the pro-lifers and pro-choicers actually joined forces and chased us away [laughs].
From where I sit, gun control advocates are the real pro-lifers in this country.
There have been disappointments for pro-lifers, but they can blame most of them on Congress.
The audience featured a diverse range of people, from hardcore techno lifers to streetwear-clad kids.
Because the right-to-lifers wanted everyone to see what an abortion looks like up close.
Back outside, I decide I cannot miss the opportunity to take photos with these pro-lifers.
That is why many pro-lifers continue to vote Republican, despite their qualms with the party.
That would seem to make it an unusual target for pro-lifers—either violent or peaceful.
So once again, I urge pro-lifers to break away and form a Party of Life.
Do you have a sense of how black pro-lifers fit into the broader conservative landscape?
The result: A major secular employment shift away from unionized factory workers and Detroit middle-management lifers.
As the yen continues to strengthen, the Japanese lifers [insurance companies] are caught in a catch-22.
Both Crispix and Rice Krispies are 100 percent lifers, as in I will love them for life.
So-called "pro-lifers" have been energized to the max since Trump assumed the presidency in January.
One host, Aileen Gardner, is welcoming multiple van-lifers to park at her home in Bend, Oregon.
That kind of language allows critics to dismiss me and fellow pro-lifers as single-issue obsessives.
I would like to call for us pro-choicers to show more such compassion to pro-lifers.
On top of this, many prosecutors are resentencing juvenile lifers to de facto life-without-parole sentences.
Trump relished that freaking-out-the-squares image and promised to "drain the swamp" of Washington lifers.
College football lifers won't want to miss the Championship Drive on ESPN, starting at 6:00 p.m.
As such, pro-lifers should redouble their efforts to defend the Hyde Amendment and its lifesaving legacy.
Pro-lifers have overtly set aside their concern for morals now that political goals are at stake.
One of his recent songs involves a reverant interpolation of the song by metalcore lifers Killswitch Engage.
Fortunately, this season's fast-fashion outerwear looks as expensive as those lifers — with the key word being looks.
A victory for pro-lifers: Iowa joins 19 other states that limit abortions after the five-month marker.
But this new crop of pro-lifers see a major flaw in the left's logic behind those messages.
"I told Maddi at graduation, 'I think we probably made a lot of new pro-lifers,'" Hawkins says.
And many pro-lifers recognize an obvious fact: The pro-life movement cannot possibly succeed without bipartisan support.
Research on those lifers who are fortunate enough to exit prison find remarkably low recidivism rates among them.
Pro-lifers, foreign-policy hawks, the Club for Growth, libertarians — nobody thinks Trump is really on their side.
So-called HODLs ("hang on for dear lifers") have been a ballast for cryptos through ups and downs.
Sure, his promise to pack the court with pro-lifers is not the equivalent of a slot machine.
Pro-lifers point out that in most areas where Mr Trump has had the power to act, he has.
By 1984, Dr. Willke seemed almost surprised by questions about which party pro-lifers would choose at the polls.
Even in states with more enlightened parole procedures, release rates of juvenile lifers are not rising as they should.
Perhaps if some of these narrow-minded pro-lifers found themselves in this horrific situation, they would think differently.
Kantor launched the Space for Road-Lifers Directory in a flurry — that's why the application process is ultra simple.
This language allows critics to dismiss me and fellow pro-lifers as single-issue obsessives, which we are not.
A consistent life ethic would urge pro-lifers to defend the vulnerable and voiceless, regardless of partisanship or ease.
This type of abortion litmus test is no better than telling pro-lifers they do not belong at all.
While there may not be a march on Washington as pro-lifers do for the anniversary of Roe v.
Republican pro-lifers have attributed a fall in abortions—at their lowest level in 2014 since 1974—to new restrictions.
Mr. Eng is part of a wave of newly released lifers pouring out of California's prisons — nearly 4,500 since Gov.
Mr Trump's appointment of two conservative Supreme Court justices has emboldened some pro-lifers to adopt a more aggressive strategy.
The assembled global uppy-ups and dirty low-lifers spend the book hopping across highways and down cul-de-sacs.
That none of the Beltway lifers in "Veep" believe in anything is not exactly unrealistic, but it's also oddly comforting.
In a surprising twist, the Democrats have announced they are going to let pro-lifers back into the Democratic party.
Whatever their motivation, this case offers common ground to pro-choicers and pro-lifers who value women's safety and health.
Many people know from the start they will be lifers, and have built great lives for themselves and their families.
Alleyne thinks a big misconception is that pro-lifers don't care about women or are motivated by misogyny and malice.
Goal Zero YETI Portable Power Station, $300Almost indestructible, this is an essential tool for car-campers and van-lifers everywhere.
The problem is worst in Louisiana and Michigan, which together account for more than a quarter of all juvenile lifers.
Pro-lifers believe that having an abortion is the moral equivalent of going into a maternity ward and stabbing babies.
To connect van-lifers with places to stay, Kantor created a Google spreadsheet — and the response to help was overwhelming.
Parole Prep works only with lifers, most of whom have been convicted of murder or other acts of extreme violence.
So lifers typically turn to other inmates for help; most long-term inmates have been before the board multiple times.
Beneath these disputes lies a simple charge: Pro-lifers care about what happens in the womb, and nothing beyond it.
Both of the other lifers were released in 2015, and Michael began to fear that his petition was being overlooked.
So if pro-lifers are so committed to defending life, perhaps their protest could include fighting for uninsured lives, too?
But according to The Atlantic, a couple hundred pro-lifers are saying they will be attending the Women's March, as well.
Or pro-lifers may try to insert an attack on Planned Parenthood in a tax bill expected later in the year.
Short of turning up at the march himself, Mr Trump continued to provide good news for pro-lifers on January 27th.
That may be a good call, but in an industry is dominated by lifers it is also something of a gamble.
Beyond that, there's a ton of truly creative and inspiring artists who are Montreal-lifers and keep the whole ecosystem afloat.
The manager, Manjit Singh, is a small, amiable man with the sort of watchfulness common to lifers in the restaurant industry.
That signals a shift in the fight against abortion at the state level, where pro-lifers have seen their biggest victories.
He is one of those lifers, and he's holding out against the 3D-printing revolution for as long as he can.
We will push our fellow pro-lifers to be consistently pro-life—to follow through on the common values we profess.
Lifers had a watermelon for the first time in decades and, for many of them, the last time in their lives.
Earlier this week, on "Fox and Friends," Rachel Campos-Duffy said the policy appeared calculated to "silence pro-lifers" in Canada.
Such an interest prompted many pro-lifers to reluctantly vote for someone who would be their most unlikely and unusual representative.
While Michigan has dragged its feet on allowing juvenile lifers the chance to regain their freedom, other states have embraced reform.
PT, but FGL's fan club community, FGL Lifers, will have first access to a presale beginning Monday, April 8 at 10 a.m.
Pro-lifers who don't embrace the feminist movement are frequently the reason that pro-choice advocates choose not to engage in discussion.
Presented with an uncompromising Democratic champion of abortion rights, pro-lifers hope they might be persuaded to make an exception to that.
The newbie Democratic candidates campaigning for the mid-terms are perhaps unusually ideological, the party having deterred pro-lifers and other heretics.
Pro-lifers are nonetheless persisting with this campaign in the hope of getting the Supreme Court to weigh in on the issue.
By not punishing the woman (& by allowing for exceptions), pro-lifers seek to defend unborn life in the most politically palatable way.
As a result more than 100 lifers have been released, and not a single one has been convicted of a new felony.
After Roe, pro-lifers concentrated more than ever on arguing for the rights of the unborn, but movement members disagreed about strategy.
He's the most likely of the Intel lifers, but he's also seen as having less experience than the company would normally like.
With his decision-making marginalized by the cronyism of basketball lifers and the cowardice of team ownership, Hinkie chucked up the deuce.
A couple lifers in San Francisco turn a grassroots bragging rights tourney into one of the biggest esports events of the summer.
"The pro-lifers get upset with me, but I've lived without a mother, who died at childbirth," she told The Miami Herald.
Instead of calling older inmates "lifers," Mr. Farid helped reframe the public debate — and get more community support — by calling them elderly.
Qualcomm has a lot of people who have very similar backgrounds to mine, lifers who have been there a very long time.
The level of hypocrisy shown by pro-choice advocates does not even come close to that of the so-called pro-lifers.
During that election and the next, my anger at pro-lifers grew as politicians and pundits vilified women who have had abortions.
Kingston Journal KINGSTON, Ontario — It is easy to pick out the short-timers from the lifers on Jeff Peters's beef and pork farm.
Pro-choice activists in pink high-visibility jackets chanted and hip-hoorayed outside the town hall, while pro-lifers sang hymns and prayed.
In Colorado, a real estate agent and the associate director of an art museum chatted with lifers about what solitary confinement feels like.
Pro-lifers need to be made aware their money is going towards abortions, and they need to respond by demanding action from Congress.
Solitary is often justified as the only way to contain the most dangerous prisoners, but less than 3% of federal inmates are lifers.
Many of these photos show off the tiny homes on wheels and van lifers in nature, surrounded by forests, mountains, lakes, and oceans.
Though many pro-lifers opposed cloning as another interference with the God-given method of reproducing humans, some welcomed a new form of procreation.
Both would loosen restrictions on late-term abortions, the kind that gives pro-lifers their most inflammatory, which is to say most grisly, publicity.
By endorsing Trump, prominent pro-lifers proved their critics correct: They really do prioritize the welfare of fetuses over the welfare of everyone else.
Juvenile lifers is another one; kids making mistakes at the age of 15 and having to pay for it the rest of their lives.
All the juvenile lifers like me have to be re-sentenced, case by case, and there are about 300 of us just from Philly.
These Pennsylvania lifers are back with another messy, fuzz-bombed slab of high-test stoner rock 'n' roll, and god bless 'em for it.
In the back, East Village lifers shot pool, and a man celebrated his roommate's arrest, which had resulted from a brawl over unpaid rent.
Megan Kantor and her husband are van-lifers, and they — along with many in the van-life community — found themselves stuck once campgrounds closed.
One pair of van-lifers tried to get up to their family's spare cabin in Canada, but they were turned away at the border.
Two traders have developed a futures market to appeal to fantasy sports junkies and Wall Street lifers who want to bet on professional athletes.
It is only the narrow imaginations of movement leaders that have moved pro-lifers to wed themselves in this election to the Republican Party.
The three "lifers" I got in the last few months (species I saw for the first time) have all been me finding the birders first.
It is the story of two Navy lifers (Jack Nicholson and Otis Young) tasked with accompanying a young petty thief (Randy Quaid) to military prison.
The Democratic Party got rid of pro-lifers years ago, and even most church leaders have made their peace with secular culture and leaned liberal.
"Pro-lifers are very proud of the work he has done on this," said Jeanette Burdell, the executive director St. Joseph County Right to Life.
I will initiate a great big block party with all the pro-lifers that want to come, and we'll have a celebration that they've closed.
Biggest remaining holes: Wideout, safety, offensive line After Vincent Jackson and Mike Evans, Tampa's best receivers were 2015 undrafted free agents and practice-squad lifers.
Among them were two Nissan lifers, Hiroto Saikawa and Toshiyuki Shiga, who competed for Mr. Ghosn's favor after they both joined the board in 2005.
Almost twenty per cent are "lifers," which means that they are serving a prison sentence with "life" on the back, like twenty years to life.
But attaining a policy goal without subjugating religious pro-lifers apparently wasn't good enough for the abortion lobby and those officials who give it cover.
That's why it was a very conscious choice to document lifers and to not talk about their crimes, except to say that it was homicide.
Griffin soaked in the knowledge of basketball lifers like Cotton Fitzsimmons, Dick Van Arsdale and Bryan Colangelo — Jerry's son and then the team's general manager.
Within the tightly knit sideshow community, there's something of a generational divide between new sideshow students like us, current performers, and old-school sideshow lifers.
For all its attempts to connect with a new generation of dance music lovers, SFX never connected with the dancefloor lifers at the genre's core.
Yet pro-lifers have an easy out for their rationalizations: Clinton's performance did far more to solidify the pro-life contingent behind Trump than Trump's.
Pro-lifers are walking willingly and with their eyes wide open into the trap that has been laid, but there is no reason they should.
Pro-lifers hope the bills will eventually make their way to the Supreme Court, where they think they have a chance of overturning Roe v Wade.
Many pro-lifers repeat false claims that abortion is more dangerous than it is, or that it causes breast cancer, to argue that abortion harms women.
But Valerie Jackson, who identifies as a trans woman, pointed out that even this inherent value doesn't seem to be the case for some pro-lifers.
I'm 41 now, one of seven living female juvenile lifers who grew up inside the wire fences of the women's State Correctional Institution in Muncy, Pennsylvania.
Pro-lifers castigated him for suggesting that those who undergo abortions—and not only those who perform them—should be punished if the procedure is outlawed.
The bottom line is that pro-lifers know that if Planned Parenthood is defunded, it would be the beginning of the end of the abortion industry.
This grassroots, community-built directory on a simple Google spreadsheet connects van-lifers struggling to find shelter with people generous enough to offer up their land.
If they are infuriated by accusations that pro-lifers only care about people until they are born, here's an excellent opportunity to prove that's blatantly false.
Were the candidate named Mitt Romney, pro-lifers would have spent the post-debate recap fretting about whether he really had the courage of his convictions.
Identifying that ethos, and attempting to name it, is crucial for understanding how pro-lifers think — and why they are so earnestly devoted to their cause.
The wonder pro-lifers have for the embryo is thus inseparable from a respect, and even admiration, for those women who give life under difficult circumstances.
For pro-lifers, it is also a paradigmatic form of wrong that reveals and shapes how those of us who are walking about treat each other.
I've met lifers who are never getting out, exactly like her, complete waste of time keeping them alive when everyone knows full well she's never being released.
I want to scream "fuck you" at every person who voted for Trump, including the pro-lifers who want his victory to take us back 40 years.
Recognizing this, ("I love this band," she says) the entertainment lifer brought the indie rock lifers on her stage to play the title track from Hot Thoughts.
This apology satisfied no one, as pro-lifers remained upset about the donations to Planned Parenthood and liberals were subsequently upset by Nelson's capitulation to the right.
Since 1973, pro-lifers have for the most part focused on chipping away at Roe by introducing burdensome regulations that make it harder to obtain an abortion.
IN THEIR four-decade fight against Roe v Wade, the Supreme Court ruling of 1973 that recognised a right to abortion, pro-lifers have taken several tacks.
All of this leads to an important question: to what extent are policy makers truly looking out for public safety in current policy proposals that exclude lifers?
After Roe, when it became clear that Congress would not amend the Constitution to ban abortion, some pro-lifers prioritized the incremental attack still at work today.
It's why there are so many lifers in my industry: At the top of our cocktailing matriarchy was a woman who had joined the union in 2226.
Hosts are former van-lifers, outdoors lovers, hikers, nature enthusiasts, and just generous, kind people in general, offering their driveways or extra rooms to those in need.
According to the Vera Institute for Justice, the success rate for lifers appearing before the board in the past three years has been thirty-six per cent.
Australia-based insurance company Budget Direct has compiled a list of the most popular locations in the world for van lifers based off of data from Instagram.
"Pro-lifers believe there are two victims in an abortion: the unborn child and the woman who felt that that was her best option," she told me.
But I had no desire to join the league of lifers, pretty boys that continued to tend gay bars long after they could be called boys or pretty.
Wagner James Au, a virtual worlds blogger and author, told Motherboard that he'd casually mentioned an anti-Trump meme idea to fellow Second Lifers Strawberry Singh and Cajsa.
Yet these same tight-lipped lifers leaked like a sieve once President Trump was sworn in, freely promoting the illusion that everything he does is the new Watergate.
I know one showrunner who tells me he can sometimes pick out individual laughs from these lifers on the sound mixes of his shows, because they're so distinctive.
Instead, the best defensive coaches in the league—and that applies this year, too—are NFL lifers like Denver's Wade Phillips, Philly's Jim Schwartz, and Minnesota's Mike Zimmer.
This is precisely the point we pro-choice obstetricians have been trying to make against the clamor of the pro-lifers looking to indiscriminately void Roe v. Wade.
This new political effort suggests that many pro-lifers are realizing that if they want to support the unborn, they need to support the mothers who carry them.
If pro-lifers are to put their best foot forward, it seems most strategic and advantageous to start just on the cusp of where the court left off.
But even then it is by no means clear that pro-lifers would get the result they long for: the court tries to avoid going against its past decisions.
The appointment marks the latest foreign executive to be brought in to an automaker dominated by South Korean lifers, under group heir-apparent and Executive Vice Chairman Euisun Chung.
I've attended tapings with senior groups and military members on leave and "sitcom lifers" — people who try to see as many tapings of as many shows as they can.
The conservative magazine National Review argued that pro-lifers had won in the Supreme Court when they introduced narrower versions of legislation and collected better proof to support it.
In September, just 85033 percent wanted it overturned, according to a poll by The Public Religion Research Institute, which would mean at least some "pro-lifers" want it upheld.
" Even Nancy Pelosi has made welcoming noises to pro-lifers, telling the Washington Post on May 2, "Most of those people - my family, extended family - are not pro-choice.
While some sideshow performers are essentially "lifers," the gig, for Amos, is only a side hustle—a way for her to fund her ultimate goal of becoming a doctor.
All are Division I lifers, except for Stevens, who is also the only Division II coach to have been president of the Women's Basketball Coaches Association (in 1984-85).
One would hope that a moment in the personal chaos of life would give pro-lifers like Murphy the humility to admit they cannot make these decisions for anyone else.
Boaters, campers, van lifers, wilderness dwellers, and construction workers, especially, can all put it to good use, and it will outlast any lightweight plastic or steel jug several times over.
But many of those who work with lifers will attest to another factor, something that the American punitive, retributive criminal-justice system scarcely seems to believe is possible: lasting change.
Yet framing the pro-life view that way fails to capture the more basic and constitutive disposition pro-lifers have toward the emergence of human life in the womb: wonder.
For conservatives, and in particular pro-lifers, it was a stunning betrayal, one that hardened their conviction to only appoint solid conservatives with track records to prove it from thereon out.
The argument that pro-lifers should focus on helping living people isn't new, but Republicans' current health care bill proves just how little they care about protecting the majority of Americans.
Pro-lifers March for Life in January, but do they contact local representatives and work to build a culture of life in their local communities for the rest of the year?
While pro-lifers should worry about a potential Speaker Pelosi, the Democrats most likely to chair committees have built their careers on being hostile to protections for women and the unborn.
With Philadelphia currently having the most juvenile lifers of any county in the nation, Mr. Williams has also decided to stop seeking life without parole for juveniles in all future cases.
And as it's growing, it's not being dragged down by political lifers or opportunists, but being borne aloft by passionate people who are working to find realistic and legitimate paths ahead.
But over the past year, former T.A.O. employees say an increasing number of former colleagues have called them looking for private-sector work, including "graybeards" they thought would be N.S.A. lifers.
The strategy underscores that Democrats believe their best case to Americans is the one that puts Trump — rather than anonymous bureaucrats and State Department lifers — at the center of the action.
There is thus a kind of going "behind the veil" for pro-lifers, in that we act toward it in such a way that we ourselves might have been similarly placed.
Polish death metal legends Vader headlined Kathmandu's Silence Fest II the following year, while Birmingham grindcore lifers Napalm Death and another Polish death metal mainstay, Decapitated, would follow in the ensuing years.
Then, in 2016, the court made that decision retroactive—meaning that more than 500 of us juvenile lifers in Pennsylvania had suddenly found out we might not die in prison after all.
Even within the mainstream, Brian believes, many camps or resorts probably show a fair deal of tolerance after hours, or when it's just the regulars or lifers who know one another there.
The mortal frailty of human politics — deals being cut and deals falling apart, arrogant lifers being driven out and upstarts being ushered in — is what attracted me to Washington to begin with.
He clashed with other pro-lifers over his staunch support for expanded access to contraception as a way to reduce abortions, but he identified as pro-life and voted like a pro-lifer.
Huge swaths of lifers get priced out of housing, resulting in an increasingly homogeneous population bereft of children, immigrants and communities of color, says Jennifer Friedenbach, head of San Francisco's Coalition on Homelessness.
While Neil Gorsuch had not, as a federal judge, been required to rule on abortion, he has written about bioethics in a way that suggests he would take pro-lifers' side when possible.
Mr Trump made a strong start to that project with the appointment of Neil Gorsuch, who has written about bioethics in a way that suggests he would take pro-lifers' side whenever possible.
Hence pro-lifers have seized forcefully upon the new abortion laws recently passed in New York and drafted in Virginia, which would make it easier to terminate a fetus in the third trimester.
" Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic director turned anti-abortion activist, told LifeSiteNews, a so-called "news" website, in response to Williamson's comments, "As pro-lifers, we must preach mercy, not condemnation.
The 'Medicare for all' lifers The ruling should give a boost to the progressive grass roots, which has argued for some time that intransigent Republicans should be met with ambitious, uncompromising Democratic alternatives.
The real work to being a successful capitalist witch is all in the presentation; creating the perfect pitch to convince the skeptics and lifers that your inventory is more supernatural than the rest.
"The parole process is like threading a needle — the people who have come out through the parole board are extraordinary people," says Rummel, who has represented hundreds of lifers in their parole hearings.
None of these would have moved pro-lifers to agree with her, but they would have demonstrated that on such an issue, Clinton really is interested in being the president of all Americans.
I didn't know any of this until I arrived; I expected a handful of Mega Drive lifers in a dreary hotel lobby comparing details on each of their Green Hill Zone scale replica tattoos.
Bill NugentHartsdale, N.Y. To the Editor: If right-to-lifers truly cared about life, they would first address the shameful increase in maternal mortality rates in the United States, unique in the developed world.
And it's not just for van-lifers: Many through-hikers preparing for journeys like the 2,650-mile Pacific Crest Trail (the trek that Cheryl Strayed made famous) found themselves stranded during the outbreak too.
Studies show that conjugal visits are awesome for rehabilitation, but the rules for lifers in California, combined with harsh sentencing laws, mean that having the comfort of a woman is out of my reach.
The endurance of that position, even as the abortion rate has since plunged, also reflects the way energetic minorities, such as pro-lifers, have been able to control internal party debate through the primary system.
Nashville is home to deeply ambitious country music centrists, accommodationist lifers, would-be outlaws, actual outlaws, and also to Mr. Simpson, who, despite some shared DNA here and there, is not any of those things.
Pro-lifers have to decide if a legal strategy focused on women is one they want to stick with — and if the political party to which they have tied their fortunes still deserves their support.
And some conservative commentators rallied behind Hawley — "pro-lifers have been burned so often by Republican judicial nominees that many of them are always, and justifiably, on high alert," wrote Ramesh Ponnuru at National Review.
Life sentences usually stem from convictions for violent crimes such as murder, rape and kidnapping, although by the end of 21120 almost 2130,2122 of the nation's lifers had been given those sentences for nonviolent crimes.
Despite skyrocketing poll numbers, a collapsing opponent, and her proud pronouncement that she is "reaching out to all Americans," Clinton moved not an inch toward the many pro-lifers who are alienated from Trump's campaign.
While we appeal to people's pragmatic instincts by pleading with them to not abort the next Beethoven, pro-lifers also are suffused with the sense that any of us could have suffered the same fate.
Obviously people aren't going to want to spend taxpayer money, but even if that would save the life of one person, I think pro-lifers should be more willing and open to that kind of policy.
The lifers Hope Hicks Plenty of political operatives quietly snickered when Hope Hicks, who previously worked with Ivanka Trump's fashion line, was named the real estate mogul's campaign press secretary despite her lack of political experience.
One particular class of prisoner that has been eliminated from reform conversations is lifers, that is, those facing the rest of their life in prison for a crime that occurred as many as 50 years earlier.
Coaching jobs like these are for up-and-comers or Division III lifers, not someone like Eaves, a former N.H.L. player and assistant with an N.C.A.A. title and a world junior crown on his coaching résumé.
No longer are states such as Ohio and Texas subject to Justice Department attacks for election-integrity laws, even though the chiefs of the Voting Section are the exact same lifers as they were under Obama.
While many pro-lifers are at home speaking the language of rights and respect required for democratic political discourse, we are — if our own rhetoric is at all truthful — animated by something much nearer to love.
"So after going to visit so many different prisons and really sitting down with lifers with every situation you can possibly imagine my heart just completely opened up and I wanted to do more," Kardashian West explained.
Dr. Junice was personally targeted by Filipino pro-lifers, who sent her death threats and painted her as a kind of Dr. Robotnik-level end boss who had to be overcome in the fight to save Catholicism.
She and a group of Second Lifers have been creating and maintaining historically accurate bars, restaurants, alleyways, landmarks, private residences, advertisements, and more over the past seven years to create a world called The 1920s Berlin Project.
This was seen as a major victory for the pro-lifers, Vox's Jen Kirby explained, since the move reverses Obama-era rules that barred health care workers from denying coverage for transgender patients or those seeking abortions.
While the current political landscape has led many abortion rights activists to focus their ire on the male lawmakers introducing and voting in anti-choice legislation, these "pro-lifers" are young, social-media savvy — and overwhelmingly female.
Without a foil, pro-lifers must depend instead on the strength of their arguments, and the idea that ending a pregnancy is equivalent to taking the life of a child or adult has not convinced most Americans.
Kavanaugh's opinions are the focal point of a quiet campaign against him, with a White House official telling ABC News that "the pro-lifers aren't thrilled" with the possibility of Kavanaugh being Trump's pick to succeed Kennedy.
Pro-lifers learned to move from the Human Life Amendment to more manageable legislative goals (such as banning late-term abortions and ending taxpayer funding for abortion) and turned abortion into a critical election issue for candidates.
Without grasping the peculiar ethos that animates this emphasis, the decision by pro-lifers to succumb to the temptation of Donald Trump for the sake of a Supreme Court justice will remain an unintelligible mystery and degradation.
In 1973, The Last Detail followed three Navy men — two lifers and the sailor they're assigned to escort to a prison — as they grow closer and find their moral calculus complicated by their encounters along the way.
Tracks like "So Easy," which was originally released in 221 on a split with Chicago garage-pop lifers The Lemons, is revamped, scrapping the original's lo-fi sensibility in favor of immaculate production and daydream-inducing guitars.
Through the African Prisons Project (APP), a British-backed NGO, about 65 Kenyan prisoners, almost all of them lifers or on death row, are taking classes in law, their papers sent back and forth between London and Nairobi.
According to the state's Board of Parole Hearings, more than 36043,36033 California lifers were eligible to go before a two- or three-person parole panel in 36023 to make the case that they are suitable candidates for release.
And the day after his (imaginary) first term is over, that is the social set he will retreat to Mar-a-Lago with — not the earnest, good-hearted pro-lifers who would have helped put him in office.
Also, when football finally dies, I expect the last of the league's square-jawed lifers to be air-lifted out of NFL headquarters by Jerry's chopper like staff off the roof of the embassy after the fall of Saigon.
The answers I got suggest that while the pro-life movement as a whole is eager to talk about why opposing abortion is pro-woman, many pro-lifers are wary of feminism as either a label or a concept.
The majority of lifers have been convicted of serious, violent offenses, but the length of time before the potential for release is out of step with international and human rights norms and also with the latest research on crime.
I took a job unloading the 5am van at M&S, working alongside embittered 50 fags a day M&S lifers who made didn't try and hide their disdain for the twatty middle-class 19 year old part-timer.
Perhaps the March on Washington will serve as the beginning of a burgeoning movement in which feminists across all sides of the aisle join forces, but for now, the line is being drawn at making pro-lifers partners of the march.
When you're young and you take your first job behind a bar, if you're lucky enough to be in the company of wizened lifers, smirkingly amused by your greenery, you're quickly inundated with a confounding mix of bar arcana and cliche.
Grassroots ideas that are generally rejected by the current establishment — like balancing the budget, returning education to local control, or even defunding abortion providers like Planned Parenthood — would no longer be squashed by intransigent lifers with outsized power and little accountability.
While nearly half of all juvenile lifers are concentrated in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Louisiana, prosecutors elsewhere, like Scott Shellenberger in Baltimore County, Md., who has opposed ending such sentences for children, have also effectively thumbed their nose at the court's ruling.
One of the other attendees, Scott Paltrowitz, a Harvard Law graduate who worked for a prison-reform organization, had recently visited Otisville Correctional Facility, in Orange County, New York, where he had met members of its Lifers & Long Termers Organization.
Its coaches range from Hall of Famers like Pitino, Duke's Mike Krzyzewski and North Carolina's Roy Williams to lifers like Florida State's Leonard Hamilton and Miami's Jim Larrañaga to up-and-comers like Georgia Tech's Josh Pastner and Virginia's Tony Bennett.
While Vancouver is tagged 4.5 times more than Los Angeles, California as a whole is the most popular US state for van lifers: the Golden State was hashtagged three times more than the next most popular van life state, Colorado.
In other words, not only are consumers divided through market segmentation, but citizens are divided as well — into liberals and conservatives, the religious and non-religious, gay rights advocates and their opponents, and, of course, Pro-Choices and Pro-Lifers.
The company behind Second Life, a game which seemingly lost its wider cultural relevance more than a decade ago, has managed to make a ton of money as the title's most devoted lifers have continued to shovel cash into the online simulation.
Many pro-life women consider themselves strong feminists — "not just pro-lifers who are also feminists," but "feminists first and foremost," as Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa, president of the Texas-based pro-life group New Wave Feminists, put it to Green.
After spending years touring with these Savannah sludge punk lifers, I'm unspeakably biased towards this band, and could never pretend otherwise; they're my family, and I still miss Athon—who I still can't believe has been gone for almost four years now—terribly.
When [former Chief of Staff Reince] Priebus left, I actually thought that was a sign that Trump was going all in with a kind of bunker mentality move to expel all of the RNC [Republican National Committee] types, the Republican Party lifers.
If you believe that unborn children have rights and dignity, as I and other pro-lifers do, then ending abortion is more important than virtually any other issue we deal with as a society and has to remain the focus of our cause.
While the current bill in the Senate will temporarily defund Planned Parenthood, it is also likely that Hyde-like protections covering tax credits will be stripped away, leaving in place what many "pro-lifers" consider to be the most egregious aspect of ObamaCare.
Strident rhetoric often obscures the fact that both sides have compassionate and intelligent people who have come to logical moral conclusions, based on opposite premises: pro-lifers believe that the thing in the womb is a person, while pro-choicers do not.
If in these conditions one can see something worthwhile, something that can be a benefit or a blessing to the world even when unwanted, then one can start to glimpse why pro-lifers are so animated and so patient in their efforts.
Half of LA refuses to travel west of the 21210, but this enclave of hip shops and experimental restaurants—just spitting distance from the cacophony of the freeway—is enticing enough to coax even the staunchest East-Side-2190015-Lifers from their snark bunkers.
It may also be an indication of how a judge behaves when he knows he is up for a Supreme Court seat and understands that a coded message to pro-lifers raises fewer red flags for pro-choice Republican senators in a confirmation hearing.
Half of LA refuses to travel west of the 405, but this enclave of hip shops and experimental restaurants—just spitting distance from the cacophony of the freeway—is enticing enough to coax even the staunchest East-Side-4-Lifers from their snark bunkers.
It is a mishmash of religious conservatives; angry white males who fear they are becoming a minority in their own country and hate trade; gun-control opponents; pro-lifers; anti-regulation and free-market small-business owners; and pro- and anti-free trade entrepreneurs.
Pro-lifers are less welcome than ever in the party, which is now more firmly committed not to the maintenance of the status quo on abortion but to the elimination of restrictions on taxpayer funding for abortion that have been in place for decades.
Kelly Gordon, University of Ottawa PhD student and co-author of a book on the changing voice of the anti-abortion movement, found that pro-lifers in Canada are increasingly diverse and don't fit the traditional portrait of an angry religious protester outside abortion clinics.
Against this backdrop of human dignity, pro-lifers believe unborn children are worthy of the same kind of protection because they are unique and precious human beings regardless of the circumstances of their conception and that their mothers are equally precious and deserving of compassion.
Long-running Midwestern crusties War//Plague are gearing up to release their 11th album, Into the Depths, in late May, and have just let fly with a preview track that (predictably enough if you know anything about these gnarly DIY punk lifers) whips copious amounts of ass.
Remember the senator who, in March 2015, tried to sabotage President Barack Obama's nuclear negotiations with Iran by writing an open letter to that country's leaders, warning that any deal would be dismantled because the president only stays for eight years but senators can be lifers?
Barflies and hopheads, petty criminals unlikely to kill or maim, working stiffs with a hustle on the side, fuckups milking disability checks and insurance settlements, the musical lifers who bleed into all these categories—none of them are kids anymore, and of course, neither is Finn.
Like my fellow pro-lifers, the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency fills me with an irrepressible and almost boundless despair; for anyone who shares the conviction that fetuses deserve respect, considering the prospect of abortion being further enshrined in American society is almost unspeakably deflating.
But others — especially the younger, savvier, and often more secular pro-lifers of the millennial generation — also argue that women wouldn't need to turn to abortion out of concern for their education or career if the broader culture was less hostile to women's fertility and more supportive of mothers.
While Planned Parenthood provides crucial women's healthcare well beyond abortion (only 22016% of Planned Parenthood's services are abortion services), abortion is a sticking point for many pro-lifers wishing to defund the organization, and the Hyde Amendment already ensures that federal funds cannot be used for abortion care.
From his brief tenure as a garde-manger at Au pied de cochon, to working the line at Globe at the height of city's ostentatious supper club era, to working at a convenience store diner, Beaver has seen a cross-section of Montreal usually reserved for kitchen lifers.
Pro-lifers counter that the bills being pushed reflect a groundswell of public support, amounting to a reaction against President Obama's Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, and the release of videos in 2015 that purported to show Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of fetal tissue donation.
Pro-lifers counter that the bills being pushed reflect a groundswell of public support, amounting to a reaction against President Obama's Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, and the release of videos in 403 that purported to show Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of fetal tissue donation.
Now, as pro-lifers consider the future of the Supreme Court, we must bear this history in mind, knowing that even if President-elect Trump appoints a pro-life justice (and we have faith that he will), we will still be endangered by a potential 85033-4 defeat.
The most sophisticated pro-lifers will at this point make appeals to science and metaphysical biology, and argue that the embryo is an organism whose maturation into an independent human being is intrinsic or internal to it — and thus it is a person and bears all the rights therein.
"We expected that tens of thousands of pro-lifers will be out today sending a message that we want Planned Parenthood to be defunded," Monica Miller, director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and one of the national organizers of the anti-abortion rallies, said in a telephone interview.
What most pro-lifers in America don't seem to realize -- or don't care about -- is that the health systems in developing countries are fragile and still being built, often in places that have seen recent conflict, and where there are low levels of public trust and long histories of trauma.
Since the March for Life and many of its attendees put their support behind this President, who treats people poorly in word and deed, pro-lifers should not be surprised at how their march has been widely perceived -- particularly given an egregious incident that transpired during the event this year.
Maybe it's no longer the most popular shit out there, but to them, this level of chugging not-quite-metal remains as exciting as ever, and while other "classic" hard rockers have lost sight of that (and suffered—let's never forget Orgy's ultra-thirsty crowdfunding disaster), these lifers seem happy to be here.
This is sad news not only for the dedicated lifers who are still using AIM, but for anyone who came of age in the late 90s and early 2000s and spent countless hours of their lives flirting with crushes, cultivating their buddy profiles, and curating a font-and-background persona for themselves.
The only three constants that have defined genre-bending heavy sound lifers Jucifer since their 1993 inception have been their lineup (Gazelle Amber Valentine and Edgar Livengood, partners in life as well as riffs), their righteous fury, and their commitment to being completely and utterly hard-to-pin down (both musically and geographically).
Senator Jeff Merkley, a Democrat from Oregon, well aware of the fact that entrenched lifers in Washington do not want to share their great plan with others who have no plan lest it cost too much or make things too complicated, introduced legislation that would create a sort of shadow Thrift Savings Plan.
After an aborted Skype mission that was entirely my fault, I finally caught up with guitarist Skarajew super early Melbourne time (the man's a trooper) to find out what's going on with the band now that their metaphorical rise from the ashes has solidified into a bonafide second act for these doomed lifers.
Violent crime is overwhelmingly a young man's game, and long sentences just keep prisoners locked up well after they would have stopped of their own accord: a Stanford study shows that three-strikes "lifers" released recently under California prison reform had a 85033 percent recidivism rate, against nearly 45 percent for other California inmates.
Bob CaseyRobert (Bob) Patrick CaseyThe Hill's Morning Report - Progressives, centrists clash in lively Democratic debate Democrats press Trump Treasury picks on donor disclosure guidelines Pennsylvania school district turns down local businessman's offer to pay off student lunch debts MORE at the 1992 Democratic convention, Democrats have been on a steadily intensifying campaign to purge pro-lifers from their party.
And at the heart of the promise is a pledge that what happened in Casey, when three Republican-appointed jurists limited Roe's ambit but basically upheld its vision, will never happen again — so long as pro-lifers trust the process, trust originalist and textualist theory, trust the hyper-qualified candidates the conservative legal movement puts forward.
"Now that the police and courts won't be able to do anything, the pro-lifers are going to step in harder and try and traumatize us at every opportunity," said Milly Cunningham, a Northern Ireland native who traveled for an abortion when she was 19 and now lives in London, where she volunteers as a host for Northern Irish women seeking abortions.
" Photo by Claire Ward/VICE News  60:31pm: Iowan pro-lifers call for anyone but Trump A group of Iowa pro-life activists are urging Republican caucusgoers to support anyone other than Donald Trump tonight, saying in a public statement that he "cannot be trusted" on the issue of "defending unborn children and protecting women from the violence of abortion.
It was only in 1977—after the opening of New Zealand's first abortion clinic in 1974, and the subsequent attempted arson of that clinic, as well as the heated political marches from both pro-choicers and pro-lifers—that the Crimes Act was reformed and the Contraception, Sterilization, and Abortion Act came into force, blessing us with the current quasi-decriminalized, quasi-arbitrary framework we have today.
Politically, liberalism has imposed via the judiciary, the least democratic branch, a constitutional right to abortion, a form of lethal violence that the church opposes for the same reasons it opposes infanticide — and after 50 years of small-d democratic activism by pro-lifers, the pro-choice side seems to be hardening into a view that such activism is as un-American as racism.
To the pro-choice side, especially to lukewarm pro-choicers looking to feel better about their own muddled sense of things, this choice has sometimes been cast as evidence that pro-lifers don't really believe our own rhetoric — that if we really believed abortion to be murder, really murder, we wouldn't be incrementalists and small-r republicans on the issue; we would support violence, rebellion, nullification, secession, you name it.
And while the pro-life grass roots tended to be strongly traditionalist on gender roles in the 1970s, with time pro-life and pro-choice citizens converged in their views on women's roles; by the late 2000s, the Claremont McKenna professor Jon Shields wrote in a 2012 commentary on Luker's book, a clear majority of pro-lifers voters held views that sociologists would describe as "gender egalitarian," not traditionalist or Gileadean.
This position often gets cast as inconsistent by pro-choicers, but I think it represents the incorporation by pro-lifers of the points that my pro-choice friends actually get right — that pregnancy is unique in ways that mitigate culpability and make it unwise to treat abortion like a normal homicide, that the government can only go so far in restriction without becoming a reproductive police state — without making the literally fatal mistake of believing these things also require a civil right to kill your unborn child.
It should have been blatantly obvious to everyone this side of sycophantic Star Wars lifers that the dreaded muppet was the most cynical possible play for attention and sweet merchandise dollars, and yet, no, here we are, awash in millions of the most mediocre memes and posts imaginable, sourced from a breathlessly embarrassing cash grab of a show that was cooked up by Disney execs for the sole purpose of hawking another streaming service that nobody needs besides nostalgics and children, though that distinction may be redundant.

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